JavaScript & Cloud: the AWS JS SDK and how to work with cloud resources

AngularJS & Cloud CloudConf 2014 Gabriele Mittica



Transcript of JavaScript & Cloud: the AWS JS SDK and how to work with cloud resources

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AngularJS & CloudCloudConf 2014 – Gabriele Mittica

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JavaScript & Cloud?

Cloud based database and storage services are very popular.


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The Cloud is

• Cheap for startup projects

• Ready to scale for growing projects

• Rich of services for complex projects

How we can use the cloud with JS?

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FrontEnd BackEnd


MySQL / Mongo


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• With AngularJS we can create

apps that work with RESTful

resources or directly with cloud


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Next steps

• #1 - signup to AWS website

• #2 - access to the AWS Web console

• #3 - create a IAM user with access to all services

• #4 - download and use the JavaScript SDK

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Introducing Amazon Web Services

• Over 25 cloud based services available

• Several regions across the world

• JavaScript SDK available


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Signup to AWS on

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IAM: Identity and Access Management

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables us to securely control access

to AWS services and resources for our users, setting users and groups and using

permissions to allow and deny their access to AWS resources.





AWS Email Service






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We create an user (or a group of

users) with Power User Access

level, in order to grant the access

to all services.

Then, we have to download the

access and secret keys that we’ll

use with the JS SDK.

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Now we can use the JS/Browser AWS SDK

Paste in your HTML:

<script src=""></script>

available on

Configure with your IAM credentials:


AWS.config.update({accessKeyId: 'akid', secretAccessKey: 'secret'});

AWS.config.region = ‘eu-west-1'; //set your preferred region


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Upload a file to Amazon Simple Storage Service with classic JS:

<input type="file" id="file-chooser" />

<button id="upload-button">Upload to S3</button>

<div id="results"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

var bucket = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: 'myBucket'}});

var fileChooser = document.getElementById('file-chooser');

var button = document.getElementById('upload-button');

var results = document.getElementById('results');

button.addEventListener('click', function() {

var file = fileChooser.files[0];

if (file) {

results.innerHTML = '';

var params = {Key:, ContentType: file.type, Body: file};

bucket.putObject(params, function (err, data) {

results.innerHTML = err ? 'ERROR!' : 'UPLOADED.';



else {

results.innerHTML = 'Nothing to upload.';


}, false);


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That’s all!Very Easy!





File uploaded

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Our keys (primarily the secret one) are exposed.

Bad guys (backend developers?) could use our

keys for malicious intents!


use Aws\S3\S3Client;

$client = S3Client::factory(array(

'key' => 'our key',

'secret' => 'our key'


while(true) {

$result = $client->putObject(array(

'Bucket' => ’myBucket’,

'Key' => 'data.txt',

'Body' => ‘Give me a million dollars!'



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Use read-only

IAM keys


Ask user to write

own keys


Work with

own backend


appHard IAM




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The #4 solution

We can use

AWS Security Token Service to grant temporary credentials

for non autheticaded users.

They are called Federated Users.

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Create an app that helps users to store incomes/expenses and track cashflow.

So we need:

- a database service where store private cashflow entries

- a storage service where upload private files (receipts, invoices, bills…)

- a authentication service that manages the access to database and storage

- an AngularJS app that merge al previous


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Simple Storage Service




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Step #1: set the storage service

Simple Storage Service (S3) is a

Cloud storage that lets us to PUT and GET

private (backup, private images…)

and public (js, css, public images) files.We just have to create a bucket

(folder) in S3 where we’ll store the

files uploaded.

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Step #2: set the database service

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL

database stored in the cloud.

We pay for the throughput setted.

For example:

10 reads / 5 writes per sec = free

100 reads / 25 writes per sec = $31.58/month

We just have to create a new

table where store the user’s

incomes and expenses.

We set a low throughput for

the begeinning.

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We have to choose the indexes for the table.

We set a primary key(string type) called userID that will be useful later.

We set also a range key (numeric type) called timestamp that lets us query

quickly the entries ordering by «insert datetime».

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We want to manage the authentication with certified external websites

such as Amazon, Google and Facebook.

Step #3: create federated apps

Go to websites and create a new app.

There is possible get the code for the login, as following:

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Creating an app we get an ID and we can set

allowed source (the url of our test/production

web application). HTTPS is required.

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Go back to,

and add a new role in the IAM area linked to our Amazon App.

