James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and...

James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium. Plate I. This photograph was taken in 1959 in the old Singapore Herbarium building.

Transcript of James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and...

Page 1: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium.

Plate I.

This photograph was taken in 1959 in the old Singapore Herbarium building.

Page 2: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation


H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore

James Sinclair was born on 29th November, 1913 at The Bu of Hoy in the Orkney Islands. Winter storms caused delay in reporting his birth to the registration authorities at Kirkwall on Mainland. (the principal island of the group), and by some confusion his: oirth was officially dated 6th December, 1913 at which it remained throughout his life.

Sinclair's father was a tenant-farmer of The Bu, an arable­farm of some 100 acres, which by British standards was a large property for an arable farm, and by Orkney standards immense_ Bu is an old Norse word derived, perhaps, from boer, a farm settlement. To have acquired such a name, the property must have· had a long history of considerable economic importance to the. community, and its master was, and is, a man of influence and' leadership on the Island of Hoy.

Sinclair first attended the parish school of Hoy where one· teacher taught a handful of children aged 5 to 14 years. He did. well at his lessons and in August 1926 he went to the Orkney County Council Secondary School at Stromness on Mainland where· he stayed till 1932. He was an apt pupil and gained the school-· leaving certificate of the Scottish Education Department in 1931.. He stayed on at school for an extra year to take, and pass, examina­tions in higher mathematics, French and science (physics, chemistry and biology). These qualifications gained him entry to Edinburgh University.

Colonel Henry Halcro Johnston, c. B., c.B.E., o.sc., M.D., c.M., D.L., of the Island of Orphir in the Orkneys, was a close friend of Sinclair's parents. In his youth he had acq uired an interest in the Orkney flora and began to assemble a herbarium. A career as a doctor in the Royal Army Medical Corps of the British Army prevented a regular study, but after retirement from active service he picked up again the threads of this interest. Because of his friendship with Sinclair's parents, be naturally made the acquain­tance of their son. From an early age Sinclair had shown an interest in natural history. From the age of 5 years, it is said he was collecting plants to learn their names and uses, and when Johnston came into his life at about the age of 10 years he was. ripe for Johnston's enthusiasm. The latter's main collecting years

---------------------------------------------------· --* The writer acknowledges with thanks helpful information from the·

following persons : Miss E. R. Bullard, J. Shearer Esq., Sir George Taylor,. Dr. H. R. Fletcher, Professor J. R. Matthews, Professor Dr. C. G. G. J. van ~teenis, Dr. R. van der Wijik, Dr. E . Post and E. C. Wallace Esq. The: text IS however solely on the author's responsibility.

Page 3: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

i i Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore-XXIII (1968)

iu Orkney were in fact J 923-36 which exactly cover Sinclair\ most receptive and formative student years. It was this association which kindled the spark within. Though botany was not a subject on the curriculum for the school-leaving certificate, Sinclair, undoubtedly with Johnston's encouragement, made it an out-of­school hours study-cum-hobby. He would get hold of botany text books and absorb all that he could from them. And in the field he began to accompany Johnston on his colJecting forays which took them to most of the Orkney islands. While Johnston himself was collecting for his own herbarium, and it will be referred to again later in this narrative, he encouraged Sinclair to start in September 1924 a herbarium of his own. Such was the enthusiasm that Sinclair applied to this that, on the authority of Johnston in a testimonial for Sinclair dated September 1937, by that date he had collected specimens of 522 species and 89 varieties of Orkney flowering plants and ferns, establishing many new vice-county records and some new to science. The known flora of the Orkneys is said (Sinclair msc.) to contain some 653 species of flowering plants, gymno­sperms, ferns and fern allies, so it .was no mean achievement that in little over a decade and before reaching the age of 24 years he had actually collected representatives of four-fifths of these sections of the flora.

Sinclair entered the University of Edinburgh in 1932, taking the full B.Sc. course in which he graduated with honours, Class II. in botany in 1936 under the Professorship of Sir William WdghL Smith. Zoology, chemistry and bacteriology were subsidiary subjects. His grasp of botany was such that the department ·employed him during his last three undergraduate years as a ·demonstrator to junior students. During his third year at the University, in July 1935, he was a member of an expedition <Organised by the Biological Society of the University to the Island of Barra in the Outer Hebrides. His contribution to this expedition was to study and collect marine algae. He visited Barra again in 1936. and the results of these trips were publi hed in 1936 and 1938.

Though Sinclair was obviously cut out for a career in botany. could there but be a living to be made out of it, he had decided by the end of his time at the university to become a teacher. Britain, and the world generally, was just emerging from the effects <Of the world slump and the extensive employment of biologists io government and industry was scarcely the accepted practice it is today, and university employment was very limited. Though hi decision appears to have been qui te at variance from hi s interest and training, it must be presumed that be accepted the prospect of a career in teaching as a second best choice which would at least allow him a fair opportunity to indulge in botany as a recrea­tional pass-time. After all, would he not, one may deduce hi reasoning, be following the precept of Magnus Spence, one of the fathers of Orcadian botany, who was a village dominie? His univer­sity education finished therefore, he spent the year 1936-37 at the Teachers Training College. Moray House. Edinburgh, to acquire

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.Burkill - Biographic Notes iii

I the qualifications of Chapters III and V of the Scottish Teachers Training Certificate by which he became a certified teacher for primary schools.

He fo und employment with the County Council of Orkney Education Committee, teaching first a t Kirkwall. There is some indication that he was not altogether happy at Kirkwall, but when he went in 1939 to teach at the village school on the Island of Stronsay, he found contentment, preferring the small island school to the larger town school. The island children liked him, and -certainly there was reciprocation. T here was something about him that inclined him towards children. T hough he remained a bachelor .all his life, in his Singapore days, at least, he was a lways in touch with young people. He used to conduct examinations for Boy 'Scouts badges in forestry, and an impromptu caller at his ho use in the Singapore Botanic Gardens would certainly meet two or three youngsters in his sitting room, his gardener's children , or his house-servant's, while it was a common sight to see his car out

<On some errand in town full of small faces.

He taught at the village school on Stronsay for about two years. During this time he made a study of the marine algae of the island . In 1946 on demobilisation after World War II service he revisited Stronsay in August and September and made further .collections. T hese records he publ ished in 1949. G. W. T raiU in his work " The Marine Algae of the Orkney Islands" (Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. 14, 1890) lists about 300 species. Sinclair in h is paper "The Marine Algae of Stronsay" was to increase the known marine a lgal flora of the Orkneys by 50 new records.

At this time too he was making other phycological finds. [n October 1938 and May 1939 he made on Mainland, Orkney, the first collection in the United Kingdom (it had been recorded from ·the Atlantic coast of Eire once before) of the arctic fucoid, Fucus d istichus L inn., subsp. anceps (Harv. et Ward.) Powell (vide Powell: 1. mar. bio. Assn. U.K., 36 (1957) 407-32 and 663-93). In the other extreme he made a disc~very of Bostrychia scorpioides (Gmel.) Mont. in August 1936 at the Bridge at Loch Stenness on South Mainland in salt-marsh. This is the most northerly record for this generally tropical-subtropical genus.

