J.C.RICHÀRDS THE EVE · Haveon handGibeon'·XX,XXX,XXXX andpureOldRye,OldCabinetandMonogram...

???????? KV EN »NO, SEPT. 29, 1900 Declines thk HoNOE.Tbe follow« ini,; signed statement baa been given out by JudRe 0. W. Powers, who was recently appointed Uaited States Sen¬ ator (rom Utah by acting Governor Nebeker: ''While there can be no ¦question but what Senator Nebeker was «¿».vernor in the absence ot Governor Well»» and Secretary Hammond from tbt« Stat»- «nd that bu had power to ap¬ point a lTni'<-d S ates S-nator, tbe pre¬ cedent in th. Quay case makes il clear thnt bis appointee would not be Sfai»-d. Our »1» uiocratic state chairman, Mr. Burton, is »f tî.e opinion that I oan be ot more rvice to the party on 'be electoral ticket than in making a con¬ test. In addition, I have no desire to draw tbe salary pending a contest when I am now convinced in advance that tbe »-eat would be refused. Hence, unless the national committee shall desir- me to take action, I shall not ac¬ cept the appointment. At first it ap¬ peared to me tbat I should make tbe tìiibt aod thus draw attention once more, as urged by the democratic party, lor a constitutional amendment provid¬ ing for the election of »Senators by the people; but my sober judgment is ihe contrary. I appreciate Governor Nebf- ker'r co' fìdence and shall always cherish lüe couapliineut." A WONDEKFVL CURE OF lilAKKHOKA. ? Proni.m'iti Virginia Kdttor Had Al¬ ino-·! Liven I p. but Wae Brought Huck t<> l'eit'ect Health by cham¬ ber la in'»-. Colic, Cholera aud Diar¬ rhoea Itemed).Head Hie tditoral From tbe Times, Hillstille, Va. I sutlered witb darrboea fora long time and thought I waa past being cured. I bad »spent much time end money and sutlered so much misery th-st I bad almost decided to give up all hopes of recovery and await the re- bult, ti.it noticing the advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and also some testi-1 montais stating bow some wonderful cures had been wrought by this remedy, I decided to try it. After tak¬ ing a lew doses I was entirely well of chat trouble, and I wish to say turtber to my readers and fellow suflerers tbat I am a bale and hearty man today and feel a- well as 1 ever did in my life.. [Ü. K. Moore. l-*old by all druggitts. ¡Vü-nnou? to h rie too le rotmbíing niu-h- ro tut :. .?,- cartel frtqueut deaths this year. B*· eim tuo-e coy the genuine. Observe the »mi dr.- w. * en you t»sk for DeWitt's Witch Hue. ?»???- 'Intro ate poisonous counter¬ feit« IXrWru'e is the only original Witch Hasel r-üiv». It is «-aie and certain cure for filers ai.d ai i ok:u diseases. . ··.»- i!. ,,.c|> ? 111.»».»I IH-e p. « .. ! »...- .ii- ,i » '.?·?? r-kiii. ? 'j*--»-.* .: r ( ,!\i>, Landy Cathar¬ tic c .:. ¦¦ '.? ? ¦¦ "1 .iii.l Ufi-i' it e Icari, t»j «tiii ?..^ ·».;¦ « .·. ..c'y ìivcr and driving all im¬ pulite,- p ¡,, tin h'p-dv, Hegin to-day to oanir-h ¡..;i¡i¡.'.i·.-., !..>i!s, blotches, blackheads, ind that biikiy «»iIkius complexion by taking CaacaieU;,.U'auty for ten cents. All drue· tut·, wtistacttoo gwaranteed. i»?.««.tWa. $10 Washington to Niagara Falle and atetara. ??. Tbursd«iy, beutember 6 and 20 and October 4 ani 18, «personally conducted «jimcKii:-. via Pennsylvania Bailroad, will leaT« Wa.-hington by «p·· ial train at 8 00 a. ni., arriving Niagara Falls 11:05 p. n>., TickiU· liruittd to tea day, and allow fctop- ..v,r rutuming at Bollalo, Rochester and Wat bina. GROCERIES. W.P.WOOLLS&SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FINE FAMILY GROCERIES CHOICE MEATS, FBÜIT8 AND VEGETABLES. Fine Ola Wines and Liquors <'OB. ROYAL ???? WOLFE 8T8. JOHN AUERN A CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 6B0CEKS AND DEALEB8 IN PURE WINES & LIQUORS We hold largely in U. 8. bonded warehouse· «nd uairy in stock various brand· ot the beet PI RE RYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE. .. ~.j in store superior gradee of Foreign and American WINES. ALES, BROWN BT0UT, &C. .ptrbatisfaction Guaranteed aa to Price and Quality.-«^ Corner Prince and Commerce Street«. ? ? . MILBUBN, DIALS* IS KAN--7 AND 8TJPL* GBOCEBIE8, 1. 3 Nortb Boyal Straet, Alexanu.-a, Vu i roj rietor of the Potomac Brand of Floui which is unexcelled. Coffe as Freehly Boasted at 8tcre^_ Xir A. JOHNSON A 00. WHOLESALE GBO* KBÄ. .GENERAL COMMISSION MARCHANTS , And Dealara la ALL KINDS OF LIQUOB& Have on hand Gibeon'· XX, XXX, XXXX and pure Old Rye, Old Cabinet and Monogram Whiskies ; also Baker'· and Thompson'· Fur· Rye WiSekioe, to which thsy UiYit· the attain· tion ot the trade. Order· from th· ooantry for menandiM shall reçoive prompt attention. Consignments of Flour, Grain and Ooantry Produce solicited, for which they guaraate· the highest market price· and prompt retare·. ?. E. corner Cameron and Boyal atraéis. J.C.RICHÀRDS W liolesale|and|SeUil;De«ler;in Foreign and Domestic |Fruits& Candies, ÖU/üklNcijüTrlEET. Jjy23j3ni^ HEINZ'â P1CKLE8.-A fine assortimi of Heins's bottled Pickles, Sauoea and Catanp« last reoeited by _J.CMILBügN__ HE FINEeT EXTBA SMALL CANNES PEAS are cheap at 15c per «san. _J. (? MILBUBN. ILD CUBED HAMS and Breakfast Bacon, superior quality. For aale by _J. 0. MILBUBN. LARGE MEATY BLA«CK PBÜNE8, only tic per lb st W. P. W00LX8 ? 80?Gß\ I_>R1ME SOFT FIGS 10c, 12c and 16c IT pai pam* SA J. (? MJLLBUKNU O M MEETINGS^_ Washington, I>. C, Sept, 20,1900. I NOTICE.? te wi 1 bean annusi meet-1 ing ot tbe i-toikh« Idera of the HAUBIS ? fcJH A FER ((>.,« t tb« e.fflce of the company, No 1*23 sooth h<«}HÌ street. Alexandria, V».. on FRIDAY. October 12, 1900, at the hour of ß p m I By order of the President, _aep21 td C. A. SHAFEB, SecieUry. NOTKE-The snnu«l meeting of the) .tockh«.l«ii«is the THE ÌI. A. WIN TEB COMPANY for the election of officers and dircct'is and for the transaction of] HO'h other tusioe«i as may be lawfully brought hefor. it, will be held at the office of tb« taid ConiMtny, No 209 Duke street, Al· exanoiia V-. on MONDAY,October 1, 1900, at 11 oMock a. in. M A. WINTER, President, ? ?. McKEE, Becreury, aspl7 td _ fpO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE JL COLUMBIAN SMOKELESS FURNACE COMPANY :. ??·.? mo beieby notifi«jd that tho undereiKi'ed stockholders of the Colum¬ bian ¡»moke es«· Furnace Company, boldibg toge'ber mote than ono-tenth of the capital .to«'k of said company, hereby call a general iup*nng of the stockholeiers of said (jomr-su·/, to be hold at tin« otìic«· of the compuny, No. 123 south hinai et ret t, in the city of Alexan¬ drin, feuto of Virginia, on MOvDAY, THE FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1900, st the hour of five o'clock p. m ALBERT F. KING8LEY. aoiiSO toctl_hILAH H KINGSLEf. TOCKHOI.DKRS' MEETING-The stock¬ holders of THE WASHINGTON i HEM· ICAL COMPANY aro hcieby notified that tbe Board of l'irectors of the company haie Ort'lod s geiieril iutxMiug of tbe stockholder?, to be held ut ibe efface of the company, No 123 south KoyHl Ftioet, Alexandria, Va., on H*. ITBDA V, the 29th of September, 1900, at 10.30 a. m. By older of the Board of Directors. LOUIS BEYEB, Ja., aug27 ritd Secretary AGENEKAL MEETING of tie atock- oole.ers of the ??ß-????GT'???ß BREWERIES COMPANY will be held at 11 o'clock in tho foreroon on the 28th DAY OF 8EP1EMBER, 1900. r.t the principal office of the company, No. Ill tooth Fairfax street, Alexandria, Virginia, for tbe transaction of »ny business which may be brought befotet he meeting. By order of the Board of Director·, aug25 td* EDWARD BUHL, Sec'ty DRUGGISTS. CLAEA L. l.HADBFATKE. C. 0. LBASBXATXO. K. «. l.»A.DB£LATXK. J. LSADBBATSS, E. S. LEADBEATER k SONS, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DBUGGI8T8 106 ai.4 107 south Fairfax street, Dealer· in Drugs, Chemitals, Patent Medi., tunes, Paintc, «v.la, Dye Stalls, Spices, firug giste' Fancy Gc-vds aud Specialties. Wholesale agei.