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r- ISE EVENING TIMES IlIJRSDA SEPTEEBEE 13 1900 2 r WASHINGTON Party 31 en Hdieve It Will Help to El ftet Bryan Trust SlMiitJtl llsive 2fo Place In t IIHclt C f Democratic politicians and labor lead- ers at Democratic headquarters today expressed themselves as without doubt that the7 Strike order issued to the an thracite coal miners by the United Mine- Workers of America is another of those many factors making for the election of Bryan and Stevenson It is another object lesson of the of the trust said a leader of organised labor to a reported for The Times this morning It furnishes just one more reason and incentive for the common people of America to strike down with their votes this industrial monster without heart or soul or lungs which has been created by the hand of man and which would make slaves of all men other those who own stock in it I have read in law textbooks that the philoso phy of the corporation was that it sub served human convenience When the cor- poration was first instituted by Numa and invested with the rights peculiar to this ens legis or creature of the law it was that it should be useful to human society and that it should not be used as an instrument in the hands of one to oppress another I think one of things that has r been said about this phase of the trust situation was said by Mr Bryan Let me quoteWhen God made man the climax cf creation He looked upon His work and J said that it was good and yet when God finished His worK thq tallest man was not much tailr than the shortest and the strongest man was not much stronger than the weakest That was Gods plan We looked upon His work and said that it was not as good as it might be and so we a fictitious person called a cor- poration that is in some instances a hun 1 dred times a thousand times a million times stronger than tha Godmade man Then we started this manmade man out against the Godmade man Of course Oil corporations arc not bad neither are all corporations trusts I be- lieve though that all trusts are baT Even though they may not be eternally working I harm it is within their power to harm humanity whenever those concerned in the trust desire Tills is more power than a king should have The trust is entitled place in a republic I think It would even have an evil smell in China Trust MIIN lie Crushed- A group of men were discussing the- r trust question at Democratic headqaar tars this afternoon and all the familiar arguments for and against this were out It was said by T one man that the trust was but another I manifestation of that tendency toward cooperaticn among men or classes of men which is apparent everywhere It was said by another that it was a hard institution to suppress because men had the right to combine their and It was a difficult thing to ascertain whether this combination cf stituted a trust or not One hoary old Democrat A be excused It must be crushed It is wrong and I am liyal enough to the theory of the law to be- lievc that a remedy may be found for r every wrong It is not that ths law can not reach the trust it 3s that no effort is made to apply the law The people have compelled the passags cf proper laws but they have placed in power ex- ecutive officers unfit and unwilling to en- force the law With a trust puppet in the highest office and other trust pup pets at the head of the departments of the Government vhat chance have the people- P S Mcnnett of Ohio struck the right key when he said An attorney general of your State using the high and important writ of ouster or quo warranto in the highest court in your State and in behalf of the people In the State can accomplish more in the of electrocuting monopo- lies and trusts than all the resolutions of trades unions municipal reform leagues tax reform disciples industrial commis sions Wednesday Morning clubs and long- winded investigations and party platforms prepared by highsalaried trust magnates will do in the next decade Trusts com- bines monopolies and criminals tax dodg- ers and express robbers arc not solicitous so long as they can satisfy public clamor wIth industrial commissions reform clubs and magazine articles or so long as they can keep a successful lobby between the people and the legislative halls r Allow me to repeat and impress that the State is soveregn in the legislative halls imperial in the executive and om nipotent in the judicial if we will only ex- ercise such powers to protect the com mon man in the general welfare of the people and right these wrongs and pre serve unto all equal opportunities The weakness of our Government has been that we have not asserted this sovereignty un- til oppression became overpowering It needs no new Government it needs no po- litical platform this evil neither requires r free silver nor gold standard double tax nor single tax It needs men to execute the laws we have It needs the courts to weigh out exact justice against the rich powerful and mighty with tbe same even hand that It should to the poor man Secretary Cage Vanquished One of the topics among politicians today Is the open letter of Carl Schurz to Secre tary Gage On all sides it was declared that the Secretary had been vanquished had been routed in a row which he chal lenged The GageSchurz controversy has oot recommended everything but if you kidney liver or bladder trouble It will be found just the remedy you At druggists In fifty cent and dollar You may have a sampls- i bottle of this xvonderful new discovery by mall tree alto pamphlet telling 1I about it and it great cures Address Dr KJIintr ft Co Binghamton N Y Economy Hall Wonder what Mcitt will say today Time to talk fall clothing now i You want to our liner Better clothes will be the rule this I J Of course we will always sur j prise you by their Littleness This j fall season will be no exception j to our previous record J us closely youll save j MERTZ HERTZ Tailors 906 and 908 F St OFilMINESTRIKE I t LJOrz Intlerl That the a- nefllcEdstn Lnwt Agnllst of CUflnl nul- Ceslhucic Shocll I than i I cass cass s quit I I I brought 1 sail s wa rot ban ROOT need t I I 1 1- I v t J f I see season t Flow T- j 0 0 I J p 0 dU J I I 11 1t11 11 iEi fleelnre lie EitforcetE Inhu- manity i I to- o i institu- tion i t all i SWAMP x 1 Prices 1 i l 1 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + recalled the scandal of tlie Standard CltyBanlc of Ne Y6rkandIts re- atlons with the Treasury Department un the Administration of that eminent ilr Gage Mr Gage is giving the use now of more than 80000000 of the peoples money to banks without interest instead of that amount on the Governments Interestbearing bonds The Secretary declared in answer to the Senate resolution enquiry that he did not do this with a to favoring the baYs but he did it the good of people The reasons for this he said were to prevent the effect upon trade and industry of a too sudden with drawn from ublic uses into the of the Treasury as so large a 5SCOO000 Of course the politicians say if he had redeemed bonds with the money he loaned to the the money thus paid out by him gone into circula tion just as certainly when he loaned- it to his banking incnds Perhaps Mr Gage was alsowinsr 6 to his generous act by that simple jui pathetic letter calling attention to the si criptions made to the Republican campaign fund by the directors of the National City Bank That missive follows The National Bank of New York June 5 1897 My Dear Mr 7age The City Bank of this city of which I vice president throagji the consolida- tion of the business of the Third National with it is one of the banks designated as a United States depository and I write to that in any changes which may be the Administration we may not b disturbed In this respect We should like to remain a United States depository- as at present Of course the bank very strong and if you will take the pains to look at our list of directors you will sec that we also have very great political ciaims in view of what was done during the canvass last year Yours very truly A B HEPBURN Hon Lyman J U S Treasury Washington D C The situation m New York was freely at Democratic headquarters today The hope was expressed that the nomination of the State ticket would bring an end to the CrokerHill dissension and that all the Democratic forces in the State would unite to wage war upon the common enemy It is recognized by Dem ocrats that a hard fight is ahead of them in the Empire State to overcome the Mc- Kinley plurality of four years ago 268- 4GO The German Bureau of the Democratic National and Congressional Committees continues to receive reports which indi- cate that a high per cent of the German American vote is lost to the Republicans- A significant poll was recently taken of the German Catholic Central Vereln at its meeting at Peoria Ill The membership- is 4CO Ninetyiflve ier cent of the mem- bers declared that u ia their intention to vote for Bryan and Stevenson- It is like this throughout the coun- try said a prominent German to a Times reporter Imperialism militarism and high taxes to support these policies are hateful to Germans They know what it all means They have passed through it They were taxed to death in their own country to keep up a magnificent military establishment to support an Imperial policy 2TEW DESIOCHATIC SOCIETY Orss iilze l VHIi Ilcj r seniutives- Kroin j Afnmlier of State The National Democratic Young Mens Association of Washington D C was or- ganized last night at Harpers Hall on C Street northwest The organization was made by about thirty Democrats repre- senting many different States Thomas A Green who was chosen temporary chair man tiled the meeting to order Willard- A Ijllar was recording secretary Alter the aIoption of bylaws and a constitution- the following officers were elected Presi dent Wilton J Lambert Second Vice President Charles W Darr Recording Secretary WHlard A Pollard Financial Secretary C A Galbraith and Treasurer H T Ofterdinger The association will elect a prominent Democrat from each State in the Union to serve as an honorary vice president But for