He was called up for World War II service on 29th April, 1941 a nd served in the Radar Unit of the Royal Air Force as · a Radar Operator. He was demobilised on 30th November, 1945 with the non-commissioned rank of Leading A ircraftsmen. His initial service training was done at the R.A.F. Signals Wing at Caithness and Sutherland in Scotland. Tn hi s spare time he botanised making some jnteresting records about Durness, and some new vice-county Tecords for mosses which were published in the British Bryological Society's Reports. Earl y in 1942 he was posted to India and the rest of his war service was completed there (some in pa rts now East Pakistan). This took him to many places in tha t sub-continent, 'and he collected in the Himalayas, at Quetta, Bombay, Tr.ichino­poly, Travancore, Chittagong and at Cox's Bazar. For one brought up on a sub-arctic moorland heath vegetation, it must have been a

Page 5: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

iv Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore - XXIII (1968)

tremendous experience to have physical contact with such a range ·of conditions: from the montane sub-snowline to the near-equa­torial shore; from the desert to the tropical rain-forest of the Earth's. ra iniest place. This undoubtedly opened his eyes to the immensity of tropical botany. He collected assiduously when duties permitted,. and be left a reputation that lingered in the R.A.F. Units in which he served long after he had left them. His principal collecting was. done at Cox's Bazar where he stayed two years. T his permitted him time enough to make a detained study of the vegetation for-5-6 miles radius from the town. He paid a subsequent visit there in 1949. His paper 'The F lora of Cox's Bazar, East Pakistan' (Bull.

·Bot. Soc. Bengal, 9, 1955) lists 746 species and varieties of flower­ing plants, ferns and bryophytes, and one new species, Nothopegia acuminata J. Sinclair (Anacardiaceae).

After demobilisation, he was appointed on 8th February, 1946 to the post of Government Botanist, an unestablished post on the staff of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, under his old professor, Sir William Wright Smith. He was put in charge of the Herbarium. Although on his caU-up in 1941 he had written to the Orkney Education Committee signifying an interest in returning to teach at the school on the Island of Stronsay, there can be no doubt that thi s appointment was a step in the direction he had always hoped for. He was by interest, training and experience first and foremost a botanist, and it put an employment as a professional botanist right into his hands.

His mentor, gu ide and friend, Johnston had died in 1939_ Johnston's unique herbarium of some 4,000 numbers had been deposited at the Stromness Museum together with his field books. of which there were separate ones for each of the Orkney islands. Sinclair soon found on his return home after the war that the collection was suffering from neglect, and when he was appointed to the staff of the Royal Botanic Garden he was able to arrange for its transfer to the Edinburgh Herba rium where it remains. housed. Unfortunately Johnston's field books were not also moved,. and access to them by some present workers on the Orkney flora has not been easy. Sinclair's action is in conformity with views he often expressed on the undesirability of important collections being sidetracked to inaccessible places, and that they should be in working herbaria. Hjs own collection he has willed to the Edinburgh

. Herbarium and he encouraged others working on the Orkney fl ora to do likewise where their collections would be properly curated and always easily available for research workers.

On holiday in 1947 he visited Portugal and collected there,. but the writer has no record of what places were visited, nor what was collected, nor of any resulting publication.

During the two years he was in Edinburgh he served the Botanical Society of Edinburgh as Honorary Assistant Secretary.

He resigned from his appointment in E dinburgh on 24th F ebruary, 1948 to accept the post of Curator of the Herbarium. Botanic Gardens, Singapore. One can see that his experience in 'India whetted his appetite and this was the opportunity not to be

Page 6: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

Burkill- Biographic Notes v

missed. His Singapore service dates from 25th March, 1948 and he held the same substantive post till his retirement on 18th July, 1963, though the post was retitled Keeper of the Herbarium on 1st January, 1955 and Botanist (Keeper of the Herbarium) on 1st January, 1960. His retirement at the age of 49 years was premature, brought about by Government's policy of fiiJing public service posts with locally-domiciled persons. It was in fact simply a technicality for there was no one to replace him, and so instead of being on the permanent establishment he was re-engaged on contract, and he remained on contract till 18th July, 1965. Even then his official connection was not severed for he remained in Botanic Gardens quarters with the full facilities of the Department ava ilable to him as a voluntary and honorary research worker till the end of April 1967.

When he arrived in Singapore, the Botanic Gardens research programme was to prepare a revised Flora of Malaya. He was given the task of revising the Malayan Annonaceae. H e bas said rather wistfully on occasions that he was given no choice. What he would have chosen to do had he been given an open option is not known, but that he made a success of his task and became ,deeply interested in it, there is no doubt. Later he was to write that the annonaceous genus Oxymitra was his favourite genus. This was to reveal an emotional stubbornness for he was to retain .rhis name in his monograph on Malayan Annonaceae ( 1956) in spite of an untenable conflict with the Rules of Nomenclature. The name Oxymitra was validly published as a Lichen genus by Bischoff in 182~ . Oxymitra Hk.f. et Th. (J 855) was therefore invalid , and a proposal at the Botanical Congress of 1954 to -conserve it was rejected. In order to give the annonaceous genus a name van Steen is published the name Friesodielsia in l 949, thus commemorating two great botanists who had contributed much to the study of the Annonaceae. In his monograph Sinclair curtly rejected the situation: he dubbed the new name fanciful and would have nothing to do with it. Later, on due reflection, he accepted the rigid application of the Rules, though he was never able to say that Friesodielsia was his favourite genus. The aura was lost.

His work on the Malayan Annonaceae necessarily brought him material for examination from neighbouring countries. Thus concurrently he was able to publish papers on Annonaceae from India, Burma, Thailand, Borneo and Papua.

Then followed a monographic revision of the Malayan Myristicaceae published in 1958, but at about this time the emphasis of the Singapore Herbarium's taxonomic work shifted on sound technical grounds from a local Malayan compartmentalism to a phytogeographic basis working in closer collaboration with the Flora Malesiana Foundation of the 's Rijksherbarium, Leiden. This change is reflected in his programme of research and in his field expeditions, and there followed a series of three major publications: Florae Malesianae Precursores, XX- The Genus Gymnacranthera (Myristicaceae) in Malaysia (1958) ; Florae Malesianae Precursores, XXXI - The Genus Knema (Myristicaceae) in Malaysia and

Page 7: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

vi Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore - XX Ill (1968)

Outside Malaysia (1961); and Florae Malesianae Precursores .. ~II - The Genus Myristica (Myristicaceae) in Malesia and 9utside Malesia, which is published posthumously here as the substance of this volume of The Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore, 2"3 (1968).*

In his Malayan plant coJJecting he visited all the states of Malaya except Kedah and Pedis. His major expeditions were: 1949' to Sarawak (whi le on loan to the Sarawak Government to put in order the Sarawak Museum Herbarium after seven years of neglect arising through World War II); 1950 and 1951 to Penang; 1953, 1954 and 1955 to Trengganu; 1956 to North Borneo; 1958 to Luzon, Philippine Islands; 1959 to West Java and 1960 to Sarawak and Brunei. It was to his very great regret that in 1961-62 he could not accept the Royal Society's generous offer of financial assistance to visit New Guinea to see East Malesian Myristicaceae In the field owing to Indonesian hostility towards Dutch New Guinea, as it was then, and when this was resolved, "Confrontation' .. extended the impasse.

Early in his time in Singapore he attempted to revive the Corps. of. Collecting Monkeys of which E. J . H. Corner, then Assistant Director, and now Professor of Tropical Botany at Cambridge University, was the founder. Che Ngadiman bin Haji Ismail (see Gard. Bull. Sing. 17 (2) 337, 1959), who had assisted Corner from 1937 to 1941 , was sent to Kelantan in 1949 to obtain a young berok monkey (Macacus nemestrina). Sinclair and Ngadiman tried to train it, but the animal was sickly, and their efforts were not rewarded. With staff shortages in the Gardens and restrictions in plant collecting in Malaya because of the "emergency", the attempt was not repeated.

