JbR - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa:...

It V ft I & .-- L WMllWIIIWU- - 0,' , 7 'WW, Bfc trf fill x i' "V tfc ill JbR '! I J & Jy-J- v & Jl' Ul '3 fff iJ finrai eswrii rm inisi frrir rt r ICHnsfcW a ""t'--'"-- J ''-- ' 1"", ""- hfitTtriT rrii nlu RSR1I Vol. XIV. No 220U HONOLULU, II. L, MONDAY EVISNLN, MaROII 25, 1889. SO OEHTO BUBSOmPTIQN PER MONTH Jl i'Hii DALL1 iiULiiiiniN la printed Anil published atthootUco Juoon Street, Honolulu, I. every itternoou (Sundays excepted). ubscrlptlon, SO conts pot Month. Addross nil Communications Dailv ianur.viH. tc ensure insertion, 10 il 1 oo lundod In before one o'clock JVALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing Offico. .owspapor, Hook and Job Printing of .11 kinds doiiii on tlic uiost favorable ins. li IMupliuuo J No. 260 lmnl rulejihoue No. Sou THE DAILY BULLETIN ; Weakly Summary, l jm An inwre-tlin- aud comprehensive i ,, ...i.i: !,... n.i.irii.ia '! I'.nliimnn of """"-""""- p -- "" - -- - j. ;- - . i uadi.ur in.Utui on local topic-- , an i a ; amulet. MtunuiJf H'minyui nu IMSUll 'Sa4- -- . ... .....i (..fi. ,1 J" a:i'u ...v--- .y .l. t. ' ..itMorliitiiMi: ltd I .", ili) oiol . I jjuian..aioii oil4 ouanta. vJL doaoral OiiinmisiUOU Agonu. j(jly 110NOLU1.U 0. W. MACPAELANB &"Co. I I'OKTBKB AND COMMISSION MBKOliANTS, Uuuolulu U. 1 It .lltlUt, 1UW UONSAliVES & UOM Wholesale Grocers & Wino Mereliania y Heaver rflock, iiunululu riKliWH,H JS GOttlPaNX, ..m) .n AtrriLE ajjd itld"OH .1UKM ,1 fi una. i,t,, ii twaiuem . jXunagui 0ttTo.R. ...Ijuasurui fc ciucreuri J.JU. O. t. tlsJliil". O. C. ALUStt, ll. .v ArnuiioUdii. T. Watehuousk, JOliN Iinporwr and Outlier in Qeaerm derciiaudue, ljueeii t., Uuunlulu. I 3. N. Cai!tle.-- J. U. Atherton-- U. P. Caotu ta UOOrCK, LlAdrLK duippiug aud Coinmiflsioii iierunaiits. importers aud Oeaiera 111 ieuerai iler'jUa.idiae, 1S0 60 Ktug st., (ionoia.u ) Olauu airckel. Wm. O. Irwin. 41f A. IBWIN fc OOMPANY, W Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 X7"IliDEB u CO., Yf Dealers is. Lumber, Palnt, OUs, Nails, df. uid Builduig Matttrwlb of every mud, cor. tort aud y.ueen su., Honolulu. ' QBIN13AOM a CO., MS. Importers of Ueuoral M.r- - ohuudisoaiid Cooiinisslou ilercliauta, aud VM Cullfomin street, dan Fruucisco, Cal. . Lawers, il". J. Lowrey O. M. Oooko. f BWSOB OOOliH, I JLi (succesiors to Luwers a DlcfcBon.) mporters and Dnalers in Lumber and all kinds ot Butldinjr Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 O LUSO UAVVAIiAJO. personi wim wain to voiumuui ALL with the Poituguesu, eluio for business, or for procuring workmui. lervauts oi any otuer Iiulps, vill und i iho most protltablo way to .idYcrii- - li the Luso HaviaiiaHO, tue uert oi'giu in the I'ortuguoau f.ntouj, vUicn it puii lished julloi.oistri.ei, uid ui um reasonahle rtoifor atvttr ih " H. G. CBABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN, 81 King Street, opposite (he Old Station UoUnC Mutual Telephone No. t. 87 tf MES. M. B. CAMPBELL, TreHumulclii(r, &o., S;o., Has commenced the bualneas of Dios making, Cutting aud Fitting, at her icsl-deuc- No 73 Beretaula stieel, opposite the Hotel. Th pitronage of the ladles ! rAannntfiillv solicited. Sstiufactioil guaraateed. sept-o-l- y t'i'OitJdrtlOlialS. JM. MONSABBAT, uoy ut Law & Notury Public 140 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf Alfred Maqoon, J . AT rORNEY AT LAW. 170 t'J Moirlmnt stn-ct- . Honolulu, ly STEAI CA1I FACTORY A.iSl JLIuVlCJUlltV. K. UOHN, Practical Oonlccuoncr, Pastry Cook und Baker. 'illoulSt. "tiSaiSBr Tcleiduinc74 Mrs. L. C. Pray, Genuine Massage! Roman Baths 150 Fort Street. Chinese t.hurch Yaid dec 7 -- 8 H0LLISTER',&: CO., DrugffistM & Tolmccouists, AHiil.Ks-AUr'N- UKTAIL. 109 Ko -- i(,.i , William il(cU,H(int HO tor olulu li. 1. . . V'-- U M. ISF.NHO.N. O W. 8MITI BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 8& 1 15 Fori SiM'i, - Honolulu Ucpnt fur Boerice & rceclilk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Riclnecker'a Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, t2 WENNER & CO. JIannrarturius Jowellcru, vo. oa t-oi- tT wTXtJb:JEJa Conituillx ou baud s large asaortmui f i:vorj 'leBoripti'inot .lewelry, Watrht Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker tukui Jcwolry a Specialty. ling Strict, llomtlulii, II. I Next door to lie m I mu. way Couipaiij'- - III c. I?P Particular atleution paid to all Kind-o- f repairs jm-lO-- Sanders' Baggage Express Go. M. N. SANDERS,) p,,iinr. F. I. CUTTER, Office, 84 King stri-et- , Telephone No 80 Residence Icli'plinno No 20a. Gcn'l Bxpressl ik 5t Draylncr Piano nun Furniture moving peciuli W.tgoiH meet all incouiiiigsteuiuerb. iuly 25 ly PASTURE for HORSE AT Halekou, Eunculio, Koolaupoko, b.Vi acms ol gooil pa-iu- re land, all enclosed p enty of water Apply ti Cluirlei I Hiram, at the Kinc'x Staldcb, Honolulu, or ut Haiek u. feb '28 0 Ij Hustace & Robertson, DRAYMEN. fiL orders for Cartage promptly at-A- . lumleil to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho other Islands, Also, Black and White Sand in quaiilllieb to suit at lowest price. Oltlco adjoining E. I. Adums & Co l ICtlOII rjltHII )a ly Mutual T lcphone Nn. IW Rich.ardCayford, VETER1NAIIY Shoeing Forge, 70 &. 81 Klnc Mtreet. Shooing, irom $1.50. Horsos and Cattlo Treated foi all Diseases. Ro idenco: rhnmberliiin House, nex Kawniuimo Church. I. O. SOX 4.US. Bel Telephone Si,M ' BEAVER SALOON Tho Bosi Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours The Ftncit Brand of mm. jmL Man tML A.l-vny- 011 linnd. 11. J. XOl.Til. rroprielor. 1-- r j 33 ... Metropolitan Jf A Meat Company Ht KING TUKKT, J. J. WALLER, - - Managei Wholesale & Botail Butchers NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 1 Choicest Mutton Seef, Pork, Vetseti.ll-N- , Scc . Sid. Always oil hand at the HONOLULU MARKET (Siii-c- or- - i" in. No.--O lucen Ht.. : : frlsh 3Iarkci, Honolulu, II. I. CSTFnraily and Shipping Oiders care- fully attended to. Live Slock furnished to vcsbfls at short notice. my 17-8- 8 JOS. TINKER, mJTCUKJTt. City Market, Nuuanu Street. Beef, Hl Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridge Pole Saus gas ! Krc-l- ) Kvery IU. ISTHi- - noted Siiisiro- - me made li he evctj I .h' mtichiiifr a'nl nil ordiM "i rit li d tn hi- - rim will lie deliver- - villi pr mi' e- - n l clNpiiti'h, mid h nccb :n H" !"' as niiynheru In it iiy. tar Try his Bologna Sausages. oct.5 88 New Zealand Mullet (Mar Brand.) In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins. Fresh Supplies by each Now Z. land Steamer. Fur Sale by J. E. Brown &, Co., bole Agi uls. f" I'lie Inter-Islan- d Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hiini for sale Steam Family and Biackmith Ccal and a geaeial assortment of 415. Bar iron. FKA.NCE. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 30 Ruo de Bunkerquc, - - Ptuis, h i i i.r- hid nt oi ever ilccriptloa f UMI'll, gl ' l iw O' Mil. ii, in IS ig'1 li too.1s, at tli eii &lni"f iur - I ." we t I'nte , iliitnl , I' u.ui.il ii Half ci mil Il 1'iaiir nud -- i iiouut- - illnwi li uls Origin luvoirn firar.d vIh'ii npiuvo i. KriuiltanrL Uiioiiki h IjOiidon or l'arl ItiiiiUri piynl.lt on delipr "' Sliippltig d't'iini'in , or di nit io ih mmvigcr. Tito Agrncy Hrprercntu, Buy, and SrIIb, fur Home ami Colonial Firms. Piece Goods, Cashmercn, Cambrics, Silks, Velvets, Lnwns, Chintzes, Mii-lli- Carpi ts, Cloths, Ml llni'O. I ace- - Ulnviv, Frliigrp.'Pam ol , Haberdasher, Oold mid iilvir ' lu-e- , Flanueli- - FciitlitfH. Pearl , B lulu and 'li e- -, Ql,i-s- , ami Ohlna.waro Cluclfs, VVntchus, J uoll'.v, Fumy loo Is. 1 Mimical Insf iiimn un, nd ntlual Gouils, Mirrors, Toys PiTfunieiy Wines &:, Oilmnu's Stores. Hook? Artistii Furnliurf. Staiiotier, Chromim, Maehlnerv, A'f At 18(1 ly i. Spring and Summer Dress Goods ! IMMENSE VARIETY AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, 104 Fort Street. Honolulu, IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor. Latest Novelties in Fancy I ash Materials At very low prices; Fancy Figured and Solid Color Satinos, In the ltitobt shades and newest patterns ; Solid Color and Fancy Figured Chambrye, In light blue, pink and navy blue ; English Fancy Figured Muslins and Fancy Crinkles, A now assortment of Novelty Dress Ginghams, Chailles and Cretonnes, Which wo offer at bedrock prices; IftSew Fancy Striped White Goods, In light blue, black aud red stripeB ; Nansoolts, in ivhite and cream, striped and plaids; Victoria & Persian Lawn & India Linens, Open Lace Stripe & Lace Plaids, Dotted & Figured Swiss, in white & ecru A new assortment of Hamburg & Swiss Embroideries, Yoke Embroideries and Edgings, White and coloted; "Wliito Muslin 3Cuultiucr, ii new liney dewijjiiH; Also an assortment of CJlioico IIillinery Sc Pancy HibhoiiN STATESViEWT OF 1 HE uei Life Insurance Co., OF NEW RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. Tor the yoar ending'Dec. 31, 1888. 0 Total Assets, - $126,082,153 56. Increase in Assets $7,275,301 08 Surplus at 1 per cunt if7.940.0G3 03 Increase in Surplus $1,015,022 11 Policies in foice 158,309 Incrense during year " 17.-12- Policies written 32.00G Increase during year 10,301 Risk-- ubbumed .?103,214,2C1 32 Increase during year $33,756,792 95 Risk in force $182,125, 184 30 Incrcaso during year $54,490,251 85 from nil sources $20,215,932 52 Increate during year $3,090,010 06 Paid Policy-holder- s $14,727,550 22 THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS: Bonds and Mortgages . $19,G17,874 02 United States und other securities $48,010,701 14 Real Ebtute and Loans on collateral $21,786,125 31 Cash in Bunks and I'liist Companies at interest $2,813,277 00 Inteiest neuiucd, Premiums deferred and in transit, etc . $3,218,172 4G $120,082,153 5G I have examined tho foregoing statement and find the same to be correct. A. N. WATER-HOUSE- Auditor. From the Surplus above stated a Dividend will bo apportioned as usual. o Risks Year. Assumed. 1884... .$ 31,081,420 1885... . 40,507,139 1880... 56,832,719 1887... G9.457.4G8 1888 103,214,201. . . New York, January 23, 1889. Boaxrtl of. S. E. Sproulls, L. May, L. Robinson, 0. lltirriinan, S. D. Babcoek, H. W. Smith, G. S. Coo, It. Oiyiihiuit, It. A. McCttrdy, G. F. Baker, J, C. llolden, J. Thompson, II. C. von Post, 1). Oleott, A. II. Rice, F. Cromwell, F. 11. Starr. J. T. Davies, ItOllKIIT A. OltANNISS 1SAAO F. Ll.OYI). . . . William J. Eahion . Fni:ii:iiio ScmtOKDiiR. Fhkiikuig CnoMwr.iv, Ticamirnr, Wm. W. (Join pit oiler, GUbTAVUfi S. M.I),, 195 2w The "Bail" Bulletin be Issued Columns Interesting Nows. YORK. Receipts carefully Risks Outstanding. Surplus. $351,789,285 $ 1,743,771 308.981,111 5,012,031 393,809,203 5,0 13,508 427,028,933 0,291,112 . . 482,125,181 7,910,063 TriiHtoeH: Sowoll, II. II. Rogers, S. V. It. Crnger, J.W. Atieliinujoss, C, It. Henderson, T. Morford, G. Bliss, W. B.ibcock, u. W. Pcekliam, P. B. Plumb, J. II. Hon ink, W, D. Wiihhburn, W. P. Dixon, S. R, A. (irauiijsB, A. D. Jnilliatd, C. Miller, C. E. .M.ilur. t, . .2nd . . . .Si'urutniy, .Asbistant Secretary. John A. Fonda, AHfislant Treasurer, Wm. P. Sandh, Cashier, WALTIIU R. (ilLLETXK, M.D., S. B. ROSE, Guiiuial Apcnt Hawaiian Islands. Weekly Summary," on March 26th. The Bost Paper to Send Abroad. William JJ. O. Baiitlett, L.L.I)., Actuary. EitAbTi;s U. Bknkpict, Assistant Actuary. Hiciiauds, WiurioK, E, J. Maiisii, M,D Medical Diicctois, Wm. G. Davies, Solicitor. Will 2S of R. Fh-li- , N. Royal Insurance Company. Accumulation ol Funds, $20,602,205.00 Flro riks taken at current rates and settlement made In Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agont. July a0 88-l- y Union Fire A. ainrlnc Insurance Company of N. I Capital, $10,000,000; Unlimllod Liability. Fire aud Mnrlno'risks taken at current rates and settlement made in Honolulu. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent. ju.ly2H88.ly 3 - SUN Insurance Co. of San Francisco. Marine risks on HuIIh, Cargoes, Freights and Commissions nt current rates. JOHN S. WALKER, Agent July mt.88.ly MEGBEBURG General Insurance Company. Marino risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freight nud Commission, at current rates. JOHN. S. WALKER, Agent July aC8S-l- y A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. 13 street. Ut stairs. OCUt.NU.'v HONOL.ULO IRON WOBK8, J)JJ.saiStnfl,n in irinra. mifrnr mllln lintl.1 .. m a -- " " O"" era, coolers: iron, brass and lead cast ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe-ute- d at short notice. 1 Alex. TJk-iPj- x' Flohr, Lock $l Gunsmith. Bethel St., next lo General Post nice, Honolulu. All kinds of Safes &. Scales repaired. Also, Hewlnc Hnclilncs at reason- able rated. 11 Tel 124. fnct.25-b8.ly- ) P. O. B. 400 WALKER & REDWARD, Contractors fc Xlullclors. Urlck, tone and Wooden Ituildings; given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 ICiug -- treet. UeJl Tclo-(ihon- e N . 2. P. O.Box, 423. apCly OEORGE LUCAS, -- " Contractor 'rfW'fSrrft, and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Planing MiIIb, Jispls nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, BracUts, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work Un'ish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other solicited E NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. E Alakott, Telephone near 0ueen OS. St. SUGAR PLANT I FOR iHsi SALE The Entire Plant of tho Star Mill CoHpiy, Mala: Is offered For Sile. Tho Machinery is in perfect norklng order and consist of One 26x48 Mill with Engine, Traili-carrle- r, Etc.. comploto, 1 Pair ol Boilers Cx20, 1 Doublo Effect 0 and 7 foot Pans, 1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Dlako Pump, 3 Weston Centrilugals and Engine, Together with the usual assortment of Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers Aud other Machinery tuunlly found in a well appointed mill. Also, a number of California & Mai Mnles, Cane Carls & Oen'l Plantation Implements. Delivery "ill be itiven afier nex' crop inn been hui vetted, suy about Jul) 1, lOO'l. C4T Foi further purticulars apply to JOHN HIND, 'anagerStar Mill, Kohala, Hawaii. nmy'1.88 FIRE, LIFE, MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,288,000 Commercial Insuronoo Co. (Flro and Marino) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Firo and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Firo and Marino Ins, Co Capital $10,000,000 New York Life Insoranoe Co. Assets, $85,000,000 C.O.BERGEK HONOLULU. General Agont, Hnw'n Islands. lG53 1y I3Q U1TABLE Society or tho United (States. THE LEADING COMPANY. New Buslntss in 1887 $138,023,105 Applications refuted for - 23,720,317 Total Income - - 23,240,048 Surplus 4 per cent - 18,104,255 Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432 Etc., Etc., Etc., In the above and nmt important point the Equitable h,-- the list of Life Campenies. A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Ueneral Agent , for UavroUan felon tin. June CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'co Agents. AOEHTS FOE The New Busload MUTUAI LIFE INS. C0MP Y, of Boston. The Itna Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. The Union Fire aa'd Marine Insurance Co. of Ban Francisco, Cala. 101 ly , Prussian National Insurance ComuV E3TADLISIIKD 1846, cP"a' 0,000.000 nolchimtrfcs HpiIE undersigned, having been an. X pointed agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Bulldinirs Furniture, Merchandise. Produce, BuiS Mills etc., on the most Favorable Tcrma Usses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. Pioneer Shin Factory OfHonelulu, No. 17 Emma SL The undersigned hoes to inform the public of these Islands that he Is makiag Slslrtw ly IMoiiHiiromont I Directions for folf.moasuremcnt will be given on application. White Shirts, Ofershlrts & Hlgbt Gowbs A fit guarantee by making a sample bhlrt to every order. Island order solicited Bell Telephone 41 5Hy A. ML MEJULIS. i - ir i wif r., j v. - 'T- - ' Sw

