J,-{ (jel d 'f ,Iv,), ('71fT - United Nations · Friday, 2J+ October 194.7 Ad Hoe CoJlllllittee on...

J,-{ (je l /C;'u-l- d 'f ,Iv,), ('7 1fT S - D c 7 ;2 2.- J, .?

Transcript of J,-{ (jel d 'f ,Iv,), ('71fT - United Nations · Friday, 2J+ October 194.7 Ad Hoe CoJlllllittee on...

  • J,-{ (jel /C;'u-l-d 'f ,Iv,), ('71fT

    S - Dc7;2 2.-131;~ J,

    f~LL .?

  • Offioial


  • 24 October 1947

    ~r. Trygve LieSecretar,y-Gener81f.:r. A.W. CordierExecutive Assistant to theSecretary-General > r

    Report to the Secretary-General of the Committeel'ieetings of 24 October 1947.

  • j..-+ October 1947


    FIRST CO)fi.:ITTEE - Eighty-second meeting.

    The representative ot Turkey stated that the resentment of the

    Turkish preas was caused by the unparalleled slanders, threats and

    pro'lOcationa of the _Sonet pnas and radio. In the Turkish language,,". ,

    the Soviet radio was inciting the Turkish people against their lawful

    Government and urging the Tul"kiah al'lllJ" to rebellion. The SoTiet press

    was war-mongenng in &1'Ousing the SaTie\ people against their neighbours

    and inciting the Arabs and the Greek people against Turkey. He &1M

    reterred to the territorial elaiu ot the SoTiet Union againat Turkey.

    The representative ot India opposed. B.n1 ass.ssment ot guilt. All

    the texts before the COIIIlittee were too narrow. Since war-mongering

    was a180 manitested in the creation of racial bittemes., the elaboration

    ot ideologies of race supremac.v and the view that certain parts of the

    'World were the inalienable possession ot certain races. Suppression

    or destruction of the tNth was as great a crime as war-mongering, ancl

    the radio and the film industr'J could be as da.ngerou,B a8 the press.

    Within their narrow limits, parts ot the Canadian and Australian

    propoS&18 were worthy of Rpport.

    After giving further quotations !f'om the speecheso! wa~IIlOngers,

    the representative of the Ukrainian S.S.R. made a theoretical analysis

    of the tendencies ot capital1l1111 to ~rs, but concluded tha.t .. with good

    will, capitaUSIIl a.nd lSOciali_ could co-exiat peacefully. At some length

    he atta.cked the doctrine of an armed truce .. which led to an armamentsrace aDd a.ggressive war. He refuted arguments based on !reedom ot the

  • press &8 hypocritical and noted the d.efecta in the United Stat••

    practice in the field of human rights.. Because ot the great polit.1eaJ.

    importance of this question, it was impossible for the General Assembly

    to avoid it. re8pon~ibilityand pass the task on to the Conterence to

    be held in Mareh ..

    the representat.ives or t.he Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa

    Rica, Nev Zealand, NetherlandsaD1 Uruguay opposed the U.S.S.R. resolution.

    It was argued that this resolution proposed an in&dmi.suble l1Ja1tation

    of the fre~om of the press and. that nil propaganda 8hould. be count.ereel

    not be suppression but. by a free nov ot correct intol"Jllat10n.

    Several reprea8ntatiTes eaid tha.t propaganda was the main motiva of

    the Soviet. resolution and alleged war-eK>ngeriDg a.gainst. the Soviet Union.

    'l"he representat1ve ot Urugual rererred to the act1vities of the

    Communist Party in his country and 1n other Lata American countries and

    noted the surprising amount of funds at its disposal.

    The Australian text was supported in principle by the representative.

    of Guatemala, Costa. Rica and New Zealancl; the canadian text was supported

    by the 'representative of Netherlands; and t.he ne. French proposal va.supported by the representative ot Uruguay.

    The French proposal (doeu.ment A/C.l/221) condemned all propaganda,

    in all countries and under all tOI"JU, which could provoke or encourage

    threats to the peace, and expressed the hope that the Conterence on

    Freedom of Intormat10n would fonm.lat.- recommendat.ions.

  • )1

    24 October 1947

    FIRST CC»:MITTEE - Eighty-third meeting.

    The representative. of Yugoslavia and the Byelortl.sian S.S.R..

    quoted var-mongering speechee made in Italy, Greece and. the United

    States and analyzed the control o£ the Vlestern pres. by busines.


    The repreeentatives ot Greece" Sweden, Egypt, China, Frane. an4

    Panama stated that they would not aupport the SOviet resolution a.nsi

    stressed. the importance ot maintaining atree pr.... The representativeaot Swede and Panama. 8Upport.ed the French propoaal and the repreaentative

    o£ Egypt alao considered that the question should be referred too the

    Conference on Freedom 8t Information.. fhe represen\ative o£ China

    replied. to the charges that had been leTeled against Mr. Bullltt..

    The representative ot Venewela opposed any attempt to limit

    !reec1omot the preas and moved the establi8haent ot a Sub-Collmittee to

    conlider the various proposals betore the COJIIIIIitt.e.

    In a Tery long speech Mr. Viah1naky analysed the gener'al debate

    and replied 1n particular to Dr. E'Y&tt, Senator Austin and Mr .. s&rper.

    He also stressed the control ot the weatem pre•• by banld.l18 and.

    cOJDJIlercial interests and concluded that these interest. already

    exercised a private censorah1p.

    At BODle length he quoted trom captured GeNaIl cloeum.ents to abov

    that Turkey had intrigued. with the Germans against the So,net Union and

    had envisaged great territorial expansion at the cost of the s.rtet Union.

  • The representative ot furkey countered by referring to intrigue.

    between }/;oscow and Berlin directed. against the alliance between Turke;y.

    France and Fngland. He said that quoting trom. cap-tured German dOCWllent,

    vas Ii game that tlf'O could pla.y and that he would be heard on this subject

    at 80me length at a later meeting.

    It is hoped that the genera.l deba.te on this question will be concluded

    tomorrow; two meetings will be held if necessary.


    Fridqj 24 october 1947

    Firat. CoDB1ttee

    SUb-Committee 1

    Establishment of an Inter1lll Cala1ttM


    The repreMIltati" of U.S.A. .-toated that he accepted the Brit18h

    amenc1ment to the U.S. t.ext 1na8lll1ch as it included in the matten withiD

    the Jur1ad1ctioD of the Inte:r11l Comm1tt.. d1aputea and queationa with1n

    the scope or Aniole 35 of the Charter. He obJect.ed in principle to t.heextension to the Int.er:1m CcmIdt.t... of the two-t.h..1rda majoritY' rule. The

    1IIOrd. "which aq be placed. on the agencla" should be replaced in the

    British tm. by "1C1ch u:r be subaittecl for inclualon on the agenda••

    The British text should be coapleted b7 t.he MDtion of the power of the

    CoBId..siOl1 to report. and present reo..-nd&tlons to the General Aas.b17.

    The repres.tat.1ye of U.K. thought .1t 1JBportant to l1Jd.t carehlJ.T

    the matters within the Jur1sd1ction of the' Committ.. 80 .. to avo1cl dupli-

    cation of work ldth other special organa of the General A.ssembly aDd. alao

    to awid d.1acwJsion on any important matters. Ue thought that the t ...

    th1rd.a majorit7 rule should be maintained. The representative of the

    N8therlan4a favored the Brl.tiah text. with the eugge8ted amendmenta. He

    thoqht. that the t.__thinla majoritY' rule should not applJ" when .. matter

    was re.teJnd to' the GeDeJ'al A8a~ to the Seeur1t.7 Council UDder ~1ele

    11(2). The repreeentat1w of ArFltjna felt that it wu preferable to

    create an orcli.nar7 aODlliasion, with all the ponr belonging to the aix

    COiIB1ttees of the General Asa8lllb11', 80 U to avo.14 the reproach of creat1D&

    an orgaD parallel and antagonistic to the Security- Council. He vould.,

    however, jom the majority it they: preferred the U.S. proposal. &8 aaencled.

  • r

    The repreaent.at1ft ot Australia emphasised the nece.sit7 tor lim1t1D&

    .trict17 the jur1adiction ot the Conmittee. He theretore wu opposed toI _

    the Argmtine proposal. r He thought that such a limit.ation 'WO\llAl be but.

    achieved in referring to the art.1el•• ot the Charter which would

    c1rcuNcribe the matter. to be nbmitted t.8 the e-1tt... Althou,cb he

    tdt that aOM rule ot procedure .bou1d. be applied to llmit the jur1a-

    d:ietiQn ot the COIIiII1itt.., h.e re••ned. hU pG81tion on the tvo-th1.rd.iIs

    ..,or1t7 Nl. aDd. &lao on the mention in p&r&grIIph 2 (a) ot t.be tact

    that. the C-.1t.t•• could consider arq 1lI&tter vhleh might be .ul:a1ttM

    to,. iaclWliOl1 on the agenda ot t.he next ••••ion of the G4meral J.a.-bl7

    sine. such a provision would aJ.low a:q .ellDer t.o rBquellt the inolus ion

    et a:4S' it._ on the apDda. SUbject to the.. obe.rYationa he wu in

    faTer of the Britiab text with th. amenc1meata propoaed by the U. S. A.

    aDd. Netherlanda representative••

    The representative ot France thought that the feeling ot the Sub-

    CGlaitt.. vu to give the Inter1a COJlII1tt.. jur1ac1ietion only on important

    ..ttera. He thought that mention o!art1cle 35 should be d.eleted in order

    to avo1cl a reproach that the Ceanitt.. wu an organ auplicating the

    Secur1.t1'-ceuncu. He wu in tavor ot -.intaining the two-third. majorit7

    rule. In actualit7, a deed.sion b7 the CGaIId.tt.. to put. an it_ on ita

    agenda wu an important matter and thh rule ot procedure WOuld tend. to

    lJJid.tl:.he rnuaber ot que.t1OM to be uaJlinecl by it. He 8Upported. the

    Britiah t.ext subject to the precMd.i.ns obaenatiou. The repr••entative

    of Mexico tavored th.e appl.1catiOll ot the two-th1.l'da majority nle. a.

    noted that although reterence vas l&&4e to &rUele 11 (2), t.he paragnph ,

    UDder diecussiOD, did not Il18IltiOl1 that the OCIIII.1tt.e could con.1d.er azq

  • - 3 -

    question that a noa.-M_ber State migl'it zoequest to be put on the agenda, .

    ot the General As.ab17. Th18 point should be clarified. In hi. opinion

    the Int.eria CoIIlIlitt.. ehould have the ueual eharacteristics ot cOIIAittees

    01 the ~ral As.embly but its jurhdict10n should be l.in.ited to polit.ical

    c..... He su.ggeated that the _ntion ot the powen of the COBIIittee to

    make reeOlllJumdationa be 0Dl1tted. If nch lMIlt10n was maintained, it could

    be interpreted u oompellin! the Comdttee to make a recommendation. It

    was enoUjb to refer to the power to make reports to the General Assembly.

    This 1>IOuld leave tbe Conaittee free to make racomendations if it wished

    to. He proposed to stress that the power t6 make a report eoncerned only

    the General Assembly, by the insertion of the word -exclusivelY".


    Friday, 2J+ October 194.7

    Ad Hoe CoJlllllittee on the Palestinian Question

    Sub-Committee. I and II

    Sub-Comudttee I.;' No m.eetings were held.

    SUb-committee II. The three working groups ot the Sub-Comwittee

    held. private meetings at 11 a.m. and at 3 p.m.. and continued the

    discussion ot their respective subjecte.

  • SUR"! Cf f4li:FtnrJ

    Fr.lclq, 24 Octabel" 1'47

    Secoad cCllllll1t.t.••

    foft,r-G.tb\b meet.1D&, 11 .....

    The e.-itt... "'G1l1ded. it-e cou1deraUon of t.he~

    1"81101uU_ (d,)eUll8ft\ .vC.2/1.l4/ReY.l) Dy&d.opt,ia& P&J"Q.gn.pbe 5 and ,

    of t.ba\ reaoll,lt.loa. The '''801u\108 a. fA 801. wa_ thea aclopted by •

    'tOte ot forlr-tour in ta'¥'OW" and none aga.1.nat. wi"b t.h.... aoaI.8I'1\100••

    'lbel'ttp.....nt,·'\Uve of t,he Url1on. 1)t Son. SQe1allat. F.pWN!.a cS1d not,pa1"tlclpat.e in \be ft\Uc tel" tae reuoali Nt. torUt 111 doeuMnt.


  • TI


    Prida7 24 october 1947

    1'b1N Commit.tee

    The~tiY8 of lUgo8l&Y1a pr:uented hi. Vatt ~1on

    (doC'tatJD1; A/C.3/'162)recou,l'OIjng -to Jlflliber genl..... to taD

    :aeaauru to pI........ the aprea41.u.a of 4etaator.v ata~ about

    to~ colmtrie. 1Ih1ch wre banatal to the good rel&tiona betMeen

    .tat.., and 1Ib1eh ..... contral')r to the aimfJ and principlea of the

    United Nationa. iIdl.e recogrd.sin.g~ ftlue or the ~ox..tionMnic. oE the pre_, he 4111pbaaiud the danger wh1ch .. offeredb7 the pnbl1catiOll ot t~u. nne.

    The representative ot Chile expressed opPOsition to an:r

    re.triction on the freedom at the preas. A truly tree press, he

    said, muld loge its reputation. and ita following, it it pUblished

    inaccurate newa.

    The reprea8lltativa of the United stat" praieecl the contribu-

    tion which l'ugoalarla had mde to the Allied cause, but she atat.ed.

    that abe could not agree to accept the reeolution in question.

    The problem had already been debated aeveral time., and theI

    impl'e88ion which ha

  • REPORT 10 ].'1I.l£ §1.iCm;Tm~

    1H;IiR QWMItrEI - SUb-COVlnittM 1 (Trade Union R1&ht..)

    Dnt Me»M, Tueadq, zi October 1947, J p.a.

    The Soviet position consists 1n not approving the work a1.rea.d,.

    aocomplUheci bY' '¥1. Interna.tional La.bour Organisation, but or placing again

    before the General Ass«ll~ the question ot the rightll ot trade unione.

    and of giving t.he reepo~lbllity tor t.he preparation or a new text either

    to the Comwi&s1on on the r!&ht. or man or the World Federation of Trad.eUn10u..

