January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

A.J. Barnaby (98) Navy Midshipmen NT, amps up the Midshipmen crowd before the start of the Army Vs. Navy Game December 14 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. The Navy Midshipmen won 34-7. The Midshipmen haven’t lost to Army since 2001 and lead the series 58-49-7. Navy’s 12-game run is the longest in the history of the rivalry that began in 1890. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Ace Rheaume January 2014


January 2014 edition of the NSAP Freedom Flyer. Newsletter for the Naval Support Activity Philadelphia community.

Transcript of January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

Page 1: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

A.J. Barnaby (98) Navy Midshipmen NT, amps up the Midshipmen crowd before the start of the Army Vs. Navy Game December 14 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. The Navy Midshipmen won 34-7. The Midshipmen haven’t lost to Army since 2001 and lead the series 58-49-7. Navy’s 12-game run is the longest in the history of the rivalry that began in 1890. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Ace Rheaume

January 2014

Page 2: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

Clothing warfighters, helping homeless vets: C&T donates Thanksgiving items to shelterStory by Mikia Muhammad, DLA Troop Support Corporate Communications

Helping Veterans

Despite a year of furloughs and shutdowns, Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support Cloth-ing and Textiles employees donated hundreds of Thanksgiving meal items and household goods to a local homeless veteran’s shelter, the supply chain’s director said Nov. 27. Air Force Col. Jody D. Cox presented The Veterans Group Executive Director Matthew Dun-phy with the items on behalf of the Philadelphia Compound Veterans Committee. “I would say there are a lot of big hearts in Clothing and Textiles,” Cox said. “What I’m struck by is it’s been a tough year, it’s been a tough series of years. It can be trying times in some of your households, and yet this is the re-sult.” Donated food included turkeys, pies and stuffing, in addition to household items like laun-dry detergent and shaving cream. The Veterans Group is a nonprofit shelter in West Philadelphia that provides Philadelphia-area homeless veterans with food and various facilities including a health and wellness center, gymnasi-um, and computer and counseling rooms, Dunphy said.

DLA Troop Support Clothing and Textiles employees and members of Philadelphia Compound Veterans Committee with items donated by C&T employees for The Veterans Group, a homeless veteran’s shelter located in West Philadelphia Nov. 27. Through the PCVC, C&T employees donated hundreds of Thanksgiving food and household items to the local shelter. Photo by Mikia Muhammad

“Our veterans that come to us, their income is limited,” Dunphy said. “We try to provide all the food for them…so donations go a long way.”This is the second year the PCVC donated to The Veterans Group, member Marianne Bustin said. The committee is comprised of representatives from organizations on the Naval Supply Activity Philadelphia base. Bustin, a C&T supply planner and Navy vet-eran that served as liaison between the two orga-nizations, said the donation drive is a way for the committee to reach out to veterans. “For me, I’m one of the veterans,” Bustin said. “I wasn’t wounded, I feel lucky. So I want to share the wealth … for those who are less fortu-nate.” Dunphy expressed gratitude for the donations. “We just want to say ‘thank you,’” he said. “We can’t do it alone. We need everybody to come to-gether to help and I see that today. It’s just a great, great day for us, for the veterans, for you guys, for everyone. It’s about giving: our time, resources to help another person out.”

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Clothing warfighters, helping homeless vets: C&T donates Thanksgiving items to shelter

Native American Culture Celebrated on NSA Phil


Native American Culture Celebrated on Naval Support Activity PhiladelphiaStory by Margaret Kenyon-Ely, NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support Office of Corporate Communications

Chief David Stands With Song Hughes embodied this year’s theme of “Guiding Our Destiny with Heritage and Traditions” during the annual National American Indian Heritage Month program onboard the Naval Sup-port Activity (NSA) Philadelphia on November 14.After beginning his keynote address in his native Chero-kee language, Chief David, the Principal Chief of the Eagle Medicine Band of Cherokee Indians (an indig-enous community based in Pennsylvania with member-ship across the country), dispelled common myths and detailed truths about Native American, or Indigenous, cultures. “This country has come a long way in its social in-teractions and acceptance, but we have a long way to go … There has been much progress over the last 20 years with a conscious effort to try to bring a sense of dignity to indigenous people both off and on the reservations,” he said. “I know for a fact that many of you have indige-nous blood,” Chief David continued, adding: “A per-son’s geography or zip code doesn’t determine who that person is. We should be proud of who we are and where we come from. We have a legacy.” NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS), Weapons Support Department Director, Col. Scott V. Hallstrom, USMC, in his opening remarks recognized the rich culture and courage of Native Americans.

