Jbym Mia&i miMmmm&mkv& JACK, 10 6910...

» V ? ft A « V 1 i.-r tfr fi- .#: *'.''*' * n >rt u»i. k y<#m®ti%4^^^**m> PKirt&n it\ \m W Telephone: Days- 670JI Ev/snings7857 (Too owttpifipitea IK> heqarae habit-owning jft<my~ o$fo%m&> Remarking stfeont the Wither, jm said :mmm .^m H-^r Seams tfltet'JHls ^wtijHQpr tern^pa.-. cures oftifsn ..tB^elb ,|^~-o*k- -tibie dV •sort m&'4^*mik$^n'-'i^tt are long arid "cpicfe Because M' tfiageS The event wais ti^dMatflr mm the day of the Ctefilf »"^%" M? " S5 Pickers Tells •SI? °f Afghanistan • "' .i-Mll^Uast week, we told you sofae-' ^^pin^'iabovLt Jill's experiences ^$4' *he Peace Corps and will can- \;$Mftue with a few items aibemt '||§er assigned country, Afghan}}-. $g§|&.n, in Central Asia. '2|pf T h i s is a completely agricul- v^pial society widi the feudal "(^stem of land ownership. All ."•production is by hand with the ,$tielp of oxen and wooden plows. ." Wheat and rice are the major crops, and the women are ex- pected to do ail the harvesting. The fare is simple with rice and tea as their prime commodities. Mutton is used and an occasion- al quail is considered a delicacy. There is an abundance of finxit (60 varieties of grapes) and nuts. i The people of Afghani live a.t a. subsistence levejgphiere >is a iot of malnutrition j|i|, no starvation. Mud'Jbujs a^||eir; homes witih no . electaricity|5 nib running water and~the caa&j&$ is done on open fires outsitc}^ 1 the huts with coarse wheat hrej|| baked Lrt mud ovens. There a$g; a few wells but most ^ . t h e wSff etir is carried from the sjfeaimsj.y. There is little sugar "find wot. liquor or cigarettes. Th^inaitivesl.' grow tobacco wbich thefesmok^ from a "water pipe." FlSljjiry to describe this: There is a v^fee-like contaiiner, half filled withf|yater, and a bowl on top of tlf^con- tainer which holds tobacco.iThis tobacco is ignited and the smok- er inhales from a long sjjbm which is inserted into the bcwwl. 'GET MORE WITH LIS Leslie M. Orr INSURANCE 335 CHAMPLAIN AVE CONSULTANT TEL. 585-2875 -f TODAY THRU TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10-11-12-13-14-15 EVENINGS ONLY AT 7:00 AND 9:15 **•• Highest Rating!" —NY Daily Newt TaramoiinrPictufes r - —Biesents A+towardW: Production'Si Barbra Streisand Yves Montand °1 A Clearm^ Based upon the Musical Play On A Clear Diy You Can See Forever Co «*—n ', Bob Newhart /Larry Blyden/Simon Oakland /Jack Nicholson and Joha Richardson Mus< by Burton Lane Screenplay and lyres 6y Alan Jay Lemer Produced By Howard W Koch O'ecied by Vcnceme Mmnelli Music Arranged and Conor 'ded by Nelson Ridde Panavision'Tecrinicoiof' A Paramount Picture G' —Alt Agps Admiiled Gsperal Audiences i l»owd>ac» Jbym Mia&i onCawnou Bacordt I climatic ••$mgsp& ace, common. I askedjf|t|';3f. $ie/W&|ldf, jRsl. commeaiidi^|tci;,v%^&^ff ! #c|. : Corps ar^|^V^^»i!#!0h^|ie "yes." Sh<gpaad %xki v&hinteeir .service #b|pH^^isjiajrd.wp^k.^'ojj. ^man/y a d M ^ e p ^ . t < » , v nw^e 'but there is soi&ich/to |^tr^td from the Ipaftpie and their -cins- toms. Thfffi aitittitude toward? women iri|iASfhawistan is, oam.- t^amde in Wwch the diityjM « 8m*>.. 7 : -."»•• - <ilfv , About 34fp^w«r*P''f^p^P Original ^i^fonduS'W^&M-^ ^d-.with- ^o^u«|t^ari<>»';|»P 4 #Je <h<e^i^R#;Wd''a f^H. SvW'ipr^pMnj^^r-w^es. lm$ft ,^9*. flf i the.-.^|«fe:^.S'h to e ^ ^ [ tlieir ^anks; to-^ who asi|i|^a i^jth -«|*e p3'raa^*'|ir» ; ject. ' '^i .'/^Futt|re; &V!$>- .i^ieeting 0$£& and events •^rbe'anno«nce<l"|(s fijjiaws aar^ fo.5miiSliaiteJd. £,i ¥••• Holiday Recipe || HOLJDA^ SPIRITS SUJp 3 •JRjEME: Boirrov^ oiie super-siz€^l pfUneh Dpwil. Poxlr in on« bouM! pletiely dttfererAt;. 8o>r instaince, h>jf ruin,;orife bpttle-of g^in, on|| bottle of Irish v#;hisk^y, one bot? tie oif Scotch, and a bottle of] the woment^e not i6^;K» workj they aire ^feictly coiifinm "to 1 householdfeespon^b^Utiisr: Var^ few AsianMomen ^e.eQiqftiurag- ed to acoemit a public role in, so- ciety; American women are real- ly privilegld to a greast -deal- of freedom ^mpared to the wom- en of AsraL Jill fe^s that we could all learn a Jpt by understanding their wa|?of life. The M faim»ly" is not ju|t die parenits and their childrenpjut includes the brouV ers, sist#s, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews'' grandparents and grandcmldren. They join to- gether th work and play. Theirs is a simple life; their enjoyment^ conies ffom their closeness ito nature, |from dancing and sing^ ing, piqiics and most fun of all —story telling. li really sounds like a relax- ed, ea«)f way to live, don't you agree? » Senior Citizens Party The Ticonderoga Senior Cit- izens O^ib will have a Christmas party on Tuesday, Dec. 15di ait 5:30 at 'the Civic Center. Each member is 'to bring a gift few- exchange. Entertainment will follow a covered dish supper. • • College Club Party The annual Christmas party and exchange of gifts for the Ticonderoga College Club will take place at their meeting which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 17, 8 p. m. at 'the home of Mrs. Hugh Gunnison in Crown Point. Mrs.Melen Howard will show [tdesdbf her trip to EnglaHcrr are asked to please change of meeting date. • • Ski Club Party It was the one of the best par- ties I fever attended! That was expressed by a member of .die Rlack" Watch Highlanders Ski Club ,-who attended the fondue party-held last Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. evening, D#i 17, itf the X pi C, •rooms, starting ^Spnt Mto- bers are asiked (x> brings a f l gift iBor exchange anid a gift for^ehe Sisters of St Jo&ephTand the Sis- ters of Atonement oF <3rpwri Point. i f * + "(31{risttiim$tnef' *•>, Sunday <eyemng, Dec 13— a dwte to rerneriib^rl Tjte jOhor dial-Aires Will present a "Chonistimias Sing' nt the IVt^tho- ddst Chiuroh