J iji West End Camp Elects Officers II · 2017-12-26 · r THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY DECTDrBEI...

THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY DECTDrBEI fi 1910 r J iji MARY iW TO RULE II DEATH precepts So Long Taught to Be Followed by the Church BOSTON Dew Eve ia death Mrs Baker G BMy will shape the destinies f the Christian Science Church and her body is JaW to rest on Thurs- day the affairs of the greatest of the newest schools of truth awl religion wilt go on a though guided by the ring hand of the founder Through the written commandments of Mrs of the mother church will continue the work Basal At Cambridge The body of Mrs Eddy wit be buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery Cambridge following her funeral Thursday morn ing according to an official announce- ment by her household early today A tentative list of those who will at- tend the funeral was given out today as follows Henry 2 Baker Mrs Eddys sec- ond cousin who has been one of her chief advisers outside of the Christian Science family for several years George M Qkrver of Lead S D Mrs Eddys eon Mr Glovers daugh- ter Miss Mazy Glover Also in attendance will be the mera- Wrs of Mrs Eddys household who are Adam H Dickey her secretary ffelTin A Frye Mrs Laura Sargent William R Rathvon another of Mr Eddys secretaries ad Mrs Hathvon Rev Irving Tonlineon- tvho for many years while at ileasant View Concord was one of the leaders try the Concord Church and an ad riser of Mrs Eddy who has been living in her home since she came to Chestnut HIM Officials f Ckurch The of the Mother Church will attend They are W D Baldwin York president of the Mother Church organization Archibald Mc Lellan Allison V Stewart Stephen A Chase John V Dittemore director Atfred Farlotr chairman of the Chris- tian Science Publicity Committee Fred Dtekson chairman of the publication committee of Great Britain and Ireland and W L Johnson who for many years was secretary of the Mother Church Several other relatives now living in Kern Hampshire will probably be attend Great crowds gathered about the Eddy mansion on Chestnut HIM this morning but the grounds were patrolled by detectives no one was allowed- to eater except on showing authority To Band Mausoleum Two reports were current before the announcement was made as to the place of burial One was that the body would be eaterred In coetly mausoleum in a cemetery near Chestnut Hill the other was that the remains would be placed m a crypt beneath the altar of the mother church A conference of members of the Eddy household and her near relatives was caned for this morning It was declared that plans mausoleum would be discussed According to this report the structure will be a masterpiece of yet sm- allS UNIFORM TIME TO CLOSE SCHOOLSPr- incipals of Washington high schools recommended to Superintendent of Schools A T Stuart that the time for- t at 2 xtclcck This question was brought up earlier in the year and principles were given T iiiiierton to extend the school day vont 2 to SS oclock if they wanted to 4te so Several of them did one oT them it the difference and is now closing at and others because they could not Hsarrance their original program held fast to the 2 oclock a result it is claimed that some of the schools are now doing more work than the athens and the principals want- a definite closing hour fixed so that the time in each school shall be the same Complaints were also received from teachers who were working over time im J the varying times of dismissal in- terfered with the cadet drills ROCKVHJLE lid Dec S The fun eral of Mrs Elizabeth Trammell widow xrf John Trammell who died Sunday night at her home near Potomac this CStmty will take place at oclock tomorrow morning front St Gabriels Catholic Church near Potomac The rvices will be conducted by the pas the Rev Philip 3 MeOuIre and interment be in St Gabriels Cemetery willie She was a Miss Carroll was a lifelong resident of this Irving Smothers colored was sen by Judge Peter the cir- cuit court here yesterday afternoon He was convicted a few days ago of it being charged that on stabbed James Coates also colored with a penknife caus lug his death two days later trenisture Grayness 1 an nnnainral disfigurement and a handicap la social and business life Those who care for their personal appearance use HATS HAIR TfKAITH It removes all traces of natural elor used sncccsxfnHy when all ethers fall IS A DYE Send 2c for b ks Th Care of the air Skis PhOe Hay Spec Co K J U S A RBFT75B ALL SUBSTITUTES w 51 and 5Oc bottles at druKKlarfc MRS board dlreders n officials if New t architecturecostly Ziostng their school be M cJI m L- As I TRAMMELL BURIAL TOMORROW MORNING 31 I Trananeii was years old and been ia faDing health county was widely known to seven years In penitentiary ill GffCo iDJ Jty reslorinS the hair to Its NOT Newark W s after ddy t4he of The