· IVcbrasIai IlouiiC f ;: treat Street, tear ieaniboat Landing, RROWNVILLE,...

IVcbrasIai IlouiiC f ;: treat Street, tear ieaniboat Landing, RROWNVILLE, N. T. A. J. BLNEDICT, . ANNOUNCES to the poMicthat he has taken the formerly ki'pt ty T. IL Edwards, fa BrownTillc, X. T, and is ne w prepare! t accomo date all who may favor l ha with their patronage, wan:, of a god Cora or Wheat Mill that fordura-- A new addition has been built in the and ad-- 1 bility, siinpUcty and economy; excel anj Mill in the unions made or t urnituro and loading, sua mi ar- rangements now are such ts to render this House equal to any in the Territory. Brownville, July 5, 1550. vl-n5- tf W. II. YYII.LIAHS, WHOLESALE AXD BLTAIL I'EALEB IN STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, JXTo.. TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of the public in gonerul,- that ho has on band the most extensive Mock of Store and Tin- ware, ever oll'cred in this market. My stock of Tin- ware is of icy own manui'att'ire, and is for sale at Wholesale and Ilctall at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tig- ht and Premium. Among them may be found Filly'a Charter Oak, the be? t stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tigh- t, Pioneer and prize Pre- mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sires and Pattsrns, which I mil SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and jutting tip Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re- pairing done on short notice an I on reasonable term. Old copper, Brass and taken in exchange for work or ware. T. W. WILLIAMS, vl-n- 5 . . Oregon, Mo., July 5, 1S53. JOETY THOUSAND DOLLARS Worth of Good at a imall advance on cost and carriage by Z3ZZjiOIM eft? W ROCKPOKT, 2IO., AM . TTA WIS ts DZXiriOZO, IIE.UMES LANDING, 310. WE HAVE in store, and ire receiving per Hannibal, AVarner, Edinburgh and Omaha, largo and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, .Uo:anets, . Clothing, Medicines, Hardware, Drugs, Queensware, . Furniture, Boots k Shoes, Tinware, Hats k Cups, Saddlery, Cutlery, Groceries, ' Paints, ..'" Castings Doors, Sash, Nails, Oils, Iron CARPENTERS k ELACTlSMITES' TOOLS AC. AU of which we o2er at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. , TSO ETJXBTJG! Wa will sell at E02TE P2ICE ! ! T " VT'JLIOTi HAWK. P. S. Indies, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl or Bonnet, don't blamo Lillon k Hamt, for we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dress Goods ever offered in this market. No trouble to show Goods. vl-n- 5 :- - D. A II. CHARTER OAK . . ;. -- LIFE INSURANCE COMPAXY 1 Hartford, Ct. .Capital $2(iO,OCO With large and increasing receipts securely invested tinder the sanction and approv-ii- . of the Comptroller of Publio Accounts. - - ... . orncrES. ALFRED GILL, Pres't. JOHN L. BUNCE, V. P, JAMES C. WALKLEY, Secretary. DIRECTORS. Alfred Gill. John L. Bunco, Wm. R. Cone, Jas. G Bolics, John A. Butler, Noah Wheaton, N. Hollis- - ter, Saml Coit,Danl Phillips. C. N. nmphrey. " BOARD 0? 'tVSICXCZ. Jeo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Bank, T, F. Robinson, Esq., " . ILirtford " Hon. Isaac Touchy, late Attorney General TJ. S. Applications ior insurance revived by R. W. FURNAS, Agent. , "DR. A. S. HOLUD AY, Med. Ex. . GEO. P. LUCKIIARDT, WATCH MAKER . . -- .tt,ci T owcllcr, l.. OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. TLKES the liberty to iuform the citizens of end vicinity, that he has opened a TATCU, CLOCK k JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con- stantly on hand, and for sale, a Kod assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins, Aecordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec- tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ad. He is prepared to repair Watahis, Clocks and Jew- elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Every article bought in his establishment, is war- ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re- pairing warranted for one year. July26,lS56. vl-nS- tf UNITED STATES EXPRESS COMPANY GrVE every possible facility , for the safe and transmission of Jloner, Valuable Packages, Parcels, - - Jood!, and JIercr antlize Of every description, oa reasonable terms. Principal Offices New York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, loledo, Chicago, Dayton, lcduinopolis, and all the traaller (owns on Railroads ia the Eastern, Mid dle and estern & tales, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River H. KH'P. July 26,lS53.-vl-n- 3 General Superintendent. IS. CSBCKI1Y. B. JOHN W. TOOLEY. ; (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY & Co,) ..53 Main et, Old Stand, St. Louis, Mo. IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China, Queensware, Yellow and Rockingham Waro, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-cla- s- e, Britannia Ware, Ae. Ac, with a great variety of rancy Mantle and rarlor Urnamcnts, direct from the Potteries and Manufacturers. tifNow orriving and in store, a full stock of the above lino of goods, which is cfiVred to tho Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. fJfOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. ' r. u. racking receives special attention. September 13, 1856. vlnl5-3i- n E. ESTA33ROOK, UNITED TATE: J District Attorney, Oil ALT A CITY, N. T, REQUIRED to bo in attendance officially uten all XV the terms of the District and Supremo Court of tho Territory, tender his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the ptactice in each Dis- trict, will enable him to tri"e eatiiifaction to such as entrust their business to hiu care. City, June 7, ISiG. J. T.'DOWDALL. IL E. CABS. DOYVDALX, CA11U A: CO., , WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, . Endue and Llachiis Ianufactcry. Corner Second and Morgan Streets. ST. LOUIS, MO.. H r ANUFACTURERS of Steani Er.gines and Boil' 1L ers. Saw and Grist Mill Msliinery, Tobaoco rcrews and Presses, Lard KetUe Iurd Screws and Crlinders, Wck.1 Carding Macl Lneu Young's Patent Kmut Machines. Buildini Castings. 4e. lf J.ts sale of Jsmsi Smith t Co.'s Superior J MA .lt. LAlUJb. YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. "Well tried, alwavs successful, fully Guivrontied. Manu facUred and for sale bv - DOWALL C.tRR,4C0 WssMrrtun Foundry. Ht. Louis, Mc SAJIUEL SI'ENCEIt Ji COM ICo. Eight-Tw- o North Fourth Street, Near Locust, ST. LOUIS, MO.' H ?ANTF CTUREBS f evw? dcserrtim cf i.1 X Frame?, dii!srs in prf.hs, Ac; I.ooki.'ig-glr- s llau I W very sixs, and trained to eiy iiatt'irs in tho tott uu.nti'T. AdrertwirigCir'i!', Ac Stained and Varnished or Framed at tiri notice. Jkwcxd. Walnut and other tmvj wood ricture Tbe Trle Supiuied. C'.J Fraitw, ia., Re-jn- lt. O. P. MASOY, Attorneys nixl Counsellors at Lmv And i.enerai Lana Arrnis, STrnASKACITV.N.T. J : rrru'r attend to Lrtl Agencies, WILL 'nve-'.i.- ; fcfcy, Ixnt.r.g and soling las J wa:rifc':V, ar.d U tuber l'iin-- s pcrtamin.j to tac'.r jfr.:c-.:i.E- , ia Ni ruka TarU7 an-- 1 Wcsura 0 T M A EI. SMIL IL Patent Portable 1.2111. fT113E subscribe bare entered into a partnership JL under the firm of Real, Holabird k Co., to manufacture the J. C. liecd, Patent Ptable Grist Mill and are now prepared to furnish all those in houso, Omaha world. On the liUe exhibition of the Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a JAd Ju'edul it as awarded thea for it.-- ' ... It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, as it is for grinding tho Farriers feed by Horse power. The above Mills are manufactured by the under- signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they eon be furnished in any quar.tity ai short notice. The above Mills warranied to perform as follows: 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 3D u 30 " 15 - 260 24 ii u w u 20 " . 13 2C0 20 u 13 a 8 u. 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous recommendations, received. REED, HOLABIRD CO. Cincinnati, O. Fresh Arrival of . NEW GOODS! AT ItOCKPCRT, MO. THE subscriben would respectfully tender their to their customers and the Public Gene- rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same ; ris they are determined to sell Goods as low if not tower .than any other House west of St. Joseph. Having just received a lirge and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods: also a superior Stock of Family Groceries vith liardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, ke. ' Tome one and all, For well we know; ;. Agn:n youH cull, ... We'll sell so low. Of Goods the best, . Ar.d profits small, We'll beat the rest, And suit you all. ' Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased in the Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we can scrjiaaH our competitors in the low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. CAEEY, JONES, k CO. N. B. Cour.trr Produce of nil kinds taken in ga at the highest prices, for G00I3. Juno 7, '56. DANIEL ZOOE, "WHOLESALE AND BET AIL Oregon, Halt County, Ho. i Easln Store: Pure White Lead, Window Glass, Linseed Oil, Putty, Spanish Whiting Casasr Oil, Red Lead, Ex.Ijogwood, Litherage, , Blue Stone, W'hito Chalk, Alum, enitianKed, Ground Ginger, Spnisb Brown. Root do, -- Sail Croamtf Tarter, t Look Glue, lartanu Acid, Paris Grecm, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Chrcme do, Vinegar, . do Turpentine, IronPainr, Sal Soda, - , AVhite Zink do, Coperaj, FiL Oil, Saltpeter, Whale do, ' Borax, i Wrights' Pills, ' Mex. Liniment, Chaiupian's do, . Vol. Oil do. Jayan's . do, Morland's do, : Nerverjjid Loucion's rdo,' ! Bono do, Rad ray's R. R., . Fsrrcls do, Davis Pain Killor, Louden's do, Fahnestock's Vcr., Jays' Erpt., Stone's Cough Candy, Liocdou s do, lucbane s laver 1 ills. In addition to the above. I have tho larecst Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chemi- - cms, jurgi(3u lnsixuments, aaci i atent jncdiciens ever offered for saleinthis Country. Merchants and Physicians of Iow:u Kansas and Nebrask, are respectf ally invited to give me a call. June 1, 13.b. DAAUiJj ZOOK. Al B. HOLLABIBD & CO. MacMnists, Founders and ENGINE BUILDERS . Tront Street, West of Smith, CINCINNATI, O, Wouil most respectfully inform their fricads and public generally, that thev are" now pre pared to execute all orders Lt their line-- , with prompt- ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increasod facilities they now twssetB, they hope to merit a contv-tuatio- n of the liberal patronago which has hereiora been extended to them. few Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly ou hand: consisting of the Sash, Circu- lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of C as tings, warranted to bo well made in every particu lar. . ; They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre- pare I to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. 1 hose in want of anything in our line, would do well to give us a call and examino our new patterns. , 'A. IS. MULAB11U) & CO. B. W. LEWIS . THOS. J. BAETHOLOW JAMES W. LEWIS late FERY 3ARTH0L0W B. W. LEWIS & BROS. HAM"FACTVRER3 OP ALL PKSCRrPTIOK OS CHEWING TOBACCO. : GLASGOW, MISSOURI. , . THANKFUL for tho very liberal patronage that eceived from our numerous friends and customers, and while respectfully solicit- ing a continuance of the same, pledging ourselves to spare neither pains nor expense to merit the patron age or tho public, we beg leave to announce that William J. Lewis has withdrawn from our firm, and Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a pertter from this date, tbe ttyle of the firm remaining unchanged, and that wo have secured the services of Capt. George G. Davis who will hereafter act in the capacity of travelimo salesman in connection with our Mr. Bartholow and will during the coming Season per- sonally wait upon our customers for tho purpose of soliciting their oriers. UarstocK neiuover Iromiast year of oT.l descriptions is unanimously large, the quality of which catnot fail to give entire satisfac- tion to consumers. B. W. LEWIS k Bros. . Glasgow, Mo, January 6, 1855. H. J. D. WETTE. RIDEN & WHITE, LAND AGENTS. NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVTa G made arrangements by which wo will accurate copies of all th Townships embraced in the Eastorn portion of Nebraska, we are now prepared to offer our services to the "SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,' In Filing: Declaratory Statements of Int ntion to Pre-em- pt. Securing Pre-empti- on, Locating Land Warrants and . ENTERING LAND. LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. Land Entered on Time, Ac, Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling Projwrty oa commission; Also, to making Collections and forwarding remittal ices to any part cf the Union Blaolai of all kinds alwuvs on hand. , RIDO & WHITE. REFERENCES. non. A. A. Bradford, Nebraska City. S. F.NbchoIIb, u Messrs. Dolman k West, St. Josejh, Mo., Peter A. Keller, Washington City Thomas Lumpkin, June 2S, 1853. vl-- nl , GHEAT CiotMiia; Saler WM. R MARTLNJ 0. C. MARTIN, 185(5. Ndw York. - J fcL Lout. MARTIN h BROTHER. THE OLD OEIGIXAL CLOTHIERS, 3c. Hi ASD Ka..l JCATir SISEET, s ST. LOUIS, MO. TVm b nrvTimachir? nrinr, we will have a IRE 1 MXDOUS STOOK'OF t!LO'.riHNG,mar.tfac- - tured bv crsrh-e- a ia New Yiffk, expressly for this market. Iu pcfjarof STYLE, QUALITY and TRIC we defy aa;r w.d ad cotcr-r.itio- n t We have cvitked dos n iitr price very low, as we Intend f eliicg to rcn but CASUJLXD PLOMPT IlCSr. ' To sath ire would ek a thorough exsminati)s of our htn k MARTIN &BRO. H. TVnrrTEMGTtE. B. B. WEITTEilORS. . 