Jaeson Ma - 40 Days in Jesus Abbey

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  • 8/2/2019 Jaeson Ma - 40 Days in Jesus Abbey



    40 DAYS40 DAYS40 DAYS40 DAYS




  • 8/2/2019 Jaeson Ma - 40 Days in Jesus Abbey




    Tae Baek Mountains Korea ~ Jesus Abbey

    Beloved Sons & Daughters of God,

    And in that day you will say: O Lord, I will praise You; Though You wereangry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold, God

    is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For YAH, the Lord, is mystrength and song; He also has become my salvation.Therefore with joyyou will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:1-3

    With deep gratitude, thank you for all your prayers during my last spiritualjourney. Ive returned from my 40 days in the monastery. I will do my best toput into words what I have experienced in my time there. I went into this 40day journey with nothing, I expected to come out with nothing but one thing: toknow God more & discover my true self. I found both in a way I didnt expect.

    I journeyed half way across the world to a monastery called Jesus Abbey.Originally, I had thought that this monastery was in Europe because of thename Jesus Abbey. When the Holy Spirit awoken me one night in Februaryto go to this place, I did a google search only to discover that the monasterywas in South Korea. I was surprised, because South Korea is a nation theLord has called me to minister in for the past few years. I thought to myself,there must be a divine reason. The reason would soon unfold, personallyand prophetically.

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    Jesus Abbey An Encounter with Revival History

    R.A. Torrey I

    When I first arrived to Jesus Abbey, I did not know about the rich Christianhistory and legacy of this monastery. The monastery was founded by R.A.

    Torrey III or as people in Korea would call him Father Torrey who passedaway in 2002. He was a spiritual mentor to many of Koreas influential churchleaders, an apostle of prayer & a freedom fighter for justice. His father wasR.A. Torrey II who was a student missionary who served in mainland China forover 40 years. His grandfather, R.A. Torrey the first, was the successor to D.L.Moody (the famous evangelist) & he himself would turn out to be the greatrevivalist, theologian and evangelist who founded Moody Bible Institute,BIOLA University, wrote over two dozen classic books on the Christian faith,and was the impetus for the historical Welsh Revival in 1905 and Korean

    Pentecostal Revival in 1907. He had written a classic book The Person &

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    Work of the Holy Spiritwhich I had read briefly some ten years ago. I hadno idea, before going to Jesus Abbey, that there was such a deep well ofrevival history under its foundations.

    The first day I arrived, my host, took me to the original basement office where

    Father Torrey would study and work. Curiously, like a little boy, I asked if Icould search through his old library of books. With permission, I chanced upona stack of old books which turned out to be the original writings of R.A. Torreythe first. There were over a dozen classic works on revival, the power ofprayer & the victorious Christian life. I felt I had discovered ancient spiritualtreasure. As I searched the book shelf, hidden in the corner, I saw a smallmaroon colored book with a emblem of fire embedded into the book cover.Instinctively, I knew it was the Christian classic written by R.A. Torrey, ThePerson & the Work of the Holy Spirit. It was indeed. Signed and dated in 1924

    with his own handwriting & signature. I was in awe of this rare find.

    Person & Work of the Holy Spirit

    As I held the book in my hand, the Spirit of God immediately fell upon memightily and those with me. For the next hour or more, we fell on our knees,holding onto this book, praying to God, Lord, would you once again release a

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    revelation of the Person & the Work of the Holy Spirit upon the world, wouldyou revive this generation again? Would you do what you did in the days ofDL. Moody, R.A. Torrey, the Welsh Revival, Korean Pentecost Revival and

    pour out a Holy Spirit Pentecost movement again?

    We wept, prayed and the presence of God came into our midst. After an hourof intense prayer, I knew the Lord had heard our prayers, a well of ancientrevival had been awakened & the peace of the Holy Spirit came upon us like awarm blanket. I then heard the Holy Spirit say to me,

    The next 40 days you will know the Person & Work of the Holy Spirit, you willencounter the Fathers heart in a deeper way, and you will know experientiallywhat it means to be My son.

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    40 Days in Jesus Abbey Prayer is Work, Work is Prayer

    I had no idea what to expect at this monastery. I only knew that their mottowas Prayer is Work, Work is Prayer. Soon enough, I would find out quicklythat my work was so difficult that it would require continual prayer. For 40days, a loud bell would ring at different times throughout the day to alert us tostop, pray and then move on to the next work assignment. We would have

    prayer services at 6AM, 12PM and 7:30PM daily. The meals were mainlyvegetarian (kimchee, rice, seaweed etc) and we had only 20 minutes to eateach meal. In the evenings, after service we were not to talk to anyone butGod. Lights out at 10PM sharp. Every morning I was assigned to do manuallabor with a team of five Korean men (Brothers Stigma, Ponwell, Aesop andJoseph only one spoke limited English).

    During my 40 days, I became a professional toilet cleaner, dish washer,garbage dumper, table server, wild vegetable gatherer, lumber jack, weed

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    hacker, and anything else that required my hands at the Abbey. The work washard. Some days we had to cut down trees in a forest, other days we wouldmix cement, build steps, carry rocks and climb high up the mountains togather wild plants. Growing up as a city boy, this was a brand new experiencefor me, and honestly difficult. I had no one to talk to, I only followed the ordersof my team leader Brother Stigma so I ended up talking a lot, pretty much allthe time, to the Holy Spirit.

    At the Abbey, I began to learn that every small act of service was a service toGod and a service to my fellow brothers and sisters. In essence, whether Iwashed dishes, cleaned a toilet or chopped down a tree, it was not work, but itwas a way to love others and by doing so, it was an expression of my love toGod. In this small community of faith, everything each person did effectedanother. There was no room for selfishness, only selflessness. No one had

    much materially there, we all knew that everything given by God was precious.We found great joy when we could give up what we had for the joy of another,because we each knew what it was like to go without. Whether that was givingup a bowl of rice, so someone else could have more. Or whether that wassharing a bottle of water with another brother who was thirsty from a difficultday of manual labor. True Christian community is simply this: loving God byloving one another.

    The community at the Abbey was simple. A few priests, nuns, families and

    about a dozen postulants who were training there for three months. For over50 years, this community has lived by complete faith. Everyone shareseverything, just like the New Testament disciples in the apostolic age.Everyone takes care of one another, knows one another, and serves oneanother in the presence of God. They trust God daily to provide for everymeal, they farm the land, and love God and love one another by faith. Almostevery year, nearly 10,000 visitors come to this monastery to seek Godsdirection and experience the presence of Jesus through this little community offaith. Jesus said, If you love one another the world will know you are My

    disciples.They truly love one another as Jesus loves them, and people comefrom all over the world to experience this simple yet supernatural love.

