ITTO · itto project document project title establishing a data collection and dissemination system...

INTERNATIONAL TROPICAL TIMBER ORGANIZATION ITTO PROJECT DOCUMENT PROJECT TITLE ESTABLISHING A DATA COLLECTION AND DISSEMINATION SYSTEM ON A SUSTAINABLE BASIS FOR TIMBER MARKETING STATISTICS IN CAMEROON SERIAL NUMBER PD 47/98 Rev.2 (M) PERMANENT COMMITTEE ECONOMIC INFORMATION AND MARKET INTELLIGENCE SUBMITTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF CAMEROON ORIGINAL LANGUAGE FRENCH DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE The development objective is to regularly acquire reliable data on the timber market in order to design appropriate policies and economic planning for forest industries SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES a) In the forest product trading points of two major sea ports and in ONADEF headquarters, installing the computer equipment required for the collection, processing and compilation of statistical data on timber marketing in order to disseminate such information on a regular basis; b) training personnel in the use of computer equipment and providing expertise in the use of statistical data compilation and dissemination programme for timber marketing. EXECUTING AGENCY OFFICE NATIONAL DE DEVELOPPEMENT DES FORETS (ONADEF) ESTIMATED STARTING DATE Upon financing DURATION 20 months PROPOSED SOURCES OF FINANCING ITTO US$ 271 198 Govnt of Cameroon US$ 54 400 Total US$ 325 598

Transcript of ITTO · itto project document project title establishing a data collection and dissemination system...

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The development objective is to regularly acquire reliable data on the timber market in order to design appropriate policies and economic planning for forest industries


a) In the forest product trading points of two major sea ports and in ONADEF headquarters,

installing the computer equipment required for the collection, processing and compilation of statistical data on timber marketing in order to disseminate such information on a regular basis;

b) training personnel in the use of computer equipment and providing expertise in the use of

statistical data compilation and dissemination programme for timber marketing. EXECUTING AGENCY OFFICE NATIONAL DE DEVELOPPEMENT DES FORETS (ONADEF)


ITTO US$ 271 198 Govnt of Cameroon

US$ 54 400

Total US$ 325 598

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PART 1 : CONTEXT 3 1. Relationship with ITTO 3 1.1 Compliance with ITTO Objectives 3 1.2 Compliance with ITTO Criteria 3 1.3 Relationship with ITTO Action Plan and Priorities 3 2. Relationship with Cameroon national policies 3 2.1 Relationship to sectorial policies affecting tropical timber 3 2.2 Relationship with sub-sectorial aims and programmes 4 2.3 Institutional and legal framework 4 2.4 Relationship with relevant actions supported by other donors 5 PART 2 : THE PROJECT 6 1. Origins of the Project 6 2. Project Objectives 6 2.1 Development objective 6 2.2 Specific objectives 6 3. Project Justification 6 3.1 Problem to address 6 3.2 Characteristics of the Project environment 7 3.3 Situation expected at Project completion 7 3.4 Target Beneficiaries 7 3.5 Project Strategy 7 3.5.1 Reasons for this selection 7 3.5.2 Lessons drawn from past evaluations 8 3.5.3 Technical and scientific aspects 8 3.5.4 Economic aspects 9 3.5.5 Environmental aspects 9 3.5.6 Management aspects 9 3.6 Reasons for ITTO support 9 3.6.1 ITTO Aspects 9 3.6.2 Relationship with relevant actions supported by other donors 9 3.7 Risks 10 4. Outputs 10

4.1 Specific Objective 10 4.2 Specific Objective 2 11

5. Activities and Inputs 11 6. Logical Framework Matrix 13 7 Work Plan 17 8. Institutional arrangements for implementation and operation 19 8.1 Management Structure 19 8.2 Project Flow Chart (Management Structure Chart) 19 9. Prior obligations and prerequisites 20 PART 3: MONITORING, REPORTING AND EVALUATION 20 1. Monitoring of Project work in progress 20 2. Evaluation 20 3. Reporting 20 PART 4: PROJECT BUDGET (IN US DOLLARS) 20 1. Project Budget by activities 20 2. Project Budget by sources 21

2.1 Government of Cameroon contribution (in US dollars) 21 2.2 ITTO Contribution (in US Dollars) 22

ANNEX A and B: Terms of reference of the International Consultant in information systems and senior national staff 23

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Part 1: CONTEXT 1. Relationship with ITTO The proposed project aims at establishing a permanent structure for statistics research and collection on timber marketing in Cameroon. The proposed project is therefore in compliance with ITTO Criteria, Objectives and Action Plan.

1.1 Compliance with ITTO Objectives

The proposed project is in compliance with the objectives listed in Article 1 of ITTA, 1983 establishing the ITTO. The project directly addresses these objectives, including the objective to improve market information for greater market transparency – especially through the collection, compilation and dissemination of commercial data, including data on commecial species - either directly by providing basic information essential for developing policies, laws, regulations and strategies aimed at a better use, marketing and management of the forest resource. Through a better transparency of forest statistics, the project contributes to a more efficient control over timber royalties and encourages more intensive further processing of tropical timber in Cameroon. It will thereby promote a better access to technologies and technology transfer, as well as technical cooperation in pursuance of the objectives of the 1994 Agreement. The Project also contributes to improving the marketing and distribution of tropical timber from producing members on export markets. In conclusion, this project proposal is in compliance with Objectives (b), (d), (h), (k), (m) of the International Tropical Timber Agreement of 1994.

1.2 Compliance with ITTO Criteria The Project complies with every criterion listed in ITTA, Article 23 paragraph 6. It is an operational activity relating to the production, use and marketing of tropical timber under various forms. The Project also include a major technical training component and transfer of expertise and “know how” in data collection, computer processing, analysis and dissemination.

1.3 Relationship with ITTO Action Plan and Priorities

The Project is fully consistent with the ITTO Action Plan and the priorities identified for the Committee of Economic Information and Market Intelligence, including the “data collection, analysis and dissemination” and “technical assistance in establishment and improvement of statistical and analytical services” policies.

