J Abnormal Psychology - VNUtainguyenso.vnu.edu.vn/jspui/bitstream/123456789/18553/1/600_521.pdfJ 005...

AIL J 005 Abnormal Psychology CURRENT PERSPECTIVES NINTH EDITION Lauren B. Alloy Temple University John H. Riskind George Mason Umversity Margaret J. Manos OAl HOC QU6C GlA HA NOI TRUNG TAMTH(^^GT^,^THl'Vt€N _AJD/Mi^. GIFT OF SABHC FOUNDATION USA NOT FOR RESALE! vn,K SanF'aocsco Si Lou«

Transcript of J Abnormal Psychology - VNUtainguyenso.vnu.edu.vn/jspui/bitstream/123456789/18553/1/600_521.pdfJ 005...

AIL J 005


Lauren B. Alloy Temple University

John H. Riskind George Mason Umversity

Margaret J. Manos




vn,K SanF'aocsco Si Lou«


Preface XI

PART ONE introduction to Abnormaf Psychology


A b n o r f T M l P j y c h o l o g y H i s t o n c a l Perspect ives I

Abrjormal Behavior arxi Society 2

Oeftntr^g Abnormal Ber^avior 2

Relating Atrwrmai Behavior to CVoups 4

EJtpfcmng Atjnormal Behav»or 6

FOCUS O N ; CMlture-Bound Syndromes 7

Treating Atxiorrrwl Berwvior 9

Prevennr^ ^yxyrrvw Berwvior 9

FOCUS O N : The Mental Health Professions 10

Conceptions of Abrxxmal Behavior: A Short History 11

ArKient Scxicties Dcviarxe arxJ the SupematuraJ i I

The Greeks ana the Rise of Scierx:e 12

The Middle Ages and tt^ Renaissance Macural

arKJ Supernatural 12

The Eighceentn Century and After The Asyfcjms 13

The Rise of the Prevention Movement 17

FOCUS O N : The Homeless and Mentally III 18

The Rise of M^^aged BenavKjr ai Health Care 19

The Foixidaoons of Modem ADrxymal Psychotogy 20

hk)n-\Jlfe5tern Approaches to AlDoorrnal Bervivwr 22

A Muftiperspective Approach 2 3

C H A P T E R 2 D i a g n o s i s and A$sessiT>ent 2 6

Diagnosis ana Assessment The Issues 27

Ut-hy Assessment^ 27 The Dia^TOSiS of Mental Doordcrs 28

RESEARCH HKiMUGMTs: On Bemg Sane m Insane

Places 30 Assessing the Assessment He*aD*«y-nd Wi»Oiy 32

RESEARCH HiOHUCHTS: Comorf>iJ//>- Disrurhjn.r

as a Package 35

ProOiems tn Assessment 35

Methods Of Assessment 37

The intervie»w 37

Psychoiogicai Tests 3B

Cultural Bias in A i o * . , , ^ ^ . r


Research M e t h o d s m At tnormcl Psycho logy S4

Characteristics of the Scientific Method 55

SktptKdi Anifude 55 Objectives 55

ScK?ntrf»c Procedi^es [.?

FCKus ON. The CMse Studx <s RESEARCH Hi An Exam pit 2fvm Mi

62 Ethical Issues m Research

Research Desigr>s 64

Comeiaoonal Beseaicii fr*

FOCUS ON: The CorreUtmm K.ijrjp<ami of Vredictive Strength 65

Epidemioio9cai SBjdvs 66 Expenmerval Oesigm 67 The SinqleCTse Eipenmert 69

PART TWO Theoretical Perspectives


T h e Beh#vk>fa l CognUhr*. a n d

P f i p a c t i v e * 7$

The Beh*wwral P m p « * ^ " jt^8i€t^vi^^<fBehm0anitft 74

me Aoi^fVKw c fc'-^'^'^'^

O n e r M K f w i a r w A « o o « e t f W ^ " ™ ^

T^aK»-or*APP~t»'"^»**>' "

Am AccegUm^Ba^ App^o^ »

„ n ^ « » < ^ r ' 67


Cogr-w V vvism 89

CoQTutivp Appracal 90 InlormiVKvi Pnxessw^ 93 The CogmtTv -' %iproach to TVwKment 94 E\«fcianng the Cognftvr Perspective 97