    What I experienced in this loving community was not the spectacular, but thesimple way. Small things made a big difference. They are happy people,serving God, sacrificially serving each other & thankful for every littlestblessing. Each Saturday night, we would have a thanksgiving service andpeople would take turns giving thanks for what God had blessed them withthat week. Listening to them giving thanks convicted me of my own

    ungratefulness. Some would give thanks because they received a bottle of

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    Vitamin Water, others would give thanks because they were given a candy, anail clipper, or someone gave them a simple encouragement etc. I began tolearn that a happy life is a thankful life. Instead of being mad at what we donthave, we must be thankful for what we do have.

    Jesus Abbey Community

    Being a part of this simple community, having to do manual labor each day,and not being able to talk to anyone but God, gave me a lot of time to thinkabout things that I normally would not think about. Thankfully, during my 40days, I was able to take the afternoons to spend time in prayer and study ofGods Word. It was during these times in the afternoon, God began to dealwith me personally.

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    My Strength Walking in the Power of the Holy Spirit

    The first few weeks, the Holy Spirit led me to study the great revivalists ofchurch history. As I began to study the revival histories and biographies of TheMoravians, John & Charles Wesley, George Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards,David Brainerd, Charles Finney, D.L. Moody, R.A. Torrey, William & CatherineBooth, Charles Parham, William Seymour, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake,to Bill Bright and Billy Graham, I recognized how each of them were used byGod not because their lives were perfect, but because they were completelyconsecrated to God. They were not men of great might, rather they were menand women of great weakness and lived utterly dependent upon the Personand Work of the Holy Spirit.

    As I read their biographies, I could relate in so many ways to their failures andalso their successes. Most of them, although they began ministry in theirtwenties, did not start their true ministry until after the age of 30. Each of themhad a clear call to preach the Gospel to their generation, and they would nothold anything back until the heavenly vision given to them was completelyfulfilled. A specific scripture continued to grip me while I was there,

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    So I (Paul) said, Who are You, Lord? And He said, I am Jesus, whom youare persecuting. But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you forthis purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things whichyou have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver youfrom the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now sendyou, to open their eyes,in orderto turnthemfrom darkness to light, andfromthe power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and aninheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me. Therefore, King

    Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. Acts 12:15-19

    Each day, as I wrestled with this passage of scripture, I prayed to the Lord, Idont want to be disobedient to the heavenly vision. If you have really calledme to preach this Gospel, then why do I still see so many weaknesses andstruggles in my life? Why am I am still so weak, so broken, so conflicted and

    at many times without hope or direction?

    The more I read the biographies and teachings of revivalists like John G. Lakeand Smith Wigglesworth, the more my faith was stirred and challenged. JohnG Lake prayed, God, if You will baptize me in the Holy Ghost and giveme the power of God, nothing shall be permitted to stand between meand one hundred fold obedience.He taught that in the shed blood and

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    atonement of Christ, that Jesus Christ had redeemed us from the power of sin,sickness and death completely.

    Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse forus for it is written, Cursed is everyone who hangs on a treethat the blessing

    of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we mightreceive the promise of the Spirit through faith. Galatians 3:13-14

    In other words, I had no other option but to believe that Jesus Christ has paidthe debt of not only my sin, but also redeemed me from the curse of sickness,all the effects of sin and ultimately death. That it doesnt matter how messedup I feel, or weaknesses I still see in me, because of Jesus blood, I have beenrestored back to my original design. Many Christians believe that Jesus hasforgiven us of sin, but as long as we are in earthly bodies, we will continue to

    struggle with sin, John G Lake taught that this is impossible. We are notslaves to sin we are slaves to righteousness. This can only happen, when we

    put our complete trust in the work of the Cross and not the work of ourselves.This can only happen, when we put our faith in Christ righteousness and notself-righteousness. This can only happen, when we stop walking in our fleshand begin to daily, moment, by moment, walk in dependency upon the Personand Work of the Holy Spirit.

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    Killing a Rattle Snake Jesus Defeated Sin, Sickness &Death

    I determined in my heart, I would stop looking at my sin, my circumstancesand my weaknesses. I would start looking at the cross of Jesus Christ that hasredeemed me from sin and destroyed all sickness and death. That evening, asI made this decision in my heart, I meditated upon Numbers 21:4-11 where theBible tells the story of the Israelites who rebelled against God and werepunished by being bitten by fiery serpents. God in His mercy, told Moses totake up a fiery serpent and set it on a pole, so that anyone who was bittenshould look at it and live. Symbolically, anyone who has been cursed by

    Satan, anyone who has been cursed by sin, sickness and death, if they wouldonly look to the cross of Jesus Christ, they would live, not only eternally in thenew heaven and new earth, but beginning the very moment they believed onJesus as their Savior. The very moment a person receives the power of theHoly Spirit their body, soul & spirit would be regenerated, through the processof sanctification, to the original perfect order.

    The next morning God confirmed His Word. As I was walking down the narrowroad to cut grass, I encountered a rattle- snake. It was slithering in the middle

    of the road, right in front me! I immediately grabbed a large wooden stick and

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    called for my brother Aesop to come help. As the rattlesnake identified ourpresence, it began to rattle its tail and hiss with its tongue sticking out. Wethen took the wooden stick and smashed the snake on its head, over andover, till it died. It wasnt until after we killed the poisonous rattlesnake, theHoly Spirit reminded me of the passage of scripture I read the night before inNumbers 21 and the following verses.

    Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man mustbe lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. John 3:3-15

    I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and toovercome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. Luke 10:19

    Indeed, God is my strength, for in my own strength I can not defeat my sin,sickness & shame, but in His strength, in the power of the Holy Spirit that iswithin me, I can become all that He has called me to be. I am a new creationin Christ, the old is gone, behold the new has come. The following days at themonastery, I had to not just know this truth in my head, but experience it in thefullness of my very being. Lord, I cried out, I surrender my strength to be holy,Lord, be my strength!

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    My Song Overcoming the Fear of Failure & the Fear ofSuccess

    It is in isolation that we discover our true selves. When we can no longer findour identity from the voices without, we have to look to the Voice within. Webegin to face our deepest fears. We begin to embrace our failures andsuccesses in a whole new light. In isolation, we come to see that our true selfis not defined by our successes, but our true success is defined by only GodHimself.

