Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

2011 annual report


Annual Report 2011

Transcript of Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

Page 1: Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

2011 annual report

Page 2: Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

Message froM the president

It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as the President of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts on behalf of our community. The past two years have given me the opportunity to work with and get to know many terrific people. It was a daunting task taking over the presidency, following in the footsteps of so many effective and thoughtful leaders before me. As

my term began we faced significant economic hardship internationally with Jewish funding needs globally on the rise and resources scarcer than ever. It became clear as I shaped my term as president that the key to success was to bring people together, utilize our resources most efficiently, and create synergies whenever possible. Bringing people and resources together became a goal of our work at Federation, allowing us to reshape our role as not only a fundraising organization, but as a community building agency working with our partners in tandem, for the benefit of the community. In the past two years we have implemented several new programs and initiatives to meet the goal of bringing people together. We have reinvigorated our Young Adult Division, on behalf of the community, to engage and inspire upcoming generations to participate in meaningful ways in the Jewish community. Several participants are already serving on boards and committees in Western Massachusetts. The PJ Library, a national program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, was brought locally under the auspices of Federation. Our local program, now run by Federation, is bringing wonderful books of Jewish content to families around the valley. Federation has been working with all of our agencies and synagogues to help them utilize this program and we have increased the number of families receiving books.

Our other community-wide programs and divisions that are run by Federation, including Rachel’s Table, the Jewish Endowment Foundation, Anna P. Housen Israel Desk and Women’s Philanthropy, continue to grow and flourish and provide the excellent level of service our community has grown to expect. As we strengthen Federation internally, we also work to strengthen our relationships in the Pioneer Valley and there have been several other programs that have helped in this effort. As it became clear that we could simply no longer afford to run the Hatikvah Holocaust Education & Resource Center, after a thorough investigation and committee process, the assets of our Reason To Remember Exhibit were donated to the newly formed Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Our local assets are safely being maintained and prepared for display at the Merry and Lyman Wood Springfield History Museum. These exhibits have become a permanent reminder for all of our community of the tragedy of the Holocaust. A new display honoring our local survivors is now prominently displayed in the lobby of the Jewish Community Center (JCC), where it will remain in perpetuity, so that we may never forget. Now operating Jewish programming from their new offices at the JCC, Jewish Family Service is utilizing the space that was formerly Hatikvah. The Create a Jewish Legacy (CJL) program has been an overwhelming success, inspiring 641 people in Western Massachusetts to leave bequests to the Jewish community. Our Jewish Endowment Foundation (JEF) has worked in partnership with our agencies and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to ensure the success of this initiative. Our Foundation will benefit greatly from this program as funds will be managed and maintained by JEF. And, JEF has proudly funded incentive grants to benefit the agencies participating in CJL. Our Federation has secured 58 new legacy commitments building on our success prior to the legacy program to have over 100 commitments to support the annual campaign and Federation in perpetuity. These gifts will ensure a healthy fiscal future for our community for generations to come. Through the efforts of the Try A Synagogue program in the greater Springfield area, we have helped bring our congregational rabbis and presidents together. This project, funded in part by a grant from the Harold 1

A very optimistic future

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Grinspoon Foundation, Federation and the participating synagogues, has helped reconnect people with synagogue life and has inspired our community to think differently about how we welcome people into our synagogues and agencies. Through Try a Synagogue, the expertise of the Jewish Outreach Institute (JOI) workshops locally helped us all work on being warm and welcoming to all people. This initiative has successfully brought more than 80 new families into synagogue life. As tornadoes ravaged Western Massachusetts on June 1, 2011, Federation immediately stepped up to bring the community together to support relief and recovery efforts. In less than two months we raised $25,000 to help local agencies’ recovery efforts. Rachel’s Table, a program of the Federation, raised thousands of pounds of food for immediate needs and raised over $7,000 to purchase food. These combined efforts showcased our deep commitment to the community at large and our mission of tikkun olam – making our world a better place to live. Our work with the United Way of the Pioneer Valley to distribute the funds and our agency partnerships with Rachel’s Table to distribute food played a significant role in our community’s ongoing recovery efforts. As we connect with our local partners we also strengthen our relationship with our overseas institutions, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). Through the reactivation of our Anna P. Housen Israel Desk, we have forged new relationships valley wide showcasing our deep support of Israel. This was certainly highlighted at our Yom Ha’atzmaut celebrations in the Upper and Lower Valleys. Over 300 people attended our Israel Fair that was held at the National Yiddish Book Center and

the Maccabeats entertained an astounding 650 people at Temple Beth El. The audience was full of people – all ages - celebrating Israel’s birthday. It was an exciting day for our community. The community also saw great participation for the JCC Maccabi games. Federation and Foundation were pleased to support this event through grant funding, staff volunteers and the use of our Board room for the year. Our Education Task Force has been meeting over the course of the year looking at ways to promote excellence and participation in our three day schools. The Leader in Me program, sponsored in partnership with the Resource Center for Jewish Education and Diane Troderman, brings a common language and set of skills to our schools and community. Based on Steven Covey’s The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, this program gives our student, teachers, administrators, parents and volunteers the tools to excel. It is a very exiting initiative for our Jewish schools as we are only the second community to adopt this program nationally. While it has been a tough fund raising climate, our leadership has been hard at work raising the dollars necessary to support our local and global Jewish community. There are positive signs on the horizon with more than 300 new donors this year and plans to continue increasing our campaign efforts. Events that bring the community together, like our well attended parlor meetings, help to showcase the important and relevant work of Federation in Western Massachusetts, Israel and around the globe. Now more than ever we need to support our Jewish world financially as we find more people struggling to provide for their families every day. As my term ends, I will continue to stay involved with our leadership helping meet the needs of our community, inspiring others to become involved and continuing to build strong relationships valley- wide. It has been a privilege to work with so many talented volunteers who work in partnership with a very devoted and dedicated Federation and Foundation staff. It is with great confidence that I am turning the reins of leadership for our Federation over to Steve Dane, whose passion for, and experience in our Jewish community, along with your continued support, will assure a very optimistic future for our region, and world Jewry.

Edward GreenbaumPresident

for our region and world Jewry.

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Services for the Elderly48.6%

Jewish Life & Community16.4%

Research 2.8%Non-Sectarian 3.3%

Children at Risk Services 16.4%

Training & Leadership 12.5%

Connection the Next Generation 33%

JAFI Projects16%

Partnerships with Israel19%

Absorption 32%

CarIng for people in need CrItICal soCIal servICe support for people in need, including families in crisis, isolated seniors, new Americans, individuals with disabilities, the unemployed and underemployed.

enrIChIng jewish life and cultureCreatIng opportunItIes for involvement across all interests, ages, and beliefs; partnering with diverse Jewish organizations to combine resources and maximum outreach; providing information and resources about programs in the region.

