J ii- i A r v The v J tf it t i H eoJQ - University of...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 15 1901 i 1 n w f r l- ry y NEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED W C Neville of Arredondn wa trad- ing in the city x t nJay Mr and Mr r Fncvl r n aonville ar ti t i A v J R Kowf Vernon Chtty Miuanopy p rid- ing a a a ruet it In- siiter Mm J Fltcher Hill H Torntkm of Jai one the leading physician and i1ruitifi f that pla rcgUi red at tleI- lrown Mou e ye terday A B Oliver repreentir K the Si ring fellow A iMtyCo wh leale grocer Jacksonville returned front Ala chua and other point in t o of hi firm IIA Maney the gentlemanly ad- vance agent of the John II Spark Railroad Show wa in town ymtrnUy arranging for the appearance of tin excellent attraction here on the h inst lr It C McCnll oINew York rep reentmg MoKe un Uibbin whole sale drucKitftc in the city y ter day l r McCall formerly resided here and hit friends who are Kind to greet hun J Manning expert to leave for Lakeland where been lummoned on biriiiflr Mr Mmmin- gexpct to remain in that section or the next few weeks projecting family it with him Among the young ladies visiting city i Sophie Great of Philadel- phia who in the guet of Mi Harriet Pepper Jli drear it poeted of a charming disposition and will make many friends while here I R Pope one of the leading young turn of the LaCrose section a welcome viiitor to The Sun je terday and showed his appreciation of Alachua countys leading newpaper by having his name enrolled for a year ilr Webber formerly of the South tra Express Co at High Springs but now in Jacksonville was in the city yesterday He ha been on a visit to his family at High Spring was en route to attend his new Mr T 1 Thornason of Bainbridge Us i here a a guest of her sister Mrs W H l brother Char- Y Crawford Mr Thomaaon was known here a Crawford and ha many hind who were d ghted to meet her agai- nI V Maine one of the prominent farmer of the Monteocha section wa among thoe who camp to the county capital trading yesterday Mr Maine Mate that the fanner of hi section are planting and anticipate a good crop the coming ea on Engineer lieorg Lyons of the At- lantic Coa t Line who i running the High Spring Citra train had the mi fortune Tuesday night in dismounting engine nt Micanopy to severely sprain hi ankle with the result that he trill probably be incapacitated leveral day Among those who are visiting the city i Joseph Kjhlenan Wakarua Ind who here on a visit to hi Mr K J Baird Mr Kihleman i well pl aed with what he een far and declare Gainesville to be the progressive city of its lit tisiled There will be a called meeting of the fflcer and committeeof the Library at the library Thursday afternoon at I J or immediately fol- lowing the iloe of the service at rabernacir A there ii important homed to be attended to a full nt- tendau i Mr and Mrs I I Riehhourg of Mil- lard Station have the pleasure of for H few day Mi Iaiini- Wahl ourne of Providence II I She vitiled tin city yecterday with Mr Ktchboiirg and delighted with the baiiUoinu broad meet and large ev- ergreen shade tree Inf r tank Swindell of Campville of the school at that place war in ti city yiterday en route tci hnme in Levy county Irof Swin dill clu ed Ins choul i n Friday itftei a mitit succejful e ion during which there H tine htietninnce and mich uoo i wa accomplished Pozier Iirneit nf HHCUI wro ha beta inlering with typhoitl fi time time bran removed to ti atinnnl Mil FVHow Homo whtr proper siiiviicHl attentiiin could given him While hi cnn ttion un proud it yet eriou Lot it K nn- ticipatini that he will completely over I r Iaa hatton of lrrM tvn Pa- rad in the c ty frum Palmer yeturJaj J j hr l hat rein alls lit this war and 1 and Sallie of most 4 Association Ih r desired j his halt i r r 4 Pita fu day Ire < was interest was I to- day has Isis Miss of lee reading du- ties Mite busy his for- d r daugh- ter has herein aloe hap en- tertaining was was tit r > 1 ¬ > > > ¬ > > ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > + + + + + ± + 01 E 1 A HOUSE FRIDAY FEn rlY J C LEWIS In the New 81 PLUHKARO A Rural Play in a Class by Itself A flat Y n Afford In Mi I The Play Abound with Uncht and AI i iKrs iso ARLETFA LEWIS and BABY IRENE SPOONER of thf lMevirt Children Ipon- j the Sr ge- DU nt AVKKAi Watch for thi Paradt i lr Hstton i a member of the town