    When I arrived at Jesus Abbey, I was hoping that no one would know me, sothat I could remain anonymous and just be a part of the community in day-to-day work and living. Instead, the opposite happened. One of the priests, read

    about me in a Korean Christian magazine in which I was featured on the front

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    cover. He bought copies and passed them out to everyone in the Abbeycommunity before I arrived. The day I got there, everyone already knew me asthis well-known celebrated pastor. I thought I had just walked into my worstnightmare. I said to God, Why did you allow this to happen? I wanted to hideand run away from all the expectations and pressures of being a pastor!Well,God has a sense of humor. He always has a purpose in everything. His waysare never our ways.

    As the days went by rather slowly, honestly some days it felt like eternity, Ibegan to think about issues of the heart I normally would not have time tothink about. When you are busy, you can suppress your deepest and darkestpains, but when you are in solitude, you have to come face to face with whoyou really are. In solitude, I couldnt get away from having to face my innerdemons.For me, the two greatest inner demons were the fear of failure

    and the fear of success. That is, the fear of failing my own expectations,failing others and ultimately failing God. The other inner demon was the fear ofsucceeding. That is, not knowing whether or not my hopes, dreams andaspirations were for my own glory, or Gods glory. I couldnt trust myself, forthe heart is deceitful above all things. Daily I wrestled, day in and day out withthe fear of failure and the fear of success standing before me, like two mightydemonic giants, taunting me and telling me to give up on myself, that therewas no hope because I was too messed up.

    I couldnt understand why, but while at the Abbey I couldnt sleep well. Mydreams were haunted with past failures and misguided desires. I would wakeup each morning physically weak & my heart heavy. Past issues of self-rejection, abandonment, hurt and pain would surface. My heart was brokenand I didnt even know why. Throughout the day, as I would be in the forestchopping trees, or shoveling rocks, I would be holding back tears, because myheart would feel so much pain from people I loved who had rejected me in thepast, losses in my family, hopes and dreams that were never realized, self-hatred towards my own short comings, dark memories that I had suppressed

    that began to stare me directly in the face. I felt like I was in prison, Jesusprison. I wanted to get out, I wanted to leave, I wanted to run away from thepain and go back to numbing it with busyness of life. I thought it would be somuch easier, to go back to the world and live the life of the imposter whoseemed to have it all together on the outside, but inside, without knowing it,was fearful and much afraid.

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    Then one afternoon, during my 5th week in the monastery, as I was in my

    quite time of prayer and study, I began to meditate on a book calledExperiencing Fathers Embrace by Jack Frost. I knew everything the booktaught about the Fathers heart and His unconditional love for me, but knowingit and experiencing it are two different things. Im still not sure what happenedthat afternoon, but after weeks of having to face my inner demons, self-rejection and hidden pain, I just broke down before my Father in heaven. Ibroke down before Father and told him like it was. Not as a pastor, not as aleader, not as an artist, not as a business man, but like a child, like a little boycoming home crying to his Daddy because someone hurt him. I just ran into

    my Fathers arms, and for about two hours, I shared every disappointment,every heart break, every feeling of rejection, every broken dream, everymisplaced hope, every short coming, every family hurt, every fear that I wasafraid of and I just cried my eyes out until there were no more tears left to cry.In the end, I felt like I was a little child, curled up and resting in His Daddysembrace. The only thing I knew at that moment, was that God was my Fatherand I was His beloved son. I didnt need to do anything, but be in His arms,and that was the safest and greatest place to be. I felt safe for the first time inmy life.

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    Then I heard Father say to me, Jaeson you dont have to be afraid offailure or success, you are my beloved son and nothing will change that,you only need to be yourself.

    I then realized that I didnt have to prove anything, because Im already

    approved. I dont live for approval, but from approval. I dont need to strive tobe that which I am not, but I am to only to strive at being the best at myself. Icould do anything for Him. I only needed to honestly express myself. I nolonger needed to apologize for being who I am or question who God createdme to be. I simply needed to receive my Fathers love and embrace lovingmyself with the same love He had given me. I feel like, Im beginning to lovemyself, flaws and all mistakes and failures, with all my shortcomings. Becausealthough I may not be perfect, my Fathers love for me is perfect and I can restin this perfect love. For perfect love casts out all fear and I know my Daddys

    love is always unfailing towards me.

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    You Can Run, But You Cant Hide from Your Calling

    Preaching on Pentecost Sunday

    Interestingly, the community at Jesus Abbey knowing who I was, asked me to

    preach for the Pentecost Sunday service. Then they asked me to perform mysong LOVE at the community picnic (they had no idea what I was sayingwhen I performed my song!). Then they had a movie night and asked me toshow our film 1040 and asked me to serve in other capacities with my giftsand talents (like playing with kids).

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    Funny thing was, right after I preached on Pentecost Sunday, wearing suit andtie, an hour later I would be serving tables and back to washing dishes. Theweekend after I performed my song and showed my movie, the next morning Iwas dumping smelly trash and cleaning dirty toilets. Then it hit me, Goddoesnt want me to hide from my calling and who He made me to be, but Hewants me to realize that whether I preach behind a pulpit to thousands,

    perform my music to great crowds, or I serve tables, wash a dirty toilet, it is allfor the glory of God, it is all an act of service, it is all for love. That althoughSt. Paul called himself an apostle in one chapter, in another chapter he wouldcall himself the chief of all sinners. We are all sinners saved by grace, butbecause of our Fathers great love for us, He calls us saints of the Most HighGod. Whoever has been forgiven much, loves much. Whoever hasexperienced grace can truly give grace to others. That is, to give without anyselfish motive, but to give the unconditional love and acceptance they have

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    received from Father God to others, freely without any expectation. What wedo does not define us, but what defines us is who we are in Christ, we aresons and daughters of God. We are not defined by what we do, but what wedo is simply an expression of who we are. We need to stop comparingourselves & start being ourselves. It is not about failing or succeeding, it isabout being the very best you were created to be.

    After I encountered the Fathers heart, I knew who I was called to be. I wascalled to be His beloved son. Who am I? I am Gods son. Created to beexactly myself and not someone else. I no longer needed the imposter in mylife, I no longer needed to impress; I only needed to be myself.

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    One evening, near the last week of my stay, I walked out into the hills and justbegan to sing a new song to the Lord. I got on my knees, in the middle of thedirt road, kissed the dirt and then kissed heaven with an old hymn.

    Oh Lord, youre beautiful,

    Your face is all I seek,

    For when your eyes are on this child,

    Your grace abounds to me.

    I want to take your word and shine it all around.

    But first help me to just, live it Lord.

    And when Im doing well, help me to never seek a crown.

    For my reward is giving glory to you.

    Oh Lord, please light the fire,

    That once burned bright and clear.

    Replace the lamp of my first love,

    That burns with Holy fear.

