iu - Michigan State University

PART 'i-PAGE . '-- ere s A othe emade MOVie; ood 0 e. Too "SHOPWORN ANGEL" Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Directed by H. C. Potter. From II story by Dana Burnet At The United Artists THE CAST Daisy Heath ....•.. Margaret Sullavan B,Il Pettigrew ..••••...... James Stewart Sam Badey............ Walter Pidqoon MarTha ...•••....... Hattie McDaniel "Dice".....•.•.•........ Nat Pendleton •Thin Lips" .........•..... Alan Curtis •• Leer". ... . .. . . . . . •.. .. . Sam Levine Sally . ............•... Eleanor Lynn McGonigle ..... ... Charles D Brown By Mae Ti nee. Three Festivals. Oakland, Berkeley, and l:'alo Alto, Cal are the scenes this summer of elaboratefestivals of chamber !T.USIC. The KolIsch quartet IS playmg works f'f Bartok and of Schubert at the UnI- v ersity of CalIfornIa. The Pro Arte Quartet offers twelve concerts at MIlls «cllege. The Roth quartet IS an- nounced for nme concerts at Stan- ford German Music. Large scale German music had an Important place In the recent festival rn Florence, Italy.Beethoven's Missa Solemnis and the Brahms ReqUIem were performed there as well as Wag- ner's music drama,"DIe Walkirre. The partof SIegmund in the last named work went to Eyvmd Laholm, "hom Chicago heard as Lohengnn last season. Ch·cago Films THI<: WEEK'S :NEW YO IES: ky GIant," starring Chester Morris, JoanFontaine, and Richard Dix; Palace. •• Always Good-bye," starrrng Barbara Stanwyck and Herbert Malshall , Chicago. h {y Bill," starrmg Kay It'rancls, Bomta GlanVIlle, Anita Louise, RobbY Jordan, and John Liter: Apollo. h Shopworn Angel," starrmg Mar- garet Sullavan and JamesSt.ewart ; United Arttsts. ., I'll Give •• l\llllion," starrmg War- ner Baxter. Marjorie Weaver, Jean Hersholt, and Peter Lorre. CONTINUED: •. Port of Seven Seas,"starring Wal- lace Beery. Maureen O'Sulfivan, and John Beal; Garnck, . Pearls "f the Crown," starring Cecllle Sorel, Jacquelme Delubac, Sacha GUlp Guipry, LynHarding, and Ermete zacconi. World Play- house. n,Iii. S, R.-1938," soviet educa- Lional film, Sonotone, CO~IING: "J..rtUfl Tough Guy," starrmg lhe Dead-end KIds; Palace;soon. "Alexander'. Ragtime Band," star- rmg Tyrone Power, Allee j,'aye, Don Ameche, and Ethel Merman; ChIcago; soon. .J.ov Finds Andy Ha-rdy," starring MICkey Rooney and Judy Garland, United Artists, soon. •• Little )0.. Broadway," Shirley Temple's latest, Roosevelt soon. MELLOW 'CELLO FELLOW He's billed as "the genius of the cello," olIndhis name is Ennio Bolognini. H is the c;i r performer of the Internationale Gyp- lIes orchestra, now ppearing at L'Aiglon r staurant. CROONS WHILE CRUISING Each night this sum- mer Marion Cutler is lifting her voice as soloist in the floor show on the S. S. Roosevelt. The show goes on wh i I e the ship is taking a three hour cruise out of Chicago. creens "I'll Give a Million "-Roosevelt Millionaire [Warner Baxter] gives his moneythe air and finds girl, Mar- [orie Weaver,who IS looking only for love Others in cast are Jean Hersholt andPeter LOITe ~, '" "Shopworn Ang-el "-UnIted Artists. A war themeWhICh attacks the prob- lem from the inside,showing love of three people in various walks of life. Margaret Sullavanand James Stew- art co-star :j; >.; "Always Goodbye" - Chicago. A woman has to choose between the man she loves and the son she can never claim for her own. Barbara Stanwyck and Herbert Marshall star. ~- '0' "My Bill "-Apollo. There was a young WIdow who lived m a stew . . . who had so many cluldren she didn't know what to do. Kay Francis, Bonita Granvil le, Anita Louise, Bobby Jordan and John Lite!. >:; * .', '0' ••Vivacious Lady" - Sheridan, La Mar, Teatro del Lago, LIdo, Stratford, Piccadilly, Tower, Mont Clare, Para- dise, Night club entertainer weds young botany professor. Ginger Rog- ers and James Stewart Scott. ~:* ••Rage of Paris "-McVicker's, Cap- itar. Darmiefle Darrieux adrift in New York and befriended by a one time actor and a head waiter. Doug- las Fairbanks Jr., Helen Broderick, and Mischa Auer in cast. ** "Test Pilot "-La Salle, New RItz, Roxy VIllas, Biograph, Davis, VIC, Calo, Symphony, Du Page, Shore, Lex- ington, Frolic, Boulevard, Brighton, Halfield, Harper, Embassy, Irving, Grand, Byrd, 4·Star, Harvard. Avia tion story. * * " Jezebel "-Gold Coast. Story of deep south. Bette DaVIS and Henry Fonda are co-starred. CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE: Park Within Park. Riverview has opened its renovated " Kiddyland," an amusement park within the park for visitors of kinder- garten age. The section contains mmiature editions of the merry-go- round, airplane rtde, the WhIP, and a streamlined ferris wheel ~ULY 24, Local Girl 1\1akes Good. SIxteen year old Martha Carter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover B. Carter of Chicago, has been appear- ing in the ice show at the HotelNew Yorker. She left there last Wednes- day for a series of engagements else- where m the east. MOTION PICTURES I MOTION PICTURES DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN ~ ..