Jefferson County Colorado Court 2014C38745 June 10, 2015 ...€¦ · 10.06.2015  · Jefferson...

Jefferson County Colorado Court 2014C38745 June 10, 2015 page 1 of 16 County Court, Jefferson County, Colorado Court Address : 100 Jefferson County Parkway Golden, Colorado 80401 Plaintiff: Madison Hill H.O.A. Inc. v. Defendant: Robert Racansky COURT USE ONLY Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address): Robert Racansky P.O. Box 18715 Boulder, Colorado 80308 Phone Number: 720I989I1221 E=mail: [email protected] FAX Number: Atty. Reg. #: Case Number: 2014 C 38745 Division H Courtroom MOTION REQUESTING REVERSAL OF DISMISSAL AND NOTICE OF DEFENDANT’S WITHDRAWAL FROM SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BACKGROUND 1. On April 09 2015, the parties in this case reached a pre=trial settlement agreement, and filed a “Stipulated Motion To Dismiss”. The settlement represents a contractual agreement between the Plaintiff corporation and Defendant. SEE PAGES 10 = 13, ATTACHED EXHIBIT A. 2. On April 21 2015, this Court issued an “Order Dismissing All Claims With Prejudice”, with an attached “Order On Stipulated Motion To Dismiss”. SEE PAGES 14 – 15, ATTACHED EXHIBIT B. 3. A stipulation of the contract and this Court’s Order was that both parties agreed to be responsible for their own attorney fees and other costs. The Plaintiff corporation knowingly and willfully violated this stipulation with the intent to permanently deprive the Defendant of at least $6,954.00. 4. On May 01 2015 and May 26 2015, the Plaintiff corporation, Madison Hill H.O.A. Inc., knowingly and willfully committed a breach of contract by violating the terms of the settlement agreement, and demanding payment for $6,954.00 in attorney fees that the Plaintiff corporation had agreed to be responsible for. SEE PAGE 16, ATTACHED EXHIBIT C.

Transcript of Jefferson County Colorado Court 2014C38745 June 10, 2015 ...€¦ · 10.06.2015  · Jefferson...

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Defendant: Robert Racansky #



Attorney!or!Party!Without!Attorney!(Name!and!Address):!!!Robert#Racansky#P.O.#Box#18715#Boulder,#Colorado##80308#!Phone!Number:!!720I989I1221!!E=mail:[email protected]!FAX!Number:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Atty.!Reg.!#:!




BACKGROUND!!1. On!April!09!2015,!the!parties!in!this!case!reached!a!pre=trial!settlement!agreement,!and!

filed! a! “Stipulated! Motion! To! Dismiss”.! ! The! settlement! represents! a! contractual!agreement!between!the!Plaintiff!corporation!and!Defendant.!SEE!PAGES!10!=!13,!ATTACHED!EXHIBIT!A.!

!2. On!April! 21!2015,! this!Court! issued! an! “Order!Dismissing!All! Claims!With!Prejudice”,!


!3. A!stipulation!of!the!contract!and!this!Court’s!Order!was!that!both!parties!agreed!to!be!

responsible! for! their! own! attorney! fees! and! other! costs.! ! The! Plaintiff! corporation!knowingly!and!willfully!violated!this!stipulation!with!the!intent!to!permanently!deprive!the!Defendant!of!at!least!$6,954.00.!

!4. On!May!01!2015!and!May!26!2015,! the!Plaintiff! corporation,!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! Inc.,!

knowingly! and!willfully! committed! a! breach!of! contract! by! violating! the! terms!of! the!settlement!agreement,!and!demanding!payment!for!$6,954.00!in!attorney!fees!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!had!agreed!to!be!responsible!for.!SEE!PAGE!16,!ATTACHED!EXHIBIT!C.! !

Robert Racansky
Robert Racansky
15 JUN 10 PM 12:52
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BREACH!OF!CONTRACT!AND!VIOLATION!OF!COURT!ORDER!!5. On!May!01!2015,!the!Plaintiff,!the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation,!charged!$6,954.00!in!

attorney! fees!and!costs! to! the!Defendant’s!account,! in!violation!of! the!contract!and! in!violation!of!this!Court’s!“Order!Dismissing!All!Claims!With!Prejudice”.!

