J Giprs.gToteo Proprietor. · 2015-05-30 · New Zealand Jamil JOST rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New.1...

& H3 4tor .. L - SSSSSSSESSSSSSStESSSSSi ?Hff MMMMtMMfcBMS I f linn n. iimm mrtipiiwi (to , - ' t t y ,1 & & JV Ji' Jy Yol. XIV. No. 2370. HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER VI, 1S89. BO CEHT8 SUBSCRIPTION PCn MONTH V J .' r t THE DAILY BULLETIN Ib printer, xad published Rt the office, Qucon Street, Honolulu, II. ovory afternoon (Sundays oxecpted). SubicrlpHonf 50 cents pot Month. Addross nil Communications Dailv Bulletin. Adverllaomonts, tc on3uro insertion, should bo hanrtod li boforo ono o'clock P.M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor Bulletin Stoam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book nod .lob Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorable tcrmB. t DcllTolophono No. 250 Mutual Tolophnno No. 250 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An interesting and comprehensive publication, contains 33 columns of reading matter on local topics, and a complete resume of Honolulu nnd Island News. It is the best paper nubllshcd iu tho Kingdom to Bond to friends abroad. Habscrliitlon: Island $4 00 year Foreign 0 00 " Commission Mox.onan.t8. 3c Co., HMLA.C!JLCirJt3JLiL General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTEHS AND COMMISSION MER0HANT8, Quoon street, - Honolulu. H. I. 1048 GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merohants Beaver Block, Honolulu. 3KiWliR & COMPANY, 0. (Limited) QBNEnAL Mbrjantilb and CoMMKBIOH Aa&NTr uax or ovviczaB: P. O. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager i. o. Oautku ....Treasurer d riecrutarj DiBUCTOua: Hon. 0. B. BiBUur. 6. C. Allen, H. WATiSBUOUBB. ddoly T. WATHRHOUBE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, ueen it., Honolulu. 1 Q. N. Castle -- J B. Alherton-- U. P. Castle 1 OOOKH, CABTIiB Shipping and Commission Morohants. Importers and Dealers in Uonerul Merohaudiso, No tiO King at., Uouoium. 1 Clans ttprockeli. Wm. Q. Irvrtn. ibwin & Company, WO. Sugar Factors and Commission ents, Honolulu. 1 a OO., Wildbb Dealers ia Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Port and 0,ueen ats., Honolulu. 1 . Lowers, F. J. Lowroy O. M. Oooke. EWERS & OOOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Luinbpr and all Kinds ot Building Materials, Port street, Honolulu l H. G.TJBABBE, DEALER WM and GRAIN, 81 King Btroct, opposite the Old Station Houue. Mutual Telepkoao No. 4,. M7 tt VETJE51UNA.UY. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon AB. and pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richard Birenta. bolenilftc treatment in all dl. oaae- of domestic animals Orders for pluniutluu and riinoh stock promptly ullan, 1..H to. Mlllllill TlllinllOflH BM P. O. Box 320. mhl8 89 O LU$0 IIAWA.IIA.NO. i LL persons h want to comraunl A. cata with h Poitueuouo, eithoi for busineos, or for procuring vsorkrn n sorvants or any other holpB, will nnd It tho moBi protliablo way to advortlso in the Luio fawaiiauo, tho now organ of the Portuguese colony, which is pub-Itshe- d Jn Uotol street, and only charge. reicnUHhle for dvprtlRfn)nt BEST PAPER to subscribe THE Is tho "Dally llotlu.' W enti per mouth. ProtossloiialB. M. MONSABBAT, Atttirnoy at Law & Notary Public 140 Merchant Streot, Honolulu. tf ALFRED MAQOON, J Atioruoy at Law & Notary rubllc 17B 12 Morchant streot. Honolulu, ly David Dayton Will practice In the lower courts of the Kingdom ns nttormy, ntiond to collect lug In nil Its branches, renting of house-an- any other busines cntru-te- d to him Office 01 King Htrott Dpstairs. Fob M0 PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND P. HORN, Practical Conf ecuonor, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- JEST Tolcphono74. H0LLI8TER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, inn . ......, Tfnrl. Hlrnnt. . William's Block, 216 Honolulu, H. I. II. It. SENSOR. O. "W. BMITD. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu Depot for Boericke it Sooohlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Rlck.ecker's Perfumes and Tollot Requltutes, . i8j WEMER & CO. .tlnuanictujriiiir Jonellera, NO. 03 FORT tS'X'XtiJEJT.- - Constuntly on bund large asvortmen of every description ot Jewulry, Vatchw Gold and Silver Plated Waro, &c 958 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukul Jowelry a Specialty. Kins Street, ilouolaln, EL I. Next door to ihe Hawaiian Tram, way Company's Office m rST Particular attention paid to all kind of n pairs J n.1A-- 9 Hustace & Robertson, r R, A. YM.EN. A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-A- . tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goodB in traaslt to the other Inlands. Also, Black and White Sand in quantities to suit at lowest prices, Offloo, next door to Jas. P. Morgan's auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. A. H. RASEMANN, Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Morchant street. Up stairs. y NEW YORK LINE ! Al Vessel will bo doipatohed for AN Hon lulu to leave Nw York In all November For futiher Information apply to the Agents, Mnsstia. W. II. GROSSMAN & BRO , 77 & 70 Broau St., Now Voik Oily. Or CASTLE .fcrOOKE, 327 1m 'Inn liin TT, I. New Zealand Jamil rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New JOST .1 im-t- , assorted cases, For sale at low prlrf a hv J. E, BROWN & CO., 32T tf 28 Morchant street. DAVID KAAIIiUJ5 HAS tho bAt nnd cheapest Blaok Hook, Oorsl, Sand nnd Soil for silo In any quantl'y. Apply at tho law offlce of Wllllnm O Aehl. No. fid Mei chant street, Honolulu, H. I. 804 8a k ,'- - iiEAVBR k SALOON Tho Best Lunoh In Town, Tea and OofTee at ill Hours The Finest Brand of Giprs.gToteo on liana. H. J. NOI.TK, Sroprlctr. True fiQkrasW kJ Metropolitan Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholosalo & Betail Butchers -- AND NAVY CONTRAOTOBS. 1717 ly Choicest Mutton I Beef, Pork, E,iIi,'Vresrtti.tluH,Sco.,Ssc. Always on hand at tho HONOLULU MARKET (Buccesxora to Wm. MtCandlots), Wo. O neen HU, t t fleli aiArket, Honolulu, H. I. C5TFamlly nnd Shipping Oidorscaro. fully attended to. Live block furnt-ht- to vessels at short notloe. my 17-8- JOS. TBMKER, BUTcnun. Nuuanu Street, Beef, Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Fork. ALSO Cambridge Pork Sausagos ! Fresh Every Day. t3T His noted nre mnde by the every best muchinrrv, and all orders emrutiea to his care will be delivered with promptnodi and dispatch, and his priaea arc as low as anywhere in the city. "EST Try his Bologna SauaagGs.'TSJi cvt.ft 88 Anderson &Lundy, Artlflclnl Teeth from ono to an entire set inserted on gold, silver, slluminum and rubber bases. Crown and Bridge Work a specialty. To persona wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of Irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All operations performed In uccordanoo whh the latest improvements in dontal pcionce. Teeth Extracted without pain by tho uso of Nitrous Oxide Uai. CSOfflce at Old Tregloan Rcsldonco Hotel street, Fob-30-8- 9 WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill, W. W. WRIGHT, Not. 70 and 01 King Street. Carriage Builders, 8hip's Blacksmlihlng, Drayt, Carts & Wagon Building as specialty. Every description of work In tho above lines performed In a firM-cla- manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED, ZW Orders from tho other IslandR lollclted. Will be pleated to ccp all our old customers a well as new ones Mutual Telephone No 673. anr.tOflft Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort St., Upslairo, Tho undersigned rota to Inform the public of these Islands that ho is making toy 3Iii8uromont I . Directions forfulf-mefiauremet- it will be given on application. White Shirts, Oycrslilrts & Right Gowk A lit guarantee by making a sample Shirt to every order. Island order aollolted Boll Telephone 410 00 ly A.. 11. MELLIH. Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats ! Largest Assortment ! Latest Styles ! , AT THE POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, t04 Fort Street, Honolulu, IV. . - - Proprietor. WE LEAD IN STYLE & PRICES ! LATEST STYLE OF Ladles' ill (Hi's Straw Hats ai Bonnets ! Received by every steamer. Wo have just received another lot of our well-know- n SPAR: -:- - SAILOR -:- - HAT I IN BLACK & WHITE. Untrimmed Hats in all Shapes ! IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OP ladies' Sc Oliildhren's Trimmed. Hats At very low prices, A full assortment of Satin - Edge - Gros - Grain - Ribbons, In all widths nnd uhndea. Silk Buds, Flowers, Feathers, &c, &o. A NEW ASSORTMENT OF Children's Muslin Bonnets & Chambry Hats, LATEST STYLE Infant Embroidered ilLc JBoiixxetst AT VERY LOW PRICES OFFER AT BED ROCK PRICES o California Hay, Oals, Bran, Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal, Barley, llolled Barley, Middling Ground Barley, Wheat and Corn Flour. FLOUB KS-Alt- a, Golden Gato & Salinas-- a FLOUR Telephones, No. 175. 11 Boll Telephone, BO nja fiQT HAWAIIAN Cor. Edinburgh Queen lUCutual Tolophono, WIN EGO Assortment 24 Merchant Streot, Hoar Fort Street. -- Have on hand and For . & Sts. ' '""! III 11.11 87 1 Salo a Full of- - No. All Brands of American Whiskies, BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA, In Bulk or Oaso; SSOOTOJEI ana IRISH -- WJEHiSISnr, In Glass and Stone Jars; ITRDESWOII J3TELAJNJ&XWU&, Very Fino & Very Ohoap QuallticH ns am wanted ; GINS; in Large & Small Bottles; (White or Blaok), also, STONE JUGS ; Old Tom Gin, Bent.Bi'and lu tlie IMurlcet) EUROPEAN SHERRIES and PORT ! In Bulk aud Caso, All Brands of American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,, Iu Pints and Quartn; Finest Brands of Champagnes, In Pints and Quarts. Bit tors, Liquors Abslntuo, Apolllnarl Water, Kmumels, Very Superior CALIFORNIA WINES, AB FOIAOW8: Zlnfandol, Ma) ago, Tokay, Madeira, Port, Sherry, llleHllntf, Hooka, Etc., Ett, . o gT in ot wnloh will lie sold AT LOWEST RATES by PRANK BROWN, 2170 Manager, NTEBPRISr f PLANING MILL. f 1 Alakon, near, noon Ht.l Teletibono BO, WALKER & REDWARD, Contractors .& BulMor. Brlolc, Stouo and Wooden llulldinga; given. Jobbing promptlv at- tended to. 70 King struct. Itell Tolo- phono No. 2. P. O.flox, 423. apCly GEORGE LUCAS, ,ggP, and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, faspla nade, Honolulu. alnnufacturca all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, 8croll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work tpiaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited HONOLULU IRON OTnRJTR. iStenm nnirlnpji. mifrnrtntlla hnll. ors, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cost- ings; machinery of ovory description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's blaok smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice 1 J. E. BROWN & CO.. KM aierobant' St., Honolulu, U.I. COMMISSION MEROHANTS ACCOUNTAKTS, Coii?eyaneers & General Agents REAL ESTATE FACTORS & COLLECTORS. Bole Agonts for the Burlington Routt Across America, and to tho Azores. Solo Aironts for Pitt & Bcott's Foreign Parcols Express & Goneral Shipping Agency. Solo Agents for Sunny South Aerated Waters. Sole Agents for ifaaelleld Bros. New Zealand Mullot aud Canned Goods. Special Agents for Leading New Zca land and Australian Mercantile Firms Special Agonts for the California Land Association. Special Agents for tho Honolulu Busl ness Directory. Also, Other 8toclnl Agencies. J OiiBtoms' Entries Passed. Pro peities Managed. Assignees and Audi tors' Work done promptly. House Leased and Renw OollectcU. New Business Solicited Bell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tclo. No. 300. Dec-- 5 Pot Office Box 469. 8B-- I p. o. ox aai. -- wr- Meli Tele. 7. Corner Fort & Merchant Streets, Honolulu, U. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Accountant &. Collectors KOH TUB 4 Hawaiian Bell Telephone So. Manager of Advertising Department -- KOK THE it Nupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will ircolvc upcnial alien, lion and roturns promptly made. Iloal Ettato bought, sold and lrtweil. Taxes PaU nnd properly pnfely Inmrcd Homes, Cottages, Rooms and Office, leaved mid round, and ronts r ollecicd. Flro and Lllo Insurance efl'ectwl in first class lusuranco Companies. Conveyancing a Specialty Hocotds rrarched and correct Alitracta of Tltlo furnlnhed. LoQal Documonts and Papers of every 4tcrlptioflcnrefully drawn and hand soniely engroesed. Copying and Translating in kII languages In ccneral uso in this Kingdom. Custom Houso Biulnots transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loam negotiated ut favorahle ratei. Qold, Silver and Certificate lioujt and BOlil. Advertltomenls and Subscriptions toll cited for puhlUhers. SVIIIcd and Unskilled Labor fumblied. Any Artlclo puichasul or sold. Inter-Islan- d Orders will molvn parti culnr intention. To Let. Furnished and Unlumlshed Col-Iiq- in deslratile localities at reasonable rentals. Bovorsl Vatuablo Properties in and around the city now for sale and lease oa easy terms. MgrAll business entrusted to our caw will reoelvo prompt and faithful atten- tion at moderate charges KeU-4-tf- J jjziL.i.ms&mm tjt h&Lx: NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $90,000,000,00 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At ovory ago, on every premium table, nnd in ovory year, tho AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policrea of the New York Life Insurance Co. imvo been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing Bimilar policies. For particulars apply to U.O. J1KB&KB, Gon'l Agont Hawaiian Islnndi). 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, D MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire lntrance Co, Acseta. $6,288,000 Commeroial Imnranco Co, (Flro and Marine) Ansets, $400,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Aasuranoo Corporation (Flro and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Ce Capital, $10,000,000 Hew York Life Insurance Co. Assets, $06,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, Haw'n Islands. lC53 1y CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire 6 Marine Inaur'oe Ageirtt. A0KMT8 Vt)U The New Kuslsad MUTUAI LIFE INS. COM? Y of Boston. Tho iEtna Fire Ineurance Oo, of Hartford, Conn. Th Union Fir and Marine Insurance Co., of Ban Francisco, Cala. 191 ly , .Prussian National Insurance ComBV BOTABUSHKO 1840, CaplUI 8.000.000 fUlcbtmuia THE undersigned, having been sp. agent of the above Company for the Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Building, , FurnltuxoSlerchoadlse, Produce, Bugr Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terras Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable Honolulu. H. HLEMEN8CHNKLDEK, Jly.87 ly , at Wilder t Go's. FILTER PRESSES ! PAlUHAV PlANTArtOr,, ) IUwaii, March 0, IBtfl. f Jllmloa Iron A Iocomotlvn Works), Hnu Franrlnro. GusTLKMhN: Wc liaveuned two of your Filter Presses tliU season. They are coavmiicut, easily handled and uro working entirely to our natlefactlon. I can rccommcua uo on them. Very rospecifully yours, (Signed) A. MOOBE, Manager Panuhau lluutatlou. Them Presses arc inuda extra hear for high pieeiurea, occupy a floor bparo II feet by 4f ot, uud present u tllterlng Biirfaec of 240 square teet. A limited uuinber In stock iu Hono- lulu and are sold at very low prices. Risdon Iron & Lcco. Works, Han Francisco. Mr Forpartlculam euqulro of JOHN DYEH, Honolulu. Itootn No. 9 BprecL-c- !' PJcmA. M) if W. Q, Irw.u & Com A6 it '4 4 1 i