    It felt like bliss. I cried out, Lord you are My strength, oh God You are my

    song, I live to love You, I live to praise You, I live to give You all of me,because You have given me all of You. God is my song. I got up off myknees, and I looked up to the sky with a supernatural confidence. I felt Godwas smiling down from the heavens, winking at me, and I had His fullapproval.

    I was ready to pray, ready to preach and ready to die for the Gospel of thekingdom.

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    My Salvation Im a Son of the King, I Can Do Anything!

    The last ten days at the monastery God began to speak to me about theGospel of the kingdom. The Holy Spirit had me study Genesis to Revelation &

    a book written by Dr. Myles Munroe entitled Rediscovering the Kingdom. Inmy studies of the kingdom, it was clearly apparent that Jesus didnt die toforgive our sins in order for us to get a free ticket to heaven. Rather, Jesusdied for our sins in order to reintroduce humanity back to its original purpose.We were all originally purposed for a kingdom. We were purposed by God toextend His kingdom ruler-ship in heaven into the earth. Yet, when man sinnedagainst God, Satan took away our authority to rule and have dominion overthe earth, and we lost fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Jesus died &resurrected in order to reverse the curse, take back the authority & power that

    once belonged to man from Satan, and restore humanity back to its original

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    purpose, by refilling mankind with the Holy Spirit and making them once againsons and daughters of the Kingdom of God.

    Gods original plan in creation was to extend His heavenly Kingdomon earth.

    Gods purpose was to establish a family of sons, not servants. Gods purpose was to establish a commonwealth of citizens, not

    Christians. Gods purpose was to establish relationships, not religion. God created human beings to exercise dominion over the earth and

    all its creatures. God gave us rulership over the earth, not ownership. God will not do anything on earth without the permission or access

    frpom those on earth to whom He gave dominion. God can do anything, but because He has give us the license, He can

    release on earth only what we allow

    Jesus taught us to pray, Thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done on earth as it isin heaven. Matthew 6:10

    Jesus didnt teach mainly about salvation, throughout the Gospels He mainlytaught about the kingdom. Jesus goal was not to get us to go to heaven. Hisentire mission was to get heaven back into the earth. We were not created togo to heaven; we were created to bring heaven into the earth. At the 2ndcoming of Jesus Christ, we are not going to live in heaven for all eternity;rather, we are going to rule and reign over a new earth and new heaven.The Gospel of the Kingdom is good news: a message sent from Daddy to allHis children telling them that they can return home to the Kingdom and onceagain be sons and daughters in their full right.

    As I pondered these kingdom principles, a light bulb went off in my spirit. Waita second, If I am purposed for a kingdom and my Father is the King of allkings, what does that make me? It makes me a prince of God, because I ama son of the King. Then I realized, I am a son of the King, I can doanything! That is, I can do anything in accordance to my Kings will andpurpose. A prince never fears lack, or questions his security, nor does he feelrejected, or ever worries about his purpose, he is free and confident to be anddo whatever he wills as long as he is in right standing with the King. Hispassion is to know the will of His Father, & see His Fathers will accomplished.

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    Suddenly, all the pain of self-rejection, self-hatred, disappointment, fear offailure, doubts and insecurities vanished. I have nothing to prove, nothing tolose, nothing to be afraid of, nothing to worry about. Why? I am a son of theKing, nothing is impossible I can be and do all things.

    My purpose became clear. I am called to release the kingdom of heaven intothe earth. I am called to make the kingdoms of men, become the kingdoms ofour God. I am called to be everything He has called me to be, and doeverything He has called me to do. I am to maximize my potential, by utilizingthe gifts, talents and skills He has placed within me to the fullest. I am to livelife with all my might; give it all I have. I am to do until there is nothing left to dobecause I have become all that I was created to be. I have done all I wasdesigned to do, and give all I was sent to give. I am to die empty. I am to liveand die fulfilled by dying unfilled. I am to pour my life out like a drink offering,

    until every fiber of my being is maximized for the glory of God. Nothing canhold me back, because I represent an eternal and everlasting kingdom thathas a never ending supply of resources to heal the sick, deliver theoppressed, feed the hungry and clothe the poor. Heavens got my back, Im notturning back until I see all the works of Satan destroyed and his demonsunemployed, till thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. God is mysalvation.

    The last few days of my 40 day journey, I not only knew that God was my

    salvation, the One who called me out from darkness into light, but indeed, Hehad called me to turn others from darkness to light, from Satan to God, and toreceive forgiveness of sins, that they would be restored back to my Fatherskingdom as His rightful sons and daughters, a great and mighty army.

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    Satans Temptation Gods Victory.

    The last three days at the monastery, the Holy Spirit directed me to go on athree-day water fast. While, I fasted, the presence of the Lord became moreand more intimate, His love became more real to me than ever before, I was in

    love all over again, nothing else mattered.

    Then Satan tempted me. On the 39th day, I was informed that someone hadhacked into my personal email account, posing as myself with an email sayingthat I was mugged in London, strapped for cash and in need of a fewthousand dollars immediately. This hacker was sophisticated. He dideverything in real time, would email and even talk over the phone with thosewho responded to help me. The false email went out to over 8,000 contacts.The hacker erased all my email history since 2003-2011. Family and friends

    were contacting me at the Abbey from all over the world thinking I was introuble. It was a mess.

    Upon hearing the news and understanding the unfortunate situation IImmediately stopped, quieted my soul and silently prayed. The Holy Spiritshowed me that this was a distraction of the enemy. I knew it was also. I thenbegan to laugh and said to the Holy Spirit, This only makes me love You thatmuch more. The Devil can try to take away everything, but it cant take awayYou! I felt the erasing of all my last 8 years of emails was something God

    allowed, it was a complete wipe out of my old history because God wanted tobuild a new history with me.

    Although, I did have to notify many family and friends that this was a falseemail so they would not be deceived in giving money, I had peace throughoutthe whole process, the Holy Spirit was with me; that was all that mattered.Take away the world, but give me Jesus!

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    My Son The Preacher

    Son of God

    After the 40 days were over, something interesting happened on the 40th &41st day. The Spirit began to move in extra ordinary power in ordinarycircumstances.

    I was serving tables before I left Jesus Abbey; suddenly someone brings tome a woman whose hand was greatly injured. Her hand was puffed red, it wasswollen to almost the size of a grape fruit, and they asked me to pray for herhand to be healed. I simply stretched out my hand and proclaimed divinehealing by the shed blood of Jesus Christ over her swollen hand. Immediately,before my eyes and the eyes of the others witnessing, the red swellingdissipated, then disappeared, and the woman was in shock, as was I. Shethen shared that she couldnt feel the pain and could move her hand perfectlynormal again. Her daughter was so surprised at Gods work, she began to ask

    all kinds of questions as to what happened and then began praising God.

