January 2011 CPYF Dialogue Newsletter: A Year in Review

以對話力的提升與推廣為宗旨邁入第3年。我們在有限的人力與資源下,透過許多志同道合的夥伴在不同的場域共同推動 「對話力」,創造許多共同對話的機會。我們相信「滴水成河」,從個人的對話能力的培養與實踐,將可以為社會創造更 多的對話機會與改變的正向能量。 回想2010年有很多意想不到的事情發生,相信各位在回想2010年也有許多令人回味的對話經驗吧! 2010年對朝邦來說也 是意外的驚喜,因為它為我們的2010年帶來突破性的成長。有幾項傲人的成果是得與大家一起分享的: 拓展跨業合作舉辦活動 與台灣綠黨、全球綠人台灣之友共同舉辦第二屆亞太綠人大會,並引進『開放空間會議科技』在會前會進行一系 列的『開放空間會議』以及大會第一天的議程。(2010/4/30-5/2) (http://www.apgn2010.org/ ). 與『歸零計畫』協會共同推動『相信Café』的公民對話 (2010/9/17) (http://cp-yen.ning.com/profiles/ blogs/xiang-xin-cafe-94-130pm ). 與組織學習協會共同主辦『情境規劃』工作坊(2010/10/23) 引導界與組織學習協會有很多共同的理念與學理,平常有些許互動,例如, 參與組織學習協會年會, 或者他們參加引 導者論壇的活動。然而共同舉辦活動倒是首開前例。在籌畫的過程中,也考驗了兩個組織的對話力與協同合作力。 培育對話志工 參與『台灣兒童閱讀學會』閱讀志工增能計畫,教導『焦點討論法』以增進志工引導學童閱讀時的對話能力。 (2010/10-12) 開始在大學進行『對話實踐者』培訓 開始對社團進行內部的『對話實踐者』培訓 透過虛擬社群維繫對話資訊 每月的朝邦對話新訊息介紹在北美最新的對話力動態。 建立對話社群網絡www.cp-yen.ning.com 加強研發 專案經理顏克莉遠赴北美麻省理工學院 (MIT) 的史隆管理學院 (Sloan school of management)進行短期進 修,專攻彼得聖吉以及奧圖.夏瑪的理論與研究計畫;目前是彼得聖吉的研究助理,在他的指導下參與多項研究計 畫。克莉每月報導對話新知,讓我們了解對話在北美的發展。 更深耕於教育界的對話力 引導學校願景對話 持續向非營利性組織提供對話力的引導服務或培訓。 朝邦對話新訊息 - 元月份 Dialogue Newsletter - January

Transcript of January 2011 CPYF Dialogue Newsletter: A Year in Review

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回想2010年有很多意想不到的事情發生,相信各位在回想2010年也有許多令人回味的對話經驗吧! 2010年對朝邦來說也是意外的驚喜,因為它為我們的2010年帶來突破性的成長。有幾項傲人的成果是值得與大家一起分享的:


• 與台灣綠黨、全球綠人台灣之友共同舉辦第二屆亞太綠人大會,並引進『開放空間會議科技』在會前會進行一系列的『開放空間會議』以及大會第一天的議程。(2010/4/30-5/2) (http://www.apgn2010.org/).

• 與『歸零計畫』協會共同推動『相信Café』的公民對話 (2010/9/17) (http://cp-yen.ning.com/profiles/

blogs/xiang-xin-cafe-94-130pm).• 與組織學習協會共同主辦『情境規劃』工作坊(2010/10/23)

• 引導界與組織學習協會有很多共同的理念與學理,平常有些許互動,例如, 參與組織學習協會年會, 或者他們參加引導者論壇的活動。然而共同舉辦活動倒是首開前例。在籌畫的過程中,也考驗了兩個組織的對話力與協同合作力。


• 參與『台灣兒童閱讀學會』閱讀志工增能計畫,教導『焦點討論法』以增進志工引導學童閱讀時的對話能力。(2010/10-12)

• 開始在大學進行『對話實踐者』培訓• 開始對社團進行內部的『對話實踐者』培訓

透過虛擬社群維繫對話資訊• 每月的朝邦對話新訊息介紹在北美最新的對話力動態。• 建立對話社群網絡www.cp-yen.ning.com


• 專案經理顏克莉遠赴北美麻省理工學院 (MIT) 的史隆管理學院 (Sloan school of management)進行短期進修,專攻彼得聖吉以及奧圖.夏瑪的理論與研究計畫;目前是彼得聖吉的研究助理,在他的指導下參與多項研究計畫。克莉每月報導對話新知,讓我們了解對話在北美的發展。