tNhitig club which quartered at Palmer on Like Kanapaha de he i having the biggest time of hi life The fish are biting plentiful ly and beside hunting i good It the bra I ever saw he said and we are all perfectly delighted Among the visitor to this city yes- terday wa Paul Wagner of Atlanta- an extenive building contractor He ha the contract for the erection of the court house for county and en route to Bron on where he will arrange for beginning the work The new curt house will be identical- ly on the same plan as the court house in Stark and one of the handsomest- in the Eighth Judicial Circuit The tonorial parlor of Phillips v on tall Union Mreet are being generally overhauled and renovated The wall will receive new paper the floor be laid with linoleum and new furniture added An electrical mas- sage machine will be added to the out I Ht and the bath room supplied with hot cold and vapor baths When everything i completed the parlors will present a metropolitan air The financial statement of the stank of Alachua appears elsewhere in this I isue Thi institution has enjoyed a fplendid success since establish- ment and i conidend one of the most solid financial enterprises in this section of the State nlficer are coureou and obliging and it a pleasure to do businens with them The HtaUment shows the btii ines of the institution to have exceeded 100- oco SherilT W Kennell returned yes- terday from hi tux and cat in Putnam county where he wa associ- ated with Pr Holmes of Atlanta and others The chase proved to bi one of the must exciting a a whole the Sheriff has ever experienced and will a long time remembered The longet cha e after H cat which lasted ix hour There a pack of thirty dog but the cat held them i IT until captured when the dug tetired in a bloody condition the cat hater bring killed Six tuxes and the one cat referred to were captured or killeil on hunt I Lewi the greatest of all char- acter comedians supported by a en- palle company will present Si Plunk anl at the upera hours Friday night Plunkanl may be truthfully descri- bedasahjme and family play every member ul the dnmeli circle from the youngest child to the grdtid I parent may witne Si Plunk and with pleasure and prollt a play that ap- peals to almnt very one of I there are excitidg incidents vil iny- nnil ci ie but they ar re by bright unedy Dont fall ee funny tnft parade hy Si and hi Co inlry Hiiml- j Are You Jt Night r hnrn il l y it hull Mingli L4 II f yrnp it will peiure F d erp anil etlfc1 h I rtnt HI 1 r f j W- M EDW AEDS I Two 1 ftldl Brats I mon ill I darts levy I I I I Its i I Ill final I I C 1 I pal III Ill liecd I Restless I 1 t j ant T parklitg rplalllr Prier ed and war flow its chase was was that aged I lime to- t I tilnrd n 4 lid > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ± + + + + + GREAT OPPORTUNITY F rm Offers Buld ng Lois M Very Low PfiCe- alviti ti r fiity v y Hi HII ibiftiii iirnp rij i JIK ii- v v try ilolnr i- in vf iii rt But v ut h f tin ti tt tf iimv with fl i knu nf Jicfemv1 rotate value the lackuniiie v l npment rimpntiy offr all f Park a most attracMv ai ii nu Ml di- rirable piece of property just i ut iJe of Die city luint for 5 a Int on a plan which placer the pu within reach of min and woman in the United Sates A pay- ment of fIJ down and 1 a month fur If than tour year will give the pur chaser a de d to a lot in H tn l prutu iltig tibdivi uu of Greater Taek on- ville jest of the limit from city tale lint in of- Jacksonvilles kyeraper and in the Inert tei irKble fnctory di tri t uf a iriijit hnd growing city- A tract of land high aid dry being twentylive fitt whoa the l v of the St 1 it n river m the eriiter uf the gratei t titricl of a gnat nod pn penitH city with gr at rrhir i hopr sties tvrfhty mile of i ietraik coal chutes Hiul all that i neceary fur the great Ht I TIHIIIH iiMlitie in the South contemplated nr utuiir a property through which passes all of the rhino which titer Jack on ville- from the North all W st and where the Urt top in the State i made by the niigmHcent palace tour t trains which enter Florida The Jackfonvilie Development Com pallY dues not make the present utTer with the promise that it tall continue in force indefinitely Far from it The company will absolutely advance the price of all the lot in Grand Park to the extent of 25 per cent ninety days after February 18th Thor