“Jerusalem Windows: The Tribe of Benjamin” by Marc...

“Jerusalem Windows: The Tribe of Benjamin” by Marc Chagall” A Season of Thanksgiving The Rev. Cal Calhoun s we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I am especially reminded of the blessing of doing ministry at Good Sam together with you. Caroline rather frequently expresses her gratitude at being back at Good Sam. Her sense of blessing at serving here is a wonderful reminder to me of what a great community this is and what a blessing it is to be a part of this parish. Last night (as I write), we had our Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete Dinner. We had some wonderful conversation around ideas put forth in the book. We talked about giving as a an act of faith, a part of our spiritual discipline. We talked about the difference of “investing” in the community of Good Sam, as opposed to viewing our giving as an act of consumerism (paying for services). What difference does that perspective make in how we feel about what we give to Good Sam! We talked about how wonderfully successful it has been to follow the suggestion in the book to designate the cash in the plate go to different ministries and charities each week. Talk about seeing tangibly the generosity of this group of Good Samaritans! Timothy Dombek (the author of the book) mentions that writing a check to give should be one of the most joyful things we do! We talked about how giving feels to us. We talked about how writing your pledge check each month (or week) as the first check, takes much of the fear out of giving. Giving from the “first fruits” or “off the top” feels very differently than giving from “what is left over.” Honestly, I was surprised at how many people commented about how much they enjoyed the time together. It appears that out of our conversations last night, a group will gather to discuss frankly what it means to live more simply. November begins with the Feast of All Saints on November 6. We will celebrate and give thanks for all those saints who have gone before us. Those famous saints who have amazing stories of their persistence of faith, but more importantly, those not so famous saints whose persistent faith has informed, enriched, and blessed our lives and our own journeys of faith. On Sunday, November 13, we will have our pledge ingathering. We will ask you to bring your Estimate of Giving for 2017 and we will have an opportunity for you to place it on the altar as a way of making your offering a sacrament, and outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, your generosity and abundance. In your prayer and discernment about what you will give for 2017, please be reminded of the joy and the blessing that comes from being generous. I ask that you know what percentage of your income you give and that you work to move in the direction of 10%. We will focus new money to keeping Father Howard on part-time and to expanding our outstanding Outreach efforts. On November 20, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting at 9:45 between the services. We hope you will be here to see and hear about the wonderful things we are doing and the plans we are making for our life together. May this season of Thanksgiving keep you mindful of all that is a blessing in your life. Family, friends, faith and this community are at the top of my gratitude list. Grow in Faith, Live in Hope, Share God’s Love! – Cal+ A THE NEWSLETTER OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN Grow in Faith. Live in Hope. Share God’s Love NOVEMBER 2016

Transcript of “Jerusalem Windows: The Tribe of Benjamin” by Marc...


A Season of Thanksgiving The Rev. Cal Calhoun

s we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I am especially reminded of the blessing of doing ministry at Good Sam together with you. Caroline

rather frequently expresses her gratitude at being back at Good Sam. Her sense of blessing at serving here is a wonderful reminder to me of what a great community this is and what a blessing it is to be a part of this parish.

Last night (as I write), we had our Making the Annual Pledge Drive Obsolete Dinner. We had some wonderful conversation around ideas put forth in the book. We talked about giving as a an act of faith, a part of our spiritual discipline. We talked about the difference of “investing” in the community of Good Sam, as opposed to viewing our giving as an act of consumerism (paying for services). What difference does that perspective make in how we feel about what we give to Good Sam! We talked about how wonderfully successful it has been to follow the suggestion in the book to designate the cash in the plate go to different ministries and charities each week. Talk about seeing tangibly the generosity of this group of Good Samaritans! Timothy Dombek (the author of the book) mentions that writing a check to give should be one of the most joyful things we do! We talked about how giving feels to us. We talked about how writing your pledge check each month (or week) as the first check, takes much of the fear out of giving. Giving from the “first fruits” or “off the top” feels very differently than giving from “what is left over.” Honestly, I was surprised at how many people commented about how much they enjoyed the time

together. It appears that out of our conversations last night, a group will gather to discuss frankly what it means to live more simply.

November begins with the Feast of All Saints on November 6. We will celebrate and give thanks for all those saints who have gone before us. Those famous saints who have amazing stories of their persistence of faith, but more importantly, those not so famous saints whose persistent faith has informed, enriched, and blessed our lives and our own journeys of faith.

