It’s time to drink coffee


Transcript of It’s time to drink coffee













developmenteditor’s letter

“God is never seen immaterially; and the vision of him in woman is the most perfect of all”- Rumi

If not during the spiritual month of Ramadan, I don’t know when would the right moment be for us to frankly and whole-heartedly whisper to each other how easy is to abandon our faith in the short pause of a blink of an eye, when the eye hasn’t rested properly for over a month.

You disapprove I act like I know you, but I do!

You manage a hyper career, and according to the Canadian Psychology professor, Jordan Peterson, you buy more powerful microwave because it will take 45 seconds to cook the food instead of a minute. You are up at 5am, you exercise in your kitchen, while making breakfast for half an hour; you get your kids ready for school and you are off to work 14 flat hours a day. You come home and work for another two hours to get kids’ homework done; in a busy day, nanny takes over the bath time so you can work an extra hour, it’s finally time to share fifteen romantic minutes of take away dinner, catching up with social life via Facebook. Love life? Of course, you love not by perfection but by training yourself to look perfectly over your husband’s flaws. It’s 5am, and you are up again!

Merilyn Monroe thinks that the best thing happened to her is to be a woman, on the flip side you are barely left with time for gratitude! The socio-economic reality tears you apart from conservative womanhood, caught up in the fastest-growing existential asset and global phenomena, somehow ironically called Womanization. The pressure is on, the expectations are on with installing more applications on without a room for mistakes, or storage limit, or download button. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger,” echoes like a broken Chinese wire on early Friday morning! And you will continue with a put up exterior, even when you think you could do no more, till you hit 35!

Here is a secret! A whole issue that offers you tips on strengthening your spirit stamina! Because, we, women, alike, practice our challenging daily routines, before we practice any religion, this issue invites you to discover the universal and hailing power of neutral faith and spirituality as a source of energy to your exceeding performance as mother, wife, team player and a leader, so keep adding on, you can do it! Ramadan Kareem!

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Printed & Published byGulf Publishing & Printing Co. W.L.L.


Cover Photography: Sajin Orma Marsa Malaz Kempinski Ramadan TentIftar Buffet

Served from sunset to 8pmQAR 240 per person

Sohour BuffetServed from 9pm until late

QAR 290 per person

For individual or group reservations please contact:+974 4035 5011 | [email protected]

MMK-Ramadan 2017-Gulf Femina.indd 1 5/16/17 10:48 AM

Marsa Malaz Kempinski Ramadan TentIftar Buffet

Served from sunset to 8pmQAR 240 per person

Sohour BuffetServed from 9pm until late

QAR 290 per person

For individual or group reservations please contact:+974 4035 5011 | [email protected]

MMK-Ramadan 2017-Gulf Femina.indd 1 5/16/17 10:48 AM

development Achievers

MOTHERHOOD‘Good manners’- schooling for parents/ Show your children the real Ramadan








Hatha Yoga guru Vishnu Prasad says that yoga can be very helpful during Fast, because it accelerates the process of body-rejuvenating and..

Talk on Qatar’s potential, women’s progress and what it means to be representing a kingdom to the world

Here are six things you could do to live simply and ethically during this

Ramadan. You will feel encouraged to live in harmony with others and our



THE NEW THOUGHTApproaching the holy month, not so fast../ Facechat and Snapbook continue twinning


POINT The power of the praying wife


DEVELOPMENTStats says funnimism is not a myth!/ If you were self-confident you wouldn’t..


ACHIEVERSSusmita Pattnaik


AROUND THE WORLDMeanwhile women in Venezuela../ ‘The legacy of Zaha Hadit’


TaLk WITh DuTch ambaSSaDoR DR. bahIa TahzIb-LIE

6 TIpS foR aN EThIcaL RamaDaN



WELLNESSNatural anti-clockwise for your skin


WELLNESS‘Hello from London’/ Smoothie of May





AL KHORالخور





AIRPORT ROADالمطار القديم



development Achievers








Panama’s most celebrated visual artist has exhibited all over the world and has

broken a world-record, an artist and a great

humanitarian, Madame Olga says the art capital

Doha is doing the right thing

What’s new in the fashionista’s closet?

If you are day-dreaming about Kempinski’s If-tar and Suhoor menus, take a sneak-peak in the kitchen and learn some delicious secrets from the person, who makes it all possible, Chef Julien Al Khal

MY STORY GOT TOLDThe high cost of speaking your mind




WELCOME TO MY CITYThe holy month of Ramadan is here!


LEISUREBaahubali’s women/ Bookfair


TRAVELEscape in just 60 min.


STYLE ME UPColour me happy!/ make-up34

ARTIAD’s annual exhibition/ Artist Ebtisam Al Saffar


HOMESeven oceans under one roof


HOME COOKINGDate and Almond energy balls


REVIEWAdventure Rooms






coffEE WITh oLga SINcLaIR


May 201712


Much ado for nothing to Mary Wollstonecraft, world’s first feminist and her suffragist sisters. And while 21ST century feminists get things done topless, the rest of the female society, ah they are just busy keeping up with the Kardashians, which is fine if this wasn’t the majority; fewer, considering themselves other than beautiful and 0.1% rebelling but in despair because it’s not fair that intelligence and high IQ don’t show up on a selfie and reading gets boring after the contents anyway, a handful of women stand up and sweat to multi-task, manage, execute and make name for the whole woman kind, yet long way to go stats say



All of the 20 richest women

in the world – except one,

inherited their money from either their

husband or their father

Globally, women are paid less than men. Women in most countries earn on average only 60 to 75% of men’s wages

Educated mothers are more than twice as likely to send their children to school

Worldwide, an estimated 5,000 women and girls are murdered every year for a perceived dishonor to their families

Of all women killed globally in 2012, it is estimated that almost half were killed by a partner or relative compared to less than 6% of men

Girls who complete secondary school are 6 times less likely to become child brides. 62 million girls were out of school in 2014.An extra year of education can help a girl earn 20% more as an adult

Husbands can object to their wives working and prevent them from accepting jobs in 15 economies

142 million girls throughout the world will be married before the age of 18 by 2020 if present trends continue

Women bear disproportionate responsibility for unpaid care work: 1 to 3 hours more a day to housework than men; 2 to 10 times the amount of time a day to care (for children, elderly, and the sick), and 1 to 4 hours less a day to market activities

603 million women live in countries where domestic violence is not yet considered a crime. An educated female population increases a country’s productivity and fuels economic growth. Some countries lose more than $1 billion a year by failing to educate girls to the same level as boys

May 2017 13

1 Lose your cool in stressful situations

-Self-confident people trust their own abilities, have a general sense of control in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they wish, plan, and expect. On the other hand if you were self-confident you wouldn’t run away from responsibility for your deeds. We all make mistakes but being responsible for them is important to the self-confident because mistakes make up indispensable part of personal development. As they say the greatest mistake is a fear of making one. Do you tell yourself, “That was stupid” or “I’m so dumb!” If so, replace those negative phrases with positive ones, such as “I am confident” and “People listen to what I say”. It may seem strange the first few times you do it, but positive repetition can help you feel more confident.

If You Were Self-Confident YOU WOUldN’T…

2 Surround yourself with negative people - If you can’t

avoid negative people at work, you need to develop ways to deflect them. Imagine yourself behind an invisible shield that protects you from negative words. That helps when co-workers say things to put you down. People themselves cause anxiety and stress when they measure their success based on the appraisal or disapproval of their surroundings. Do not allow others to manipulate yourself. Your emotional state is only yours and you are responsible what it is like.

3 Wait for the right moment- We are all longing for that one thing

that makes our lives a little better. But the truth is that there is not such term as “right moment” instead, may be you have to work to create one. Being brave, taking risks and chasing down what you want is what self-confident people do. You should take the lead in your life, because it is your own thing and you know better than anyone what’s worth fighting for.

4 Believe in perfection -Having self-confidence does not mean that

individuals will be able to do everything. Self-confident people have expectations that are realistic. Even when some of their expectations are not met, they continue to be positive and to accept themselves. If you’ve been put on a new project that you’re unfamiliar with, remember that someone chose you because they believed in your skills and experience. Even though you may not feel confident, there is someone else that believes you can do it.

5 Hesitate to let go - I ‘know’ where to stop and I ‘can’ are two

very different actions. Most of us have to mature and grow wiser to realize what we need to hold on to and that which we need to leave behind. Whilst some other easily walk away from certain situations and painful memories easier. There is so much to be achieved in the short span of our lives and the earlier you ‘can’ start letting go, the more successful you will be with focusing on the big deal rather on every small rock on the road.

May 201714

SuSmitA PAttnAik

1 What does the indian Women’s Association stands for?

Integrity, Worthiness and Aspiration, these are the three pillars on which Indian Women’s Association stands high on a foreign soil. In a nutshell IWA, Qatar is a worthy association which aspires to maintain/preserve the integrity of her motherland in a far-off country.

India being a land of diversities has sheltered everybody to flourish amidst all odds because of her time-tested, prevalent unity. Correspondingly IWA embraces women from all walks of life, giving them a sense of belongingness by uniting them under one umbrella, away from home land. In other words, IWA represents the core principle of our country, India ‘Unity in Diversity” in its true sense.

2 What are your priorities as the new president of iWA?

Leading IWA is a huge responsibility; not because of its immensity but because of the values that Indian sub continent stands for. It becomes my foremost priority to uphold the ethics as well as carry forward the legacy of an age old association as a true custodian. That’s how my priorities are manifold and multidimensional.

3 What is your target related to women empowerment that you wish to achieve on board of iWA?

Women Empowerment for me is a movement; which is nothing but the call of the hour. Persistent effort by the majority can give it a definite shape, but unless we change our attitude, we can’t

Mrs. Susmita Pattnaik is the newly elected President of the Indian Women’s Association (IWA), which has been founded with the mission to empower the Indian female community present in Doha, Qatar. Mrs. Pattnaik is a born-leader with ability to influence effortlessly, an accomplished woman with achievements across wide scope of competency, and a loving mother.

take it to greater heights surpassing all the barriers. If my two years of tenure as a leader can serve as a stepping stone towards such a noble endeavor, I will be the happiest.