the small attendance last night this part of the prcsramme would have been out However the following hon presidents were elected For the District of Columbia Jesse B Wilson Maryland Murry VandiverChairman of the State Central Committee Virginia Sena- tor T S Martin Ohio John R McLean North Carolina Leo F Simmons Tennes see Hon Charles E Snodgrass and Mis- sissippi Hon John Sharp Williams The next meeting will be held on Wednesday evening It is the purpose of the associa- tion to have Gen William Birney and other speakers address the meeting HYPNOTIZED MANS ANTICS Subject Himself a Iujrlllst anti Causes Trouble RICHMOND Va Sept 13 One of the most remarkable cases of hypnotism yet reported is attracting the attention of med- ical men and scientists here The victim too for a time made things lively for about twenty persons who were attending- a tea in the West End Tuesday evening The scene of the singular actions of the victim of hypnotism was at the residence- of W J Gilman 022 West Marshall Street The subject of the hypnotist was John Sweeney the son of a wellknown liveryman here During the evening it was suggested as an additional means of en tertaining the guests that some one be hypnotized Sweeney who is a powerful young man offered his services and was soon under the influence of a young oper- ator named Cook The company finally suggested that the spoil be broken and the victim released This was attempted but in vain In his efforts to release his the operator was terribly beaten of his front teeth knocked out Sweeney mani- fested wonderful feats of strength At a dozen or more men attempted and bind him but could not do so The services of a policeman were called upon The officer moved cautiously toward the young man When he got within reach of the latters fist he received a terrific blow which sent him spinning away met than twenty feet Sweeney under the pe culiar influences appeared to imagine him self a prizefighter and for a time few disputed this point with him A physician was finally summoned and after a long struggle the young man wa handcuffed He was removed to a hospital for treatment Sweeney remained In a stupor until yesterday morning about 8 oclock i Good for Something From the Syracuse Herald Mrs Henpeck So your husband tells you fairy tales when he comes in late of nights Mrs Fairy tales I should sac not lies too smart to waste his time on fairy tales lie tells me Chinese stories because theyre half stomach and thus curs indigestion constipation V and Biliousness UEBRMAKN te Home Furnishers Cash or Credit Corner I Eye Sts- Ao Online for HemlncJie When Wallers Headache Powders The Safest mid Quickest Cure Walters Headache Powders Contain i o poison nor morphine They Always Give I del L favored of I for th acton vault bank s Cit atonal be- came request IS I I 1 I carrie I I I Jmn inc patent time srengthen the e rs HOUSE C mph 7 nd Oil Na- tional view Gage- dis- cussed War W true Will ilostetters stomach e using ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tllEOHUMProm- inent Delaware Pastor Dc sits the Republicans ic Will Cast ills First Democratic Aotc for Gives StroH R Refusing to Sumiurt 3Ir Mclviiiley Great Dan- ger to Country In Imperialism DOVER Del Sept 13 Rev Joseph rown Turner pastor of the Dover Pres ijterian Church who has announced ntention to forsake the Republican party nd support the Democratic ticket said in- n interview I shall vote for Mr Bryan in November hough I have never before voted a Demo ratic ticket While I am somewhat re uctant to talk about my political rela ions I see no reason why I should not andidly state some of the reasons for my ersonal convictions and my change of po Itical alignment at this time Concerning the ordinary Issues upon which the American people agree to differ- t is wise for the clergy to keep silence especially in the pulpit Matters of and ordinary administration ihould be left to those whose business it is 0 understand them and discuss But ve are clear outside of in thIs campaign The issues now pending ire vital and no political contest since S60 has been so charged with weal or woe to the Government under which we lye The ax it laid at the root of the treo under whose shadow we have sat with delight It is a time for every man wh free Institutions and true democratic principles to speak and keep on speaking more precious legacy ever came to any people than that bequeathed by our to all succeeding generations of Vmericans This generation is in belittling that legacy and of wholly aside We have outgrown the principles of fathers we are told and we safely discard them We cannot old lines and continue to expand We cannot keep inside of constitutional and be a worldpower Then we had better not be a worldpower I am a constitutionalist Until we change our Constitution in the orderly way provided in the Constitution itself I- an see nothing but overwhelming in a refusal or a neglect to abide by its guarantees and restrictions We havo outside of those restrictions and guarantees under the leadership of present Administration and what the end may be under such leadership it Is not difficult to foresee Dangerous heresies theoretical and aractical those have always been among- us Professionalism in politics the of moral standards in public life of parties the corruption the ballot and official venality these we familiar with and menacing they are indeed But with these can cope An aroused manhood a re turning practical sanity In the country and would sweep them away like the chaff off the summer threshing floor Graver far than these evils more than any or all of them is the fact that free America is forgetting its mis sion turning away from its glorious losing sight of its ancient land marks and giving the He to all that our to be politically and eter We are learning to depend upon force rather than on justice we are putting might before right Rockbottom principles truth justice liberty and life are at stake jn Jhe present contention for these have all been assailed Under the impulse of new and foreign conceptions of duty we have righteous war for liberation in the West into an unholy strife for conquest in the A war for humanity in one fair Isl the sea has beeu changed to a war of inhumanity in another Soldiers re- cruited to fight for liberty in Cuba are fighting against liberty in Luzon A weak and practically helpless people asked from us the right to govern themselves this and no more and we have preferred to slaughter their best and most intelligent lasses by thousands rather than grant their in behalf of principles no other than those for which the embattled farmer of New England died at Lexington and Bunker Hill and we pursue them with fire and sword They have bravely dared to assert their Inalienable right to life and the pursuit cf happiness and Mr McKinley presents to them the alternatives of submission or annihilation We are under his fatuous policy on lack of policy a territory to which before God we have no shadow of right and which we promised solemnly not to retain We intruded upon that territory even before the Paris Treaty was signed The President refused to give the people of that territory a hearing in their own behalf and then made the plea that he had no means of knowing their desires It his been a shameful record from Its beginning Our domineering our infidelity to tacU provoked resentment followed by Upon this resistance the Ad ministration declared falsely that the peo ple were in spite of its assur- ance that the United States had no inten- tion of asserting permanent sovereignty over them Then a greater force was sent to stamp out the socalled rebellion And now having broken the arm of the existing government and spread bloodshed and anarchy far and wide Mr Mc- Kinley declares with hands uplifted to Heaven that moral reasons force us to for if we were to withdraw our ar the people would not be able to themselves These are the vicious by which we have been led by an ambitious leadership lusting for power and hiding its purposes behind r wordy fog of pious and patriotic cant This is why I am willing to Is why I shall cast my ballot J Bryan as against William McKinley They say that Mr Bryan Is not a safe man Possibly he is not But when I find one man engaged in breaking up the fur- niture of my house while apother is lire to the house itself I will attend to the firebug first I do not believe though that Mr is an unsafe man His utterances the whole of this campaign have been statesmanlike and every word has rung true His speech is the noblest utterance this nation has heard since Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg If he is elected we will be spared the repetition of the shameful spectacle of an administration endeavor ing in an official capacity to perpetuate itself He says he will not accept a sec- ond nomination and I believe him He speaks like an honest straightforward Godfearing man Sheen to one It is true may b more than an administration bugaboo and his financial theories may be what his ene- mies say they are I have my own opinion- as to that though I am not a financier But this I do know If a Republican Con- gress elected to safeguard the financial of the country to Re theories could not or pass an impeccable law f its Mr Gage tells us not done so then there is no guarantee that they would do so in forty yea and by that time we might have no country left Mutter of Fnct From Brooklyn Life Jtrs Flopdyer Oh 5fr Batts how I enjoyed lovely volume of poems Youre kind Indeed Do you like ILo Alcaic meter Mrs Floodyer Alcaic sOrter Oh I see you want to ciaraje the subject Modesty the crown of genius But really I cant say Does it save truch TO CUKE A ijv ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine All druggists refund the if i cure B Groves each box 25c 0 tIc NCr d tie I here the s roves fore- fathers danger of our may I the disas- ter gone the low- ering of brIber we could father transformed- a Est request re- taining pledge rebelsthis confu- sion sty g- Oer speak Bran in- terest would dur years controland you gas oLD Tablet mane W sue