social luatl Not on- ly will you heajr selections, by tjheir own chorus and the Ctam plaainers but arrangements also by a ladies quartette, M The Four-Get Me-Nots the !Vf«tho* dist M«ns Quartet; and the OiordialTots a young child rens chorus There will be a Christinas ''sing-a-long" and., g. bulfet o£j her. A4<i a" Mf3i dt hitters, aSpunch and cookies, A sca/s^ja^ twist o£fresh lemon, a few bolly- heMies for color and a chunk of ioe, frozen info the shaipe of an iiee cube. Stir and serve well- chilled. If you, and your guests are not in OJhe Christmas spirit after a few*; cups of this, you just don't have the right atti- tude. Cheers! • • Family Night On Sunday evening, Dec. 20, the annual Family Night Christ- mas program of the First Uniit- ed Methodist Church will be held in Fellowship Hall. A cav- disifTsuipper will, be held at 5 p. m. and each family is asked to bring a generous covered dish of food to share and their own table setting. Dessert and beverages will be furnished. A pageant will be presented following the supper with mem- bers of nhe church school mak- ing up the cast. The Carolers and Youth Choirs will render se- lections. The program is direct atxiission charge of 50c for adults? •find 2 r >c tor children is •asked. 1 * » » '/• Shop Lifting .-•I'Did you ever watch a person d&ng a Bit of shoplifting? I had die experience on a recent daty in one of OUT local stores ariid it was really weird. The person involved knew that I 'had seen the act and kept an eagle eye on me, as if I was the guilty party. Every time I would go from one aisle to another 1 would run into this same per- son and I wonder just how much Christinas shopping this party accomplished on that day? LaPointe . has a few days with Chiistopher been i|>ending his grandparents, Mr. and >Irs. Sully Vlarnell while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John LaPoinite and son Miichael are visiting in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Marnell and son ed by Mrs. Willis Trombley, Thomas are also entertaining Miiss N o r m a Strong and Mrs. Miiss .Nfairia D a n i e l s of Hunting- Ray W. El lor, Jr. Historical Society The monthly meeting of the Ticonderoga Historical Society will be held on Monday even- ing, Dec. 14, and a special treat is in store for those who attend. The meeting will be held at the Planetarium at Ticonderoga High School where David Rut- kow&ki, director, will present a P*Pgrarri a(|f -the Christmas S,tar. Members desiring *ransporta-, tion for tin's special meeting are asked to contact Mrs. Sherman Balding, 585-7727 or Mrs. John McCaughin, 585-7396. -• • • C. D. A. Party The annual Christmas party for members of St. Mary's Count, Catholic Daughters of America, will take place on Thursday Miiss .vraria Daniels of Hunting- ton, Long Island. • • Food Sale A food sale, sponsored by Court St. Mary's, Catholic Daughters of America, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 12 at Newberry's store. The sale will comirnen.ee at 10 a. m. and con- tinue until all food is sold. For 4' \ SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, DECEMBER MATINEES ONLYSTARTING AT 2:00 P. JACK, and the jw^ m 12 T3 M. JACOBSEN SALES & SERVICE MOWERS SNOW THROWERS (BREED & LAMBERTON PLUMBING HEATING . AIR CONDITIONING HnTPAnXTT *«*rig«j<ators -/Washers -Dryer* 1 1 U * r V i l ' * Ran** - Water Heaters GENERAL ELECTRIC Traffic Appliances 1 Alexandria Avenue Ticonderoga, H.Y. 12883 Tel. 585-2545 'The Bank of Frltntfly Service" Essex County-Champlain National Bank Elinbethtown, Westport and Williboro, N. Y. Member of Federal Doposlt Instiranc* Corporation A Chrisimas g "Cd/Jage" " ' I SAVE THAT TRJEE! Don't lOhrow away your Chrdstimas tree. Branches of used Christinas trees can protect other plants ifirom. "wrinter-burn." Woodchips from the trees can be used for .mulching on ever- greens and such planus as box- wood, roses and holly. • * APPRECIATED GIFTS: Garcfen tools do not sound vary romantic as Chrisitmas gifts, but if you choose them wtrth care amd-buy high quality ones you'll be.. ; d|jiing a gardening .friend a fajVOTl In. the mJedium price rangfe-' are such conveniences as eile^ct|fc hedge-clipjiers and lawn J£S": * * » '^""' EARLY FOR MUSIC: Christmas music is fre- qii|i|fly played too early in the scaSfitti—-also too often aiid at in- iate times- and places. A , :*•.,,-.. to eincouFage gdod taste woM<|!be a worthy e£fort for amy di$0- group. fcjRY PILLOWS for tough litSfeisidlows: There's nochamg t ^jighike the feel of £uirTtt> : stiir w^^h in even the ttnighest ila,tSi^j|iiys. Cover pillowy in rfaike fuM^aSS you'll have a Meild for ..f^g&es with any type decor oif|0^r:roo(ms and makes a won de^pCihnstinas* gik idea You nxipSay inexpensive pillows or usMlfqJies that have out-lived fih^^vers. ^ ^ p r miake a. slipcover type w4ip^*4ipper on one end, or d yc||!jda!&'t sew or don t want to sj3|Ws| v *hait tniu^h tune, sumply h|Sp|siSw tlhe 'fur cloth to the ;-»f>*gt*,.iv. * . *• * ' IT CHRISTMAS CARD Biry Cole was die Burst man »si*t; andrnlalill cairds to his ,&fi|p : ; celebftaitang Christmas J ^ ^ l l ' t h e fiiskciiirector of tihe 'S^ffi||£ensiingt|rn Maselim and i « ! l l $ l * ' h e cofriiaai&&idned J ohn ;|^loirs]ey tc? design a card " u t«sit drew & /typical dun ,-^j^Jk an| d 1*000 copies were IfTO^tiphed aind hand-toted of the catrds were mail ^ lends -of <361e The rest ' ^ M i i p r e d for 1; 's«ile iia a Lon ,i,ia2 ^MMix No;^We seeined to Mifpait a l bip business ihad «piunched % thus siihple *'* ®f thoughifcQilneBs The tiWoi&m-M # e tame were ijfcat- ^!