!TYPE DATE CC DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 04/30/2015 Beginning Balance $ 0,000.00 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 Late Interest - $ 0,075.00 -$ 0,075.00 Chg 05/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 0,149.00 Chg 05/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 0,328.51 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 HINDMAN 04/23/15 - $ 6,954.00 -$ 7,282.51 Cr 05/01/2015 L1 WAIVE LATE INT +$ 0,075.00 -$ 7,207.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,074.00 -$ 7,133.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,179.51 -$ 6,954.00 Chg 05/15/2015 LC Late Charge - $ 0,020.00 -$ 6,974.00 Chg 06/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 7,048.00 Chg 06/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 7,227.51 06/01/2015 Resident Balance -$ 7,227.51

“HINDMAN” is the Plaintiff corporation’s law firm, HindmanSanchez P.C. !6. The! attorney! fees! were! charged! to! the! Defendant’s! account! without! notice! to! the!

Defendant!and!without!the!consent!of!the!Defendant.!!7. On!May!15!2015,!the!Plaintiff!corporation!then!charged!the!Defendant!a!$20.00!late!fee!

as!a!result!of! the!unpaid!attorney!fee.! !Because!Plaintiff!corporation!did!not!make!the!Defendant!aware!of!this!attorney!fee,!the!Defendant!had!no!opportunity!to!pay!it!until#after# late# charges#had#been#accrued.! !Unlike!a!legitimate!business,!the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! corporation! does! not! provide! a!monthly! account! statement! to! its! “customers”.!!For!years!the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation!has!been!extremely!reluctant!to!provide!account!information!to!the!home!owners!when!requested.!!!The#involuntary#members#of#the#corporation#–#including#the#Defendant#–#often#have#no#way#of#knowing#what#the# current# balance# of# their# account# is! until! they! receive! a! demand! for! payment,!after! late!charges!and!other!fees!(including!attorney!fees)!have!already!been!accrued.!!It! is! unbelievably! Kafka=esque,! and! incredibly! frustrating! and! abusive.! ! No! other!creditor!behaves!in!this!manner.!!Most!legitimate!creditors!makes!account!information!available!to!their!customers!24!hours!a!day!7!days!a!week!365!days!a!year,!by!phone!and/or!internet.!!Due!to!a!ruling!by!this!very!Court!earlier!in!this!case,!it!is!now!more#difficult! for! home! owners! to! obtain! the! current! balance! of! their! account! from! the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation.!

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!8. Per!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!own!policies,!the!Defendant’s!assessment!payments!have!

been! illegally!re=directed!to!pay! the!attorney! fees!billed!by!HindmanSanchez!P.C.,!and!will!continue!to!be!illegally!re=directed!every!month!for!the!next!3!years!(at!least).! !In!addition!to!breach!of!contract,!this#is#also#Theft,#per#C.R.S.#§#18I4I401,!by!the!Plaintiff!corporation,!with!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!attorney!(!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!)!and!the!Plaintiff! Corporation’s! “professional”! manager! (! L.C.M.! Property! Management! Inc.! )!acting!as!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!accomplices.!

!9. On!May!26!2015,!the!Plaintiff!committed!an!act!of!extortion,!by!demanding!payment!of!

these!unlawful! fees! from!the!Defendant,! and! threatening! the!Defendant! if!he! failed! to!pay!the!fees!that!per!contract!and!Court!Order!the!Defendant!is!not!required!to!pay.!

!“We!are!notifying!you!that!either!new!charges!have!been!posted!to!your!account!or!your!account! is!past!due.! !State!Statute!requires!us!to!notify!you!of!your!option!to!enter! into! a! payment! plan.! ! To! enter! into! a! plan,! contact! LCM! by! e=mail! [email protected]!.!!Please!note!that!per!State!Statute!action!is!required!by!you!to!cure!any!delinquency.! !Failure! to!do!so!within! thirty!(30)!days!of! the!date!of! this! letter!may! result! in! your!delinquent! account!being! turned!over! to! a! collection!agency,! a!lawsuit! being! filed! against! you,! the! filing! of! a! foreclosure! of! a! lien! against! your!property!or!any!other!remedies!available!pursuant!to!Colorado!law.”!