*· in Northern Virgìnia ??. J. C. Ayer's Modic.nee and John Laos· A Co.'s Tinted Gloes and Pr«M.arod Paiate, «tc. Manufacturers of Standard Phannaceotlcal prop* rations. We have made large additions to our stock and are buying leadiu^ Proprietory Articles, . ,'hemicals, Ac, direct fr<<m the manufacturer«·. We are therefore enable·! to supply the trad· with all goods usually carried by a well-ap¬ pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE at price· as low ae those given by the best house· in larger cities. All good» forwarded by first fioight or express after rtjeipt of order. Promptness is our specijilty. We guárante· th« parity of all drug» fondahecL Oorre .pundenco invited. w AHFIKLD a hall, Ol'U<«GIJST6 tXiRNEB PRINCE AltD FAIRFAX 8Tb. Prescriptions s ípeclalty. Bnglish, Frenen, German and Domestic Toilet »Soaps ; Genuine Farina Colonie ¡Mag¬ nolia, Hodyoeiûr»ia, Geranium and Floriils Water; Genuine Lnbiu's Extracts; .Sponges, Hair Brushes and Coral s ; best English Tooth Brashes; a ???? fcssortniont of Patent Modi- _.o* ; Cozc'r» Gelatine, «Corn Starch, »Sea Muss tarine, Spices of ab kinds, and a select stock of ail articles soid by druggists at prices as low as the same quality can ho obtained elsewhere w. F. CREIGHTON A 00, Wholesale and Bétail Dealers ia DBUOb, CflKMJCALe, PAINTS, PATXN1 MEDICINE«. OILS, DYE *G???9, GARDEN SEEDS, An. Oernar King and Boyal streets, Alax.ndria, Virfird·» PhysldaDs* Prescriptions carefully ootv» pounded. Orders will receive prompt attention. FINANCIAL._ ESTABLISHED 1.852. BURKE & HERBERT, BANKERS. ANC DEAXJCBS IR INVESTMENT SECURITIES. A General Banking Business transacted. Deprede received subject to check at sight Collections ¡.rade. Letters Credit and Foreign Exchange furnished. N. UKDSKY, I ( CBA8. R. HOOFF I-BEMDENT. ) ( CA8HIIE. First National Bank, ALEXANDRIA, VA Designated Depository of the United States, CAPITAL, flOO.OOO. SURPLUS AND ? M OO OOO UNDIVIDED PBOFITS, J ^w,uw. Directors : CHAS. B.HOOFF, JAS. F. MUIB ?. LINDSEY, ?. ?. HABLOW, G. L. BOOTHE. Prompt attention given to all business, in¬ cluding collections throughout the United States and Europe._ UHOHl WHJ-T, I j WM. H. LAMBJOtt Presiden». J \ OatniaV. X. L. DaINGKKFIKLI*, 1 ( w. w. UAMBMSrt, Vice President. j \ Assistant Cashier. Citizens' ¿Tat'l. Bank. CAPITAL 9100,000. HUBPLUS »ftti.UOO UNDIVIDED PROFITS f46,000) OsUeetUns made and promptly ramltled. AU kinds ef iaTastmest secnrltiee a spt «alty. Obmsaott.B. Wheat, B. L. Dalnsrsrfleld F. L. Smith, W. H. Lambert Worth Hnltsh. ALEXANDBIA INSURANCE CO., (BUGAN BUSINKSB IN 1871.) CAPITAL PAID UP IN CA8H .$57,000. Fire, Marine and Plate Glass Insoranoe. J. CLINTON SMOOT (of C 0. Smoot * Som Co.), President. LAURENCE STABLEB, Secretary. Directors :.George 8. French, (See. Alex. Fert. A Cfaem. «Jo.) ; Worth Hnlfish, (of J. F. Carlin's Sous Co., hardware) ; Ì. T. Borke, (of Burko A Herbert, banker) ; M. B. Harlow, (Real Estate) ; Sam!. H. Lnnt, (Beai Estate); Wm. H. Hellmuth (Hellmath Brae.). Office :.No 102 south Fairfax street. Paring a business existence of twenty-aine year· this »sompany hu paid Fiie losses amounting to f 62,757.00. It has never contested a just claim, bui by prompt and equitable settlement ot »?ß·ßß has secured the confidence of the Insorirg public. The Stesa* holders have received in dividends the earn af .$96.621.00._ rREIGN AND DOMESTIC MINERAL WATERS. STAFFORD, GENEVA LITHIA COLUMBIA LITHIA, BUFFALO LITHIA, LONDONDERRY LITHIA. OTTERBURN LITHIA APOLLINAR18. HÜNYADI, BUBINAT, V-RUNICA and TATI ??T?? 8PBING. eonstauUy on hand at WARFIELD A HALL'S, Otaaar Pxiaee aadFaixmsi _ ^EDUCATIONAL. | EDUCATIONAL. _ School for Young Ladies aud Little Girls, 917 PRINCE 8FBEET. ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, Next seasion begin· September 17, 1900. Course for Graduation. Great attention to Primary Department. Muffe-, Elocution, Languages. Latin or French without extra charge to puniti taking full Preparatory or Ac «demie courses. For ratilngn* address aug21|6w Mm. FRANCES B. EWINO, Principal. _EDUCATIONAL. Miss Mai R. Green well, TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. PUPI i OF DR. E. »S. ? IM BALL. For terms apply »t 312 south St. Aeaph sir· et_ "·? O tolti Miss Caroline Evans, TEACHER OF VOCAL CULTURE. For.tcrms.apply at 322 .south bu At-apb street. sep5 lm* Mrs. Oscar F. Carter TEA« HER OF THK PIANOFORTE, W.111 reoptin her btadio at 811 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET, an 14 2m] September 15. Education for Real Life FOB SON8 AND DAUGHTERS, AT SPENCERIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Academy of Music building, 9th and Dn.w Washington, D.C. Beautiful spacioua halls, Entrance 403 9th st. J be thirty.sixth s«¦holastic year opens Mon¬ day, August 27,1900. Day and night se¬ sión. Office now open for legislation of elu¬ dente. Bapid, legit lc, beautiful Writing. Spelling, thorough English and Coi respond· enee. Shorthand ai.il Touch Typewriting. Bapid Calculations, Bookkeeping m.d Rubi¬ nosi Practice Scicn«3e of Wealth, Commer¬ cial Geography, Civics. Laws of Bnsines-, Ethics, Moral and Social Culture. Ait of Ex¬ pression (Delsarte method). Vooaland Phyc- leal culture. Night classes: Monday, Wed» neaday and Friday, 6 to 9. For new cata, logue or further information call at offlco or address Mrs. SABA A. SPENCER, Principal and Proprietor. auglH 3m fflSlPALlÍGÍSCUüC FOB BOYS, Three miles west of Alexandria, Va., L. M. BLA(KFOUI), ?. ?., Principal. THK 62» ???? OPENS SEPT. 26. 1900 Illustrated Catalogue on application. _jy_9 d&twtoctl Arlington Institute FOB GIRLS.! The 34th session will be^in «September 20. 1900. y young children are receive·! and the Piimary Department is carefully taught. DrswioK lessons aro free la thii de- piitmcnt. Frei.« h taUifht i ? the Junior Classes and Latin in the Senior C!asnee with¬ out extra charge. Catalogues atLeadbesters' drug store and, after »September 3, at new residence, No. 215 north Washington street A.M. CHANDLEE. augl5 tocl Piincipal. COAL AND WOOD BY ELEVATING THE QUALITY of our coal we lower the price in economy of consumption. Consumers will and that it is cheaper to nee onr high grade Lee Coal, that has been screened and freed from elate and stone, than that of an inferior grade. It give« more heat, lew asbee and burns longer than any other coal, and our prices are as low ar any. Coal and Wood nnder cover. J. R. ZIMMERMAN, Foot of Queen street Alexandria, Va Telephone 77._ COAL! _ COAL! W~3TK AND BID ASH, 8HAMOKIN AND LYKEN'8 VALLEY. From the famous mines of th· 8USQUEHANN A COAL OOMPA NY. Pore Coal, well screened, 2240 lbs to the W ? AXBO CRUSHED COKE, CUMBERLAND, NEW RIVER AND SPLINT COAL. Families, Public Institutions, and Mann facturera supplied at lowest market rates. All orders left at office, 114 south St. Asaph atreet, telephoned immediately tc yards. J. B. ZIMMERMAN, Wharf and Yards, foot of Qu^ii street. FOUNDER« AND MACHINItìTtì. JA H. AITCHESON, Practical Machinists and Engineer.· And Builders el MABINI AND STATIONARY ENGINE? Blanhsmlthlng and Steam Fittine. Ea. cgineers' and Mj»cM_iets'Supplies, and all sorti ^miü work and that connected with brick¬ work promptly executed. Repairing prompt· ty done. J. A H. AITCHESON, t?t?? 116 KJm st., Alexandria, Va. w M.S. MOORE. Machinist, Iron tod Br.tss Founder, ??G?ß?GG? AND BLACKSMITH, OLD DOMUnOB WOBjrj. MOTH UNION STREET, ALEXANDRIA Will famish and repair ail kinds of Machin·· ry, bon ind Brass Castings, Wrought and Oast Iron Fences, Mill Work, Ship and Black· smithing, Edge Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Hani. asara ard all kinds of Mill Work mad· and ra· paliad et tua shortest notice and at rsasonabhj prices. xMr*Ths highen mark·! pria» paid for CM Wrought snd Cast Iron. Brass and Ceppar. THE EVE Is Such a Delicate Organ That it should be treated only by the skillful .those who make it a specialty. Let, as examine your eyes. No charge {or examination snd adrice. We furnish spectacles and Eyeglasses of all im AT LOWEST PRICES. W. E. DIENELT. OPTHALMIlO OPTICIAN. Office «%nd rsssdaace 108 souta Washingto* _ street._ _ MASON'S PORCELAIN TOP FBDIT JABS, ouught ..for· ihe ádranos in price. 1 dosen quarta «SOe. 1 donan half gallons, 7<5c. 1 doaen Jelly Glasses i#c Packed 1 do» .nrnVbox. wTpVWOOLL· * SONS, Boyal and Wolfs." 8 OOTCH HERRING J art reosired by J. C. MILBUBN. ? IPPKBBD HJCBBIMQ Jest reosiTed by j a μ??.ßpß? ? ELEPHONE EXCHANGES. TTOME TELEPHONE (OMPANY. ALEXANDBIA, VA« EXCHANGE. 309 KING STREET. $3 A MONTH FOR BUSINESS. $2 A MONTH FOR HOMES. F. F. MARBURY, Manager. E. P. MATTER, Electrician. SUBSCRIBERS' LIST. 101 Alexandria County Courthouse 19H Adams Express Company 11 Appich, I) ? 15 Appi» h, Geo A 115 Alexandria Infirmary 95A Aitcheson, D W 94 Alexandria Bottling Co, Jas McCuen 20 Alexandria Steam Bakery 37 Alexandria Gas Works 199 Alexandria Times 7 Alexandria Garotte 15 Applet), Ü A 5 Armstrong A Marbury 164 Alexandria Water Company Anderson, ? M 77 Boothe, Gardner L 96 Baggett Bros 134 Burroughs, T F Sons A Co 19 Baader, li 25 Beach, Joe fe ß ? ? ? ? R Co 29 Bain ff E 176 Brili, Louis 170 Beckham, J ? & J G ti'3 Barley, L C, residence. 72 Barley, L C, oui e. 197A Baltimore, Meat Markot [H Fniilh] 160B Baltimore Meat Market [C Gereon] 30 Crilly, J H 30 Chatham's Stablee, B L Myers A Co ION City Troasuror 107 Columbia Engino House 144 Carter Bros 111 IJogan. J A A W W, Plumbers 120 City Gas Office til ('halruere, A C 45B Della, Andrew 97 Drei fus, J ? Co 40 Entwis'o, F L 123 Episcopal High School [Seminary Hill] 127 Entwisle, J VV, Druggist 155 Exchango and Raliard, [? ? Helwig] 27 Fisher Bros 45A Feudali, W E 38 Fannon, ? J 8H Floischmann House, UH Flanigen, Jos ? 167 Flanigeu, J R, Residence 142B Francis, PeUrr 14M Globe Fl.«ur Mille 52 Garrett A Monroe 56 (¿raves, W ? 155 ? ? Helwig, Exchange Hoto). 43 Harper, F IS 5H Hinken A Hon 70 Hill Bakery 41 Hamilton A Co KH» Uydraulion Engine House 171 Hill, J M »»Co 125B Hurst, M IHM Hammond, J W A Sons.Ice 177 Hoy, Ihos 64 Jail 137 A Jackson, Wash 2H King, Cnas A Bon 13 Kirk, H, jr 4H Lindaey, ? A Co 67 Lindsey, N, .Residence 9 Leadbeater & Sons 151B Und*y N, Braddock Heights 12M Matthew, J títí Marshall, J A 76 May, W Hat Son 181 Milburn, J C 99 May, J W, Residence IOGA Mutter, ? ?, electrician. 