Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA cJobject primer from Excel Liberation


the cJobject brings javascript like objects if indeterminate depth to Excel/VBA, (along with the ability to create or parse JSON)

Transcript of Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Page 1: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

cJobject primer from Excel Liberation

Page 2: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Excel Liberation for details

cJobject purpose

The Excel/VBA model is optimized for 2 dimensions (rows/columns) – or at best 3 (sheets/rows/columns)

{ "Flintstone Characters": { "families": [ { "family": { "name": "FlintStone", "wife": "Wilma", "husband": "Fred", "kids": [ "Pebbles" ], "pets": [ "Baby Puss", "Dino", "Doozy" ] } }, { "family": { "name": "Rubble", "wife": "Betty", "husband": "Barney", "kids": [ "Bam Bam" ], "pets": [ "Hoppy" ] } } ] }}

Data from web sources can be any depth. VBA lacked the capability to deal with either the format or the structure of JSON data. cJobject provides both the structure and data handling capability

Page 3: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

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Javascript object versus cJobjectVBA lacks the syntax to express such an object as

concisely as javascript,but a similar capability can be achieved with cJobjectAction javaScript cJobject

New object var job = {}; Set job = new cJobect

Create from JSON var job = JSON.parse(str); Set job = JSONParse(str)

Add a property job["Flintstone Characters”] = null;

job.add ("Flintstone Characters”)

Add an array var f = job["Flintstone Characters”] ={families:[]};

Set f = job.child("Flintstone Characters").add("families").addArray

Add an array element object


With f.add.add("family") .add "name", "FlintStone" .add "wife", "Wilma" .add "husband", "Fred“End with

Convert to JSON JSON.stringify(job); JSONstringify(job)..or.. job.stringify()

Page 4: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Excel Liberation for details

PortabilityThe Google Apps Script version of cJobject has the same

syntax (allowing for minor javaScript/VBA linguistic differences)

Examples – Google Apps Script

var job = new cJobject();

job.add ("Flintstone Characters”);

var f = job.child("Flintstone Characters").add("families").addArray();

The cJobject is not really needed in GAS, since js can do this natively. But using cJobject in GAS allows portability to and from VBA. There are also native conversions for GAS available

Examples – Google Apps Script

var job = fromNative(someObject);

var someObject = job.toNative();

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IterationHow to iterate through cJobject children. Examples - vba

for each joc in job.children

Debug.Print job.key,job.value

next jocExamples - gas

job.children().forEach( function (joc) {

Logger.log (job.key() + “,” + job.value());


Equivalent in native javaScript


var jsObject = job.toNative();

for (k in jsObject ) {

console.log(k + “,” + jsObject [k]);


Page 6: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Excel Liberation for details

RecursionSince cJobjects are of inderminate depth, recursion is used internally in the

class and they are ideally suited for recursive usage. Here’s an example of traversing and printing an entire object tree irrespective of the data structure.


Public Function printFlint(Optional job As cJobject = Nothing, _

Optional depth As Long = 0)

Dim joc As cJobject

If (job Is Nothing) Then Set job = getFlintsoneCharacters()

Debug.Print Space(depth); job.key; ":"; job.value

depth = depth + 2

For Each joc In job.children

depth = printFlint(joc, depth)

Next joc

printFlint = depth - 2

End Function

Flintstone Characters: families: 1: family: name:FlintStone wife:Wilma husband:Fred kids: 1:Pebbles pets: saber tooth tiger:Baby Puss dinosaur type dog thing:Dino dodo bird:Doozy 2: family: name:Rubble wife:Betty husband:Barney kids: 1:Bam Bam pets: kangaroo type thing:Hoppy

Page 7: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

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ExtensibilityEasy to extend with powerful capabilitiesExamples

Populate a data set with JSON data

dSet.populateJSON jobject, Range("json1!$a$1")Read a worksheet into a dset and convert it to JSON

dSet.populateData( Range("jSon2!$a$1"), , , , , , True).jObject.stringify()Get the fullkey of any item

job.fullKey() – eg Flintstones a property somewhere

set wilma = job.find(“Wilma”)Make a treeview from a cJobject contents to display on a form

set t= job. toTreeView(treeViewObject)Access data returned from a rest API query

With restQuery(worksheetName, "my society", , "postcode", _

, , , False, False)

For Each job In .jObject.children ......

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ChainingThe cJobect is designed to be chainableExamples – VBA

With .add.add("module") .add "name", .add "kind", module.textKind With .add("procedures").addArray For Each procedure In module.procedures With .add.add("procedure") .add "name", .add "scope", procedure.scope .add "kind", procedure.procTextKind .add "returns", procedure.procReturns .add "lineCount", procedure.lineCount .add "declaration", procedure.declaration With .add("arguments").addArray For Each argument In procedure.arguments With .add.add("argument") .add "name", .add "optional", argument.isOptional .add "default", argument.default .add "argtype", argument.argType End With Next argument End With End With Next procedure End With End With

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Custom classes and sub classesCreating classes in VBA requires preknowledge about the class and its

properties. The cJobject can be used to create classes ‘on the fly’ to avoid cluttering the source code with many small classes


With job.init(Nothing, "Flintstone Characters").add("families").addArray

With .add.add("family")

.add "name", "FlintStone"

.add "wife", "Wilma"

.add "husband", "Fred"

With .add("kids").addArray

.add , "Pebbles"

End With

With .add("pets").addArray

.add "saber tooth tiger", "Baby Puss"

.add "dinosaur type dog thing", "Dino"

.add "dodo bird", "Doozy"

End With

End With

End with

Set clone = job.clone()

Page 10: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

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‘Javascript like’ optional argumentsIt’s very useful in javascript to be able to pass a single argument to a function

containing options and other data. The cJobject allows you do the something similar in VBA


.. Calling with a couple of non default optionsreshapeMelt "{'outputSheet':'meltOut','id':['id','time']}“-------------Public Function rOptionDefaults() As String ‘ the default options.. rOptionDefaults = _ "{'complain':true, 'inputSheet':'" & & "'," & _ "'variableColumn' : 'variable', 'valueColumn' : 'value', 'id':['id'] ," & _ "'outputSheet': 'rOutputData' , 'clearContents':true}"End Function

Public Function reshapeMelt(options As String) As cDataSet‘... Applies default options and meges with given options Set jArgs = optionsExtend(options, rOptionDefaults) ' use the options... With jArgs If .toString("inputsheet") = .toString("outputsheet") Then MsgBox ("Reading and writing to the same sheet - not allowed") Exit Function End If End With

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Memory recoveryLike many objects with recursive linking,

memory will not be recovered by the VBA garbage collector simply by going out of scope. A teardown is provided, and should be used for efficient memory recovery.


With JSONparse(str)

for each joc in .children

Debug.Print joc.value

next joc


End With

Page 12: Javascript like objects and JSON processing in VBA

Excel Liberation for details

SummaryThese examples show some of the capabilities

of cJObect and bringing a JSON capability to Excel

For more detail, and to download see Excel Liberation