Transcript of JbR - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa:...

Page 1: JbR - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/16299/1/1889032501.pdf · illtfc JbR '! I J & Jy-J-v & Jl' Ul '3 fffiJ finrai eswrii






.--L WMllWIIIWU- -

0,' , 7'WW, Bfc trf fill x i'"V tfc

ill JbR '!I J & Jy-J- v & Jl' Ul


fff iJ finrai eswrii rm inisi frrir rt r ICHnsfcW a ""t'--'"-- J ''-- ' 1"", ""- hfitTtriT rrii nlu RSR1I




i'Hii DALL1 iiULiiiiniN

la printed Anil published atthootUcoJuoon Street, Honolulu, I. every

itternoou (Sundays excepted).

ubscrlptlon, SO conts pot Month.

Addross nil Communications Dailvianur.viH.

tc ensure insertion,10 il 1 oo lundod In before one o'clock

JVALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing Offico.

.owspapor, Hook and Job Printing of

.11 kinds doiiii on tlic uiost favorableins.li IMupliuuo J No. 260

lmnl rulejihoue No. Sou


; Weakly Summary,l jm An inwre-tlin- aud comprehensivei ,, ...i.i: !,... n.i.irii.ia '! I'.nliimnn of

""""-""""-p -- "" - -- -j. ;-- .


uadi.ur in.Utui on local topic-- , an i a; amulet. MtunuiJf H'minyui nu IMSUll

'Sa4- -- . ... .....i (..fi.,1 J" a:i'u ...v--- .y

.l. t. '..itMorliitiiMi:

ltd I.", ili)oiol . I

jjuian..aioii oil4 ouanta.


doaoral OiiinmisiUOU Agonu.

j(jly 110NOLU1.U



Uuuolulu U. 1It .lltlUt,



Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merelianiay Heaver rflock, iiunululu

riKliWH,H JS GOttlPaNX,

..m) .n AtrriLE ajjditld"OH .1UKM

,1 fi una.

i,t,, i i twaiuem . jXunagui0ttTo.R. ...Ijuasurui fc ciucreuri

J.JU. O. t. tlsJliil". O. C. ALUStt,ll. .v ArnuiioUdii.

T. Watehuousk,JOliN Iinporwr and Outlier in Qeaermderciiaudue, ljueeii t., Uuunlulu. I

3. N. Cai!tle.-- J. U. Atherton-- U. P. Caotu

ta UOOrCK,LlAdrLK duippiug aud Coinmiflsioiiiierunaiits. importers aud Oeaiera 111

ieuerai iler'jUa.idiae, 1S0 60 Ktug st.,(ionoia.u )

Olauu airckel. Wm. O. Irwin.

41f A. IBWIN fc OOMPANY,W Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

X7"IliDEB u CO.,Yf Dealers is. Lumber, Palnt,

OUs, Nails, df. uid Builduig Matttrwlbof every mud, cor. tort aud y.ueen su.,Honolulu. '

QBIN13AOM a CO.,MS. Importers of Ueuoral M.r- -

ohuudisoaiid Cooiinisslou ilercliauta,aud

VM Cullfomin street,dan Fruucisco, Cal.

. Lawers, il". J. Lowrey O. M. Oooko.

f BWSOB OOOliH,I JLi (succesiors to Luwers a DlcfcBon.)

mporters and Dnalers in Lumber and allkinds ot Butldinjr Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


personi wim wain to voiumuuiALL with the Poituguesu, eluiofor business, or for procuring workmui.lervauts oi any otuer Iiulps, vill und i

iho most protltablo way to .idYcrii- - li

the Luso HaviaiiaHO, tue uert oi'giu in

the I'ortuguoau f.ntouj, vUicn it puiilished julloi.oistri.ei, uid ui umreasonahle rtoifor atvttr ih "



81 King Street, opposite (he Old StationUoUnC

Mutual Telephone No. t.87 tf


TreHumulclii(r, &o., S;o.,

Has commenced the bualneas of Diosmaking, Cutting aud Fitting, at her icsl-deuc-

No 73 Beretaula stieel, oppositethe Hotel. Th pitronage of the ladles! rAannntfiillv solicited. Sstiufactioilguaraateed. sept-o-l- y


JM. MONSABBAT,uoy ut Law & Notury Public

140 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

Alfred Maqoon,J . AT rORNEY AT LAW.170 t'J Moirlmnt stn-ct- . Honolulu, ly


A.iSl JLIuVlCJUlltV.K. UOHN, Practical Oonlccuoncr,

Pastry Cook und Baker.'illoulSt. "tiSaiSBr Tcleiduinc74

Mrs. L. C. Pray,

Genuine Massage! Roman Baths

150 Fort Street. Chinese t.hurch Yaiddec 7 -- 8


DrugffistM & Tolmccouists,AHiil.Ks-AUr'N- UKTAIL.

109 Ko --i(,.i , William il(cU,H(intHO tor olulu li. 1.

. . V'-- U



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,8& 1 15 Fori SiM'i, - Honolulu

Ucpnt fur Boerice & rceclilk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Riclnecker'a Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, t2

WENNER & CO.JIannrarturius Jowellcru,

vo. oa t-oi-tT wTXtJb:JEJaConituillx ou baud s large asaortmui

f i:vorj 'leBoripti'inot .lewelry, WatrhtGold and Silver Plated Ware, &c.

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

tukui Jcwolry a Specialty.

ling Strict, llomtlulii, II. I

Next door to lie m I mu.way Couipaiij'- - III c.

I?P Particular atleution paid to allKind-o- f repairs jm-lO--

Sanders' Baggage Express Go.

M. N. SANDERS,) p,,iinr.F. I. CUTTER,

Office, 84 King stri-et- , Telephone No 80Residence Icli'plinno No 20a.

Gcn'l Bxpressl ik 5t DraylncrPiano nun Furniture moving peciuli

W.tgoiH meet all incouiiiigsteuiuerb.iuly 25 ly


AT Halekou, Eunculio, Koolaupoko,b.Vi acms ol gooil pa-iu- re land, all

enclosed p enty of water Apply tiCluirlei I Hiram, at the Kinc'x Staldcb,Honolulu, or ut Haiek u. feb '28 0 Ij

Hustace & Robertson,

DRAYMEN.fiL orders for Cartage promptly at-A- .

lumleil to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands,

Also, Black and White Sandin quaiilllieb to suit at lowest price.

Oltlco adjoining E. I. Adums & Col ICtlOII rjltHII

)a ly Mutual T lcphone Nn. IW


Shoeing Forge,70 &. 81 Klnc Mtreet.

Shooing, irom $1.50.

Horsos and Cattlo Treated foi

all Diseases.

Ro idenco: rhnmberliiin House, nexKawniuimo Church.

I. O. SOX 4.US.

Bel Telephone Si,M '


Tho Bosi Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

The Ftncit Brand of

mm. jmL MantML

A.l-vny- 011 linnd.11. J. XOl.Til. rroprielor.

1-- r j 33 ...

Metropolitan Jf A

Meat CompanyHt KING TUKKT,

J. J. WALLER, - - ManageiWholesale & Botail Butchers


Choicest Mutton

Seef, Pork,Vetseti.ll-N- , Scc . Sid.Always oil hand at the

HONOLULU MARKET(Siii-c- or- - i" in.

No.--O lucen Ht.. : : frlsh 3Iarkci,Honolulu, II. I.

CSTFnraily and Shipping Oiders care-fully attended to. Live Slock furnishedto vcsbfls at short notice. my 17-8-8


City Market,Nuuanu Street.

Beef, Hl Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridge Pole Saus gas !

Krc-l- ) Kvery IU.ISTHi- - noted Siiisiro- - me made li

he evctj I .h' mtichiiifr a'nl nil ordiM"i rit li d tn hi- - rim will lie deliver- -

villi pr mi' e- - n l clNpiiti'h, mid h

nccb :n H" !"' as niiynheru In itiiy.

tar Try his Bologna Sausages.oct.5 88

New Zealand Mullet(Mar Brand.)

In 4 doz. Cases of 1 lb. Tins.Fresh Supplies by each Now Z.

land Steamer. Fur Sale by

J. E. Brown &, Co.,bole Agi uls. f"

I'lie Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited,

Keep constantly on hiini for sale

Steam Family and Biackmith Ccaland a geaeial assortment of

415. Bar iron.FKA.NCE.

Continental and Colonial

AGENCY.30 Ruo de Bunkerquc, - - Ptuis,

h i i i.r- hid nt oi ever ilccriptloaf UMI'll, gl ' liw O' Mil. ii, in IS ig'1 li too.1s, at

tli eii &lni"f iur - I ." we t I'nte ,

iliitnl , I' u.ui.il ii Half ci milIl 1'iaiir nud -- i iiouut- - illnwi

li uls Origin luvoirn firar.dvIh'ii npiuvo i.

KriuiltanrL Uiioiiki h IjOiidon orl'arl ItiiiiUri piynl.lt on delipr "'Sliippltig d't'iini'in , or di nit io ihmmvigcr.

Tito Agrncy Hrprercntu, Buy, andSrIIb, fur Home ami Colonial Firms.

Piece Goods, Cashmercn, Cambrics,Silks, Velvets, Lnwns, Chintzes,Mii-lli- Carpi ts, Cloths,Ml llni'O. I ace- - Ulnviv,Frliigrp.'Pam ol , Haberdasher,Oold mid iilvir ' lu-e-


Flanueli- - FciitlitfH. Pearl ,B lulu and 'li e- -, Ql,i-s- , amiOhlna.waro Cluclfs, VVntchus,J uoll'.v, Fumy loo Is.1 Mimical Insf iiimn

un, ndntlual Gouils, Mirrors, Toys

PiTfunieiy Wines &:,Oilmnu's Stores. Hook? ArtistiiFurnliurf. Staiiotier,Chromim, Maehlnerv, A'f At

18(1 ly i.