•••.... -~ ~ •.•..•...•....•...... ~~~~"' ...• _- •............... Ralahn " Katz A;'~~:~~~t,~~:ld Theaters Current Music News FIrst of the soloists to be an- nounced for the 1938-'39 Chicago Sym I phony orchestra concerts IS Yehudi Menuhm, world famous San Francisco born violinist. After completing a tour of forty-seven concerts in the United States and twenty-seven in Europe last sprrng, he continued to keep in the news by gettmg married over in London. He is honeymooning' this summer and WIll not resume his professional career until fall. Four organ recitals are Iisted for Rockefeller chapel at theUniversity of Chicago this week. The schedule follows: Today at '7-]lred Cronhmmer. Orgaulst of St. Paul's Eniscojial church Tuesday at 7-Robel t Birch, organtat o! the Church oi the Redeemer. Wednesday at 7-Edward Elgenschenk, or- gamst of the Second Presbyterian church. Thursday at 7-Barrett Spach, organist of the Fourth PI csbyterian chin ch, Carillon recitals by Frederick Mar- riott and James Bly WIll follow all the organ recitals. ".4lUfE BIIRl' FIlANK MORGAN' MAUREEN O'SUlliVAN Balaban" WEST 'Lucky Suit' On publlc display in a window near the Wacker drive box office of the CIVIC Opera house is an hlstoric gar- ment, the "lucky suit" worn by suc- cessive Tonios in Chicago opera per formances of Leoncavallo's ••Pag li- acci." It is fifty years old, and hav- mg been patched up countless times, has been finally declared obsolete. Among the celebrated ban tones who wore the "Juck;: suit" may be men tioned Antonio Scotti, Titta Ruffo, GIacomo Rimmi, Cesare Formichi, Richard Bonelli, and Carlo Morelli. Just how the enormously different girths of ample Mr. Forrnichl and lIthe Mr. Bonelli could be fitted into the same SUIt, the opera company does not explain, Barrymore Gossip. John Barrymore says that he will return to the stage next November m a play called "My Dear Children," which Brock Pemberton will produce. The present Mrs. Barrymore IS in- cluded in the plan. MOTION PICTURES DOWNTOWN ON STAGE: IN PERSON' M,II•• larl.', JOLLY GILLETTE DON ZIELAYA Vernen Rathburn's Revels 3 Freshmen' The Banflelds WOODS "KelltlHky Moonshine" gr.~~:eaB~~l~l~ "stolen Heaven" LASALLE CIA_HK GABI,E MYR. A LOY Open 10'aO-COOLl E,tral Added Shorts SPENCER TR \I;Y "TEST PILOT" I Good Morning! I Another re-make-and a good one-l enters the screen arena m " Shopworn 1 Angel,"which in 1929 featured Nancy ----------------------------------- Carroll and Gary Cooper', I Back to the days of theworld war AL tt I Ab t it takes you and into the lives of a I, leo U cafe entertainer, herparamour, and <In Idealistic soldier boy from Texas,' the Moves on vhomeets her while m camp waitmg for orders to go "over there" and seesm the tarnished lady only beauty C-I ty I S and goodness. To hirn she IS a dream come true. HIS belief causes a "lady ---- farr" to evolve from the"rag, bone, and hank of hair" that Daisy Heath'S world knows, and brings out in Sam Bailey fine qualities of devotron and sacrifice that neither he nor his love had ever rea1Jzed lay dormant under veneered exterior. The story is worked out sympa- 1hetIcally and believably, WIthmany polgnant lIttle human touches that get you whereyou live. MISS Sullavan does deft, arresting work as the .0 angel." A In" Three Comxades" she loses herselfin her ~61e and the result IS a ure and magnetic performance. Walter PIdgeon I havenever lIked better. There's an actor-that chap. And what a handsomce one. James Stewart as the Texan IS ganglmgly ;> ppealing, as always. Hattie McDanIel J swell as DaISY's colored maid and upportmgplayerswere aptly chosen. I liked direction, staging, dialog, and, m fact,thewhole picture. See you tomorrow. ••Port of Seven Seas" - Garnck. Story of men who go •down to sea in ships." Maureen O'Sullivan, John Beal,Wallace Beery, and Frank Mor- gan star. * '" "U. S. S. R.