2. Relationship with Cameroon national policies

2.1 Relationship to sectorial policies affecting tropical timber For a number of years, Cameroon has placed the sustainable management of its forest resources at the core of the national policies and made it a priority. Consequently, since 1990, this sector has undergone wide-ranging reforms recently sanctioned by the enactment of a forest policy act entitled “Forest Policy of Cameroon” and translated into operational terms as a National Forest Action Programme. The general objective of Cameroon’s forest policy is to sustainably develop the economic, ecological and social functions of Cameroonese forests within the framework of an integrated management policy which would ensure the preservation and utilization of forest ecosystems. A thorough knowledge of all forest industries through reliable statistical data will be a basic planning and management tools for forest resources and will help assessing their economic impact. In this

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respect, this Project proposal contributes to the implementation of the general forest policy of Cameroon.

2.2 Relationship with sub-sectorial aims and programmes

Cameroon forest policy includes four specific objectives. The third objective reads as follows:- “Developing forest resources in order to increase the share of forest products in the GDP while preserving production potentials” Under Cameroonese forest policy, forest resources are differentiated in two sub-sectors – the timber sector and the fuelwood and service wood. This policy clearly identifies strategies to implement in each sub-sector in order to achieve this objective. Thus one of the strategies identified for the timber sub-sector is as follows:- ‘Promoting the use and diversification of processed products in order to increase the degree of processing and promote exports of finished and semi-finished products” The facilities and actions provided for under this strategy include inter alia: - Assessing the domestic and international demand for timber products and their marketing; - Assessing the competitiveness of Cameroonese timber products in the sub-regional context; - Improving the management and marketing of timber products from Cameroon.

Obviously these various actions can only be implemented on the basis of reliable data on both forest production and timber products marketing.

Besides, Strategy 2C developed in order to achieve Objective 3 recommends a better management of forest resources in order to maximise the production potentials through the implementation of a sustainable forest management system with sustained high production yields. Implementing such a system calls for a medium- to long-term planning based inter alia on a sound understanding of forest industries.

2.3 Institutional and legal framework

The Project will be implemented by Office National de Développement des Forêts (ONADEF) whose missions are consistent with the activities of the Project. For as it is, Decree N° 90/397 of 23 February 1990 providing the creation of ONADEF stipulates in Article 3: “The purpose of ONADEF is to implement Governmental policy in developing forest sector activities. For this purpose, ONADEF’s responsibilities include:

- undertaking forest inventories financed by the Government or private entities; - developing and implementing forest management and rehabilitation plans in forest reserves,

and those of local communities and private individuals who shall bear the costs thereof; - implementing any desertification control programme, fragile ecosystems preservation

programmes, soil protection and rehabilitation programmes; - undertake any support action for forest industries development, i.e.

a) promoting the use of Cameroonese timber, especially lesser-known species, both domestically and abroad;

b) defining standards for timber grading, packaging and final use, in cooperation with relevant government departments;

c) undertaking extension within the trade on appropriate technologies, in order to achieve more adequate use of timber products;

d) provide the Government and respective stakeholders with information on timber market trends;

- for a financial consideration, taking charge of the training and upgrading of national staff in

the fields of forest products exports, and timber processing and marketing; - undertaking all socio-economical and/or technical studies relevant to its purpose; - undertaking all commercial, financial, industrial and/or real estate transaction in connection

with its purpose.”

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In order to fulfil its missions, and in particular those relating to the provision of information on timber market trends, reliable statistical data on the timber trade should be made available to ONADEF, hence the appropriateness of the Project.

Furthermore, ONADEF’s legal status as an industrial and commercial governmental organization with a financial autonomy keeps ONADEF immune from bureaucratic hurdles which could hamper Project implementation. Besides, functional links existing between ONADEF and the relevant Ministry constitute a formal institutional framework for information sharing, especially through SIGIF (Computerized Forest Information Management System) which will provide data on timber harvesting.

2.4 Relationship with relevant actions supported by other donors

In 1995, the Forest Department initiated Phase 2 of the Project “Sustainable Management of Cameroonese Forests” implemented in cooperation with CIDA. A major component of this project was the establishment of one forest statistics information system linking logging concessions/allowable cuts, harvesting, taxation and forest management. The SIGIF system was designed to improve the performances of the Forest Department through: - Establishing a transparent and efficient management system of forest concessions; - Checking and monitoring production forest areas on an annual basis; - Recording harvested volumes annually; - Invoicing and monitoring the payment of stumpage fees and timber royalties; - Compiling and making available all statistical data on the sector. This system will provide detailed information on the origins of marketed timber, through a timber market statistical data research and publication structure, it will provide an extensive knowledge on all timber formally harvested and marketed in Cameroon. However, a further Project will be required to undertake a survey of the informal forest sector, including timber harvesting and marketing activities. These activities involve significant volumes of timber which should not be overlooked in any estimates of logged volumes and assessment of annual allowable cuts for the whole country.

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Part 2: THE PROJECT 1. Origins of the Project The Project derives from a socio-economic survey on timber marketing and the market structure in Cameroon undertaken by ONADEF. Results of this survey showed a number of problems, including the following:

- Lack of economic and market information with governmental organizations and economic stakeholders;

- Absence of contacts between smaller and medium-size logging companies and potential international clients;

- Absence of any organisational structure for investigation, collection, and dissemination of statistical data on the Cameroonese timber trade.

The study “Analysis of the forest and timber trade statistics collection and processing system” implemented under the pre-project underpinned these problems and highlighted the need for a permanent organisational structure to collect and disseminate statistical data on timber marketing. 2. Project Objectives

2.1 Development objective

The development objective is to make reliable data on timber marketing and sales regularly available in order to develop appropriate policies and economic planning for forest industries

2.2 Specific objectives More specifically, the main Project objectives are as follows: a) in forest product trading posts in the two major ports and in ONADEF headquarters, installing the

computer equipment required for the collection, processing and compilation of statistical data on timber marketing in order to periodically disseminate such information;

b) training personnel in the use of computer equipment and providing expertise in the use of statistical data compilation and dissemination programme for traded timber.