who l are to accept the great opportunity conveyed in the oiler will have to act quickly- I A feature of offer which ought todipel the lightrt doubt of its great advantage is that the company J the lots for 5U on time without interest and without taxet to be paid j by the purchaser All taxe will b paid by the company until the deed I fur the property has been In- I addition to the Jacksonville Pe- velopment Company oftlcered by ome of the leading men of Florida puts it absolute guarantee behind the values asked III ubdivi ion I The in irand Park art nut to be to colored people Site are i made only tit white insuring a corn muntty of the be t class of people There wa never uch an i for an investment in Florida real as that offercd by the Jackson Ievelopment Company in posing of it irand Park It- i tl opportunity of a lifetime to real estate in lremter Jaek on yule where values are doubling annu- ally I Startling But True j People the aver were horrified on learning of the burning of a Chica- go theater in which nearly six hundred people lust their live yet more than time number or over 3100- irople died from pneumonia in Chica- go during the tame year with scarcely a pting notice Every one of these of pneumonia revolted from cold and could have b n prevented by tin tinifly ue of Chamberlains Cough Remedy A treat many who had every reason to tsar pi umonia nave warded- it oft by this prompt of thi rem- edy The following i an intance of thi Too much cannot be raid- in favor of Chamberlain Cough Kern edy and especially for colds and in tlienza I know that it cured my daughter Laura of a cold and blieve stVfd her when the was threitifiifd with pneumonia W I- Wilccn Logan New York Sold by all Five Prisoners Sevlng Sentence St pnr ura II Five fa- rurnic if last lnmat of the Soiling llmrs furr fii have b n fik- H from tlmfr i itul seer to Sln tin titan the romiiiiliT tt ihclr n t n tr Tiny r KurjKivlrh who killed Mlnlit r uf IMiiiatlon lima fr In p fi i in Molnlkof- frni llr tn aaf lrmtlon f It- rl r Mlni i r unln S PI ft the r r lr rlor Mirtlrr Vii Jackson Ile tr11tllIlIl tII y hid I r f l t real t ant fr I rAlnrlal ion eu rUlt lUll I I I iud I off ill dIll bur I I Ills ttr h j I I I l I I fI I t I Hdr I ec f sit S t a r r t all it 11g I I1 tint d t salt n easy every outside city mitt rail rnait nultilt hs this sells I this business I this lots opportun- ity tate ac- quire I word tier this I caws sort lit druggists F tin irn r M and lgn it it t ti rtipltr > > > < > > + ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > μ + Wak up Jr l I I I Your Liver ii- Mo 11 L a1w LVwrdw c Nrrsncsalw or r9wtilOrr a < > + + PAINFUL PERIODS Life often seems too to the woman who suf- fers from painful periods The bearing down headache backache leucorrhea nervousness dizziness griping cramps and similar tortures are dreadful To make living Womans Relief It quickly relieves inflammation unifiestnd en strengthens the constitution and permanently cures conditions from which weak women suffer- It is matchless marvelous reliable- At all druggists in 100 bottles rice eoJQ I ¬ = = WRITE U A UTXn freely and frankly In strictest dene tclllni ux your t mpto s uA troubles We iendlreea4rk plain e W envelope Address La- dles AJvi ryr ptMThaCh tUnc ti- MeJldna Co Chattanooga Tata cod will 1 all M > I lOTTZJtD OUA1Tw- rlfea Mrs L E 4 p u CNrsges of Was r1sw N C M sasMy Nor s- ally We b4 we ket botII of dal we oedscklrId asst- I a IN better bsd tltiala I Matra asst- skt a lss t4 a A Business change- r have sold an interest in my business to other parties awl will turn the management over to them within the next thirty days Bnt COST PRICES WILL PREVAILU- ntil the new management takes control I am selling Dry Goods at less than they can be bought at the factory for today HYDETH- E ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc KSTAIIUSUFn HHJ Renders reliable ervice of every sort along the line of of Title the 1 and Titles in State of Florida particularly Alachoa county first consid S1EIALTIES Ab itrarlH r Title Tax Sale Searches araou Vfm fur Nraltrl4rat Uud Onapm ef CaaHtles the investor References First National Bank of Gainesville H F Dutton Co Hanker FIRE LIVE AND ACCIDENT IN THE OLDEST AND BEST COM- PANIES B FJORDANIN- SURANCE PORTER 5 I I- I G W The question the i for lat H r I val t M a 3 t t f k e r Tong EtC 1 iIItLE f- r > < = +