On Sunday, November 13, we will have our pledge ingathering. We will ask you to bring your Estimate of Giving for 2017 and we will have an opportunity for you to place it on the altar as a way of making your offering a sacrament, and outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, your generosity and abundance. In your prayer and discernment about what you will give for 2017, please be reminded of the joy and the blessing that comes from being generous. I ask that you know what percentage of your income you give and that you work to move in the direction of 10%. We will focus new money to keeping Father Howard on part-time and to expanding our outstanding Outreach efforts.

On November 20, we will have our Annual Parish Meeting at 9:45 between the services. We hope you will be here to see and hear about the wonderful things we are doing and the plans we are making for our life together.

May this season of Thanksgiving keep you mindful of all that is a blessing in your life. Family, friends, faith and this community are at the top of my gratitude list. Grow in Faith, Live in Hope, Share God’s Love! – Cal+



Grow in Faith . Live in Hope. Share God’s Love

N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 6


Parish Events

Halloween Party

THIS Sunday, October 30, 4:30 – 6:00 pm

ach year Good Sam celebrates Halloween a little early with a costume party--because our kids are so cute and the holiday is fun! Good Sam little ones

love our Halloween party! It's not too scary, because it's daylight and we leave the lights on. It’s so fun for them to dress up in costumes and play games for prizes and treats. Everyone from 0-99 is invited and encouraged to come in costume!

We need lots of help from the older kids (and adults!) who - although they love Halloween - are too big to play. It's a great time for all ages, so come to Henslee Hall at 4:30 on Sun., Oct. 30. If you have any questions, call at 308-1112 or email me at [email protected]. – Michelle Bales

Join Our Team! - VMC Race Sunday, October 30 – Race Starts @ 2:30 pm

any thanks to Karen Sproles for being our Team


The Good Samaritan team has won the TEAM CHALLENGE for the most participants for the Volunteer Ministry Center 5K Dunkin' Donut 5k FOR THE PAST 2 YEARS! We want to win again!!

The race is on October 30 at 2:30 pm at Hardin Valley Elementary School. There are several categories of

participation...one of which is to register, pay the entrance fee of $25.00, and get and long sleeve t-shirt without doing anything else. You don't have to run or walk if you don't want to. You can support and participate right from home by being a "couch supporter"! But...if you are a runner or walker, this is a great short race for a beautiful fall afternoon.

Signup here: https://runsignup.com/Race/Register/RaceGroup-268252?raceId=22716

Please sign up for this important fund-raiser that benefits the work of the VMC. Sign up your spouse. Sign up your child. Sign up your dog or cat. YES...you can do that! As long as you go through the Good Samaritan Team Sign Up page, you will be registered for our team!

Newcomer Welcome Reception - Everyone Invited Friday, November 4 @ 5:30 – 7:30 pm

veryone in the parish is

cordially invited to this casual, relaxed event. It's a great opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with old friends, so mark your calendars and plan to attend. Stop by after work, come by before you head out to dinner or head home to relax. We'll have wine, soft drinks, and light appetizers. Childcare will be provided.

If you are new to Good Sam, we extend a SPECIAL invitation to you, and your spouse, significant other, or friend. This reception is for YOU and it will be a relaxed time to get to know others better. We hope you can attend.

DOK – Corporate Communion

he Daughters of the King will come together on Sunday, November 6 at the 11:00 am service to receive communion together. Corporate

Communion on All Saints Day is a long-standing tradition and is practiced by Chapters of the Daughters of the King worldwide. We will reserve a pew so that we may sit. – Mary Embler for the DOK

Daylight Savings Time Ends Sunday, November 6

aylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6. That means…it’s “Fall Back” time! Before retiring on Saturday evening, November 5, turn






3 your clocks back an hour. The good news is, you’ll get an extra hour of sleep AND you’ll get to church on time!

Halloween Candy Tithe Special Children’s Offering – Nov. 13 @ 11 am

his year as part of Ingathering Sunday on November 13, we are encouraging our children to share their Halloween bounty in a candy tithe at the 11 a.m.

church service. Participating children will be able to bring forward 10 percent of their Halloween candy at a special offering time during the service, as a way to reflect on sharing the many gifts God brings into our lives. It is suggested that parents and children set aside 10% of the candy received Halloween night and put away until Sunday, Nov. 13. The candy will be used during the upcoming months as part of the shoebox ministry other gifts Good Sam prepares for those who may be alone or in need during the holiday season.