Spring and Summer Dress Goods !


POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,104 Fort Street. Honolulu,

IV. S. SACHS, - - Proprietor.

Latest Novelties in Fancy Iash MaterialsAt very low prices;

Fancy Figured and Solid Color Satinos,In the ltitobt shades and newest patterns ;

Solid Color and Fancy Figured Chambrye,In light blue, pink and navy blue ;

English Fancy Figured Muslins and Fancy Crinkles,A now assortment of

Novelty Dress Ginghams, Chailles and Cretonnes,Which wo offer at bedrock prices;

IftSew Fancy Striped White Goods,In light blue, black aud red stripeB ;

Nansoolts, in ivhite and cream, striped and plaids;Victoria & Persian Lawn & India Linens,

Open Lace Stripe & Lace Plaids,Dotted & Figured Swiss, in white & ecru

A new assortment of

Hamburg & Swiss Embroideries, Yoke Embroideries and Edgings,

White and coloted;"Wliito Muslin 3Cuultiucr, ii new liney dewijjiiH;

Also an assortment of

CJlioico IIillinery Sc Pancy HibhoiiNSTATESViEWT OF 1 HE

uei Life Insurance Co.,OF NEW

RICHARD A. McCURDY, President.

Tor the yoar ending'Dec. 31, 1888.0

Total Assets, - $126,082,153 56.

Increase in Assets $7,275,301 08Surplus at 1 per cunt if7.940.0G3 03

Increase in Surplus $1,015,022 11Policies in foice 158,309

Incrense during year "17.-12-

Policies written 32.00GIncrease during year 10,301

Risk-- ubbumed .?103,214,2C1 32Increase during year $33,756,792 95

Risk in force $182,125, 184 30Incrcaso during year $54,490,251 85

from nil sources $20,215,932 52Increate during year $3,090,010 06

Paid Policy-holder- s $14,727,550 22

THE ASSETS ARE INVESTED AS FOLLOWS:Bonds and Mortgages . $19,G17,874 02United States und other securities $48,010,701 14Real Ebtute and Loans on collateral $21,786,125 31Cash in Bunks and I'liist Companies at interest $2,813,277 00Inteiest neuiucd, Premiums deferred and in transit, etc . $3,218,172 4G

$120,082,153 5G

I have examined tho foregoing statement and find the same tobe correct. A. N. WATER-HOUSE- Auditor.

From the Surplus above stated a Dividend will bo apportioned as usual.o

RisksYear. Assumed.

1884... .$ 31,081,4201885... . 40,507,1391880... 56,832,7191887... G9.457.4G81888 103,214,201. . .

New York, January 23, 1889.

Boaxrtl of.S. E. Sproulls, L. May,L. Robinson, 0. lltirriinan,S. D. Babcoek, H. W. Smith,G. S. Coo, It. Oiyiihiuit,It. A. McCttrdy, G. F. Baker,J, C. llolden, J. Thompson,II. C. von Post, 1). Oleott,A. II. Rice, F. Cromwell,F. 11. Starr. J. T. Davies,


William J. Eahion .

Fni:ii:iiio ScmtOKDiiR.

Fhkiikuig CnoMwr.iv, Ticamirnr,Wm. W. (Join pit oiler,GUbTAVUfi S. M.I),,

195 2w

The "Bail" Bulletin

be Issued

Columns Interesting Nows.




RisksOutstanding. Surplus.$351,789,285 $ 1,743,771

308.981,111 5,012,031393,809,203 5,0 13,508427,028,933 0,291,112

. . 482,125,181 7,910,063

TriiHtoeH:Sowoll, II. II. Rogers,

S. V. It. Crnger, J.W. Atieliinujoss,C, It. Henderson, T. Morford,G. Bliss, W. B.ibcock,u. W. Pcekliam, P. B. Plumb,J. II. Hon ink, W, D. Wiihhburn,W. P. Dixon, S.R, A. (irauiijsB, A. D. Jnilliatd,

C. Miller, C. E. .M.ilur.


. .2nd

. . . .Si'urutniy,.Asbistant Secretary.

John A. Fonda, AHfislant Treasurer,Wm. P. Sandh, Cashier,WALTIIU R. (ilLLETXK, M.D.,

S. B. ROSE,Guiiuial Apcnt Hawaiian Islands.

Weekly Summary,"

on March 26th.

The Bost Paper to Send Abroad.

William JJ. O. Baiitlett, L.L.I)., Actuary.EitAbTi;s U. Bknkpict, Assistant Actuary.


E, J. Maiisii, M,D Medical Diicctois,Wm. G. Davies, Solicitor.


2S of


Fh-li- ,


Royal Insurance Company.

Accumulation ol Funds, $20,602,205.00

Flro riks taken at current rates andsettlement made In Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agont.July a0 88-l- y

Union Fire A. ainrlnc

Insurance Company of N. ICapital, $10,000,000; Unlimllod Liability.

Fire aud Mnrlno'risks taken at currentrates and settlement made in Honolulu.

JOHN S. WALKER, Agent.ju.ly2H88.ly

3- SUNInsurance Co. of San Francisco.

Marine risks on HuIIh, Cargoes, Freightsand Commissions nt current rates.

JOHN S. WALKER, AgentJuly mt.88.ly

MEGBEBURGGeneral Insurance Company.

Marino risks on Hulls, Cargoes, Freightnud Commission, at current rates.

JOHN. S. WALKER, AgentJuly aC8S-l- y

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rulo-r & Blank-boo- k


No. 13 street. Ut stairs.OCUt.NU.'v

HONOL.ULO IRON WOBK8,J)JJ.saiStnfl,n in irinra. mifrnr mllln lintl.1..m a -- " "O""era, coolers: iron, brass and lead cast

ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-ute- d

at short notice. 1

Alex.TJk-iPj- x'

Flohr,Lock $l Gunsmith.

Bethel St., next lo General Postnice, Honolulu.

All kinds of Safes &. Scales repaired.Also, Hewlnc Hnclilncs at reason-

able rated.11 Tel 124. fnct.25-b8.ly- ) P. O. B. 400


Contractors fc Xlullclors.Urlck, tone and Wooden Ituildings;

given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 ICiug -- treet. UeJl Tclo-(ihon- e

N . 2. P. O.Box, 423. apCly

OEORGE LUCAS,--" Contractor 'rfW'fSrrft,

and Builder,'

Honolulu Steam Planing MiIIb, Jisplsnade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,BracUts, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work Un'ish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other




Telephonenear 0ueen



FOR iHsi SALEThe Entire Plant of tho

Star Mill CoHpiy, Mala:Is offered For Sile. Tho Machinery

is in perfect norklng orderand consist of

One 26x48 Mill with Engine,Traili-carrle- r, Etc.. comploto,1 Pair ol Boilers Cx20,1 Doublo Effect 0 and 7 foot Pans,1 Vacuum Pan G feet with Dlako Pump,3 Weston Centrilugals and Engine,

Together with the usual assortment of

Clariflers, Clean'g Pans, Coolers

Aud other Machinery tuunlly foundin a well appointed mill.

Also, a number of

California & Mai Mnles,Cane Carls & Oen'l Plantation


Delivery "ill be itiven afier nex' cropinn been hui vetted, suy about Jul) 1,lOO'l.

C4T Foi further purticulars apply to

JOHN HIND,'anagerStar Mill, Kohala, Hawaii.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Firo Insurance Co.

Assets, $5,288,000

Commercial Insuronoo Co.

(Flro and Marino)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Firo and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Firo and Marino Ins, Co

Capital $10,000,000

New York Life Insoranoe Co.

Assets, $85,000,000


General Agont, Hnw'n Islands.

lG53 1y



or tho United (States.


New Buslntss in 1887 $138,023,105Applications refuted for - 23,720,317Total Income - - 23,240,048Surplus 4 per cent - 18,104,255Gain In Assets during year 8,868,432

Etc., Etc., Etc.,

In the above and nmt important pointthe Equitable h,-- the list of

Life Campenies.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT,Ueneral Agent , for UavroUan

felon tin.


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'co Agents.



of Boston.

The Itna Fire Insurance Co.of Hartford, Conn.

The Union Fire aa'd

Marine Insurance Co.of Ban Francisco, Cala.

101 ly

, Prussian NationalInsurance ComuV


cP"a' 0,000.000 nolchimtrfcsHpiIE undersigned, having been an.X pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on BulldinirsFurniture, Merchandise. Produce, BuiSMills etc., on the most Favorable TcrmaUsses Promptly Adjusted and Payable


Pioneer Shin FactoryOfHonelulu, No. 17 Emma SL

The undersigned hoes to inform thepublic of these Islands that he Is makiagSlslrtw ly IMoiiHiiromont I

Directions for folf.moasuremcnt willbe given on application.

White Shirts, Ofershlrts & Hlgbt GowbsA fit guarantee by making a sample

bhlrt to every order.Island order solicited Bell Telephone 41


i -


wifr., j v.- 'T- -



Page 2: JbR - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/16299/1/1889032501.pdf · illtfc JbR '! I J & Jy-J-v & Jl' Ul '3 fffiJ finrai eswrii

i v





s$ s3f

- .-- WirfiWMLttWilWWllllllilll'MMilllWl


ftailu uttefiii

Bui rttaliit ieti ! ' benefit of alt.

MONDAY, Ma :CH 25, 18S9.


At the Police Court thta morning,before LIU Honor Jiidsjc Foster, nnIncident occurred which will strike-th-

nvcrngc lover of fair play,.i9 be-in- tj

in the strict lino of both moraland statute law.

Tinier what Id fti.Ottii as thc"Sun-tlnyLnw"tt- u

Chinamen weiu be-

fore tlie court for belling fresh meaton .yesterday: and other two wciethere charged with purchasing thesame. On their being called Attor-

ney-General Ashford addressedthe Cout l. declined to prosecute,and asked thai a nolle prosequi he

entered. , lie Anther stated that ithad been called to his notice that theprinciple of "class legislation" wasbeing applied of late tti the luluiin-istratiou'-

the laws by the Hono-

lulu l'olicu: that ho had sought. to

prevent thi? by formal instructions,but th-i- t late di'velopuincnts showedtheovil agrouiiig: that he was be-

coming thoroughly sick" of theparti-.u- i theory mid practice of pun-

ishing, law breakers; by so actively

dragging one claseot venial offenders,

bcfoic tin' Court, ami utterly ignor-

ing nol"i-MU- rail--- , whore the off-

ender-" happened lo Ik men of someinfluence, or who had inlluentialfricniU- - and Dually, that he was re-

solved, while he held the olllce ofAttorney-Genera- ! to see that thepower ot the Government was notprostituted to favor some specialclasses of the people, under theguise of law.

His Honor, Judge Foster, said in

repty that he was glad to see thisstand taken by the Attorney-Genera- l:

that since he came to thebench his attention had been fre-

quently called to the fact complain-

ed of, viz. the "class" rule observedin laying complaints, but that in thecapacity in which he was acting hedid not consider it his duty to in-

quire oflicially in this direction. Nowthat the matter had been noticedollicially, however, he hoped thecriminal business hereafter comingbefore him would not continue tobear out the very unfavorable com-

ments so correctly pronounced uponprevious methods of administeringthe law.

Then wai a large gathering of :heliar pri-eii- t, who all tc ap-

prove cordially the coiurueau masleby both the Attorney-Gener- al airfl

the Judge.

MORE PAYING.Kim ok Bi i.m.j in: ."i.ight not the

lung ctahli- - n.. lit i,f invokingthe Deity's .., in praters, to giveus those things Miicii we considerbeneficial to our happiness, be con-

siderably improved by the exampleof the prayer in Little Hock, whichreads: "Give us more good school-house- s,

more' 'railroads, more 'goodpublic and private buildings, bridges,streets, roads inoie of everythingthat is useful and elevating, andless of red liquor and crime." Andadding, give ps better government ;

ruled by'irien whose habits are notcorrupt, and whose mental' attain-ments are of a higher and better-balanoc- tl

order: Q. C...


EniToit ,Bi'j.m:ti.' : After havinghad cold,-- '' wfildy and unpleasantweather for nearly a month and ahalf, wo have now got the regulartrade wind, with Mint-hiuuan- pleasant days, c hope fo get mjido lain,Minn, all over'.- - "Thoplantations ate all busy grinding.andlargeTqiiaiititicp "f Mig'ir juc shippedfrom Kuhului.

It ahtonii-he- d o to seein the"Advcrtibur," an editorjal about kingsin general and our king in particular.In our opinion nn uncalled for andajiitoful article, not :l all in accoidwith gentlemanly behavior, Thodignity pf the Government and thocountry is not upheld by such writ-

ings, and it can only harm us thatsuch expressions, in what protendsto be a loading paper, are sontabroad.Hero, aff&nifbu, ijobodv cares a

Hn editor jof the "Adis too

generallyvcrtlier" iniiiKH or writes, howell klipWH fqrthaf.. npiiehurtsah&oiU'Hliiit jljoi ii,tho parly atTiicked. Tho

and uplway

to raise a pornon in tlie public opinionis lo drag him, undeserved, in themud., i

The perniitii-io- our whe (?) Boardof Educjit misgave in November lastyear," to give icligious instiuction in'the tchoolf, after school hours haspioved to came general dissatisfac-tion.., The ininif-tci- seem to think ittheir light to demand tho schoolvacated at a certain hour, whethertho teacher has come special work tolo after Echool hours or not, and a

catholic minister has even forgottenhimself-s- far as to hinder a teacherpunibhing a couple of disobedientpupils by keeping them a few min-

utes over tho regular time. At leastto it tho report, and I have no doubt

"!".L'..'Lr."'!""'.,J.1.L". ".""." ' . . """ "' " "."j 'i to ,

but tlat it i,s uue. That stir.h dtiifrAttyTs, can, fya. infill doe.s not aUnvv'oty gumftito'ijn', tHo pkU'uf theman tliii't tnu'ies it.'" and is'tibtin eon,--

forinjty with the position hs hold. Tng President anuDuncwl thM heWtf!ut,ho'r lvn '!9 - i3IV',',ul 1 liid. : few reiunrks which he vrislied


mjq 8iiinnS xv ;,"' t address to Mr. MoTuvish, and boHUM. II. I , DillUIYlll IIII-- SHIU UIIU II III?Portuguese lub U'l don't attend thoPiotestatit Chinch ut Mukawao,ho will dismiss tin. in from his sirviee.Thoughts are duty free, and we thinkthat we know the scuiu' of this rt

The Portuguese, lme ns aconsequence, been ;c ued, und don'tknow what to . Or cout-j- noeducated man will ovt believe sucha statement, but tliu to say)illiterate and entiiely .unedueaUdPortuguese believe all that is toldthem from a certain souiee. Whensuch means are employed anil whendiscontent between htboier and em-ployer is poivii in such a way,itis timefor tho church authorities to lookililo and investigate the matter, andmost efl'eetually put a stop to it, assuch proceedings will don gieat liaunto a canto in itself good.