his taxat- ion financeS Ncr limi- tations porten- tous prec- edent lib- erty set- ting Indiana- polis very ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ EEEIEF Committee Appointed to Arrange a Greji benefit jPeriormuiice Noyes who was requested by Ross to organize the benefit performance the Galveston Flood suf- ferers tbis Wbrning appointed the follow- ing committee to assist hint in the work WIIHam P Manager of The Times Editbr of the Eos i Victor Kauffmann the Evening Star W H Rapley National Theatre P B Chase Chases New Grand Alexander Hashim Hashims Academy Charles P Salisbury the Bijou Frederick Lafayette Square Theatre Eugene Kernan the Lyceum Joseph Luckett Co Theatre Mr Noyes who is chairman of the com- mittee has issued a call for a meeting to held in the Star building at 4 oclock this afternoons The purposes of the meet- ing is to perfect the arrangements for the benefit Mr Noyes says the committee is composed practical men who will know Just what to do to make the performance a success As yet he has not e with auy member of improbable that only one per- formance will be decided on and it is like- ly that the theatre with the largest seating capaety will be chosen This afternoon Chairman Noyes re- ceived the tender of the services of the Marine Band for the benefit The otter was made by Director Santelmann At the InterOcean building on Ninth Street E and F Street north- west Kirk who is in charge was busy this morning acknowledging reeipts of supplies for the Galveston suf- ferers All the articles received are turned over to the Red Cross for dis- tribution The work of packing the clothing In boxes began this afternoon and the first installment will probably- be shipped over the Southern Railway tonight The contributions of clothing and have come from numerous private Individuals as well as firms and corporations- The following additional cash sub scriptions were reported this mcrning Previously acknowledged 1000 50 Mrs E A B 203 A M 1C 00 E J i 00 Cash ilallott Mrs Ellwood M KorristowD 1a 5 00 Miss Katherine Xorristown- Ta 5 i 3- Ea Kramer 300 X Third Street Phila 5 00 J H Nolan Scranton 1a 500 Mrs Murray Additon 20 00 John A Leonard 103- J IL Brooks 25 C Augusta Sheldon 2 50 Christian Endeavorer 2 00 John IL Rhodes 500 Joseph L Lemberger Lebanon Pa 0 00 Howard SI Xopr Camden N J 25 00 S R Franklin Knslewood 500 H R Hilliard Williams street Nose York City 1000- Jfoses Williams jr Boston Mass 15 K A H Ames 1112 Twentyfirst street AVashincton 1000 Frances M Jlichanfc 171G S street Washington Xtt C 2300 Anna If Wilkesbarre Pa 2500- Cfesh i 2003 Caroline A Kraser 5000- J B C 100 J IL Veir Scalp Level Pa 500- Prank V 1000 S B L 600 Frederick BruclcbSuer Nosy York 500 II Main 3 00 C C 503 It I Buckley 203 It i j 00 W A L1 SCO- P R P 100 Clarence F Norment 703 00 Isitlor Groaner 1003 C B Church 25 w I 11 K vw Mrs yjit 1 00 Lather R Smith S 20 03 Cash j 103 hilton Dorothy J A DceWe ft ifeit A V C Cash B IL Warner k Co- H Y Norris Petera Co v- It B Cutler Kit Carson Post Xo 2 G A KV It F M a D and a 3L E H Daniel B Clarke House Ifermann i The Raleigh Hotel I- A lady Valley Forge Council J o 51 J 0 A M Total 101523 The Julius Lansburgh Furniture Company have donated the furniture for the new headquarters of the Red Cross at First and B Streets southeast and the and Ohio Telephone Company has given the use of a phone Judge E C Foster is In charge of the new headquarters- Mrs Henrietta N Rose President cf the Womans Loyal Legion has headquarters ut 419 Tenth Street northwest will receive donations for the the Texas sufferers from 830 a m to 5 p m The Loyal Legion is prepared to send for any article of food of clothing that may be offered All contributions received will be turned over to the Red Cross A HIDE IN CHICAGO Welcomed liy nn Entlmsijistic Pop iilncc Untler Mistake From the Chicago Xews Dick Simms and his sister came up the station platform with the usual number- of trunks thatEastern cousins display The carette met with their disfavor and they a hack to convey them across glimpses of the city were enjoyed until for some reason the driver slowed up at a corneT This was followed by a great demonstration in the street It seemed as if the hack would be lifted from the ground What on earth Is the matter Dick whispered his sister Looks like some kind of a riot re sponded her Just then axle was seized and the hack trembled The shouts were aug mented They will upset the hack Dick Dont be brightened The driver started the horses but the crowd held the hack Tie in quick came from the rear and then was released Something rattled ori theiroof To the excited occu pants it courdbe nothing but a of I shooting Bow your head Togethdr they crouched and waited Heavy objects struck the hack They expected every moment to sac the sides pen tratedr We stall be killed Dick Dont worry But the shouts came from the bombardment had ceased ven- tured to open the door He found the driver laughing This angered him Great state of affairs he blurted when strangers cant go through the city danger qf assassination Iryintp do that grinned the driver What were they trying to do Tryin to tie white ribbon on the axle White ribbon Who did they think we wereThey mistook you for a bridal party There was a wedding near that corner acd they thought this the bridal hack Thats why they thrtv rice and old shoes A REAL PjQUASUIlE- It is a pleasure to sell Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Remedy writes the Harmon Drag Company of Mound Citr Mo because it always gives our trade complete satis- faction It is our leader for com- plaints This is the only remedy that never lath and that is pleasant and safe to take TVhen reduced with water and sweetened children like It For sale by Henry Evans wholesale and re taiL and all drazeUU ROE Thomas Business tt dIscussed mater between J I supple Jane 1 1 Corn 10 d jtjj j raie 25J I I nl I 5 Dun 25 ii fred ii W 10 U 50 I where n engage brother r thehack shot Dick I distance without was I I Leech gthg be I 00 00 fafft SUP Bas e It DO- E ii T Ptsr LiP Jxstfl lfaW3 1 0- 0Cikj Kraoper j x 10 5 211 503 it 10 551 53 Cad F I 30 OCC- A I 200 W31- S1 IlL t 53 asii Chesa- peake FIRST volley flee ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = w HUT w Lqmbliean Factions ibid a less Conference anil DriPont M eii Full to Settle Their Differences Gas Sinn Now Proposes to Go Alieuil Harmony Ills View pt the Stnte Convention of Democrats WILMINGTON Del Sept 13 Repre- entatives of the jarring factions of Republicans met here yester ay In an attempt to a harmoni US ticket but the conference was of ihprt and the factionists are as apart as ever The executive committeemen of the actions the new house of J Addicks on King Street Those were Mr Addicks J Frank Al- ee Dr Caleb R Layton W D Denny nd David S Clark representing the Ad licks men and State Chairman P Q hurchman City Chairman H H Billa George Massey Jones R G Hous on and E B Shurter for the regu ars After the brief and futile confer had adjourned Mr Churchman We had a preliminary talk about the omposition of thft Democratic ticket then discussed the Republican tick it The Union RepuUIcans held that be Kent and Sussex counties had been Denocratic it would be for them to have the nomina ion for Governor from either Kent or ussex Acting under instructions of our committee and voicing its opinion I said the candidate or Governor should come from New Can le county and be of our faction in order elect the ticket as the sentiment among our people is practically that the nominee should this county They insisted that we John Rune the present candidate Lieutenant Governor for Governor tVe stated that we thought the proper would be for us to submit five names for Governor agreeing to abide- y any of them they might select and in turn would submit five names of proposed candidates for Congress to abide by our selection As they would not agree to a New Castle man- or Goveror we did not submit live we had in mind Martin B Dr Joseph H Chandler Merritt T Willetts Dr L H Ball and Theodore Clark At the conclusion of the conference I to them that If they experienced a of mind we stood ready at any time nd place to meet them They replied that would be no more meetings a they lad announced at the beginning of the con erence that if the question were not set today It would not be settled at all The Addicks leaders now say they will o right ahead with their ticket They prepared to state whether the agreeing to common primaries in iis wilt be rescinded Mr Addieks talked at length about the situation He aid It looks to me a if the DuPont men iad the situation to absurdity We practically everything We offered to withdraw Dr Marshall for and substitute Mr Hunn as a com Then wt offered to allow them fill the for Lieutenant Governor said he withdraw as the nominee for Congress and let the DuPont men name the candidate for Congress What more could we do The whole trouble is that they 3o not present anything but Colonel DuPont nmself I understand they have called a meeting of their State Committee for when all their nominees will be askefi- o get off the ticket What the object of is I do not know but I do know that Union Republicans are soon going to ask Mr Burns whether he proposes to stay m their ticket for Governor or whether he wishes to remain on ours for State He cannot continue on both tickets IVe propose to 50 straight down the line We cannot do otherwise I believe we shall the Union Republican ticket Mr Addicks was asked what he the Democratic State Convention at Dover Oh I dont know much about it he re Any ticket they would name would I see they referred to me in their platform This will only make me strong- er among Republicans as well as crats A number of Democrats an the street today and for the resolution in the to me We propose now to start in to fight the Democrats as we have always done ROOSEVELT TN THE TvTXD WEST MITCHELL S D Sept 13 Teddy the cowpuncher swung into S D yesterday morning where 20 hardriding cowboys from the Bad Lands gave him a welcome that made the pre events of the tour seem tame