The fact that each individual is endowed with a special ability and can bloom to fullest provided she is given an opportunity and a right platform to discover the new horizon, conveys a great message. I wish IWA to be that forum to unleash the potential of each member and make her realize Self Worth.

Apart from that I want to make use of my opportunity to lead by being a role model, who can inspire others to move at least one step ahead. I stay motivated by the thought of John Adams who says “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more you are a leader”. So my focus on self discovery for a better self is my biggest priority, which I enjoy.

4 One thing you love about being an independent woman?

Being independent is highly subjective. For me it’s nothing but having your own space to grow and have the choice and authority to make your own decisions. I love that freedom to think for myself as an individual in my own capacity and from my own perspective. That’s very gratifying.

5 What is the biggest reward you have received so far?

The biggest reward for me is what I am today. Call it divine blessings or love of my parents and family, I feel contented the way I have grown over the years. I look for positivity everywhere and receive in return, fulfilling the law of the Universe. That’s incredible.

6 Do you have any talents? Hard work beats talent or vice versa?

My understanding of life on the whole is my biggest talent .When you have empathy, compassion and urge to live life, perseverance to accept life comes naturally, thereby making you richer automatically. You get wiser with life skills and you are ready to face the world.

Where hard work is concerned that’s the key to success. When you are ready to face the world, hard work helps you reach larger heights. So both hard work and talent are inseparable and they go hand in hand.

7 What does a successful woman carry in her purse?

This is very personal. I always carry a pen and a note book with me.

There is a popular saying “A pen is mightier than a sword”. When you rearrange the word ‘sword’, it becomes “words ‘. Isn’t it amazing!! That means words that flow through a pen are powerful and can change the history of mankind like a sword.

I feel complete with a pen and a small notebook. They are my strength. My passion for poetry , public speaking becomes alive and thrive through these two weapons .I adore them as my finest companions in my journey towards a better world.

Susmita PattnaikPresident ,[email protected]

President of the Indian Women’s Association


May 2017 15

May 201716

development ArOUND The WOrLD

V enezuela has won more beauty contests than any other country in the world. But while it might have six

Miss Universe crowns, it only has two shelters for victims of gender violence. The beauty industry in Venezuela has struck deep social roots and it has highly organised structure with a government that buys young girls’ dreams, teaching them from a very young age to aspire to be a “Miss”. An astonishingly large number of women do breast implants and it is not that unusual for proud fathers to buy breast implants for their daughters when they turn fifteen. Venezuela is also the highest per capita consumer of cosmetics, as the filmmakers point out. The “Misses” of Venezuela are white women. Many of them end up as TV anchors in the private

channels, from where they both spew hate for the socialist government and reinforce the extreme objectification of Venezuelan women.

But Venezuela’s obsession with beauty seems to have been wisely placed on hold as the female efforts at the ongoing combat that started few months back, for economic reform has been proven a powerful force, with two heroines at the front line, Caterina Ciarcelluti and Lilian Tintori. Their names take turns in making global headlines as the people of Venezuela, which has larger oil resources than Saudi Arabia, have to queue up for basic food and provisions. The country’s problems have only worsened since president Nicolas Maduro succeeded Hugo Chavez, whose most virulent opponents have been by the Venezeulan

Meanwhile woMen in Venezuela..


bourgeoise that thrived on the misogyny of the beauty industry.

The 44-year-old Caterina Ciarcelluti was the first one to bring the global attention to the, otherwise widely underestimated scale of the crises, by a photo of herself with perfectly blonde locks flowing under a crash helmet, and launching a rock at a national guard during protest. The photo went viral and got her the nickname Venezuela’s “Wonder Woman”. This was an attention-call that turned all medias’ heads towards Venezuela.

The Venezuelan athlete, television and radio host, human rights activist and now a history-maker Lilian Tintori, the wife of the opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez is rising in the spirit of her ancestor and national heroine Juana Ramirez, who fought for Venezuelan Independence in 1813. Mrs. Tintori is teaming up with female supporters of all ages, walks of life and socio-economic backgrounds across the country. Thousands of women dressed in white march on the streets of the capital Caracas, taking charge in overthrowing the left-wing government of its most controversial president Nicolas Maduro and his dictatorial and autocratic regime.

h ow, from the ashes of the bombs dropped in Iraq a revolutionary talent emerges to transform the landscape

of mainstream architecture and creates global trending in liberating manner and high creativity, here in the story about the iconic, Iraqi-born British architect Zaha Hadid that got told once more by Raya Ani, Founder and Director of Architectural Bureau RAW-NYC with offices in Middle East, on the occasion of the commemorating “The legacy of Zaha Hadid” event in Doha recently.

The New York City’s former prison for women is going to be transformed into the very first Women’s building in town. The ambitious project is driven by the collaboration of different feminist organizations and it is about to materialize their longging aim to create shelter for those deprived from home. The challenge of high rental prices in the NYC, that has caused the delay of this noble idea’s pursuit for several times, has been found solution for with this project of creating such home instead of renting one. Currently the idea is taking shape of a contemporary-looking space welcoming feminist groups, leaders or anyone from the female community to find accomodation, specific care, venue for art exhibitions, collaborations, professional help and it will be even offering a nursery by 2020. Although

there will be a brand new image, the original architecture of Bay-view correctional facility won’t be erased, designed by the team of architects, which has previously worked on the iconic Empire State Building.

The prison closes its doors in 2012 after damages caused by the Sandy Hurricane. Once notoriously famous with many reported cases of tortures and sexual crimes, ironically the women prison is getting designed to hold very different future. The conversion of a freedom-taking place into a liberating one with safe, caring and easy accessible environment is almost as symbolic as it’s a necessity to the global understanding of the roots of terrorism, crimes committed that would place an individual into a cell. The help, advocacy, women empowerment, ideas-exchange and educational activities scheduled to be hosted turn the focus of the fundamental crime-punishment dilemma, from dealing with the consequences to seeking preventative solutions in the future, and strenghtening the society‘s weaknesses in dealing with children from problematic familes, home abuse, victims of harassment and mental conditions, especially with those in risk and former inmates of the prison themselves.

The team behind the project is all feminine. It’s a group of worldwide leading architectural bureaus, all engaged in promoting women rights and causes. One of them - Raya Ani, Founder and Director of architectural bureau RAW-NYC with offices in Middle East ) has revealed that Women’s building will be dedicated to the most renowned woman architect in the world so far - the unforgettable Zaha Hadid, who, sadly had passed away last year.

Hosted by W Hotel and under the patronage of QU. Emotional and inspirational, the stories with Zaha had the purpose to influence over future architects, especially Muslim Women

among them. A group of such students from the unique female program in architecture at QU had attended the public talk and the round table about women in architecture afterwards. As one of the many Hadid’s followers and moreover being Iraqi like herself, Raya Ani shared memories from remarkable meetings with Zaha. One of them during a lecture in the US, when Zaha had been criticized for giving her students bad example by smoking while teaching. In response she boldly said that she should quit smoking if America stop bombarding her country. Memories from her childhood in Iraq under the striking bombs, were revived by Ray Any. She told the audience about the only activity she’s been into by that violent time-studying, improving her English and of course drawing. Some of the early sketches of Zaha Hadid were also shown during the event. Even though Zaha was criticized and often named “paper architect” at the beginning of her career, she kept the strength of perseving her values and staying true to her principles. Fidel to the sentence “I Hadid it my way,” according Raya Ani, the image of Zaha Hadid will remain sense of hope and will continue to represent the power of persistence for the Iraqi people.

“The legacy of Zaha Hadid”bY : RoSSITSa DoRoVSka

May 2017 17

May 201718


O f the many interesting characteristics we encounter living in a conservative Islamic state,

the most widely recognised is the holy month of Ramadan. Based on moon methodologies, this time of self-restraint and positive intention comes in good time this year, breaking the Qatari summer in early. As an ex-pat woman living in this Arab nation, and to date not experiencing a Ramadan for myself, it is shrouded with a curious mystery as long time residents of all religions offer me their insights.

Melissa RobinsonDJ / Business Owner /Influencier



Dj Disko Diva known for the inflammable audio performances, has not so well known, positive aura, unbreakable spirit and inspiring mind over-loaded backstage identity. She also happens to express herself in multiple ways with life achievements extending far beyond matching and scratching over the tunes. Owner of a business in New Zealand, she is a true heart-follower striving to inspire as many as her busy schedule allow her.


divine answers to the individual questions each and every one of us are given in life. This is but a small part of what it means to immerse yourself in this holy month. With the strength of discipline that Ramadan encourages it is a time to ensure specific concentration towards your own goals, ensuring routines are solidified, making certain they are continued all year round. This 30 days is well known as a time where rewards for good deeds are on steroids!! Where every inch of goodness donated to others comes back to the giver in overwhelming amounts!! It is this attention, for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, to being of service and charity to others that encourages good habits, putting us all in good stead for the remainder of the year. At times it can be easy to become overwhelmed with the external circumstances of our lives, falling into habitual thinking that the world is happening to us rather than through us. Not to mention focusing on other people and how they can serve and provide for us, we are forgetting that it is far more fulfilling to consider who we are and how we can serve and provide blessings for them. Imagine how different our daily lives would be if we all interacted from this generous space of giving?

Regardless of your religious inclination, if you find yourself in Qatar during this Ramadan, I urge you to engage yourself in what will be a time of heightened good vibrations across the country and surrounding areas. Denote the time for yourself to take on board all, or parts, of what it means to be Muslim; but more importantly what it means to be a kinder, gentler and more generous human being and member of your community. What will you consciously implement or commit to letting go off during this month of connection to something bigger than yourself?