Strong Brown Turkey, White Rabbit, Li Bad Wolf, and Chief David Stands With Song perform a traditional dance during the annual National American Indian Heritage Month program onboard Naval Support Activity (NSA) Philadelphia on November 14. Photo by Edward Maldonado, DLA Troop Support

“From the birth of the United States, American Indians, or Native Americans, have contributed to the fabric of our society with distinction … During this month it is imperative to pay tribute to the dedicated service and unique contributions of Native Americans, to our country and military, past and present,” he em-phasized. Hallstrom also noted how Native Americans have proudly served in the United States’ military for the past two hundred years, focusing on the story of how the famous Navajo Code Talkers took part in every assault the U.S. Marines conducted in the Pacific from 1942 through 1945 and how they served in every Marine Division, in Marine Radar Battalions, and in Marine Parachute units transmitting messages in their native language, a code that the Japanese never broke.Co-sponsored by the NAVSUP WSS Command Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee (EEOAC) and DLA Troop Support EEO Office, the event also featured Command presentations to Chief David by DLA Troop Support Commander Brig. Gen. Steven A. Shapiro, USA, and Hallstrom on behalf of NAVSUP WSS Commander Rear Adm. John G. King, SC, USN. Another highlight of the program was the Amer-ican Indian Harvest food samplings, which included bison stew, corn bread and succotash, and new NAV-SUP WSS Command EEOAC Chair Brian Keeley served as the event emcee.

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NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support Military Thanks Deployed Service Members through Operation GratitudeStory by Lt. Daron Weber, NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support Military Publicist

Operation Gratitude


Military service members from Philadelphia showed their gratitude for service-connected people by collecting care package items in support of Op-eration Gratitude on city-wide Operation Gratitude Day held on November 8. Operation Gratitude Day was coordinated by the Philadelphia Sports Congress and NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support (NAVSUP WSS) Phila-delphia. Fifty-one military volunteers from four Phila-delphia commands, 23 of whom came from NAV-SUP WSS, helped civilian volunteers collect over 4,435 pounds of care package items from 23 collec-tion points throughout Philadelphia and New Jersey. Additionally, volunteers collected a total of $4,000 and over 500 hand-written holiday cards.

2013 Operation Gratitude participants and supporters gather in Philadelphia on November 8 to mark the annual program that provides 100,000 care packages filled with snacks, entertainment items and personal letters of appreciation addressed to individually named U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions, to their children left behind and to Wounded Warriors, Veterans and First Responders. From left to right: FC1 Darryl Shinault, NAVSUP WSS; Lt. Rafe Ferguson, DLA Troop Support; Capt. Dan Hodgson, NAVSUP WSS; Ms. Carolyn Blashek, Operation Gratitude founder; Command Sergeant Major Vincent Lewis, Army Recruiting Command Philadelphia; Lt. Cmdr. Matt Brickhaus, NAVSUP WSS; IT3 Andrew Bussard, NAVSUP WSS; IT2 Nicholas Crowe, NAVSUP WSS; and HMC Joseph D. Rawson, Navy Recruiting District Philadelphia. Photo by Brea Webster-Stanko, Philadelphia Sports Congress.

But the dollar value of the items will not outweigh the feelings that service members will experience when they receive the care packages. “People deployed overseas are not forgotten during the holiday season, and we want them to know that,” said Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Brickhaus, NAVSUP WSS Joint Strike Fighter Action Officer and military volunteer coordinator for Operation Gratitude Day in Philadelphia. “I have received care packages many times before, and I can’t tell you how good of a feeling it is to receive them.” The Operation Gratitude program seeks to lift morale and put smiles on faces by sending care packages addressed to individual soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines deployed in harm’s way, to their children left behind, and to veterans, Wounded Warriors and first responders, according to the Operation Gratitude web site.