You know, Mr. Editor, thnt thonew Foreign Church at Makuwaowas dedicated a short time ago. Afew catholics wont up to see thededication, and that was publiclycommented upon in the CatholicChinch afterwards, s if it were acrime for a catholic to put his footinto u Protestant Church,

A petition In the Hoard of Educa-tion ha.s In en circulatid latelyamount the catholics, and it has aRood many niiines on 'it. Very fewhave been written by tin personsthemselves, and none of them, or atleast a very limited amount couldread the contents of tho petition. Itis Miid that tho name of ucaily everyman, woman and child is on the list,and if the report is true that thereare over one thousand names on it,it must bo so, as the plantations hereemploy only a few hundred l'oitti-gues- c

Jahoiers, and the natives arcnot nunieious here about. The con-

tent to put the names on has verylikely been demanded, and the htrictdiscipline they aic under can wellaccount for it. Tho petition is midto ask the Uoaid of Education not towithdraw the pern.i.-sio- n to teach re-

ligion in tho Government schoolbuildings. Another petition askingthe Board of Education to stop theuse of the school houses for that pur-pose has also been louud, and has agood many names to it.

It would undoubtedly bo best towithdiaw tho permission, as it onlyfosters strife and discontent, and no-

thing is nunc hurtful to a commun-ity than unfriendly feeling betweenemployer and employee, as each isdependent on the other to a certainextent. The Sunday schools aregood and oveiyhody is in favor ofthem, be they catholic or protestani.

1 heic is no sign yet ot a sellout be-in- g

erected at Spreckelsville, and theaction, or rather nonaction of theBoard of Education in that matter,although their attention has repeat-edly been drawn to it, seems morethan queer. X. G.

Kaa, Maui, Match 20th.


Ennoi: Bllt.etix: In. answer toClodhopper's sceptical communica-tion. I would state that my formerletter was made as practical as pos-

sible by giving examples of success-ful crjpe culture in Southern Cali-

fornia, Australia, and .South Africawhere: the conditions for vint-grow-i-rlg

are le favorable than on the(.( lands of Oahu. I was not

aware that there were any profes-sional vine-growe- rs on this island,although I had licaid that certaingentlemen had experimented ingrowing grapes.

A theory properly and logicallydemonstrated, can be carried out inpractice, provided it be elwsely fol-

lowed ; and there may have beensome kind of hitch or ii regularityin the experiment to which yourcoi-responde- nt

alludes. In tho meanlands of O.ihu the soil is hard andrequires to be broken and pulver-ized to a depth of at least two feetIn older to allow the vino roots toreach the nioistuie during dry sea-

sons. Of course in shallow cultiva-tions all moisture dries up, andwithout daily watering theseconditions the vines would die.

In some dry countriis means aietaken! to counteract evaporation bycovering the soil with leaves or grassor other suitable substance. Entireabsence of moisture will, of course,kill vines or any plant; but the skillof the vine-growe- r is exerted to sotreat his soil that the vine roots canobtain such moisture as is absolutelynecessary. The large overgrowth ofvaiious kinds of wild plants on thehinds under notice, is proof positivethat there is naturally a fair biipplyof moisture in the soil.

J. SI. Macuoxami.


The oracular owlIs a very wise fowl,lie siii on a limbJSy night iiml ly day,

And an eager assembly waits on himTo listen to what tho wise bird may say,1 heaid him discourse hi the following

w ay :

'.v dude will sonn come from out ofthe Ver,

Wearing bracelets on aims and ilngonthumb,

Of all dude, this one by far Is the best,For out of the pudding ho takes the


"Ah!" cry the bhds, "What a mar-velous fowl!

Oh, who could excel this oracularowl!" P,

Mis. Sclb.y Dootah, do child dungone swaller 'r pintob ink. Doctor

Hub yo' Hun ennydlng lo' the re

made Mm cat free bhcels nli blottin1paper,Life.

doctoli. Was tint rite?








would request that Rentlcuiuu's attention for a few minutes.

Angus MeTnvish having straiten-ed his countenance and put himselfInto nn aud.torial attitude, the Pre-sident spoke as follows: "Mr. b,

you nro doubtlcsa awnrothat the fenders of the Calathuui-pia- n

party are from Boston, Massa-chusetts; nnd that Europeans arcsimply tolerated In tho party ranksin order to influence votes. It is

therefore becoming in you, as wellas all others ot the party who arcnot leaders, to guide yourself withsilent circumspection. I am awarethat Mr. Blunt was quite as guiltyas you have been in questioning thepolicy that has been advocated bythe o'lllcers of tho Party ; but I havereasons for not bringing him tobook, which are not proper to di-

vulge. You are a sensible nian, in-

deed, all your nationality have thatreputation, and I think you can"tumble" to the situation. Yourduty as one of the CnlathumpiaiiParty is to make no remarks duringthe meetings. All the remarks aieto be made by tho trusted leaders,and the subjects to be mentionedand how they are to be handledhave all received attention bcfoichand. In case you should not heaware of who the leaders aie, I maymention that the Rev. Amos Whang- -

buster, and all the clergy of thusame sect, are the highest and mostvalued. Xcst come the New Eng-land lawyers and tho native praeti-tionc- rs

of New England descent.Lastly, the quacks, lettifoggeis,pimps, blackguards, adventurers,and other rascals which New Eng'land casts upon these shoies. Iwould aNo have you to understandthat, although the Whereabout Isl-

ands do not belong to the UnitedStates, they belong to New Eng-land, not by right ot discovery, butby right of evangelical conquest. Ipresume that you are suiiicientiyacquainted with the English lang-uage to understand what I have saidto you, and i trust that you will nowgovern yourself accordingly."

At the conclusion of the Presi-

dent's remarks, Mr. McTavish ask-

ed that functionary whether hecould "speer" a few words by wayof explanation ; and upon being an-

swered in the ulll. niative, the fol-

lowing queries wcie put:Mac Am I tau hand my whist

hear everything an' say naethingVPresident Ye-- ..

Mac No tae hae ony voice awa:President None whatever.Mac Only woik for voles, an'

ca' the Calalhumpiau Party the beston caith?

Piesident Yes, that is just it.Mac Maister President, you may

tak yer Calalhumpiau Party to CapeCod for me. I wash my baudsclean o't. Whar's ma hat. I hopethe Culathuiiipian Party havenamade awa wr it.

Mr. McTavish got his hat, andwas proceeding to the door whenDick Blunt seized him by the armand said: "Come back and sitdown, we can whip these fellowsbetter within their own thresholdthan out of doors. Never mindtheir bounce.'

Phillip Strangcways next took thefloor, and it was evident that he waslaboring under unusual mentalstrain. His remarks were address-ed to the chair as follows: "It hasalways been my endeavor by eveiymeans to exclude, not only Ger-mans, but all Europeans, from thedeliberations of our paity and alsofrom all bcnelits which our partyconfers upon its uienibei.s. Tlie re-

cent misundei standings that havetaken place in our uid-,- 1 have allbeen from thisconlaininatiiig souiee.To belittle Europeans as much aspossible should he the aim of everyNow England editor; and lawsshould be enacted by the Legisla-ture of the Wheieabout Islands, towithhold from those baibarians, thopolitical franchise. Every weaponshould be used to this end invective, misrepresentation, deceit, andeven lies if other weapons are notstrong enough. If I had my way Iwould hang shoot or behead everyEuropean and every American whoabetted them."

Hev. A. Whanghuster rose to apoint of order, lie could "haidlyconceive that the great Calathuinp-ia- n

Party could In" converted into abaud ol asitissins, and he wouldcounsel the members to be temper-ate in bpecch."

At this moment tlie lire hell rang,and several members made theirexit, hut enough were lei t lo singthe following putting yeise. whichtiio Hev. gentleman had prepared:Sound the banjo and the bones,

And sing New England sous ;

We love the old familiar tonesFor which our memory longs.

Hawaiian Lodge, Ho. 21, F. & A. M.

rpilERB will bu a iiiicllng of Ha.L wiiihin Lodge No. 21. F. & A, M.,

at its Hall, ciiincr ot Fort und Qietnsir em, THIS (Mondui) F.VK.NlNU,Mureli iiSili, 1H8U, at 7iM o'clock, for

Work in the Third Degree.Members of Lodge u I'mgrefi and till

llcf ob'iin? Mrs, Sclby I'se dun foj.niinlng hicilnen am frateinally Invilcd 1,1 be luiscnt.

Uy order ot the W.; M..T. 0, PORTKR,

200 It Secretary.

Auction Salo by .Mines F. Morgan.


Household FurnitureOn Wednesday, fllnrch 27,


At the re iiletiee of Mr. Plunk H Do.lce.Uoiuinuhi street, near the Ice WorVs,1 will i Public Auction,

Tho Entire Househ'd Furniture,Com) il'lng

I Weoterrnayer Piano,In first class condition;

Lirge and Small Hugs,Phislt'lNip Center Tnhle,Wicker Aiiiiehalrsund ltockers,

1 Ladles B.W. Cylinder-to- p Writ'g Desk,

Lounge, Pictures, Tabic?,Spring nnd Wire M.illra-st"- ,

1 Ash Bedroom Set,Moiquito Net', Pillow-- ,Child's Ash t'rih, Cuitahi",

1 "White" Automatic Sewing Machlno,

Dining Chairs, Larue Meat Sufr,

GROCKERY and GLASSWARE,NowHuby Carriage,1 Kdily ItofrlgeiutnrSaddles GanUr I mils

Stove aud UumimUh, Ktc.

202 litJAS. F. MOKOAK,


Auction Sitlo ol

Household FurnitureOn Thursday. March 28

AT 10 O'C'l.lH'ti .1. 51..

At die Pieniiis, U ii ii " i iipp"Miothe P.ishii n --,tiuil s I i I II nt PublicAuction,

Tho Entire Househ'd FurnitureCuin.iii-i'it- .'

Largo Canto' k bofii lis,.1 tj.a e nil i ii Ti lis,D.'u.-niti- ll.ii. jitiiir Lumps

Vienna Cane hullsl.iiuu Cui tains, Pictures

OecoraU'd .Saiiitiu'sc Vawew !

ik'dsiuuU mid Maurac.-t- ,

Mobtjiiilo Nui,Upholstered Lounge & Tables,

ltetnguiaior, Meat safe,1 diduliuurd,

CROCKERY and GLASSWARE,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

"Premise's open tor inpuetion onWedauMhi, Much 27th, from U a. m. to3 p. ii.

JAS. P. MOllGAX,201! !J Ai eiloneer.

Haiku Stock !


On Monday, April 1st, 1889,At the miction iimm of Jiiiih-- s F.

Moia.in, llio umlersliincd ill idi alaiic'inn by or lei of the Snpit'iti'' t'oii'tin the mailer of C'usile & Choi e v-- .W. O. Smith, Assignee of A F. Uooke,

Ten (IO) Shares,Old Isne;

Of the Capital Stock of the Haiku

Sugar Company,

Of the par value of iJ'i'iu each, numberedfiom lull to in hub in.- - ii- -i . -- stiiriliiue were in Cu tl & Coiiieit c ill'it'-ra- l uiil p ii le'lm n(iti;iof the I'afille N.ilr,iio in, .ind nnnow fo.d upon ilmu .li in pnyniuntiliereof.

Dite.l Honolulu, M rch 2i. 18Sfi.CAI'LE & COOKE.

Wm. 11. Carti.k, All. rney.

201 id


JAS. P. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

WANTEDGOOD Cook for a ranch. Applvat tliis. olllce. 205 If


BY a competent and triiHtwmtiiy Manas "Unclu-eper- , clink or as lun.i "ii

a plant-ili- i n. Good irfcienci". A p'yto. I. UutciilngK, llui.ia.TiN Office.

SCO 1 w

ANNUAL MEETING.r,HK nnnunl nicclinjjr of the Hawaiian

1 .liKiki-- Clu'i will be la-I- onMONDAY, Ap'il in. at 7 :H0 o'clocki'. ii., at ilic IIitwHli.iu Jl'-ie'- . Kvery

r is ii'ipicited to bu t h'bm ot inijioi-iiini'- lias tn im con.

Mdiied. C. 0. HEKGBK,2'W id Secretary.

NOTICE.A Lit iicrHoiiiK huvinjr chiinii ujtninstJ. , I Vrtdi nlnii'u' will ph-.is-

pii-eii- t ilic-i- to ( liailiH Ci'L-iliio- on rla lore .lime .'IU, . m tin


rPIIK purLU'rublp hereiofornI M. , Sander an 1 F. I.

Oatier under the naniu of Saiulei' lipiiTsCi linn bien dissolved. The hiici.ni'-- s will lio cat ricd on h M. N, Samk-i- s

ns herelnfuiu. F, 1, Cuttei id not aiitho.ilztd to collect nay niniiieii iluu thu llrm,either on the cxpicss IiubIih-j- or tor thecanape of ilibliibh.200 1m M, N. SANDK11S.


