Jesus Our Living Water with Pastor Beverly

1 Jesus Our Living Water Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries Pastor Beverley Wesley Volume 24


This is an audio message that was transcribed into text for our listening audience in our Live Voice Conference, in Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries. We pray it is a blessing to you today!

Transcript of Jesus Our Living Water with Pastor Beverly

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Jesus Our Living Water

Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Pastor Beverley Wesley

Volume 24

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These pages are written in text from our Live Voice meetings located on the Pal Talk server. These pages have not been edited as the writings were written the way the sermon from the Word of God was ministered. The name of our voice conference is called Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries. Join us for relevant kingdom messages that have birthed from the Secret Place, along with relevant prophetic worship for greater intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

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Time Our scheduled times of meetings are nightly at 10pm EST, and 10am in our daily morning programs. For those of you that are overseas, we are from the United States of America so set your clocks!

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Jesus Our Living Water

Beyond the Veil Prophetic Ministries

Pastor Beverley Wesley

Volume 24

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Table of Contents

About Pastor Beverly…. 10


Give Me Drink…22

Encountered by Jesus…29

Desperately Looking…37

God Loves You…42

Prayer of Encouragement…57

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About Pastor Beverly

My name is Pastor Bev, and my husbands name is

Pastor Glenn and we minister and Pastor in Dryden

Ontario, Canada. That would be west, which is a little

north west of Ontario. We are a little town, a city, it is

called the Wilderness City; it is really beautiful here.

Last night, we were looking out our kitchen window and

we saw two deer walking on the road, and it went

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around the house on the other side of the street. They

went along and that is a common occurrence here.

We enjoy the wild life and it is really nice to see that,

and our ministry has officially happened since August

of 2010. That was last month and we moved here in

September, I believe it was September 14, around there,

and we knew that God was stirring our hearts to go into

ministry. We knew we were called to minister and to be

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Pastor, but didn’t know when. We had Pastored prior

for two years on a first Nation committee up in Ontario,

which is south or southeast from here.

So that was life changing experience and it showed us

really where we were and what God was doing, and

what we had to do to get into that place where we knew

we had to be. We are so thankful to be here, to begin to

step out in faith in what the Lord is doing.

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In Dryden, there are definitely a number of different

ministries going on here and we are so blessed to have

them and being able to be here. That would be prayer

requests that I would give out to you, that you would

pray for unity among the believers in the city of Dryden.

It is a small city, but everyone practically knows

everybody. Praise God the gospel is here in our little

city, our Wilderness City and the ideas of God and the

vision that He has given us—Pastor Glenn and I, it is

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like He is enlarging our vision and we are excited about


Along with our ministry, we also have another ministry

called First Nation Evangelism. This is where we go

out to our communities. As you may know, or some of

you may not know, that First Nation North American, or

First Nation person. We come from First Nation

communities in Canada and the Lord is put it upon the

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heart of our people to minister to them and teach them

the Word of God and to bring Life to those

communities, and to bring Jesus and the Word and teach

believers the Word of God. That is our passion, and

training them of who they are in Christ and being able

to be in that place, where we want to do what God has

for them. So that is what First Nation Evangelism is


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Our website can be found at:

You can go there and check us out, and if you have any

questions, you can email us there. We also have Asian

missions, and that within itself, is another area. I go to

different places, such as: Vietnam, and Asia and my

hearts desire is to go back. When I came back from

there the Lord has opened a door and it is exciting. We

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always want to remember that when we are walking

with God we do not want to get ahead of Him. We

always want to wait for His leadings. We have gone

before Him many times, but all you have to do is repent

and get back on track, and we learn like little children.

Little kids we teach them how to get up, and as they

start to walk, they are wobbly. We pick them up and

they are on their way again. Same thing with us, our

Abba Father, He loves us and we are His children. It is

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His desire that we walk in that way and He will help us

get to where we need to go. Praise God we are so

blessed. So please remember to pray for us. We are

having healing services and we are just believing for a

good amount of people to come out, and to be

encouraged and be healed; edified and to be able to just

Love on them. Right now, we have a small little hand

full of us together. But you know what? That is ok

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because God can do a mighty thing with that. We are

just willing. Amen! So, praise God.

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It is so good to bring you the message today, what I

have decided to call it; actually, what God has put on

my heart is the name, “Jesus Our Living Water.”

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Give Me Drink

Jesus is our Living Water. As you walk with the Lord

and as you spend that time with Him you cannot help

but feel, that excitement going on; your spirit stirring

and experiencing the Life of the Lord, and the Life of

God; that is the Living Water. Today, what I am going

to be doing is taking you to the gospel of John chapter

four, from verses one to eighteen. So, if you just want

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to turn there, if you have your Bibles I will just go on to

read it. Again, John chapter four, verses one through

eighteen. I will go ahead and read that right now and

you can follow along, and focus on in what the

Scriptures are saying here.