The most basic piece of knowledge from the non-Muslim world in regards to Ramadan is the essential daylight fasting for the entire month. There are numerous benefits to fasting that shouldn’t be overlooked aside from the more mainstream health and aesthetic rewards. Fasting, in essence, is designed to induce a spiritual experience bringing you closer to Allah/God. I can personally say from fasts I have completed that the more challenging the fast has been for me, the more clear minded, transcendental experience I have encountered. This mindful exercise in self-restraint teaches us so much about our relationship with not only food, but automatic behaviours and the emotions that drive them. Given the space and time away from repeated exposure to toxicity or detrimental ways of being, our bodies always seek to reach homeostasis and heal naturally, combating chronic illness in the physical body. The organic reallocation of energy no longer taken by our digestive system is redistributed everywhere, from our larger organs right through to our less demanding - but equally important - internal systems. Fasting is a natural and healthy way to reset the body and mind, allowing rest to be taken, energy to be reissued and better disciplines to be implemented for the remainder of the year. The holy month is more than this though, it is through all forms of abstinence that you detach from all worldly pleasures and focus on the unadulterated self. If you are new to the concept of fasting and wish to take part, even on a smaller scale through variations of time-restricted eating, plenty of information can be found web-wides, in particular at and

The month of Ramadan is spiritually charged with a focus to turn all intentions inward, seeking our own


e van Spiegel can rightly feel a real pioneer of the Silicon Valley. The 26-year-old man, along with his partner, Bobby

Murphy, did what very few company founders can claim: the Stories feature, he created a real signature for Snap - a feature that will forever be associated as a Snapchat trademark.

Snapchat’s unique ability to document everyday life as fully as possible with photo and video snippets helped Snap not only for its primary public offering, which has led to a $40 billion mark, but has also awakened the interest of the world’s second-most valuable Internet company.

Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been Snapchat’s fan since the start of the company. Since 2012, the founder of Facebook has tried to acquire the company several times but unsuccessfully. And if we cannot get what we want, let’s beat it.

So Zuckerberg initially tried to resist timid attempts, but they failed seriously: first poke the Poke application, and then, two years ago, Snapchat’s direct attempt to copy an independent application called Slingshot was a real catastrophe. With its daughter company Instagram last summer, Facebook has been surprisingly successful - it directly copied the Stories feature.

The experiment reported phenomenal success: only five months after the introduction of the new features, Instagram attracted 150 million new active users - and thus almost caught up with Snapchat. And consumer growth in Snapchat has stabilized since the launch of Instagram and is likely to cost the higher mark on the Snap Exchange.

But the attack on Instagram was not enough for Zuckerberg. To poison Snapchat’s life before the IPO, Facebook released, a few days before the initial public offering, similar to Story’s WhatsApp feature. Users can also share with their friends edited and filtered photos and the WhatsApp video.

Even Facebook itself has become increasingly snap-like. Not only because its Messenger app now offers animated stickers and editing features, but because it will also experiment, this upcoming autumn with new filming feature that incorporates masks and

filters, something long known for Snap’s audience.

But the peak came in March. The new Messenger Day feature, with which Facebook and Facebook now copy the favourite feature of Snap - Stories. The new social networking pioneer step announced with the expansion of photo features, which will now make it even easier to share photos and videos - with new Stories that are embedded directly into the Facebook app over news feeds. Numerous effects like masks, frames, and interactive filters can be applied to photos and videos - the ideal bait for the young target group.

And so – the latest Facebook release was three features similar to those offered by Snap. This is the fourth time that Facebook has cloned Snapchat features in less than a year.

Facebook’s great advantage is that the social network can reach users outside of Snap’s relatively tight demographic circle and show them features they may have never tried. But on the other hand, what works in Snapchat does not necessarily work on Facebook.

“Sometimes there are just no words”, says the PR clip for the new Facebook feature. Indeed, and we remain silent in front of the persistence of the social network to kill its competition by copying it. We can only hold our fingers crossed to fail.




By UpDate

May 2017 19

May 2017 21

Faith is a pillar!Some call it optimism, some Rhonda Byrne’s book The Secret, in old-school language it translates as f-a-i-t-h and it holds the power to make it happen. It certainly, might though sub-consciously exists in every female, who, at least, once has taken a step without seeing the whole staircase for the sake of her marriage or children. The balance between spirituality and physical world is a delicate business that requires a sensitivity naturally existent in those, who are gifted with life-bearing ability, unlike men. Name it as you wish, but take ownership of what’s advocated by your heart, and it will turn out a blessing that protects your spirit from crashing and benefits your success in growing. Faith, as a superior embodiment of hope, is the core of the high spirit needed by every Hestia (Greek Goddess of family) in keeping the crown of their cozy kingdoms up and straight. Faith could be an object, a place or a feeling, equally rightful and nurtured by belief in the fine existence of universal perfection. Do not deny what is gifted to you as a woman, discover and cherish what drives you forward on the way to the best that is yet to come.

The PoweR oF The PRaYinG wiFe

me-ditation time! Once newly married Stormie Omartian, author of the bestseller ‘The power of the praying wife’, knew initially only three-words prayer, “change him, Lord” before she learnt more effective chant, “change me, Lord”. That’s right, prayer and meditation alike, are the devoted time to the Self, remember that everything starts from within, even the change you desire to see in others. Regular practice has been shown in numerous scientific studies to be an important factor in maintaining harmonic relationships, living longer and staying healthy. Dr. Herbert Benson, a cardiovascular specialist at Harvard Medical School has discovered what he calls “the relaxation response”, which occurs during periods of prayer and meditation. At such times, the body’s metabolism decreases, the heart rate slows, blood pressure goes down, and our breath becomes calmer and more regular. The better health, the more energy and higher physical and mental performance at home and at work, we can effortlessly achieve. Before anything prayer is a great way to communicate with yourself, it is the vehicle for dialogue with yourself on your presence and future. By vocalizing or thinking over what’s on your mind you are more likely to reach solutions, forgiveness or overcome feelings of self-worthless for instance, that storm almost

all of us at “that time” of the month. It is, above all, a great way to acknowledge who really is in control of your live and after all find some time for gratitude where gratitude is due.

Spirituality, not Religion!It really boils down to looking your demons squarely in the eye! Without a question, freedom requires spiritual transformation. Many people fail to free themselves from fear, insecurity and pressure despite they practice certain religion, and this is mainly attributed to the false pretense that spirituality is somehow connected to religion. Spirituality and religion are distinctly and undeniably different practices. Religion is a community or group practice while spirituality is a personal journey. The practice of outward ideals and doctrines is not, nor has it ever been, a substitute for inner righteousness. Can one practice religion and spirituality? Yes, of course! However, one should not assume they are synonymous because they aren’t! While the end goal of both spirituality and religion is to establish a personal relationship with the divine, only spirituality can deliver on that promise. When nurtured correctly, spirituality is a personal journey that encompasses self-reflection, discovery, growth and a greater connection to one’s higher consciousness and the divine.

bY : gabRIELLa baSSI

May 201722


the Prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) was the model of highest ethical behaviour. He encouraged muslims to live in harmony with others and our environment.

food as biofuel, are all symptoms of the greed within.

Ramadan is an opportunity to re-evaluate our lives and review the impact our actions have on our planet and other people. We live in a consumerist society, but we can make positive changes today.

Here are six tips on how to live simply and ethically this Ramadan, and beyond.

6 for an ethical


the environment and also goes against the teachings of Islam.

God advises Muslims to avoid waste – “Eat and drink but waste not by excess, for Allah loves not those who waste.” (Quran 7:31) The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged people to avoid leaving leftovers, saying, “You do not know which part of your food carries the blessings.”

Avoid food waste in Ramadan by planning meals, freezing excess, and keeping an eye on ‘use by’ dates. Re-use leftovers in ‘makeover’ recipes. Overripe fruit can be blended with yoghurt or milk to make smoothies for suhoor. Excess vegetables can be made into soup for iftar.

Also aim to reduce the amount of water you use. When asked whether waste was an issue even for wudhu, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Yes, even if you are by a flowing river.”

He lived simply, ate modestly, shared generously and served his community. The Prophet (pbuh) also established some of the world’s first nature sanctuaries where trees couldn’t be cut or animals killed.

According to Islamic belief, God has charged humankind with the responsibility of being guardians on Earth. However, human beings have become exploiters. Environmentally-destructive behaviour – waste, pollution, deforestation, over-fishing and using

1 Cut WAStEIn some countries, a third of all food goes to waste. This has a negative impact on

RamadanbY : WIEf

May 2017 23

2 EAt LESS, SHARE mOREThere is more than enough food in the world, but some overeat while others go hungry. Practice moderate eating this Ramadan. As the Prophet (pbuh) said, a Muslim should eat and drink in moderation, reserving “one third [of the stomach] for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.” (Hadith at-Tirmidhi)

Ramadan allows you to exercise more control over your meals, which can help you regulate your diet and reduce your grocery bills.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) also advised us to share, saying: “Food for two suffices three, and food for three suffices four.”

Invite non-Muslims to share your iftar, send food to your neighbours and reach out to new Muslims and people from out-of-town who might otherwise be eating alone in Ramadan.

Also, cut back on processed foods – they are often packaged in intensive ways that cost the planet.

In addition, you can reduce your CO2 contribution by choosing to walk or cycle instead of using the car. Not only will this help the environment, healthy exercise will boost your wellbeing too.

5 BuY FAiR tRADEIslam encourages justice in all economic transactions. Fair Trade addresses the injustices of the food trade through trading partnerships that give farmers a better price for their produce. It also ensures decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fairer terms of trade.

Fair Trade products include tea, coffee, chocolate, sugar, cocoa, olive oil and bananas. Look out for the Fair Trade logo on products. Buying products from local suppliers – such as dates from Palestinian farmers – is another great way to support Fair Trade.

4 SWitCH tO FREE RAnGE mEAtThe meat industry is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, and it takes many thousands of litres of water to produce. In addition, cheap meat is often produced at the expense of animal welfare – with cruel practices such as battery farming seeing chickens confined to small cages and given growth hormones to make them gain weight quickly.