Strengthening Jewish Education 58.1%

Caring for People in Need23.6%

Enriching Jewish Life and Culture18.3%

federation LocaL agency caMpaign aLLocation

Ensuring thE futurE of a connEctEd and committEd JEwish pEoplE with a strong israEl at its cEntEr

absorption & ImmIgratIonFaCIlItatIng alIyah for those who choose to make Israel home, providing absorption centers for new immigrants where they can learn Hebrew, obtain job hunting assistance, and more. During the past 63 years, we’ve brought more than 3 million Jews home to Israel.

rEscuing JEws in dangEr and crisis, allEviating hungEr and hardship, and rEnEwing and rEbuilding EmErgEnt JEwish communitiEs

relIeF & welFare for the elderly and children at risk

JDC ImpaCts hunDreDs oF thousanDs of lives in more than 70 countries worldwide, including vital relief to destitute elderly in 2,800 locations in the former Soviet Union. This relief includes medical consultations and medicine, meals on wheels, food cards, blankets, warm clothes and heating fuel to survive harsh winters. Amidst growing and deepening cases of children’s poverty across Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, JDC helps families break the cycle of poverty and engages them in Jewish community activities that provide joy and relief from their focus on daily survival.

Jewish agency for israeL (Jafi):

aMerican Jewish Joint distribution coMMittee (Jdc):


Jewish organizations combining

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strengthenIng jewish educationJewIsh learnIng opportunItIes for children, adults and families, including preschool, day school and synagogue-based Hebrew schools, camping experiences and innovative adult learning programs.

loCal beneficiary agenciesFive College Kupah, Hebrew High School of New England, Heritage Academy, Jewish Family Service of Western Massachusetts, Lander~Grinspoon Academy—The Solomon Schechter School of the Pioneer Valley, Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy, Resource Center for Jewish Education, The Sandi Kupperman Learning Center at Temple Beth El, Sinai Temple Religious School, Springfield Jewish Community Center, UMass Hillel

national & state agenCIesBirthright Israel, Jewish Council of Public Affairs (JCPA), Massachusetts Association of Jewish Federations (MAJF), Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA)

israel & overseas agenciesAmerican Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)/Partnership 2Gether, Southern New England Consortium (SNEC), World ORT

programs of the federationJewish Endowment Foundation of Western Massachusetts, Community Relations Committee (CRC), Education Task Force, Anna P. Housen Israel Desk, PJ Library, Rachel’s Table, Rekindle Shabbat, Try A Synagogue, Young Adult Division

InvestIng in jewish identitystrengthenIng the role oF Israel in Jewish identity and providing outstanding experiences and engagement with Israel through shlichim (Israeli educators), emissaries, and college fellows around the world, who bring a passion for Israel to children and young adults. Providing immersive travel or living experiences in Israel which are the most effective tools to strengthening the Jewish identity of young Jews around the world.

responding to humanItarIan crisesInspIreD by the traDItIon of tikkun olam (repairing the world), JDC provides non-sectarian disaster relief and long-term development assistance worldwide. JDC takes immediate action to provide emergency response to the victims of man-made or natural disasters, such as earthquakes, famine, or war.

rebuIlDIng jewish communitiesJDC renews lost bonDs to Jewish identity and culture, and ensures that children have access to Jewish education wherever possible, even in remote communities in Africa & Asia. In the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, tens of thousands of Jewish children and their parents have connected to their Jewish heritage through participation in JDC family retreats.

helpIng Israel overcome challengesJDC oFFers programs to benefit the elderly, children and youth at risk, new immigrants having difficulty assimilating into Israeli society, the chronically unemployed, and Israelis with disabilities. These initiatives are designed to improve education, break the cycle of poverty, and create opportunities for Israel’s most vulnerable to realize their full potential.

forging partnerships with IsraelpartnershIp 2gether (formerly P2K) is an extraordinary program connecting 550 communities around the world in 45 partnerships or living bridges among these communities. Our Federation is partnered with the Afula/Gilboa region through the Southern New England Consortium (SNEC). This partnership connects our day schools with schools in Afula and non-profit organizations, and helps fund programs for youth at risk, Jewish-Arab coexistence and domestic violence prevention.


resources for maximum outreach.

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2011 honor roll of givingas the 2011 CampaIgn comes to a close, we thank those generous givers who have already made their philanthropic commitment to improve the lives of those living in Western Massachusetts, Israel and around the globe. We also thank our many campaign volunteers who work so hard to raise funds for our community, Israel, and Jews in need around the world. Some donors have requested to remain anonymous.

campaign total: $1,343,831 As of 9/14/11


XStar of DaviD Society:XThe Star of David Society of the Jewish Federations of North America is an elite national recognition program that honors philanthropists who have endowed a minimum annual campaign gift of $10,000 with a PACE or LOJE of $200,000, couples who establish two PACE funds at a minimum of $100,000 each or individuals who create any permanent endowment of $500,000.

XGeneration to Generation Society:XEach individual who makes a commitment of at least $100,000 to endow an annual campaign gift of $5,000 or more to support the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts is recognized as a member of our local Generation to Generation Society and receives a beautiful crystal flame.

XLion of JuDah enDowment:XA Lion of Judah ($5,000 minimum annual campaign gift) who endows her annual gift with a $100,000 fund. She is recognized as a LOJE locally as well as nationally. By virtue of this generous endowment, all LOJEs are members of our local Generation to Generation Society.

✡ Of Blessed Memory

Names in bold indicate an endowed annual campaign fund or a commitment to endow a Federation campaign gift.