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Volunteers and participants of the Inaugural Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament take a group photo after the tournament December 3. Donations raised in the tournament are forwarded to CFC Wounded Warrior Charities. Photo Courtesy of Joshua W. Mangum

Winners:First Place - DLA BALLERSSecond Place - MAMBAThird Place - PB & J

Special Thanks to Naval Support Activity Philadelphia CPOA and Team SPAWAR for volunteering to keeping time/score/officiating

Army/NavyThe Army Black Knights and Navy Midshipmen prepare to begin the second half of the annual Army Vs. Navy Game December 14 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. The Navy Midshipmen won 34-7. The Midshipmen haven’t lost to Army since 2001 and lead the series 58-49-7. Navy’s 12-game run is the longest in the history of the rivalry that began in 1890. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Com-munication Specialist 1st Class Ace Rheaume

CFC Inaugural 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

Page 6: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer


The Army Black Knights and Navy Midshipmen face off during the Third Quarter of the annual Army Vs. Navy Game December 14 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. The Navy Midshipmen won 34-7. The Midshipmen haven’t lost to Army since 2001 and lead the series 58-49-7. Navy’s 12-game run is the longest in the history of the rivalry that began in 1890. U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Ace Rheaume

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Page 8: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

10. CHOOSE FOODS HIGH IN FIBER. A high fiber diet may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer and may help to control blood cholesterol levels. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are high in fiber.

11. EAT THREE MEALS OR MORE EACH DAY. Skip-ping meals often leads to overeating or eating the wrong foods. Try keeping nutritious food on hand for a healthy snack.

12. SELECT NONFAT OR LOWFAT DAIRY PRODUCTS. These milk products will supply needed calcium with-out the extra fat. Calcium is important in the preven-tion of osteoporosis.

13. READ FOOD LABELS. Limit foods that provide more than 3 grams of fat per 100 calories. Pay attention to servings sizes, the amount of sugar, cholesterol and sodium.

14. CHOOSE LEAN CUTS OF MEAT, CHICKEN WITHOUT SKIN AND FISH. Trim all visible fat off meat before cooking and limit serving sizes to 3-4 ounces, which is equivalent to the size of a deck of cards.

15. SUBSTITUTE WITH LOW FAT TOPPINGS. Substitute mustard, vinegar and salsas for butter, mayonnaise and salad dressings.

16. COOK LOWFAT. Cook foods by baking, broiling, steam-ing, poaching, roasting and microwaving using little or no added fats.

17. SNACK ON HEALTHY FOODS. Eat snacks that are low in fat and high in nutrients such as: fruits, vegetables, unbuttered popcorn, pretzels, rice cakes and unsweet-ened cereals.

18. TRY A VEGETARIAN MEAL AT LEAST ONCE EACH WEEK. Use grains, pasta, rice or beans to provide the foundation for a healthy, delicious, lowfat meal.

19. DINE LEAN WHEN EATING OUT. Ask for sauces and dressings on the side. Choose fish or lean meats and avoid fried foods. Try ordering fruit as your dessert. If serving portions are large, eat half and take the rest home.

20. STILL NEED HELP? Contact your local American Heart Association, or ask your Primary Care Manager.

1. EAT A VARIETY OF FOODS. Choose foods wisely from all of the food groups.

2. BALANCE YOUR CALORIES. Use the food guide pyra-mid as a guide to help you eat a nutritious, well bal-anced diet. A majority of calories should come from complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fruits. Milk products and meats should be used moderately, while fats and oils should be used sparingly.

3. CHOOSE FOODS LOW IN FAT. The American Heart As-sociation recommends limiting your daily fat intake to no more than 30% of your total caloric intake.

4. LIMIT YOUR INTAKE OF ANIMAL FATS. A diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol is associated with elevated blood cholesterol levels. Try to avoid high fat dairy products, fatty meats, poultry skin, lard, palm oil and coconut oil.