    The represent.ative ot the United K1ngdola w1ehea to allow the

    l1ltem&.tlonal La.bour Organ1eation to remain 111 charge or t,hu field,

    to approvo the work a.1.re4dy done b7 it, and 81apJ.y to reter t.he

    p1'Obl_ back to it.

    Th. position of the French J"8pl"t!lsentative 18 s1Jdlar to the Britiab

    v1ev, although it would bowver pendt new cOnTeraationa with the World

    Federation or Trade Unio~, without. m.ak1ng &ny' rererence to the latterby name.

    The Latin American repreaent.at1... v1sh to introduce in the t1nal

    re.olution .. l1st ot rights and Uberti•• taken trom documents alread7

    &oce~ed. -.ch .. the Declaration or Pbi.ladelph1.&, and lft1ieh would give

    to the resolution a more .-otionaJ. content,

    Tb18 meet1n& vas given OYer excluaivelJr to the question whether the

    new Frech text (document A/C.J/167), whicb enesea'Yovec! to oonciliate

    the french" Britiah and. Latin American viewpoint., could .eJ"V'e u a

    buia tor diMuss1on. The French text was tinall1 accept_, 1t being

    UDlClerstood that it the text. did not obtain unan~mou. support. it 'MOuld

    be perm1aa1ble tor the minority to util.1ze the ~lution or tbe

  • - 2-

    DMdldcan Republic (document A/C.J/166), appl'VY'ed by Yugoslavia, u

    the baaia for an a.lt.ematiYe proposa.l..

    SecoJ¥l metipg. ThU1"8da.T, 23 October 1947, :3 p.m.

    The first two paragraphe of the French resolution were adopted

    unanimously wit.h very .light drattiDg chang... A debate wu opened

    on the reint.ro4u.ct.1on of one of the paragraphs of the Dcm1n1can

    raol1Zt;,ion, 011 the proponl ot the Soviet representative. The

    Cha.:1.rlial1 did not put. the question 1;0 & TOte, in order to avoid a

    1... t.han unanir'LOUS decieion, and the di8cus.ion t.naina.ted without

    a tinal coDC1~ on the point.

  • svan,;y OF )tEi.'fD«i

    '1'Ua¥, 24 on..tMrr 1,.,.,nn.a e-s.,,"

    ~t1f\h...u..c, U &.a.

    TiM e-lt.t... ~od' .. C1tAa4Uaa ....la:\lea pnpoa1aa t.e 1'-""

    eou1d....u.- ot 1t._ 1'111, .S..u. 21, Paft III .1 \1\. lWaft~..or 1948, ocmeend.a& MiJUln.eat fit raUottal i..- \&Ut.i_ aDll atAl..

    ~t. tohe e-tt.,.. ....uct 1M ..1\1.. \0 adopt. IW¥. I"POl.t.lon 1t. wi...

    .. the ...J.....

    • pNpOal to rel'ft' \he leeal.upeet. of t.b4t "~ll&Uoa adopt... at

    t.... prn1n. aee\1JII t.e t.U S1zt,ta e-.t.t.t...... defeat_, ....... a

    pnpo-l to ....t. a ..........,. '0 _..,. \be lapUV or tlM .-.:lJaUoa.


    Frid.ay, 24 OCtober 1947

    Fitt.h COIIIlD1tt.e

    snent;Y-e1~th DlMtiDg, 3 p.m.

    The Assistant Secretary-General in charge of the Department

    ot~blic Information ;preaented the budget estimates for 1948 tor

    the Intonation Centns, consolidated and ren.sed as requested,

    (document A/C.S/178) sbowill& a saYing of $152,582 on e5t~.:ua.tea

    prmoua17 subllitted.

    with regard to expatriation allowanc•• (document A/318, Part. IU,

    Section 21, Chapter n, it_ iY) the COIIllittee adopted ~ proposal thatthe Secretary-General be requesteel to submit a revised. atatt rule

    together with the budgetary blplications, to the etfect that. statt

    m-.ben eligible tor upatrriatioll allO'Rl'lcea should receiye th_

    tor two y..rs onl.7. 'l'be Asal~ Secretar,r-General in charge ot

    Acla1nl8t.rative aa1 Financial Services stated that he lIIlst resel"Y8

    tbe SMret.al'1-Gener&1.'s position in the _tter ot any proposed reV181on.

    The amendment of provisional natt replation. governing ~UdrenIS

    Allowance. aDd. E:1ucation Grants (d.ocument A/C.S/153) vas thlm considered.

    The Secretary-4eneral' s recOll1ll8ndatlon that· each ot theae allowance. be\

    increased $200 per &nJ:!U. aa approYed. The recommendation ot the

    AdTieo17 Committ.e as outlined. in parasraph 77 ot docwaent A/336 wa.


    The Committee approved in principle the it_s concem1ng education

    gre.nt.s aDd related. travel, group Ute in81i1raDce contributions, ind-m.t7

    and compassionate payraent.a, aDd u gratia p&yaent.., and worDen's

  • me "~ t.19n o.t U.e MJrleory C"t.t,.. ~..rd1Ui III ho~j:d.t.fU1'T

    "'-M tOt" nqul,... 'Ud.r fa"" III of toM buqft (c~ AI'"


    1iecIDea4q, 22 October 1947

    SizUl e-1tt..

    SUb-C11 itt.. 1

    E.ltmmth aeet.1q, 11 A.a.

    !be S'ab-Caa81tt.ee continaed the cI18nu1on of the probl.-. of the

    lIl'l1ticAtloa f4 pri"dle.. and 1-mdt.1N tor the .,.c1aJ.1sed apnca..The l'ep1'U_tat1T.. or the ftr1o'u epee:'.1 SsM ageneie. wre present.

    !he cl1aeue1aD .. COMentratM _ \be poblt of cl.t.el'll1n1na which

    draft COAY4Jllt1. 1IOul4 aVft .. A haa1a tor t.he cl1ecuae1cna et the

    Iu'b-Ccllllm.t.t.., t.b&t u to sq, wbet.her cloc__ta A/c.6/sc.4/W.W, and

    Add. 1, or cloo.....t A/339.

    tM repr..etat.l... of the United stat.. pruea.ted an amendlaeat. to

    cIocnact. AI))" -11'. doc.." A/c.6/sc.41w.16.No clec1e1on _ the choice ot docn1aeDta .. taDa, aDd the ftt.e

    08 the queet.iGa .. deterred lIIltU \be aa.t ...una. 1D oN.1" togi.... the npree_t.atlYea tiRe to atudT the pro~.

  • SURVEl' or HiETING

    Friday 24 OCt.o~r 1947

    Sb:th eo.1ttee - SUb-Co.1Elt.t.ee tw0J1

    Progreall1ft Developaent of Intemationai Lawand. Codification

    '!'he S'u.b-Ct.8D1ttee began discuseion of the co-ordinated

    text ot paragra.ph 9 (a) and. (b) of the report. of the CoJmJd.ttee

    on Hetboda (docuaent !/3.31). propoaed 1>7 the Secretariat.

    In the preamble an addition was made to the effect that

    the Inte1'D&tional Law Comrd.asion should 11&ve so_ discretion

    in proceeding vith the projects and draft eo~ior..~

    to it.

    SBb-paragraph 5 was deJ.eted..

    Para.graph 10 at the Report. ha:ving a1.rea



    TO: Mr. 'trTlY. Lie,seol"8tal7-oa.r&l

    FROM: ~. A.W. Cord1.r,••cut!" AS81etant

    SUBJECT: Report. to the SecZ"8t&J7-QeneNlor COIE1tt_ meetinp01 october 2,th.

    Date. 2S October 1947

  • I'W'£ CQM}urr~ - Eighty-fourth aeeting - Saturdq, 25 october 1947,

    The representative of Turkey asked that hie name be rem.oved f'Na

    the list of speakere, ~t reeerYoo his right to speak at • later st,';e.. .

    The list of speakers for the general debate wa.s declared closed.

    The representatives of Belgiwn,SOuth Afrioa, Brazil, Cuba and BoliTia

    opposed the Soviet. rellOllltioll.. south AIle. supported the Australian

    proposal &Dd Bolivia supported the French proposal.

    The repre..m.ative of South Atr1c.a referred to Sortet. radio attacks

    on his country and asked whether Mr. V)wh1nak7 would describe as war

    prop&g~ the book "Forcecl Labour in :ausia" from 1Ifblch he quoted.

    The representative ot ColOllbia again rft"iewed relations between the

    Security Council aDd the General Asaembl7 aDd emphasized that the basic

    cau.. of the troubled. situation was the 1noreall1ng suspicion betWHn the

    Grea.t. Powers. SO long u t.hia sltuat1cm cOIlt1.m.led, h. doubted the ueetul-

    ne.s of asq reaoIlltion on war propagaada. 'With thia ",e"ation, he

    supported t.he CaDad.i.aD ~d French proposals and said that he lIIOulcl gJad11"

    ucept the appointment of a s~tte••

    )f.r. lMar¥k quoted from a Ieanet di.etr1buted in the westem scmes

    of Gel"JAaDY which Nt.ed. that the war was not ead.ed and t.hat SUdeten Ge!'ll8118

    would retw:u to their bom.ea with the help ot the United stat... Tb.1e

    type ot war propag&ftd.a. 1fU ..t daD&eroua aDd SOM positin action mst

    be taken. The SoYiet reaolution diQ not seek to interfere with treedolll. asked.

    of t.he ,pre••• but/that a remedy be found tor tlagrant abuses. The question

    was assooiated with 1Ill.pleaent.ation ot t.he Asseablyf. resolutions on

    atoJiic energy control and diaJarmament, since moral and material disa.l"Dlall8l1t

  • Mr. Manuilsky replied to tn. reprelJenta\ive8 of France, Canada,

    Solltl1 Africa aDd. Brazil, po.1nt.1l'lg out the incomplete obaervance of human

    right.s 1n those countn...;" tie drew a parallel between Pitler'. policy

    and the United Ste.-tes pretention to lead the world fight aeainst co_unUm.

    'this interference by the United states in the !ntemal affairs of other

    countries cvuld prov'o~" cmmter-intertel't'moe 'Which might inelude i..'"ltornal

    d'fa.irs of the Unitell stat.ea. Worlliopinion would place a most unfavour-

    able interpretation on ~h8 rejection of the Soviet re.olution.

  • WEOR! ro ;~ SB~§W,tillS!g~ - ,tigbty-t1:f\h meeting - saturdaT t 25 October 1941 (.3 p.m.)

    z~ reproesentatt.... of AWJtra.Ua replied to }Jr'. Viahinalq and P.r. Manuilalq

    ard asl'Ad that hl8 text be treated sa a r08()lution &ld not as an amendment.

    the ~entl.\t1".o! 3:'ll"ia supported the Australian propoe&l. He noW

    with Ll"G&t aatisfaetiaD~r &.lBt.in'S atater,lent t;'1Jlt t.he United St4t48

    desired t.'1e trGedom. or all pea!)1es witllout.. d1stinct.i~.

    ~ta had bcetl captured. but his Govet'l..JO:16nt -would use the 0J11T sa

    circw:alStanoee of great ~tion and ~t4.'lOG. He ::.~ a .len.Lrthy repq

    'to Hr. VishinalQr.

    ~. Behler replied to ~ir. 1;;c:Be11·and senator Av.atln.

    ::.r. Vi.oirLnaky a.naJ.}"Z1Xl tho g~ debuto alld. rupllecl ~t lel~;th to Hr.

    Hc1~~il'6 aUo{;atioL.G oJ: ine.ons1~n,e:J.q in Soviet. tOl"eign pu:aq bet"W\lC1 1939

    A.f'\er d.1sCWUil1oa. theV~ proposal tor appo!nto::'lOut of a. 8Ub-

    ~ttee waD rejected by 29 TO-$th 12 abste."ltlona. ~le Slav repree:iOl:l-tatiTell. Colombia, Ethiopia, I:nd1a, Guawl&la, Ul"Ut:ua¥ and Ven_u(~la voted

    on the motion o! the representative of O..cboolo9ak1a, and over the

    oppoeltioo of the representative of tho United tin d-::>l!1•• it was decid.ed bT

    .36 votes to 9 to adjourn t..lte debate.

  • lou.rt.b. psnip, - lridq, 24 October, 1947, J p.P.

    CoD8U....tion ~f paragraph 2 Ca) of the U.S. propoaal UId of,"

    paragraph 2 (b) of the 11.1(. proposal was continued dur1a& the fourth


    Th. representati,.es or Horway, China, India, BoliT1a, N4It.herl&nd.s

    and U.I. were in favour of 10M applicaUon of the two-th1l"ds II&jol'1t7

    l"Gle to deciaione or the ComTUttee concerning the incluslon of 1t_

    011 its agenda.

    !he "pres.tatlYes of Cauda, U.S.A. &lid Austral.1a preferred the

    appllcation or the aaJorit7 rule.

    The representative .f }.(eneo obse"" that the two-th1l"ds aajont7

    Nle .. a contradiction to Rule 108 ot the Rule. of ~eedlU'8 of the

    Genel"&1. u88SblJ". Theretore, it the majority viabed to adopt. such

    TOtin& pl"OCeclve 111 the e-1tt.., the Ilules of Procedve of the

    a-enJ. usembl1 should. be &1Iended in conto1'llitl with Article 117.

    At the end or the meeting, the representati'" of U.3. suggested

    the following re-drafting ot paragraph 2 (a) in the light 01 the

    \) tiseo.ione which had taken place:

    "To eouider U7 cU.ap.e or aD7 .1tutlan vh10h 'UT be nl:81ttecl

    1DTirt.ue of Art.iclea U (2), 14 or 35 01 the Chart.er, lor the ......