^\ pichired. a _^. ,scend'jais»ii p a r t of the m$8& a-iligious Jhokday »J» )«•*• tf,- % im*** piekuf, *$I Mmotw Lycpifi 3^^8, Mildred Wood, ^ 3 6 ( or rjhorpchy^Abaitje, 40^7. Mrs -i^ley^Vidteiris and daughter JiB are spending a few daiys an Petewb«unaf, N V^ at the homB"o£ Mr and Mrs EMvid Bfovla^d and their nflfan't son^ bornJJecejnDer o Mn? Pfovland is the |onujer^M.\ss.C>aW)l •Vickeiss df Ticoodecoga v * * * Food Sale- Bazaar There's stdf- time today umi ?11 "daf tomorrow from 9 to 5 p m to visit - ' dre^faod^sale^aTtet Qhristmas Ba2aar which is be lng. held hy; the Tpiscopal Ghurchwomen at Wilcox^s Store Baked foods Cln isitmas wreaths, irrang^ipents, greens, apripns, chlldreti's.: sets, toys, pa~ ^j^backs, fancy articles and hahidwork will be available and •the pulblic is cordially invited to stop an. » * # Rosary Meeting St. Mary's Altar and Rosary Society will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, Dec. 14th in St. Mary's Hall starting at 7:30 p. m. All members are requested to bring an exchange gift for the grab bag. Hosteses will be Mrs. Alice Arthur, Mrs^-Emily Osier, Mrs. Florence Osier and Mrs. Anna DeRosia. • • Recent guests at the home of Mrs. H. G. Burleigh were Mr. amd Mrs. Thomas Rurleigh ol Tarry town, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald and family of Clinton, N. Y. * * Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wojcik and Mr. and Mrs. fames T. Ry- an spent Sunday in Scheneotadv where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ryan and sons and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Palmer Sr. and Mi and Mrs. Leo Palmer, Jr. ami daughter. • • Hospitality Shop Need stocking -sniffers? Small gifts? I was invited to visit the Hospitality Shop at the Moses Ludington Hospital last Sunday aiitemoon to see the Christinas items for sale and it was time well spent. l^ot^only^ajce^tihey most attrac- tive but inexpensive as well. There is a largfe selection of or iginal arrangements, toys, shock- ing sniffers, jewelry and many other items too numerous to list. This shop is maintained by die Women's~Auxiliary of the Mos- es Ludington Hospital and is open everyday during hospital visiting hours: 12:30 to 3 p. m. and 6:30 to 8 p. m. Stop •in-^yotr'll be glad you did! •' « » Hospital Auxiliary Party A Christmas party for mem- XCdrtttnVed On Pap,e Three) •a'»'»9*'sS m *M Get the money you need...with an American Loan! This is a time of year when many people find themselves short of cash. If you need money, for any reason, now's the time to apply for an American Loan. Put cash in : your pocket or purse now... and select the repayment plan most convenient for you. When borrowing makes sense, come to American. Visit our office nearest you, or give us a call... today. » Get Up To $1,400 in Cash AMERICAN FINANCE CORPORATION 121 MONTCALM STREET TICONDEROGA, N. Y. 12883 PHONE: 585-6777 "We Can Work It Out Together". •IHltjikt *) Sv- r .T< fir i 1 'v ' TWONDttOGA SiWtiNfeL, tt^Hfr^^WW* jtrWeriHisife MM 4 TT /faWrir^ mfavo k r M m &*& SpragDe J bI MoridiC W * JWNV college a| Po«dari, m W S X S S S S m ^ ^ T TSe^HnVtor-;^ &<$*& ffgt: of 1970 mi » teaohing at V-TZL ^Z&ZliJ^,**, M.^ Wnnrl from T W e f LaKe St^Mary s Elementary Sdhool m 1 CentersMwjui 4octm lace re-e»nKroid«^ f %ith fciaby peark and lodescentt. for a headpiece she tyixe a >,c#nelck %& ffi<^aier,fjr,>oh^ # ; % M&mah, November ^lts*/ •t-p^-^in. ISit iUpHonstjs 0^Khffflvxfeiif-u Lafe « Msgr F ^ ^ u n f e t Officiated at die tyuftM* cMla& wiHih a double ^ofiM^'hiii- 'with a . > weddiing $$m$$&'^d fitted bodice; ^ J M H 4 k Ending in a chapel tt^j^fi^ipaM with French al- ' . ->"4'#'-'"- • = 4n»5g, M|» §oan"i ¥wley^ Ryf, mi Mm J t a t W * Johjosw-'alsg, Oif ^5fe, ^Jjeit^OlWs an4 ^<we^ maiicl o£ljipnor> The bgst^^nan fcat, ^ a d e of tfie"6«oe ^ f ^ t S l e r i 3 wer«uee fiUen, Sel her gown and covered yfoth matching lace and in, _ H . r attached to a triple .tier ehajJel length veil of.frenGh iIl«siK)i^ She «amed a bouquet ol white roses wath ijed sweedieaiit'p^cses m t^ie center * The maid of horior was- Aftne Maltdis, sister at thelwide^whb was 'wearing a full length gowti of blue iridescent brocade, sint Wfer -to die bidders gown, "fflpet" Aead piece | t^as of "hjlue * rt '' sn Oov ;gteen Bowers with ItxJyal os rT ... feather tips attached to 4he *M-' line veiling. Her b^dSjuet Uf>hers^ere,?3B»iio2! G*esen/Sel Jtwfe 6a^ Olcott, Mojiahj ?nd WoptL from 'Tupper Istfe . Following; thf h*#^ge *«*•. mony, a wedding a#pg>Moi(i «9* held at Masons Restauiallt at Tupper Lake, The couple JTeff. for a wedding 1 trip? through? the 1 New England states w^ ^e makimg their home at Tieotidei- oga. ^ 5. The brade 1* a graduate? of ' ' 1 '—1 •»,_ Marys jC|ementary School m Tjoatideroga. Mr Genier is a graduate of Clarkson College of TfJf^chnology in Tune of 1^69 a n d us" the project engineer, for the Vternauonal Pa|ier Ckptpanjy at Ticonderoga *• The organist f01 the weddang was Mrs Ajhce Reandeau and the soloist Mrs Judith Deforest Munn - Brooks The/ w&lding; of Mrs. Mercer 'BSrooks and S.-Sgt. _^ , ert Mv Minn, Jr. took place in die Old BaseCihapel.at Plaitts- bufrgh Air Force »a|e ©0 N^ s emiber 2.8th. The double ring ceremony was performed ; t»y The bride is the da,ught^ie|| Mirs. Mabel Mercer of Port "*""' *y aind fames Mer.cer of Clear i»ta|er. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. ^Ijert M. Munn, Sr. of Oak- dsttJe, Connecticut are the par- ents'of the grooto. . Miiss Clail Croniie of Peru •was maid of honor ami best man was Pjactsburgh Air Forte Base After the ceremony a recep- tion was held at the home of Che bride. Guests attended from Pittsburgh, Port Henry^ Qtown Point, and Oakciale, Connecti- cut. ' * The bride is amplc^M* at Montgomery Ward m IMatts- burgh and^the bridiegroom is serving In Che United States Air V 'M Stephen Bloni of JForce ana is stationed at Platts- . _. , 1 A • ¥- TJ^^^V nru** ^«.