“Therefore, when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had

heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than

John (though Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His

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disciples), He left Judea and departed again to Galilee;

but He needed to go through Samaria. So He came to a

city of Samaria, now Jacob's well was there. Jesus

therefore, being wearied from His journey, sat thus by

the well. It was about the sixth hour, which is called

Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his

son Joseph. A woman of Samaria came to draw water.

Jesus said to her, "Give Me a drink.” For His disciples

had gone away into the city to buy food. Then the

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woman of Samaria said to Him, "How is it that You,

being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?”

For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Jesus

answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God,

and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you

would have asked Him, and He would have given you

living water.” The woman said to Him, "Sir, You have

nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then

do You get that living water? "Are You greater than our

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father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it

himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?" Jesus

answered and said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water

will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I

shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I

shall give him will become in him a fountain of water

springing up into everlasting life.” The woman said to

Him, "Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst, nor

come here to draw." Jesus said to her, "Go, call your

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husband, and come here." The woman answered and

said, "I have no husband.” Jesus said to her, "You have

well said, 'I have no husband,' "for you have had five

husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your

husband; in that you spoke truly."

Praise God. From John chapter four verse nine where it

says, “Then the woman of Samaria said unto him how is

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that you being a Jew ask a drink from me a Samaritan


Let’s focus a little bit here. God’s desire is for us to be

satisfied in Him, where our thirst is quenched and our

hunger is fed. Amen.

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Encountered by Jesus

This passage from John chapter four from verse one,

through eighteen—we see a Samaritan woman who has

a life-changing encounter with Jesus. How many of us

have had an encounter with Jesus? Amen? An

encounter with Jesus, as we read in verse nine the

Samaritan woman is a reminder that God is no respecter

of persons.

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She is telling Jesus in verse seven, here it says, actually

Jesus is telling her, “Give me a drink.” He opens the

conversation to her, He says, “Give me a drink.” What I

want us to see here is where it says, “Then the woman

of Samaria said to Him how is it that You being a Jew

asks a drink from me?” She was thrown back and

surprised; and did not realize that day she was going to

meet and have an encounter with Jesus. So, here we see

that Jesus is telling her and showing her; approaching

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her with “Give me a drink.” Knowing what we said,

“Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.” She is

putting up to Him that Jews have no dealings with

Samaritans, “Why are you talking to me? Why are you

looking at me?” In those days, the Jewish had no

Samaritan relationships.

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The Samaritans were told they could not hang around

with them and talk with Him, or even look at them.

Yet, Jesus, being led by the Spirit of God that day was

being led. It says here, “So He came to a city of

Samaria which is called Sychar, near the plot of ground

that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.”

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Jesus was heading somewhere and He was being led by

the Spirit of God to go to this place in Samaria. As we

see Jesus being led by the Spirit of God, He made a pit

stop to specifically share with her of God’s wonderful

provision. She did not know it that day, but she was

there by Divine Appointment that led her to her

Messiah. I am going to read verse ten again, Jesus

answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God,

and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you

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would have asked Him, and He would have given you

living water."

I would like to read it from the New Living Translation,

Jesus said, “Jesus replied if you only knew the gift of

God has for you, in who are speaking to you, you would

have asked have asked Him and I would give you living

water.” Jesus is telling this Samaritan woman, at this

well, “If she knew the gift of God and who was telling

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her give me a drink she would have asked Jesus and He

would have given her Living Water.”

Little did she know, who she was speaking with at the

well. She was speaking the well of Living Water

herself. Praise God. In verse ten He says, “If you

knew the gift of God.” If you knew the gift of God!

This Samaritan woman desperately needed to know

Jesus. Her circumstances where she was coming from

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as we read from verse seventeen to eighteen; she was in

a desperate situation. I don’t know how she would have

looked, but I am sure she was probably distraught, and

into different relationships, and she probably felt

defeated. She was probably looked upon with scorn,

and so she was in a place where she was seeking God in

her heart.

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Desperately Looking

She was desperately looking and wondering and

probably thinking, “Will this ever change? Will my

habits ever change? Will I ever get out of this cycle that

I am in?” That speaks to me! If that speaks to you

today that we do things in our lives and we wonder how

did I get into this mess again? Why do I keep doing

that? Why do I feel like I have no victory here? It is so

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neat how this woman, this Samaritan woman, she had

an encounter because she was seeking God.

I encourage you; you are encountered with Jesus today.

If you are listening to this message today the Bible says,

“Have a ears to hear of what the Spirit of God is saying

today. Be obedient and listen to that.” I just claim Him

and praise Him for what He is doing and what He wants

to do, and what He desires to do. When Jesus saw that

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Samaritan woman, I believe it was the gift of Wisdom

or Knowledge that Jesus was operating in through the

Spirit of God that He knew where she was coming from.