a then today day 19 the Mrs seventyfive had a- long and lanced the Maryland muter 3 is Y gayness and I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ MOTHER RECOVERS HER GIVEN AWAY BEFORE HIS IRTH BABY Proceedings in Court Re veal Novel Case of Adoption NEW YORK Dec 0 for a baby a baby boy sh sjcfced Mrs Warren f Whats the use of wishing Well th storks skipped house every time he flies this ways air War ren exclaimed he oJoesnt know wel come hed be his pretty wife rejeined IM lied a way You see if I dont the husband declared FM out wit the Mark and set a baby yet And he did The supreme court deeded that War- rens plan was contrary t law and could not be sanctioned So the baby will not crew any more in the War ren home Arthur AT Warren fc about jive years old and lives in Staten He and his wife have been married some- time and have waited in vain for the storks visit It was about the first of last Febru The scheme eclipsed in originality thc plots of his own moving picture films and rivaled In dramatic action the scenes of a popular Broadway farce Even Relatives Wont Know- A baby at last his wife cried in delight when she heard of it Why even our own relatives wont ever know the difference Put on the soft pedal cautioned Warren You know it all upon Mrs Campbell Why shell be tickled to death Mrs Warron asserted She told me se her- self It happened that Mrs Camp- bell then living at the home rf the Warrens expected the arrival of a little Campbell very soon And the success t the plan depended her wttttag nose to part with the babe In papers Warren filed yesterday in the supreme court in connection with Commissioners Want to Pro tect Homes From Sneak Thieves In order that the public may be protected against sneak thieves who gala entrance to a house under the guise of Inspectors the Commission- ers today appointed Maser Sylvester chairman of a committee to consider the advisability of clothing all Dis trict inspectors In uniform The members of the committee have not been selected and will be chosen from District officials Reports are frequently made to the Police Department concerning thefts made by pseudo inspectors who call to inspect electrical wiring or gas meters Their departure is marked by the disappearance of silver valuable Jewelry 3tt present District officials are re quired to display badge but not- withstanding this a slick crook usually finds no difficulty in obtaining an into a household One method is to call up the house by telephone and inform the maid or butler than a Dis trict inspector Is on his way to Inspect the premises The recommendation to clothe all Dis- trict inspectors in a distinctive uniform was made by Commissioner Johnston who has supervision of the Police De partment Aerogram Says Liner Is Damaged In Storm wireless telegram to The Wash- ington Times from the Marconi Press agency states that the steamship Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse had rough until Sunday noon and on Monday about 15 oclock in the afternoon with the weather clear steamship lost its port propeller The message further says that the steamship is new steaming with Its starboard engine and is making six teen knots an hour It expects to in New York tomorrow afternoon All on board are well I Guess hew eo Island ary that Warren thought of his plan Maude upon PLAN TO UNIFORM LOCAL INSPECTORS or A weath- er the t our Bell e depends a en- trance ar- rive ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ ¬ Staten Islanders Tried to Stork Childless couple takes novel method of adopting baby boy Real mother admits she stole own child and gave it to Warrens Physician lays part and proud father gives cigars to all his friends J I Maternal love awakened claims little lad and peculiar case is car- ried into court a writ of habeas corpus he says Campbell was enthusiastic over the he outlined to her He his wife and Mrs Campbell plotted to execute so secretly that neither their neighbors nor their relatives would 09- the wiser Baby Is Born On February 16 1918 a bouncing baby boy was born In the Warren home and christened Walter Wellington Warren after the uncle of air Warren For six days Mrs Warren kept to her room where a gravelooking physician visited her every day Warren announced to his neighbors and relatives that the longexpected hen had arrived and received the of everyone Mrs Warrens mother came in a flurry of excitement and praised the fine looks of little Wal ter Wellington Warren The only one In the household t Is asserted who did not seem to take any interest in the youngster was Mrs CampbelL She member of the family was nothing worth crowing over Joy of the Warrens was complete until October 2S last On day Warren says Mrs Campt suddenly it turned from the St G ort 8 Deacon ewe Home in Manhattan where she had gone a few days before and the possession of Walter Wel- lington Warren IN Brick Manufacturers Asso