January 24, 2013 Interview with Brent Phillipsawkn2013.s3.amazonaws.com/tr/Brent_Phillips.pdf ·...

Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved. January 24, 2013 Interview with Brent Phillips Higher Dimensional Living: Simple Techniques to Elevate Your Success

Transcript of January 24, 2013 Interview with Brent Phillipsawkn2013.s3.amazonaws.com/tr/Brent_Phillips.pdf ·...

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January 24, 2013

Interview with Brent Phillips

Higher Dimensional Living: Simple Techniques to Elevate Your Success

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Copyright © 2013 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Aware and welcome everyone. This is Darius Barazandeh. You’re tuning in to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings series and we are gonna be talking with an incredible friend and an incredible healer and master Theta Practitioner that we’ve had on The You Wealth Revolution many times and every time, he’s astounded me with what he’s done and the developments of his work and the Theta work.

And his name is Brent Phillips and if you came on a little bit earlier, we did the Intention Work and the Instant Awakenings Work. I wanted to share kind of where we’re coming from with this event.

Again, I’m going to do this every time because I really want you to get our mission. Our mission here is to awaken a billion people; and the purpose here is to change the definition of awakening for many, many people. When we change the dialogue of what an awakening is, human beings will begin to realize that they’ve been awakening every single moment. And no longer will we discount the intuitions, the insights, the truly higher dimensional realities that we’re opening up to and the information is coming in to us on a second by second basis.

So, #1: Realize this, even a small awaking, a shift in perception, a shift of understanding, a shift of possibility in your mind that’s going to happen today as you learn new things about the reality of your universe, will be an awakening. So, in my definition, you will have an instant awakening today. Something will be different in perception; there’s no question about it.

And #2: Realizing that even if you have that shift in perception, but your life didn’t get dramatically better overnight; you still had an awakening. And as you hold and send energy to that perception and you take it in, you’ll actually begin to have other perceptions. So, if you believe where you could change by changing your thoughts, that’s a new perception; then, we’ll create other perceptions shifts in your life.

So, you might look around and say, “Well, what if I change my thought about money or my own value or my own gifts or about illness or about disease?” “What could happen?” That’s where we’re going; that’s what we’re doing to create one billion shifts in people all over the planet.

And no one other than Brent Phillips that I know here, has such incredible power to not only shift people from the conscious space, but even to create physical manifestations and even financial manifestations because of the shift in the deeper consciousness and awareness, many times that we are totally unaware of and we’re gonna talk about that.

Now, Brent Phillips is an unlikely healer. We were just talking about some of his background and we laughed because he grew up, fascinated by computers and even attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he graduated at the top of his class with Phi Beta Kappa honors and received a Bachelors and a Masters in Computer Science and Engineering. He was admitted to a PhD program and he was pursuing a doctorate at the MIT Lab for Computer Science.

Now, he left MIT in 1995 to become the founding partner of a technology firm when,

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he was struck by a very debilitating illness. Now, he started using a technique that you’re gonna hear about and you’re gonna hear about his story again in much deeper, called Theta Healing. And what he did after performing 6,000 hours of private healing sessions, including healing his mother, which I want to get into, and witness nearly thousands of little miraculous healings, he literally has now become one of the most accomplished and powerful energy healing practitioners in the world and is one of the most in-demand practitioners and a best-selling guest author and authority on the Law of Attraction, Theta Healing and holistic health teaching.

Now, this is not New Age phenomenon; this is not medical, metaphysical or spiritual and impossible; this is precise, linear, effective and easily understood and it takes someone like Brent, who, MIT trained, computer engineer to bring it into a very replicatable and repeatable form.

Now, I’ve got to say this – we are not diagnosing illness here; we cannot make guarantees or promises that we are gonna cure anything through this but I want to report, that some people have actually had challenges and problems, such as HIV, asthma, cancer, childhood abuse, allergies and many other illnesses, injuries and “incurable conditions” resolved.

He’s also used his formula for miracles to allow clients – just like you and me – to face far greater prosperity and financial abundance, to even smooth out troubled relationships and even define love. And on a personal note, in my family, we are actually dealing with a challenge that just came up and I, personally, spoke with Brent before this call because he’s one of the people I trust and I am forwarding a personal loved one to his care.

So, that is what we’re doing here. Get ready, let’s send him a huge amount of love on the count of three…one, two and three.

Brent, welcome back to the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings.

Brent: Well, thanks for having me. It’s great to be here and it’s interesting you’ve chose awakening as your theme. I’m gonna talk more later about the awakening material I’ve been creating that’s been the focus of my new product development the last year or so.

Darius: Amazing.

Brent: So, we’ll come back to that later, but I love the theme; I think it’s perfectly appropriate for where we’re at with the world today.

Darius: Oh, that’s exciting. Well, one of the things that I think people need to realize is, there are different realities that we awaken to, and part of this is modality and practice to bring us into that new reality – be it health, be it wellness, be it optimal prosperity. How did you awaken to this new reality where you were an MIT-trained software engineer? You were awakened to a new reality of becoming a healer and actually healing yourself, but at the same time, starting the process of decoding a formula for miracles.

Brent: Well, that’s a good question because this was never something I really intended to

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do; it was never part of the grand plan. It was one of those things that just kind of happened (chuckle). I was busy doing other things because I grew up as the proto-typical computer nerd. When I was young, I really loved computers and electronics. I was an avid fan of a lot of the early video games. And so, when it came time for me to figure out what I wanted to do with my life, it was pretty obvious because the one thing that I was good at, that someone would pay me for, was programming computers.

And so, I went to college at MIT and it was at MIT, I discovered the internet and that became a huge passion for me. And of course, today it sounds kind of funny but 25 years ago, the internet was far from mainstream. Most people had never even heard of it.

And so, I became very involved in the early computer networking and development of the technologies. I graduated with a degree in Computer Science; continued on at graduate school where I was part of the Telemedia Networks and Systems Group under Professor David Tennenhouse and it was there that I really got deep into developing new internet technologies in.

1994, I was part of the team that created the first ever LIVE video that streamed over the internet.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And so, when the internet boom hit, I wanted to take advantage of that and so I left the doctoral program early, moved to California and started an internet company and I will freely admit that my goal was to go start this company, work really hard for a couple of years, sell it for millions of dollars and then retire to some tropical island and spend my days hot tubbing with supermodels. So, that was the plan but as the old saying goes, “If you want to make God laugh, just tell Him your plans (chuckle).”

It didn’t work out that way; instead, things got off to a great start. I was involved with a website developer, founding partner; we did a lot of high profile projects. My very first website project in my entire life after Brent’s Homepage, was creating the website for the launch of the Sony PlayStation in the summer of 1995.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, I got put on a big stage very quickly. A year later, I had 15 people working for me and we were doing projects for several Fortune 500 clients, including several divisions of Sony, Nissan Motors, Disneyland and a lot of other big high profile work. And it was very interesting but I actually found the web was kind of boring because there were so many technological limitations.

And so me and my partner started a second company to develop online video games and it was there that I was the primary developer and architect of the world’s very first massively, multi-player online role-playing game called Underlight. And what happened was that the reason I was able to accomplish so much is I literally lived in my office with my keyboard attached to my arm.

I was coding, working, developing 80 to 100 hours a week; that’s all I did. It was

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seven days a week; almost every waking moment, I spent on the computer. And again, I figured that this was a sacrifice that was worthwhile to make if I would become really successful. Instead, what happened was that I developed a devastating case of repetitive stress injuries; and so, I was told that I had carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome and tendinitis and bursitis. And in fact, I had so many different itises and syndromes, that when people would ask me what was wrong, I would laugh and say, “Well, I think I have ‘itis syndrome.

And so, when people think about repetitive stress injuries, it’s easy to think, oh, you know, you had a little tingle in the wrist; well, this what not that. I was in really severe pain; it started in my wrist and elbows then it spread to my neck and my shoulders and my back. And I was in serious pain, pretty much all day and all night.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: It was so bad that I could only drive a car for about ten minutes at a time. Working on a computer was almost impossible. I generally have to spend about an hour with heat and ice and electric stem to get myself maybe ten or twenty minutes on the keyboard.

I couldn’t even hold a book open to read them most of the time; and I had to move in with my parents because some days, the pain was so bad, I couldn’t even cut my own food.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, this was really devastating and so, like a lot of people, I didn’t panic too much at first because up to that point in my life, whenever something went wrong with my health, I went to the doctor and they were able to take care of it.

Darius: Right.

Brent: So, I went to doctors and they told me I had all these itises and syndromes and they gave me anti-inflammatories to take and over the counter pain-killers. They put me in physical therapy and I used heat and ice; and they put me in splints and braces but nothing really seemed to change; I didn’t get any better.

And so this actually went on for about three years of me trying all sorts of different conventional treatments and the whole time, I was barely able to work and my partners got changed from seeing me as this – they called in me the early days, a force of nature behind the keyboard…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …and a few years later, I was lucky if I could get in an hour a day.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And so, everything kind of blew up in my face. In 1998, I went through my first – actually I call it “dark night of the soul” where everything goes wrong. And in a very short period of time, one thing that happened was, my doctors, basically, gave up on me. They declared me permanent and stationary, which is work comp lingo that

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means that they don’t see there’s any chance you can ever recover. And so, they don’t want to waste any more time or money treating you; that basically, all they’re willing to do after that point is give you palliative treatments to try to help reduce the pain.

And so, at the time I was 27 years old and I was told by these world-class expert doctors that there was, absolutely, no chance I could ever recover or be out of pain or have any kind of normal life or go back to work. So, that was devastating.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: Right about the same time, the video game company, which again, had been off to a great start; we had world-changing technology but it’s unfortunate that I was five to ten years ahead of my time, so the market wasn’t ready for us. We had three different publishers terminate us without cause; what that means is that three different times, we had a deal, it was signed, we met every milestone. We did everything that we were supposed and they didn’t pay us, and terminated the contract.

And so, there were law suits and lots of bad feelings and lay-offs, and it was a big disaster. And so, my partners eventually lost patience with me because I couldn’t work like I used to, and so, I had a falling out with them over that. And so, in early 1998, I found myself unemployed, unemployable, living in chronic pain; being told there was no hope I could ever recover. And I also learned that the website company that I had founded and, literally, crippled myself to make successful, was sold behind my back for millions of dollars. And what I call the cherry on top of that sundae was that my life-long best friend, who was one of my business partners, had also been secretly dating the woman that I was in love with.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: Yes.

Darius: And can I stop you for a minute and just – if we can almost like rewind back to that year and zoom in. I mean, when all of that hit the fan, I mean, what was going on inside of Brent Phillips? I mean, really inside?

Brent: I was depressed; I was hopeless. I was idle. I mean, I drank a lot; I used drugs. It was really – I saw no hope for anything. And so, it was…I could even think about the long-term. It was really, all I could do just to get through each day.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And it was especially difficult because my life-long best friend was also independently wealthy. And so, he didn’t need any of the money that he was getting from these companies.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: He did all this anyway; so, it was really a rude shock and a big wake up call. And so, I was fortunate not to stay depressed for too long ‘cause I had another friend of mine that got me into positive thinking [0:14:24][audio cut out], but the 90s, we all

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called it positive thinking.

And so, I went to positive thinking seminars and listened to motivational tapes and put power words on my wall and said my affirmations and mantras and did visualizations and, you know, vision boards and all the positive thinking stuff; but after doing that for, maybe, two or three months, nothing seemed to change. It just seemed like a bunch of false hope.

And so, I threw the baby out with the bath water and I decided it was just a bunch of crap designed to scam desperate people out of their money.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, the next thing that happened to me was…again, I was very fortunate not to stay in a downward cycle of depression and self-destruction for too long. I had another friend of mine get me into alternative medicine. So, when I first got introduce to alternative medicine, I got really excited because I saw that the conventional western approach to medicine was just not a good fit for the problems I was having, and that the alternative medicine with the holistic treatments and the energy medicine and Chinese medicine and nutrition and all that, really seemed to have exactly what I needed to get better.

And so, with the same workaholic, obsessive compulsion that I pursued my career with, I turned that to my health and I literally spent the next five years as a full-time patient, running from one treatment to another to another, trying to get better and…

Darius: Wow, so [0:15:49][audio cut out]?

Brent: Yes, I did.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: But it was…I mean, almost everything under the sun. I went to doctors and took acupuncture and took herbs and homeopath and osteopath [0:16:00][audio cut out] and I went to energy healers and I got Pranic healing and Reiki healing; and I did diets and cleanses and fasts and all sorts of crazy supplements. I had every healing and device that’s known to man. I had electric stems; I had ultrasound; I had Bio-Sonic Stimulators; I had Chi machines and vibration machines and cold lasers and titanium tape and I mean, on and on and on.

And what ended up happening was that…Oh, and I also had, over the course of ten years, over a thousand hours of deep tissue body work, which was, shall we say, unpleasant (chuckle), to put it nicely.

Darius: And my thought, Brent, is almost like, one disappointment after another. I mean, looking back, it seems like it moved you to where you are now, obviously. But back then, it was like, okay, we tried positive thinking. That didn’t go well; let me try alternative…and every single thing was not yielding results. And the only reason I make that point is, there’s a lot of people here – you know, we introduce people to a lot of different possibilities, but there are many people that have tried many things for a long time and are still suffering. So, you’re not alone. I mean, this is really almost

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like a consolidation of a lot of people’s experiences. And I just want to be present with that ‘cause there’s a lot of people resonating with that.

We’ve got Julie just write in from Paris and said:

“Yeah, this sounds just like me. I’ve been trying everything for an incredibly long period of time.”

Brent: Yeah. It was so frustrating and honestly, I kept with it, only because I really didn’t have any alternative. It was either keep plugging away or just give up entirely. And so, what ended up happening was that time after time after time, I’d find a new healer or alternative doctor or a supplement or a machine or a cleanse or whatever it was, and I’d be told, “Hey, Brent, this is exactly what you need. I’m so glad you found us” and I’d be told the whole sales pitch about, hey, you know what, “We have a 90 percent success rate. The people who use our product or do our system” or whatever, usually within two weeks or three months, or whatever it was, they’d be out of pain; they’d be back at work; they’d be healthy again.

And over and over and over again, I’d sign up and I’d go do it and then six months or a year or two years later, they’d just kind of shrug their shoulders and go, “Sorry, you’re just one of those people that just doesn’t respond.”

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And this happened over and over and over again; not just a couple of times but dozens of times. I think over that five-year period, I made a list once and there were 54 different doctors and therapists and healers that I’d been working with.

And just so you know, when I say for example, that I tried acupuncture, I don’t mean I had six sessions; I mean that I found the best Chinese doctor in town and I saw him twice a week for a year and a half.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So.

Darius: Yeah. There’s nothing…Yeah, as I know you and as we’ve known each other for probably about three and a half years now, you don’t do things like half-speed. You do them to sort of like the maximum possible and that’s the way any good scientist or engineer would do something; is to really do it methodically, precisely and consistently before they would write it off, like an experiment.

Brent: Yeah, exactly. And so, I really wanted to get this stuff to work; it just wouldn’t. And so, that went on for about five years and then in desperation, I agreed to have an experimental surgery done on my right elbow. And so, as bad as things were before that, after I had the surgery, I couldn’t move my right arm at all. It was completely frozen at the elbow after the surgery.

And so, long story short, it was like that for about four months. I tried all sorts of things to try to get my arm to move. I went to physical therapy; I had doctors try to do manipulations. I wore dynasplints at night, but nothing would get it to move. And so I had a second operation which actually got my arm to move a little bit, but it only

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moved when you applied a lot of force to it. And so, I called it my evil robot arm because for example, if I wanted to bend my arm, I’d have to go and push myself up against the wall to apply a bunch of force to get my arm to bend. And so, that was a total disaster; it was almost impossible for me to drive, at least not safely. I could – it was very difficult to dress myself or feed myself or even use the bathroom.

And so, it was then that I got introduced to this thing called Theta Healing and at this point, I’d been to all sorts of different healers and doctors and alternative techniques. So, honestly, I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen. But it was my Aunt Lauren that introduced me to it through her friend, Terry O’Connell, because they had worked together for a long time; they had been best friends, working together in high finance.

And Terry was super smart, well educated, very successful and she had a major health crisis that almost killed her. And she found this healing system called Theta Healing developed by this woman in Idaho, Vianna Stibal; and not only did it save her life, but she was so impressed with it, she decided to give up her career in finance to go be a full-time healer.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And so, when I heard about this, my first thought was, wow, this woman’s just gotten nuts, right. She’s gone off the deep end of the New Age pool. But I wanted to try everything and I really didn’t have much to lose. Right (chuckle)?

Darius: Yeah.

Brent: It’s like, well, what did I have to lose? One less morning sitting spent watching Law and Order reruns on TNT; and so, I booked a session and I went and met Terry at her apartment. And she talked to me a little about the theory of the healing work and she explained to me how we have these subconscious energies inside of us that are very powerful; that have an enormous influence on what happens in our lives.

And she showed me how to do muscle testing, which is a simple technique you can use to check to see what’s in your subconscious mind. And this was interesting but none of it was completely new to me because I was familiar with hypnotism and NLP, which worked with the subconscious. And I had read a lot of Hawkins’ books because I really liked his work and I had done a little bit of muscle testing before, but nothing quite like this.

And so, during the session, she asked me a lot of questions. She asked me about my belief in God. She asked me about what had happened with my health and my best friend and the companies. And we talked about what happened in my first marriage; and we talked about what happened growing up with my parents.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And it was all very interesting, and we were doing this muscle testing and she was doing all this stuff to change my subconscious. But I admit, that the whole time, I was kind of going, well, I guess it’s a well and good to sit and talk about your

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feelings, right; but I’m here because I’m in a lot of pain and I can’t move my arm. And I really didn’t see how all this talking about parents and God and pushing on my arm, was gonna make any difference there.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, we came to the end of the session and she said, “Okay, Brent, we’re gonna do a healing on you now and we’re gonna heal your elbow” and I was like, “Yeah, sure, whatever. Right? Take your shot.”

Darius: (Laughter) Wow.

Brent: And so, I’m sittin’ across the room from her and I’m just like looking out the window and it’s a beautiful, Los Angeles day and I was like looking at the birds outside. And she kind of went into this trance and closed her eyes and about a minute or so later, I actually felt something snapped and pop inside my elbow.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And this was remarkable because there was no physical contact. She wasn’t touching me; there was no machine or device or anything like that; she was sitting across the room from me. And I was like, whoa, and she opened her eyes and kind of smiled and said, “Okay, Brent, try your arm.” And I did and I could move my arm again. It was just like the surgery had never happened.

And so…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …that was the miracle that hooked me on to this. And so, I remember, I was like, “Oh, my God, I don’t know what you just did but I gotta learn this.” So, that’s what I did. I learned it. I took all the classes, mastered the technique and then I’ve spent the last ten years improving upon is; making it better and pushing the boundaries. ‘Cause really, the way I see it, is that healing and energy work and the Law of Attraction, for most part, have been kind of a New Age phenomena.

There hasn’t been a lot of real scrutiny or discipline applied to it. There’s been a lot of people who make a lot of claims and may have had some good anecdotal success stories, but no one really had made any serious investigation into what was going on. No one had really turned it into an easy to use linear system, where you strip out all the mysticism and all the feel good stuff – all the filler and just leave in the real essence of what really works, of what really makes changes in people’s lives. And so…

Darius: And I want to get…

Brent: …that’s why I’m here.

Darius: Go ahead.

Brent: Yeah.

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Darius: I want to get into that, sort of like the under-pinnings of that as we talk about the science and the formula. But, you recently, 2010 I guess, had a situation with a close family member where you actually were called on to use this on, I believe it was, your mom.

Can you tell us about that situation?

Brent: Yeah. That was quite a time in my life. It was, I guess about three years ago now, and my mother called me one day and it sounded like she was crying. And she said, “Brent, I have cancer.” And I was like, “What?” and she said, “Yeah, I’ve been having these problems and I went to the doctor and they said that I’m really lucky I went in when I did” because they diagnosed her with Clear Cell Endometrial Cancer…

Darius: Okay.

Brent: …which has death sentences. It’s one of those cancers that has an under five percent long term survival rate. And they wanted to rush her into surgery because they weren’t sure she’d even make it to the surgery.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: I was shocked and my sister was completely devastated because my sister is a nurse…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …and she understood the disease and how dangerous it was. And my sister, she was almost inconsolable; she cried for three days straight when we heard about this.

And so, my mother was scheduled for surgery and I ahead of that, I said, “Well, mom, let’s do some healing work.” And it was kind of funny; the first year I had gotten involved with Theta Healing after my experience with my elbow, my mother thought I had joined a cult (laughter).

Darius: So, she had…I mean, she had really not very positive beliefs about the whole Theta system, I mean. So, it’s not like she was convinced that she you could do it, I would assume, then?

Brent: At first…the first year I was doing this in 2003, 2004, she thought I had joined some cult. What happened…

Darius: Okay, yeah.

Brent: …in 2004, I had gone down to see her and she was complaining about a severe pain she had in her leg. She had post-polio syndrome; she had a bad case of polio when she was very little, and no doctor or even alternative doctors or Chinese doctors wanted to touch it; they said it was too dangerous.

And so, I had learned a healing technique for this and I remember we were at the pool by her apartment and I spent about five minutes doing a healing process on her. And the next day she called me and told me that about 90 percent of her pain

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was gone. And so, that was what opened her mind to this, that this was something real and could really work.

Darius: Okay, okay.

Brent: So, when she was diagnosed with cancer, she was like, “Yes, let’s do some healing” and so I did a session…

Darius: Uh-uu (positive).

Brent: …over the phone; it took about 30-40 minutes. And then we did a healing on her and then she went to have the surgery and after that surgery when she met with her doctor, her doctor said, “Karen, I’ve never seen anything like this and I’ve been doing this for over 30 years; and he said that when they did the biopsy, there were… the Clear Cancerous cells all over the place, but when they did the surgery, they could not find a single Clear Cell in any of the tissue they’d removed.

Darius: Wow, wow.

Brent: He just shrugged his shoulders and wrote it off as a spontaneous remission. And of course, my mother was too embarrassed or ashamed or too fearful to say anything about it so she just kept her mouth shut, which is kind of unfortunate. I kind of wish she had told him what happened. Right? (chuckle)

Darius: Right, of course, of course.

Brent: Yeah.

Darius: And I think that…I mean, I think one of the things that is important here is, she went both routes. I mean, she was gonna continue with the surgery and it just so happened that everything was fine. So, I mean, I think there’s some points to make on maybe continuing additional treatment if necessary, but going other routes as well to try to give yourself every advantage possible.

Brent: Yeah, absolutely. And so, I can say with a hundred percent confidence that this healing technique saved her life.

Darius: Wow, wow.

Brent: Three years later, the chances of her still being alive would be very, very small.

Darius: Wow. I’m kind of speechless every time I hear this story. And my first thought, maybe, is this sounds incredible and rather than us at this level, sort of being like in the black box of well, there’s this magic thing you put in and things come out. What’s going on behind it, ‘cause I know with you, I mean, you being a former software engineer, MIT graduate; you really want to get behind the smoke and mirrors into what’s really going on, on that holographic projection that’s a reality. The projection of our bodies, the projection of our health and what’s causing that projection or what’s causing that lack of wellness.

What caused those tumors, necessarily, to just go into remission? I mean, what was changed during that session? I guess, that’s really where I’m trying to get to.

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Brent: Yeah. So, what it goes to is the mental misunderstanding that all of us are, literally, brainwashed with lies; what we’ve learned about our health and how our bodies work and our lives, is somewhere between incomplete and completely wrong.

And so, quite simply, the way the world works is different than what we think. And so, the way it really works is very much like a computer, running software. And so, what we’re trained to think – the false model that’s pushed on us by our teachers, our parents, our doctors, the government, is we tend to think that physical reality like our body is somehow the primary essence of reality; it’s the most fundamental thing.

And so, if you, for example, have a tumor in your body, the way we tend to think is, unless some force acts upon it, unless you have surgery to take it out or…

Darius: Right.

Brent: …you poison it with chemotherapy or burn it up with radiation; unless you do something like that, you will continue to have a tumor in your body. And so, that’s not actually how it works; that’s a misconception.

The real truth of how our bodies work, and by the way, this also applies to your wealth, your career, your relationships. I’m just using the body right now ‘cause it’s easier to understand that way.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: The real way your body works is it’s more like a computer screen and so if we look at a computer screen, we know that there’s a bunch of programs running on it. Right?

Darius: Yeah.

Brent: And so, the way we’ve been trained to live our lives, the way we’re trained to think and take care of our health, to pursue wealth in our career and our relationships is very much as if you had a problem with one of your programs. You would take out a black marker and some whiteout and start drawing on your monitor to try to fix it.

Darius: Hmm, yeah.

Brent: That’s what we’re trained to do; that’s ridiculous. Right?

Darius: Yeah, yeah.

Brent: There’s probably a good blond joke in there somewhere.

Darius: I mean, it’s this idea of, I’m watching a movie and I don’t like what’s on the movie screen; so I run up to the movie theatre, the front, and I just start ripping down the screen, but oh, my gosh, it’s not gonna make an affect.

Brent: Exactly.

Darius: The movie is still being projected on the back wall or, you know, and that’s the same with people in relationships.

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Brent: Yep.

Darius: If they have a bad relationship, let’s get someone else in the same projection…

Brent: Yep.

Darius: …is projection of a new person, or with money and prosperity. And with health, we see this even with treatments; something is ripped out and it just projects somewhere else. And so, these are all very, very powerful analogies.

So, I guess the big question for me is what’s causing that projection? How do we know and…

Brent: Yeah. So, the way your body really works is like the computer screen because you know that the programs on the screen, if you want to fix them – it’s not a matter of you have a bad screen; it’s the problem is, the code on their hard drive is bad. Right?

Darius: Right.

Brent: So, if you have bugs in your program, you need to fix the software; it’s that simple. And so what will happen is, if you can go and change the software and the hard drive, right?

Darius: Um-hm (positive).

Brent: Then that program will instantly heal. Why is that? Well, because if you look at the programs on your computer screen, it looks like they’re solid or have momentum. Right?

Darius: Um, yes.

Brent: If you look on your screen and the same programs, it looks like is the same from moment to moment; that’s actually an illusion. That’s the lie we’ve been sold. What’s really happening on your computer screen is that that image is being redrawn, maybe 60 or 80 or 120 times a second…

Darius: Right.

Brent: …from the software on the hard drive. Right? And so the only reason that the screen looks the same from one second to the next is because the same signal is drawing the same picture over and over again. That’s actually the way your body works; and that’s how you can understand how instant healing happens.

What’s really going on is, we have programmed software inside of us and in a second, I’ll explain how that works and how we can work with it. And the reason your body seems the same, moment to moment, is because the same signal is being sent by that software inside of you and your body is actually being recreated many, many millions, billions, trillions of times per second, out of energy or consciousness or awareness; however you want to think about that.

And so, the way that you explain an instant healing, you go, “Well, how is it possible

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that there was a tumor there one moment or one day and then it’s gone and there’s been no force or change applied to the body?” Well, it’s because we knew how to go in and change those codes. And so, you change the code that’s creating the tumor – it disappears. And it looks like a miraculous healing but the only reason we call it that is because it runs contrary to this false model that we’ve all adopted.

If you understood the truth of it and saw that your body and your life and your career and your bank account are just like a computer screen, controlled by that hidden software, you just make a little change to the software and the whole screen can change instantly; the same is true of your life.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And so, that’s how that works.

Darius: We get people that will say things like, “Well, I’ve done a lot of positive thinking” or “I don’t really think negative thoughts” or “I’ve got a pretty happy life. I’m very positive. I do certain things but yet my life still isn’t working.” I mean, you in essence, had studied all of these things to try to change your thinking but yet, that issue was still there. Why was it still there under the surface? Why did it need this special methodology to be uncovered and released or transformed? Why couldn’t you just do that by changing your thinking?

Brent: That’s a good question (chuckle). And so, I had gotten very into positive thinking in the 90s and been totally disappointed and I know a lot of people feel the same way about the Law of Attraction…

Darius: Right.

Brent: …about their wealth building programs; about energy healing. They go, “Well, I’ve done all this. Why am I not seeing the results?”

Darius: Right.

Brent: I’ve had plenty of students and clients who have been to even more positive thinking and wealth building and Law of Attraction programs than I have. Some of ‘em have been at it for decades and spent over a million dollars on it and yet their still broke. So, you ask, “What’s going on?”

Well, the answer is actually the same answer that explains the instant healing, is that we have these codes or programs inside of us; this invisible software that creates our lives; that is what I call the software of the soul. Other people might call it subconscious belief systems or…

Darius: Right.

Brent: …subconscious programming. Another term for it that’s popular nowadays is trapped emotions; those are really all the same thing. They’re all talking about exactly the same thing. And so, if you go to most Law of Attraction programs, they’re on the right track, but…

Darius: Right.

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Brent: …they’re just missing a big chunk, and so it’s fascinating. If you look at the history of positive thinking, in America at least, it traces mostly back to Napoleon Hill.

Darius: Yes.

Brent: And what had happened was, he was hired by Andrew Carnegie because Andrew Carnegie had been an initiate in the secret societies and had learned all the different mind power techniques and applied them and became incredibly wealthy and successful.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: He was the first billionaire or a hundred hit millionaire mark and he like, just shattered the previous records of the wealthiest man.

Darius: Yes, he did, he did, yeah.

Brent: Yeah, and he wanted to take what’s new and give it out to everybody. And so, he hired Napoleon Hill who spent years with him, to learn this stuff and write a book to get it out to the masses.

What happened was, the original version of the book via some of the other very powerful – you might call them illuminati people in the top echelon, like Henry Ford was one of them. They said, absolutely not; you are not putting this out there.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: They applied pressure and got the original book taken back and they gutted it; they took out a lot of the most important material, left in just enough to make it interesting so people would get some results so it would be valuable. Today, we would call that – in software, we call it cripple ware. Right? Like you download the free version of the program and it has all the real functionality taken out; they want you to pay for it.

Darius: Incredible. I’ve never heard of that part of that story, so I’m fascinated. I think, God, I want to get the copy of that first book (laughter).

Brent: [0:38:33][audio cut out] is crippleware, and so they took out the most important stuff. And I’ve been extremely fortunate to have studied with some teachers and through my own work, to have rediscovered a lot of that.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And the lot I could talk about. I’m hoping I’ll have a few minutes to talk about the awakening material later; that’s an important piece of it.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: The first step, the most fundamental piece that I want to everyone to…if you can just take one thing away it would be this…You wan to recognize that almost all of your powers in the subconscious.

Darius: Okay.

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Brent: Let’s say 99 percent and so, if you look at, for example, most Law of Attraction programs – if you actually follow people after they go to these programs, you’ll find that your success rate is about one percent; that’s not very good.

The reason is simple and that percentage is not a coincidence; its because only about one percent of your power is in the conscious mind. And so, if you go to a Law of Attraction program, these are all good things to do and they can be very valuable when applied right. But a simple application of mantras and affirmations and you dance on the stage and high-five your friends, to get all psyched…

Darius: Yes.

Brent: …up [0:39:49][audio cut out] think positively. Right?

Those are all great things to do, but if you don’t integrate the subconscious, your success rate will be about one percent. The reason it’s one percent is about one percent of your powers in the conscious mind.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And so you dance on stage and you say, “Hey, I’m gonna be a millionaire” and you look yourself in the eye and say, “You’re a millionaire” and you know, you make a little vision board with your bank statement with a million dollars. Well, what you don’t realize is that 99 percent of you, the subconscious mind, is saying, “Wait a second.” “No, no, no, no, no, I think that I have to be poor to be close to God and I think that rich people are greed, and I think that if I make a million dollars, everyone is gonna want something from me” or “I’ll have to pay too much in taxes” or I don’t deserve it.” Right?

Darius: Right, right.

Brent: And the list goes on and on.

Darius: Right.

Brent: And so, though we’ve heard the subconscious blocks that we have no idea are there that are 99 percent of your mind’s power; and it’s so frustrating, because you will almost never know what they are because most of them are inherited from your ancestors through genetic links. In spite of you, you carry every experience that’s happened to all of your ancestors, back at least seven generations.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: That’s a lot. And so, the amount…

Darius: That’s a lot.

Brent: …of your subconscious that actually comes from your experiences in your current lifetime is pretty small. The vast majority, it comes from other times and places. And as a result, you have almost no idea what’s in your subconscious; and so, when you have these powerful subconscious blocks inside of you that’s 99 percent of your power, you can say your affirmations until the cows home; you can make a million

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vision boards. You can spend every weekend for 20 years dancing on the stage and high-fiving your friends and nothing’s gonna change.

Those one percent of people who do see incredible success that go and they watch a video seven times or they listen to an audio and all of a sudden, money flows; those are the ones who are lucky they didn’t have any subconscious blocks. And so, it would equivalent to, if I’m broke and I go to the liquor store and buy a lottery ticket and win a million dollars, it would be equivalent to me then going and teaching classes and telling everybody, “Hey, if you need money, it’s easy. Just go to the liquor store and buy a lottery ticket and you’ll get a million dollars.”

Darius: Exactly, wow.

Brent: So, that’s an unfortunate state of the art for most positive thinking programs; they’re hearts in the right place, absolutely. These techniques do work but you have to integrate an awareness and a capability to work with the subconscious mind. And so, as I’ve developed, I try to make that as simple and easy as possible so you can see what’s inside there and if you don’t like it, you can change it. You make it really easy to download new software inside of yourself to clear out those blocks, to create a different reality. It’s just like if you want to play solitaire on your computer, if it’s not installed, you go and download it. Right?

Darius: Right.

Brent: You got it and then you can play. A lot of this really can be that easy. So, like with my mother, she simply had a bunch of subconscious blocks that created her cancer.

Darius: And I was gonna ask about that. My question, as I was thinking was, what are – is there kind of a most common list of blocks or is it very different like when someone has a cancer issue – I’d like to maybe start there and then maybe move in like a prosperity issue. What kind of blocks with things like cancer, have you seen, or is there a…

Brent: Yeah, a good question. There are – if you look at large groups of people, you…

Darius: Okay.

Brent: …will find certain diseases or injuries tend to have a lot of the same issues.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: Say, that’s maybe about 50 percent. So, for example, if you took everybody – if you took a hundred people with Endometrial cancer, probably about half of them would have similar issues. For example, breast cancer is often about nurturing. If you’re having troubles with money, it often will show up as a lower back problem as financial support. Right? To stand up for yourself or stand on your own two feet, you may develop a problem with your feet. So, there are commonalities that I’ve noticed and things you can look at. The challenge those is that for health problems, there’s so many different health problems and everybody’s different; it’s a little more challenging.

So, for prosperity though and for relationships, it’s actually a little bit easier; only

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because most of us are running into very similar problems. I like to think of prosperity as a disease; that is the single most prevalent and most damaging disease we have in the world today.

Darius: Absolutely.

Brent: So, but it’s a little bit easier to get into issues about prosperity. And so, there are many different things we could talk about but I have done my best to try to create systems and audio programs LIVE classes that will help you to clear the most common blocks of the most common problems, as quickly, as easily and as cheaply as possible. Because once you learn how to get into that subconscious and work with the subconscious mind, what you’re doing is you’re programming your software for success.

Darius: Right.

Brent: So, I know this works because in the years I’ve been doing this, I’m very proud to say that as of – towards the end of last year, I passed the thousand miracle mark. I mean, I’ve taken over a thousand miraculous instant healings of clients, students and customers. And just so you know, when I say miraculous, instant healing, I’m not talking about, “Oh, gee, I listened to Brent’s program and I felt warm and fuzzy.”

Darius: (Laughter).

Brent: I taught something on medical scans or things that are so coincidental and so amazingly weird that there had to be a connection.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: Love Club programs, I had a woman – this was about five years ago, she said she hadn’t had a date in five years. She came to one of my Love Club programs; three days later, she met a guy; six weeks later, they were married.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: That’s not a coincidence. Right? (laughter)

Darius: Yeah, it’s incredibly fast. So, as we think about this, as we go forward, the application of this, what do people do? Because I think that people may be wondering, okay, first I think the big question is, “Could this help me?” and number two is, “What do I do?” “How do I go into this?” “Why is this method different?” “What’s scientific about it, versus trying to reprogram myself through repeating affirmations or looking at pictures or meditating or holding up vision boards?”

What is different that we can be sure the subconscious has been transformed or cleared or released of a certain limiting belief? What is the methodology that allows us to do that?

Brent: First thing is that most of the time, working just on the conscious level, often won’t make a lot of difference; it may make you feel better and that’s fine.

Darius: Okay.

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Brent: But if you really want to see change, you have to get into the subconscious. And so, there’s really a couple of things you need to know to just get started with that; fortunately, it’s pretty easy. The first thing that’s really critical is to recognize that the only way to access the subconscious mind is through a Theta brainwave.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: And the Theta brainwave is the brainwave you go into at night when you’re sleeping, and what’s known as REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: In order to make effective, permanent change in the subconscious, you need a way to get into a Theta brainwave when you’re awake and conscious. There’s a different way you can do that, which we’ll talk about in a few minutes, but that’s number one.

If you can’t access Theta, you’re kind of wasting your time. The...

Darius: Now, does hypnosis take people into Theta or not necessarily, because you can be hypnotized and be in a very high state of mind if you’re reliving a past experience that was traumatic, or a very low brainwave frequency. Correct?

Brent: Yes, a good hypnotist will take you down to Theta.

Darius: Okay, okay.

Brent: But, just getting to Theta is not sufficient on its own. That’s like the key that opens the door. So, the Theta brainwave allows you access to the software of the soul. It opens that; it’s like locked chest that sits in. The Theta brainwave unlocks it and opens it but you still have to know how to work with it.

And so, then next thing you need to know is how to communicate with the subconscious. And so, I remember that I went to a weekend Wealth Building Seminar about ten years ago by a very well-known Wealth guru, New York Times best-selling author and I was astonished at how primitive his methodologies were because he would say, “Well, you know, you just repeat this statement out loud ten times and see how it makes you feel. And then, if you have a negative thought, you snap yourself on the wrist with a rubber band and you just keep doing that until you feel it’s gone away.”

Darius: Right.

Brent: And I was, “Wow, this is hideous,” (laughter) that this is what people are paying thousands of dollars for. Oh, my God. And of course, it’s not gonna work most of the time. And so, if you really want to work with the subconscious, you just need to know how to communicate with it. Fortunately, it’s really easy because if I want to know what’s in your conscious mind, I can just ask you.

Darius: Right.

Brent: But if I want to know what’s in your subconscious mind, that’s a little more challenging.

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Darius: Exactly.

Brent: The subconscious, you might also call the bodies intelligence; you might call it cellular memory; you might call it trapped emotions; you might call it subconscious programs or beliefs – those all mean the same thing.

And so, the way you communicate with it is through muscle testing, which I’m sure a lot of the listeners have either heard of or might be a little familiar with.

Darius: Right.

Brent: And so, the most common use of muscle testing is a lot of holistic doctors and healers use it to test supplements and foods; that’s okay – I’m not gonna get too much into it here, but it’s a bit of a mis-application of it because what muscle testing is really doing is, it’s putting you in direct communication with your subconscious mind.

So, if you want to know what’s inside of you, what programs you’re holding inside of you, you need to muscle test it. So for example, if you think you might be holding a vow of poverty from an ancestor, you need to muscle test that because if I ask somebody, “Well, do you have a vow of poverty?” they’re almost all gonna say, “No.” Right?

Darius: Exactly.

Brent: Because that’s kind of [0:50:05][audio cut out] world. But guess what? If you muscle test it, I’d say about 30 percent of the people that come to me have a vow of poverty in their subconscious and the muscle testing will not only tell you what’s there, it will also tell you when it’s cleared, because once you’ve cleared it, it’s done. Right? You don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Muscle testing – we’ll come back to this in a couple of minutes and I’ll talk everyone through it. Muscle testing is actually very easy to learn and for most people, they can be up and muscle testing in about five minutes.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: Almost everybody – if you’re a little tougher like I was, I have an hour-long video I created called Secrets of Muscle Testing that should give you everything you ever need to know about it. It has tutorials on four methods of muscle testing, step-by-step instructions, an explanation of the theory, as well as a lot of troubleshooting.

Darius: You know, just to help, kind of people, open up their awareness to what’s possible, I’d love to…I know we may do a very slight demonstration. I’m not sure if we’re gonna have time; it may be getting really close. But maybe quickly, what are some of the breadth and scope of issues that you’ve seen in your practice and as you’ve done this. As you’ve hit your thousandth miracle, what are some of the things that you’ve seen, and then maybe we can squeeze in just a tiny bit, but I also don’t want to rush it, certainly, because I want to give this enough of time to actually have people understand a little bit about what’s happening. But, let’s start with some of those different things you’ve seen, Brent.

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Brent: I have seen miraculous instant healings and profound life transformations of almost every kind you can imagine. I have seen instant healings of cancer multiple times. I’ve seen HIV disappear. I’ve seen growth…

Darius: HIV, wow.

Brent: I have seen hundreds of clients completely heal their allergies; in fact, I got so bored healing allergies that I created, especially, and coded audio program to do it for me because I just got sick of doing it over and over again. And so, those are some obvious ones. I’ve seen life-long asthma disappear. I’ve had people with injuries cancel surgeries because they were out of pain. I’ve seen all manner of people completely change their lives and financial situations.

One of my students, John Cutajar, who now is a regular assistant of my classes. When he met me two years ago, he had been out of work for three years, had been a high-flying mortgage guy, making tons of money and then it all disappeared. And then he had all sorts of other problems going on. He hadn’t worked in three years, he was desperate. And after our first session, it took him a couple of months, but he got a job and now he’s making more money than he did before.

Darius: Right.

Brent: And he’s just [0:52:42][audio cut out]. And he was someone who was desperate and hopeless. He’s like, the real estate crashes wiped out my market.

Darius: Right.

Brent: I’m not sure I can work in my industry anymore because of things that have happened in the past. I don’t know what to do; I’m running out of money. I can’t support my family. Right? And we cleared some [0:52:58][audio cut out], boom. It all started to change.

I had another client years ago; he was actually a nutrition coach that I had been paying to work with me as part of my research for creating my book, Spiritual Weight Loss.” And when he saw what I did, he was like, “Wow, Brent, you gotta work with me.” And overnight, literally, within 24-hours of our first session, first of all, he had received $24,000 in payments from clients that he thought he’d never hear from again.

Darius: Interesting.

Brent: Yeah. He had had an old loan that was paid off. He had landed an enormous business deal that he’d pretty much given up on, that was like thirty [0:53:37][audio cut out] worth of business, in a instant. And there was other things that happened, but it was like four or five amazing things happen, just overnight.

Probably, the most important healing was one that actually happened after my mother, which was that when my wife, J.J., was pregnant with our son, she had a silent bleed at six months, which is deadly. And I took her to the hospital in the middle of the night and the doctors told me, they said, “Well, when this kind of thing happens, usually we have to do an emergency C-section within 48 hours.

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Darius: Oh, my.

Brent: And at the time, she was at 24-weeks. And even at the best natal care unit in the world, their survival rate is 50/50 and even the baby, if it survives, usually have a lot of serious health problems.

And so, I went and did some healing on her, called some of my teachers and students and had them send some healing; and it was another one of those cases that astonished the doctors. They said, “Well, Brent, we can’t understand this, but the baby’s not coming out; she’s not going into labor.” And they said it could happen any moment but just thank your lucky stars; and he stayed in for another seven weeks.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, when he finally was born, it was, I think, at almost 32 weeks; and that’s actually a very safe time to deliver a baby.

Darius: Yeah, yeah.

Brent: He is the most adorable, most awesome baby in the world, though he’s not really a baby anymore (laughter).

Darius: Yeah. These are incredible. I mean, I am very touched by how, personally, this has impacted your life because a lot of people teach things or have programs or methodologies and they actually don’t use them in their family, or they have challenges with their family that don’t get resolved. And you actually turn straight to this when the very people you care about are in jeopardy and I think that speaks volumes on this process.

I don’ t know…Do we have time to maybe do a quick demonstration or at least, kind of give people a little bit of the basis of muscle testing so they can get a sense of kind how in essence, almost easy this can be when you understand what it is and you get the right guidance. And it’s not necessarily complicated, but just like it’s not complicated to go in and open up Windows on your computer, it’s really easy because it’s been made easy. But if you had to develop Windows from nothing but a bunch of sand, you’d be trying to make a silicon chip; you’d be probably at a very big loss unless you were a total genius.

How can proceed?

Brent: So, first I want to explain a little bit, the tools that are available, and then I’ll cover muscle testing.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: So, the way you can apply this is kind of interesting because when I first learned this, the only tool I really had was private sessions, so, I learned how to do it the traditional way. I went to training classes, I practiced, I worked with a mentor and I learned how to work people, one-on-one to muscle test them and clear their blocks and do healings. And that was a great start but I’m very much an innovator and I like to push the boundaries, make things better; do things no one has ever done

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And so, as I developed these techniques, they’ve gotten better and better and faster and faster with the goal that I can create materials to give people to use, that they can get very quickly and easily and cheaply, and see real change.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, the step was, I learned how to do remote sessions, and that’s how I work, almost exclusively, nowadays, over the phone or through Skype. Not a big deal; lots of healers know how to work, remotely, nowadays. But, I wanted to do even better, so then I learned how to work on a group; and so, that was after I had that experience at that Wealth Building Seminar, I said, “You know what, I can make far more important and positive change in people in about an hour, than these other teachers can in three days or a week at a seminar.

Darius: Right.

Brent: And so, I started doing LIVE events in Los Angeles once a month, started with what was called the Wealth Club, where I would rent a room and people would come in and submit their blocks to me and I’d clear them on the whole group; so that was cool.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, instead of doing one at a time, now I could do a whole group. The next step after that was to learn how to do a group, remotely. And so, a few years after that, I mastered on how to do a remote healing on a group and then I moved the Wealth Club to a teleseminar, which I still do every month. And so I set up teleseminars where everyone can come, submit their blocks and I do healings on the whole group. And so, that’s an important part of my VIP Club, which is my members program for people who are really serious who are sick of wasting their time and spending lots of money on things that don’t really work. So, if you’re curious, that’s exactly what it’s for.

So, I do a lot of Club calls through their VIP Club; I give away private sessions; I do Love Club, Wealth Clubs and Health Clubs; I do special events every month where I create specific materials to give you exactly what you need to solve the problems in your life. No filler, no feel-good stuff, no time wasting; it’s not expensive, just real results. But, I still wanted to do even better.

And so, what I saw as the Holy Grail, was taking this process of the healing and the subconscious clearing and creating a product that would do it, so that you could mass produce it and get it out to people, very cheaply so that they could clear hundreds or thousands of these blocks at very little cost to them. And so, that led me to develop the Formula For Miracles technology, which is a specially encoded audio system that will clear your subconscious blocks as you listen to it.

And so, I’m going to give you guys a little taste of that right now. And so, what it does is, I can do this either through a call like I’m doing here or through a pre-recorded program using the technology. And the way it works is, we will give you

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specific belief systems and have you muscle test them.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: If you have the bad versions, we will take it out. That’s what we call “block clearing.” There’s something good that you’re missing; then we put it in.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: For example, let’s say you think you have a vow of poverty, we’ll first have you muscle test, “I have a vow of poverty” and I’ll go over that next. If you have it, that’s a block. And so, you then give me permission and I can clear that block for you, either through a LIVE call like this or through the Formula For Miracle and coded audios.

And so, the goal being that you can very quickly clear a lot of these subconscious blocks and program yourself for success, for health, for love, for whatever you’re looking for. And I’m so proud of this because this allows me to touch a lot of people’s lives and make real change without requiring them to spend a lot of money. And private sessions are great and I’m fully booked for weeks in advance and get amazing results there; but I encourage everyone to start with the products in the group calls because they’re so much cheaper.

Darius: Yeah.

Brent: The [01:00:34][audio cut out] stuff, then we’ll work one-on-one and really get down to the nitty-gritty; the stuff that no pre-recorded program could find, and that’s part of what the VIP Club is for, to give everyone that’s there, LIVE access to me on a regular basis, to help you with whatever things come up.

And so, when we do any of these processes, whether it’s a private session or a group call or a pre-recorded program, we start with the muscle testing to see what blocks are there. And also, so we know when they’ve been cleared.

And so, muscle testing is something I could say a lot about. There’s the whole hour long video if you want to learn more, but I’m gonna give about a two-minute introduction here. And so, if you haven’t done it before, I encourage you to give it a shot. If you’re having trouble with it, don’t panic. Remember, I’m going really fast. If you’re having trouble with it, I encourage you to go to one of my Club calls or check out the muscle testing video; there’s long tutorials there to give you a lot more information.

And there’s a lot of different ways you can test. The way I’m gonna work with right here is called the standing method…

Darius: Okay.

Brent: …only because it’s the easiest and fastest way to learn this. And so, when you do the standing method, you’re just turning your body into a pendulum. So, you stand up, you face to the north; you make sure your legs are straight, so there’s no bending your knees. Have your feet about hip width apart, so your feet are right underneath your hips.

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Darius: Okay. I’m gonna do this with everybody. So, everyone, if you’re in a place to, just to tell everyone to stand up and follow his instructions.

Sorry, Brent, go ahead (chuckle).

Brent: Everyone, if you’re dehydrated, this doesn’t work as well.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: So, if you’re having [01:02:08][audio cut out], you might just need to drink a couple glasses of water; and there’s a lot more troubleshooting I cover on the video. But many people can get it right away without needing to go through any of that.

So, if you want to follow along, go ahead and stand up, face to the north, take your best guess as to which way north is; and we want to line you up with the earth’s magnetic field, that will make it easier. And you have your feet, your legs straight, toes pointed straight forward…

Darius: Okay.

Brent: …and you make [01:02:32][audio cut out] out loud. When these statements resonate through with your subconscious mind, there’s a resonance that occurs and the electro magnetic field, in and around the cells of your body will strengthen, interact with the earth’s magnetic field and you’ll tilt forward. It’s kind of weird.

Darius: I’ve never heard that explanation as to why people fall forward; very, very, very cool. Okay.

Brent: When [01:02:56][audio cut out] resonates false with your subconscious, the field weakens, you tilt backwards.

Darius: Um, this is so cool. Okay.

Brent: You say, “no” it should make you go backwards. So, let’s give it a shot.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: Everybody stand up, face to the north, make sure your legs are straight so there’s no bending your knees and just say, “Yes,” out loud.

Darius: Yes. Yes.

Brent: And if you’re getting it, you should feel a subtle tilt or push forward.

Darius: Yes. Yes. And do they kind of relax their calf muscles because I know a lot of people go, “Oh, it doesn’t work” and they keep their calves, like straight. And it’s kind of they have to release your calves enough that you go one way or the other, but that you don’t completely fall over. Is that correct?

Brent: Yes, absolutely.

Darius: Yeah, okay. Okay.

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Brent: A lot…they have a [01:03:43][audio cut out], but you do want to stand in a tall, comfortable posture.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: So, you don’t want to get it locked up tight ‘cause then, it won’t work. So now, we’ll do a backwards test. Go ahead and say, “No,” out loud.

Darius: No, no, no, no, no. Yep, I go back.

Brent: So, push upwards.

Darius: And I’ve gotta tell you, I’ve tried this and sometimes it hasn’t been as powerful, but I just now actually looked and figured out exactly where north was, and it’s, incidentally, a lot more accurate now that I’m totally facing north; so, that’s pretty important.

Brent: Yeah. Almost every single day, I work with people who say, “Oh, Brent, I can’t muscle test. I can’t get it.”

Darius: Yeah.

Brent: And I say, never, and then five minutes later, they’re testing real clear. It’s just that it takes an engineer sometimes (laughter).

Darius: (Laughter) Yeah. Wow.

Brent: It just means, you need a little more training, a little bit of troubleshooting; that’s all on the video.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: Now, we’ll give you a little taste of what’s on some of these programs. My most popular program is Unleash Your Inner Millionaire; I actually released the sequel to it

last year, so there’s one and two. But the Unleash Your Inner Millionaire I is where I recommend most people start. And on Unleash Your Inner Millionaire, there’s several lecture programs that are what are really graduate level Law of Attraction that I guarantee. I don’t care how long you’ve been studying positive thinking or how many teachers you’ve worked with, or how much you think you know, you’re gonna learn something. And this is the real deal; this is what is taught in the secret societies, take them to a whole new level. A lot of this has never been released before.

The second half of the program is block clearings, with the Formula for Miracles audios, and so we clear in that program alone, 327 blocks to prosperity. We’ll do two right now, just to give you a little taste of it:

Let’s get a vow of poverty because that one’s come up before. So, if you want to see if you have vow of poverty, it’s real easy. You stand up, face to the north, legs straight and say, “I have a vow of poverty.”

Darius: “I have a vow of poverty.”

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Brent: And so, if you’re going forward, that means you have it. And again, most of it is inherited, genetically; it’s subconscious and you may not believe that at all but there it is.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: So, if you want to clear it, just give me your permission. You can say, “Yes, Brent,” out loud, and I’ll go clear it on everybody.

Darius: So, when you say that, it’s for the group or am I like a surrogate or no?

Brent: The whole group; they just need to say it on their own.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: I’ve already cleared it and I know how to do this super fast; but I’m entraining you into a Theta state, dropping both into a Theta brainwave, clearing the block and then pulling us back up to beta; and I’ve learned how to do that super fast. So, now, on most people, it should be clear.

So, you can test it again and say, “I have a vow of poverty.”

Darius: Um, I want to hear everybody’s results. I’m gonna share mine in a moment here. Wow.

Brent: If it doesn’t clear, if it’s still there, don’t panic. Sometimes, you need some time to process it like an overnight sleep cycle; other times, there’s other beliefs or blogs in the way that don’t let it shift.

And so, we won’t get to that here, but we have techniques and things when that happens. So, we’ll do another one of my favorites. Let’s clear, “I have to be poor to be close to God.”

So, go ahead and stand up, face to the north. Say it out loud, “I have to be poor to be close to God.”

Darius: “I have to be poor to be close to God.” Going backwards for me on that one. Okay, so I don’t have that. Interesting.

Brent: Give me your permission. Okay. And so, we’ll try that again. If you had it before, let’s see if it cleared. Go ahead and say, “I have to be poor to be close to God.” And for most people, it’ll clear that, fast.

And so, that’s just a little sample; that’s what I do in the Wealth Clubs and the Club calls; that’s what I do in all the VIP Club events. That’s what we do in private sessions and hundreds of these are encoded into the Unleash Your Inner Millionaire program. So, you can go in and clear hundreds of blocks very quickly and cheaply; and for the most part, once you clear them, they’re gone forever.

Darius: Wow. I mean, I want to share. Like, what happened with me was, I had clearly a vow of poverty and I’m not in poverty by any stretch, I’ve been very successful; however, I don’t know what my ultimate level of success and abundance really could

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be. So, I mean, is it possible that I’ve been sort of holding back, even though I’ve been successful, but holding back from really some of the bigger, bigger, big possibilities that I’m here to do and serve on the planet?

Brent: Yeah (laughter).

Darius: Wow. Wow. Okay. Wow, very, very, very powerful. Okay, what I want to do here is, I want to get some questions that people may have and some things. So, submit your questions to Brent. I’m kind of – what happened to you.

Janice Duncan said, “Oh, my gosh, it’s cleared. So, I don’t know if that was the vow of poverty or that was the other feeling about needing to be poor to be close to God. She said, they’re both cleared; so both of them cleared.

Another person is asking about substituting, and I don’t know if I’d like that. One person is saying, “Can I substitute a pendulum for the muscle testing?”

Brent: Yes, you can.

Darius: What’s your thought on that? Oh, you can.

Brent: Yeah, that’s fine.

Darius: Okay, good. Okay. They just have to be skilled at using the pendulum then, I would assume.

Brent: Yeah. Yeah, and I cover that on the video, how to do that.

Darius: Wow. Wow. Wow, okay. Alright, let me get to some questions here ‘cause I know we’re getting close to time and I want to really – one lady is saying, Eva says:

“It looks like I found the ultimate soul mate, thanks to Brent. One think I can say is, it’s mind blowing.”

And that’s Eva. So, that is great news, Eva.

Another person says, Adelle is from Brunswick, Maine.

“I spent thousands of dollars on programs that say they would heal my emotional and physical challenges; yet, some have only made me worse.”

Big question, Brent, why would certain things make somebody worse? Wouldn’t it just keep someone on the same level or could it actually cause them to retrorest? 01:10:05 ?

Brent: It could because you want to remember that anything that’s powerful enough to make a positive change is also powerful enough to make a negative change.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: And there’s a lot I could say about this. I have a lot of VIP Club material I’ve created on this very specific topic, but what will happen is, that the way most people use Law

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of Attraction and New Age tools, is actually going to cause more harm than good because they’re entrenching themselves into such a strong polarity that when they do these things, what they’re really doing is increasing their resistance to the problems and feeding it more energy. And so, that’s like dumping gasoline on a fire.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: There is a way to approach these things that won’t do that, but it’s not very well understood; and it’s not something I really want to get into ‘cause I really would need about an hour to cover that correctly.

Darius: Yeah, yeah.

Brent: But yes, for sure. If you use any of these tools, if you’re using them sort of the wrong way, which almost nobody has proper training in; then they could certainly make things worse because you’re actually amping up the amount of resistance that you’re putting into your problems, and then it gets worse.

Darius: Yeah. So, it’s almost as if you start resisting and resisting and the subconscious belief or the self-conscious program, it’s working harder and harder to try to overcome that resistance. It’s like when you put a brake on a car and you’re driving down the freeway and you’re giving it gas to stay at 40 miles an hour, that engine’s got to work harder because the brakes on to keep you at that set point of 40 miles an hour, assuming you’re on cruise control. This is very similar. Correct?

Brent: Yes. Yeah.

Darius: Yep, yep.

Brent: So, most people don’t realize, there’s quite a few…if you’re not careful with how you do this stuff, you will, in fact, make things worse. And some of the lectures in Unleash Your Inner Millionaire address that, and I have a lot of VIP Club material; in particular, the Seven Deadly Law of Attraction mistakes that covers this. And almost guaranteed, if you guys aren’t seeing the results you want, you’re making some of those mistakes (laughter).

Darius: Um, wow. Well, we’ve got a bunch of people writing in. Ferty said:

“Wow, that really worked. I’m going to start using this muscle testing while standing up, to ask more questions as they come up.”

Laneen from Vancouver said:

“I did not have the vow of poverty; probably cleared from the last call I did with Brent. But, I asked and I found out I have a fear of success.”

And that’s just kind of interesting because most people would say, “Okay, we cleared the vow of poverty. Now I’m gonna be wealthy.” But you actually, going deeper, realized there’s hundreds of potential – I almost call them like relationships and cross-relationships or agreements or attachments that can invalidate one that’s

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positive. So, if you have a…

Brent: Yes.

Darius: …belief that you can be wealthy and you implant that, but you’ve got twenty that have other bad connotations to you as well, like it can cancel each other out. Correct?

Brent: Yeah. The trouble is that the simplistic application of this is, you think that well, ‘cause you hold a belief, that means it’s absolutely true.

Darius: Yeah.

Brent: That’s not always the case.

Darius: Um-mm.

Brent: And so, just because you hold the belief you’re a millionaire, doesn’t mean the money’s in your bank account. Remember that muscle testing is not a reflection of absolute truth; that’s a huge mistake a lot of people make. Just ‘cause you muscle test strong to a supplement, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you. What it means is, that your body believes it’s good for you.

Darius: Um, okay.

Brent: And so, the beliefs you hold, every one of them influences how you manifest your life. And so, changing one belief, if there’s just one belief in the way, you can see an instant healing. You could see a miraculous instant healing from cancer; you could make a bunch of money over night.

Other times, you will get a process where every block you clear, every positive download you install, increases the positive influence those beliefs have. And so, if you have a thousand negative beliefs about money and you clear three of them, you’re off to a good start. Right?

Darius: Right.

Brent: That may or may not be enough to see a change in your life; it all depends – it might be; for some people, it is. Some people listen to the program and see huge changes right away; others will go, “Well, I listened to this whole program and it’s been three days and I’m still not a millionaire. It doesn’t work.” And it’s like, well, okay. You have 2,000 blocks to prosperity; you cleared 300 of them; doesn’t mean it didn’t work (laughter), it just means that you now have 1,700 blocks instead of 300.

Darius: Yeah.

Brent: And as soon as you clear through enough of those, you will see the results. And so, it’s very tempting to see if it’s like a magic wand that you just wave and make your problems go away. And the reason that’s tempting is, it works that way a lot. That’s why I’ve seen over a thousand miracles; it works that way, frequently but not always.

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Darius: Yeah.

Brent: All of my pain and problems did not disappear after an hour of healing; didn’t work that way. It took me a long time to work through that. But what happened was that after I started clearing my subconscious, I actually started to see results. It took me years to work through my issues and I’m not saying it’s gonna take everyone, years – that’s not always the case, but I was a tough case.

It took me years of work and clearing to start to get out of pain, to start to make more money, to start seeing improved relationships ‘cause I had thousands of blocks to clear. If I had bailed out three weeks into it and said, “Well, it doesn’t work,” well, guess what, I’d still be stuck where I was ten years ago. I’d still be depressed; I’d still be broke; I’d still be in chronic pain; I’d still have massive social anxiety. I mean, on and on and on.

Darius: Yeah. Yeah.

Brent: That’s why I created the VIP Club because for a lot of people, one product, one session, one clearing; you’ll see huge change. If not, then you need a process and that’s why I do regular events. I do Club calls almost every week. I give away private sessions. I create special event material so you can just keep getting more and more and more clearing and eventually, the accumulated weight of all that positive energy will overcome your problem and you will see the big shift.

Darius: Wow. Well, I want to take about kind of what you do and what you put together for people here, to get deeper. And a big part of this really, is getting to that level before you go into the Wealth Club and before you go into the VIP Club, and getting most of the big stuff taken out and cleared.

And there’s a lot here and I want to start going through it; but also, there’s 30 days in the VIP Club as well, in addition to everything else that you have. I’m gonna tell people where it is ‘cause a few people like Mary and Joanne are asking:

“Okay, how do I go deeper and get some of the stuff Brent’s talking about and get the process started.”

And it’s at www.youwealthrevolution.com/brentnow.

Brent, tell me what you put together here and I’ve got a be honest, I didn’t realize there was a whole package on love and also relationships, Love For a Lifetime. We didn’t even get to talk about that, but take it away.

Brent: Yeah (laughter). Yeah, I’ve created an enormous amount of material and…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …you’ll be getting most of it in this package because I really want to get it out there because I want people to give it a shot and see that this really works.

Darius: Jeez, incredible.

Brent: And so, the first thing that’s in there is the Unleash Your Inner Millionaire; that’s

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been my most popular, best-selling product. Just so you guys know, you’re welcome to go to my website and buy all of these ala carte. I’ll make about $1,200; that’s great for me, or you can take advantage of the special offer and get everything here on the list for just $97.

So, the Unleash Your Inner Millionaire is Item 1; that’s the centerpiece and the most popular item. They clear hundreds of blocks to prosperity and to really teach you the truth about the Law of Attraction in your life. I don’ think you’ll find most of this anywhere else.

You’ll also receive the Trauma Clearing Meditation; that’s another formula for Miracles and Coded Audio. This one piece alone can absolutely change your life because this will clear out almost any trauma from your subconscious mind on every level of your body. And I put this in here because for the blocks that don’t clear when you listen to the program the first time, most of the time, you just need to go run some trauma clearings then they’ll be gone forever.

You’ll also get the Deep Theta Meditation, which is two MP3s that uses special technology to take your brain down to a deep Theta brainwave.

You’ll also receive the Allergy Clearing Meditation I mentioned earlier, another formula for Miracles and Coded Audio that will…I have about an 80 to 90 percent success rate with it; meaning, that 80 to 90 percent of the people listen to it, see their allergies disappear forever.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: If that doesn’t do it, use the Trauma Clearing; that’ll bring it up close to a hundred percent. Now, of course, nothings gonna be a hundred percent and anyone that tells you their system is a hundred percent is just trying to scam you.

Darius: Right.

Brent: So, I’m giving the numbers the best and the most honest I can, based on my experience.

You’ll also get both of my books, Where Science Meets Spirit: The Formula for Miracles, which is a really simple step by step explanation of how energy healing, the Law of Attraction really work…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …and what it’s gonna take to see some real change in your life. We also get the audio book version of that. You’ll also get Spiritual Weight Loss, which I created as basically being one stop shopping from when I cracked the code on weight loss, reversal of aging and achieving optimal health. We cover emotional clearing, cleansing, strategic eating, how your body metabolizes calories, how to optimize your exercise program. So, I really think it’s the only thing you’ll ever need to master that aspect of life.

There’s also been a lot of people talking about epigenetics and…

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Darius: Right.

Brent: …honestly, very few of them have any idea what they’re talking about. If you really want to understand what’s really going on with genetics and epigenetics; and how healing really works; and what the twelve layers of the DNA are all about, I created a special recording on that, so, that’s in there.

Darius: Oh, my gosh.

Brent: You’ll also get a half-price, if you want to come to my LIVE training. And so, I do LIVE trainings here in Los Angeles, three or four times a year. And so, if you’re interested in taking a few days and learning how to clear the subconscious and get to a Theta Brain Wave, perform instant healings and getting all the tools you need to create miracles for yourself and those around you for the whole rest of your life, you’re welcome to come join us.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: If that’s…if a few days and a couple hundred dollars is too much, we know, just pass; that’s okay (laughter). I can say, honestly, that just about every person that comes and takes a class with me, even those that have taken the same class with other teachers say, “Oh, my God, Brent, this is the best class I’ve ever taken” by a huge margin.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And you’ll also get as a bonus, In Love for a Lifetime and this is another one of my centerpiece audio programs. It’s $400 on my site, but this is another eight-hour audio program designed to teach you everything you really need to know about love and relationships. You learn about the stages of enlightened relationships, the truth about soul mates, what’s really happening behind the scenes, energetically, with your relationships, and clears several hundred blocks to love, romance, sex, intimacy.

And the last piece on the list is the 30-day VIP Club Trial and I include that because I give it my absolute best shot to give everyone an enormous overwhelming amount of value in these packages for a very low price. If you like it and you want more, that’s what the VIP Club is for. I do a steady stream of LIVE events, create special materials, answer private forums, give you discounts on sessions, discounts on classes; you get to beta test my upcoming material and you get…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …a voice in what material I create and how I create it. And so, that…

Darius: And you mean, I get to…Sorry, also I get the sense that as they go through this and if, let’s say, they go through the whole program, and then maybe it’s one lingering thing or one challenge, they can go into the VIP side and actually get some of the LIVE work and even communicate with you through that VIP forum. And in that 30-days, work on the rest of whatever may be left, if anything, and decide what’s left after that.

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Brent: Yeah, that’s what it’s for.

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And this, of my VIP Club material the last few months has been The Awakening…I’ll just put out there that what I’m teaching is a little different than your awakening material.

Darius: Okay.

Brent: Your stuff is great because you’re awakening people to the truth that there is a world beyond the material; that there is a realm of energy; that there is intuition and these things are very real and very powerful; necessary to thrive in the modern world. It’s a level of awakening past that.

And I didn’t even realize it existed until last year.

Darius: Oh, my Gosh.

Brent: I’m for a over a decade and I wasn’t aware or I didn’t really understand that there’s an entire level of awakening past that, that takes you past polarity and duality. We’re talking about beyond the level of the soul.

Darius: I didn’t know if there was; that is incredible and, wow. And so, we’re opening the door to some tremendous things here. Incredible, wow.

Brent: But the awakening material I’m putting out right now to the VIP Club, it’s an enormous amount of material and it is literally the foot in the door to enlightenment. And I was introduced to this; one of the advertisements I saw said that – one of the people teaching it said, “Well, if you were offering me a billion dollars to give up my awakening, I would say ‘no’ and laugh at you.”

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And that [01:23:47][audio cut out], so I went and I studied with them and I was like, “Oh, my God, he’s serious.” And so, I tried to put this all together so you can get it for maybe $30.

Darius: (Laughter) Wow.

Brent: I had to stay in it, so; but most of that, we’ll include it in the package if you join right away. You may not think it’s worth a billion dollars, but I’m hoping you’ll think it’s worth at least a million.

Darius: And you know, I see a lot of this as really opening the door because if someone has a lot of these challenges, poverty vows and other things, and you say okay, here’s this high level of awakening and are they really gonna receive…or they even gonna be able to see it? Will it be like when Cortez was showing his ships to the Native Americans in South America and he said, “These are ships” and they couldn’t see the ships. And it’s almost as if Brent just opened the door to that and said, “Here it is.” I don’t know; would people see it or is this Formula For Miracles and some of this technologies, to really release that stuff holding you back; the entry way, the

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door way and then we just escalate up the ladder of awakening.

But, what I love about this – and I know I’m talking fast and I’m excited, is that it’s all like literally here and you can go through it and it’s all there. I mean, that’s what – and you’ve opened a huge amount for people which, Brent, I am just flabbergasted; I did not know about all this. Incredible.

Brent: Yeah, and so, absolutely. We’re all in a different place and I want to offer an enormous amount of materials to help everybody, no matter where they are and [01:25:22][audio cut out].

Darius: Wow.

Brent: And yes, not everyone is gonna be ready for the awakening material. If you had handed this to me, even five years ago, I wouldn’t have gotten it. And so…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …its when you’re ready for it. And if you download it and it makes your head spin and it doesn’t make sense, that’s okay. Leave it on your hard drive, do some clearings and then come back to it. But, I can say that my own awakening, this last year was profound, and I certainly wouldn’t trade it for a million dollars.

Darius: Well now, I’m incredibly curious. I’m going to have to join the VIP Club just to get access to that; that is – I’m gonna do that today too because that is a huge thing; especially if we’re talking about one level of awakening. I’m curious, what’s beyond where we are now.

And this is what happens by showing up at the You Wealth Revolution Awakening. We are, literally, awakening people this moment, to not only new methodology but to a whole ‘nother level beyond what we’re doing here and going even beyond and bigger.

It’s a www.youwealthrevolution.com/brentnow.

And so Brent, all of this is well over $1,000, I think $1,270. It’s 92 percent off…I’m gonna tell everybody – Brent said it once but I’m not sure you guys are gonna believe it or if you registered it – it’s $97. And Brent, this is something they get immediately. Right? So, they get access to all of this, instantly?

Brent: Yes. Immediate download and…

Darius: Wow.

Brent: …the biggest problem I have with people is…the most common criticism is, “Brent, there’s way too much stuff in here. I don’t know where to start.”

Darius: I was gonna ask, where do you start? Yep.

Brent: (Laughter) So, I would say, if you wanna get into the block clearing right away, jump right into Unleash Your Inner Millionaire.

Darius: Okay.

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Brent: If you’re more of a cerebral person that likes to understand it first, start with where science meets spirit and the recorded conference call and epigenetics and go from there.

Darius: Wow, okay.

Brent: But there’s a huge amount of stuff in there and of course, a hundred percent money-back guarantee. So, if you don’t like it or it doesn’t work for you or whatever reason, be welcome to get all your money back but I hear from people almost every day about miracles that it’s created in their lives; and they ask me, “Brent, why are you giving this away so cheap?”

Darius: Yep. Well, and I would say, stay in the VIP just for that 30 days and get everything in there before you make any rash decisions because that’s there to make sure that you get the latest up to date and whatever higher level, even semi-personalized; like there’s some of the telecalls and things that you can get from Brent; you can ask him more questions.

So, some incredible opportunities here Brent. I am always blown away by your story and what you do and that’s one of the reasons you’re the first guy I thought of with this family situation; so I just – I want to thank you, and an incredible amount of respect and appreciation for what you’ve done in your work, and bringing this technology and making it accessible to people.

Just amazing and much respect.

Brent: Thank you.

Darius: Wow. Okay, so here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna – we’ve got two minutes really quick. I just want to see if there’s any other questions that people have.

A lot of people writing in here with different questions. Let’s see. One person had said; he said:

“Wow, this really worked. I’m gonna be using this muscle testing now with a bunch of different questions.”

So, any questions you guys have; otherwise, I want to do this – I want to just send Brent a huge amount of love from the You Wealth Revolution community on the count of three, and I want to walk through as soon as we do that; just what’s in the package for people that have questions.

So, let’s do this. We’ll just send Brent a huge amount of love and thanks and appreciation on the count of three; one, two and three.

Brent, than you so much for being here. I’m gonna run through really quick, Brent, if you just stay on real quick.

We’ve got Item #1, Unleash Your Inner Millionaire; Item #2 is the Trauma Clearing Meditation; Item #3 is the Deep Theta Meditation; Item #4 is the Allergy Clearing Meditation; Item #5 is Where Science Meets Spirit; Item #6 is, again, Where Science Meets Spirit, but a PDF; Item #7 is Genetics and Epigenetics in MP3; Item #8 is

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Spiritual Weight loss; Item #9 is a $500 discount coupon to Basic Theta Healing, so if you want to attend the LIVE event, plus the 30-Day VIP option.

And Brent went a step further, including an almost $400 value of the Love for Lifetime Program with the binaural beats audio technology that has embedded Theta Healing Energy to release subconscious blocks to Love and Intimacy; and all of that is there. It’s at www.youwealthrevolution.com/brentnow; it’s 92 percent off.

Brent, once again, thank you for staying long and just sharing this incredible technology and making it accessible to people all over the planet; literally, like right now, they can have it.

Brent: Yep (laughter), it’s right there for you (laughter).

Darius: Right there, wow. Wow, okay.

Brent: And for everyone listening, if you weren’t ready for this, you wouldn’t be here listening. So, all the other work you’ve done – all the frustrations, disappointments, you might just see it as like a stepping stone so you can be ready for the next piece.

So, I’m hoping this will be it.

Darius: Wow, wow. Thank you so much, Brent, for being here sharing and expanding this journey. I’m actually gonna get into that awakening material myself; that’s fascinating.

Brent: Yeah, I think you’ll love it. It’ll blow your socks off; it did me.

Darius: That’s coming from a very high level. Very, very cool. Thank you so much, Brent. Amazing.

END OF CALL 01:31:31