WILL .oi-- up I'ookh (dally), makeaccounts and quarter! hills

for biich pai'iica a do not ki-c- rentalhonkUiepcis Al-- o iittcnd to all otheroitlcc biinlnusrt ('oiniuuuloitionH left atI l.o olllco of Messrs. J. F. Col burn it Co.,or P. 0. Hos 420, will mout with promptuUcntion, 204 4t

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


falilile-Prfli- ieily

Hv ouler of the hMOMt.-r- s of the Vt HI

Hf ttov D. It.ldwln, ihci-ii'cil- , I ulllu-l- l

in Pub ii- Aiictoii at iny (Mlc-ioon- i,

Queen street, Houululu,

Oil MONDAY, April 1st, 1889

AT 1 O'CLOCK KOOS.TI e following Pli.o Properly, to wit:

PropriF in Lahaina, Maui:

1 Piihuniiiiiiiniaiiii, n small lot ontlie eaihore near the old l)r Dow pie.nilsoR, with hiilhling'i tliumu usid nsa IUh ni'irket und now ilriuvlngaii.aumini r tit ot 910. Area !12 mils.

2 PieinUe culled ilaieii, line ennulmid mid now mostly planted; aic 3 llfiacres, to ho sold in 3 lots as fo. lows:

(I): of an ucio, wheieonstands a Chinese restauiaiil, rented at$72 per annum

('i)s 1141 OOOof an acre, covered ulihalpcrob.i trees

(!)): Ii 31 ncies nf the bcBl cane hit din Lduiin.i, now p'.iinled.

3 ha know,, a. the Clripln Lot,go. .ii cam! Ian . lull idO of an acre.

4 Sexeral lot-I- n Mnalil, Iialiaiim:Loll .1 ' 0 ae.ic on thr auabt uch,

lms on it a ('(icoimil giove.Lot 'J, !f.'4, 0, 'I mill 7 cint-iiiliii.- ' t.n

area of 7 16 acies, best cun.- mini, nowin cane.

5 Opieula. a fl c lot of enne land,now piiuiU'il, ab in ncie,s

.' I'lie i line aiimnitt on the fore- -

going picmUcs belong tn the Lahainnsuiivfr Mill mid U not to hu Id withthe Und.


6 1 Hi do- - in ill' M .. in, iilim idKa tliu Mm J.'iiiu ; tlie v luile IhiiiIcoi.lain IG'o nine,. K ,ih thin i'i pieientb'

1.22 i e s It. i. ill I'll Hi .

7 1 '20 lire, i in erest in Mooiniiki',Hun i.'i .!, M in, lo meil. owned I)

h. Ua.lliluV, i I ue Ahii nunHonolulu, Man Ii !), I


Km cmora Will ol Lev I) iiuduin.

Tiic- - will also hi: Mild ut the same timeand pl.iee, a lot of

13.23 Acres of Fine Cane Land

In lCaaniipali, near Lnhiiinu,

Being tlie same more paiticularlv setforth in Jtu ui Patent MoT, Land Ojm.mission Avutd H025 G to Apolo.

BSyFui'iher pailn uluia cun be hnd ofWin H Custlc

'200 IdJxVS. F. MORGAN,

Auctions er.

Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclesure.

aecoi dance with tlie provisions of1 " a certain nioitgai; made by D. F.Saudfoid of lJauiakua, Hawaii, to C.M. Cooke, TrcaMiicr Oalui 'ollcge.dated Apiil 'M, 1.SS7, reeouled Liber 104,page lint; notice hereby given tliattlio nioitgageu intends to toreclosc thesame lor condition bioUcn, to-w- it: nonpayment ol iim-re-t- .

Xoliee it, likewise given that after theexpiration of three weeks from tlie dateof this notice, tlie propel ly conveyed bysaid inoitg.igc will be adverti cd for saleat public auction a the auction rooms of,1. F. Morgan, in Honolulu, on MON-DAY, tliel-td- a of April, IS 9, at 12

noon of said day.thor particulars can he had cf W.

I. Castle.Dated Honolulu, Maich 5, 1889.

C. M. 1.00 K, Treasurer O. C.Mortgagee.

Tlie pii'inises covered by said mort-gage consist of:

A hr,iie lot in Faapnanui in llama-ku- a,

Hawaii, comprising one aud one-ha- lfacres of land, together with tlie

good dwelling- - hou.su, and outbuildingson the place, 'including the appurtena-nce.-', comprising altogether n very de-

sirable homestead. The i remises urthe Mime conveyed to taid bydeed of G. W. Wilfong recorded inLiber 77, page 43t.

JAS. F. MORGAN,200 id . Auctioneer.

Mortgagee's Notice of Foreclosure.

IX accordance with Hie provisions of aceitnln mortgage made by J. L.

Kapakahl to A. J. Cartw light and as-

signed to It. It. Hind, dated October 2(J,ls.8!), rccoi (led in Liber 10."), page 32a;notice Is hereby given that the mortgagee Intends lo foreclose thu same forcondition broken, to wit: non-paym-

of i ter stXoticc is likewise given that after the

expiiation of three weeks from thedate of this notice the property con-

veyed by faid mot'tunge will he adver-tised for sale at Public Auction, at theauction rooms of J. F. Morgan, in Ho-

nolulu, on MONDAY, the 1st day ofApril, 1880. at 2 noon of said day.

Further particulars can bo had of W.K. astle, or to J. W. Kahia, in Wal-luk- ii.

Dated Honolulu, March 5. 1889.II. It. HIND,

Acslgnee of Mortgagee.The premises covered by said mort-

gage consist of certain premises in La-haina, I'iiui, iIum rilii.'d as follows:

1st Tho Aliupuaa of Kauaula, con-taining about fiOOO acren, a lino .slieainof water, beautiful urgange and otherfruit trees and kalo laud.

2d The Ahupiiaa of Walnee-uk- a, It.P, 5207 to Kahiipaihala, containingkuhi, kalo, aud house lauds,

:id- - A tract In Kauaula. of kalo land.envoi ed by deed of record, Liber 53,page 287.

lib A tract of about 84 acres of kaloand kula In KmuiiiU, covered by Kule-- n

ut (110 1,

nth 2 house-lot- s in Lahaina, coveredby It. P. 27U7 to Nainaka, containing anarea of about 1 aeic, 1'.! roods.

20(1 IdJAM. K. AlOKQAN,

Auctiniic. i

Ifuiuovul (if liurbor Shop."jVT P. JAROIM lm removed hisITJL. shop Imiii Ivlni' sliia-- t to McCar.jhj's liilli-ir- Pailoib, Foilsliect, wlioiclie in piupun-- to ihu bestcure und tlie avn-,tloi- i of hisart. Solicits the kind nun image of ull.

mil 23 80 ly



All Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices !


Jan-lS)-8- 9


Remnants in A!l Departments.

Just Received n Fresh of

DIAMOND DYE BLACK, HOSEr"lwriT"i1T"iiiHIHh'ri'ii i yrffiPfrTf


17.M lv




Our S2.CO Parasols for $1.25.Our $3.50 Parasols lor S2.0O.

Our $4.50 Parnsols for $2.75.


Our $5.50 PnniKolB for S3.80.


Similar Reductions in Ladies' Hats, Embroideries Laces.


Tin Pries prate for One M Only !


CHAS. J. FISHEL,The Leading 9!iliuury


US- '- BARGAINS TOa Now Line ot jgy -

&At Lower Prices than ever before. New imoice of


Just Iteci-ivi--

Novelties nutt JFsiuc- - Goads, Lii Um-jr- o "Viirioty.lltK"

TO lETNICK l.ioonu-d

on I'linehliowl ftrecnear the ' huich, a

flue licalth loc:ulit, ipiii-- l t

Inquire of A. VOGEL,18'i II At Ed. UollVf h'lit lt A; Uo.V.





MJLY Ku nish.lirmid il ic.

quiied. Apply nt "(Jliambci- -

lain Hoiibe." King tnet, opposltiiSeminary. 184 ti


ma jjivnui-- i kiki uomioriaoioVvw&i J. Houe on Punchbowl

btreel, between 1'al.iee Walkami Ueieiania slrcet.," Apply t"

Dk. J. S. McOREW,'179 tf M on-- street.

Carriago ForSale Cheap.

1NKW Uiitunderin-- t tli.ihtied

aud liaii(LouiL-l- tilmuiedin llivi class slyle uiii-- t bo imniedialelyBold lo close an nt, can be Beenat W. H. PaguV C'luiagc munufactury,No. 123 Fort Hrcel..



COPIES of the Dircctny18H8.0 iccutly published by

tlie Mclvcnaey Directory Co. for sale.Price SHCO.


Cottage For Salo Cheap.t'uttagc, nearly

neiv,'coiitainTi)g parlor,diniiig.rouiii, 4 bedroonm, hit- -

eheu, liaihroom water-close- t, verajidas, stable, wugiii.8lteil, chickin houuand yard, Honor garden, etc. Lot O.'jx

100 teet, and Iciisut lot adj ihihiK 7n7feci. Situnic m Kapulaina, maukii iduof King stieet. Apply at


Furnished Lodging: House.

aim A, 1 ONG cblabllBlicd in a daHvStfvb: niiable locality in Houo.

pfflffliida lulu, ivlili unexplrid icasu offi yours at low rental is (onnicou.'.l of without bonus, toparty buyiui: tiio at a lairvaluation, 'ihcio aru 2,1 rooms on theiiieinisci well furnished, yielding aimnd6oino luvcnuu Apply at




ui hf-- i v

fc a55i









Lamps, Chandeliers Lanterns,




AR. BOW AT, Vnerinary Surgeon,ollicii and liiiiuincv atllawuiian

Hotel - latilis, coiner Hi.tcl and K cliaidriiL'i'ts. iietiiiuenl in all di.

of di nu-tui- nnitunls Orders lorpbiiitnti n and iiuich .lock promptlyiiilcmli-- t . iliiluul 'M4,P. O Uox32li. mh.18 89

Clob House lliniiiff Room

Lincoln Block King Street.

Having secured the services of a

FiiHt CIiikh CookAnd inude ninny othr changes in the

management we arc now pre-pared lo put up tlie

Best Bill of Fare in Honolulu.ins 3m



Caution to Purchasers.


All Hosiery cvportnl from Balbrlggin,Irolanir;- - by Smyth"& UilaTrade Mark on each niticle.

By an Act of Piirlinmtnt lately pastedil is niado n felony io in;e thu woid Hal.briggun on pot miuiufaniuredthere, either by biainping on goods,wrappor, label or ticket, unless theplace where manufactured is also statedin equally large letters as the wordRalhriggaii.

SMYTH & CO. (L'd),The Original Halhrlggan Hosiers,

Per W. 0. Bproull.

I have now on limiil a Largo Assort,incut of

Grouts HfUi-lios- e,

In all colors and styles,Bpecially made to my order and pattern.

201 tf W. C. WPItOULL.

Page 3: JbR - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/16299/1/1889032501.pdf · illtfc JbR '! I J & Jy-J-v & Jl' Ul '3 fffiJ finrai eswrii



II 11


ISJul ftjll


MONDAY, MARCH 35, th85).


Stmr .Mlkuliata from ICnufilStmr l.iko lkc from ,milStmr tiinleuli! from a una!Selir Kuwiill.uil luiln ltoolituSclir urn 1 1 & UlUu fr in lioolmiStun Viva fiotu tut)Sclir Aiiliimlii, rl duyi ltoin lluwlaiul,

via Fauiiliig'.s Ulan ., 'Jl days.

departures!Mnr 2S

Ills Hcsperfor Sun Francisco nt:! p tnStmr Kuala for v iihihtii and Walnnuc nt

0 u inStmr i) A Uiinini ns for Kooluii lit 0 ft inSchr Ku Molfur UuwullSchr Jlnry for KnuuiStmr Mukolll for Molnlul (it 5p inStnir Jus .MiiUou for Ktipmi at 5 p inSttnrLlkellkc for liiul at 5 p inTcin V S Hownu for San KnuiuluuUktne Kuvokii for Gray's llaibor


Term Glontlalc for San FranciscoStmr V L? Jlall for I.ulminn, Jlaalaoa,

Kona. Ka i nnd the Volcano at 10o'clock a in

Stmr Mlkaliula for Kmml at 5 p inStmr Viva for Jlnui


From Kauai, per Mmr Mikaliala, Mnr21 11 Uilckuilugaml wife, .) N aWilliams, KStictz, dons .1 11 Athcrtonanil 11 1 llalihvln, C it Cook, MrsAlolau and 2 children, lllel lvaun andwife, Miss S.ir.ih Albiau, V A Stanleyand wife. V A Gallaslier and wife, FJenkins, 1! Chinese anil ill deck.

From Maul, per ttnr Llkel'ike, Mar24 .1 IN Luoiih.ut, KO'llrion, J K Wil-son, Win Mutch and wife, J (' llulburtand wife, Ti lloffinann, 0 F Baldwin, AEnos and wile. Mrs llnini.ighlm, and 17

deck.From Fanning's Island, per schr Wnl-mal-

Mav 24 Geo Grcig and MissGrclg.


Stmr Mikaliala 1,150 bags sugar, ICObags l ice.

Stmr Likeliko :t,B72 bags sugar. li0bags coin, 8!) hides, 1 norsc, and 100pkgs snnUiles.

Stmr Ivilanea iio i 3,000 bags sugar.Stmr Mokolii GOO bags sugar.Stmr Jus Alakee 2,000 bags btignr.Stmr Waiale.ile :),245 bags sugar.Stmr Kiiiilu 7o0 bags sugar and .10 nils

pkgsStmr Cummins 1,'JOO bags sugar.Schr M E Foster 1 US bags sugar.

SHIPPING MMES.The tern Glend.ile pails for San Fran-

cisco with 500 tons of sugar.The schr Waimalu, Oapt WcUb.irth,

anivcil on Suiiday, 51 days fiom lluiv-la- nd

Island, 24 days troin FanningIsland. She bi ought 80 tons of guanoconsigned to T II JJavies & Co.

The steamer Mikaliala brought onSunday from Kauai 4,1515 bags biigar,100 bags rice and 89 hides.

The btcaincr Likelike at rived Sundayfrom Maui w ith 3,a72 bags sugar, 150bugs corn, 8!) hides, 1 horse, and 10G

packages sundries.Tliu W S llowue sailed for San Fran-

cisco this afternoon with iCO tons ofsugar.

dietICAMPBELL At Waikikl. Saturday,

March 2Jd, James, sou of Bono ableJames Campbell, aged 3 years and0 days.