Transcript of J Giprs.gToteo Proprietor. · 2015-05-30 · New Zealand Jamil JOST rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New.1...

Page 1: J Giprs.gToteo Proprietor. · 2015-05-30 · New Zealand Jamil JOST rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New.1 im-t-, assorted cases, For sale at low prlrfa hv J. E, BROWN & CO., 32T tf 28 Morchant

& H3


..L -SSSSSSSESSSSSSStESSSSSi ?Hff MMMMtMMfcBMS I f linn n. iimm mrtipiiwi (to

, -' t

t y

,1 & & JV Ji' Jy






r t


Ib printer, xad published Rt the office,

Qucon Street, Honolulu, II. ovory

afternoon (Sundays oxecpted).

SubicrlpHonf 50 cents pot Month.

Addross nil Communications DailvBulletin.

Adverllaomonts, tc on3uro insertion,should bo hanrtod li boforo ono o'clockP.M.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprlotor

Bulletin Stoam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book nod .lob Printing of

all kinds dono on the most favorabletcrmB. tDcllTolophono No. 250

Mutual Tolophnno No. 250


Weekly Summary.

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, contains 33 columns ofreading matter on local topics, and a

complete resume of Honolulu nnd IslandNews. It is the best paper nubllshcdiu tho Kingdom to Bond to friendsabroad.

Habscrliitlon:Island $4 00 yearForeign 0 00 "

Commission Mox.onan.t8.

3c Co.,HMLA.C!JLCirJt3JLiL

General Commission Agents.




Quoon street, - Honolulu. H. I.1048


Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merohants

Beaver Block, Honolulu.

3KiWliR & COMPANY,0. (Limited)QBNEnAL Mbrjantilb and


uax or ovviczaB:P. O. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manageri. o. Oautku ....Treasurer d riecrutarj


Hon. 0. B. BiBUur. 6. C. Allen,H. WATiSBUOUBB.


T. WATHRHOUBE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, ueen it., Honolulu. 1

Q. N. Castle --J B. Alherton-- U. P. Castle

1 OOOKH,CABTIiB Shipping and CommissionMorohants. Importers and Dealers inUonerul Merohaudiso, No tiO King at.,

Uouoium. 1

Clans ttprockeli. Wm. Q. Irvrtn.

ibwin & Company,WO.Sugar Factors and Commissionents, Honolulu. 1

a OO.,Wildbb Dealers ia Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Port and 0,ueen ats.,Honolulu. 1

. Lowers, F. J. Lowroy O. M. Oooke.

EWERS & OOOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Luinbpr and allKinds ot Building Materials, Port street,Honolulu l



81 King Btroct, opposite the Old StationHouue.

Mutual Telepkoao No. 4,.M7 tt


ROW AT, Veterinary SurgeonAB. and pharmacy at HawaiianHotel Stables, corner Hotel and RichardBirenta. bolenilftc treatment in all dl.oaae- of domestic animals Orders forpluniutluu and riinoh stock promptlyullan, 1..H to. Mlllllill TlllinllOflH BM

P. O. Box 320. mhl8 89


i LL persons h want to comraunlA. cata with h Poitueuouo, eithoifor busineos, or for procuring vsorkrn n

sorvants or any other holpB, will nnd Ittho moBi protliablo way to advortlso inthe Luio fawaiiauo, tho now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which is pub-Itshe- d

Jn Uotol street, and only charge.reicnUHhle for dvprtlRfn)nt

BEST PAPER to subscribeTHE Is tho "Dally llotlu.' W

enti per mouth.


M. MONSABBAT,Atttirnoy at Law & Notary Public

140 Merchant Streot, Honolulu. tf

ALFRED MAQOON,J Atioruoy at Law & Notary rubllc17B 12 Morchant streot. Honolulu, ly

David DaytonWill practice In the lower courts of theKingdom ns nttormy, ntiond to collectlug In nil Its branches, renting of house-an-

any other busines cntru-te- d to himOffice 01 King Htrott Dpstairs.

Fob M0


ANDP. HORN, Practical Conf ecuonor,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- JEST Tolcphono74.


Druggists & TobacconistsWHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

inn. ......,Tfnrl. Hlrnnt. . William's Block,216 Honolulu, H. I.



Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu

Depot for Boericke it Sooohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Rlck.ecker's Perfumes and Tollot

Requltutes, . i8j

WEMER & CO..tlnuanictujriiiir Jonellera,

NO. 03 FORT tS'X'XtiJEJT.- -

Constuntly on bund large asvortmenof every description ot Jewulry, VatchwGold and Silver Plated Waro, &c

958 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukul Jowelry a Specialty.

Kins Street, ilouolaln, EL I.Next door to ihe Hawaiian Tram,

way Company's Office

mrST Particular attention paid to all

kind of n pairs J n.1A-- 9

Hustace & Robertson,

r R, A. YM.EN.A LL orders for Cartage promptly at-A- .

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goodB in traaslt to the other Inlands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices,

Offloo, next door to Jas. P. Morgan'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-binde- r, Paper-rule- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Morchant street. Up stairs.y


Al Vessel will bo doipatohed forAN Hon lulu to leave Nw York In

all November For futiher Informationapply to the Agents,

Mnsstia. W. II. GROSSMAN & BRO ,77 & 70 Broau St., Now Voik Oily.

Or CASTLE .fcrOOKE,327 1m 'Inn liin TT, I.

New Zealand Jamil

rurolvrd a conlgnmont of NewJOST .1 im-t- , assorted cases, Forsale at low prlrf a hv

J. E, BROWN & CO.,32T tf 28 Morchant street.


HAS tho bAt nnd cheapest BlaokHook, Oorsl, Sand nnd Soil for

silo In any quantl'y. Apply at tho lawofflce of Wllllnm O Aehl. No. fid Meichant street, Honolulu, H. I. 804 8a

k ,'- -


Tho Best Lunoh In Town,

Tea and OofTee at ill Hours

The Finest Brand of

Giprs.gToteoon liana.

H. J. NOI.TK, Sroprlctr.True

fiQkrasW kJMetropolitan

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholosalo & Betail Butchers

-- AND


Choicest Mutton I

Beef, Pork,E,iIi,'Vresrtti.tluH,Sco.,Ssc.

Always on hand at tho

HONOLULU MARKET(Buccesxora to Wm. MtCandlots),

Wo. O neen HU, t t fleli aiArket,Honolulu, H. I.

C5TFamlly nnd Shipping Oidorscaro.fully attended to. Live block furnt-ht-

to vessels at short notloe. my 17-8-


Nuuanu Street,

Beef, Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Fork.


Cambridge Pork Sausagos !

Fresh Every Day.

t3T His noted nre mnde bythe every best muchinrrv, and all ordersemrutiea to his care will be deliveredwith promptnodi and dispatch, and hispriaea arc as low as anywhere in thecity.

"EST Try his Bologna SauaagGs.'TSJicvt.ft 88

Anderson &Lundy,

Artlflclnl Teeth from ono to an entireset inserted on gold, silver, slluminumand rubber bases. Crown and BridgeWork a specialty. To persona wearingrubber plates which are a constantsource of Irritation to the mouth andthroat, we would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All operationsperformed In uccordanoo whh the latestimprovements in dontal pcionce. TeethExtracted without pain by tho uso ofNitrous Oxide Uai.

CSOfflce at Old Tregloan RcsldoncoHotel street, Fob-30-8- 9

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fort Street, next Lucas' Mill,

W. W. WRIGHT,Not. 70 and 01 King Street.

Carriage Builders,8hip's Blacksmlihlng, Drayt, Carts &

Wagon Building as specialty.

Every description of work In thoabove lines performed In a firM-cla-

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED,ZW Orders from tho other IslandR

lollclted. Will be pleated to ccp allour old customers a well as new onesMutual Telephone No 673.


Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort St., Upslairo,

Tho undersigned rota to Inform thepublic of these Islands that ho is making

toy 3Iii8uromont I. Directions forfulf-mefiauremet- it will

be given on application.

White Shirts, Oycrslilrts & Right Gowk

A lit guarantee by making a sampleShirt to every order.