5. REMEMBER TO EAT FIVE A DAY. It is important to include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, minerals and fiber and low in fat. Some may also play a protective role against certain types of cancer.

6. INCLUDE HIGH COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES IN YOUR DIET. The food guide pyramid recommends 6-11 serv-ings of complex carbohydrates per day. Foods high in complex carbohydrates are breads, cereals, rice, pasta and starchy vegetables.

7. USE SUGARS ONLY IN MODERATION. Concentrated sweets like those found in candy, cookies, sodas, etc. provide calories with little nutritional value. These foods also contribute to tooth decay.

8. USE SALT IN MODERATION. Many prepared foods, frozen foods, cured foods and snack foods are high in salt. Try preparing meals with fresh herbs or spices.

9. LIMIT YOUR ALCOHOL INTAKE. A moderate alcohol intake for women is 1 drink per day, and 2 drinks per day for men. However, alcohol isn't calorie free and provides very little nutritional value.

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healthy eating

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Commanding OfficerCapt. Jeffery T. Rathbun

Officer-in-ChargeCmdr. Robert Speight

Deputy Site Manager NSAPDennis Donahue

Site Manager PNYHTCS(SW) Charles Brautcheck

Editorial DirectorMC1(SCW) Ace Rheaume

The Freedom Flyer is an authorized publication for members of the military service and civilian personnel of the Navy and Department of Defense commands and activities located at the Naval Support Activity (NSA) Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Navy Yard. Its con-tents do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, nor the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content of this publication is reviewed, pre-pared, and distributed by the NSA Philadelphia Pub-lic Affairs Office. For more information please contact MC1(SCW) Ace Rheaume, NSA Philadelphia Public Af-fairs Officer, at 215-697-5995 or [email protected].

Carpool: 20 years experience, Warminster area, and towns along routes in. Wed and Thurs. 630 to 5 p.m. Currently down to 2 people saving gas and wear and tear. For more info please contact Mike Gross (215) 737-5354 --------------------------------------------------------------------------The Freedom Flyer will publish free listings of personal items for sale by personnel of the Naval and Defense Activities at Philadelphia. Such items and services must represent an inci-dental exchange between personnel on the installation and not be business operations. Ads are limited to 15 words, include Command/Code, one per employee, and photos are highly en-couraged. Work extensions may only be used on car and van pool ads. All others must use a home or cell phone number. Ads are printed on a space available basis.

Send submissions to MC1(SCW) Ace Rheaume at [email protected].


Find us on Facebook! “Naval Support Activity Philadelphia”

2014 reservations are available for the MWR Picnic Pavilion Area. The rental fee is $70 and includes use of the MWR pavilion, sand volleyball court, horseshoe pits, the basketball court, and assorted lawn games. Access to a refrigerator and indoor restrooms is also included. (Payment of the rental fee is required to reserve your date.)

Looking for something fun to do after work? Fran's Hangar Bay (MWR All Hands Club) is open Wednesday and Thursday nights at 4:00. The Club is also available to rent for your next special occasion.

What: MWR Fitness Body Fat ChallengeWhen: Feb 16th-April 12th Rules: Participants will do their initial body composi-tion analysis on Feb 16 or 17. After that, participants will return weekly for body composition analysis with a MWR Fitness Specialist. Participants will need to check-in with the Fitness Center on a weekly basis for ongoing body composition analyses. The final analysis will be completed in April 13 or 14. (All results will be kept confidential.)Top contestants will be awarded prices. For more in-formation or a complete set of incentive program rules, contact the MWR Fitness Center at 215-697-2069 or [email protected]

For more information, please contact the ITT office at 215-697-5392 or [email protected] or the Club office at 215-697-4101 or e-mail [email protected].



DLA Bowling League

When: Monday Nights, 5:45 pm Where:5830 Castor- Thunderbird Lanes Starting: January 13th 2014 Cost: $15 (includes 3 games, shoes, and year end party) 4 person teams- Don’t have a full team? No worries, come and we will match you up with other to make a team. POC: Chris Harmer 215-737-2889 Email: [email protected] (Bowling in subject line)

Looking to make Mondays more fun? Join the DLA bowling league’s first season.