Inhumane treatment of animals is against the spirit of Islam. “Eat and drink all that is halal (lawful) and tayyab (wholesome and pure).” (Al-Qur’an 2: 68)

Eat less meat this Ramadan: you will appreciate it more, it will help you to empathise with those who cannot afford meat, while practising the Islamic value of moderation: “Eat of the good things We have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein” (Al-Qur’an 20: 81)

Make sure the meat that you do consume is free-range or organic. The ‘free-range’ industry allows animals to roam freely, eat a natural vegetarian diet and produces good quality, ethically-produced meat.

Halal organic meat is a young, growing market, but there are a number of independent farms run by Muslims that are easy to find online. Free-range eggs and responsibly-farmed fish are also widely available in supermarkets.

3 REDuCE YOuR CARBOn FOOtPRintFind out what produce is in season this Ramadan and plan iftars around them. You can buy seasonal produce from local shops or farmer’s markets. Local farms may do food deliveries in your area, and by shopping locally you will support your community and the families around you.

Check supermarket labels for country of origin, and select local produce which is often fresher and supports local food producers while causing less pollution via transportation.

6 unPLuG AnD DE-CLuttERIn Ramadan, our spiritual needs take priority over our physical ones. This appetite can equally apply to desires other than food. Islam encourages a level of restraint from material things to allow us to reach our spiritual goals. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t own things, but we should tame our desire for them.

The concept of waste and extravagance extends to material possessions such as clothing and household items, as well as how we spend our time. They are all part of our sustenance from God and should be used responsibly.

Why not try ‘unplugging’ from the television, laptop, console games and all gadgets this Ramadan? Think about reining-in your materialist impulses by buying nothing but essential food and clothing this month. Instead, de-clutter and donate your excess stuff to charity or people who could make better use of it.

May 201724

development eXPerTisemotherhood

I nteresting question, isn’t it? In the age of rudeness, we may be losing touch with what etiquette and good manners are all about.

In fact, there may be those among us who haven’t experienced it at all. So how do we expect our children to behave well and achieve high? According to a recent survey, there is still quite a substantial sum of the society concerned about the growing rudeness tendency. But is our society degrading or it is just falling behind its evolution course? All cultures have rules and if your children violate them, they’ll be excluded. Excluded from what? Well, what we, parents all want for them more of now – to be where the polite and pleasant people are. Yes? This starts from your efforts before you send your kids to school, but good parents educate by example!

It’s easier to be rude, that’s the reason why children revert to the lowest level. It’s easier to scream, stomp, grab, jabber, be messy and disorderly, and scratch where and when it itches. And how about, we assault each other more all the time with upsetting noises, sights, sounds, smells, and attitude. It’s getting to where we need to protect ourselves from one another! Maybe it’s getting a little too wild out there. Good manners are, firstly, and mostly a mark of civilisation and progression. That’s as opposed to wild behaviour.

Emily Post, the Diva of Etiquette, by

virtue of her book of the same name, Etiquette defined this certain set of people as ‘Best Society’. ‘Best Society’ she wrote, “is not confined to any one place or group, but might be better described as an unlimited brotherhood which spreads over the entire surface of the globe, the members of which are invariably people of cultivation and worldly knowledge, who have not only perfect manners but a perfect manner.” “Cultivated,” you see, as opposed to “wild” or “weed-ridden” or “out of control”.“Manners” she says, “are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen to know them.” “Manner,” on the other hand, “is personality – the outward manifestation of one’s innate character and attitude toward life.” Miss Post suggests that once we’ve learned it, etiquette becomes – to those of the ‘Best Society’ – “a matter of instinct rather than of conscious obedience.”

Are “thank you,” “you’re welcome,” “excuse me,” and “May I” in your dictionary?

Good parents must lead by example as said earlier, especially when good manners and etiquette are based on a concept that’s somewhat in disfavour today – being selfless. “Unconsciousness of self,” says Miss Post, “is the mental ability to extinguish all thought of one’s self – exactly as one turns out the light”. Hmmm! You mean put the other fellow

first occasionally? Now there’s a novel idea.

And so “one” – that would be you and I – one does not burp because it feels good, acting as if no one else was there; or elbow through the queue, because WE are in a hurry and WE matter most; or shout profanity and throw tantrums because we’re entitled to our anger, to indulge it and to “let it all hang out,” as if it didn’t stress the listener as much as it stresses us. (Second-hand hostility is as dangerous to our health as second-hand smoke!)

No, in fact manners is about letting it all hang IN. Keeping some things inside,

By Susan Bunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach & Consultant

‘GOOd MANNERS’ – SChoolinG FoR PaRenTS

May 2017 25

ugly dress!) is rarely the tactful thing to do. To be considerate of others takes Intentionality – intending to treat others well, and exercising the self-discipline to do it. You might lower your voice, you know, steer the subject away from

quiet, and to oneself, turning down the volume, slowing down the pace, waiting for the car to takes its turn patently, of consideration for the other. Allowing the other person some comfort, some space, some peace. “Nearly all the faults or mistakes in conversation,” says Miss Post, “are caused by not thinking.” Ah hah! Or by thinking only of oneself. “A first rule for behaviour in society,” she continues, “is: ‘Try to do and say those things only which will be agreeable to others.”

No, this write up is not a Pride and Prejudice’ excerpt, but the bright future where every parent wants their kids to belong one day. To have good manners we must learn the actions – the

“trivialities of deportment” – and then stop and think when we’re with others. Then we can avoid being tactless. “You must not talk about the unattractiveness of old age to the elderly, about the joys of dancing and skating to the lame, or about the advantages of ancestry to the self-made” says Miss Post.

Avoiding being rude, has a lot to do with Emotional Intelligence which, like good manners, can be learned. EQ requires self-awareness and empathy – the ability to understand how your behaviour affects others (and their feelings). It requires a strong interface between emotions and thinking. Blurting out the first thing on your mind (“What an

unpleasant things and cover your mouth when you cough.

It’s harder to be polite. Of course, you’d rather boom your boom box and enjoy your music regardless of others; have a tantrum when you’ve been angered; turn the lights on when you come to bed though your spouse is sound asleep; ignore the customer because it’s all such a chore, you know, working; or perhaps even hit someone who annoys you. These are the easiest things to do, and the most mindlessly satisfying, because you can indulge yourself with no thought for others.

But what happens when everyone behaves that way? Then we have a rudeness epidemic. And how will we change that? One person at a time! As Mother Teresa said, “when the house is dirty don’t complain or call a committee, pick up a broom and start sweeping”.

May 201726


Show YouR ChilDRen The Real RaMaDan

W ith “MashAllah” my new-born Eastern European son, from Orthodox Christian family, was welcomed to the world, in Doha. I will always remember the Pakistani

and Palestinian ladies, relatives to my roommates at Women’s hospital, generously offering homemade food and milk to my non-stop crying baby boy, along with all their prayers and blessings. Born in Qatar, just like many more ex-pat children, my son is well-accustomed to the Call to Prayer at the mosque, the local attire and attitude, and he is about to experience his third Ramadan.

Religion is more an abstraction for him yet, I guess because children live into their own different form of faith – the careless innocence, called childhood. Despite his non-existent understanding, my toddler is beginning to ask questions, which makes me realize how important for us, parents, is to

Rossitsa DorovskaA resident of Qatar, born and raised in Bulgaria. She is a journalist with background in television and event management. Full time - happily married mother of a son, Rossitsa is a reading addict, writing enthusiast and cooking amateur. Social media active explorer, passionate Francophone and a never-giving up Scorpio, who cannot be seen without mascara and earrings on.


FirsThAND eXPerieNcemotherhood

May 2017 27

and like other festivals, Ramadan is turning more and more into victim of the aggressive commerce and marketing industry.

Children are the most vulnerable target for such aggressive campaigns. Just like in any other religious feast, the essence of the Holly Month is way more profound beyond the hysterical shopping experience and dining. If you want to teach your children about the real values of Ramadan, your efforts shouldn’t be on receiving presents and cheating the Fast. Try instead awaking up their curiosity about preparing presents, sharing toys and meals with friends, and why not with strangers on the road!

Arabs are well-known for their hospitality, so if you have a chance to attend a traditional If-tar at Qatari household, consider yourself lucky. They express their gratitude for the food on the table by taking time to pray before dining. Muslim residents are dedicating Ramadan’s meals to those in need, because the true idea of Ramadan is to walk in the shoes of the less-privileged people, who cannot afford five-star gourmet buffets. Charity is the way to mark Ramadan, regardless your religion. Get your kids involved in easy and fun way – drop some clothes or toys off one of the charity containers around town.

This could be a great humanity-example and a good-manners-lesson. These are important not only during Ramadan but it’s believed that their power doubles during this month. The pillars I would like to teach my son this Ramadan are to be kind and compassionate, to donate good words and deeds, to choose making someone happy over buying the next unnecessary toy to collect dust. I’ll show him all tiny presents, gifted to him on the occasion of the Holly Month, however starting by the blessings those Muslim women at the hospital welcomed him with to the world, who showed care like a family while we were all alone abroad, far from our relatives. I will remind him about the shopkeeper at the off-licence in our neighbourhood, who few days ago, assured my unwell- feeling boy, “You will be fine tomorrow, my friend. I will pray for you!”. InshAllah, he will remember my lesson for peace and humanity!

Ramadan Kareem!

broken with feast. Here, comes a greater, general misunderstanding widespread across the world - celebration meaning overeating and over consuming. A trend that worryingly requires our maximum attention in the methods of raising up our children.

Many expat and non-Muslim families in Qatar are enthusiastically making the most of the lavish dinners for breaking the daily Fast - If-tar buffets, or midnight breakfasts before fasting - the Suhoors. Exotic food in plenty and luxurious decorations – a great set to remember, are indeed, very distant from the real Ramadan spirit. Those resemble the year-round brunches available in town

initiate cultural and religious dialogues with our kids from a very early age. Ramadan time can be a great occasion to do so and is worth giving it a go.