6 Mari.ury A Armstrong 55B Mari.ury, Leonard, Residence 55 Marbury, F F, Mgr liti Norfolk A Washington Steamboat Oo 137 ? Neale. J Stanley 77 Norton, J ? M 168 O'Sullivan M R 125 Pullman, ? ? Co, Wood A Coal Yard 53 Pollard, F J H5 Pullman, ? <s Co, Main Store 1W6 Palman, ? A Co, Branch Store 49. Portner, Robert 34 Posto th ce 14,Police Headquarters 103.Postal Telegraph Co 33 »Pennsylvania ? ? Co 112,Peltou. C C 135 People's Bakery Portner, Robert, Mauaesas 185 Power, T F, Hupt Water Ce, West End 8U Quinn, Edward 8 Ramsay, G Wm 50 Reardon, Wm M 105 Rol.Af Truck House 93 üübertfon, H F 89 Roberta, Walter, Office 139 Roberto, Walter. Residence, West End 140 Roberto, J W, West End 03 Rammel, A 183 «Simoon's Sons, H L 71 Smoot, C C Sons A Co, Tannery 90 Smoot, C C Sons A Co, Warehouse 92 Smith, ? ? 57 Ämoot, W A A Co 9H Smith, Francis L 122 Slaughter, Dr R M, »Seminary Hill 151A bnioot, J C, Bosidenc« 152 Smoot, Jas R «4 Co 2 Southern Railway Company (W «k 0) 133 (southern Railway Company (V M) 42 Simpson, H A 3 Standard Oil Co 161 Schulor Beef Co. 182 Simpeon, Goo L, Residence 162 Smoot, J R, Residence 143 Sleai ne, G W 63 Virginia Glass Works 39 Washington Stoamboat Oo 198 Wood, Mrs M A 35 Wise, Geo A Co 61 Wise, Geo, Residence, Scminsry Hill 190 Woolls, W P, Wolfe snd Royal 153 Woolls, W P, Queen and Henry 160A Wood, C B, 149 Welkins A Chauncey, City Market 95 ? Yates A Co, CB ,18 Zimmerman, J ? 123B Zinmiormau, J B, Besi Jonce Fulls Church, Bosslyn, Fairfax «Courthous and Fairfax Station. s OUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. WYTUE WHITE. Manager. 10 Adams Express Co. 109 Ahern. Jno A Co 149· Agnew, Park 48b Aitcheson A Bro 76a Aitcheeon, J <¿ H 85a Aitcheson. DeW 105· Alexandria Driving Park 94a Alexandria Botti; u g Co 120· Alexandria Fertiliser A Che in Co 154* Alexandria Steam Laundry 58· Alexandria Steam Bakery 7 Alexandria Gaiette 99 Alexandria Tin ea 115 Alexandria Infirmary 91b Allen, EL 107a Alexandria Brick Company 1015* Andersen, ? M 1022· Appich, Geo A 52» Armstrong A Marbury 1126· Bryan, Albert 130 Baader Henry 1023· Bektir, HJ ß Baltimore A Ohio Freight 118» Ballenger A Bro 158 Barley, Louis C, atty-aUlaw 127 8 Boyal. 159 Barley, Loáis C, residence 117 ? Columbas. Sea Bell Sons, Robt 30a Bernheimer, 8J 63 Bendheim, D A Bom 44 Beckham. J T A J G 1096* Bihler, Paul 1014* Bitxer. J H Dr 37a Boh-.ua, Mrs 0 98* Booth«, Gardner L. office 1052· Boothe, Gardner L, resides» 42a Brent, 8 G, office 75b Brent S G, residence 46a Brodera. J A Co 113* Brookes, Wm Fowl·, residence 96b Brtokes, Wm F A Oo 25a Brockett, A D, residence 127 Brocken, A D A Co 12 Bryant, Herbart, olle· 88 Bryant, Hacbart, rsaldmica TELEPHONE EXCHANGES. j 62 Burke * Herben ' 123 Burroughs, T r 152* Business Men's League 42· Carlin, C C, office I 116 Cat lin, C C, residence I 72 Coton. James R I 80 Carlin Sons, Jas F A ¡ 165* Carlin, Mrs M J I 136 Carter et Howard 90* Ce-itral Office (pay statien) 90* Central Office Telephone Exchange 40 Citisene' National Bank 82 City Treasurer 81 Corporation Court 1U53« Corse W B 2'¿. Creighton, W F A Co 22b Creighton. W F A faon 1061* Crupper, Joseph L 53a Curtin A Batte 1061· Cutler, Rev H J 1046* Dsbuey.JssH 117 DaiDgerfield, E L lOOa Daingerflel , EL 78a Daineerfleld, W B 78» Daingerfield, Harriett T Mrs, resi· donee 131 N Washington. 1115· Dea vers, A J 74a Domaine. W H 141 Dienelt, J A 97a Drei fus, J A Co 125a Eichberg, Isaac 106 Evening Star Bureau 1021· Eichberg, Isaac 29 Emmeit, JWACo 129 Entwisle, Cb»s F 104a Episcopal High School 131 Fannon,? J 27a Fisher Brothers 55 First National Bank 135* Fleiachmann Hotel 56a Fleisch mann Hotel 69a French, RW 150· French, Geo 8 59b French, R W 137* Gibson, Richard 1136·· Gitcson, Emily M Miss, residence 700 Duke. 1133 Gibson. Dr Wm. 1064* Goiman, Dr E A 59 Han,mond, J W A Sons 2b Harlow, M ? A Co 85a Harlow Brothers 43 Harper, F S 139 Hay, John Industrial School 75a Hellmuth Brothers 138 Helwig. II P, Exch'ge A Ballard 60a Hill, J M 20 Hill. J M A Co 70a Hill's Bskfry 1065· Hill. Frank M 1031* Hid, Zora 66a Howard Dr ? ? 153· Hooff, Chas ? 108· Howard, Clifton ? 1013· Hudson, W D 1024· Janney, P 1064· Janney Miss E M 88a Jone». T M Dr 87 Johnson, W A A Co 1011* Johnson, Dr Albert 94* Kelly, James J 13 Kirk, H 28b King, Chaa A Son 17 King, Charles, residence 28a King, Cüas A Son 41a Knight. R E 101a Knox. B F 101c Knox. R F 1074· Kiamer, Mrs Frederick 122·· Kretol Chemical Co, Prince A Fairfsx 1092· Kuhn, Richard P 121 Lambert, Urban 8, nidse broker ICI Union. Lansburg, Mrs Alice Lawler, E E «4 Co Leadbeater, E S A Sons Lennon, C G Lennon, C M Lindsey, ? A Co Looee, ì L Manager's Office Marine Bailway Shipb'ld'g A Cosi Marr, Geo C Market Houce McGuire, Dr Hugh Killer, Dr Julian ? Miller, E J A Co Miller Ash by Moore, W S "Mount Vernon" May A 8on. W H Myers, B L A Oo Norton. J ? M Nugent, O J O'Brien, HWDi Odell, Aaron O'Sullivan A Co. Patterson A Brother Peck, W H 5 Perry, Thomas 49 Portner, tfobt 84 Poetai Telegraph Cable Company 34 Postoffice 14 Police Headquarters 119 Price A Oo, Geo E. 1131 Pullman, CO 1072· Puivis, Dr W ? 93· Quaikenbnsb, Dr L ? 1063 Quinn, Edward, ? Ramsay, ti Wm 50 Reardon, Wm M 1012* Recker, William 1113· Bice, J Harry 93 Roberteon. H F 21a Robinson, G HA Sons 1042* Robinson, Magnus L 1116· Robinson, ? ? 1066* Bogen», Joseph F 1071· Bust, Dr D N 61a Scnnier, M 128 »human. L la Smith, F L 92 Smith, Mrs Francis L 1054· Smith, W T 71* Smoot, CCASons 57 Smoot, W A A Co 32 Smoot. J II D 19a Smooi J B.«x Co 148· Smith, Courtland H 45a Smith, Dr W M, office 45b fcniith, Dr W M, residence 1073* bnowden, Dr Arthur 1050* Sopor, E D 200* Southern Bell TA T Co 90· Southern Bell T A T Co, Operator 11. Southern Railway Co, freight yard 241 Southern Bai[way Co, W de O 10 Southern Express Co 3* (Standard Oil Company 1091* Stevens, Moses 142* Summers, C J W, residelce 161* Taylor. S C 200· Telephone Exchange 104b Theological i-eniinary 1016* Thompson, Chas F, residence 107ß· Van Anken, F L 112a W, A A Mt Vernon By Co 112o W, A A Mt Vernon By,Co 124a Watkina, JB 15 Wattle«, ? ? 33 Washington Southern Bailway 144* Warfield, er Edgar 39a Washington Steamboat Co 1044· Waters, ? 16 Wattle·, C W 135 Weadon Broe,lagetU 133 Weidirman, Jos HO Weil Bros 47 Western Union Telegraph Company 89* White, Wythe ?? Whoatley. ? ?*»?· Williamson, N L .7· Winston. W Ü >5· Wise, Mrs Peter 70b Wood, Mrs M A 10?3* Woolls. WP 18 Zimmerman, J B, residence 7·;· Zimmerman, J B, office Ana odale, Va, W. J Mal one. Fait fax Couit House, Va James Adams. Ceni-evil le, Va. B C Uturbach Mana» sas, Va, Hotel Mame, A. Daria Wellington, C. 0. Leacbrnan. Hay market, Va Chas. ?. Wilson. Wavtrly, Va. E H. Janney. Maple ? ru ve, Va, Dr Coas H. Janney. For rate· apply to Central Office. PAT STATIONS, 90· Central Office 135* Fleischmann Hotel 103· Market House .Indicates Metallic Circuit and Long Dis tance Transmitter. WE SELL TEAS LIKE WE DO EVEBY THING ELSE at reasonable profit Our Grew lea at 40c equal to any «50c Tea in this dty. W. P. WOOLLS A SON COFFEES have advanced, but we are stil .«ailing them at old priées. _J. a MILBUBN CRANBERRIES..Fancy Cape Cod Cran· eterne* just received by ¦__ J. C. MILBUBN. FINE WINTEaVCUBED HAMS-Oox A Gordon's Sflgar-carsd H«x<aa sg«MÜl flaws, jastrsoaiveday J. a- RAILROADS._ Southern Railway. Schedule in effect August 12,1900. Trains leave Alexandria: 8:23 A. M.-Daily.Local for Harrison¬ burg and for Charlotte and way stations. 1135 A. M.-Daily-TJ. S. Fast Mail. Sleeping cars to New Orleans, Colombia, Sa¬ vannah and Jacksonville, uniting at Salutary with sleeper for A-hville, Chattanooga an4 Memphis, and at Charlotte with sleeper for Birmingham. Solid, train Washington to New Orleans Dining ear service, 11:57 A. M..Daily.Local for Charlottes¬ ville. 423 P. M..Week Days.Local for Front T'oyal. Strasburg and Harrisot burg. 4:52 P. M .Daily.Local tor Charlottes- vide 10:15 P. M.-Daily.New York and Flori¬ da Express. Sleeping cars to Angosta, with connections for Aiken and Chsr'etton, and to Uavannab, Jtcksonville and Port Tampa. Through cars to Jacksonville. Dining car service, 10:15 P. M.-Daily-Waablngton and Chattanooga Limited (via Lyncbburg). 8leer- in·/ ears to Boanoke, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis and New Orleans. Through coach to Memphis Dining car service. 11:05 P. M.-Dady.Wsshington and Southwestern Limited. Sleephg cars to Ash vide, Knoxville. thattanooga and Nash¬ ville, and to Atlanta, Macon, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Or¬ leans. I lining car sorvice. Tourist aieeper Washington to tan Francisco Mondays, Wed¬ nesdays and Fridays. TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO DIVISION leave Alexandria 7:58 a. m. daily; 1:07 p. m.and 4:40 p. m. weak days; 6:33 p. ta. Sundays only for Bluemont 6:33 p. m., Saturdays for Leesburg; 6:33 p m. week daje for Heiudon. Betnrning, arrive at Alexandria 8:36 a. m. daily; 8:36 a. m and 2:37 p. m. week days from Bluemon t 7:52 p. ni bunríays only from Bluemont Through trains from tbe youth arrive at Alexandria 6:17 a id., 7:15 a. m. and 1:55 ? m., and 8:30 p. in. daily. From Harrison¬ burg, 11:14 a. m. week days and 9:20 p. m daily. From Charlottesville 8:05 a. m. aud 9:20 p. iu. daily. For detailed ichedalo figurée, tickets, Pull¬ man reservation, etc., tpply to A. C. MOSS, ticJtet agent, Alexandria, Va. FBA.VK8. GANNON, 3rdV. P. AG. M. J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager. W. A. TURK, (tenera! Passenger Agent, L. 8. BROWN, General Agent, Washing- ¦ ton, D. C. WASHINGTON, ALEXANDBIA AND MOUNT VERNON BAILWAY. In Effect August 8, 1900. FOB WASHINGTON. Leave Alexandria, corner King and Royal streets, also stops at King and Washington, and King ani Payne streets, week day., at 5 55, 0 25, 6 55, 7 20 (express;, 7 41 7 56, 8 20 (exproas), 8 30, 9 Of), 9 30, 1000, 10 35, 1104, 1142 a. m. (ex- press;, 12 25, 1 00, 1 06 (express), 1 25. 