James Snader

www.jamesnader.com Type of photographs: - He take fashion photos Media products photographs are used in: - News - Press - Magazines - Websites I like this photo because the back drop looks amazing – it’s a great view I like this photo because one halfs black and and one halfs colour I like this photo because the clouds look think and spread out and the Photographer has capture the weather very well in the photo I like this photo because you can see the weaves in the water and the Colours have been captured well



Transcript of James Snader

Page 1: James Snader


Type of photographs:

- He take fashion photos

Media products photographs are used in:

- News- Press- Magazines- Websites

I like this photo because the back drop looks amazing – it’s a

great view

I like this photo because the clouds look think and spread out and the

Photographer has capture the weather very well in the photo

I like this photo because one halfs black and and one halfs colour

I like this photo because you can see the weaves in the

water and the

Colours have been captured well

Page 2: James Snader

I like this photo because it’s a great photo of the sun and the fact that

You can see it