3. P. CAETXJt II. a K.B. WIIITTEriOIlE & C0., ' " ' Wholoale Denh'rt in . BONNETS AND STRAW ;oODS. : i;0. 13 MAIN STRRET, (First door alovo tbe Bank of Missouri.) ZZt. ZZjoixltsif rio. tSCa-s- paid for Furs and Deer Skins. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. GEORGE CLAVE3. . "W. LEE. CLAYES i LEE, Real Estate and General Agency, OMAHA CITY, N. T. References. James Wright, Broker, New York, Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. - Hon. R.WTood, E:-Go- v. of Ohio, Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, 44 Alcott k Horton, i Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis, ' James Ridgway, Esq. Crawforn and backett' Chicago. Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1858. vlnl3-l- y CUAELE3 KEARNY, . Wholesale and Retail Grocer AND STEAMBOAT AGENT. East side Market Square op'site Market House BEGS leave to inform the citizens of St. Joseph, the public generally, that he has just open- ed a Large and fine assortment of Groceries, to which he invites tho attention of Country Merchants, Plan- ters and the public generally. Boat stores constant- ly on hand. , ILumber! ILumber! THE undersigned has on hand and for sal at bis Rush Bottom, Mo., One hundred and Twenty-fiv- e Thousand feet of various kinds of Lum- ber, which he offers for sale at the following prices. Square edged lumber, - - - $1,50 Sheeting, - - . ... ' 1,25 Black Walnut, - - - 2,00 There is a ferry across the Missouri river, opposite the mill. Lumber will be delivered on the Nebraska shore, at 50 cents in addition to the above prices. LOUIS LAWRENCE. September 20, 1850. vlnl6-3mp- d JAME3 CARGILL. GEO. W. CAROILL. J. & G. W. CARGILL, F0RY7ARDING AND COMMISSION BIEBCIIA1VTS. AND MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS, Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 3Io CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce V- - respectfully solknted, and all business entrut ed to ns will be promptly and carefully attended to ai me lowest rates. ; , References Taylor & Shepherd, . St. Louis, R. L. McGhee A Co, Livermore, Cooley k Co., Merchants Genenilly, St. Joseph. 1S3G. i UIINITURE. 183C SCARRITT &' MASON.: FURNITURE Sc UPHOLSTERT, ' ' " - ' : DEALERS AND No. 49 and 42 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. HAVING completed, our arrangements for a full Goods in our lino, and having the best assortment in the West, we take pleasure in offering w urs&svrs uuiu niivijioAiiU aim L ALU . 3000 Bedsteads, 500 dozen wood seat Chairs. 1000 Bureaus, -- 500 200 do cane seat do, Dining Tables, : 100 do rocking do, 600 Breakfast do, ;. 100 ' do childrens' do, 200 Work Stands,"-20- 0 500 tin safes, Wash do, 200 Cribs, assorted sizes, 100 Wardrobes, 200 Lounges, . 1000 Looking Glasses, 100 dos. Rush and split bot tom ibairs. t5FTo which we add mahogany and walnHt, par- lor and rocking Chairs, Sofas, centre, side and exten- sion Tables; Secretaries and Book Cases. Upholstery in great variety, such as spring, hair, eotton, moss and husk Matresses, Comforts, Spreads, and Blankets. ; - Our work is all Warranted as representedour Prices as Low as the Lowest. - ; Orders promptly and faithfully executed and re- spectfully solicited. Sitisfaction guaranteed. Pleaso call and satisfy yourselves. St. Louis, July 26, 1355. vln8-C- m F.B. JOHNSOH. 1. T. CASS ADT. J. D. TEST. J0IINS05, CASSADY & TEST, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. And General Land Agents, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Money, Locating and selling Land Warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska. BROWN & CO., No. 78, Main Steet, St. Lonis; Mo. SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. The cheapest and most extensive Fancy Goods and Yank ee Notions Establish ment in the Western Country. MERCHANTS in set Jth of cheap goods are our stock of silks, dress goods, shawls, white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, gloves and hosiery, trimming?, furnishing goods and small wares generally, together with 15,000 Parasols of the latest and most fashionable styles, at manu- facturers' prices. - Cash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt men will find our stock adapted to their wants in every particular. A call from the trade is respectfully so- licited. ' rlnl2tf August 23, 1856. try HHIotol, (jiiiJuujy, mo. ROB'T. Jj. HAPTEN, Proprietor. ' ' No pains or expense will be spared by the subson-ber,t- o make his guests comfortable in every respoet, at this well known and highly reputable House. The very best attention given to animals by a good and attentive Hostler. , vl-n- 4 ROBERT L. HATTEN. NEW GROCERY. Head Quarters for Bargains! RUFUS n. EDWARDS, Wholesale and retail dealer in Staple and Fine Groceries, Wines, Teas, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, and every thing else appertaining to the business of a Grocer. Main, between J ale and Second streets, ' (Opposite the Edgar House.) ' ST. JOSEPH, MO. . Eagle Mills. ST. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES CARGILL, Proprietor. T ANUFACTURES and keeps constantly JL.1JL on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour Meal. and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for wncat. tor character of J: lour refer to everybody Wfl.i ever usca ii. St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1856. vlnl3-l- y - Steel Flow Factory, Market Square, St. Joseph, Mo. WILLIAM M. CARTER, j MANUFACTURER of Prairie plows cf all feiaes; Plows and Shovel-plow- s, Cultivators and Harrows. Ail orders ( undor ed flows) filled '.tmnediatcly. Liberal discount to whclesato purchasers. CHARLES WEST. N. J. M'ASHEST. WEST & McASKEN, FORWARDING & COMMISSION r.ge3rclT,f.T tsf G rocers and Steamboat Agents, Corner Secorul and Francis Streets, ' (Opposite A. reatie' Banking Houw.) Ot. Totseilx. rtTLosJOtxri. AN assortment of Boat Stores, Groceries, Wiaua. Liquors, Meal, Hour, Ac, kept eonttantly on hanvl. July25,lSo6, vl-n- S L. FORSYTH & CO. COinilSSIOX MERCHANTS And FfcltM Agents, OF TUB . ' BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. No. 3, Olive Street, Efc. Louis, Ma JLI PATKT GRAIN SEPARATOR. rnilE SUBSCRIBER is new prepared to fur-- X nish Farmers and others with his CrItAlN SEPARATOR," for the present season.' It is unnecessary to speak particularly of the merits of these Machines, as they are too well known throughout the country to need extolling; but the fact that they have heretofore and r. mntinninn tA thn rrPfrinrrm . i Ilia Qf.f a and County Fairs wbero they havo been exhibited is sufficient to indnca all those in want of such a Ma chine, to purchase oe of these. At a practical test or tnis Separator in competition with the best of those made in England, in 1853, it received the highest commendations of theprcss, and m tne leading griguituraiists or toat country. I have a larze nureber of them on hand, ready for the coming crop, rcadj of the best material, and war ranted to do good work. I have made many valuablo improvements in these machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warranting them suporior to any in uso. ; 1 am also preparing ;.arge nuniDer or Crawford s Improved Clover Hollers, patented in 185t, which are great'y superior to his patent of 1844, being ia itself feeder, and greatly ahead of it in other respect'. They will b manu- factured under tb immediate supervision of the patentee, who hr,a permanently located in this place. The above cut represents my four horse " Separa- tor," and is designed especially for the farmer's own use. Im also agent for McCormick's celebrated REAP- ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined." J. R. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami couniy, Ohio. rurniture and Upholstry Of Grent Variety. At the Banner Furniture Ware Rooms of HENTON & TRIMBLE, On Second Street, Sign of the Chair and Bedttead. mHE continued liberal patronage of the citisens of jl bc. josepu, norm n estern Missouri, Kansas, Ne- braska and Western Iowa, for all of which we feel thankful, has induced ua to increase our facilities for doing business. Havic; built last spring, a very large Manufactory Establishment t n Francis street, and having employed some of the very best workmen in tne rarcern ciues, we are now determined not to be out done by any other Furniture Establishment in the Missouri Valley, in quantity, quality, durability, styles and prices. Our stock consists in part of Rose- wood, Walnut and Mahogony Bureaus, marble and 'solid tops of every style; extension, centre, card, din- ing and side table; Book cases, Wash stands, Work tables and Wradrobes, Sofas, divans, ottomans and footstools, spring seat parlor chairs, rocking, nurse, elisabeth chairs of every variety. Mahogony, wal- nut, cherry and maple bedsteads of every style and variety. Spring, hair, moss, cotton and shuck mat- tresses, Ac, together with all other articles in our line, usually kept in a Furniture Waroroom. Wre say then to all who may want good Furniture, either for hotels, parlors or bed rooms, give us a call and ex- amine our work and prices, and we think you will leave your money here in place of sending it to St Louis and getting an inferior article at the same price you can get a good one here at. . Our motto is the cash ystem, which will enable us to sell at smaller profits tian ours or any other estab- lishment can do where the credit system is adopted. N. B, Tho highest price paid for seasoned Wal- nut and Cherry Lumber. . . St. Joseph, Aug 30, 185G vlnlStf r MICHAEL McGEE, Saddle and Harness Maker, East side of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St., ST. JOSEPH. MO. THANKFUL for past favors, begs leave to inform that he has just returned from St. Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as has ever been l urchascd In that market.: His stock consists of a superior article of Skirting Harness, bndle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins; fine goat morocco, ana a surpassingly beautiful arti- cle of enam sled leather of various hues. He has every variety of saddle trees, from the real Mexicana and tnglish, Heard 8 and urimsley's pat- ent, down to tho common fall -- back. He has on hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bag- s, bri dles, martingales, n alters, eouars, whips of every quality, wLip-lashe-B. hames, traces, spurs, Ac. Has also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart and dray harness. He has not now, nor will he keen any other than No, 1 worktien,and his instructions to them are neat ness and str ;ngth. He, therefore, feels no hesitation in saying tt at his work will seldom bo equaled, no where surpiised. As small profits and quick sale, is his motto, he pledges himself to sell (considering the quality of tne article ) lower tnan any house west of. the Alle eheny Mountains. Those disposed to suspect him of gassing, have on ly to can to ne assured of their mistako. St. Joseph, August 30, 1856. vlnlStf H. TB'OilPSOS. J. H. TAAFFE THOMPSON & TAAFFE, ( Successors to Burrows & Thomrsen. Wholesale Grocers, And CoiLimission Merchants, . Uo. 13, Pearl Street, Cincinnati. EE?" Particular attention will be given to order for Groceries, which will always be executed at current maraet prices. WM. GARRISON, Uleal Estate Airent PLATTSMOUTLT, N. T. TTAS now on hand several valuable town lots and XX also Timber and Prairie Claims, which he will sell cheap. Being agent for the City of Plattsmonth, he will furnish lota to those who wish to settle in the town on cheap and reasonable terms. Umee with J. U. .crown, tsq. New Hardware Store. Sign of the Mill Saw. J. FLAHERTY, Importer, Yfholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ST. JOSEPH, MO. NOW receiving and opening the largest and most IS arsortment of good in the alove line ever offered in any market west ol at. Liouis: Mv stock embrace a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan- ic'! tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; afrricultural and horticul tural tools and lmnlemenU. u great variety, eomoin ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of Uoor to tne larming com- munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful examination of this department of my stock. I am also exclusive eo-e- for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all ordnrs at ihe fuctary priees. Also a large assortment of Gons, Rifles ni Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac., of the- - best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for it! quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long experience in tne gnenu Hard- ware trade, enables me: not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the tru'i principle cf trade is eah sales and small proms. August 30, 1856. vlnlctf BTIO WITVILLE ; v STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE, & LMIEKSON, N. B. We would respectfully inform tho citi- - sens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a larg and wt 11 selected supply of LU3I, which we can furnish at low er rates tnan any mill in tne lemtory. - Market prieas paid for logj delivered at the yard or on the bank of the river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receive our immediate attention. NEBHASHA CITY HOTEL. - NEBRASKA CITY, N.T.-EARNE- ii BARXTJM, Proprietors. rrvLila Hotel, situated opon i Main Strtet, Nebraska C ty.will be found a dc eirabls resort r travellers. 3 ua2ts leave this bouie for all parts c tne lemtory. noren: ' SOTICR " Merchants,:SpcrtsEcn an Manufacturers. - HORACE E. DIJIICK & CO;3 GREAS WESTERN EMPORIUM, for Shot Guns, Fistobt, Fishing Ta.-kl- and Sporting Ap- paratus of every variety, is at No. 12, North street, St. Louis, the sin of the Deer in the Win- dow. - , - ; We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Hunting, Target and Minnie Rifles, Together with every variety of Purcussion Caps, Guns, Wads, and Wad iing Paper, Fiihing Tackle, Ac., Ac; in fact, everything connected with the Gun Trade. Two Hundred Breech loading Rifles of various ' ' ' patents; N. B- - All kinds of gun material and mounting, in the forged, filed and finished state. - - - . I lease call and examine for vourselves before you make your purchases, as experience is the only true guide, , . i ti? Out goods are all warranted by us. August 23, 1853. vlnl2tf -- : ' Richardson's Llissotui Express Company, Princial Office No. 12, N. 'Main St., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. BEG leave to inform the public, that they have their Express Line to this place. Hav- ing complied with the requisition of their Charter, and being fully organized, are now prepared to trans- act a ' General Agency Business. The success which has attended the original Propri- etor, is a guarantee of tho satisfaction rendered, and it will always be the aiiai and study of the Executive of this Company, to give every possible facility for the speedy and safe transmission of Money, Valuable Packazes, Parcels, and Bundles of Goods, Merchandize, and every description of Freight, on reasonable terms, to all points on tho Missouri River, and at St Lonis, with other responsible Express Companies, for New York, New Orteans. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Burlington, Louisville, Rock Island, Mem- phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, and to aimot t every town and villiage in the United States, Europe, Aus- tralia and California. : - A Messenger will be put on the new steamer Oma- ha, making weekly trips between here and St. Jo- seph, there connecting with ourdaily line to St Louis and all points as above. In behalf of the Enteqirise, the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. All business entrusted to us, will meet with the same energetic and prompt attention which has always characterized this Express, and mode it nt in Western Express business. - : DIRECTORS. St. Louis. . Edward Head. Sakeix McCartney. W. D. W. Bernard, Joiw W. Tooley. Joskph F. Richardson. B. F. Barry, Alton. W. J. Pigot, Lexington. JCSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Pres't. S- - M". Gray, See'y. vln2. Henry Kyle, General Agent. BOOK STORE! JCST OPENED AT THS HEAD OF BKOADWAT, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WHERE may be found a large assortment AND STATIONERY, and everything La their line, consisting in part, as fol- lows: Histories and Biographies, Narratives and Travels, ' School Books, , , Miscellaneous Works, Lives of Eminent Persons, Agricultural Works, Standard Poetical Works, ' ' . . Religious 'Works, Song Books, -- Bibles and Hymn Books, Novels and Light Reading, Pictorial Works, Blank Books, Paper, Pens and Ink, . Cards and Gift Books, Toys and Fancy Primers, "Portfolios and Albums. And a thousand other useful and necessary articles in the line. Also, red, black and blue INKS, of our own man ufacture, Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as can bo had in St. Louis, and warranted of the best quality, put up in quart, pint and half-pi- nt bottles; also, in four and two ounce bottles. Professional men wishing a bill of MI? OR ilffl IIS, Can be supplied here at 20 per cent above pub lishers prices, we paying all costs and obtaining them at tbe shortest notice. Our arrangements embrace any STANDARD BOOKS printed in the Uni- ted States. - . - - Call and see our stock we are new beginners but will serve our customers to the best of our ability. Our prices, we are sure will bo satisfactory. UKAIU A SA.MUliLJ. Council Bluffs, Iowii, June 14, '6 vln2. F. DINGS & CO., Importer$ of, and Wholesale Dealer in French, German; British & American Fancy Goods. HOSIERY, GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 39 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,) ' ST. LOUIS, MO. HAVING since th first of January, adopted the Cash System, we draw tho atton-sio- n of close buyers to the fact that we have revi.-- J our entire stock, and reduced former Credit Prices from 5 to 20 per cent, according to the nature of the different articles. Comparison Respectfully Solicited. Price Lists may he had on application. St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1858. vl-n!2- tf 185G. SPRING SALES. 1850. LOW PBICESTO CASH AND PROMPT TIXZ BUVEB3. JOHN; HALS ALL, WHOLESALE A5D BETAIL BOOKSELLER & STATIONER. AND BLANK BOOK JIANUFACTURERS. No. 120 Main, St. Lonis, Mo. for salo all the Spelling books; Gographies, HAS Ilistoriries; Chemistries; Dictionaries; Arithmetics; Philosophies, rlc, now in use, together with a large stock of Law, Medical and miscellaneous books forming the most complete assortment to be found in the eity. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign and Domestic stationary, of the finest quality, country merchants and others should not fail to call al So. 129 1856 FALL TRADE. 185G EDWABD HEAD. W. B. MAUBICE. E. H. HEAD. Oldest Ilouee of the kind in the Wert EitnUihed 1835. . EDWARD MEAD & CO., , No. 50 Main, cor. Pine st., Importers and Wholsalers OF Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS, and materials, shot guns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, musical instruments, daguerreotype ambro- - types, 4c, chrystalotype materials; LLotel and team-bo-at table ware. St. Louis, September 13, 1855. ROBBINS & POMEROY, WHOLESALE PEALEB3 I!t rnrtTO sMinr-- o . cm r i PATifrn Bull 10 H.Uv CO OULX LXH I li-- Uj n os. u, x'eari ana ii, iiiain sireei, CINCINNATI, OHIO. D. T. BEXNETT, J. 8. MO ETON, E. H. HARDING BENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at Law, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, I a. WILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and Iowa. Particular attention raid to obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. ; . REFERENCE: Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. J r;c;,T Julius D.Morton; - Mhiganj Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, 111; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. Fifiled, St. Loui3,M..; Hon. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo, Ohio; P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Sedgewica k Walker, Chicago, III; Green, Weare k Benton, Ckuncil Bluff's, Iowa. PliOW FACTORY. : A. J. MORROW, MANUFACTURER of the Premium Plow, of tw-- horse Prairie plows Erush an 1 Steel pUTs, fur sa'e Wholesale and Re- tail, on S.3Cvsd street, thro doors Nttrth of Market Square, hi. Joseph, Mo. D. M. HITCnCtitX. C. EEAKDSLTS. B3X. JOT. D. 3V HITCHCOCK $ CO., Rot Olive a a 3 Lccust strte'j, SL Ix;-.ii- Mo. " rANUFAtirUlUillS of CookLegy Ileatia- -, as! xfx Parlor Stoves and Grates." . A!-- Manufacturers of four sixes of Jewett'sPat ent Ctiry Hough, one and twa horse, rl jht and left hand. . Shakespeare and his Contemporaries. PAINTED BY JOHJI TAED. WILLIAMS, STEYENS, WILLIAMS & CO , 333 Broadway, Have pleasure in announcing that th?y have at length received a finished rroof of tao tngravmg Dy J A UK 3 Faed, from the above painting. It is without exception one of the most brilliant Engravings of our time. - Prints, 10 doll?; lYoofs, 20 dolLs: Proofs with Au tographs. 30 dollrf: Artist Proofs, 40 dolls. A few choice lnpre3sions of "EVANGELINE' are itilltobehad. ' Prints, 5 dolls; Proof j, 10 dolls; Proofs before let ter, 15 dolls: Artist Proofs, 25 dolls. . , Nav. 15, 1859. . JOHN P. SAMSELL, (late ov Boston) FasIiloiial)lc Tailor, ROCK PORT, MO. TNF0RM3 the public that he is now prepared to X serve tnem in tne aoove namea cafcity. luivin had long and extensive experience, he flatten him- self he can please all who favor him with their pat- ronage. Good fits warranted in all coses. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to cutting out garments for homo Hinting. Brownville, Aug. 23, 1356. vl-12- . K. A. WHITRIDtiE. It; J. X'KJXT. MRS. E. A. WIIITRIDGE k CO. " MAKTFACTrBERS OF ilasonic Clothing and Odd Fellows XIUGAIjIA.. . Also Regalia for Tamperance'and other Societies, No. 128 Walnut Sired, vp Stairs,' CINCINNATI, 0. MA30.3. References, odd fellows. W. B. Dodds, GM of Ohio O. P. Morton. P G Jl In J. C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner Gray, pub Casket F. J. ITiillips, H. P. City W.G.Neilsou, PGM Ohio The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recieve orlcrs from Lodges or private members for Regalia. August 2, 185d. vl-nO- tf HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Close of the Thirteenth .Volume. Subscribers to Harper's Magazine, whose sub- scriptions expire with the November number, are respectfully requested ti renew them without delay. Terms: Three Dollars a year, or Twenty-fiv- e Cents a Mumber. The Semi-annu- al volumes, as completed, neatly bound in cloth, are sold al Two Dollars each, and muslin covers are furnished to thoso who wish to have their bock numbers uniform- ly bound, at Twnety-fiv- e cents eoeh. Thirteen vol- umes are now ready, bound in cloth, and also in half calf. Clubs of two persons at Five Dollws a year, five persons at Ten Dollars, or eleven persons at Twenty Dollars. Tho commencement of a volume affords a favora- ble occasion for the opening of new subscriptions. Tho December number will commence a now vol- ume. The Magarine weighs over seven and not over eight ounces. Tho postage upon each number is Three Cents. Each number of the Magazine will contain llt'oc-tav- o pages, in double columns, each year thus com- prising nearly two thousand rages of tho choicest Miscellaneous Literature of tne day. Every num- ber will contain numerous