-1938 "-Sonotone SOVIet educational production. * * " Pear Is of the Crown" - VIol' ld I Playhouse. French, English, and Italian players star. * ~~ "Sky Giant "-Palace. A v I a t Ion story. Chester Morns, Joan F'on- tame, and Richard Dix star. :\< * "Treasure Island" - State -Lake, Crawford. Adventure story with Wal- lace Beery,JackIe Cooper, and Doro- thy Peterson. ,;, '" "The Son of the Sheik "-L ake, r-----------------I IWest End, Devon, Vogue. Valentmo revival, '"* ""'l'he Ad errtures of Robin Hood" -Crown,Broadway Strand, American, Monroe, Howard, Windsor, Berwyn, La Grange, Tivoli, Pickwick, Deerpath, Alcyon, Wilmette, Rhodes, Beverly, Ogden, Jeffery, Met, Atlantic, Mid- west, Peoples, Maryland, Commercial, Pickwick [Park RIdge], Almo, TIffin, Manor, State, Senate. Buckingham, North Center, Adventure in techm- color. Errol Flynn in trtle role, oppo- site Olivia De Havilland. '" * "Holiday"-Shendan, Esquire, La Mar, Teatro del Lago, Lido, Piccadilly, Tower, Mont Claire. Katharine Hep- burn escapes her wealthy family lind finds love with a poor man, Cary Grant. -- Edwin McArthur, pianist for KIr- sten Flagstad, made hIS Australian debut as a conductor ten days ago, directing the Sydney Symphony or- chestra in an all-Wagner program WIth Mme. Flagstad as soloist. Next fall he WIll introduce himself to Chi- cago-and incldentally to America as well-as a conductor when he directs a Wagner performance of the Chi- cago CIty Opera company. The opera company seems to be having a diffi- cult time making up its mind about his first assignment. Origmally he was slated for "Lohengrm." Now,l r~;;;;;.;;jp;;;~~:::;;;;;;_"il evidently, that is off, and ••Tnstan and Isolde" looks Iike a probable choice. At any rate Mme. Flagstad WIll be in hIS cast. As to Mana Reining, new lyric soprano impor ted from Germany, the opera company and her concert man- agers seem to disagree over the ve- hicle for her American debut here in Chicago. The opera company says Meyerbeer's "L'Afncana," with Benia- mmo Gigli in the cast, and the man- agel's say Wagner's "Die Meister- SInger." SCIENTIFICALLY AIR COOLED SOMOTOME :J5:~0 ~ pv~~ro~~:r30 "D. S. S. R.---1938" ACamera Tour Through thESovIet Umon Also "MOSCOW MAY DAY" Gleatest Ml1Jtary lJ<omonstrahon Ever FIlmed MONROE ~~,;'~l~~ t,rDJ;I~~~~~ ~~;';?ID~LJ~;-;Ia.nd "ROBIN HOOD" LAUREL "nd HARDY - •8" 55 "MISS" Theaters ~UUl iii il ilK Gi iii il iii il ilK £it Bii £it iii{ I_!i • AMERICAN ;~~e~v:~- Robin Hood' 3 N. Ashl.-Plus Laurel & Haloy. ISWISS MISS' MADLIN 1910 W•• ~~d~.~nR;~~~~? ALICE FAYE-"IN OLD CHICAGO" John Boles-HSINNERS IN PARADISE" CENTURY COOI.d-I:I~~S~· G~~~::'~ Bonita Granville-HBELOVED BRAT" Fred MacMurray_HCOCOANUT GROVE" A I EX Mad -Hamlfn-e-Cooled-e-Op 1-250 AllDay ••.Sa.lly Ellers, "Nurse from Brooklyn" Ilene Dunne, D. FaIrbanks Jr. "Joy or Llvmg H 4 STAR 2418 W Madlson-e-Clark Gabi e, Spencer Tracy. Mvrna LoY• "TEST PILOT"-Also "EXTORTION" AVENUE Cfcern-Jaokson-c-Bing Crosby, IRENE DUNNE In ::~8~Tgji ~iirl~~~f" KEDZIE ANNEX S2~OI~~I~~~t.~~ Bomta GranvIlle In "BELOVED BRAT" KEDZIE 3250~1: V~:d~;~g;' A~r. !RENE DUNNE In "JOY OF LIVING" LEXINGTON 7lV S Crawrord-c-Orien 130 "GOCHASE YOURSELF" Faye. DonAmeche. "IN OLD CHICAGO' NORTHWEST ~~_ ... ~ •.......... ~ DRAKE 3 3548 Montrose-c-Open1 30 SMASHHITS LORETTAYOUNG-DAVID NIVEN "FOUR MEN and a PRAYER" ~ il i CDEy "Good-bye Broadway" ~'6~:iNA "Somewhere in Paris" RIVOLI ZOe 4o~I:I~~~dl\~o"~e;r3 ZOe The Show or Shows-e-Dcn'f Mll;:S It-Come I ally 'l'YIOne Power-Allee Fave-e-Don Ameche "iN OLD CHICAGO" Plus Ir. Mac'Murray, H Hilliard Yacht Club Hoys Cocoanut GI0\e"-J.xtra final ad'\' 'Lone Ran.,:er' AVALOE 2~i~d: ~l~~~:e:,&~~;~-;;~~~~~~~; I~~~~~~,W;~~;:'-~~ce. "In Old Chica;l;0" NIT A ':itgE~~I;ii'3·~e~1~~iH~~!i~~ VICtorMeL ••len .BA'.r'l'LE o~' Bl1OADWAY" METRO 3308 I.A ~~l~tg~Nn~tl't:c;'~~' Allee Blady, "GOODBYE BROADWAY" 6008 Irvmg Park-Cool-Loretta Yount:::. "~'OURMENANDA PR\ YEll" Wa~ne Morrl'~·. "J..~OVE BONOIt and BEHAV]~' WARNER BAXTER iu ii/Vi 1111 ION WIth MARJORIE WEAVER PETER lORRE JEAN HERSHOLT JOHN CARRADI~lE LYNN .ARt Darryl f ZClnv,k In el\o, •• of ,,0«111<11011 A 20th Century.Fox Picture Oven 10 A M. SWEETHEART FOR AN HOURl Pursued by play- boy riches - she gives her love to a lonely boy- for G fleeting moment of bliss! NORTHWEST Balaban" Katz A~~~~~~;t,~~:ld Theaters HARDING ~~:'~r '3 COMRADES'io[ &. 'Dead End' Kids, fCnme Scheol'-Op 1 15 rn GATEWAY I GinDer Regell In L Open I 30 \. "Vivacious Lady" !ill CONGRESS \:: Mlek.y (Andy) R~en~~BIK Oven 130 Hold That KISS EOOl TERMINAL Open'·30-Gen. RaymOnd.jjiK "STOLEN HEAVEN" &..:.. Ritz Bres. In "KENTUCKY MOONSHINE" EOOl CRYSTAL open} Errel Flynn In 6lK 12 30 "ROBIN HOOD" - BIL TMORE Op.n Ritz "Kentucky COOl I 00 Bro,. Moon.hlno" BIK Y!e!lt~~!erS t "TE'SrLOPILOT" EOOl BELPARK \ "LliVl'u~iiNOR BIK Open 100 AND BEHAVE" EOOl ALBA J~~~n "In Old Chicago"~ Plus Fr.d MacMurray, 'COCOAN UT GROVE' EUfil LUNA Op. Ilene Dunne. "JOY of LIVIng" ilK 1:30 Lou Gehrt!) In HRAWHIDE" ~ 1938. MOTION PICTURES DOWNTOWN Starring RICHARD DIX CHESTER MORRIS JOAN FONTAINE Sf AGE: IN PERSON HE 3 STOOGES w,th EDDIE LOUGHTON THE PETERS SISTERS CARROLL & HOWE. Others World PLAYHOUSE MI~~O~vP.. Cont 11 15 A. M to hlldm.ht-350 to 6 30 P M "'P -1 f SAGE.'