James nachtwey (1)

James Nachtwey By : Jason Wegiel

Transcript of James nachtwey (1)

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James NachtweyBy : Jason Wegiel

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James Nachtwey

Image source : http://www.biography.com/people/james-nachtwey-38952#synopsis

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Image by : James Nachtwey

Image source : http://www.jamesnachtwey.com/

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Career PathJames Nachtwey had a very successful career as a photojournalist. He had worked at TIME for over 30 years. One of his colleagues, Kira Pollack had said “At the heart of his work are the world’s injustices : Famine. Poverty. Disease. Human rights violations.” This phrase best describes the kind of photography James Nachtwey had captured. His photographs were focused on war images and conflicts in those areas. But it all started with the images of Vietnam War that interested James and his interest in photography. In 1976, James had started working as a newspaper photographer in New Mexico. In 1980, he would move to New York to pursue his career as a freelance magazine photojournalist. In 1981, James was sent for his first foreign assignment covering civil strife in Northern Ireland during the IRA hunger strike. James was able to travel to many countries, devoting himself to war conflicts in countries such as Lebanon, Rwanda, and more. In 1984, James was able to become a contract photographer for TIME. In 2001, he had become a founding member of photo agency VII. With many accomplishments in his career, James resume allowed for him to excel as a photojournalist wherever he had went. His photos were mostly spread out through TIME. Since TIME is a big time magazine, more than likely, most have came across a James Nachtwey image.

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EraJames Nachtwey had begun his career as a photojournalist beginning in the mid 70’s up until the 2000’s. During his time as a photojournalist, James had dealt with many dangerous and serious situations that could’ve went the other way. James had recalled “covering the civil war in Sri Lanka. He was embedded with one of five rebel groups, but the Tamil Tigers, the main insurgent group, were taking out their opposition one by one. He was on an island off the Jaffna peninsula, hiding out. He found a Catholic Monastery, and hid. In a church in outer Sri Lanka, he found a copy of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, and he read it. He stayed there for three weeks, trying to focus on Shakespeare, until he found the chance to escape back to mainland and to safety. “ Photojournalism as a profession at this time had dealt with many conflicts. These conflicts had put photojournalist in dangerous situation and unaware of what the outcome will be. It was these types of conflicts that drove photojournalist to really pursue their image and help the world have a better understanding of the dilemmas around them.

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MotivationJames Nachtwey’s biggest motivation came from the people he had photographed. In a discussion with his alma mater Dartmouth College, he had said “I hope that my archive will inspire future generations - in all fields, as well as future photographers - to approach the world with the same global perspective and concern for human dignity and social justice that I have sought to convey through my work.” His motivation was the result of the many conflicts in the world during his era as a photojournalist. He was seeking to find the injustices that many had to deal with in the society that they were living in. Through his work, he had believed he was able to convey his concern for human dignity and social justice, hoping to inspire the many generation of photojournalist ahead of him. It is for that reason James Nachtwey was presented in 2012 an award known as the Dresden Prize which was awarded to individuals who have devoted their work in helping prevent violence.

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TechnologyJames Nachtwey had used the Single Lens Reflex (SLR) camera during his time as a photojournalist. This was an interesting technique used in his film War Photographer when the micro cam video camera was mounted on his SLR, giving the viewer a “photographer eye”. This technology had affected the manner of James as he carried out his craft. SLR camera allowed for him to travel easily on foot. SLR camera was lightweight compared to prior cameras. When James used the micro cam video camera mounted on his SLR, he would give viewer a photographer eye. Although mounting an image provides some trouble regarding having to move fast because the weight of the stand. Mounting makes the device as a whole quite large.

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EthicsJames Nachtwey found it deep in his morals that he was looking to better the world. James had said in his speech after his 30 years at TIME that “ we question the powerful. We hold decision - makers accountable. The chain we help forge links the people we encounter in the fields to millions of other individual minds and sensibilities. And once mass consciousness evolves into a shared sense of conscience, change becomes not only possible; it becomes inevitable.” He found it necessary to help those who needed help the most. In his moral compass, during that speech, he was asking others to look within and help fight for change for those who need it the most. It’s when all of us realize the situation that change is possible. He found that his moral compass asked of him to use his gift. His gift as a photographer allowed for him to spread his knowledge on the inhuman situations humans are going through. The images he photographs have came to life and showed the audience the proof that they needed to understand his reasoning. We found that in his moral compass, that we has humans need to hold individuals accountable for their actions and the situations they have put many in.

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BiasIn that same speech that James Nachtwey was recognized for his 30 years at Time, he had said “It’s a continuous struggle, never-ending, and we must always remain in the fight. The people whose stories we tell have not given up hope, even in the most dire circumstances. Why should anyone else give up hope for them?” Some may say James was biased against those who put the individuals in a situation where they had their backs to the wall. The ones with higher power in a society who have no worry on those affected by their destruction. Those who were unable to defend themselves because the situation they were put in doesn’t allow them to fight back. He had asked the audience not to give up hope for these individuals. He understood that hope is what keeps many of these individuals with uncertainty in their futures alive. Hope is what gives them the desire to keep fighting.