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    The next morning, I was preparing to leave the Abbey and went into thelaundry room to give away some clothes. As I walked into the back room, Isaw one of the postulants, lying on the ground, with her legs stretched out andone foot in a brace. I asked her what happened and she explained to me thatshe either fractured or broke her foot. She was in deep pain, so I asked if Icould pray for her foot. Again, this foot was swollen red, and markedly largerthan the other uninjured foot. I simply laid hands over her injured foot,declared healing in Jesus name. Immediately, the swelling began to disappearand she could feel a warm presence over her injured foot. I asked her to getup and try walking, she hesitated, but then got up first limping, but within a fewminutes began to walk normally praising God! We were both in awe of Godspresence in the room.

    I carried on to my duties, but as I was walking out of the laundry room, my

    team leader Brother Stigma brought a new postulant working on his teaminto the laundry room. Brother Stigma pointed to the young mans thumb, thenhis chest and then his stomach, motioning that he was sick and in pain. I didntunderstand what he meant, so I asked the sister who had just been divinelyhealed to interpret. She said, This brother is new here, but as he has tried todo manual work, his body is manifesting great pain all over. He has beenthrowing up every meal for over 6-years, his thumb is in pain and somehowconnected to his chest where he also feels constant pain. He used to be aworship leader before all this happened. I looked at the young man, andimmediately I discerned that what was tormenting him was not just a disease,but a spirit of infirmity, an actual demon. I was right. The moment I laid handson him in prayer, he began to convulse violently, his body became twisted,almost as if you could see another creature crawling under his skin. He beganto foam at the mouth, spasms back and forth, until I laid my hands on hischest and commanded the demons to come out. The power of God thenstruck him and he fell back onto the laundry machine with his headbackwards. He continued to convulse, but then pointed out that the demonhad moved from his chest down to his groin area. In Jesus name, I cast outthe evil spirit of infirmity out of his body, he then plunged forward, head firstinto the laundry room ground. The floor was an inch deep with dirty laundrywater, but this young man didnt seem to notice. He began to cry out to God infreedom, with his hands clasped in prayer, he lifted his head from the dirtyfloor and began to pray in other tongues loudly and freely, he was born again,delivered and set free.

    An hour later, he was at the noon service, dressed in clean clothes, haircombed, in his right mind and shining with Gods glory in his countenance. For

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    they will see your good works and give praise to your Father in heaven. We allpraise the Lord for setting this young man free to worship.

    Truly Jesus has destroyed the power of sin, sickness and death upon thecross of Calvary. None of these signs, wonders and miracles could be

    possible without believing in the promises found in His Word.

    And He said to them, Go into all the world andpreach the gospel to everycreature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does notbelieve will be condemned.And these signs will follow those who believe:In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; theywill take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurtthem; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Mark 16:15-18

    The Spirit of God was confirming to me all that I had learned in my 40 days atJesus Abbey. Indeed, nothing can be done without knowing day in and dayout the Person & Work of the Holy Spirit, my Fathers love is and always willbe enough, and as His Son all I need to do, is only do what I see the Fatherdoing (John 5:19). I am to heal. I am to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.

    It was hard to say good-bye to Jesus Abbey, Im sure I will be back. As Iprepared to leave this precious community, I decided to draw a cartoon pictureof each of the Jesus Abbey members, with a prophetic scripture and word that

    described how special each of them were to me. We all took pictures, heldhands and prayed in a circle. We would always hold each other in our hearts,in prayers and in love. It would be a people, so special, so loving, so true andso warm that I would never forget each of their faces.

    Right before I left the Abbey, the Holy Spirit spoke to me to go visit the prayerchapel one last time. I went into the chapel, and when I knelt down to pray, onthe altar was a large old King James Bible. The Bible was opened to the bookof Ecclesiastes and it was titled The Preacher.

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    "The Preacher"

    The Holy Spirit then spoke to me, Jaeson, you are Gods son, and you arecalled to preach the Gospel of the kingdom, there is no higher calling than to

    preach this Gospel, you must humbly receive this honor. You are My Son,You are The Preacher.

    Shortly after, my hosts came to pick me up and bring me down the mountainfrom Jesus Abbey, to go to another mountain a few hours away to preach totwo hundred students leaders, from the top 12 universities in Seoul, Korea tocontend for revival and believe for another student volunteer missionarymovement. How did this open door to preach happen?

    The final section below I will share what the Holy Spirit spoke to meprophetically concerning the destiny of South Korea, North Korea, China,Middle East & the Back to Jerusalem movement.

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    A Prophetic Call Raising up a House of Prayer from SouthKorea, North Korea, China, Middle East back to Jerusalem

    I went to Jesus Abbey, in the Tae Baek mountains of South Korea with noagenda, no plans, no expectations. While I was there, seeking God for myown personal breakthrough, the Holy Spirit began to speak through a series ofprophetic events that left me astounded. When God calls, you can either kickor scream, or you can submit and surrender. Ive chosen to follow the latter,

    because God is simply bigger, stronger & smarter than I am*

    I knew the Holy Spirit had led me to Jesus Abbey in South Korea for a divinereason, but I had no idea what it was for. By the end of my 40 days in themonastery, His will was made known and absolutely clear. God wanted toraise up a international house of prayer & mission base in the Tae Baekmountains to prepare the next generation of South Korea and Asia, for theopening of North Korea and the greatest harvest that would soon come to thenations. How did this vision unfold?

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    Before I went to Jesus Abbey in May, the Holy Spirit told me to go to Seoul,Korea in February 2011. A mentor of mine, Mike Bickle the founder of theInternational House of Prayer in Kansas City (www.ihop.org) was speaking atall the major mega-churches in Seoul during that time. I knew this had to be asignificant trip for him, because for over 10 years he has not traveled outsideof the USA to preach once in Asia even though he had received numerousinvitations to preach all over Asia. When I got to Seoul, I was not able to meetwith Mike Bickle because his schedule was so impacted. The last day before Ileft back to the US, I stopped at a Sunday morning service at a local church tohear Mike Bickle preach. I went by myself, sat in the congregation and thensomeone recognized who I was. They told the senior pastor and the pastorasked me to come up to the front of the podium to pray before Mike Bicklespoke.

    I then shared a dream that I had received over one year ago, where I was atYoido Full Gospel Church (the largest church in the world in Seoul Korea)where in the dream the Sr. Pastor Dr. Yongi Cho asked me to prophesy to thechurch in Korea. I then prophesied in the dream Isaiah 62 Hephzibah orGods delight is in you Korea! and that there would be a new youth revival, astudent mission movement that would begin in Seoul, and spread all overSouth Korea, North Korea, China, Middle East and back to Jerusalem. Itwould be a marketplace mission movement and God would raise up an endtime missionary army that would reform government, business, education,media, arts, family and religion. The dream ended with Dr. Yongi Cho thrustingthe wide doors of the church open and declaring, The door is now opened, letthe new youth revival of Korea begin!

