jena^ Greatest Value Giving Store -...

t. ^;v t > •- i : Hi., ' fe I it t- }.:•• ! -- H-- i PA0SOT0 !CBaM&3a^ j p t $ "ft;3EBg> ijouis^iy-i ,-fe . : " • ,Wi B|. Mexander was: a caller: at John; ^ee^jar's on tlie river troad 1 Tuescfey'.'"'v ;.: : '.'• > - , ,,.—'• Mr. and./Mrs, Frank BOice we|e : in Ogdensburg Sunday, f : >/ '* Mr., and Mr&, jto^nceMartin, of Chase Mills, wens.- callers at Myron Bectetea'd's Wednesday ev- Floyd Shoen is home from JWa- tertb^m for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shoen. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaClair and family spent Wednesday in Winthrop, Mrs. Harry Willard has return- ed from a motor trip in Central New York. Elwood Forrester is clerking in Willson's store, during Herbert Thurston's vacation. There was an ice cream social on the Catholic lawn Tuesday ev- ening. The Community ladies, .held a food sale Saturday at Carl Pre- mo's store. Miss Florence McDowell, of Chase Mills, visited Mrs. M. Beck' stead and Mrs. J. E. Wright Thurs- day evening. Master Martin McCann, of "Mas- sena, was a week end guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Mar- tin. Mrs. Levi Power and family and three grandchildren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Browning on the river road Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, of Tampa, Fla., are guests of rela- tives here. Walter Brannen, who was injur- ed in an-auto accident in June, has returned home from the Hepburn hospital in Ogdensburg much im- proved. ( EIroer Forrester and W. H. Rob inson were recently in Flackville , and called on James Thompson, who is seriously ill. Mrs. Anna White, of Massena, spent a few days last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Will son. \ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson were home over Sunday from Pots dam. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Forrester, also Mrs. George Browning and t Mr. and Mrs. Minard Power, of the Landing, were guests Thursday ev- ening at Robert Power's. Miss May Monihan was a guest •Thursday night of Mrs. Frank Davey at Norfolk. FKftn Arquette has blood poison- ing in one hand. Charles Brown and niece, Miss Lucille O'Brien, were in Wadding- ion Saturday. Miss Lillian Boice went to the Hepburn hospital in Ogdensburg Saturday to receive treatment for appendicitis. Mrs. Minnie Donnelly and Miss 3. Carrie Dunnigan, also Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Collins, of Raymondville, were in Ogdenaburg Wednesday to call on, their uneteV Br. W. B. Fin-, negan, who was seriously ill at the Hepburn hospital and who died Monday morning. Next Sunday, July 24, there will be services in the' Community church conducted by the Rev. B. W. Taylor, of Scarsdale, t$. Y. The Ladies' Aid society meeting of the Community church was well attended last-Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.sJosephUeattie on the state road. The hostess was assisted m'serving by Mm Harry Willard- aid Mis* Samuel Thompson. "' A€ the town board meeting Tues- ' day. afternoon, 6. % Sutton vyaa appointed trffiant o£3cer for ,the coming'school -^year.:'* Thomas Fin? nie was granted the right to con- structed a cattle pass under 'and a- cross the Mutton Ridge road at the Shofetf property. Mr. Finnic is at^present in Flinty Mich. Bar- ney -Browning presented the las' quest to the boara. Dr. William B- Finnegan, 73, a prominent Ogdensburg physician, died at his home in that city Mon- day morning at 10:00 o'clock. DP. Finnegan, who had been in ill. health for several months, return' ed to his home Saturday from the Hepburn hospital - where he-baa fceen receiving treatment. Dr. ' Finnegan was born in Louisville. He received his degree at the Universi- ty of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1882. , He entered practice in northern Michigan and then went to Skbsainlsvflle where he remain- ed 12 years. He went to Ogdens* burg 25 years ago. He was affili- ated with the state and city medi- cal organizations and highly re- garded; as a practitioner by his fel- low members- of the \profession;: fife was •, 'aan^nlng-''pbyaid^^:^ the Enights of Cplumbus of»which . lie jwas a prominent membeir, Dr.; xi^tanigan was a mieinber of St., ••IpSa^e Gaifcolic parish and was ac- : tiye in the afilairs of the city and eirarch; He had continued his ^ac- tive practice until recently* vrfaen . fenifbved to the" hospital ..fpr^weit* .mejit,;twd weeks .agcf, Dr. iFitoer gaiimarried Emma M, ; Capron jb% 1S97 # Ogdawburg. gurvivmg are •'•lap wido%}one danghii&er Bliss June 'mmetsmt two; sons, Iawrence; and PaittFj^egan; and one sisteri Mrs.; w M»«&aret Brown, of Waddmgton. Funeral services: wer* beid Wed^ «aday pornfog a* S £ Maryte ,clf$iedral with int^rmenl at Sfc S&B^S ceineteiy, Ggdegshurg. .. ; All-Stars trin» Canadian* .:;'.'-0».'iSa^am AlfeStars defeated ipa Massen> Cana$ans 3n a fj^t five-inning contest on Alco Fiej^ *&ursda^ evening by a scowl of 9fe>I. The <&»adian£ are aft yotarg Wtmcii-Caji&mm, and only one ever played the game until earning hm* - . <. ' TJhougbt is parent « f the; d«saoV Cailyle*. . . LOUISVILLE LANDING The Ladie3'Aid society will have another food sale on the lawn at Mrs. Samuel J. Browning's Sat- urday afternoon. These sides>'**£ becoming more and more popular, and the tourists passing' seem es- pecially happy when they can stop and purchase some good home made' pies, cakes, sandwiches and, other eatables. •/; - .' ,' -,' Mr. and 'Mrs^ Fietl Mufler^ of New York cityi tobk possess?pn ; of; one of $$Mi Biahard's cottages; last week, and four y o ^ g ih#n -frdnv 'Massena are occupying another cot- tage for a month. !; „: Miss Eninia. Taylor is entertain- ing her cousins,'•' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strickland, and two children, Virginia ajowl Ralp|f, : jr.