3. Project justification

3.1 Problem to address

Presently Cameroon has no clearly defined policy to govern the release of forest statistics. Most of the time, data collection is erratic and incomplete. Data compilation is done manually and statistics eventually released are incomplete and their only purpose is to fill up the annual report of MINEF Administrative Departments.

For a number of years, the Survey and Planning Unit (Cellule d’Etude et de Planification) has applied their efforts to prepare statistics on timber harvested, transported and exported. These efforts are chiefly motivated by the desire to identify the export surcharge increment for each operator. Producing statistical data requires a highly complex and demanding exercise involving data collection and cross-checking with the successive operators along the chain-of-custody. At port level, statistics are compiled by the Forest Products Trading Points at sea port level (Poste Forestier Port - PFPs) the private firm Société Générale de Surveillance (SGS) and the Customs Department. The lack of consistency among these three entities which exercise their supervision over timber export procedures is such that statistics produced by each of them are incomplete. SGS only handle log exports, while the Customs Department have become less thorough since SGS were appointed, and the PFPs do not have the logistical facilities for ensuring the effective auditing of timber exports. And yet, statistics on all exported timber are compiled at this level only. The Pre-Project study entitled “Analysis of the forest and timber trade statistics collection and processing system of Cameroon” identified the main problems to be addressed at port level, including:

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- the lack of manpower and logistics for ensuring the reliability of collected data; - working schedules, which do not allow for checking procedures to by applied any time, and

result in some uncertainty as to the reliability of the data received; - the administrative structure of MINEF which is the main cause behind the absence of any

links between the various Poste Forestier Port; - the absence of relationship and cooperation between the various entities in charge of the

control of timber exports in sea ports.

3.2 Characteristics of the Project environment

All Cameroon timber exports transit through sea ports. The PFPs are established structures whose purpose is to audit timber exports in various forms. Therefore it appears logical to use these organizations in order to establish Project activities and ensure the reliability of timber exports statistics. The various PFPs will be connected to each other through a central unit to be established in ONADEF Headquarters in Yaoundé. Furthermore, most sales departments of processing industries are established in Douala or Yaoundé. It will therefore be easier to organise an information gathering system on the domestic and international timber trade from these structures.

3.3 Situation expected at Project completion

At Project completion, a well-established and long-lasting structure will centralise and disseminate all statistical data on timber marketing in Cameroon. The chief benefits to be derived from newly-installed computer and logistic facilities staffed with trained manpower in Poste Forestier Port and ONADEF for data collection and verification purposes include the following: - the possibility to verify the reliability of data supplied through verification slips, and compiling

their contents without errors; - more timely and regular supply of data; - the centralisation and dissemination at regular intervals of all timber exports data to the

Forest Department, ITTO and operators; - liaison made simpler with other operators for timber exports auditing purposes; - information sharing made possible with MINEF and their newly-created SIGIF system to

control harvested timber. At Project completion, close links will be fostered between the Project organisational structure and sales departments of companies, in order to facilitate a regular exchange of information on domestic and international timber trade.

3.4 Targeted beneficiaries

MINEF is the prime beneficiary of the Project. The various Poste Forestier Port will receive equipment to facilitate the auditing of timber exports. Part of the staff will receive a formal computer training. Other ministries, including the Ministry of Industry and Commerce or the Ministry of Finances, may use these statistics for specialised missions or tax investigation purposes. Small- and medium-scale companies will benefit from the transparency of these statistics, especially for obtaining information on market trends, final products and end use information. The Project will generate a positive interaction between timber producers and exporters. Donors, potential investors, international importers together with ITTO want updated statistics on the timber trade in Cameroon.

3.5 Project Strategy

3.5.1 Reasons for this selection

As mentioned in 2.3 above, ONADEF’s mandate is to supply the Government and sectorial operators with market information on the timber trade.

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For this purpose, ONADEF compiles statistics on timber sales since 1993. These statistics are collected on a quarterly basis with the various organizations in charge of auditing timber exports at sea port level. Various problems encountered, such as the difficulty to obtain detailed information from the various organizations, unreliable and/or delayed information have lead ONADEF to submit a pre-project on the collection and processing of forest statistics and the timber trade in Cameroon. The findings of the Pre-Project study “Analysis of the forest and timber trade statistics collection and processing system” showed that forest statistics are deficient at all levels of forest industries. Further to this study, and considering that 99% of the volume of timber sales in Cameroon are exported, sea ports appear as the obvious location for data collection on Cameroon timber sales. There are presently three organizations who audit timber exports in sea ports – the Customs Department, the private firm SGS and the Postes Forestiers Port (PFP). Statistics currently produced by the Customs Department and SGS are incomplete. The Postes Forestiers Port are the only entities to produce timber exports statistics for logs and processed timber. However they do not yet have the logistics to efficiently audit these exports, or the computer equipment to process relevant statistical data on a regular basis. Since, like ONADEF, the Postes Forestiers Port (PFPs) operate under MINEF authority, the Project will compensate PFPs shortcomings and initiate a Statistics Unit within ONADEF, which could compile and disseminate the data submitted by the PFPs.

3.5.2 Lessons drawn from past evaluations Statistics reporting on timber marketing and exports has always been sporadic and in response to the short-term needs of the various organizations concerned such as the Customs Department, the Société des Parcs à Bois (SEPBC) (Timber-Producing Park Corp.) and the Postes Forestiers Ports (PFPs) The analysis of the forest and timber trade statistics collection and processing system of Cameroon implemented under ITTO/ONADEF Sub-Project PPD 13/95 Rev.1 (M) highlighted a number of shortcomings, including:

- the lack of a central unit in charge of data collection, processing and dissemination; - data are scattered with various organizations with no information sharing taking place among them;

- most data are incomplete or deal with only one aspect of the timber marketing;

- data collection and compilation on timber exports at PFPs are left are the discretion of PFPs local staff;

- finally, data are not exchanged or centralised between the various PFPs.