Though his main interest developed into the woody families .. Annonaceae and Myristicaceae, he had a very wide general interest and knowledge of the whole flora including the bryophytes, marine algae and marine phanerogams. Amongst his manuscript papers are such headings as "Plants to look for at ............... " He felt himself to be the watch-dog for plants threatened with extinction under "development", and his views were often irrascibly express­ed, occasionally finding their way into print, for example, p. 242 in this volume regarding M. succedanea. He collected, of course, regularly and frequently in all parts of Singapore. The generaf conception of Singapore as being an island is a half-truth. The state is composed of many islands of which Singapore is the principal one and gives its name to the whole. Sinclair made a special interest of the islands to the southwest, a group known as the Southern Islands. Making friends with the Malay villagers he often spent week-ends there, and his collecting revealed interesting similarities of the islands' vegetation to that of the East Coast of Malaya. ----------- ---------------- -

* Malaysia and Malesia used above are synonymous, sensu van Steenis: Gard. Bull. S.S. 9 (1937) 187-9 and Mal. Nat. J. 18 (1964) 211-2. With the creation of a political state, the Federation of Malaysia, in 1963 the use Malaysia in a phytogeographic sense is no longer practical and is super­seded by Malesia.

Page 8: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

Plate II.

Facsimile of J. Sin:lair's handwriting. Upper: Sheet _1 of _the J!lanuscript of the monograph on Myristica

published tn th1s number of the Gardens' Bulletin. Lower: Handwriting at actual size.

Page 9: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

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Page 10: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

Burkill- Biographic Notes Vll

While to list his collecting forays within Singapore would serve little purpose, those outside Singapore are given in the appendix. Much of south Johore is reachable by day trips, and though these were numerous, and often in terms of material brought back to the Singapore Herbarium apparently nearly profitless, it would be a misjudgement of the man to write them off as frivolous. For it was on these trips, having located certain trees, he would return and return again to study their phenology and to collect material in bud, flower and fruit. Many of these trips were to the -property known as 'The Dusun', and its vicinity, of J. A LeDoux at Kota Tinggi, a naturalist and friend of the Singapore Botanic -Gardens for very many years (see Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore 18 (3) 328, 1961). It was this persistence that made his collections with detailed field notes immensely valuable, and a model that many botanists, foresters and over-hasty collectors should try to -copy.

He published on new additions to the flora of Sirrgapore, and he was particularly pleased with his discovery of the first Malay Peninsula records of the marine phanerogams, Cymodocea isoeti­folia Aschers., C. rotunda/a (Ehrb. & Hempr.) Aschers. & Sch­weinf. and C. serrulata (R . Br.) Aschers. & Magnus, the first Singapore record for Thalassia lzemprichii (Ehrb.) Aschers., and a second Singapore record for l-Jalophila spinulosa (R. Br.) Aschers. This marine fossicking of course included collecting of algae which continued to the date of his heart attack, and his material was regularly distributed. Plate III, taken during a visit with the writer to Raffl es Light in 1963, shows him in cryptic pose.

It would be opportune to round off comment here on his interest in cryptogams. Mention has already been made to his wvrk on the algae of Barra and Stronsay, and on collection of mosses. His first, third and fifth published papers were on algae. He was a member of the British Bryological Society from 1940 and of the British Phycological Society from soon after its formation in 1952. His early moss collections are recorded in the Transactions of the former society. During his time in Singapore he collected mosses on all his expeditions and distributed them to bryologists. When he climbed Kinabalu on 13th June, 1957 he brought a piece of granite at the writer's request from the summit, and on it was a moss, the highest-grown plant between the Himalayas and the mountams of New Guinea! Dr. R. van der Wijk has determined it as Andreaea rupestric Hedw. var. rubicunda (Bartr.) Wijk. In correspondence before his return home in 1967 he began planning the things he wanted to do in Orkney, and one of them was a moss­collecting outing. During his terminal illness over the winter months of 1967-68, he grew mosses in his bed room at The Bu. 'There was so li ttle green outside that I took in pieces of moss to look at ........ .', he wrote on 23rd Ja nuary, 1968. There is no doubt that in the glades of the annonaceous forest to which he was first directed in Singapore, and of the myristicaceous forest that this led him on to, the cryptogams continously caught his eye. It is a guess,

:and the writer's opinion, that if he had in 1948 been left to choose

Page 11: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

VIII Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore-XXIII (1968)

what specialist study to make, it might well have been on these lower plants. Certainly he looked on his moss collection as a source of occupation when, in retirement, old age precluded more active out-door botanising.

He was a man of boundless energy and persistence of purpose,. but he always seemed to be working under pressure. His know­ledge of the Malayan flora and his expertise on the Annonaceae­and Myristicaceae meant that he had a large correspondence, and in particular he gave much assistance to the Forest Departments of Malaya and the Bornean ter.ritories in determining collections_ At the end of 1956 when Government's malayanisation terms .. to him gave him a retention prospect of six years he felt as though the Sword of Damocles was hanging over his head and that he would never have time enough to finish the work on which he was, engaged. Though in the end he remained in Singapore till the end of April 1967, the psychological trauma never left him, and he· worked with redoubled energy without sparing himself.

When travelling to Great Britain for home leave or when returning to Singapore he invariably made use of the opportunity to visit and work at herbaria on the way. Thus he was enabled to. visit the herbaria at Leiden, Florence, Munich, Geneva, Brussels, Utrecht, Paris, Peradeniya, Calcutta, Tokyo, Manila, Kepong and Bogor, several of them more than once. And when in Great Britain he seldom allowed himself the holiday for which he had been sent there. Instead, with a copious list of queries that had accumulated during his work in Singapore, he spent long periods working at Kew, the British Museum, Edinburgh and Cambridge. The expenses of these visits were almost entirely borne by himself.

Hindsight is easy, but one can see now that, being considerably overweight, he over-taxed his physical strength. On 18th October,._ 1964 he suffered a coronary thrombosis, and was in hospital for ! wo months and was off work for about four months. Recovery was slow, but he was lucky in avoiding disablement and was able to . get back into his stride again though the tempo was slower and the going harder. This frustration added to his fears of not being able to complete his work on hand and he confided to his friends his feeling of working against time and of impending death.

By the time that he finally left for Britain on 1st May, 1967, . his monograph on Myristica was in typescript. Indeed, some of it was already in first proof, but he intended to make some improve­ments after reference to material at Kew. He had also manuscript of species descriptions of Horsfieldia, the fourth and final genus of the Myristicaceae, and as soon as he had completed Myristica, he intended to work on Horsfielclia and to return to Singapore, where he had rented a house and installed his servant and personal possessions in anticipation, to complete it. For the future, he spoke of settling in Singapore and taking up a revision of the Malesian Annonaceae for Flora Malesiana. He had already been assured of working facilities in the Singapore Herbarium.

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i!Jurkill- Biographic Notes ix

On arrival in Britain, he went direct to The Bu, where his sister. and brother-in-law were working the old family farm. He felt the .change in climate and the cold intensely and be became numb mentally and physically, and he wrote admitting an inability to

.:get going on anything. In August 1967 an abdomenal operation was necessary and advanced inoperable cancer was found. Further debility set in, and on 24th January, 1968 he returned to the Balfour Hospital, Kirkwall, "For a general check-up" he wrote, not knowing that his condition was beyond recovery. He died there on 15th February, 1968 to be buried on his native Hoy two days later. ·

Of the value of his contribution to Malesian botany there can be no doubt. It is necessary to refer to the other side of the coin. his contribution to Orkney botany. The comprehensiveness of his personal herbarium in Orkney plants in 1937 has already been recorded. In the next four years till 1941 when he was mobilised for war service it was added to, and after Johnston's death in 1939, he was generally deemed to be the authority on the local flora. Though from early 1941 he was only to live in the Orkneys for short visits, he still retained this reputation. All things of ·Orkney natural history interested him and he maintained a faf ·book of clippings from The Orcadian, the local newspaper, record­ing natural history of the islands. He kept up a regular correspond-

·ence with anyone engaged on study the local flora, and although he was not taking part in the Botanical Society of the British Isles mapping scheme, he willingly lent his help to Miss E . R. Bullard who was Recorder for Orkney. On 14th December, 1960 he wrote to her: " I wish you every success with your distribution maps

:and your intended publication. I shall not be publishing anything on the Orkney flora for a long time as I am very hard pressed for time at the moment ... " However when the call came he responded at once.