and uninteresting- In this remote southwestern corner of South Dakota the Roosevelt train lay five miles from the station on the single track all night Engineer and fireman crawled out of the cab after banking the fires The howl of the coyote and the wind in the sage and buffalo grass music for the Vice Presidential Rough Rider as he slept This Is where aLl that are not men women shouted Roosevelt as he jumped off his car at Chamberlain into a pushing shouting swearing melee of mounted cowboys who rode at him shook his hands and circled around him it seemed as if he would be trampled- by their ponies Scares of Crow and Creek Indians bucks squaws and round the edge of the crowd grunting and pointing as they caught glimpses of the heap chief white man White Bad Hand and KCehakasehka the who f e sisted benevolent assimilation with rifles in the days v fi their and eyes were good stood der in the crowd sullen but grotesque in old silk hats faded Prince col ored blankets round their of old trousers instead of beads and buckskin of their youth Two bands one of white boys oar of Indians from the Government school made music as the processi i moved to a grandstand at the head of Main Street When Roosevelt mounted the little platform more cowboys who had ridden across the line from Mcntana galloped up and grabbed hs hand You was branded a long time ago Teddy and you wandered from the bgrd- Weve got 700 critttrs across the creek cant you lop over and have chuck with UB2 TheSQ were about the salutations which the cowpunchers shouted at him When he began to talk the smell of hot brand- Ing irons and the breath of cattle was in his speech The feed wagon v supplanted the full dinner pail the op- pressed election day and the wanderers Jest to the McKinley outfit were called mavericks with the fine scorn of the cowboy Shaw of Iowa Senator Knute Nelson of Minnesota and Curtis turns at spellbinding and were interrupted frequently whoops for Teddy But It was the farewell scene at Chamberlain that put a climax on the demonstration After Roosevelt badshaken hands with three wagonloads- of Indian girls slapped the their ha aits and Saluted t i i ltUckH 1 arrange d raton d- ar 1 4 I 4 to Ulan imous from for plan agree- Ing the F I I ac- ton I I I 4 r duce Gov- ernor promise to Dr Layton r Fri- day thIs the I Treas- urer elect thought- of pled Demo apologize VhoOlS Shots Ce- lebrnte ious made are I papooseshovered Ghost D hand Albert mo- ccasin and conscious buck ICOFB Ti nit 4 0 With- out 4 metaL 4 4 I I they fol- lowing Burns I would re- ferring Yells nit Pistol His Coming Chamber- lain till round up Guild with moye 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < < < < < < H4W Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh sorted effects worth 150 for The need is for a Hat for immediate wear We have arranged a display and sale for Friday and Saturday of the latest and specially FirstHats simply trimmed in English walking and shapes that are most becoming and most appropriate for early Autumn It is a most extensive showing embracing fully 300 we shall offer for choice at special prices I 100 are the latest impor CO QO- jQ I worth for and 8 At the same time will be introduced the new untrimmed shapes and the myriad of popular trimmings for them including Fancy Feathers Wings Birds and Bandeux The very latest in Ostrich and Ornaments Nets etc Its a display to which you will be welcomed Its a that cuts down the cost of Millinery for present wear is a necessity WorldBeating Prices in Boys School Suits Every Suit we offer in these special lots closecut as the prices are has our guarantee for utmost satisfaction They were made expressly for School extra strong extra reenforced really doublemade No wonder that leadership in Boys Clothing is so certainly and unimpeach ably ours Black Cheviot Dou- ble Breasted and Brownie Suits with extra pair of pants with each Suit The Brownies are cut in tbe new style The very nearest approach to equal value else- where is 3 81c sav- ed clear as a C7 1Q whistle Grey Novelty Check Cheviot Suits all wool and color of course made in Dou- ble Breasted style with extra butons and reenforced seams Stzes to 16 years A good value CA for 450 JJJU Boys Corduroy Knee Pants the Pants that are stronger than boyish play and pranks made with patent elastic bands riveted tened buttons and re enforced seams all sizes from 4 to 15 years and usual 75c value As a special leader for Friday CflC and Saturday w J Specials in School Supplies Cloth School Bags with draw- strings and embroidered sides 25c and SOc Heavy Canvas Book Bags leather bound and with long shoulder strap oOc Book Straps lOc Carters and Staffords Pen Holders 1C to 25c Ink and Pencil Erasers le Leather Penwipers brass tipped 5c Pencil Boxes with lock and key Sc Hardwood Pencil Boxes with lock and key lOc Walnut Pencil Boxes with sliding top tray Inkwell paper cutter penholder eraser and lead pencil lock and key 15c Patent Blackboard 3c Hardwood Rulers with inches 1 foot long le Hardwood Rulers with brass edge 5c Scratch Tablets 150 sheets of pencil paper 2c Composition Books ruled papsr and cardboard covers 5c Irish Linen Tablets ruled ani plain all sizes lOc Numbered Composition 200 sheets 25c Every offering we make only declares the more forcefully our great retailing capacity We bought the last short lengths- of a prominent Neckwear Makers best 50c Silks and gg f arranged with him to duplicate his SOc Teck Imperial J 4 FourinHand and Batwing Shapes So we In offer 50c Scarfs in this lot for choice at Ladies Lisle Gloves a few pairs of course but they are the regulat19c Black Lisle Thread Gloves in 3button style Handker- chiefs Ladies very sheer Handem broidered Initial Handkerchiefs with narrow Expect 12c quality School Hose Childrens Ribbed warranted with double knees and high spliced heels I JC This is selling IDc Hose for School Boys Cassimere in as sorted colors but broken sizes silk lined regular 50c 1 QC Dress J Goods i 2U Doublewidth goods at that worth double the remnant But they are in varying lengths enough of some for waists of oth ers for skirts of others for chil drens dresses Good coloring in checks and plaid novelties Toys and s Dolls Choice of 55 sample Dolls that are dressed but the dresses are soiled worth up to 50c but for anything at all says the maker 32 others that are worth up to Choice of them JQC for Lot of slightly Imperfect ot all sorts those worth to SI for 25c and worth up QC to 50c for Remnants of Linings 3500 yards in the lot Including short ends from 1 to 6 yards of Mercerized Satine wire Percaline and Spun Glass the linings you have use for jo black and all colors Regular prices cut from full piece 12 to 25c a yard Tomorrows sell ing Is to be at G j Y fLA Street i of the New I- Readytowear Hats it deigned other stylesthat i 200 ure Hats in as tons 6 Breast Braids tat I wearare 4 the fast wait I 4 t I t Eraser Inkc Book 3000 Mens Nw Scarfs1 i t realty i ad- Just 4c hems Back Hose them Z t H50 fats 1 Toy cps I 7 1 C 2 tO es e069 I FIFS1 Showing Fall 1 6 fr33 1 Outing 4 j 4 4 4 4 i i I Fall 4 4 9c 4 G i 4 4 4 d sell- s 4 g 4 8 4 4 4 8 4- G 4 z Mill t 4 888 ee e4 GGGete cs < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + < + ++ + + > EDUCATIONAL T JOHNS COLLEGEVE- RMONT ATE AKD THOMAS CIRCLE SELECT DAY COLLEGE FOtt TOUUG MEN AND BOYS Collegiate Academic and Primary Departments ENGLISh SCIENCE AND COURSES nglish The College aims at developing Literary Culture through thorough mastery of the English and other Modern languages ience Scientific and Mathematical studies are systematically pursued throughout the entire College course selves for Coramercin are afforded every facility to acauire a thoroughly practi cal training in business pply for catalogue to aul7tf MIDAS President iPANISH TAUGHT WITHOUT GRAMMAR 513 13th Street 2T IV If you like to learn Spanish in a quick way call it 13th st day and night lessons seMf BUSINESS COLLEGE Ll WIN Jv EIGHTH AXD K STS Established 1S76 Day or Night 25 a year Shorthand Type ritiag se53moem- iie climbed on the back of his car to wave oodby to the cowboys who swarmed about his car like bees When the train wheeled slowly out of the station the pressed on as the speed Increased Eircling in front of the engine at first down the track ahead until the cow catcher grazed their ponies heads and the lust from the galloping squadron the whole train beginning to shoot is they raced Two hundred pistols hang ed a farewell salute Puster McKay and Capt Jack Foster still racing neck and neck at the head of the two strings of horsemen rid ing fct each side ot the train uncurled their lariats and began to rope the loco- motive smokestack It was the signal for those who iet clung to the chase and as they gradually away from the now flying train the hemp whirled In a hun I a neon desidn to equip them 519 r cow- boys envel- oped Then fell f ti ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL NOTICE Regular meeting o the Maryland Democratic Club TO NIGHT AT 8 OCLOCK in Harpers Hall 467 C Street northwest M F PEAKE President H J ORLOWITZ Secretary It SOUTH WASHINGTON DEMOCRATIC ASSOCIATION meets every THURS DAY at 8 P M at Clarks Hall 229 Seventh Street southwest All Democrats invited ROBERT E MATTTNGLY President It THE CORCORAN GALLERY OP ART will be reopened to the public on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1900 se24t F B MGUIRE Director THERES NO DANGER Of having your fe dollies stolen if we 3 launflr- yf work Every piece will be sent home II ansi in the best o- HMv condition If U laundry bills Ore large secure one of 35 our coupon bonks irfff and save 10 prJ- 5f cent Send a pos tal or telephone u- anil well call for Eli 45 yonr package Tojraan Steam Laundry Corner th and C NW Phone 1537- 1VEEKS Oh Wednesday September 12 1900 at 6p m ALIK N the beloved husband of Ellen A Weeks aged sixtytwo Funeral services at late residence 121 Jfass- achwettr Avenue northwest at 2p m Thursday Interment at Moravia N Y 1- jr yrrrrTTtf your tflr year lj a5 Jl jI 3 iIi 4iic DIED VDIIILTAKIOft LEE Lndcrtaicer nird Iivery ¬ ¬ °