3.5.3 Technical and scientific aspects

The Project will lead to a radical reform of the entire data processing aspect by establishing a computer system with appropriate standardised softwares. Data pre-processing procedures will take place at PFP level. The Douala and Kribi PFPs are earmarked for the installation of a personal computer unit and printing equipment. Data collected by PFPs in the less active ports of Limbé and Campo are to be transferred to Douala and Kribi.

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The synthesis and dissemination of data will be done from a central unit equipped with a personal computer and a printer located in ONADEF Headquarters in Yaoundé. The data-processing softwares will be the identical in the entire network in order to facilitate digital file transfer and to be able to standardise training and thereby provide for possible personnel transfer. A communication software (fax and modem) connected to the telephone network can be provided for, and installed on each computer. This system will allow for direct communication with the computerized processing system (SIGIF) to be installed at the Forest Department in order to process all data on harvested timber. Therefore, any log bearing a reference number allocated at logging site level could be traced from such number. Pending such a system, data will be compressed on floppy disk and forwarded to the Central Unit.

3.5.4 Economic aspects

The prime economic aspect of the Project is the fact that statistics on timber exports under various forms will allow for a better planning of State revenues in the forest sector. A second aspect is the fact that this Project will trigger a synergy in timber marketing which will bring about new markets and new comers to the system.

3.5.5 Environmental aspects

A clear knowledge of timber marketing is a significant tool for the management of forest potentials and can assist in the conservation of forest ecosystems and biodiversity. 3.5.6 Management aspects

PFP staff who will use the computer and logistical equipment provided by the Project will report to the Ministry of Water and Forest Resources (MINEF) and may be transferred to other positions. This is the reason why the Project provides for the computer system manager to be seconded by ONADEF in both PFPs targeted by the Project. This arrangement will ensure the smooth continuation of data compilation and transfer. In order to ensure an effective cooperation between the various partners, several measures have been provided for in the project: - Involvement of the competent Ministry, viz. the central Administration at its highest level, with the Minister or a high ranking official overseeing project management activities. - Activities of these operations have been budgetted. The Central Unit based in ONADEF offices in Yaoundé will be responsible for the liaison and cooperation with MINEF. Senior staff of the Central Unit will train newly appointed staff at PFP level. It is desirable that staff appointed by MINEF retain their position during the entire project life, and while staff may be moved at a later stage, such moves should not be massive in scale and avoid disrupting the smooth operation of the system established by the Project.

3.6 Reasons for ITTO Support

3.6.1 ITTO Aspects ITTO financed ITTO/ONADEF Pre-Project PPD 13/95 Rev.1 (M), which partly consisted in formulating this proposal. In addition, this Project is fully consistent with ITTO Objectives. Finally, Cameroon, who is an ITTO Member country, is obliged to release statistics, surveys and other information relating to the timber trade. It is therefore important for ITTO that these data be reliable and submitted on a regular basis. 3.6.2 Relationship with relevant actions supported by other donors

Under a sustainable management project for Cameroonese forests the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) already financed the implementation of a computerized forest

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information management system which processes the allocation of timber concessions and harvest quota. The Project will therefore supplement information relating to timber industries in Cameroon.

3.7 Risks Potential risks associated with the Project and having a possible impact on its implementation and future operations include:

- a disagreement between ONADEF and MINEF on timber exports auditing procedures, and

data collection and compilation procedures; In order to reduce this risk, we propose to convene a workshop at the start of the Project with ONADEF managers and MINEF staff involved in Project implementation so as to define their respective responsibilities and operational arrangements.

- The need for the International consultant to spend most of his time and efforts in basic computer training duties with the trainee staff; In order to reduce this risks and to secure future Project operation, we propose that two senior Project staff in ONADEF attend a two-month training course overseas on the use of the computer equipment with the international consultants firm to be selected. These two staff members may subsequently train personnel to computer operation and assist the international consultant in developing and refining the software to be used for statistics processing and reporting.

- Difficulties associated with the auditing of basic data recorded in specifications sheet at field level. In order to reduce this risk, we have provided for an auditing procedure on export timber consignments based on a sampling method, and the training of auditing officers to the method. In addition PFPs are to be equipped with the infrastructure required to operate the procedure.

- A lack of governmental resources may adversely affect project sustainability; Such a risk is not anticipated, thanks to the establishment of the Special Fund under

Government Decree N° 06/237/ of April 10th, 1996. The purpose of this fund is to finance any Government-approved forestry projects and

activities. Hence the forest statistics project now submitted by the Government could not suffer of a lack of State resources, inasmuch as the Fund ressources are derived from logging royalties paid by economic operators in the timber industry rather than contributed by the State Treasury.

- A lack of cooperation between the cooperating agencies involved in data collection activities; In order to mitigate this risk the competent Ministry will be involved at the highest level. And

operations relating to their activities have been budgetted in the project.

4. Outputs

4.1 Specific objective 1 In the forest product trading points of two major sea ports and in ONADEF headquarters, installing the computer equipment required for the collection, processing and compilation of statistical data on timber marketing in order to disseminate such information on a regular basis.

- Output 1: Timber Marketing Statistics Unit created The Timber Marketing Statistics Unit will include one Water and Forest Resources engineer and one Economist/Statistician, and will be in charge of managing the Project. - Output 2: Baseline survey – mutual consultations The International Consultant will be introduced to the current environment of timber marketing and organizations concerned.

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- Output 3: Preparatory work Preparatory work include the decorating work in the premises, establishing the procedures and computer and logistical equipment acquisition.

