Javascript laravel's friend

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Transcript of Javascript laravel's friend

Javascript Laravel's friend


Bart (@denbatte)


PHP/Laravel enthousiast

Slides will be available on slideshare


Creating the best game ever!

Exploring Laravel by doing the previous.

Learning how Javascript integrates with LaravelNot using JS Frameworks (Angular) for now!

Preparing Laravel with composer


"require": {"laravel/framework": "4.1.*", "laracasts/utilities": "1.0",

// Development packages"way/generators": "2.*","barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper": "1.*","fzaninotto/faker": "v1.3.0", "fedeisas/laravel-js-routes": "1.3" }

Do not forget to add the serviceProviders at app/config/app.php

The game - Login

The game - Dashboard

Road map

Preparing LaravelDatabase and models

Routes and controllers

Adding Jquery and custom scripts using blade

Giving PHP data to JavascriptThe easy way

The even more easy Jeffrey way

Making a ajax call to a controllerUsing named routes

Named routes as import

Preparing the database

Migration files for users/score table

Seeding with faker


user@device: php artisan generate:migration create__table

user@device: php artisan generate:seed

user@device: php artisan migrate -seed

Do not forget to add database settings at app/config/database.php

Preparing the database

Migration files for users/score table

Seeding with faker


user@device: php artisan migrate -seed

Migration fileSeed file

Generating database models

A model will make Eloquent understand your data. User.php is already there

Adding Score.php model


user@device: php artisan generate:model Score

Preparing routes


// Game: sessions resource login and logoutRoute::resource('sessions', 'SessionsController');Route::get('/', 'sessionsController@create');Route::get('login', 'sessionsController@create');Route::get('logout', 'sessionsController@destroy');

// Actual game viewRoute::get('game', "ScoreController@highscore")->before("auth");

// Score: Ajax route retrieving high scoreRoute::post( '/score/{level}', array( 'as' => 'score.index', 'uses' => 'ScoreController@index') );

// Score: Ajax route updating player scoreRoute::post( '/score/update', array( 'as' => 'score.update', 'uses' => 'ScoreController@update') );

Generating controllers


user@device: php artisan generate:controller ScoreController


public function index($level = normal){ $scoreList = Score::where("level", "=", $level) ->take("5") ->join("users", "", "=", "scores.user_id") ->orderBy(score, desc); ->get() ->toJson();

return $scoreList;}

Road map

Preparing LaravelDatabase and models

Routes and controllers

Adding Jquery and custom scripts using blade

Giving PHP data to JavascriptThe easy way

The even more easy Jeffrey way

Making a ajax call to a controllerUsing named routes

Named routes as import

Adding Jquery and custom scripts

Using Laravel's blade templating engineGlobal scripts/css in master template

Specific scripts/css in sub views

Code snippet

{{ HTML::script("js/jquery.js") }} {{ HTML::style("css/style.css") }}

Using a asset manager CodeSleeve/asset-pipeline gives tons of options

Adding Jquery and custom scripts

Using blade

We are inserting into layouts/default.blade.php:

SCRIPTSJQuery + knob

Game mechanics

Demo purpose scripts



Game css

Google Orbitron font

Have a look for yourself at layouts/default.blade.php!

Road map

Preparing LaravelDatabase and models

Routes and controllers

Adding Jquery and custom scripts using blade

Giving PHP data to JavascriptThe easy way

The even more easy Jeffrey way

Making a ajax call to a controllerUsing named routes

Named routes as import

Giving PHP data to Javascript

RequestResponseGrab response $

Giving PHP data to Javascript

The easy way

Giving PHP data to Javascript

PHP snippet

// Response with variable $name = denbatte; return View::make(game, compact(name));

HTML/JS snippet

// Grab response variable var name = ;

// Laravel blade way var name = {{ $name }};

Not very scalabe

Javascript needs to be inline

Giving PHP data to Javascript

The even more easy Jeffrey way

Giving PHP data to Javascript

PHP snippet

// Response with variable $name = denbatte; Javascript::put(array("name" => $name));

return View::make(game);

Making use of the laracasts/utilities plugin

Binds arrays with variables to one view!game.blade.php

Have a look for yourself at scoreController.php @ highscore

Giving PHP data to Javascript


Add serviceprovider

Artisan config:publish

Have a look for yourself at config.php


user@device: php artisan config:publish laracasts/utilities

Road map

Preparing LaravelDatabase and models

Routes and controllers

Adding Jquery and custom scripts using blade

Giving PHP data to JavascriptThe easy way

The even more easy Jeffrey way

Making a ajax call to a controllerUsing named routes

Named routes as import

Making a ajax call to a controller


Making a ajax call to a controller

Jquery code snippet

$.post("score/{level}").done(function(data) { var data = $.parseJSON(data); // Do stuff with the data }, 'json');


public function index($level = "normal"){ $scoreList = Score::where("level", "=", $level) ->take("5") ->join("users", "", "=", "scores.user_id") ->orderBy("score", "DESC") ->get() ->toJson();

return $scoreList;}


Have a look for yourself at scoreController.php @ index | lara...ajax.js

Using named routes

Named routes? laravel-js-routes packageGenerates a routes.js helper file in root.

Gives a Router object


{{ HTML::script("/path/to/routes.js") }}


Router.route(route_name:string, params:array)

Using named routes

Import generated routes.js using JQuery or require.js

JQuery snippet

$.getScript( "ajax/test.js");


Shoot, I will try to answer them now or I will come back to you later.

Now lets play this game!