-K. burgh Air Force Base. The cou- ple will make their home at 105 South Peru Street, Platts- burgfa. "m 1111 ' » , * & -. %t& : %\ -Admissions .;'^c|)inderojga: Morgan Chest- et;S|f$a£ taDuke, Gertrude ^fe\fVejnon Slater, Francis ^elgn/'j<&n Fleury, Carol Con- fce^f-Rolknd Gregory, Jeffrey i^|70reg^ry Fish, Alfred Rov- dihVifi"-. Carol Bessette, Mattihew l^iiunty, John Alteri, Jr., Olaience Monroe, Dennis Mtr. ^eown, Donald tturtburt, Lee ^ockett, Sharon Dunklee. Onown Point: Earl LaFoun- terih, Darlene Rice, MildTed Stanton, Pamela Spaulding, Pat- ricia Clark. . Putnam: Rene Hamel. South Schroon: Ronnie Howe, J* - - Clemons: Elizasbedi Otten- buigh. Discharges Crown Point: Henry Stanton, Veda Ashe, Fritz Waner .•Ticonderoga: Mrs. WiilLiam Taylor and infant son, Robert dark, Eugene Moses, Jr., Lee Troop 164 By Annette Connors Girl Scout Troop No. 164 started die month of -Novemibef; with iHivestitwe for Bew Jainiot'< Scouts. We had a pauty 4x» cele-' bnite and enjoyed cookies,; punch and cupcakes. Next, we -started making toys for die Methodist Church nurs- ery school boys and girls. Wei made dolls, .trucks, trains, banks, drums and so on. ) On Tbursday, Dec. 3, each girl got 3 Girl Scout Calendars to sell. Also on diis day, we re- ceived our registration cards. Saturday, Dec. 5, we took part in die Christmas Parade and us- ed die theane "Joy to the World." We dressed in ski suits and wore hats from diikirent lands and carried candles. At present, we are going to -.-..- v ^ - .. wrap the toys for the churth and PocketU-: Mary Donovan. Lisa 1 ^ decomte the ^.fereiia at Matraw^Verpon Slater, Andrew You(h 0^^ where all ol our Gh'arette, Matthew LaBoumty, Mafi LaDuke, Mrs. Peter Bess- ette and infant son, Mrs. Patrick meetings are held. Troop VJi By Mary Kissel «OMMaery. and infant son, Greta *R<i!SV ]<ihn Fleury, Mina Mor- hous^^evie^e Taylon Frap-, T «e«l»y. <*•• &°& Wal ' ter Car P entA ' l N o v . 24. the girls of Troop 193 had a Court of Awards Meeting Rfotgan -Chester. J^jneadllcj **««- riuaFne SUSV enson and infant daaighter. ,. .Hague: Henry Washburn. I*ort Henry: Mrs. Edward j£jmg and infant daughter. '(fjfciu&i Schroon: Ronnie Howe, * .<3emons: Frank Barber, Jr. ' VpUtnain: Rene Hamel. 'Silver Bay: Gertrude MacDou- *-ljiiosfl$^Ludington Hospital ^Tj5E, a son, born Dec. 1 to Mrs. Daniel Rice of Qrawn Point. '''^ONiN^RY, a son, born Dec % tp Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Con- pery oJ Ticdnderoga. BIMET'TE, a son, born Dec, 3;"t9 M/r. and Mrs. Peter Bessette o^^TSoondefqga. ^SPItlliaWNG, a son, bom -Dec. % to Mr. and Mrs. Richard % Spa;uiaihg Of Crown Point [Nijrth Adams > MMs, H<J>VLAJND: A sOri, h o r n to Mr. aiid Mrs. David Hovlaiid of Petei^ujg, N. Y., Sunday, De- oeaiiiwI^B,' at the North Adams r ' M!assacha§eWs. Mis: 1 ^ds i&e fopn^f Mfis> ^pelj^ :da.ugh;tga- of Mjr. At this meeting the girb receiv- ed the badges they have earned. At die Christmas Parade on Dec. 5, Troop 193 made four individual floats. Each float had a symbol of the Christmas season. After die parade our troop helped decorate die lib- rary for Christmas. On Moo., Dec. 7 we went to the Planetarium. We saw die story of The Stir of Bedilehem. We had a very nice time. SCHOpL MENUS ST. MARYS SCHOOL Monday: Hot dog oil roM, buttered spinach, fruit cup, milk. Tuesday: Spanish rice, carrot 1 slacks, rolls and butter, peanut butter cooUies. milk. Wednesday: Goulash, lettjitcie salad'with Jtalian dressing^ £<*Hs and butter,! jello widi or wit&mit! topping, milk. Thursday: B^ked chicken,: rice supreme, buttered peas.^tttfls atnd. butter, cranberry jelly, iet cream, .milk. ' *, Friday: Soup, peanut bujtiter or Aeese sandwiches, brownies, •milk. **mM^:wm •^mtie "Woinm? -Auxilraay Ticbffdepqga JQentral Schopis. L i*ec, 14,' Monctay: GOUlasfi, 3&utte)Ced TSrai~-|%ins, fruit,Mn>^. . 'Dec 15, vftl^Say: Hahiibi^get !bft a b W ¥u#ered corn^ )$& : ;Dec. 46, ; «N^sdiT : ®W^ mix: sgftipij^But bMtm- m-<g& Salad sandwich, cake, milk, ^ j 2 PH irj.Tmulsuay: H4§^ ^c«l-^H5iit. turkey sahd^|p! " ^aWSriop^be^r'Wy;''"^,*"?*' m cl^^^hf&pappice. ^Tom Ounnnins m Carney^ Inc "SERVlCfe BUILT tilE BUSINEsV'" W0NT4LM } ST. i Tel. 585-7717 o^ld^ereiiniiie ito give loved >• - iCome , passing through mt door , 1 ; •- tdt those VvKo have a mother K ' Chm^i hef/with- care For you. will never know 1 Tom Oummjns *?$4 .f&. H«f anddhe^taff ait the Moses hm^ IheSon Hospital for their $m ij§e| for. %e. gifts, and ^fardsalp reeejvedr 1' < - ••'-' ; •' 1 '1*/ ~ |gotf ^tess you, one and all. : .Henry and MiWrea Star(.t»ii \ Crown Point CARD OF THANKS, 1 wouidhke -to tsqaress my bearEfelt thanks to all who Re- membered, me with cards* let- let*, "gifts, prayers, phone calfe and v^iis wMeT *»;•» p««* ^ *bp- Menden-WdilidBfcad ^ S S % o d Bless you all. 1 ^fcHanaell v.-V I mm •yrfcwmpr-S" r -"ip «v ^V * ^ W"*?K§W$^W4W%'???P^ »®r nTfirr"*—"*" WLUE %^, FROZEN VVALUES 119 tHIMEN STEW GE1SH* HALIBUT STEAK ji^ANP UNiONjnMSPY HSH PORTIONS HOODIES t CIIC K EH GRAND UNION CHICKEN ^ IASKET ^o 8 : 1 10 oz. PKG. i 2 LB. PKC. I 7 LB. PKG. K«3 GMSCO. SHORTtNlMG CROWLEY r 73r? ^5- ?^. miMmmm&mkv& SUCED-YiLLOW CLING **v„ DELMONTE PEACHES 2^49* -. r "• v."--X-"c"'"» » tot ^ HUNTS TOMATO SAUCE A,^ 8 OZ. . CANS I >fi RECUtAK COUPON *HDP«R CHASE P ONE2°j-»« B ii-- m ?:.} POT ATOM \& „.. <».T oecift- GOOOTHRJL^' 15 NAVEL ORANGES 10 6910 89 FLORIDA - EXTRA LA| NAVEL OH ( QTRS. V 1«. PKOS.I ; CRANDMA BROWN S ••'•r mim ALL ^VARieHfS 1 PACKAGE \ HCGS. j %.:. A™." 'i LIT 3.3 0Z. K « B A PLUS IviriHHAP *%^i CAN ^ ^ m STAMPS .: \Mt,Wmf*vg& t; > > TODDLERFRESHABYES M^TCHNMATE^^^ ° •I 1&. /*-. ~J&M \ WE©fiiseJi¥ J *E gESERVJ TiJE RIGHT TO LIMIT ^UAHTIT^ES |M$j^$Sl|^ |C>1f TYPP&ftAPHlCAj. ERRORS .:£> ^M f :