The Orkney Book, a biographic account of the geophysical, biological and anthropological and social history of the Islands had long been a standard book, but published in 1909, it was out of date in many respects. Mr. John Shearer, lately Director

·Of Education, Orkney, undertook in I 964 to edit a new version, "The New Orkney Book". The contributors were to be Orcadians. Sinclair was considered an obvious choice and was invited to prepare an account of the local flora, which he did at once. Though\ h~ had been given a length, he made his work a labour of love,

.and it was ten times too long! With considerable cutting he tried to reduce the length, yet at the same time not to offend his sense of

.adequacy by cutting out essentials. It was still over the admissible length, and the editor eventually had the unenviable task of editing it to fit his space. The New Orkney Book (1966), Chapter 17, Our Orkney Flora, pp. 121-8, was the result. The original text is to find a home in the Kirkwall Public Library.

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X Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore -XXIII (1968)• \I

Before concluding it is necessary to say a little about the n'u~1bering of his herbarium. He numbered in the field, and so far· as is known he used before coming to Singapore only his owo series. When he ·came to Singapore the Singapore Field Numbers. Series (SFN) .was in use for official collecting and he had to use it.. Blocks of numbers issued to biro were used serially in the normal way. Whenever he collected a sufficient quantity of duplicates, one· w9uld be put aside for incorporation in his own herbarium and there it would receive a number in his own series. It would thus . acquire two numbers, though the Sinclair number would not automatically follow in a parallel seriality with the original S.F.. Number. In some of his papers and correspondence certain speci­mens are cited by both numbers. The SFN series was discontinued' £rom 1st January, 1959, but for some years it had been in declining use. From 10th October 1956, commencing with no. 8877, Sinclair· collected solely on his own series. The last number in his collection register is 10,922 dated 25th February, 1967.

It emerges -from a consideration of his life and work that no · matter what his current occupation he was a dedicated botanist, and always at pains to achieve accuracy - first as a tyro, school-· l:?oy and undergrad uate, secondly as a knowledgeable amateur, s~hopl teacher and soldier, and lastly as a professional whether on duty or on leave. These seem to have been stages of achievement which finally brought basic inte~est and occupation into unity. How much was by design, how much was the turn of fate, one cannot say. In general he was a man who displayed no great ambition. He asked for nothing more than to be allowed to get on w.ith whatever absorbed his attention at the tin1e. He had an anathema for exercising authority and a suspicion of it when at the receiving end. Any form of bureaucracy he shunned whenever he could. Thus he appeared reserved and diffident, but when botany was involved he was not stand-offish and often he was outspoken. Miss Bullard ' in her association with him over the recording of the Orkney flora says " He was always very helpful although he could be a bit severe at times! " Withal, on acquaintance he was good company and showed a nice sense of humour.

To the roll of Orkney botanists: Robert Heddle ( 1827-1860), Magnus Spence (1853-1919), George W. Traill (1836-1 897), and H.enry Halcro Johnston (1856-1939), and to the roll of Malayan botanists : George King (1840-1909), J. S. Gamble (1847-1925), Henry Nicholas Ridley (1855-1956) and Isaac Henry Burkill (1870-1965) must now be added the name of James Sinclair· (1913-1968).

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Burkill.- Biographic Notes xj

I. Publications

Marine Algae, pp. 257-8 in Forrest J . E. et a l. : The natural history of Barra: Proc. R oy. Phys. Soc. Edin. 22 (1936).

The Rhododendron Bud and its Relation to the Taxonomy of the Genus: Notes Roy. Bot. Garcl. Edn. 19 (1937) 267- 71 .

The Marine Algae of Barra. Trans. Bot Soc. Edin. 32 (1938) 432- 7.

A New Species of Chinese Plectranthus: Notes R oy. Bot. Gard. Edin. 22: (1948) 142.

The Marine Algae of Stronsay: Notes R oy. Bot. Gard. Edin. 22 (1949). l6Q-79.

A New Species of Knema: Gard. Bull. Sing. 13 (1951) 297-9.

Notes on Bornean Annonaceae: Joum. Sarawak Mus. 5 (1951) 597- 609.

Addition.s to the Flora of Singapore and new localities in Singapore fot some plants thought to be extinct: Gard. Bull. Sing. 14 (1953)1 3Q-39.

Notes on Siamese Annonaceae: Gard. Bull. Sing. 14 (1953) 4<>-44.

Notes o n Indian and Burmese Annonaceae : Gard. Bull. Sing. 14 (1953) 45- 48.

A Revision of the Malayan Annonaceae: Gard. Bull. Sing. 14 ( 1955) 149- 516.

Croton hirtus, an Alien new to Malaya: Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 1-3.

Notes on New Guinea Annonaceae : Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 4-13.

Miscellaneous Notes on Annonaceae: Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 14-17.

Two New Malayan Species, Justicia johorensis and Petraeovitex wolfei : Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 1-8-21.

Additions to the Flora of Singapore, and new localities in Singapore for some plants thought to be extinct. li: Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 22- 30.

A note on Embelia ridleyi K ing and Gamble: (Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 31.

" Forest Trees of Sa rawak and Brunei and their Products" by F. G. Browne - a review: Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 (1956) 377-9.

A Revision of Malayan Myristicaceae: Gard. Bull. Sing. 16 (1958) 205-466.

A ra rocarpus - a monstrosity: Gard. Bull. Sing. 17 (1958) 93- 95.

Flo rae Malesianae Precursores - XX. The Genus Gymnacranthera (Myristicaceae) in Malaysia: Gard. Bull. Sing. 17 (1958) 96-120.

·•com mon Malayan Plants" compiled by H. B. Gilliland - a review: Gard. Bull. Sing. 17 (1958) 121-2.

A. new species of Goniothalamus from Peat Swamp Forest in Bo rneo : Gard. Bull. Sing. 18 (1961) 98- 101.

Florae M alesianae Precursores - X XXI, The Genus Knema (Myristica­ceae) in Malaysia and outside Malaysia: Gard. Bull. Sing. 18; (1961) 102-327. I

''The Flora of Delhi" by J . K. Maheshwari - a review: Gard. Bull. Sing. 21 (1 966) 425.

Our Orkney Flora, chap. 17, pp. 121- 8, in J. Shearer (Editor): Th e Ne11t Orkney Book, (1966, Nelson & Sons Ltd. London).

Notes on Sapotaceae: Gard. Bull. Sing. 22 (1967) 21 3- 28.

A note on Myriophyllum: Gard. Bull. Sing. 22 (1967) 229-30.

Florae Malesianae Precursores - XLII, The Genus Myristica (Myristica­ceae) in M alesia and outside Malesia: Gard. Bull. Sing. 23 (1968).

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xii Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore- XXIII (1968)

ll. Sinclairan Taxa


.Justicia johorensis J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 15 (1956): 18- 19.

ANACARDIACEAE Notopegia acuminata J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Bull. Bot. Soc. Bengal, 9

(1955): 90.


Alphonsea johorensis J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 386-7.

kinabaluensis J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 ( 195 1): 597.

kingii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. ·in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 386.

ovata (Scheff.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. /.c., 15 (1956): 5. (= Orophea ovata Scheffer.)

stenogyna (Diets) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e. : 5. ( = Orophea stenogyna Diels.)

Anaxagorea borneensis (Becc.) J. Sinclair, comb. 110v. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 (1951) : 598.

(= Eburopetalum bornee11se Becc.)

Anomianthus dulcis (Dunal) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing .. 14 (1953): 40.