Page 10: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

Winter storms can range from a moderate snow over a few hours to a blizzard with blinding, wind-driven snow that lasts for several days. The extreme cold and heavy snowfall that accompany winter storms can be debilitating and dangerous. Winter storms can affect everyone, even those who usually experience mild winters. Heavy snowfall can be blinding for drivers and dangerous for those it traps indoors. Winter storms also may include high winds, sleet, freezing rain, frozen roads, power outages, and dangerously cold temperatures.

How to Prepare

❶ Be informed and know winter storm terminology:

• Freezing rain—Rain that freezes when it hits the ground. Ice may coat roads, walkways, trees, and power lines.

• Sleet—Rain that freezes into ice pellets before it reaches the ground. Sleet can cause moisture on roads and walk-ways to freeze.

• Winter storm watch—A winter storm is possible. Stay tuned to radio or TV for more informa-tion and instructions.

• Winter storm warning—A winter storm is occurring or will occur soon.

• Blizzard warning—Consider-able amounts of snow with sustained winds or frequent gusts up to 35 mph are expected to prevail for at least three hours. Visibility is reduced to less than a quarter mile.

• Frost/freeze warning— Below-freezing temperatures are expected.

❷ Be aware of the risk for severe winter weather in your area.

Preparedness Empowers YouIt saves lives, property, and time.

Emergencies happen, often with little or no notice. By taking action beforehand you can be prepared for any emergency.

Be Ready Navy!I am. Are you?

❸ Be aware that the most destructive home fires happen during winter weather due to improper use of heating devices.

❹ Make a plan and consider what to use for emergency heat in case the electricity goes out:

• Fireplace with ample supply of wood

• Small, well-vented camp stove with fuel

• Portable space or kerosene heater (check with your fire department first)

❺ Make sure your home is properly insulated.

❻ Caulk and weather strip doors and windows to keep out cold air.

❼ Insulate pipes to prevent freezing.❽ Build an emergency kit that in-

cludes rock salt, sand, snow shovels and other snow-removal equipment, adequate winter clothing, and batteries for radio and flashlights.

❾ Keep your car’s gas tank full to keep the fuel line from freezing and for emergency use.

❿ Make sure you have an adequate amount of winter clothing and blankets for your family.

Winter Storm

Page 11: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

What to Do If There Is a Winter Storm

• Minimize travel. Travel only if you must, during the day and on main roads.

• Stay inside and monitor the radio or TV for more information or instructions.

• Eat regularly and drink plenty of fluids.

• Practice fire safety, and make sure there is plenty of ventilation if you are using a heat source that can pro-duce hazardous smoke or fumes.

• Dress in several layers of warm clothing.

• If you are outside: » Do not overexert yourself by

shoveling snow or any other physical activity.

» Cover your mouth to protect your lungs from the extremely cold air.

» Keep dry and change any wet clothing as soon as possible.

• Watch for signs of frostbite: loss of feeling or pale appearance in extremities. Travel only if you must, during the day, and on main roads.

• If you are trapped in your car by a blizzard:

» Pull to the side of the road and put the hazard lights on.

» Remain in the vehicle, where res-cuers are most likely to find you.

» Run the engine for 10 minutes every hour to keep warm.

» Exercise to maintain body heat, but do not overexert yourself.

» Drink fluids to avoid dehydration. » At night, take turns sleeping and

turn the inside light on. » Be careful not to waste battery

power. » If you are stranded in a remote

area, stomp large block letters in an open area that spell “HELP” or “SOS.”

» Leave the car on foot only if abso-lutely necessary and the blizzard has passed.

• Watch for signs of hypothermia: uncontrollable shivering, memory loss, disorientation, slurred speech, and drowsiness.

• If signs of hypothermia are de-tected, keep the victim warm by removing all wet clothing, warm the center of their body first, and seek medical attention immediately.

Winter Storm


What to Do after a Winter Storm

• Stay tuned to radio or TV for more information or instructions.

• Be aware of the possibility of flood-ing after a winter storm.

• Seek medical attention immediately if needed.