    01 the a..ral AaMllDJ.7, pl'OY1d.ed the eo-1tt.. preT1o~ dn.nI1D..

    the ..tter too be both iaportant anc:l reqv.1riDc prel.i-1u&17 .tudT, aDd

    to report, v1t.h it. coacl'Uiou, to the Gellenl "'.eabl7. (The

  • -2-

    e-itt.... det.eftl1D&tian UDder t.he preced.1ng claue aball be t.aken

    b7 a. aajorit.y of t...o,-thirU ot thoae pr-sent. .. YOt.1D&, unles. tbe

    _t.t.er 18 ODe reterred b7t.he 3ecv.r1t7 CoUDeU under Article 11 (2),

    in ldlich e.... a. s1mple aajor1t7 will autt1".)-

  • FIRST 00}4}1l!lR - SUb-Conmdttee I (Establishment of an Interim Committe.)

    Fifth meeti¥ - saturdq, 25 october 1947. 11 a.m.

    The su.b-eoJmnittee continued consideration of paragraph 2 at .

    the United statu propol:tal. a re-draft of ¥iich had been submitted.

    The representatives ot France aod China raised serious objections

    with regard to the inclusion of diaDutes in the questions to be includec1

    in the jurisdiction of the interiJ:n oommitte«h 'lherepresente.tin ot

    No:rway pronounced himself in favor of" the inclusion at situations and

    disputes in these questiona.

    ~. representative of France requested that a decision on

    paragraph 2 (a) be postponed for several da.ya and Sllgge.sted that the

    sub-eonmd.ttee proceed to examine the rest ot the United Statea


    SUth meetH,!& - Saturda\Y, 25 OCtober 1947. , p.m.

    The 8ub-eommittee continued consideration of para.eraph 2 (a) ot

    the United states proposal.

    Tn. Argentine amend1;.ant (Ale .1/3C.l/\'l.2), IJroyiding that the interim

    committee should consider ~? matter included within t~;e functions and

    powers of the General Assembly, was rejected.

    3eTera.1 pointsrused in the discussion of the re-draft of paragraph 2 (a)

    suggested by the United states Delegation were surmnarized by the Chairman as

    follows: omission ot ~r mention of disputesom1esion ot reference to Article 35omission of reference to Article 14report with or without conclusions to the General Assembly2/3 or si.rc:.ple rJajority for the incl1J.Sion of questions in

    the agenda of the interim comrdtteepossibility for the interim eOJ~:1ittee to decide whether it

    is politically opportune to take up a question.It wa.s decided to postpone the vote on those points and on paragra.ph 2 (a)

  • II

    Saturdq, as QetoMr 1947JoiDt. S-Ollfl _41 Tb1rd e-1\tee


    ~fth...uaa. u ...

    1M~,..of Ch1l., nppoJ't,ect • toM ,........."\1.. fit

    Enador,~ \Ae np1"O.....u. or A.rpDt.1u. to v1\lJAftv b1anael.utoiOD (dNt••" AlJ54-) propoaiaa .. 1noreue 1ft the .is. of theEe.-1c MIl :3ed&l coueu.. wUb t.ae uad..,...iq tIlat. .. weald.re••rq h1a right fa intrroctaoe 1\ at t.he aa.t. ....ion .1 the GMer&l

    Ae..-q. Th. ngen10A~ aooepted bT tae rep,..._t.at.i:n of

    Arpftt.iAa and. t.M J'U01u.t1orl ..wl~.

    'lbe repreeeDt.at.1ft of 'eN PJ'OPOHd. \he N:r....C. oJ: the "_11&1aDad t.he NOOJ"d. at \be debate o£ the c-.1t.t.ec 1,0 \te .-.:~ omd 8001&1

  • S'.mrn OF~INO

    S&t~, 25 OctoNr 1947

    1'h1..N Cc:IMm1ttee

    .3i.:d.y-n1nt.h meet1ns;, _J p.m.

    Cantin.u.!ng the tlebate on the 'flllZ,oalav draft Z'Qolut!cm ooneem1ng

    cle!aJIlI&wq nws (docUII.Gnt, iVC.J/16~~)J th- Npre8~nt.8.tiv. oJ: the I:1olI1nJ.eua

    &epublic Gmphii.312,ed the fundanflntal prinoiple ('t! tile treed_ or 1nt'ONaUcm.

    Tbe repN8ent.at1n ot fJuat--.l& prwem..d & dra.tt resolutIon pt'OpofJ1rla to

    refer tolM 1.-. \0 & joint first. alVi 'tbird CoAlr.d.ttec, but rl1acU8S1Oft of l'

    .. del-met untllll.iCllwn had r.c.ive4 uop1aa ot the doc~r.t {A/C.J/18l}.

    Tbe represenutive of Y'\160slATU ......".red c6J"tain crltlc1aa I.Id.dJ"enecl

    to t.he pre.. 01 biB countq. and tAt OI"gaDa of WON&t1on \1bleb under\M .-troJ. of t.he at.attt.. n. conaJ.ciered that. 1t wu necaslNU7 to .....~ _&Sl.U"'e8 1:.0 oolilb&t t,nt" aW:ics a.r1a11lg lro1-1 tNedoal Or 1!lt01'Mt~

    w1th~ ~.trict1an.

    the repreaenwt1ve o:,c;jJ"'~ .r~ Ql1 the e.x1stena. or two cU.......

    eoncepUou of ~t.l. &~t.Jd t.l'wI.t liberty O\l£ht not 'to 1_ \e~

    or abwJea, aDd M1nwdned. !;.hat .. p,... lfhicb _. tree to ••11 ltaelf toe .,..ott.rag the 1lCNIt. M10Ue./ \tM neit.her mre uactul nor ILOrG hone~ the & prtea

    COId.rolled. bT t.he et.&WJ.

    The 1"9PNA11t.atift ~r .fJe1.~ rewu.rked. that 1n,)rder to take .......

    •UU~"ecl bT tM ftpre.-t.&t1w or Y~os1aT1a. :it llOuld be nee..,.,. tirftt,o

  • The repracttati~ 01 ..i.ndi& al1ppon,«1 tJ.1e fl'''Ue!l d.rat-, resolut.ion

    (dOC\lTMtnt il./'C.J/l'ifi) wnlle rocall1.ng that Ule tr.-~ 01 the pi'oiIaa, the

    produoera of lJIOviea.

  • su~n't OPM':ITDIG

    ~. ,,' octabel" 19..7

    11ftb ee.a,,,t...S4mN''''''''ftIlt.b 1IlCl~ U .....

    lftMCa [1*'.~.........~~\7 or toll. II[ Mn........ 1.'i., tJw toUow1q ap~t.e to ,..41l ..ao.-1. bttoM~ fd .-.ld1.&l7 BcK11ealot \he a..rGl Aas-b1.T:

    1. ~'T C17 U,,," _ .AtbllJniai.nt.1w .. ~\a.17 4'e.u.oQlU

    Aftp01ahd t., a,..J.od. .t tibJ'M ,...,.. .tt.cU. 1 Jau;q 1'48.

    Mr. .J\M.N s...,. (l'r&Me)

    No. J•. '........ (Ceechoa1.M'IIkJ.&)

    Mr. lie~ (lml1a)

    ol. e-,i.\'- _~•

    ........... tor .. ~·tIioll of~.~ et1'act1.. 1 rIat.rVaI7' 19481

    u. ~lk~ (Sp1a)_. R. C....... (UalMcl U....>DIr. N.Z.N. Wl'~.... (Wherlulla)

    J......, ...........

    ~ lor a pv1ed of tIane 7Mra .ttCtOU.,. 1 J'IlT 191t11

    AwlSt.r-o-ral of 001"'••

  • sum Q()tKItmE - Sub-Comnd.ttee J (Rules ot ProceelUN)

    Eighth MetWS - Friday, 24 OCtober 1947, ) p.a.

    The S\l~\tee considered an ..-Dd_1It preaent._ b7 t.he repreeeat.at.lw

    ot lfOl"Wa7 to Rule 9)" togetller with an IMUdMBt. propoMCl b7 the reprneat.-"

    atiY" 01 SWc:len t.o Rule 116.. The Norwegian aaendwmt was reJected 07 2 'tOt..

    in lavOU!" and 6 against. Rules 94 and 95, tor Wl:1ch the Rapportev.r baa

    proposed a new draft (document A/C.6/SC.6/w.16) were adopted with .ad1MJJ'

    drafting change. by 6 vote. in taTour and two against. Rules 96, 99, 102

    \h1"O\lgh 106 and 108 through lil, were then adopt.ed. It wu decided to delete

    Bule. 97, 100 and 101. Rule 116 ... appPOYed. with the deletion ot the lut

    I1nth meeting - 3aturday, 25 OCtober 1947, 11 a.m.

    The Sub-Committee consi~ered a.. United Stat.•• proposal coneeming the

    t.m ot olfice ot members ot l.he Trusteeship Counell (docuent A/C.6/SC.6/W.17).

    Bule 98 ... adopted. as amended. Rule 107 was adopt.eel, wi\b a cbaDie .....i'"g ,

    the lut actence read: ItA Member OJ' H_bers el~ted at -7 8Uch election.

    at. a iegular session ot the GC1eral .u._b~ sh&l1 t.ake ottiee .1JaecUat.e1T

    upoIl their election, and shall ••••• The su~tt.. thWl d1ecuHCl &

    nw iule 116&, proposed D7 the "pres.tati" of Slred_. A Dln1l1h aJI8DdDmt,

    VU propoaecl, and. the representative ot .'DeDMan ..... reqa••tecl \0 pnaat a

    .. draft, to \he Su~tt... Rule. 112 t.o 115 were \hea ad.,ted.

  • AD BOC 00IM1ftIi 01 DE bLlfnlDl6' QWiSlIOI - Sa~tt.. II

    ru» ."'" - kt1l.Nq" 2' onober 191+1. 11 ••••

    The Su-c-itt.. is .\111 wrk.iDc 1a awrldD& gnNp8••

    the next -Una w1ll taD p1&oe _ MozIdq, 21 october. at 11 a•••

  • 27 October 1947

    t!r. Trygve 1.1eSecretary-GeneralMr. A.W. CordierExecutive Assistant to theSecretary-Gener&1. ,"Report to the secretu.ry-General 01" theComrrdttee meetings of 27 October 1947.

  • L

    SU'lffi':r u-'n~~. it.' OR...,. 1.94'

    11,. c.d.\.lM

    '" __ l"UGl.u. ....,.~,.., •.7~A# C...... ,,... (,OC~Aj'C.1/UJt) Sa U. of tlw1r ...,.....,.$~(~~ A/c.lI21"

    A.lC.1/~• ... jlC.1/.~21) aM ~ou ........ to \1M t.wo~•

    ......... • 1~ •••ml.,.' (~1lfll A/C.LUS) k the II"' pa~""

    of \a.~~. tW.Ai ••WllI, lIJilti .. ....,_t«i Iq 23 ...... 18.w1V1U~"""".

    P'~'" ! ., \M~'~~ ... Nj...... "1 •~ t.o ,.w.l\b 1A ....·._I_II~.. ,. b:142 __ too 6, .Ub' ...~J

    aM,.~ ..., ttl' 40 w 1 .• wiVi 1 ..

  • ?he am Op4:ra's.__~ of t.. Jo4,a J'IUOhUoa ...

    ~.. tv 55 att1l11AU.... --.The N~Y"'t or \he uat.~ ,;~.\M.ea~ t.M tint. U. .f

    t.he ..... o~,..Uvo p&~pb .f tbe Je4At. ,...luU~l tI¥ MdSna_ ..n.I..\he p..... "app~ ......-..~.. , \he ~I "wlUd.ft. it•••~1'..U..:L1.1alt,aUOU1t • !'bi. rq:i.Hd ta.t. .. ~p\. ~ U "lOtte» too 17" wl'"

    14 ab.t.ttnU.......

    ..,. ~ 'fUt,fi \011. w1tJl 10 u-t_t100a. tJie C.-ito".. rejeo\«l a

    ;)od4Jt a_I" til" (d.,..,... A/C.llZl?)k ~n;Pb 2{a) of \he Jo1II&....1\lU.eA. ?&~ftpb i(a) .. adopt_ Itl " a.tt1raUve \Jot........

    &1.. p&ra.g~ 2(b).

    1be ttl!.• .,• ...u." pea.g-" ot t.he~ '-',J¢lu\1.\lmltfli4~_ by1'- aftb.... by t.M d.leU.oa or it.• OtItlG1Wll.tni p&r\.. o~w},enelO& w1t.h tobe

    WI"Cl. 1'I14\h •••••.,..r'..satJ.on u.at.". I......, \.hie ptu'~"

    440,\" tq 4' yotee. -Ii; b-The ccU". Jd.Dt. I"MOltdJAll, ......._ wu .&d~. D¥ ~ att1l'MtJ....


  • '1R3T c~:m~ - K11b\,r-Uxth ...u.aa.The c.mt.t... ee.pleted it-. YOt.l,. on t.n. q._1oD of lM&~. 1:.0

    be tak. a~a1net. Prol'lliPlIda am th. 1ne1t.en of a DeW .r.Th. reJ)"Mn.t.at.:tvu ~ A.v.et.,..,Ua, C6na4a, ami ,.... ldtJJ.cbow tbC..r'


    ....... propoNh aDd await.t.cl a Jo1Dt. J"tUioJ.d.1oa (dOCUMl'& J./C.l/224).

    )ire V1ah1naJq aeeept.ec1 a PoU.......,~ 4/C.1/225

    proftding t.bat. the t'J.ftt. paragraph or the SodM. J"U01Mt.t_ "" pbraMll

    &1 toUowe," ~ the aet.t.1ng o.&t. t.he n.nt. opuoaUn p&l'BCrapb of the

    Joiat resolu.tion. kr'. Vip1naky atat.ed that he would not p..... tor

    eona14e....Uan of \he tint. p&J'&Izos,pb at hi. or1&1Ml Pl'Opel&l. The r-.

    t.en ot the tint. taragraJG of t.he &ov1et, propoal WlU "j_t.ed. b,y ~

    m •• 1D ta'YWl' \0 18 aga1nat., with 14 abat.ent.lou.

    Alter & dnt.ft.1.ng~, p&rq.~ 2 of \he SoY1~ propoal ..

    reject-eel by 2t 'fO\,.. \0 9, wit.h 18 ahat«l\lona.

    l~r&gra~~ , &111 4 of tbe 3091.. propoAl wert, rejected by 42 YOt...

    to 6 &ad J.j.) vot.. to 7 retlpllcUvel¥.

