Jehan Final Buzz (1)

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  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    Industry Analysis Where does the product stand?




    Fruit/Vegetable Juice

    Bottled Water Functional Drinks


    RTD Tea

    RTD Coffee

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    What made us choose this product Whenever you go to a super these days you will find many energy drinks

    that market claim to give you energy, like red bull ,cloud 9, and many more.

    You may be wondering if these drinks actually give you energy and if theyare healthy to drink?

    This made us to launch a new energy drink which gives you energy withand healthy touch and we named it as BUZZ.

    According to the market research the sales of any energy drink couldn't gohigh because of its high price.

    So we as a company thought of launching an energy drink at competitivelow price but not forgetting its standard and quality.

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    About buzz

    We have launched with two products -

    Buzz It has a extra ordinary taste with the feel of energy in it.

    Buzz Sugar free the taste remains almost same with low sugar calories for the people have sugar level high.

    You can say it is an diet energy drink which does not affect in anysense.

    Our product is available in two sizes

    1. A tin packing of 300 ML costing 49rs.

    2. A small handy plastic bottle of 200 ML costing 30rs.

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    Its seems energy drink companies are cramming more and moreingredients into their products. What do all these ingredients supposedly

    do to/for my body?

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    C affeine:The most common stimulant, found in coffee, Coke and Mountain Dew. Found

    in much higher quantities in energy drinks. Most energy drinks contain between

    70 and 200 mg.

    T ourane:Tourane is an amino acid that your body naturally produces. It helps regulate

    heartbeat,muscle contractions, and energy levels. Usually your body makes enough that

    youdont need to supplement.

    C reatine:Creatine is naturally obtained by eating meat. Creatine helps with supplying

    energyto the muscles and is usually found in energy drinks and products that aremarketedto body builders.

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    S ugars :G lucose is the bodys preferred fuel. Thats why you get hyper with a lot

    of sugar.

    Energy drinks contain a ton of sugar.

    A nti-oxidants: Anti-oxidants are things that help your body gracefully recover from thedamageof free radicals. (Vitamin C)

    Y erba Mate:This substance is derived from leaves of a shrub in the Holly family. It is

    a natural source of caffeine, but some believe that the form of caffeinein Yerba Mate doesnt produce the negative side affects like the caffeine

    in coffee and guarana.

    B Vitamins:These are essentially the things that help you convert food to energy, likesugar whichis found in abundance in energy drinks.

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    Market surveyWe did a random market survey to know more about the consumer

    behavior before launching our product.

    Sample of survey :-ENER G Y DRINK CONSUMPTION

    1) Name of consumer :-

    2) Age:-

    3) Frequency of consumption-

    4) Reason Of low frequency of consumption :-

    5) Would they like to increase their frequency of consumption??

    6) Favorite Energy drink :-

    7) E Mail Id :-

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    About CompetitorsBefore launching any product we need to know about our competitors

    our competitors

    1. Red bull

    3. Cloud 9

    2. Power horse

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    MONEY!!Pricing is a very important and delicate area of marketing

    management. Price is the base of entire marketing system. It facilitatestransfer of ownerships and possession of goods and services from producersto consumers. Price is a matter of life and death to sellers and buyers.

    Buyers and sellers are equally interested in the pricing policy.

    MAKET SURVEY helped us to decide the price of our product. We expectour sales to be highest as compared to other competitors because our priceis fully decided as suitable for the consumers.

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    Comparisons according to markets


    Red bull Power horse


    Rates 75 (250 ml) 70 (250 ml) 49 (300 ml)30 (200 ml)

    Targetsales per year

    10,00,000 7,00,000 14,00,000

    (Increasesgradually )Publicrating *****

    **** ***expected

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    Financial Status Of The Company :P articulars Amount



    Opening Balance 75 75

    Assets (Corporateoffice, production factory,Machinery, Deliveryvans, etc.) 32 43

    Production 17 26

    Marketing 15 11

    Free samples /

    Introductory Discounts 1 10Cash at Bank/ in Hand

    for product innovation or introducing new product


  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    What are our intentions?

    Launch and market a completely unseen-before beverage product,in order to achieve the following:

    Create strongconsumer awareness

    for Bubble Buzzthrough the 4 P s

    Become the marketleader in the

    functional drinkssegment throughsizeable market


    Re-affirm thecompany s title of market leader in

    product innovation andsuccessful product

    launches .


  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    Benefits to consumer

    They will be able to consume the energydrink more frequently.

    We are able to provide such low ratesbecause we deal directly with the retailmarket.

    This helps us to save the commissions of wholesalers and distributors and thisbenefits to the customers.

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    Industry Analysis - S trengths, Opportunities

    Strengths:Strengths:Brand nameEffective presence in new markets

    Results of operationsStrong existing distribution channels

    OpportunitiesOpportunitiesNew product introductionsBrand is attractive to global partners

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  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)



    P roduct: The product aspects of marketing deal with thespecifications of the actual goods or services, and howit relates to the end-user's needs and wants.

    P ricing: This refers to the process of setting a price for a product,including discounts. The price need not be monetary - it can simply bewhat is exchanged for the product or services, e.g. time, energy,psychology or attention.

    P romotion: This includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and

    personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting theproduct, brand, or company.P lacement or distribution refers to how the product gets to the

    customer; for example, point of sale placement or retailing. This fourthP has also sometimes been called Place, referring to the channel bywhich a product or services is sold.

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    Marketing plays an very important role in the sales of any product.

    We as a company have taken all possible steps to make our product WellKnown in the market.

    Marketing Ways :-

    Advertisement / Promotion :- Advertisement is one of the oldest forms of public announcement andoccupies a vital position in an organization's product mix.

    According to the American Marketing Association , " Advertising is any paid form of non personal presentation of ideas, goods and services by anidentified sponsor.

    Advertising should be targeted towards the prospective audience in such away that it forms a positive impact on the customer and in the processcreates brand recognition .Marketers generally target advertising campaigns at the groups of customers.

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    We have taken Many Steps to Market our product in following ways :-

    Painting the shutters of shops so that evenwhen the shops are closed they can advertise our product.

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    Making the famous Indian Cricketer SACHIN

    TENDULKAR as our brand ambassador :-

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    G iving Advertise in news paper :-

    Try the new TREND InENER G Y DRINK

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    PROMOTIONSDistributing free key chains on which wehave advertised our product so that our

    product comes in the mind of people againand again.

    Distributing free samples of our product during various events.

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    Word of Mouth Advertisement

    Word-of-mouth marketing is probably the best form of advertisement acompany can ever invest in. Not a single penny is spent by the company withthis kind of advertising, only excellent customer satisfaction is needed to makethis campaign effective.

    We always keep a proactive approach in dealing with customers and go theextra mile.

    Building good relationships with customers keeps us in the business.

    The good news is they will tell their friends and people they know about your company and the kind of customer service you have.

    With an effortless process, your customers gradually increase in number whichin turn increases company profit.

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    When it comes to the energy drink market,no one really cares about being healthy withvitamin C. No one cares about building strongbones with D.Nobody even cares about vitamin A andwell whatever A does, The golden vitamin is inOur P roduct BUZZ. It contains all the usefulVitamins.

  • 8/6/2019 Jehan Final Buzz (1)


    MEMBERSNames Roll no.