The Soooctjltural Perspective 98

S<x*. -sinkH»of\*i influerxes on BerwHx 98 Mmta{ wne^ ,*nd SocwH Ms 99 Menial ttiessAndUbeiing 99

Oasi EWvdty and Diagnosis 99

MS^WKTH HKiHUGHTs: The Stigma of Prwhutnc

SooocuRurai Factors. He^p-Seelang. and Treatment 101

ftcwynon as a Social Issue 101

E^alUMir^ the Sooooitiral Perspectne 102


TT>e Psychodyn*mic. Humanist ic-Existential , a n d In te ipersonal Perspectives 105

The Psychod^ianiic Perspective 105

The Baac CorKCpcs of Freudun Theory 106

The Descendants of Fieud I I I

FOCUS ON; Fsychodynsmk Theory and Female Detriopmemt 112

The ^chodynarrvc Approach to Therapy 117

WB&mcH HKBHUGHTS: A Cognith^ Approach 9oTmmsfermce 119

Evahiakng tfie P^chodynamic PerspeciMe 120

The Humanistic-Cxisteniial Perspective 123

BaacAssumpoons 123

Hunar«ac P ychotogy 123 fOOA em: Fositme Psychology 124

Ensicrtta^ P^Choio^ 126

The mierpersonal Perspective 127

Megraiing the Perspectives 127


TT»e Neuroscience Perspective 1 3 0

BetUMor Genebcs 131

Orvaf Galeae Suites 131

KSCARCH HKiHUGHn: The Mmnesou Study of TmmtsRtand Apart 134

MolecJar Geneves Siuties I35

The Cer«al Nenfous System 135

"wvtfons 136

N e i a a s w m a e n 137

IheAnatorr^oft ieBan I39

M B a & j v ^ & a n A c M y a n d S m j o a ^ 141

Laivafeotton Elfecis on Language arx2 Emooon 143

The Peripheral Nervous System Somaoc u K w v n c 144

The SonHnc Nervous SysKm >44 The A ^ m o w c Nervous S^aem 144

The Endocrine System I 46

Evaluating the Neuroscience Perspective 146 Integrating the Neuroscience and Psycho»oar;ii Perspectives M7 ^

PART THREE Emotional aT^d Behavioral Disorders


Anxiety Disorders 1 50

Anxiety Disorder Syr>dromes 151 Photxas 152

GeneraUzed Annety Disorder 153

ObsessrveCompu*Sive Disorder 154

Fcx:us ON; Animal Hoarding and Ohsessne-Compulsive Disorder 155

Posttraumatx: Stress Disorder 157

FOCUS ON: Terrorism from the Sktes: Communal Posttraumatic Stress 160

ParKCksoFOer 161

Anxiety Disorders Theory arxi Thera^ 163

The Cogn«ive PeTpecnve CVerescmaoon of Thre.

FOCUS O N : A Panic Attack IS"^

PREVENTION: Cognittie-Behatiorjl Inten-ention To Prevent Anxiety Disorders 16S

The Befwviorai Perspect?ve Leamng To Be •*.-<->-: '68 The Psychodynamc Perspective Neixosa i 70 The Neurosbence ftsrspecowe aochemcoy andMedidne I7l

CHAPTER 8 Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders 179

Ossociative Disorders 180

Dissooaove^Vnnesia ;s:

DBSooaowe Fugue 182 Fcxrus ON: Dissoaatife Identity Dtsorder and the Law: Who Committed the Cnmef I S3

DKSOoatFwe oeoD^ Osoroei 'S-* PKEVENTION: EdttcMmg ChiUrtn Ahomt CMd Abuse IS?