4.2 Specific Objective 2 Training personnel in the use of computer equipment and providing expertise in the use of statistical data compilation and dissemination programme for timber marketing. - Output 4: Installation of the information system in both targeted sea ports and at the Timber

Marketing Statistics Unit - Output 5: Data integration - Output 6: Availability and dissemination of Project results

5. Activities and inputs

The various project activities for each expected output are as follows:-

Output 1: Timber Marketing Statistics Unit created Inputs

Activity 1.1 Appointment of the Unit personnel Forest and Water Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician 2 drivers 3 data entry operators

Activity 1.2 Selection of the International Consulting Firm in information systems

Activity 1.3 Training overseas in computer equipment operation of the national team of technicians including one Water and Forest Resources Engineer and one Economist/Statistician

Travel expenses and subsistence allowance overseas Training course

Output 2: Consultation between the various partners

Activity 2.1 Convening of a workshop for governmental department representatives involved in the Project, in order to clarify operational procedures and responsibilities at each level

Travel expenses and daily expenses Document publishing

Activity 2.2 Convening of a workshop with the heads of PFPs and timber exporters concerning data transfer and control

Travel expenses and daily expenses Document publishing

Output 3: Preparatory work

Activity 3.1 Decoration of existing office premises Rehabilitation and air-conditioning installation work

Activity 3.2 Briefing of the international consultant on the existing situation

International consultant in information system

Activity 3.3 Adapting the current data collection and control procedure to the existing system; - upgrading the procedure - establishing an auditing procedure

based on a sampling method - standardization of the procedure in

every sea port

Duty travels and daily expenses

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Activity 3.4 Selection and acquisition of computer and logistical equipment

4 computer units with printers and softwares

Office furniture and supplies Technical control/monitoring equipment 2 vehicles 2 motorcycles Fuel and lubricant Vehicle maintenance

Output 4 Installation of the information system in both targeted sea ports and at the Timber Marketing Statistics Unit

Activity 4.1 Training of personnel to data collection and control procedures

Duty travel and daily expenses Document publishing

Activity 4.2 Training of personnel to the use of computer equipment

Duty travel and daily expenses Document publishing

Activity 4.3 Training of personnel to the use of the developed software and experimentation of data recording procedure

Duty travel and daily expenses Document publishing

Activity 4.4 Monitoring and evaluation of training session Duty travel and daily expenses

Output 5 Data integration

Activity 5.1 Creation of a computer module for merging data from PFPs

Activity 5.2 Identification of a procedure for the dissemination of statistics on a regular basis

Office equipment

Output 6 Availability and dissemination of Project results

Activity 6.1 Release of a statistical report on timber marketing

Office supplies

Activity 6.2 Convening one seminar to introduce project results

Duty travels and daily expenses Rented meeting room

Activity 6.3 Dissemination of Project results The press

Activity 6.4 Preparation of final project report Office supplies

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6. Logical Framework Matrix




1. Development Objective The development objective is to regularly acquire reliable data on timber marketing and sales in order to design appropriate management policies and economic planning for the timber industries

All ITTO Member countries Statistics released to ITTO

National statistics report on timber statistics

Understanding between the various governmental departments involved

2. Specific Objectives 2.1 In the forest product trading points of two major sea ports and at ONADEF headquarters, installing the computer and logistical equipment required for the collection, processing and compilation of statistical data on timber marketing in order to disseminate such information on a regular basis

Three decorated office premises Four personal computers Office furniture and equipment Technical control/monitoring equipment 2 vehicles 2 motorcycles

Report of the national technical team 2 statistics reports released from PFP

Commitment and interest of the staff assigned to data collection, verification and entry.

2.2 Training personnel in the use of computer equipment and providing expertise in the use of statistical data compilation and dissemination programme for timber marketing

Statistics reports prepared in PFPs Synthesis and dissemination of statistics at ONADEF

Activity/Progress Report by the national technical team. Evaluation report for ITTO

3. Outputs and activities Output 1: Timber Marketing Statistics Unit created

Activity 1.1 Appointment of the Unit personnel

Water and Forest Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician 2 Drivers 3 Data Entry Operators

Cameroon contribution: required personnel

Activity 1.2 Selection of the International Consulting Firm in information systems

Water and Forest Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician

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Activity 1.3 Overseas training of the national team of technicians comprising one Water and Forest Resources Engineer and one Economist/Statistician in computer equipment operation

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution: Duty Travels, overseas subsistence allowance, and course expenses

Output 2: Consultations between the various partners

Terms of understanding clearly defined

Commitment from each partner

Activity 2.1 Convening of a workshop for governmental department representatives involved in the Project, in order to clarify operational procedures and responsibilities at each level

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution: Duty Travels, subsistence allowance overseas and document publishing

Activity 2.2 Convening of a workshop with the heads of PFPs and timber exporters concerning data transfer and control

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution: Duty Travels, subsistence allowance overseas and document publishing

Output 3: Preparatory work

Activity 3.2 Briefing of the international consultant on the existing situation

International Consultant

Activity 3.3 Adapting the current data collection and control procedure

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician International Consultant

ITTO Contribution: Duty travels and expenses

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Activity 3.4 Selection and acquisition of computer and logistical equipment

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician International Consultant

ITTO Contribution Four personal computers with printers Office furniture and equipment Photocopy machine Technical control/monitoring equipment 2 vehicles 2 motorcycles Fuel, Lubricant, maintenance and repair work

Output 4 Installation of the information system in both targeted sea ports and at the Timber Marketing Statistics Unit

Evaluation report for each PFP and for the TMS Unit at ONADEF

Activity 4.1 Training of personnel to data collection and control procedures

Water and forest Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution Duty Travels and expenses Document publishing

Activity 4.2 Training of personnel to the use of computer equipment

Water and Forest Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution Duty Travels and expenses Document publishing

Activity 4.3 Training of personnel to the use of the developed software and experimentation of the data recording procedure

International Consultant

ITTO Contribution Duty Travels and expenses Document publishing

Activity 4.4 Monitoring and evaluation of training session

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution Duty Travels and expenses

Output 5 Data integration

Activity 5.1 Creation of a computer module for merging data from PFPs

International Consultant

Activity 5.2 Identification of a procedure for the dissemination of statistics on a regular basis

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution Office supplies

Output 6 Project results

Statistics Report released and presented during a seminar (Report published in trade and scientific journals)