(= Uvaria du/cis Dunal.)

Artabotrys arachnoides J. Sinclair, sp. nov. i11 Gard. Bull. Sing., 15 (1956): 5-6.

Cananga odorata (Lamk.) Hk. f. et Th. var. fruticosa (Craib) J. Sinclair comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 ( 1951): 599.

( = Canangium frwicoswn Craib.)

•Cyathocalyx apoensis (Elmer) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing. 14 ( 1955): 239.

(= Drepananthus apoensis Elmer.)

argenteum (Bl.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 (1951): 599.

( = Uvaria argentea Bl.)

carinatus (Ridley) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sirl!f. , 14 (1955): 241-2.

( = Drepananthus carinatus Ridley.)

-olivaceus (King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. i.e.: 242-3. ( = Xylopia olivacea King.)

pahangensis (Hend.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 240-1. ( = Drepananthus pahangensis Rend.)

philippinensis (Merr.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. i.e.: 239. ( = Drepananthus philippinensis Merr.)

.Pruniferus (MainJ?ay ex Hk. f. et Th.) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. i.e.: 239-40.

( = Drepanantlws pnmiferus Maingay ex Hk. f. et Th.)

ridleyi (King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 237-9. ( = Xylopia ridleyi King.)

scortechinii (King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 244-6. ( = Xylopus scortechinii King. )

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Burkill - Biographic Notes xiii

Cyathostemma ar~entum (Bl.) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. 1 .• 5 (1951): 599. .

( = Uvaria argentea Bl) .

excelsum (Hk. f. et Til .) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 ( 1955): 226-7.

( = Mirrephora exce/sa Hk. f . et Tb .)

micranthum (A.DC.) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. I.e.: 225-6. ( = Guatteria micrantlza A.DC.)

Dasoclema J. Sinclair, gen. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 273. siamensis (Craib) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 273 .

( = Monocarpia siamensis Craib.)

Disepalum pulchrum (KinR) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955) : 333-4.

( = Polyalthia pulchra King.)

var. angustifolium (King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 334. ( = Polyalthia pulchra King. var. angustifolia King. )

Enicosanthum macranthum (Kin~? ) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955) : 190-1.

( = Polyalthia macrantha King.)

membranifolium J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 191-2.

merguiensis (Chatterjee) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e .. 14 ( 1953): 45. (= Uvaria merguiensis Chatterjee.)

praestigiosum J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 14 (1955): 192-4.

Fissistigma latifolium (DunaJ) Merr. var. ovoideum (King) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955) : 359-61.

( = M elodorum latifolium Hie f. var. ovoideum King.)

rugosum J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Sarawak Mus. J ., 5 ( 1951): 600-2.

Goniothalamus andersonii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Card. Bull. Sing., 18 (1961): 98-101.

calycinus J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 14 (1955): 440-1.

holttumii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 429.

macrophyllus (Bl.) Hk. f. et Th. var. siamensis J. Sinclair, var. nov. I .e., 15 ( 1956): 16- 17.

montanus J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 14 (1955): 443-4.

umbrosus J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 445-6.

Meiogyne eriantha (Ridley) 1. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. ! ., 5 (1951): 604.

( = Polyalthia eriantha Ridley.)

maclurei (Merr.) 1. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 ( 1953): 41.

( = Fissistigma maclurei Merr.)

pannosa (Dalz.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. / ., S (1951): 604.

( = Unona pannosa Dalz.)

subsessilis (Ast.) J. Sinclair, comb . nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 15 (1956): 14.

( = Cyathocalyx subsessilis Ast.)

Melodorum aberrans (MainRay ) 1. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 ( 1953): 41.

( = Polyalthia aberrans Maingay.)

blandfordianum (C.E.C. Fischer) J. Sinclair, com b. nov. I.e. : 46. (= Sphaerocoryne blandfordiana C.E.C. Fischer.)

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xiv Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore- XXl/1 (1968)

Miliusa arborea (Elmer) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 378.

( = Saccopetalum arboreum Elmer .)

koolsii (Kostermans) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. l.c.: 378. ( = Saccopetalum koolsii Kostermans.)

longifiora (Hk. f . et Th.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 378. (= Saccopetalum {ongif/orum Hk. f. et Tlz.)

tomentosa (Roxb.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 378. ( = Uvaria tomentosa Roxb.)

:unguiculata (C.E.C. Fischer) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 378. ( = Saccopetalum unguiculatum C . E. C . Fischer.)

vidalii J. Sinclair, nom. nov. l.c.: 378. (= Saccopetalum longipes Vidal.)

Mitrella dielsii J. Sinclair, nom. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing. 15 ( 1956): 14-16. ( = Melodorum beccarii Diels.)

Monocarpia mar~inalis (Schefl. ) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 ( 1955) : 273-4. ·

( = Cyatlzocalyx marginalis Scheff.)

Oncodosti~ma monosperma ( Hk. f . et Th .) 1. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 ( 1951) : 605-6.

( = Cananga monosperma Hk. f . et Th.)

.Orophea ovalifolia (Ridley) 1. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Sarawak Mus. 1 .. 5 (1951) : 607.

( = Melodorum ovalifolium Ridley.)

Oxymitra alpina J. Sinclair. sp. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing .. 14 (1955 ) : 455-6.

argeotea J. Sinclair, sp. nov. l.c.: 461- 3.

kingii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. l.c.: 453-4.

Phaeanthus ophthalmicus (Roxb. ex Don) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 374-5. ·

( = Uvaria ophthalmicus Roxb.)

P olyalthia brunneifolia J. Sinclair. sp. nov. in Gard. Bull. SinJ?., 14 (1955): 301-2.

cauliflora Hk. f. et Th. var. beccarll (KinR) J. Sinclair. stat. nov. I.e.: 294-5.

( = Polyaltlzia beccarii King.)

var. desmaotha (Hk. f. et Tlz.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 295-6. ( = Unona desmantha Hk. f. ct Th.)

var. wrayii (Hemsl.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. l.c. : 296-7 . (= Unona wrayii Hemsl.)

congesta (Ridley) J. Sinclair, comb . nov. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 (1951): 607.

( = Xylopia congesta Ridley.)

J!)abra ( Tfk. f . et Th.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., - 14 ( 1955): 315 ..

( = Ellipeia glabra Hk. f . et Th.)

hirtifol ia J. Sinclair, nom. nov. I.e.: 300. ( = Polya/th ia hirta Ridley. )

lateritia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. i.e. : 290-1.

motleyana (Hk. f.) Airy Shaw var. oblonga (King) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. i.e.: 304.

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Burkill- Biographic Notes XV

'Popowia tomentosa Maingay var. crinita J . Sinclair. var. nov. in Card. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 475.

::Pseuduvaria beccarii (Scheff.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 15 (1956): 7. ·- .

( = Orophea beccarii Scheffer.)

cerina)J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 14 (1955): 418-21.

costata (Scheff .) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. l.c., 15 (1956) : 7. ( = Orophea costar a Scheffer.)

dielsiana (Lauterb.) J . Sinclair, comb. nov. !.c. 14 (1955): 403. ( = Goniothaiamus dieisianus Lauterb.)

dolichonema (Diels.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e .. 15 (1956): 7. ( = Orophea dolichonema Diels.)

filipes (Lauterb . ex K. Schum.) J . Sinclair, comb. nov. l.c. : 7. ( = Orophea filipes Lauter b. et K. Schum.)

-galeata J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e ., 14 (1955): 414-6.