    The eo-1t.t.. then~ c.oNI14eJ"Qt.ion ot \be jo1at. propoaal of

    Au• ...ua, Ce.Qt.da and F1'UJOe. '!'he tint parq"'" or the pn_l...ldiopt.1JI4 ~fJ1¥ •.

    A Sod (~ .l/C.1/2.26) \0 t.M aHOrJI:l parqApll of

    the pNUlble JMt.«1 bT 30 vo\e. h 0, wi\b lS uatenUoae. Athr

    • dl'lllt\1.nc~. the~~rapb of the p~le •• ado~. ),.1

    55 m ••.Th. t1nt. oplh:Ct.1Y8 ~rapb ot toM ;joJ.Dt, retIOluUoa •• ii40ptAd

    01' S5 voUa.

  • the i1Nt, l1DI of tM HCOM opezoe.t.1'" paragraph of the Jednt.

    ~tltlan haG reacll "~. the Oonl"DllZRt. of ....~ too t-.&ke

    &ptp't'OpI"!.&t.. atApa."

    the ~)"..-&atlY8ot the om". Sloat._ propoMd. the Atlktit,lon,aRe,. the vo~ "at.~" of tbe pbJaae, ttwltb1A 1t.. oon.UtwtJ.~l1.1Jd.t..QUonan •

    ~ rep,.... ~.tly•• 01 AUAnli., CuAda, ,.....00. and the U.S.3.ft.oppoMd t.tli.~t. Th., po1a\e.i cut tohat it w.a wit.hout -.Y1D&..

    a.nd ~b&t. 1t 1t was app:ropl"1at.. t.hat. t.nl. pbrue 1M 11'1Nrt.ed 1D the pre'"

    reaolutlon, thitre 001114 1M no pod reason tor uc1lld1Bi it. traa~

    ruolu\1cm \0 biJ eubldtt.04 in tohe t\1~. The repl"Qefttat.!.... ot the

    Unit.ed S\.~t.ee reJ_t.ect a cOa,promiMi'ropoaal &Del requened that. htl

    ~~ put. \0 the vot... the ,an &I uend.ed "... ftodopt.ed by 22

    't'Ot.e1 to 11, wi tJt 14 abtt\entlon••

    D,y 34 yot.•• to $, with 10 ab.tentlonl. the eo-dt.t.. reject4ld a

    nov1.~(4~ A/e.l/:lZl) to pGl1l""raph 2(4) 01 the Jo1Dt,

    ruolut,1on. he tIfbole ot paragraph 2 of the jo1at. reeoluUOQ .e

    a40pted bl " a.tJ:'il'Rl&t.lft YO,••:

    . concluding part of paraarapb "~ with the vord.t "ldtJl ..

    l"eCQIIIf~at.1on thatIt, aM the aNbt.ltlt.lIt.lon of the ph..... "..I ba10I(

    uNltmoat to Lhe d.lnuN1Oll ot it. 2 d.) of It.. p'o~a1

  • The enUre joint resolution, &8 UI.4ml1td, wa. &d.opt.ed b¥56 att1natl.... wtee.

    I(r. 'V111b1n*7 aKed t.hAt. 1t be not-.s in the ""1'\'1 tobAt. tn. fir.PIU,&Srapb ot td.a original propGsal hacl no\ be_ put to t.he "IOte, .....


    the Son. Unl_ ha4 b.. 1n 1'&:"0"'1' ot the }~ol1lh uendIlent.. 1berepre~tl•• ot Tt:trkq obJ_t-.t stl"O~ \0 w.. reque. JUld uk.tthat the pIl"-'J"&ph be P'lt. to the _t.e. 1M Cb&1.rMn atat4ld t.h&t.t.b.

    n..... p4ragrt.ph ot the Soviet. I"OtIOlvt.ioa had bee. withdrawn and ..........:l

    rep,...Mnt.I.t.l..,•• conaldeNdtbat. the eorrect formulation W&a, "t.M

    tlnt. pare.gn.pb ot the SoUft Pl'OpoMl baYing bMl\ wlt.hdravn, 1t. ..

    _ P'It \0 the vot.... '!'he pree1.. toJ'llM1&t.loQ vae not. ent1relT

    clar:U1ed hI' t~

  • SURVEY Of MElft'Im

    MoM&" 27 October 1947

    P11"8t CoJIIIId.tt..

    SUb-Comm1ttee One

    Seventh meeting, U a •.IIl.

    The 8Ub-eoIIm1tt.. voted on the dift.rent points ot the United

    Kingdom - United St.ate. proposal tor paragraph 2(a) or the original

    United. State. p.posal.

    !he tollowing point.. were adopted. J

    (1) inclusion ot dispute. in the jurilldiction ot the inter1ll.ea-itt.e;

    (2) quest.ions may b. IAlbmitted only by a Mf8ber State or bT theSecuritT CowlcU, in accordance nth A.rtiel.. 11(2). 14 aDd35(1) ot the Charter~ and. not by a ncm-Meaber state;

    (3) a majority ot two-thirde tor the ine1uROft ot ques\loD8 -in theagenda ot \he interia OOJDIIdtteet except. que.tion. reternd bytbe Securit7 Councu under Al"Uele U(2).

    10 'VOte had yet been taken 011 the whole ot the propo.ed paragraph 2(a).


  • mill iiJ1tJDIi - ~M_ 1. (P• .ws.-." 01 .. Ml1la 'QIfllllllM.-)~.-~~.-. :n ,~. J.'. , .......

    'ibD~~ ~~ .t t1!$~~~ ~YJil,'ri.~ ;..,,~.,

    f4 1It.icr.~ IJIItbi"W thi-a~f~~~

    '10~_ fIJil9'~" v &P¥ cd.~iiXt ~ ... be atJs.'d"'i.tl4

    oy IiIJ7~~~~ tadt._ ~tli~ ......~~_ cw=U•.b

    ~~ot~. 11 (2). 14 or " >Jtt u..~. :. u_ .~~ t,)ftlM~~~,~~~be ~,,_~ ..~_

    ~ _"'"'•"~ _~'t. ;vA.J'~p.~~• ..1;.0~~ 1. ~~'11Ql to tl".~~.IIJ17. 1he

    ~.~;'l!;~ \btt F ••~ elasM ea.u bca .~

    Iv ..~ at "''''I'd'' 1:;4~~ 8iDd~ val_ theal.. ~ l)l.~ .. ltJe !~1",~.......~ U (2).

    ill~ ... a .~ ~1tlJI'.uJ..~

    11, .. _I'" tb;:~" ~ .. M'M4d • "'I~'... 4~~~.... ~.. t... w.LU -~._ at...).

    ~.ta .1 4u.. ACt· u.n••~ 2 (a) ({;it 'be Witted

    J1~.i:~~ ..~~ a ,.,etll..... f~ ....

    • 11 ...... tohe m , .• at..) lIIf1n , ..... tbUa_.. GlOI'Jd_ .._" 1".-~ l.,.lftI4 \it Dc ....

    Gttl4lllNJ. ,l,81I1ilq IIIld ~~ 1dth 1.ff.~ t..a. liM~,~_.t_.

    .. .. ·••~tM tbIa f.I.I:md~ a(b) ~ ~ .....

    ~~ hud~,~~~.~".llIl"""Ia"•

    ...~ tIle~'"~J,;f~~M1""''''~~,.~...

  • -a.

    . '• ..~. 1••a'1,~~ .. Ot_1tal •• 11._~ to '-~~ -'1•.,. ,.-w.. 11 (1) d.,i1Mc 14th. $J=-.-l~1Nd.p1..f.>I~~_1M 1Id1II .... d ~.,n.""" J" .-

    ....rtV. Md·~.k1tJ;U (1) ta) c.la,1If1tIb .. ~~.Ul!ltia ~t .--

    ~ ••,.,..as- ,m u..~~ rs..w.~~.I/............~_t4~ ~b.

    -Die idlftM~m $-",u'Jl.ellltl ... **,u-. art\e~ ..............~t ~ _.~~~ ~"-.7 I B 4IIiM'I1........ It'.._._,_ ". __ v. ....... ., .. ,...~.

    1hlt mat~ 1dJJ. WM ,... tAD_I.- .a.,llflium.

  • AD HOC qo: l-~IftEE Oli THE PALESTwp! QYJiiS'JW! - SIlb-Cos1ttee I•

    !bird "-1D& - MoDd&7, 27 OCtober 191t.1, 11 a.a. (open)At the JIOrn1ng meeting it was decided. not ~ cNate U7 .,rkiDg

    groups but that. the ~ole $uo-co-ittee would men informally to d1acu..

    details of the majority recomaend.at.iona ot UHSCOP.

    Fourt.h aeet1.y - Monday, 'rl October 1947, , p.m. (clotsed)

    The aftemoon meeting was an inf'ormal aee1ng and COIIDYDCed. & clet.a1lell

    discussion of the boundaries of the proposed. Arab and Jft1ah States. A

    l~h7 discussion took place as to vbeber Vestem G&lUe. should be

    included. in whole or in part in the Jw111h state.



    Sixth .eetly - MondaT, 27 october 1947, 11 a.m.

    The three working groups ot the :3ub-CoIIBdttee met.. It va. decided

    that Incliddual members 'WOuld prepare drafts to be discussed by the

    world.ng groups. Atter being approved by t.he working groups, the drafts;~

    would. be subJllittecl to the whole Sub-Committee.

  • f~. Z1 .~ 1:147


    7~~.. :U .....


    ~ Uli'Jt~-.a.t:j.~::CH:>tule ~i~ ttatJ.

  • I

    .... ..-.,.• .. Nj4.ts_Uve:4 Po:'IIrd J! ,m.,.,,-~

  • SURn:r 0'1 lIIItDO

    ~. :rt oet.cMr 1.'

    ,el.ea.r Ull opeL the UII1ted Stat W t1IoM r.1M

    1& 111I1_ tIM peatAft DMd mat '1M .-preaat.aUve of t.a. uu... ofSoU. SoeUll.. JiapUW.1u -.u tJat, tile Wt,e4 stat.... eoa\,......s.ac

    .\be pr1ac1ple of 1I&em&t.1oul equUV 111 reli.,. a.a4 -.:1Dk1atd tM.\~ .. h4dJt& UMll .. a pctl1u.-l.••,. 111 nolaUoa f4 \H

    o-Rl .......11' .....1aU_ 4&(1) et u ho_\rer 1946. TIM~t.1w., .... -.w \bG tbe ....a1.aY ....lat.tIa (40GWUll\ 4/0.2/121) U, .~. waJ.a O&UQ gNa\ 1d.qi"dD,p 1a hi......".. !1M repI'....aU•

    ., JI............... \he opt,a:I_ \)a~ '" ....u_ 1Il~ ,. of

    .... 1'wpa1aY rael:aU- - ut.......... "- npl U of~

    "'P1!- tJtat. the .u... t••~ ,. ot 1d. 1.1 to;;"

    ,.... 1a ua. ta.1l.llN to iIIpl.-t t.M t.t.1:ag. of the Spec1al ferchJdeal

    e-ltt... !he rep,....t.at.1Te ot ee... aaltl ~. coatrar,r H t.tae~_ ... ltT , ..~Te et~ ~eai_~ -_U_11P;I.uO 1a tM 49tJl ...u.a. lab~ ...~ _pport........~.. ae.,ion by &0'"1--'. 111 tofte flud ot relief.

  • suaVEr or MIItlIG

    Sat.uU.7. 2S october 1947

    !b1rcI e-1\t..

    Sab-Commit.t.. 1

    ',1'1'84. UD1oD. light.e

    the "pNNrlt&tlve of' 'ranee prea.m.ed. a 41"&f't NlIOlut.101l

    (d~ A/C.3/181) which had been drum up 1D. Yi_ ot the Yariou

    \to which t.he representat!Ye of \he SodA Unioa had. propo." aD .......,

    .a adopt.ed. in it. original tora 87 the .... yot,e.

    '!be cl1..u1on on t.he fifth puag~ph wa. 1Dt.~'" b7 a ,.....tor adjou...' at. 1.4S p.a. !be Cha11'M11 4ec1a.rtMl \hat. ta t.Il.aeet.1D&

    aon MoDd"1'1 rT October, toM .."..........t.tee wou1A 81\ lUltU/t1D&1. ant

    ee.plete tom •• a.dopt....

  • SURVEY 0' DEfIm

    lionel.." 27 October 1941

    Filth Comitte.

    Sft'enty-eight.h .....~, U a.a.

    'lb. 1N.c:l&- .nUtate•.tor 1948 tor eo-oa S.mee... CaPit.al~

    Ixp.... (4oelJ1lft't AI'l', Put.. IV and ., Sect.ioa. 22 t.o 32) aami•• 1B docwaent Ale.5/181 were eon8idered. DiacuauOll •• l1JI1t....

    to the caaaon aeme•• aDd capital ap.... in th••• Yolk area

    (Chapt....I ot 5"t10n8 22 - 32). kcept. that. appnwal ot eat.1at.e.

    pena1D1Dg to t.heL1braJ7 was poatpon., the re'd.•• UlOW1ts .....

    'f'he lNd.get eat.:1aa.te. tor lCCon.omc ee-1aa1.on, AdJpj Di.tration ~

    the Free ferr1tol7 ot Tri.eet.., and ArlTiaol7 Sooi&! Weltare PUnction.

    (dOCUMat Aim, Part. VI, Section. 33 to ,,) were then d1l1CtlsRd.

    The tollC!!!'1M i. the confidential comaent of the eo-1tt•• Secretar,ll

    '!'he letherlands baa a.ked tor a document contaiD1n& the

    consolidated budget tor the Libra17.

    Several delegate. expressed their diaappl'OnJ. of the man.Y -hidden-

    it... in the varioua parts of the budg_. part.icularlT on budget eatt.te.

    tor the DepA rt.aent ot Public Intonation. It wu telt that papers giving

    a picture of the COJIplete coat of the Depart.aent should. be giTen next.rear_

    Hr. ow. augge.ted a paper be di.tributed &1Yin& in more detail a

    breakdown ot budget ••tiate. tor Part. n.