Isn’t that amazing because You can just feel the Love of

God in what He is saying. I don’t want to jump ahead

again, but I want to read this scripture again in verse

fifteen, “The woman said to Him sir, Give me this water

(she is talking about the Living Water that Jesus is

speaking of) that I may not thirst.” It is obvious she was

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hungry, she was thirsty, and then it says there, in verse

sixteen Jesus says to her, “Go call your husband and

come here.” There you can see where God is pointing

to her and showing her; revealing to her heart but also

where she is. Nobody is saying it in a condemning way.

He is not coming out and saying it with prideful and

how bad she is. No! Not at all because you can just tell

the Love of God in this scripture and He says, “Go call

your husband and come here.” The woman said, “I

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have no husband.” Jesus said, “You have well said, I

have no husband.” Then He goes on to tell her, “You

have had five husbands and the one who you now have

is not your husband” yet He spoke truly. He pointed out

to her where she was at and revealed her sin to her,

more or less, and she had to hear that; there are many

times where we in our lives we need to have the Holy

Spirit show us where we need to let go of things.

Change things and repent.

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God Loves You

I would also like to mention that God is not withholding

from you, He is Love, and He is a giver of it. He wants

to see you grow and receive by faith that Living Waters

that is in your belly, which is the Living Water in our

hearts. So, we need to have that and be willing and

ready to acknowledge that. Acknowledge in our lives

what we are doing and what is displeasing to God

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because when we desire more of God; we are hungry

and we are thirsty for more of the Lord in our lives. We

ask ourselves, “Why don’t feel the Lord anymore? Why

don’t I feel His presence anymore?” It isn’t because

God has left you or you are so messed up that He

decides to pick up and leave us alone, “No!” The Bible

says that He will never leave us nor forsake us, so that is

encouraging. If you are out there listening to this

message and you desire to want more of God and you

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just feel like things are just so busy and life gets you

busy—you need to take that time and listen. We must

take that time hear what the Lord is saying and say,

“Ok. There are things I need to do.”

Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God

and His righteousness and all these things shall be

added unto you.” All these things in that passage are a

vast amount of different things. One of them, definitely,

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is that as we spend time with Jesus every morning,

every day, through out the day and practice His

presence we have to make that decision because ‘all

these things shall be added unto you.’ Knowing more

of Him and knowing Him and His Word along with

feeling His presence, and His Living Water is a way to

be revived. We are refreshed! Amen! We get

refreshed in spirit! There are other things that seem to

weigh us down we need to let go, and repent and turn

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around from those things that are harming our walk with

the Lord and let it go, to make it right with Jesus. Then,

and only then we will be able to come into that place

where we are able to flow with Him, hear His voice;

feel His tangible presence again. I encourage you to be

patient. The Bible does say that we have to work out

our salvation with fear and trembling, Amen. As long

as we are doing our part in those things that need to be

done, as: spending time with Him, reading the Word of

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God, worshipping Him, fellowship with Him, having a

church to go to, and fellowshipping with others

believers and taking that time with Jesus. The Bible

says He watches over us and His Word to perform it.

He is Faithful, just, and does not lie. He watches His

Word and His promises! Praise God. I just believe that

the Lord is ministering to someone right now who really

needs to hear that. I just thank Him!

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I encourage you to just grab hold of Jesus and His

Word. It says right here, I have mentioned earlier, that

God is no respecter of persons. We see it. We see that

Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit to go to Samaria and to

go to this well. He sat down with the woman of

Samaria and I am sure He was just talking to Abba

Father and being led of the Spirit. God reached out and

ministered to a Samaritan woman. At that time Jews

had no conversation with Samaritans and it just goes to

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show that God is no respecter of persons. What He did

the men of old and the Ruth, Hannah and what He did

for David, and what He did for Paul, and what He did

for the disciples, He will do for us. Praise God! He is

no respecter of persons. We see here how Jesus begins

to reach out to this woman, and begins to put out there

the gospel of Truth to draw her in with a question. He

told her and communicated with her, just as He will do

for you. We really need to do that. It is so awesome to

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see there are no boundaries. God is no respecter of

persons and He Loves you just the way you are. This

woman, the Samaritan woman, she was message up as

she had a life that was very destructive. She was broken

because she met the Messiah that day, and her heart was

longing, seeking for Truth. She was an unhappy lady in

that situation as she was going to the well to get water.