ciation Thus Assures Chamber of Commerce- One large national business organiza- tion the National Brick Manufacturers Association has assured tae Chamber of Commerce that It will hold annual convention in Washington every other year when the Washington Memorial Convention Hall is erected Sn this city GranvIlle M Hunt chairman of the conventions committee today received- a letter from T A HaadaH secretary- of the association in whIch he says When your Georg Washington Memorial is complete you will not have to take a back sent for any one and we will then be glad to hold our conven tions in Washington every other year At the present time Washington can- not get to which there are sent 709 delegates and as many via there is no suitable con- vention hall for their use The Washington committee of the George Washington Memorial Associa- tion heW another meetliur at the office of Charles J Bell yesterday afternoon- at which Mr Hunt was designated to form a plan for raising the funds neces- sary to secure for Washington the J2SWMXW memorial convention hall offer- ed by Mrs Henry F Diraock of New York president of the George Washlnf ron Memorial Association provided Washington will raise a tenth of the amount A rosrres in securing transfers of sub- scriptions from the old auditorium prop- osition the Washington memorial fund was reported Mr Hunt said today that he would lay his plan before the Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade at an early date He reports to day that the Chamber has secured the convention of the High Tent 0 Rachebites for September 1911 Arcanumites Entertained Oiiray Council was the host last night to Grand Council of the Royal Arca num at Pythian Past Regent Thomas F Mitchell presided and wel- comed the mind officers A large class of candidates was initiated How Outwit I e the aft I I went about as If the arrival or a new WANT TO CONVENE MEMORIAL HALL Its to L Mrs congratu- lations The ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Brilliant Plan o Outdo N Re luctant Undone by Maternal Cove v What Give up our baby Mrs Warren exclaimed in astonishment Never But its not your baby Its mine and you know It Im tired of this thin and want my boy Mrs Campbell replied But you agreed to let us have It and never tell any one it wasnt our own You know you did We to be Its mother and father always Whatll mother say and all the rest of the folks when they know weve fooled them like Infant Taken to Court Despite the plea of Mrs Warren the baby was taken away from her and came back to New York with its real mother Then Warren applied for a writ of habeas corpus to get the custody of the baby In order to make sure that Mrs Campbell had ths baby in her nooses Ion he engaged his stepfather George tin Fevre to eo on a scoutine tkm Le Fevre had filed an affidavit in which he says he called on Mrs Camp bell took her out for an evenings en- tertainment and learned that she had placed Walter in charge of some persons who had fed the child crackers and made him so ill that he was sent to a hospital for treatment Warren was granted his writ of habeas corpus The cas was called yesterday Ive paid all the expenses for the baby from the time it was born until October Warren assorted The mother It to me in accordance with- a plan nr which she was to let us roar it an our own Well rYe my mind Mrs Campbell said The babys mine and I want It She has the natural and legal right of a mother her lawyer declared We admit that the details of the plan as outlined by Mr Warren are true but the farts constitute a fraud and render the entire transaction illegal and against public policy Writ dismissed and custody of the child awarded to its mother Justice Dvi ruled And Mrs Campbell walked away with her bah Booker T Washington- To Dine With J Johnson CHICAGO Dee Booker T Wash- ington the negro educator has accepted- an invitation to dine with Jack John son the pugilistic champion this even- ing He was to have dined with the cham night but had to cancel the invitation ta deliver an address In his speech to members of his own race he urged parents to let their boys smoke and their girls dance at home He that the boys were going to smoke anyhow and the girls dance and it was better to let them do it at home Childrens Hair Keep It Free From Dandruff and it Will Grow Lovely Being tie best hair dressing ret and women Parisian Sage In also boat for children Try it once see hew clean a- My daughter used Parisian Sage on her childrens hair and Ic is as good as you recommend it to be Hannah Anderson 1921 Divine St Columbia- S C Here is what a North Dakota says Parisian Sage certainly has done hair a lot of good and will high- ly recommend It as a very good tonic for the hair Have used various kinds of tonics and have found Parisian Sage the I have my head free from danlruff now and It has a healthy lustre and has an even color It used to be streaky