Transcript of Jbym Mia&i miMmmm&mkv& JACK, 10 6910...

Page 1: Jbym Mia&i miMmmm&mkv& JACK, 10 6910 89nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn93063544/1970-12-10/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · ddst Chiuroh social luatl Not on ly will you heajr selections, by tjheir

» V ? ft



V 1 i.-r tfr f i - . # :


* n >rt u » i .

k y<#m®ti%4^^^**m> PKirt&n it\ \m

W Telephone: Days- 670JI — Ev/snings7857

(Too owttpifipitea IK> heqarae habit-owning jft<my~ o$fo%m&> Remarking stfeont the Wither,

jm said :mmm .^m H-^r Seams tfltet'JHls ^wtijHQpr tern^pa.-. cures oftifsn ..tB^elb ,|^~-o*k- -tibie d V •sort m&'4^*mik$^n'-'i^tt are long arid "cpicfe Because M'

tfiageS The event wais ti^dMatflr mm the day of the Ctefilf

»"^%" M?"S5 Pickers Tells •SI? °f Afghanistan • "'

.i-Mll^Uast week, we told you sofae-' ^^pin^'iabovLt Jill's experiences ^$4' *he Peace Corps and will can-\;$Mftue with a few items aibemt ' | |§er assigned country, Afghan}}-. $g§|&.n, in Central Asia. '2|pf This is a completely agricul-v^pial society widi the feudal

"(^stem of land ownership. All ."•production is by hand with the ,$tielp of oxen and wooden plows. ." Wheat and rice are the major

crops, and the women are ex­pected to do ail the harvesting. The fare is simple with rice and tea as their prime commodities. Mutton is used and an occasion­al quail is considered a delicacy. There is an abundance of finxit (60 varieties of grapes) and nuts.

i The people of Afghani live a.t a. subsistence levejgphiere >is a iot of malnutrition j | i | , no starvation. Mud'Jbujs a ^ | | e i r ; homes witih no . electaricity|5 nib running water and~the caa&j&$ is done on open fires outsitc}^1

the huts with coarse wheat h r e j | | baked Lrt mud ovens. There a$g; a few wells but most ^ . t h e wSff etir is carried from the sjfeaimsj.y.

There is little sugar "find wot. liquor or cigarettes. Th^inaitivesl.' grow tobacco wbich thefesmok^ from a "water pipe." FlSljjiry to describe this: There is a v^fee-like contaiiner, half filled withf|yater, and a bowl on top of tlf^con-tainer which holds tobacco.iThis tobacco is ignited and the smok­er inhales from a long sjjbm which is inserted into the bcwwl.





TEL. 585-2875




* * • • Highest Rating!"

—NY Daily Newt

TaramoiinrPictufes r - —Biesents



Barbra Streisand

Yves Montand

° 1 A Clear m^ Based upon the Musical Play On A Clear Diy You Can See Forever

Co «*—n ',

Bob Newhart /Larry Blyden/Simon Oakland /Jack Nicholson and Joha Richardson Mus< by Burton Lane Screenplay and lyres 6y Alan Jay Lemer Produced By Howard W Koch

O'ecied by Vcnceme Mmnelli Music Arranged and Conor 'ded by Nelson Ridde Panavision'Tecrinicoiof' A Paramount Picture G' —Alt Agps Admiiled Gsperal Audiences i

l»owd>ac» Jbym Mia&i onCawnou Bacordt I

climatic ••$mgsp& ace, common. I askedjf|t|';3f. $ie/W&|ldf, jRsl.

commeaiidi^|tci;,v%^&^ff !#c|. :

Corps a r ^ | ^ V ^ ^ » i ! # ! 0 h ^ | i e "yes." Sh<gpaad %xki v&hinteeir .service #b|pH^^isjiajrd.wp^k.^'ojj. ^man/y adM^ep^.t<»,vnw^e 'but there is soi&ich/to b£ | ^ t r^ td from the Ipaftpie and their -cins-toms. Thfffi aitittitude toward? women iri|iASfhawistan is, oam.-

t^amde in Wwch the diityjM « 8m*>.. 7: -."»•• - < i l f v • , About 34fp^w«r*P''f^p^P Original ^i^fonduS'W^&M-^ ^d-.with- ^o^u«| t^ar i<>»' ; |»P 4

#Je <h<e^i^R#;Wd''a f ^ H . SvW'ipr^pMnj^^r-w^es. lm$ft ,^9*. flf ithe.-. |«fe: .S'h to e ^ ^ [ tlieir ^anks; t o - ^ who asi|i|^a i^jth -«|*e p3'raa^*'|ir»;ject. ' '^i .'/^Futt|re; &V!$>- .i^ieeting 0$£& and events •^rbe'anno«nce<l"|(s fijjiaws aar^ fo.5miiSliaiteJd. £ , i


Holiday Recipe | | HOLJDA^ SPIRITS SUJp3

•JRjEME: Boirrov^ oiie super-siz€^l pfUneh Dpwil. Poxlr in on« bouM!

pletiely dttfererAt;. 8o>r instaince, h>jf ruin,;orife bpttle-of g in, on | | bottle of Irish v#;hisk^y, one bot? tie oif Scotch, and a bottle of]

the woment^e not i6^;K» workj they aire ^feictly coiifinm "to1

householdfeespon^b^Utiisr: Var^ few AsianMomen ^e.eQiqftiurag-ed to acoemit a public role in, so­ciety; American women are real­ly privilegld to a greast -deal- of freedom ^mpared to the wom­en of AsraL

Jill fe^s that we could all learn a Jpt by understanding their wa|?of life. T h e Mfaim»ly" is not ju | t die parenits and their childrenpjut includes the brouV ers, sist#s, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews'' grandparents and grandcmldren. They join to­gether th work and play. Theirs is a simple life; their enjoyment^ conies ffom their closeness ito nature, |from dancing and sing^ ing, piqiics and most fun of all —story telling.

li really sounds like a relax­ed, ea«)f way to live, don't you agree? »

Senior Citizens Party T h e Ticonderoga Senior Cit­

izens O ^ i b will have a Chris tmas party on Tuesday, Dec. 15di ait 5:30 at 'the Civic Center . Each member is 'to br ing a gift few-exchange. Enter ta inment will follow a covered dish supper.

• • • College Club Party

T h e annual Christmas party and exchange of gifts for the Ticonderoga College Club will take place at their meeting which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 17, 8 p. m. at 'the home of Mrs. H u g h Gunnison in Crown Point .

Mrs.Melen Howard will show [tdesdbf her trip to EnglaHcrr

are asked to please change of meeting date .