Ingathering Sunday Sunday, November 13

unday, November 13, is Ingathering Sunday. We ask you to bring your pledge cards that day and you will have the opportunity to place them on the altar,

offering your gift to God. I ask you to be prayerful about your pledge, to know what percentage of your income you are currently giving and to make an effort to move toward 10% (the tithe). We are a community of abundant blessing. After the 11:00 service, join us in sharing our lives and labor as we package over 15,000 meals for people around the world in need. – Cal+

Stop Hunger Now Event! Food Packaging Event @ Good Sam Sunday, November 13 12:15 pm - 2:15 pm - Right after the late service

n Sunday, November 13, from 12:30 - 2:30 pm, Good Samaritan will be

hosting a food packaging event through the Stop Hunger Now organization. We will gather in Henslee Hall and package food into 15,000 small packets that will be distributed to those suffering from hunger around the world.

We need AT LEAST 50 Good Samaritans to stay after the service that day, for approximately 2 hours (12:15 - 2:15 pm) to help with the packaging. To ensure we get enough people to package the food, we are asking folks to sign up online at http://tinyurl.com/z9s9v9j or in Henslee Hall so we can get a head count. Childcare will be available.

NOTE: Children, ages 5 and up are welcome to participate as long as they are supervised by parents. Parents can have

a task as long as kids aren't running around without one. The most important aspect is that everyone MUST wear a hairnet. Young kids have a hard time grasping that, so keep that in mind when deciding if your child will participate, or if your child will go to one of the childcare rooms. – Jennifer Dunn

Women’s Group KICK STARTER Potluck Supper Sunday, November 13

ll women of the church are invited to a Kick Starter Pot Luck Supper on Sunday, November 13 at 6:00 pm. Please bring your favorite main dish, salad or dessert,

along with its recipe, to share.

We have a new coordinator! Kate Flynn is excited about taking on this ministry at Good Sam and has a lot of great ideas about the direction of the Women's Group in the coming months. And, she would love to have your ideas and input too!

The women's group is open to ALL WOMEN - all ages. Being a part of this group is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy fellowship and fun as well as service inside and outside the Good Sam community. Please make plans to join us on Sunday, November 13 at 6:00 pm.

Annual Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections Sunday, November 20 @ 9:45 am

n Sunday November 20, the Good Sam community will come together for the annual Parish Meeting and Vestry Elections. The meeting will be held in Henslee

Hall at 9:45 am during the Sunday School hour. There will be no Adult Sunday School on that day, but there will be Sunday School for children as usual.

First on the agenda will be election of four new vestry members for 2015. All members of Good Samaritan over the age of sixteen are eligible to vote.

Retiring from the vestry this year are Senior Warden Joyce Grubb, Jason Long, Margaret Slattery and Bill Power, On behalf of Good Sam, I would like to thank them for their three years of service on the vestry. They have given their time, talents and special gifts to vestry. I know that our clergy and remaining vestry members will miss their presence and the contributions they have made to the work that our vestry does. Please take a moment to thank them for their service over the past three years.

Returning Vestry members are, Ben Alford, Mike Bowman, Megan Brown, Talbot Fields, Hope Mitchell, Lauren Passarello, Alice Towery, and Jan Travins. Those candidates running for vestry this year will be announced later in a special publication.

After the vestry election, we will hear from our clergy, Junior and Senior Wardens and others on the state of Good







4 Samaritan. We will conclude with a short question and answer period. Make every effort to attend; it’s a great opportunity to ask questions and to have your voice heard!

Youth Casserole Sale Sunday, November 20 after each service Proceeds Benefit Youth Ministries & the 2017 Mission Trip

ach year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving (and on the same Sunday as our Annual Parish Meeting), the youth host a casserole (and more!) sale to help raise

money for youth programs.

You can help in three ways:

• Bake or Make: Offer to bring a casserole, dessert item, small bags of snack mix, or other portable food. Drop your items off the morning of November 20 and please label your items.

• Take: Need a ready-made snack for Thanksgiving guest? Stop by the table after the 8:30 and 11: 00 am services to grab a couple of items.

• Bake or make AND Take: You can do both, and drop off and pick up at the same time!

Thank you for your donations! If you signed up to help on Rally Day, we will be in touch. Please contact Karla Pitcher at [email protected] or Sinead Doherty at [email protected] if you have questions.

The VMC Women’s Mentoring Ministry Tuesday, November 22 @ 6:00 pm

he next VMC Women's Mentoring Ministry program is Tuesday, November 22 at 6pm at the VMC. Fran Potter will again lead us in making Christmas

wreaths to decorate the VMC for the holidays. We will provide a light meal.

If you are interested in joining us and/or sharing your creative skills, please contact one of our co-leaders - Barbara Ashdown at [email protected], Karen Downing at [email protected], or Maryanne Hoemann at [email protected]. – Barbara Ashdown

Advent Begins on Sunday, November 27 …and the Liturgal Color Changes

he very long green season of Pentecost is winding to a close. “Ordinary Time” will soon give way to the waiting, watching, expectant season of Advent. With

the beginning of Advent on Sunday, November 27, the liturgical color will change to blue. Much like we wear red on the Day of Pentecost, we are asking parishioners to wear blue to celebrate the beginning of Advent. Thank you!