Step #4: create the IAM role

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"Version": "2012-10-17",

"Statement": [


"Effect": "Allow",

"Action": "sts:AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity",

"Principal": {

"Federated": ""


"Condition": {

"StringEquals": {

"": "XXYYZZ"






IAM lets users from our Amazon Login app to assume role:

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We add policy to this role giving

full access to S3 and DynamoDB

thanks to the policy generator:

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"Version": "2012-10-17",

"Statement": [


"Sid": "Stmt1291088462000",

"Effect": "Allow",

"Action": [



"Resource": [





"Sid": "Stmt1291088490000",

"Effect": "Allow",

"Action": [



"Resource": [






This is an example of the policy generated (full access to S3 bucket and DynamoDB table):

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<div id="amazon-root"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">

window.onAmazonLoginReady = function() {



(function(d) {

var a = d.createElement('script'); a.type = 'text/javascript';

a.async = true; = 'amazon-login-sdk';

a.src = '';




Get your code and add after <body>

<script type="text/javascript">

document.getElementById('LoginWithAmazon').onclick = function() {

options = { scope : 'profile' };

amazon.Login.authorize(options, '');

return false;



Create a button (#LoginWithamazon) and the click event:

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new AWS.STS().assumeRoleWithWebIdentity({

RoleArn: ‘the-arn-of-the-role’,

RoleSessionName: ‘the-name-of-the-role’,

WebIdentityToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,

ProviderId: ""

}, function(err, data){

if(data && data.Credentials) {

console.log(data); //we get the Amazon User ID




User is redirected to

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angular.module('', [])

.factory('loggerManager', function(configLogger, $location, $rootScope){

var baseFactory = {

handler: new AWS.STS(),

provider: false,

credentials: {},

id: false


baseFactory.logout = function() {

if(baseFacory.provider == "amazon") {




baseFactory.login = function(provider, data, redirect) { … }


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var dynamo = AWS.DynamoDB({region: "eu-west-1"});


TableName: "finance",

Item: data


Now we can PUT data to DynamoDB

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var bucket = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: 'financeapptest'}});

var fileChooser = document.getElementById('file-chooser');

var file = fileChooser.files[0];

if (file) {

var params = {Key:, ContentType: file.type, Body: file};

bucket.putObject(params, function (err, data) {




…and upload files to S3

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• How to do that with:

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'use strict';

angular.module('myApp', [







.constant('configAWS', {

tableName: "finance5",

bucketName: "financeuploads",

region: "eu-west-1"


.constant('configLogger', {


amazonRoleArn: 'arn:aws:iam::xxxxxx:role/amazon-login',

amazonRoleName: "amazon-login",


When you start the APP you have to set the app id and AWS role credentials:

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Thanks to that you have a configuration available along your app.

Now we have to find a way to work with cloud services integrating

the AWS SDK in our app. There are several ways to to that with

AngularJS. In this case we create factory services to wrap each

needed feature.

Firstly, a service to manage the auth.

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'use strict';

angular.module('', [])

//provide methods to manage credentials of federated user

.factory('loggerManager', function(configLogger, $location, $rootScope){

var baseFactory = {

handler: new AWS.STS(),

provider: false,

credentials: {},

id: false



* logout method (based on ID provider)


baseFactory.logout = function() {

if(baseFacory.provider == "amazon") {




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/*** login method (based on provider)* @param provider the name of provider* @param data data used for the login* @param redirect the destination after login*/baseFactory.login = function(provider, data, redirect) {

//get the access params from AWS with the amazon loginif(provider == "amazon") {

AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.WebIdentityCredentials({RoleArn: configLogger.amazonRoleArn,ProviderId: '', // this is null for GoogleWebIdentityToken: data.access_token

});//assume role from AWSbaseFactory.handler.assumeRoleWithWebIdentity({

RoleArn: configLogger.amazonRoleArn,RoleSessionName: configLogger.amazonRoleName,WebIdentityToken: data.access_token,ProviderId: ""

}, function(err, data){//login ok

if(data && data.Credentials) {baseFactory.provider = provider;baseFactory.credentials = data.Credentials; = data.SubjectFromWebIdentityToken;if(redirect) {





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/*** return the access key provided by amazon, google, fb...*/ baseFactory.getAccessKeyId = function() {

if(baseFactory.credentials.AccessKeyId) {return baseFactory.credentials.AccessKeyId;

}else {

return "";}

};/*** return the id provided by amazon, google, fb...*/ baseFactory.getSecretAccessKey = function() {

if(baseFactory.credentials.SecretAccessKey) {return baseFactory.credentials.SecretAccessKey;

}else {

return "";}

};/*** return the user id*/ baseFactory.getUserId = function() {

if( {return;

}else {

return "";}

};return baseFactory;


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Then, a service to work with S3. This is a tiny example:

// provides methods to put and get file on S3.factory('s3Ng', function(configAWS, loggerManager){

var baseFactory = {


* start the service*/ = function() {

baseFactory.handler = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: configAWS.bucketName}});};

/*** put file on the cloud storage* @param fileName

* @param fileBody*/

baseFactory.put = function(fileName, fileBody) {

var params = {Key: loggerManager.provider + "/" + loggerManager.getUserId() + "/" + fileName, Body: fileBody};

baseFactory.handler.putObject(params, function (err, data) {



return baseFactory;})

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Wotking with Dynamo is more complex. This is an example:.factory('dynamoNg', function (configAWS, loggerManager) {

var baseFactory = { handler:false };

//build the servic = function() {

baseFactory.handler = new AWS.DynamoDB({region: configAWS.region});



* put an element in to dynamo table. Data is a formatted json for dynamo

* @param table name

* @param data are the data in JSON formatted for DynamoDB

* @return the result of the query


baseFactory.put = function(table, data) {

return baseFactory.handler.putItem({

TableName: table,

Item: data




* Get an element from a DynamoDB table

* @param table name

* @param data the key to fetch

* @return elements by the table


baseFactory.get = function(table, data) {


return baseFactory.handler.getItem({

TableName: table,

Key: data



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/*** parse the dynamo data* @param the data

* @returns the data extracted*/

baseFactory.reverseModel = function(response) {

var result = [];if( {

for(var ii in {

var item =[ii];result[ii] = {};for(var kk in item) {

if(item[kk].S) {result[ii][kk] = item[kk].S;

}if(item[kk].N) {

result[ii][kk] = item[kk].N;

}//binary type is missing!



}return result;

};return baseFactory;


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// provides methods to put and get file on S3.factory('s3Ng', function(configAWS, loggerManager){

var baseFactory = {


* start the service*/ = function() {

baseFactory.handler = new AWS.S3({params: {Bucket: configAWS.bucketName}});};

/*** put file on the cloud storage* @param fileName

* @param fileBody*/

baseFactory.put = function(fileName, fileBody) {

var params = {Key: loggerManager.provider + "/" + loggerManager.getUserId() + "/" + fileName, Body: fileBody};

baseFactory.handler.putObject(params, function (err, data) {


};return baseFactory;


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In a controller, start the auth:.controller('HomeCtrl', function($scope) {

// login button to auth with appdocument.getElementById('LoginWithAmazon').onclick = function() {var options = { scope : 'profile' };amazon.Login.authorize(options, '/dynamofinance/app/#/logged/amazon');return false;


And a controller to manage login (after app auth) and logout:.controller('LoginCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, loggerManager) {

//user comes back from app login successif($routeParams.access_token) {

//do the login with the provider got by the urlloggerManager.login($routeParams.provider, $routeParams, "/finance/list");

};}).controller('LogoutCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, loggerManager) {


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In a controller, how to work with services:.controller("FinanceCtrl", function($scope, $routeParams, dynamoNg, dynamoFinanceTable, s3Ng, loggerManager, configLogger, configAWS){

//build;;//.... More code here//upload file to S3$scope.uploadFile = function() {

s3Ng.put("your filename", $scope.upload);$scope.entryId = false;

};//store movement$scope.add = function(el) {

//prepare the data to =;var movement = dynamoFinanceTable.modelAmount(el);//store the data$scope.putMovement(movement);$scope.formReset(false);

};$scope.putMovement = function(movement) {

dynamoNg.put(configAWS.tableName, movement).on('success', function(response) {

$scope.entryId =;$scope.$apply();

}).on('error', function(error, response) { console.log(error); }).send();

};//... More code here


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You can find an example on GitHub: it’s a work-in-progress app,

don’t use in production. It’s under dev and test.

But our work is not finished.

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The files & data that we’re storing in AWS

are protected by unauthorized users,

but are fully visible by other authorized users.

Each user has access to data of the other ones.

Security problem

We have to refine the policies adding fine-grained conditions.

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Step #5: fix the role policyIn Simple Storage Service, we can limit the access of each user to a

specific subfolder called with his userId.

















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In DynamoDB, thanks to fine-grained access

we can allow the access only to the rows

owned by the user (the rows with his userID)

It is also possible restrict the access of the

role to specific columns.

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The data are now protected in the right way.

Each user has access to his data.

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The app is now completed.

Simple Storage Service




We can create other apps that works with

the data thanks to different policies:

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The cloud is perfect for growing projects,

thanks to the scalability of services

and the cost saving

especially in the startup stage.

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Thank you!Any questions?


[email protected]