Jack sarfattisavile041915v3

Does The Future Really Affect the Past? The New Revolution in Physics, Cosmology & Consciousness Talk at the Savile Club, London UK April 21, 2015 Jack Sarfatti Now don’t you go right past you mustn’t drive too fast The future affects the past Space time continuum, Space time continuum Who knows where we’re from … Excerpt from fellow Savilian Richard Fordham’s song composed especially for this occasion http://youtu.be/kL9YF-Aeft0

Transcript of Jack sarfattisavile041915v3

Does The Future Really Affect the Past?The New Revolution in Physics, Cosmology & Consciousness

Talk at the Savile Club, London UK April 21, 2015

Jack Sarfatti

Now don’t you go right past

you mustn’t drive too fast

The future affects the past

Space time continuum, Space time continuum

Who knows where we’re from …

Excerpt from fellow Savilian Richard Fordham’s song composed especially for this occasion


T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

“Time present and time past

Are both perhaps present in time future

And time future contained in time past.”

Burnt Norton Part 1


The Important Big Picture

Problems How do we unify Einstein’s general relativity of the

gravitational field with the quantum field theory of the electro-weak and strong forces?

Is time travel to the past through wormhole stargates possible?

See Cal Tech’s Kip Thorne’s movie Interstellar for example where this question is explored in a “science-faction” pop way.

What is consciousness? How can we explain our self-awareness in a scientific way? This is David Chalmer’s “hard problem.”

How real is real? For example, do we live in a hologram simulation? See Nick Bostrum’s book on advanced super-intelligence for example.

Are we alone in the multi-verse?

What about God?

“God does not play dice with the universe.”

As Albert Einstein said “God does not play dice

with the universe” we can now arrive at a post-

quantum view of things and say “He loads the

dice back from the future”.

Future events are contributory causes of present

ones – Past (Causality) is interacting with our

Future (Retro-Causality) at the junction of the

present moment called the ‘now’ moment



MOST SCIENCE PAPERS don’t begin with a description of psi, those “anomalous processes of information or energy transfer” … It’s even less common for a serious science paper, published in an elite journal, to show that psi is a real phenomenon. But that’s exactly what Daryl Bem of Cornell University has demonstrated in his new paper, “Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect,” which was just published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


Back From the Future A series of quantum experiments shows that

measurements performed in the future can influence the present. Does that mean the universe has a destiny—and the laws of physics pull us inexorably toward our prewritten fate?

By Zeeya Merali|Thursday, August 26, 2010, Discover Magazine

This article is about the work of David Bohm’s protégé Yakir Aharonov and his students on the interference of future to present “destiny” quantum information flows with past to present “history” quantum information flows to create “weak measurements” in the present that have useful laboratory applications.

Free Will and Retrocausality in the

Quantum World

A conference held under the auspices of the JTF-

funded project, New Agendas for the Study of


Venue: Free Will and Retrocausality in the

Quantum World

Winstanley Lecture Theatre, Trinity College,


Dates: 1—4 July 2014

Henry Dwight Sedgwick, Victorian Gentleman,

Harvard Porcellian Club wrote:

“Science proceeds as if the past was the home of

explanation; whereas the future, and the future alone,

holds the key to the mysteries of the present. When

the first cell divided, the meaning of that division was

to be discovered in the future, not in the past; when

some pre-human ancestor first uttered a human

sound, the significance of that sound was to be

interpreted by human language, not by apish grunts;

when the first plant showed solicitude for its seed, the

interest of that solicitude lay in the promise of

maternal affection. Things must be judged in the light

of the coming morning, not of the setting stars”. -

Henry Dwight Sedgwick, “An Apology for Old Maids” (


“Creation faces the future” “There are invisible ways of conveyance by which

some great thing doth touch our souls, and by which we tend to it. Do you not feel yourself drawn by the expectation and desire of some Great Thing?” -Henry Dwight Sedgwick, “The House of Sorrow” (1908)

‘It is not the past which, like an uncoiling spring, pushes us on; creation faces the future, and is drawn onward by an irresistible attraction. “For though it be a maxim in the schools,” says Thomas Traherne, “that there is no love of a thing unknown, yet I have found that things unknown have a secret influence on the soul, and, like the centre of the earth unseen, violently attract it. We love we know not what…”

- H D Sedgwick

Sir James Jeans “The stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-

mechanical reality; the Universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter... we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter.” The Mysterious Universe, page 137.