·grandifolia (Warb .) J . Sinclair. comb. nov. I.e .. 15 (1956): 7. ( = Stelechocarpus grandifolia War b.)

lignocarpa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 7- 9.

m acrophylla (Oliv.) Merr. var. cymosa J . Sinclair. var. nov. l.c., 14 (1955): 410- 2.

var. sessilicarpa J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 411-2.

mollis (Warb.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e. , 15 (1956): 9. ( = Goniothalamus mollis Warb.)

monticola J. Sinclair, sp. nov. lc., 14 (1955) : 408.

multiovulata (Fischer) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. l.c., 14 (1953): 43, 47. ( = Mitrephora multiovuiata Fischer.)

11ervosa J . Sinclair, sp. nov. l.c., 14 (1955): 416-7.

nova-guineensis J. Sinclair, sp. nov. l.c., 15 (1956): 9-11.

-pulchella (Dieis) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 10. ( = Orophea puichel/a Diels.)

rhytidophylla (Dief.s) ]. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e. : 10. ( = Orophea rhytidophylla Diels.)

-sessilifolia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 10, 12-13.

·setosa (King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e., 14 (1953): 43. (= Orophea setosa King.)

var. major J . Sinclair, var. nov. I.e., 14. (1955): 406.

silvestris (Diels) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e., 15 (1956): 13. ( = Orophea silvestris Diels.)

taipingensis J . Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 14 (1955) : 406-8.

l'yramidanthe prismatica (Hk. f. et Th.) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1955): 362-4.

( = Melodorum prismaticum Hk. f. et Th.)

,Stelechocarpus cauliflorus (Scheff.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 (1953): 43.

( = Sageraea cauliflora Scheff.)

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xvi Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore- XXIII (1968)

Trivalvaria dubia (Kurz) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing .• 14 ( 1953) 0 47.

(= Popowia dubia Kurz.)

nervosa (Hk. f. et Th.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e., 14 (1955) : 197-8. ( = Ellipeia nervosa Hk. f . et Th.)

pumila (King ) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e. : 48. ( = Ellipeia pumila King.)

Uvaria grandifiora Roxb. var. ftava (Teys. et Binn.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 ( 1953): 44.

(= Uvaria {lava Teys. et Binn.)

hahnii (Finet et Gagnep.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 44. ( = Unona hahnii Finet et Gagnep.)

Xylopia beccarii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Sarawak Mus. J., 5 (1951): 609. caudata Hk. f. et Th. var. veticulata J. Sinclair, var nov. I.e.: 608-9.

ferruginea (Hk. f. et Th.) Hk. f. et Th. var. oxyantha (Hk. f. et Th .) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 14 ( 1955): 345.

( = Habzelia oxyantha Hk. f. et Th.)

sub-dehiscens (King ) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. i.e. : 345- 6. ( = Alphonsea sub-dehiscens King.)

LABIATAE Plectanthrus gesneroides J. Sinclair, sv. nov. in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard.

Edin., 22 ( 1948) : 124, Pl. CCLXL

MYRISTICACEAE Gvmnacranthera bancana ( Miq .) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. in Gard. Bull.

S ing., 16 (1958): 436-9. ( = M yristica bancana Miq.)

bancana (Miq.) J. Sinclair, var. borneensis (Warb.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 439.

( = Gymnacranthera murtonii (Hk. f.) War b. var. bom eensis Warb.

eugenii fo lia (A.DC.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e .. : 444-7. ( = Myristica eugeniifolia A.DC.)

var. griffithii (Warh.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 447-50. ( = Gymnacranthera farquhariana Wall. var. griffithii (Hk. f .)


forbesii (King) Warb. var. crassinervis (Warb.) J. Sinclair, 1·tat. nov. I.e., 17 ( 1958) : 102-4.

( = Gymnacranthera crassinervis Warb.)

paniculata (A.DC.) Warb. var. zippeliana (Miq.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 108-12.

( = Myristica zippeliana Miq.)

Horsfieldia macrocoma (Miq.) War b. var. canarioides (King) J. Sinclair stat. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 16 (1958): 389-93.

(= Myristica canarioides King.) var. r ufirachis J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 393.

penangiana J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 408- 10.

polyspherula (Hk. f. emend. King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 422-5. ( = Myristica polysphemla Hk. f.)

punctatifolia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 413-6.

subalpina J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 410-1.

subglobosa (Miq.) Warb. var . brachiata (King) J. Sinclair, stat. nov~ I.e. : 430-2.

( = Myristica brachia/a King.)

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Bur kill- Biographic Notes xvii

Knema ashtonii J. Sinclair. sv. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing .. 18 (1 961): 162-6.

cinerea (Poir.) Warb. var alpina J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e. : 287-8.

var. andamanica (Warb.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. i.e.: 174-81. ( = Knema glauca Bl. var. andamanica Warb. )

var. cordata (J. Sinclair) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. I.e.: 181-2. ( = Knema glaucescens Jack var. cordata J. Sinclair.)

var. patentinervia (J. Sinclair) J. Sinclair. comb. nov. I.e. : 182-4. ( = Knema glaucescens Jack var. patentinervia J. Sinclair.)

f. longipedicellata J. Sinclair, f. nov. I.e.: 182-4.

var. rubens (J. Sinclair) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 185. (= Knema glaucescens Jack f. rubens J. Sinclair.)

var. sumatrana (Miq.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e. : 185-93. ( = Myristica sumatrana BJ.)

<:ommunis J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 16 (1958): 297-9.

<:urtisii (King) Warb. var. amoena J. Sinclair var. nov. I.e., 18 (1961 ): 198-9.

var. arenosa J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 198, 200.

var. linguiformis J. 'Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 197, 200- 1.

var. paludosa J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e. : 197, 201-2.

erratica (Hk. f. et Th.) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. i.e.: 205-9. ( = Myristica erratica Hk. f. et Th.)

galeata J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 211-4.

glaucescens Jack, var. cordata J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e. : 16 (1958): 306, 310-2.

var. ~laucescens, f. rubens J. Sinclair. /. nov. I.e .. 306-8.

var. patentinervia J. Sinclair, var. nov. i.e.: 306, 308-10.

kinabaluensis J. Sinclair, sv. nov. I.e., 18 ( 1961) : 229- 32.

kunstleri (Kin~) Warb. var. suri~aoensis J. Sinclair. var. nov. I.e.: 238-9.

latericia Elmer var. albifolia J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 243. var. lunduensis J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e. : 244.

meridionalis J. Sinclair. sv. nov. I.e. : 13 (1951): 297- 9.

muscosa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 18 (1961): 264-6.

percoriacea J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 268- 7 J.

plumulosa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 16 (1958): 312- 5.

rigidifolia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 284-6.

-scortechinii (King) J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e. : 288- 91 ( = Myristica scortechinii King.)

·stenophylla ( Warb .Q J. Sinclair, comb. nov. I.e.: 300- 2. ( = Gymnacranthera stenophylla Warb.)

-uliginosa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e., 18 (1961): 28 1 - 3.

·woodii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 283-6.

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xviii Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore- XX!ll (1968)1

Myristic(\ sec. Fatua J. Sinclair sec. nov. in Gard. Bu/1. Sing., 23 (1968) : 128.

ser. Fuscae J. Sinclair ser. nov. I.e.: 244.

ser. Tenuiveniae J. Sinclair ser. nov. I.e.: 315.

sec. Myristica ser. Cinnamomeae J. Sinclqi~ ser. nov. l.c.: ?09.

ser. Hooglandiae J. Sinclair ser. nov. I.e.: 153.

ser. Uncinatae J. Sinclair ser. nov. I.e.: 145.

Myri~tica carrii J. Sinclair sp. nov. I.e.: 160.

ceylanica A.DC. var. cagayanensis (Men·.) J. Sinclair stat. nov. I.e.:: 442. ( = M. cagayanensis Merr.)

chrysophylla J. Sinclair sp. nov. l.c. : 254. var. entrecasteauxensis J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e. : 257.

concinna J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 375.

cornutiflora J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 348.

cylindrocarpa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 337.

elliptica Hk. f. et Th. var. celebica (Miq.) 1. Sinclair, stat. nov., i.e., 16· (1958): 356.