. ear s 0 GUn'RY'S th C . ~~ PRIZE- e rown WINNING t comotete Engl"h tltles ) l<'ILM "I'he most ambItIOUS oftermg- to emerge from the French studios." -MAE TINEE. Trlbune CLARK Clark atc~~;l~~onb~ 4~~f~I:~r~~:;:' AlIce Brady-Charles Wlnninxer "GOODBYE BROADWAY" Wayne Moras • LOVE HONOlt and llEHAVE u SOUTH Balaban" Open atI 30-Loretta Young ::~~rea"3 BLIND MICE" Plus FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW ~::t~~r In "KIDNAPPED" ~ OpenIP.M.-ROBERT TAYLOR I Franchot Tone-Margaret sunavan ~~~~r: "3 COMRADES" 'YELLOW JACK' MO~~:~~CrY I TOWER o~~ lo;~~v~gl~JsR L~g~~Rl Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn. "Holiday" MARYLAND "ROE:I~OLHrioLri,~Npl~~ Laurel &. Hardy Feature. "SWISS MISS" Mat. only: Last chapter, HLONE RANGER" Ginger Rogers I James Stewart "Vivacious Lady" BOULEVARD 5;:~i'l BRIGHTON 1~~~er HALFIELD 5~~~s~d HARPER 5:;;-:r~r REGENT sstn- Halsted-Ameche, Faye, Power, '~IN OLD CHICAGO," Popeye cart'n MOTION PICTURES SOUTH ,..,.... .. ~-~~-- MODERNLY AIR-CONDITIONED WARNER BROS. THEATm "or Picture Tlwnes-Pltonl Trion,'e 15"'" ~~~::~:'l Open at 1 30 PM.-Late Show Rudy Vallee--Rosemary Lane Hugh Herbert--Sehmekelfritz Band "GOLD DIGGERS IN PARIS" Robert Taylor-l\fargarct SulJavan RolJt::rt Young-Franchot 'I'one "THREE COMRADES" I All 4 Theatres: ERROL FLYNN Ohvla Dp Havll1.1ml Basil Rathbone "Adventure of OGDEN OBI JEFFERY HOOD" trree Parking Plus-Selected 7lst-Jetrery Short Subjects Je'ffelY only La5t chapter. HLONE RANGER" GROVE 7~.t~EG~~t~~"KYT';::~~S~~~~,~ Gene Raymond In uSTOLEN HEAVEN" Matinee only. chapt. 3. HFlghtlnO De\lll Dogs" HIGHLAND 7~~~i,:·t~a~tR~r~~E~~~k~~~ Gene Raymond In HSTOLEN HEAVEN" The Ritz Bros. In 'KENTUCKY MOONSHINE' COSMO 7o~~ho~~I~~tBC~~~D:~n~'.',n;:~',j loretta Young,"FOUR MEN & A PRAYER" Mat. only' Chont. 2. 'FLAMING FRONTIERS' Clark GAB Jr l\lyrna Lo r SIlencer 'rraCT "TEST PILOT" HYDEPK. 53d.Lake Pk.-Lorctta Young, "FOUR MEN AND A PRAYER" Free Parking 7Dth Rhodes BEVERLY b'ree Parking Otith-Ashland HAMILTON HIGHWAY I B3rd & Western Open 12"45 COL NY 59th & Kedz Open1245 Allee }iaye Tyrone 1'0\\ er 79th & Exchange Don Ameche Opel! IZ 45 Ahce Brady Complete, Intact "IN OLD CHICAGO" Added-Sllly Symphony-"THE OLD MU.L" CHELTEN 31st & Halsted-Joe Penner, "GO CHASE YOURSELF" l!rcd Macl\furra3-IIarrJet Hllhard •• COCOANUT GROVE" ILDA Salty Ellers In MIDWAY "~~~n~~Jg~rDJ~~~ ~oin;~~~l-~:;~S Sullavan-Mat Wheeler &. Woolsey, 'Mummy'~ Rop! WOODLAWN 1326·iia~~~~;:~p~~'~e::·F~~~S G Robmson-Mat 'Rustler's Valle}: Jas Elllson RA y 263~ E:R~l~~d'.:~~:~:a~~v:.:n~~o~e~·t;~;:II~S GeOlge Brent. 'Hell to Hea.ven:" Tlombald. Oak); NORTH ~ ~ 1\In- CONDITIONED 10e t~3 S q u •.. tlo~ •FREt. 'ESQU IRE HOU K and PARKING KATHARINE HEPBURN "'" CARY GRANT ~f,/.::.. IIHOLlDAyrt ~-- BUGG COOLE]) BY RE~RlGI<:"A'l'ION Frep Protected Parktne in Rearof 'rheater KA1'HARINE HEPBURN-CARY GRAN'I' "HOLIDAY" GINGER ROGERS-JAlIfES STEWAR'r "VIVACIOUS LADY" COMMODORE lvt~~~~ L~~.V~~~oe;~I~~ ~~1&~ "T EST P I LOT" 'Love, Honor and Behave' ~~~;c~fr~'~~~1r~: TIMES 48~ZJJMlIl~au~ee COOt ~ it~~ BY" DR. RIIY T II~1" Mauch TWllls-tPcnrod and H1SfPWHl Blotllf'r' .,705 l.ullcIton-~latlDe~ VaJl) •LONE RU,Cgl{' Jones l'aml!y m "A 'I'.KlP '10 PA.K1SallYElle!", "rhe li U.KSE from B1WOKLYN :3435 W NOR'I'H AVIol 4 Da;s Startmg Toda, "TEST PILOT" LIBERTY GRAND CL<\RE GARLE MYRNA LOY DALE 28-F~ro~~I~~~~~·~D;--~I~m~~h~ "In Old ChICago" & HSmners In ParadIse" ROGERS SIllY2~i~pK~~L~~r,70~ 'COCOM';U'.r GROVE' &, 'GO CHASIJ YOURSI%l'" o~ K C~~~~a~; Rl~~1'1~~;ir~~ IN OLD mIICAr. - HliNERS In PARAmSE' KE l'WOOD 47th- t 0 Ameehe-A Fay. \. .t Klmbark ~ "IN OLD Shakespeare t3,~~; CHICAGO" COMMERCIAL 9150CommercIal-COOL ERROL FLYNN-OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND "ROBIN HOOD" and RITZ BROTHERS-TONY MARTIN 'KENTUCKY MOONSHINE' ALICf FAYE DON AMECHE TYRONE POWER 6839 Wentworth "IN OLD CHICAGO" And the first South Side ShOWing or "The ESQUIRE HOUR" E.A. R. Op.' P. M. COOL OLYMPIA 5 MAYWOOD ELMWOOD PARK ~-, ~ -~-~ ........- -,.'"'.....,~~ FLM 7540 Gr LDdG~~~~cer Ti~~CY PI26~'~ ROSE of the RIO GRANDE' John Carroll Also LA GRANGE ............ _v~~'"'''' ~ . LA GRANGE Extla-'S-~\tgt~. P8r~J~' OLIVIA Dr: HAVll,LAND "IiOB'N Hoon PARK fl~e~p7c aOHitL'~riN~~r.~' & Fred MacMunay. "COCOANUT GROVE" u B u B