    After I shared this prophetic dream to the congregation, I declared the dreamto come into fruition from the podium. Then Mike Bickle pulled me aside andtold me he was astonished, because his sermon that morning was on Isaiah62 and also his dream about Hephzibah. We both knew it was a confirmationof the Lord. Indeed, God was going to raise up a new youth worship, music

    and prayer movement in South Korea that would birth an end time studentmission movement greater than anything South Korea had ever experienced.

    Later in February 2011, the Holy Spirit directed me to go to Jesus Abbey tospend 40 days in prayer. Again, I had no idea Jesus Abbey was in SouthKorea, so to go back to Korea after my encounter in February with Mike BickleI knew was significant.

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    Fellowship with Ben & Liz Torrey

    When I arrived at Jesus Abbey, I was introduced to Ben Torrey, who is the sonof R.A. Torrey III. After his father passed away, he shared with me that hisfathers vision was to build a mission school for young people to prepare forthe opening of North Korea. This project was called The 4 Seas Project andthe school and mission center would be built on another mountain fifteenminutes away from Jesus Abbey. It is called the 4 Seas Project, because the

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    east, west, and south rivers of Korea all cross one another at a water shed, onthe actual mountain top where the 4 Seas Project owns land. They believeprophetically the fourth river is a spiritual river going north for the salvation anddestiny of North Korea. Their hope is to unite all the major denominations andchurches in South Korea to invest financially into this project as a sign of theKorean Churchs unity in the nation.

    The Water Shed where the 4 Rivers of Korea Cross on the 4 Seas Project Mountain

    One of the days, Ben Torrey brought me up to the mountain where they areplanning to build this North Korean mission school. As I got up to the top of themountain, I began to pray and I immediately received a vision. In the vision Isaw an international house of prayer being built on the mountain. Then I sawyoung people, teenagers and young adults stream into this house of prayerfrom all over South Korea and all over the world to worship and pray 24-7 dayand night. Then I saw the scripture flash through my mind, Isaiah 62 and Ishared this vision with Ben Torrey. When he heard what I shared, he was

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    shocked, because he told me the entire North Korea project is built on onepassage of scripture, Isaiah 62:10.

    We both sensed the Holy Spirit was speaking to us about this vision of aninternational house of prayer being established on this mountain. First to

    prepare young people in the Great Commandment in order to then fulfill theGreat Commission. We prayed together and asked the Lord to confirm thevision we had seen. The Lord continued to confirm in extraordinary ways. Ihad no idea, that in the next few weeks, every close friend and ministry

    partner in South Korea that came to visit me at Jesus Abbey was deeplyinvested into the 4 Seas Project for North Korea.

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    A Series of Prophetic Confirmations

    The next week, a good friend and celebrity in South Korea came to visit me atJesus Abbey. When we talked he told me that had donated a brand newschool bus to the River of Life junior high school (which is the prototype schoolpreparing the Korean youth for missions in North Korea located a few minutesfrom Jesus Abbey). I had no idea that he knew about this monastery, theNorth Korea project and that he had donated an entire school bus to the Riverof Life School!

    A few days later, I had a prophetic dream while at the monastery, where in thedream Mike Bickle and his leadership, the Jesus Abbey leadership, myselfand a specific Pastor David Cho in South Korea were having a meeting in a

    private room at Jesus Abbey. Then in the dream, Pastor David Cho asks allthe associates to leave, and only Mike Bickle, myself, and Ben Torrey are inthe room. Pastor Cho then says, God has given me a blueprint and plan tobuild a prayer & mission base in these mountains, but it will need finances.The dream ends.

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    That weekend, two of my dearest friends who are prominent business leadersin South Korea came to visit me. I thought we would just catch up and pray,we did pray. They both also tell me that they are part of the fundraisingcommittee, helping to raise $30 million dollars USD for this 4 Seas NorthKorea project. Again, I was shocked because I had no idea they were investedpersonally and supporting the vision of Jesus Abbey to reach North Korea. Ithen share with them the vision I received to first build a house of prayer forthe youth of the nation to come pray, worship, and be trained 24-7 beforebeing sent to North Korea. Practically, these students would intern for 1 or 2years, worship and pray 4 hours a day in the prayer room, but the other 4hours they would farm and work the land to provide for living expenses,

    practice humility and service, in order to be broken free from worldlyattachments. There could also be training schools/programs for the 7mountains of culture and North Korea cross cultural missions, preparing eachstudent in their field of work with a missions mind set.

    After I shared the vision, they both were excited and felt strongly this visionwas very possibly from the Lord. They then asked me, Who would lead thismission base? I then asked them if they had ever met a Korean pastor namedDavid Cho. They both looked at me shocked. Then one said, I had just methim this afternoon at my home for a meeting. He prayed for the chairman of amajor corporation here in Korea, and the chairman became a Christian afterhis prayer. We literally just met him 4 hours ago, before we drove here to meetyou! We all sat their stunned and decided we would pray about this vision,and let the Lord reveal & confirm next steps.

    The following week, Pastor David Cho came to visit me also at Jesus Abbey.He had already scheduled to come visit me simply to encourage me during mystay at the monastery. When he arrived he told me he needed to share withme a recent revelation he had been given by the Holy Spirit. As we sit down toshare, he tells me, Jaeson, something very interesting happened two weeksago when I traveled to Japan for a mission trip. On my plane to Japan, it just

    so happened Ben Torrey from Jesus Abbey was also on my plane, except hewas going to Los Angeles for his daughters wedding, but I was going to Japanto help with relief work. Then, as I was serving in Japan the Holy Spirit spoketo me a specific verse in the scriptures about the coming great harvest in Asia.I asked him, What was the Bible verse? He said, Isaiah 62:10

    Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare the way for the people. Buildup, build up the highway! Remove the stones. Raise a banner for the nations.Isaiah 62:10

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    Fog of God covering Tae Baek mountain

    Then he shared with me, how right after he came back from his trip to Japan,the Lord confirmed this prophetic word to him, when he led the chairman ofthis major South Korean corporation to the Lord. He shared with me that thisspecific chairman coming to know the Lord was a part of Gods divine plan.Why, because this is one of the only major companies that does businessdirectly with the North Korean government and has great favor with the peoplethere. I couldnt believe what I was hearing. I asked Pastor David if he knew

    Isaiah 62:10 was the theme verse for the 4 Seas North Korea project? Hetold me he did not realize it was. I told him it wasnt by accident he and BenTorrey were on the same plane together. I share with him the vision to build ahouse of prayer for the youth in these mountains, and he confirmed in hisheart, that if it is Gods will: he will obey the vision and dream to lead it. Wethen went up to the top of the mountain to the area where the 4 rivers cross.We prayed for the vision to come to pass. By the time we were done praying,you couldnt see the sky or sun, the entire mountaintop was covered with fog,we were in the presence and glory of God.