Advent at Good Sam Beginning Nov. 27 – 1st Sunday in Adevnt 9:45 am - Henslee Hall

Advent Wreath Making 1st Sunday of Advent - November 27 Intergenerational Advent Wreath Making - Come and join us during Sunday School hour and make your own family advent wreath. Please bring greenery, holly, magnolia leaves, boxwood from your yard to share. Oasis wreath forms, materials, and candles will be provided and cost the church about $10.00 per wreath. If you choose to keep the wreath form, please make a check for $10.00 payable to the church. If you bring your wreath form from last year, you’ll owe nothing. There will also be materials and literature available to assist your with family Advent meditations.

2nd Sunday of Advent – December 4 We’ll spend the Sunday School hour working together on our Advent Outreach Projects. We’ll fill shoeboxes with small gifts for our Shoebox Ministry and fill stockings for our Stuff-a-Stocking project.

3rd Sunday of Advent – December 11 Alternative Gift Market - Come and do some alternative Christmas gift shopping from the causes that are dear to our heart - the FISH program, Heifer Project, Thistle Farm Hope Candles, Volunteer Ministry Center and others. NOTE: We will have Sunday School for all during this time as well. See description below.

3rd & 4th Sunday of Advent – December 11 & 18 Preparing Our Hearts & Souls for Christmas It can be quite difficult to actually live into and honor the season of Advent- a time to get quiet, wait, and prepare our hearts and souls for the coming of the Christ Child, the Light of the World. Please plan to join the clergy (Cal, Caroline & Howard) for a two week Sunday School series designed to quiet our souls and prepare our hearts to honor the real reason for the season. In doing so the hope is that every area of our lives will then be more grounded, lighter and centered in Christ as we move through the holiday season. NOTE: Children & Youth will also have Sunday School as usual.

Book Group Tuesday, November 29 at 6:00 pm

he Good Samaritan Book Group will meet on TUESDAY, November 29 at Newk’s Café at 6:00 PM. Note this is a new meeting day and date, due

to the Thanksgiving Holiday. The book selection for the month of November is The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins. The debut psychological thriller that will forever change the way you look at other people's lives. EVERY DAY THE SAME: Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and night. Every day she rattles down the





5 track, flashes past a stretch of cozy suburban homes, and stops at the signal that allows her to daily watch the same couple breakfasting on their deck. She’s even started to feel like she knows them. Jess and Jason, she calls them. Their life—as she sees it—is perfect. Not unlike the life she recently lost. UNTIL TODAY: And then she sees something shocking. It’s only a minute until the train moves on, but it’s enough. Now everything’s changed. Unable to keep it to herself, Rachel goes to the police. But is she really as unreliable as they say? Soon she is deeply entangled not only in the investigation but in the lives of everyone involved. Has she done more harm than good? The #1 New York Times Bestseller, USA Today Book of the Year, now a major motion picture starring Emily Blunt. Jump into a page-turner novel then see the movie and join us for a great discussion. Future Selections: December – Wild, by Cheryl Strayed; January – The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend by Katarina Bivald; February – My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante.- Mary Embler

Shoe Box Ministry Sunday, December 4 9:45 am – Henslee Hall – Assembly Day

n December 4, we’ll assemble our annual Shoe Box Ministry Outreach Project. This is held during the Sunday School hour and is open to children and

adults of all ages. Shoeboxes are taken to the VMC and given to clients who come for assistance during the month of December. Please start collecting items that fit nicely in a shoebox. Small toys, books that will fit in a shoe box, individually wrapped candy, toothbrushes, small toothpaste, combs, brushes, hair ties or bows, hand sanitizer, small perfumes, chap stick, things for preteens—nail polish, lip gloss, sticky notes, journals, neat markers. Really anything you can find that would fit in a shoebox would be great. Donations of plastic shoeboxes are also helpful. If the family is homeless, or living from their car, this provides a great little storage place for the child’s belongings. I will have a basket marked Shoe Box Ministry in Hensley Hall to collect items. Thanks. Ann Backus

Stuff-a-Stocking Project Sunday, December 4 9:45 am – Henslee Hall – Assembly Day

he Daughters of the King invite you to participate in the Stuff-a-Stocking Project. This is a project in conjunction with the Council of Aging/Mobile

