January 26, 2015 symbolism in TSB chapters 17,18 and 19 Hom ework: Finish reading chapters 19 if...

January 26, 2015 symbolism in TSB c hapters 17,18 and 19 Homework: Finish reading chapters 19 if necessary. Quiz on chapters 14-20 on Wednesday! Objective I can evaluate the use of SYMBOLISM in TSB War m Up: T ake out your Cole characterization illustration homework. Make sure your name is on the FRONT and put it on the tall blue stool. Answer your question from chapter 14,15 or 16 in your notes and be sure to put the page number!

Transcript of January 26, 2015 symbolism in TSB chapters 17,18 and 19 Hom ework: Finish reading chapters 19 if...

January 26, 2015 symbolism in TSB

chapters 17,18 and 19

Homework: Finish reading chapters 19 if necessary. Quiz on chapters 14-20 on Wednesday!


I can evaluate the use of SYMBOLISM in TSB

Warm Up:Take out your Cole characterization illustration homework. Make sure your name is on the FRONT and put it on the tall blue stool. Answer your question from chapter 14,15 or 16 in your notes and be sure to put the page number!

1. What happened to Cole’s father? Why does it seem Cole's mother charged him?

2. Cole’s mother appears to have a change of heart regarding her lifestyle and relationship with Cole. Describe the changes and consider why you think she has changed.

3. Cole's mother discusses how his father was beaten as a child, and she says this was the reason for him abusing Cole. How is this a circle?

4. When Cole returns to the Circle, there are two main people missing. Who are they? Why do you think they are not there?

Chapter 14 questions

1. How is Peter recovering from the injuries caused by Cole?

2. How does Edwin demonstrate the change in Cole’s path in life?

3. What did Edwin’s friend Bernie see on an island near the one on which Cole had been placed? What does this prove?

4. Peter's lawyer is very abrupt and not kind to Cole. Why do you think the lawyer acts in this manner?

5. The Keeper says that they have no way of knowing if Cole is over his anger. What is his response?

6. What news does Cole receive from Edwin and Garvey at the chapter’s end? Would you have made the same decision? Why or why not?

Chapter 15 questions


a person, place thing or activity that represents something else.

What is the symbol from chapter 15?

What is the symbol from chapter 15?

the demonstration that Edwin does with Cole

there are two ways that people can change

1) a slow, constant pressure2) an unexpected shove (the Spirit Bear attack)

Chapter 16 questions

1. How is Cole’s second trip to the island being funded?

2. When Cole asks “What do we do first” Garvey responds “Everything is up to you now.” Why would he say this?

3. What are some of the first tasks Cole has to complete?

4. What could Garvey’s observation that “the whole world is a hot dog” (139) mean?

5. Cole briefly considers the possibility of taking the skiff and returning to the mainland. However, even if he had tried, Edwin had removed the spark plugs from the engine, so it would not have worked. What does this incident tell us about Cole, Edwin, and Garvey?

What is a symbol in chapter 16?


What does the hot dog represent?

Pull text to support your answer.

What does the hot dog represent?

it represents life in general. Cole heats it up really fast, eats it really fast, doesn't share it. Garvey cooks his slowly, fancies it up, shares it - he makes a feast of it. Garvey thinks about the people around him. He is telling Cole to make the most of this second chance.

Pull text to support your answer.

Chapter 17 questions

1. Cole thinks about Peter when he cannot sleep. What are his thoughts? How are these thoughts different from his earlier feelings about Peter?

2. Edwin uses a stick to demonstrate a point to Cole. What is this point?

What are some symbols in chapter 17?

What does the stick represent? it represents happiness on the right and anger on the left. Edwin tells Cole to break off the left end (anger). But there will ALWAYS be a left end (anger). Focus more on the right end (happiness).

Pull text to support your answer.

What does the sky represent? it represents the good (sunny) and the bad (stormy) sides of life. Focus on the good. Is your glass half full or half empty - life depends on how you look at it.

Pull text to support your answer.

TEXT ANALYSIS: symbolism

4 symbols from yesterday's chapters and what they represent

the hot dog - life is what you make of it

the stick - right end - happinessleft end - anger

the sky - the good (bright) side of lifethe bad (cloudy) side of life

the morning soaks in the pond - choices - the choice to stay angry or to focus on something other than anger

symbol what it representsexplanation


- hot dog


- stick

- sky

- morning visitsto the pond

- life

- left end represents angerand the right end representshappiness

- the good (sunny) and bad(stormy) sides of life

- choices in life

see next slides for more detailed explanations...

Chapter 18 questions

1. What does Cole begin building in this chapter? Why must it be of such high quality, and why do Edwin and Garvey not help him with the labour?

2. Edwin states “Pride has no place on this island.” Cite two instances in this chapter where Cole puts his pride ahead of practicality.

3. Cole is upset that Edwin and Garvey are not helping with anything. By doing nothing, are they helping Cole?

4. What does Cole take away from the whale dance?

5. What activities do Cole and Edwin do to help Cole release his anger?

the animal dance

rolling the rock up and down the hill

symbol what it represents

explanation (what happens in the book and how this applies to Cole)

the animal dance

represents the knowledge they learn from the animals, and the dance helps express what they've learned

the whale dance - whales migrate, but they don't have a permanent home - Cole thinks he is like a whale because he has been in and out of detention centers

similar to the baby sparrow analogy because he never felt like he had a safe "nest"

rolling the rock up and down the hill

rolling the rock up represents getting to know your ancestors

the hill represents Cole's life

rolling the rock down represents rolling away your anger

Cole could learn from his dad not to take his anger out with violence

As he rolls the rock down, he could be releasing his anger toward his father, the Spirit Bear attack, past mistakes

What do the morning visits to the pond represent? they represent choices. He can choose to stay by the warm fire and remain angry or to focus on being uncomfortable, but helping himself heal....comfort vs. commitment to healing.

Pull text to support your answer.

What are the two symbols in chapter 18?

Chapter 19 questions

6. What does Cole do after working on his shelter?

7. What is Garvey’s response to Cole? Do you think it is fair?

8. What lesson does Cole learn from the wolf dance?

9. When pushing the rock down the hill, Cole comes to a realization. What is it?

10. What does Cole see as he begins to return to camp?

symbol what it represents

explanation (what happens in the book and how this applies to Cole)

the animal dance

carrying and rolling the rock