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Activity 6.1 Release and dissemination of a statistical report on timber marketing

Technical team of the Unit

ITTO Contribution Office supplies

Activity 6.2 Convening one seminar to present the project Outputs

Water and Forest Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician Steering Committee

Duty travels and expenses Meeting Room

Activity 6.3 Dissemination of Project results

Water and forest resources engineer Economist/Statistician Government Minister or MINEF senior official

ITTO Contribution Office supplies

Activity 6.4 Preparing the final project report

Water and Forest Resources Engineer Economist/Statistician

ITTO Contribution Office supplies

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Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 11

Month 12


Activity 1.1 : Personnel appointment Activity 1.2 : Selection of the intern. Consulting firm

Activity 1.3 : Overseas training


Activity 2.1 : National workshop Activity 2.2 : Sectorial workshop


Activity 3.1 : Decoration of premises Activity 3.2 : Review of existing situation Activity 3.3 : Data collection and verification Activity 3.4 : Selection and acquisition of equipment


Activity 4.1 : Training in data collection procedures

Activity 4.2 : Training in computer operation

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Month 14

Month 15

Month 16

Month 17

Month 18

Month 19

Month 20

Activity 4.3 : Training in software operation Activity 4.4 : Review and assessment of training Output 5: Data Integration Activity 5.1 : Creation of a data merging module Activity 5.2 : Data dissemination procedure Output 6: Availability and dissem. Project Activity 6.1 : Release Stat. Rep. on Timber Mrkt Activity 6.2 : Seminar for presenting results Activity 6.3 : Dissemination of Project Results Activity 6.4 : Preparation of Project final report

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8. Institutional arrangements for implementation and operation 8.1 Management structure The scope of project work is limited to implementing a permanent structure to research, collect and release information on the timber market in Cameroon. In practice, the Project will be managed and implemented by: one Steering Committee, the National Coordinator of the Project, the senior project staff, cooperating agencies and the project support staff. 8.1.1 The Steering Committee It will provide guidance to, supervise and monitor project activities. It will convene at least once a year by mutual agreement among its various members. The Steering Committee membership comprises representatives of MINEF, the Executing Agency, ITTO and the cooperating agencies. 8.1.2 The National Coordinator The Director of the Executing Agency will be in charge of coordination duties. This will include organizing and supervising the work of the Technical Team together with the regular monitoring of Project activities. He will also report to the Steering Committee and ITTO. 8.1.3 The Technical Team The Technical Team is in charge of the analysis, synthesis and compilation of statistical data on the timber market. It is also in charge of monitoring the training of Cooperating Agencies staff in the use of computer equipment and timber market statistical data compilation and dissemination programme, as well as the future maintenance needs of computer equipment. 8.1.4 Cooperating Agencies They are in charge of field data collection 8.1.5 Support staff (drivers, data capture & processing operators) 8.2 Project Flow Chart (Management Structure Chart)

8.3 Project Senior Staff They include national senior staff, i.e. the Water and Forest Resources Engineer, the Economist/Statistician (Technical Team) as well as the international consultant during the period of his assignment. 8.3.1. Terms of Reference The Terms of Reference (mandates) of national senior staff and international consultant are detailed in Annexes (A) and (B). The international expert will be involved in the project for an 8-month period. He will provide an assistance to national senior staff (Economist/Statistician and Water and Forest Resources Engineer) who are to continue project work. His assistance will focus on activities described in Outputs 3 to 5 of the Logical Framework Sheet and its schedule and timing will be according to the those appearing in the Work Plan.

Project Steering Committee

National Coordinator

Technical Team

Cooperating Agencies

Project Support Staff

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9. Prior obligations and prerequisites The prerequisites to the start of the Project are linked to agreements in principle with MINEF on the management method for the PFPs.

PART III: MONITORING, REPORTING AND EVALUATION 1. Monitoring of Project work in progress Project progress will be monitored by ONADEF General Manager on a regular basis. The Project implementation will be supervised by the Project Steering Committee. The membership of the Steering Committee and the number of its meetings will be jointly decided by the Government of Cameroon and ITTO. 2. Evaluation Evaluation of the progress of Project work and outputs will be done according to ITTO guidelines. At project completion, there will be a joint evaluation carried out by both ITTO and the Government of Cameroon. 3. Reporting A project progress report will be submitted by ONADEF General Manager every quarter to ITTO. The report will describe the successive implementation stages of the Project as planned and achieved, problems encountered, remedial actions and future Project work and developments. The report will also address any proposals likely to improve the efficiency of Project work and outputs. The Project final report will be submitted within three months following project completion, and will describe the continuation of the information system on timber marketing established by the Project.

Part 4: PROJECT BUDGET (in US Dollars) 1. Project budget by activities



Duty Travels

Capital Goods

Miscellaneous and ITTO Costs

Equipment Total

Activity 1.1. Creation of Unit 37900 37900

Activity 1.2 : Selection of Consulting firm

Activity 1.3: Overseas training 10000 14000 24000

Activity 2.1: Workshop 1 1400 1 400

Activity 2.2 Workshop 2 700 700

Activity 3.1 Decoration of premises

4000 4 000

Activity 3.2 International Consultant

84 000 6 000 90 000

Activity 3.3 Control procedure 700 700

Activity 3.4 Equipment acquisition

64 600 12 500 77 100

Activity 4.1 Training 1 1400 400 1 800

Activity 4.2 Training 2 1400 400 1 800

Activity 4.3 Training 3 1400 400 1 800

Activity 4.4 Monitoring & Eval. of training

1400 1 400

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Activity 5.1 Information module 200 200