  • SURVEY or Ulft'I1Il

    Mcmlta1', :rr OC\ober 1947SJ.x\Jl Coa1l1t,t••

    Su.~t.t... Tw

    Progreaa1'" DeTelo)8Ct. ~ !nt.emaUonal Law and it.. Cocl1fieat,loll

    '1'welftb meeting, II a.m.

    The Sub-Co'mit.t.e. decided. tbat. the last. part ot paragraph 14 of

    t.he Report. ot the Comait.t." Oil lIethoel. f4 Cod.U1caUOIl (dOfNment. A/331)

    as adopteel at. t.he prniou. aeet.1Dg ont.he ........ Rba1t.t.ed by t.he

    d.elesatien ot the DeIIiD1can Iep1lbl1c, H left. oat. aDd dealt. 1d.t.h 1D

    paragraph 1;. Sub-parag1"&pb. (a), (0) aDd Cd) we,.. adopteel. SIl\t-p&ra&nph(b) va. aaen.cled to reM. -t.hat. t.he aneral AaseD17 1Ihou1.4 t.ake not.e of

    It was turt.her decided th_t the Iatel'll&t.ioD&l Law eo.uaaion should

    eon.ern it.nlt .prine1pa1.l.7 wit.h pu.bUc lntel"D&tlonal law, b1lt. t.hat it.t

    •• not. preolwl. troa enter1D& the 4ou1n of prJ.Tat.e internat.ioaal law.

  • mtB.C9StlII-~ttM , (Bal.. o~ ~)

    B'!!J'iih an'. - JI8DdaT. Z7 0Ct0b8r J.947. ·ll ".a.

    The 8ub-CoBd.t.t~ con81dered & redraft prepared bT the reprnentati...

    of DemIsark of the :MMti.ah propoeal concerning a neeSnating -.ittee

    (Hew Jlule 116(a)l See~e A/C.6/BD.6/t1.6 aDd. V.6/ll_.1). Aner

    a Qiacuellion in 1Ih1ch &1l1lllllbe1'll of the aub-ooDa1tt.. and t.he

    representative o~ 8Iteclent.ook ~. a United Jt1ngdeJl~t to

    delete the 1&-. eent.ence •• appl'O'nld. b1e 116(.) vu the approved

    v1th en addition p%'OpORd by the Uniteel StiGea repz...t.atiw b7 tift

    vote, to two ancl one abstent1oJl.

    A. Unit-eel Itngc»a pnpeRl tor a new lbIl. U6(b).' aDd. Ral.. U1

    and ua. lieN the a ppro~ -1--17. !he Bepreaeat.ative of theUnion 01 Sn1et aodaJJ.at, 1tepIbllee reaernld the right to continl

    hie approval or theee rulee &t a later date.!be SI'''-Co-dtt.. th_ began to conal.. Rule USCa). J4"OIDIIld

    b7 the repreeenta.t.1w of s-clen (~t A/C.6/W;.6!W.6). j,\ \M

    NqUen of the~ift ot Caraa4a. the ....t ... th18 Rl.- ..

    poatpenecl1lDt1l the next -.t1ng.

  • Mr. Tl'1gve LteSecret6 l7-GeneralMr. A.W. Cordier~.cut1ve Assistant to theSecretary-General

    28 October 1947

    Report tc the Secretfii-y-General of the CommitteeMeetings of 28 October 1947.


  • SORVEY OF kU:fDf;,

    "'....1', 28 oeto!M,1947

    P'1rR CGrtIlt4t.t..

    Elgb\¥-seYenUl JIlMt.1q, U a.iiI.

    1'be CovIId.t.t... 4eoi4ed t.o cun_leie)" tbe ~onaa q1Ion1on &ad to.

    po4poM \.0 t.1•.8 end or 1'....... \ft• ....-u- of UM peace irea'"wi" It.al,y.

    After revi6wing \.he Tario.. pha... of t.he at. tem:pt. t.o ut.&b11.

    KoJ"ftJl 1n4epead_ee, the cepNsent..t.!Y8 01 t.M Urdt.ed. ;.~tat.•• poi.ted out

    t114t th. ;5ov1et. propual IQr eY&e\l&t1.cm ot t.J'Oe'pa tft/llt i.rea bad be_

    WA4. aft.er the quuUon hA4 bHa~ .1 the A8;,"11'8 /Ai,\iti4a. He.pla1.raed tbe eil'O~ !ai/hienwi~ wot.1JA1 De &p~r1ate &DIi

    4eacribecl Ul. proyiaiona ... 1'-"GJ"'jJO". 01 the Ua1t_ ",toll"'. ""hU".

    (do~ Ac/ C.l./21tl).

    iftdle cont~·t.hat. tohl. ""hUon aboWJI DOt. bay. eo.. before

    '" tlDi t.ed tiati.0:18. the repra.... ,.t1ve of t.he UD1_ 01 SoUR Sociall.

    ~U.. at..t.ed that he would 8UbIdt. a pro})08&1. lor t.he a1&llt,8.lHM:Na

    .......t.iOft ea.rll ill 1948 of Unit. ... Stat... &ad ;;on., t.1'OO"te. H. "vie.,,,,,

    aept.laii1ona ':"L1 the.:pJ.eat.ion ancl yro!»•• tfaMi, el_ed NY"Mftt.at1YN

    or \he J(oretut people shoUld participate in t.he disca.B1one of t,b. COil'in1t....

    and "'he Asa-el#'.

    The rep.re.seftt.&tiT~ ot Autral1& netod Uie c10N relii'Uon• .1p of'

    t,he KOt"Ma quNtion to tho Japane.e Httl....... aI'Id. hi. eolmt l"J". lRte,...n

    in t,bal, ...t.leuumt. Although the A."'11 U4 ttl. power i,

  • 'fbe repreuntaU of !:"cM..nd e",lUd.4e1"fild ttlAt the queAl_

    aMW.~~ ha 'bee 1>1 em tobe tag"". S~.it 1t. .... toDO 000814 , eleet«i rep.NtHtlu,U.... tft/II. t ..... MoaJ4 .-1'\1&1r.........

    Me .pport.«1 the~ p,ropoeal torvit.h4rawal 01 t.1'Mpa.

    TIl- 1"@pl"8'Nl'lta.ti.. of· Qd..na 1'..-1...... 1118 oaan\l')' t. p&J1. in \1\.necoUat,ioDa. rallS... a(;~t, of lobe pcrIINn eon_mea, tne 1nt«nets

    of the r..ol'Mll people ~red .r,aid"""'. ll.r tM A.,-,q.lie

    eq;l.uned hi. poa1\1oa Oft the ;)ovi-" propoal tw 1f1~ of t.l"OQpe"

    the relatJ.on 91 t.he....lon too t.he JuapaM1M puce ..ttol..-t. aDd

    U'ta"&1td.an SoU. SoeiaUn P..-pQUe &J"&ll- tbt. toll« quation ehoul4

    I!lQt. !'law bee o...~u.ght before the A.....l.i. 'lb. PJI"8POU1 for paft.1a.paUoa

    bi koreaa rep~ti"$.-ahoulcl be renaruc ,sa .. prniOWI \.j_t.ion.

  • lIBS1'~ - I1ght;r...wenth aeetina, 11 a.a.

    on the _tion of the represent.tift of BraIU, the eo.1tt... deeicled

    to e__oe c0D81d~ation of the Korean question and to poatpone to the."

    eD4 or ita apada the que_ion of th. peace treat,. with It.al7.

    Mr. Dulle. 1'e'Y1eved. t.he negot1atlona on the Korean question and the

    proceed.ings in tH US-USSR eo.1ssion. !he Soviet proposal tor eYa01il&tion

    ot troops h8d been Mde o~ atter the quest.1on bad been placed on the

    A8...b1¥t. apnda. The United. Stat•• W&8 &DXiowI to withdraw its troop.,

    but tbia aust be done in an orderq taahion and power .at be transrerred

    to an elltabli.8he4 Korean goftl'lalllt. He apla1aed the US re80111tlao and.

    eMphu1sed that it inyo1Y.. DO censure ar1a1D& on ot put, enats bat,

    on the contr&l'7. looked to the t\1tllN.

    Mr. GroIQ'ko aa1D.t&1ned. his eontention tJ1at the q1lNtion If&8 not a

    p1"Oper one tor consideration b7 the Un1tecl latiou. HOWYer, DOW that

    it wu on t.he aaenda, hia delegation .. prepared to alUa1t propesala.

    He &D&11'sed Ul. negot1aticma betweA the Great Powers OIl this queat1c.

    Be 1I01ild nbait a proposal that, e&l'11' in 19Jt8. us and USSR troops

    ahoul4 be nacuatecl 81ault.aneoul1' hoa (orea, to allow the people to

    eatabUah their CND D&ticmal IOftl'Dll8Jrt, aa BOOI1 as po.sible 1dt.hout

    foreign interference. The e-1tte. should consider thia SoYiet proposal

    tirat, since it provided the aiJlple.t and 1IOst radical solution.

    Ue proposecl that representatiYes ot the .Korean people should be

    invited to participate in the discus.ion of the CGmIIitt.e and the

    Aaaeab1.7. Th••e repre.entativea should be elected and should not be

    1I18re17 appo1n'teee.

  • -2-

    Dr. I'Yatt stre.sed the clo•• relationship of this que.tion to the

    Japane....ttl_a. rrca a legal point. of new, Japan had aovereignt;r

    over Korea untU t.hat terr1to17 .. ceded \1DCl.r the peKe treaty•

    .Australia had pJ.qecl a very .1grU1'ic.m part. in the conduct .t the war

    -.gainat Japan and va.. one ot th. parties priAc1pal.ly hterest.ecl ill the


    The GeDeral Aaaembl1 bad t.he power t.o ccmeider the question, but

    abould .erei.. ita power cml.y' in the lut ft80rt and shnld DOt concern

    it••lt with that question lUlle•• it ...... ca.pable ot er:ricient. mel .ucc.....

    tul anion. •

    It it wu iapeasible tor t.he question to be diaposed ot at the

    Japanese peace oonterenee, theN mould be s.a.d.iate direct GOIlTeJ"8&tiona

    bet....en t.he Unit.d stat.. and the USSR. It the•• tailed, he wul4

    1J\lPPOrt. the US proposal in principle and w1l1d agree t.o the e8tablishJll8l'1t

    ot a United HatiOl'Ul com.mJ.ssion, purnant t.o the Postel.. declaration.The ee..dsaion should priaarily be coapoa«l ot powen which had JlateriaUT

    contributed t.o the victory over Japan.

    The... was no _8io 1n the to1"llU1& or .1.ul:t,&DeOue evaeuaUon lIb1ch

    might 1n sou eirt&at.aace. lead to anarchy'. The Asa-.bly aut look at

    the tact. and 8ftSUN that & tPM TOte .. taken in Iorea.

    Dr. Lange a&iataiMd that. the it_ abollld not have been included. in

    t.he agenda end propos. that it should not be dlacuaaecl. It it were

    cU.acuaecl, it vou1d be nee..sary to 1m1:te the elected repre••tati'Y'N ot

    the Ko......tion to participate. ae .pported t.he Soviet proposal torevacuation ~ troope.

    Dr. Well.1agt.on too .-phasised the .t.rat.gio importanee of Korea aad.

    the need .-u.ok17 t ••st&blieh he.. tun inclept_....

  • - J-

    Ie regrett.ed \hat Mr.· GJ'G8;Yko had tailed to Mnt.ion that China had

    adhered. to the Hoscow ~D\, therelq 1nevr1ng tJae .... obUgatiou

    .. the orig1Dal partie.. 'l'hi8 sitation .. analogou to the SoTiet.

    adherence to the C&11'0 Declaration .88 two 18&1'8 after it. had De8Jl aade.ae de.cribed. the Cb1••e role 1a the Great POWfI1" Begottatiou act eoJIIIl.8Ilted.


    em the tact that. Mr. GroJB1ko had nat ginn the reasons tor the Smet

    retusal to accept the tour-power _.ting proposed 1n August. 194~'.

    It the lovr pewere coulct not reach agreeaent, the interest. of the

    lorean people d-.nded. consideration by the General. AS8eablJ·.

    The Bonet proposal. tor evacua.tion ot troops was not appropriate UIltll

    alt..r the eat.abUabwmt of a provisional democratic goTenm.-:nt and eftect.1n

    instrwaents to DI&1nta.in law and oreler. If the withdrawal lett. a T&CUtI1Il, there

    1liIht. be anarchy and an i8a1nent danger of· civil war. The date and eondit.iODIJ

    ot the evaeuation .houl.d be care!'lJlly determined after eonsulta$tion with

    the four powera.

    He did not agree vith Dr. Evatt'. association of this question with the,

    Japanese peace ••ttluumt.. As to the Soviet proposal tor participation by

    lOrNA repreHlltatiTe., he tltated that. these representativea should rea1.lT

    be elected by the Korean' people and should be able to state the view of the

    Korean people as & lidlole.

    Mr. Hamai 1 lIlT aaid that t.be Soviet. proposal should be considered first,

    in accordance with t.he rul.ea ot procedure, siDee it was the most. racl1cal aDd.

    reuoDable al1l&Mtion. It waa neceaa&17 that. the repreeentatiY.a of t.he

    lorean people should part.icipate in the diecu8l!lions, but they ahould be

    genuine repreaentatives and not appointees. In Bonhem Korea there had.

    been elections, and 99% ot the people had Toted tor the National LiberatiOll

  • -4,-

    Front. This prJnc1ple should be applied 1n other sone., but, 1a tact,

    in Southem lorN. leaden at tl....nt10 organiaat.1one had bee 1IIprUoDecl

    b7 aUit.aq tri~.

    The question o{;pari.1cip&tion should be decided as a prel'imi llJU"1


  • 't\teada,y, 28 vet.ober 1947

    t1ra COllLlt.t...


    8Il'tould -' eonatdel" the f..bTMll ....ion. If tne que_ion we" to M

    "he but. ....re of elUMlI"1ng lor.. tad..,...... It.~ be ~.,'tor elect.ed repreMfttat.l.,.. of the IDreaa l~l. toe) pal"Ueipat.. in any

    debate ot t.be qu..Uon in tbe CaiIItu,ltt.M 8Qd the fHii..aly.