Transcript of J fr33 1 Cit - Library of...




Party 31 en Hdieve It Will Help to

El ftet Bryan

Trust SlMiitJtl llsive 2fo Place In

t IIHclt C

f Democratic politicians and labor lead-

ers at Democratic headquarters todayexpressed themselves as without doubtthat the7 Strike order issued to the anthracite coal miners by the United Mine-

Workers of America is another of thosemany factors making for the election ofBryan and Stevenson

It is another object lesson of theof the trust said a leader of

organised labor to a reported for TheTimes this morning It furnishes justone more reason and incentive for thecommon people of America to strike downwith their votes this industrial monsterwithout heart or soul or lungs which hasbeen created by the hand of man andwhich would make slaves of all men other

those who own stock in it I haveread in law textbooks that the philosophy of the corporation was that it subserved human convenience When the cor-

poration was first instituted by Numa andinvested with the rights peculiar to this

ens legis or creature of the law itwas that it should be useful to humansociety and that it should not be used asan instrument in the hands of oneto oppress another

I think one of things that hasr been said about this phase of the trust

situation was said by Mr Bryan Let me

quoteWhen God made man the climaxcf creation He looked upon His work and

J said that it was good and yet when Godfinished His worK thq tallest man was notmuch tailr than the shortest and thestrongest man was not much stronger thanthe weakest That was Gods plan We

looked upon His work and said that it wasnot as good as it might be and sowe a fictitious person called a cor-

poration that is in some instances a hun1 dred times a thousand times a million

times stronger than tha Godmade manThen we started this manmade man outagainst the Godmade man

Of course Oil corporations arc not badneither are all corporations trusts I be-

lieve though that all trusts are baT Eventhough they may not be eternally working

I harm it is within their power to harmhumanity whenever those concerned in thetrust desire Tills is more power than aking should have The trust is entitled

place in a republic I think It wouldeven have an evil smell in China

Trust MIIN lie Crushed-A group of men were discussing the-

r trust question at Democratic headqaartars this afternoon and all the familiararguments for and against this

were out It was said byT one man that the trust was but anotherI manifestation of that tendency toward

cooperaticn among men or classes ofmen which is apparent everywhere Itwas said by another that it was a hardinstitution to suppress because men hadthe right to combine their andIt was a difficult thing to ascertainwhether this combination cfstituted a trust or not One hoary oldDemocrat

A be excused It mustbe crushed It is wrong and I am liyalenough to the theory of the law to be-

lievc that a remedy may be found forr every wrong It is not that ths law can

not reach the trust it 3s that no effortis made to apply the law The peoplehave compelled the passags cf properlaws but they have placed in power ex-

ecutive officers unfit and unwilling to en-

force the law With a trust puppet inthe highest office and other trust puppets at the head of the departmentsof the Government vhat chance havethe people-

P S Mcnnett of Ohio struck the rightkey when he said An attorney general ofyour State using the high and importantwrit of ouster or quo warranto in thehighest court in your State and in behalfof the people In the State can accomplishmore in the of electrocuting monopo-lies and trusts than all the resolutions oftrades unions municipal reform leaguestax reform disciples industrial commissions Wednesday Morning clubs and long-winded investigations and party platformsprepared by highsalaried trust magnateswill do in the next decade Trusts com-bines monopolies and criminals tax dodg-ers and express robbers arc not solicitousso long as they can satisfy public clamorwIth industrial commissions reform clubsand magazine articles or so long as theycan keep a successful lobby between thepeople and the legislative halls

r Allow me to repeat and impress thatthe State is soveregn in the legislativehalls imperial in the executive and omnipotent in the judicial if we will only ex-

ercise such powers to protect the common man in the general welfare of thepeople and right these wrongs and preserve unto all equal opportunities Theweakness of our Government has been thatwe have not asserted this sovereignty un-

til oppression became overpowering Itneeds no new Government it needs no po-

litical platform this evil neither requiresr free silver nor gold standard double tax

nor single tax It needs men to executethe laws we have It needs the courts toweigh out exact justice against the richpowerful and mighty with tbe same evenhand that It should to the poor man

Secretary Cage VanquishedOne of the topics among politicians today

Is the open letter of Carl Schurz to Secretary Gage On all sides it was declaredthat the Secretary had been vanquishedhad been routed in a row which he challenged The GageSchurz controversy has

oot recommendedeverything but if youkidney liver or bladdertrouble It will be found just

the remedy you At druggists In fiftycent and dollar You may have a sampls-

i bottle of this xvonderful new discovery by malltree alto pamphlet telling 1I about it and itgreat cures

Address Dr KJIintr ft Co Binghamton N Y



Wonder whatMcitt

will say today

Time to talk fall clothing now iYou want to our liner Betterclothes will be the rule this I


Of course we will always sur jprise you by their Littleness This jfall season will be no exception jto our previous record Jus closely youll save j


906 and 908 F St


tLJOrz Intlerl That the


nefllcEdstn Lnwt Agnllstof CUflnl nul-

Ceslhucic Shocll
















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recalled the scandal of tlie StandardCltyBanlc of Ne Y6rkandIts re-

atlons with the Treasury Department unthe Administration of that eminent

ilr GageMr Gage is giving the use now of more

than 80000000 of the peoples money tobanks without interest instead ofthat amount on the Governments

Interestbearing bonds The Secretarydeclared in answer to the Senate resolution

enquiry that he did not do this with ato favoring the baYs but he did itthe good of people

The reasons for this he saidwere to prevent the effect upon

trade and industry of a too sudden withdrawn from ublic uses into theof the Treasury as so large a5SCOO000

Of course the politicians say if hehad redeemed bonds with the money heloaned to the the money thus paidout by him gone into circulation just as certainly when he loaned-it to his banking incnds Perhaps MrGage was alsowinsr 6 to his generous actby that simple jui pathetic letter callingattention to the si criptions made to theRepublican campaign fund by the directorsof the National City Bank That missivefollows

The National Bank of New YorkJune 5 1897

My Dear Mr 7age The CityBank of this city of which I

vice president throagji the consolida-tion of the business of the Third Nationalwith it is one of the banks designated asa United States depository and I writeto that in any changes which maybe the Administration we maynot b disturbed In this respect We shouldlike to remain a United States depository-as at present Of course the bank verystrong and if you will take the pains tolook at our list of directors you will secthat we also have very great politicalciaims in view of what was done duringthe canvass last year Yours very truly


U S Treasury Washington D CThe situation m New York was

freely at Democratic headquarterstoday The hope was expressed that thenomination of the State ticket would bringan end to the CrokerHill dissension andthat all the Democratic forces in theState would unite to wage war upon thecommon enemy It is recognized by Democrats that a hard fight is ahead of themin the Empire State to overcome the Mc-

Kinley plurality of four years ago 268-


The German Bureau of the DemocraticNational and Congressional Committeescontinues to receive reports which indi-cate that a high per cent of the GermanAmerican vote is lost to the Republicans-A significant poll was recently taken ofthe German Catholic Central Vereln at itsmeeting at Peoria Ill The membership-is 4CO Ninetyiflve ier cent of the mem-

bers declared that u ia their intention tovote for Bryan and Stevenson-

It is like this throughout the coun-try said a prominent German to a Timesreporter Imperialism militarism andhigh taxes to support these policies arehateful to Germans They know what itall means They have passed through itThey were taxed to death in their owncountry to keep up a magnificent militaryestablishment to support an Imperialpolicy