Island order aollolted Boll Telephone 410

00 ly A.. 11. MELLIH.

Ladies' Hats ! Ladies' Hats !

Largest Assortment ! Latest Styles !


POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE,t04 Fort Street, Honolulu,

IV. . - - Proprietor.



Ladles' ill (Hi's Straw Hats ai Bonnets !

Received by every steamer. Wo have just received anotherlot of our well-know- n

SPAR: -:- - SAILOR -:- - HAT I


Untrimmed Hats in all Shapes !IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OP

ladies' Sc Oliildhren's Trimmed. HatsAt very low prices, A full assortment of

Satin - Edge - Gros - Grain - Ribbons,In all widths nnd uhndea.

Silk Buds, Flowers, Feathers, &c, &o.A NEW ASSORTMENT OF

Children's Muslin Bonnets & Chambry Hats,LATEST STYLE

Infant Embroidered ilLc JBoiixxetstAT VERY LOW PRICES



California Hay, Oals, Bran,Oil Cake Meal, Linseed Meal,

Barley, llolled Barley,Middling Ground Barley,

Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUB KS-Alt-a, Golden Gato & Salinas-- a FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.11

Boll Telephone, BO nja fiQT


Cor. Edinburgh Queen

lUCutual Tolophono,



24 Merchant Streot, Hoar Fort Street.

--Have on hand and For


& Sts.' '""! III 11.11

87 1

Salo a Full of--


All Brands of American Whiskies,BOURBON, RYE and MONONGAHELA,

In Bulk or Oaso;

SSOOTOJEI ana IRISH --WJEHiSISnr,In Glass and Stone Jars;


Very Fino & Very Ohoap QuallticH ns am wanted ;

GINS; in Large & Small Bottles;(White or Blaok), also, STONE JUGS ;

Old Tom Gin, Bent.Bi'and lu tlie IMurlcet)


In Bulk aud Caso, All Brands of

American Lager Beer, English Ale & Porter, German Beer, Etc,,

Iu Pints and Quartn;

Finest Brands of Champagnes,In Pints and Quarts.

Bit tors, Liquors Abslntuo,Apolllnarl Water, Kmumels,


Zlnfandol, Ma) ago, Tokay, Madeira,

Port, Sherry, llleHllntf, Hooka, Etc., Ett,. o

gT in ot wnloh will lie sold AT LOWEST RATES by

PRANK BROWN,2170 Manager,

NTEBPRISrf PLANING MILL. f1 Alakon, near, noon Ht.l

Teletibono BO,


Contractors .& BulMor.Brlolc, Stouo and Wooden llulldinga;

given. Jobbing promptlv at-tended to. 70 King struct. Itell Tolo-phono No. 2. P. O.flox, 423. apCly


,ggP,and Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, fasplanade, Honolulu.

alnnufacturca all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, 8croll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and worktpiaranteed. Orders from tho other


HONOLULU IRON OTnRJTR.iStenm nnirlnpji. mifrnrtntlla hnll.

ors, coolers ; iron, brass and lead cost-ings; machinery of ovory descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's blaok smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice 1

J. E. BROWN & CO..

KM aierobant' St., Honolulu, U.I.


Coii?eyaneers & General Agents


Bole Agonts for the Burlington RouttAcross America, and to tho Azores.

Solo Aironts for Pitt & Bcott's ForeignParcols Express & Goneral ShippingAgency.

Solo Agents for Sunny South AeratedWaters.

Sole Agents for ifaaelleld Bros. NewZealand Mullot aud Canned Goods.

Special Agents for Leading New Zcaland and Australian Mercantile Firms

Special Agonts for the California LandAssociation.

Special Agents for tho Honolulu Buslness Directory.

Also, Other 8toclnl Agencies.

J OiiBtoms' Entries Passed. Propeities Managed. Assignees and Auditors' Work done promptly. HouseLeased and Renw OollectcU.

New Business SolicitedBell Tele. No. 172 Mutual Tclo. No. 300.Dec-- 5 Pot Office Box 469. 8B-- I

p. o. ox aai. --wr- Meli Tele. 7.

Corner Fort & Merchant Streets,Honolulu, U. I.

GENERAL AGENTS,Accountant &. Collectors


Hawaiian Bell Telephone So.

Manager of Advertising Department-- KOK THE

it Nupepa Kuokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will ircolvc upcnial alien,lion and roturns promptly made.

Iloal Ettato bought, sold and lrtweil.Taxes PaU nnd properly pnfely InmrcdHomes, Cottages, Rooms and Office,

leaved mid round, and ronts r ollecicd.Flro and Lllo Insurance efl'ectwl in first

class lusuranco Companies.Conveyancing a Specialty Hocotds

rrarched and correct Alitracta of Tltlofurnlnhed.

LoQal Documonts and Papers of every4tcrlptioflcnrefully drawn and handsoniely engroesed.

Copying and Translating in kII languagesIn ccneral uso in this Kingdom.

Custom Houso Biulnots transacted withaccuracy and dispatch.

Loam negotiated ut favorahle ratei.Qold, Silver and Certificate lioujt and

BOlil.Advertltomenls and Subscriptions toll

cited for puhlUhers.SVIIIcd and Unskilled Labor fumblied.Any Artlclo puichasul or sold.Inter-Islan- d Orders will molvn parti

culnr intention.To Let. Furnished and Unlumlshed Col-Iiq-

in deslratile localities at reasonablerentals.

Bovorsl Vatuablo Properties in andaround the city now for sale and leaseoa easy terms.

MgrAll business entrusted to our cawwill reoelvo prompt and faithful atten-tion at moderate charges KeU-4-tf- J

jjziL.i.ms&mm tjt h&Lx:


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $90,000,000,00

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At ovory ago, on every premiumtable, nnd in ovory year, tho AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policreaof the New York Life Insurance Co.imvo been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingBimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

U.O. J1KB&KB,Gon'l Agont Hawaiian Islnndi).

283 tf


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire lntrance Co,

Acseta. $6,288,000

Commeroial Imnranco Co,

(Flro and Marine)Ansets, $400,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Aasuranoo Corporation(Flro and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Ce

Capital, $10,000,000

Hew York Life Insurance Co.

Assets, $06,000,000


General Agent, Haw'n Islands.

lC53 1y

CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Fire 6 Marine Inaur'oe Ageirtt.



of Boston.

Tho iEtna Fire Ineurance Oo,of Hartford, Conn.

Th Union Fir andMarine Insurance Co.,

of Ban Francisco, Cala.191 ly ,

.Prussian NationalInsurance ComBV


CaplUI 8.000.000 fUlcbtmuia

THE undersigned, having been sp.agent of the above Company

for the Hawaiian Islands, Is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Building, ,

FurnltuxoSlerchoadlse, Produce, BugrMills etc., on the most Favorable TerrasLosses Promptly Adjusted and Payable


H. HLEMEN8CHNKLDEK,Jly.87 ly , at Wilder t Go's.


PAlUHAV PlANTArtOr,, )IUwaii, March 0, IBtfl. f

Jllmloa Iron A Iocomotlvn Works),Hnu Franrlnro.

GusTLKMhN: Wc liaveuned two ofyour Filter Presses tliUseason. They are coavmiicut, easilyhandled and uro working entirely to ournatlefactlon. I can rccommcua uo

on them.Very rospecifully yours,

(Signed) A. MOOBE,Manager Panuhau lluutatlou.

Them Presses arc inuda extra hearfor high pieeiurea, occupy a floorbparo II feet by 4f ot, uud present utllterlng Biirfaec of 240 square teet.

A limited uuinber In stock iu Hono-lulu and are sold at very low prices.

Risdon Iron & Lcco. Works,Han Francisco.

Mr Forpartlculam euqulro ofJOHN DYEH, Honolulu.

Itootn No. 9 BprecL-c-!' PJcmA.

M) if W. Q, Irw.u & Com A6 it



Page 2: J Giprs.gToteo Proprietor. · 2015-05-30 · New Zealand Jamil JOST rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New.1 im-t-, assorted cases, For sale at low prlrfa hv J. E, BROWN & CO., 32T tf 28 Morchant

ffpipi hlMlifrWTMgrjg"XS1

gjaiTu iuITitftttSATURDAY, OCT. 1889.

reported that RoadSupervisor Honolulu pajlng

Mtvlces under with bankcheck. Where did, depositthus'clLrfvwn opon qomo from? Why-wa-s

paid treasurj ac-

cording law? What law author-

ises Road Supervisor disbursepublic money? The9e queries

require answering.


hac received lettersmatter Chinese po-

liceman Honokaa. One themaddressed Marshal,

other paper. Bothcharacter policeman

doings which imolvcd,their wrlteis vindicate them-

selves against Deputy Sheriffinsinuations improper mo-

tives their ptevious anonymous

letters. Neither correspond-

ents, however, with main

lloint raised them,which Deputy Sheriff's- - denial

particularly directed. Namely,that Chinaman, after conviction

unlawfully dealing opium,retained ofllee police-

man. regard other ques-

tions raised scarcely impottantenough public consideration,

necessity Mar-

shal's correspondent divulgingauthorship publishedletters. retention police-

man after convictionwhat moved take noticecommunications, DeputySheriff must allowedneneiit denial regarduntil contradicted with e.

must said, however,original appointment

'Chinaman, charactergenerally notonous time,

very blameworthy.


Thursday evening HonoluluRilles number more,after assembling their armory,marched Makiki recreation"toundsfor purpose battaliondrill. beautiful moonlightnight quite large numberspectators present.

American vesselsparticipate. battalioncommand Major Heb-bat- d.

Col. Ashfordreviewing officer.great Bticcess, executing

vaiioua movements muchprecision.

long time. Shortlyafter half-pa- st o'clock batt-

alion" marched back Armory,where paitook colfee,

cream cake, lemonadeginger Horncaterer. need haidly

justice done refieMi-ment- s.

Ashfoul, Major Hubbard,staff commis-

sioned olllcers assembled Com-

pany where, aftergood things been disposedseveral toasts proposedresponded'to. healthAshford drunk enthusi-astic manner. Major llebbard res-

ponded "Honolulu Rifles,"Emerson "Visit-ors,'-

GartenbergWilder Ofll-cers- ,"

Wray TaylorUulletin the" "Piess." Capt.McCarthy ajid Lieut. Heist offered

suggestions. veiy pleasanttime enjoyed present,company singing "Auld Lang Syne"before parting.


Thc.liypjlecordhotui long' article "Ililo Itail-- "

road." giyes glowing descrip-tion resources woulddeveloped work.

paper says theredesire among Poittiguebc in-

vest homestead Kni-wik- i,

and, either SugarOnoinen Sugar

ilumc connect witheither these plantations, there

number families raisinghomesteads referred

Uouganvillo temperaturethese mornings.

meeting voters Noblesheld courthouse

10th choice centralcommittee.

gang prisunets arrivedfrom Hilo workWaiolama canal until piisonbuilt them Olaa Vol-

cano road.Henry Deacon

giatulated appointmentmanager Pepeckco plantation,

which two-thir- interestlately bought Young.Record says have hard

while, JapstberoQW lazy, DhlftloBS sot."

previous SundayHilo roiuy day, weatherprevailed following doytf.

Auction Sales James Morgan.



EY Qvlnr QUEEN AxesYijTJNG. Ixc-ut-

testament Simon 11nrdentlo,ikceard, dltecrcd PublicAuction Haksroom Queenrtreet, Honolulu,


36 SHARES 36Capital Stock

JPsxin JPlanta-tion- ,

Value $100 Share.

20 -- SHARES -- 20Capital Stock


11 Hawaiian Government Bonds

bearing percent

Hawaiian Government Bonds

$1,0(V) bparimiOpeiomt

AS. MORGAN,Aucilnucor.


,...L. Levey,Berry.

Appearance Honolulu Dljlln-gulshc- d

Amorican ComGdlenno

Miss Katie Putnam,Supported excellent Comedy

Compiuv, lnrluiliog several well-know- n

Ainaruan Artl-t- i.

