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Transcript of Jackson

Page 1: Jackson

Nationalism & the Age of Jackson

Page 2: Jackson


• Era of Good Feelings (1817-1824): Strong sense of nationalism following War of 1812. Less hostility in American politics.

• American System: Henry Clay. Improved the country as a whole.

*Tariffs: Protect US businesses.*National Bank: US currency.*Transportation: Erie Canal & National


Page 3: Jackson

Jacksonian Democracy• 1st pres. not from elite section of society• Believed all white males were equal• Spoils System: Replaced gov’t officials w/ his political allies (friends)• SC Nullification Crisis: Senator John Calhoun want to nullify federal

tariffs (Tariff of Abominations). Jackson threatened to use force if SC did not obey federal tariff laws.

• Against National Bank• McCulloch v. Maryland: Federal Power. States cannot tax the national

bank.• Treated Native Americans very poorly