Activity 5.2 Dissemination Procedure

200 200

Activity 6.1 Statistics report 400 400

Activity 6.2 Presentation seminar

3200 3 200

Activity 6.3 Dissemin. Proj. results

200 200

Activity 6.4 Preparing Proj. final report

200 200

Costs of Steering Committee sessions

8 000 8 000

Costs of ITTO monitoring and evaluation

20 000 20 000

Contingencies 6 000 6 000

Costs of ITTO administration 18 772 18 772

Refund of pre-project PPD 13/95 budget

37 850 37 850

Total Project Activities 131 900 31 600 68 600 78 598 14 900 329 662

2. Project budget by funding sources

2.1 Government of Cameroon contribution (in US dollars)

Budget Components Unit Quantity Unit Costs Total

Cameroonese Personnel

1 Water and forest resources engineer

Month 20 700 14 000

1 Economist/Statistician Month 20 700 14 000

2 Drivers Month 32 100 3 200

3 Data entry operators Month 30 130 3 900

Allowance to Cooperating Agencies Staff

40 70 2 800

Sub-total Personnel 37 900

Office premise

Office renovation work Office premise 2 2000 4 000

Sub-total Capital Goods 4 000

Operating expenses

Vehicle and motorcycle maintenance

2 motorcycles2 vehicles

2 500

Fuel and lubricants “” 8 000

Insurance “” 2 000

Sub-total Operating Expenses 12 500

Total Government of Cameroon contribution

54 400

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2.2 ITTO Contribution (in US dollars) Budget Components Unit Quantity Unit Costs Total


1 International Consultant in information system

Month 7 12000 84 000

Duty travels for the International Consultant

6 000

Duty travels and expenses for national staff for overseas training and in-country missions

14 000

Cost of overseas training 10 000

Sub-total - Personnel 114 600

Capital investments

Computers, printers, software Item 4 4500 18 000

Photocopy machine Item 1 3300 3 300

Office furniture 3 300

Vehicles Item 1 35 000 35 000

Motobikes 2 2 500 5 000

Sub-Total - Capital Investments 64 600

Reports and Seminars

Workshop 1 and 2 2 100

Edition of proceedings 700

Training 1, 2, 3 5 400

Monitoring and evaluation of training

1 400

Module for data fusion 200

Production and distribution of statistical reports


Dissemination of project results 200

Seminar 3 200

Final report 200

Sub-total – Report and Seminar 14 000


Costs of Steering Committee sessions


Monitoring and evaluation 22 583

Contingencies (5% of activity budget)

6 000

Sub-total - Miscellaneous 28 583

Administrative costs (5,5% of total budget)

12 165

Refund of pre-project costs 37 850


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Annex A. Terms of reference of the International Consultant in information systems Qualifications: - Master Degree in information systems - Expertise in statistics - Past work experience in Africa - Fluency in French language Duties: - Assessment of office facilities in sea ports, statistics management procedures for timber exports and

existing human resources; - Purchasing computer equipment and softwares and issuing invitation to tenders for office decoration; - Preparing the Scope of Works document relating to data collection, verification, entry, pre-

processing procedures and data transfer to ONADEF central statistics information system in Yaoundé;

- Installing in PFPs targeted the required computer equipment and softwares; - Adjusting the computer softwares to timber marketing data recording and entry. - Training personnel to operate these softwares; - Developing a computer module to merge data submitted by PFPs; - Identifying a statistics data dissemination procedure to be run on a regular basis; - Project reporting.

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ANNEX (B) – TERMS OF REFERENCE OF SENIOR NATIONAL STAFF 1 - ECONOMIST / STATISTICIAN QUALIFICATIONS : - At least one Master Degree (or equiv.) in ECONOMICS and/or STATISTICS - A minimum 5-year experience in the collection and processing of forest statistics. - A substantial experience of data processing and statistical analysis. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES In close cooperation with the Water and Forest Resources Engineer, and International Expert, the Economist/Statistician shall :

* Contribute to the management and training of the technical cooperating agencies staff in forest data collection and processing ; * Design a a timber statistic data processing and analysis model ; * Cooperate to the establishment of a monitoring procedure based on a sampling method ; * Standardize the data collection procedure in every Postes Forestiers Ports ; * Participate in the selection and acquisition of statistical data processing equipment and

logistics * Train cooperating agencies staff in the use of the software developed for the capture and

processing of statistical data on the timber market ; * Compile (synthetize) and analyze at national level (Executing Agency) those statistical data

supplied by cooperating agencies ; * Train cooperating agencies staff to the use and maintenance of project equipment ; * Monitor and assess the training of cooperating agencies staff ; * Publish a periodical bulletin on timber market statistics (to act as a technical « control

panel » for the trade) ; * Cooperate to the drafting of the project final report and to extension work relating to Project

results by means of publications in trade and/or science journals.

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II – WATER AND FOREST RESOURCES ENGINEER (IEF) - A qualified engineer of Water and Forest Resources and Game Management (Ingénieur des eaux et

forêts et chasse) - A minimum five (5) years experience. - A sound knowledge of information management systems. - Acquainted with the data collection and transmission system for Cameroon timber exports statistics. DUTIES : In close cooperation with the Economist/Statistician and International Expert, the Water and Forest Resources Engineer shall :

* Create the Cameroonese Timber Marketing Statistics Unit ; * Supervise activities aimed at strengthening data collection, processing and transmission

structures ; * Learn the current timber market statistical data collection and transmission procedure ; * Design a Collection Data Sheet for statistical data on timber exports; * Establish a procedure for the transmission of Collection Data Sheets ; * Train cooperating agencies staff to the use and transmission of Collection Data Sheets ; * Verify the suitability to and integration of data collection procedures in the area of timber

exports ; * Monitor and evaluate the training provided to cooperating agencies staff ; * Organize a workshop involving the Governemental Departments involved in the Project in

order to clarify the operating procedures and various responsibilities at every level ; * Carry out extension work on the Project final results through a seminar ; * Cooperate to the drafting of the Project final report.

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ANNEX (C) Recommendations formulated by the 16th session of the Expert Panel have been taken into account ; revisions have been included in italics in the Project Document and this Annex contains a compilation of all amendments to the original Project proposal. Recommendations : The Panel recommended that in revising the proposal the submitting government should: 1 - increase the project duration to allow for delays;

The project duration has been extended by 8 (eight) months, from 12 to 20 months. However this extension has brought about a variation of the initial ITTO contribution, which has been increased from US$250,457.00 to US$278,667, i.e. an increase of US$28,210 chiefly caused by the increase of the Monitoring and Evaluation Costs and ITTO Project Support Costs. Please refer to Cover Page and Work Plan of the project proposal.