Myra GoldHelen GoldbandShefford Goldband✡ Generation to Generation FundSusan GoldmanDaniel & Kathy GoodmanSeth & Jennifer GoodmanEd GreenbaumBeatrice Hano Frank HanoJudy IngisLynn Katz✡ LOJE Fund Maurice Katz✡

Maurice N. Katz✡ Generation to Generation FundIris KrintzmanMiriam Lieff Dr. Ben Liptzin Susanne OsofskyDr. Arthur A. Pava Endowment FundSusan PolanskyLarry & Julie PortHarold Rosen✡ Generation to Generation FundBarbara Sadowsky Brenna SadowskyWilliam Sadowsky✡ Generation to Generation FundJane SchulmanRoger & Cathrine SchwartzDr. Joseph & Nancy SklarFay SmithRuth Wallace✡ Generation to Generation FundRalph G. Webber✡ Generation to Generation FundFred Weiss✡ Generation to Generation FundNicolette Wernick Drs. Bruce Wintman & Jonna Gaberman

Chai SoCiEty / PomEGraNatE$1,800 - $4,999

Drs. Stuart & Michelle AnfangAnonymousEric & Marjorie Berg Joel & Betsy BertuzziLaura and Arnold✡ Blake PACE FundDr. Alan BullockDr. Jonathan & Andrea ChasenHerbert CohenHerbert & Phyllis Cohen Family FundSharon Cohen Sidney CooleyGeorge DickermanZe’ev & Meredith DragonMark & Marie DraymoreEunice Elion✡ PACE FundJane EngelmanDr. Richard EngelmanDr. George FalkWilliam & Marjorie FeinbergSolomon Freeman✡ PACE FundJoseph & Cynthia GensheimerHarlene Ginsberg

Herbert✡ & Shirley✡ Goldstein PACE FundArthur GroddPeggy GroddJanet KalickaDr. Mordechai Kamel & Sara WeinbergerKen & Rabbi Amy Wallk KatzMark & Laura Katz Jeffrey & Sherry MandellDr. Ronald NadelRonda Parish Michael & Beth PaysnickAdam Peck & Rhonda GoldbergDavid PeskinDr. Leonard & Adrienne PlotkinDr. Carl ReinerJoan RosenbaumDrs. James Rosenthal & Halina WiczykDr. Jerry SchreibsteinDr. Jacob & Estelle ShammashRabbi Mark & Marsha ShapiroDr. Arthur & Amy SherDavid StarrRonald WeissRichard WermanCarol WernickZane Wernick Bruce & Barbara Winer

BEN GurioN SoCiEty $1,000 - $1,799

AnonymousShira AtikHerbert BerezinGerald BergDr. Ronald BergerGeoffrey BermanPhillip BermanDr. Sanford BloombergNorman & Joyce BursteinMuriel DaneJanet DraymoreMargaret EpsteinEsquire Gas Products

Nancy SquiresWilliam Squires

Dr. Paul FarkasDrs. Gregory Faust & Randahl CooleyJoyce FeinJesse FieldmanAddie FirestoneDr. Robert FleischnerDr. Alan & Bette GersteinDr. Stanley GlazerJerome GoldEfrem GordonGerald & Leah GottliebDr. Michael GreenRichard HalpernSusan Halpern Christine HausmanDr. Howard HausmanSue HellerBruce HochbergDr. Melvin & Dolores HutnerDr. Theodore IngisScott & Erica Kaplan

PrimE miNiStEr’S CouNCiLGifts of $100,000 or more

Harold Grinspoon FoundationCharles Nirenberg Family Foundation

Zahav$50,000 - 99,999

Harold Grinspoon

KiNG DaviD SoCiEty / EmEraLD LioN$25,000 - 49,999

AnonymousElliot Bloom Grodsky Inc.

Ronald & Susan GrodskyJeffrey & Margie GrodskyScott & Michelle GrodskyTodd & Amy Ratner

Jewish Endowment FoundationRuth Weiss

KiNG SoLomoN SoCiEty / SaPPhirE LioN$18,000 - 24,999

Steven & Alissa KornRichard & Betsy GabermanCharles & Janet Nirenberg FundRonald Sadowsky

PaCESEttEr / ruBy LioN$10,000 - $17,999

Steven Dane Dielectrics Industries

Eric Stahl Charles EpsteinSusan Weiss FirestoneWilliam Firestone Albert Goldberg Joseph Freedman Co. Inc.

John & Erica FreedmanMichael & Joanna Freedman

Susan KlineMeyers Brothers Kalicka, P.C.Janet NirenbergJ.D. Rivet Co. Inc.

Bruce HambroDiane Troderman Ruth Webber✡

Wendy Webber

Shofar / LioN of JuDah$5,000 - $9,999

Kenneth & Rosalie AbrahamsEsther BartelsAnn BerezinAnne BloomCharlotte Bloom✡ LOJE Fund Sheila Budnick Edward✡ & Jean✡ Canter Endowment FundCentury Investment Company

Andrew & Jane CohenJ. R. ChaseFrances CohenAlan Curtis Brenda CurtisSherry Dickerman F.L. Roberts

Seth & Kathleen Roberts Steven Roberts

Dr. Ben & Adena FalkSylvia FalkDonna FeldmanSteven Feldman Lynn FoggleWilliam Foggle Betsey Freedman Estelle Freedman✡

Candy Glazer

Thank you to our campaign

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Lois KittredgeEdward KlineMelvin LavinDr. Martin LesserBeatrice LoevyJay LoevyDr. Laurence & Betsy LundyRichard Madowitz & Dr. Karen HelferDoris MargolisDrs. Robert Maxmen & Toby SteinbergDr. Lawrence & Myrna MetzJay MichelmanDrs. Andrew & Heidi MoskovitzRonnie NadelDr. Jeffrey OchsHarold OkunArthur PetlockHarold ResnicHyman RobinovitzAlan RosenfeldDr. Michael RothbergPaul RothschildJonathan & Tani SapirsteinSteven SchwartzEllen ShapiroDr. Michael SorrellLawrence & Cynthia StarrLeonard Tariff✡ PACE FundMarilyn ToberHoward TrietschEdward Wallace✡

Dorothy WernickBil Zarch & Rebecca PeterfreundSidney & Roberta Ziff

mitZvah$365 - $999

Drs. Louis & Mary AdlerHarry AizenstatJ. Rockwell AllenDavid & Sharon AminiaAnonymousDrs. Carmel & Deganit ArmonDr. Robert BaevskyClay & Joanna BallantineDr. Edward & Dr. Debora GreenPeter Benjamin & Elizabeth BramsonAri & Rachel BerezinDr. Lawrence & Sue BernsteinBarbara BinskyDr. Freeman & Audrey BotnickDr. Martin Broder