Transcript of iu - Michigan State University

Page 1: iu - Michigan State University

PART 'i-PAGE.'--ere s A otheemade MOVie;ood 0 e. Too


Produced by Metro-Goldwyn-MayerDirected by H. C. Potter.From II story by Dana BurnetAt The United Artists

THE CASTDaisy Heath ....•••.. Margaret SullavanB,Il Pettigrew ..••••...... James StewartSam Badey............ Walter PidqoonMarTha ...••••....... Hattie McDaniel" Dice" .....•.•.•........ Nat Pendleton•• Thin Lips" .........•..... Alan Curtis•• Leer". . . . . .. . . . . . • . . . . . Sam LevineSally . ............•... Eleanor LynnMcGonigle ..... ... Charles D Brown

By Mae Ti n e e .

Three Festivals.Oakland, Berkeley, and l:'alo Alto,

Cal are the scenes this summer ofelaborate festivals of chamber !T.USIC.The KolIsch quartet IS playmg worksf'f Bartok and of Schubert at the UnI-v ersity of CalIfornIa. The Pro ArteQuartet offers twelve concerts at MIlls«cllege. The Roth quartet IS an-nounced for nme concerts at Stan-ford

German Music.Large scale German music had an

Important place In the recent festivalrn Florence, Italy. Beethoven's MissaSolemnis and the Brahms ReqUIemwere performed there as well as Wag-ner's music drama, "DIe Walkirre.The part of SIegmund in the lastnamed work went to Eyvmd Laholm,"hom Chicago heard as Lohengnnlast season.


THI<: WEEK'S :NEW YO IES:•• ky GIant," starring Chester Morris,Joan Fontaine, and Richard Dix ;Palace.

••Always Good-bye," starrrng BarbaraStanwyck and Herbert Mal shall ,Chicago.

h {y Bill," starrmg Kay It'rancls,Bomta GlanVIlle, Anita Louise,RobbY Jordan, and John Liter:Apollo.

h Shopworn Angel," starrmg Mar-garet Sullavan and James St.ewart ;United Arttsts.

., I'll Give •• l\llllion," starrmg War-ner Baxter. Marjorie Weaver, JeanHersholt, and Peter Lorre.

CONTINUED:•. Port of Seven Seas," starring Wal-lace Beery. Maureen O'Sulfivan, andJohn Beal; Garnck,

•. Pearls "f the Crown," starringCecllle Sorel, Jacquelme Delubac,Sacha GUlp Guipry, Lyn Harding,and Ermete zacconi. World Play-house.

•• n, Iii. S, R.-1938," soviet educa-Lional film, Sonotone,

CO~IING:"J..rtUfl Tough Guy," starrmg lheDead-end KIds; Palace; soon.

"Alexander'. Ragtime Band," star-rmg Tyrone Power, Allee j,'aye,Don Ameche, and Ethel Merman;ChIcago; soon.

.• J.ov Finds Andy Ha-rdy," starringMICkey Rooney and Judy Garland,United Artists, soon.

•• Little )0.. Broadway," ShirleyTemple's latest, Roosevelt soon.


He's billed as "thegenius of the cello,"olIndhis name is EnnioBolognini. H is thec;i r performer of theInternationale Gyp-lIes orchestra, nowppearing at L'Aiglon

r staurant.



Each night this sum-mer Marion Cutler islifting her voice assoloist in the floorshow on the S. S.Roosevelt. The showgoes on w h i I e theship is taking a threehour cruise out of


creens"I'll Give a Million "-Roosevelt

Millionaire [Warner Baxter] gives hismoney the air and finds girl, Mar-[orie Weaver, who IS looking onlyfor love Others in cast are JeanHersholt and Peter LOITe

~, '""Shopworn Ang-el "-UnIted Artists.

A war theme WhICh attacks the prob-lem from the inside, showing love ofthree people in various walks of life.Margaret Sullavan and James Stew-art co-star

:j; >.;

"Always Goodbye" - Chicago. Awoman has to choose between theman she loves and the son she cannever claim for her own. BarbaraStanwyck and Herbert Marshall star.~-'0'

"My Bill "-Apollo. There was ayoung WIdow who lived m a stew. . . who had so many cluldren shedidn't know what to do. Kay Francis,Bonita Granvil le, Anita Louise, BobbyJordan and John Lite!.

>:; *


••Vivacious Lady" - Sheridan, LaMar, Teatro del Lago, LIdo, Stratford,Piccadilly, Tower, Mont Clare, Para-dise, Night club entertainer wedsyoung botany professor. Ginger Rog-ers and James Stewart Scott.

~: *••Rage of Paris "-McVicker's, Cap-

itar. Darmiefle Darrieux adrift inNew York and befriended by a onetime actor and a head waiter. Doug-las Fairbanks Jr., Helen Broderick,and Mischa Auer in cast.

* *"Test Pilot "-La Salle, New RItz,Roxy VIllas, Biograph, Davis, VIC,Calo, Symphony, Du Page, Shore, Lex-ington, Frolic, Boulevard, Brighton,Halfield, Harper, Embassy, Irving,Grand, Byrd, 4·Star, Harvard. Aviation story.