Fictorial Illustrations, ac- curate llates of the Fashions, a copious Chronicle of Current Events, and impartial Notices of the im- portant Books of the month. The Volumes com- mence rith the numbers for JUNE and DECEM- BER: but subscriptions may commence with any number. " HARPER & BRO'S, Publishers. Franklin Square, New York. UBS Mi IIIRI, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, French and American Window Clati & Glawarel Spicet, Indigo, JIadder, Perfumerie,Jio. SPRINGSTOOK! CHARLESS, BLOW & CO., importers wholesale dealers. Ho. 6G and 67 Main street, Et. Louis, Mo. Are now in receipt of their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. . r( tiPMerchants visiting our City are requested to give us a call, as we are determined in sell for Cash or Prompt Time Paper, as low as any House in th Unifc! States. - t. J. battert. j. p. kellt. Market Square, West, St Joseph, Mo., RAPTERY & KELLY, WHOLESALE & KETAIL DEALERS. HAVE the pleasure of announcing to their friends and the public, that they have remov- ed their establishment from Main street to Market Square, West side of the Market House, where they will keep constantly on hand a large and varied as- sortment of groceries, salt, liquors, dry goods, queens-war- e, boots, shoes, Ac, with a large snpply of choice family flour and meal. Attention is invited to their select stock cf irginia and Missouri tobacco, manu-focrur- ed expressly to their order, which will be sold as nsnal, at a low figure. W ith a thousand thanks for the generous support that proceeded their removal, which was occasioned by the encroachment of the Missouri river, they now solicit a continuance of that support, and as tbe best inducements to customers, they guarantee, that their prices shall be low, and their good3 unsurpassed. They invite country dealers and the public to inspect their stock of grocTies, particularly their choice col- lection of Teas, with full assurance that they stand alone in this city, both as regards quality and cheap ness. Received per stiiamcr "Edinburgh," 30 tbls of Pittsburgh and Dayton ale. Terms cash or produee. Cash paid for wheat, hides, beeswax, Ac, AMERICAN AND ORIGINAL. KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE For 185T. The Forty-nint- h Volume of the Kvickeiuiocjcer Magaxixr will convnence with the number for Jan uary, 1857; and it is the intention of Ihe Publisher to make great additions to tho literary merits of the work. We take it for granted, there are but few Maga-ti-ne readers in tbe country who are notfamiliar with the authors of St. Legeh, and the SPARKow-tJaA- s, both old contributors to the Knickerbocker. We are pleased to be able to announce that they will Dotn write lor our magaxine the coming year. Mr CnzZRN3 will flrintributA n. now . rv.l rift!tv nrinnn1 Story, which will appear In every number; and Mr. Kimball will furnish a Sketch or a Story as often as nis otner anues win permit. Terms: Three Dollars a year, in advance. Two copses 1 ive Dollars. Five copies and onwards. Ten Dollars. Tbe Magazine is sold by all periodical dealers. Specimen numbers sent free of charge. The Knickerbocker and any other Three Dollar Magaiine, sent one year for Five Dollars. The Knickerbocker and Home Journal, one year for Four collars. Letters eontainingremittances and everythirgeon nected with the bnisness department, should be ad dressed to SAMUEL HUESTON, Publisher. SU Broadway, New York. THE HORTICULTURIST, - . AND Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. EDITED BT J. JAT E3IITK, Editor North American Sylva. The Horticulturist, as its name implies, is de voted to Horticulture aud its kindred art Rural Architecture and Landscape Gardening, and will keep its readers advised of the new things on the subject, either in Europe or America. - It ia a Month- ly JuunAl of forty-eig- ht pages, boantifully printed on fine jper, and elegantly i.lus'xated. In additioa to numerous wood ruts in the Crat style of the art, ca;h ntrcber contains a f'.l-rg- e enrrwlvr. from stone, of some new, rare, and valuable frait, tree, or flower, and is one of tbe ntoat autifuL, as well as the most useful Monthly Journals published in the world. Teres f 3 per year, in advance. The volume commenced on the 1st of wanoarr last, and we can supply back numbers from that time. Th.ip who prefer can commence with the current nnn:lr. Colored IIatfs. Still further to add to tho val-n- e of tho work, an! meet the improving taste and Increasing wants of the horticultural eomanaity, an edition is published with Colored llites, eat a num- ber containing a full-pa- g mgravinjj of aoaie new, rare, and valuable fruit, or newer, correctly colored from nature by the best liyii;; ArtiU in this line. This is a aew an-- 1 important in tbia-iuntrv- , Price $5 a r in advance. Ad. Ire. ROLERT I 'EARS ALL SMITH. rublL-her- , IT ami 19 Hirer Kreet, Hid!-.-!- , hia- - No. 13, Mail Street, Si W"'' GENTS for fitranb-aCcr- r a il the "Qaeen of the South- - Tv"3': JUiU Lis been kept secured to the hi?. -r- ecently, however, (June SH?. Patent, for th Rtat .lal "H, ;'v eurio; the inreuti iu forfuurteeu has sustained itself wherever it Lu b2v I io coir pniuon wita etaer Mills t. " the othrr'ma:e of Juilla o( our citr ' Fair, in i8j0,when it drew a dolV Corn Mill, and was awarded a fine jiiVT " J Of these Mills we manufacture 877 l and three exjressly for grinding whm i' The peculivr novelty of this tj" i stone is the rinning stone, In aU IMs1' v: limit ti the spef d, and as speed is evernY ' i ing, it will ou t gritd any nvpet grMet u' bocondiy: ly this arranzement . : get grain into the Jlill with a verr snn I qaently wegimd ntarer tlie centre 1,4 with less powt hn any Bppe, r,nowe Thirdly: Our Mul Ukes any kind of r, S ehokin W e warrant against chokine - ti. : - z . , . , mm co-5- iui3 11 crrn vexation Cn.. trouble in all Mills where the upper stoiitT ner. Of coune, wo mean small MilU a tion mnst bo toi do much business Fourthly; Our Milla npTti,. L" . empty tne uidit stone not touching tLa no iy ury can i uone. i am Is aa imwiiM J tage over all Mills wlore the uppornT FRESH DRY GOOm EEDY, JA3ICSOX co No's. 170 and 172 Main St.. to r . w1 in re;eirt f Uie mow . raagniflient st x-- everoffered t ,uJ Trade. Merctants Visiting thi city wa ia n . r?-mak- an exam:"natioa of nnr stock an.l x EDDY, JAM Eaijv , THE BRITISH PrillODlCi AND THE FARMER'S GUIDP Great litdurtio in tht Price of the Litter pxiii L. SCOTT A CO., New York, , Continue to publish the following British Nj cals, viz: The London Quarterly (Conservative The lldinbnrsh Review (Wbijr. The North lSritit Review ( Free CW The Vestroinite Review ( Liberal . ' liiacKwooa'H l.inbur;a Magaziif l These Periodical ably rerrewnt th tw political parties of Gn!t Pntain Whiir. Tw, Radical, but politics forcwu!y one foaUrtoT,, cnarncicr. ai urjfans ot Uie most pruiunnil tnvn onrcience AJtcrature, loraiuy, ana afiigioa, stand, a-- i tney over have itiHl, anrivsiiej ia world of letters, being cooidcrod iaiienjieosUj me sruoiur ana urn proiomouai mail, while U intcuigeni rewi'r oi eery cius inev fttrnikm.- - . . J At .... . . . corroci recora o. uia covrein iiierata-r- ot tb,j, throughout tbe world, than can be ptsibly from any other iource. 233rly . Ooioloss. The receipt of Advance Sheets from tin 1W. ish publishers gives additional value to Erints, especially duriaj the present ficitod ut, affairs, inasmuch as they can nowtttgfe. ed in the hands ef subtcribrS alxjut w 1000 u k original editions. ; TERMS. For any one ef the fiur Reviews -- For any two of the four Reviews, - j, For any three of the four Reviews ' 7,a For all four of the Reviews - 8jt For Biackwood's Magisinv - - j jj For Blackwood and tbreo Reviowf For Blackwood and the fjar Itvicws loj Payments to be made in all casce in adrtiJ.- - Money current iu the State whero issued willw ceived at par. CLi' A discount f twenty-fi- perp from the alwve prices wul be allowed to Chin ,ri in .5 uirevk jiuui n. icvii at lo, iour or mora mat of any one or more of th ab ve work!. Tkos: im copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will ht H to one address for 9 do'.li., f mr topie nf the im ttcviews ana jsiacKwooa ior .)3 dolls and m n Postage. In all the iirin irint Cities m l tm these works will be dtlif-Te- Fasa op fnn,.i. yhen sent by mail tho rtaj." to any part of dw United States will be but Twtiity-fnu- r CcaU a war for Blackwood," and but Fourteen CenU a yeai fat TO SCIENTIFIC AXD PBACTCAX AoHtXLTTSt By HkxrT SteI'HENR, P. R. S ft Edinbarj, .aW the late J. r. ixortun, rroiei.s.r of Scientifte Ar nculture in lalo College, New Haven. I toIj, ttoyai uctavo. tool) f ages, and numeruai WW and steel Engravings, This is eonfesst-dl- y the most connlete work oa If rkulture ever published, and in order to give ita wiuer circulation tne DunUsnors bare reso veil to: duce the price to , Five Dollars for the Two Volume. When sent by mail Cwat-ni- d tA California ini Oregon the price will bo 7 dJIs. Te erevy nthw part of the Union and to Canada ( pott-paid'- ), dolls. wort i sot the dd 'Book ifle Tarn? Remittances for any of tlie above Dublicati.iai should always be addresid, pot-pai- to the Pab- - usners LA,VteiD StOTT to. No. U, Go d Street, X. T. NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASUHl A. S. HOLLADAY, wnoLESALa ai 8etiil dfaleb it Drus and illefilicincs Main Street, Brownville. IT. T. THE undersigned renpoitfully begs leave to Inf public, thit he has now on hand aeompleu assortment of everythinr, uually kept ia Droj Stores, which he offers ft sale, Exclusively New System of ....... CASH AND CASH ONLY! It will be entirely foreign to thin beautiful mteia. to "Book," "keep account," "note" Cratch' "rhiik or emember for a few dai-a.- " Coma with tha Spondulicks" ifvou want anvthimr in tat Drr line. Freieriptioai Compounded at all Hoar vi Accuracy aid Eifpatcb, Remember the systaia I lave adopted, aad "j pocket and your felin will CreIiiwi poeititflif not be given, unless andereLrcanutuocesof peeuliar devtitntion July 12, 185o.-vl-n5- tf ... A. S. HOLLADAT. TILE NEW FLOURING MILL CLARK'S PATENT COMBINED GRINDING or Merchant Flouring Mill. Tais highly ingeniou and nine a nwdod ia van tion forma au entirely now feature in the manufacture ef WHEAT and FLOUR, by the a peri or mantwr ia which it performs its work C It IN bl NO and W)LI-IN(- J the Grain at a single operatua into Sea dilTeront kinds of flour and feci. This mill possesses advantages to iriaMrroui e enumerated in any odrerLliemejit. The pruper"5? to fully appreciate it greiU mi rit is to aet it raa. It is in operation daily at No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court at., St. Louis, X State and Country Kighi ant! M.U Fr Sain. W. V. IIAMR A C7, Broad w ay an d Co u rt, 2d S tory. ST. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD. On E Jmon'l Street, near Carol's Mill, st. Joneph, Mihoari. W. J. TAYLOR, Rmovud from tho o!l Stand to the above named place. THE un lersigncd is now folly prepared to hU patronrt and friends with the best as- sortment of Fine Lumber ever offered ia this ma- rket, comprising not only Whit line Lumber and White and Yuliow Flooring, ready drevsed; tut al best assortment of Pine and Cottonwood shirjlw, Poi'lar Siding, kc. lie has tow on hand, at his Lamber Yard, tbe lar- gest and b'st assortiaoot of VA r. Sash and Veni-tia- n blind, ever offered in this toarket, a poitioa of which is direct frm Cincinnati nianuf stories, whW enables him to sell at very re.oceI prWs. B n fully prepared to fill all rlera in his Lne at jbft notice, and particularly avlisita the Kcsu and N- ebraska tro-le- , for he has tho artirlen th-- wct aad aiB't have. Be sure to gi vd me a eall, rear t'arjijl s Mill, and in the lajncdia: ricinity f tha St. ph Brewery. . PL AST l a, . 1AS- - BROWNVILLE FERRY PLASTERS BAKER, A BOUNCE to tlie TraveHiag Public, that thf - - - r t tha best crossing point on the upper Missouri, traTe.. eoming to J.ebrka, will iui it greatly to than vantage to cross at th. pt-ir.- FEEJtV UATES. Fcr every two korsetf, ajulea ir exea k wagon. : " each iniliTidaal pairf torsos malesorox'n h'TM or mulo and hagy, " " led horse or laule, ! i M loo e cattle per haJ. ti sbe.p and bogs per head, l " eaca f.x-tma- i " cwt.of freest, M fiet of labcr, " M nnltiaded wapoa aal korsts scale of eaen there ith, rrowavCl., As ju?t 2, l3J5.-l- y