Transcript of J ii- i A r v The v J tf it t i H eoJQ - University of...


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W C Neville of Arredondn wa trad-ing in the city x t nJay

Mr and Mr r Fncvl r naonville ar ti t i A v

J R KowfVernon Chtty Miuanopy p rid-

ing a a a ruet it In-

siiter Mm J Fltcher HillH Torntkm of Jai one

the leading physician and i1ruitifi f

that pla rcgUi red at tleI-

lrown Mou e ye terdayA B Oliver repreentir K the Si ring

fellow A iMtyCo wh leale grocerJacksonville returned front Alachua and other point in t o

of hi firm

IIA Maney the gentlemanly ad-

vance agent of the John II SparkRailroad Show wa in town ymtrnUyarranging for the appearance of tinexcellent attraction here on the hinst

lr It C McCnll oINew York repreentmg MoKe un Uibbin wholesale drucKitftc in the city y terday l r McCall formerly resided hereand hit friends who areKind to greet hun

J Manning expert to leavefor Lakeland where been

lummoned on biriiiflr Mr Mmmin-gexpct to remain in that section orthe next few weeks projectingfamily it with him

Among the young ladies visitingcity i Sophie Great of Philadel-phia who in the guet of Mi HarrietPepper Jli drear it poeted of acharming disposition and will makemany friends while here

I R Pope one of the leading youngturn of the LaCrose section awelcome viiitor to The Sun jeterday and showed his appreciation ofAlachua countys leading newpaper byhaving his name enrolled for a year

ilr Webber formerly of the Southtra Express Co at High Springs butnow in Jacksonville was inthe city yesterday He ha been on avisit to his family at High Springwas en route to attend his new

Mr T 1 Thornason of BainbridgeUs i here a a guest of her sisterMrs W H l brother Char-Y Crawford Mr Thomaaon wasknown here a Crawfordand ha many hind who were d

ghted to meet her agai-nI V Maine one of the prominent

farmer of the Monteocha section waamong thoe who camp to the countycapital trading yesterday Mr Maine

Mate that the fanner of hi sectionare planting and anticipate agood crop the coming ea on

Engineer lieorg Lyons of the At-

lantic Coa t Line who i running theHigh Spring Citra train had the mifortune Tuesday night in dismounting

engine nt Micanopy to severelysprain hi ankle with the result thathe trill probably be incapacitatedleveral day

Among those who are visiting thecity i Joseph Kjhlenan WakaruaInd who here on a visit to hi

Mr K J Baird Mr Kihleman i

well pl aed with what he eenfar and declare Gainesville to

be the progressive city of itslit tisiled

There will be a called meeting of thefflcer and committeeof the Library

at the library Thursdayafternoon at I J or immediately fol-

lowing the iloe of the service atrabernacir A there ii importanthomed to be attended to a full nt-

tendau i

Mr and Mrs I I Riehhourg of Mil-

lard Station have the pleasure offor H few day Mi Iaiini-

Wahl ourne of Providence II I She

vitiled tin city yecterday with MrKtchboiirg and delighted with thebaiiUoinu broad meet and large ev-

ergreen shade treeInf r tank Swindell of Campville

of the school at that placewar in ti city yiterday en route tci

hnme in Levy county Irof Swindill clu ed Ins choul i n Friday itfteia mitit succejful e ion during whichthere H tine htietninnce and michuoo i wa accomplished