2 OO, 2 40, 3 01 (express;. 3 12, 3 40 4 15, 4 30 «express», 5 00, 5 31 (express; 5 45. 6 O.',, 0 30. 7 00, 7 15 (express H 00. « 45, !) 30, 10 15 and 11 15 p. m. Leave Alexandria for Four Mile Run, oi ly. at 11 55 p. p? and 12 35 a. ta. Sunday».7 OO, M 15, 9 OO. 9 45, 10 25 10 45, 11 15, 11 45 a. m., 12 15, 12 45, 1 15. 1 45. 2 15 2 45. 3 15, 3 45, 4 15, 4 45. 5 15, 5 4r>, 6 15, 6 45, 7 15. 7 45. 8 15, 8 45. 9 30, 10 15 and U 15 p. m. Leave Alexandria tor Four Mile Ron onij at 11 52 p. m nod 12 25 a. m. FOB ALEXANDRIA. Leave Washington, from the íorn«/ ol Pennsylvania avenue and lS1^ street, week «lav«, 6 3C, V 04, 7 30. H 00, 8 35, 8 59, 9 25. 10 00, 11 00, 11 35 a. m. 12 05 (ex- press), 12 20, 12 45, 1 20, (express), 1 45, 2 Ot), 2 40, 3 OO (express) 3 25. 3 59, 4 16 (express;, 4 5u. 5 05, 5 20 .express), 5 40, 0 04, 6 30. 7 06, 7 30, 8 00. 8 45, 9 30, 10 15, 11 20nnd 11 69 p. m. Leave Four Mile Rue for Alexandria 5 30 0 07, 6 36 and 7 05 a. m Sundays.7 46, 9 00, 9 45, 10 30, 11 00. 1130 a. ui.. 12 00 noon, 12 30, 100. 1 30, 2 00. 2 30, 3 00, 3 30, 4 00. 4 30, 5 00, 5 30, ti 00, 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8 OO, 8 45,9 30, 10 15, 11 20 and 11 5Jp. m. Leave Four Mile Ren for Alexandria 6 41 a. ru. FOB MOUNT VEBNOH. Leave Alexandria fo" Mount Vernon, week days, at 7 02, 8 35, 10 32, 11 32 a. m 12 32, 1 48, 2 32, 3 32, 4 43, 7 38, and 9 16 p.m. Sundays-9 32 a. m., 12 32, 2 32, 4 33 7 32, and 9 16 p. id. Leave Mount Vernon, week days, at 7 40, 9 14, 11 14 a. m. 12 40, 1 33. 2 35, 3 08 4 10, 5 Or>, 6 30, 8 ¿4, and 10 32 p. m. Sundays.7 4i>, 10 14 a. m., 1 43, 3 43, 5 30, 8 34, and 10 32 p. m. FOB BOtiSLYN. Leave Alexandria for Rosslyn, week days 7 56, 9 00, 10 00, 11 04 a. m., 12 26, 1 06, 2 00, 3 40, 5 00, 5 45, 6 05 7 00 ana 8 00 p. m. buudaye. All trains from 8 15 a m. tc 7 46 p. in., inclusive, matke direct connec¬ tion at Arlington Junction. Leave Rosslyn for Alexandria, weekdays, 8 31, 9 34, 10 53 and 11 42 a. m., 1 04, I 42. 2 37, 4 21, 5 32, 6 27, 7 02, 7 66 ind 8 3 8 p. m. Sunday·}- Connection made at Arlington Junction with all trains arriving in Alexan¬ drin from 9 30 a. m. to 9 15 p. m., inclusive. iiaggHge checked and carried on tho fol¬ lowing trains for Washington from Alexan¬ dria week day», 8 3u and 10 35 a. m., 1 25, 3 12 and 6 0 > ? m. Sundays--H 15 a. m. and 6 15 p. m. Parcels carried on all trains. Freight carried daily, morning and even* ing, in each direction. No freight accepted unless delivered at tho station at least 30 minutes before the departuie of the freight trains. G. E. Abbot, J. Colvin, President. Superintendent ARLINGTON A FALLS CHURCH LINE Cars leave Rosslyn for Alexandria county courthouse and Falls Church at 6 25. ß 50 7 20, 8 30, 9 30, 10 30 and 11 30 a m.. 12 30, 1 30 2 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00, 5 80, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00,10 00, II 00 and 12 00 p. ra. For Arlington, Columbia and Naucl. at 6 20. 6,50, 7 20, 7 50, b 46, 9 45,10 45, and 11 45 a. ui., 12 45, 1 45, 2 46, 3 45, 4 45, 6 45. 6 46, 7 45. 8 46, 9 45, 10 45 and 11 50 p.m. fobs BUILDING MATEIilAL. [ESTABLISHED 1822.] Henry K. Field & Co. Successoi-s|to i.TOSIAH H. D, SMOOT. Lumber and Mill Work OF ALL KINDS. Office and Yard 115 N. Union street, Factory No. 113 N. Lee street ßaT·Material Delivered FREE in the city. SMOOTH CO., (Successors to J. Rector 8moot A Co» · Steam Flooring and Planing Mill. Mantifa-ioxera «f DJGB AND WINDOW FBAMEB, MOULD DjJGáL «la», DEALERS IN LUMBER, 8HINGL», LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED PLASTEE aad CEMENTI No. 35 north Union street, Alexandria, Va. Lumber daliTared free la th· dty. OOLK MILLER'S A ITA LIAN INSECT POWDER A fresh supply today at WABFIELD A HALL'S, Corner Prince and Fairfax streets CHOICE CALIFORNIA EVAPORATED PEACHES, extra bricht, only 10c per ib. Ai W. P. WOOLLS* SON'S. ? ????.?????-. ?«»* ? s YL Vania RAILBOAD. ? ?????T LEAVE WAMH\-iT,A TATION CORNER OF hl.\jH ?*? STREETS. "h * for Alexandria 4 30,7 46. in .,, A. M. 3 12, 4 25, 5 oo . ,. J' v- Sunday 4 30, 7 46 and in -, -, \ .. ¦' v 312, 5 00 and 7 P. ? "?: 'or Washington ß 44. 8 On , -«¦,,. 1214. 8 03,7 20,9 13 .,, ; ? ? y Sunday ß 44, 8 29 and li ó ? »' y * ? 13 and 11 03 P. M. *'¦ r:45 A. M. Week Days. 1???-' PBE8S..Parlor and Din:«.. I.".. a barg to Pittsburg. ,: ' L0:60 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA 1 ? fr Pullman Sleeping, Dinu... -: ,'.'''*"" Observation Care Harr.«i / ',"'-' u1 Cincinnati, Indianapolis ;.. '] "' land and Toledo. Buffet I'*r.,.' ..u '¡, ' risburg. "' '*'* LO-rJO A. M. FAST LINK- ,, , Parlor Car to Harris.«·.:;.· ,.-'.' .'. '' Car Harrisbure to Pittr v ?.30 P. M. CHICAGO ? ? PBE8S.»Sleeping u.r \\ Louis, and sleepiui« air .,'.*· burg to Indianapolis a. (via Cincinnati ami 1.. ' cago; connect« for TVI»:.i.. 7:45 P. M. WESTERN K\i ... Sleeping tar to IV.t.v Dining Car to Chi«w 7:45 F. M. CLEVELAND .,»¦! , -. EXPRESS-PullLianf-'u, ..'»..;' ington to PittsLurg hi. Cleveland and Cin« ??.? ' 10:40 P.M. PACIFIC F.X.'iir.v ,¦-/__ Sleeping Car to PittsLurg 7 45 A. M. for Kane. iHiinr'·. . ;,,,,., and Niagara Falls daily. ,·.·.... '.' ·.". " 10:50 A. M. for El. daily, except Sunday. , daily at 3:30 P. ?. ? 7:46 P.M. daily for Wi .i ·... . _ 10 (via Fmporium Jn t Buffet bleeping Car Buffalo and Niagnr, ! ? ,, Saturday, with Hcipii... t.'' to Roche'Ur. 10:40 p. m. for Erie, Cki:«- ¦*. Buffalo and Niagara ?*.. ¦- \ Sleeping Car Washin>¡u ., '.,/ nrdays only. FOB PHILADELPH??, .'» ? í ., ^ ? ». D ?????.-; 4:00 ?. ?. "CONGRlùv!". * daily, all Parlor Cars, ?»,. ?, ,.< ^ Baltimore. Regular at 7 00 Di 815,9 00,10 00 I), , .; (Dining (»ar f»uni V 12 45,3 15, 4 51· I),. timore), 6 50, 10(H). ¦·.«.; » Sunday 7 00 ?. Di ut, 9 00, and 11 00. mington) A. M., 12 1 ing car from Baltiiüc'i 1160 P.M. For I'!.-...-. ». press 7 45 ?. ? , 12 "> * « ,·¦ 2 01 and 5 40 P. »Mi For Boston, withont cti:«.. » V »r-i days, and 4 60 1'. M For Baltimore 6 Jo, 7 9 OU, 10 00, io'»?«. ¡ 12 15,1245,3 15. .? 4 00 Im'dj, 4 2d, 6 50, 7 45, Î0<«:, 11 50 P. M. Oi S-.«· 9 00,9 05, H.«5n r»·. 1215, 1 15, 2 01. led), 4 20, 4 60,5 «"·, 10 00, 10 40 and 11 .·'¦ V For Pope's Creek Line '." '->.·. > · P. M. week day·) »-.n..»v ? ?! For Annapolis loo .?,. ·¦ o 12 15 and 5 -IO 1'. «:. day. Sunday !' nn " Express for F.oii¦'.-. ¦- tic Coast Line ·; »" v., M. daily; Rich i.. ·....';' « days; and G ¦>'¦ Florida and ¡ 10:65 A.M. modation for ·.< < and 4 25 P.M. *.·«·. SEASHORt <<:"¦ .'«r For Atlantic City {vu ?·. » all rail route), 11 " m. week days, tlinu» Parlor Care), 3 15 > u' Limited*') aad 11 ·">·' Market etreet wbt.it m 12 45 p m. week da>- snd 12.16 p. m. Saudi«;· only 9 00 a. in. For Cape ? ay 10 00, an! 11 60 p. m. daily. Ticket office, corner I.V. st the station, Sixth ai. orders can be left for tho » to destination from hotels * J. B.HTJTCHINSON. General Manager * - STEA.'- I-.l.- WeemsSteai.i.MwtU Palatial sic« - « POTOMAC AND Not.: J Coi«ine and appoint p ? FOB BALTIMORE AND M»! BIVEBLiM) EVEBY TUESDAY. T·· I'· ' SUNDAY ?? On- Freight solicited aud bani This is a delightful sun trip down tbe Potomac and Bay. Single fare to Baltimore f3 Staterooms one way. f '. Ticket· good to return d WM. M. REAL: J_l_ WASHINGTON ????.? ????(?.?μ:?:- Bound Trip, 1 ·'« In effect on and after MoN Vè, 1898. Leave Washington ??·?-;> ?. M Columbia. 6 1»; Belle Haven.... 6 4? oiombia. 7 3<» Belle Haven.... ? 3<i Columbia. 9 3<> Belle Haven ... 10 30 (Columbia_11»" P. M Belle Haven... 12 ho Columbia. 1 3<> BeUe Haven. 2 30 Colombia. 3 3o Belle Haven.... 4 3n Columbia. 6 3<i Belle Haven. 6 30 ?. B. Same schedule-.? :' at 9 30 a.m. .y POTOMAC BIVER LAN"· ,, EB WAKEFIELD leav.-s v, .-¦ * ,.tì days at 7 00 a. m., ani **' ' a. m., for landings as fur ? ·, Wednesdays and Saturd».;.-" ·»'¦ St. Clement's ?«t ?»..« ? - \, . C. W. RIDLEY '««· JOHN ?. ????1?? \. D An.VLINBTfjNn»·^' EE8B MON ? I* The Norfolk and Wa ¡ih;; boat G?p??'?e? Will ran a DAILY U*K Monday, March «30, with »'·r ' '* «nfrtl Iron »rteamen NEWPORT NK^. WASHINGTON A.N.;v A Lsatlag ?? wnarf st th» r·»* °: .17 00 p.m. 4. a Btsjornlag will leavt Nor' -i ·> atad· fiu·SS. Bound tri, f' ^ OLW-WATlL-vA^ Ho. SJPM·-··7·^ -.i^r- . .... p··? WK KEEP A FÜLL tli.''·' .,,;·:.- («rlhscwof **_,,? >? "!-',d '" TmjfiWttmt «^_Ä lu/« ? » ? _.