^ frpm West^ field, !N« *X» ^arfh^r thw? vacar tion time of abput t^ro weeks. . We are, glad, to, hear that John; Brinck is a lifctife; better ahtf a t up. a little while at a tinie npwi We are stili having a supex-av bundance of rain much to the dis- couragement of the farmers, as there is considerable hay down and hot* dry weather is badly needed* Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Wells, of Pittsburg, Pa.* are, occupying tiie Max Webb cottage for a copuleof weeks. When Frank Bell returned here last weeli; Thursday,, bringing his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. EL R. Bell^ home again from a pleasant few days vacation he was also* accom- panied by his sister, Mrs. Edward Potter, and two children, Betty and Herbert, of Syracuse, for a few days' visit. Holland Hodge, who is home for a vacation from his work in Ohio, is visiting his",parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hodge, and other rela- tives. Miss Myrtle Alden spent a couple of days in Moira last week. Miss Catherine Sutton is home again after spending several days in Brasher with her sister, Mrs. Jack Tyo, and family. Miss Emma Benson is home from Brooklyn for a vacation among her relatives and friends. She spent a few days with her brother, Will- iam Benson, and family, at Esper- ance, N. Y., enroute home. William Casselman has been painting the Community hall white during the past few days, and it begins to look quite dressed up. Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews and son, Jack, of Irvington,-N. J. arrived here a few days ago. Mrs. Claude Shampine and son, Richard, of Massena, spent the lat- ter part of last Week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sutton. We are pleased to hear that Mrs, T. R. Hodge, who has been quite ill, is on the upward march again. Miss Agnes Monroe is enjoying splendid health again and spent last Sunday with relatives in Mas- sena. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols and Junior motored to Norwood on bus- iness last Wednesday and on Fri- day were in Brookdale all day. •; Mis. G>. L. Sutton, is enjoying a visit from her brother, William Gaynor, who is here on a vacation from hig school work in Houghton, Mich. He drove his car through. Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Tyo's little son, Robert, accompanied his G» I*; Sutton, horn* fr^W Brasher a few days ago and has declared hip intention of spending the rest of Wa childhood here* He vejy Jaiuch Objected? toiinenibera, Brasher with his parent* * Icottp- leof yearsago and^haHliever' likedjhome i t there. Now that, he Baa conje baclc for a little visit he intends to remain indeiBniteljf i f jpossihjte, H t is a favorite^lrith hia grandparenta, so we think he ^iU*win out! - Mrs, Jerry Harkness spent; laat Saturday in Massena with; her mother^ Mrs>SAagusta. Wellst Mrs;, Robert Weaver and twO-Kt-, tie chiidren motored t?o Cornwall; last week Wednesday to visit Mra. Weaver'sr sister, W$k : William ihey ieing Louisville Landing, Chase Mil^, Backet Biver, Helena, Korth Lawrence and Norfolk, far; eluding two executive committee Forty'-two were' 'p»|»- ent -Miss Mabel Bfflhan, county demonBtration agents J?t Canto% being in «h«rg«. The executive <ommittee members were Miss Mary Douglass, of Not- folk/ and Mrfc Haw? l^htry* o| Helena. All .reported many changes in health and food pract' ices; with g<M jfesults* People ace'' ushig more whotevfhwhreadi Tmilk and green vegetables. * K * ' J4r—r cu«, are the guest* of Mr. and Mrs* George WrigTSnV for » few days, '• Mrs, Case and family, of Mon- treal, returned to their home last Saturday alter j a d i n g a week with Mrs. H. Martin and son. LOST NATION Mr. and Mrs. Eli WliiteandchilaV tm^ BEugh Kyle and Mrs, Harold BeB and children were.visifjoisrat tiae home,of Mr, and Mra, .E. L. M<?nrc«;Suhday, _... M^'friuiltLonkey, of Plum- .„ »f- 1)i;ool^ visited Mrs. Harold BeU last te# reported taking cod live* ott.Wednesday* ••'- 1 fci the^spring,^ gndihg it built ttj?} Mr, and Mrs. Oryille Pike spent hody~ resistance and ^ Mr. and Thompson, who rec^itiy" underwent two,operations.-; She is aefipiggjy recovering, nice] Hariiy ,Weegar is making ^is home witii ? Mi bfotheri John -Wee* gar, since* his reWrni^m t^e hos-- ; pital and la able to get about Some with, crutches now. Mr,'and Mrs. Minard Power, the newly weds, who are spending jihe summer at George Btowning*s n^w cottage by the river^ invited! Iheir near relatives for a fanply reun- ion and picnic, on Sunday last. Those present, besides^ themselves, were Mrs. Levi Power, Miss Mary Power and; Robert. v Power, and Iyan, Irene and Alice Power, .all of. Louisville, Mr. and Mrg^^ohn Mat- thews, Allen and Aim* Matthews, Mr. "and Mrs. Ira Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. B. 5, Browning and daughter Anna,Mr. and Mrs. Sam* uel J. Browning and Mr. and Mrs. George Browning and children, Ray, Rena and Onnofee Browning,- and Mrs. Ann Matthews, the dear old grandmother to most of those present, from here. It was a hap-, py gathering, and, the dinner was enjoyed early enough so that the continuous electrical storms which prevailed the latter part of the af- ternoon did not interfere. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fincham and children, Beatrice and Doris, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Weegar, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols were afternoon call- ers. Mrs. Robert Fncham, of Wood-: land, Ont., was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Weegar, also of Ralph Fincham and family a few days last'week. H. C. Hayford, of Champlain, al- A. L. Clark, of Brier Hill, them feel better. \ Fourteen:, !a£a raising iSew Zealand -spinach for the first time., Tins d«fsriot#o to aeed in- not weather as does -the; ordinary kind. The leaders re* ported putting on a vitaiain. exhir bit> fiins helping! people to. u n d # ^tahd better the need of these jto- portantiools which, help as to uise food in body building to hettes advantage, " ,'. -J .