For newcomers to a Muslim country, the first observed Holy Month can be a real cultural shock. But when it comes to speaking with your kids about religion, you should be very careful and objective. Could you? Notably, a part of the expat community shares misunderstandings of some sort about Ramadan. For instance, the daytime fasting seems unbearable for most us, even though fasting is part of almost every religion with different duration, however. And like in Islam, in any other religion the fast is to be

Hatha Yoga guru, spiritual leader and a lifestyle coach, Vishnu Prasad celebrates every personal achievement of his students like his own so he will never mislead you. His classes are always over-booked with 40 students in each of his 7, regular and private classes a day. His debut book “Silences to Stillness” 2017 was recently launched on Amazon. Here is what he has to say about your body-mind balance during the Ramadan Fast:

yogacan be very helpful

during Fast, because....when you don’t have food, all the energy and oxygen are used for

rejuvenation, and the body is repairing and eliminating all the toxins, so Yoga makes this process work faster.

development yOGAwellness

May 201728

May 2017 29

GEntLE HAtHA YOGADuring night we don’t have any other activities, so the body is resting and rejuvenating, just like during the fasting period. The body is not taking any food so normally a lot of energy and oxygen is going for digestion. All the blood circulation is focusing in the stomach. Yoga and breathing will increase the oxygen in the body, which will facilitate the repairing process, through distributing your cells across the body much faster. By eliminating all the toxins, your body will feel fresher. I don’t recommend dynamic Yoga during Ramadan, simpler and gentle yoga is much better, it really helps, otherwise you will feel exhausted. Gentle Hatha Yoga should be practiced during fast, involving slow moves and poses complimenting the restoration process of the body. Practiced as therapy with mental and physical improvement, headache, migraine and low energy. When we are in low energy we can’t perform in our optimal level; whatever effects the body, it affects the mind too, and vice versa. After the fast you will feel like a new person.

tHE RiGHt BREAtHinGThe breathing technic will also help you to stay calmer during the first days of the fast, which can be challenging because of the

exhauster and the lack of food. The cravings coming up during this initial stage of fast can easily lead to irritation, short temper and anxiety; these different emotions you can overcome with the right breathing as part of Yoga. Normally people don’t consume enough oxygen for digestion and while eating, the least oxygen is consumed by the body for digestion. We use only 20% of our lungs’ capacity, we do only chest and shoulder breathing, where Yoga uses abdominal breathing with 100% of lungs’ capacity. When you see a baby, the stomach goes up and down because they breathe through the stomach using their lungs’ full capacity, when we grow up, we breathe from chest and shoulders only. We do the abnormal breathing when in a deep sleep. Yoga is simply bringing you back to your childhood state utilizing all the flexibility and breathing benefits. The way how you have sense of mind, observance and care-free mind-set when you are child. We are all born with this but it’s lost in our fast-paced lifestyle. Flexibility is not a super-natural power, it’s just bringing you back to your roots. Look at the tree if something is blocking it on the side, it bends and keeps on growing, all live organisms are flexible. This practice of your physical flexibility can also change your mind-set about life in situations. There is a resistance but you are patient,

working towards one aim, training your flexibility.

BESt timE tO PRACtiCE Best time to practice gentle Yoga is before breaking the fast, an hour before will give enough time to your body to cool down. So practice Yoga, take a break and break your fast for sophisticated results. Optionally you can practice early morning after digesting the last meal taken. Avoid during the day, it is difficult to perform any physical exercises while not consuming water or food. Your body might get dehydrated. Water during a detox Yoga is avoided anyhow. Students should be allowed only to take few sips, otherwise the purpose of detox would be killed. After class water or green juice is a must.

REmEmBER If a person practices 3 days a week, the result comes in 2 to 3 months. But it is very individual, people are different with mindset, body flexibility, health conditions, and frequency of practice. I try to remember everyone’s personal story and their background and customize my approach accordingly to achieve results. I try to adjust to the maximus as I need to provide solution to every person.

May 201730

wellness skiN


Tip #8

WASH YOuR FACE WHEnEVER POSSiBLE It’s recommended by anti-ageing doctor that you should wash your face at least twice a day and after sweating heavily. Sweat, particularly when wearing a cap or helmet, irritates the skin, so wash your skin after sweating.

Tip #1

PROtECt YOuR Skin FROm tHE Sun EACH DAYRegardless of whether spending a day at the beach or doing shopping, protection from harmful sunrays is crucial. Skin can be easily protected by looking for shade, concealing with dress, and utilizing sunscreen lotion that is SPF 15 or higher. You need to apply sunscreen consistently to all skin types.

Tip #1

Tip #2

uSE SELF-tAnnER PRODuCtS inStEAD OF GEttinG A tAnEach time you get a tan, you rashly age your skin. This remains true if you get a tan from the sun, a tanning bed, or other indoor tanning machine. All of these methods discharge harmful Ultraviolet rays that speeds up the ageing process of your skin.

Tip #2

Tip #3

StAY AWAY FROm mOnOtOnOuS FACiAL ExPRESSiOnS When a facial expression is made by us, we contract the muscles underneath. If you repeatedly contract muscles for a long time, these lines might end up becoming permanent. If you squint, then wearing sunglasses might help. Keep smiling though!

Tip #3

Tip #4

EAt A HEALtHY BALAnCED DiEtVarious studies conducted by expert scientists have clearly shown results that state that consuming fresh fruits & vegetables, lean meat and fish may help your body to prevent damage that can cause premature skin ageing. Studies also found that ageing process can be accelerated if a person consumes high amount of sugar and carbohydrates.

Tip #4 Tip #6

APPLY A mOiStuRiSER On YOuR FACE AnD HAnDS EVERYDAYMoisturiser doesn’t allow water to leave the skin and helps to provide a younger look. It also helps to keep the skin remain soft.

Tip #7

CLEAn tHE Skin SOFtLYIrritation might occur if excessive scrubbing is done on the skin. Remember, this irritation accelerates skin ageing process. So, go for gentle washing instead of hard scrubbing.

Tip #7

Tip #5

ExERCiSE EVERY WEEkIt’s true that moderate exercise can improve blood circulation and boost the immune system of your body. This eventually makes your skin look a lot fresh and younger.

Tip #5

Tip #6

In this time of Ramadan, our thoughts turn to food and the discipline of fasting. In general dieting and fasting can be healthy fat loss tools as well as a ‘break’ or time for the body to rest and repair especially if we live in a world of plenty. However, they can also bring about a binge and starve cycle or negative relationship with food so one has to be careful to prepare well for a fasting period like Ramadan in order to maintain health and not to let the drop in blood sugar during the day drive you to eat sugary, fatty and processed foods which are high in calories and low in nutrients and cause an immediate spike in blood sugar.

The key to weight management and sustaining energy levels is blood sugar balance. When we eat sugary foods and refined carbohydrates, our blood sugar levels spike and our body then needs to secrete insulin. Insulin’s job is to move the sugar out of our blood to the muscles and cells where it is converted to ATP (energy) or stored as glycogen or as fat (adipose tissue). Cells can only use a certain amount of sugar as fuel. Any excess sugar in the blood is stored in fat cells, so regular consumption of excessive sugar contributes to weight gain. This is why insulin is known as the fat storage hormone.

Dr Razan Mahroof from Oxford writes this month for the NHS in England: “The way to approach your diet during fasting is similar to the way you should be eating outside Ramadan,” says Dr Mahroof. “You should have a balanced diet, with the right proportion of carbs, fat and protein. If you are not careful, food eaten during the pre-dawn and dusk meals can cause some weight gain. “As a rule of thumb, foods to avoid

A delicious yellow smoothie rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene for improved circulation, eye health, and digestive health.

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ingredients 1½ cups vanilla almond milk.1 banana.½ cup frozen pineapple.½ cup yellow squash.½ teaspoon turmeric.1 teaspoon bee pollen.¼ inch ginger root, peeled.Juice of 1 lemon.

Blend it!

hello from

londonLara Milward is a Co-Founder

of outdoor fitness specialists BlitzFitness, based in London. She is a mum of two, Political Science graduate, a striver for

big change and passionate about the power of physical wellbeing.

are deep fried foods like pakoras and samosas; high sugar foods like gulab jamun and high fat cooked foods like parathas and oily curries, for instance. Chose healthier alternatives like baked and grilled fish and meat with little oil. Try to have dates, figs, fresh fruit, nuts and yoghurt instead of cakes and pastries.

Complex carbohydrates or ‘slow carbs’ are foods that help release energy slowly during the long hours of fasting. They are found in foods such as oats, millet, beans, lentils, wholemeal flour and basmati rice. Fibre-rich foods are also digested slowly and include bran, cereals, whole wheat, grains and seeds, potatoes with the skin on, vegetables such as green beans, and almost all fruit, including apricots, prunes and figs.

The National Health Service in the UK promotes the Eatwell Plate. This is great rule for thumb for how your plate should look for a meal. Half the plate is vegetables (steamed, shallow fried, roasted or raw) a quarter of the plate is ‘slow’ carbohydrate like brown rice or sweet potato and a quarter lean protein (baked or grilled fish or meat). This is a helpful general rule to eating well!

May 2017 31

May 201732



“It is great that Qatar emphasizes the importance of increasing women’s

capacities and empowering them to participate fully in the political and

economic spheres, especially in decision-making roles”

– H.E Dr. Bahia Tahzib-Lie

TaLk WITh DuTch ambaSSaDoR


May 2017 33

Dr. Bahia Tahzib-Lie joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1996, which marked the beginning of a remarkable career for her, throughout which, in 2009 she became Private Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands. Following the post Foreign Minister’s Special Envoy for UN Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Bahia arrived to Qatar as Dutch Ambassador in September 2016, where she has been able to conduct her duties and beyond, outstandingly, influencing positively the relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Qatar within the period of only eight months. Dr. Tahzib-Lie holds Master’s degrees and a PhD in Law, she studied Law at Utrecht University School of Law and the University of Michigan Law School. Beside her successful diplomatic career, Dr. Bahia is a mother of two daughters and a passionate supporter to women empowerment, development and high performance on the global stage, being a role model and a personification of accomplishment, proficiency and capability herself. Meet Dutch Ambassador Dr. Bahia Tahzib-Lie

May 201734

Q What does it mean to be representing the kingdom of the netherlands and its values to Qatar and globally?