2 - relate in more detail the project objectives with relevant aspects of ITTA, 1994; This Project proposal directly relates to Objectives (b), (d), (h), (k), (m) of ITTA, 1994 in the following

fashion : b) To provide a forum for consultation to promote non-discriminatory timber trade practices ;

The project addresses this objective since its expected outputs and results are to establish a monitoring system to act as a technical « control panel » and forum of consultation on long-term timber marketing trends.

d) To enhance the capacity of members to implement a strategy for achieving exports of tropical timber and timber products from sustainably managed sources by the year 2000 ;

To achieve this objective, the Project provides an information basis to the development of policies, rules and regulations and strategies aimed at a better use, marketing and management of the forest resource. h) To improve market intelligence with a view to ensuring greater transparency in the

international timber market, including the gathering, compilation, and dissemination of trade related data, including data related to species being traded ;

The Project addresses this Objective in so far as it provides statistical information on development trends of the timber market and trade in general, with a special focus on marketable species, and this information will be derived from periodically disseminated data on the timber market.

k) To improve marketing and distribution of tropical timber exports from sustainably managed sources ;

The scope of the Project is nation-wide ; it will cover information relating to timber production and marketing, including timber from sustainably managed forests. m) To promote the access to, and transfer of, technologies and technical cooperation

to implement the objectives of this Agreement, including on concessional and preferential terms and conditions, as mutually agreed ;

This project will ensure that a regular supply of updated information will be available on the level of processing and quality of locally processed timber. (Part I ; Chapter. 1 ; Section 1.1, page 1 of Project Document)

3 - address further steps to ensure the political willingness of the three independent agencies cooperating in the compilation of trade statistics;

In order to ensure the political willingness of the various partners, several steps have been provided in the proposal :

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- Involving the competent Ministry, i.e. the national Administration at its highest level, through the overseeing of Project management by the Minister or a senior/high-ranking official of the Ministry.

- Activities relating to the implementation of these operations have been budgetted (Part I, Chapter III ; Section 3.5 ; paragraph 3.5.6, page 1 of Project Document).

4 & 5 - provide the terms of reference of the professional national personnel and clarify the timing and terms

of reference of the international consultant;

The Terms of Reference of the professional national personnel are now contained in Annexes (a) and (b) of the Project Document, and the timing of assignments will be in accordance with the timing of activities set out in the Work Plan or Logical Framework Sheet from Output 3 to Output 5. The duration of the International Consultant Mission is 8 months. Part II, Chapter 8, Section 8.3, paragraph 8.3.1 page 26 of the Project Document.

6. illustrate the commitment of the government to sustainability of the project, including Cameroon

paying for maintenance of vehicles and equipment;

The commitment of the Government to sustainability of the project is illustrated both by ONADEF being the executing agency (a Governmental corporation implementing the Government forest policy) and the establishment of the Special Fund under Decree N° 06/237/PM of 10 April 1996 whose purpose is to finance all government-approved forestry activities and projects. Resources from the Fund are mainly from timber royalties paid by economic operators, and not from the Public Treasury. Please note the shift of 4-wheel vehicles and motorcycles acquisition and maintenance budget line from ITTO contribution to Government of Cameroon contribution (Part IV, Chapter 2, Section 2.1, page 28 of Project Document)

7 - decrease the budget for duty travel and expenses for national staff;

Amounts allocated have been revised downward, from US$35,650 to US$30,550. Expenses for national staff have been cut by 20%. However the end result remains positive due to the Project extension. (Part IV, Chapter 2, Section 2.2, page 29 of Project Document)

8 - justify the high weight assigned to vehicles and motorbikes vis-a-vis computer items in Capital Investments;

In reality, vehicles and motocycles play a significant role in data collection in a system where Port Forest Posts are only three and very distant from each other, hence computer equipment are less or sparingly used.

9 - reword Output 6 to indicate “Dissemination of results”; Output 6 has been reformulated as follows : « Availability and Dissemination of Project Results » Part II, Chapter 4, Section 4.2 - « Chapter 5 - « Chapter 6 Logical Framework Sheet 10 - include a management structure chart

In practice the Project will be managed by one Steering Committee, the National Project Coordinator, the senior project staff and cooperating agencies, and support staff.

(see Management Structure Chart in page 26 of the document) The Project Steering Committee : PSC The Steering Committee includes representatives of MINEF, the Implementation Agency, ITTO, and

cooperating agencies. The National Coordinator : The Director of the Executing Agency will be in charge of coordination duties. This will include

organizing and supervising the work of the Technical Team together with the regular monitoring of Project activities. He will also report to the Steering Committee and ITTO.

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The Technical Team : The Technical Team is in charge of the analysis, synthesis and compilation of statistical data on the timber market. It is also in charge of monitoring the training of PFPs (cooperating agencies) staff in the use of computer equipment and timber market statistical data compilation and dissemination programme, as well as the future maintenance needs of computer equipment.

Cooperating Agencies (Postes Forestiers Port)

They are in charge of field data collection (Part II, Chapter 8, Section 8.1, paragraphs 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, 8.1.4, pages 25 and 26 of Project Document.

11. - constitute a Steering Committee to give all participating agencies a voice in project progress; and

The Project Steering Committee has been established. Its membership has been detailed in the foregoing - representatives of MINEF, the Executing Agency, ITTO and cooperating Agencies. (Part II, Chapter 8, Section 8.1, paragraph 8.1.1, page 25).

12. - adjust the budget accordingly, including increased ITTO monitoring funds of $20,000.

The budget has been adjusted accordingly and the budget line provided for ITTO Monitoring effectively increased to US$20,000. (Part IV, Chapter 2, Section 2.2, page 30 of Project Document).

* * *