Transcript of J.C.RICHÀRDS THE EVE · Haveon handGibeon'·XX,XXX,XXXX andpureOldRye,OldCabinetandMonogram...

Page 1: J.C.RICHÀRDS THE EVE · Haveon handGibeon'·XX,XXX,XXXX andpureOldRye,OldCabinetandMonogram Whiskies; also Baker'· and Thompson'·Fur· RyeWiSekioe,towhichthsyUiYit·theattain·

???????? KVEN »NO, SEPT. 29, 1900

Declines thk HoNOE.Tbe follow«

ini,; signed statement baa been givenout by JudRe 0. W. Powers, who was

recently appointed Uaited States Sen¬ator (rom Utah by acting GovernorNebeker: ''While there can be no

¦question but what Senator Nebeker was

«¿».vernor in the absence ot GovernorWell»» and Secretary Hammond from

tbt« Stat»- «nd that bu had power to ap¬point a lTni'<-d S ates S-nator, tbe pre¬cedent in th. Quay case makes il clearthnt bis appointee would not be Sfai»-d.Our »1» uiocratic state chairman, Mr.

Burton, is »f tî.e opinion that I oan beot more s» rvice to the party on 'beelectoral ticket than in making a con¬

test. In addition, I have no desire to

draw tbe salary pending a contestwhen I am now convinced in advancethat tbe »-eat would be refused. Hence,unless the national committee shalldesir- me to take action, I shall not ac¬

cept the appointment. At first it ap¬peared to me tbat I should make tbe

tìiibt aod thus draw attention once

more, as urged by the democratic party,lor a constitutional amendment provid¬ing for the election of »Senators by the

people; but my sober judgment is ihecontrary. I appreciate Governor Nebf-ker'r co' fìdence and shall always cherishlüe couapliineut."


? Proni.m'iti Virginia Kdttor Had Al¬

ino-·! Liven I p. but Wae BroughtHuck t<> l'eit'ect Health by cham¬berla in'»-. Colic, Cholera aud Diar¬

rhoea Itemed).Head Hie tditoralFrom tbe Times, Hillstille, Va.

I sutlered witb darrboea fora longtime and thought I waa past beingcured. I bad »spent much time endmoney and sutlered so much miseryth-st I bad almost decided to give upall hopes of recovery and await the re-

bult, ti.it noticing the advertisementof Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy and also some testi-1montais stating bow some wonderfulcures had been wrought by this

remedy, I decided to try it. After tak¬ing a lew doses I was entirely well ofchat trouble, and I wish to say turtberto my readers and fellow suflerers tbatI am a bale and hearty man today andfeel a- well as 1 ever did in my life..

[Ü. K. Moore. l-*old by all druggitts.¡Vü-nnou? toh rietoo le rotmbíing niu-h-

ro tut :. .?,- cartel frtqueut deaths this year.B*· eim tuo-e coy the genuine. Observe the»mi dr.- w. * en you t»sk for DeWitt's WitchHue. ?»???- 'Intro ate poisonous counter¬

feit« IXrWru'e is the only original WitchHasel r-üiv». It is «-aie and certain cure for

filers ai.d ai i ok:u diseases.. ··.»-

i!. ,,.c|> ? 111.»».»I IH-ep.« .. ! »...- .ii- ,i » '.?·?? r-kiii. ?

'j*--»-.* .: r ( ,!\i>, Landy Cathar¬tic c .:. ¦¦ '.? ? ¦¦ "1 .iii.l Ufi-i' it e Icari, t»j«tiii ?..^ ·».;¦ « .·. ..c'y ìivcr and driving all im¬

pulite,- p ¡,, tin h'p-dv, Hegin to-day tooanir-h ¡..;i¡i¡.'.i·.-., !..>i!s, blotches, blackheads,ind that biikiy «»iIkius complexion by takingCaacaieU;,.U'auty for ten cents. All drue·tut·, wtistacttoo gwaranteed. i»?.««.tWa.

$10 Washington to Niagara Falle andatetara.

??. Tbursd«iy, beutember 6 and 20 andOctober 4 ani 18, «personally conducted«jimcKii:-. via Pennsylvania Bailroad, willleaT« Wa.-hington by «p·· ial train at 8 00a. ni., arriving Niagara Falls 11:05 p. n>.,

TickiU· liruittd to tea day, and allow fctop-..v,r rutuming at Bollalo, Rochester andWat bina.


W.P.WOOLLS&SON,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in



Fine Ola Wines and Liquors<'OB. ROYAL ???? WOLFE 8T8.



PURE WINES & LIQUORSWe hold largely in U. 8. bonded warehouse·

«nd uairy in stock various brand· ot the beetPI RE RYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE.

.. ~.j in store superior gradee of Foreignand American WINES. ALES, BROWNBT0UT, &C..ptrbatisfaction Guaranteed aa to Price and

Quality.-«^Corner Prince and Commerce Street«.


KAN--7 AND 8TJPL* GBOCEBIE8,1. 3 Nortb Boyal Straet,

Alexanu.-a, Vui roj rietor of the Potomac Brand of Floui

which is unexcelled.

Coffe as Freehly Boasted at 8tcre^_Xir A. JOHNSON A 00.



Have on hand Gibeon'· XX, XXX, XXXXand pure Old Rye, Old Cabinetand MonogramWhiskies ; also Baker'· and Thompson'· Fur·Rye WiSekioe, to which thsy UiYit· the attain·tion ot the trade.Order· from th· ooantry for menandiM

shall reçoive prompt attention.Consignments of Flour, Grain and Ooantry

Produce solicited, for which they guaraate·the highest market price· and prompt retare·.?. E. corner Cameron and Boyal atraéis.


Foreign and Domestic

|Fruits& Candies,ÖU/üklNcijüTrlEET.

Jjy23j3ni^HEINZ'â P1CKLE8.-A fine assortimi

of Heins's bottled Pickles, Sauoea andCatanp« last reoeited by

_J.CMILBügN__HE FINEeT EXTBA SMALL CANNESPEAS are cheap at 15c per «san.

_J. (? MILBUBN.ILD CUBED HAMS and BreakfastBacon, superior quality. For aale by


LARGE MEATY BLA«CK PBÜNE8, onlytic per lb st

W. P. W00LX8 ? 80?Gß\

I_>R1ME SOFT FIGS 10c, 12c and 16cIT pai pam* SA J. (? MJLLBUKNU


MEETINGS^_Washington, I>. C, Sept, 20,1900. I

NOTICE.? b« te wi 1 bean annusi meet-1

ing ot tbe i-toikh« Idera of the HAUBIS? fcJH AFER ((>.,« t tb« e.fflce of the company,No 1*23 sooth h<«}HÌ street. Alexandria, V»..on FRIDAY. October 12, 1900, at the hourof ß p m


By order of the President,_aep21 td C. A. SHAFEB, SecieUry.

NOTKE-The snnu«l meeting of the).tockh«.l«ii«is oí the THE ÌI. A. WIN

TEB COMPANY for the election of officersand dircct'is and for the transaction of]HO'h other tusioe«i as may be lawfullybrought hefor. it, will be held at the office oftb« taid ConiMtny, No 209 Duke street, Al·exanoiia V-. on MONDAY,October 1, 1900,at 11 oMock a. in.

M A. WINTER, President,? ?. McKEE, Becreury,

aspl7 td _

fpO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THEJL COLUMBIAN SMOKELESS FURNACECOMPANY :. ??·.? mo beieby notifi«jd thattho undereiKi'ed stockholders of the Colum¬bian ¡»moke es«· Furnace Company, boldibgtoge'ber mote than ono-tenth of the capital.to«'k of said company, hereby call a generaliup*nng of the stockholeiers of said (jomr-su·/,to be hold at tin« otìic«· of the compuny, No.

123 south hinai et ret t, in the city of Alexan¬drin, feuto of Virginia, on MOvDAY, THEFIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 1900, st the

hour of five o'clock p. mALBERT F. KING8LEY.


ICAL COMPANY aro hcieby notified thattbe Board of l'irectors of the company haieOrt'lod s geiieril iutxMiug of tbe stockholder?,to be held ut ibe efface of the company, No123 south KoyHl Ftioet, Alexandria, Va., on

H*. ITBDA V, the 29th of September, 1900, at10.30 a. m.By older of the Board of Directors.

LOUIS BEYEB, Ja.,aug27ritd Secretary

AGENEKAL MEETING of tie atock-oole.ers of the ??ß-????GT'???ß

BREWERIES COMPANY will be held at 11o'clock in tho foreroon on the 28th DAY OF8EP1EMBER, 1900. r.t the principal officeof the company, No. Ill tooth Fairfax street,Alexandria, Virginia, for tbe transaction of

»ny business which may be brought befotet hemeeting.By order of the Board of Director·,aug25 td* EDWARD BUHL, Sec'ty



106 ai.4 107 south Fairfax street,Dealer· in Drugs, Chemitals, Patent Medi.,tunes, Paintc, «v.la, Dye Stalls, Spices, firuggiste' Fancy Gc-vds aud Specialties.

Wholesale agei.*· in Northern Virgìnia ??.J. C. Ayer's Modic.nee and John Laos· A Co.'sTinted Gloes and Pr«M.arod Paiate, «tc.

Manufacturers of Standard Phannaceotlcalprop*rations.We have made large additions to our stock

and are buying leadiu^ Proprietory Articles,. ,'hemicals, Ac, direct fr<<m the manufacturer«·.We are therefore enable·! to supply the trad·with all goods usually carried by a well-ap¬pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE at

price· as low ae those given by the best house·in larger cities. All good» forwarded by firstfioight or express after rtjeipt of order.