( ;/,,,;*". hV Mrs. E. L. Monroe. S i i g h iKyfe 1 purchased a cow of !«*($* Jlenkina'.'one day the past we^., '• -•' ••"-:."•'' Miss Marion ;M6nroe spent Mon- day wilkij** siptelr/Mra. Eli White, Harold Bell ty lieiping his father do his hayihg- ; . - :,Our anail marij, ^ 0. Butler, is having' jfiis vacation^ and his son, 4ohn|»ia^s his -place. /%;p|,^%flle Bike and grandchildren^ "Vernon and Anna WADDIllGTOiir '' Mre. John; Clme and nipth^lcjia^e^^ hiade a pleasant trip Mrs. French, have rettum# f r d t n , ^ Coliins^ $^% r by car, to visit an extended motor trip; , . ffhefir #ughtei'•*. Jfina and husband. ; A- daughter-wa S bomto Mr^ahd, i^li|te there ihey visited Lake Ene Mrs. CUfford Allisonthepast;weefcj ms Niagara Falls;. They also Mrs. JolmHoeme^a^ddaUghter**^^^ rthrongh ^ihe Cave of the Bettys of tite State hospital, Og^| Wand^Avhich if a most delightful densburg, spent a Se«r days. .the.pi aiC( *. - while hi Collins they went past" week in town. ' . i f to puffaio. ; On th© way back they Arthur McDowell, 6f New "Yo^K saw Zake Superior, which is heau- city,;is spending his summe*^^vada-^fyi beyond words/ The journey tion as usual at tiie,home'of tetp Collins and "back to Brasher mother, Mrs. May McDowell. ; f Falls covered about 800 miles. A son was born at the Hepburn £bey Jiad no ear tirouble. Jn and hospital at Ogdensburg, recentlyto about Collins arid.,<Sowanda they THr.*and Mrs. D. Ridftltbn. - 1 ; f^ais; beautiful chetty* peach and wm*m 'Wilson «p*nt Sunday at Loon Lake. • Mr* and Mrs. Stanley Nawnskt entertained friends from M*«#*»a Sundayii Mm B. J» Crowley and daugh- terst, Bteten and Barbara^ Ida* Majcy O'Brian attended the ba>y #how at Massena Friday. '••• ' .... -Mtv and Mrs. Silas CMhoia re^ ceritly visited^*t 3ohtt fhlJjtfe, Miss* Theresa Hartford, & *te»- fb% V^dfed «fe B*;'^. ;<&Mfey'a fife Sunday/" ' •,.- -• -•"'•- '' ."•••••;- Mrs. Hattie Burnap and son, Harold, visited friends at Brush ton Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Qrville Pike and grandson, Vernon Charleston, have returned home after spending a pleasant vacation at Collins, Visitors/ at John Collin's the past, week were Marion and "Irene Mc-. Cormick, of Norwood^ ''and Mrs. Harry Mullamey and children, Of Racket River, also Mr, and Mrs. Charles Collins, Mrs. Silas Gadi bois and Henry Davis, ofSyracuse. Silas Gadbois and William Wil- son attended the wrestling match at Massena Priday Jiight. Miss Sylvia O'Neil and brother, Emmett, spent Sunday at J. V, O'BriaVs. Miv and Mrs, Clinton Barrett and children, of Massena, visited a t John Collins' Sunday. ^ t Jdlm " Collins and daughters*. Katfaerine and Mary, visited at Charles Collins' Sunday^ is spending two week* with Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Milntore. .met, and Mr*, Thorn** White, of Jiaasea*, viaited Mr.*and Mr*. George Shadow Sunday. ^ .Winfred Berry and Mis* MM* cent Dugal-recently spent a ietr daya with. M«. and Mrs, Ernest Bejrry at Alrich. - Mr. and Mrs. Amos Phefix, jrf Braaher Falls, were recent guest* at Lemuel Curtia% Mr*, Joaeph White and daughter, liura, of Winthrop, and I*«H e White, of Potsdam, were caUW at John Mousaw*s Sunday; Mtot j&»nk Lumen, Mrs, Henry Marshall anff Mra. Carrie Davis, of Ogdensburg, were call, r George Burgess', Taesday. C. JT* Monsawi of Schroon I. -wito is attending summer scho St. Lawrence university, calh-: Bia pareritsji ^ e s d a y . Mr*.andMrs. John Robai-p b ; Friday witk relatives, |n Ma Oeprge Bobare, of Masses, centiy «pent fwo weeks at ! goosrft^a." - - M«r. ;E. Wright, of Syracus.. centiy Spent a week with her r; .. er;-Mrs. Julia Larue. Ou* mail carrier, T. O K. is taking Ms annual vacatioi. hig son,-John Butler, is su(»t ingr so were callers at S. N; Browning's on Sunday last. Miss* Sophia M. Stinzing was, a Monday morning caller on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Richards were over Sunday guests in Ogdensburg at Mrs^ Richard's relatives. Mr. Richards, 'we are sorry to note, is sintering greatly from rheumatism. His ambitious spirit is much sub- dued, for he- usually does two men's work while home on his summer vacation which is supposed to be a resting time. S. N. Browning motored up to John Weegar 7 ? on Monday morn- ing to callon-JnJB couisn, Harry Weegar. A summary meeting for meal planning on the work just finished was held % the Community Hall last Thursday afternoon. Six conunnnitxes w0re/ represented, Mrs. George Curtlee; of NeV] apple orchards .in abundance with York, arrived Monday to spend f a acres;.pf grape orchards. The front few. weeks in town at the home jof y^fds'of Collins and Gowanda are Mrs. George Marthi: ' ' - , , ' fa: wonderful sight to see with roses Miss Bent, Mrs. Monica Hemiiijg,* 0 f all colors and the flowering John Bishop and young friend are shrubs all in bloom. guests of Eev,.J. J.Bent. J; J Mrs* WiUiam'Dimick and son, Major Giles and wife, of New Howard, of Canton, spent 'several York; are visiting John .McGiimfs.' days at the home-of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Brown and wife, df & L. Monroe the past weekl Tampa, Fla., are visiting their rel-1 Mrs. Harold Sell and children atives in town. •! I Visit^d'Mrs. Eli White Saturday ev- , Fred Daniels and. family, ,jof .enihg; ' ' Bridgeport,' are the guests of jWff. • Darene 'White spent Saturday and Mrs. W. A. Danjels. ' Jalid Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John" Martin and Mr, and-Mrs. E r L . Monroe, daughter^ Peggy, were'itt town r^- Mr. and Mrs, James Lalone were cently as over night guests of Mr. j business callers in Winthrop Satur- and Mrs. fohn Btile, Mrs; Martin's day. * parents. They Were enroute Lake Ozonia to spend a week ten days. Mrs: Pierre Hyde, of Malone, ,is a visitor at* the home of Mra, George Redington. i ' MrSrHarry McBride spent a few days at his home here the past week, - f The Ladies' Aid society met on Thursday afternoon, July JL4,. at the home of Mrs. Hague, a few mites below the village on the river road. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all; and a nice supper Was- serv- ed. The friends and neighbors of M w fiogfie and daughters johjed the Pj»sl^teriaff ladies for^he^sJij ternoon and added to ifie socialj^- pect Ofthe gathering. - >'-.{- Mrs. Burgotj^ of A^tsvilliB, m* the guest of "her nieces* Misses BRASHER CENTER Miss Miflicent Dugal, y of St. Regis Falls, is visiting Mrs. Al- fred Berry, Mr, and. Mrs. Benjamin Cpmpo* spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Cjaflin at Norwood. Mr, and Mrs.- Horace Robideau, of Massena, spent Thursday with George Vjice and daughter. Miss Lois 'Morrison, *o£ .Edwards, 5% Oil Your Savings Save something each month and ac- cumulate a competence; It will pay yqn to investigate thblocal savings institution Massena Savings and Loan !! . Association * - SYRACUSE - EXCURSION _ ( Sunday/July 17 Schedule of Train &r Round'Trip Fare * STATIONS MUKIll .,, PIttm Brook Norwood . Potsdam Jihen Canton BeKalb -JpncUon JtichvUIe . K , Gourernear Kttntt ...MS". ,• . *.«.. a. ,4 , . ... . , Lcare A. J/C .. SilO .... G:20 ... 4:40' . ..... 6 SuiV > »6:59 ... ., ». TXlv ... ; . , . 7:30 . ^ .... "7-42 4 s.or Antwerp .... v.-~ ........... 8:19 PhiWeiphia . . 8iS6 ETims mil* .. Ctlcioin ». . . W»tcHown .,*. Rtce» .. ... ,> AdaitUL Center Adams" ,.. * . JENKINS CORNERS Haying is at a standstill In this locality owing to the wet weather Mrs, John Collins took her twin boys, William and Walter, to Mas- sena foiday to the baby show, where they won some fine prizes.] ^errepsnt Manor They are a beautiful pair of ha- "" "" hies, and are- certainly deserving of' the^prizes they won Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Talcott and D.^ J. Crowley attended Grange a t Winthrop Saturday evening* , Stanley Qilman visited friends at MaBsenaNSuhdafe; --- -ii-.: - : .T.i •• i i-> ^—riiiji...( l |j.i.—• ii»W|i;i i ii v>m* •••.••.••— Mannar ill* LKcnna . Richland .... Pnlaikl v ... . - •V" 6:42- 9:20 t :U iiZ 9:5» 9:5S nr$oi ...... 10;08 30:18 10:17 Bare* *3 2ji S00 Z.7$ Z35 £1$ 2 7& 2.75 2.75 .2.7ir 2:35 2.20 J.DO 1J& 1,80 1(5 155 1.45 . ISO , 1.25 UtS 1,05 3D ,Hs45 A. M. ARRIVE SYJEACUSE.,..,. -i* KBTCRNING Iir.Syracnte ......... Consult Jk« ents New York Central ,,.6:S5 p.m. *toJ-' < *r ^- ?orwthe,- .., ,- ;;, i • These adorably youthftd Printed Saks, in more than 25 chariniuT«Iy Afferent styles, specially We planned this event especiaUy to meet the demand <jf women of We particularly urge attendance to this aale because of the immenae vajcie^ of For the Wqman of Average Figure! ':••: ;"'"•"••'•: For the Woman of Large Proportions! JPot the Woman Who is hard to Tit! If yott have been «mi6iig tot lower price*—if you wanted a; fine, quality coat but couldn't find it at the price you wanted to pay-—then here is a wonderful opportunity to buy good clothes at theae low prices. 'Wminfoattnottdttfcte at otf Mi a* yeU t& yaw wrn eym Come See For Yourself! JOSEPHSON The New Store Near the Bridge 4MwnStraet jena^ Greatest Value Giving Store Week End Specials *.-..v: - P - ^ »J> - ' Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 21-22-23 },>7 m rf granulated;*ug- * t Aft ;; a^;lBik>httdafor; ^leVV Potatbesj 1 ''-§er ~- Tuh_ Pure Lard •-P«fc r/neat .money 45c C&Msry-Butter, per l-Ati* pounH printU-4. **«»C - - 4 5 c 15c 10c 25c Kellogg?* Cb*n.$3afce tpiwiagee Toh^toei,per' TomatoeB, large -can Cora and S CUH. Bel Mnn& Spin*«h,*2 large cana for, S«u«rkr«a% large o n , House> Bouquet* Max- , yteSl^ BCduae^iind^Wag M C - mft^fa^tim . *»» ; FarrJh1gt<»fl| tfimBt. and - | | * : Breakfwt C o l H lb. *J**V Japan te« aiftint* 9C. ; j&fpooad* r.,r:,,.' ^«*c 10c 15c 10c Our Choice Golden Ban- Of. iam pm,J& ^f«n» *-*»- «wC 25c 35c 25c n-itm***',!**—— *** c Sweet pmWh !w** |g- . Catt ,.,i.,ii.,. L.... r,.iir, ,t' -'iii)ii;)-n. *^»%»- Beat Toung Bett«, ..^^_ v M w J p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^a^^^a^aw Catrop .1. 2 large bottiea — Bed Eaapberriwi 2 can*. Bluckberrfet 2eana. Alta. 'Orestii BeacSi^j large can . .'•'• Yellow CKng Pe«che% large can ,. Del Vonte Sliced Teaches 4 A 2 large cans ,:- ^ * * * Del Monte Plntaa, g large cant ».-. 35c 45c 45c 15c 20c 49c *n»» Delmonte Sliced ^Pine- apple, 2 large cans — Dill Picklesj, glass jar, quart *ize—'-.., ..... Sweet Mixed Kcjdes^- quart jar 55c 25c 35c ,25c Sliced Peacbesj small can, per can 10c or 3 cans' -Mustard, quart glass 9C|i Finlc&dmon, per can v Alaska Red Salmon, tall nan, ,....-. Spaghetti, per can can—1 Peanut Buttir, 1 pound niil, Cocoa, in hoik, 2pounds. 15c 27c 10c 25c 25c tfancy "Whole Head Sice 9 C ^ 5 pounds t —.— «5M« BJandJlcked "White Beans, 8 pounds . %e per can r., ,.1 „,., ^Chloride of l i m e , per can. 25c 10c F. ft G, and Lenox Soap 9C-, 6 fc»r* fo*-:^ ^-_ **>V Laundry Soap, Spkfi Octagon Soap 4 cakes ^—*—^, ihwporated Milk tall can ^-—H—. Bananas, ^ttkg» to jp«r dowai «»vv Fruits snd Vegetables kinds at low prwM, 5 . Codfish tebulk •-,«' Sslt Herrings, perlh- 15c 25c He 35c of all Alaska Bed Silt Sal- man, per pound Csl* Hans more, par pound Bacon per pound , cadekens and fresh meats of all 30c kinds at low prices. They wit sara you noney. WOfiams' Cash Store IS Park ATwroe Telephone 261-J I ' - Any used car seett'on our iloor |s good for more jthaa^enough satisfactory mites,for assure fiie Z owner of his money's worth. - - :* You can always 4ount on that. . >A.S.HIT£» Maiiena,N.Y. - A us&3 [ CA£ is'vaNty AS- cepeNDABLe - AS THe cieAteR WHO ^eixs IT .1 l I mmtmtr** cathusiasiii I »•! - I ! ttANDAMD OILuCO. IMP WW mm YQgg, 26Br^h-m, '^tt&gppJWK fff/mfpmtr^iv. V0<sgs§gi.m _t^0BSSSs?ptm:K:

Transcript of jena^ Greatest Value Giving Store -...

Page 1: jena^ Greatest Value Giving Store - … · Elwood Forrester is clerking in Willson's store, during Herbert Thurston's


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PA0SOT0 !CBaM&3a^ j p t $ "ft;3EBg>

ijouis^iy-i ,-fe

.:" • ,Wi B|. Mexander was: a caller: at John; ^ee^jar's on tlie river troad

1 Tuescfey'.'"'v ;.: : '.'• > - , ,,.—'• Mr. and./Mrs, Frank BOice we|e:

in Ogdensburg Sunday, f : >/ '* Mr., and Mr&, j t o ^ n c e M a r t i n ,

of Chase Mills, wens.- callers at Myron Bectetea'd's Wednesday ev-

Floyd Shoen is home from JWa-tertb^m for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shoen.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaClair and family spent Wednesday in Winthrop,

Mrs. Harry Willard has return­ed from a motor trip in Central New York.

Elwood Forrester is clerking in Willson's store, during Herbert Thurston's vacation.

There was an ice cream social on the Catholic lawn Tuesday ev­ening.

The Community ladies, .held a food sale Saturday at Carl Pre-mo's store.

Miss Florence McDowell, of Chase Mills, visited Mrs. M. Beck' stead and Mrs. J. E. Wright Thurs­day evening.

Master Martin McCann, of "Mas-sena, was a week end guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Mar­tin.

Mrs. Levi Power and family and three grandchildren were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Browning on the river road Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, of Tampa, Fla., are guests of rela­tives here.

Walter Brannen, who was injur­ed in an-auto accident in June, has returned home from the Hepburn hospital in Ogdensburg much im­proved. (

EIroer Forrester and W. H. Rob inson were recently in Flackville

, and called on James Thompson, who is seriously ill.

Mrs. Anna White, of Massena, spent a few days last week the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Will son.

\ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson were home over Sunday from Pots dam.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Forrester, also Mrs. George Browning and

tMr. and Mrs. Minard Power, of the Landing, were guests Thursday ev­ening at Robert Power's.

Miss May Monihan was a guest •Thursday night of Mrs. Frank Davey at Norfolk.

FKftn Arquette has blood poison­ing in one hand.

Charles Brown and niece, Miss Lucille O'Brien, were in Wadding-ion Saturday.

Miss Lillian Boice went to the Hepburn hospital in Ogdensburg Saturday to receive treatment for appendicitis.

Mrs. Minnie Donnelly and Miss 3. Carrie Dunnigan, also Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Collins, of Raymondville, were in Ogdenaburg Wednesday to call on, their uneteV Br. W. B. Fin-, negan, who was seriously ill at the Hepburn hospital and who died Monday morning.

Next Sunday, July 24, there will be services in the' Community church conducted by the Rev. B. W. Taylor, of Scarsdale, t$. Y.

The Ladies' Aid society meeting of the Community church was well attended last-Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.sJosephUeattie on the state road. The hostess was assisted m'serving by M m Harry Willard- aid Mis* Samuel Thompson. "'

A€ the town board meeting Tues-' day. afternoon, 6 . % Sutton vyaa

appointed trffiant o£3cer for ,the coming'school - year.:'* Thomas Fin? nie was granted the right to con­structed a cattle pass under 'and a-cross the Mutton Ridge road at the Shofetf property. Mr. Finnic is at^present in Flinty Mich. Bar­ney -Browning presented the las' quest to the boara.

Dr. William B- Finnegan, 73, a prominent Ogdensburg physician, died at his home in that city Mon­day morning at 10:00 o'clock. DP. Finnegan, who had been in ill. health for several months, return' ed to his home Saturday from the Hepburn hospital - where he-baa fceen receiving treatment. Dr.

' Finnegan was born in Louisville. He received his degree a t the Universi­ty of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1882. , He entered practice in northern Michigan and then went to Skbsainlsvflle where he remain­ed 12 years. He went to Ogdens* burg 25 years ago. He was affili­ated with the state and city medi­cal organizations and highly re­garded; as a practitioner by his fel­low members- of the \profession;: fife was •, 'aan^nlng-''pbyaid^^:^ the Enights of Cplumbus of»which

. lie jwas a prominent membeir, Dr.; xi^tanigan was a mieinber of St., ••IpSa^e Gaifcolic parish and was ac-

: tiye in the afilairs of the city and eirarch; He had continued his ac­tive practice until recently* vrfaen

. fenifbved to the" hospital ..fpr^weit* .mejit,;twd weeks .agcf, Dr. iFitoer gaiimarried Emma M,; Capron jb% 1S97 # Ogdawburg. gurvivmg are

•'•lap wido%}one danghii&er Bliss June 'mmetsmt two; sons, Iawrence; and PaittFj^egan; and one sisteri Mrs.;

w M»«&aret Brown, of Waddmgton. Funeral services: wer* beid Wed^ « a d a y pornfog a* S£ Maryte

,clf$iedral with int^rmenl at Sfc S&B^S ceineteiy, Ggdegshurg. .. ;

All-Stars trin» Canadian* .:;'.'-0».'iSa^am AlfeStars defeated

ipa Massen> Cana$ans 3n a fj^t five-inning contest on Alco Fiej^ *&ursda^ evening by a scowl of 9 fe> I. The <&»adian£ are aft yotarg Wtmcii-Caji&mm, and only one ever played the game until earning hm* - . <. '

TJhougbt is parent «f the; d«saoV Cailyle*. . .

LOUISVILLE LANDING The Ladie3'Aid society will have

another food sale on the lawn at Mrs. Samuel J. Browning's Sat­urday afternoon. These sides>'**£ becoming more and more popular, and the tourists passing' seem es­pecially happy when they can stop and purchase some good home made' pies, cakes, sandwiches and, other eatables. •/; • - .' ,' -,'

Mr. and 'Mrs^ Fietl Mufler^ of New York cityi tobk possess?pn; of; one of $$Mi Biahard's cottages; last week, and four y o ^ g ih#n -frdnv

'Massena are occupying another cot­tage for a month. !; „:

Miss Eninia. Taylor is entertain­ing her cousins,'•' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strickland, and two children, Virginia ajowl Ralp|f,: jr.^ frpm West^ field, !N« *X» ^arfh^r thw? vacar tion time of abput t^ro weeks. . We are, glad, to, hear that John; Brinck is a lifctife; better ahtf a t up. a little while at a tinie npwi

We are stili having a supex-av bundance of rain much to the dis­couragement of the farmers, as there is considerable hay down and hot* dry weather is badly needed*

Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Wells, of Pittsburg, Pa.* are, occupying tiie Max Webb cottage for a copuleof weeks.

When Frank Bell returned here last weeli; Thursday,, bringing his, parents, Mr. and Mrs. EL R. Bell^ home again from a pleasant few days vacation he was also* accom­panied by his sister, Mrs. Edward Potter, and two children, Betty and Herbert, of Syracuse, for a few days' visit.

Holland Hodge, who is home for a vacation from his work in Ohio, is visiting his",parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hodge, and other rela­tives.

Miss Myrtle Alden spent a couple of days in Moira last week.