Dr. Richard & Bonnie BrownJustin Cammy & Rachel RubinsteinGerald & Brenda CanterMichael Ceppetelli & Martha FinkelLisbeth ChertoffDr. Stuart Chipkin & Marcia GuzyAnne CooleyDr. Steven & Linda CooperDr. Jeffrey CossinDean & Lara CurtisHyman & Meryl DarlingDrs. Cary Dash & Vivian MillerLynn DashevskyRobert DashevskyAbraham DelsonDr. William & Ellen DykeShirley EhrlichDr. Dan & Bonnie EngelmanCarol EngelsonDr. Norman EpsteinDr. Myer & Elaine EzrinAbraham FeinsteinMichele FeinsteinMaurice & Ellen FieldsteinDavid FineDr. Brad & Jodie FosterDonald FrankSeymour FrankelNed FreedmanEllen FreymanRichard FreymanMark & Ellen GoldEllis & Roberta GoldbergThelma GoldbergDr. Marc GoldmanAndrea GoldsteinDr. Gary & Abby GoodmanDr. Lawrence & Diane GoodmanDr. Lawrence GoodmanMiriam GordanDr. Bernard GotlibDr. Elliot & Janice GreenbergEstelle GrossArt HaselkornDr. David & Laura HirshMichael HirshbergMichael IzensteinHoward Kalodner & Leora HarpazDorothy KatzDr. Matthew Katz & Barbara FitzgeraldLisa KesslerDr. Steven KesslerMarlene KimballOleg & Natalya Kofman

Dr. Stephen LawrenceRonnie LeavittDr. Steve & Joan LevineAdrian & Ginny LevskyIris LinsonIsobel LutzDr. Morton LynnDr. Gerda MaisselRhoda MandellRobert MarmorDr. David & Karen MernoffCharlotte MeyerLeonard MichelmanRobert & Bonnie MikeshNedra MirkinDavid MorseJerome MunicRichard & Dayna NadelmanLarry & Nancy NathanKaren Neiman MichelmanRobyn NewhouseJoy NissenbaumFrancine OchsRabbi Saul Perlmutter & Shoshana ZondermanDeborah PeskinJudith PlotkinDr. Ira & Miriam PollackDr. Jay & Farida PomerantzMason & Dr. Amy RapaportDr. Gary & Connie RappaportMichael RatnerDr. Oded RencusSally Ann ResnicDr. Michael RosenRoth Communications, LLCMarsha RothschildBarry SachsRose Sadovsky✡ PACE FundWilliam & Joanne SaltmanDr. Alan & Rachel SampsonJames SeltzerDr. Mark ShermanLaraine Shore-SuslowitzDr. Paul Shore-SuslowitzHarvey ShrageDr. Steven & Patti SilverDr. Robert & Sheila SimonRichard SirkinJames Smith Drs. Howard Smith & Solveig PflueterGordon SniderArmand & Sherry SouliereKim StarkmanPeggy StarrDr. Mortimer & Hortense StoneBernice ThalerJohn Todd & Dorothy NemetzDr. Jay & Elise UngarWebster BankDr. Peter & Catherine WeinsteinPhyllis Winer

SuPPortErS$100 - $364

Ronald Ackerman & Cleo GormonShirley AkermanAnnette AlbertDavid Albert

Sylvia AllenDr. Arnold AlperElliot AltmanMelvyn AltmanSarah Altman✡

American Pest Solutions Inc.James Russell

AnonymousJames AronsonNancy AronsonRuth AuerbachWilliam & Susan AwadYvonne BaevskyJudith BakerDr. George & Gail BaquisAdele BardenEric BarkerLoretta BarowskyStuart & Ann Barowsky Michael BarrRod BartelsJonathan & Lori BaruCharles BeanRobert & Geraldine BerensonCarol BergerRobert BergerSeymour & Sara BergerDr. Steven & Linda BergerCantors Steven & Elizabeth BerkeDr. David & Iris BerkmanDrs. Ari & Kirsten BermanDrs. Kenneth Bernstein & Sherry HimmelsteinNorbert BernsteinArthur BertrandJoanne BertrandVladislav BeznosErwin BilskyJanet BlackRichard & Kimberly BlackStephen BlackDr. Joseph & Roslyn BlockMyra BlockCheryl BlonderDr, Fred Bloom & Leslie MatlenMargie BloomSheila BlumFelix BogdanisKarina BogdanisBeatrice BoryszewskiRussell & Nancy BraunLaura BroadGretchen Brockmeyer & Marjorie OsherowMarian BroderDr. Glen & Lois BrooksDr. Fredric BrownsteinCharles & Wendy BrushDr. Alan & Susan BursteinJoseph & Susan CasdenNorman CashtonBeth ChafetzDr. Melvin ChafetzYossi Chait & Neva FrumkinIrving & Doris ChaseLori ChaseSidney & Marjorie ChaseDavid & Joanne ChernockJanet ChevanAdele CitronJonathan & Faye Clymer

Helen CohenHerbert CohenJeffrey & Debra CohenJudy CohenMichael CohenRichard CohenStanford CohenDr. William & Margo CooleyBarbara CorcoranMaurice CottonAnn CowenSuzette DamboiseAmy DaneRabbi Justin DavidAllen DavisRick & Sara DeaneScott Dewolski & Rachel LikoverMark DindasJoseph & Nancy DorisonRobert Dorit & Gillian KendallEleanore DunnDavid EdelmanJennifer Einhorn & Debbie KrivoyRosalie EisenBonnie ElfmanDr. Richard ElfmanRobert & Karen EngellRichard EngelsonSherman & Myra FeinNera FrumkinRobin Fein-KrevolinRabbi Edward & Merle FeldJeffrey & Emily FialkyLeona FieldmanNeil FieldmanDorothy FleischnerDavid & Joan FradkinLeslie & Janet FraidsternDrs. Gordon & Barbara FreedDebra FreedmanEleanor FreedmanDr. Malcolm FreedmanMichael FreedmanPatricia FreedmanDiane FriedbergDr. Matthew FriedmanDr. David & Roberta GangElizabeth GartmanAlexander GellerLannie GellerSylvia GellerPeter & Margery GerardWilliam GertelSumner GilmanTheodore & Barbara GinsburgMyron & Penina GlazerBernard GlazierTheo GlickmanRosalyn GlothIrving & Sadie GoldLarry GoldbaumAndrew & Rachel GoldbergJack GoldbergSamuel & Maxine GoldbergDana GoldmanFredi GoldmanDr. Steven & Fran GoldsherMildred GoldsmithEleanor GoldstickSheila GoodlessIrma Goodman


donors and volunteers.