ESrFuuorul will tako place at 2:30o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, the 2Gibinst. from the Kawaiahao chinch.


Messrs. Rcdward & Walker havenearly completed for tho Hon. J.A. Cummins, a magnificent kahilistand, to be sent by that gentlemanto Paris, as a part of the Hawaiianexhibits. The stand is a marvel ofthe Cabinet maker and Carver's art,being executed with a detail andfinish seldom seen in this kingdom.The pedestal or base is of squareformation, ornamented at each ofthe corners with a pillar of polishedwood, supporting a capital, richlyinlaid with native woods. Thereare six distinctly different woodsused in the construction of thestand. On the top of the pedestalis n four-poste- d racket, surmountinga crown, and serving as a support fora staff about nine feet long, onwhich is to be placed a magnificentroyal kahili. The stall' is composedof twenty different species of nativewoods placed in alternate blocks,resembling a chcckcs board, andhighly polished. Taking the pieceall together, it is truly a bpeennenof 'Hawaiian craft of the highesttype, and in every way worthy theoccasion for which it is intended.

- Messrs. lleilward & Walker havedisplayed! very considerauleamountof artistic skill in the design andgeneral construction of tho stand.

supreme1jourT--a-t chambers.

nni'oiti: i'Ukston j.

, Satukdav, March 23rd.In equity, J. 13. Keohokii ts. D.

Kalnuiu. Bill to declare a trust.Return Uny. Plaintiff's counsel ad-

vises the Court that the plaintiff isdead, nnd will filed. The Court or-

ders tho matter to stand over untilthe will is probated. A. Kosa forplaintiff ; S. K. Kane for defendant.

POLICE COURT.' Monday, March 25.Eight drunks had to pay the usual

SG.Kalama was lined $10 for drunk-

enness in a saloon,A nolle pros, was entered against

four Chinese, charged with violatingthe Sunday laws.

Ah Ilee ond All Young, were eachlined G0 with 12 hours hard labor,for having opium in possession.

Acliiupa for beiug a nuhatiee byletting a ferocious' dog go abroad,Was flneil70 cents. Costa $3,30.


No bookkeeping class at tho Y. M.O. A. tliis uvciiing.

A itEWAUD is oll'cicil for tlio returnof a dark horse lo.--t on Friday.


Tun Bulletin "Weekly Sunimmy"will ho out with ft supple-ment.

Mklvillu, the balloonist, cays ho isbound to go up the latter end of thiswouk.

A riNii progi annuo has been (ir-

onranged for tlio Aiion conceitThursday night.

Tun feast of tho Annunciation wasohsorved at St. Andrew's Cathedral

y by special sei vices.

Tub Hawaiian band will give aconcert at Emma Square this even-ing. Tliu programme is a good one.

A MKr.TtNCi of Hawniinn Lodgo No.21 F. nnd A. M. will bo held thisevening at 7 :30 o'clock for work inthird degree.

Commencing Wednesday next,Civil canes will bo heuid in tho PoliceCourt on Mondays, Wcdncdu.VH nndFridays, at 1:30 o'clock p. m.

Mn. and Mrs. .7. C. llulburt re-

turned from Wailiiku by the Like-lik- e,

yesterday, leaving their brother,Mr Norman Ilulbeit, on tlio high-way to lecovcry from his late acci-dent.

A oiu:at ninny people availedthemselves of tho trnnicnr serviceyesterday, to get a breath of sea airat Waikiki. The cars were prettywell crowded all day and during thoevening.

Tin: sale of horses by order of thotrustees of llis Majesty's estate thisnoon, by Mr. L. J. Levey, was wellattended. Tlio highest price paidwas $105, the lowest $22.50. Thesale realized $1,280.

The American bark C. 1). Bryantwas seized on Satuulay, under a writof libel returnable in theSupremo Court. The vei-sc- l is incharge of the Marshal. She is libelledunder Section 2, Chapter 7, laws of18S0.

Tin: Hon. James and Mis. Camp-bell are called upon to tiionur tholos of their only son James, aged 3years and G days, who died Satuulayevening. Tlio funeral takes place to-

morrow afternoon at half-pa- st twoo'clock from tho Kawaiahao church.

Tm: silver cup for tho one mileraco on Saturday, piesenlcd by Mr.P. Isonherg, Jr., is a. very handsomeone. It was purchased of WonnerfcCo. and bears an inscription, thewoik of that firm, as follows: '"Onemile race, March 23d, 18S0, won byHenry J. K. Lyman."


Band concert at Emma Square, at7:30.

Drill of Prince's Own, at 7:30.Harmony Lodge No. 3 K. of P.,

at 7:30.Lodge Lc Progress do l'Oceanie

No. 124, A. F. and A. M., nt 7:30.Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. and A.

M. at 7:30. Third degree.


The Hawaiian Band will give apublic concert this evening atEmma Square, commencing at7:30 o'clock. Following is the pro-gramme:

TAUT I.Overture Holism lo Do nlzettlSelection Pinafoie (by lemicst)

SullivauBallad M orning BeethovenSelection Tamihauscr (by request) . .

WagnerHoohcno, Hilo Kiipsi Loke, Oiwi Ifunl.

l'AKT II.Selection Bells of Cornevllle

I'lanmietteWaltz Dorothy Cehier

iiuce Old Gold HogettiMai eh The -- alutc Itoudcr

Hawaii Ponol.


On Saturday the Custom IIousoauthorities sealed the hatches of thebark C. D. Bryant, the vessel beingin charge of two police ollicers. Thismorning the seals were found broken.The Attorney-Gener- al has the matterin hand.


Marriage may be a failure or itmay not, but there is one thing surethat W. S. Luce, wino and spiritmerchant, does not fail to keep hispatron supplied with the very bestbrands in his line. He has just

a fino invoice of Frenchcognacs and liquors from the cele-

brated house of Mario Bizurd nndRoger, Bordeaux. Mr. Liicc hasalso some genuine Jamaica ginger.Give him n call.


Mr. A. Jaeger tested tlio artesianwell at lis residence on the 21th.It was dug in September 1881, andthe water flowed H ft. G in. abovothe lavel of the ground. During1882 and 1883 the water fell to 12

ft. (! in., remaining at thai heightwith slight fluctuations until thepresent lime. Mr. Jaeger put a 2in. valyo 8 ft. 5 In, from the giouiid,and when he opened it, tho waterstood at 11 ft. 1 in.

The Brussels Palace of Justice,the laigest building in the world, Isbuilt of white marble, on a most ex-

pensive site, is highly ornamented,aud has a tower completed 400 feethigh and was built in teu years for





Favored with fine w eatlier t he Oah uAthletic Colli gu Association held itsfirst meeting at Kiipiolani Park onSaturday afternoon. Four speciatramc.irs left town shortly afternoonloaded with passengers, while alarge number of people drove out inprivate carriages. Tlio uratid standwas pietty well filled with specta-tors. Among those picsent to wit-ness the sport wore; ll.s Honor theChief Justice and Mrs. Judd, Hon.C. R. Bishop, Mr. Justice and Mrs.McCully, Miss Jtidd, lions. W. O.Smith, W. F. Allen, and W. R.Castle, Mr. and Mrs. II. W.Schmidt, Rev. W. U. and Mrs. Olc-so- n,

Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. Hall,Mrs. S. M. Damon, Rov. Dr. C. M.and Mrs Hyde, Rev. Dr. K. G. andMis. Ilcukwith, Miss Beckwith, Mr.and Mrs. W. P. Toler, Mr9. Forbes,Mr. and Mis. F. W. Damon, Rev.W. C. and Mrs. Merritt, Mr. andMrs. T. G. Thrum.Mrs. G. J. Ross,Rev. A. D. and Mrs. Rissell, Mrs.J. T. Wnterhousc, Mrs. J. M. Da-mon, Dr. and Mrs. J. M.Whitney, Mr.A. S. Hartwcll, Misses Hartwell,Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Gribbic, MissReamer, Miss Lyman, Mr. W.Mnertens, Dr. and Mrs. N. 11. Em-

erson, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lowrey,Prof. A. B. and Mrs. Lyons, MissSnow, Miss Brewer, Miss Malonc,and others.

Tho olllcials were: Judges, Mr.II. M. Whitney Jr., Prof. W. T.Brigham and Mr. Wanzey ; Starter,Mr. II. W. Peck; Scorer, W.J.Forbes ; Clerk of the Course, Rev.W. C. Merritt. Tliocontained no less than twentj-tw- o

events, all of which were contestedwith the exception of the half milerace. Following is a summary ofthe sport:

1. 220 yds dash : F. Haley 1st,II. Lyman 2d, E. E. Lyman 3rd ;

won by three yards. Time, 28 sec-

onds.2. Running long jump: C. Os-tro-

lCft 3in 1st; C. Conradt, 15ft lOin 2d ; R. A. Lyman Jr., 15ft5in 3rd ; C. Dole, loft 3in ; F. Ha-ley 15 ft. Lightweights, Geo. An-

gus Hit, II. Rycroft 13ft Ain.3. Putting l:lb. shot: R. A. Ly

man Jr., 31ft 2in 1st; A. Sinclair,2!)ft 7in 2d; ('. Conradt, 28ft 1 in3rd; E. E. Lyman, 27ft lin; W.Armstrong, 2Gft lin ; W. Chamber-lain, 25ft 3in ; F. Haley, 25ft lin ;

F. Eaton, 251t; F. Armstrong, 24fi2in. Lightweights: (j. Angus, 23ft 5in: W. Coruwell, 20ft J.Judd, 18ft 8in.

1. Three-legge- d race: W. Corn-we- ll

and II. Rycroft 1st, G. Angusand II. Bicknell 2d ; C. Dole and S.Widdelield 3rd ; C. Ostrom and W.Armstiong fell, and did not finish.Coruwell and Rycroft hold the leadall the way, winning by two yards.

5. Running high jump: R. A.Lj'man Jr., 1ft 7in, 1st; C. Ostrom,3ft 2in 2d; C. Dole, 1ft 1 in; A.Sinclair, 1ft 1 in. Five others com-

peted.G. Throwing lGlb Hammer: A.

Sinclair 'lift 2in, 1st; R. A. LymanJr., 31ft 5in, 2d; W. Chamberlain,30ft 7in, 3rd. Two others com-

peted.7. One mile walk: II. Lyman 1st,

S. Widdifivld 2d, A. Perry 3rd.Eight others started. When thepistol was fired, A. D. Bisscll tookthe lead and was soon severalyards ahead. After going a quar-ter of a wile II. Lyman passed Bis-sel- l,

the rest struggling along tomedistance behind. - Up the homestretch Bissei looked like a winner,but about 120 yards from the tapehe fell to the ground in a faint, leav-ing Lyman to win easily. Time, 8min. 1 '1-- 5 sec.

8. Standing high jump: A. Sin-

clair 3ft llin 1st; R. A. Lyman 3ft10 in, 2d. Two others competed.

9. Kicking football : C. Conradt,148ft 4 in, 1st. Four other compe-titors.

10. Tin owing basebill: A. DBissell 2G0ft Cm, 1st. Nine compe-titors.

11. Quarter mile dash: W. Arm-strong 1st, II. Lyman 2d, W. Cham;bcrlain 3rd. Five others ran. Avery good race, Aimstrong winningby two yards. Time G5 sec.

12. Bicycle race, one mile: W.Cornwcll 1st, Carl Mnertens 2d, W.Whitney 0. Coruwell went off withthe lead and maintained it untilabout a quarter of a mile, from thetape, when Maertcns closed up, midtho two came up tho stretch deadlevel. When fifty yards irom thetape Maerten's hat fell over his faceand caused his bicycle to collidewith Cornwall's, both riders beingthrown to the ground. Cornwcllquickly remounted and passed thotape a winner in Oinin. 28seo.

13. One hundred yards dash: A.Sinclair 1st, II. Chamberlain 2d, C.Conradt 3rd. Three others competed. Won after a close race, by ayard, Time HAsec.

H. Sack race, 50 yds : C. Con-radt 1st. F. Armstrong fell.

15. Hurdle race, 100 yards; R.A. Lymau 1st, II. Chamberlain 2d,W. Armstrong 3rd. This wiih avery good race between the firsttwo, Lyman winning by two yards.Time, 18 seconds. Lightweights,G. Angus 1st, II. Rycroft 2d. Acapital race all the way.

1G. Wheelbarrow race, 50 yards:C. Conradt 1st, G. Angus 2d, W.Chamberlain 0. The latter came togtief directly after Blurting.

17. One mile run: II. Lyman 1st,F. Haley 2d. Three others started.Haley took the lead and was soon ahundred yards ahead. Up thestreloli Lyman gradually crept up.

When thirty yards from tho tape,while leading, Haley called out toLy in a u that he was on the wtougside nnd then stopped. This let upLyman who won easily. Time, ft

min. 51 sec. Tho prize for thisraco was a tilver cup presented byPhuI Isonberg Jr.

18. Manding long jump: A. Sincliiir, Dft.in 1st, H. A. Lyman, 8ftlliii 2d. "Lightweights: G. Angus,7ft 4in 1st.

19. Tug of war: between teamsof twelve selected by A. Sinclair andA. Perry. Won by Sinclair's team.

20. Half-mil- e run: Declared off.21. Keg contest: Won by F.

Haley. This consisted of kicking astuali keg upward, against the fenceby the heels. Quite a number tried

including Mr. T. G. Gribble, withthe i csult Hint the keg went up .nndGribble went down. This feat wasloudly applauded. The representa-tive of tho C. A." also tried itwith a more favorable result. liewas more at home with tho "keg"than his predecessor.

22. Pole vault: F. Hnlcy 8ft Gin,1st; C. OMroni 7ft il'm, 2d; W.Cornwcll "ft tiin. This was a veryinteresting competition.