    Is t.he~ or the repnMntl.t\ive of the tm1t«1 ~.1ftCdoa. ArUcl.

    poi.-. out. that. dl~ negot1.ation8 h~ not ... auete..~.oal NUt at&t-ell

    ton.t he would eupport- 'b. Unit_ St.at.ea reeolat.1011 (document A/C.l/218).

    There was Ai eel'i(lQ;. difttlrenee .f opiDlOll U to 1Ifhich penlOlUJ aDd

    orp.n1_t.lona were repreaeat.&t.l_ of t.he Korean people. 11\ any trref4.

    t.1M Utd.t«'! st-ate. PJ"'Ipoaal did not. at-tempt. t.o d1et.at.. uy. part.lalar

    f ... of go'.''''''' bu.t~ to emRl" hee e1eeUona ,;roper13apel"Y1HCl. Ue could not support the 3o:det. PJ9POtlolU tor vit.hdJ'Mrel ot

    t.roopa since it. idght. lead t.o gl"Mt d.1aol"der i.D Korea.

  • Mr. Pepov1c proposed that the Korean qlle1Jt.ion be J'elOTed fromf

    the a.genda. It this propo,al were rejected, he wuld INpport the

    USSR motion tor evacuation of trooP8 and the part.ieipation of

    elected Korean repre.ente..tivea in t.he debate.

    Sir Ala:and.er Cadogan sa1d that h~ would support the US resolution.

    There were serious differences of opinion u to what persons and

    organisations were the tree rspresentativ.. ot the Korean people and it

    would be 1lIlpossible to improvise an election to deteftdne who could

    represent 101"8& in tbe Aasubl1't s debate. Further, the US proposal

    did not attempt to dictate an¥ tona ot gOft1'Dll8Dt tor Korear it. ..relT

    att_pted to ensure free electiona properly supervised. The Soviet

    proposal lor withdrawal ot troo~ involVed a riak of diaorder and

    chua. . Uncier the US resolution, the occupying troops would lIB.1ntain

    order and suppress violence, but the electiona would. be .upel'Y1s~ bT

    a neutral bod1.

    It was agreed that the next meeting should conlJider the Soviet.

    procedural proposals for the prior consideration ot the lIlotion to

    witbclraw troops and for participation bT Korean repreaentatiTea.


    FIRST COM}':ITTf-:E - Sub-COlWdttee 1

    Ninth meeti!!& - Tuesday, 28 october 1941, :3 p.w..

    The Sub-Committee,adopted paragraph 2 (b) -or the United State.

    propoMl as amended~ '!'he text. 18 ae tollows;

    To consider, as it deema usetul. and advisable, and report. with itsconcluaiona to the General As.embly OIl methods to be adopted togive e.rt~ to t.hat part. ~ Aniel. 11 (1) which deals with thegeneral principles ot cooperat.ion in the maintenance of internationalpeace and .ecurit.y, and that part ot Arliele l' (1) Ca> which dealawit.h the promotion of intemational cooperation in the politicalneld.

    !his text will be 2 (c).

    The Sub-Committee next exam1n~ paragraph 2 (0) ot the United. Stat..

    propoaal. The United Kingdom amendDlent to the United Stat•• propoea.l.

    as amended. by the Chinese Delegation va. adopted. The new -l;ext {vh1ch

    will be 2 (d) i8 ,',8 follow. (the clau.. added by the Chin••e Delegation

    1. unde1"'lined):

    'I;2....~~r., in connection with !Ill matter under diHusBion by theintei1Ji. cOmmittee, whether occasion may reqUire the 8UWIOn1ng ota special ...81on ot the General. A.s-.bly and., it it d.... that 8U.ch8e8s1on i. required, 80 to adYi.. the seeret&17-General in ortier thathe mJq obtain the views ot the K8I8bera thereon.

    The Sub-Committee then took up the consideration ot paragraph 2 (d.)

  • r':,



    , ,, i



    AD t HOC CO~jITfD Ofl THE PAIgESTDlIJJl QUES'lIOI - ~t.t.ee II

    Selent.b. and _letA me!'tJ..ya - Tueadq. 28 October 191.7, 11 a.JR. &Del:3 p.m. (010aecl)

    The three working groups continued eonaiden.tion ot t.heir respectivee-

    questions. The sub-Co.m1tt.. M.7 consider tomonow the report ot t.he

    working group on the queation of eu...plaoed pereon8. !he t.wo other working

    gl'!OUp. will not CODIPlete their werk Mfore the end of the week.

    The &lb-Cowrd.t.t•• &180 held. a ehol'\ privat. DlMtingat noon t.o

    conaid8r the sit,ut.ion reau.1ting fl"Da t.h. reaigut10n of the repreaentat1ye

    Committ.., which was 4ue to tbe taet that. no other "mRrtl'&1 del.gat.-

    .s represented. in the Sub-Co8dtt... '!'he d.elegate ot Pak111taa ..elected. Chairman and •• 1natncted t.o rai.. with Dr. EYatt the cpleat10n

    or • replacement tor the delegate ot ColOlllbia.

  • AI) HOC C


    Tt.J.esd.q, 28 oet.ober 1947

    third ee-utt..

    3eTent1eth Met1D&. U a.a.


    The Yugo8laY '.. French tlratt resolut10ns (d.ocuaeats I/C.3/162

    aD4 A/C.3/lSO) cODceming the d1.ss-.1Dation ot talse news reports were

    discuned in a general debate in which four speakers took part.

    The repraeDtat1ve ot Venesuela reterred t.o the text adopted. on

    27 october by' the First Comndttee on a simj]a.r issue, and hoped that

    the YugoslaTI French and Belgian delegations might came to an agre--.t

    on a single text. which could obtain unanimous support.

    The repreaentatiTe ot the United Kingdom prot.sted against the

    accuaat1Cl1D8 made against the pres. of hie country, and reDI&l"kec1 that

    the pr..s of the countries whose representatives made such Tehement

    aCe1lllationa 1f&8 the tint to publish nw. t:eports which were groaal7

    h&l"Jlhl aDd slaDGerou, ot which he gave ~r example.. Indicating his

    oppci.1tifIID to the Yugoslav resolution, he did not think it was neceaSU'7

    to azatidpate the Nault. ot the Conierence which was to be held nut

    Tear 1a aen...... OIl the treedom ot the pres••The representatift or Argentina emphasized the importance ot the

    1ntlUfllloe exercised b7 the organs ot inf'ol'!D8.tion, particular1¥ by the

    pre••, and. stre.sed the need tor the United Nations to contribute, in

    ""rT vrq ptu1bl_, to the consel"'l&tion ot a tree. accurate and .

    reBpoIl81ble press. Such a press wuld not faU to pla.y a sign1t1cant

    role 1a intematlonal relations. He supported. the French resolution,

    the practical haplications of which he cOIl1Illented upon.

  • The representative ot Poland pointed out that neither the

    Yugoslav nor the French draft resolution sought to restrict the

    fre€'dom ot the pre~8; their aim was to combatt..he serious danger to

    intern',tional relations which could be offered by an irresponsible

    press which did not >l;)esttate to emplo~', in order to incite distNst or

    mutual hostility, .methods which would lead all civilized countries to

    imprison individual who used them against their neighbors. Such

    methods LneIuded cal~, false representations, defamation with full

    knowledge of the tact,s, and abuse. While recognizing that both draft

    resolutions contained valuable suggestions, and while hoping that the

    tvo d~legations might agree on a common text, he leaned toward the

    Yugoslav draft, because it would permit the General Assembly to take

    a st

  • Tuesday, 28 (,JCtober 1947

    Ti:Ud CoEIuit.tAe

    senr.&7""'tbst ::IIM\1ng. 3 p...

    Cont.irat1.ng the~ en theq~ of treedom 01 int......uon. e.J..ftcapeaken~ tJlt¢r po1nt,a cd View on the l\igaIaJ.av (dooa--. A/C.3/1.62)

    and P"nncb (docuIRDt A/C.3/lSO) d.raft reaolulir;iOll8. amd .. t,he~

    pr.ent.ed tq tl1e repr•••ntat.i.". of BelgbDa(~ A!C.J/'1J.11), IKX~

    (docuIRDt A/C.3!JJlS). and l.Jexd.co •.".] Tnt A/C.3/l8S}. "'le l'eplaeent&lvu ofthe U«'herlanda,~ Cuba. Canada and. the tJnicn of SoUt.b Atr1ca e,0baBiaed

    t.hat. attAr the a4l:tpt.1ar1 bJ' the ,int Ccmdt.tee oX a l1IMIl)1Jm1S ruolut1an

  • ,-

    StJd. Wt4c.l ..~ t.h. rr.. ~r-t.~.t1l tho .~ftPC••4~...-.!a III of ••;;pt.A,I_. of ~\F.~ oL~ w1U~ :1" ..~ IJA be ... ill' aU..

  • SUlMtY OF ...DO

    .......1'. 28~ 194'

    nAh e-t.,ue

    se¥..~ ......... 11 a.a.

    n ... 4"'«l-~ i....poalt \be appeiat.uat. of ... &1~__t,e

    .'11..... _ rut t.M~: oauM4 by tile rett:1pa.U_ of lU". Geo~..PetHel (~) .tJ'Oll tbe Uldt«1 ...\1... 3t.a..t't~\ a.--l\~..

    (~ A./C.l/US) 1n ON.... tha.~ \be see~ 1d.&h' ....., •

    at.ateaet .. the __1*110\7 ., aU 11 11•• ot \ba.t. e.-.tt.t.ee M

    _"Md ...u....The reY1Md "'pl """" tor the .mi•• e-taa1eaa t.

    ~ &ad. to,. ABa UM ,... kA (~, AjC.'jU6) a4eptc.

    nt.ead1en ~ 'he dftft, ,...,au- ,MIl '"t.he del..-1_., Chil. (ciecla" A/C.5/116) -ndJIc \he tl:nucd»c

    of • PJ"OpUC~. e-taa1M lor L,d,ja Aal'l_. ttw repJl'Uzjut.&Uft

    of CbUe ....,,_ t.he Chal_t • ~_ t.h&" 'fOU.a& Oft \1M .....1»U4abe poat,poned~ &Al_ 81 the 0-4\\.... \be d.l'&ft .rHe1tA1•

    ...1ftS.. \e~ aM ut.~ ..,.•• Ml.ii:ft\.. 1)7 ttte

    A4vt.r.r ee-,lt.t... (d.~ AI",. p.32).

  • SUAVEI u"~If!IQ

    tatNtCla.1. 28 oet.ober 1941

    FU\h eo-1t.\ee

    iU.gbt,.t.t.b ---1ft&. , p.a.

    The Imd~et e&t.iJlat.e. tor t.he ~at.rat.lon ot theY,,"' Territory

    ~ l'rt••• (d~ ;';'18, (-art. VI, ~oa 34) were ap~II'OYed.. The"

    Coitait.tee adopted t..h. propoaal of the ¥'6f3l"8HC\at,ive of the Un1t,ed

    ,t;t.,..t.e. t.hat the bwlg.t Ht.ima-t.. tor 1948 r.,. tbe M:ri._q 3Oe1al4eUare l'unc.¢le.e (d~A/)l8, Pa1"\V1, ~_ 3') be apPI'OTell

    in the __~ as for 1947 (,[6070.186). '!be $ftmar,y...a.u.J'8l ...

    ~••ted t.c 1n••a.tpte v1\h t.he e.tral eo.d.t~"ot UbJiIA tohe

    poNibJ.Ut.;y of t.llat orpat.tt_ -1d.D& •~ 1n a1d trca their

    readAuJ. taIMls of M ...... «paal t.o t.h1B ita of the ....n .. to

    nt:iJOrt. baok betoroe eonaid.:ration 01 t.Ae 1948 btId&et. i. OOIiIplet._.

    01.._08 01 the lNdg........, and t1nM81al~. w1t.h the$Pft1a l SHd ~genc1.... po_,...~ the~ of tone Jo1at.'3f!OOD1l and Thi:td CoIi1rd.tu. IU1d the Fifth e-a1t.t... {doeu.meet.. A/c.a)/5S

  • "';1,T

    IAirJi'MWl a,et.w. J p.a.

    ~ ~>W>-Cora1tt" began the d1a


    SIXTH COlOUTTEI - .SUb-Comm1t.t.ee two (Development of InternationalLaw and. its Codificat.ion)

    Thirteenth meeting - 28 October 1947, 11 a.m.

    The Sub-e01ll;dttee, after a very thorough discuss:i,on ot the

    advant.age. and. disadvantages ot sett111i up an interim bod.y'to dor

    prep&l"&tol7 work in t.he field ot codification ot international law

    until the est.~blishment. of the International La. Commission by the

    General Assembly at its third 88salon, decided by eight TOte'. 1n

    fayour and four against that such an inter1.a body ahow.d be e8tablished.

  • 'Mr. Trygve U.Secretar,y-General 2·9 0 t b 19·;7v Awe 1 C oer ~r.r. •• oro erExecutive Assistant to theSecretar,y-General

    Report to the Secretar,y-General of the CommitteeMeetings of 29 October 1947.

  • zstrr.,''"::l ,:;?, I'J':JT1liC

    ,~8dA1, ., oet.oMf'1'941

    Fir. ~tr__

    ~ 1I1MIU.D&. U .....

    TO~..," 41......~ rJ.~.,':.1\. ru.el~ (d~nt.

    ,A/C.l/229).~ part,id.p&"1on !t.r fllwt.ed "'1~~"1Y•• ort.H ~:;O~~. :t.a tl'~ 411....1_. $tid \-he 1"6lat.4lI4 UIa1Ud~t.~

    U'le;!~ (4~" A./C.l/23Q).

    The ~'h~t1... or \1M~ (>f ~.t. ~u... t~bl1...?o1.anIl. c.~~, t.b.lt Dlew....", ~*t. $oeJilU..":1A-pUU... t,he

    Ub9J.n1an .~. ~~U&.~UC MIl r.....'da ~. 1n .~~'" ot

    U. ti.:" •..::).,lt _,,1.61-. n .. U"P04 t.~At u _J4lRlve Chl~_.

    or~. ~..u 1apo..u.l.4t Sa ta. ••1.* of ~.,...... ~i>""".'1.....'tM 4..... WQU,14 C~ .....,~ qGMt10l"4 of nul 1A~ ..