Many of my friends are using It and they speak highly of it Mrs Anna Rooney 111 Second St N Fargo X D Parisian Sage causes the hair to grow thicker more luxuriant and puts so much new life Into it that it grows lustrous and beautiful Always bear In mind that there Is nothing for the hair that can com pare with Parisian Sage There are many Imitations but none of them are guaranteed to eradicate dandmir stop falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks or money back A large bottle costs 50c at Henry Evans and James ODonnells and druggists everywhere The girl with the Auburn hair Is on every I Stork were r i ed moa healthy it keeps the scalp my bottler r t this eXpe s rave bang de- clared aid wo- man bust ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Beautiful Portable Lamps For Xmas Gifts immense stock of Portable Gas and Elec- tric Lamps Art Domes and Shades offers a Splendid v2riety from which to select Suitable Presents for the coming holidays These portable lamps are very handsome in design and and give a comfortable luxurious light Every housewife will appreciate one of these portable lamp v We have he largest and finest assortment in Washington and our prices are the most reasonable to be found anywhere All Sorts of OH and Gas Heaters 50c Up SHEDD BRO CO 432 9tti Street N W PLUMBING GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES Repairing a Specially Elaborate Display of Gas Logs Andirons and Fireplace Goods PHONE MAIN 314 j u T A e p t- I workmanshi soft Sf So l I r r 4 eir k t rx1- J- Our a O r < < = + Hine Aims to Simplify School Contract Work Reports asked today from the supervising principals and other school officials regarding all contrast work which came under their observation during the pest year Recommendations regarding changes In specifications or new requisitions to be asked for also wore solicited This information is wanted by Harry Hine secretary of the Board of Educa tion for incorporation in the annual we ¬ tract book for supplies la the schools for the year of 12 The contract specifications close early next May In making out the contract for W12 care will be exercised in insert ing time clauses ia alt specification for and making penalties for failures- to comply with the exact terms of the specifications By this means it is hoped that much of the delay In getting furniture and for the public school experienced this year will be d two years hence The work of the schools In instances was han work or by the delivery of Inferior goods which had to be returned I bide ao dkapped by delay In delivering contraCt pub- lic ¬ West End Camp Elects New Set of Officers Counsel J Harry Atchison adviser F C Geiger banker George B Haake clerk J William Hrriagtea escort R J Cooler physician B F Gfbbs M- IX watchman R S DoaaMsoH and sentry E S Atchison are new of- ficers of West End Camp No 12MC M W A elected at Pythian Temple last night Lewis Hodges was chosen one of the board of managers for a term of three years the 1 ¬ m This is a wholesome whiskey WARNINGT- here are many brands of whiskey the market called Maryland rye but there only one MARYLAND CLUB the wholesome whiskey Maryland Club stands v a class by itself It is put through an expensiye process that enriches the taste increases L the mellowness and fragrant eliminates the j v that cause un pleasant aftereffects Maryland Club Whis- key is wholesome j Ask for Maryland Club v at the bar or at the gro JK see that you get Maryland Club accent on the Club QTMt Meant oa ths CLUB Cab 2 Co s Maryland Club Whiskey Baltimore Hi Service Heel w Rubbers Give Double Wear At But Slight Additional Cost They Can ONLY Be Found at HANS Three Stores PENSION CHECKS CASHED FOR OUR PATRONS BER fOOTWEAR And Buy Them at stocks are ten times as large as youll find at any other store Over 100 different styles of Rubber Boots Overshoes and Arctics for men women and children We carry only the Reliable Kinds And our prices are LOWEST WARM BOOT SOCKS Given Away This Week with Every Fait of Rubber Boots I- on is in Geed rp ele- ments cers and I I Prop H I Give Gifts I1A S- Our r f r a r I I fl fII li 1 66 V q ±± = = Rubber Boots For Boys and Girls Will please the youngsters better than anything fok Xmas Protect their health too RUBBER KNEE BOOTS or STORM KING BOOTS which buckle above the knees For Boys and Youths 200 to 325 for Misses and Children 150 to 175 else Rubber Boots For Men Our stocks are immense Reg ular Weight or Extra Heavy SNAG PROOF Knee Boots STORM KING Boots or Full Hip Boots With rubber or leather solos and warm fleece or friction lining At 275 to 6 And every grade at a good saving the ¬ Beacon Arctics High Cut 3 Buckles 175 Misses 200 Womens 250 Mens 300 fIlm HighCut STORM SHOts Heavy waterproofed tan or With straps Mens 195 to 6 Boys 150 to 350 Childs u u at top t s I 7T ANa K ST PA 233 PA AVE SE i J CoR 1 19141916 Avg- RELl 1BLE SHO F DUSEs