On Saturday last the idea of sup-plying the Makiki Reservoir withwater fiom the Artesian wells wasput to a successful test. The Arte-sian well at the corner of Ivapiolauiand Berctania streets was selectedfor the purpose. On cither side ofthe well hydrants had been putdown connecting with the well, thoone being attached to the suctionhose of the Steam Engine, and theother connected with the engine andthe main as a receiver of the water,by means of two, 2Jt inch lengths ofhose 51 feet in length. Fiom 7:10p. in., to 5 a.m., making properallowances for obstructions, andchanging of pipes. 81,737 gallonsof water had been forced throughtho G inch main along Kapiolanistreet to the Reservoir, and throughthe 8 inch mam, along Berctaniastreet to Makiki, to the Reservoir,these mains running the length of7300 feet, and having a gradualelevation of 131 feet. At 5 p. m.the 8 inch gate was opened uponthe city, to Judd, Liliha and Luna-lil- o

streets.During the time occupied in the

woik the total known quantity thequantity of water m the pipes beingunobtainable of water pumped intothe Makiki Reservoir was 123,202gallons, raising the water aboutfifteen inches. During the processof pumping the higaest pressureon the water gauge was 72 lbs. andon the steam gauge 85 lbs.

These are gratifying results, andshow an anxious desire on tho partof the Minister of the Interior toavoid possible water trouble andalso show a practical answer, tothe query, can sufficient water bohad to supply the citj-'-s demands inthe event of a continued drought.


Long, long ago, two bold bad menEntrenched themselves in a mountain

glen,In a narrow pass they took their stand;And breathed dcll.inec to all the land.

The King's police, a doen or so,Went bravely out to I.i tlitin low,But back they c.uno as the sun went

down,The sorriest men In all the town.

Their c n were gone and their clothesweie lent;

Their legs weie feeble, their backs weiebent;

And they raised their voice anil loudlyswoie,

That the pass wiw held by at lout am'oio.

So 'ho King cent out at break of day,A company anned in wai's an.iy,Ills favui lie guaril of a hundred and ten,To lid the land of the two bail men.

They stayed all day aud half the night;And then trooped back in a dieadfiil

Plight.Their heads weie swollen, their faeos

wan,Their clubs were cracked and their

pean wcro e;ono.

They ciled out loud that a thousand'men,

At the very least, weie in the lcii.And the KbiiT ho swore with a royal

oath,lie would lend his army and May them


And so with the earliest dawn of dayA goodly army In brave array,Went out to Moim the mountain glen,anil beard the lions In their den.

With brandished clubs and glitteringspouts

With w alitor cries and thrilling eheuin,With many . i buhl ami maitial boast,And the King himself to lead tho host.

Hut woe had luml.eil tho huotluv crewThat straggled bans In the evening dew;Xo win i lor cry, no martini boastSwelled up front (ho cilpp'.eil nud wilt-

ed boa.Tho King limped on with his spear re-

versed;His crown was tilted, and wrong side

first;Ills teeth weru inUhlng, his noso askew,And the sweat stood out on this face

like dew.

He .swoie that only tliu dcUl couldwring,

Tho royal none of a mighty King;So tliey left the coupluof bold bad menTo dwell at pence hi tho mountain glen.

Aud tho two bad men, they qnarieledaud fou j lit

Till they killed each other as rebelsought.

And the whole tiling happened so long

I really doubt If It ever was so.

In any event what man dare saySuuli things could happen at this lato

day?Kor who over lwaiil of two bad moilDefying the laud In a mountain glcnV


Honolulu, March 20th, 1688.


The weather continues unusuallydry, and the strong winds thai pre-

vail at this season aro ropldly dry-

ing up vegetation, while blindingcloudt of dust add to one'n diiooin-for- t.

"Tho oldest inhabitant" (thatphenominal person) never saw sucha dry winter before, and the wiseoncd predict nn equally dry slim-mer.

The monthly socials, or litcrnriesthat have been so popular in thisdislt ict aro things of the past, intheir place are to be monthly enter-tainments (musical aud literary)gotten up by the ladies of the dis-

trict who have formed themselvesinto a society for that purpose. Asmall entrance fee will be hargedand tho proceeds devoted to charita-ble works. The first of theso enter-tainments will take place at Spreek-clsvill- e

on April 10th, and judgingfrom the preparations going on, andthe enthusiasm of those who are totake part, this, their initial enter-tainment will be a grand succcs.

The many friends of Mr. NormanHulbcrt will bo glad to learn that heis recovering from his late accident.He left Paia for Wnlluku this morn-ing. N.

Paia, Mar. 23d.


for rent at the MusicPIANOS Hawaiian News Co.107 liu

MUSICAL liiiunicnuof every dcs.Tiii :ih chenp at tho

Music Dcpuitmctil, lliiHiiiiiii News Co.

CHEET Mu-'- e and ua Polios.kJ Iiifnt f.fllttmiu mi.r nnrt In.lru.mental Folios nt the Music Department,unwntmii JNcws uo. i'J7 lm


HONOLULU. THURSDAY, Marchat 7:0 e. M., Gmml

Conceit of ihe Honolulu Aiion with tlioassistance of Mrs. J. F. Bow lot, MissF. J. Nolte, Messrs. II. Hergor. It More,F. Hulmsh, Th. Wolir.Th. taoliinidt amiCh. Thrower. Tickets at $1.00 of the

II. BKUOKlt,Tn. hoi:hmk,

20li It W. WOI.TKUS.

ft.1.00 REWAKD.

from tho ThomasLOST I'iikoi street,jjggl on Kiuiiiy morning,.Mnich U2i,il', .il 3 o'clock

Ono Duk II with tlmtlcbrand on hip liui riglil lnrwnid footwl'iic, loinr tail, sknjmy m ne nnil fore,lock. Return to King tiros, llo'clstreet, or ilie Tliomis PI ic . 200 tf

TO LET or LEASE.f"MII. I'remhcs lately occu.JL pied by .Mr. M. Lfiiissonon Kim; street, near Thomas

Square. Arabian woicr and modernconveniences. Apply to

A. FERNAN'OKZ.200 tf AtL ) Hull .t Sou's.


rpiIK House and L'U belong.JL big to 1hci.. lie a rustle,

siluiiud on Kiiiau street, he.tween Alupai and Kapiohuii street, andalso the Cows, Wagons nnd other pro.perty belonging to Sir. Newcastle. Ap-ply to Pauna Kanch. Bell Telephone382. 203 lw


February It), 18M. J

Wi herewith certify that Jlcests.Dodd & .Miller nn; our duly nu- -

thorized anil only ngen's for the Ha-

waiian Islands, fin the Mil" of our LagerBeer in kcir- -

JOIIN W1KLAND BKIIWINO CO.,100 tf .lolm II. Wic'nml Uios.

Aerated Waters!

J. E. HUOWN & CO , Proprietorsliili.li L'uioim'c Wo'ks ili'ire

to infoiiu is. ..lit hi 11 uohllilaud in ighlmiiii lliii' all emptybottle- - liiili-- t lie ii mine lie i e oilersforfiulher siipilus i I 1 ,u executed.

.'().! w 80 Vi

Real tt Estate

Fv)lt SALE

Two Valuable Lots,hitiiVf on (CiihiiMtiUil i 1'hillli 10

III- - Ml) i.

Ijot Xo. 107 on Government mapof Kuhuikahiiu l'lulns, wi'li rnt'nu nndoul.huildiiiKN, blltidu mid f uittrie1), Thin lot has u fmni'itfn of 101,'!feet on Ucretiiuiii filn-- i u I ilcnth of118.1 fcyt. Collude u, uilpied byMr. D. I. nun

Lot Xo. 84 on mid map with houmand out. buildings and line fruit tuulthade tries This loi fronts on Youngstreet 101. 0 feet and ban a .i.iof 148.4 feet and adjoining lot 107 uttho rear.

These lots adjoin that vuluablu pro-perly owned mid occupied by Air. W..Maertcns, nud arc the piopcrty of Sirs.Nitnuy Wlrl.

BQyThey will bo told either in parcelsor ns u uhole. "or further Informationapply to Wji. O. SMITH,'JOl tf Atlo ney tor Nimoy Wirt.

U. U. 1IENPON. O. W. BH1T11.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Uoerlukc & tfocolilk'a

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Hickseckcr's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisite!), lay

BThis space is reserved for the an-

nouncement of the New Stock of Goods,

which Mr., Ehrlich is personally selectingat the Coast':

I i

'. Siifm -



THE " ARCADE."75 & 77 Fort St EGAN


Froiicl, Enilisb ail American Dry aii Fancy Goods !

AIho, Fino CiiMtom-mnd- o Clothing-- ,

Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &cnich-5-8- 9

JBell O?oleiloiie, GO IVEiitnul JCelcplione, 37 i


No. 24 Merchant Street. Near Fort Street.

-- Have on hand nnd For


-- fl B--

U ! - t

t III I !'i


& CO Honolulu, I.


a Full Ahsortment of--



A IN- -

- -

All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Case;


FRENCH JBJELAJSXTES9Very Fine it Very Cheap Qualities, as aro wanted ;


GENS; in Large & Small Bottles; ,'(White or Black), also, STONE JUGS;

Old Tom Gin, Brand tho Marlcot;


In Bulk and Case. Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc.,

In Pints and Quarts;

Finest Brands of Champagnes, ;

In Pints and Quarts.

BittorH, Liiquers Absinthe,Apolliimri Water, Kummels,

Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES,AB 1'ou.oivs:

Zinftuiuel, Malaga, Tokay, Madeira,Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hockn, Etc., Etc'

gjtr All of wliloli will bo hold

2170 tf






AT by


24 87


Sent In





American & European Drugs & ChemicalsIMiotoffrupliIo Xutei-IulH-,

T , r)

Perfumery and Toilet Articles !

AgontB for P. Lorillard & Co.'a Tobaccos, A W. S. Kimball fc Co.'a

Tobacco and Cigarettes.Aerated Water Works - - - 73 Hotel Street.



rS '.'StL- &U44kEmjtoSfa&fe .iUJM6.' EL.vfc:-- . '& iAOTihiai. jf 0i J 'Jmi., iULiitr jL Hr "A :&Li:iVi& : ,,

W ?:



Page 4: JbR - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/16299/1/1889032501.pdf · illtfc JbR '! I J & Jy-J-v & Jl' Ul '3 fffiJ finrai eswrii

K- -



. Vt4G V-'-r '-

S '


"?-- . .

Ess. wm1T JV Trr" -

H. E

Jxeb' Go..J

U(toJ dellvccited. Sttlaf n'tloi


WHKSaTOWiIFBMWWbrtrfS ' - -- .

TroCfOP '




"Si11" i'YRE & BRO.,



Ads, Provisions and Feed,fc,bT UUtNtK FORT AND KINO STREETS.

wlvid by from tbo Knstern Stilted ami Kuropiudtitc by every Steamer. All orders fitithlully attended

the city free ol chntge, otdirs oll.Urtrrttiteod. I 'oat Olllco Uox 145. Telephone No. 92 iiuv.4 81)

-- tawss?


Frozen Oysters and Ficsh Calilornla Frulls, Fish, Games and VegcUbhs on ICtv steamer ol 0. S. S. Co. A complolo lino ol Crosso & Ulaekwoil's and

J. T. Morion's Engliih Canned Goods always hand.

BS is" ew o- - O OKliluca' Infant French Mushromin In glms, Gllnnrdelll In tins GioundChocolate, Crow As Bl.ickwcll Fnh Fruit .linns in glas. Smiled Olives In

jr!us Walnuts, Almond", Filbert, & Bin.ll Nutt, Foiled Sausage,

Mild Cream Cheese, Eastern Choose, Oregon Cream Chcoso, Younn American Cheese,Swiss Cheese, Edam Checso, Topo Can Creamery Butler In 31b tins,

Keg-- i Oernuuu Sis It F'lrkles, lVtaluma 1 utile Fruits In glass jur, Finest DehcsiTniilo Hitl-in- s l'ni ii Wave Mackerel in Sib tius, Kegs Suierkimii, AmericanCranberry Sauce," Cape Code Crntibinle, 21b Ulotk-- J Uodll Andeion Cali-brated Minre ile it In glass iir, .Incob Dold's Butialo Hani1, hiuukerstlum. Old Reliable 1 As 11 icon, lot of (linden Med, Olcliy Lemons,Apple, Yellow luinipt, l'.iisnipx. New Potatoes & Onions, Cal. Buttir,

i:iv, jvro, etc, inv., etc., etc., etc.ap-1- 6 JLwlamd. Ox-d.ei'r- S Solicited. 87




HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies,, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon. Boes Smoked Ilernng, 1ms Norwegian ball Herring,Mild Cal. Cheese, Almores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins. Curiants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried L'eaeheb, Prunes, Dates, Honey, CoreoHiic Flakes,

OAP1Q COD C1VjNK12KRIIi:S,Tomato Ketchup, Cascs Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds ; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot anil MediumBread, Wheat, Flout, Butter, Plum Pudding, etc., etc., etc.

And General Assortment of Canned Meats, Fruits and Other Groceries.

mh-9- J S&" Lcavu your oulers, or ring up 119. --XSa 80

Telephones, No. 175.




-- '&

"HE TKTwltliout tools J &k

Eii-ou- isconquers dirt mi.

Jier luiuse dy ttrplno

evcrv Markette






wlfo1 bt frioud. With

fcilils ujijhclcjn. IKHI'I foojhh

snil try witlioif liuvno.


OniadOCO Midi fAlNU. Cuu'!IOl mui;i

elbow sertite iMlBngt; liji j.rt n.ifrulli.No, .17,



-- P. O. li.u tfin,

by cacliIhu




fre-- h





Ue'i no-4- -

l . i4

I j I'l-- j (if


VOlk CU llO


Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.




Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,


PLUMBING, TIN, COPjeEE993 Sheet Tron Work.

M -- -4'.












thst urars n cronii," unless It's polished ultli

SAPOLIO.It l a tolld rahn of BeouriugBotp. 'fry It in yournext liouso clrsuiug.

l.veii i. linn can sneuro mean comfort ana easyrelief from WIO U( 11UU8U C1FSII1UR lY WO 1U'


dKcnurlnu. for uhlch liitrno&ts It luni tonal.:..... .. ... ."mrtuinCH inemuK," uut it auuicaies wneuvtrSunullo makes annearuuou and nulckly.

latv. No.Tr H--

-- 1





this is Jubilee year it tends toAS make one look back and thinkof tbo flight of time, arid in this way

I am reminded that I am one of thoveterans in tho sale of your valua-

ble and successful medicine. Ihave sold it from the ery first, nndhave sent it Into every country inEngland nnd ninny parts of Scot-

land. Well do I remember thefirst circular you 9ent out some nine

or ton years ago. You hnd come toEngland from America to introduceMollit'i SeigePs Ciuallvo Syrup,nnd 1 was struck by a paingrnph in

which j on used these words:"Being a stranger in a strnge land,1 do not wish the people to feel thatI want to take tbo least advantageover them. I feel that I have aremedy that will euro disease, and1 have much confidence in it that1 authorise my agents to refund themoney if people should say thatthey have not benefitted by its use."I felt at once that you would neversay that unless the medicine hadmerit, and I applied for the agency,a. step which I now look back uponwith pride and satisfaction.