    Ute Ko~ ,.,1., lMl~ f..H ....... of Sl!lllpl S.. t.1HI1r bG.~__•

    the (~.S~.:l.rl:. Pl"O>~ .. in~ wlth yT a.1rt. ttl tbe

    M.-bdu .. ~UJ.J' ~oa. The w •• ~jt.fj.t.fNl pJ'O.pOMl .. _1'11'&11" .. 1I.lmk.M. &i.aee 1t. ~Ut1ad ttMt U.~$.i. ~po-.l. .. ___

    to bay.·t,ae :Jdt.ed st...t._ 1 ;;>f!tl;~. tor \U 4\9pOj.... ot

    ......... adopt._ ..~ t.M -.,...1 it.ae•.,.. tlD1t.ed ,:stAt.. p.-.-;o_l .. ~rt..s bl u.~~U... .,

    the Q1tlld ~b'.., c........ tel&1-,-~...1.1a, au._ ud 5&1U. Wb111teoettp\iq .... U.$.$.ti. "Ni..l_ ~ fJdnc1pl." t.h.- ro;P~lY"~at"

    _to t.M ..-!()'Q.4 41tteNDCttll ()t oplal_ ... t.o ~t. kJer..... o........u....

    __Nt Ap".....Jl\1... or the l~l"WIIiiA"-'t.. n. U.::i.,j.~. f'lttlOl'l,lU" ..u

  • I •

    )Md t4 ~,..t 1hla,J.~.... wi'" Ute &w••• ,..pt. ~W\au ,1.aot .lat..-, t.~.Z'ftI#l a Va1'. aau.. e-s...l_. 1A fIIiq...., u. --.1Il H ..,.... ~~t. ~. Np U.. 01 Ule~,.,J.e -.14 ...pta·u.. e-1t.w.t • -JHU ~ Ule


    utoUU.... of ..'1.ep~~·" \Ud.t.«t go,..

    1tM ,.p~"Uft ill 1run~ tJat, ..~ not. wM to..

    ,"L5.a.a.~. Ie WIl1.4~ r.- '4'0\18& Oft \bAt uatMII

    ,It..... MeI4..- at.. 1t. ..14. -.lJ.&. t.h. e-d.".... 1.0 u.k••.....1... 44101.. 4;iJ"1a& UM ~.mral 41.-..d.oa•

  • lfhe Ce~tt" eOllslder.ed:r

    1. The SoTie' propoBEil (doeuaont iJC.l/229) to inn-te elected represent-

    f,t.lv.8 cf the Korean peo,le 'to take plu"t. in the d1scussion of the quettdon

    2. The United States 81lBndment thereto (document A/C.l/2.30) )TOvid1ng

    that. elected repreaente.UTee o£ the ~orean peo.'le shoul;:; take pa.rt 1n the

    q..)nl~Qlta1il.ml of the '\llesUon; end that. to tacUitate such a participation

    and to ensure that Korean repre.entAtivee yould in feet be elected. e..'1d not

    _ere Ja111tary appointe••, a Uniled Nation8 terl.i.::'Orary Collinlss1on on Korea

    shoald be est&bUshed, to be present 1n KOI'ea with the right to tra..e! and

    conlNlt throap.ollt Korea.

    The representatives of the Slav count-ries said that an objective

    cons1deration of the eueetlan Wall 1aposs1bl. in the ab.ence of Korean

    dW 1aportance to the Korean people, including the methods of 1aplement1ng

    their independence. The United States proposal was not reall, an fimendaent

    line. :I. t nll1llfied the ussa proposal and soU&b.t to have the Oni ted Stetes

    8Ub8t.8nt.~ve proposw. :for the appointment of a Coaa1sl!l1on adopted durL1g the

    ;Jrocedural debate.. There ap?ee.red to l'e a st'ange relu.ctance on 1ihe part

    of the _erlcC]. authorities to give opportunity for expre::s1on of the viero8

    !he United !t.at•• propoHl was Ihlpported b1 the repr-esen(at1ves of

    Canada, Be1.I1-, .Aunralla, Chin.. and Ua1t.1. WIlUe accepting the tJ8BR

    resoll1t1.on in pr1nc1ple, thq poLited out. the seriou.s differenc88 of opinion

    ... to wha\ persons or oraWKUon8 were representative of tJ1e Korean peo'Jl"".

  • -2-

    The USSR re8Ol1lUOIl would lead to grIM" dala7. Consul t6'i1oll wlt.h the

    Koreaa people shoW., I take plac. ill Korea, throllih a Ulli ted Nationa

    eo-t881on. In azq went, 1t could be asllUlUd. that the repr••ent£lti'f'ea

    at \he Korea peeple WOtI14 concur 1n the CODllil!u~lon·.object1.,.e concern--

    1n& the e.tabllshaebt ot m indepcdent and united Koree. The 0J'1Iinal

    1ha1teet States propoMl 1181"el7 M lIP _chin.., to aecerM1R the wU1

    of the people.

    Dr. Eft\t. aa14 ~t he real1Hd the VleJlCf ot the probl_ and.

    tor tl:tat rea80n.. appee.red to waiv. U. prmo1l8 point that the Kor_

    !'he repr••entatl.... of France wt\ted that. he eould not. 'f'Qte tor t.he

    USSR propose!. Ue Rated that h. will abstain on the Unl ted States

    amendaent. aine. it would necel.'l81tate a decillion on the NbRanc. durin.

    the procedural di8cu.s1on. !hi. abstention would not, of course. alter/\

    Me acre.- ,i.th t.h. or1&1ne.l Unit_ Stat.a prapoMl that a CGBi••1on.' Sbould be appointed in due course.

    !h. r.pr.....t.&t1.,.. ot C1l1na opposed the proT1a1on in both the

    Soviet _dGait_ Stat.s texte that repreaentaU.,... shoald. eome .troa

    lonhU'll.aD4 So.th.m ltorea·. 'fhe Unit....tions lIhould hear repr.8en-U-

    t1ft8 ot \he -.\:I.r'. Korean uat.1on. 1R aceonlauce with the .p1rlt or the

    Wear the ed ot the -..t.1nI. the Ghairrae lRl&iested that it might

    be ...aible .·,:;a to close the debate on this procedural question.

    11I\4 Ai4 that tb.1.s quesUoa was of such 1IIportanc. that turther debate

    WOllld be nee.saery.

  • ~ COJi!!XT'f!l - ~ttee 1

    Tenth ...ti5 - WecbMlIdq, ~ Oft.er 1947, 11 a.m.

    The SUb-Colud.tt... cont1Daed colu.lelerat.ion o~ paragraph 2 (4) or

    the 11D1t..s. stat.. p~poAl.f

    1'he repre.ent.atlve ot le1"W&7 4Mland that thia paragraph should

    be deleted.

    The rep1"'U8Dtative ot Fzoa.nce preeent..a an amendment to the erf~

    ot HttiD& up a t.wo-t.h1rd. Tote tor iDqu1r1e. made at headqv.a:rt..en as

    vell aa tor Ol'l-t.h...~ anAigaU_ &lid proYitina that the lnteft."

    Sta.te. ahould g1ve their etOlUMtl'lt to the.. t.wo t)'PH ot inquiri•••

    !be rep:reaentatJ:" ot t.he Unit-tid. nn,d.- -.lntainecS t.he ...........

    pftHDt,ed by hi. o.legat.iOD (400'W1181'l\ Ale.l/2lS) nquiJ"1D& the tw-thirda

    _jorit,. tor bot.h typea ot inqa1.17 btIt requiring \he coueDt. of the

    intereet.ed Stat.e. cml7 tor em-th...apot 1nVeatig&t.lou•

    .... ertect. which •• aeeept.tld b1' the repN..tat.ive ot the UD1.t.ed State••

    '!'he l"ep1"8Hnt.atlve ot Auatralla _bmitt.e4 an amendment nquiriDg

    the twO-th1rd.e majorit;r only tor nDd.1D& on-t.he-spot 1Jmtttt.1pt.lone and

    PI'OY1d1ng tor the coneerxt. or the int.eNatecl $\a"_ only tor th...iny.at.lgation.. 'l'be repre••l'It.at.lva of Arg-'1D& propoMCl a ctraft1n&

    change in t.h1e amendMDt.. The repreeentat.lft of AwJt.ral1a lat.er upre.....

    the opinion tha" theN .a no DMCl \0 require tJie _naant. of \h. lJltere."

    Stat... 81n" they were require by the Chari.er t.o &1Ye all their cooperat.ion

  • FIxST Ct)JiI-it'.x:n:.g; - s.b..eGaf,j,~t.. 1

    IiJ.l!!Mh !!!tiM -fieP...noed&T" 29 Qetober 1941, , p.a.

    :-The repreat;ataUye of 'J'ilDCe w1tbdnw bb Ul-.dMl'lt in .taYOU' of

    tom. United. KlngdOllpropo_l.

    The "preMnt.~t1Ye ot hMf&¥ d1cl not inA. t.hat. a vot.. be taka on

    t.he deletlOft or the paragraph ..s .. waole. H. iDUcated tba.~.. h. would ¥Metor the lletherlaY1da~.

    The Austral1&n amendment., supported by C.... and ArgenUn&"

    requiJ"1f1€ tbe two-th1~8 lllAjorlt;r only tor 1nvatlts.pt,l0ft8 or inqtd.ri...

    whlch "ke place 81NWhe" tban at. the heaclcpart.ere ot t.he United Nationa,

    was rejected.

    'l11e Pl"Opoeal Mde tbia aorn1ng b.;r toM Nprutm.t.t.i..e of A\l8traUa to

    the PJ'OpoAl UI1e \hi. QIlOrniQi by \be npreMtlt.~>t.1ve 01 AU..st.ra:u.a. to

    delete &ll re!en-noe to t.he oonMnt ot s"-.._ OIl who.. 'errittor.f ~luftat.igatoiOl'l llfOUld take pactt •• reJec$ed..

    '!'he tol.1.GwJ.A& t.', wnich w111 be .2 (e)" •• adopt.ed,1'0 oem__' IftYeat1&&~1ona an:1 &.)P01Rt. cewd.aa1oao ot inquiry 1Idt.h1Jlt.he acoplt or 1ta ctut.1... it _,.. d_ wteI8l &lid nee....I7, proY14fIIt.Aat. cleo1 iii.. \0 conduct. auh inveA1pt1ou or illSairi.. aball be.... bT • t.vo-t.hirde -Jol'it.7 at toM ....... pr..... erd '90t.1ng. Aftll'lftat.ip.t.lon or 1.DqdJ7 '8laewhere thaa a' t.he h46dqQ~.ra of \h.Uld.t_ Jratlona IIball DO\ _ ~_ wit.hcNt. t.be eoDlMatt of t.be$t.a.t.. 81' Sta\.. in whOM t.err.lto17 1t. 18 '" t.ake place.

  • ?a1'S&....pb 2 (_) of tM tmlte4 Statu propoal ._ G1-.u....

    !'he~t,•• Mopt.ed the thd.t._ I1a&4oa propoal with .. Il1.&b'~_\ion. The new to...., wtdch will be 2 (r) j Mtflde 3.. toU.._

    To NPOrt. to t.he next replar .."lOll ot th. GeneJSl Au.-:l,y ..the 64viaabillt..1 01 oet.ablillh1.ni .. ~nJ;..n.,.nt eOlldt.t•• or \heGeneral .....l.1 to perro,. t.he duU•• of the 1at.tI"1a coudttMwith &Jq ch&O&- conaid.red rt••iRblA in the U4ht ot ....~r1_••

  • AD HOC CD ~.I'l"l'EE ON THI PAI.Jl:StI1m QUEStlOJI - SuD-ComJd.t.t.. I .

    Snen\h !!!Y!!I - Wed1:lad&;y. 29 OCWber 194., J U a.m. (elo$eel)fhe Sub-COmmit.t... eont1aued it.. detailed. dian_aion ot Chapter ,

    01 the n.olaJ'at.ion to';be made to the Unit. Hationa by the two St.a.t.. -

    reapecting citizenship, intemational conventiona and. financial oDl1gatione.

    Eieth meetiy - Wed.Re8dq, 29 October 194.7, :3 p.m.. (closed)

    The SUb-Comnd.ttee continued ita diaCUHiou or the proposed boundariesof the two State. and created a woric1Dg group t.o prepare a speeit1c map

    and collate the data Nap~ing the pl'OpoHd changes.. It also continued.

    ita deta1.1ed discuaaion of section D (economic vnion) or the Y,;ajority

    Report. Certain of the JHIIIbera ot the 03u~tt.ewere appointed. to

    prepare & draA re-woJ'Ciing of certain ot t~., provisions of Section. C &lid. I).

    '!'be Stto-c.md.tt.. rill meet again on Fr1.dJq, 31 october.


    AD figs COMMltrlB 011 THE PALFBrDIIAN QUEStIg! - Sub-eo-tt.t... n

    Ninth ..et!p& - Wednesday, 29 October 1947. 11 ..... (clo....)

    'the Sub-committ.. diHU••ed aDd approved the report ot its lfOJ'Id..D&

    gt'OUp on dieplactld persona.

    the report. ot the world.ng group on con.t.itutional proposals will

    pl'Obabl)" b. ready for discussion tomorrow, and the report of the lft>rking

    group on legal questions before t.he end. ot the ..ek.