• • • Ski Club Party

I t was the one of the best par­ties I fever attended! T h a t was expressed by a member of .die Rlack" Watch Highlanders Ski Club ,-who at tended the fondue party-held last Saturday evening at t h e home of Mr. and Mrs.

evening, D#i 17, itf the X pi C, •rooms, starting ^ S p n t Mto-bers are asiked (x> brings a f l gift iBor exchange anid a gift for^ehe Sisters of St Jo&ephTand the Sis­ters of Atonement oF <3rpwri Point. i

f * + "(31{risttiim$tnef' *•>,

Sunday <eyemng, Dec 13— a dwte to rerneriib^rl Tjte jOhor dial-Aires Will present a "Chonistimias Sing' nt the IVt^tho-ddst Chiuroh social luatl Not on­ly will you heajr selections, by tjheir own chorus and the C t a m plaainers but arrangements also by a ladies quartette, MThe Four-Get Me-Nots the !Vf«tho* dist M«ns Quartet; and the OiordialTots a young child rens chorus

There will be a Christinas ''sing-a-long" and., g. bulfet o£j

her. A4<i a" Mf3i dt hitters, aSpunch and cookies, A sca/s^ja^ twist o£fresh lemon, a few bolly-heMies for color and a chunk of ioe, frozen info the shaipe of an iiee cube. Stir and serve well-chilled. If you, and your guests are not in OJhe Christmas spirit after a few*; cups of this, you just don't have the right atti­tude. Cheers!

• • • Family Night

On Sunday evening, Dec. 20, the annual Family Night Christ­mas program of the First Uniit-ed Methodist Church will be held in Fellowship Hall. A cav-

disifTsuipper will, be held at 5 p. m. and each family is asked to bring a generous covered dish of food to share and their own table setting. Dessert and beverages will be furnished.

A pageant will be presented following the supper with mem­bers of nhe church school mak­ing up the cast. The Carolers and Youth Choirs will render se­lections. The program is direct

atxiission charge of 50c for adults? •find 2r>c to r children is •asked. 1 * » » '/• Shop Lifting .-•I'Did you ever watch a person

d & n g a Bit of shoplifting? I had die experience on a recent daty in o n e of OUT local stores ariid it was really weird. T h e person involved knew that I 'had seen the ac t and kept an eagle eye on me, as if I was the guil ty party. Every t ime I would go from one aisle to another 1 would run into this same per­son and I wonder just how m u c h Christinas shopping this party accomplished on t h a t day?

LaPointe . has a few days with

Chiistopher been i|>ending his grandparents, Mr. a n d >Irs. Sully Vlarnell while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John LaPoinite and son Miichael are visiting in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Marnel l and son ed by Mrs. Willis Trombley, Thomas a re also en ter ta in ing Miiss Norma Strong and Mrs. Miiss .Nfairia Daniels of Hun t ing -Ray W. El lor, Jr.

Historical Society T h e monthly meet ing of the

Ticonderoga Historical Society will be held on Monday even­ing, Dec. 14, and a special treat is in store for those w h o attend.

T h e meeting will be held at the Planetar ium at Ticonderoga High School where David R u t -kow&ki, director, will present a P*Pgrarri a(|f -the Christmas S,tar. Members desiring *ransporta-, tion for tin's special meet ing are asked to contact Mrs. Sherman Balding, 585-7727 or Mrs. J o h n McCaughin, 585-7396.

-• • •

C. D. A . Party T h e annual Christmas par ty

for members of St. Mary's Count, Cathol ic Daughters of America, will take place on Thursday

Miiss .vraria Daniels of Hun t ing ­ton, Long Island.

• • • Food Sale

A food sale, sponsored by Court St. Mary's, Catholic Daughters of America, will b e held on Saturday, Dec. 12 at Newberry's store. T h e sale will comirnen.ee at 10 a. m. and con­t i n u e until all food is sold. For

4' \


JACK, and the jw^


12 T3 M.



HnTPAnXTT *«*rig«j<ators -/Washers -Dryer* 1 1 U * r V i l ' * R a n * * - Water Heaters

GENERAL ELECTRIC Traff ic Appliances

1 A l e x a n d r i a Avenue T iconderoga , H.Y. 12883

T e l . 585-2545

'The Bank of Frltntfly Service"

Essex County-Champla in Na t iona l Bank

Elinbethtown, Westport and Williboro, N. Y.

Member of Federal Doposlt Instiranc* Corporation

A Chrisimas g "Cd/Jage" " ' I

SAVE THAT TRJEE! Don't lOhrow away your Chrdstimas tree. Branches of used Christinas trees can protect other plants ifirom. "wrinter-burn."

Woodchips from the trees can be used for .mulching on ever­greens and such planus as box­wood, roses and holly.


Garcfen tools do not sound vary romantic as Chrisitmas gifts, but if you choose them wtrth care amd-buy high quality ones you'll be..;d|jiing a gardening .friend a fajVOTl In. the mJedium price rangfe-' are such conveniences as eile^ct|fc hedge-clipjiers and lawn

J£S": * * » '^""' EARLY FOR MUSIC:

Christmas music is fre-qii|i|fly played too early in the scaSfitti—-also too often aiid at in-

iate times- and places. A , :*•.,,-.. to eincouFage gdod taste woM<|!be a worthy e£fort for amy di$0- group.

fcjRY PILLOWS for tough litSfeisidlows: There's nochamg t ^jighike the feel of £uirTtt>:stiir

w ^ ^ h in even the ttnighest ila,tSi^j|iiys. Cover pillowy in rfaike fuM^aSS you'll have a Meild for

..f^g&es with any type decor oif|0^r:roo(ms and makes a won de^pCihnstinas* gik idea You nxipSay inexpensive pillows or usMlfqJies that have out-lived fih^^vers.

^ ^ p r miake a. slipcover type w4ip^*4ipper on one end, or d yc||!jda!&'t sew or don t want to sj3|Ws|v*hait tniu^h tune, sumply h|Sp|siSw tlhe 'fur cloth to the

; -» f>*gt* , . iv . * . * • *

' IT CHRISTMAS CARD Biry Cole was die Burst man

»si*t ; andrnlalill cairds to his

,&f i |p : ; celebftaitang Christmas J ^ ^ l l ' t h e fiiskciiirector of tihe

'S^ffi||£ensiingt|rn Maselim and i«! l l$ l* 'he cofriiaai&&idned John

;|^loirs]ey tc? design a card "ut«sit drew & /typical dun

,-^j^Jk a n |d 1*000 copies were IfTO^tiphed aind hand-toted

of the catrds were mail ^ lends -of <361e T h e rest

' ^ M i i p r e d for1;'s«ile iia a Lon ,i,ia2^MMix No;^We seeined to

Mifpait a lbip business ihad « p i u n c h e d % thus siihple *'* ®f thoughifcQilneBs The

tiWoi&m-M # e tame were ijfcat- ^ ! ^ \ pichired. a

_ . ,scend'jais»ii part of the m$8& a- i l ig ious Jhokday

»J» )«•*• tf,-

% im***

piekuf, * $ I Mmotw Lycpifi 3^^8, Mildred Wood, ^ 3 6 ( or rjhorpchy^Abaitje, 40^7.