Meals, so we will be stuffing stockings for senior citizens. We are asking for simple gifts to stuff the 50 stockings that we hope to provide. Please refer to the list that follows for donation guidelines. If you have any questions please contact Sharon White at [email protected]. We plan to stuff the stockings during the Sunday School hour on December 4. Everyone is welcome to help with this project. We had a wonderful group of “stocking stuffers” last year so please consider joining us once again. A collection

basket will be located in Henslee Hall during the month of November. Please start collecting now. Thank you! – Sharon White for the DOK

GUIDELINES: • Bring ONLY new items. • Do NOT include: Food items, Candles, Glass items,

or clothing

The following is a list of items needed:

Wednesday Advent Dinners & ProgramsWednesdays - December 7 & 14 Dinner @ 6:00 pm - Program @ 7:00 pm

ecause Advent begins so early this year, our traditional Wednesday Advent Dinners & Programs will begin on December 7, which is actually the

second Wednesday in Advent. Dinners will begin at 6:00 pm and programs will begin at 7:00 pm. We ask that everyone please bring a side dish to share. The church will provide the main dish and beverages. Childcare will be available.

On December 7, join us, lords and ladies all, as the Webb Madrigal Singers, costumed in period Elizabethan dress, continue a Good Sam tradition and present carols and motets of the Christmas season. – J. Dunn




Parish News

The First Portion

hank you, thank you to all of the cooks who shared food for the freezer downstairs and our caring for each other program. We had a good response and hope that

you will continue to keep our parishioners in need, in your thoughts. We did have several people who were ill in the past few weeks and the meals were appreciated so much. The number of meals available frequently gets low, so please help by sending the first portion, when you are able. NOTE: Please don’t forget to label your container so we know what the contents are. If you have questions, please call me at 865-247-6785 or email me at [email protected] . Thank you so much for your generosity! Joyce Grubb

Outreach for November 2016 Cash Plate Offerings

or 2016, the vestry voted to dedicate 100% of the cash

offerings each Sunday to Outreach, and the response has been spectacular. We are so grateful for the generosity of Good Samaritans.

November 6 – Stop Hunger Now In anticipation of our second Stop Hunger Now meal packaging event on Sunday, November 13, we are gathering funds to help pay for the 15,000 meals we will prepare. Last time our meals went to the African country Zambia. Family Legacy operates 17 schools in the slum compounds around Lusaka, Zambia, providing education to thousands of orphans and vulnerable children every day. The 5500 children who attend their schools are fed one meal (lunch) every day. Stop Hunger Now meals are critical to their development and education. Family Legacy also operates 26 orphan homes at the Tree of Life Children's Village, where they have more than 300 orphans receiving full-time care.

November 13 – Toys for Tots The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future.

November 20 – News Sentinel Empty Stocking Fund The mission of the News Sentinel Empty Stocking Fund is to provide food and toys to disadvantaged East Tennesseans during the holidays. In 2015, they fed 3,500 families, about 10,000 people, and supplied a toy and book to about 3,000 children. Each family received a food basket filled with about 40 items including a turkey, fresh produce, canned goods and much more.

November 27 - NHPCO | National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization Considered to be the model for quality, compassionate care for people facing a life-limiting illness or injury, hospice care involves a team-oriented approach to expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support expressly tailored to the patient's needs and wishes. Support is provided to the patient's loved ones as well. At the center of hospice and palliative care is the belief that each of us has the right to die pain-free and with dignity, and that our families will receive the necessary support to allow us to do so.

Submitted by Margaret Slattery & Jan Travins, Outreach Committee – Good Samaritan Vestry

A Blessing of the Animals Thank You!

t was a beautiful day to bless our beloved pets and we had such a great turnout of family pet companions! Your generosity was overwhelming; the collection of

items given to Young Williams Animal Center was overwhelming – more than we have ever given before. We thank you and appreciate your continued support in this worthwhile cause. Below is the text from a handwritten note I received from Sophie Nguyen at Young Williams:

Dear friends at The Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan,

Thank you so much for your generosity to our shelter. The donations you collected from your annual Blessing of the Animals will help us feed and care for the homeless animals in our community who have no where else to go.

We care for nearly 1,000 animals a year and we would not be able to have so many happily-ever-after’s if it weren’t for people like you. I think the way your congregation has shared its blessings is a wonderful way to honor St. Francis.

Thank you again for all you do. I’ve attached the picture of Sharon dropping off all the wonderful donations as well as a picture of Alfred, a doggy who has been with us for almost 2 months and was very glad to get one of the treats that was donated. He’s been a good boy, after all! – Sophie Nguyen.