Promptness is our specijilty. We guárante·th« parity of all drug» fondahecL Oorre.pundenco invited.

wAHFIKLD a hall,

Ol'U<«GIJST6tXiRNEB PRINCE AltDFAIRFAX 8Tb.Prescriptions s ípeclalty.Bnglish, Frenen, German and Domestic

Toilet »Soaps ; Genuine Farina Colonie ¡Mag¬nolia, Hodyoeiûr»ia, Geranium and FloriilsWater; Genuine Lnbiu's Extracts; .Sponges,Hair Brushes and Coral s ; best English ToothBrashes; a ???? fcssortniont of Patent Modi-

_.o* ; Cozc'r» Gelatine, «Corn Starch, »Sea Musstarine, Spices of ab kinds, and a select stockof ail articles soid by druggists at prices as lowas the same quality can ho obtained elsewhere

w. F. CREIGHTON A 00,Wholesale and Bétail Dealers ia


GARDEN SEEDS, An.Oernar King and Boyal streets,

Alax.ndria, Virfird·»PhysldaDs* Prescriptions carefully ootv»

pounded.Orders will receive prompt attention.



INVESTMENT SECURITIES.A General Banking Business transacted.Deprede received subject to check at sightCollections ¡.rade.Letters oí Credit and Foreign Exchange

furnished.N. UKDSKY, I ( CBA8. R. HOOFFI-BEMDENT. ) ( CA8HIIE.

First National Bank,ALEXANDRIA, VA

Designated Depository of theUnited States,


Directors :


G. L. BOOTHE.Prompt attention given to all business, in¬

cluding collections throughout the UnitedStates and Europe._UHOHl WHJ-T, I j WM. H. LAMBJOtt

Presiden». J \ OatniaV.X. L. DaINGKKFIKLI*, 1 ( w. w. UAMBMSrt,

Vice President. j \ Assistant Cashier.

Citizens' ¿Tat'l. Bank.CAPITAL 9100,000.


OsUeetUns made and promptly ramltled.AU kinds ef iaTastmest secnrltiee a spt

«alty.Obmsaott.B. Wheat, B. L. Dalnsrsrfleld

F. L. Smith, W. H. Lambert Worth Hnltsh.


CAPITAL PAID UP IN CA8H .$57,000.Fire, Marine and Plate Glass Insoranoe.

J. CLINTON SMOOT (ofC 0. Smoot * SomCo.), President.

LAURENCE STABLEB, Secretary.Directors :.George 8. French, (See. Alex.

Fert. A Cfaem. «Jo.) ; Worth Hnlfish, (of J. F.Carlin's Sous Co., hardware) ; Ì. T. Borke, (ofBurko A Herbert, banker) ; M. B. Harlow,(Real Estate) ; Sam!. H. Lnnt, (Beai Estate);Wm. H. Hellmuth (Hellmath Brae.).

Office :.No 102 south Fairfax street.Paring a business existence of twenty-aine

year· this »sompany hu paid Fiie lossesamounting to f 62,757.00. It has nevercontested a just claim, bui by prompt andequitable settlement ot »?ß·ßß has secured theconfidence of the Insorirg public. The Stesa*holders have received in dividends the earn af.$96.621.00._rREIGN AND DOMESTIC MINERAL


eonstauUy on hand atWARFIELD A HALL'S,

Otaaar Pxiaee aadFaixmsi


School for Young Ladies aud Little Girls,917 PRINCE 8FBEET. ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA,

Next seasion begin· September 17, 1900. Course for Graduation. Great attention to

Primary Department. Muffe-, Elocution, Languages. Latin or French without extra charge

to puniti taking full Preparatory or Ac «demie courses. For ratilngn* address

aug21|6wMm.FRANCES B. EWINO, Principal.

_EDUCATIONAL.Miss Mai R. Greenwell,



For terms apply »t 312 south St. Aeaphsir·et_ "·? O tolti

Miss Caroline Evans,TEACHEROF

VOCAL CULTURE.For.tcrms.apply at 322 .south bu At-apb

street. sep5 lm*

Mrs. Oscar F. CarterTEA« HER OF THK

PIANOFORTE,W.111 reoptin her btadio at

811 SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET,an14 2m] September 15.

Education for Real LifeFOB SON8 AND DAUGHTERS, AT

SPENCERIAN BUSINESS COLLEGE,Academy of Music building, 9th and Dn.w

Washington, D.C.Beautiful spacioua halls, Entrance 403 9th st.J be thirty.sixth s«¦holastic year opens Mon¬

day, August 27,1900. Day and night se¬

sión. Office now open for legislation of elu¬

dente. Bapid, legit lc, beautiful Writing.Spelling, thorough English and Coirespond·enee. Shorthand ai.il Touch Typewriting.Bapid Calculations, Bookkeeping m.d Rubi¬nosi Practice Scicn«3e of Wealth, Commer¬cial Geography, Civics. Laws of Bnsines-,Ethics, Moral and Social Culture. Ait of Ex¬

pression (Delsarte method). Vooaland Phyc-leal culture. Night classes: Monday, Wed»neaday and Friday, 6 to 9. For new cata,

logue or further information call at offlco or

address Mrs. SABA A. SPENCER, Principaland Proprietor. auglH 3m

fflSlPALlÍGÍSCUüCFOB BOYS,Three miles west of Alexandria, Va.,

L. M. BLA(KFOUI), ?. ?., Principal.THK 62» ???? OPENS SEPT. 26. 1900

Illustrated Catalogue on application._jy_9 d&twtoctl

Arlington InstituteFOB GIRLS.!

The 34th session will be^in «September 20.1900. V· y young children are receive·!and the Piimary Department is carefullytaught. DrswioK lessons aro free la thii de-

piitmcnt. Frei.« h i· taUifht i ? the JuniorClasses and Latin in the Senior C!asnee with¬out extra charge. Catalogues atLeadbesters'drug store and, after »September 3, at new

residence, No. 215 north Washington streetA.M. CHANDLEE.

augl5 tocl Piincipal.


BY ELEVATING THE QUALITYof our coal we lower the price in economy ofconsumption. Consumers will and that it ischeaper to nee onr high grade Lee Coal, thathas been screened and freed from elate andstone, than that of an inferior grade. It give«more heat, lew asbee and burns longer thanany other coal, and our prices are as low ar

any. Coal and Wood nnder cover.J. R. ZIMMERMAN,

Foot of Queen street Alexandria, VaTelephone 77._COAL!



LYKEN'8 VALLEY.From the famous mines of th·8USQUEHANNA COAL OOMPA NY.

Pore Coal, well screened, 2240 lbs to the W ?AXBO


COAL.Families, Public Institutions, and Mann

facturera supplied at lowest market rates.All orders left at office, 114 south St. Asaph

atreet, telephoned immediately tc yards.J. B. ZIMMERMAN,

Wharf and Yards, foot of Qu^ii street.



Practical Machinists and Engineer.·And Builders el

MABINI AND STATIONARY ENGINE?Blanhsmlthlng and Steam Fittine. Ea.

cgineers' and Mj»cM_iets'Supplies, and all sorti^miü work and that connected with brick¬work promptly executed. Repairing prompt·ty done. J. A H. AITCHESON,t?t?? 116 KJm st., Alexandria, Va.


Machinist, Iron tod Br.tss Founder,??G?ß?GG? AND BLACKSMITH,

OLD DOMUnOB WOBjrj.MOTH UNION STREET, ALEXANDRIAWill famish and repair ail kinds of Machin··ry, bon ind Brass Castings, Wrought andOast Iron Fences, Mill Work, Ship and Black·smithing, Edge Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Hani.asara ard all kinds of Mill Work mad· and ra·

paliad et tua shortest notice and at rsasonabhjprices.

xMr*Ths highen mark·! pria» paid for CMWrought snd Cast Iron. Brass and Ceppar.

THE EVEIs Such a Delicate Organ

That it should be treated only by the skillful.those who make it a specialty.

Let, as examine your eyes.No charge {or examination snd adrice.We furnish

spectacles and Eyeglasses of all imAT LOWEST PRICES.


Office «%nd rsssdaace 108 souta Washingto*_ street._ _


..for· ihe ádranos in price.1 dosen quarta «SOe.1 donan half gallons, 7<5c.1 doaen Jelly Glasses i#c Packed 1 do»

.nrnVbox. wTpVWOOLL· * SONS,Boyal and Wolfs."

8OOTCH HERRINGJart reosired byJ. C. MILBUBN.

?IPPKBBD HJCBBIMQJest reosiTed byj a µ??.ßpß?




$2 A MONTH FOR HOMES.F. F. MARBURY, Manager.E. P. MATTER, Electrician.

SUBSCRIBERS' LIST.101 Alexandria County Courthouse19H Adams Express Company11 Appich, I) ?15 Appi» h, Geo A

115 Alexandria Infirmary95A Aitcheson, D W94 Alexandria Bottling Co, Jas McCuen20 Alexandria Steam Bakery37 Alexandria Gas Works

199 Alexandria Times7 Alexandria Garotte

15 Applet), Ü A5 Armstrong A Marbury

164 Alexandria Water Company3Ü Anderson, ? M77 Boothe, Gardner L96 Baggett Bros

134 Burroughs, T F Sons A Co19 Baader, li25 Beach, Joe feß ? ? ? ? R Co

29 Bain ff E176 Brili, Louis170 Beckham, J ? & J G

ti'3 Barley, L C, residence.72 Barley, L C, oui e.197A Baltimore, Meat Markot [H Fniilh]160B Baltimore Meat Market [C Gereon]30 Crilly, J H30 Chatham's Stablee, B L Myers A CoION City Troasuror107 Columbia Engino House144 Carter Bros111 IJogan. J A A W W, Plumbers120 City Gas Officetil ('halruere, A C45B Della, Andrew97 Drei fus, J ? Co40 Entwis'o, F L

123 Episcopal High School [Seminary Hill]127 Entwisle, J VV, Druggist155 Exchango and Raliard, [? ? Helwig]27 Fisher Bros45A Feudali, W E38 Fannon, ? J8H Floischmann House,UH Flanigen, Jos ?167 Flanigeu, J R, Residence142B Francis, PeUrr14M Globe Fl.«ur Mille52 Garrett A Monroe56 (¿raves, W ?

155 ? ? Helwig, Exchange Hoto).43 Harper, F IS5H Hinken A Hon70 Hill Bakery41 Hamilton A Co

KH» Uydraulion Engine House171 Hill, J M »»Co125B Hurst, MIHM Hammond, J W A Sons.Ice177 Hoy, Ihos64 Jail137 A Jackson, Wash2H King, Cnas A Bon13 Kirk, H, jr4H Lindaey, ? A Co67 Lindsey, N, .Residence9 Leadbeater & Sons

151B Und*y N, Braddock Heights12M Matthew, Jtítí Marshall, J A76 May, W Hat Son

181 Milburn, J C99 May, J W, ResidenceIOGA Mutter, ? ?, electrician.

6 Mari.ury A Armstrong55B Mari.ury, Leonard, Residence55 Marbury, F F, Mgr

liti Norfolk A Washington Steamboat Oo137 ? Neale. J Stanley77 Norton, J ? M

168 O'Sullivan M R125 Pullman, ? ? Co, Wood A Coal Yard53 Pollard, F JH5 Pullman, ? <s Co, Main Store

1W6 Palman, ? A Co, Branch Store49. Portner, Robert34 Postoth ce14,Police Headquarters

103.Postal Telegraph Co33 »Pennsylvania ? ? Co

112,Peltou. C C135 People's Bakery

Portner, Robert, Mauaesas185 Power, T F, Hupt Water Ce, West End8U Quinn, Edward8 Ramsay, G Wm

50 Reardon, Wm M105 Rol.Af Truck House93 üübertfon, H F89 Roberta, Walter, Office

139 Roberto, Walter. Residence, West End140 Roberto, J W, West End03 Rammel, A

183 «Simoon's Sons, H L71 Smoot, C C Sons A Co, Tannery90 Smoot, C C Sons A Co, Warehouse92 Smith, ? ?57 Ämoot, W A A Co9H Smith, Francis L122 Slaughter, Dr R M, »Seminary Hill151A bnioot, J C, Bosidenc«152 Smoot, Jas R «4 Co

2 Southern Railway Company (W «k 0)133 (southern Railway Company (V M)42 Simpson, H A3 Standard Oil Co

161 Schulor Beef Co.182 Simpeon, Goo L, Residence162 Smoot, J R, Residence143 Sleai ne, G W63 Virginia Glass Works39 Washington Stoamboat Oo

198 Wood, Mrs M A35 Wise, Geo A Co61 Wise, Geo, Residence, Scminsry Hill

190 Woolls, W P, Wolfe snd Royal153 Woolls, W P, Queen and Henry160A Wood, C B,149 Welkins A Chauncey, City Market95 ? Yates A Co, CB,18 Zimmerman, J ?123B Zinmiormau, J B, Besi Jonce

Fulls Church, Bosslyn, Fairfax «Courthousand Fairfax Station.