Orss iilze l VHIi Ilcj r seniutives-Kroin j Afnmlier of State

The National Democratic Young MensAssociation of Washington D C was or-

ganized last night at Harpers Hall on C

Street northwest The organization wasmade by about thirty Democrats repre-senting many different States Thomas AGreen who was chosen temporary chairman tiled the meeting to order Willard-A Ijllar was recording secretary Alterthe aIoption of bylaws and a constitution-the following officers were elected President Wilton J Lambert Second VicePresident Charles W Darr RecordingSecretary WHlard A Pollard FinancialSecretary C A Galbraith and TreasurerH T Ofterdinger

The association will elect a prominentDemocrat from each State in the Union toserve as an honorary vice president Butfor the small attendance last night thispart of the prcsramme would have been

out However the following honpresidents were elected For

the District of Columbia Jesse B WilsonMaryland Murry VandiverChairman of theState Central Committee Virginia Sena-tor T S Martin Ohio John R McLeanNorth Carolina Leo F Simmons Tennessee Hon Charles E Snodgrass and Mis-sissippi Hon John Sharp Williams Thenext meeting will be held on Wednesdayevening It is the purpose of the associa-tion to have Gen William Birney and otherspeakers address the meeting


Subject Himself a Iujrlllstanti Causes Trouble

RICHMOND Va Sept 13 One of themost remarkable cases of hypnotism yetreported is attracting the attention of med-ical men and scientists here The victimtoo for a time made things lively forabout twenty persons who were attending-a tea in the West End Tuesday evening

The scene of the singular actions of thevictim of hypnotism was at the residence-of W J Gilman 022 West MarshallStreet The subject of the hypnotist wasJohn Sweeney the son of a wellknownliveryman here During the evening it wassuggested as an additional means of entertaining the guests that some one behypnotized Sweeney who is a powerfulyoung man offered his services and wassoon under the influence of a young oper-ator named Cook

The company finally suggested that thespoil be broken and the victim releasedThis was attempted but in vain In hisefforts to release his the operatorwas terribly beaten of hisfront teeth knocked out Sweeney mani-fested wonderful feats of strength At

a dozen or more men attemptedand bind him but could not do so

The services of a policeman were calledupon The officer moved cautiously towardthe young man When he got within reachof the latters fist he received a terrificblow which sent him spinning away metthan twenty feet Sweeney under the peculiar influences appeared to imagine himself a prizefighter and for a time fewdisputed this point with him

A physician was finally summoned andafter a long struggle the young man wahandcuffed He was removed to a hospitalfor treatment Sweeney remained In astupor until yesterday morning about 8oclock i

Good for SomethingFrom the Syracuse Herald

Mrs Henpeck So your husband tells you fairytales when he comes in late of nights

Mrs Fairy tales I should sac notlies too smart to waste his time on fairy taleslie tells me Chinese stories because theyre half

stomach andthus cursindigestionconstipation VandBiliousness

UEBRMAKNte Home FurnishersCash or Credit

Corner I Eye Sts-

Ao Online for HemlncJieWhen

Wallers Headache Powders

The Safest mid Quickest CureWalters Headache PowdersContain i o poison nor morphineThey Always Give




of I

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carrie I



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Oil Na-








Will ilostettersstomach
























inent Delaware Pastor Dc

sits the Republicans

ic Will Cast ills First DemocraticAotc for GivesStroH R Refusing toSumiurt 3Ir Mclviiiley Great Dan-ger to Country In Imperialism

DOVER Del Sept 13 Rev Josephrown Turner pastor of the Dover Pres

ijterian Church who has announcedntention to forsake the Republican partynd support the Democratic ticket said in-

n interviewI shall vote for Mr Bryan in November

hough I have never before voted a Demoratic ticket While I am somewhat reuctant to talk about my political relaions I see no reason why I should notandidly state some of the reasons for myersonal convictions and my change of po

Itical alignment at this timeConcerning the ordinary Issues upon

which the American people agree to differ-t is wise for the clergy to keep silenceespecially in the pulpit Matters of

and ordinary administrationihould be left to those whose business it is0 understand them and discuss Butve are clear outside of inthIs campaign The issues now pendingire vital and no political contest sinceS60 has been so charged with weal or

woe to the Government under which welye

The ax it laid at the root of the treounder whose shadow we have sat withdelight It is a time for every man wh

free Institutions and true democraticprinciples to speak and keep on speaking

more precious legacy ever came to anypeople than that bequeathed by our

to all succeeding generations ofVmericans This generation is in

belittling that legacy and ofwholly aside

We have outgrown the principles offathers we are told and we

safely discard them We cannotold lines and continue to expand We

cannot keep inside of constitutionaland be a worldpower Then we

had better not be a worldpowerI am a constitutionalist Until we

change our Constitution in the orderlyway provided in the Constitution itself I-

an see nothing but overwhelmingin a refusal or a neglect to abide by

its guarantees and restrictions We havooutside of those restrictions and

guarantees under the leadership ofpresent Administration and what the endmay be under such leadership it Is notdifficult to foresee

Dangerous heresies theoretical andaractical those have always been among-us Professionalism in politics the

of moral standards in public lifeof parties the corruption

the ballot and official venalitythese we familiar with and

menacing they are indeed But with thesecan cope An aroused manhood a re

turning practical sanity In the countryand would sweep them away like

the chaff off the summer threshing floorGraver far than these evils more

than any or all of them is the factthat free America is forgetting its mission turning away from its glorious

losing sight of its ancient landmarks and giving the He to all that our

to be politically and eterWe are learning to depend

upon force rather than on justice we areputting might before right Rockbottomprinciples truth justice liberty and life

are at stake jn Jhe present contentionfor these have all been assailed

Under the impulse of new and foreignconceptions of duty we have

righteous war for liberation in the Westinto an unholy strife for conquest in the

A war for humanity in one fair Islthe sea has beeu changed to a war

of inhumanity in another Soldiers re-

cruited to fight for liberty in Cuba arefighting against liberty in Luzon A weakand practically helpless people asked fromus the right to govern themselves thisand no more and we have preferred toslaughter their best and most intelligentlasses by thousands rather than grant

theirin behalf of principles no

other than those for which the embattledfarmer of New England died at Lexingtonand Bunker Hill and we pursue them withfire and sword They have bravely daredto assert their Inalienable right to life

and the pursuit cf happiness and MrMcKinley presents to them the alternativesof submission or annihilation We are

under his fatuous policy on lack ofpolicy a territory to which before God wehave no shadow of right and which wepromised solemnly not to retain

We intruded upon that territory evenbefore the Paris Treaty was signed ThePresident refused to give the people of thatterritory a hearing in their own behalfand then made the plea that he had nomeans of knowing their desires It hisbeen a shameful record from Its beginningOur domineering our infidelity to tacU

provoked resentment followed byUpon this resistance the Ad

ministration declared falsely that the people were in spite of its assur-ance that the United States had no inten-tion of asserting permanent sovereigntyover them

Then a greater force was sent to stampout the socalled rebellion And nowhaving broken the arm of the existinggovernment and spread bloodshed

and anarchy far and wide Mr Mc-

Kinley declares with hands uplifted toHeaven that moral reasons force us to

for if we were to withdraw our arthe people would not be able tothemselves These are the vicious

by which we have been led by anambitious leadership lusting for powerand hiding its purposes behind r wordyfog of pious and patriotic cant

This is why I am willing toIs why I shall cast my ballotJ Bryan as against William McKinley

They say that Mr Bryan Is not a safeman Possibly he is not But when I findone man engaged in breaking up the fur-niture of my house while apother is

lire to the house itself I will attendto the firebug first I do not believethough that Mr is an unsafe manHis utterances the whole of thiscampaign have been statesmanlike andevery word has rung true His

speech is the noblest utterance thisnation has heard since Lincoln spoke atGettysburg If he is elected we will bespared the repetition of the shamefulspectacle of an administration endeavoring in an official capacity to perpetuateitself He says he will not accept a sec-ond nomination and I believe him Hespeaks like an honest straightforwardGodfearing man

Sheen to one It is true may b morethan an administration bugaboo and hisfinancial theories may be what his ene-mies say they are I have my own opinion-as to that though I am not a financierBut this I do know If a Republican Con-gress elected to safeguard the financial

of the country to Retheories could not or

pass an impeccable lawf its Mr Gage tells us

not done so then there is noguarantee that they would do so in fortyyea and by that time we might have nocountry left

Mutter of FnctFrom Brooklyn Life

Jtrs Flopdyer Oh 5fr Batts how I enjoyedlovely volume of poems

Youre kind Indeed Do you likeILo Alcaic meter

Mrs Floodyer Alcaic sOrter Oh I see youwant to ciaraje the subject Modesty the crownof genius But really I cant say Does it savetruch

TO CUKE A ijv ONE DAYTake Laxative Bromo Quinine Alldruggists refund the if i cureB Groves each box 25c


tIc NCr d




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Committee Appointed to Arrange aGreji benefit jPeriormuiice