Alo, America's Favorite Comoditin,

George Boniface, Jr.


opening phyannounced immediately



October o'clockplan cured

opening nighto'clock, Thursday,

itivcly notlcc-oa- takenwMired excipt personal



ASriUCTLYs-obc-r Youngbim-t'- it giwral'j

Ueiiudn piefcrrcd ApplvHORN.

I'ionfi-- i Csmlj Factory




ilMurcs coLialufdhuildioK. Nur.nmi ttieci,

occupied rtur.urantknown "hclipto Coffto h.iloon"

uprcr story furnUludclaims agniiiit Thoiuue Mill-itoo- n



NOTICE.ab'-pnr- Kiug.DUKINO "brother. Urncr-so-

attorney. KMEKSON.Honolulu,

JStoclcholtloTs' Meeting.

Kutuul Telephone

SPECIAL meuliup nlock.holdors TYbiphoue

THURSDAY,17th, o'clockanj'b build

BERGER,Birretary M.T.


COTTAOi: I'alannntalnlug kitchrn,

cirrlasc house otlurconveniences. further ..particularappH

MANAOLK,Avvuroolijtiitn, Mauuukm btriot.



General Shipping Agency

UPai-eel- s E.xprpss.Hawaiian liUndo:

Merchant Street, Honolulu.

niiAKCii omCE:

WbIIuI.ii, Maui. ...W. DiuldB..Mabtikona, Havvnii... Urodlo.

Holiiiis& Willfonff.Ki'alin, Knuiii FalrchllJ.Eiuiiiia, Kaiu.l KilauenIlninlul, Kauai LonpWulmcu, Knunl

ItdfgflmdICoioa, binliz

Ooods purchaficl ulilppodcfalovu join-- , pirls

woild.Goods received abroad, rlcircd

itbiom Hoiim forwarded todea.tlnnilmi Maul biiameis

tfflRitot fuinbh'-'-d applloatlou

BllOWN&Co.,itltt Mwcbaut

JAii mirttttfi tttttfftliVT.1t, 11. it totfblfflft 1. to,

Issuing insttianco which provide, event death, roluin premium' paid ad-

dition amount policy, should insured survive given number Company

letuin pnmiums paid instead accepting policy ptolits lecid holdei


thereof amount policy pioflts FULLY PAID Insurance, anmiallv dividends.

Rememhor, contTtuit Issued oldest Insurance Company Mates,gest Financial Institution Woild





--30liillllll eiriT niEin

ilsb irira


Our Sacrifice Not Few Special hut Clean

TUESDAY, Sept. 17th, entire ftock Goods offered piices mustattr.tcattention. need dipl

rerolvcd, presmt stock MUST com-idcrcd- ! Pnci'h GoodSUIT YOU, bound koop trade lively! Visit pnecs,

thinkLawns, ydB

Extra Tino Victoria Lawn, 12cyaid.

Striped Plain from 12Ac

Linen Li.wns from

L.idit'B Bord. Hand- -

Ladies Iialbiiggan Vests, good qua-lity, each.

Ladies" ltibbed Vests, good quality,each.

Childrens Jersey Vests, extra good,each.

While Linen NapkitiH, (bmalleizc.)




The Leading lellsoerf

MRS. MONROE, ladles'







STORE,ntc, occi.ploil




exceeding uunuroti wem-oi- x



aBwac-jSK.l- t"



White Linen

Ladies Jeanuttething

L.ulieb P.irai-ol- laces,w'nitb double.

While Straw Hats,

entirewithin days,


wool, DtcssGoods, bhadcB.

customer yaid.






DAYli- -



Seasonableproperly European











General Agent Hawaiian Islands.

Eutire SlockLvery












LACES Intended quote priciwould



(SWe Children.While Coluiod Dresses,pique, nicelv trimmed coloni

broidery CENTSthink

iniees quoteBalbriggan Hose, decked

pair.jgyOur stock Embroideiici-- ,

Il.uiiburg EdgingB bkirtingf, in-

cludes Nainsook,Cambiic de&igiiB.

JERSEYSquote prinoe, vaiiety large, boon selling cheap, piceent stock NEW

GOODS department suffer week.

see our wixninv disi'lay see our wisdow displayWHITE COTTON, good quality, UNBLEACHED,

good quality,stock MILLINERY finest Kingdom. SPAR SAILOR HATS White, Black, GreeneOur DOUBLE-UREA- S FROC1C COATS, good quality, former price $20, 22.50

$25; duiing EACH.







Rentaniastrtite, would convenientsmall




Emma Bireet.HrsUrnre


Jamei Lovo,lilng streot.


Wollo, (hooer.King btreot.






Life tilted


assets tumiou

(extra good)just

with 75c,


have buy when



Housed C. J. Fishel,FORT HOTEL





EACHthey pretlj,


Swit-- t


havo song.


MEN'S TED extra





arrK,a:BEHaving purchased from Melchers, Schlodnin, Holland,


Eliiptor Label for Gl i tlis Kiniloni,

Which label bears picture elephant, under palm troo3, printeddifferent colors, words

".Greatest Gin Distillery of the Netherlands, registered;

Melchers, W, Z, Schiedam,"

And having beon anted Certilicato ItVKMratlon. termtwenty years, dating fiora day September 1889, under

baud Thtirstun, Minister InteriorHawaiian Islands, axelimivo said label throughoutHawaiian Kingdom, porsons heioby warned saidlabel, umLUlou tuwroof under penalty



lew FrppTHE


qiiitabie Life AssuranceTHE UNITED STATES




Hoiu New Yoiik Times, Juno

Equitable Assurance Society adopted formpolicy wliicli, bank draft, simple promise without coudi-tiuu- s


From thoOmcvao Is'vt.stiq vtoii.1

Always alott. anxious givo public moatadvaiitigeousciniMct imuratico, HquiUblu Assurance --

ciely New York h.w, (lait, many advances methodsmeans liberalize assur.uice eater degree

perhaps, than other inizition. Ills surprising; there-- ,fore, gieal company comes before people withcontract, vvuich before been known insurance.

Piom Ken'tuckv Rechstf.u, Klchmon Juno 1881.

Equitable Assurance Society has, past, donecieate maintain confidence assuranco than other company.Consequently business larger competitors.Furlhermoic, taken step which practically sweeps cveiy ob-

jection character referred way. result, undoubt-edly, thousinds have heretofore lacked confidence

assurance, oaiuino policy olfered Equitable,assure their lives forthwith.

fFrotn Boston Post.

This company done than other simplify assurancecontract, rnajntain public confidence assurance.

.Fom Pvciric U.NDmtvvniTKK, Francisco, July

Equitable already established world-wid- e reputationliberal dealings policy-holde- rs prompt settlementU'gilimato claims against policy cinnot enhancereputation enterprise progressiveness dealing subject



ALEX. J. GARTWRICHT,General AizeiH Hawaiian Islands,




Colgate (I Co.'s Celebrated Pci fumes & Toilet Soups,

Photographic Goods All Kinds.


ins Oheinioais, Patent ledicinsCigars. Cigarettes & Tobaccos.





Dressmaking Department undor management MISS

VTEITHKR civptnin agentsrirltish Jmrk "llnnca

tcspon rontmcted

8CHAEFER CO.,Amut 'ISaucA."

QUARTERLY MEETINGrpiIE quarterly raeetlnc tlicl'ria

I'libHHhingTUESDAY, 'clock


"ANNUAL MEETING"11113 annual meeting Ilonnkaa

nmpaayWEDNESDAY, iutt.,i.Vlotlttjchaufer order



TnE annual mceiiuj





RENJKP,-- tcreury.


ATt'eannuil murilngttiig'ir


HonoluluOciolier, fiilhiw oilbtrs

duly elecod diiiin,;ihe

O.IrMn Pro-lden- t.

Bpn.cl.eb VicuI'hbIotiry


Waitnoy. iinnnr,GIFFARD,



ft PHOTS3Emli-oicIeiie- s,


Reildcnfe:" Oittage IliwailanHotel, rihldrncc pupil.


h&V riWEU Felix OllcitrVTTI Alakea

reaidciic.i pupiU, accord-lu- g

agreement Charges ruoileraic,


3sa.FIRST GLASSPhaeton

order. Apply



Colburn Buildlnc; Oonr,(formerly occupied Co),

Wuunnii Hieet8neatne dispatch.


THEO. PSEVERIN,Viow anil Limdscapo

I'hotoKraphor.MUes bpor-iali- photographing

iiUmlori, (irmips, decora,lions Indoor

AKo, prlntlnc develop,amateur mber

lowest hiitUfactlon givenordiM receive prompt attention.

Views mounted orderOffice: Corner King Alakea

street. P.O. Mutual Telo.




-- - ....

12,j -

It is tUo

ot is

for himtUo

it not Into thoto

the toare


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V. V. wart thoThe drill was a

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the men otice and and

ale. Mr. F. was theIt be said that

lull was the

Col.the in line and uon

inIl.'s room the

hail of,were nndThe of Col.

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soin Awas by all the

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It aof the that be

by tiiatThe same is a

the toin the lot on

if tho HiloCo, jor the Co. put a

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At theis from .10 to 58

A of forwas to be at tho onthe for the of a

The ofw cue sot to on th

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-- OK-



of W "L andof the tart

will and f1 am to fell atat my on


OnAT 18

- -Of the of the

Par a

Of tho of the

Par fcDO Each

Of ;0 each 0 1 erannum free of liues


Of each peruanum free of tn'tw.

J F.17.1 id


uatt. L.

First in of tho

by her own


A 4

The name of the "il 1

t0 ontho of t'e 9. &.


g& Hot plan for eaion v illbo apen at I . .1. offl-- e, on Monday, 14 h, at V a. m.

US? Hoi for si mhU onthu will lie open at t)

Oct 17th.5S5" Po no t.e

for swits on.Tifi td

iHn whou-- u

tuL ' tor.& Meuia

tl . if

lies ihia dnv

nro tin in the two.-- ioij No. SIthe "flrot Poor a-- , n

as theand thu Hh roomg.

ll wildmutt be to him in per.

uon a. I um in no v aj forhb AM.

Oil n. 18A a75 3

m.v from thismy Dr N U

will a( t lot me with full power ofJ S.

Oct. 10, lsBO. U74 3t


A ot tho

l. of the Mum ilCo will be held on Oet

at H v. M., at the Com.1

I air.

H7-- CtC. 0.


A att c bta.

hie, andTor


Chid Office lor 20

II.V. J.

JlilnG. E.

More.I. C.

t IJ. & Co.U 11 mil K.

and to andfrom any nuU allof ibo

fromat ( aid

pi 1

ou to

J, E.a iiuet I S00 tf


Is a now of in the of a of nil In

to the of the or, the a of j ears, the will

nil the or, of the and in cash tin- -

and takelieu the of and in UP in

this Is by tho in the L and thein the

SOT For full call on or

300 lin









1 01,

Br 4 v s!, Ts

L1S ."

fc- !""





b b i am ski h s y w& tu& s a n n sre. a

is- -


s" sr








its uuu


l""-- '


ffS Si S


a ! a a

our will at that,room to ly our liahe now nn way, and b.ivv

that our GO. Coat has not been h.ive been nun on theTO not Wo to our note and joi

so too. .

700for $ I .


200 Col. !J2up.

160 Col.50c per doz.







to let.








V11Q whu



e-- a ksCIS


We thu

uo! the





col. bor.and 10e.



lfG do:.25e.

o Fell thiHa you

will to a few seo

82 pes

the to 20yds to 7c per






tli.it you,



for 50are and

will wantsilk

andfull line


No uo too but will go for a merothis will also this

tar --"a ssr a

12 yds yd for ?1. 151 yd $1.

of the this314 and

will acll this sale $10

hatNo lano


bo very for235 Om

T A'li:






Mr. M.210

iinw byMr.

lr J.tret.






lot tewvou

OF &

- il


& h m asa



Lar- -





want of it.