10 Adams Express Co.109 Ahern. Jno A Co149· Agnew, Park48b Aitcheson A Bro76a Aitcheeon, J <¿ H85a Aitcheson. DeW105· Alexandria Driving Park94a Alexandria Botti; u g Co120· Alexandria Fertiliser A Che in Co154* Alexandria Steam Laundry58· Alexandria Steam Bakery7 Alexandria Gaiette99 Alexandria Tin ea

115 Alexandria Infirmary91b Allen, EL107a Alexandria Brick Company1015* Andersen, ? M1022· Appich, Geo A52» Armstrong A Marbury

1126· Bryan, Albert130 Baader Henry1023· Bektir, HJ

ß Baltimore A Ohio Freight118» Ballenger A Bro158 Barley, Louis C, atty-aUlaw 127 8

Boyal.159 Barley, Loáis C, residence 117 ?

Columbas.Sea Bell Sons, Robt30a Bernheimer, 8J63 Bendheim, D A Bom44 Beckham. J T A J G

1096* Bihler, Paul1014* Bitxer. J H Dr37a Boh-.ua, Mrs 098* Booth«, Gardner L. office

1052· Boothe, Gardner L, resides»42a Brent, 8 G, office75b Brent S G, residence46a Brodera. J A Co113* Brookes, Wm Fowl·, residence96b Brtokes, Wm F A Oo25a Brockett, A D, residence127 Brocken, A D A Co12 Bryant, Herbart, olle·88 Bryant, Hacbart, rsaldmica

TELEPHONE EXCHANGES. j62 Burke * Herben '

123 Burroughs, T r

152* Business Men's League42· Carlin, C C, office I116 Cat lin, C C, residence I72 Coton. James R I80 Carlin Sons, Jas F A ¡165* Carlin, Mrs M J I136 Carter et Howard90* Ce-itral Office (pay statien)90* Central Office Telephone Exchange40 Citisene' National Bank82 City Treasurer81 Corporation Court

1U53« Corse W B2'¿. Creighton, W F A Co22b Creighton. W F A faon

1061* Crupper, Joseph L53a Curtin A Batte

1061· Cutler, Rev H J1046* Dsbuey.JssH117 DaiDgerfield, E LlOOa Daingerflel , EL78a Daineerfleld, W B78» Daingerfield, Harriett T Mrs, resi·

donee 131 N Washington.1115· Deavers, A J74a Domaine. W H141 Dienelt, J A97a Drei fus, J A Co125a Eichberg, Isaac106 Evening Star Bureau1021· Eichberg, Isaac29 Emmeit, JWACo129 Entwisle, Cb»s F104a Episcopal High School131 Fannon,? J27a Fisher Brothers55 First National Bank135* Fleiachmann Hotel56a Fleischmann Hotel69a French, RW150· French, Geo 859b French, R W137* Gibson, Richard1136·· Gitcson, Emily M Miss, residence 700

Duke.1133 Gibson. Dr Wm.1064* Goiman, Dr E A59 Han,mond, J W A Sons2b Harlow, M ? A Co85a Harlow Brothers43 Harper, F S139 Hay, John Industrial School75a Hellmuth Brothers138 Helwig. II P, Exch'ge A Ballard60a Hill, J M20 Hill. J M A Co70a Hill's Bskfry

1065· Hill. Frank M1031* Hid, Zora66a Howard Dr ? ?153· Hooff, Chas ?108· Howard, Clifton ?1013· Hudson, W D1024· Janney, P1064· Janney Miss EM88a Jone». T M Dr87 Johnson, W A A Co

1011* Johnson, Dr Albert94* Kelly, James J13 Kirk, H28b King, Chaa A Son17 King, Charles, residence28a King, Cüas A Son41a Knight. R E101a Knox. B F101c Knox. R F1074· Kiamer, Mrs Frederick122·· Kretol Chemical Co, Prince A Fairfsx1092· Kuhn, Richard P121 Lambert, Urban 8, nidse broker ICI

Union.Lansburg, Mrs AliceLawler, E E «4 CoLeadbeater, E S A SonsLennon, C GLennon, C MLindsey, ? A CoLooee, ì LManager's OfficeMarine Bailway Shipb'ld'g A CosiMarr, Geo CMarket HouceMcGuire, Dr HughKiller, Dr Julian ?Miller, E J A CoMiller AshbyMoore, W S"Mount Vernon"May A 8on. W HMyers, B L A OoNorton. J ? MNugent, O JO'Brien, HWDiOdell, AaronO'Sullivan A Co.Patterson A BrotherPeck, W H

5 Perry, Thomas49 Portner, tfobt84 Poetai Telegraph Cable Company34 Postoffice14 Police Headquarters119 Price A Oo, Geo E.

1131 Pullman, CO1072· Puivis, Dr W ?93· Quaikenbnsb, Dr L ?

1063 Quinn, Edward,? Ramsay, ti Wm50 Reardon, Wm M

1012* Recker, William1113· Bice, J Harry93 Roberteon. H F21a Robinson, G H A Sons

1042* Robinson, Magnus L1116· Robinson, ? ?1066* Bogen», Joseph F1071· Bust, Dr D N61a Scnnier, M128 »human. Lla Smith, F L92 Smith, Mrs Francis L

1054· Smith, W T71* Smoot, CCASons57 Smoot, W A A Co32 Smoot. J II D19a Smooi J B.«x Co148· Smith, Courtland H45a Smith, Dr W M, office45b fcniith, Dr W M, residence

1073* bnowden, Dr Arthur1050* Sopor, E D200* Southern Bell TA T Co90· Southern Bell T A T Co, Operator11. Southern Railway Co, freight yard241 Southern Bai[way Co, W de O10 Southern Express Co3* (Standard Oil Company

1091* Stevens, Moses142* Summers, C J W, residelce161* Taylor. S C200· Telephone Exchange104b Theological i-eniinary1016* Thompson, Chas F, residence107ß· Van Anken, F L112a W, A A Mt Vernon By Co112o W, A A Mt Vernon By,Co124a Watkina, JB15 Wattle«, ? ?33 Washington Southern Bailway144* Warfield, er Edgar39a Washington Steamboat Co

1044· Waters, ?16 Wattle·, C W135 Weadon Broe,lagetU133 Weidirman, JosHO Weil Bros47 Western Union Telegraph Company89* White, Wythe?? Whoatley. ?

?*»?· Williamson, N L.7· Winston. W Ü>5· Wise, Mrs Peter70b Wood, Mrs M A

10?3* Woolls. WP18 Zimmerman, J B, residence7·;· Zimmerman, J B, office

Anaodale, Va, W. J Malone.Fait fax Couit House, Va James Adams.Ceni-evil le, Va. B C UturbachMana» sas, Va, Hotel Mame, A. DariaWellington, C. 0. Leacbrnan.Haymarket, Va Chas. ?. Wilson.Wavtrly, Va. E H. Janney.Maple ? ru ve, Va, Dr Coas H. Janney.For rate· apply to Central Office.

PAT STATIONS,90· Central Office135* Fleischmann Hotel103· Market House.Indicates Metallic Circuit and Long Dis

tance Transmitter.


Our Grew lea at 40c equal to any «50c Teain this dty. W. P. WOOLLS A SON

COFFEES have advanced, but we are stil.«ailing them at old priées.


CRANBERRIES..Fancy Cape Cod Cran·eterne* just received by

¦__ J. C. MILBUBN.

FINE WINTEaVCUBED HAMS-Oox AGordon's Sflgar-carsd H«x<aa sg«MÜl flaws,

jastrsoaiveday J.a-

RAILROADS._Southern Railway.

Schedule in effect August 12,1900.Trains leave Alexandria:8:23 A. M.-Daily.Local for Harrison¬

burg and for Charlotte and way stations.1135 A. M.-Daily-TJ. S. Fast Mail.

Sleeping cars to New Orleans, Colombia, Sa¬vannah and Jacksonville, uniting at Salutarywith sleeper for A-hville, Chattanooga an4Memphis, and at Charlotte with sleeper forBirmingham. Solid, train Washington toNew Orleans Dining ear service,11:57 A. M..Daily.Local for Charlottes¬

ville.423 P. M..Week Days.Local for Front

T'oyal. Strasburg and Harrisot burg.4:52 P. M .Daily.Local tor Charlottes-

vide10:15 P. M.-Daily.New York and Flori¬

da Express. Sleeping cars to Angosta, withconnections for Aiken and Chsr'etton, and toUavannab, Jtcksonville and Port Tampa.Through cars to Jacksonville. Dining car

service,10:15 P. M.-Daily-Waablngton and

Chattanooga Limited (via Lyncbburg). 8leer-in·/ ears to Boanoke, Knoxville, Chattanooga,Memphis and New Orleans. Through coachto Memphis Dining car service.11:05 P. M.-Dady.Wsshington and

Southwestern Limited. Sleephg cars toAsh vide, Knoxville. thattanooga and Nash¬ville, and to Atlanta, Macon, Birmingham,Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Or¬leans. I lining car sorvice. Tourist aieeperWashington to tan Francisco Mondays, Wed¬nesdays and Fridays.TRAINS ON WASHINGTON AND OHIO

DIVISION leave Alexandria 7:58 a. m.

daily; 1:07 p. m.and 4:40 p. m. weak days;6:33 p. ta. Sundays only for Bluemont6:33 p. m., Saturdays for Leesburg; 6:33 p m.

week daje for Heiudon. Betnrning, arriveat Alexandria 8:36 a. m. daily; 8:36 a. m

and 2:37 p. m. week days from Bluemon t7:52 p. ni bunríays only from BluemontThrough trains from tbe youth arrive at

Alexandria 6:17 a id., 7:15 a. m. and 1:55 ?m., and 8:30 p. in. daily. From Harrison¬burg, 11:14 a. m. week days and 9:20 p. m

daily. From Charlottesville 8:05 a. m. aud9:20 p. iu. daily.For detailed ichedalo figurée, tickets, Pull¬

man reservation, etc., tpply to A. C. MOSS,ticJtet agent, Alexandria, Va.FBA.VK8. GANNON, 3rdV. P. AG. M.J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager.W. A. TURK, (tenera! Passenger Agent,L. 8. BROWN, General Agent, Washing-

¦ ton, D. C.


In Effect August 8, 1900.FOB WASHINGTON.

Leave Alexandria, corner King and Royalstreets, also stops at King and Washington,and King ani Payne streets, week day.,at 5 55, 0 25, 6 55, 7 20 (express;, 7 417 56, 8 20 (exproas), 8 30, 9 Of), 9 30,1000, 10 35, 1104, 1142 a. m. (ex-press;, 12 25, 1 00, 1 06 (express), 1 25.2 OO, 2 40, 3 01 (express;. 3 12, 3 404 15, 4 30 «express», 5 00, 5 31 (express;5 45. 6 O.',, 0 30. 7 00, 7 15 (expressH 00. « 45, !) 30, 10 15 and 11 15 p. m.