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Bern & Roberta GoodmanRonald & Marcia GordensteinWalter & June GordensteinDaniel Gordon & Catherine EpsteinDr. James & Marlene GordonDr. Joel & Bonnie GordonMichael Gordon & Elizabeth FreyKenneth Gorenstein & Karen ShoreSamra GotlibGerald GrantEsther GreenJanis GreenLouis & Hilda GreenbaumAmy GreenbergDr. Irving & Gale GreenbergSondra GreenbergStuart & Victoria GreeneYale & Beverly GresselEllen GreyJoshua GreyDr. Peter GreyMark GroffmanHaim & Yaffa GunnerJerome GurlandSuzanne HalberstadtHenry HasenbushDr. Bruce & Sandra HaskinPearl HellmanPhilip HendelMichael & Dorita HendersonJoseph Hershon & Rina MillerJerry HirschSydney HirschMiriam HirschhautNoah HopkinsIrving HorowitzLaurie HorowitzLeonard HorowitzSamuel HorowitzSteven & Elaine HorowitzWilliam HorowitzElizabeth IrvingDr. Anthony JacksonBarbara JacksonMarci JacksonTatyana JacobsRabbi Devorah JacobsonHelen JamesAmanda JermynIsadore JermynDr. John Joelson & Joanne LevinRobert KalinDr. David & Pamela KalmanJeffrey & Helena KamenetzJanet KannelHarry KaplanDr. Peter Kassis & Liz FriedmanDrs. Jacqueline & Erica KatesJoan KatzLisa KatzMiriam KatzMorton KatzLinda KayCraig & Nora KazinBeatrice KelbermanDaniel KeyesCharles KittredgeCynthia KittredgeSidney KittredgeLaura KleinDr. Stephen Klein

Conrad KollerIris KollerEric & Marianne KornblumEstelle KrauseDebbie KrevalinStephen KrevalinDr. Robert & Lynne KrushellDr. Mitchell KuppermanMichelle LanctoRabbi Yechiael & Rose LanderJanice LapierreArthur & Gloria LashAlice LawrenceDr. Richard & Sherry LeadermanHoward LedermanDr. Robert LeffSharon LeffElaine LeopoldNorma LevetonStephen & Lois LevinCarol LevineShirley LevitzDr. Mark & Sharon LevyCharles & Carol LibowitzHoward LibowitzKaren LichtDavid LiebmanLauren LifeDr. Marc LinsonElinor LipmanEugene LitvinovYelena LitvinovMiriam LowellArthur & Phyllis LutzSarah ManiaciDr. Glenn & Maria MarkensonElihu MartinJoanne MartinDr. William MartinBurton & Ann MasonLinda MathisCarolyn MernoffDavid & Sandra MerrillRichard MerrillDr. Stephen MetzDiane MillerAnna MilnerBernard MilsteinMarion MindelKeith & Linda MinoffDrs. Stephen Mueller & Nancy Hutner-MuellerSara MunicJerry & Louise Nathan

Mary NathansonDavid NeigherGoldie NewmanLydia NissJeffrey NovakJoline OdentzAndrew & Debra OkunJames & Roberta OrensteinJames Osofsky & Dr. Suzy SilversteinDr. Robert OsofskyDr. David OstromElizabeth PaleologopoulosSelma ParoshinskyMarion PavaSamuel PavaLois PeirentDr. Michael PerlmanIrwin Pers & Dr. Judith TapperDan Plotkin & Sherri KatzDaniel & Mollie PlotkinJerry Plumb & Reva KleppelSamuel PoppelDorothy PosnerFreda PosnickNancy PosnickJay PresserEdward & Linda RaddingAndrew RakerMarlene RatnerTodd & Amy RatnerRichard & Gayle RedikerJoseph ReichAbraham & Helen ReismanJanice ReismanCharles ReiterLesly ReiterJeffrey & Rabbi Rachel RembrandtCaryn ResnickMichael & Kathryn RitzenLouis RobinLinda RonenDavid RosenJoyce RosenSteven & Diane RosenkrantzDaniel RothschildDr. Martin RubinStanley RubinsteinEileen RutmanJudith SachsMark SadowskyPhillip & Elaine SafferMayor Domenic & Carla SarnoAnita Sarro

Frances ScheckterDr. Ian & Shari ScheinLois SchieffelinKen Schoen & Jane TrigereAnn SchupackStephen SchupackBernice SchwartzDr. Joel SchwartzJudith SchweigerDr. Marc SchweigerDr. Richard & Helene SegoolLaurie SeigelDr. Leonard ShakerSusan ShakerMorton ShamesMildred ShapiroDavid SharkenAndrea ShemeshYaakov ShemeshSusan ShepherdSelma SherterDr. Donald ShukanElinor ShukanKenneth & Elaine ShustermanDr. Scott & Amy SiegeLou SilverCarl & Sandra SilvermanStephen SilvermanAlan SingerDr. Howard & Cheryl SingerJoseph SingerMaxine SisitskyBertha SmithSelwyn SmithThelma Snyder-MatherEsta SobeyJoel & Lynn SolomonDr. Michael Solon & Christina deMezaGrace SperlingGeorge & Linda SpitzSpringfield Corrugated Box Company

Bern & Roberta GoodmanJohn & Vera StefanyszynGerald & Barbara SteinbergCarol SteinerDr. Steven SteinerFrank & Hilary SuherDennis Sullivan & Dr. Rachel IvkerDr. Jeffrey & Anita SussmanCarole TavelElizabeth TavelDrs. Warren Thau & Anne ShainCarol TivoliDr. Sam & Cathy TopalCarlin TrietschBernie & Norma VinickJoan VogelVictoria WacksMerrill WassermanBrian WeinbergDr. Laurie WeinbergLila WeinbergSheila WeinbergMatthew & Elaine WeinerSidney WeinerSteven WeinerAbbie WeissAnne WeissJanet Weiss

Joshua Weiss & Adina Elfant Dr. Leon & Janet WeissGustave WeissmanIna WermanDr. Andrew & Leslie WetstoneDyan WileyAryeh WinemanAlbert WinerKaren WinerDr. Steven & Tara WolmanPeter & Judith YaffeAlan & Dr. Charlotte ZellerRobert ZellerPeter & Paula ZimmerBrian & Ilyssa ZippinLillian Zuckerman✡

Julie Zuckman

friENDS$10 - $99

Yocheved Adelman Brad AlbertHoward AlbertJane AlbertMarcia AlbertEddie AllenEdith AllenDavid & Dianna AlpernEllen AlpertPhyllis AltmanDavid & Marilyn AmsterAnonymousJay & Denise ApplemanLaura Arbeitman & Laurie HerzogAnn ArmonHenry & Judith AronsonBrian AxlerRoberta & Robert AxlerBarbara BaconEugene BakerElise BarberFrances BarnardBlair BarondesMilton & Florence BarowskyAlan & Elaine BarrGloria BarrRandy BarrRobert BarrScott Barton & Randi KleinMiriam BaxterTed BelskyEvelyn BennettAmy Benzell-SidmanRonald & Hannah BerensonAnn BerezinMark BerezinDanny BergHarriet BergerJason BergerDrs. Joseph Berger & Deborah FeinCharlotte BergmanDr. Alan Berkenwald & Joan SchafferRandall & Maxine BernsteinEthelyn BesselEstelle BiegelDr. Ruth BirnbaumJennie BlackKaren BlairErnest Blake