• 引導學校願景對話• 持續向非營利性組織提供對話力的引導服務或培訓。

朝邦對話新訊息 - 元月份Dialogue Newsletter - January

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• 執行長參加ICA的引導志工計畫,到四川盧山縣仁加中心為教師們進行引導教學的培訓。仁加中心在兩年前汶山大地震時校區受創。在成都的德國萊茵檢測公司發起學校重建項目。有新的硬體,也希望能給老師們教學上新的心智模式與教學策略,因此產生這個針對授與者需求,執行企業的社會責任的增能計畫。引導力與對話力就是他們提升的能力;引道師扮演重要的角色。

內部人員核心能力提升• 除了執行長咨杏本身是國際認證引導師外,董事張桂芬女士在2010年獲得國際引導者協會國際認證引導師資格,

為基金會的專業團隊更添光采。此外, 我們也很高興有幾位新的合作夥伴加入,共同推動對話力,促成社會正向改變。

展望2011年, 我們除了持續地與日俱增自己在對話力的修鍊與學習外,希望我們的對話網絡能夠更深更廣,促成社會正向改變。我們預計引進國際規格的工作坊,完成『神奇的對話力』中譯本The Magic of Dialogue。最重要的,我們希望對話力已經逐漸是國民素養的重要品質之一。

祝福各位新的一年 充滿無限美好對話 身心舒暢 生活豐富!


CP Yen Foundation newsletter - January 2011

With the passing of 2010 we look back at the many unexpected breakthroughs and developments of this past year.

In continuance of our mission to foster the art of dialogue, facilitate positive social change and forge sustainable communities, CPYF’s 2010 highlights include:

Collaborated Across Sectors:• Co-sponsored with (co-hosts) Green Party Taiwan and Taiwan Friends of the Global Greens the

Second Congress of the Asia Pacific Greens Network (http://www.apgn2010.org/). The Foundation facilitated Open Space Technology meetings at pre-congress events and during the first day of the Congress agenda. (4/30 - 5/2/2010)

• Co-sponsored with Zero Plan Association a social dialogue event『相信Café』(Believe Cafe)

(http://cp-yen.ning.com/profiles/blogs/xiang-xin-cafe-94-130pm). (9/17/2010) • Co-sponsored with the Society of Organizational Learning (SoL) a Scenario Planning Workshop.

(10/23/2010). This year the facilitation community and SoL began exploring opportunities for increased collaboration, starting with facilitators supporting SoL’s Annual Conference and SoL’s participation in Facilitator’s Forum. Our work together is a wonderful chance to strengthen our two organizations’ capabilities in dialogue and cross-sector collaboration.

Fostered Dialogue Volunteers

• Taught the Focused Conversation Method to children and volunteers in the Children Reading Association in Taiwan’s volunteer reading program. (10/12/2010)

• Taught a “Dialogue Practitioners Training” program at a University.• Taught “Dialogue Practitioners Training” programs for community groups.

Developed a Virtual Community of Dialogue Practitioners• Through our newsletters, every month the CPYF introduces topical developments in the dialogue

field harvested from CPYF’s field study in North America. Topics include: relevant publications, interviews and dialogue learning tools and practices.

• Set up a new ning site: www.cp-yen.ning.com

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Strengthened Research and Development• In 2010 CPYF Project Manager, Keli Yen, relocated to Cambridge, Massachusetts to work with Peter

Senge on SoL’s newest project: The Academy for Systemic Change; and serves as Research Affiliate at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Through collaboration with a vigorous community of dialogue and organizational learning practitioners, Keli provides for the CPYF research and development of systems for connecting and scaling positive social change from East to West.

Deepened the Art of Dialogue in Education and NPOs: • Facilitated the visioning process through dialogic approaches for schools in Taiwan.• CPYF Executive Director, Jorie Wu, participated in the Institute of Cultural Affairs’ (ICA) facilitator

volunteer program and traveled to Sichuan, China’s Lushan County to train teachers at the Renjia Central School in facilitative teaching approaches. The Renjia Central School was affected by the devastating 2008 Wenshan earthquake. TÜV Rheinland sponsors this reconstruction program focusing on developing both the infrastructural hardware as well as the “software” of knowledge and teaching methods. CPYF and other facilitators offered the core skills of facilitation and dialogue to these communities.

CPYF Member Achievements:

• CPYF Board Director Jackie Chang (張桂芬) achieved facilitator certification (CPF)from the

International Association of Facilitators. Adding executive director, Jorie Wu CPF to the list, the foundation now has 2 CPFs and several facilitator partners in advancing positive social change!

Looking forward to 2011, we continue to embody our mission with discipline and learning; and to both deepen and broaden the network and collaboration among dialogue practitioners across sectors.

This year we anticipate hosting a workshop on international standards in facilitation as well as to complete the Chinese translation of The Magic of Dialogue. Ultimately, we strive to raise dialogue to a level as high in priority as national literacy!

Wishing you a rich year of quality dialogue, energy and spiritual fulfillment in life!