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    A few weeks later, another divine confirmation occurred. Another good friendand ministry partner of mine came to visit me at the Abbey. This person was abusiness executive who owned different properties in Seoul. She shared withme, without my knowing, that she had given free office space at one of herproperties to Ben Torrey for Jesus Abbey and the 4 Seas Project in Seoul. Iwas again surprised to hear that she also was involved with this North Koreanproject. It seemed that all of my close Korean friends were somehow involvedwith Jesus Abbey and the 4 Seas North Korean project without my knowing!

    The day this friend came to visit me, she also brought with her a businessmanand his entire family who wanted to see me. Apparently, I had prayed andprophesied over this man a year ago, but we had not been in contact foralmost more than a year. As I was sharing with them over tea, about all theprophetic occurrences, and how this well known chairman of this major

    corporation came to know Jesus Christ, this man looks at me and says, Youknow how that chairman came to know the Lord, it was because of me, I wasthe man who introduced the chairman to Pastor David Cho who then led thechairman to Christ!When he said this, I seriously, almost fell out of my chairand said, You are that man?Who would have thought that one year before, Iprayed for a random business man, who ended up being a key part of a biggerpuzzle to help lead this chairman to the Lord who would help open the door forthe Gospel in North Korea.

    At this point, I had almost all the confirmations I needed from the Lord tobelieve that He was saying something about raising up a house of prayer forthe youth of South Korea and Asia, to prepare for the opening of North Korea.

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    The Holy Spirit Pouring out on the Sons & Daughters ofKorea

    I asked the Lord, If this vision to raise up a house of prayer is truly yourvision, then please confirm this by pouring out Your Holy Spirit once again on

    the youth of this nation. Send revival like the days of old, raise up a mightyyouth army that will fulfill the Great Commandment and finish the GreatCommission! Release another Korean Pentecost!

    Three confirmations were given. 1) 6 young Korean American leaders comeseek me out at Jesus Abbey 2) The Holy Spirit visits 30 junior high students atthe River of Life School 3) Revival breaks out with 200 university studentleaders after my time at Jesus Abbey.

    Mighty Young Men

    I had only told a few close friends and ministry partners in South Korea that Iwas spending 40 days at Jesus Abbey. Yet, somehow, the Holy Spiritsupernaturally spoke to a young Korean American leader to go to Jesus

    Abbey because Jaeson Ma is at Jesus Abbey. When he came, he met me

    there and was shocked because what he heard the Holy Spirit was actuallytrue. Then, in the next six weeks, five other Korean American young leaderscame to visit and spend time with me. Each of them came to seek Godswisdom and will for their lives. Each of them sought me out for counsel andprayer. I had not met most of them, nor told them I was going to be at themonastery, but the Lord sent them to me. As I prayed about the significance ofthis, I sensed the Lord was making it clear that He was raising up mighty men,young men of valor who would carry Gods heart, with a passion for prayer, apassion for the power of the Holy Spirit and a passion for missions and church

    planting in this generation. Interestingly, all of them had the same spiritualDNA I carried, understood the prophetic call and destiny over the nation, andwere willing and ready to serve at any cost.

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    Holy Spirit Falls Upon River of Life School

    The second confirmation, that gave me confidence God was raising up amighty youth army to prepare for the opening of North Korea and thetransformation of nations happened at the River of Life School near Jesus

    Abbey. The principal Liz Torrey invited me to speak to the 30 junior highstudents on a Friday afternoon. Not knowing what to expect, we just prayedthat God would pour out His Holy Spirit and revive the students in their callingsand destinies. As I prayed, I just knew something powerful would happenwhen I preached, because I knew Jesus Abbeys revival history with R.A.Torrey I, II, III all being a part of the Holy Spirits outpouring in theirgenerations.

    I preached a simple sermon on repentance and the kingdom of God. Minutes

    before, the junior high students were distracted, but minutes later the Spirit ofGod came upon them, each of them began to weep, cried out and sought theLord for their destinies and the destiny of North Korea. They were only maybe10, 12 or 13 years old. Most if not all committed to be missionaries in NorthKorea, to pray daily for North Koreas salvation and were even willing, be itGods will to lay down their lives for North Korea to be saved. The prayerspossibly would have kept going if we didnt stop them, with tears flowing downtheir eyes and hands pounding the air, they prayed for hours on end.

    Something was birthed. Hope was in the air. Destiny was written upon theirlives. I knew this was just a fraction of what was going to come in the future.Hundreds and thousands of students would come to these mountains to pray,worship and be sent out to declare the kingdom of God to North Korea and thenations.

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    Revival breaks out with 200 university student leaders aftermy time at Jesus Abbey

    While I was at the Abbey, a community member recognized me from ourdocumentary movie 1040. She said, You are Pastor Jaeson Ma from the

    movie 1040! I actually am a member of the church in Korea that you featuredin the film. Our church has been trying to get a hold of you to come speak at auniversity revival camp, but we didnt know how to get a hold of you or whereyou were, and now I found you here! Is it okay I let them know you are here inorder to contact you to speak?

    I told her it was fine to let them know I was at Jesus Abbey, to pray for me, butI was not likely going to be able to speak because I needed to focus onfinishing my 40 days in the monastery. She agreed and passed along the

    message to her church. I then received a message asking if I could speak atthis university revival camp, a few hours away in the same mountains byJesus Abbey on the evening of June 30, 2011. I immediately messaged themthat I couldnt because I needed to finish my 40 days and focus my time onseeking the Lord personally.

    I passed the invitation invite along to the person who was handling myschedule in Korea. She messaged back and said, Jaeson, I read theinvitation letter you sent me, but I think this cant be coincidence becausePastor David Cho is speaking at that same university revival camp, the sameday, but in the afternoon on June 30th. I believe it is Gods will you go speakthere!

    I was shocked, Pastor David Cho is also speaking there and I had no idea?Then I looked at my calendar and realized that the month of May had 31 days.Which meant, I had miscalculated my 40-day time period. My 40th dayactually ended on June 29

    th; therefore I would be free to preach on June 30,

    which would be the 41st day after my time away in the monastery! God wasconfirming; I only needed to obey and go preach the kingdom message and letthe Holy Spirit spark another student awakening.