- submitted by Sharon White on behalf of the Daughters of the King, Good Samaritan Chapter




Children &Youth News

Rotation Sunday School

e are moving right along in rotation Sunday School. We are in the middle of a 3-week rotation on Ruth, which will conclude on October 23rd.

Then begins a month of a regular schedule of Sunday School, but doing different lessons, versus 3 week rotations.

October 30, November 6, and 13th, our concentration will be on All Saints and making banners for those Good Sam Saints who have passed away this year. We will also be talking about stewardship mixed in with a little practice processing with our banners and singing I Sing a Song of the Saints of God. All Saints Sunday is November 6th and is a very special day at Good Sam. Our children look forward to processing that day and honoring our Good Sam Saints.

November 20th is the Parish Meeting, but Rotation Sunday School will be meeting as usual. I have planned a fun scavenger hunt, finding different crosses and parts of the church. It will be wild, but a great learning experience.

November 27th is the first Sunday in Advent. Everyone is encouraged to wear BLUE. There will not be Sunday School as usual, but we will have Advent Wreath making in Hensley Hall at 9:45. This is a family project. All the supplies will be provided, and guidance on how to make a wreath, but each family is responsible for their own children. There will be nursery provided for children under 3 years of age.

Parents Night Out Friday, November 11 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm

t's time for a date night...sans children! We'll feed the children pizza @ 6:15 pm! Please feel free to help with donations to defray the cost. Please let Ann Backus or

Emily Hurt know if your child(ren) will be attending at [email protected] or [email protected] .

Christmas Caroling Sunday December 11th, after the 11:00 service. Mark your

calendars now and plan to join us for our annual Christmas Caroling event. Details to follow.

Other Notable Dates Coming in Advent: December 4 – Shoebox Ministry Project & Stuff-a-Stocking

Dec. 7 – 1st Advent Dinner & Program Dec. 11 – Advent Cookie & Treat Sale

Dec. 14 – 2nd Advent Dinner & Program Dec. 18 – Greening of The Church

Corn Maze Adventure – An Update!

lub 45, Sam's Saints and Episcopal Youth had a wonderful time together at Deep Well Farm. We explored the corn maze, visited lots of animals, played

many games and even took the hayride and picked pumpkins! Despite temperatures reminiscent of July, we had a great time, and had excellent turnout. I look forward to the next activity we can all join together for! - Sinead Doherty

November Youth Calendar Events

Nov. 4-6 HAPPENING @ Grace Point

Nov. 6 Club 45 will meet from 12:30 – 2 pm in the EY Room

Nov. 6 All Youth Bowling Night! Sam Saints & EY, 5-7 pm @ Family Bowl

Nov. 13 5:30 – 8:30 pm - Youth Serve meal at Tyson House – carpool from Good Sam @ 4:30 pm

Nov. 20 Annual Casserole Sale – after each service and during the Sunday School hour ALSO on Nov. 20 - KEY @ Tyson House 6-8 pm – we’ll carpool @ 5:30 from Good Sam

Nov. 27 No Youth – Thanksgiving Weekend




Pumpkin Patch

Corn Maze Adventure


Parish Concerns † In Our Prayers For Our Parishioners: Walt Beahm, Katy Biggs,

Jay & Megan Charette, Elaine Cochran, Jane Conrad, Gail Cox, Doris Hallin, Marge Hudson, Virginia Lyman, Carolyn McConnell, Ava Myers, Dick Pagni, Dan & Marilyn Randall, The Richards Family, B.J. Shelton, Andy & Pat Shockley, Fran Swersky, Wil Taylor, Dave Travins, Diccie Way, Kelsey West, Betty Williams, Jane Wilson, Sandra Wilson, Karl Zimmerman


Friends and relatives of parishioners will remain on the active prayer list for 6 weeks. If you would

like for them to remain on the list longer, please call the church office.


For Relatives of Parishioners: Margaret Arnold, Jerry Backus, Mary Baumann, Chuck & Katie Brinzer, Kellie Boerner, Gregory Cazalet, Joan DeBiasi, Missy Dickey, Con Hogan, Charles, Laura and Ruth Hoglan, Claire Keller, Mike Korzybski, The Korzybski Family, Athene Law, Frankie Moyers, The Needham Family, Rosemary Passarello, Laura Reynolds, Ed Ross, Ronald Ross, Mark Smith, Mel Spaulding, Mike Swintosky, Tom Tackaberry, Edna Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Judy Walsh, Beatrice Whitted, Woody

For Friends of Parishioners: Pat Besselman, Warren

Clark, Rhonda Cole, Tim Connors, Ethel Harrell, Lynn Hill, Tina Humphrey, Sue Giordano, The Groseclose Family, Jared Powell, Sharon Kerr, Donna Peace, Josh Phelps, Quinn Register, Victoria, Gerry Walker, Cooper Young

We pray for those who have been deployed especially.