* *" Jezebel "-Gold Coast. Story ofdeep south. Bette DaVIS and HenryFonda are co-starred.


Park Within Park.Riverview has opened its renovated

" Kiddyland," an amusement parkwithin the park for visitors of kinder-garten age. The section containsmmiature editions of the merry-go-round, airplane rtde, the WhIP, anda streamlined ferris wheel

~ULY 24,

Local Girl 1\1akes Good.SIxteen year old Martha Carter,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover B.Carter of Chicago, has been appear-ing in the ice show at the Hotel NewYorker. She left there last Wednes-day for a series of engagements else-where m the east.

MOTION PICTURES I MOTION PICTURESDOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN~ ..•••.... -~ ~ •.•..•..•.•....•....•.. ~~~~"' ...•_- •.......•..•......

Ralahn " Katz A;'~~:~~~t,~~:ld Theaters

Current MusicNews

FIrst of the soloists to be an-nounced for the 1938-'39 Chicago Sym Iphony orchestra concerts IS YehudiMenuhm, world famous San Franciscoborn violinist. After completing atour of forty-seven concerts in theUnited States and twenty-seven inEurope last sprrng, he continued tokeep in the news by gettmg marriedover in London. He is honeymooning'this summer and WIll not resume hisprofessional career until fall.

Four organ recitals are Iisted forRockefeller chapel at the Universityof Chicago this week. The schedulefollows:Today at '7-]lred Cronhmmer. Orgaulst of

St. Paul's Eniscojial churchTuesday at 7-Robel t Birch, organtat o!

the Church oi the Redeemer.Wednesday at 7-Edward Elgenschenk, or-

gamst of the Second Presbyterian church.Thursday at 7-Barrett Spach, organist of

the Fourth PI csbyterian chin ch,Carillon recitals by Frederick Mar-

riott and James Bly WIll follow all theorgan recitals.




'Lucky Suit'On publlc display in a window near

the Wacker drive box office of theCIVIC Opera house is an hlstoric gar-ment, the "lucky suit" worn by suc-cessive Tonios in Chicago opera performances of Leoncavallo's ••Pag li-acci." It is fifty years old, and hav-mg been patched up countless times,has been finally declared obsolete.Among the celebrated ban tones whowore the "Juck;: suit" may be mentioned Antonio Scotti, Titta Ruffo,GIacomo Rimmi, Cesare Formichi,Richard Bonelli, and Carlo Morelli.Just how the enormously differentgirths of ample Mr. Forrnichl andlIthe Mr. Bonelli could be fitted intothe same SUIt, the opera companydoes not explain,

Barrymore Gossip.John Barrymore says that he will

return to the stage next Novemberm a play called "My Dear Children,"which Brock Pemberton will produce.The present Mrs. Barrymore IS in-cluded in the plan.



DON ZIELAYAVernen Rathburn's Revels3 Freshmen' The Banflelds

WOODS "KelltlHky Moonshine"gr.~~:eaB~~l~l~"stolen Heaven"


Open 10'aO-COOLlE,tral Added ShortsSPENCER TR \I;Y


IGood Morning! IAnother re-make-and a good one-l

enters the screen arena m " Shopworn 1Angel," which in 1929 featured Nancy -----------------------------------

Carroll and Gary Cooper', IBack to the days of the world war A L tt I Ab t

it takes you and into the lives of a I, leo Ucafe entertainer, her paramour, and<In Idealistic soldier boy from Texas,' the Moves onvho meets her while m camp waitmgfor orders to go "over there" andsees m the tarnished lady only beauty C-Ity ISand goodness. To hirn she IS a dreamcome true. HIS belief causes a "lady ----farr" to evolve from the "rag, bone,and hank of hair" that Daisy Heath'Sworld knows, and brings out in SamBailey fine qualities of devotron andsacrifice that neither he nor his lovehad ever rea1Jzed lay dormant underveneered exterior.The story is worked out sympa-

1hetIcally and believably, WIth manypolgnant lIttle human touches thatget you where you live.MISS Sullavan does deft, arresting

work as the .0 angel." A In" ThreeComxades" she loses herself in her~61e and the result IS a ure andmagnetic performance.Walter PIdgeon I have never lIked

better. There's an actor-that chap.And what a handsomce one. JamesStewart as the Texan IS ganglmgly;> ppealing, as always. Hattie McDanIelJ swell as DaISY's colored maid andupportmg players were aptly chosen.I liked direction, staging, dialog,

and, m fact, the whole picture.See you tomorrow.

••Port of Seven Seas" - Garnck.Story of men who go ••down to seain ships." Maureen O'Sullivan, JohnBeal, Wallace Beery, and Frank Mor-gan star.

* '""U. S. S. R.-1938 "-Sonotone SOVIeteducational production.

* *" Pear Is of the Crown" - VIol' ldI Playhouse. French, English, andItalian players star.

* ~~"Sky Giant "-Palace. A v I a t Ion

story. Chester Morns, Joan F'on-tame, and Richard Dix star.

:\< *"Treasure Island" - State -Lake,

Crawford. Adventure story with Wal-lace Beery, JackIe Cooper, and Doro-thy Peterson.

,;, '""The Son of the Sheik "-L a k e,

r-----------------I IWest End, Devon, Vogue. Valentmorevival,

'" *""'l'he Ad errtures of Robin Hood"-Crown, Broadway Strand, American,Monroe, Howard, Windsor, Berwyn,La Grange, Tivoli, Pickwick, Deerpath,Alcyon, Wilmette, Rhodes, Beverly,Ogden, Jeffery, Met, Atlantic, Mid-west, Peoples, Maryland, Commercial,Pickwick [Park RIdge], Almo, TIffin,Manor, State, Senate. Buckingham,North Center, Adventure in techm-color. Errol Flynn in trtle role, oppo-site Olivia De Havilland.

'" *"Holiday"-Shendan, Esquire, LaMar, Teatro del Lago, Lido, Piccadilly,Tower, Mont Claire. Katharine Hep-burn escapes her wealthy family lindfinds love with a poor man, CaryGrant.