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Photographic Style - Afganistan

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Photographic Style - AfghanistanIn the principles of assessing photographs, the subject’s expression looks mournful. When looking at the main subject in this photograph, he doesn’t look as if he were prepared for this photo. The subject seems to be in deep thought as they are trying to make a connection or memory with the deceased one. In the texture principle, the texture is evident. You can see the texture of the dirt behind the individual. You can see the texture of the robe of the individual. You can also see the texture of the tomb stones. The land looks as if it were cracking. The picture makes it seem that if you were to rub your hand you would feel each crack. The robe looks as if you can feel each piece of cloth and feel it overlapping each other. Lastly, the tombstones have a variety of textures. Some of the tombstones look as if they were smooth while others look like they are jagged. In Background Compliments, the tombstones help complete the picture. The tombstones show the viewer of the image where the individual is. As the main subject is in focus, the tombstones in the background are more out of focus but are still clearly represented.

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Photographic Style - Death of War

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Photographic Style - Death Of WarIn the principle of assessing photographs in the rule of thirds,the photographer placed both of the main subjects on the first third and the last third of the photograph. On the first of thirds, the truck is on fire with smoke covering most of the image. On the last third, you see an individual pouring water onto the vehicle. But if you were to divide the photo between the truck and the water and the individual, it looks as if it were a good versus evil image. In the exposure time principle, a fast shutter speed was used to create the image. This shutter of speed allowed for a clearer photo. Because of the fast shutter speed, you are able to see the water as if it were frozen in time, the shape of the clouds, and the fire on the tire more vivid. The quality of light in the photo is dramatic. The light making this photo dramatic comes from the clouds. Because of the smoke covering a lot of the photo, it provides the light to shine through the clouds which creates this obvious dilemma.

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Photographic Style - Indonesia

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Photographic Style - IndonesiaIn the principles of assessing the photographs, this image is black and white.I believe that this image was chosen to be presented in black and white because of the impact it would have on the viewers. It shows more emotion in the subjects. I say this because when you see the mouths on some of these individuals you can see the expression better. With color, you have a variety of colors that you can focus on opposed to a set of teeth for example.For feelings, you can see this sort of outcry carried throughout the photo on these individuals. What had captured my attention in particular of this photo were the individuals in the middle and to the right of him. They look as if there hysteric. Overall, it looks as if they all are pouring their emotions in their stance. In the keep it simple principle, this photo some may say looks clustered. This photo looks clustered because of how many individuals are actually spread out the photo. It still is clear image in the sense that you can see each individual clearly.


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Photographic Style - 9/11/01

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Photographic Style - 9/11/01In the principles of assessing photographs use of lines, the clouds show this curved shaped surrounding the cross which is a bunch of straight lines together. Since the clouds are moving in such a fashion, it brings your attention the cross which I believe is the main subject. The lines from the clouds work with the rule of thirds because the shape of the clouds places the main subject more towards the outer third of the photograph. The main subject in this photograph is the cross. The main subject is very small compared to the whole photograph. If the clouds were left out of the photo, I don’t think that the image would come across the same. With the cross and the clouds, it feel as if it’s the last call for something. The last principle

involving the photograph is in or out of focus. This photo is indeed in focused. Everything about this image is very sharp. The viewer is able to see the cross very clearly. In the clouds in the background you can see the different directions it is headed. The buildings all around can be see clearly as well. Almost as if you can see each individual brick.

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ImpactAfter 30 years of working at TIME, James Nachtwey was recognized for his work. During his speech, he had said “ I’m only one among many journalist who’ve committed themselves to covering conflicts and revealing social injustices, that have been hidden or ignored, but that are crying out to be corrected. It’s the combined work of all of us, together, that builds the critical mass of information and insight that creates change and helps make the world a better place. And I want to dedicate this award to those who have only been silenced by imprisonment or by giving their lives.” James Nachtwey’s speech spread awareness to those who felt silent by imprisonment or by giving their lives. His speech not only had impacted those who had a tough time to voice their say, but his images made it clearer for the world to understand. James Nachtwey’s photographs was the mass information that provided proof on what was going around in the world that some may not see. His real-life pictures allowed for this image to form in people’s head seeing what real issues were being dealt with across the world, which made an impact to those going through these problems. This impact overall, helped these individuals for the better.

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My Major At AICHere at AIC, my major is Physical Therapy. I was able to relate this to the career of my photojournalist because of his desire to help people. I had chosen Physical Therapy because of a personal experience in the rehabilitation process. I was able to witness someone give it their all in order for me to be at my best. It’s that kind of determination that I believe James Nachtwey and I can relate. James had said “ Our work is aimed at our readers’ best instincts - generosity, compassion, a sense of right-and-wrong, a sense of identification with others - on a human level, across cultures, beyond the borders of nationality - and perhaps most importantly, the refusal to accept the unacceptable.” James Nachtwey and I and relate to one another because not only do we refuse the unacceptable but are passionate about something. No matter what field you are pursuing, the passion you should have for your occupation comes from a drive to do better, not only for yourself but for others as well.

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ViewpointsMany viewed James Nachtwey in a positive light. They admired his devotion to photography and how he pushed his limits to get the image he was striving for. Some of James’ colleagues had said “ When you see one of Jim’s photographs, the first thing you see are the people. He always puts the people first, he wants you to feel their humanity.” , “ Jim has the mind of a political scientist and he has the visual instincts of an artist” , “ it’s at just the moment when you want to look away that Jim makes you pay attention.” Here are some but most certainly not the least of what they had said about James. James Nachtwey was looked up to by many in photojournalism. His images revealed a clear message that he was trying to get across. It was his mind that many liked about James. They found that the creativity and his timing made him unique as a photojournalist and artist. From an outsider's perspectives, it seems to be that James Nachtwey had an act for photography and was very well respected by many in the profession.

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Work Cited6. Slides 10, 12, 14, 16 were photographed by James Nachtwey. The image source is http://www.jamesnachtwey.com/ .