Mrs - i^ ley^Vidtei r is and daughter JiB are spending a few daiys an Petewb«unaf, N V^ a t the homB"o£ Mr and Mrs EMvid Bfovla^d and their nflfan't son^ bornJJecejnDer o Mn? Pfovland is the |onujer^M.\ss.C>aW)l •Vickeiss df Ticoodecoga

v * * * Food Sale- Bazaar

There's stdf- time today umi ?11 "daf tomorrow from 9 to 5 p m to visit- ' dre^faod^sale^aTtet Qhristmas Ba2aar which is be lng. held hy; the Tpiscopal Ghurchwomen at Wilcox^s Store

Baked foods Cln isitmas wreaths, irrang^ipents, greens, apripns, chlldreti's.: sets, toys, pa~ ^j^backs, fancy articles and hahidwork will be available and •the pulblic is cordially invited t o stop an.

» * # Rosary Meeting

St. Mary's Altar and Rosary Society will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, Dec. 14th in St. Mary's Hall starting at 7:30 p. m. All members are requested to bring an exchange gift for the grab bag.

Hosteses will be Mrs. Alice Arthur, Mrs^-Emily Osier, Mrs. Florence Osier and Mrs. Anna DeRosia.

• • • Recent guests at the home of

Mrs. H. G. Burleigh were Mr. amd Mrs. T h o m a s Rurleigh ol Tar ry town, N. Y. and Mr. and Mrs. Michael McDonald and family of Clinton, N. Y.

• * * Mr. and Mrs . Stanley Wojcik

and Mr. a n d Mrs. fames T . Ry­a n spent Sunday in Scheneotadv where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael J . Ryan and sons and were d inne r guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Palmer Sr. and Mi and Mrs. Leo Palmer, Jr . ami daughter .

• • • Hospitality Shop

Need stocking -sniffers? Small gifts? I was invited to visit the Hospitality Shop at the Moses Ludington Hospital last Sunday aiitemoon to see the Christinas items for sale and it was time well spent.

l^ot^only^ajce^tihey most attrac­tive but inexpensive as well. There is a largfe selection of or iginal arrangements, toys, shock­ing sniffers, jewelry and many other items too numerous to list. This shop is maintained by die Women's~Auxiliary of the Mos­es Ludington Hospital and is open everyday during hospital visiting hours: 12:30 to 3 p . m. and 6:30 to 8 p. m.

Stop •in-^yotr'll be glad you did!

•' « » Hospital Auxiliary Party

A Christmas party for mem-XCdrtttnVed On Pap,e Three)

•a '» '»9* 'sS

m *M

Get the money you need...with an

American Loan! This is a time of year when many people find themselves short of cash. If you need money, for any reason, now's the time to apply for an American Loan. Put cash in:

your pocket or purse n o w . . . and select the repayment plan most convenient for you. When borrowing makes sense, come to American. Visit our office nearest you, or give us a c a l l . . . today.


Get Up To $1,400 in Cash


TICONDEROGA, N. Y. 12883 PHONE: 5 8 5 - 6 7 7 7

"We Can Work I t Out Together".

• I H l t j i k t

* ) Sv-

r .T< fir i


' v ' TWONDttOGA SiWtiNfeL, tt^Hfr^^WW* jtrWeriHisife


4 TT

/ f a W r i r ^ mfavo k r M m &*& SpragDeJbI MoridiC W * J W N V college a | Po«dari, m W S X S S S S m ^ ^ T T S e ^ H n V t o r - ; ^ &<$*& ffgt: of 1970 mi » teaohing at V-TZL ^Z&ZliJ^,**, M . ^ Wnnrl from T W e f LaKe St^Mary s Elementary Sdhool m

1 „ CentersMwjui 4octm lace re-e»nKroid«^f%ith fciaby peark and lodescentt. f o r a headpiece she tyixe a >,c#nelck

%& ffi<^aier,fjr,>oh^

# ; % M&mah, November ^lts*/ • t - p ^ - ^ i n . ISit iUpHonstjs 0^Khffflvxfeiif-u Lafe « Msgr F ^ ^ u n f e t Officiated at die tyuftM* cMla& wiHih a double

^ofiM^'hiii- 'with a .> weddiing $$m$$&'^d fitted bodice; ^ J M H 4 k Ending in a chapel tt^j^fi^ipaM with French al-' . ->"4'#'-'"- • =

4n»5g, M |» §oan"i ¥wley^ Ryf, mi Mm J t a t W * Johjosw-'alsg, Oif ^5fe, ^Jjeit^OlWs an4 ^ < w e ^

maiicl o£ljipnor> T h e bgst^^nan

fcat, ^ a d e of tfie"6«oe ^ f ^ t S l e r i 3 w e r « u e e fiUen, Sel her gown and covered yfoth matching lace and in , _H. r attached to a triple .tier ehajJel length veil of.frenGh iIl«siK)i^ She «amed a bouquet o l white roses wath ijed sweedieaiit'p^cses m t^ie center *

The maid of horior was- Aftne Maltdis, sister at thelwide^whb was 'wearing a full length gowti of blue iridescent brocade, sint Wfer -to die bidders gown, "fflpet" Aead piece | t^as of "hjlue * r t ' '

sn Oov ;gteen Bowers with ItxJyal os rT... feather tips attached to 4he *M-' line veiling. Her b^dSjuet

Uf>hers^ere,?3B»iio2! G*esen/Sel Jtwfe 6 a ^ Olcott, Mojiahj ?nd

WoptL from 'Tupper Istfe . Following; thf h*#^ge *«*•.

mony, a wedding a#pg>Moi(i «9* held at Masons Restauiallt at Tupper Lake, The couple JTeff. for a wedding1 trip? through? the1

New England states w^ ^ e makimg their home at Tieotidei-oga. ^ 5.

The brade 1* a graduate? of ' ' 1 '—1 •»,—

_ M a r y s jC|ementary School m Tjoatideroga. M r Genier is a gradua te of Clarkson College of TfJf^chnology in Tune of 1^69 and us" the project engineer, for the V t e r n a u o n a l Pa | ie r Ckptpanjy a t Ticonderoga *• T h e organist f 01 the weddang was Mrs Ajhce Reandeau and the soloist Mrs Judi th Deforest

Munn - Brooks

T h e / w&lding; of Mrs. Mercer 'BSrooks and S.-Sgt. _^ , ert Mv Minn , Jr. took place in die Old BaseCihapel.at Plaitts-bufrgh Air Force »a|e ©0 N ^ s emiber 2.8th. The double ring ceremony was performed ;t»y

T h e bride is the da,ught^ie|| Mirs. Mabel Mercer of Port "*""'

*y aind fames Mer.cer of Clear i»ta|er. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. ^ I j e r t M. Munn, Sr. of Oak-dsttJe, Connecticut are the par­ents'of the grooto. . Miiss Clail Croniie of Peru •was maid of honor ami best man was Pjactsburgh Air Forte Base

After the ceremony a recep­tion was held at the home of Che bride. Guests attended from

Pit tsburgh, Port Henry^ Qtown Point, and Oakciale, Connecti­cut. ' *

The bride is amplc^M* at Montgomery Ward m IMatts-burgh and^the bridiegroom is serving In Che United States Air


'M Stephen Bloni of JForce ana is stat ioned a t Plat ts-

. . » „ _. , 1 A • ¥- TJ^^^V nru** ^«.-K. burgh Air Force Base. T h e cou­ple will make their h o m e a t 105 South Peru Street, Plat ts-burgfa.