( = Myristica celebica Miq.)

var. simiarum (A .DC.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 356. ( = Myristica simiarum A.DC.) ·

ensifolia J. Sinclair, sp. nov., I.e., 23 (1968): 332.

fatua Routt. var. affinis (Warb.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov., I.e.: 275. (= M. affinis Warb.)

var. inutilis (Richard ex A . Gray) J. Sinclair, stat. now. I.e.: 278~ ( = M. inutilis Richard ex Gray)

var. magnifica (Beddome) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 282. ( = M. magnifica Beddome)

var. morindiifolia (Bl.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. i.e.: 286. ( = M. morindiifolia BJ.)

var. morobensis J. Sinclair, var nov. I.e.: 289.

var. morotaiensis J. Sinclair, var. nov. l.c. : 292.

var. platyphylla (A. C. Smith) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 300. (= M. platyphylla A. C. Smith)

var. quercicarpa J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 302.

var. sangowensis J. Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 304.

var. sphanogheana (Miq.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 304. ( = M. sphanogheana Miq.)

var. wenzelii (Merr.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 309. ( = M . wenzelii Merr.)

fumipes J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 355.

flosculosa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 359.

gracilipes J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 334.

hooglandii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 156.

hypargyraea A. Gray var. gi llespieana (A. C. Smith) J. Sinclair stat. nov~ I.e.: 418.

( = M. gillespieana A. C. Smith)

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Burkill - Biographic Notes xix

var. guillauminiana (A. C. Smith) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e. : 420,. (= M. guil/auminiana A. C. Smith)

var. insularis (Kanehira) J. SinClair; stat. no v. in I.e. : 422. ( = M. ins1tlaris Kanehira)

impressinervia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 232.

inopinata J. Si11clair, sp. nov. I.e. : 199.

lancifolia Poiret var. bifurcata J , Sinclair, var. nov. I.e.: 460. var. clemensis (A. C. Smith) J. Sinclair, stat nov. /.c.: 463.

( = M . c/emensii A. C. Smith)

var. montana (Roxb.) J. Sinclair, stat. nov. I.e.: 467. ( = M. montana Roxb.)

papyracea J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 133.

pedicellata J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 324.

rosselensis J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 205.

smythiesii J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 316.

tenuivenia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e. : 327.

umbrosa J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 147.

UI?-cinata J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 150.

undulatifolia J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 400.

womersleyi J. Sinclair, sp. nov. I.e.: 249.

MYRSINACEAE Ardisia rudis J. Sinclair, nom. nov. Gard. Bull. Sing., 15 (1956): 24.

( = Ardisia ferruginea Mez.)

SAPOTACEAE Madhuca decipiens J. Sinclair, nom. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 22 (1967):-

215-6. ( = Payena grandifiora Rid!.)

selangorica (K. et G.) J. Sinclair, comb. 110v. I.e.: 217- 8. ( = Payena selangorica)

VERBENACEAE Petraeovitex wolfei J. Sinclair, sp. nov. in Gard. Bull. Sing., 15 (1956): 18,.


Page 23: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

:XX Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore - XXIII (1968)

m. A summary of all Sinclair's collecting in Asia, Singapore excepted, while on the stitfi of

the Botanic Gardens, Singapore. (Numbers of collections are quoted after each locality).

1949 22 February -

10 March

7 - 18 April

22 July

9 - 19 September

1950 27 - 29 August

9 - 21 November

23 December

1951 7 October -

4 November

J953 26 March

15 April

14 May

17 June

21 June

4 - 18 July

Sarawak: Santubong - 65, B. Lintang - 13, Bt. Segu, Kg. Segu - 17, G. Krian, G. Saburau, G. Taiton, Bau - 21 , Kg. Pengkalan, G . Senggai, Buso - 7.

East Pakistan: Cox's Bazar- 74.

Johore: Mersing - 8.

Perak: Maxwell's Hill - 234.

Johore: 9 m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 5. G . Lambak - 11 , Kluang F.R. - 6, Ma'okil F.R. -12.

Penang: Mt. Olivia, Waterfall Gardens - 23, Penang Hill - 32, Tiger Hill - 18, Tg. Tokeng- 5, Kg. Sg. Kluang - 14, B. Uban -8, Kg. Seronok - 6, Kg. Pa'Bidin - 4.

Johore: 7 m.s. Johore Bahru-Scudai Road - 2.

Penang: Tg. Bunga- 8, Waterfall Gardens- 17, Balek Pulau - 5, Bayan Lepas - 15, Glugor - 3. Tk. Bahang - 9. Tk. Aling - 8, Tg. Duyong - 1, Kg. Sg. Kluang - 2, P. Betong - 11, Tiger Hill - 16, Penang Hill - 38, Sg. Pinang- 15, P. Tikus - 7, Genting- 8, Sg. Burong- 5.

Johore: Summit, G . Pulai - 11 , Sg. Ayer Hitam Besar, G . Pulai - 5.

Johore: Sg. Ayer Hitam Besar, G . Pulai - 14.

Johore: Sg. Ayer Hitam Besar, G. Pulai - 13.

Johore: Sg. Ayer Hi tam Kechi!, G. Pulai - 11 .

Johore: n-8~ m.s. Johore Baharu-Scudai Road -6.

Trengganu: Kg. Merabang Tengah - 5, Kg. Padang Negara - 7, Kg. K. lbai - 4, Kg. Batas Baharu - 6, K. Trengganu - 11 , Bt. Cherak China - 2, Sg. Kerak - 6, Kg. Gong - 6, Bt. Chenering - 9, Kg. Bt. Kalam -4, Kg. Bt. Penghulu Diman - 5, Sri Bangun, Bt. Besi- 29, Dungun- 1, Bt. Bauk F.R. -16, 36-40 m.s. Dungun-Merchang Road - 8, 14-38 m.s. K. Trengganu-Besut Road, Belara F .R. - 59, 37-38 m .s. Dungun-Marang Road 8. TOTAL 186 nos.

3 - 16 November 8elangor: Batu Caves - 23, Kepong - 7, Weld Hill- 14, Bt. Lagong F.R. - 29, Telok F.R. - 13, Klang Gates - 14; Negri Sembilan: Sg. Menyala F.R. - 19, Mantin Pass - 1.

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Burk ill - Biographic Notes XXL


7 March 8 April 16 April 16 May 21 May 18 June 11 July


5 September 6 November -

21 November


25 February

1 - 6 Apri l

17 April 6 May 31 May 30 - 31 July 5 - 25 September

1956 19 - 21 October

1957 24 Feoruary

20 - 21 April

1 June - 6 July

25 July 4 - 5 December

Johore: Mt. Austin Estate - 4. Johore: G. Pulai - 7. Johore: Pontian Kechil - 6. Johore: Pulau Tinggi - 13. Johore: 23! m.c. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 9_ Johore: Kota Tinggi -7, Sg. Tiram - 5. Johore: Sg. Tiram - 14. Johore: 1 4~-1 9i m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road

-21. Johore: Sg. T iram, Nam Heng - 7. Trengganu: Kg. Merabong Tengah - 4, Kg.

Nibong - I, K. Trengganu - 7, Kg. Chene­ring - 6, 11-38 m.s. K. Trengganu-Besut Road - 57, G. Tebu F.R. - 16, Padang Kandis-13, Kg. Bukit - 4, 24-37 Jerangan Road, Dungun - 14, Seborang Taki - 5, B. Rakit - 4; Kelantan: Kota Bharu - 4. · TOTAL - 135 nos.

Johore: Sg. Tiram - 6.