• Be very careful driving as roads may still be wet or frozen.

• Once you are in a safe place, muster with your command if you are military or civilian personnel or a member of the selective reserves.

Where to Find Additional Information

• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)— www.bt.cdc.gov/disasters/winter

• Department of Homeland Security (Ready.gov) & FEMA— www.ready.gov/winter-weather

Be Ready Navy—Be informed before, during, and after an incident; make a written family emergency plan; and build an emergency supply kit good for at least three days.

Page 12: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

Switch to compact �uorescent lights from incandescent bulbs whenever possible. CFLs are 3 to 4 times more e�cient and last 10 times longer.

Save electricity when cooking by using a kettle or covering a pan when boiling water. Plus turn o� the burners and the oven several minutes before the cooking time is over. Both will shorten the amount of time the heating elements are on.

When washing clothes, wash in cold water whenever possible. Save warm/hot water cycles for whites and hard-to-clean items. Always rinse in cold water.

Use a programmable thermostat for automatic energy savings. Set the thermostat for lower heating temperatures at night when everyone is asleep and during the day if nobody is home.

To operate your air conditioner unit more e�ciently, turn on your ceiling fans to create air movement across the skin, lowering skin temperature through evapora-tion. You can raise the A/C thermostat setting up to 4 degrees F without any decrease in comfort. Each degree you raise the thermostat above 78 degrees F you save about 7 to 8 percent on your electric cooling costs.

Close your blinds and drapes at night in the winter to keep the cold out.

Clean or replace �lters regularly on furnaces and air conditioners and remove debris and leaves from outside units so vents don’t clog.

Caulk and weatherstrip doors and windows that leak air.

Help create shade on the sunny side of your house by planting a tree or adding a retractable awning on a window. Eliminating the heat and glare of the sun on the house will lower your cooling bills. A retractable awning will let more sun in on those cool days as well.

If you are leaving a room for any length of time, shut o� the lights and any appliances there, anything that is using electricity that doesn’t need to be on. Unplug battery chargers, such as cell phone chargers, when they aren’t in use. Conventional battery chargers, even when not actively charging a product can draw as much as 5 to 20 times more energy than is actually stored in the battery.












NAVY Energy Awareness

Ten Ways to Save Energy


Visit https://energy.navy.mil

Page 13: January 2014 NSAP Freedom Flyer

NAVFAC Mid Atlantic Engineer Of The Year


PWD Pennsylvania Officer Named NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic’s Engineer of the Year

Story by Tom Kreidel, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs

Lt. Cmdr. James Sullivan and Marvin Newtown were announced as the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic Engineers of the Year. Sullivan, a native of Deadwood, South Dakota works as the Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division (FEAD) Director for Public Works Department Pennsylvania and Newton, who hails from Newport News, Va., serves as the electrical commodity manager and supervisor of the Technical Electrical Distribution group in the Utilities and Energy Management Product Line in Public Works. Sullivan, who led a 46-person team in awarding 575 design and construction contract actions valued at over $65 million across a five-state area of responsibility in fiscal year 2012, is a 2001 graduate of South Dakota State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and holds master’s degrees in civil engineering and business administration. “I am truly honored to receive the credit for all the hard work of my entire team,” said Sullivan. “We have a great group of professionals at Public Works Department Pennsylvania who really care about the mission and take care of each other.” According to Cdr. Andrew Sullivan, Public Works Officer at PWD Pennsylvania, Sullivan developed and implemented a safety review process that has seen two consecutive years with no contractor mishaps and over-saw a Utilities Energy Saving Contract that will save the government $2.2 million a year in energy costs. “I am proud of our Engineers of the Year, along with everyone who was nominated,” said Capt John Kor-ka, commanding officer NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic. “We are very fortunate to serve with a vast number of extraor-dinary engineers who lead NAVFAC and the Navy with dedication, service, selflessness and technical superiority. They continue to build to our 171 year legacy of serving the Navy with the Can Do spirit. “

Lt. Cmdr. James Sullivan is our Facilities Engineering and Acquisition Division Director for all three active duty installations and 11 NOSCs.

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