The cornerstone of the

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Henry BlakeLinda BlakeSalena BlakeDrs. Jeffrey & Marilyn BlausteinShira Block-McCormickBedanna BloombergPeter BlumJoshua Bogin & Amy SackmanEdna BogoffIsaak & Inna BogradRobert & Laura BohnJames & Evdokia BoratgisJanet BowdanDr. Newton BowdanIrving BoykanBenjamin Braude & Lois DubinCaryn BrauseRoberta BrenerRuth BrennerSharyn BreslauNeil & Claire BrittmanDr. Oren & Ariella BrodyBarry & Judith BrooksThomas & Joanne BrunellJudith BullockMarcia BurickEileen BurkeMaureen BurnsLori & Katherine BurroughsWilliam & Esther BurrowsIrene & Helen BursteinRuth BursteinStewart & Mildred BussinMichael CanterNancy CanterWilliam CaplinConnie ChaitovskyEsther ChaitovskyBarbara CharneyDeborah CharrenIris ChernaikAnne ChernickAmy ChernockJulia Chevan & Patricia JungJames ChizMichael & Dana ChizStanley ChizNick Ciciretti & Louise BackerAlan CohenAlvin & Shirley CohenBarbara CohenBernie Cohen & Jane LindforsDavid & Doris CohenDavid & Donna CohenEster CohenEvan CohenGloria CohenIrma CohenJoseph & Cathy CohenJudith CohenJudith CohenMaxine CohenRabbi Mendy & Chanie CohenDavid & Muriel CohenRichard CohenRobert CohenShera CohenSusan CohenClaire Cohen-StelzerMargaret CohnNancy Cole

Bruce ColtonJeanie ConnorSelma CooleyDavid & Erin CooperRuth CorbertDr. David & Susan CornRonald CornBradford CowenJoel & Janis CreegerNora CuchSimon CuchMark & Charlene CutlerSusan DaleyGary & Beth DanforthAleksander & Nellya DashevskyC. Mordecai DavidDalia DavisHoward & Esterae DavisChristine DenisonHoward DicksteinPhyllis DindasIrina DolzhenkoJames & Esther DonahueJustin DonnellyMatan DragonDoris DuafalaSeth Dunn & Jennifer LuddyRobin Dunn-McDonaghLillian EdelmanTali EdryDavid & Sharon EhrlichBetty EinzigEfraim EisenFrancine EisenbergDr. Jeffery EismanBettirose EisnerDr. Stanley & Dorothy ElkinsDeb EllisStephanie EmirzianAmelia EnderMikhail EpshteynJudith EpsteinBrian & Chana ErtelLidia EydelandSolomon EylenkrigMary FalkEsta FarkasDavid & Ellen FederPaul & Sharon FeenJonathan & Donna FeinLori FeinbergRobert FeinbergKim FerrisDorine FinermanSaul FinestoneBarbara FinkelDavid & Janice FinkelsteinEllen FinkelsteinGunther & Thais FischelPhilip FlescherLisa FoleyEllen FollettMyron FollettEileen FoxSylvia Frank✡

Michael & Donna FrankelMax & Tatiana FraymanSheryl FreedmanDr. Daniel FriedensonJeanne Friedman & Carol SmalleyArnold & Susi Friedmann

Milton & Mildred FromerJoyce GalaskiLisa GariepyInna GargunSusan GaynorElaine GehaEdward GelbartRobert GelfandRobert & Debra GershenGenya GertsenzonIgor & Galina GertsenzonJoanne GilmanBarbara GinsbergRhoda GinsbergCynthia GinsburgPaul GinsburgGerald GitbergMarilyn GitlenMichael GitlenEvie GlickmanReva GlushienRenine GoldJeffrey GoldbergMargit GoldbergPhyllis GoldblattLinda GoldmanMark & Lisa GoldmanWilliam & Leah GoldmanRichard & Linda GoldrickDr. Joseph & Barbara GoldsteinEdward & Sylvia GoldsteinPatti GoldsteinDave GoldstoneFrances GordonJean GordonBonnie GorfinYakov GorfinkelDr. Robert & Janice GoshkoMyron & Lena GottliebDr. Eric GranowitzMelvin GrantLillian GrayBrian & Catherine GrayboffBeth GreenDr. Gerald GreenEsther GreenbergFaith GreenbergScott GreeneTiffany GreeneFran GrosnickWayne & Helen GrunesPaul & Pauline GrunthaltFlorence GurwitzAmy GustmanCarol HaaseIlan HaibiRabbi Kevin Hale & Ruth EverGerald HamburgMatalie HamburgEdward & Freda HatchJohn HenrieDrs. Paul Herscu & Amy RothenbergShirley HershAnnette HeymanDeborah HirshfieldSteven Hochberg✡

Grace HoffPat HoffmanDr. Robert HoffmanFay Horowitz

Sara HorowitzSteven & Lori HurwitzStuart & Joan HurwitzDr. Leon & Dina HuttDr. Sidney & Arlyne HymanJoel IllouzDr. Yaron & Ilana IvanAndrea JacksonAnn JacobsLawrence & Sandra JacobsThelma JaffeBeth JoffeGertrude JoffeCarol JollyFrances KahnJoan KaiserKenneth KaiserAlexander & Irina KalikaJoel Kaminsky & Jody RosenbloomRicki KantrowitzMilton KaplanRichard KaplanRosa KaplanJay & Cilla KaretnickDaniel KarpmanRaya KatsenDr. Brian KatzSteven KatzJeffrey KaufmanJoanne KaufmanRobert KaySeth KayeDr. Amy KenefickRichard KesslerDavid & Amy KimballBarry KittredgeTheodore & Averis KneeAnn KoenigBoris & Yelena KofmanVladimir KofmanLois KoltzSteven KoltzSujata KonowitzDr. Jeffrey Korff & Shelley SteuerRabbi Chaim KosofskyRochel Leah KosofskyPaul & Elizabeth KossSylvia KrainsonAileen KramerBerton KrasnerRose KrasnerSandra KrasnerPamela Kronick-AxlerBoris & Lyubov KruglikovskiyJoseph KushickAndrew LabbDaniel & Julie LandesmanEllen LandisEveard & Irene LangleyHelen LapidusJonathan LaskoDebra LatourCarmin LattellRoslyn LeiterChaim & Taisa LeizmanRoy & Avis LemireEunice LepowSteven LepowAlan LermanIlene LermanDr. Howard Lerner