Transcript of J iji West End Camp Elects Officers II · 2017-12-26 · r THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY DECTDrBEI...

Page 1: J iji West End Camp Elects Officers II · 2017-12-26 · r THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY DECTDrBEI fi 1910 J iji MARY iW TO RULE II DEATH precepts So Long Taught to Be Followed by


ijiMARY iW


precepts So Long Taught toBe Followed by the


BOSTON Dew Eve ia death MrsBaker G BMy will shape the destinies

f the Christian Science Church andher body is JaW to rest on Thurs-

day the affairs of the greatest of thenewest schools of truth awl religionwilt go on a though guided by thering hand of the founder

Through the written commandmentsof Mrsof the mother church will continue thework

Basal At CambridgeThe body of Mrs Eddy wit be buried

in Mount Auburn Cemetery Cambridgefollowing her funeral Thursday morning according to an official announce-ment by her household early today

A tentative list of those who will at-tend the funeral was given out todayas follows

Henry 2 Baker Mrs Eddys sec-ond cousin who has been one of herchief advisers outside of the ChristianScience family for several yearsGeorge M Qkrver of Lead S DMrs Eddys eon Mr Glovers daugh-ter Miss Mazy Glover

Also in attendance will be the mera-Wrs of Mrs Eddys household whoare Adam H Dickey her secretaryffelTin A Frye Mrs Laura SargentWilliam R Rathvon another ofMr Eddys secretaries a d MrsHathvon Rev Irving Tonlineon-tvho for many years while at ileasantView Concord was one of the leaderstry the Concord Church and an adriser of Mrs Eddy who has been livingin her home since she came to ChestnutHIM

Officials f CkurchThe of the Mother Church

will attend They are W D BaldwinYork president of the Mother

Church organization Archibald McLellan Allison V Stewart Stephen AChase John V Dittemore directorAtfred Farlotr chairman of the Chris-tian Science Publicity Committee FredDtekson chairman of the publicationcommittee of Great Britain and Irelandand W L Johnson who for manyyears was secretary of the MotherChurch

Several other relatives now living inKern Hampshire will probably be

attendGreat crowds gathered about the

Eddy mansion on Chestnut HIM thismorning but the grounds were patrolledby detectives no one was allowed-to eater except on showing authority

To Band MausoleumTwo reports were current before the

announcement was made as to the placeof burial One was that the bodywould be eaterred In coetly mausoleumin a cemetery near Chestnut Hill theother was that the remains would beplaced m a crypt beneath the altar ofthe mother church A conference ofmembers of the Eddy household andher near relatives was caned for thismorning It was declared that plans

mausoleum would be discussedAccording to this report the

structure will be a masterpiece ofyet sm-



incipals of Washington high schoolsrecommended to Superintendent of

Schools A T Stuart that the time for-t at 2

xtclcckThis question was brought up earlier

in the year and principles were givenT iiiiierton to extend the school day

vont 2 to SS oclock if they wanted to4te so Several of them did one oT them

it the difference and is now closing atand others because they could not

Hsarrance their original program heldfast to the 2 oclock

a result it is claimed that someof the schools are now doing more workthan the athens and the principals want-a definite closing hour fixed so that thetime in each school shall be the sameComplaints were also received fromteachers who were working over timeim J the varying times of dismissal in-terfered with the cadet drills

ROCKVHJLE lid Dec S The funeral of Mrs Elizabeth Trammell widowxrf John Trammell who died Sundaynight at her home near Potomac thisCStmty will take place at oclocktomorrow morning front St GabrielsCatholic Church near Potomac The

rvices will be conducted by the pasthe Rev Philip 3 MeOuIre andinterment be in St Gabriels


willie She was a Miss Carrollwas a lifelong resident of this

Irving Smothers colored was sen

by Judge Peter the cir-cuit court here yesterday afternoonHe was convicted a few days ago of