Pozier Iirneit nf HHCUI wro habeta inlering with typhoitl fitime time bran removed to ti

atinnnl Mil FVHow Homo whtrproper siiiviicHl attentiiin couldgiven him While hi cnn ttion unproud it yet eriou Lot it K nn-

ticipatini that he will completelyover

I r Iaa hatton of lrrM tvn Pa-

rad in the c ty frum Palmer yeturJaj






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In the New

81 PLUHKAROA Rural Play in a

Class by Itself

A flat Y n Afford In Mi

I The Play Abound with Uncht and

AI i iKrs isoARLETFA LEWIS andBABY IRENE SPOONERof thf lMevirt Children Ipon-

j the Sr ge-


Watch for thi Paradt

i lr Hstton i a member of thetown tNhitig club which quarteredat Palmer on Like Kanapaha de

he i having the biggest time ofhi life The fish are biting plentifully and beside hunting i good Itthe bra I ever saw he said and weare all perfectly delighted

Among the visitor to this city yes-

terday wa Paul Wagner of Atlanta-an extenive building contractorHe ha the contract for the erectionof the court house for countyand en route to Bron on where hewill arrange for beginning the workThe new curt house will be identical-ly on the same plan as the court housein Stark and one of the handsomest-in the Eighth Judicial Circuit

The tonorial parlor of Phillips v

on tall Union Mreet are beinggenerally overhauled and renovatedThe wall will receive new paper thefloor be laid with linoleum and newfurniture added An electrical mas-

sage machine will be added to the outI Ht and the bath room supplied withhot cold and vapor baths Wheneverything i completed the parlorswill present a metropolitan air

The financial statement of the stankof Alachua appears elsewhere in this

I isue Thi institution has enjoyed afplendid success since establish-ment and i conidend one of themost solid financial enterprises in thissection of the State nlficer arecoureou and obliging and it apleasure to do businens with themThe HtaUment shows the btii ines ofthe institution to have exceeded 100-


SherilT W Kennell returned yes-

terday from hi tux and cat inPutnam county where he wa associ-

ated with Pr Holmes of Atlanta andothers The chase proved to bi one ofthe must exciting a a whole theSheriff has ever experienced and will

a long time remembered Thelonget cha e after H cat whichlasted ix hour There a pack ofthirty dog but the cat held them i IT

until captured when the dugtetired in a bloody condition the cat

hater bring killed Six tuxes and theone cat referred to were captured orkilleil on hunt

I Lewi the greatest of all char-acter comedians supported by a en-

palle company will present Si Plunkanl at the upera hours Friday night

Plunkanl may be truthfully descri-bedasahjme and family play everymember ul the dnmeli circle fromthe youngest child to the grdtid

I parent may witne Si Plunk and withpleasure and prollt a play that ap-

peals to almnt very one ofI there are excitidg incidents vil iny-

nnil ci ie but they ar reby bright unedy Dont fall

ee funny tnft parade hy Si andhi Co inlry Hiiml-

j Are You Jt Night

r hnrn il l y it hull Mingli L4

II f yrnp it will

peiure F d erp anil etlfc1 h

I rtnt HI 1 r f j W-





1 ftldl Brats



I darts














pal III Illliecd






ant T

parklitg rplalllr













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n 4 lid




















F rm Offers Buld ng LoisM Very Low PfiCe-

alviti ti r fiity v yHi HII ibiftiii iirnp rij i JIK ii-

v v try ilolnr i-

in vf iii rt But v ut h ftin ti t t tf iimv with

fl i knu nf Jicfemv1rotate value the lackuniiie v l

npment rimpntiy offr all f

Park a most attracMv ai ii nu Ml di-

rirable piece of property just i ut iJeof Die city luint for 5 a Int ona plan which placer the puwithin reach of min andwoman in the United Sates A pay-

ment of fIJ down and 1 a month furIf than tour year will give the purchaser a de d to a lot in H tn l prutuiltig tibdivi uu of Greater Taek on-

ville jest of the limitfrom city tale lint in of-

Jacksonvilles kyeraper and in theInert tei irKble fnctory di tri t uf airiijit hnd growing city-

A tract of land high aid dry beingtwentylive fitt whoa the l v of theSt 1 it n river m the eriiter uf thegratei t titricl of agnat nod pn penitH city with gr at

rrhir i hopr stiestvrfhty mile of i ietraik coal chutesHiul all that i neceary fur the greatHt I TIHIIIH iiMlitie in the Southcontemplated nr utuiira property through which passes all ofthe rhino which titer Jack on ville-from the North all W st and wherethe Urt top in the State i made bythe niigmHcent palace tour t trainswhich enter Florida