Mark & Helene LeueBeth & Marta LevPhyllis LevensonElliot LevinCarolyn LevineLillian LevineLillian LevineSylvia LevineHerbert LevinskyRoslyn LevinskyJoan LevinsonFlorence LevittAlan LevitzFrances LevitzMartin LevsonSheri LevsonArlene LevyDr. Candace LevyJessica LevyPedro & Maital LevyHenia LewinFelix LibfeldOlga LibfeldJoseph & Suzanne LiebermanStanley LightRoney LilieEmmanuil LitvakJohn & Karen LoebLaura LucierLev & Irena LuzhanskiySusan LynnLinda LyonsSheldon LyonsAllen & Wendy MacklerPhyllis MacklerSteven & Robin MadnickCarole MagidsonRoger Magnus & Ariella SchwellIlya & Anna MargolinAndrea MartinLes & Carole MayMary MazzaCatheryn MccarthyLauren MeadeMarcy MeklerMaurice MeklerMoissie & Zinaida MeklerJohn & Dawn MetcalfAdam & Jennifer MetschDr. Herbert & Deborah MeyersAnne MillerHarvey MillerLev Milman & Irina AnanovSelma MilsteinNancy MirkinJoseph & Alison MorseGuillermo & Suzanne MuhlmannKathy MurriArthur MusenFay NathansonJerome NathansonEthel NeigherHyman NeigherMichael & Jacqueline NeimanNeil NewmanRichard NiedelBart Nierenberg & Mariola JarzynskaSteven NisonEugene Norkin & Lyudmila Dubinchik


Federation is your generosity.

Page 10: Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

Gary & Sheryl OkunAdele OppenheimCarolyn OppenheimDr. Renee OsofskyPaula ParskyPaul & Dr. Elissa PashkinBarbara PassoHerbert PassoElaine Patterson-ShepardBeverly PavaDorothy PavaThurman PavaShirley PearlmanDr. David & Susan PeckMerton PeckMichael & Marina PenRachel PenVolo PenRonald & Ellen PerellArthur & Miriam PetelleVickie Phillips-ChizCharlotte PollakRuth PoppelInna PortnovaJohanne PresserBarbara PriceDr. Richard RabinowitzJerome RaddingJerome & Hilda RadinHarrisia RappaportGloria RayJames & Lori ReganTeresa ReginaCharlotte ReichCarol ResnickMarion ResnickKelly ReyngoldEsty RichmanArthur & Elizabeth RichtonRalph RitchieCraig & Maureen RobbinsMark & Debra RobbinsMyrna RobbinsEarl RobinsonAnna RokhlenkoElliott & Carol RoseRona RosenSylvia RosenCharles RosenbergSharon RosenbergBen & Fredi RosenthalMarilyn RosenthalGloria RothmanDavid RothschildGladys RothsteinZvi Rozen & Jane GronauEric & Debbie RubensteinEdith RubinSerene RubinCarole RubinsteinGladys SadowBernard SaltzmanDr. Henry & Evelyn SalzAlexander SamolHarriet SamolAnn SantonastasiDorothy SaxonKathy SchlichtigEugene & Beth SchmuterKaren SchneiderJune Schreyer

Edward SchwartzIda SchwartzIrma SchwartzRita SchwartzSusan ScottRobert SegalAlan SeigelOscar✡ & Ruth SeldinEli SezanoffFrances ShamesAlyce ShapiroAnne ShapiroArchie ShapiroGail ShapiroSally ShapiroSheila ShearIla ShebarJonathan ShefftzMarla ShelaskyMax SheproShirley SheproMarjorie ShermanPeter ShermanSaul SherterBeverly ShoreSeymour & Phyllis ShotlandTerry & Vicki ShotlandLidia ShtromLina ShtromRemir ShtromNaomi ShulmanJeffrey SiegelLois SiegelRobin Silpe-MorelBarbara SilversteinGerald SimonEdward SimonoffJudi SimonsRichard SimonsCaroline SkerkerGoldie SkerkerDr. Daniel SkiestLaurie SkoleBarbara SkolnickScott SkolnickEllen SmithJody SmithMarjorie SmithIra & Judy SmolowitzSidney SneggSilvia SobaSheri SochrinAleksandr & Galina SokolskiyAlexander & Lina SokolsonHarold & Doris SolomonHarold StainerMark StaplesMichael StarrHarold & Ruth SteinIsaak & Lena SteinJane SteinMaxine SteinWendy SteinAdam & Allison SteinbergAdele SteinbergJeni SteinbergDr. Richard SteingartRoberta SteingartRobert Stern & Judy GlaserJames & Jill StewartGladys Stiles

Estelle StollMark & Melanie StoneNelson StoneDorothy StopaGregory & Lisa StrycharzBea SussmanBetty SzlajenMichael TamarenDawn TamarkinMilton TemkinLeo & Yvoette TenorutskyAndrew & Sandra TiemanLawrence & Ronna TillmanDavid TivoliYetta ToberBoris & Alla TochilnikovDavid & Dora TochilnikovEdward & Dorothy TorffMitchell & Deidra TorffGeorge TorreyRosalind TorreySydney TorreyCorrie TrattnerIrene TripoliTed & Elizabeth TrobaughTatyana TsizisHaley UdellJudy VanRaalteIrina VidomanetsArkady ViessVera ViessBarry & Naomi VolainLeonid VoskoboinikNona VoskoboinikPhillip WacksJoyce WandsStuart & Judith WarshawMaida WassermannSamuel WeberJoyce WeinbaumJames WeinbergBenjamin WeinerGary WeinerHelen WeinerStuart Weissman & Jocelyn TobinMitchell & Darlene WenerBarbara WenigEmanuel WenigLauren WermanSherwin WernickSteven & Rachel WesleyRobert & Marianne WinebergEdy WinokurJames WinstonHarry WolfeFaigie WolffYakov WolffMarcus WolfsetFreya WolkMarshall & Joan WoodWorld Wide StaffingGregory YashgurRima YashgurChristine YoungAmanda ZidesLeah Zippin

We apologize for any omissions or spelling errors.9

supplemental GivinGfor DonorS who have made a contribution to the Annual Campaign, opportunities to fund other philanthropic endeavors are available. The following donors have generously supported the following supplemental giving opportunities.