All our ol atpi

to 120& in uiii

withi inWe at tin

we ou tomi


a of



1 ydafoi

is in in

we at






J. J. W. Z. tho soleto use his

tho of an inand also tho

J, J,

gi a of for tho nftho 17th ui A. D.

unci seal of L. A. of for thofor the uso of tho

nil aro not to uso thoor any , of the I iw,

001 lm




more purkid



the thotho


- - -


OF -

S!2, 1880.

The Life lia a new oflike a is a to pay

on the

on tiie an I ever to the tinin life the Life S

of in the in ule on oldand has been the to lite in a gi

any org nut atthat this now the a

the like of has not in life

the I, 'y., 23,

Thu Life in the more toand in life any

its is than that nf any of itsit has now n

of the to out of the Thewill be that of men who

in life will the new by theand


has more any to theand to in life

the San 1, 1880 J

The has a forwith its mid its of all

it, and this now fad to itsfor and in with the

of life"" For full call on

330. liu for the,r j "








S. S.

IN ato

the of

nnr thell oi wMlmi b e tor an dcbliy ulTl ur or or w liili- - in nort.

T. A. &3 Ht barK

ofX 0.. , (L'd , will he held

on Oct. Ifiih. at in;tn .,am A. L374 td 80

nf& Pii-ra- r t will bu held on

Hie lflih at 10a. m., at iho oillro ot A.

ifc Co. PerII.

871 td -- leiurv

w Mill wll

a ,

& Co,

i)7t td





of ihobu lulil on

the 17th km , at 10at the tllco of J A.

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Page 3: J Giprs.gToteo Proprietor. · 2015-05-30 · New Zealand Jamil JOST rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New.1 im-t-, assorted cases, For sale at low prlrfa hv J. E, BROWN & CO., 32T tf 28 Morchant





TTuw.'3r:?T'f m ia

fA-tit- ti guIMiinSATUIIDAY, 00 T. 12, lPHtf.

ARRIVALS.Oot .".-St-

Llkcllko from MnulStiiiL Kiunii Iron) Uaui.ll and VnutStmr Mnknlil from MololuuBtuir Wnliiiuuii.ii iioin Wulanno uud


, , QEl'AtfTURES.

Nor bk Thor for Puget Soundtuir JL'ele for Komi pons nt 10 a m

Jtohr Kuulokul lor Luhalun


Sunr Llkollke for Waul nt 0 p mbtuir Waluiaua o for Wuluuuo autl Wal- -

uluaStmr Kilauca Hon for Hamakua nt 4 pinMini-- J A Uminiliit. for Kuo uu utt) u mStmr Alokolll for Molnkal at 0 p in11 IJ .M b lli-y- il for utiiiiii via lln11 1 . 11 Kun-g- o for siimou. via lliloSchr Lcaliifor uouafcehr Ivawallanl for ICoolmi


From Maul per stun- Llkcllko, Oct 12-- It D Wnlurlilgo, u G Tr amwiy, O I)Hobiiison, it Hum li, Hubert Mine, J OCurtiT, Jr, 13 lliiieiiison, Kills middiun-lite- r, Mis Luuilu C Hiecn, I'r fW U Alexander uud wiio, Miss A Kx-and- er.

.1 Dhw and wife, Mis Searlo, YAluti unci 35 ticuk

From wlndwiud ports i cr stmr Kliiau.Oct 11! dipt T Tankii, Li tit Inomc,Lieut. I Mnlda, Mrs O W Smith, f ZSmith, Miss KnglMi, Mrs W ti Reed,Mis A Rleliaidson, Mils M White, 0 IS

Riuhardt-un- , L I. Men;, CMc lolim, J X AVriIit ami wife. U BWells, J L Blaisdel uud son, A Sinclair,Mrs vi Felluroiii, W llookimnu'n C LWipht, l Morton, rs.1 A MehrtuiisaudIJ children, Mrs C Wl.cox, W M ight andu cimurcn, uniucw nnu iui ueci.

SitlPPINt: HUTfcS.

The Kltian brought from windwardpons this morning, 270 bncs spuds, 103bags corn, 220 hides, 12 bides wool, 38bajis coiu, 1 horse, 3 enuoe, and 103

sundries.The Likdiku brought fiom Maul tills

morning, 33 ska potatoes, 2i hogs, 11hides ami Gi pkgs suniHes.

Tlio stnirLikelikc will leave on Von-dii- y

The bark Miml will eommoncu dts-chu- rg

uglier coal ou Monday.The Norwegian bark Thor sailed for

Po t Townseiid this uftcmouu.T it Behr Kaa okai rook a lmid of iron

rails for Luhaiua this morning.Tbu b.irk Ida which cume in her the

other day leaking, will have all h rlumber dbuharged noxt week and havethn leak stopped.


WILLING -- In Honolulu, Oct. 12, to thewife of Carl lllltig, a daughter.


TIETJENS - DIRCK-- 5 -- - In Honolulu,Oct. 5. by the Rev. li H. Parker,Edward Tletjens of 11 nolulu tollelenoUlrckg of Luduigslust, Ger--rudiiy.


ISUAL & GENERAL NEWS.A woman id wanted by Gulick'e


FirtsT performance at Chiarini'scircus this evening.

Wildeu's fcteanithip Co. will paya quaiterly dividfend on Monday attheir ofllco.

A Papal document will be read inthe Catholic Cathedral to moriowat 7 a. m. mass.

Honolulu Engino Co. No. 1 willhave drill at 4 o'clock this afternoon,when they will try to throw a streamover No. 5's flagpole.

Two Chinese wore caught in theact of smoking opium on King streetthis fort-noo- and taken to the Sta-tion with all their outfits for the in-


Mr. Chus. J. Fishcl's annual clear-ance sale is still in progress. It isreally surprising tho gr at bargainsthat can he obtained thero. Don'tbo left out in tho cold.

Thk band played a new pieco attho Hotel last evening, "A Trip toConey island." It was decidedly en-tertaining, and caught on with thoaudience. Mr. Levey's auction bellhad a prominent part in tho piece.

The Government physician at thoLeper Settlement writes that ho needsmore clean white rags. Tho Boardof Health will take charge of all Unitmay be sent to the office of tho Boardor to 'tho store of J. T. Wnterhuuse onQueen street.


The stained glass window whichurrived for St. Andrew's Cathedraluovornl months ago are now boingplaced in position. Most of them aromemorial windows. Thoy do not ap-

pear to fit very well, Fonie purtB of thoinscription not being vUiblo.

Divop.ce caBea were hoard in thoSupremo Couit this morning. OnMonday innrniug at 10 o't lock theCourt will sit in banco to hoar argu-ments on a domurror againct thoChief JuBtico'B overruling tho motionto quash tha indictments in the con-

spiracy, and riot cases.

Miss Katio Putnam, tho distin-guished Amorioan 'comedienne, andcompany aro announced eUo wherefor a Boiuou of four nights after thearrival of tho Maiiposa. Mr. Leveywill opon tho bor plan for seasontickets on Monday, and Unit for thoopening night on Thursday next.

ti m - IM

The first performance by Chiarini'sItalian Circus will bo given thisevoning on tho Beplauade. Thodoors open at 7 and the performancecommences at 8. A splendid pro-

gramme hue been arranged, and ituoedly hardly be said that there willbo a "crowded hniiso." Reservedth'kota can be obtuiued at Mr.Lm'py'a Auotiou room.

. ...J.,..


Trl 1 of Alb ,ri Iiiiuiaeii r tr tfrntton,FntDAY, Outohcr 11th.


Tho Court resumed nt 1 o'clockp. in.

Mr. Rosa said tho defense rested.Tlio Attorney-Genera- l called Col.

K.ll. linker lit rebuttal. Ho was ex-

amined tia follows: I am an ollleeron the King's staff, have been a colonel on the staff nearly five months.I know K. V. Wilcox. I wns Incourt anil ueaid him testify abouttny lirin,Jug message's to him fromthe king. 1 first took a messagefrom Wilcox to the king uu themorning ot the ou'bieak. 1 hadnot carried messages previous tothat from the kinu to Wilcox. I didnot deliver any mesbnjje to Wilcoxnt his (illlcc. from the king on pollttcal mutters, or about the Utile As-

sociation. Wilcox antl I went tosee tho king to nek if lie would bean honorary member of tho RilloAssociation. I welt remember thathe refused. The king said if theywauled htm to do anything theymust wait until they had ii niiooiiuu;inati'h and he would give a prize.No lurther talk between thuiii, noth-ing said ubout the proposed pioject.1 did not take a iue.ioa0 on the li'Jllifrom the king to Wiluox. Dill notace Wiluioc the day bcfoie the out-break.

GroBS-i-xamin- by Mr. Rosa 1

am librarian for the palace. Thelibrary id next to the Chamberlain'solllce. Do not exactly know howmany volumes there arc. It is afact I have no occupation. I ambeing supported by Ilia Majesty.The message 1 received irom Wil-

cox to take to the king. His menhad come to my house for me. Themenace was to tell the king to comein the palace that morning. I deliver-ed the message. The king sent a mes-sage to Kahalewai anil one to Robt.Parker, for the former to hold thebarracks and not let anyone havearms ot ammunition. I took noother messages, only those two.Took no message about the tabu ofthe pahioe. I do not remember going with Wilcox around the pa-

lace some days, previous to the30th. Tho older to Kahalewaiwas taken by me before Wilcoxhad been to the barracks. I do notknow where the King was that night.I used to meet H ilcox now and ttienprevious to the 29th. I think thereason that V ilcox got me to takethe message was because I was astuff oUllcer. Some evenings Wilcoxcame down to see me. 1 do not re-

collect we talked about the rights otthe King. I was turned out ot ottieeby the nnv constitution. Have hadno employment since. Wilcox hada civil engineer's olllco. I did notcall on him olten. I never advisedWilcox and Pahia that I wus theproper person to show thera wherethe cannon and ammunition were.The Attorney-Gener- al approachedmo yesierday evening, and askedme to go into hi9 olliee. Wilcox hadconfidence enough in me to get meto tnkc a me-sa- to the King.

This concluded the evidence inthe case.

At 1:40 Mr. Rosa commenced hisaddress to the jury. He baid hethought tho jury cpuld find no faultin his conduct of tho case. He hulbeen as briet a9 possible with theexception of the n

of the two principal witnesses Boydand Maikham. The defendant tookno purt in the meetings. That hewas guilty of conp'naoy he admit-ted, but as to being guilty of treasonlie denied it. The Palace was theKing's homeu The entering of itby there men could not be called aninvtisiou as the King assented.When the denial of such by theKing came out, ptople around townsaid, "it is a He." It wns the bestthins for the country that this thinghad come out and it would teach theKing to do different. (This lastremark was received with applausewhich the Court at once suppressed).He did not believe one word of thestaff officer, he was evidently tryingto shield the one who shelteredand fed him. He submitted on theevidence that there was nothing toshow that the defendant wasguilty oftreasou.

Mr. Hatch commenced the ad-

dress to the jury on behalf of theCrown at 2:15 o'clock. Afterreviewing certain portions of theevidence ho went on to say that thodefendant not only was present atthe meetings were there where armscollected, but he marched with thecolumn and was with llicni whenthey held up the police. The policeare some purt ot tho government,and that was an act of war in thedefinition of the penal code.


At 2:40 o'clock His Honor theChief Jubtico commenced bis chargeto the jury. It was as follows:

Gentlemen of the Jury; I shallhave to ask your careful uttoiitiunfor a few minutes for a brief exposi-tion of what I regard to be tho lawwhich will govern you in your con-

sideration of this case. Let me re-

mind you that you are now exercis-ing one of the most, if not tho moatImportant duty that a privute citizenis called upon to exeruiso In behalfof the country where he may roalde,and it makes no difference whetheryou are natural. citizens of this coun-try, or whether yuti are still owingallegiance to your own countty. Aslong as you aro here pursuing ourpleasure or your private interests, Itwill be your duty to assist tho Courtif you aro called upon to act usJurort in the trial ot caioi that may

WoOfi? Waftfttt'Svi LAWlWV fir fa tiM&ffld 1& M$.'sggriasgiCTfrjawvr ,..

bi brought bfinfn yoib 2 liiva nodoubt that yoli K'nlUa the import-nnc- s

of tbe occasion. This is nnimportant trial, for it Is tho firsttime that a foreigner by birth hn9been tried on the charge of ticason,an offense which is recognized inour oode as the first offense in im-

portance and pluco, an offense whiehis recognized to be the most obnox-ious of all crimes, a most detestablecrime, because It destroys the secu-

rity of life, property, and what ia

denier to all patriotic citizens, theexistence ot the government itself.