it being charged that onstabbed James Coates

also colored with a penknife causlug his death two days later

trenisture Grayness1 an nnnainral disfigurement and a

handicap la social and business lifeThose who care for their personal

appearance use HATS HAIRTfKAITH It removes all traces of

natural elor used sncccsxfnHywhen all ethers fall

IS A DYESend 2c for b ks Th Care of theair Skis PhOe Hay Spec Co


w 51 and 5Oc bottles at druKKlarfc


board dlreders



if New



Ziostng their school be M

cJI m L-

As I





Trananeii was yearsold and been ia faDing health

county was widely known

to seven years Inpenitentiary ill



Jty reslorinS the hair to Its





ddy t4he of







theMrs seventyfive

had a-long


lanced the Maryland





















Proceedings in Court Reveal Novel Case of


NEW YORK Dec 0 for ababy a baby boy

sh sjcfced Mrs Warren fWhatsthe use of wishing

Well th storks skipped houseevery time he flies this ways air Warren exclaimed

he oJoesnt know welcome hed be his pretty wife rejeined

IM lied a way You see if Idont the husband declared FM outwit the Mark and set a baby yet

And he didThe supreme court deeded that War-

rens plan was contrary t law andcould not be sanctioned So the babywill not crew any more in the Warren home

Arthur AT Warren fc aboutjive years old and lives in StatenHe and his wife have been married some-time and have waited in vain for thestorks visit

It was about the first of last Febru

The scheme eclipsed in originality thcplots of his own moving picture filmsand rivaled In dramatic action thescenes of a popular Broadway farce

Even Relatives Wont Know-A baby at last his wife cried in

delight when she heard of it Whyeven our own relatives wont ever knowthe difference

Put on the soft pedal cautionedWarren You know it allupon Mrs Campbell

Why shell be tickled to death MrsWarron asserted She told me se her-self

It happened that Mrs Camp-bell then living at the home rf theWarrens expected the arrival of a littleCampbell very soon And the successt the plan depended her wttttag

nose to part with the babeIn papers Warren filed yesterday in

the supreme court in connection with

Commissioners Want to Protect Homes From Sneak


In order that the public may beprotected against sneak thieves whogala entrance to a house under theguise of Inspectors the Commission-ers today appointed Maser Sylvesterchairman of a committee to considerthe advisability of clothing all District inspectors In uniform

The members of the committee havenot been selected and will be chosenfrom District officials

Reports are frequently made to thePolice Department concerning theftsmade by pseudo inspectors who callto inspect electrical wiring or gasmeters Their departure is markedby the disappearance of silvervaluable Jewelry

3tt present District officials are required to display badge but not-withstanding this a slick crook usuallyfinds no difficulty in obtaining an

into a household One methodis to call up the house by telephone andinform the maid or butler than a District inspector Is on his way to Inspectthe premises

The recommendation to clothe all Dis-trict inspectors in a distinctive uniformwas made by Commissioner Johnstonwho has supervision of the Police Department

Aerogram Says LinerIs Damaged In Storm

wireless telegram to The Wash-ington Times from the Marconi Pressagency states that the steamship KaiserWilhelm Der Grosse had rough

until Sunday noon and on Mondayabout 15 oclock in the afternoon withthe weather clear steamship lostits port propeller

The message further says that thesteamship is new steaming with Itsstarboard engine and is making sixteen knots an hour It expects to

in New York tomorrow afternoonAll on board are well


Guess hew



ary that Warren thought of his plan




































Staten Islanders Triedto Stork

Childless couple takes novelmethod of adopting baby boy

Real mother admits she stole ownchild and gave it to Warrens

Physician lays part and proudfather gives cigars to all his

friendsJ I

Maternal love awakened claimslittle lad and peculiar case is car-

ried into court

a writ of habeas corpus he saysCampbell was enthusiastic over thehe outlined to her He his wifeand Mrs Campbell plotted to execute

so secretly that neither theirneighbors nor their relatives would 09-the wiser

Baby Is BornOn February 16 1918 a bouncing baby

boy was born In the Warren home andchristened Walter Wellington Warrenafter the uncle of air Warren For sixdays Mrs Warren kept to her roomwhere a gravelooking physician visitedher every day

Warren announced to his neighborsand relatives that the longexpected henhad arrived and received the

of everyone Mrs Warrensmother came in a flurry of excitementand praised the fine looks of little Walter Wellington Warren The only oneIn the household t Is asserted who didnot seem to take any interest in theyoungster was Mrs CampbelL She

member of the family was nothingworth crowing over

Joy of the Warrens was completeuntil October 2S last On dayWarren says Mrs Campt suddenlyit turned from the St G ort 8 Deaconewe Home in Manhattan where shehad gone a few days before and

the possession of Walter Wel-lington Warren


Brick Manufacturers Association Thus AssuresChamber of Commerce-

One large national business organiza-tion the National Brick ManufacturersAssociation has assured tae Chamberof Commerce that It will hold annualconvention in Washington every otheryear when the Washington MemorialConvention Hall is erected Sn this city

