James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017...

James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017 Clarinet Dear JMU Clarinetists, Enclosed please find the music for Fall 2017 Ensemble Auditions. This audition will determine your placement in the JMU Bands and Orchestras, as well as participation in the HarmonieMusik Ensemble in September. Clarinet auditions are tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 27, at 2:30-4:30pm, in Room 148. More detailed information will be provided closer to that date. Auditions will be behind the screen, “blind.” It is essential that listening to the list of excerpts (recordings or videos of full orchestra/wind ensemble) becomes a part of your preparation. Please carefully study such details as terms, tempi, rhythms, articulations, dynamics and phrasing, in addition to practicing technical and expressive aspects. Please remember that practicing fundamentals (tone color, stability, intonation, clarity of response, scales, endurance, etc.) and applying them to excerpts is crucial for your best playing quality. If you do not own an A clarinet, play all excerpts on B-flat clarinet, even if indicated for “A clarinet.” **You DO NOT have to TRANPOSE the parts. Just play these excerpts on your B-flat clarinet.** If you own an A clarinet, please play excerpts designated for A clarinet on this instrument. List of excerpts: P. Hindemith – Symphony in B-flat. 2 excerpts: I. mm 168-197; II. mm 49-71. Prokofiev – Symphony No. 5. 2 excerpts: II. Reh. 36-37; IV. Reh. 80-82. C. Saint-Saens – Bacchanale from Samson and Delilah, beg. to reh. A. P. Tchaikovsky – Symphony No. 6, I. mm 153-160. C. M. von Weber – Overture to Der Freischütz, solo. Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the materials. Best of luck in your preparation and audition. The ensemble directors and I are looking forward to hearing you! Sincerely, Dr. Sarunas Jankauskas Assistant Professor of Clarinet James Madison University [email protected]

Transcript of James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017...

Page 1: James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017 Clarinet Dear JMU Clarinetists, Enclosed please find the music for Fall 2017 Ensemble











Page 2: James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017 Clarinet Dear JMU Clarinetists, Enclosed please find the music for Fall 2017 Ensemble

1. P.Hindemith–SymphonyinB-flat,I.mm168-197,asbracketed.Halfnote=88-92ClarinetinB-flat

Clarinet Excerpts (2) - 2015-16: Hindemith Symphony in B flat

excerpt #1: I. mm168–197 ( = 88-92 )

clarinet 2015-16

Page 3: James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017 Clarinet Dear JMU Clarinetists, Enclosed please find the music for Fall 2017 Ensemble

2. P.Hindemith–SymphonyinB-flat,II.mm49-71,fullpagebelow.InB-flat.

3. S.Prokofiev–SymphonyNo.5,II.Reh.36-37.Quarternote=76-84.InB-flat.

Page 4: James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017 Clarinet Dear JMU Clarinetists, Enclosed please find the music for Fall 2017 Ensemble

4. S.Prokofiev–SymphonyNo.5,IV.Reh.80-82.Halfnote=80-84.InB-flat.

5. C.M.vonWeber–OverturetoDerFreischütz,solo.Fromffespressivo(longA)untildownbeatofreh.D.TempoisMoltovivace.InB-flat.

Page 5: James Madison University Ensemble Auditions - … Madison University Ensemble Auditions - Fall 2017 Clarinet Dear JMU Clarinetists, Enclosed please find the music for Fall 2017 Ensemble

6. C.Saint-Saens–BacchanalefromSamsonandDelilah,beg.toreh.A.InA

7. P.Tchaikovsky–SymphonyNo.6,I.mm153-160.InA.

Clarinet I in Bb



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Camille Saint-Saëns

BacchanaleSamson and Delilah

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