Jan Scholten remedy theme

Remedy Essence of the remedy 1 Hydrogen being one and desire to be one. 2 Lactic Acid the girl that never grows up, a real girl. 3 Fluoric acid demanding total glamour 4 muriatic acid Real care and nurturing. 5 helium autism. 6 Lithium Metallicum A naive person with a weak will. 7 Lithium Carbonicum changing feelings of self-worth. 8 Lithium Fluoratum Naively entering the world of glamour. 9 Lithium Phosphoricum changeable in communication. 10 Lithium Sulphuricum Changeable in gi ving or receiving love. 11 Lithium Muriaticum Changeable for fear of losing relationships. 12 Lithium Iodatum weakness of will because they have lost the right to exist. 13 Be ry llium Me ta llicum An uncertain and yi eldi ng ty pe of person. 14 Beryll ium Muriaticum Ad apti ng through fear of br eak u p of th e r el ations hi p. 15 Boron Confusion and doubt about identity. 16 graphites Finding or unable to find stable values. 17 Nitrogen assertiveness 18 Ammonium Causticum Idealism f ollowed by rancour. 19 Ammonium Fluoratum idealising glamour. 20 Ammonium Bromatum Resentment about deb tors. 21 Oxygen living on property and possessions: selfishness. 22 Fluorine letting go of personality and values. 23 Neon feels good, does not need relationships. 24 Natrum Meta lli cum en tering a re la ti ons hi p on an impuls e an d be in g lef t alo ne. 25 Natrum Lacticum a silent girl. 26 Natrum Causticum Abused d ue t o t heir impulsive b ehaviour. 27 Natrum Fluoratum many different contacts in order to belong. 28 Natrum Silicatum Changeable c ontacts within the family. 29 Natrum Arsenicosum fear of being alone after a loss. 30 Natrum Broma tu m The feelin g t ha t t hey are al one and hav e t o d ea l wit h gu il t on t he ir own. 31 Ma gn esium Me ta llicum What is my place in rel ationship s? 32 Magnesium Lacticum a difficult little girl. 33 Magnesium Nitricum quarrels make it impossible t o enjo y l ife. 34 Magnesium Silicatum The image of t he aggressive, tough boy. 35 Aluminium metallicum confusion about who he is and who the othe r person is. 36 Aluminium Oxydatum confusion leads to abuse. 37 Aluminium Phosph oricum Con fus ion of identi ty with rega rd to his friends. 38 Al uminium Su lp hu ricum conf usion of ro les wi th thei r lo ved one. 39 Silicium Metallicum obvious relationships: family ties. 40 Silica fragility gets abused. 41 phosphorus spreading the word, communication. 42 Sulphur seduction of relations: partner. 43 chlorum letting go of relationships: splitting up 44 Argon not taking on work. 45 Kali Metallicum simply doing your work and your duty. 46 Kali Silicatum being duty bound to keep up your own or your family's image. Themes of jan scholten method, Collected by Nasrullah [email protected]

Transcript of Jan Scholten remedy theme

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