--Edwin McArthur, pianist for KIr-sten Flagstad, made hIS Australiandebut as a conductor ten days ago,directing the Sydney Symphony or-chestra in an all-Wagner programWIth Mme. Flagstad as soloist. Nextfall he WIll introduce himself to Chi-cago-and incldentally to America aswell-as a conductor when he directsa Wagner performance of the Chi-cago CIty Opera company. The operacompany seems to be having a diffi-cult time making up its mind abouthis first assignment. Origmally hewas slated for "Lohengrm." Now,l r~;;;;;.;;jp;;;~~:::;;;;;;_"ilevidently, that is off, and ••Tnstanand Isolde" looks Iike a probablechoice. At any rate Mme. FlagstadWIll be in hIS cast.As to Mana Reining, new lyric

soprano impor ted from Germany, theopera company and her concert man-agers seem to disagree over the ve-hicle for her American debut here inChicago. The opera company saysMeyerbeer's "L'Afncana," with Benia-mmo Gigli in the cast, and the man-agel's say Wagner's "Die Meister-SInger."


SOMOTOME :J5:~0 ~ pv~~ro~~:r30

"D. S. S. R.---1938"A Camera Tour Through thE SovIet UmonAlso "MOSCOW MAY DAY"

Gleatest Ml1Jtary lJ<omonstrahon Ever FIlmed

MONROE ~~,;'~l~~ t,rDJ;I~~~~~

~~;';?ID~LJ~;-;Ia.nd"ROBIN HOOD"LAUREL "nd HARDY - • 8" 55 "MISS"



• AMERICAN ;~~e~v:~-Robin Hood'3 N. Ashl.-Plus Laurel & Haloy. ISWISS MISS'



CENTURY COOI.d-I:I~~S~· G~~~::'~Bonita Granville-HBELOVED BRAT"


AI EX Mad -Hamlfn-e-Cooled-e-Op 1-250 All Day••.• Sa.lly Ellers, "Nurse from Brooklyn"

Ilene Dunne, D. FaIrbanks Jr. "Joy or LlvmgH

4 STAR 2418 W Madlson-e-Clark Gabie,Spencer Tracy. Mvrna LoY •

"TEST PILOT"-Also "EXTORTION"AVENUE Cfcern-Jaokson-c-Bing Crosby,

IRENE DUNNE In ::~8~Tgji ~iirl~~~f"KEDZIE ANNEX S2~OI~~I~~~t.~~Bomta GranvIlle In "BELOVED BRAT"

KEDZIE 3250~1: V~:d~;~g;'A~r.!RENE DUNNE In "JOY OF LIVING"

LEXINGTON 7lV S Crawrord-c-Orien 1 30"GOCHASE YOURSELF"Faye. Don Ameche. "IN OLD CHICAGO'

NORTHWEST~~_...~ •.......... ~DRAKE 3 3548 Montrose-c-Open 1 30


"FOUR MEN and a PRAYER"~iliCDEy "Good-bye Broadway"~'6~:iNA "Somewhere in Paris"RIVOLI ZOe 4o~I:I~~~dl\~o"~e;r 3 ZOeThe Show or Shows-e-Dcn'f Mll;:S It-Come I ally'l'YIOne Power-Allee Fave-e-Don Ameche

"iN OLD CHICAGO"Plus Ir. Mac'Murray, H Hilliard Yacht Club HoysCocoanut GI0\e"-J.xtra final ad'\' 'Lone Ran.,:er'

AVALOE 2~i~d:~l~~~:e:,&~~;~-;;~~~~~~~;I~~~~~~,W;~~;:'-~~ce."In Old Chica;l;0"NIT A ':itgE~~I;ii'3·~e~1~~iH~~!i~~VICtor MeL•• len . BA'.r'l'LE o~' Bl1OADWAY"

METRO 3308 I.A~~l~tg~Nn~tl't:c;'~~'Allee Blady, "GOODBYE BROADWAY"

6008 Irvmg Park-Cool-Loretta Yount:::."~'OURMEN ANDAPR \ YEll"

Wa~ne Morrl'~·. "J..~OVE BONOIt and BEHAV]~'


BAXTERiu ii/Vi1111 ION



A 20th Century.Fox Picture


FOR AN HOURlPursued by play-boy riches - shegives her love toa lonely boy-for G fleetingmoment of bliss!


Balaban" Katz A~~~~~~;t,~~:ld Theaters

HARDING ~~:'~r'3 COMRADES'io[&. 'Dead End' Kids, fCnme Scheol'-Op 1 15 rnGATEWAY I GinDer Regell In LOpen I 30 \. "Vivacious Lady" !illCONGRESS \ :: Mlek.y (Andy) R~en~~BIKOven 130 Hold That KISS EOOl

TERMINAL Open '·30-Gen. RaymOnd.jjiK"STOLEN HEAVEN" &..:..

Ritz Bres. In "KENTUCKY MOONSHINE" EOOlCRYSTAL open} Errel Flynn In 6lK

12 30 "ROBIN HOOD" -BIL TMORE Op.n Ritz "Kentucky COOlI 00 Bro,. Moon.hlno" BIK

Y!e!lt~~!erS t "TE'SrLOPILOT" EOOlBELPARK \ "LliVl'u~iiNOR BIKOpen 100 AND BEHAVE" EOOlALBA J~~~n "In Old Chicago"~Plus Fr.d MacMurray, 'COCOAN UT GROVE' EUfilLUNA Op. Ilene Dunne. "JOY of LIVIng" ilK

1:30 Lou Gehrt!) In HRAWHIDE" ~








World PLAYHOUSE MI~~O~vP..Cont 11 15 A. M to hlldm.ht-350 to 6 30 P M

"'P -1 f SAGE.'.ear s 0 GUn'RY'S

th C. ~~ PRIZE-e rown WINNINGt comotete Engl"h tltles ) l<'ILM"I'he most ambItIOUS oftermg- to emergefrom the French studios."