Leave Alexandria for Four Mile Run, oi ly.at 11 55 p. p? and 12 35 a. ta.

Sunday».7 OO, M 15, 9 OO. 9 45, 10 2510 45, 11 15, 11 45 a. m., 12 15, 12 45,1 15. 1 45. 2 15 2 45. 3 15, 3 45, 4 15,4 45. 5 15, 5 4r>, 6 15, 6 45, 7 15. 7 45.8 15, 8 45. 9 30, 10 15 and U 15 p. m.

Leave Alexandria tor Four Mile Ron onijat 11 52 p. m nod 12 25 a. m.


Leave Washington, from the íorn«/ olPennsylvania avenue and lS1^ street, week«lav«, 6 3C, V 04, 7 30. H 00, 8 35, 8 59,9 25. 10 00, 11 00, 11 35 a. m. 12 05 (ex-press), 12 20, 12 45, 1 20, (express), 1 45,2 Ot), 2 40, 3 OO (express) 3 25. 3 59, 4 16(express;, 4 5u. 5 05, 5 20 .express), 5 40,0 04, 6 30. 7 06, 7 30, 8 00. 8 45, 9 30,10 15, 11 20nnd 11 69 p. m.

Leave Four Mile Rue for Alexandria 5 300 07, 6 36 and 7 05 a. m

Sundays.7 46, 9 00, 9 45, 10 30, 11 00.1130 a. ui.. 12 00 noon, 12 30, 100.1 30, 2 00. 2 30, 3 00, 3 30, 4 00. 4 30,5 00, 5 30, ti 00, 6 30, 7 00, 7 30, 8 OO,8 45,9 30, 10 15, 11 20 and 11 5Jp. m.Leave Four Mile Ren for Alexandria 6 41

a. ru.


Leave Alexandria fo" Mount Vernon, weekdays, at 7 02, 8 35, 10 32, 11 32 a. m

12 32, 1 48, 2 32, 3 32, 4 43, 7 38, and9 16 p.m.Sundays-9 32 a. m., 12 32, 2 32, 4 33

7 32, and 9 16 p. id.

Leave Mount Vernon, week days, at 7 40,9 14, 11 14 a. m. 12 40, 1 33. 2 35, 3 084 10, 5 Or>, 6 30, 8 ¿4, and 10 32 p. m.Sundays.7 4i>, 10 14 a. m., 1 43, 3 43,

5 30, 8 34, and 10 32 p. m.FOB BOtiSLYN.

Leave Alexandria for Rosslyn, week days7 56, 9 00, 10 00, 11 04 a. m., 12 26, 1 06,2 00, 3 40, 5 00, 5 45, 6 05 7 00 ana8 00 p. m.

buudaye. All trains from 8 15 a m. tc7 46 p. in., inclusive, matke direct connec¬

tion at Arlington Junction.Leave Rosslyn for Alexandria, weekdays,

8 31, 9 34, 10 53 and 11 42 a. m., 1 04,I 42. 2 37, 4 21, 5 32, 6 27, 7 02, 7 66ind 8 3 8 p. m.

Sunday·}- Connection made at ArlingtonJunction with all trains arriving in Alexan¬drin from 9 30 a. m. to 9 15 p. m., inclusive.

iiaggHge checked and carried on tho fol¬lowing trains for Washington from Alexan¬dria week day», 8 3u and 10 35 a. m., 1 25,3 12 and 6 0 > ? m.

Sundays--H 15 a. m. and 6 15 p. m.Parcels carried on all trains.Freight carried daily, morning and even*

ing, in each direction. No freight acceptedunless delivered at tho station at least 30minutes before the departuie of the freighttrains.G. E. Abbot, J. Colvin,

President. SuperintendentARLINGTON A FALLS CHURCH LINECars leave Rosslyn for Alexandria county

courthouse and Falls Church at 6 25. ß 507 20, 8 30, 9 30, 10 30 and 11 30 a m..12 30, 1 30 2 30, 3 30, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00,5 80, 6 00, 6 30, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00,10 00,II 00 and 12 00 p. ra.

For Arlington, Columbia and Naucl. at6 20. 6,50, 7 20, 7 50, b 46, 9 45,10 45,and 11 45 a. ui., 12 45, 1 45, 2 46, 3 45,4 45, 6 45. 6 46, 7 45. 8 46, 9 45, 10 45and 11 50 p.m. fobs


Henry K. Field & Co.Successoi-s|to


Lumber and Mill WorkOF ALL KINDS.

Office and Yard 115 N. Union street,

Factory No. 113 N. Lee street

ßaT·Material Delivered FREE in the city.

SMOOTH CO.,(Successors to J. Rector 8moot A Co» ·

Steam Flooringand Planing Mill.




No. 35 north Union street,Alexandria, Va.

Lumber daliTared free la th· dty.


A fresh supply today atWABFIELD A HALL'S,

Corner Prince and Fairfax streets

CHOICE CALIFORNIA EVAPORATEDPEACHES, extra bricht, only 10c per ib.



?«»* ? s YL VaniaRAILBOAD. ??????T LEAVE WAMH\-iT,A


for Alexandria 4 30,7 46. in .,,A. M. 3 12, 4 25, 5 oo . ,.

J' v-

Sunday 4 30, 7 46 and in -, -, \ ..¦' v

312, 5 00 and 7 P. ? "?:'or Washington ß 44. 8 On , -«¦,,.1214. 8 03,7 20,9 13 .,, ; ? ? y

Sunday ß 44, 8 29 and li ó ? »' y *? 13 and 11 03 P. M. *'¦

r:45 A. M. Week Days. 1???-'PBE8S..Parlor and Din:«.. I.".. abarg to Pittsburg. ,: '

L0:60 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA 1 ? frPullman Sleeping, Dinu... -: ,'.'''*""Observation Care Harr.«i / ',"'-' u1Cincinnati, Indianapolis ;.. '] "'

land and Toledo. Buffet I'*r.,.' ..u '¡, '

risburg."' '*'*

LO-rJO A. M. FAST LINK- ,, ,

ParlorCarto Harris.«·.:;.· ,.-'.'.'.''Car Harrisbure to Pittr v

?.30 P. M. CHICAGO ? ?PBE8S.»Sleeping u.r \\Louis, and sleepiui« air .,'.*·burg to Indianapolis a.

(via Cincinnati ami 1..'

cago; connect« for TVI»:.i..7:45 P. M. WESTERN K\i ...

Sleeping tar to IV.t.vDining Car to Chi«w

7:45 F. M. CLEVELAND .,»¦! , -.

EXPRESS-PullLianf-'u, ..'»..;'ington to PittsLurg hi.

Cleveland and Cin« ??.?'

10:40 P.M. PACIFIC F.X.'iir.v ,¦-/__Sleeping Car to PittsLurg7 45 A. M. for Kane. iHiinr'·. . ;,,,,.,and Niagara Falls daily. ,·.·.... '.' ·.". "

10:50 A. M. for El.daily, except Sunday. ,

daily at 3:30 P. ?. ?

7:46 P.M. daily for Wi .i ·... ._

10 (via Fmporium Jn tBuffet bleeping CarBuffalo and Niagnr, !

? ,,

Saturday, with Hcipii... t.''to Roche'Ur.

10:40 p. m. for Erie, Cki:«- ¦*.Buffalo and Niagara ?*.. ¦- \Sleeping Car Washin>¡u ., '.,/nrdays only.

FOB PHILADELPH??, .'» ? í .,^ ? ». D?????.-;

4:00 ?. ?. "CONGRlùv!". *

daily, all Parlor Cars, ?»,. ?, ,.< ^Baltimore.

Regular at 7 00 Di815,9 00,10 00 I), , .;(Dining (»ar f»uni V12 45,3 15, 4 51· I),.timore), 6 50, 10(H). ¦·.«.; »

Sunday 7 00 ?. Di ut,9 00, and 11 00. I·mington) A. M., 12 1ing car from Baltiiüc'i1160 P.M. For I'!.-...-. ».

press 7 45 ?. ? , 12 "> * « ,·¦

2 01 and 5 40 P. »MiFor Boston, withont cti:«.. .¦

» V »r-i

days, and 4 60 1'. MFor Baltimore 6 Jo, 79 OU, 10 00, io'»?«. ¡12 15,1245,3 15. .?

4 00 Im'dj, 4 2d, lì6 50, 7 45, Î0<«:,11 50 P. M. Oi S-.«·9 00,9 05, H.«5n r»·.

1215, 1 15, 2 01.led), 4 20, 4 60,5 «"·,10 00, 10 40 and 11 .·'¦ V

For Pope's Creek Line '." '->.·. > ·

P. M. week day·) »-.n..»v ? ?!For Annapolis loo .?,. ·¦ o

12 15 and 5 -IO 1'. «:.

day. Sunday !' nn "

Express for F.oii¦'.-. ¦-

tic Coast Line ·; »" v.,M. daily; Rich i.. ·....';' «

days; and '» G ¦>'¦Florida and ¡10:65 A.M.modation for ·.< <

and 4 25 P.M. *.·«·.

SEASHORt <<:"¦ .'«r

For Atlantic City {vu ?·. »

all rail route), 11 "m. week days, tlinu»Parlor Care), 3 15 > u'

Limited*') aad 11 ·">·'Market etreet wbt.it m12 45 p m. week da>-snd 12.16 p. m. Saudi«;·only 9 00 a. in.

For Cape ? ay 10 00, an!11 60 p. m. daily.Ticket office, corner I.V.

st the station, Sixth ai.

orders can be left for tho »

to destination from hotels *

J. B.HTJTCHINSON.GeneralManager * -

STEA.'- I-.l.-

WeemsSteai.i.MwtUPalatial sic« - «

POTOMAC AND Not.: JCoi«ine and appoint p ?



Freight solicited aud baniThis is a delightful sun

trip down tbe Potomac andBay.Single fare to Baltimore

f3 Staterooms one way. f '.Ticket· good to return d


????(?.?µ:?:-Bound Trip, 1 ·'«

In effect on and after MoNVè, 1898.Leave Washington ??·?-;>

?. MColumbia. 6 1»;Belle Haven.... 6 4?oiombia. 7 3<»Belle Haven.... ? 3<iColumbia. 9 3<>Belle Haven ... 10 30(Columbia_11»"

P. MBelle Haven... 12 hoColumbia. 1 3<>BeUe Haven. 2 30Colombia. 3 3oBelle Haven.... 4 3nColumbia. 6 3<iBelle Haven. 6 30

?. B. Same schedule-.? :'at 9 30 a.m. .yPOTOMAC BIVER LAN"· ,,

EB WAKEFIELD leav.-s v, .-¦ * ,.tìdays at 7 00 a. m., ani A· **' '

a. m., for landings as fur ? .· ·,

Wednesdays and Saturd».;.-" ·»'¦

St. Clement's ?«t ?»..« ? - \, .

C. W. RIDLEY '««·

JOHN ?. ????1?? \.




The Norfolk and Wa ¡ih;;

boat G?p??'?e?Will ran a DAILY U*K

Monday, March «30, with »'·r ' '*

«nfrtl Iron »rteamen



Lsatlag?? wnarf st th» r·»* °:

.17 00 p.m. 4. a

Btsjornlag will leavt Nor' -i ·>

atad· fiu·SS. Bound tri, f'^ OLW-WATlL-vA^

Ho. SJPM·-··7·^-.i^r-

. .... p··?WK KEEP A FÜLL tli.''·' .,,;·:.-

(«rlhscwof **_,,? >? "!-',d '"

TmjfiWttmt «^_Ä lu/« ? » ?_.