!10. This!demand!for!payment!was!the!first!notice!that!the!Defendant!received!that!unlawful!

attorney!fees!and!subsequent!late!fees!had!been!charged!to!his!account.!!11. This! demand! for! payment! of! attorney! fees! is! a! violation! of! Paragraph! 5! of! the!


“It! is,! finally,!requested!by!the!Parties!that! in!dismissing!the!claims!with!prejudice,!that!the!Court!additionally!order!that,!aside!from!those!payments!identified!herein,!that!each!party!is!responsible!for!their!own!fees!and!costs!incurred!in!this!action.”!

!12. This! breach! of! contract! is! also! a! violation! of! paragraph! 3! of! this! Court’s! “Order! On!

Stipulated! Motion! To! Dismiss”! attached! to! this! Court’s! “Order! Dismissing! All! Claims!With!Prejudice”:!

!“Aside! from! the! payments! identified! above,! each! party! is! responsible! for! paying!their!own!costs!and!fees!(if!applicable).”!


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REQUEST!FOR!ACTION!BY!THE!COURT!!13. The! Defendant! /! Counter=Claimant! therefore! asks! that! this! Court! reverse! it’s! “Order!

Dismissing! All! Claims!With! Prejudice”! and! attached! “Order! on! Stipulated! Motion! To!Dismiss”!of!April!21!2015.!

!14. The!Defendant!also!requests!that!the!Court!take!any!punitive!action!against!the!Plaintiff!

corporation! possible.! ! The! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! corporation! has! a! long! history! of!violating! this! Court’s! Orders! –! issued! by! the! very! same! judge,! Tammy! Greene! –! in! a!similar!manner,!and!doing!so!with!impunity;!along!with!committing!perjury!and!fraud!in!this!very!same!Court.!!The!Plaintiff!corporation!currently!has!no!incentive!to!obey!the!law,!now!and!in!the!future,!nor!has!any!reason!to!respect!this!Court!and!its!Orders.!

!15. The!Defendant! also! requests! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be! Ordered! to! explain! the!

$6,954.00! in! attorney! fees! (! “HINDMAN!4/23/15”! ),! produce! the! fee! agreement!with!and!!invoices!from!the!law!firm!to!the!Plaintiff!corporation!authorizing!those!fees,!and!to! provide! those! invoices! and! fee! agreement! to! the! Defendant! and! the! Court.! ! See!paragraphs!18!–!30!below.!



!16. Because! the! Plaintiff! corporation! committed! a! breach! of! contract! (the! settlement!


!17. The! Defendant’s! withdrawal! from! the! agreement! includes,! but! is! not! limited,! to!

withdrawal! from! the! “Acknowledgment! of! Robert! Racansky”,! dated! April! 08! 2015,!which!states!

!“By! my! signature! below,! I! acknowledge! that! all! dues,! assessments,! special!assessments,! and! other! sums! to! be! paid! to! the! Madison! Hill! Homeowners!Association,! Inc.! I! by! me,! is! to! be! paid! to! the! entity! designated! by! Madison! Hill!Homeowners!Association,!Inc.!I!to!receive!such!payments.”!


“I!also!acknowledge!that!at!the!time!that!this!letter!is!signed,!the!entity!designated!by! the! Association! is! LCM! Property! Management,! Inc.,! which! is! the! management!company!engaged!by!the!Madison!Hill!Homeowners!Association,!Inc.!I.”!

! !

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!18. Per! the! settlement! agreement! of! April! 09! 2015,! late! fees! (! at! least! $488.58! )! and!