Noyes who was requested byRoss to organize the benefit

performance the Galveston Flood suf-

ferers tbis Wbrning appointed the follow-ing committee to assist hint in the work

WIIHam P Manager ofThe Times Editbrof the Eos i Victor Kauffmann theEvening Star W H Rapley National

Theatre P B Chase Chases New GrandAlexander Hashim Hashims AcademyCharles P Salisbury the Bijou Frederick

Lafayette Square Theatre EugeneKernan the Lyceum Joseph Luckett Co

TheatreMr Noyes who is chairman of the com-

mittee has issued a call for a meeting toheld in the Star building at 4 oclock

this afternoons The purposes of the meet-ing is to perfect the arrangements for thebenefit Mr Noyes says the committee iscomposed practical men who will knowJust what to do to make the performance asuccess As yet he has not e

with auy member ofimprobable that only one per-

formance will be decided on and it is like-ly that the theatre with the largest seatingcapaety will be chosen

This afternoon Chairman Noyes re-ceived the tender of the services of theMarine Band for the benefit The otterwas made by Director Santelmann

At the InterOcean building on NinthStreet E and F Street north-west Kirk who is in chargewas busy this morning acknowledgingreeipts of supplies for the Galveston suf-ferers All the articles received areturned over to the Red Cross for dis-tribution The work of packing theclothing In boxes began this afternoonand the first installment will probably-be shipped over the Southern Railwaytonight The contributions of clothingand have come from numerous

private Individuals aswell as firms and corporations-

The following additional cash subscriptions were reported this mcrningPreviously acknowledged 1000 50Mrs E A B 203A M 1C 00E J i 00CashilallottMrs Ellwood M KorristowD 1a 5 00Miss Katherine Xorristown-

Ta 5 i 3-

E a Kramer 300 X Third Street Phila 5 00J H Nolan Scranton 1a 500Mrs Murray Additon 20 00John A Leonard 103-J IL Brooks 25C Augusta Sheldon 2 50Christian Endeavorer 2 00John IL Rhodes 500Joseph L Lemberger Lebanon Pa 0 00Howard SI Xopr Camden N J 25 00S R Franklin Knslewood 500H R Hilliard Williams street Nose

York City 1000-Jfoses Williams jr Boston Mass 15 K

A H Ames 1112 Twentyfirst streetAVashincton 1000

Frances M Jlichanfc 171G S streetWashington Xtt C 2300

Anna If Wilkesbarre Pa 2500-Cfesh i 2003Caroline A Kraser 5000-J B C 100J IL Veir Scalp Level Pa 500-Prank V 1000S B L 600Frederick BruclcbSuer Nosy York 500II Main 3 00C C 503It I Buckley 203It i j 00W A L1 SCO-P R P 100Clarence F Norment 703 00Isitlor Groaner 1003C B Church 25 wI 11 K vwMrs yjit 1 00Lather R Smith

S 20 03Cash j 103

hiltonDorothyJ A DceWe ft ifeitA V CCashB IL Warner k Co-

H YNorris Petera Co


It B Cutler

Kit Carson Post Xo 2 G A KVIt F M a D and a3L E HDaniel B Clarke

House Ifermann iThe Raleigh Hotel I-

A lady

Valley Forge Council J o 51 J 0A M

Total 101523The Julius Lansburgh Furniture Company

have donated the furniture for the newheadquarters of the Red Cross at Firstand B Streets southeast and the

and Ohio Telephone Company hasgiven the use of a phone

Judge E C Foster is In charge of thenew headquarters-

Mrs Henrietta N Rose President cf theWomans Loyal Legion has headquartersut 419 Tenth Street northwestwill receive donations for the theTexas sufferers from 830 a m to 5 p mThe Loyal Legion is prepared to send forany article of food of clothing that maybe offered All contributions received willbe turned over to the Red Cross


Welcomed liy nn Entlmsijistic Popiilncc Untler Mistake

From the Chicago XewsDick Simms and his sister came up the

station platform with the usual number-of trunks thatEastern cousins display Thecarette met with their disfavor and they

a hack to convey them acrossglimpses of the city were

enjoyed until for some reason the driverslowed up at a corneT This was followedby a great demonstration in the street Itseemed as if the hack would be lifted fromthe ground

What on earth Is the matter Dickwhispered his sister

Looks like some kind of a riot responded her

Just then axle was seized andthe hack trembled The shouts were augmented

They will upset the hack DickDont be brightened

The driver started the horses but thecrowd held the hack

Tie in quick came from the rear andthen was released Somethingrattled ori theiroof To the excited occupants it courdbe nothing but a of


shootingBow your head

Togethdr they crouched and waitedHeavy objects struck the hack

They expected every moment to sac thesides pen tratedr

We stall be killed DickDont worry

But the shouts came fromthe bombardment had ceased ven-tured to open the door He found thedriver laughing This angered him

Great state of affairs he blurtedwhen strangers cant go through the city

danger qf assassinationIryintp do that grinned

the driverWhat were they trying to doTryin to tie white ribbon on the axleWhite ribbon Who did they think we

wereThey mistook you for a bridal partyThere was a wedding near that corner acdthey thought this the bridal hackThats why they thrtv rice and old shoes


It is a pleasure to sell Chamberlains ColicCholera and Remedy writes theHarmon Drag Company of Mound Citr Mo

because it always gives our trade complete satis-faction It is our leader for com-plaints This is the only remedy that never lathand that is pleasant and safe to take TVhenreduced with water and sweetened children likeIt For sale by Henry Evans wholesale and retaiL and all drazeUU








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w HUT w

Lqmbliean Factions ibid aless Conference

anil DriPont M eii Full toSettle Their Differences Gas SinnNow Proposes to Go Alieuil

Harmony Ills View pt theStnte Convention of Democrats

WILMINGTON Del Sept 13 Repre-

entatives of the jarring factions ofRepublicans met here yester

ay In an attempt to a harmoniUS ticket but the conference was ofihprt and the factionists are

as apart as everThe executive committeemen of the

actions the new house of JAddicks on King Street Those

were Mr Addicks J Frank Al-

ee Dr Caleb R Layton W D Dennynd David S Clark representing the Adlicks men and State Chairman P Q

hurchman City Chairman H H BillaGeorge Massey Jones R G Hous

on and E B Shurter for the reguars After the brief and futile confer

had adjourned Mr Churchman

We had a preliminary talk about theomposition of thft Democratic ticket

then discussed the Republican tickit The Union RepuUIcans held that be

Kent and Sussex counties hadbeen Denocratic it would be

for them to have the nominaion for Governor from either Kent orussex Acting under instructions of our

committee and voicing itsopinion I said the candidate

or Governor should come from New Canle county and be of our faction in order

elect the ticket as the sentimentamong our people is practically

that the nominee shouldthis county They insisted that we

John Rune the present candidateLieutenant Governor for Governor

tVe stated that we thought the properwould be for us to submit five

names for Governor agreeing to abide-y any of them they might select and

in turn would submit five names ofproposed candidates for Congress

to abide by our selection As theywould not agree to a New Castle man-or Goveror we did not submit

live we had in mind Martin BDr Joseph H Chandler Merritt

T Willetts Dr L H Ball and TheodoreClarkAt the conclusion of the conference I

to them that If they experienced aof mind we stood ready at any time

nd place to meet them They replied thatwould be no more meetings a they

lad announced at the beginning of the conerence that if the question were not set

today It would not be settled at allThe Addicks leaders now say they will

o right ahead with their ticket Theyprepared to state whether the

agreeing to common primaries in iiswilt be rescinded Mr Addieks

talked at length about the situation Heaid

It looks to me a if the DuPont meniad the situation to absurdity We

practically everything Weoffered to withdraw Dr Marshall for

and substitute Mr Hunn as a comThen wt offered to allow them

fill the for Lieutenant Governorsaid he withdraw as the

nominee for Congress and let the DuPontmen name the candidate for CongressWhat more could we do

The whole trouble is that they 3o notpresent anything but Colonel DuPont

nmself I understand they have called ameeting of their State Committee for

when all their nominees will be askefi-o get off the ticket What the object of

is I do not know but I do know thatUnion Republicans are soon going to

ask Mr Burns whether he proposes to staym their ticket for Governor or whether hewishes to remain on ours for State