Deperacy^teaoon DBorder IBS

RESEARCH HiGHOGHTs: Re^c^ereJMemoey ofChddhooJAlmse-.AModemDdemmi IW

Dissociative DisordefsTheor> and Therapy 192

The Psychodyr«rT*c Perspec»»ie Defense

Ararat AmoeQf 192 The Behawwri « a SooooAi^a Ptrspec^es CSBsocsawyiasaSoaaiBoie »93 TheCoy^^J^r^peO-weMemorNDysfc^Kwn i9b

TheNe^^osoencefN^spectr^ Brar r^«fcxic»:^

Somatofcvm Disorders 197

Body Dysmorpr^ asoider 198

t^ffXXhondrasB 199

Somatl atIon Disorder ^oo Pain Disorder 201 Conversion Disorder 20)

Somatoform Disorders Theory and Therapv 204 r ^ P s y c h o d y n a m ^ c P e r s ^ O ^ ^ ^^^ Against Anxiety 20A t ^ ense

; ; ; ; c ^ ; t ^ ^ p ^

T>-N-rosciencePerH>ecuvcBra.n Dysfunction 20S


Stress a n d PhyUcai Disorders 2 1 1

MirxJ and Body 212

Stress 214 Oeftmr g Stress 2 M

What Determines Responses to Stress? 214

How Stress InftuerKes Illness 215

Rf SEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Minor Stress and Illnesses 21 fy

Changes m Physiological Punaioning 216

Changes n HighR»sk Behavior 220

Psychological Facttys arvJ Physical Disorders 221 Coronary Hcan Disease 221 HyperterTSion 224 Cancer 225 AIDS 22B Headache 230 Obeucy 231

S*eep Disorders 233

Stress arxl Wness: Thecxy arxi Therapy 236 The BeTiavioral Perspectwe Learning and Uniearmng Responses to Stress 236 The Cognitive Perspective 238 The P$ychodyr«mK: Perspective 239

PREVENTION: The Role of Spirituality tn Well-Being 240

Tf^ interpersonal Perspective 241 The Sociocultural Perspeciwe 242 The Neuroscience Perspective 242

CHAPTER 10 M o o d Disorders 2 4 5

Depressrve and Mamc Episodes 246 Major Depressive Episode 246 Man»r Episode 247

Mood Disorder SyrxJromes 248 M^or Depressive Disorder 248

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Gender Differences m Depression 250

Bipolar Disorder 251 Dysthymic Disorder and CyC»ocriyfr»c Disorder ^5^ Dimensions of Mood Ofsorder 253

SSiun ^ 5 ;

; ^ ^ ^ e o r s u i c . a e 257 * V h n t X M S<*cide 260 ^^•deftedcTion 260 ^^^f** P 'vmoon 262

Mood DlSOr<1* TheB'

Theory i»n

The Cogn«ve Perspective 264 ' hePsyrhodyf , ,M„

y 263


PREVENTION; IheVttii r^, f'"''^'i^i rruita 2?0 TheSooocUturalPetv^t/ve 272 The Neuroscience PerspeciM. 273

'ocm ON: Dn., Therapy KWs,,P^.^^^^ ^^^ CHAPTER I 1

Personality Disorders 286

Odd/Eccentric Personality Disorders 287 Paranoia Personality Disorder 287 SchizotypHf Personality Disorder 286 Schizoid Pf*rv>nahfy O'.ordef 289

Dramatic/Emotional PersonaHiy DttorrW^ ?Q0 ArKttocial Personality Disorder 290

RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS: Are There 1 Psychopath-Successful and Vnsu.

Borderline Personality Disorder 293

FOCUS O N : Serial Killers 2^4

HiStnooK: Persorwirty Disofder 296

N^rf*At'Jtr. Pef'.on lir/ Dtso'drf 297

Anxious/Fearful PersonaWy Oisorden 298 Avoidant PersonaMy Dtsorder 2*8 Dependent Personality Disorder 299

FOCUS ON: Impulse-Control Duorders iOO Otjses' /veCompulsive Penonafcty Drsordff K> 1

Personality Disorders Theory and Thera^ 303 The Psychodyr amic Perspectn* 303

./ Intentntwrn To PfW$mt la's

PRFVINTION * ' Persttnality />-

me eehjworai Perspective 305 The Cognove Perspec»« 306 TheSofiociAraiPenpeaN* JOB The NeurojoerKe Penp«c»« 308

CHAPTER 12 The Nature of Sul>«tarKe 0«prrH*rme «od Abuse 3 12 The OilfcrwKe Betvveen Dependence and Aduie

Afcohol Dependence 314

TheSoa^Cotfo^^"^'^<=**^ . ' ; The #*non* COB of Akoho-0«p«ndfncr

The Oevetopmfrt of Aiconoi Dependence


316 )I8