Tlio uhnptsr on treason has notbeen read to you, ntid 1 praposc toread it to you, or nearly ull of it.

"Treason is hereby defined to beany plotting or attempt to dethroneor destroy tbu King, or the levyingof war against the King's govern-ment, or the adhering" to tlio ene-mies thereof, giving them aid andcomfort, the same being done by aperson owing allegiance to this king-

dom.""Alloglance is the obedience and

fidelity due to the kingdom fromthose under its protection."

"An alien, whether his natlvocountry be a war or tit po-ie- withthis kingdom owes tillenhncc to thiskingdom (lurioK his residence therein,and during 3iiuh residence is capa-ble of committing treason aganibtthiB kingdom."

I may say that allegiance is oftwo characters, naiuml and local.Nntuial allegiance is that which acitizen bom in the country owes tohis own country, and local allegianceis that which is due from every per-

son residing in it to uphold and obeythe law, except ambassadors andministers of foreign slates. Theyare not amenable to the laws of thecountry. It has not, however, beenshown to you that this defendantis within that exception. I chargeyou, therefore, that so far as alle-

giance is concerned, being a resi-

dent here he oed allegiance andfidelity to the kingdom. I will goon with the fifth section, which readsas follows:

"To constitute the levying of warcontemplated in the lirst section ofthis chapter, it shall be requisitethat tho persons concerned thereinlie pai lies to some overt act (that isan opeu act), in or towards procur-ing, preparing or using force, orputting tacmsclvcs in a condition inreadiness to uso ioixv, either bybeing present at sdeh overt act, orby promoting, aiding in or beingotherwise accessory before the factto tho same."

Sixth section. "In order to con-

stitute the Ifvxing of war, tho forcemust be employed or intended to beemployed for the dethroning or de-

struction of the King or in contra-vention of the laws, or in oppositionto tho authority of the King's gov-

ernment, with an intent or for anobject affecting some of the buin-che- s

or departments of said govern-ment generally, or affecting thoenactment, repeal or enforcement oflaws in general, or of ioine generallaw; or affecting the people or thepublic tranquillity generally; indistinction fiom some special intentor object, affecting individuals otherthan the King, or a particular dis-tiict- ."

I think perhaps to have you understand it better I might say thatformerly in England, whence mostof our 'law is derived, high treasonwas only compassing the dentil ofthe Sovereign, and by various con-

structions of the law when a maucommit ted nn act, though notdiieetlyaimed at the person ot the Koveieignbut which would endnuger himpolitically, the courts held that thatmight result in the destruction ofhis political life and that wa3 con-

sidered equivalent to compassingtho death ot the Sovcieign, and fin-

ally Lho law has been amended byetatutes from time to time; the lawnow exisliii! in regard to treasonis that the act may be either to de-

throne or destroy the king person-ally or levy war against lho king'sgovernment.

Now a good deal has been madeto-da- y of the expression, "againstthe King's government" mid I saythat the law would be just the sameshould the act be against the gov-

ernment, of the Hawaiian Islands, orin fact agahiBt the government,without saying the Kimj'a govern-ment. There is nothing in the arrgument of counsel that as the con-

stitution of 18C4 said that the gov-

ernment was the King's and that theconstitution of 1887 does not saythat the government is the King'stherefore the statute of Treaoou isof no efteot, and I would liko to in

to 'you how that differencearose. I find it in a very old hook,containing tho constitution of 1840,where, as the government of thoseearly days was reducing its princi-ples to uiltiug, there being latgcnumbers then of poivarful cliiufathat had large numbers of retainersunder them, they defined their

rights there was n littlehistory given I am reading onpage eleven of the "BlueBook." Tho origin of the Kingdomwai thl. It wus Knairhameba 1st"and to him belonged all tho laudfiom one end of the Islands to theother, though it was not his ownprivate pioporty" and then it goeson to describe what the prerogativeof the King were, "lie is the Sover-eign of all the people and all ihechiefs," and further, "The kingdom( his, he shall have the direction otthe army and all tho implements ofwar of the kingdom, He shall ulsohave the direction of tho govern-meu- u

property" and so on. It inadobiin the heat) of the State, and thatphraseology vsasoontlmtud In all the


tiontlUuitons tip to that of W Ipresume that those who draftid tbechaugc in tbe constitution of 18s7were feeling that It was misunder-stood and misconstrued by manyand so they made a change. Thereis a law that thejo shall bo levied orpaid to the King or to his Majesty,a certain stamp lax, and that wasclaimed by some persons not versedin llm law, that that was tho per-sonal perquisite of the King, heieasIt was intended Hint that stump dutyohoutd go to tho King's treasurythe public treasury.

Now when a British vessel ot waris called "Hct Majesty's ship," Itdoes not mean that It ia Queen Vic-

toria's private property, that shehas a right to bell any ship of warantl taku the proceeds and buy newdriBses. This seems perhaps fool-

ish talk to 3oti, gentlemen, but Ithink perhaps it Is nticOAsary thatyou may understand that when theexpression is used, "against tkoKing's government," it means theHawaiian Governmo.nl.

Now, what is the Government? Itis dilllcult to define propeily what agovernment is, hut I have one defi-

nition that L think expresses It. "itis that part of society which attendsto the business of tho whoh, it isthe luling power, tlio executive."Government is necessary, for .if Itwere not for tho government, everyman would follow his own aims, so-

ciety would consist of individualseach one pursuing his own aims andends. Now when tho business ofthe whole is delegated to a certainnumber of persons, or an uncertainnumber of persons, then they con-

stitute the government. It mightbe vested in vaiious departments, itmight be very much subdivided andthe authority distributed, but wher-ever we find the power lodged, thatis the government. It is not strictlycorrect to say that tho governmentconsists merely of four gentlemenwho arc Cabinet Ministers, lor thereare other branches of tho govern-ment. They are tho executive,however, they aro lho principalexecutive olllcers of the government.

Nliw to explain wliat'l menu lu-i-

by a simple illu.-.tratio- : Tako n

human being; he has a sotilih blm ;

by cutting off an arm or a leg youdo not lessen his spiritual nature orhis soul and mind at nil. You mydismember him, cut off both arrasand both legs, he would atillbe a man, he would still haveexistence. So, with the Minis-try, if ono half tho Ministersshould bo killed, that would notlessen tho goYcrnmsnt one .half, orif one quarter of them wpro killed,it would not lessen tho governmentone quarter, the government wouldstill exist; eo, if all lho Ministersshould be swept away, tho govern-ment would still exist, it would besomewhat disorganized, but societywould not break tip iu consequence,and the government would exist.I say, in order that you may under-stand it, tbat'there may bo' treasoncharged though it does not have forits object the dethronement of orclesiructibn of the King, and Icharge you that it is tho law of thiscountry tint an overt act in procur-ing, prepaiing or using force, orputting themselves in a condition inreadiness to uso forc, iu order toeffect the repeal of tbe general lawor to net in opposition to the author-U- y

of the King's governnicnt,"wiuIdbe an act of treason.

Now, it has been well said bycounsel who addressed you in behalfof the Ktng in tbi'j case, wliiuh, isstyled "the King against Lonuicns,"that that does not moan the Kingpersonally, it is the King as the re-

presentative of tho state. In a re-

publican form of government,are in the name of Un-

people of the United States of Am-

erica, tlie pioplc of the State ofNew York, or the people of theState of California; in England itisfhe Queen against so and so, andin this government, which is a con-

stitutional mouaichy and a limitedmonaichy, the title is "the King"against whoever is arraigned for,auoffense against the laws.

The facts shown by tlio prosecu-tion are not seriously denied. Therenro I believe some facts with refer-ence to the pa i ticular acts of the de-

fendant which aio not admitted,which are contested bj the otherside, but the general facts iu refer-ence to the affairs that commencedon July 10th, or oarlier," nnd culmi-nated on the morning of tho 30th ofJuly are not denied by tho defenseThey put on the stand us their wit-

ness the man who says he was thechief ono in moving and catryitigout this scheme. .Mr. Wilcox him-to- lf

does not deny ilie essential factswhich were uttiniplcd to be piovedby tho government wbon they putou their part of the case, so 1 say,(cntlemeu, that the oisentia! faciiof the ease aro not seriously deniedby the defense, hut the. have putin tho case us evldenco and theycontend that it is provrd that thosefnctq do not constitute ireaiou,

thoy wore done with the know-ledge and consent of His Majestythe King, It is a matter of verygictt itgrot to us all tint suchbtatcments should come out in tht.case, but I deemed that it whbproper to admit them, m much hav-

ing coming out in the evidence andthere being so umny fncti that mightload a Jury to suppose that that whbthe ease, it was bettor tq have thefull facts come out.

Whelhor they are true or not infor you lo say, and, (ciiMutnon, myopinion and the law U this, thateven if' you should como to the con-

clusion that Hi Majesty wa aprty to litis affair and did acquiosoe

In ttits ats ttf an &trtjpt for to comeup to lbs Palacs bad to tabs posses-sion of tire Palacs urbnuds, which itgovernment property, and of tbegovernment building here, which l

government property, and he hadpromised these people that ho wouldcome theie nt their call and sign anew constitution, il is neverthelesstreason even if you belicxu Iho&efacts to bo true.

Suppose for instance lho. King(which God forbid may ever happen)should be accessory in so serious acrime as murder (I uie'tely put it asan illustration), the man who wns a

with him would be heldguilty utrder the law. ..The fact thatthe King was, also sznilty' would notacquit him; the King could not bapunished for it, but thecould. No more, then, if tha jurysliou'd find Ihat His Majesty was aparty to this treason agaiti3t thegovernment, should it have at.yeffect in making you decide by yourverdict that the prisoner nt tho barhero is not guilty of treason.

As has been stated, tho King can-not abrogate any law, he cannotpardon without the consent of thePrivy Council, he cannot pardon inadvancu or abrogate any law ; thatmust be done by the Legislature andthat must be done in tho regularway. The King cannot, except asa coup d'etnt, abrogate a constitu-tion and give a new constitution. Ithink it is proper for mo to say asthere has been some allusion to ithere and there have been a greatmany allusionsdo it in somo partsof lho native press, that the consti-tution of 1887 only became a dejure constitution by general acqui-escence. 1 1 was I he do facto consti-tution because tho King executed itou the advice of his Ministers andit became a do jure constitu-tion because all the olllcers of thegovernment swore to it, and allthose who voted at the electionsswore lo support il, and il thus

tho general law of the land.However, an unsuccessful rebel-

lion and an unsuccessful revolutionlire always treason. I think thatis self-evide-

It is admitted by Mr. Wilcox inhis evidence that lie hail prepared anow Constitution which lie carriedthero lo the palace accompanied byan armed force, and he says ihat itwas his desire to enforce it, but itis an historical fact that this newconstitution wus not proclaimed : itis not in fotco, the constitution of13S7 was not abrogated. It n anhistorical fact that tho attempt wasunsuccejsful. If you believe thetcstimon1 of these men that thoyuurehod upon the palace wilii .inarmed force uud took posf"5Mcm ofthu palace premises, and took pos-session of the Government buildingwith tho intent of securing the repeal or abrogation of a fundamentallaw of this kingdom, tho constitu-tion of 1887. there ia no escape fromfinding a of guilty. Shouldyou find that this man was one ofihoso engaged in this business, thero13 no escape from rendering a ver-dict of guilty under tho indictment.