It is a great honor and pleasure to serve as the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Qatar. I consider it a true privilege to deepen and strengthen the bilateral relations between both countries, together with my enthusiastic Embassy staff. I am one of the few female ambassadors based in Qatar and for the second time in a row, the Netherlands chose a woman to serve as ambassador in Qatar. Being a woman and representing the Netherlands and its values provides me with a unique opportunity to reach out to and connect with women of all walks of life in Qatar. I see this as a very important and rewarding part of my service in Qatar.

What I like is that the Netherlands and Qatar share some striking similarities. Both our countries are geographically relatively small but with great ambitions. They share a can-do approach and an unstoppable drive for innovation and entrepreneurship. Our countries are outward-looking, early adopters of new technology, open to the sea and passionate about advancing peace and justice in the world. Also women in our countries are increasingly gaining senior and leadership positions in a wide range of sectors. These commonalities provide a special dimension to the Dutch-Qatari partnership, both now and in the years ahead. At a time when our fear and differences seem to be growing in many places, it’s more crucial than ever to work together as partners for peace, justice and business development – from grassroots to official levels.

Q Surely, netherlands and Qatar share common affection for visual art, which generally nurtures peace and spirituality, in what ways spiritual society can help conflicts?

Art, creativity and innovation are part of the DNA of the Netherlands and Qatar. Art is inspirational and enriches our

lives and communities. The Netherlands takes pride that people from all parts of the world admire Dutch painters like Van Gogh, Vermeer, Rembrandt, and Mondriaan. Art is also part of our daily lives. I am proud that in Qatar, Dutch artists have found a voice and are leaving footprints too. For instance, the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas designed the Qatar Foundation Headquarters and the soon to be opened Qatar National Library building.

I find it fascinating to see how Qatar has developed into the cultural hub of the region, as world class museums and architecture impress every visitor. With unique projects like the Museum of Islamic Art, Msheireb and the National Museum of Qatar, Qatar proves time and again that it is able to make the unthinkable a reality.

Art and music unite people beyond all man-made borders and conflicts. Art and music inspire and remind people from all backgrounds that the interests we share as human beings are far more powerful than the forces that drive us apart.

Q the role of representing a whole country involves building relationships, what is it one thing that you consider as the most important in connecting with people from different backgrounds?

It is so enriching to connect with people from different backgrounds. Connecting is a journey of discovery that can last a lifetime. It opens our hearts and minds into a whole new world of human connections and thinking. That is what I experience in my role of representing the Netherlands in Qatar and building new relationships. The core of connecting is a passion to learn, to grow, to understand, to break barriers, to develop, to empower. We should embrace our differences, as we can learn so much from other cultures, ethnicities, traditions, religions and languages. I am glad that my employer, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, actively promotes awareness of inclusive diversity among all staff members and recently decided

to designate May as the month of diversity and inclusivity.

There’s no one size that fits all. We only need to look at our own family. Mona Ahmad, a Qatari lawyer, puts it eloquently in her book ‘Our Escape: Memories of Qatar’: ‘People are different, regardless of culture, religion or ethnic background. We are all individuals. (…) We should open our hearts and find out for ourselves because east meets west in so many beautiful ways and there is so much we can learn from each other.’ Engagement is important for people and for countries too. As a country with a long tradition of trade, the Netherlands values the importance of international cooperation and bringing people together. I am proud that our countries, royal families, companies, and people have forged close bonds over time. I hope these ties will only strengthen in the future.

Q What do you think of the progress, the local Qatari female community has made since the foundation of its young state?

Qatar has made great strides when it comes to the advancement of women. Women’s empowerment is listed as one of the top goals in both the country’s National Development Strategy and the Qatar National Vision for 2030. It is great that Qatar emphasizes the importance of increasing women’s capacities and empowering them to participate fully in the political and economic spheres, especially in decision-making roles. H.H. Sheikha Moza bint Nasser has been a role model and an inspiration for many Qatari women - and I am sure for women in the wider region too – to engage and excel. I am delighted that Her Highness recently visited the Netherlands to address a thought leadership seminar on law, education and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and that our Queen, H.M. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands was present for that occasion.

It is promising that Qatar’s female labor participation ratio is about 51 percent - the highest percentage in the Gulf region

May 2017 35

- and about two-thirds of university students in Qatar are women. Qatari women have also attained prominent roles and positions in many fields. This is not only witnessed within Qatar, but also abroad and on a global scale. To illustrate this, Qatar has an active female Permanent Representative to the United Nations in New York, H.E. Sheikha Alya Bint Ahmed Bin Saif Al Thani.

And the list goes on and on. I am incredibly proud of all these women and their great achievements. It is evident that women contribute increasingly to Qatar’s transition from a hydrocarbon-based economy to a diversified, knowledge-based economy.

Furthermore, it is wonderful to see a growing number of active professional women networks in Qatar. Networking and interacting with other professional women is very useful and empowering. We are all at times in need of inspiration or a confidence boost. In March I enjoyed attending an event hosted by the Qatari Business Women Association (QBWA), in celebration of women’s month and awarding outstanding Qatari female entrepreneurs. Recently I took part in an interactive International Women Day (IWD) event on balance means business that was organized by Shell Qatar Women’s Association Network (QSWAN). In the near future, I

will be part of a panel discussion on the evolving role of women in the Middle East to which the Qatar Professional Women’s Network (QPWN) invited me.

The Netherlands Embassy greatly supports the empowerment and leadership of women in Qatar. By strengthening women’s economic independence and increasing female workforce participation, economies become more inclusive and sustainable. We are delighted that Qatari female professionals are interested in becoming part of our professional and personal development programs. To name two exclusive programs we offer:

1) a female leadership program for selected women nominees from the MENA region; and

2) a female entrepreneurship program for selected nominees from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait.

With these special programs for women who are fervent to achieve their personal and professional goals, the Netherlands demonstrates its commitment to serve as Qatar’s partner of choice.

Q What has the life in the state of Qatar taught yourself as a diplomat and as a female?

It is my privilege to serve as one of the seven female ambassadors based in Qatar and to have my husband and two daughters with me. Eight months ago, Qatar welcomed us with open arms to Doha. We are profoundly touched by the hospitality, warmth, generosity and talents of Qataris. We feel enriched by Qatar’s culture, traditions and heritage. Qatar is a dynamic country with an amazing energy and drive. Qatar has so much beauty and authenticity. We learn so much every day from Qataris and their way of life. Qatar has become a part of our life. I was therefore so happy that recently the Dutch author of the book ‘Humans of Amsterdam’, Debra Barraud, came to Qatar to interview Qataris for her next project ‘Humans of the Gulf ’. This project, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims to showcase to the world personal stories of some Qataris – giving them a voice and face. Stories are a great way to get a better insight into the daily lives of Qataris – including their lives, talents, ambitions, hopes, fears etc. Personal stories are so powerful and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of people’s daily lives in Qatar. This dimension of Qatar has not been highlighted much in mainstream international media and deserves more attention.

Q Would you like to take this opportunity to send a message to the local muslim Community on the upcoming Holy month of Ramadan?

As the start of the holy month of Ramadan is fast approaching, I would like to extend on behalf of the Netherlands Embassy our best wishes to the Muslim community. Ramadan is for many a fitting opportunity to reflect on spiritual growth, forgiveness, resilience, compassion, peace, and justice. And to remember the millions of lives that have been affected by conflict and struggle. It’s also a time of year that brings some of the best dishes to the table as families and communities gather for If-tar and Suhoor.

Ramadan Kareem.

May 201736

style me up eLMirA’s Pick




Salam, you gorgeous ladies!

May is rolling away as we are getting ready to enter the holiest of all months. Ramadan arrives early this year so don’t let it surprise you and get your life style and wardrobe

organized on time. If you have been living in this region for long enough, you might have noticed the transformation in the way females dress over this period, otherwise get ready to be part of spiritual experience of showing respect and love to the country you live in. I hope I can help you in picking modest and yet fashionable garments that will inspire a dress-to-impress look!

PEARlSPearls here, pearls there, pearls are everywhere! They are no longer only found as earrings and necklaces but also incorporated on trousers, sweaters, dresses, belts, and even the heels shoes. This tendency has always been going strong and automatically reminds us of Coco Chanel, where Chanel woman wears layers and layers of pearls around her neck. Perhaps the only taste we share with our grannies, is the taste for pearls that bring timeless elegancy and don’t need an occasion to be worn!

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TRENDSAnother excellent way of dressing up in style and staying modest, is using kimonos; kimonos with prints that can easily express your personality are the hit; you will find them in Oriental, flower or geometrical prints and you will love to wear them with jeans on or even a knee-length skirt; maybe you can experiment with this look for one of the Suhoor or If-tar dinners, you will certainly get invited to? Here is a take away tip, wear your favorite kimono with a simple T-shirt and a pair of jeans, you will love yourself more!

Wrap Dress was the icon of the 70’s and even today, this all-times fashion piece is seen with its classic appearance across all fashion brands. This trademark of Diane Von Furstenberg is comfortable and versatile type of clothing that compliments carious styles, you can use it both for work and for an elegant dinner environment; it adapts to any body shape, simply wrap it up and enjoy the flattering feeling.



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Super cute and feminine trouser which it can bring an extra glam to any look; with heels or even sneakers your look will be the cutest for sure. With a super waistband, this style is seen in the catwalks of designers like Stella McCartney, Joseph, Balmain, Proenza Schouler and many other; I have seen various cute ones in Zara, Massimo Dutti and Mango.

Do you remember them! Those garments, long banned from our wardrobes seems to

have returned this season, and lucky for those who collect clutter (only in this case scenario

though); Is it even possible to maintain elegance with an item hanging off your waist? Check out the several models and see whether

this accessory inspire you! They are super practical for travel, for multi-tasking moms and dads, for kids and anyone who enjoys a

bohemian dressing style!