Ever siucc that time I have foundit by far the best lemcdy for lndigestion and Dyspepsia I have metwith, and 1 have sold thousands ofbottles. It has never failed in anycase where there were any of thefollowing Bvmntoms: Nervous or


sick headache, sourness of tho sto-

mach, rising of the food a'lcr eating, a sense or iuiness ami Heav-

iness, dizziness, bad breath, slimeand mucus on tiie gums and teeth,constipation, and yellowness of theeyes and skin, dull and sleepy sen-

sations, ringing in the cats, heart-

burn, loss of appetite, and, in bhort,wherever there are signs that thebystems is clogged, and the blood isout of order. Upon repeated inquires, covciing a great variety ofailments, my customeis have alwaysanswered, "I am better," or "1 amperfectly well." What I have sel-

dom or never seen before in thecase of any medicine is that peopletell each other of its virtues, andthose who haw been cured say tothe suffering: "Go and get MotherSeigcl's Curative Syrup, it willmake you well." Out of the hun-dreds of cine-- j 1 will name one ortwo that happen to come into my

'-- ft:"-- .

mind.Two old gentlemen, whose iiamc9

they would not like me to give you,hnd been martyrs to Indigestionand Dybpephia for many years.They had tried all kinds of medi-cine without relief. One of themwas so bad he could not bear aglass of ale. Both weie advised touse the Syrup and both iccovered,and were as hale and hearty as menin the prime of life.

A remarkable case that of ahouse painter named Jeffries, wholived at Pcnshurst, in Kent. Hisbusiness obliged him to expose him-

self a great deal to wind and weath-er, and he was seized with rheuma-tism, and his joints soon swelled upwitli dropsy, and were very stiffand painful. Nothing that the doc-tors could do seemed to reach theseat of the trouble. It so crippledhim that lie could do hardly anywoik, and for the whole of the win-ter of 1878 and '79, he had to giveup and take to his lied. Ho hadbeen allhctcd in this sorry way lorthree years, and was getting wornout and discouraged. Besides, hehad spent over i!5 for what liecalled "doctor's stuff" without theleast benefit. In the Spring heheard of what Mother Keigel's Cura-tive Syrup has done for others andbought a 2s. (id. bottle of me. Ina few days he sent me word he wasmuch better befoie lie hud finishedthe bottle, lie then sent to me fora 4s. (Jd. bottle, and as I was goingthat way I carried it down to himmyself. On getting to his housewhat was my astonishment and stir,prise to find him out in the gardenweeding an onion bed. I couldhardly believe my own eyes, andsaid :

"Yow ought not to be out here,man, it may be the death ofafter being laid up all winter withrheumatism and dropsy."

His reply wii- -. 'Tlicio is nodanger. Tim wiather fine, and.Mother Seigel's Cimilivc Syinp hasdone for ino in a few days what thedoctors could not do in three years.I think I shall got well now."

lie kept on wilh the S.uup, andit tin ee weeks he was at work again,anil has had no return of the trou-ble for now ncaily ten years. Anymedicine that can do this should beknown nil over the world.

Yours faithfully,(Signed) Itui'inrr' Gkaiiam,

Of Graham & Son.Holloway House, Sunbury,

Middlesex,Juno i.'ith, 1887.

Tho above wonderful cure ofIlhciiimitisru was the result of thoremarkable power of Mother Seigcl'sCurntivc Syrup to dentine the bloodof the poisonous huinouiH that uiisofrom Indigestion nnd Dyspepsia,

Mother Seigcl's Cmativo Syrupib xor saio uy all cliemlsts and me

estinentoffewfciitsliicali6if Williit venders can liq accomplish! in

Hajiolio.cUmlos ami dlCltlO vendors, aild by till! propriC- -


Its too




tors, A. J, White, Limited, J5,Farringdon Road, London, Eng. ',

Jan. l)-w-'- Z





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If. MONUO ., ladleV niiw, haslemovud to 8, Kukul lane.




of Si) yenrs experience nt Q'iccn Clinr-Inlt- i'

Lyliig.ln.)Oi)iliiil, London. Othernot (ibjui ted l. Hihlenci1,

"luni n Hon i'," cIiodI 'ri't 1' ' '.M t 47 : Mum it I eli- - .I)'. 7tt8in

Scotch Oatmeal,


QCO'ITVS Qenulne Midlothian Oatmealkj In 14 lb. tins. For inlo by

178 tf


.1. MtOWN & CO.,23 Merchant street.



l'rliitliiu Ionp lor Amnloura,Cabinets' $6 a Doz. Work Guaranteed.

86?" Enhance on Fort Street, -- a122 tf

Anderson &Lundy,H oil fists.

Artificial Teeth from one to nn entireset taunted on gold, silver, ulluininumnnd ru liber buses. Crown ami HridguWork a aincially. To persons wearingulitier p'nteri which arc n consliuit

smice or irritation to the mouth andiliront we would recommend Pro-pi- n

inetic Melul Plate. All operationspurfoinied in accordanco with tho lateBtitnprovenicnU in dental Eclencc. TeethKuntvii'il without pain by the ofNilrout Ovfdu Oa.

ST08 Hold ctri'tl, nt Dr. G'OHsmnn'noil tand. Fcb.20-81- )





lub " Whiskey.

We have rceoivr-- another invoiceof the

Celebrated. Canadian

kOLTJB" WHISKEYAnd oli'cr the same for sale either in

bond or duty paid.

W. C. PEACOCK & CO.182J Meichant Street. Llra

Steam Works, Sunny South,

Tolo.: Boll 186.

Depot, 28 Merchant Street,

Tele.: Bell 172, Mutual 360.



lfoilorii Hlnclilnery.

I'ateut Minus Vnlve Itottlen


The only apparatus using Purified Car-bonic Arid Ons, making

high class

Tahili Lemonade,

Apollinaris Water,

Cream Soda,

Ginger Alo,

Hop Ale,

Grenadine, Eto,






And Fure, Strong Effervescing


SODA WATER.NOTIC FmnlV Dottles to tin rhirnm1

prior to new orders being executed,

Orders delivered 1o any part oftho city. Island ordors solicited. 83 tf

P. o. Iiox am. star itoil Toio. 27-1- .

(IN (Mil mOornui Korttfc Men linnt M ects,

llono ulu, 11. 1

GENERAL AGENTS,AccnnutnutH & Collcctm--

-- von nil- -

H . w . i i .ii B II Fcuphuiia ,.

Managoi of alvi- - tibin;,' Departmont



Collections will receive special alien,lion nnd returns promptly made.

Roal Eslato bought, told nnd leased.Taxes Paid nnd iiroperiysnfdy Injured.Houses, Cottages, Rooms and Offices,'

leaded and rented, nnd rents collected.Firo and Llfo Insuranco effected in first,

class (Jompanics.Conveyanclno a Specially HecouU

seal cheil and correct Abstracts of Titlefurnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydescription carefully drawn nnd hand.Homely engrossed

Copying and Translating in all languagesin lU'ticrul use in this Kingdom.

Custom House Business transacted withaccuracy and dispatch. ,

Loans ncol luted at fuvotublc ralesGold, Mlvcr and Certificates bought mul

mi I.Advertisements and Subscriptions soil-eiti- d

fur puhlUliiTs.Skilled and Unskilled Labor furnished.Any Article purchased or sold.Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive parti-

cular attention.To Let. Furnished and Unfurnishod Co-

ttages in desirable localities nt reasonablerentals

Several Valuable Properlies in nndaround the city now for sulu and leacon easy terms.

BgyAll business entrusted to our rarewill rtceivo prompt and faithful attcn.tion at moderate charges Fcb-4-8- 9


A COTTAUK lately occu-ple- d

bv tr BurneVOi- -

denstcin, tunic on Emmastreet, between the mansions of Hons.t;. It. Bishop, James Campbell nnd S. B.Dole, near Emma Sqii-in- . No pianowanted, no dust, no lam patches. Onlya few minutes walk to the new site forthe Central Union Church. No tramwaycars wanted. Apply to

E. B. CUNfIA,148 tf Union Haloon.

Whale Boats,

TN answer to several enouhles con- -X. ccrning Whale Boat Fiatnes, wehave now in course of construction,3 Whale Boat Frames 74 feet by 32 feetlong. These frames are bent in onepiece of oak, and held to shape, thusrequiring little tact to set them up andbuild. The full frame for such boats,including cants, 45 sections in number,is sold at SL'S; with laige stems on keel,and ready to plank $10. They aienotintended to be clinker built, nor as thefiail impoited whale boats pi oper, butarc intended for lougli ue and durabi-lity, jet light withal, for lishing andtrading put poses. We have exportedthese lrnmcb and intend doing so, andmake tills offer to amateurs and othersdesirous of tiying their band, withplenty of leisure and small cash to makea business. Will bend fumes to anygiven model from 5 to 25 tons. AlSo'onhand for sale Suif and Pleasure Boats,Stems, Knees and Timbers. MutualTelephone No 325.

DOWER & SON,76 tf Boat Builders.

FELIX OLLERT,artistic Engraver on Wood,

(Late of Harper Bros , N. Y )

Contracts Executed on Moderate Terms.

BfiySpecimens of work nt ollice.BDIPLOMA.

Aut Dkit., ILmipkh Bnos , )

New York, April, 18:17. J

Mr. Felix lleit was for sevcinl yeatsemployed in tlii (stablUliiiient, andfound a compi tent engraver and in allriHjiicis 11 rUi'iblc and upriirlit person.

J. G. SM1TIIWICK,tjupt. Eug. Dept., Harper Bros., N. Y.

BQy-Oid- received at .1.& Co.'s, 28 Merchant rtieet.

E, Brownl'JO lm

David DaytonWill practico in the lower courts of theKingdom as aitorm j, attend to collecting in all its branches, renting of bout-ci-an-

any other business entrusted to him.Office 01 King Street Upstairs.


Hopp&Oo74 King st. --dU U King st.

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Caro.

Matting and Carpets Laid.

CORIHGEPOLES.Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


JOB PRINTING of all kind. oxe.at the "Dally Bulletin" Office.


VUll Sb I ItA.MlSCO,Mie now urn! flue Al Heel stmnnliip

it Alameda1Of the Ocennic Steam. talp Cnmpiiny, wV.

be dm hi i ni'ii i u finni dne.vno " 1 ud i .lioiii

1 a

April 6, '69.i. , to a, U l

il V pull VIlll 'I'mil llin

For Irclcln 01 pnBBiige, havingACCOMMODATIONS, apply

toWM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agent

For Sydney and Auckland,

Tho new mid fine Al Btcel stc&nyihiu

" Zealand.a."Of the Oceanic Stcnni'-hi- Company, will

bo due nt Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

April 13, '89.And will have prompt dhpatch withmalls and pntscngcrs ftr l lie wbovo port

F6r freight or passage, having SUPEHIOK ACCOMMODA'J IONB, applvto

7 WM. G. IB-WI- & CO.. Agents

The Best Company


Life Insurance Go.oir isiirw youK.

Richard A. McCurdy, President.

Tho Largest Company in tho World

Tho Oldest Company in the U. S.

It Gives the Most Liberal PoliciesANn

Pays the Largest Dividends.

Claims paid to policy holders in theHawaiian Inlands, during the

past ten years,

Over' : SIOO.OOO OO.

EST" For rates, apply toS. B. ROSE,

General Audit, Honolulu, HawaiianIslands oct-f- l


ilH Merchant St., Honolulu, 11.1.


Conveyancers & General Agents


Sole Agents for tho Burlinglon RouteAcross America, and to ihe Azores.

Hole Auents lor Pitt & hcott's ForeignParcels Express & General ShippingAgency.

S le Agents for Sunny South AeratedWattrs.

Sole Agi nt" for Masefleld Bros.' NewZ'lilnuii Mullet and Catmcd Goods.

Special Agenli, fur Leading Ni w Zcalanu and Ans.ralian Mercantile Firms.

Special Agenta for tho Oalifornia LandAssociation.

Special Agents for tho Honoluluness Directory.

AIho, Othor Special Agencies.

BO? Customs' Entries Passed. Propeitit--f Managed. Assignees and Audi-tor-

W. tk done promptly. HousesLeased and Rents Collected.

New Business SolicitedBoll Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tele.Dec-D- J Post Office Box 469.

88-l- y


No. 360.88-l- y

Honolulu LibraryAMD

Readinq Room Association.

Cor. Hotel & Alnkca Streets.Open every Day and Evening.

Tho Library consists at tho presentime of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The RendhiR Room Is supplied withabout fifty of the leading newspapersand periodic its.

A Parlor is provided for conversationtnd games,

Terms of membership, fifty cents aJtonth, payable quarterly In advance.No formality required in joining1 cxcntsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign cpuntrlesandvisltois from tbo other islands are wel-come to the rooms nt nil times as guests,

This Association having no regularmoans of support except the dues ofmembers, it is expected that residentof Honolulu who deslro to avail them-selves of its privileges, and all who feelan Interest In maintaining an institutionof tills bind, will put down their namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. CARTWRIGHT, Pres,,M. M. SCOTT, Vice-Preside- nt,

II. A. PAHMELEE, Secretary,A. L.SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODGERS, M,D.,

Chairman Hall nnd Library 'nmmlttwi.

THr&N!--Y READABLE PAPER In the Kingdom t'Th

Daily Bulletin." 60 cent per montti.


IU "v.'.'i.IfiWiiHsssssHsssslKl IJHJkiriW f .,.

: .. '' & mm :' WEJ'4'Sto4Sxd0bJti