The Jackfonvilie Development CompallY dues not make the present utTerwith the promise that it tall continuein force indefinitely Far from itThe company will absolutely advancethe price of all the lot in Grand Parkto the extent of 25 per cent ninetydays after February 18th Thor who

l are to accept the great opportunityconveyed in the oiler will have to actquickly-

I A feature of offer which oughttodipel the lightrt doubt of itsgreat advantage is that the company

J the lots for 5U on time withoutinterest and without taxet to be paid

j by the purchaser All taxe will bpaid by the company until the deed

I fur the property has been In-

I addition to the Jacksonville Pe-

velopment Company oftlcered by omeof the leading men of Floridaputs it absolute guarantee behind thevalues asked III ubdivi ion

IThe in irand Park art nut to be

to colored people Site arei made only tit white insuring a cornmuntty of the be t class of people

There wa never uch ani for an investment in Florida real

as that offercd by the JacksonIevelopment Company in

posing of it irand Park It-

i tl opportunity of a lifetime toreal estate in lremter Jaek on

yule where values are doubling annu-ally

IStartling But True

j People the aver were horrifiedon learning of the burning of a Chica-go theater in which nearly six hundredpeople lust their live yet more than

time number or over 3100-irople died from pneumonia in Chica-

go during the tame year with scarcelya pting notice Every one of these

of pneumonia revolted from coldand could have b n prevented by tintinifly ue of Chamberlains CoughRemedy A treat many who had everyreason to tsar pi umonia nave warded-it oft by this prompt of thi rem-edy The following i an intance ofthi Too much cannot be raid-

in favor of Chamberlain Cough Kernedy and especially for colds and intlienza I know that it cured mydaughter Laura of a cold andblieve stVfd her when the wasthreitifiifd with pneumonia W I-

Wilccn Logan New York Sold by all

Five Prisoners Sevlng SentenceSt pnr ura II Five fa-

rurnic if last lnmat of theSoiling llmrs furr fii have b n fik-

H from tlmfr i itul seer to Sln tintitan the romiiiiliT tt ihclr n

t n tr Tiny r KurjKivlrh whokilled Mlnlit r uf IMiiiatlon lima fr

In p fi i in Molnlkof-frni llr tn aaf lrmtlon f It-

rl r Mlni i r unln S PI ftthe r r lr rlor Mirtlrr Vii

Jackson Ile

tr11tllIlIl tII yhid I r


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rail rnait nultilt hs













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Wak upJr




Your Liver ii-


11 L a1w LVwrdw c Nrrsncsalw or r9wtilOrr a


+ +

PAINFUL PERIODSLife often seems too to the woman who suf-

fers from painful periods The bearingdown headache backache leucorrhea nervousnessdizziness griping cramps and similar tortures aredreadful To make living

Womans ReliefIt quickly relieves inflammation unifiestnd en

strengthens the constitution andpermanently cures conditions fromwhichweak women suffer-

It is matchless marvelous reliable-At all druggists in 100 bottles





WRITE U A UTXnfreely and frankly In strictestdene tclllni ux your t mpto s uAtroubles We iendlreea4rkplain e W envelope Address La-

dles AJvi ryr ptMThaCh tUnc ti-MeJldna Co Chattanooga Tata






I lOTTZJtD OUA1Tw-rlfea Mrs L E



CNrsges of Wasr1sw N C M sasMy Nor s-

ally We b4 we ket botII ofdal we oedscklrId asst-I a IN better bsd tltiala I Matra asst-skt a lss t4 a

A Business change-

r have sold an interest in my business to

other parties awl will turn the managementover to them within the next thirty days Bnt



ntil the new management takes control I amselling Dry Goods at less than they can be

bought at the factory for today



Renders reliable ervice of every sort along the line ofof Title the 1 and Titles in State of Florida particularly

Alachoa countyfirst consid

S1EIALTIES Ab itrarlH r Title Tax Sale Searchesaraou Vfm fur Nraltrl4rat Uud Onapm ef CaaHtles

the investor

References First National Bank of Gainesville H FDutton Co Hanker








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The question


ifor lat


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Tong EtC

1 iIItLEf-