There is no more complains of hot weather with Slip on dress, one of the 90s famous trends is back, and it’s either love or a hate relationship girls make with it. I find these super practical and very suitable for this time of the year; fabrics matters the most and of course the comfort, you can easily pair your dress with a simple T-shirt or for more formal look with a shirt.




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Red is warm, neutral, and comes in a wide range of tones. Red eyeshadows can be right for every occasion


3lipsticks for Selfie-Ready Pout


May 201742

SeVen oCeanS unDeR

one RooF

T his direction of decoration of the home interior was formed as one of the new trends during the colonization of many European, American, African and Asian

countries. From their wanderings travelers of this period (around the XVI - XVII centuries) brought various stories about the riches of the visited lands of other states, which also mentioned the details of the decoration of the home interior.

In the time of such trips, many interesting discoveries were made, as a result of which the colonial style of decorating houses acquired a wide variety of textures, colors and various interesting accessories. He managed to preserve his unique color, which made it possible in the future to gradually develop and become a separate unique style with its own characteristics and ethnic

lifestyle iNTeriOr

May 2017 43

SeVen oCeanS unDeR

one RooF

home accessories


Cow Head Decor

Drawer Unit

Butterfly Ceramic Candle Holder


Colonial Style Interior

Thanks to this style, “summer” wicker furniture made of rattan or bamboo appear in the houses, and masks of shamans from the African continent settle on the walls of the houses. The excellent combination of east and west, north and south in a single space allowed the colonial style to acquire a completely new, original sound and uniqueness. A unique combination of exotic and traditional needs of Europeans in everyday life has made such interior decoration very popular.

Essentials in Colonial Style

In most cases, the colonial style is characterized by a combination of natural, warm shades, as well as textures of various trees, mostly mahogany. The most popular are all warm shades of yellow, terracotta or the color reminiscent of the color of freshly mown grass. These shades combine the traditions of Europe during the colonization period and motifs of the African savannah. Such a color background allows you to perfectly combine in one room the decor of completely different styles and directions.

When decorating a room in a colonial style, natural materials of the most diverse origin, such as stone, clay, leather and wood, give preference. The walls are usually covered with panels made of wood, or covered with wallpaper, decorated in a purely English style.

To date, the trends inherent in the colonial style, continue to find its continuation in modern home interiors. This style was very close to those people who have developed an artistic flair and who always have high aesthetic requirements. In addition, the colonial style is perfectly suited to the category of people who travel a lot to different exotic countries of the world. A variety of items and souvenirs, brought from such trips, complement and decorate the room, decorated in a colonial manner.

The main value of the colonial style is originality and a peculiar atmosphere. Lighting though it is traditional, but it always has some features. The everyday use of lighting on the lower and upper levels each time is formed in a new way. An example is a European chandelier, complemented by several wall or floor lamps made in ethnic style. Lampshades can have both a classic floral ornament, and some kind of ethnic African drawings. The main thing is that in the end the whole house turns out to be in the same style and the whole situation - quite harmonious.

developmentlifestyle cOOkiNG

Delicious Secrets

from Kempinski’s

Executive Chef, Julien

Al Khal recipes inspired by Al Sufra for the Palatial Ramadan Tent


harak osbaaingredients:1/2 cups Green lentils1/2 cups Tomato sauce3 tbs Olive oil1 Chopped onions1 tbs Chopped garlic1 tbs Chili paste10 g Fresh coriander1 tsp Salt1 tsp Black pepper powder1 tsp Seven spices1 tsp Cumin powder10 g Pomegranate molasses50 g Arabic bread dough

method of cooking:• Boillentilsuntilhalfcooked• Heatamediumpotwitholiveoilandthen

place onions, garlic and coriander inside• Addtomatosauceandchilipasteandbringto

simmer• Addlentilswithwaterandsimmeruntilthe

lentils are fully cooked• Addsalt,blackpepper,sevenspices,cumin

and molasses• Cutthedoughintojulienneandaddhalfto

the sauce and fry the other half (to use for garnishing)

• Servewarm


May 201744

Katayefingredients:1cup Flour150 ml Milk150 ml Water1 tbs Sugar1 tsp Yeast1 tbs Rose water250 ml Sugar syrup50 g Walnuts50 g Pistachio50 g Coconut1 tsp Cinnamon5 cups Sunflower oil

method of cooking:Dough:• Mixwater,sugar,andyeast• Inaseparatebowlmixflour

and rose water before adding to sugar and yeast mixture

• Heataheavybasedskilletandbrush with oil

• Droproundshapeddoughontothe skillet (10 cm in diameter) and only cook the one side, the top should begin to bubble

• Removethe‘pancakes’fromtheskillet and place on a plate to cool

Filling:• Inabowlmixthewalnuts,

pistachio, coconut and cinnamon

• Placeaheapedteaspoonofthe filling in the center of the ‘pancake’ (cooked side down)

• Foldthe‘pancake’closedandpinch edges to avoid filling spilling out

Fry:• Bringsunfloweroiltoahigh

hat in a heavy based saucepan or wok

• Addthekatayefandfryuntilthey turn a golden brown

• Removefromoilanddrainonapiece of kitchen towel

• Heatsugarsyrupanddrizzleover katayef with sprinkled pistachios

whole roasted chicken stuffed with riceingredients:1 Whole chicken250 g Rice (50 g for stuffing 200g for plating)100g Minced lamb500 ml Chicken stock1 tbs Butter1 tbs Olive oil1 Onion2 Garlic cloves

method of cooking:Marinating:• Blendonions,garlic,oliveoil,lemonjuiceandyoghurttogether.Addhalfthequantityof

all mentioned spices and blend until smooth• Rubtheinsideandoutsidechickenwiththeblendedmixtureandleavetomarinatefor3


Rice stuffing:• Heatbutterinasmallpot,thenaddthemincedlambandseasonwithremainingspices• Addriceandsautéwithchickenstockuntilalmostcooked• Mixthericestuffingwiththepinenutsandstuffinsidethechicken• Sewtheopenlegstogetherwitharegularneedleandthread

Cooking:• Placestuffedchickenonagreasedbakingtray• Putinapreheatedovenof180°for20minutestobrowntheskin• Removeandcoverwithaluminumfoilandreturntoovenforanadditional20minutes• Serveabedofricewithsprinklednutsontop

2 tsp Salt1 tsp Black pepper powder1 tsp Seven spices1 tsp Sweet spices1 tsp Turmeric1 tbs Lemon juice1 tbs Yoghurt15 g Almonds15 g Pine nuts5 g Pistachio


development Achieverslifestyle

Date and almond energy Balls (makes 8-10)

Kiren PhulKiren Phul is a passionate foodie that has been living in Doha for almost 5 years. Her blog @yummymummyonduty is centred around food, family and travel - the 3 things in life she is most passionate about. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook to keep up with her latest news.


hOMe cOOkiNG

May 201746

Break your fast this Ramadan with these delicious energy balls. They are super healthy, slow release and contain yummy traditional ingredients enjoyed at this time of the year

Recipe50g dried apricots200g pitted mejdool dates50g blanched almonds50g hazelnuts30g cacao nibs2 tablespoons coconut oil1 pinch salt

instructions1) Blitz together the apricot and

Mejdool dates in a blender. Ensure consistency is smooth but not overly blended, you want the fruit to retain some of it’s fibrous texture.

2) Put the nuts into a bag and smash into rough pieces using a rolling pin. You don’t want them to be too crumbled and different sized pieces are fine, they add character!

3) Add the nuts, cacao nibs and salt to the blended fruit. Fold

in slowly, you don’t want to overly mix as it ruins the texture.

4) Add the coconut oil, this will help the mixture stick together better.

5) Use your hands to bring the mixture together. This bit can get messy, so have a bowl of water near you, it will prove handy.

6) Divide the mixture into 8-10 portions, or simply divide into the number of portions suitable for you.

7) Enjoy x

May 2017 47

lifestyleWeLcOMe TO My ciTy


Donna BelleDona Belle has been venturing in the Middle East for over two decades now so her stories never take a single cup of coffee. She has experienced good times and hardship, made the wrong decisions and found the right solutions, invested and wasted time over new friendships, new lifestyle and many dishes. Her expertise makes her the ultimate city-coach who always knows where and what, new and now for being proactive and inspiring, social media influencer, an event organizer and a food reviewer.

Founder of the social platform ‘Food Lovers and Events Doha’


A mOntH OF GiVinG Whether you are planning to travel during Ramadan or spend it over here, doing some sharing would be a great way to express compassion and take time out to overthink your purpose of existence regardless what religious asset you may preach. There are plenty Charity Organizations in Doha you can check out. Start by going through your closet separating what hasn’t been used for too long and give these garments away, surely you will need some extra room for the new summer season shopping! Have a baby? They grow out of clothes and interest in toys as quick as in a month. If those have done the purpose in your household, pass them onto the less privileged, who may need them. This should involve some cleaning and further tiding up on the side, so it will keep you occupied for some time after the short Ramadan working hours.

A mOntH OF DEtOx I believe that this is the best time to work on your body for those upcoming summer months. Since eating is forbidden in public, and harder to access, this will help you stay disciplined

thorough the diet or detox you have never got your head around in the past couple of months. Why not invest some efforts in your health and body shape? In any case, watch your eating habits and avoid overeating during If-tar and Suhoor, this would leave the opposite effect on your wellbeing and level of energy. And speaking of energy, though sports and intensive physical activities are not recommended when food and drink intake is limited, some gentle exercising like Yoga for instance could do miracles to you, you can read more on its great benefits in our interview with the Yoga guru Vishnu Prasad in this issue.