PJ lIbrarythe PJ Library ProGram supports families in their Jewish journey by sending Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis to children from age 6 months to 8 years. Created by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the PJ Library is a national program implemented by local communities. We gratefully acknowledge the following Federation donors who have made this program possible in our community.

Herbert & Ann Berezin Edward & Susan KlineRichard & Betsy Gaberman Steven & Alissa KornEdward Greenbaum Jeremy & Ann Pava

Rekindle shabbatrekinDLe Shabbat offerS families with children opportunities to learn about the Shabbat tradition, connect with others in the local Jewish community, and develop a stronger connection to their Jewish identity.

Willam and Lynn FoggleThe Harold Grinspoon Foundation

The fund was created the

Page 11: Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

Meredith DragonExecutive Director

Rachel BerezinCoordinator, The PJ Library /Young Adult Division

Michelle EverettExecutive Assistant

Conrad KollerDirector, Anna P. Housen Israel Desk & Community Relations Council

Mary MazzaStaff Accountant

Debbie PeskinCommunications & Women’s Philanthropy Director

Julie PortChief Financial Officer

Debbie RubensteinDirector, Rachel’s Table

Nicole SobelSocial Media Coordinator & Website Manager

foundation staffScott Kaplan

Endowment DirectorMichelle Lancto

Endowment AssociateJulie Port

Chief Financial Officer Mary Mazza

Staff AccountantMichelle Everett

Administrative Assistant

federation staff


David & Sharon AminiaAnonymousDr. Alan Berkenwald & Joan SchafferDr. David & Iris BerkmanJoel & Betsy BertuzziRachel BessermanHarvey & Joan BinesMarcia BloombergLaura BroadRichard & Barbara BrodyDenny & Penny BurkeGerald & Brenda CanterDr. Jonathan & Andrea ChasenDr. Robert & Shari CooperJohn & Barbara CorcoranEthan CoreyDrs. Cary Dash & Vivian MillerJonathan & Linda DavisRabbi Efraim & Rosalie EisenDr. Richard & Jane EngelmanMyer & Elaine EzrinEdward & Merle FeldJoel Feldman & Pam SchwartzJesse & Leona FieldmanRob & Tamar FieldsLawrence & Deborah FineAndrea FirestoneRachel FirestoneWilliam & Lynn FoggleRichard & Betsy GabermanAlan & Bette GersteinMyron & Penina GlazerMichael & Theo GlickmanJerome & Myra GoldIrving & Sadie GoldDr. Marc & Susan GoldmanElizabeth GouverneurDr. Irving & Gale GreenbergBonnie GruszeckiHaim & Yaffa GunnerMiriam HirschhautDavid & Beverly HirschhornLeonard & Laurie HorowitzJoseph & Nicole IllouzDr. Theodore & Judy IngisDr. Mark & Ronda JackowitzJewish Federation of Central MassachusettsJewish Federation of the BerkshiresJewish Federations of North AmericaJeffrey & Helena KamenetzJoel Kaminsky & Jody RosenbloomJanet KannelAlex Cohen & Ricki KantrowitzDrs. Erica & Jacqueline KatesKen & Rabbi Amy Wallk KatzMorton & Dorothy Katz

Zane & Miriam KatzSteven & Lisa KesslerRichard & Harriet KimballScott Barton & Randi KleinEd & Susan KlineConrad & Iris KollerRobert KrausJoseph & Marilyn KushickJay LadinZelma LavinMartin & Joan LesserSteve & Joan LevinePedro & Maital LevyLubavitcher Yeshiva AcademyDavid Marlin & Joanna GrandMary MazzaCharlotte MeyerBernard & Selma MilsteinDr. Ronald & Ronnie NadelMichael & Beth PaysnickRabbi Saul Perlmutter & Shoshana ZondermanJudd & Rhoda PeskinPlastic Packaging CorporationHarold & Sally Ann ResnicCarol ResnickSylvia RosenMarsha RothDr. Michael Rothberg & Shira AtikPaul & Marsha RothschildJohn & Lois SchieffelinNaomi SchoenbergRabbi Bruce & Deborah Bromberg SeltzerSelma SherterRichard Sirkin & Sue HellerWilliam & Nancy SquiresDavid & Lorna StrasslerReva TankleDorothy TatelmanTemple Beth ElSteven Weiner & Diane MillerDyan WileyDrs. Bruce Wintman & Jonna GabermanJudith WischMarvin & Valerie Wolmer

tornaDo reliefthe feDeration thankS the following generous donors who supported the Tornado Relief Fund in the wake of the three devastating tornadoes that struck our area on June 1, 2011. The fund was created by the United Way of the Pioneer Valley, in partnership with the Federation, the day after the tornadoes hit. A total of $26,232 was raised from our Jewish community.

EXECutivE CommittEEEdward Greenbaum

PresidentSteven Dane

Vice PresidentSusan Weiss Firestone

Vice PresidentMordechai Kamel

Vice PresidentRhonda Goldberg

Vice President Women’s Philanthropy

Sharon CohenTreasurer, Finance Committee Chair

Ronnie LeavittSecretary

Elliot M.L. BloomBetsy Gaberman

Chair JEFJeffrey MandellSusan Kline

Immediate Past President

ELECtED: tErm EXPiriNG 2012Michelle AnfangAmy BrickerEllen FreymanBenjamin LiptzinRonda ParishSusan PolanskyFay Smith

ELECtED: tErm EXPiriNG 2011Marjorie BergAndrea ChasenCharles EpsteinSteven FeldmanMark GoldSteven Korn

ELECtED: tErm EXPiriNG 2013Susan GoldmanAndrea GoldsteinKaren KuhrJonathan SapirsteinBruce Wintman

at-LarGEStephen BennettJeffrey FialkyCynthia GensheimerSue Heller

2010-11 federation board of trustees

day after the tornadoes hit.

PaSt PrESiDENtSKenneth AbrahamsGerald BergElliot BloomAlan CurtisDonna FeldmanWilliam FoggleBetsy GabermanRichard GabermanSusan KlineJoel LeavittJay LoevyJeffrey MandellAnn PavaDiane Troderman

hoNorary LifE mEmBErSKenneth AbrahamsHarold GrinspoonMaurice Katz✡

Charles NirenbergMary Louise Nissenbaum✡

Franklin Weiss✡

✡ Of Blessed Memory

Page 12: Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts 2011 Annual Report

1160 Dickinson Street • Springfield, Massachusetts 01108(413) 737-4313 • Fax (413) 737-4348

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