Transcript of · IVcbrasIai IlouiiC f ;: treat Street, tear ieaniboat Landing, RROWNVILLE,...

Page 1: · IVcbrasIai IlouiiC f ;: treat Street, tear ieaniboat Landing, RROWNVILLE, N. T. A. J. BLNEDICT, . ANNOUNCES to the poMicthat he has taken the formerly ki'pt

IVcbrasIai IlouiiC f ;:treat Street, tear ieaniboat Landing,



ANNOUNCES to the poMicthat he has taken theformerly ki'pt ty T. IL Edwards,

fa BrownTillc, X. T, and is ne w prepare! t accomodate all who may favor l ha with their patronage, wan:, of a god Cora or Wheat Mill that fordura-- A

new addition has been built in the and ad-- 1 bility, siinpUcty and economy; excel anj Mill in theunions made or t urnituro and loading, sua mi ar-

rangements now are such ts to render this Houseequal to any in the Territory.

Brownville, July 5, 1550. vl-n5- tf



TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens ofthe public in gonerul,- that ho has on

band the most extensive Mock of Store and Tin-

ware, ever oll'cred in this market. My stock of Tin-ware is of icy own manui'att'ire, and is for sale atWholesale and Ilctall at St. Louis prices.

I would call particular attention to my stock ofCOOKING STOVES, comprising the most improvedpatterns both Air-Tig- ht and Premium. Among themmay be found Filly'a Charter Oak, the be? t stove nowin use, the Asiatic Air-Tigh- t, Pioneer and prize Pre-

mium. Also

Parlor & Box StovesOf various Sires and Pattsrns, which I mil

SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN.Particular attention paid to making and jutting

tip Tin Gutters, in the town and country. Also, re-

pairing done on short notice an I on reasonable term.Old copper, Brass and taken in exchange

for work or ware. T. W. WILLIAMS,vl-n- 5 . . Oregon, Mo., July 5, 1S53.

JOETY THOUSAND DOLLARS Worth of Goodat a imall advance on cost and carriage by


AM .


WE HAVE in store, and ire receiving perHannibal, AVarner, Edinburgh and Omaha,

largo and well assorted stock ofDry Goods, .Uo:anets, .

Clothing, Medicines,Hardware, Drugs,

Queensware, . Furniture,Boots k Shoes, Tinware,

Hats k Cups, Saddlery,Cutlery, Groceries,

' Paints, ..'" CastingsDoors, Sash, Nails,

Oils, IronCARPENTERS k ELACTlSMITES' TOOLS AC.AU of which we o2er at very low prices for Cash orCountry Produce. ,

TSO ETJXBTJG! Wa will sell at E02TE P2ICE ! !

T " VT'JLIOTi HAWK.P. S. Indies, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress,

Shawl or Bonnet, don't blamo Lillon k Hamt, forwe certainly have the best assortment of Fancy DressGoods ever offered in this market. No trouble toshow Goods. vl-n- 5 :- - D. A II.

CHARTER OAK . . ;. --

LIFE INSURANCE COMPAXY 1Hartford, Ct. .Capital $2(iO,OCO

With large and increasing receipts securely investedtinder the sanction and approv-ii- . of the Comptrollerof Publio Accounts. - - ... .



Alfred Gill. John L. Bunco, Wm. R. Cone, Jas. GBolics, John A. Butler, Noah Wheaton, N. Hollis- -ter, Saml Coit,Danl Phillips. C. N. nmphrey. "

BOARD 0? 'tVSICXCZ.Jeo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Bank,

T, F. Robinson, Esq., " . ILirtford "Hon. Isaac Touchy, late Attorney General TJ. S.

Applications ior insurance revived byR. W. FURNAS, Agent.

, "DR. A. S. HOLUD AY, Med. Ex.


WATCH MAKER. . -- .tt,ci Towcllcr,


TLKES the liberty to iuform the citizens ofend vicinity, that he has opened a

TATCU, CLOCK k JEWELRY STOREIn Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep con-stantly on hand, and for sale, a Kod assortment ofGold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, whichho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a finelot of Violins, Aecordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec-tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extensioncases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ad.

He is prepared to repair Watahis, Clocks and Jew-elry, of every description, in the best manner andon the most reasonable terms.

Every article bought in his establishment, is war-ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re-pairing warranted for one year.

July26,lS56. vl-nS- tf


EXPRESS COMPANYGrVE every possible facility , for the safe and

transmission ofJloner, Valuable Packages, Parcels,- - Jood!, and JIercr antlize

Of every description, oa reasonable terms.Principal Offices New York, Buffalo, Cincin

nati, loledo, Chicago, Dayton, lcduinopolis, and allthe traaller (owns on Railroads ia the Eastern, Middle and estern & tales, connecting at St. Louis withRichardson's Missouri River H. KH'P.

July 26,lS53.-vl-n- 3 General Superintendent.


(Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEY & Co,)..53 Main et, Old Stand, St. Louis, Mo.

IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China,Queensware, Yellow and Rockingham

Waro, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-cla- s-

e, Britannia Ware, Ae. Ac, with a great variety ofrancy Mantle and rarlor Urnamcnts, direct from thePotteries and Manufacturers.

tifNow orriving and in store, a full stock of theabove lino of goods, which is cfiVred to tho Trade atreasonable rates. An examination is solicited.

fJfOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade.' r. u. racking receives special attention.

September 13, 1856. vlnl5-3i- n


District Attorney,Oil ALTA CITY, N. T,

REQUIRED to bo in attendance officially uten allXV the terms of the District and Supremo Court oftho Territory, tender his Professional services to suchas need them. He flatters himself that his facilitiesfor gaining a knowledge of the ptactice in each Dis-

trict, will enable him to tri"e eatiiifaction to such asentrust their business to hiu care.

City, June 7, ISiG.




Endue and Llachiis Ianufactcry.Corner Second and Morgan Streets.

ST. LOUIS, MO..H rANUFACTURERS of Steani Er.gines and Boil'1L ers. Saw and Grist Mill Msliinery, Tobaocorcrews and Presses, Lard KetUe Iurd Screws andCrlinders, Wck.1 Carding Macl Lneu Young's PatentKmut Machines. Buildini Castings. 4e.

lfJ.ts sale of Jsmsi Smith t Co.'sSuperior JMA .lt. LAlUJb.

YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. "Welltried, alwavs successful, fully Guivrontied. ManufacUred and for sale bv -

DOWALL C.tRR,4C0WssMrrtun Foundry. Ht. Louis, Mc

SAJIUEL SI'ENCEIt Ji COMICo. Eight-Tw- o North Fourth Street, Near Locust,

ST. LOUIS, MO.'H ?ANTF CTUREBS f evw? dcserrtim cfi.1 X Frame?, dii!srs inprf.hs, Ac; I.ooki.'ig-glr- s llau I W very sixs, andtrained to eiy iiatt'irs in tho tott uu.nti'T.

AdrertwirigCir'i!', Ac Stained and Varnished orFramed at tiri notice.

Jkwcxd. Walnut and other tmvj wood ricture

Tbe Trle Supiuied. C'.J Fraitw, ia., Re-jn- lt.

O. P. MASOY,Attorneys nixl Counsellors at Lmv

And i.enerai Lana Arrnis,STrnASKACITV.N.T.J : rrru'r attend to Lrtl Agencies,WILL 'nve-'.i.- ; fcfcy, Ixnt.r.g and soling

las J wa:rifc':V, ar.d U tuber l'iin-- s pcrtamin.j to

tac'.r jfr.:c-.:i.E-, ia Ni ruka TarU7 an-- 1 Wcsura


Patent Portable 1.2111.fT113E subscribe bare entered into a partnershipJL under the firm of Real, Holabird k Co., to

manufacture the J. C. liecd, Patent Ptable GristMill and are now prepared to furnish all those in



world. On the liUe exhibition of the Mechanicsinstitute in Cincinnati, a JAd Ju'edul itas awardedthea for it.-- ' ...

It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it issuperior to all others for the most extensive MerchantMill, as it is for grinding tho Farriers feed by Horsepower.

The above Mills are manufactured by the under-signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where theyeon be furnished in any quar.tity ai short notice.

The above Mills warranied to perform as follows:36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $3003D u 30 " 15 - 26024 ii u w u 20 " . 13 2C020 u 13 a 8 u. 150

As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary toquote from our numerous recommendations, received.

REED, HOLABIRD CO.Cincinnati, O.

Fresh Arrival of .


THE subscriben would respectfully tender theirto their customers and the Public Gene-

rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicita continuance of the same ; ris they are determinedto sell Goods as low if not tower .than any otherHouse west of St. Joseph. Having just received alirge and well selected Stock of Spring and SummerGoods: also a superior Stock of Family Groceriesvith liardware, Glass and Queensware, Furniture,Saddlery, Iron, ke. '

Tome one and all,For well we know; ;.

Agn:n youH cull, ...We'll sell so low.

Of Goods the best, .

Ar.d profits small,We'll beat the rest,

And suit you all. '

Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased inthe Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we canscrjiaaH our competitors in the low prices and goodqualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all willmake by calling and seeing for themselves beforepurchasing elsewhere. CAEEY, JONES, k CO.

N. B. Cour.trr Produce of nil kinds taken in ga

at the highest prices, for G00I3. Juno 7, '56.


Oregon, Halt County, Ho. i

Easln Store:Pure White Lead, Window Glass,Linseed Oil, Putty,Spanish Whiting Casasr Oil,Red Lead, Ex.Ijogwood,Litherage, , Blue Stone,W'hito Chalk, Alum,

enitianKed, Ground Ginger,Spnisb Brown. Root do, --

SailCroamtf Tarter, t Look Glue,lartanu Acid, Paris Grecm,Sulpher Carb. Soda, Chrcme do,Vinegar, . doTurpentine, IronPainr,Sal Soda, - , AVhite Zink do,Coperaj, FiL Oil,Saltpeter, Whale do,

'Borax, i Wrights' Pills, '

Mex. Liniment, Chaiupian's do, .

Vol. Oil do. Jayan's . do,Morland's do, :

NerverjjidLoucion's rdo,' !

Bono do, Rad ray's R. R., .

Fsrrcls do, Davis Pain Killor,Louden's do, Fahnestock's Vcr.,Jays' Erpt., Stone's Cough Candy,Liocdou s do, lucbane s laver 1 ills.

In addition to the above. I have tho larecst Stockof Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chemi- -

cms, jurgi(3u lnsixuments, aaci i atent jncdiciensever offered for saleinthis Country.

Merchants and Physicians of Iow:u Kansas andNebrask, are respectf ally invited to give me a call.

June 1, 13.b. DAAUiJj ZOOK.

Al B. HOLLABIBD & CO.MacMnists, Founders and

ENGINE BUILDERS. Tront Street, West of Smith,


Wouil most respectfully inform their fricads andpublic generally, that thev are" now pre

pared to execute all orders Lt their line-- , with prompt-ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and withthe increasod facilities they now twssetB, they hope tomerit a contv-tuatio-n of the liberal patronago whichhas hereiora been extended to them.

few Mill Engines of every Description.Constantly ou hand: consisting of the Sash, Circu-lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description ofC as tings, warranted to bo well made in every particular. . ;

They have also a Boiler Yard attached to theirestablishment, which enables them to oversee allwork in that line furnished by them, and are pre-pare I to work on as reasonable terms as any othershop in the country.

1 hose in want of anything in our line, would dowell to give us a call and examino our new patterns.

, 'A. IS. MULAB11U) & CO.




GLASGOW, MISSOURI. , .THANKFUL for tho very liberal patronage that

eceived from our numerousfriends and customers, and while respectfully solicit-ing a continuance of the same, pledging ourselves tospare neither pains nor expense to merit the patronage or tho public, we beg leave to announce thatWilliam J. Lewis has withdrawn from our firm, andThos. J. Bartholow is admitted a pertter from thisdate, tbe ttyle of the firm remaining unchanged, andthat wo have secured the services of Capt. GeorgeG. Davis who will hereafter act in the capacity oftravelimo salesman in connection with our Mr.Bartholow and will during the coming Season per-sonally wait upon our customers for tho purpose ofsoliciting their oriers. UarstocK neiuover Iromiastyear of oT.l descriptions is unanimously large, thequality of which catnot fail to give entire satisfac-tion to consumers. B. W. LEWIS k Bros. .