We also pray for those grieving the loss of job, of health, or a relationship.

† Deaths Tony Casenelli, cousin of Stephanie McIntosh Betty Mastriana, mother of Peggy Layman Lorraine Mitchell, aunt of Maryanne Hoemann James Needham, relative of Cathy Chait Robert O'Flynn, uncle of Greg O'Flynn

† Tranfers Jane Reed, transferring in from the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Dallas, TX

Michael Martinez & Ellen LoCurto-Martinez, transferring in from the Church of the Ascension, Knoxville.

† Memorials In Memory of Dot Nash Joan Wilson, Allan & Beverly Philp

In Memory of Allan Haas Allan & Beverly Philp, Paul & Ann Backus

In Memory of Judy Disney Walsh John & Lisa Myers


November Birthday’s 11/02- Peggy Layman 11/03- Whitney Repine 11/05- Joan Wilson 11/06- Muriel Sirett, Trenata Tucker 11/08- Susie Thomas 11/09- David Cazalet 11/11- Ed Archer, Keith Mandrell 11/12- Luke Bowman, Pat Pagni, Lisa Whitacre 11/13- Betsy Luther, Sara Murdock 11/14- Cooper Crook, Paula Stanbery 11/16- Bruce Haas, Joe Harrison, Zeb Williams, 11/17- Susan Hyde 11/19- Jane Conrad, Haley Mackey 11/22- David Hudson, Blake Mills 11/25- Allen Miller, Janna Werner, 11/26- Ed Einstein, Margaret Slattery, Larry Williams 11/28- Paul Backus 11/30- Mary Embler

November Anniversaries 11/01- Mike & Sheri Kilbey 11/03- Alisa & Mark Ternes 11/07- Charlie & Kris Lutz, Gordon & Sally Sisk 11/13- Alice & Chip Beets 11/22- Becky & Bob Evans 11/23- Randy & Dedie Stansberry



November 2016

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

All Saints Day 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting 5:45 pm – Women’s Bible Study

2 11 am – VMC Lunch 7:00 pm – Kerygma

3 7 pm – Adult Choir Rehearsal 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

4 HAPPENING 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

5 HAPPENING GS Social Lights Potluck & Football party @ Cathy Chait’s home – Time - TBA 5 pm – ACA

6 25 Pentecost All Saints Sunday DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS HAPPENING 8:30 am – Holy Baptism – Childcare available 9:45 am – Sunday School 10 am – Choir Rehearsal 11 am – Holy Baptism – Childcare available 12:30 pm – Mini & Mastersingers Rehearsal 12:30 pm – Club 45 Meets 12:30 pm – GS Social Lights Lunch – PF Chang’s 5-7 pm – All Youth Bowling Night @ Family Bowl


8 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting 5:45 pm – Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm – Vestry Mtg.

9 7:00 pm – Kerygma

10 7 pm – Adult Choir Rehearsal 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

11 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

12 GS Social Lights Potluck & Football party @ Bonnie Honaker’s home – Time – TBA 5 pm – ACA

13 26 Pentecost Ingathering Sunday 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9:45 am – Sunday School 10 am – Choir Rehearsal 11 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 12:30 pm – Stop Hunger Now Event! 12:30 pm – GS Social Lights Lunch – Bravo’s 6:00 pm – Women’s Group Kick-start Potluck Supper 5:30 pm Youth Serve Meal @ Tyson House – carpool @ 4:30 pm


15 LOGOS Deadline 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting 5:45 pm – Women’s Bible Study

16 7:00 pm – Kerygma

17 6 pm – Book Group @ Newk’s 7 pm – Adult Choir Rehearsal 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

18 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

19 GS Social Lights Potluck & Football party @ Kathy Gray’s home – Time – TBA 5 pm – ACA

20 27 Pentecost Youth Casserole Sale – After each service 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9:45 am – Annual Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections 10 am – Choir Rehearsal 11 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 12:30 pm – GS Social Lights Lunch – Chop House 6-8 pm – KEY @ Tyson House-carpool @ 5:30 pm


22 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting No Women’s Bible Study Tonight 6 pm – Women’s Mentoring Ministry