Miss Catherine Sutton is home again after spending several days in Brasher with her sister, Mrs. Jack Tyo, and family.

Miss Emma Benson is home from Brooklyn for a vacation among her relatives and friends. She spent a few days with her brother, Will­iam Benson, and family, at Esper-ance, N. Y., enroute home.

William Casselman has been painting the Community hall white during the past few days, and it begins to look quite dressed up.

Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews and son, Jack, of Irvington,-N. J. arrived here a few days ago.

Mrs. Claude Shampine and son, Richard, of Massena, spent the lat­ter part of last Week with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Sutton.

We are pleased to hear that Mrs, T. R. Hodge, who has been quite ill, is on the upward march again.

Miss Agnes Monroe is enjoying splendid health again and spent last Sunday with relatives in Mas­sena.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols and Junior motored to Norwood on bus­iness last Wednesday and on Fri­day were in Brookdale all day. •; Mis. G>. L. Sutton, is enjoying a visit from her brother, William Gaynor, who is here on a vacation from hig school work in Houghton, Mich. He drove his car through.

Mr. -and Mrs. Jack Tyo's little son, Robert, accompanied his

G» I*; Sutton, horn* fr^W Brasher a few days ago and has declared hip intention of spending the rest of Wa childhood here* He vejy Jaiuch Objected? toiinenibera, Brasher with his parent* * Icottp-leof yearsago and^haHliever' likedjhome i t there. Now that, h e Baa conje baclc for a little visit he intends to remain indeiBniteljf if jpossihjte, H t i s a favorite^lrith hia grandparenta, so we think he ^iU*win out! - Mrs, Jerry Harkness spent; laat Saturday in Massena with; her mother^ Mrs>SAagusta. Wellst

Mrs;, Robert Weaver and twO-Kt-, tie chiidren motored t?o Cornwall; last week Wednesday to visit Mra. Weaver'sr sister, W$k: William

ihey i e ing Louisville Landing, Chase Mil^, Backet Biver, Helena, Korth Lawrence and Norfolk, far; eluding two executive committee

Forty'-two were' 'p»|»-ent -Miss Mabel Bfflhan, county

demonBtration agents J?t Canto% being in «h«rg«. The executive <ommittee members were Miss Mary Douglass, of Not-folk/ and Mrfc Haw? l^htry* o | Helena. All .reported many changes in health and f ood pract' ices; with g<M jfesults* People ace'' ushig more whotevfhwhreadi Tmilk and green vegetables. *K* '

J4r—r cu« , are the guest* of Mr. and Mrs* George WrigTSnV for » few days, '•

Mrs, Case and family, o f Mon­treal, returned to their home last Saturday alter j a d i n g a week with Mrs. H. Martin and son.

LOST NATION Mr. and Mrs. Eli WliiteandchilaV

tm^ BEugh Kyle and Mrs, Harold BeB and children were.visifjoisrat tiae home,of Mr, and Mra, .E. L. M<?nrc«;Suhday,

_ . . . M^' fr iu i l tLonkey , of Plum-„ .„ » f - 1)i;ool^ visited Mrs. Harold BeU last

te# reported taking cod live* ott.Wednesday* ••'- 1 fci the^spring,^ gndihg it built ttj?} Mr, and Mrs. Oryille Pike spent hody~ resistance and ^ Mr. and

Thompson, who rec^itiy" underwent two,operations.-; She is aefipiggjy recovering, nice]

Hariiy ,Weegar is making ^is home witii?Mi bfotheri John -Wee* gar, since* his reWrni^m t^e hos--;

pital and la able to get about Some with, crutches now.

Mr,'and Mrs. Minard Power, the newly weds, who are spending jihe summer at George Btowning*s n^w cottage by the river^ invited! Iheir near relatives for a fanply reun­ion and picnic, on Sunday last. Those present, besides^ themselves, were Mrs. Levi Power, Miss Mary Power and; Robert.vPower, and Iyan, Irene and Alice Power, .all of. Louisville, Mr. and Mrg^^ohn Mat­thews, Allen and Aim* Matthews, Mr. "and Mrs. Ira Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. B. 5, Browning and daughter Anna,Mr. and Mrs. Sam* uel J. Browning and Mr. and Mrs. George Browning and children, Ray, Rena and Onnofee Browning,-and Mrs. Ann Matthews, the dear old grandmother to most of those present, from here. It was a hap-, py gathering, and, the dinner was enjoyed early enough so that the continuous electrical storms which prevailed the latter part of the af­ternoon did not interfere. .

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fincham and children, Beatrice and Doris, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Weegar, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nichols were afternoon call­ers.

Mrs. Robert Fncham, of Wood-: land, Ont., was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Weegar, also of Ralph Fincham and family a few days last'week.

H. C. Hayford, of Champlain, al-A. L. Clark, of Brier Hill,

them feel better. \ Fourteen:, !a£a raising iSew Zealand -spinach for the first time., Tins d«fs riot #o to aeed in- not weather as does -the; ordinary kind. The leaders re* ported putting on a vitaiain. exhir bit> fiins helping! people to. u n d # ^tahd better the need of these jto-portantiools which, help as to uise food in body building to hettes advantage, " ,'. -J .( ;/,, ,;*". hV

Mrs. E. L. Monroe. Siigh iKyfe1 purchased a cow of

!«*($* Jlenkina'.'one day the past w e ^ . , '• -•' ••"-:."•''

Miss Marion ;M6nroe spent Mon­day wilkij** siptelr/Mra. Eli White,

Harold Bell ty lieiping his father do his hayihg- ; . -:,Our anail marij, ^ 0 . Butler, is having' jfiis vacation^ and his son, 4ohn|»ia^s his -place. / % ; p | , ^ % f l l e Bike and grandchildren^ "Vernon and Anna WADDIllGTOiir ''

Mre. John; Clme and n i p t h ^ l c j i a ^ e ^ ^ hiade a pleasant trip Mrs. French, have rettum# f r d t n , ^ Coliins^ $^%r by car, to visit an extended motor trip; , . ffhefir #ughtei'•*. Jfina and husband. ; A- daughter-waS b o m t o Mr^ahd, i^li|te there ihey visited Lake Ene

Mrs. CUfford All isonthepast;weefcjm s Niagara Falls;. They also Mrs. JolmHoeme^a^ddaUghter**^^^ rthrongh ^ihe Cave of the

Bettys of tite State hospital, Og^| Wand^Avhich if a most delightful densburg, spent a Se«r days. .the.piaiC(*. - while hi Collins they went past" week in town. ' . i f to puffaio.; On th© way back they

Arthur McDowell, 6f New "Yo K saw Zake Superior, which is heau-city,;is spending his summe*^^vada-^fyi beyond words/ The journey tion as usual at tiie,home'of tetp Collins and "back to Brasher mother, Mrs. May McDowell. ; f Falls covered about 800 miles.