"m 1111

' » , • * &

-. %t&:%\ -Admissions .;'^c|)inderojga: Morgan Chest-et;S|f$a£ taDuke, Gertrude ^ f e \ f V e j n o n Slater, Francis ^elgn/'j<&n Fleury, Carol Con-fce^f-Rolknd Gregory, Jeffrey i ^ | 7 0 r e g ^ r y Fish, Alfred Rov-dihVifi"-. Carol Bessette, Mattihew l ^ i i u n t y , John Alteri, Jr., Olaience Monroe, Dennis Mtr. ^eown, Donald tturtburt, Lee ^ockett, Sharon Dunklee.

Onown Point: Earl LaFoun-terih, Darlene Rice, MildTed Stanton, Pamela Spaulding, Pat-ricia Clark.

. Putnam: Rene Hamel. South Schroon: Ronnie Howe,

J*--Clemons: Elizasbedi Otten-

buigh. Discharges

Crown Point: Henry Stanton, Veda Ashe, Fritz W a n e r

.•Ticonderoga: Mrs. WiilLiam Tay lo r and infant son, Robert d a r k , Eugene Moses, Jr. , Lee

Troop 164 By Annette Connors

Girl Scout Troop No. 164 started die month of -Novemibef; with iHivestitwe for Bew Jainiot'< Scouts. We had a pauty 4x» cele-' bnite and enjoyed cookies,; punch and cupcakes.

Next, we -started making toys for die Methodist Church nurs­ery school boys and girls. Wei made dolls, .trucks, trains, banks, drums and so on. )

On Tbursday, Dec. 3, each girl got 3 Girl Scout Calendars to sell. Also on diis day, we re­ceived our registration cards. Saturday, Dec. 5, we took part in die Christmas Parade and us­ed die theane "Joy to the World." We dressed in ski suits and wore hats from diikirent lands and carried candles.

At present, we are going to - . - . . - v ^ - . . wrap the toys for the chur th and PocketU-: Mary Donovan. Lisa 1 ^ d e c o m t e t h e ^.fereiia at Mat raw^Verpon Slater, Andrew Y o u ( h 0^^ w h e r e all ol our Gh'arette, Mat thew LaBoumty, Mafi LaDuke, Mrs. Peter Bess­et te a n d infant son, Mrs. Patrick

meetings are held.

Troop VJi

By Mary Kissel «OMMaery. and infant son, Greta *R<i!SV ]<ihn Fleury, Mina Mor-

h o u s ^ ^ e v i e ^ e Taylon Frap-, T«e«l»y.

<*•• &°& W a l ' t e r C a r P e n t A ' l N o v . 24. the girls of Troop 193 had a Court of Awards Meeting Rfotgan -Chester.

J ^ j n e a d l l c j **««- riuaFne SUSV enson a n d infant daaighter. ,. .Hague : Henry Washburn .

I*ort Henry: Mrs. Edward j£jmg and infant daughter . '(fjfciu&i Schroon: R o n n i e Howe,

* .<3emons: Frank Barber, Jr . ' VpUtnain: Rene Hamel .

'Silver Bay: Ger t rude MacDou-

*-ljiiosfl$^Ludington Hospital ^Tj5E, a son, born Dec. 1 to

Mrs. Daniel Rice of Qrawn Point. ' ' '^ONiN^RY, a son, born Dec % tp Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Con-pery oJ Ticdnderoga.

BIMET'TE, a son, born Dec, 3;"t9 M/r. and Mrs. Peter Bessette o^^TSoondefqga.

^SPItlliaWNG, a son, bom -Dec. % to Mr. and Mrs. Richard

% Spa;uiaihg Of Crown Point

[Nijrth Adams> MMs, H<J>VLAJND: A sOri, horn to

Mr. aiid Mrs. David Hovlaiid of Petei^ujg, N. Y., Sunday, De-oeaiiiwI^B,' at the North Adams

r ' M!assacha§eWs. Mis:1

^ d s i&e fopn^f Mfis> ^ p e l j ^ :da.ugh;tga- o f Mjr.

A t this meeting the girb receiv­e d the badges they have earned.

At die Christmas Parade on Dec. 5, T r o o p 193 made four individual floats. Each float had a symbol of the Christmas season. After die parade our t roop helped decorate die lib­rary for Christmas.

On Moo., Dec. 7 we went to t h e Planetar ium. We saw die story of T h e S t i r of Bedilehem. W e had a very nice time.


Monday: Hot dog oil roM, buttered spinach, fruit cup, milk.

Tuesday: Spanish rice, carrot1

slacks, rolls and butter, peanut butter cooUies. milk.

Wednesday: Goulash, lettjitcie salad'with Jtalian dressing^ £<*Hs and butter,! jello widi or wit&mit! topping, milk.

Thursday: B^ked chicken,: rice supreme, buttered peas.^tttfls atnd. butter, cranberry jelly, iet cream, .milk. ' *,

Friday: Soup, peanut bujtiter or Aeese sandwiches, brownies, •milk.

**mM^:wm •^mtie "Woinm? -Auxilraay

Ticbffdepqga JQentral Schopis. L i*ec, 14,' Monctay: GOUlasfi, 3&utte)Ced TSrai~-|%ins, fruit,Mn>^. . 'Dec 15, vftl^Say: Hahiibi^get

!bft a b W ¥u#ered corn^ )$&

: ;Dec. 46 , ; «N^sdiT : ®W^ • mix: sgftipij^But bMtm- m-<g&

Salad sandwich, cake, milk, ^ j 2 P H irj.Tmulsuay: H4§^ ^c«l-^H5ii t . turkey s a h d ^ | p !

" ^ a W S r i o p ^ b e ^ r ' W y ; ' ' " ^ , * " ? * '

m c l ^ ^ ^ h f & p a p p i c e . ^Tom Ounnnins m

C a r n e y ^ Inc "SERVlCfe BUILT t i l E BUSINEsV'"

W 0 N T 4 L M } S T . i Tel . 585-7717

o^ld^ereiiniiie ito give

loved >• -iCome , passing through mt

door , 1 ; •-tdt those VvKo have a mother

K ' Chm^i hef/with- care For you. will never know


Tom Oummjns *?$4 .f&. H « f anddhe^taff ait the Moses hm^ IheSon Hospital for their $m ij§e| for. %e. gifts, and ^fardsalp reeejvedr 1' < - ••'-' ; •' 1 '1*/ ~

|gotf ^tess you, one and all. : .Henry and MiWrea Star(.t»ii \ Crown Point

CARD OF THANKS, 1 wouidhke -to tsqaress my

bearEfelt thanks to all who Re­membered, me with cards* let-let*, "gifts, prayers, phone calfe and v^iis wMeT *»;•» p « « * ^ *bp- Menden-WdilidBfcad

^ S S % o d Bless you all. 1 ^fcHanael l



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