  • r

    the RapI'Ort....,' the .Np1"'Ueftt.at.ift 01C.~. p......, ..

    t.wo reporLat 'the tirn. on t.be cQn&1cieraUon bi t.be Coud.t.\M of

    Chapt.v II ot 'the RepoIt ol the EeenoId.c and Scd..al. Co1me11, &lld tne

    H8OD!i OR the &ppl.1oatloI1. try ltoaly &lid. Aaari.& for i:l~ 111 tJle

    Int.e:m.at1onal Civil t~v1&Uon crlan1aU_ (d0CWMllt.8 A/C.21UO and

    A/O.2./122). The CODtitt..M conaidered and appJ'Ovecl a lIWIbel' 01

  • ,.... ocmoe.nd.ttC hl. Feno_ aut••Ili., 8d _tined the rM.ema 'abl_ de-

    "l'II1l1'" Ida .,poalUoft Ul tlle XlIi••lAy reaoltlt.loa (docu_t ~/c.,.h~).

    en4 b18 support tor U.e hen. r.ao1u:t.lon ~~~\ 1/0.3/1&;) .itA certain

    u.",~ftt. (doGWitmt A/e.)/lS9). flae repre84tf1\.at.lye e-t Lebanon con.lured

    t.!.lat. 6 1".!O1'll 01 ....\boa. uHd .. the pr••.• 81p:t. be r..uae4: lie M~.

    tall\ the eo-1ttM WOIIl.cl '-14\ .. ~\l' l..At .Bd h. praised tile ~tton8

    .... t.~1Il&t'4 ~.. _4 tq tale nF••ent.A~•• of the f'lJ:l1tofld 8t.4itU3.

    fte "pre--\..\l" of tA. btoD of Seviert. loctali., leptlUlca ,f;uocl-

    at_ at.1a8lt -dt.ll tae ,nl~ .."..::,Hct reI' til••ftorts t,r t.Be r.p" ta-

    tl". 01 the 9ait" Statelll, and 1Ddlcft.\.ed atilt ..."at-.etlon \uto the d t.ea

    OIl tJ11. lapoJ"'Unt '1••~;t.1o&l ha4 iJU:l~ ..,...-.1 4.1~I*lUOIl. to lI,oc:l1)

    t.beir ,.td.Una and laad d.-aatr.at._ '" .lid to"'1_ wbic. ul.t...

    re..n\.'fl\l... of 5,ria cleplonMl the lack of ln4f.'¥.fi4aI:~e. and or lapal"ttalitl

    of " ..kill o...ana of tae pnG., fiftCidecl6n4 &14..1t in r.yoU' of In\$1''-

    dJo Jll& re.lttUc.H"~t 0.n,i 1r:>..l¥1 'tOt.. for t" '!'«mea r,u~.ltltt

  • ...~t. otrared bJ ~..ne reprennUi.\.lYeilotJlu1'00, ~tU.El_ ~

    tu_~rg, .n.a it. P1".Hr

  • SUmYorN,mDG

    ~11 29 Ofto)Jer 1941

    5U.Ul c:o-4t.....

    PlftT-tmuoUl "'1Dc_ u • .a.

    tbe ee-.tt..... ~ul4end the~ er Ule seo~-o-J'II1_ t.he ng1atraUoa ud pubUaU. 01 t.....u... and iSenat,1tMal

    ap...... (...... 1/310).

    '1'ha SMrat.&.r7 of \be e-1t..... apla_ the l'eUOfta lI1b1eh .t1wat...

    .... N?OI'tt, ad expWJl«1 \he praettnrollwed h7 \he &te~ in

    th1. ~.

    Ttl. NP"'.'''U" of \he tJDlt-414 UD&d-, 111 cI1_u1D& \be~

    ot t.ru.t.1•• eat~ 1lIh1eh IIboiWl ...~, ".1 ...

    .....1eDa to the e-ltlee to 4et'1De the 1 _ra 01 11', aDd po1a\eI

    ~ tMt a1T~ ac\1i1Al. pt'&ft1.. 0iN1d ~ oat1ll1Uoa

    be I ......

    Alone "ok .... OR the to1lGw11tc , ..... po.1".' (l) tJIe~of the 9lt1 JpUoac r4 AJ'\lelJt 102 of \he Qlut.erJ (2) \be 1••naUOMl

    ...._u 1IIIbiob ahot:Wl be olt1t11&1.1t ...,........ (,) the D.o••Id\¥ at

    ha'W.iac _ et d_ .. tJWt ..~ .. ,., 1a t.he e-.t."-*

    111 \he et t.ba~ I'tlpNIIM..u.•• of the rou-s.....l"1utoM""'l ---1', 1c1P', CJr••••, Va1'" st••, Polu4, cUJd.Aa of Sod..see!.".~, 1Joaa, Col"", e.M, Uatted~ .11I PI ••••

    ftle e-1'u. ....... "" 'IIMaS.......... draA 1'IIIOluUon p,. ..IV U. repJ"eMDt.&U". of tM tJa1_.r 3oYJ.et. 5eo1&U. ~Uu, ..

    b1 the~U" of iDP'. of wid. lib. \8t. t.l1.cM••

  • THE C1XERAL A;;~~n~u

    TakN no"• • t \he~ ot \hes.e~~(~

    1/380) oa tlM ""ltiat,rat.1on .. j'lQbllcaUoa or tJ'MU.. UId 1JS....u.al

    .."_.nt.J adCalla t.h,. att._t.1on ot the ~.... stat.. t.o t.M obl..i.pUeu

    1&14 dOWD 1D "rUale lO2 01 the cu,nw-.

  • SlU'HCOUInBI - SUb-Committ.ee , (ibll•• ot ProeM1lN)

    'l'wl.fth Meta - ketMlal J 28 oct.o~r 1947, U a.lB.


    The vot.e on the· Swedish Pl'OpoAl to~ Rr.l1e 118 Ca) va. po.-tpoaed

    untU t.he nu.t. aeet.1Dg when a n.., t\ra.f't wulcl be prheMed by the

    "preMlltatl". ot Sweden.

    RtU.e 119 was apPl'Ove4. Ball.. 120 through 122" 124 tb1"O\l&h 132

    aDd 134 throqh 136 were appro'YtlCl. t.he repre"ntatI.e ot t.he Soviet.

    Urdon re..rv1n& the right. ot hI. delegation t.o g1Te t1nal approftl at.

    a lat.er date:'

    . JbIl.e 123 •• appro.. with the ad41tioa or the wrda ·or a sub-

    COIIiJIl1tt.." alter the word. "COIIidtt.." in the tl~ 80M third lin...

    Th. repre.CitatoI•• ot the Uniteel Stat•• preaented. a revision ot

    lmle 133 (docUMllt A/C.6/sc.6/V.19). The TOtoe on thi. propoaal vas

    d-.lftftid. until the nut "AiDs.

  • fhe Sarl.et deleg.t-ion e1rculat.ed it•• 81IbAaatJ... propoaal

    tor t.he v1"hdrawJ. of t.roope (dOCWMDt AIC.1/~2) •

    The tollowil1g procedural propoaJa were lNbm1t.tedz

    1.. A Chinn. amendaent (docaent Ale.lIm) to t.he Unit.ed

    Stat.. amencSMnt. providing that the elected repreeentoatlv••

    should represent. t.he i\orean peopl.e u a 1Iho~.J

    2. A BtelOl"WJ-Sian Sorlet Soc'Sali at. llepubl1c amendment.

    {dOC\a8Dt. .vC.2i ~"'J to t.he United St.a.t... amendment, prorld-

    1n& that. t.be Ko1"e&ll repreactatlv_ mould pa.rt.lcipate 1ft the

    conaiderat.lon or t.ne question in tbe Firat COGIld."t.ee and 1Jl

    the General 488E11lblT,

    3. A Ulaa1.nian Soviet :>ocial1st Republic r8aolut1on (dow-

    unt. A/C.l/23J) prorlding tbat the ee.d..t.t.. ahou14 eon.1d...

    tile United. State. aMl'1d..m. at t.h-e tiM lIItum 1t d18CUtJsed tb.

    lub_tlanca of tone Ko~ questiOD.

    there -.s general doebat.., in vhlah __ r8preeem;aUYM ~1

    c1~ed, on all t.heproe«lural quast.lona 1IIIbica bad b..-a diacused

    at. the previoWJ Metin&.

    Dle repreaent&Uve ot IDd1a noted t,he daJ.a.y wiU.cb lllOUld relNl\

    .tJ.ocD. the Union or SaYiet Soe1&l1I1t RepUbl10a reeo1.ut.lon and the

    ob..... ebaract.er ot t.he United States .....t.. In view of tne

    urgency ot t.he -.t.ter, the Union of Sorlet Socialist Republics

  • -J-

    In repJ..ytoo question.a, Wr. lAlU.s explained that. it .. not.

    intended to or_te two oGll'lld.aa1ons. If tne aecond United Stat..

    t.en (i.a. the _clom.nt) wrere adopted, a cosd3sion WOGld be

    .ent. to Korea tor consult.aUon.. It t.h:. tint. (l.e. substantive)

    Urdt.ed Stoatoea teXt. were subsequentJ.¥ adopt.ed., then 't.he ca:sissio.n

    ilihich had already' been er_ted would. ca.rt7 out its consultation

    with reference t.o .. specific program.

    me representative of France he.d asked litr. Dulle. wet.nerit wul4 be possible tor bim to withdraw his ameadment. Mr. Dullea

    replled thatt.his va$ :1m.poa:5ible because it woW.c1 lead to misrepre-

    a~iOlll of tne Unit.ed St.ates position by ant.i-American PJ."Opa-


    'nte Chairman ruled that U1 a general debate on procedunl

    i8sues should be con~ide.....ed closed.

  • "'1'. 30~r 1".'11... ee-4..t.M

    'tile e.-l\\.. ...u•• 1u cIt_.._ ot tM~_ et Ute

    Ua1-. eI s........11._~_ (_...Ift A/C.lI229)~,.

    -s....1.... ida ..1It.aU..~ ....l-u.~ for t.M w1\Wl"M&l., "...,.1'..- ..... (...... A/C.1/232).

    IJJt tu l'nU.mt...,.. ••.u. ofpro•••",.._ ,he ,.".••••U ofQda .... toM~_ SoY1_ Md-ll.~••••U.MIl ada lau

    to 'lie !Ialt.. S",_ .urdIJ. (4...... AlC.1/231 .. A/C.l.r234h !be

    rep~!.:.u... or \1M tJUajat_ Sen. SMlaU....~.....,t.eIIl •

    41'd'\ lIIIlIOll.lU.. pJWdcliAI U1&t. toM UJdtAt~ -.dII1119t ...14 .....

    ...-u- (tlHUi I. A/C.l./2,,).!be ~Hnt.lIlU.Y.of Ute Uatt.t "t~Ha of '-rt.ea "Plied \0

    HJ'\a1a~.. 1r& ol.uitJ..-tu of 81. un t u ..... "hit 1"fIpft--.u....

    eC IaUa., ~o1a1d. .. ~.l.". Be1&1-, \h. lAJorfttld. sen.e\ SMi&11.

    ~••~,. , ......,. ebla" ~ ij-.. of SMl... SM1a.1.1R,_-.-lu.,~~l1e. 1&1 561 ~8#-.lD"'" ~.3081&11_ ~'11a alae ~p&\aII 1.a , U....s- 01 t.be JI,...U••17


  • JYlSIt 1"0 #1i! ~'T!Ull~

    fWl~ - Wnet;r-fint metrt.1ng - ~, 30 October 1947 - 3 p.m.

    In the t1rat puot. of thia atte:rnocm t 8 meet.ing. the CoDn1~tee

    'VOted on the~ p1'Op08&1.a before it..' !t

    B.Y tort.~ -.tea to m..x.. vitti foUl" ab8tenUorl8. i~ ..decided that t.he United statu propo.:L (A!C.1!2'JI) Bbould De~

    1'U tm'lde 1IJiL& JRs31l2a..lmitUII [!89lWi'. (A/C.l/233)1IU rejeot.ed b,r tortr'vot_ to atz. nth fl_ abatrent.1one.

    ~ID__ §osi!t\1e~o IPB1l!111D3& (A/c.l/234)

    to the lhlted $tII.t.ea amendment .. rejected b7 thirt~ -votee to

    s1xe with n1ne abetent.iona.

    The ~tat1.,.. of SlaY countri.. stated thl.t the7 could

    not pe.rt.icipllt.e 111 the wt.ing on the United ..tea~. in the

    'D1e repre8«ltat1ve of the United States aceept;ed t.hfI Ch1ne8e

    ~t (Alc.1/m) to the United ~te8 ..-.nt. !be 1"8V'1.8eIlUn1t.e4 Btat.ea amendmmt. (A/C.l/230) was adopted 0, the toll.Dtd.Dg _t.ea.

    P8.r&gJ'aph 1, tortY""'Oll8~ to none. 1d.\b Idz abatC1t.1on8J

    Paragraph 2. tort.~.WH8 to none. vitoh 1"0UI" absttDtionaJ

    ~ ,. ~e 't'Ot. to none with 8fIY8\~J

    !he who.le amerdDrTI!1tl f'oft~ 'tOt. to none. with ...... abat.-nt1oU.

    On the lut t.v:t vo~ the repr.llzltlatlvee of EQpt.. IDd1a. Oo]~

    '._ue1.,~lb~ and Sweclen~

  • etated. tbat.. a1nctt the el.ectecl rGpreMntatiwa of the Korean people

    had t~ot. partic.1pated in the considerat.ion or this question, the

    tiU.on of Soviet Soej.a.U.8t. Republ1ca would not. be able to ·take partr

    was rejected b7 tb1rt7-five votes to six.. vlt.h ten abate.nt.iona.

    '!be repreaontat,1w of the Un.1.on of SoY1et Soc1a11at. Uepubllca

    then subdtt.ed ! _ £JI9lW4sP (!/C.lI235) p1"OpG8ing de£enaent of the

    aaa1naUon of the Korean quut.1on. this reaolut1on ViS rejected by

    1oh1~~ea to six. with 1',_1ve abst.entiona.

    'l'be Co1md.ttee then~ the general debate on the sub-

    stant.!ve Un!ted Statea and lb1cm of Soviet SoeWist. Rerublica

    ro801ut.iona (A/C.l/2ls and A/C.l!;02).

    lnd1a. ani Mexico all agreed that. a United flat1on8 Cotmiaeion shoUld

    haw the tuk of ensu.r1ng free eleet10na in itorea. to avoid cbao8 and

    d18unit.,.. it would 'ben~ to cotl8101tut.e a. central Koreaa Govern-

    ment betore United Stat.e8 and Union ofSoviet 3ocia.l.ist Republl.ee

    mU1t.a17 t01'eU were evaeuat.ecl.

    'the repreaent.ative or the Philippine Republic noted '.,bo eoaO.1et-

    1ng Great Powen' interest.a 1n Korea, but said that the.. could not

    be al..lowed to penaJJ.ae the Korean people. The t.wo pr9poeala were

    COIlIpleumtaq and conciliAtion abou).d be possible. i'whapa there shoW.d.

    be an~t pledging all the powJ'8 ot to