Glasgow, Mo, January 6, 1855.



NEBRASKA CITY, N. T.HAVTa G made arrangements by which wo will

accurate copies of all th Townshipsembraced in the Eastorn portion of Nebraska, weare now prepared to offer our services to the"SQUATTERS OF THE TERRITTORY,'

In Filing: Declaratory Statements ofInt ntion to Pre-em- pt. Securing

Pre-empti- on, Locating LandWarrants and


Land Entered on Time, Ac,Particular attention paid to Buying and Selling

Projwrty oa commission; Also, to making Collectionsand forwarding remittal ices to any part cf the Union

Blaolai of all kinds alwuvs on hand., RIDO & WHITE.

REFERENCES.non. A. A. Bradford, Nebraska City.S. F.NbchoIIb, uMessrs. Dolman k West, St. Josejh, Mo.,Peter A. Keller, Washington CityThomas Lumpkin,June 2S, 1853. vl-- nl ,

GHEATCiotMiia; Saler

WM. R MARTLNJ 0. C. MARTIN,185(5.Ndw York. - J fcL Lout.MARTIN h BROTHER.


ST. LOUIS, MO.TVm b nrvTimachir? nrinr, we will have a IRE1 MXDOUS STOOK'OF t!LO'.riHNG,mar.tfac- -

tured bv crsrh-e- a ia New Yiffk, expressly for thismarket.

Iu pcfjarof STYLE, QUALITY and TRIC wedefy aa;r w.d ad cotcr-r.itio-n t We have cvitkeddos n iitr price very low, as we Intend feliicg to rcnbut

CASUJLXD PLOMPT IlCSr.' To sath ire would ek a thorough exsminati)s of

our htn k &BRO.


II. a K.B. WIIITTEriOIlE & C0.,' " ' Wholoale Denh'rt in .


i;0. 13 MAIN STRRET,(First door alovo tbe Bank of Missouri.)

ZZt. ZZjoixltsif rio.tSCa-s- paid for Furs and Deer Skins.


CLAYES i LEE,Real Estate and General Agency,

OMAHA CITY, N. T.References.

James Wright, Broker, New York,Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. -Hon. R.WTood, E:-Go- v. of Ohio, Cleveland,Wicks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, 44

Alcott k Horton, i

Col. Robert Campbell, St. Louis,' James Ridgway, Esq.

Crawforn and backett' Chicago.Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1858. vlnl3-l- y

CUAELE3 KEARNY,. Wholesale and Retail Grocer

AND STEAMBOAT AGENT.East side Market Square op'site Market House

BEGS leave to inform the citizens of St. Joseph,the public generally, that he has just open-

ed a Large and fine assortment of Groceries, to whichhe invites tho attention of Country Merchants, Plan-ters and the public generally. Boat stores constant-ly on hand. ,

ILumber! ILumber!THE undersigned has on hand and for sal at bis

Rush Bottom, Mo., One hundred andTwenty-fiv- e Thousand feet of various kinds of Lum-ber, which he offers for sale at the following prices.

Square edged lumber, - - - $1,50Sheeting, - - . ...


Black Walnut, - - - 2,00There is a ferry across the Missouri river, oppositethe mill. Lumber will be delivered on the Nebraskashore, at 50 cents in addition to the above prices.

LOUIS LAWRENCE.September 20, 1850. vlnl6-3mp- d




Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, 3IoCONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce

V-- respectfully solknted, and all business entruted to ns will be promptly and carefully attended toai me lowest rates. ; ,

ReferencesTaylor & Shepherd, . St. Louis,R. L. McGhee A Co,Livermore, Cooley k Co.,Merchants Genenilly, St. Joseph.



No. 49 and 42 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

HAVING completed, our arrangements for a fullGoods in our lino, and having the best

assortment in the West, we take pleasure in offeringw urs&svrs uuiu niivijioAiiU aim L ALU .3000 Bedsteads, 500 dozen wood seat Chairs.1000 Bureaus, --

500200 do cane seat do,

Dining Tables, : 100 do rocking do,600 Breakfast do, ;. 100 ' do childrens' do,200 Work Stands,"-20-

0 500 tin safes,Wash do, 200 Cribs, assorted sizes,

100 Wardrobes, 200 Lounges, .1000 Looking Glasses, 100 dos. Rush and split bot

tom ibairs.t5FTo which we add mahogany and walnHt, par-

lor and rocking Chairs, Sofas, centre, side and exten-sion Tables; Secretaries and Book Cases.

Upholstery in great variety, such as spring, hair,eotton, moss and husk Matresses, Comforts, Spreads,and Blankets. ; -

Our work is all Warranted as representedourPrices as Low as the Lowest. - ;

Orders promptly and faithfully executed and re-spectfully solicited. Sitisfaction guaranteed.

Pleaso call and satisfy yourselves.St. Louis, July 26, 1355. vln8-C- m


J0IINS05, CASSADY & TEST,Attorneys and Counsellors at Law.

And General Land Agents,COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA.

WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies,Money, Locating and selling Land

Warrants, and all other business pertaining to theirprofession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska.


No. 78, Main Steet, St. Lonis; Mo.

SPRING STOCK COMPLETE.The cheapest and most extensive Fancy

Goods and Yank ee Notions Establishment in the Western Country.

MERCHANTS in setJth of cheap goods areour stock of silks, dress goods,

shawls, white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, glovesand hosiery, trimming?, furnishing goods and smallwares generally, together with 15,000 Parasolsof the latest and most fashionable styles, at manu-facturers' prices. -

Cash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt menwill find our stock adapted to their wants in everyparticular. A call from the trade is respectfully so-

licited. ' rlnl2tfAugust 23, 1856.

try HHIotol,(jiiiJuujy, mo.

ROB'T. Jj. HAPTEN, Proprietor. ' '

No pains or expense will be spared by the subson-ber,t- o

make his guests comfortable in every respoet,at this well known and highly reputable House.

The very best attention given to animals by agood and attentive Hostler. ,


NEW GROCERY.Head Quarters for Bargains!

RUFUS n. EDWARDS,Wholesale and retail dealer in

Staple and Fine Groceries, Wines,Teas, Foreign and Domestic Liquors, and every

thing else appertaining to the business of a Grocer.Main, between Jale and Second streets, '

(Opposite the Edgar House.) '


Eagle Mills.ST. JOSEPH, MO.

JAMES CARGILL, Proprietor.TANUFACTURES and keeps constantly

JL.1JL on hand for sale, all kinds of Flour Meal.and Feed stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filledon most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly forwncat. tor character of J: lour refer to everybodyWfl.i ever usca ii.

St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1856. vlnl3-l- y -

Steel Flow Factory,Market Square, St. Joseph, Mo.


MANUFACTURER of Prairie plows cf all feiaes;Plows and Shovel-plow- s,

Cultivators and Harrows. Ail orders ( undor ed

flows) filled '.tmnediatcly. Liberal discount towhclesato purchasers.



r.ge3rclT,f.T tsfG rocers and Steamboat Agents,

Corner Secorul and Francis Streets, '(Opposite A. reatie' Banking Houw.)

Ot. Totseilx. rtTLosJOtxri.AN assortment of Boat Stores, Groceries, Wiaua.

Liquors, Meal, Hour, Ac, kept eonttantly onhanvl. July25,lSo6, vl-n- S


And FfcltM Agents,OF TUB . '

BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD.No. 3, Olive Street, Efc. Louis, Ma



rnilE SUBSCRIBER is new prepared to fur-- X

nish Farmers and others with his

CrItAlN SEPARATOR,"for the present season.' It is unnecessary to speakparticularly of the merits of these Machines, as theyare too well known throughout the country to needextolling; but the fact that they have heretofore andr. mntinninn tA thn rrPfrinrrm . i Ilia Qf.f a

and County Fairs wbero they havo been exhibited issufficient to indnca all those in want of such a Machine, to purchase oe of these.

At a practical test or tnis Separator in competitionwith the best of those made in England, in 1853, itreceived the highest commendations of theprcss, andm tne leading griguituraiists or toat country.

I have a larze nureber of them on hand, ready forthe coming crop, rcadj of the best material, and warranted to do good work.

I have made many valuablo improvements in thesemachines within the last year, and have no hesitationin warranting them suporior to any in uso. ;

1 am also preparing ;.arge nuniDer or Crawford s

Improved Clover Hollers,patented in 185t, which are great'y superior to hispatent of 1844, being ia itself feeder, and greatlyahead of it in other respect'. They will b manu-factured under tb immediate supervision of thepatentee, who hr,a permanently located in this place.

The above cut represents my four horse " Separa-tor," and is designed especially for the farmer's ownuse.

Im also agent for McCormick's celebrated REAP-ER and MOWING MACHINE, combined."

J. R. MOFFITT, Piqua, Miami couniy, Ohio.

rurniture and UpholstryOf Grent Variety.

At the Banner Furniture Ware Rooms ofHENTON & TRIMBLE,

On Second Street, Sign of the Chair and Bedttead.mHE continued liberal patronage of the citisens ofjl bc. josepu, norm n estern Missouri, Kansas, Ne-

braska and Western Iowa, for all of which we feelthankful, has induced ua to increase our facilities fordoing business. Havic; built last spring, a verylarge Manufactory Establishment t n Francis street,and having employed some of the very best workmenin tne rarcern ciues, we are now determined not tobe out done by any other Furniture Establishment inthe Missouri Valley, in quantity, quality, durability,styles and prices. Our stock consists in part of Rose-wood, Walnut and Mahogony Bureaus, marble and'solid tops of every style; extension, centre, card, din-ing and side table; Book cases, Wash stands, Worktables and Wradrobes, Sofas, divans, ottomans andfootstools, spring seat parlor chairs, rocking, nurse,elisabeth chairs of every variety. Mahogony, wal-nut, cherry and maple bedsteads of every style andvariety. Spring, hair, moss, cotton and shuck mat-tresses, Ac, together with all other articles in ourline, usually kept in a Furniture Waroroom. Wresay then to all who may want good Furniture, eitherfor hotels, parlors or bed rooms, give us a call and ex-amine our work and prices, and we think you willleave your money here in place of sending it to StLouis and getting an inferior article at the sameprice you can get a good one here at. .

Our motto is the cash ystem, which will enable usto sell at smaller profits tian ours or any other estab-lishment can do where the credit system is adopted.

N. B, Tho highest price paid for seasoned Wal-nut and Cherry Lumber. . .

St. Joseph, Aug 30, 185G vlnlStfr MICHAEL McGEE,

Saddle and Harness Maker,East side of Main, bet. Francis and Felix St.,

ST. JOSEPH. MO.THANKFUL for past favors, begs leave to inform

that he has just returned from St.Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as hasever been l urchascd In that market.:

His stock consists of a superior article of SkirtingHarness, bndle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins;fine goat morocco, ana a surpassingly beautiful arti-cle of enam sled leather of various hues.

He has every variety of saddle trees, from the realMexicana and tnglish, Heard 8 and urimsley's pat-ent, down to tho common fall --back. He has on handand will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bag- s, bridles, martingales, nalters, eouars, whips of everyquality, wLip-lashe-B. hames, traces, spurs, Ac. Hasalso, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankee, cart anddray harness.

He has not now, nor will he keen any other thanNo, 1 worktien,and his instructions to them are neatness and str ;ngth. He, therefore, feels no hesitationin saying tt at his work will seldom bo equaled, nowhere surpiised.

As small profits and quick sale, is his motto, hepledges himself to sell (considering the quality oftne article ) lower tnan any house west of. the Alleeheny Mountains.

Those disposed to suspect him of gassing, have only to can to ne assured of their mistako.

St. Joseph, August 30, 1856. vlnlStf


THOMPSON & TAAFFE,( Successors to Burrows & Thomrsen.

Wholesale Grocers,And CoiLimission Merchants,

. Uo. 13, Pearl Street, Cincinnati.

EE?" Particular attention will be given to orderfor Groceries, which will always be executed at currentmaraet prices.


Uleal Estate AirentPLATTSMOUTLT, N. T.