GranvIlle M Hunt chairman of theconventions committee today received-a letter from T A HaadaH secretary-of the association in whIch he says

When your Georg WashingtonMemorial is complete you will not haveto take a back sent for any one andwe will then be glad to hold our conventions in Washington every other year

At the present time Washington can-not get to which thereare sent 709 delegates and as many via

there is no suitable con-vention hall for their use

The Washington committee of theGeorge Washington Memorial Associa-tion heW another meetliur at the officeof Charles J Bell yesterday afternoon-at which Mr Hunt was designated toform a plan for raising the funds neces-sary to secure for Washington theJ2SWMXW memorial convention hall offer-ed by Mrs Henry F Diraock of NewYork president of the George Washlnfron Memorial Association providedWashington will raise a tenth of theamount

A rosrres in securing transfers of sub-scriptions from the old auditorium prop-osition the Washington memorialfund was reported Mr Hunt said todaythat he would lay his plan before theChamber of Commerce and the Board ofTrade at an early date He reports today that the Chamber has secured theconvention of the High Tent 0Rachebites for September 1911

Arcanumites EntertainedOiiray Council was the host last night

to Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum at Pythian Past RegentThomas F Mitchell presided and wel-comed the mind officers A large classof candidates was initiated




the aft



went about as If the arrival or a new

























Brilliant Plan o Outdo N Reluctant Undone by

Maternal Cove v

What Give up our baby MrsWarren exclaimed in astonishment

NeverBut its not your baby Its mine

and you know It Im tired of thisthin and want my boy Mrs Campbellreplied

But you agreed to let us have It andnever tell any one it wasnt our ownYou know you did We to be Itsmother and father always Whatllmother say and all the rest of the folkswhen they know weve fooled them like

Infant Taken to CourtDespite the plea of Mrs Warren the

baby was taken away from her andcame back to New York with its realmother

Then Warren applied for a writ ofhabeas corpus to get the custody of thebaby In order to make sure that MrsCampbell had ths baby in her noosesIon he engaged his stepfather George

tin Fevre to eo on a scoutinetkm Le Fevre had filed an affidavit inwhich he says he called on Mrs Campbell took her out for an evenings en-tertainment and learned that she hadplaced Walter in charge of some personswho had fed the child crackers andmade him so ill that he was sent to ahospital for treatment

Warren was granted his writ of habeascorpus The cas was called yesterday

Ive paid all the expenses for thebaby from the time it was born untilOctober Warren assorted Themother It to me in accordance with-a plan nr which she was to let us roarit an our own

Well rYe my mind MrsCampbell said The babys mine andI want It

She has the natural and legal right ofa mother her lawyer declared Weadmit that the details of the plan asoutlined by Mr Warren are true butthe farts constitute a fraud and renderthe entire transaction illegal and againstpublic policy

Writ dismissed and custody of thechild awarded to its mother JusticeDvi ruled

And Mrs Campbell walked away withher bah

Booker T Washington-To Dine With J Johnson

CHICAGO Dee Booker T Wash-ington the negro educator has accepted-an invitation to dine with Jack Johnson the pugilistic champion this even-ing

He was to have dined with the chamnight but had to cancel theinvitation ta deliver an address In hisspeech to members of his own race heurged parents to let their boys smokeand their girls dance at home He

that the boys were going tosmoke anyhow and the girls dance andit was better to let them do it at home

Childrens HairKeep It Free From Dandruff

and it Will Grow LovelyBeing tie best hair dressing ret

and women Parisian Sage In also boatfor children Try it once see hewclean a-

My daughter used Parisian Sage onher childrens hair and Ic is as goodas you recommend it to be HannahAnderson 1921 Divine St Columbia-S C

Here is what a North Dakotasays

Parisian Sage certainly has donehair a lot of good and will high-

ly recommend It as a very good tonicfor the hair Have used various kindsof tonics and have found ParisianSage the I have my head freefrom danlruff now and It has ahealthy lustre and has an even colorIt used to be streaky Many of myfriends are using It and they speakhighly of it Mrs Anna Rooney 111Second St N Fargo X D