He cannot continue on both ticketsIVe propose to 50 straight down the lineWe cannot do otherwise I believe we shall

the Union Republican ticketMr Addicks was asked what he

the Democratic State Convention atDover

Oh I dont know much about it he reAny ticket they would name would

I see they referred to me in theirplatform This will only make me strong-er among Republicans as well ascrats A number of Democratsan the street today and for theresolution in the

to me We propose now to start into fight the Democrats as we have alwaysdone


MITCHELL S D Sept 13 Teddythe cowpuncher swung into

S D yesterday morning where 20hardriding cowboys from the Bad Landsgave him a welcome that made the pre

events of the tour seem tame anduninteresting-

In this remote southwestern corner ofSouth Dakota the Roosevelt train lay fivemiles from the station on the singletrack all night Engineer and firemancrawled out of the cab after bankingthe fires The howl of the coyote andthe wind in the sage and buffalo grass

music for the Vice PresidentialRough Rider as he slept

This Is where aLl that are not menwomen shouted Roosevelt as he

jumped off his car at Chamberlain into apushing shouting swearing melee ofmounted cowboys who rode at himshook his hands and circled around him

it seemed as if he would be trampled-by their ponies Scares of Crow andCreek Indians bucks squaws and

round the edge ofthe crowd grunting and pointing as theycaught glimpses of the heap chiefwhite man White Bad Hand andKCehakasehka the who fesisted benevolent assimilation withrifles in the days v fi their andeyes were good stoodder in the crowd sullen but grotesque inold silk hats faded Prince colored blankets round their

of old trousers instead ofbeads and buckskin of their

youthTwo bands one of white boys oar

of Indians from the Government schoolmade music as the processi i moved toa grandstand at the head of MainStreet When Roosevelt mounted thelittle platform more cowboys who hadridden across the line from Mcntanagalloped up and grabbed hs hand

You was branded a long time agoTeddy and you wandered from the bgrd-Weve got 700 critttrs across the creekcant you lop over and have chuck withUB2

TheSQ were about the salutations whichthe cowpunchers shouted at him Whenhe began to talk the smell of hot brand-Ing irons and the breath of cattle was inhis speech The feed wagon v supplantedthe full dinner pail the op-

pressed election day and the wanderersJest to the McKinley outfit were called

mavericks with the fine scorn of thecowboy

Shaw of Iowa Senator KnuteNelson of Minnesota and Curtis

turns at spellbinding and wereinterrupted frequently whoopsfor Teddy But It was the farewellscene at Chamberlain that put a climaxon the demonstration After Rooseveltbadshaken hands with three wagonloads-of Indian girls slapped the theirhaaits and Saluted t





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Yells nit PistolHis Coming



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Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh

sorted effects worth 150 for

The need is for a Hat for immediate

wear We have arranged a display and

sale for Friday and Saturday of the latest

and specially FirstHats simply

trimmed in English walking and

shapes that are most becoming and most

appropriate for early Autumn It is a most

extensive showing embracing fully 300

we shall offer for choice at

special prices

I 100 are the latest impor CO QO-jQ I worth forand 8

At the same time will be introduced the new untrimmed shapes andthe myriad of popular trimmings for them including Fancy Feathers

Wings Birds and Bandeux The very latest in Ostrich andOrnaments Nets etc Its a display to which

you will be welcomed Its a that cuts down the cost ofMillinery for present wear is a necessity

WorldBeating Prices in Boys School Suits

Every Suit we offer in these special lots closecut as the prices arehas our guarantee for utmost satisfaction They were made expressly forSchool extra strong extra reenforced really doublemade Nowonder that leadership in Boys Clothing is so certainly and unimpeachably ours

Black Cheviot Dou-

ble Breasted andBrownie Suits withextra pair of pantswith each Suit TheBrownies are cut intbe new style Thevery nearest approachto equal value else-where is 3 81c sav-ed clear as a C7 1 Qwhistle

Grey Novelty Check

Cheviot Suits all wool

and color of

course made in Dou-

ble Breasted stylewith extra butons andreenforced seamsStzes to 16 yearsA good value CAfor 450 JJJU

Boys Corduroy KneePants the Pants thatare stronger thanboyish play andpranks made withpatent elasticbands rivetedtened buttons and reenforced seams allsizes from 4 to 15years and usual 75cvalue As a specialleader for Friday CflCand Saturday w J

Specials in School Supplies

Cloth School Bags with draw-strings and embroidered sides25c and SOc

Heavy Canvas Book Bagsleather bound and with longshoulder strap oOc

Book Straps lOcCarters and StaffordsPen Holders 1C to 25c

Ink and Pencil Erasers leLeather Penwipers brass tipped5cPencil Boxes with lock and key


Hardwood Pencil Boxes withlock and key lOc

Walnut Pencil Boxes withsliding top tray Inkwell papercutter penholder eraser and leadpencil lock and key 15c

Patent Blackboard 3cHardwood Rulers with

inches 1 foot long leHardwood Rulers with brass

edge 5cScratch Tablets 150 sheets of

pencil paper 2cComposition Books ruled papsr

and cardboard covers 5c

Irish Linen Tablets ruled aniplain all sizes lOc

Numbered Composition200 sheets 25c

Every offering we make only declares the more forcefully our greatretailing capacity We bought the last short lengths-of a prominent Neckwear Makers best 50c Silks and gg farranged with him to duplicate his SOc Teck Imperial J 4FourinHand and Batwing Shapes So we Inoffer 50c Scarfs in this lot for choice at

Ladies LisleGlovesa few pairs of course but

they are the regulat19c Black LisleThread Gloves in 3button style


Ladies very sheer Handembroidered Initial Handkerchiefswith narrow Expect 12cquality

School HoseChildrens Ribbed

warranted with doubleknees and high spliced heels I JCThis is selling IDc Hose for

SchoolBoys Cassimere in as

sorted colors but brokensizes silk lined regular 50c 1 QC

Dress JGoods i 2U

Doublewidth goods at thatworth double the remnantBut they are in varying lengthsenough of some for waists of others for skirts of others for childrens dresses Good coloring inchecks and plaid novelties

Toys and s

DollsChoice of 55 sample Dolls that

are dressed but the dresses aresoiled worth up to 50c but

for anything at all says themaker

32 others that are worthup to Choice of them JQCfor

Lot of slightly Imperfectot all sorts those worthto SI for 25c and worth up QCto 50c for

Remnants of Linings3500 yards in the lot Including short ends from 1 to 6 yards of

Mercerized Satine wire Percaline and Spun Glass thelinings you have use for jo black and all colors Regularprices cut from full piece 12 to 25c a yard Tomorrows selling Is to be at


jY fLA

Street iof the New I-

Readytowear Hats it



stylesthat i

200 ure Hats in astons 6









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3000 Mens Nw Scarfs1 it




Back Hose them

Z tH50

fats 1




71 C2

tO es e069


FIFS1 Showing Fall





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4g4 844 48 4-




888 ee e4 GGGete cs

















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513 13th Street 2T IV

If you like to learn Spanish in a quick way callit 13th st day and night lessons seMf


Established 1S76 Day or Night25 a year Shorthand Type

ritiag se53moem-

iie climbed on the back of his car to waveoodby to the cowboys who swarmedabout his car like bees When the trainwheeled slowly out of the station the

pressed on as the speed IncreasedEircling in front of the engine at first

down the track ahead until the cowcatcher grazed their ponies heads and thelust from the galloping squadron

the whole train beginning to shootis they raced Two hundred pistols hanged a farewell salute

Puster McKay and Capt JackFoster still racing neck and neck at thehead of the two strings of horsemen riding fct each side ot the train uncurledtheir lariats and began to rope the loco-motive smokestack It was the signal forthose who iet clung to the chase and asthey gradually away from the nowflying train the hemp whirled In a hun



neon desidn to equip them







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SPECIAL NOTICE Regular meeting othe Maryland Democratic Club TO

NIGHT AT 8 OCLOCK in Harpers Hall467 C Street northwest

M F PEAKE PresidentH J ORLOWITZ Secretary It


DAY at 8 P M at Clarks Hall 229 SeventhStreet southwest All Democrats invitedROBERT E MATTTNGLY President ItTHE CORCORAN GALLERY OP ART

will be reopened to the public onMONDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1900se24t F B MGUIRE Director

THERES NO DANGEROf having your

fe dollies stolen if we3 launflr-

yf work Every piecewill be sent home

II ansi in the best o-

HMv condition IfU laundry bills Ore

large secure one of35 our coupon bonksirfff and save 10 prJ-

5f cent Send a postal or telephone u-

anil well call forEli 45 yonr package

Tojraan Steam LaundryCorner th and C NW Phone 1537-

1VEEKS Oh Wednesday September 12 1900 at6 p m ALIK N the beloved husband of EllenA Weeks aged sixtytwo

Funeral services at late residence 121 Jfass-achwettr Avenue northwest at 2 p m ThursdayInterment at Moravia N Y 1-

jr yrrrrTTtf



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