IWMI Resources Recovery and Reuse - From research to uptake

www.iwmi.org Water for a food-secure world Johannes Paul, PhD Researcher – Integrated Waste Management IWMI Headquarter – Colombo, Sri Lanka IWMI – Resources Recovery and Reuse From research to uptake Brief on the ongoing BMZ funded project Research and capacity building for inter-sectorial private sector engagement for soil rehabilitation

Transcript of IWMI Resources Recovery and Reuse - From research to uptake

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Johannes Paul, PhDResearcher – Integrated Waste Management

IWMI Headquarter – Colombo, Sri Lanka

IWMI – Resources Recovery and ReuseFrom research to uptake

Brief on the ongoing BMZ funded project

‘Research and capacity building for inter-sectorial private sector engagement for soil rehabilitation’

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WLE RRR Flagship IWMI Research division

Three activity clusters/subthemes1. Business opportunities for RRR (e.g. business model development,

feasibility studies, piloting PPP, testing recovered resources, etc.)2. Safe wastewater use: risk assessment, risk mitigation, economics,

behavior change; with WHO, FAO, UNU, UNEP.3. Challenges of urbanization for water and land management in urban

and peri-urban areas (e.g. GlobE - UrbanFood+ )

The new BMZ project is mapped under subtheme 1.

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Subtheme 1 - What we did so far:Analyzing and developing RRR business solutions

• 150+ business cases screened• 60 cases with in-depth analysis• 22 business models developed• Feasibility studies in 10 cities

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RRR Business model catalog in work

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Special focus area:Fecal Sludge Management (FSM)

Comparison of 18 additional Business Models

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FSM cases as input(RRR report series in print)

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Previous research by IWMIResearch focus in Ghana from 2000 to date (95 % onsite sanitation); extended to India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in 2011– Direct application of urine to soil– Land application of FS– Extended storage and drying of FS– Composting of Feces– Co-composting of FS and solid waste– Fortification (blending) of fecal compost with fertilizer– Agronomic trials (crop and soil response, safety)

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visibility line

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Circular Economy

Switch from Linear supply flows to

Agriculture: decreasing organic matter, soil deterioration, decreasing yields, increasing use of chemical fertilizer

Solid waste management: predominating waste disposal, lack of waste treatment options, low quality of recycling products

Sanitation: Lack of central sewerage systems, scattered on-site sanitation systems, uncontrolled septage collection, lack of treatment facilities, uncontrolled disposal of FS from tank cleaning

Main challenges

linking inter-sectorial challenges and capacity building

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Framework of research project

Goal: Increased business thinking and private sector engagement in RRR to enhance soil health and resilient ecosystem services by returning organic carbon and nutrients to agricultural used soils in low-income countries.

Purpose: To develop curricula for innovative RRR technologies and investment models that transfer organic waste into organic fertilizer for different soils, crops and climates in South Asia.

Countries involved: Sri Lanka; additionally to facilitate outreach and investments India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Laos and Myanmar

Target group: Young entrepreneurs, future leaders, practioners

Beneficiaries: Farmers provided with GAP and natural fertilizers

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Main envisioned outcomesOutcome 1: Technical guidelines for co-composting and producing safe fecal sludge-based fertilizer pellets (IWMI, Wayamba)

Outcome 2: Guidelines and Farmers handbook on safe pellet application (Bochum & Wayamba)

Outcome 3: Country investment briefs, policy recommendations (ZEF Bonn)

Outcome 4: Curricula for students and RRR practioners (University Cambridge)

1: Technical research

Main field of activities

2: Verification of soil & crop responses; fertilizer value

3: Investment climate analysis

4: Curricula development

Framework of research project Goal: Increased business thinking and private sector engagement in RRR to enhance soil health and resilient ecosystem services in peri-urban areas by returning organic carbon and nutrients to agricultural used soils in low-income countries.

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Outcome 1: Technical research (co-composting, pellets)

• FS treatment, e.g. drying beds

• Verification of suited input materials

• Co-composting (process, quality)

• Pelletization (grinding, binding, enriching)

• clarification fertilizer properties (NPK, pathogens,

organic matter, size, density, pellet strength etc)

• Formulation of production guidelines



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• Testing of various fertilizer mixtures (fertilizer quality,

application properties)

• Testing of various crops (short-, medium, longterm)

• Open field and greenhouse trials

• Trials for various weather/climate conditions

• Farmers perception surveys including gender aspects

• Formulation of application guidelines

Outcome 2: Verification of fertilizer value and safe application

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• Expert consultations (chamber of commerce,

donor and sector organizations, farmer associations)

• Multi-criteria analysis (regulatory framework, legal,

finance, gender, governance RRR market

• Data synthesis & country briefs

Outcome 3: Investment climate analysis

Outcome 4: Curriculum development

• Development of syllabi and curricula

• Selection of suited cases and business models

• Use of research outcomes from activities 1-3

• Testing of curricula & course institutionalization

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Impact pathways

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Many Thanks for your attention !

Johannes Paul, PhDResearcher – Integrated Waste ManagementIWMI Headquarter – Colombo, Sri LankaPhone: (+94) 11 – 288 1339Skype: johannes.paul.colomboFax: (+94) 11 278 6854Email: [email protected]