“I incline to the idealistic theory that consciousness is fundamental, and that the material universe is derivative from consciousness, not consciousness from the material universe... In general the universe seems to me to be nearer to a great thought than to a great machine. It may well be, it seems to me, that each individual consciousness ought to be compared to a brain-cell in a universal mind.”

Creation of our observable universe “causal

diamond” piece of the multiverse

Most of the world stuff is dark

Dark stuff voids make our universe

look like a giant brain’s neural


Niels Bohr to Wolfgang Pauli

1958 “We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The

question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough.”

“cosmology without apology

no-one knows the topology

only craziness will find the way

breaking down the rulebooks of today

smashing beliefs is half the job

stealing the future just to rob

the meaning of the universe will be clear

when we find a route from here to there”

Excerpt from Richard Fordham’s song.

Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of


“... if we do discover a complete theory, it should

in time be understandable in broad principle by

everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall

all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary

people, be able to take part in the discussion of

the question of why it is that we and the universe

exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the

ultimate triumph of human reason - for then we

would know the mind of God.”

I first recognized the quantum entanglement problem with

special relativity in 1961 at Brandeis University before it

became mainstream, but I was told to “shut up and


The history is given in MIT Physics Professor David Kaiser’s

award-winning book



Have we found the

Quantum theory is not good enough

to explain our consciousness.

“It is argued that immense physical resources -

for nonlocal communication, espionage, and

exponentially-fast computation - are hidden from

us by quantum noise, and that this noise is not

fundamental but merely a property of an

equilibrium state ... It is suggested that 'non-

quantum' or nonequilibrium matter might exist …

Nonequilibrium matter could be used to send

instantaneous signals, to violate the uncertainty

principle, …, to eavesdrop on quantum key

distribution, and to outpace quantum computation

(solving NP-complete problems in polynomial

time).” Antony Valentini

Post-Quantum Physics of Consciousness

Consciousness comes from entanglement signal non-locality in the sense of the excerpt from Antony Valentini in the last slide.

Einstein struggled for ten years to extend his 1905 special theory of relativity to his general theory of relativity of the gravitational field He needed two physical ideas and one mathematical idea:

Equivalence Principle – weightlessness in free fall

Newton’s action-reaction principle generalized to all influences of A on B.

The local frame of reference invariant tensor calculus.

Action-Reaction Explains Gravity

Special relativity unified space with time and

energy with mass, but it could not explain gravity.

The reason was that the unified space-time was

rigid. It told matter how to move in the absence of

real forces, but there was no direct back-reaction

of matter on the space-time continuum geometric

field itself.

Einstein’s final gravity field tensor equations

restore the generalized Newtonian principle of no

action without a reaction. The equations show

how unified mass-energy curves spacetime.

Action-Reaction and Time

The quantum wave-particle duality is the same as

mind-matter duality. Bohr was already aware of


The particle is approximated as a test particle in

orthodox quantum theory. It is acted upon by the

wave, but does not back-react on the wave - not

so in post-quantum theory.

The wave acts on the particle in the present both

from the past and the future.

The particle back-reacts on the wave in the

present both from the past and the future.

The former is memory. The latter is precognition.

Action-Reaction Explains Consciousness Quantum theory as taught today is in the same position

that special relativity was before Einstein’s 1915 explanation of real gravity as spacetime curvature from the direct back-reaction of the mass-energy spacetime acts on.

The entangled quantum information fields pilot the motion of matter in a much weirder nonlocal-retrocausal way than does the spacetime continuum, but without direct-back-reaction of matter on them in orthodox quantum theory that works only for the less complex lifeless functions of matter.

Quantum information pilot fields are intrinsically mental. Direct back-reaction of matter on its pilot field excites a conscious experience in that pilot field. That is the basic hypothesis that allows naturally conscious AI in androids and in many other material environments including perhaps the surfaces of black holes and our future dark energy cosmological event horizon that literally may be the world hologram “brain” of Hawking’s “Mind of God.” A crazy idea - is it crazy enough to be true?

The Future Affects the Past