TTAS now on hand several valuable town lots andXX also Timber and Prairie Claims, which he willsell cheap.

Being agent for the City of Plattsmonth, he willfurnish lota to those who wish to settle in the townon cheap and reasonable terms.

Umee with J. U. .crown, tsq.

New Hardware Store.Sign of the Mill Saw.

J. FLAHERTY,Importer, Yfholesale and Retail Dealer in

American German, English & FrenchHARDWARE AND CUTLERY.

ST. JOSEPH, MO.NOW receiving and opening the largest and mostIS arsortment of good in the alove line ever

offered in any market west ol at. Liouis:Mv stock embrace a full and complete assortment

of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan-ic'! tools of every description, direct from the mostapproved manufacturers; afrricultural and horticultural tools and lmnlemenU. u great variety, eomoining all the recent and useful improvements for thesaving of a vast amount of Uoor to tne larming com-

munity, from whom I respectfully request a carefulexamination of this department of my stock. I amalso exclusive eo-e- for the sale of the celebratedSt. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which Iwill warrant, and fill all ordnrs at ihe fuctary priees.Also a large assortment of Gons, Rifles ni Pistols,Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac., of the- - best brands: in a word,my stock is very complete, which, for it! quality andprice, I am determined to offer such inducements aswill command a liberal share of trade from this andadjoining counties. My arrangements for importingand agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers,together with a long experience in tne gnenu Hard-ware trade, enables me: not only to defy all competition, but has convinced me that the tru'i principle cftrade is eah sales and small proms.

August 30, 1856. vlnlctf



N. B. We would respectfully inform tho citi- -sens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, thatwe have always on hand a larg and wt 11 selectedsupply of LU3I, which we can furnish at lower rates tnan any mill in tne lemtory. -

Market prieas paid for logj delivered at the yardor on the bank of the river.

All orders accompanied with the cash, will receiveour immediate attention.


ii BARXTJM, Proprietors.rrvLila Hotel, situated opon

i Main Strtet, Nebraska C ty.will be found a dceirabls resort r travellers. 3 ua2ts leave this bouiefor all parts c tne lemtory.

noren: ' SOTICR "

Merchants,:SpcrtsEcn an Manufacturers.- HORACE E. DIJIICK & CO;3

GREAS WESTERN EMPORIUM, for Shot Guns,Fistobt, Fishing Ta.-kl- and Sporting Ap-

paratus of every variety, is at No. 12, North M.uastreet, St. Louis, the sin of the Deer in the Win-dow. - ,


; We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of

Hunting, Target and Minnie Rifles,Together with every variety of Purcussion Caps,Guns, Wads, and Wad iing Paper, Fiihing Tackle,Ac., Ac; in fact, everything connected with the GunTrade.

Two Hundred Breech loading Rifles of various' ' 'patents;

N. B- - All kinds of gun material and mounting,in the forged, filed and finished state. - - - .

I lease call and examine for vourselves before youmake your purchases, as experience is the only trueguide, , . i

ti? Out goods are all warranted by us.August 23, 1853. vlnl2tf --

: ' Richardson's LlissotuiExpress Company,

Princial Office No. 12, N. 'Main St.,ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI.

BEG leave to inform the public, that they havetheir Express Line to this place. Hav-

ing complied with the requisition of their Charter,and being fully organized, are now prepared to trans-act a '

General Agency Business.The success which has attended the original Propri-etor, is a guarantee of tho satisfaction rendered, andit will always be the aiiai and study of the Executiveof this Company, to give every possible facility forthe speedy and safe transmission ofMoney, Valuable Packazes, Parcels, and

Bundles of Goods, Merchandize,and every description of Freight, on reasonable terms,to all points on tho Missouri River, and at St Lonis,with other responsible Express Companies, for NewYork, New Orteans. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago,Cincinnati, Burlington, Louisville, Rock Island, Mem-phis, Pittsburgh and Buffalo, and to aimot t everytown and villiage in the United States, Europe, Aus-tralia and California. : -

A Messenger will be put on the new steamer Oma-ha, making weekly trips between here and St. Jo-seph, there connecting with ourdaily line to St Louisand all points as above. In behalf of the Enteqirise,the patronage of the public is respectfully solicited.All business entrusted to us, will meet with the sameenergetic and prompt attention which has alwayscharacterized this Express, and mode it nt

in Western Express business.- : DIRECTORS.

St. Louis. .

Edward Head. Sakeix McCartney.W. D. W. Bernard, Joiw W. Tooley.

Joskph F. Richardson.B. F. Barry, Alton. W. J. Pigot, Lexington.

JCSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Pres't.S- - M". Gray, See'y.vln2. Henry Kyle, General Agent.



WHERE may be found a large assortmentAND STATIONERY, and

everything La their line, consisting in part, as fol-lows:

Histories and Biographies,Narratives and Travels,

' School Books, , ,Miscellaneous Works,Lives of Eminent Persons,Agricultural Works,Standard Poetical Works, ' '

. . Religious 'Works,Song Books, --

Bibles and Hymn Books,Novels and Light Reading,Pictorial Works,Blank Books,Paper, Pens and Ink, .

Cards and Gift Books,Toys and Fancy Primers,

"Portfolios and Albums.And a thousand other useful and necessary articlesin the line.

Also, red, black and blue INKS, of our own manufacture, Wholesale and Retail, as cheap as can bohad in St. Louis, and warranted of the best quality,put up in quart, pint and half-pi- nt bottles; also, infour and two ounce bottles.

Professional men wishing a bill of

MI? OR ilffl IIS,Can be supplied here at 20 per cent above publishers prices, we paying all costs and obtaining themat tbe shortest notice. Our arrangements embraceany STANDARD BOOKS printed in the Uni-ted States. - . - -

Call and see our stock we are new beginners butwill serve our customers to the best of our ability.Our prices, we are sure will bo satisfactory.

UKAIU A SA.MUliLJ.Council Bluffs, Iowii, June 14, '6 vln2.

F. DINGS & CO.,Importer$ of, and Wholesale Dealer in

French, German; British & AmericanFancy Goods.

HOSIERY, GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONSManufacturers of all kinds of Brushes.

39 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,) '


HAVING since th first of January, adopted theCash System, we draw tho atton-sio- n

of close buyers to the fact that we have revi.--J

our entire stock, and reduced former Credit Pricesfrom 5 to 20 per cent, according to the nature of thedifferent articles.

Comparison Respectfully Solicited.Price Lists may he had on application.St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1858. vl-n!2- tf




No. 120 Main, St. Lonis, Mo.

for salo all the Spelling books; Gographies,HAS Ilistoriries; Chemistries; Dictionaries;Arithmetics; Philosophies, rlc, now in use, togetherwith a large stock of Law, Medical and miscellaneousbooks forming the most complete assortment to befound in the eity. Also, Writing paper, and Foreignand Domestic stationary, of the finest quality,country merchants and others should not fail to callal So. 129


Oldest Ilouee of the kind in the WertEitnUihed 1835.

. EDWARD MEAD & CO.,, No. 50 Main, cor. Pine st.,

Importers and WholsalersOF

Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods.

WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS, and materials,shot guns, rifles, pistols,

revolvers, musical instruments, daguerreotype ambro--types, 4c, chrystalotype materials; LLotel and team-bo-at

table ware.St. Louis, September 13, 1855.


rnrtTO sMinr-- o . cm r i PATifrnBull 10 H.Uv CO OULX LXH I li-- Uj

n os. u, x'eari ana ii, iiiain sireei,CINCINNATI, OHIO.



Attorneys at Law,Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, I a.WILL practice in all the Courts of Nebraska and

Iowa. Particular attention raid toobtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection ofdebts. ;


REFERENCE:Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. J r;c;,TJulius D.Morton; - Mhiganj

Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, 111;

Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa;B. P. Fifiled, St. Loui3,M..;Hon. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo, Ohio;P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska;Sedgewica k Walker, Chicago, III;Green, Weare k Benton, Ckuncil Bluff's, Iowa.



MANUFACTURER of the Premium Plow, oftw-- horse Prairie plows

Erush an 1 Steel pUTs, fur sa'e Wholesale and Re-

tail, on S.3Cvsd street, thro doors Nttrth of MarketSquare, hi. Joseph, Mo.


D. 3V HITCHCOCK $ CO.,Rot Olive a a 3 Lccust strte'j, SL Ix;-.ii- Mo." rANUFAtirUlUillS of CookLegy Ileatia- -, as!xfx Parlor Stoves and Grates."

. A!-- Manufacturers of four sixes of Jewett'sPatent Ctiry Hough, one and twa horse, rl jht and lefthand. .

Shakespeare and his Contemporaries.PAINTED BY JOHJI TAED.


, 333 Broadway,Have pleasure in announcing that th?y have at

length received a finished rroof of tao tngravmg Dy

J A UK 3 Faed, from the above painting.It is without exception one of the most brilliant

Engravings of our time.- Prints, 10 doll?; lYoofs, 20 dolLs: Proofs with Au

tographs. 30 dollrf: Artist Proofs, 40 dolls.A few choice lnpre3sions of "EVANGELINE' are

itilltobehad.' Prints, 5 dolls; Proof j, 10 dolls; Proofs before let

ter, 15 dolls: Artist Proofs, 25 dolls. .

, Nav. 15, 1859. .

JOHN P. SAMSELL,(late ov Boston)

FasIiloiial)lc Tailor,ROCK PORT, MO.

TNF0RM3 the public that he is now prepared toX serve tnem in tne aoove namea cafcity. luivinhad long and extensive experience, he flatten him-self he can please all who favor him with their pat-ronage. Good fits warranted in all coses.

PARTICULAR ATTENTIONGiven to cutting out garments for homo Hinting.

Brownville, Aug. 23, 1356. vl-12-



ilasonic Clothing and Odd FellowsXIUGAIjIA.. .

Also Regalia for Tamperance'and other Societies,No. 128 Walnut Sired, vp Stairs,'


MA30.3. References, odd fellows.W. B. Dodds, G M of Ohio O. P. Morton. P G Jl In J.C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner Gray, pub CasketF. J. ITiillips, H. P. City W.G.Neilsou, PGM Ohio

The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimensof Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recieveorlcrs from Lodges or private members for Regalia.

August 2, 185d. vl-nO- tf

HARPER'S MAGAZINE.Close of the Thirteenth .Volume.

Subscribers to Harper's Magazine, whose sub-scriptions expire with the November number, arerespectfully requested ti renew them without delay.

Terms: Three Dollars a year, or Twenty-fiv- e

Cents a Mumber. The Semi-annu- al volumes, ascompleted, neatly bound in cloth, are sold al TwoDollars each, and muslin covers are furnished tothoso who wish to have their bock numbers uniform-ly bound, at Twnety-fiv- e cents eoeh. Thirteen vol-umes are now ready, bound in cloth, and also inhalf calf.

Clubs of two persons at Five Dollws a year, fivepersons at Ten Dollars, or eleven persons at TwentyDollars.

Tho commencement of a volume affords a favora-ble occasion for the opening of new subscriptions.Tho December number will commence a now vol-ume.

The Magarine weighs over seven and not overeight ounces. Tho postage upon each number isThree Cents.

Each number of the Magazine will contain llt'oc-tav- o

pages, in double columns, each year thus com-prising nearly two thousand rages of tho choicestMiscellaneous Literature of tne day. Every num-ber will contain numerous Fictorial Illustrations, ac-

curate llates of the Fashions, a copious Chronicleof Current Events, and impartial Notices of the im-

portant Books of the month. The Volumes com-mence rith the numbers for JUNE and DECEM-BER: but subscriptions may commence with anynumber. " HARPER & BRO'S, Publishers.

Franklin Square, New York.


French and American Window Clati & GlawarelSpicet, Indigo, JIadder, Perfumerie,Jio.

SPRINGSTOOK!CHARLESS, BLOW & CO.,importers wholesale dealers.