Just think about how many times she went there in her

life and this time was a different time. This time was

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the time for her to come to the Living Water and come

to that realization that she didn’t have to live the way

she was living. Jesus was perking her interest and

drawing her in, as we can see here in verse fifteen, “The

woman said unto Him, sir give me this water that I may

not thirst nor come here to draw.” That water that she

drew from was only quenching the physical part of her

body and there are so many people out there today, and

even Christians that are just being so going after the

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wrong thing that they feel that they can be quenched by

it. They feel that the hunger they so desire. That void

that is so unfilled and can be filled with different things,

whether it is: addiction, drugs, gambling, pornography,

and witchcraft. Whatever it is they are chasing the

wrong thing! They need to come to the Living Water.

They need to come to Jesus. They need to come to the

Messiah. They need to come and confess before God

they are a sinner and they need to be saved. I am just

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thankful Lord for that message that He has here, and

there are so many that He wants to give to that message

of Love. There is an invitation that needs to be heard to

into the highways, the byways of every community of

every Nation, of every back alley, of every doorstep.

Amen. God is drawing those if you are willing, He is

willing. If you are not able, He is able. There is

nothing too hard, there is nothing too high that He

cannot give you and bring you out of. I am just

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thanking the Lord right now, and I just praise Him for

ministering to you today. I thank Him because I believe

that He is going forth right now. Just lift up your hands

up to Him by faith, people. Lift up your hands right

now and thank Him that He is ministering to you

whoever you are right now, where you are. If there is

anything in your life that you are clinging on to, or is

clinging to you and you cannot shake you need to come

to Jesus. You need to come to the Living Water

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because He is the only One who can break that from

you like He did to the Samaritan woman. He is the only

One who can break that by the power of His Holy Spirit,

right now. All you need to do is submit to Him and

confess to Him your heart. He is there to welcome you.

He is not there to condemn you. He is there to bring

you up and bring you out. He is there to Love you like

He did with the Samaritan woman. We just need to be

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so thankful that He is there for us and He is never going

to turn His back on us.

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Prayer of Encouragement

I just thank You Father God for ministering today to

these people Lord God, who are your children Lord

God. Those who are in that place where they need a

fresh touch of You, Father God today Lord, just bless

them. Bless them Lord God. Encourage them, Holy

Ghost, encourage them to lift up their hands, and give

them a new song to sing Father God. Lord we just

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thank You Lord God. We lift up the needs of them

Lord God. Today, Lord God, those different things that

are plaguing their lives and becoming a hindrance to

them I just come against those things right now in Jesus

name. For the Word of God says in John 7:38, “He who

believes in me as the scriptures say out of his heart will

flow rivers of Living Water.” Father I just thank You

and Father God Your Word also says in John 8:32, Lord

God that, “You are the Way.” But it also says “They

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shall know the Truth and the Truth shall make them

free.” I believe that is the scripture there. Lord I just

thank You Lord God, for moving mightily and moving

among the people Lord God. We just receive You Lord

that they will receive the freedom You have for them

Lord, that they will come and receive Your forgiveness

Lord God. Restoration. Restoration Lord God. Holy

Spirit encourage them Lord God as Your Word went

forth just encourage them, as I plead the blood of Jesus

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over them in the name of Jesus. Devil you have no

authority over them; you have no authority in them. In

Jesus name.

Father I just thank You and praise You Lord God for

what You are doing and I just give You the Glory.

Father God we thank You for the Living Water, that

Living Water that is never ending…that is never ending.

That is always there to quench our thirst and satisfy our

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hunger. That makes us hungrier Lord. You fill us up,

and Lord that You feed us Lord God. Lord we thank

You and praise, Father God, You for blessing Your

people today as You ministering to them Lord God.

Father God I thank You, every one of them Lord God.

Father God I thank You Father God for what You are

doing. You are calling and You are equipping and

preparing them Father God to go on in You. To step

forth in You Father God, to step into those places where

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You desire for them to be. Lord I just give You praise

and glory. Hallelujah Lord. We thank You. Praise

God. The Lord is good, Amen. He is good. When we

are willing, hungry He shows up, He is there to bless

you, and He is there to minister to you today. He is

there to meet that need. My encouragement for you

today, for those of you who received deliverance and

bad habits that had to be shaken up, in the name of

Jesus, I encourage you to get into the Word of God

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because when you are delivered, or set free from certain

habits the Word of God can fill your spirit amen. We

need to be filled with the Word of God. Just like this

Samaritan woman, I believe she was delivered from that

life-style she went and told her village and town who

she met. She had an encounter with Jesus and He

delivered and restored her. I believed it was a process

with her and restoration is a process. It happens and it

happens and I believe that as you stick with Jesus and

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the Word of God, and as you get into a good church you

will be rooted in what He wants you to be. You will be

encouraged to go on with the things that He has for you.

I am just so blessed, and I know you are blessed because

God is good. We desire to meet you today, and I just

thank Him for that. I am going to pass it on to Prophet

Ronald. Praise God. Amen.

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