If you believe his onn statementthat he wao present at tho meetingswhose objoct'iio knew was to turnout lho Ministers, to expel them bygutting a new constitution (the con-

stitution now iu force docs notauthorize the King to dismiss sum-marily his cabinet) and that hoknew that arms were prooured tocarry that intent into cllect and thathe marched with that body ot men,armed, and was within the Palacegrounds consulting with tho leader,talking with tho leader, not remon-strating 'wtb him, and that he en-

deavored to get supplies to them attheir request, if you believe theseacts are proved by the tcstimon' oftwo witnesses, there is no escapefiom (hiding him guilty.

1 ihall read you a little more ofthe law of treason:

Section seven of the act reads:"An accessory before the fuot to

treason is guilty of treason andshall be subject to prosecution,trial and punishment there-for, though tho priucipah morediieetly concerned have not beonconvicted or ure not amcnablo tojustice." If the principals have notbeen convicted, the law of this noun-try- ,

and it-i- s the law all round theglobe.nllaccessorif'sbeforothefaotofticason aro guilt v of treason and aresubject to trial and punishmcutthere-for- ,

although the principals have notbeen convicted, antl il snya further,iu the interests of fuirncsH nud ofliberty, Unit "no perou shall boconvicted of treason but by the tes-

timony of two or inpro lawful wit-

nesses to the Btuno overt act of trea-son whereof ho stands charged,unless he bhall in open couit cunfessuch treason." There 1b also a sec-tion of thu law prescribing the pun-ishment. Il ia also punishable fora person havlug a knowledge of trea-son and docs not divulge the sameto tho governor of the island. Therearo no governors at present, to Ibiippuae tbut part of the law i inop-erative.

Gentlemen, thU i3 a terious occa-sion. Thi Court Is well aware of itand truats you have litleucd patient-ly to all the evidence iu the case,and that you will give It your serioiuattention and tho considerationwhich il deserves. 1 have endeav-ored to bhow you tho law as I find Itto be. You must take lho law iromthe Court, If I am wrong, thero isa tribunal that will set me right, butthu plain meaning of the law oftreason in ai I have stated it.

1 read fiom a United Stales vmo;"To lua'cb In arms with n forcemarshalled and arrayed, committingacts of vlolauco and divaslation in

order le eousptl the mlsaat'.on of cpubllo officer, and thereby rtndorineffective an act of congress. Is hightreason." 2 Dallas 246.

The mere doing of such an act astearing down n pound or attacking aprivate residence would be a meioact of riot; it would not be ticason ;

such an net would not be against thogovernment. It must bo against abranch of tho government or for therepeal of a law, against the commu-nity at large or the government tobe treason. A disturbance againsttho mnnnger of a plantation Wouldnut be treason although it might bean unlawful assemblage and be avery bloody riot. Assaults and bat-

teries might be committed and yetnot be treasou. Thero must bo anIntent to effect some public put pose,far the force to bo Used against thogovernment or some branch of thegovernment.

If vou find that the testimonywould warrant, you in returningsuch a verdict, gentlemen, it wouldbe your duty to render such a ver- -.

diet, and the responsibility of thelaw and tho responsibility of thesentence or whether it shall be com-

muted in any way i3 not with you.You aro not law makers, you arenot law givers, you aro merelyjurors whoso province it is lo findwhether the facts which I havo en-

deavored lo show you are essentialto be proved in this case have beenproved against the defendant at thebar beyond a reasonable doubt.Understand what that means; areasonable doubt is a doubt for whichyou may be able to give a substan-tial reason and which is not a fanci-ful doubt, nud if you have .1113

reasonable doubts that this manwr.s engaged in tli03e acts which Ihave stated lo be treason, you willgive him the benefit of them. Youwill not raise imaginary doubts;thoy must be doubts arising fromthe testimony.

You understand, gentlemen, thatnine of you arriving nt a vcidict,that will be a lawful verdict. Youwill choose a foreman who will signlho verdict. You may retire fordc-liberntio- n.

Tin: vEimiCT.At 3:10 the jury retired to con-

sider their verdict. Twenty min-utes later thoy sent i note lo HisHonor asking for instructions. At3:8S they eamn into Court and re-

turned a. unanimous verdict ofguilty, with it recommendation toexecutive- clemency. IUr. Rosa not-c- il

exceptions to the verdict. Theprisoner showed a keen realizationof his position, weeping bitterly onheating the verdict. He was remov-ed to the Station house.

At 3:40 lho Court adjourned till10 o'clock Saturday morning.


It is toporled that tho unlives aresubscribing money towards tho de-fense of Wilcox for treason.

A warrant is out for tho arrest ofJohn E. Bush on a charge of criminallib"l pieferred against him by W. O.Aclii, tho lawyer.

A conoxuri's jury found ?i vcidictof death by hss own hand in tho caseof lho Chinaman who shot himsolfnt Kahaluu. flis countryman whombe first attacked was woundnl butnot Eorioutly.

Tin: complimentary band concertat tho Hotel last evening to Hon. J.L. Stevons, U. S. Ministerand family, was n very enjoyablen flair. Quito a largo nunibar of pro-mino- nt

citizens were on tho verandawhile tho grounds woro crowded withlisteners. The band played magni-ficently and had to repeat somo oftho numbers. The front of tho build-ing was illuminated vith coloredlanterns.

Drt. Minor yesterday afternoonheld an autopsy on the body of Hil-dro- d

Hutchison, the liltlo girl whodied at the Catholic Sisters' school aspreviously reported. C'oionor Ohm.Creighton empanelled tho followingjury to. hold an inquest : M. Davis,P. Sachs, M. D. Monvarr.it, P. Oertz,K. G. Schumiin and D. Logan, Thoyviewed the body and won Mvorn ntlho niother'H houso, Jiukilfi, anil onloturning lo tho Station adjournedtill Tuosduv at 2 o'clock.

A mt:c!.u. meeting of tho Board ofTrustees of the Quean's Hospital washold this morning. Action on thoprflpi sed amendment to the by-la-

was deferred to tho regular meetingin December. Tho TruBtoos havinghad iu view tho engaging of a trainednurse for the Hospital, instructed thoExecutive Committee to make

with Mrs. Jolinstono, whohas bud great experionco 111 the Flor-ence Nightingale Tiaining School itLyiiig-in-Hottpitol- This will ho agreat, boon lo the. institution.

EVENTS THIS EVENIHQ.Band conourt nt Emma Square,

at 4 :30.Uhlarlni'o Italian Circus on th

Espfanade, at 8 o'clock.


Tho Royal Hawaiian Hand willgive a public concert ibis afternoonat Emma Square, commencing at'1:30 o'clock. Following is the'programme:Mai ch Uipsy Baton struuisOierturo ''oinautlo clsJ'olUsi Strplirtule... .Taln-bac-

Haruer of Seville .. Blissfulfavatlna- -' lierM ;., VeidlWalu ArtUt Lifo ."atuuus

"rHEVOHKINQMAN'S PAPERi. "Tlio liallv IJullotln." 0 ccutiper iTmiih.

THE WEEKLY BULLETIN-f- c.Jscoluni.is, purely inoul nutle- t-

Mailed t foreigu cMiottl. v perH'liium.

sgy2gjggggA&ugiHQ in uwiiimw,Editor Battim !lu an artloia

published como titno in August tbe"P. C. Advertlsbr" staled that anevening pnper did not amount toanything and could not bo more thana record of events already known.1 would like to ask tho editor of Uie"Advertiser" what ho would havedone without the Kvenino Buixbtikduring the Loomcns' trial?

Mrhcuant Street.Oont's sua Felt Hats for .rjOO

S5.00 Gent's 81 111 Fell Han for:i.45; t '.00 Gent's Stiff Pelt Uats lur

fa.OO at O. .?. Pishal'a. 071 lw.! I 1MB

received Celebrated FoocliowJUST, direct frdm Chlnn; a splea.did assortment of "tide Tin.: Tho Ha-

waiian Mixture, In Q packages; ThoHose Brand Tear in i 3j packages,

fragrant; Ext 111 SuperfineHliick Tea, IU lb boxes In bulk ; FirstCiop 188n-le0- Cougoii, ia 10 lb boie,It packages tn a pound; to bo had oalyof Oonsulvea & Co , Unuolulu.. 3ft2 It'

WANTEDWO II AN lo take the sole crt of aA family ot three small children. A

coinpMcut periou will And Immediateemployment oo annllcatinn to070 If GULICK'S AGENCY.


AY paid the stockholders nf Wildcr'a"ictinsuiii Co. on MONDAY, OetobsrUlli, ht tho office of tho company.

S. U. ROSE,rjcercinrv.

Honolulu, Oct. 12, 1889. 370 It







The Greatest Travelled & Bestfcnofln Show In tho World.


tturday Evening,October .2th.

Doora Open M 7. Prrrormnuf! etiiu-nieuec-

ot H o'ctork aliiirp.


Wednesday -:-- Afternoon,

October 16th.Donru Optii at S. Performance cuts-uivnc- es

nt 8 o'clock.


32 ARENIC ARTISTSFrom tho Leading CircuFCB and

Hippodromes in Europeand America.

40 HIG-HL-

Trained Horses & Ponies,


Hers & AcrobatsPerforming Elephants !

Educated Donkeys !

Riding Monkeys !

-- AKn A- -

Sacred or Brahmin Bull

Rerformances Ever; Evening,

(Except Sundays,)

I'ltlCKM ot ADM.H.NIOJVIHojios (0 Chairs) .$0 00fiinglo Chairs in Box . 2 00Dreaa Oirclo, Chairs,. . 1 00L'd Clans, Tarpotcd fionlt 753d Chuc. Oallorv . . 50gWCbildrnn undor D years of age

HALF 1'iriOE to all parta exceptHoxes.

f0 rickets may be hud and BoxeJKceured daily from 8 a.m. to 5 o'clockr. m., at LowU J. Lovoy'a AuotlonHoom, and at tlio Ticket Ofllce of theCiroiiB.


CHAS. DGRHER, : Genera. Jji..M8ld


J- -

,i lLf :

X .JUii.

Page 4: J Giprs.gToteo Proprietor. · 2015-05-30 · New Zealand Jamil JOST rurolvrd a conlgnmont of New.1 im-t-, assorted cases, For sale at low prlrfa hv J. E, BROWN & CO., 32T tf 28 Morchant





J&W "F, nr.n.i;r:.i..ii-.-.ir.-.-

OcBiinic Slcaiiisiiin Coimi'y.

TI3II2 TABLE:Arrivo at Honolulu:

Australia October 18Alameda October 20AuBtmlia November 15

Loavo Honolulu:Mariposa October 19Australia October 26Zeaknilift November 1G

Australia! , :- . .November 32AlAme4a Deocmbtr 14

818 tf


"ELELE!"THE "ELELE" is now being published

boih Native and English ontrial for a period of six months. ThUhas greatly increased tho expenses. Tomeet this, friends have already addedlargely to our subscription lists, and itspublication in English will be con.tluuod permanently, if a few hundredmorn subscribers can be obtained. The"ELELE" is a

Thoroughly Independent Newspaper I

Devoted to tho interest of all the pcoploof Hawaii, without rcgaul to Clioues,Factions or Political Parties. I'lte"ELELE" is always Bright, SarMirsrand Sicy! Read itl

-- Call at the Elele Publishing Co,No. 08 King street, for a sample copy.

receded at tho rateof $2 SO for the six months. MutualTelephone No. 644. 804 tf

J. N. S.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contract forall classes of Sugar Extraction Machlnery. Irrigating Machinery, Evaporating Apparatus, Vacuum Pans, Engluetof all kinds and for all purposes, WaterWheels, Water Conduits, both pipesand flumes, Steam Boilers of variouskinds, Railroad Material and RollingStock, Etc., Etc.

DIFFUSION MAOHIXEEtY,In all its branches a specialty.