11/15/2013 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 20.00 12/01/2013 Late Interest $ 00.28 $ 20.28 12/15/2013 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 40.28 01/01/2014 Late Interest $ 01.61 $ 41.89 01/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 61.89 02/01/2014 Late Interest $ 02.96 $ 64.85 02/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 84.85 03/01/2014 Late Interest $ 04.32 $ 89.17 03/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 109.17 04/01/2014 Late Interest $ 05.68 $ 114.85 04/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 134.85 05/01/2014 Late Interest $ 07.05 $ 141.90 05/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 161.90 06/01/2014 Late Interest $ 08.43 $ 170.33 06/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 190.33 07/01/2014 Late Interest $ 09.82 $ 200.15 07/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 220.15 08/01/2014 Late Interest $ 11.22 $ 231.37 08/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 251.37 09/01/2014 Late Interest $ 12.62 $ 263.99 09/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 283.99 10/01/2014 Late Interest $ 14.04 $ 298.03 10/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 318.03 11/01/2014 Late Interest $ 15.47 $ 333.50 11/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 353.50 12/01/2014 Late Interest $ 16.90 $ 370.40 12/15/2014 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 390.40 01/01/2015 Late Interest $ 18.35 $ 408.75 01/15/2015 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 428.75 02/01/2015 Late Interest $ 19.83 $ 448.58 02/15/2015 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 468.58 03/01/2015 Late Interest $ 0.00 $ 468.58 03/15/2015 Late Charge $ 20.00 $ 488.58 04/01/2015 Late Interest UNKNOWN

04/09/2015 Settlement Agreement : At this point, all

late fees and late interest should be waived

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DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL 03/01/2014 COLLECTION FEE $ 0,095.00 $ 0,095.00 04/01/2014 HINDMAN 03/24/14 $ 0,200.00 $ 0,295.00 05/01/2014 HINDMAN 04/24/14 $ 0,085.00 $ 0,380.00 08/01/2014 HINDMAN 07/24/14 $ 0,350.00 $ 0,730.00 09/01/2014 HINDMAN 08/24/14 $ 0,103.84 $ 0,803.84 10/31/2014 HINDMAN 09/23/14 $ 0,395.00 $1,198.84 11/01/2014 HINDMAN 10/23/14 $ 0,084.00 $1,282.84 There!may!be!additional!attorney!fees!charged!after!November!01!2014.!The!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.!corporation!has!refused!to!disclose!this!information,!therefore!any!figure!they!provide!in!the!future!must!be!suspect.!

!19. There! was! a! Counter=Claim! filed! in! this! case.! ! However,! the! counter=defense! was!

represented!an!attorney!from!Nemirow!Perez!P.C.,!not!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!!Nemirow!Perez! P.C.! was! paid! by! the! Plaintiff! corporation’s! insurance! company.! ! The! cost! of!defending! against! the! Counter=Claim! was! not! incurred! by! the! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.!corporation.!!Note!that!charges!from!Nemirow!Perez!P.C.!do!not!appear!in!the!ledger!of!the! Defendant’s! account.! ! The! amount! paid! by! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! Inc.’s! insurance!company!to!Nemirow!Perez!P.C.!is!not!known!by!the!Defendant.!

!20. The!balance!of!the!Defendant’s!account!was!$0.00!on!April!30,!2015.! !This!is!evidence!

that!all!late!fees!and!attorney!fees!and!costs!were!waived!and!credited!between!April!09!2015! and! April! 30! 2015,! per! the! settlement! agreement,! and! that! the! Plaintiff!corporation!was!aware!of!the!terms!of!the!settlement!agreement.!


TYPE DATE CC DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE 04/30/2015 Beginning Balance $ 0,000.00 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 Late Interest - $ 0,075.00 -$ 0,075.00 Chg 05/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 0,149.00 Chg 05/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 0,328.51 Chg 05/01/2015 L1 HINDMAN 04/23/15 - $ 6,954.00 -$ 7,282.51 Cr 05/01/2015 L1 WAIVE LATE INT +$ 0,075.00 -$ 7,207.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,074.00 -$ 7,133.51 Pay 05/12/2015 Lckbx Pmt +$ 0,179.51 -$ 6,954.00 Chg 05/15/2015 LC Late Charge - $ 0,020.00 -$ 6,974.00 Chg 06/01/2015 90 Assessment – Special - $ 0,074.00 -$ 7,048.00 Chg 06/01/2015 10 Assessment – Monthly - $ 0,179.51 -$ 7,227.51 06/01/2015 Resident Balance -$ 7,227.51

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21. For!reason!unknown,!the!Plaintiff!corporation!then!charged!$75.00!in!“Late!Interest”!to!the! Defendant’s! account! on!May! 01,! 2015,! then!waived! the! charge! on! the! same! day.!!This! is! evidence! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! was! aware! that! the! charge! for! “Late!Interest”!was!unlawful!and!not!owed!per!the!terms!of!the!settlement!agreement.!