Ho. 6G and 67 Main street, Et. Louis, Mo.Are now in receipt of their new Stock, embracing

everything in their line. . r(tiPMerchants visiting our City are requested to

give us a call, as we are determined in sell for Cashor Prompt Time Paper, as low as any House in thUnifc! States. -

t. J. battert. j. p. kellt.Market Square, West, St Joseph, Mo.,

RAPTERY & KELLY,WHOLESALE & KETAIL DEALERS.HAVE the pleasure of announcing to their friends

and the public, that they have remov-ed their establishment from Main street to MarketSquare, West side of the Market House, where theywill keep constantly on hand a large and varied as-

sortment of groceries, salt, liquors, dry goods, queens-war- e,

boots, shoes, Ac, with a large snpply of choicefamily flour and meal. Attention is invited to theirselect stock cf irginia and Missouri tobacco, manu-focrur- ed

expressly to their order, which will be soldas nsnal, at a low figure.

W ith a thousand thanks for the generous supportthat proceeded their removal, which was occasionedby the encroachment of the Missouri river, they nowsolicit a continuance of that support, and as tbe bestinducements to customers, they guarantee, that theirprices shall be low, and their good3 unsurpassed.They invite country dealers and the public to inspecttheir stock of grocTies, particularly their choice col-lection of Teas, with full assurance that they standalone in this city, both as regards quality and cheapness.

Received per stiiamcr "Edinburgh," 30 tbls ofPittsburgh and Dayton ale.

Terms cash or produee. Cash paid for wheat,hides, beeswax, Ac,



The Forty-nint-h Volume of the KvickeiuiocjcerMagaxixr will convnence with the number for January, 1857; and it is the intention of Ihe Publisherto make great additions to tho literary merits of thework.

We take it for granted, there are but few Maga-ti-ne

readers in tbe country who are notfamiliar withthe authors of St. Legeh, and the SPARKow-tJaA- s,

both old contributors to the Knickerbocker. Weare pleased to be able to announce that they willDotn write lor our magaxine the coming year. MrCnzZRN3 will flrintributA n. now . rv.l rift!tv nrinnn1Story, which will appear In every number; and Mr.Kimball will furnish a Sketch or a Story as often asnis otner anues win permit.

Terms: Three Dollars a year, in advance. Twocopses 1 ive Dollars. Five copies and onwards. TenDollars. Tbe Magazine is sold by all periodicaldealers. Specimen numbers sent free of charge.

The Knickerbocker and any other Three DollarMagaiine, sent one year for Five Dollars. TheKnickerbocker and Home Journal, one year for Fourcollars.

Letters eontainingremittances and everythirgeonnected with the bnisness department, should be addressed to SAMUEL HUESTON, Publisher.

SU Broadway, New York.



Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste.EDITED BT

J. JAT E3IITK, Editor North American Sylva.The Horticulturist, as its name implies, is de

voted to Horticulture aud its kindred art RuralArchitecture and Landscape Gardening, and willkeep its readers advised of the new things on thesubject, either in Europe or America. - It ia a Month-ly JuunAl of forty-eig- ht pages, boantifully printedon fine jper, and elegantly i.lus'xated. In additioato numerous wood ruts in the Crat style of the art,ca;h ntrcber contains a f'.l-rg- e enrrwlvr. fromstone, of some new, rare, and valuable frait, tree, orflower, and is one of tbe ntoat autifuL, as well asthe most useful Monthly Journals published in theworld.

Teres f3 per year, in advance. The volumecommenced on the 1st of wanoarr last, and we cansupply back numbers from that time. Th.ip whoprefer can commence with the current nnn:lr.

Colored IIatfs. Still further to add to tho val-n- e

of tho work, an! meet the improving taste andIncreasing wants of the horticultural eomanaity, anedition is published with Colored llites, eat a num-ber containing a full-pa- g mgravinjj of aoaie new,rare, and valuable fruit, or newer, correctly coloredfrom nature by the best liyii;; ArtiU in this line.This is a aew an-- 1 important in tbia-iuntrv- ,

Price $5 a r in advance. Ad. Ire.ROLERT I 'EARS ALL SMITH. rublL-her- ,

IT ami 19 Hirer Kreet, Hid!-.-!- , hia- -

No. 13, Mail Street, Si W"''GENTS for fitranb-aCcr- r

ail the "Qaeen of the South- - Tv"3':JUiU Lis been kept secured to the hi?.-r- ecently, however, (June SH?.Patent, for th Rtat .lal "H, ;'v

eurio; the inreuti iu forfuurteeuhas sustained itself wherever it Lu b2v I

io coir pniuon wita etaer Mills t. "

the othrr'ma:e of Juilla o( our citr 'Fair, in i8j0,when it drew a dolVCorn Mill, and was awarded a fine jiiVT " JOf these Mills we manufacture 877 land three exjressly for grinding whm i'The peculivr novelty of this tj" istone is the rinning stone, In aU IMs1' v:limit ti the spef d, and as speed is evernY ' iing, it will ou t gritd any nvpet grMetu'bocondiy: ly this arranzement . :

get grain into the Jlill with a verr snn Iqaently wegimd ntarer tlie centre 1,4with less powt hn any Bppe, r,nowe

Thirdly: Our Mul Ukes any kind of r, Sehokin W e warrant against chokine- ti. : - z . , .


co-5- iui3 11 crrn vexation Cn..trouble in all Mills where the upper stoiitTner. Of coune, wo mean small MilU ation mnst bo toi do much business

Fourthly; Our Milla npTti,. L" .

empty tne uidit stone not touching tLano iy ury can i uone. i am Is aa imwiiM Jtage over all Mills wlore the uppornT


No's. 170 and 172 Main St.. to r .

w1 in re;eirt f Uie mow .

raagniflient st x-- everoffered t ,uJTrade. Merctants Visiting thi city


n. r?-mak-

an exam:"natioa of nnr stock an.lx



Great litdurtio in tht Price of the Litter pxiii

L. SCOTT A CO., New York,, Continue to publish the following British Nj

cals, viz:The London Quarterly (ConservativeThe lldinbnrsh Review (Wbijr.The North lSritit Review ( Free CWThe Vestroinite Review ( Liberal .

'liiacKwooa'H l.inbur;a Magaziif l

These Periodical ably rerrewnt th twpolitical parties of Gn!t Pntain Whiir. Tw,Radical, but politics forcwu!y one foaUrtoT,,cnarncicr. ai urjfans ot Uie most pruiunnil tnvnonrcience AJtcrature, loraiuy, ana afiigioa,stand, a--i tney over have itiHl, anrivsiiej iaworld of letters, being cooidcrod iaiienjieosUjme sruoiur ana urn proiomouai mail, while Uintcuigeni rewi'r oi eery cius inev fttrnikm.- -. . J At .... . . .

corroci recora o. uia covrein iiierata-r- ot tb,j,throughout tbe world, than can be ptsiblyfrom any other iource.

233rly . Ooioloss.The receipt of Advance Sheets from tin 1W.

ish publishers gives additional value to

Erints, especially duriaj the present ficitod ut,affairs, inasmuch as they can nowtttgfe.

ed in the hands ef subtcribrS alxjut w 1000 u koriginal editions.

; TERMS.For any one ef the fiur Reviews --

For any two of the four Reviews, - j,For any three of the four Reviews ' 7,aFor all four of the Reviews - 8jtFor Biackwood's Magisinv - - j jjFor Blackwood and tbreo ReviowfFor Blackwood and the fjar Itvicws lojPayments to be made in all casce in adrtiJ.- -

Money current iu the State whero issued willwceived at par.

CLi' A discount f twenty-fi- perpfrom the alwve prices wul be allowed to Chin ,riin .5 uirevk jiuui n. icvii at lo, iour or mora matof any one or more of th ab ve work!. Tkos: imcopies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will ht Hto one address for 9 do'.li., f mr topie nf the imttcviews ana jsiacKwooa ior .)3 dolls and m nPostage. In all the iirin irint Cities m l tmthese works will be dtlif-Te- Fasa op fnn,.i.yhen sent by mail tho rtaj." to any part of dw

United States will be but Twtiity-fnu- r CcaU a warfor Blackwood," and but Fourteen CenU a yeai fat


the late J. r. ixortun, rroiei.s.r of Scientifte Arnculture in lalo College, New Haven. I toIj,ttoyai uctavo. tool) f ages, and numeruai WWand steel Engravings,This is eonfesst-dl- y the most connlete work oa Ifrkulture ever published, and in order to give ita

wiuer circulation tne DunUsnors bare reso veil to:duce the price to ,

Five Dollars for the Two Volume.When sent by mail Cwat-ni- d tA California ini

Oregon the price will bo 7 dJIs. Te erevy nthwpart of the Union and to Canada ( pott-paid'- ), dolls.

wort i sot the dd 'Book ifle Tarn?Remittances for any of tlie above Dublicati.iai

should always be addresid, pot-pai- to the Pab- -usners LA,VteiD StOTT to.

No. U, Go d Street, X. T.


A. S. HOLLADAY,wnoLESALa ai 8etiil dfaleb itDrus and illefilicincs

Main Street, Brownville. IT. T.

THE undersigned renpoitfully begs leave to Infpublic, thit he has now on hand aeompleu

assortment of everythinr, uually kept ia DrojStores, which he offers ft sale, ExclusivelyNew System of .......

CASH AND CASH ONLY!It will be entirely foreign to thin beautiful mteia.

to "Book," "keep account," "note" Cratch' "rhiikor emember for a few dai-a.- " Coma with tha

Spondulicks" ifvou want anvthimr in tat Drrline.Freieriptioai Compounded at all Hoar vi

Accuracy aid Eifpatcb,Remember the systaia I lave adopted, aad "j

pocket and your felin will CreIiiwipoeititflif not be given, unless andereLrcanutuocesofpeeuliar devtitntion

July 12, 185o.-vl-n5- tf ... A. S. HOLLADAT.


or Merchant Flouring Mill. Taishighly ingeniou and nine a nwdod ia van tion forma

au entirely now feature in the manufacture efWHEAT and FLOUR, by the a peri or mantwr iawhich it performs its work C It IN bl NO and W)LI-IN(- J

the Grain at a single operatua into SeadilTeront kinds of flour and feci.

This mill possesses advantages to iriaMrroui e

enumerated in any odrerLliemejit. The pruper"5?to fully appreciate it greiU mi rit is to aet it raa.It is in operation daily atNo. 313 Broadway, Corner Court at., St. Louis, X

State and Country Kighi ant! M.U Fr Sain.W. V. IIAMR A C7,

Broad w ay an d C o u rt, 2d S tory.

ST. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD.On EJmon'l Street, near Carol's Mill,

st. Joneph, Mihoari.W. J. TAYLOR, Rmovud from tho o!l

Stand to the above named place.

THE un lersigncd is now folly prepared tohU patronrt and friends with the best as-

sortment of Fine Lumber ever offered ia this ma-rket, comprising not only Whit line Lumber andWhite and Yuliow Flooring, ready drevsed; tut albest assortment of Pine and Cottonwood shirjlw,Poi'lar Siding, kc.

lie has tow on hand, at his Lamber Yard, tbe lar-

gest and b'st assortiaoot of VA r. Sash and Veni-tia- n

blind, ever offered in this toarket, a poitioa ofwhich is direct frm Cincinnati nianuf stories, whW

enables him to sell at very re.oceI prWs. B nfully prepared to fill all rlera in his Lne at jbftnotice, and particularly avlisita the Kcsu and N-ebraska tro-le- , for he has tho artirlen th-- wct aad

aiB't have. Be sure to gi vd me a eall, rear t'arjijl s

Mill, and in the lajncdia: ricinity f tha St. ph


. PL AST la, . 1AS- -


A BOUNCE to tlie TraveHiag Public, that thf- - -r t tha

best crossing point on the upper Missouri, traTe..eoming to J.ebrka, will iui it greatly to thanvantage to cross at th. pt-ir.-

FEEJtV UATES.Fcr every two korsetf, ajulea ir exea k wagon. :" each iniliTidaal pairf torsos malesorox'n

h'TM or mulo and hagy," " led horse or laule, !

iM loo e cattle per haJ. tisbe.p and bogs per head, l" eaca f.x-tma-

i" cwt.of freest,M fiet of labcr,

" M nnltiaded wapoa aal korsts scale ofeaen there ith,

rrowavCl., As ju?t 2, l3J5.-l- y