    On June 30th we arrived at the revival camp. About 200 student leaders fromthe top 12 universities in Seoul were present. They were spiritually hungry anddesperate for God to move. You could feel it in the air. Right before I got up tothe stage, I dropped my IPAD2 with my sermon notes, the entire glass frameshattered, and then the Holy Spirit told me, Dont preach from your mind, but

    preach from My Holy Spirit, preach about the Gospel of the Kingdom! For the

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    next 4 hours, the Holy Spirit had me preach spontaneously from Genesis 1 tothe end of Revelation on the Gospel of the Kingdom, the students were rivetednot by the wisdom of my words, but by the demonstration of the power and thespirit.

    The Holy Spirit came down upon these 200 student leaders in revival power.Many fell down under the power of the Spirit and most importantly, this mightystudent army of God, was revived in their hearts and committed to starting 24-7 prayer rooms on their campuses seven days a week. This is how studentrevival begins. It begins with a small band of students who are willing tosacrifice in persistent and prevailing prayer for their universities, which birthsrevival and a movement that cant be stopped. Ive seen it happen before inHong Kong, Taiwan, Southeast Asia and the US, and I was seeing it happenbefore my eyes that evening as I saw the passionate cries of their hearts for

    God to save their generation from sin, sickness and death, a spiritualrevolution was beginning.

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    The Coming Student Revival, the Destiny of Asia

    Before I left Korea, I spent a few days in Seoul meeting with disciples. I spokeat the Sunday service for Pastor David Chos congregation Joyful Churchsharing the prophetic revelation from the past 40 days. The Holy Spirit fell alsoupon that church service and a spirit of revival was in the air as we cried outfor the revival of South Korea unto the nations.

    That evening, we also met with the chairman of this major Korean corporation

    who recently became a Jesus follower. We had a four-hour prophetic sessionwith this chairman and the Holy Spirit confirmed many things in detail aboutthe destiny of North Korea.

    Also, I trained many other disciples and leaders in a training system Ideveloped while at Jesus Abbey called UNIVERSAL DISCIPLE which Ilearned from a mentor/missionary named Thom Wolfe. Everywhere I trained,whether in my hotel room, at a McDonalds, or over coffee, there was alegitimate spiritual hunger and commitment to radically obey Gods


    I could feel and recognize the Holy Spirits momentum. A great work of theSpirit was being prepared. An spiritual army is being raised up.

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    Prophecy for Korean Student Revival

    I believe in the next 10 years, there will be a great outpouring of the HolySpirit in South Korea and North Korea unprecedented to anything experiencedin the past 100 years of Christianity in Korea. The glory of the latter will be

    greater than the glory of the former. The Pyongyang revival in 1907 thatbirthed the Korean Pentecost and widespread movement of the Gospel willhappen again in a powerful way among specifically the university students.There will be prayer meetings established all on every major universitycampus that will not stop, day or night, it will be a network of prayer furnacesthat will create a massive ring of fire of Gods holiness, Gods power andGods presence that will overturn the effects of sin in the nation. Sex traffickingbusiness will be overturned, abortion will be overturned and made illegal, thesuicide rate will decrease dramatically, and families will be restored because

    of this student revival movement. Students will hold signs of peace; proclaimthe Gospel of the kingdom and there will be radical reforms made at everylevel of society. The mountains of government, business, education, media,arts, family and religion will come under the submission of Jesus Christ andHis commandments. Witchcraft and Shamanism with all its power will bebroken, many families and youth will renounce these demonic practices, andthe Spirit of prophecy will be poured out in a new and dramatic measure asthe Holy Spirit visits the nation and the young people with increasing dreamsand visions, no longer will there be only a few who are moving in the power of

    the Spirit, but God will pour out His Spirit upon all sons and daughters. This iswho they are, sons and daughters of God the orphan spirit, the spirit thatneeds to strive and perform for approval and acceptance will be done awaywith, God will be a Father to the fatherless, He will turn the hearts of thefathers to the children and the children to the fathers. There will be a newworship, music and praise movement that will bring shock and awe, theshekinah glory of the Lord into the church and then out into society, it will be anew worship movement that will shock and transform the nation of Korea. Itwill be invisible, yet visible. The glory of God will be seen and felt. Young

    people will not just gather in the tens of thousands, but I saw hundreds ofthousands gathering in massive worship crusades, new songs never sung,new lyrics yet to be written, new sounds never heard or played, it will be aworshipping army that will take over the nation of South Korea and then NorthKorea, then all over Asia and the nations. There will be a mountain of glory, inthis mountain young people will stream in from all over South Korea, Asia andall over the world to seek the Lord while He may be found. It will be atabernacle of David, 24/7 Prayer and Worship preparing the hearts of a newgeneration to enter into and take back the promise land of North Korea, thenChina, then all of Asia, Middle East and finally back to Jerusalem. These will

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    be radical, relentless and in hot pursuit of their Lord and their Fathers glory.The kingdom of God will advance, the Spirit of the Lord will not hold back butbe poured out in abundance, this will happen in the next decade, a great moveof the Holy Spirit that will sweep the nation, it will begin again with theconfession of sins in the Church, it will spread from church to church,fellowship to fellowship, home to home, confession of sins until the temple iswashed clean and the Spirit can invade, then nothing will be able to stop thisstudent mission movement, watch it will happen, Korea will arise as onenation, North Korea will become the kingdom not of man, but the kingdom ofour God, it will happen soon, it will happen quickly, only pray and obey, for thetime of the harvest is at hand. In Jesus name I pray name amen.

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    My Strength, My Song & My Salvation

    On the last day, the 40th

    day, I wrote in my journal these words.

    I dont know what my future holds, but I do know one thing, I am letting go of

    the past and holding onto Christ, My Strength, My Song, and My Salvation. Idont feel different, or seem different, I just know that I am well in my soul.

    Then right after I had wrote this, I opened my Bible randomly and it landed onthis passage of scripture.

    And in that day you will say: O Lord, I will praise You; Though You wereangry with me, Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me. Behold, Godis my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For YAH, the Lord, is mystrength and song; He also has become my salvation.Therefore with joyyou will draw water from the wells of salvation. Isaiah 12:1-3

    My eyes widened, my heart leaped, my lips smiled and my soul rejoiced. Thiswas no accident, it was Daddy telling me I had completed my time, and thatindeed, as I left the monastery, He would be My Strength, My Song and MySalvation.

    For His Glory,

    Jaeson Ma

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoeverbelieves in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

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    My Jesus Abbey Family* (www.jabbey.org)