!22. The!Plaintiff!corporation!then!charged!$6,954.00!in!attorney!fees!on!May!01,!2015,!with#

the# intent# to# permanently# deprive# the# Defendant# of# that# sum,! plus! additional!unlawful!attorney!fees!in!the!future,!plus!late!fees!and!interest!for!the!unlawful!attorney!fees.!!They!did!the!exact!same!thing!in!2009,!2010,!and!2011,!by!demanding!payment!of!late! fees! and! attorney! fees! that! were! explicitly! prohibited! by! this! Court’s! Order! of!October!07!2009!(ordered!by!the!same!judge,!Tammy!Greene).!

!23. It!is!noteworthy!that!the!attorney!fee!is!dated!April!23!2015!(!“HINDMAN!4/23/15”!),!

which!is!just!2!days!after!this!Court’s!“Order!Dismissing!All!Claims!With!Prejudice”!and!the!attached!“Order!On!Stipulated!Motion!To!Dismiss”!on!April!21!2015.!!It!is!as!though!the! attorney! was! waiting! for! the! case! to! be! dismissed! before! billing! the! Plaintiff!corporation,! with! the! knowledge! and! intent! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! would!unlawfully! pass! this! cost! on! to! the! Defendant,! and! then! be! retained! by! the! Plaintiff!corporation! to! collect! this! illegal! attorney! fee! from! the! Defendant! at! additional! cost!(profit!for!the!attorney).!!It!wouldn’t!be!the!first!time!that!this!has!happened.!

!24. The! attorney! fees! demanded! by! the! Plaintiff! corporation! from! the! Defendant! are!

unconscionable,!usurious,!and!extortionist.!!25. In! the!prior! case! in!2009,!Madison(Hill(H.O.A.( Inc.(v(Robert(Racansky,! Jefferson!County!

Colorado! Court! case! 2008C62579,! the! Plaintiff! claimed! that! they! had! incurred!$1,772.35! in! attorney! fees! and! costs! up! to! the! start! of! the! trial.! ! See! the! attorney!generated! ledger,! Plaintiff’s! Exhibit! 4,! from! that! trial.! The! Plaintiff! corporation! later!claimed!it!incurred!an!additional!$6,219.75!in!attorney!fees!and!costs!as!a!result!of!the!trial! (! for!a! total!of!$7,992.10!spent! to!collect!$386.49! in!disputed! late! fees! ).! !As! this!court!may!recall,!the!Court!awarded!the!Plaintiff!!corporation!$6,600.00!in!attorney!fees!and! costs! (! ruling! that! some! of! the! attorney! fees! were! duplicative! and! excessive! ),!resulting!in!a!net#loss#to#the#Madison#Hill#H.O.A.#corporation#of#$1,005.61.!!That!did!not! deter! the! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! corporation! from! engaging! in! reckless! and!unnecessary!litigation!in!the!future,!since!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!board!of!directors!is!spending!other!people’s!money.!

!! !

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26. From!November!2013! to!March!2015,! the!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! corporation! refused! to!accept!monthly!assessment!payments!(!“H.O.A.!dues”!)! from!the!Defendant,! for!a! total!amount!of!$4,312.64.! !The!Plaintiff!corporation!then!spent!at!least!$1,282.84!litigating!against!the!Defendant!to!collect!the!assessment!payments!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!had! refused! to! accept.! ! After# this# case# was# settled,# the# Plaintiff# corporation#somehow# managed# to# spend# an# additional# $6,954.00# in# attorney# fees# paid# to#HindmanSanchez#P.C.,#which#is#more#than#the#cost#of#the#1#½#day#jury#trial#in#the#previous# litigation.! ! The!Plaintiff! corporation! then! intended! to!permanently!deprive!the!Defendant!of!that!amount!(plus!additional!late!fees!and!attorney!fees),!in!violation!of!contract!(the!settlement!agreement)!and!the!Court!Order!dismissing!this!case.!

!27. The!Plaintiff!corporation,!Madison!Hill!H.O.A.! Inc.,!spent!at! least!$8,236.84!in!attorney!

fees! –! paid! to! HindmanSanchez! P.C.! ! –! to! collect! $4,312.64! in! assessment! payments!(“H.O.A.! dues”)! that! the! Defendant! had! paid! but! the! Plaintiff! corporation! refused! to!accept!over!the!course!of!1!½!years.!

