January/February Newsletter 2014

THIS ISSUE: Pastor’s Moment “Clams, Trees, and Pumpkins” Danny Cox -pg.1 Our Faith “Now What?” by Michelle Rose — pg.2 Family Focus “Family Devotional Ideas-#1-4” by Jayla Smith -pg.2 Youthbook -pg. 3 January/February Events! -pg.4 January/February Events Calendar -pg. 5 Prayer Connection “The Name of Jesus” -pg. 6 My God, My Story “New Family, New Friends” by Young Engaged and Married Group -pg.7 Monthly Devotional “Test of Faithfulness” by -pg.8 IMPACTING the World for Jesus.” “Clams, Trees, and Pumpkins” A team of researchers from Bangor University recently announced that the oldest animal in the world, a species of Icelandic clam, was 507-years-old. Known as Ming, it was ‘born’ in 1499. This means it was swimming in the oceans before Henry VIII took the English throne. It was named after the Chinese Ming dynasty, which was in power when it was alive. Ming unfortunately died along with 200 other oysters as they were harvested for a study on global warming. Ming was originally thought to be 405 years old, but was recently been revised upwards to 507 years after a new count of its rings. Like many trees, you can know the age of a clam by counting annual growth rings. But no, wrinkles on humans are not the same thing! The tree science is called Dendrochronology. Visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree. Unfortunately the tree must meet the same fate as Ming before you can count the age rings. You need a cross section of the trunk. I find this fascinating. You can look at a cross section of a tree and count back in years, like time- travel, and see how big the tree was when a particular event happened in history. You can also tell by the thickness of a ring what kind of weather it experienced. Normally a broad ring means a good growing season but that is not necessarily good as far as the tree is concerned. A narrow ring means things were tough for the tree that year but it endured to be a stronger tree. We all know the more closely the grain of wood, the stronger it is. Several years ago I heard a spokesman from Morton “Libby” Pumpkin factory speak at a Rotary meeting. We were experiencing a very nice “normal” growing season. When time came for the Q & A someone said “You must be having a good crop this year?” His reply was, “No. It’s a matter of perspective.” If you’re a pumpkin it’s a good year. For a pumpkin only has one purpose in life … to produce more pumpkins. The better the growing season the more seeds a pumpkin produces. But from the perspective of the canner more seeds means more work and less meat. Now you are probably asking yourself, “What do clams, trees and pumpkins have to do with our faith or our church. Theoretically it is possible to look at the growth rings of Shiloh UMC. We can count backwards and see years where significant numerical growth happened and Shiloh grew larger. We can also count back to years where little or no numerical growth happened, when it was under stress but grew stronger. Over 206 years Shiloh has had its share of both. Same goes for us as individuals. Some of our years and seasons are easier than others. But remember it is in those tough seasons that we grow stronger. I do not know what the 2014 year will bring for Shiloh, for you or for me. But I do know at least two scripture apply here. Romans 8:28-32 “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” 1 Cor. 3:6-7 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. [7] So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” Our God Reigns! grow.impact.outreach Jan./Feb. 2013 Edition Shiloh United Methodist Church Publication



Transcript of January/February Newsletter 2014

Page 1: January/February Newsletter 2014

THIS ISSUE:Pastor’s Moment

“Clams, Trees, and Pumpkins”

Danny Cox -pg.1

Our Faith“Now What?”

by Michelle Rose — pg.2

Family Focus“Family Devotional

Ideas-#1-4”by Jayla Smith -pg.2

Youthbook-pg. 3

January/February Events! -pg.4

January/February Events Calendar

-pg. 5

Prayer Connection“The Name of Jesus”

-pg. 6

My God, My Story“New Family, New Friends”by Young Engaged and Married

Group -pg.7

Monthly Devotional“Test of Faithfulness”

by -pg.8

“IMPACTING the World for Jesus.”

“Clams, Trees, and Pumpkins”A team of researchers from Bangor University recently announced that the oldest animal in the world, a species of Icelandic clam, was 507-years-old. Known as Ming, it was ‘born’ in 1499. This means it was swimming in the oceans before Henry VIII took the English throne. It was named after the Chinese Ming dynasty, which was in power when it was alive. Ming unfortunately died along with 200 other oysters as they were harvested for a study on global warming. Ming was originally thought to be 405 years old, but was recently been revised upwards to 507 years after a new count of its rings. Like many trees, you can know the age of a clam by counting annual growth rings. But no, wrinkles on humans are not the same thing!

The tree science is called Dendrochronology. Visible rings result from the change in growth speed through the seasons of the year, thus one ring usually marks the passage of one year in the life of the tree. Unfortunately the tree must meet the same fate as Ming before you can count the age rings. You need a cross section of the trunk. I find this fascinating. You can look at a cross section of a tree and count back in years, like time-travel, and see how big the tree was when a particular event happened in history. You can also tell by the thickness of a ring what kind of weather it experienced. Normally a broad ring means a good growing season but that is not necessarily good as far as the tree is concerned. A narrow ring means things were tough for the tree that year but it endured to be a stronger tree. We all know the more closely the grain of wood, the stronger it is.

Several years ago I heard a spokesman from Morton “Libby” Pumpkin factory speak at a Rotary meeting. We were experiencing a very nice “normal” growing season. When time came for the Q & A someone said “You must be having a good crop this year?” His reply was, “No. It’s a matter of perspective.” If you’re a pumpkin it’s a good year. For a pumpkin only has one purpose in life … to produce more pumpkins. The better the growing season the more seeds a pumpkin produces. But from the perspective of the canner more seeds means more work and less meat.

Now you are probably asking yourself, “What do clams, trees and pumpkins have to do with our faith or our church. Theoretically it is possible to look at the growth rings of Shiloh UMC. We can count backwards and see years where significant numerical growth happened and Shiloh grew larger. We can also count back to years where little or no numerical growth happened, when it was under stress but grew stronger. Over 206 years Shiloh has had its share of both. Same goes for us as individuals. Some of our years and seasons are easier than others. But remember it is in those tough seasons that we grow stronger.

I do not know what the 2014 year will bring for Shiloh, for you or for me. But I do know at least two scripture apply here.Romans 8:28-32 “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”

1 Cor. 3:6-7 “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. [7] So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.”

Our God Reigns!

grow.impact.outreachJan./Feb. 2013 EditionShiloh United Methodist Church Publication

Page 2: January/February Newsletter 2014


“Now What?” -by Michelle RoseFor in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord. Hear my voice when I call, Lord; be merciful to me and answer me. - Psalm 27:5-7 (NIV).

So often, after the holidays, it’s easy to fall into a stupor. The hustle and bustle of the season has tapered off, and many times it leaves us with a sense of longing. Many of us procrastinate taking down our Christmas decorations, wanting to live in the wonder of the season for just a little longer. Yet life continues pushing us forward, leaving us little time to appreciate being in the “now”.

We are called to be joyful, not just around the holidays, but year round. Yet that’s not so easy when we are buried by the pile of things that needed to be finished a week ago, we feel drained and sleep-deprived, and the snow outside is no longer white but brownish gray. Yet scriptures show us that joy is not a reaction to circumstances, but rather a natural byproduct of a life lived walking with the Lord.

As you return to the mundane routines of life, instead look for God’s hand in the little things. Make it a point to watch the animals frolicking around your yard. See how you can extend His love to those who don’t know Him. Take time to close your eyes, and whisper all the things for which you are grateful.

Make the most of the moments, and worship the Lord in the good and the bad. Remember that “weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” - Psalm 30:5b NLT

FAMILY FOCUS“Family Devotional Ideas-#1-4”

All of us have experienced at least once in our lives, that feeling and desire to do something devotionally that will bring Christ into the picture for our families. That desire always seems to lead us to the same place, asking the same question. “So what do we do?” Before we allow that burning desire to turn into a heaping pile of ashes… here are some ideas that just might get those creative juices flowing!1. Instead of just reading a Bible story, act it out. It’s one thing to read a Bible story together, but it’s another thing to see it come to life. Next time you’re tempted to just read the story, don’t! Assign out various characters to your children and have them act out the story while you read it aloud. Allow them to come up with their own “dramatic interpretations” of how the story would have been lived out. The results will be insightful, if not hilarious.

2. Buy or rent a Christian video to use. With so many great Christian children’s videos available, we would be remiss if we didn’t use them. From Veggie Tales, to Adventures in Odyssey, to The Story Keepers – there are excellent video resources to use as a family. Be sure that you preview the video before showing it to your children so you have an idea of the themes, as well as direction for a discussion afterwards.

3.“Family Prayer Calendar.” Create a “Family Prayer Calendar” filled with 31 people and issues for your family to pray over each month. Make sure that each person in the family has input into what goes on the calendar. Post the calendar in a prominent place in your home. Find a time that you can either pray daily or weekly together. The key to making this idea work is to find that time to pray together regularly. It not only will give you accountability with the calendar, but you’ll be forming a habit of praying together as a family.

4.. “Scripture Art.” As a family select a verse that is particularly meaningful for you. Design a piece of art using items in your house or garage that represents the verse you’ve chosen. Make sure that everyone in the family has input into the artistic design. You may want to find a place in the house to show off your piece of art. If you do this on a regular basis, perhaps yearly, you’ve now designed an art gallery exploring the spiritual journey of your family.

By Jim Burns, Ph.D.


Page 3: January/February Newsletter 2014




I have really enjoyed working with the youth at Shiloh UMC since I arrived this summer. I have been amazed at the maturity and knowledge the youth display week after week. On Sunday and Wednesday evenings, they open up and share their thoughts and questions regarding the Bible and Christianity in ways I have rarely seen

among young teenagers. Two recent examples stand out. In October the youth went to play laser tag one Sunday evening. The outing was scheduled so as to replace our regular youth worship time, but several of the youth asked

to meet at the church thirty minutes early so we could have worship before playing laser tag. A few weeks later, one of the youth asked if she could lead the Wednesday evening Bible study some time. I’m happy to say that she did an excellent job, and now others would like to take turns leading. As several new youth have joined our group in recent weeks and months, it is clear to me that this group is interested not just in having fun, but also in growing

spiritually. I look forward to the continued work of God among this fine group of teenagers. -Dr. David Melvin, Youth Ministry Coordinator

EventsWinter Jam 2014!

We will be going to Winter Jam 2014 on Sunday, January 19, 2014 at Scottrade Center to see featuring artists Lacrae, Tenth Avenue North, Plumb, Newsboys, Newsong, Colton Dixon, Thousand Foot Krutch, Derek Minor,

Everfound, Love & The Outcome, and special speaker Nick Hall. We will meet at the church to travel in the vans at 3pm. Concert begins at 6pm.

Soup-er Bowl SundayOn February 1, 2014, we will make soup at the church (time TBA) for our annual Soup-er Bowl Fundraiser, and

have it ready for pick up on Sunday, February 2, 2014 for Superbowl!

Superbowl Party!The youth will also have a Super Bowl party on the evening of February 2 (6:00-10:00). We will meet at someone’s

house, but location has yet to be determined.

News FeedYouth Volunteers Needed

Finally, there is an ongoing need for adult volunteers to serve as chaperons during youth Sunday school, Wednesday evening Bible study, and Sunday evening youth group, as well as to provide food on Sunday evenings.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact David at [email protected].

Page 4: January/February Newsletter 2014


Just a reminder: the first Sunday of each month is Food Bank Sunday. Drop off your donated items in the Gathering Area January 5th and February 2nd. The items most needed are those that are easily mixed with water and canned


Ladies’ Lunch CircleThe Lunch Circle will meet Friday, January 10th at 11:30AM at Amore, located at 1050 E. Gate dr., Shiloh, IL.

Please call JoAnn Hartman, 618.632.5534 or Mildred Meinkoth, 618.624.0425 for reservations!

Shiloh Page TurnersJanuary’s book is “The Choice” by Robert Whitlow.

Meet us at St. Louis Bread Co. in Shiloh, Friday, January 24th, at 1:00PM

February’s book is “Love Anthony” by Lisa Genova. Meet us at St. Louis Bread Co. in Shiloh, Friday, 28th, at 1:00PM

Join us for a more in-depth discussion on this must read book! For more information contact Cathy Shackelford at(618) 806-2120 or [email protected]

Worship Area Post-Christmas Potluck & Re-gift ExchangeThursday, January 16TH at 6:30pm

We invite everyone who is involved in the worship area and families to come celebrate together the new year! All are invited to bring a re-gift for an exchange. (Feel free to wrap your re-gift in reused Christmas paper!) Worship

Band, Drama Team, Communion Servers, Ushers, and Tech are all invited to come!

A sign-up sheet will be in the gathering area to give us an idea of how many people to expect, or else email [email protected] to say how many are coming.

Musicians Needed!The worship band is currently looking for drummers, percussionists, keyboardists, and guitarists to join the team! If you would consider yourself intermediate-advanced, we invite you to join us in helping lead the congregation in

weekly worship.

Time commitment is 1-2 weeks a month, with a Wednesday night rehearsal and playing for both Sunday morning services along with a morning sound check. You will be given access to all music in advanced to prepare for

rehearsals.Contact [email protected] or call 632-6913 if you would like to set up a time to meet with Michelle.




Page 5: January/February Newsletter 2014


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Every Sunday Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00am

Sunday School,9:45amJr & Sr High Youth

Group, 5-7pm

Every Monday

TSPS, 9:00-11:30amPrayer Walkers

9:30-10am Men’s Explorer Bible

Study, 7pm

Every Tuesday

TSPS, 9:00-11:30amLadies Tuesday Night Bible Study, 6:30pm

Every WednesdayLadies at the Table Bible

Study, 9:00amWOW!, 5:30pm

Every Thursday TSPS, 9:00-11:30amWomen’s Bible Study


Every FridayTSPS, 9:00-11:30am

Every Saturday


2 3 4 5 6 7 8Groundhogs Day!

Soup-er Bowl Sunday!Inquirers New Members

Class, 6:30pm

9 10 11 12 13 14 15Finance Mtg, 6pm Happy Valentines Day!

16 17 18 19 20 21 22Presidents Day!

No TSPS!Missions Mtg, 7:30pm Women’s Ministry

Kick-Off Event

23 24 25 26 27 28Shiloh Page Turners,



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Every Sunday Worship Services 8:30 & 11:00am

Sunday School,9:45amJr & Sr High Youth

Group, 5-7pm

Every Monday

TSPS, 9:00-11:30amPrayer Walkers

9:30-10am Men’s Explorer Bible

Study, 7pm

Every Tuesday

TSPS, 9:00-11:30amLadies Tuesday Night Bible Study, 6:30pm

Every WednesdayLadies at the Table Bible

Study, 9:00amWOW!, 5:30pm

Every Thursday TSPS, 9:00-11:30amWomen’s Bible Study


Every FridayTSPS, 9:00-11:30am

Every Saturday

1 2 3 4Happy New Year!

Office ClosedOffice Re-opens

5 6 7 8 9 10 11TSPS Resumes Trustee Mtg, 6:30pm Stephen Ministry Mtg,


12 13 14 15 16 17 18Finance Mtg, 6pmAd. Council, 7pm

Worship Team Potluck, 6:30pm

19 20 21 22 23 24 25Youth Go To Winter

Jam, 3pmMartin L. King Day!

No TSPS!Stephen Ministry Mtg,

6:30pmShiloh Page Turners,


26 27 28 29 30 31


Page 6: January/February Newsletter 2014

If you no longer wish to be on our mailing list to receive the Son Times, please contact the church




“The Name of Jesus”“ Jesus”. Say my name often. It was in My Name Peter told the lame man walk. “In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth arise and walk.”“Jesus” The very sound of My Name, in Love and tenderness , drives away all evil. It is the word before which all the hosts of evil flee.“Jesus”. My Name is the call for a life line to rescue you from temptation,“Jesus”. The Name banishes loneliness----dispels gloom.“Jesus.” Summons help to conquer your faults.I will set you on high because you have known My Name.Yes! My Name----“Jesus.” Use it more. Use it Tenderly . Use it prayerfully. Use it powerfully. “Jesus” -No other name can do for you what His can do.

“Don’t Ever Stop Dreaming Your Dreams”

Don’t ever try to understand everything--Some things will just never make sense.Don’t ever be reluctant to show your feelings---- when you’re happy, give in to it! when your not , live with it.Don’t ever be afraid to try to make things better---- you might be surprised at the results.Don’t ever take the weight of the world on your shoulders.Don’t ever forget you have a God who willNEVER leave you......Ever

-Submitted by Min. Karen Siddle

Prayer ConnectionAnnouncements2014 Generosity Campaign

Once again, the financial commitments you made in November are astounding. While we had slightly fewer cards turned in than last year (we know they will continue to trickle in), the average

gift increased significantly. Thank you for your on-going support of Shiloh! Just a reminder, if you would still like to turn in a

commitment card for 2014, you can place it in the collection bag any Sunday or drop it by the office.

Missions Team Thanks You!THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

•to everyone who supported Operation Christmas Child! This year we collected 174 filled shoe boxes which will be distributed around the world by Samaritan’s Purse.•to all those who supported the Missions Trivia Night in November. We raised $670 which will help fund our current projects as well as allow us to consider new opportunities as they emerge. •to everyone who purchased gifts for the Giving Tree. Thanks to your generosity, five families were blessed with gifts and monetary donations.

Baby Bottle Campaign!In January, Shiloh UMC will again support the Mosaic Baby Bottle Campaign. Funds collected will greatly support Mosaic Pregnancy

& Health Centers as they reach out to women, men , and their unborn babies with the Gospel Of Jesus Christ.

Pick up a baby bottle beginning January 5th, fill it with money and return it to the Gathering Area by February 3rd.

Food PantryJust a reminder: the first Sunday of each month is Food Bank

Sunday. Drop off your donated items in the Gathering Area January 5th and February 2nd. The items most needed are canned goods and

foods that are easily mixed with water such as pancake mix.

Page 7: January/February Newsletter 2014



KEVIN AND ALLISON FRANKHello Shiloh UMC family! I’m delighted to say that today I’ll be one of the newest members of this wonderful church family. My name is Allison Frank and I am married to Kevin Frank, son of Carter and Lorraine Frank. My faith journey started at St. John United Church of Christ in Wood River, IL when I was baptized into the faith as a child. I have fond memories growing up in this church and being an active member alongside my parents, sister, and grandparents.

Since moving closer to the Belleville area and working at Whiteside Elementary as a 3rd grade teacher, I’ve had the opportunity to ‘visit’ Shiloh for the past year and have truly felt right at home. Your love of Christ, compassion towards others, and welcoming church spirit are some of the many reasons why I look forward to calling this church my new home. I look forward to meeting each of you as I embark on this new exciting chapter in my faith journey!

BRIAN AND GAYLE MANIONGayle Manion is from O’Fallon, Illinois. She has two older sisters

who, along with her parents, live in the O’Fallon/Shiloh area. She is a graduate from O’Fallon Township High School. She went to nursing

school at SWIC and is currently a graduate student at SIUE in the Family Nurse Practitioner program. She will graduate next December. She

currently works in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at Barnes. In her free time she enjoys spending time with family and friends, baking, playing

with her niece, taking Murray for walks, and Zumba.

Brian Manion is originally from Hoopeston, a small town in East Central Illinois. He is the youngest of six children. Brian is an attorney

at Weilmuenster Law Group in Belleville and focuses his practice on civil litigation and representing units of local government. He enjoys

traveling, running, hiking, bicycling, listening to all kinds of music and going to concerts

. The Manions have been married for 2 years. They have a Wheaten

Terrier, named Murray. The Manions are really excited to have found a church that feels like home, where they can grow in faith.



October/November 2013 Financial

Information2013 Budget: $673,135

October 2013 Financial Information2013 2012 2011

Attendance 260 321

Offering $41,275 $43,299 $54,431

Other Income $12,345 $11,217 $16,381

Total Income $53,620 $54,516 $70,812

Total Expenses $70,830 $60,733 $68,061

Net Income ($17,210) ($6,217) $2,751

November 2013 Financial Information2013 2012 2011

Attendance 276 338

Offering $42,532 $45,761 $48,576

Other Income $11,002 $13,817 $13,208

Total Income $53,534 $59,578 $61,784

Total Expenses $56,652 $58,626 $64,701

Net Income ($3,118) $ 952 ($2,917)

Total Debt as of 12/15/13

Worship Center $ 369,575.55

Parsonage $ 118,884.45

Seibert Parsonage $ 79,282.76

TOTAL $ 567,742.76

Page 8: January/February Newsletter 2014


210 South Main StreetShiloh, IL 62269



Directing PastorDanny Cox

[email protected]


MONTHLY DEVOTIONALMy Utmost for His HighestTest of Faithfulness“We know that all things work together for good to those who love God . . .”—Romans 8:28

It is only a faithful person who truly believes that God sovereignly controls his circumstances. We take our circumstances for granted, saying God is in control, but not really believing it. We act as if the things that happen were completely controlled by people. To be faithful in every circumstance means that we have only one loyalty, or object of our faith— the Lord Jesus Christ. God may cause our circumstances to suddenly fall apart, which may bring the realization of our unfaithfulness to Him for not recognizing that He had ordained the situation. We never saw what He was trying to accomplish, and that exact event will never be repeated in our life. This is where the test of our faithfulness comes. If we will just learn to worship God even during the difficult circumstances, He will change them for the better very quickly if He so chooses.

Being faithful to Jesus Christ is the most difficult thing we try to do today. We will be faithful to our work, to serving others, or to anything else; just don’t ask us to be faithful to Jesus Christ. Many Christians become very impatient when we talk about faithfulness to Jesus. Our Lord is dethroned more deliberately by Christian workers than by the world. We treat God as if He were a machine designed only to bless us, and we think of Jesus as just another one of the workers.

The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work for God, but that He will be free to do His work through us. God calls us to His service and places tremendous responsibilities on us. He expects no complaining on our part and offers no explanation on His part. God wants to use us as He used His own Son.

Oswald Chambers. (Feb222013). The Offering of the Natural. My Utmost for His Highest. http://utmost.org.