MaJacca: Batu Berendam- 5, Kg. Bt. Piatu- 4 .. Bt. Bruang - 6, Sg. Udang F.R. - 32, Cape Rachado- 7. TOTAL - 54 nos.

Johore: P. Pisang - 8, P. Sauh - 5. Johore: Kota Tinggi - 6. Johore: Kota Tinggi - 3. Jobore: Sg. Tebrau - 3. Trengganu: K. Trengganu - 5, Kg. Engku Su­

long - 3, Bt. Chenering - 4, Paya Bt. Pak­beh - 7, K. Trengganu-Besut Road - I 10, Kg. Buloh- 1, Kg. Tassek- I, Kg. Nyatoh - 4, Bt. Kluang - 12. G. Tebut F.R. - 19. Bt. Bubus - 7, Bt. Berangan - J, Bt. Lah - 14 .. Kg. Merior - 7. K. Berok - 8. 27-36 m.s. Dungun-Jerangan Road - 17, K. Brang Road, U lu Trengganu - 3, Bt. Pengbulu Dimau - 3_ TOTAL - 226 nos.

Pahang: Bentong-Kuantan - 9; Fraser's Hill - 9_

Johore: Johore Bahru - 1.

Malacca: Kg. Gadek, Alor Gajah - 6, Sg. Udang - 6; Negri Sembilan: Gemas - 1; Johore:: Simpang Dengan - 1. TOTAL - 14 nos.

North Borneo: Sepilok F.R. - 12, Kundasan -44, Bt. Kinasaraban - 24, Kg. Kinasafaban -6, Tenompok - 25, Lumu-lumu - 10, G . Tibabar - 9, Kambarangan - 36, Paka-paka Cave - 88, Kinabalu Summit- 41, Ranau -50, Sanda kan - 1, Sepilok- 70. TOTAL- 416 nos.

Johore: P. Meram.bang - 3. Johore: Mersing - 6.

Page 25: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

XX ll

1958 5 April

l3 - 16 May

25 May - 5 July

7 October -5 November

1959 14 January

21 February -3 March

5 April

20 December

1960 13 January

26 January

4 March

31 July -7 September

30 September

1961 24 January

8 February

2 March

25 March

29 March

2 April

21 April

30 April

19 May

Gardens' Bulletin, Singapore-XXlll (1968)

Johorc: Sg. Sedili Besar - l.

Japan: Nikko - 50, Enoshima - 13. TOTAL - 63 nos.

Philippine Islands: Antipolo - 13, Mt. Makiling - 63, Los Banos - 5, Bicol Nat. Park - 26, Camarines- 11, Lake Bulusan- 69, Patag-4, Agargay Lake - 18, Mt. Bulusan - 23, Bulusan seashore - 18, Baguio-Santo Tomas -140. TOTAL - 390 nos.

Selaugor: U lu Gombak - 2, Klang Gates - 4, Ginting Simpah - (; Perak: Ipoh - 29, Che­mor - 11. Dindings - 6 .. K. Kangsar - 2, G. Bubu - 27; Pahang: Tanah Rata - 23, Brinchang - 32. TOTAL - 143 nos.

Johore: Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 12.

Java: P. Haodeuleum Sisi - 2, P. Peutjang 25, Tjiujong Kulon - 5, Ujong Kuloo - 5, Bogor - 27, G. Salak - 10, Tjibodas - 22. TOTAL- 96 nos.

Ceylon: Nuwara Eliya - 37.

Johore: G. Panti - 1.

Johcre: Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road

Johore: Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road



Johore: Nawai - K. Sedili Road - 10.

Sarawak: Semengoh F.R. - 58, Sg. Sobat Tapang, Serian - 31 , G. Gaharu - 40, Bako - 30, Matang - 23, G . Gading, Lundu - 36, G. Meroyong, Sampadi F.R. - 17, Batang Kayan Sampadi F.R. - 2, M iri - 2; Brunei: Anduki F.R.- 34, Sg. Lumut- 10, Badas Swamp-28. Bt. Puan. Sg. Belait - 14. Bt. Labi F.R. -21, Bt. Puan - ll , K. Belait - 6, Bt. Tepaling - 1, Berakas F.R. - 9. Muara - 1. TOTAL- 374 nos.

Johore: Mawai-K. Sedili Road - 9.

Johore: Mawai-K. Sedili Road 7.

Johore: Mawai-K. Scdili Road 7.

Johore: G. Panti F.R. - l.

Johore: Sg. Ayer Hi tam Besar, G. Pulai - 6.

Johore: G . Pulai - 8.

Jobore: Sg. Tuenseh, Jason's Bay - 2.

Johore: Sg. Dodo!, 14 m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersiog Road- 6.

Johore: Lombong, Kota Tinggi - 1.

Johore: 15-! m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 4.

Page 26: James Sinclair at his desk in the Singapore Herbarium....James Sinclair, 1913-1968 An obituary and an appreciation by H. M. BURKILL,* Director, Botanic Gardens, Singapore James Sinclair

Burkill- Biographic Notes xxiii

4 June 23 June

28 November 5 November

28 November 8 December


18 March 17 May

10 June 17 June 21 June 29 July 28 October 12 - 20 November


6 October*

1965 10 January 30 May 6 June 13 June 20 June

27 June 4 July IT July 19 September 14 November

21 November


6 February 6 March 13 March

20 March 10 April 2 May

30 June

Johore: Serkat - l .

Johore: 18l-20.l m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 10.

Johore: 20.\ m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 7. Johore: Mawai-Kuala Sedili Road - 1, Jason's.

Bay- 2. Jchore: Mawai-Kuala Sedili Road - 5. Johore: 2J m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 2 ..

Johore: Pasir Gudang - 2. Johore: 8Jl m.s. Mawai-K. Sedili Road - 4,.

1 ason's Bay - 2. Johore: Kg. Sg. Sedil i Besar - 4. Johore: Kg. Senibong, Plentong - 3. Johore: Kg. Sg. Sedili Besar - 7. Johore: Sri Pantai, Mersing - 4 . Johore: Sg. Semolok, Mawai - I .

Selangor: Kanching F.R. - 2. Bt. Lagong,. Kepong - 9, Klang Gates - 3, Bt. Takun -1. TOTAL - 15 nos.

Johore: Sg. Semagot, 30 m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mer~ing Road - 7.

Johore: 2 m.s. Jalan Scudai, Johore Baharu - 1. Johore: Kg. Kelantan, Kota Tinggi - 7. Jobore: G . Panti F.R. - 9. Jobore: Sg. Tebrau - 6. Johore: Sg. Semandan, Sg. Diman, Jason's Bay-

8. Johore: 2-8 m .s. Jalan Scudai, Jobore Bahru - 4 . Johore: 5 m.s. Jalan Scudai, Johorc Bahru - 2. Johorc: G. Panti F.R. - 1. Johore: G . Pulai - 3. Johore: Sg. Mupoh, Sg. Tementaog, Sg. Dohol, Sg.

Merah, 10~-14 m.s. Kota T inggi-Mersing Road -8.

Johore: 2 m.s. Jalan Scudai, Johore Baharu - L

Johore: Jason's Bay - 8. Johore: Gelang Patah - 2, Kangkar Pendas - 2. Johore: Sg. Bang. Kota Tinggi - 3, 4-5~ m_

Jason's Bay - 7 . Johore: Kangar Pendas - 6. Johore: 2 m.s. Jalan Scudai, Johore Baharu - 1. Johore: Sg. Mupoh, Sg. Pak KenJ!t, Sg. Merah,

10~-14 m.s. Kota Tinggi-Mersing Road - 10,. Kg. Kelantan, Kota Tinggi - 2.

Jobore: Kg. Lukut, Kota Tinggi - 2.

"' This is the date in Sinclair's accession register: 10 October in Bot. Gard. Sing. An11. R ep. 1963 is wrong.