-MAE TINEE. Trlbune

CLARK Clark atc~~;l~~onb~ 4~~f~I:~r~~:;:'AlIce Brady-Charles Wlnninxer"GOODBYE BROADWAY"

Wayne Moras • LOVE HONOlt and llEHAVEu



Open at I 30-Loretta Young


~::t~~r In "KIDNAPPED"


Open I P. M.-ROBERT TAYLOR IFranchot Tone-Margaret sunavan~~~~r:"3 COMRADES"'YELLOW JACK' MO~~:~~CrY


TOWER o~~ lo;~~v~gl~JsR L~g~~RlCary Grant, Katharine Hepburn. "Holiday"

MARYLAND "ROE:I~OLHrioLri,~Npl~~Laurel &. Hardy Feature. "SWISS MISS"Mat. only: Last chapter, HLONE RANGER"

Ginger Rogers IJames Stewart

"Vivacious Lady"


HALFIELD 5~~~s~d

HARPER 5:;;-:r~r

REGENT sstn- Halsted-Ameche, Faye, Power,'~IN OLD CHICAGO," Popeye cart'n

MOTION PICTURESSOUTH,..,.... •..~-~~--

MODERNLY AIR-CONDITIONEDWARNER BROS. THEATm"or Picture Tlwnes-Pltonl Trion,'e 15"'"

~~~::~:'lOpen at 1 30 P M.-Late ShowRudy Vallee--Rosemary Lane

Hugh Herbert--Sehmekelfritz Band"GOLD DIGGERS

IN PARIS"Robert Taylor-l\fargarct SulJavanRolJt::rt Young-Franchot 'I'one



All 4 Theatres:ERROL FLYNN

Ohvla Dp Havll1.1mlBasil Rathbone"Adventure


OGDEN OBIJEFFERY HOOD"trree Parking Plus-Selected7lst-Jetrery Short SubjectsJe'ffelY only La5t chapter. HLONE RANGER"

GROVE 7~.t~EG~~t~~"KYT';::~~S~~~~,~Gene Raymond In uSTOLEN HEAVEN"

Matinee only. chapt. 3. HFlghtlnO De\lll Dogs"

HIGHLAND 7~~~i,:·t~a~tR~r~~E~~~k~~~Gene Raymond In HSTOLEN HEAVEN"


COSMO 7o~~ho~~I~~tBC~~~D:~n~'.',n;:~',jloretta Young, "FOUR MEN & A PRAYER"Mat. only' Chont. 2. 'FLAMING FRONTIERS'

ClarkGAB Jrl\lyrna Lo r

SIlencer 'rraCT


HYDE PK. 53d.Lake Pk.-Lorctta Young,"FOUR MEN AND A PRAYER"

Free Parking7Dth Rhodes

BEVERLYb'ree ParkingOtith-Ashland


HIGHWAY IB3rd & WesternOpen 12"45

COL NY59th & Kedz ••Open 1245

Allee }iayeTyrone 1'0\\ er

79th & Exchange Don AmecheOpel! IZ 45 Ahce Brady

Complete, Intact "IN OLD CHICAGO"Added-Sllly Symphony-"THE OLD MU.L"


31st & Halsted-Joe Penner,"GO CHASE YOURSELF"

l!rcd Macl\furra3-IIarrJet Hllhard••COCOANUT GROVE"


Salty Ellers In

MIDWAY "~~~n~~Jg~rDJ~~~~oin;~~~l-~:;~SSullavan-Mat Wheeler &. Woolsey, 'Mummy'~ Rop!

WOODLAWN 1326·iia~~~~;:~p~~'~e::·F~~~SG Robmson-Mat 'Rustler's Valle}: Jas ElllsonRAy 263~ E:R~l~~d'.:~~:~:a~~v:.:n~~o~e~·t;~;:II~SGeOlge Brent. 'Hell to Hea.ven:" Tlombald. Oak);




10e t~3 S q u •..tlo~• FREt. 'ESQU I RE HOU K andPARKING KATHARINE HEPBURN•• "'" CARY GRANT~f,/.::.. IIHOLlDAyrt~--


COOLE]) BY RE~RlGI<:"A'l'IONFrep Protected Parktne in Rear of 'rheaterKA1'HARINE HEPBURN-CARY GRAN'I'


COMMODORE lvt~~~~L~~.V~~~oe;~I~~

~~1&~ "T EST P I LOT"'Love, Honor and Behave' ~~~;c~fr~'~~~1r~:TIMES 48~ZJJMlIl~au~ee COOt~ it ~ ~ BY" D R. R II Y T II ~1"Mauch TWllls-tPcnrod and H1SfPWHl Blotllf'r'

.,705 l.\·ullcIton-~latlDe~ VaJl)• LONE RU,Cgl{'

Jones l'aml!y m "A 'I'.KlP '10 PA.K1S·SallYElle!", "rhe li U.KSE from B1WOKLYN

:3435 W NOR'I'H AVIol4 Da;s Startmg Toda,"TEST PILOT"



DALE 28-F~ro~~I~~~~~·~D;--~I~m~~h~"In Old ChICago" & HSmners In ParadIse"

ROGERS SIllY2~i~pK~~L~~r,70~'COCOM';U'.r GROVE' &, 'GO CHASIJ YOURSI%l'"

o~K C~~~~a~;Rl~~1'1~~;ir~~IN OLD mIICAr. - HliNERS In PARAmSE'

KEl'WOOD 47th- t 0 Ameehe-A Fay.\. .t Klmbark ~ "IN OLDShakespeare t3,~~; CHICAGO"






And the first SouthSide ShOWing or


E.A. R.Op.' P. M.COOL



ELMWOOD PARK~-, ~ -~-~ ........• - -,.'"'.....,~~F L M 7540 Gr LDdG~~~~cer Ti~~CYPI26~'~

ROSE of the RIO GRANDE' John CarrollAlso

LA GRANGE............_v~~'"'''' ~ .LA GRANGE Extla-'S-~\tgt~. P8r~J~'OLIVIA Dr: HAVll,LAND "IiOB'N Hoon

PARK fl~e~p7c aOHitL'~riN~~r.~'& Fred MacMunay. "COCOANUT GROVE"

u B u B