January 10, 2021 Sunday, 11:30 am Mass Gospel Acclamation ...

January 10, 2021 Sunday, 11:30 am Mass Saint Joseph Catholic Church Feast of the Baptism of the Lord + + + Entrance Song River of Glory River of glory, springs of our birth, flood of God’s riches poured on the earth. We are born from the dark- ness and clothed in the light! We are bathed in the glory of God! Fountain of mercy, grace flowing free, streams of salva- tion, spilling with love from a tree! Here there is haven, healing and health, joy for the asking, love in abundance of wealth! Bread for our journey God will provide. Hope for all ages, Jesus, companion and guide! Darkness is banished, night turned away. Christ is our sunlight, lifting and leading our way! Gospel Acclamation Mass of Renewal-C. Stephan + Liturgy of the Eucharist + Offertory Song Come to the Water O let all who thirst, let them come to the water. And let all who have nothing, let them come to the Lord; without money, without price. Why should you pay the price, ex- cept for the Lord? And let all who seek, let them come to the water. And let all who have nothing, let them come to the Lord; without money, without strife. Whey should you spend your life, except for the Lord? And let all who toil, let them come to the water. And let all who are weary, let them come to the Lord; all who la- bor, without rest. How can your soul find rest, except for the Lord? And let all the poor, let them come to the water. Bring the ones who are laden, bring them all to the Lord; bring the children without might. Easy the load and light: come to the Lord. Gloria Mass of RenewalC. Stephan + Liturgy of the Word + Responsorial Psalm You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation.

Transcript of January 10, 2021 Sunday, 11:30 am Mass Gospel Acclamation ...

Page 1: January 10, 2021 Sunday, 11:30 am Mass Gospel Acclamation ...

January 10, 2021 Sunday, 11:30 am Mass

S a i n t J o s e p h C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

+ + +

Entrance Song River of Glory

River of glory, springs of our birth, flood of God’s

riches poured on the earth. We are born from the dark-

ness and clothed in the light! We are bathed in the

glory of God!

Fountain of mercy, grace flowing free, streams of salva-

tion, spilling with love from a tree!

Here there is haven, healing and health, joy for the asking,

love in abundance of wealth!

Bread for our journey God will provide. Hope for all ages,

Jesus, companion and guide!

Darkness is banished, night turned away. Christ is our

sunlight, lifting and leading our way!

Gospel Acclamation Mass of Renewal-C. Stephan

+ Liturgy of the Eucharist +

Offertory Song Come to the Water

O let all who thirst, let them come to the water. And let all

who have nothing, let them come to the Lord; without

money, without price. Why should you pay the price, ex-

cept for the Lord?

And let all who seek, let them come to the water. And let

all who have nothing, let them come to the Lord; without

money, without strife. Whey should you spend your life,

except for the Lord?

And let all who toil, let them come to the water. And let

all who are weary, let them come to the Lord; all who la-

bor, without rest. How can your soul find rest, except for

the Lord?

And let all the poor, let them come to the water. Bring the

ones who are laden, bring them all to the Lord; bring the

children without might. Easy the load and light: come to

the Lord.

Gloria Mass of Renewal—C. Stephan

+ Liturgy of the Word +

Responsorial Psalm

You will draw water joyfully from the

springs of salvation.

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Communion 1 Flow River Flow

Flow river flow, flow over me. O living water, poured

out for free; O living water, flow over me.

You will be mine and I will be your God, for I will wash

you clean. And a new heart, a heart of flesh and feeling, I

will place within you for your heart of stone.

The blind shall see, the mute shall find a voice, the lame

shall leap for joy. Rivers will flow into dry and barren de-

sert, flowers bloom in splendor, glory fills the land.

Whoever drinks the water I will give will never thirst again.

The drink I give is an ever flowing river, welling up within

you to give eternal life.

Communion 2 Remember Your Love

Remember your love and your faithfulness, O Lord. Re-

member your people and have mercy on us, Lord.

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom should I

fear? The Lord is my life and my refuge, when I call God


If you dwelt, O Lord, upon our sinfulness, then who could

stand? But with you there is mercy and forgiveness and a

guiding hand.

O Lord, hear the sound of my call and answer me. My heart

cries out for your presence; it is you I seek.

As sentinels wait upon the daylight, wait for the Lord. I

trust in your kindness and redemption and your faithful


Before all the mountains were begotten and earth took

shape, even then, O Lord, you were our refuge throughout

every age.

Sending Song Rain Down

Rain down, rain down, rain down your love on your

people. Rain down, rain down, rain down your love,

God of life.

Faithful and true is the word of our God. All of God’s

works are so worthy of trust. God’s mercy falls on the just

and the right; full of God’s love is the earth.

We who revere and find hope in our God live in the kind-

ness and joy of God’s wing. God will protect us from dark-

ness and death; God will not leave us to starve.

God of creation, we long for your truth; you are the water

of life that we thirst. Grant that your love and your peace

touch our hearts. All of our hope lies in you.

Permission to print these lyrics obtained from One License

with license #A-724611. All rights reserved.

Mass of Renewal Curtis Stephan