23 11 am – VMC Lunch 7:00 pm – Kerygma

24 Thanksgiving Office Closed 7 pm – Serenity Seekers 7:30 pm - ACA

25 Office Closed 7 pm – Spiritual Principals

26 GS Social Lights Potluck & Football party location & time – TBA 5 pm – ACA

27 1 Advent 8:30 am – HE Rite I – Childcare available 9:45 am – Advent Wreath Making Event - Henslee H. 10 am – Choir Rehearsal 11 am – HE Rite II Childcare available 12:30 pm – Mini & Mastersingers Rehearsal 12:30 pm – GS Social Lights Lunch – Olive Garden


29 10 am – HE & Healing 11 am – Bible Study 1 pm – Staff Meeting 5:45 pm – Women’s Bible Study


Notes & Reminders: Nov. 6 – All Saints Sunday Nov. 13 – Ingathering Sunday & Stop Hunger Now Event! Nov. 13 – Women’s Group Kick-Starter Pot Luck Supper Nov. 20 – Annual Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections & Youth Casserole Sale Nov. 27 – 1st Advent – Advent Wreath making during the Sunday school hour



Byway of background, the first amendment proposed belowwould change themanner ofselectionofVestrymembersfromdirectelectiontothecastingoflots(drawingnamesfromalistofnominees).IfthecongregationelectstoadoptthatamendmenttotheBylaws,allotherproposedamendmentsarehousekeepingeffortstochangethelanguageinotherprovisionstoreflectthechangeinselectionofVestrymembers. Thatis,thelanguageoftheotheralteredprovisionswouldbechangedtoreflect“selected”ratherthan“elected”Vestrymembers.TheVestrymetandvotedtorecommendalloftheamendmentsbelowbyunanimousvoteonOctober18,2016.

___________________________PursuanttoArticleIXandArticleIVSection4oftheBylawsoftheChurchoftheGoodSamaritan,noticeisgivenofproposedchangestotheparishBylawstobevoteduponattheAnnualParishMeetingonNovember20,2016inHensleeHallbeginningat10:00a.m.Theproposedamendmentstobevoteduponareasfollows:1. ReplaceexistingArticleVSection3oftheBylawswiththefollowinglanguage:


2. ReplaceexistingArticleIIISection2oftheBylawswiththefollowinglanguage:



3. ReplaceexistingArticleVSection2oftheBylawswiththefollowinglanguage:Section2.TermsofMembersoftheVestry.ThemembersoftheVestryshallbedividedintothree(3)classeswithone-thirdofthemembersoftheVestrytobeselectedeachyeartoservethree-yearterms.MembersoftheVestryshallbeselectedinthemannerprovidedinSection3ofthisArticleV.ThetermofofficeforeachclassofVestrymembersshallcommenceonthefirstdayofJanuarythatfollowstheirselectionatanannualmeetinginthefourthquarterofthecalendaryear,orupontheinstallationofthenewVestry,whicheverisfirst.However,ifamemberisselectedatanyothertime,hisorhertermbeginsonthefirstdayofthemonthfollowingselection.Eachmembershallserveuntilhisorhersuccessor’stermbegins.

4. ReplaceexistingArticleVSection4oftheBylawswiththefollowinglanguage:


5. ReplaceexistingArticleVSection5withthefollowinglanguage:





LOGOS The Monthly Newsletter of The Episcopal Church of the Good Samaritan November 2016 THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN 425 N. Cedar Bluff Rd Knoxville, TN 37923-3699 Staff: The Rev. Cal Calhoun, Rector The Rev. Caroline Vogel, Associate Rector The Rev. Howard Hess, Priest Associate Ann Backus, Christian Education Coordinator John Paul Boltik, Sexton Freddie Brabson, Director of Music & Liturgy Sinead Doherty, Youth Minister Jennifer Dunn, Communications Director Lisa Webb, Administrative Assistant Emily Hurt, Nursery Coordinator

Volunteer Office Staff: Michelle Bales Lois Dearolf Joyce Grubb

Parish Office Phone: 865-693-9591

Office Hours: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: Mon., Wed., and Thurs. 9:00 am – 4:00 pm: Tues. 9:00 am – 12:00 pm: Fri.

Vestry Joyce Grubb, Sr. Warden Hope Mitchell, Jr. Warden Ben Alford Megan Brown Mike Bowman Talbot Fields Jason Long Lauren Passarello Bill Power Margaret Slattery Alice Towery Jan Travins Sabra Parish, Clerk of the Vestry

Parish Office e-mail: [email protected] Communications Director’s email [email protected] Parish Web Site: www.goodsamaritan.dioet.org Diocesan Website: www.etdiocese.net Social Media:

Like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/GoodSamKnoxvilleTN

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at: @GoodSamKnoxTN

See all our Photos at: www.flickr.com/photos/119807499@N03/sets/