A son was born at the Hepburn £bey Jiad no ear tirouble. Jn and hospital at Ogdensburg, recently to about Collins arid.,<Sowanda they THr.*and Mrs. D. Ridftltbn. -1; f^ais; beautiful chetty* peach and

wm*m 'Wilson «p*nt Sunday a t Loon Lake. •

Mr* and Mrs. Stanley Nawnskt entertained friends from M*«#*»a Sundayii

M m B. J» Crowley and daugh-terst, Bteten and Barbara^ Ida* Majcy O'Brian attended the ba>y #how a t Massena Friday. '••• ' ....

-Mtv and Mrs. Silas CMhoia re^ ceritly visited^*t 3ohtt fhlJjtfe,

Miss* Theresa Hartford, & *te»-f b % V^dfed «fe B*;' . ;<&Mfey'a fife S u n d a y / " • ' •,.- -• -•"'•- '' ."•••••;-

Mrs. Hattie Burnap and son, Harold, visited friends at Brush ton Saturday,

Mr. and Mrs. Qrville Pike and grandson, Vernon Charleston, have returned home after spending a pleasant vacation at Collins,

Visitors/ at John Collin's the past, week were Marion and "Irene Mc-. Cormick, of Norwood^ ''and Mrs. Harry Mullamey and children, Of Racket River, also Mr, and Mrs. Charles Collins, Mrs. Silas Gadi bois and Henry Davis, ofSyracuse.

Silas Gadbois and William Wil­son attended the wrestling match at Massena Priday Jiight.

Miss Sylvia O'Neil and brother, Emmett, spent Sunday a t J. V, O'BriaVs.

Miv and Mrs, Clinton Barrett and children, of Massena, visited a t John Collins' Sunday. ^ t

Jdlm " Collins and daughters*. Katfaerine and Mary, visited at Charles Collins' Sunday^

is spending two week* with Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Milntore.

.met, and Mr*, Thorn** White, of Jiaasea*, viaited Mr.*and Mr*. George Shadow Sunday. ^

.Winfred Berry and Mis* MM* cent Dugal-recently spent a ietr daya with. M«. and Mrs, Ernest Bejrry at Alrich. -

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Phefix, jrf Braaher Falls, were recent guest* at Lemuel Curtia%

Mr*, Joaeph White and daughter, l i u r a , of Winthrop, and I*«He

White, of Potsdam, were caUW at John Mousaw*s Sunday;

Mtot j&»nk Lumen, Mrs, Henry Marshall anff Mra. Carrie Davis,

of Ogdensburg, were call, r George Burgess', Taesday.

C. JT* Monsawi of Schroon I. -wito is attending summer scho St. Lawrence university, calh-: Bia pareritsji ^ e s d a y .

Mr*.andMrs. John Robai-p b; Friday witk relatives, |n Ma

Oeprge Bobare, of Masses, centiy «pent fwo weeks at ! goosrft^a." -- M«r. ;E. Wright, of Syracus..

centiy Spent a week with her r;.. er;-Mrs. Julia Larue.

Ou* mail carrier, T. O K. i s taking Ms annual vacatioi. hig son,-John Butler, is su(»t ingr

so were callers at S. N; Browning's on Sunday last.

Miss* Sophia M. Stinzing was, a Monday morning caller on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richards.

Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Richards were over Sunday guests in Ogdensburg at Mrs^ Richard's relatives. Mr. Richards, 'we are sorry to note, is sintering greatly from rheumatism. His ambitious spirit is much sub­dued, for he- usually does two men's work while home on his summer vacation which is supposed to be a resting time.

S. N. Browning motored up to John Weegar7? on Monday morn­ing to callon-JnJB couisn, Harry Weegar.

A summary meeting for meal planning on the work just finished was held % the Community Hall last Thursday afternoon. Six conunnnitxes w0re/ represented,

Mrs. George Curtlee; of NeV] apple orchards .in abundance with York, arrived Monday to spend fa acres;.pf grape orchards. The front few. weeks in town at the home jof y^fds'of Collins and Gowanda are Mrs. George Marthi: ' ' - , , ' fa: wonderful sight to see with roses

Miss Bent, Mrs. Monica Hemiiijg,* 0 f all colors and the flowering John Bishop and young friend are shrubs all in bloom. guests of Eev,.J. J.Bent. J; J Mrs* WiUiam'Dimick and son,

Major Giles and wife, of New Howard, of Canton, spent 'several York; are visiting John .McGiimfs.' days at the home-of Mr. and Mrs,

Charles Brown and wife, df & L. Monroe the past weekl Tampa, Fla., are visiting their rel-1 Mrs. Harold Sell and children atives in town. •! I Visit^d'Mrs. Eli White Saturday ev-, Fred Daniels and. family, ,jof .enihg; ' ' Bridgeport,' are the guests of jWff. • Darene 'White • spent Saturday and Mrs. W. A. Danjels. ' Jalid Sunday with her grandparents,

Mr. and Mrs. John" Martin and Mr, and-Mrs. E r L . Monroe, daughter^ Peggy, were'itt town r^- Mr. and Mrs, James Lalone were cently as over night guests of Mr. j business callers in Winthrop Satur-and Mrs. fohn Btile, Mrs; Martin's day.


parents. They Were enroute Lake Ozonia to spend a week ten days.

Mrs: Pierre Hyde, of Malone, ,is a visitor at* the home of Mra, George Redington. i '

MrSrHarry McBride spent a few days at his home here the past week, - f

The Ladies' Aid society met on Thursday afternoon, July JL4,. at the home of Mrs. Hague, a few mites below the village on the river road. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all; and a nice supper Was- serv­ed. The friends and neighbors of M w fiogfie and daughters johjed the Pj»sl^teriaff ladies for^he^sJij ternoon and added to ifie socialj^-pect Ofthe gathering. - > ' - . { -

Mrs. Burgotj^ of A^tsvilliB, m* the guest of "her nieces* Misses

BRASHER CENTER Miss Miflicent Dugal, yof St.

Regis Falls, i s visiting Mrs. Al­fred Berry,

Mr, and. Mrs. Benjamin Cpmpo* spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Vernon Cjaflin at Norwood.

Mr, and Mrs.- Horace Robideau, of Massena, spent Thursday with George Vjice and daughter.