Parisian Sage causes the hair togrow thicker more luxuriant andputs so much new life Into it that itgrows lustrous and beautiful

Always bear In mind that there Isnothing for the hair that can compare with Parisian Sage There aremany Imitations but none of them areguaranteed to eradicate dandmir stopfalling hair and itching scalp in twoweeks or money back

A large bottle costs 50c at HenryEvans and James ODonnells anddruggists everywhere The girl withthe Auburn hair Is on every








healthy it keeps the scalp





















BeautifulPortable Lamps

For Xmas Giftsimmense stock of Portable Gas and Elec-

tric Lamps Art Domes and Shades offers aSplendid v2riety from which to select

Suitable Presentsfor the coming holidays These portable lampsare very handsome in design andand give a comfortable luxurious light

Every housewife will appreciate one of these portable lamp v We have he largest and finestassortment in Washington and our prices are the most reasonable to be found anywhere

All Sorts of OH and Gas Heaters 50c Up

SHEDD BRO CO432 9tti Street N W

PLUMBING GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURESRepairing a Specially Elaborate Display of Gas Logs Andirons and Fireplace Goods


j uT A e p t-



Sf So

l I

r r4 eirk t











Hine Aims to SimplifySchool Contract Work

Reports asked today from thesupervising principals and other schoolofficials regarding all contrast workwhich came under their observationduring the pest year Recommendationsregarding changes In specifications ornew requisitions to be asked for alsowore solicited

This information is wanted by HarryHine secretary of the Board of Education for incorporation in the annual



tract book for supplies la theschools for the year of 12 The

contract specifications close early nextMay

In making out the contract for W12care will be exercised in inserting time clauses ia alt specification for

and making penalties for failures-to comply with the exact terms of thespecifications By this means it ishoped that much of the delay In gettingfurniture and for the publicschool experienced this year will be

d two years hence The work ofthe schools In instances was hanwork or by the delivery of Inferiorgoods which had to be returned



aodkapped by delay In delivering contraCt



West End Camp ElectsNew Set of Officers

Counsel J Harry Atchison adviserF C Geiger banker George B Haakeclerk J William Hrriagtea escort RJ Cooler physician B F Gfbbs M-IX watchman R S DoaaMsoH andsentry E S Atchison are new of-ficers of West End Camp No 12MC MW A elected at Pythian Temple lastnight Lewis Hodges was chosen oneof the board of managers for a term ofthree years




m This is awholesome


WARNINGT-here are many brands of whiskey

the market called Maryland ryebut there only one MARYLANDCLUB the wholesome whiskey

Maryland Club standsv a class by itself

It is put through anexpensiyeprocess that enrichesthe taste increases

L the mellowness andfragrant

eliminates thej v that cause un

pleasant aftereffectsMaryland Club Whis-key is wholesome

j Ask for Maryland Clubv at the bar or at the groJK

see that you get MarylandClub accent on the Club


Meant oa ths CLUB

Cab 2 Co s Maryland Club Whiskey Baltimore Hi

Service Heelw Rubbers Give DoubleWearAt But Slight Additional Cost They Can ONLY Be Found at HANS Three Stores


BER fOOTWEARAnd Buy Them at

stocks are ten times as large as youll find atany other store Over 100 different styles of RubberBoots Overshoes and Arctics for men women andchildren

We carry only the Reliable KindsAnd our prices are LOWEST

WARM BOOT SOCKSGiven Away This Week with Every Fait of Rubber Boots




Geed rp ele-ments

cers andI





Give GiftsI1A S-















Rubber BootsFor Boys and Girls

Will please the youngstersbetter than anything fokXmas

Protect their health tooRUBBER KNEE BOOTS orSTORM KING BOOTS which

buckle above the kneesFor Boys and Youths

200 to 325for Misses and Children

150 to 175


Rubber BootsFor Men

Our stocks are immense Regular Weight or Extra HeavySNAG PROOF Knee Boots

STORM KING Boots orFull Hip Boots With rubberor leather solos and warmfleece or friction lining

At 275 to 6And every grade at a good



Beacon ArcticsHigh Cut 3 Buckles

175Misses 200Womens 250Mens 300

fIlm HighCut STORM SHOtsHeavy waterproofed tan or

With straps

Mens 195 to 6Boys 150 to 350



at top







CoR1 19141916 Avg-RELl 1BLE SHO F DUSEs