!28. The# net# loss# to# the# Plaintiff# corporation# in# this# litigation# is# at# least# $8,236.84.!!

This# amount# represents# nearly# 4# years# of# the# Defendant’s# regular# assessment#payments#(#“H.O.A.#dues”#)#to#the#Madison#Hill#H.O.A.#corporation.!

!29. This!represents!a!breach!of!the!directors’!fiduciary!duty!to!the!Plaintiff!corporation!and!

its!involuntary!members!/!home!owners.!!If!the!board!of!directors!had!a!fiduciary!duty!to! the! law! firm! HindanSanchez! P.C.! and! “professional”! management! company! L.C.M.!Management! Inc.,! their! actions!would!be! indistinguishable! from!what! they!have!been!doing.! ! HindmanSanchez! P.C.! and! L.C.M.! Property! Management! Inc.! have! immensely!from! the! Madison! Hill! H.O.A.! corporation’s! board! of! directors’! incompetence! and/or!malfeasance,!at!the!expense!of!the!corporation’s!involuntary!members!/!home!owners.!

!30. The! Defendant! requests! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be! Ordered! to! explain! the!

$6,954.00! in! attorney! fees! (! “HINDMAN! 4/23/15”! ),! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be!Ordered! to! explain!why! those! fees!were! charged! to! the!Defendant’s! account,! that! the!Plaintiff!corporation!be!Ordered!to!explain!why!payment!of!those!fees!was!demanded!from!the!Defendant,!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!be!Ordered!produce!the!attorney!fee!agreement!authorizing!those!fees,!that!the!Plaintiff!corporation!be!Ordered!to!produce!the! invoices! from! its! attorney! for! those! fees,! and! that! the! Plaintiff! corporation! be!Ordered! ! to! provide! the! explanations,! fee! agreements,! and! invoices! in! non=redacted!form! to! the! Defendant! and! to! the! Court.! ! The! Defendant! also! requests! that! said!explanations! regarding! the! $6,954.00! in! attorney! fees! (! “HINDMAN! 4/23/15”! )! be!signed! by! each! and! every! individual! member! of! the! Plaintiff! corporation’s! board! of!directors.!

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Robert!Racansky!Defendant!/!Counter=Claimant!P.O.!Box!18715!Boulder,[email protected]!!


A. “Stipulated!Motion!To!Dismiss”!with!“Acknowledgment”!!!April!08!2015!!pp.!10!=!13!B. “Order!Dismissing!All!Claims!With!Prejudice”!!!!! ! !!!April!21!2015!!pp.!14!=!15!C. demand!for!payment!of!!$7,227.51!!!!!! ! ! !!!May!26!2015!!!!pp.!16!

!!A!copy!of!this!Motion!and!Notice,!plus!the!attached!exhibits,!will!be!provided!to!the!Plaintiff!corporation’s!attorney!at!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!via!e=mail!after!it!is!filed!with!the!Court.!!Jeffrey!Smith!Colorado!Attorney!#!40,490!HindmanSanchez!P.C.!5610!Ward!Road!!!!!Suite!300!Arvada,[email protected]!303=991=2066!(direct)!303=432=9999!(main)!303=991=2067!(fax)!!!! !

Jefferson County Colorado 2014C38745 Sept. 28 2014 page 51 of 52

24. The Defendant:

___ Request(s) a trial to the court.

_X_ Request(s) a jury trial. By requesting a jury trial, the Defendant understand(s) that a jury fee must be paid unless the fee is waived by the Court.

WARNING: ALL FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. IN SOME CASES, A REQUEST FOR A JURY TRIAL MAY BE DENIED PURSUANT TO LAW EVEN THOUGH A JURY FEE HAS BEEN PAID. Note: All Defendants filing this answer must sign unless the answer is signed by an attorney.

_______________________________________________________ Signature of Defendant. September 28, 2014

Address of Defendant: P.O. Box 18715 Boulder, Colorado 80308

Phone Number of Defendant: 720-989-1221

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!EXHIBIT C ( page 1 of 1 )!