Miss Lois 'Morrison, *o£ .Edwards,

5% Oil Your Savings Save something each month and ac­cumulate a competence; It will pay yqn to investigate thblocal savings institution

Massena Savings and Loan !! . Association

• — • * -


Sunday/July 17 Schedule of Train &r Round'Trip

Fare * STATIONS MUKIll .,, PIttm Brook Norwood . Potsdam Jihen Canton BeKalb -JpncUon JtichvUIe .K, Gourernear Kttntt

. . . M S " . , •

. * . « . . a . , 4 ,

. . . . . ,

Lcare A. J/C . . SilO

. . . . G:20 . . . 4:40'

. . . . . . 6 SuiV > »6:59 . . . . , ». TXlv . . . ; . , . 7:30 . ^ . . . ."7-42

4 s.or Antwerp . . . . v . - ~ . . . . . . . . . . . 8:19 PhiWeiphia . . 8iS6 ETims mi l* .. Ctlcioin ». . . W»tcHown .,*. Rtce» .. . . . ,> AdaitUL Center Adams" , . .

* . JENKINS CORNERS Haying is at a standstill In this

locality owing to the wet weather Mrs, John Collins took her twin

boys, William and Walter, to Mas­sena foiday to the baby show, where they won some fine prizes.] errepsnt Manor They are a beautiful pair of ha- "" "" hies, and are- certainly deserving of' the^prizes they won

Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Talcott and D.^ J. Crowley attended Grange a t Winthrop Saturday evening*

, Stanley Qilman visited friends at MaBsenaNSuhdafe;

--- - i i - . : • - : . T . i •• i i-> ^—rii i j i . . . ( l | j . i .—• i i»W| i ; i i ii v>m* •••.••.••—

Mannar ill* LKcnna . Richland . . . . Pnlaikl v . . . . -




t :U iiZ

9:5» 9:5S

nr$oi . . . . . . 10;08

30:18 10:17

Bare* *3 2ji

S00 Z.7$ Z35 £1$ 2 7& 2.75 2.75

.2.7ir 2:35 2.20 J.DO 1J& 1,80 1 ( 5 155 1.45

. ISO , 1.25

UtS 1,05 3D ,Hs45 A . M. ARRIVE SYJEACUSE.,..,.

-i* KBTCRNING Iir.Syracnte . . . . . . . . .

Consult Jk« ents

New York Central

, , .6:S5 p . m .

*toJ-' < *r ^ -

?orwthe,- .., ,- ; ; , i •

These adorably youthftd Printed Saks, in more than 25 chariniuT«Iy Afferent styles, specially

We planned this event especiaUy to meet the demand <jf women of

We particularly urge attendance to this aale because of the immenae vajcie^ of

For the Wqman of Average Figure! ':••: ;"'"•"••'•: For the Woman of Large Proportions! JPot the Woman Who is hard to Tit!

If yott have been «mi6iig tot lower price*—if you wanted a; fine, quality coat but couldn't find it at the price you wanted to pay-—then here is a wonderful opportunity to buy good clothes at theae low prices.

'Wminfoattnottdttfcte atotf Mi a* yeU t& yaw wrn eym

Come See For Yourself!

JOSEPHSON The New Store Near the Bridge


jena^ Greatest Value Giving Store

Week End Specials *.-..v: - P - ^ »J> - '

Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 21-22-23


mrf granulated;*ug- * t A f t

;; a^;lBik>httdafor; ^ l e V V Potatbesj

1 ''-§er ~-


Pure Lard •-P«fc

r /neat .money

45c C&Msry-Butter, per l-Ati*

pounH printU-4. **«»C - — - • • 4 5 c

15c 10c 25c Kellogg?* Cb*n.$3afce

tp iwiagee


TomatoeB, large -can

Cora and

S CUH. Bel Mnn& Spin*«h,*2

large cana for, S«u«rkr«a% large o n ,

House> Bouquet* Max-, yteSl^ BCduae iind^Wag M C -

mft^fa^tim . *»» ;FarrJh1gt<»fl| tfimBt. and - | | *

: Breakfwt C o l H lb. *J**V Japan te« aiftint* 9 C .

; j&fpooad* r.,r:,,.' ^«*c 10c 15c 10c

Our Choice Golden Ban- O f . iam pm,J& f«n» *-*»- «wC

25c 35c 25c

• n-itm***',!**—— *** c

Sweet pmWh !w** | g -. C a t t ,.,i.,ii.,.L....r,.iir, ,t' -'iii)ii;)-n. * ^ » % » -

Beat Toung Bett«, ..^^_ v M w J p ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^a^^^a^aw

Catrop .1. • 2 large bottiea —

Bed Eaapberriwi 2 can*.

Bluckberrfet 2eana.

Alta. 'Orestii BeacSi^j large can . .'•'•

Yellow CKng Pe«che% large can ,.

Del Vonte Sliced Teaches 4 A 2 large cans ,:- ^ * * *

Del Monte Plntaa, g large cant —

» . - .

35c 45c 45c 15c 20c


*n»» Delmonte Sliced ^Pine­

apple, 2 large cans — Dill Picklesj, glass jar,

quart *ize—'-..,..... Sweet Mixed Kcjdes^-

quart jar

55c 25c 35c ,25c Sliced Peacbesj small

can, per can 10c or 3 cans' -Mustard, quart glass 9 C | i

Finlc&dmon, per canv

Alaska Red Salmon, tall nan, ,....-.

Spaghetti, per can can—1 —

Peanut Buttir, 1 pound n i i l ,

Cocoa, in hoik, 2pounds.

15c 27c 10c 25c 25c

tfancy "Whole Head Sice 9 C ^ 5 pounds t—.— «5M«

BJandJlcked "White Beans, 8 pounds .

% e per can r., ,.1 „,.,

^Chloride of l ime , per can.


10c F. ft G, and Lenox Soap 9C-,

6 fc»r* fo*-: ^ - _ * * > V Laundry Soap,

Spkfi Octagon Soap

4 cakes ^—*—^, ihwporated Milk

tall can ^ - — H — . Bananas, ^ttkg» to

jp«r dowai « » v v Fruits snd Vegetables kinds at low prwM, 5 . Codfish tebulk •-,«'

Sslt Herrings, p e r l h -

15c 25c He 35c of all

Alaska Bed S i l t Sal­man, per pound

Csl* Hans

more, par pound Bacon per pound , cadekens and fresh meats of all

30c kinds at low prices.

They wit sara you noney.

WOfiams' Cash Store IS Park ATwroe Telephone 261-J


' - Any used car seett'on our iloor |s good for more jthaa^enough satisfactory mites,for assure fiie

Z owner of his money's worth. -- :* You can always 4ount on that. .

>A.S.HIT£» Maiiena,N.Y. -

A us&3[ CA£ is'vaNty AS- cepeNDABLe - AS THe cieAteR WHO ^eixs IT


l I


cathusiasiii I

»•! -



ttANDAMD OILuCO. IMP W W mm YQgg, 26Br^h-m,

'^tt&gppJWK fff/mfpmtr^iv.

V0<sgs§gi.m _t^0BSSSs?ptm:K: