January 2017 Annual Report - Pfeiffer RDU...January 2017 Annual Report ... Criminal...

January 2017 Annual Report Response ID:25 Data 1. Instructions This is the 2017 COAMFTE Annual Report. Programs should submit this completed form on or before the program's noted Annual Report deadline. All accredited programs must demonstrate continued compliance with the COAMFTE Student Achievement Criteria (copied below) through the submission of an Annual Report. Please note that institutions with multiple accredited degree programs (e.g. masters and doctoral program) will need to complete a separate Annual Report form for each program. Optional questions have been marked as optional, ALL other questions are required and must be completed according to form instructions before submission. You will be able to start your form and complete it at another time by utilizing the "save and continue" feature located at the top of each page starting with the second page. A copy of your submission will be sent to you after completion for your records. If you have any questions about this form please contact [email protected]. The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows: Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, and maximum length of time* for each cohort Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs must demonstrate 70% pass rate on the licensure MFT exam for each cohort Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, and maximum length of time* for each cohort Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report on each cohort Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, and maximum length of time* for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report on each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report on each cohort

Transcript of January 2017 Annual Report - Pfeiffer RDU...January 2017 Annual Report ... Criminal...

January 2017 Annual ReportResponse ID:25 Data

1. Instructions

This is the 2017 COAMFTE Annual Report. Programs should submit this completed form on or before the program's noted Annual Report deadline. All accredited programs mustdemonstrate continued compliance with the COAMFTE Student Achievement Criteria (copied below) through the submission of an Annual Report.

Please note that institutions with multiple accredited degree programs (e.g. masters and doctoral program) will need to complete a separate Annual Report form for each program.

Optional questions have been marked as optional, ALL other questions are required and must be completed according to form instructions before submission.

You will be able to start your form and complete it at another time by utilizing the "save and continue" feature located at the top of each page starting with the second page.

A copy of your submission will be sent to you after completion for your records.

If you have any questions about this form please contact [email protected].

The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows: Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III

Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs must demonstrate70% pass rate on the licensure MFT exam for each cohort

Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged toreport on each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

*Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e. a student doubled up on coursework one semester and was able to graduateearly). Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written. Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish theprogram (i.e. if a student needed to take time off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs. The other Student Achievement Criteria require data (rates percohort) to be published.

2. Program Contact Information

Please complete the following program information.

Submission Deadline

January 31, 2017


Pfeiffer University at Raleigh Durham

Program Degree Level


Program Degree Type

(MA) Masters of Arts

Program ID #


Does your program operate a full-time track?


Does your program operate a part-time track?


Does your program hold another specialized accreditation besides COAMFTE?


At the time of this report's submission, how many total students are currently enrolled in the program (all tracks, all years, etc.)?


Program Director Contact Information



First Name


Last Name


Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number


Is the program's entry in the Directory of Accredited Programs accurate?


3. Directory of Accredited Programs Contact Information - Fill out only what needs to be changed:

Program Director: Prefix


Program Director: First Name


Program Director: Last Name


Program Director: Title

Program Director

Email Address

[email protected]

Phone Number


Fax Number


Address Line 1

2880 Slater Road, Suite 100

Address Line 2

Morrisville, NC 27560

Address Line 3

Program's Website:


Program's Facebook page:

3. General Program Information

. Does the program operate an on-site clinic?


1. Does the program have access to paid internships?


If so, what is the pay range for these internships?

$15 per session

3. Please place a checkmark next to any area(s) your program focuses on (select all that may apply):

Preparing CliniciansHealthcare Setting Focus

4. Is your program currently utilizing the Version 11 outcomes-based educational framework (Educational Outcomes including Program Outcomes, Student Learning Outcomes, andFaculty Outcomes), the Version 12 outcomes-based educational framework (Program Goals and Student Learning Outcomes), or is the program in transition?

Version 12

5. Please check the undergraduate degrees that current students entered your program with (select all that apply).

AccountingBusiness Administration/ManagementCommunicationComputer Applications/Computer Information Systems/Information Systems/Computer ScienceCriminal Justice/CriminologyEducation

Family StudiesLiberal ArtsMarketingPsychologyReligion

6. Please select the employment settings in which your graduates work (select all that apply).

Public College/UniversityPublic Hospital or Medical CenterPublic Community Based Center (other than a hospital)Public Mental Health/Substance Abuse PolicyPublic Mental Health AgencyPublic Residential Treatment FacilityPrivate College/UniversityPrivate Hospital or Medical CenterPrivate Community Based Center (other than a hospital)Private Mental Health/Substance Abuse PolicyPrivate Practice/Business/ConsultingPrivate Mental Health AgencyPrivate Residential Treatment FacilityPublic Child Welfare AgencyPrivate Child Welfare Agency

7. Approximately what percentage of graduates from the last six years have gone on to enroll in doctoral programs in MFT?


In the table below, please complete the required information.

Below please provide the number of completed applicationsfor the program that the program received for each cohort


Below please provide the number of completed applicationsthat the program "accepted" for the program for each cohort


Below please provide the number of acceptedapplicants that enrolled in the program for each

cohort listed.














28 23 19


21 20 20


18 16 12


13 10 9


9 8 8


6 4 4

Please complete the required information.

Please provide the number of times a year at which new students may start program curriculum (i.e. start date, the number of cycles, etc.).


Optional - Please provide any contextual information related to your response above.

Formal acceptance occurs during the Summer semester or Fall semester

4. General Program Information Part 2

. From the undergraduate degree types previously selected, approximately what percentage of current students hold each degree?Options piped from question 5.

Family Studies : 12%Accounting : 8%

Business Administration/Management : 8%Communication : 12%Computer Applications/Computer Information Systems/Information Systems/Computer Science : 8%Criminal Justice/Criminology : 8%Education : 8%Liberal Arts : 8%Marketing : 8%Psychology : 12%Religion : 8%

Total : 100%

5. Faculty Contact Information

Programs and their faculty are two of COAMFTE's key stakeholders. In order to be as transparent with all stakeholders as possible and communicate important updates, actions, etc.we would like to collect contact information on the core faculty that make up the COAMFTE community of accredited programs. The information gathered in this form will not be sharedwith any outside party and will only be used by COAMFTE.

Please complete each item noted below for each core faculty member in your program (including the Program Director). You do not need to supply information for adjunct faculty.

The survey will display a blank question for additional faculty members after the preceding question is answered.

1. Faculty Information 1

Faculty Name (first and last)

Laura Bryan

Work Phone Number


Work Email Address

[email protected]

Position (select all that apply)

Other - Write In (Required): Site Director

Supervisor Status (select all that apply)

AAMFT Approved Supervisor

Rank (select the most appropriate option)


Faculty Information 2

Faculty Name (first and last)

Susan Perkins

Work Phone Number


Work Email Address

[email protected]

Position (select all that apply)

Director of Clinical Training (or similar position)

Supervisor Status (select all that apply)

AAMFT Approved Supervisor Candidate

Rank (select the most appropriate option)


Faculty Information 3

Faculty Name (first and last)

Daniel Stillwell

Work Phone Number


Work Email Address

[email protected]

Position (select all that apply)

Core Faculty

Supervisor Status (select all that apply)

AAMFT Approved Supervisor Candidate

Rank (select the most appropriate option)


Faculty Information 4

Faculty Name (first and last)

Portia Smith

Work Phone Number


Work Email Address

[email protected]

Position (select all that apply)

Core Faculty

Supervisor Status (select all that apply)

AAMFT Approved Supervisor

Rank (select the most appropriate option)


Faculty Information 5

Faculty Name (first and last)

Work Phone Number

Work Email Address

Position (select all that apply)

Supervisor Status (select all that apply)

Rank (select the most appropriate option)

6. Faculty Demographics

On this page the program will be asked to report on certain demographics of program faculty. Please note that the Commission collects the following information to report certaindiversity data on accredited programs to the public. The Commission understands that diversity is represented in programs in a variety of ways in addition to gender and ethnicitywhich must be reported on below. Programs are encouraged to review Eligibility Criterion H of the COAMFTE Accreditation Standards Version 12 for additional information onCOAMFTE accreditation and diversity.

1. Number of Faculty (core and adjunct) in the program

Please indicate the total number of faculty currently at the program.


2. Faculty by Ethnicity


Asian or PacificIslander


White/non-Hispanic Hispanic/Latino/Chicano Multiethnic

American Indian orAlaska Native Other

Faculty 1 4

3. Faculty by Gender

Male Female

Faculty 2 3

Please use this section to provide additional diversity information about the faculty, such as social/cultural/gender identities represented in your program, that are not sufficientlyreflected in the options above (optional).

7. Supervisor Demographics

On this page the program will be asked to report on certain demographics of program supervisors. Please note that the Commission collects the following information to report certaindiversity data on accredited programs to the public. The Commission understands that diversity is represented in programs in a variety of ways in addition to gender and ethnicitywhich must be reported on below. Programs are encouraged to review Eligibility Criterion H of the COAMFTE Accreditation Standards Version 12 for additional information onCOAMFTE accreditation and diversity.

1. Number of Supervisors in the Program

Please indicate the total number of supervisors currently at the program.


2. Supervisors by Ethnicity


Asian or PacificIslander


White/non-Hispanic Hispanic/Latino/Chicano Multiethnic

American Indian orAlaska Native Other

Supervisors 1 3

3. Supervisors by Gender

Male Female

Supervisors 1 3

Please use this section to provide additional diversity information about the supervisors, such as social/cultural/gender identities represented in your program, that are not sufficientlyreflected in the options above (optional).

8. Program Data - Full-Time

The following questions refer to students and graduates from the full-time track only.

1. What is the total number of students currently enrolled in the program full-time at the time of this submission.


On this page the program will be asked to report on certain demographics of program students. Please note that the Commission collects the following information to report certaindiversity data on accredited programs to the public. The Commission understands that diversity is represented in programs in a variety of ways in addition to gender and ethnicitywhich must be reported on below. Programs are encouraged to review Eligibility Criterion H of the COAMFTE Accreditation Standards Version 12 for additional information onCOAMFTE accreditation and diversity.

3. Number of Students by Gender

Male Female

Full-Time Students 2 11

4. Number of Students by Ethnicity


Asian or PacificIslander


HispanicWhite/non-Hispanic Hispanic/Latino/Chicano Multiethnic

American Indian orAlaska Native Other


5 8

Please use this section to provide additional diversity information about the students, such as social/cultural/gender identities represented in your program, that are not sufficientlyreflected in the options above (optional).

Full-Time Track Information by Calendar Year

The information below should be provided by calendar year for students/graduates from the full-time track, regardless of their cohort.

Number of Graduates Per Calendar Year

2011 : 02012 : 02013 : 02014 : 72015 : 82016 : 7

National or State Exam Pass Rate and Licensure Data per Calendar Year

# of Students and Graduates who Passed the National or State Exam in the respective

year below:# of Students and Graduates who gained licensure as an LMFT in the respective year


2016 3 0

All programs, regardless of degree level, are required to provide the information requested below beginning with the 2005-2006 cohort or with thecohort that entered the program after the program was granted Initial Accreditation status. Although not required for programs accredited after 2005,these programs are encouraged to provide all the requested information below for each cohort.

The following information is collected by cohorts in the program. A cohort is defined as the students who entered the program between a given timeperiod (example: the students in the 2005 – 2006 Cohort, entered their respective programs in the 2005 – 2006 school year).

Programs have four options to complete the tables below (these options will appear in a dropdown):No Students: Use ONLY when no students have enrolled in a given cohortNo Data: Use when no data is available, this should not be used in place of zeroNot Accredited: Use with cohorts that entered prior to your program being granted COAMFTE Accreditation that your program does not wish to providedata on.Numbers: 0-3,000The form will display a dropdown of these options as you start typing, to quickly move from cell to cell tap the "tab" key twice once the value youwould like to enter is selected in the dropdown.

Programs that enter "no data" for cells will need to provide contextual information regarding why "no data" was entered.

Definitions for the table below:"# of Students Licensed as MFTs" is defined as any student who has not graduated from the program but is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

# of Students and Graduates who are

Members of AAMFT# of Students and Graduates who hold membership in Other Mental

Health Organizations# of Students Licensed

as MFTs# of Graduates Licensed

as MFTs


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


10 0 0 2


5 0 0 0


8 0 0 0


3 0 0 0


0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0

Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

9. Program Data - Part-Time

The following questions refer to students and graduates from the part-time track only.

1. What is the total number of students currently enrolled in the program part-time at the time of this submission.


On this page the program will be asked to report on certain demographics of program students. Please note that the Commission collects the following information to report certaindiversity data on accredited programs to the public. The Commission understands that diversity is represented in programs in a variety of ways in addition to gender and ethnicitywhich must be reported on below. Programs are encouraged to review Eligibility Criterion H of the COAMFTE Accreditation Standards Version 12 for additional information onCOAMFTE accreditation and diversity.

Number of Students by Gender

Male Female

Part-Time Students 3 4

Number of Students by Ethnicity


Asian or PacificIslander


HispanicWhite/non-Hispanic Hispanic/Latino/Chicano Multiethnic

American Indian orAlaska Native Other


3 4

Please use this section to provide additional diversity information about the students, such as social/cultural/gender identities represented in your program, that are not sufficientlyreflected in the options above (optional).

Part-Time Track Information by Calendar Year

The information below should be provided by calendar year for students/graduates from the part-time track, regardless of their cohort.

Number of Graduates Per Calendar Year

2015 : 82016 : 22011 : 02012 : 02013 : 02014 : 0

National or State Exam Pass Rate and Licensure Data per Calendar Year

# of Students and Graduates who Passed the National or State Exam in the respective

year below:# of Students and Graduates who gained licensure as an LMFT in the respective year


2016 4 0

All programs, regardless of degree level, are required to provide the information requested below beginning with the 2005-2006 cohort or with thecohort that entered the program after the program was granted Initial Accreditation status. Although not required for programs accredited after 2005,these programs are encouraged to provide all the requested information below for each cohort.

The following information is collected by cohorts in the program. A cohort is defined as the students who entered the program between a given timeperiod (example: the students in the 2005 – 2006 Cohort, entered their respective programs in the 2005 – 2006 school year).

Programs have four options to complete the tables below (these options will appear in a dropdown):No Students: Use ONLY when no students have enrolled in a given cohortNo Data: Use when no data is available, this should not be used in place of zeroNot Accredited: Use with cohorts that entered prior to your program being granted COAMFTE Accreditation that your program does not wish to provide

data on.Numbers: 0-3,000The form will display a dropdown of these options as you start typing, to quickly move from cell to cell tap the "tab" key twice once the value youwould like to enter is selected in the dropdown.

Programs that enter "no data" for cells will need to provide contextual information regarding why "no data" was entered.

Definitions for the table below:"# of Students Licensed as MFTs" is defined as any student who has not graduated from the program but is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

# of Students and Graduates who are

Members of AAMFT# of Students and Graduates who hold membership in Other Mental

Health Organizations# of Students Licensed

as MFTs# of Graduates Licensed

as MFTs


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


6 0 0 0


4 0 0 0


2 0 0 0


2 0 0 0


0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0

Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

10. Maintenance Criterion A: Ongoing Fiscal and Physical Resources

Maintenance Criterion A: Ongoing Fiscal and Physical Resources

The program provides evidence annually of financial viability and verifies that fiscal and physical resources, technological resources, instructional and clinical resources, academicresources, and student support services remain sufficient to enable the program to achieve its outcome-based education framework.

Fiscal and Physical Resources - the monetary, personnel, and space needed to operate and implement the program. Fiscal Resources include revenue streams and operating budgetsthat sustain program stability and function. Physical Resources include administrative and instructional space. Examples of physical space include but are not limited to a trainingclinic, research labs, smart classrooms, audiovisual equipment, computers, etc.

Describe any changes in the program's resources during the past reporting year:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Provide evidence (for example: budget, aggregated data, meeting minutes, survey results) used in your review of continuing sufficiency during the past reporting year anddescribe how this evidence supports on-going sufficiency:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

If insufficiency is identified, describe any action taken to address deficiency. If no insufficiency was identified, state so.

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Technological Resources - resources used to deliver instruction to students and/or facilitate and support a program's data analysis and collection processes. The technologies mayinclude: a) the internet; b) one-way and two-way transmissions through open broadcast, closed circuit, cable, microwave, broadband lines, fiber optics, satellite, wirelesscommunications devices; c) audio conferencing; d) video cassettes, DVDs, and CD-ROMs, if the cassettes, DVDs, or CD-ROMs are used in a course in conjunction with any of thetechnologies listed in (a) – (c) or software and learning management systems.

Describe any changes in the program's resources during the past reporting year:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Provide evidence (for example: budget, aggregated data, meeting minutes, survey results) used in your review of continuing sufficiency during the past reporting year anddescribe how this evidence supports on-going sufficiency:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

If insufficiency is identified, describe any action taken to address deficiency. If no insufficiency was identified, state so.

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Instructional and Clinical Resources - tools or services, which assist faculty in successfully teaching the curriculum and practice component. Clinical Resources are tools or services,which assist faculty or supervisors in successfully providing all aspects of clinical training. These include but are not limited to a clinic, clientele, technological resources,administrative assistance, and staff. Instructional resources are tools or services that assist faculty in optimally teaching their courses. These include but are not limited to libraryassistance, library sources, computer access, teaching assistants and technological resources.

Describe any changes in the program's resources during the past reporting year:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Provide evidence (for example: budget, aggregated data, meeting minutes, survey results) used in your review of continuing sufficiency during the past reporting year anddescribe how this evidence supports on-going sufficiency:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

If insufficiency is identified, describe any action taken to address deficiency. If no insufficiency was identified, state so.

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

4. Academic Resources - tools or services available to students to assist them in satisfying the requirements of the program. Examples include but are not limited to library facilities,writing centers, technological support, financial aid offices, student counseling services, grievance offices.

Describe any changes in the program's resources during the past reporting year:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Provide evidence (for example: budget, aggregated data, meeting minutes, survey results) used in your review of continuing sufficiency during the past reporting year anddescribe how this evidence supports on-going sufficiency:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

If insufficiency is identified, describe any action taken to address deficiency. If no insufficiency was identified, state so.

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

5. Student Support Services - services available to students that facilitate and support a student's ability to successfully achieve the program's educational goals. Examples of studentsupport services include but are not limited to: The Office of Disability, Counseling Services, Academic Advisement, Financial Aid Office, Office of Diversity and International Services,etc.

Describe any changes in the program's resources during the past reporting year:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

Provide evidence (for example: budget, aggregated data, meeting minutes, survey results) used in your review of continuing sufficiency during the past reporting year anddescribe how this evidence supports on-going sufficiency:

See summary PDF with corresponding bookmarks.

If insufficiency is identified, describe any action taken to address deficiency. If no insufficiency was identified, state so.

See summary PDF with corresponding book marks.

6. Summary - For any of the above categories, describe the impact of any changes or data collected that present challenges to the program's ability to maintain/achieve its outcome-based education framework:

Summary - Please upload any supporting documentation related to your responses above as needed. Please note that you may only upload one document in PDF format withbookmarks to each section of the document. The file may not be larger than 2 MB. Uploading supporting documentation is optional.


11. SAC Data Disclosure

The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows: Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III

Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs mustdemonstrate 70% pass rate on the licensure MFT examfor each cohort

Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouragedto report on each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

*Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up on coursework one semester and was able to graduateearly). Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written. Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish theprogram (i.e., if a student needed to take time off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs. The other Student Achievement Criteria require data (rates percohort) to be published.

URL for SAC Data Disclosure

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

Masters Programs: SAC I, II, IIIDoctoral Programs: SAC I, IIPost-Degree Programs: SAC IAll programs must download the COAMFTE approved table to display the new SAC information, the table (called "SAC Data Disclosure Template") can be accessed on the ProgramDirector's Homepage. Programs must display this table on their home page, or have a clearly displayed link which leads directly to the SAC table. Regardless of which option programsdetermine to present this information, it must be clearly labeled and identifiable on the program's home page and provide all of the required information. For example, having a link tothe table via a menu dropdown would not be considered clearly labeled and identifiable.

In the space below, place the URL link to the program's landing/homepage containing the program's SAC disclosure.


2. If desired, please enter any contextual information related to your program's SAC data disclosure.

12. Maintenance Criterion B - Full-Time

The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows: Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III

Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs mustdemonstrate 70% pass rate on the licensure MFT examfor each cohort

Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouragedto report on each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

*Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up on coursework one semester and was able to graduateearly). Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written. Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish theprogram (i.e., if a student needed to take time off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs. The other Student Achievement Criteria require data (rates percohort) to be published.

All programs, regardless of degree level, are required to provide the information requested below beginning with the2005-2006 cohort or with the cohort that entered the program after the program was granted Initial Accreditation status.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs (70%pass rate for each cohort).

Although not required for programs accredited after 2005, these programs are encouraged to provide all the requestedinformation below for each cohort.

The following information is collected by cohorts in the program. A cohort is defined as the students who entered the program between a given timeperiod (example: the students in the 2005 – 2006 Cohort, entered their respective programs in the 2005 – 2006 school year).

Programs have four options to complete the tables below (these options will appear in a dropdown): No Students: Use ONLY when no students have enrolled in a given cohortNo Data: Use when no data is available, this should not be used in place of zeroNot Accredited: Use with cohorts that entered prior to your program being granted COAMFTE Accreditation that your program does not wish to provide data on.Numbers: 0-3,000The form will display a dropdown of these options as you start typing, to quickly move from cell to cell tap the "tab" key twice once the value you would like to enter is selected in thedropdown.

Programs that enter "no data" for cells will need to provide contextual information regarding why "no data" was entered.

2. Please select "yes" if you would like to see an example of how to collect and report student graduation information by cohort.

3. Please enter the program's initial date of accreditation.


4. Full-Time Information

Full-Time - Program Completion (please note that ranges are NOT acceptable)

Minimum Length of Program Completion: Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up on

coursework one semester and was able to graduate early).

Advertised Length of Program Completion: Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written.

Maximum Length of Program Completion: Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish the program (i.e., if a student needed to taketime off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Minimum Length of Program Completion (in years) : 3Advertised Length of Program Completion (in years) : 3Maximum Length of Program Completion (in years) : 5

Length of time (in years) before a graduate can sit for the licensure exam in the state where the program is housed (if not applicable, please enter "n/a" and explain below).


Contextual information regarding the length of time before a graduate can sit for the licensure exam in the state where the program is housed (enter "n/a" if you do not need toprovide any contextual information):

As of July 2016, students will have to wait until post graduation to sit for the national exam.

5. Student Achievement Criteria I - Graduation Rate

# of students enrolled (# ofstudents entering program)

Total # of students who graduated within theMinimum Length of Program Completion

Total # of students who graduated within theAdvertised Length of Program Completion

Total # of students who graduated within theMaximum Length of Program Completion


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


12 10 10 10


7 5 5 5


10 7 7 7


6 0 0 0


6 0 0 0

6. Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

7. Student Achievement Criteria II - Job Placement Rate

# of graduates pursuing employment, who entered in the year listed, that provided

their employment status to the program# of graduates, who entered in the year listed, that are employed utilizing skills learned

in the COAMFTE accredited program


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


10 10


5 5


7 7


0 0


0 0

8. Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

Programs will be asked to report on SAC III (Exam Pass Rate) on the next page.

13. Maintenance Criterion B - SAC III - Full-Time

The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows: Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III

Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs mustdemonstrate 70% pass rate on the licensure MFT examfor each cohort

Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouragedto report on each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

*Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up on coursework one semester and was able to graduateearly). Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written. Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish theprogram (i.e., if a student needed to take time off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs. The other Student Achievement Criteria require data (rates percohort) to be published.

1. Student Achievement Criteria III - National/State Exam Pass Rate

# of Students and Graduates who sat for the National or State Equivalent Exam # of Students and Graduates who Passed the National or State Equivalent Exam

2005-2006 No Students No Students

2006-2007 No Students No Students

2007-2008 No Students No Students

2008-2009 No Students No Students

2009-2010 No Students No Students

2010-2011 No Students No Students

2011-2012 10 10

2012-2013 5 5

2013-2014 5 4

2014-2015 0 0

2015-2016 0 0

2. Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

14. Full-Time Exam Pass Rate Calculation Code

Pass Rate 05-06

Pass Rate 06-07

Pass Rate 07-08

Pass Rate 08-09

Pass Rate 09-10

Pass Rate 10-11

Pass Rate 11-12


Pass Rate 12-13


Pass Rate 13-14


Pass Rate 14-15

Pass Rate 15-16

15. Full-Time - SAC III - Exam Pass Rate Review

Student Achievement Criteria III - National/State Exam Pass Rate

Below is the exam pass rate for your program's cohorts based on the information entered on the previous page. Please provide contextual informationfor any cohort that has a pass rate of lower than 70%. The contextual information should outline the specific reasons for the deficiency. Programs arerequired to specifically address each cohort and focus on specific students/graduates by providing reasons for their licensure exam failure. Do notprovide generic reasons for overall performance, please provide specific information about each student by cohort.

Pass Rates

2005-2006: %2006-2007: %2007-2008: %2008-2009: %2009-2010: %2010-2011: %2011-2012: 100%2012-2013: 100%2013-2014: 80%2014-2015: %2015-2016: %

2. Please provide contextual information for cohorts with a licensure exam pass rate that falls below a 70% pass rate (a response is not needed for cohorts with a licensure exam passrate of 70% or higher):

16. Maintenance Criterion B - Part-Time

The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows:

Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III

Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs mustdemonstrate 70% pass rate on the licensure MFT examfor each cohort

Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouragedto report on each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

*Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up on coursework one semester and was able to graduateearly). Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written. Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish theprogram (i.e., if a student needed to take time off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs. The other Student Achievement Criteria require data (rates percohort) to be published.

1. Part-Time Information

Part-Time - Program Completion (please note that ranges are NOT acceptable)

Minimum Length of Program Completion: Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up oncoursework one semester and was able to graduate early).

Advertised Length of Program Completion: Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written.

Maximum Length of Program Completion: Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish the program (i.e., if a student needed to taketime off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Minimum Length of Program Completion (in years) : 4Advertised Length of Program Completion (in years) : 4Maximum Length of Program Completion (in years) : 5

Length of time (in years) before a graduate can sit for the licensure exam in the state where the program is housed (if not applicable, please enter "n/a" and explain below).


Contextual information regarding the length of time before a graduate can sit for the licensure exam in the state where the program is housed (enter "n/a" if you do not need toprovide any contextual information):

As of July 2016, students will have to wait until post graduation to sit for the national exam.

All programs, regardless of degree level, are required to provide the information requested below beginning with the2005-2006 cohort or with the cohort that entered the program after the program was granted Initial Accreditation status.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs (70%pass rate for each cohort).

Although not required for programs accredited after 2005, these programs are encouraged to provide all the requestedinformation below for each cohort.

The following information is collected by cohorts in the program. A cohort is defined as the students who entered the program between a given timeperiod (example: the students in the 2005 – 2006 Cohort, entered their respective programs in the 2005 – 2006 school year).

Programs have four options to complete the tables below (these options will appear in a dropdown): No Students: Use ONLY when no students have enrolled in a given cohortNo Data: Use when no data is available, this should not be used in place of zeroNot Accredited: Use with cohorts that entered prior to your program being granted COAMFTE Accreditation that your program does not wish to provide data on.Numbers: 0-3,000The form will display a dropdown of these options as you start typing, to quickly move from cell to cell tap the "tab" key twice once the value you would like to enter is selected in thedropdown.

Programs that enter "no data" for cells will need to provide contextual information regarding why "no data" was entered.

3. Please enter the program's initial date of accreditation.


4. Please select "yes" if you would like to see an example of how to collect and report student graduation information by cohort.

5. Student Achievement Criteria I - Graduation Rate

# of students enrolled (# ofstudents entering program)

Total # of students who graduated within theMinimum Length of Program Completion

Total # of students who graduated within theAdvertised Length of Program Completion

Total # of students who graduated within theMaximum Length of Program Completion


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


No Students No Students No Students No Students


11 6 6 6


9 4 4 4


3 0 0 0


2 0 0 0


2 0 0 0

6. Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

7. Student Achievement Criteria II - Job Placement Rate

# of graduates pursuing employment, who entered in the year listed, that provided

their employment status to the program# of graduates, who entered in the year listed, that are employed utilizing skills learned

in the COAMFTE accredited program


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


No Students No Students


6 6


4 4


0 0


0 0


0 0

8. Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

17. Maintenance Criterion B - SAC III - Part-Time

The current COAMFTE Version 12 Standards Student Achievement Criteria are as follows: Program Type Student Achievement Criteria I Student Achievement Criteria II Student Achievement Criteria III

Master's Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Licensure Exam Pass Rate: Programs mustdemonstrate 70% pass rate on the licensure MFT examfor each cohort

Doctoral Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Job Placement Rates for each cohort Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

Post-Degree Programs Graduation Rates for minimum, advertised, andmaximum length of time* for each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouragedto report on each cohort

Not required, but programs are encouraged to report oneach cohort

*Minimum length of time is the shortest time possible that a student could complete the program (i.e., a student doubled up on coursework one semester and was able to graduateearly). Advertised length of time is how long the program is designed to complete as written. Maximum length of time is the maximum allowable time in which a student could finish theprogram (i.e., if a student needed to take time off due to illness, family responsibilities, etc.).

Programs are required to publish data on all of the required Student Achievement Criteria set by the Commission per cohort on an annual basis on the landing page of their program'swebsite.

The only benchmark set by the Commission is in regards to the Licensure Exam Pass Rate for Master's Programs. The other Student Achievement Criteria require data (rates percohort) to be published.

1. Student Achievement Criteria III - National/State Exam Pass Rate

# of Students and Graduates who sat for the National or State Equivalent Exam # of Students and Graduates who Passed the National or State Equivalent Exam

2005-2006 No Students No Students

2006-2007 No Students No Students

2007-2008 No Students No Students

2008-2009 No Students No Students

2009-2010 No Students No Students

2010-2011 No Students No Students

2011-2012 5 5

2012-2013 3 3

2013-2014 0 0

2014-2015 0 0

2015-2016 0 0

2. Please provide contextual information for any cohorts listed above where "no data" was entered regarding why "no data" was entered:

18. Part-Time Exam Pass Rate Calculation Code

Pass Rate 05-06

Pass Rate 06-07

Pass Rate 07-08

Pass Rate 08-09

Pass Rate 09-10

Pass Rate 10-11

Pass Rate 11-12


Pass Rate 12-13


Pass Rate 13-14

Pass Rate 14-15

Pass Rate 15-16

19. Part-Time - SAC III - Exam Pass Rate Review

Student Achievement Criteria III - National/State Exam Pass Rate

Below is the exam pass rate for your program's cohorts based on the information entered on the previous page. Please provide contextual informationfor any cohort that has a pass rate of lower than 70%. The contextual information should outline the specific reasons for the deficiency. Programs arerequired to specifically address each cohort and focus on specific students/graduates by providing reasons for their licensure exam failure. Do notprovide generic reasons for overall performance, please provide specific information about each student by cohort.

Pass Rates

2005-2006: %2006-2007: %

2007-2008: %2008-2009: %2009-2010: %2010-2011: %2011-2012: 100%2012-2013: 100%2013-2014: %2014-2015: %2015-2016: %

2. Please provide contextual information for cohorts with a licensure exam pass rate that falls below a 70% pass rate (a response is not needed for cohorts with a licensure exam passrate of 70% or higher):

20. Signature

As the Program Director, or person who has or shares ultimate program responsibilities at this COAMFTE accredited program, I attest that I meet the Program Director requirementslisted in Eligibility Criterion C of the COAMFTE Version 12 Standards.


As the Program Director, or person who has or shares ultimate program responsibilities at this COAMFTE accredited program, I attest that I meet the Program Director requirementslisted in Eligibility Criterion C of the COAMFTE Version 12 Standards.

Signature of: Susan B. Wilkie, Ph.D

2. I heretofore certify that all information provided in this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of: Susan B. Wilkie, Ph.D

Optional - COAMFTE is continually gathering information to make improvements to the Annual Report. COAMFTE welcomes any discussion or feedback your program can provideregarding the Annual Report and how it could be improved. In the space below, please provide COAMFTE with any feedback your program wishes to communicate.

The 2MB limit for document uploads is a barrier for submission. Also, the fillable format restricts the process.

By clicking the "submit" button below your Annual Report will be marked as final. Before doing so, please be sure to review the information entered to ensure its accuracy. Please alsoensure that all questions not labeled as optional have been completed.