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the very bestdescription to order.

t" Close attention paid to all ordersand satisfaction to tho purcha'ser gua-ranteed., P. O. Box 380. Fort street,Honolulu. sept.G80.1y

OF- -



Imported Direct from Havana.

O. O. :0"ETE2.3--JE2R.303 lm

The Crandall


Change of Type In 5 Seconds !

Writing In Plain Sight!

Simple and Durable !

XSF1 Call and see samplo machine atthe

HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.,General Agents for Hawaiian Wands.

30 J tf

The Thoroughbred Stallion

"MARIN"Will stand at service at


Reoord 3:22, Sacramento, Sept. 15,1887.

Pediohee: Marin was sired byQulun's Patchen, ho by Geo. M. Patchen, Jr. j Marin's dam by Emigrant, Inby Billy McCrackenj Billy McCrRckcnby McCracken's Black Hawk, 707, (thesire of Lady Dooley, and of the dam ofOverman, 2:lUJf). McUrackcu'a liluckHawk, 707, bv Vermont Bltick Hawk, 5;2nd dam by Marshall's Black Hawk, heby Easton'a Black Hawk. The dam ofQulun's Patchen by Btockbrldgo Chief,ho by Vermont Black Hawk, 5.

It T. Carroll of Han FrnneUco, thoformer owner of Marin, voucIicb, thatout of tbirry-si- x maroa 6erved by thishorse during his last season In Callferula, thlrty.flve proved with foal.




Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND

fnov-4-- 8

New Goods received by ovcry Packet from the Eastern Stales Europefresh California Produco by overy Steamer. All ordeis faithfully attended toincl fliuvln iIoHvotriI Innnvmrtrf tho p.ltv fren nf eharirfi. Inland ordnrn poll.

MWMWIdtcd. Satisfaction miarantvd. V'tvu.c

mHlWiillW Wrfi l1illHlllll ll iiiuij

i clephono 8411.





LEWIS & CO., HI Fort Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,


By each steamer uf the O. S. S. Co. from California

Fresh Gala, Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & fresh Cala. Fruits,

XTisli, Game, Tcsfetablcis, Etc., 12tc.A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, jiiBt received a fresh lino of

Uormaa Pates & Potted Meats & Bottled Preserved Fruits,bowls & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hami & Bacon,

New Broakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Wheat Flakos,Sicily Lemons fc Cala. Rivcrsldo Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Eto.

ap-1- 6 Satisfaction Guaranteed. 87


HAS JUSTKit Salmon Bellies, Block Codfish, Smoked Beef, Buffalo Ham &Bacon, Boxes Smoked Herring, Tina Norewginn Salt Herring,Mild Cal. Clieeso, Atmores Mince Meat, Green Turtle Soup,Terrapin Soup, Sugar Raisins, Currants, Walnuts, Almonds,Dried Peaches, Prunes, Dates, Honey, Cereollno Flakes,

CAPE COD CRANBERRIES,Tomato Ketchup, Sugar Corn, Cases Sugar Peas, JerseyBlue Potatoes, Ruta Bagas Turnips, Calafornia Onions, Crackers,all kinds ; Choice Teas, Fresh Apples, Saloon Pilot and MediumBread, 'Wheat, Flour, Buttor, Plum Pudding, etc., etc, etc.

And a General Assortment of Canned Meats, Frnits and Other Groceries.

nh-9- J Leave your orders, or ring up 119. " 86


JOHNDlmond J31oclt, Nos.



Will be Issuod

82 ColumnB of Nowfc

AMB- -


Oor. Hotel & Alukea Streets.

Open every Day and Evening.

The Library consists at the presenttlmo of over Five Thousand Volumes.

The Readlug Room is supplied withabout fifty of the leadingand

A Parlor is provided for conversationnd gamoB.Terms of fifty cents a

jiontli, payable quarterly In advance.No formality lcquired In joining exwptsigning the roll.

Strangers from foreign countries andvisitors from tho other Islands are wel-come to the rooms at all times as guests.

This Assoclatiou having no regularmenus of support except the dues ofmembers, It is expected that residentsof llonotulu who desire to avail tbetn-aolv- es

of Its privileges, nnd all who feelau Interest In an inttltutlonof this kind, will put down tbolr namesand become regular contributors.

A. J. Pros.,M. M. SCOTT,U. A. Secretary,A. L. SMITH, Treasurer,O. T. RODOER8, M.D.,

QlmbTOH Hill and Library OonuntUe


'. Vn.



--P. O. Box 2U7

XOJE ---a


OS te 97 Kills' Street.

Summarv "

on October 8th.

Tho Beat Paper to Send Abroad.

Continental and

SB Hue do . Paris.

Executes Indents for overy descriptionof French, Uelglan,8wis, German, and English Goods, attho best Lowest Prices.

Two-and-- a Half per centAll Trado and Cash Discounts allowedto Clients. Original Invoices forwardodwhou requested

through a London orParis Banker, payablo on delivery ofShipping or, direct to thtmanager.

Tho Agency Buys, andSells, for Home and Colonial Firms.

Piece floods, Cashmeres, Cambrics,Silks, Velvetb, Lawns, Chintzes,MiiMinis Carpets, Cloths,Millinery, Laces, Gloves,Fringes, Parasols,Gold and HlWer Lare,Flnunelp, Feathers, Pearls,Boots and Shoes, G!aB, andOhina-waro- , Clocks, Watohos,Jowellry, Fnnev Goods,Electro-plat- e. MusicalFans, Ecclesiastical andOptical Goods Mirrors, Toys.Pnrfumery. Wines. &c,Oilman's Stores, H.ioks ArtisticFurtilturo, Stationery,Ohromos, Machinery. &c ' &o.

Granite, kon and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBIHG, TIN, COPIER AND993 Sheet Iron Work.

The "Bail" Bulletin


Honolulu Library

Readinq Association.






OMTDTlJtrt-LTBTri- !












'IKHiFOfttrat k ft, OOTOBfim is, toss


rSSPer "Eskdale"

123 days from Liverpool

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Belectcd Stock.

FANCY GOODS,Dressing Cases,

Mirrors,Wicker Ware, Etc.

GROCERIES,A full line.

A largo assortment.



Carrittgc Lumpr.Sugar &

Bais, Klce.


-- ASt

Othor Varieties.


Latest Novelties.


American andPortuguese


Rock,Liverpool and

Higgin's Dairy.

Oils ! Oil !

Boiled & Raw Linseed, Castor.

Paints & Zinc !

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Etc., Etc.


Corrugated & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !

Annealed,Galvanized Barbed,

Patent Bteel Barbed,

Bedsteads of Iron.0UTLEBY,


Caliioriia Groceries

Of all varieties, always In stock.Alto,

Hay, Feed & Flour



Pacific Hardware Co., I'd,FORT HTHJEIffT. II ON OUOTJU.


for wjag&



iraied Waters !



Dopot, 28 Merchant Street.

JTtJSX BECEITEDEx "Eskdale" from Liverpool, large

assortment of

PATENT BOTTLES,Of Assorted Sizes.

PLAIN SODA,40, 60 & 75 ets. dozen.


40, 00 & 73 cts. dozen.

LEMONADE,40, (0 & 75 cts drzen.

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.


GINGER POP,At CO cts. dor.cn.

J. E. Brown & Co.,oot-- l Agnt. 1980






vi to


I 1


PAINTS, OIL, MUSHES,Turnout inn. Eto, Etc


Revere Rubber Co,, Boston,


1 9. Winn Dnnnn UnooIX, if 11 U UUUliu llliUu,

Cull nnd examino our NewGood-- . Aug-3-8- 8


FOR SALENEW Wilcox & White PnrloiOruan with eight stop Suitable

for tchnnl ot church A fine instrnment. Apply at 57 l'uncljuowlopposite N P. Mission Institiito 273 t

European Billiard Parlors.nandeomcM. Billiard Parlors iiTHE city, and tltted up In the mo

approved stylo Foui tabloa with all thlatest ImprovumenU.

J. P. BOWEN & CO.,370 tf t'roprli'tnro


5 Second hand hrong'd Patent Fllteil're es, us gooi as new, having

boen u id but u few months; 2, 4?Chambers, S, ."0 Chambers, 8 Sicoud.hand Claiiflers, B(0 galloni capacltieach. This muchintry has lieen throunoui of iihu by the Diffusion Proces,-boin-

Introduced! and Is offered forsale at veiy low prices. For particularapply to

J. N. 8. WILLIAMS,Fort St., Honolulu. I'.u. bos ittJO.

36't lm

Carriage For Sale Cheap.

1 NEW Cntundcr CarX riago just finishedand handsomely trimmed

in first clusc style; must be immediatelsolil to cloe an aienment. Apply to



CONTAINING 1 largevoianua

with bltll room, dinincrnomand kitchen detached, on Kekaniikestreet, opposite Hotel street. lUnt$lf'per month A np'v Ht


Cottage To Let.NEvy ono etory Cottage

on upper imit of Llllhastreet, containlnu' 6 rooms

nicely papered and painted, bath room,kite en, nice lawn, nundo trees, eto.Will be lented reasonable to a good ten-ant.


Speltorluo.r p e best remedy forI wouudi, ulcers,

galls, proud flesh nndsores of every descrip

r rT itT tion to persons or anl -

mtiK Auoptcu oy leading hoiso rail-road, club mid livery Btiblen, etc.. Inthe United States iiutl elsewhere Wame prep.ued to i rove this statement bytestimonials aud lefcrenees to plauteisand liverymen In this Kingdom,


Island Views.URGE assortment of 'holographsA nnd M8'enscipIo Vlewit of the

most attractive scenery, buildings, eto,In thus islands, for sale nt reasonableprices

HAWUIAN BU-INE- AGENCY.Comer Fort ami ui chant wtrootii,

308 M

nmwggflw mi jntjjj.im.miru

Australian fall Service.

FOIt SAN FKAXCISCO,Tho now and flno Al steel steamship

" Rffariposa,"Of tho Uccanto Steamship Company, will

be due nt Honolulu from Bydncyand Auckland on or about

October 19, 1889.And will lcavo for the above port withmails and passengers on or about thatInto. , ,

For Ti eight or pawnee, having BU.I'EHlOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

WM. Q. IRWIN & CO., Agent.

For Sydney and Auckland

,pho new and flno Al steol BtcanshtpAt Zealandia."

Of the Oceanic 8ttamhlp Company, willbo due at Honolulu from San

Francisco on or about

September 28, 1889.And will have prompt dbpateh with

tails and passongurs for the above portstFor lreighl or passage, having 8U


7 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Affonta

UopptlSou74 King st. 74 King st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovid with Care.

ing and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.

CHAIRS TO RENT.apr 10 8f

The Beautiful Peaeide Resort nt Wal- -

kikl formerly the residence of Col.Q. W. Macfarlane), known as


Park Beach Hotel

The Promlse8 consist of

A itftain Building,Containing a

Lanal 40x40, Dining Room, Pantry,

Kitchen & 5 Bedrooms,

All partially furnished.

One ;Ouild.iMg,Containing

Bowling Alley, Billiard Room and

Laruo Bedrooms.

One Cottage,With

2 Large Bedrooms & Dressing Rooms.

One Building on beach,Containing

Rath Houses, Wash Rooms, Etc.

Large and Commodious

Stables with Carriage Honse,

Upper Flnor fitted with Large AiryRooms. Euitttble for servants,

etc., etc There are

Large & Well-laid-o-nt Grounds,

Connected" with the Premises on whichooiild bo erected cottages for visitorsrhnuld Hie place bu converted mto ahotel, for which it 1a admirably adapted;The Rathini: facilitln equal the bestalong tho line of beach, .

IThese Pr. raises will bo leafed fora term of years to res.ponible parties.For further purtlculats opply to


A Rnrlnrrflntil flnm ToaI.(. i.on iio Prutl.eh anM the pipes lead Intoall tho above Building. ap8a8

--i - -- .matn.m4l ? --"'IrtiSAifiiVfeiSJajamr-MmiM S& Jl.

i" i-- jA&wj x. 4k .- -