A mOntH OF mE-timEThis is the best time for me-time, though debatable whether right time exist to be comfortable and happy in what you do, Ramadan really allows you to spend a lot more on yourself. The weather eliminates outdoor activities so does the national fast entertaining yourself with food, shopping is still available; change your closet or renovate your house interior. Or catch up on your favorite TV shows and read a book you have been craving for a long time. If tanning makes you feel good, now you have the free hours to get it done on the beach or near the pool. Explore the spa and beauty offers during Ramadan and pamper yourself like never before, you deserve it! Museums, social groups and brunches are, of course, always a back-up plan to hail boredom. Time is wealth, in June you have it, just spend it your way!

A mOntH OF SHOWinG LOVEMost of us are away from home, but who said that family doesn’t exist out of your veins! Call up all the family you have made abroad so far and throw a feast for them in appreciation for the love and support you have found. Host a lunch or dinner, you don’t need to spend a fortune, just be creative in your offerings, every little gesture will be appreciated. Why not even cook for them! Learn a new simple recipe, now you have the time, and prepare a meal for your beloved ones, it will feel wonderful to spend time with them, and tell them “I LOVE YOU”.

These are few tips on how to spend RAMADAN wisely and economically! Have a blessed one!

e ver since its foundation in 2011 by the Dutch artists, Winnifred Bastian and Marjolijn Stolk, International Artist Doha

(IAD) has been growing its spectrum and membership to provide a platform for creativity and talent to 29 international artists to this day. The constant flow of members is a dynamic curve that has rather enriching impact over the purpose of the group, art-thinking independently together. The diverse palette of individuals from different backgrounds, walks of life, skill set and interests, creates opportunities for beneficial interaction, ideas exchange and learning process within IAD.

An exhibition showcasing the immense in-house talent flourishing under the umbrella of IAD is organised every year as the 2017’ seemed to have had given live to some remarkable art work that was displayed on the walls at Qatar Foundation last month. The event was inaugurated by H.E. the Ambassador of Austria, Willy Kempel, who is a member of IAD himself.

Oil and water paints, acrylic and wide

IaD’s annual art Exhibition

range of creative technics were incorporated in a beautiful compositions and art pieces related to this year’s motto “Time Passing”. With movement, portraits, fauna, flora, numeracy and plastic art, the artisans expressed the fascinating relationship between the immortal Art as such and the cycle of life through their personal prism. Some powerful interpretation of this topic was an art work by Shihar Hamza, who took part in with his Petrol painting, and Savita Gandash, both placing their focus on global agendas

such as gender equality and poverty in the Capitalist economic systems.

An outstanding was the work by Salim Abdulla, who finds inspiration in the fast-paced state of Qatar and its ever rolling infrastructure in transition from medieval architecture to modern day designs. His work has been recognised by Qatar’s Royal Family, which owns art pieces from Salim’s work.

May 201748

Artist salim Abdulla

Artist shihar hamza

May 2017 49

first to complete the Qatari art Residency program in paris is the female Qatari artist Ebtisam al Saffar

e btisam Al Saffar was born in Doha in 1971, and graduated from the Faculty of Art Education in 1995. She is a member of the Qatar Arts Association. Al Saffar has participated in many art exhibitions all over the

world including in France, Dhaka, Japan, tunis, Rabat, Oman, and Qatar. most recently, she held an exhibition in tunisia at the mediterranean Symposium of Contemporary Art. Al Saffar is the first artist to complete Qatari Art Residency Program in Paris in 2017. On her return recently, she hosted a public talk at the Fire Station to discuss her experience and work abroad.

expressive energy that they produce. The artist has called her collection of paintings produced during her residency in Paris “What is Left in the Faces”, as she believes that what remains in a facial expression after every experience that a human encounters does not end, but is instead transmitted from one generation to the next.

Khalifa Al Obaidli, Director of the Fire Station, said: “We are proud to open this powerful and unique exhibition by

Qatar Museums (QM) was proud to open an exhibition by Qatari contemporary artist Ebtisam Al Saffar at the Doha Fire Station Artist in Residence space. The exhibition celebrates the accomplishments of Al Saffar during her three-month Qatari Art Residency Program in Paris.

Al Saffar was the first artist to take part in the unique Qatari Art Residency Exchange Program, organised under the patronage of Qatar Museums’ Chairperson, Her Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. The program, which was hosted attheQatarStudioattherenownedCitéinternationale des Arts, Paris, France, saw Ebtisam travel to Paris for three months, have a studio space in one of the biggest and most important art residencies in the world and interact with other talented artists from around the world.

To open the exhibition, Al Saffar gave a successful public talk to a large audience in the Fire Station’s cinema on Monday evening to discuss her journey, experiences and the works that she produced during her time in Paris, which are now on show in Doha. Al Saffar‘s works, in her exhibition focus on visual expressions of human faces and the

Ebtisam Al Saffar at Doha’s Fire Station Artist in Residence. Al Saffar is a hugely talented artist, and her works will not only inspire the local community, but they will also inspire our own artists in residence, and help to create an indigenous culture of creativity and innovation in Qatar. We will continue to provide more opportunities for Qatari artists to visit Paris to encounter different cultures and to connect to the everyday life of local citizens.”

art iNTervieW

Coffee with

inclairlgaO S


May 201750

May 2017 51

May 201752

“You are going to have not just the most sophisticated society but the most sensitive society, feeling the art and feeling the expression of other people. I really congratulate Qatar for this” – Artist, Olga Sinclair

bY : gabRIELLa baSSI

W hen words fail to describe the charisma, and the brush entitled with the difficult

task leaves the canvas blank, only a mirror facing the sun can reflect what the being of Olga Sinclair represents. If you sit in a room with Madame, you will certainly feel a sudden flow of energy and calmness, a light of wisdom streaming from her wide smile down to her skinny fingers, restlessly painting in the air with invisible paints as her narrative goes on. If you haven’t been this lucky, you might have met her through her art work, recently displayed at the Cultural Village Foundation – Katara as part of the “Roots”, festival of the Latin American and the Caribbean countries in Qatar, which was no less intriguing and recharging than Madame Olga herself. Republic of Panama’s most celebrated visual artist and figurative painter had participated for the first time in a collective exhibition amongst professional painters at the age of just 14, introduced to the colorful world of art as early as the age of 4 at her father’s art studio. But the magic Madame plays with is springing up not so much from the art studio’s shelves as it does from her deep compassion, spirituality and humanity. Gifted with remarkable talent, she recognizes her greatest purpose in staying grounded and sharing her fortune to provide facilities to young children in developing their full artistic potential and having the freedom of expression. Under the initiative of Olga Sinclair, in 2014 Republic of Panama breaks the World Record with over 5000 children painting at the same time. On her first visit to Qatar, Madame Olga speaks exclusively to GULFemina, on the stages of development in the artist’s life, influences, spirituality and her first impressions from the growing art-capital Doha.

Q You have been resident in three different continents: Latin America, Europe and Asia, where your daughters were born, has your art been influenced by the cultures you have come in touch with, or mostly by your father, who is a painter himself? Where do you look for inspiration?

If there is a master next to you, when you are growing, in the situation of my family, the figure of my father, you are very much influenced in the first 20 years. I was very much influenced by him. As a baby I grew up in his atelier, in my early years I was watching my papa, the way his brush worked and how he worked, so that influenced me. My mother was a very smart, she sent me to Spain to study Fine Art. And starting visiting museums and knowing classic history of art, like Prado in Madrid, and being in front of the master, Francisco de Goya completed the influence and it started changing. I was witnessing the manners and ways of expressing art. I remember, I used to send postcards to my father, saying “Papa, for me, you are the best artist in the world, but now I feel like you are having competition”. The more influence you have, the better for you. My father always says “Everybody has influence, everybody among humans, the way of dressing, and the way of observing”, observation is very important matter to us, artists to learn and to get to know things, “if the influence is good, it’s wonderful, because it means you’re in good hands, on the right path”. Like driving a good

car, instead of driving a bad car. I have seen the best of Francis Bacon, I studied in London for one and a half years, and my years in London taught me the space and the size of a painting. For an artist, this is challenging, the critics always say, that a good small canvas could be a wonderful piece, but a huge, good canvas is a masterpiece. When I was observing Francis Bacon, the way he controls the space and the perspective, the colors against figurative, I though he is the biggest master and influence in my life. But I also have to admit, that the colorful life in Indonesia influenced me too; when Paul Gauguin went to Haiti he got mad, I got mad as well. Indonesia is completely different than the Western countries and the way they serve the food, influenced the way I put the robe of the painting, the clothes of my women, it changed the matter of everything. It is good to have influence, but at the end the artist shows up by itself, by his own way of thinking, by his own way of observing. That is what I am going through right now, like I have been training for forty-five years, and now, the real Olga Sinclair is in my paintings, I don’t know how to explain it but it’s more or less like that. My father also had told me somewhere between his 50’s to 70s, the artist makes his master pieces. I am sixty now, so I feel I am in the middle of this exciting period.

Q Did you always know you are going to become an artist one day?

When I saw my papa, being a baby watching him, I didn’t want to be anything but artist. The combination of him and my mother, my mother was

a business women, my father was the dreamer and the combination of both of them, is me as a result. I am a dreamer but with one foot on the ground. I am not always flying, you have to be smart. The way you conduct your galleries, and exhibitions in museums, the right person to manage your work, and to commercialize your work. Otherwise, nobody will appreciate your work. My mother taught me that. I feel very blessed. I come from a very humble family, from a very poor neighborhood. My father sold his paintings and my mother was the dealer. We had good education, we travelled the world. I became a lady. I can speak five languages. If we could make it, everyone can make it, faith is in God in our case and faith in our job. Not taking things for granted. Even an interview is important in what I do and it is the only matter of that day, everything should be taken seriously. We should take time, plan and utilize every opportunity. Excellency is everything and we need to go back to this. Excellency and values, then we will never have political problems, we will be ladies and gentlemen. We have forgotten those.

Q You have started your relationship with art through painting and eventually went on studying interior Design, which contemporary scope is in much higher demand. How much should artists focus on the commercial element and how much on the personal expression and putting their message across when it comes to creating art?

If young artists, or any artist focus on the commercial side, they would be lost. If you are commercial, you will become somebody, who just wants to sell and that’s terrible, absolutely terrible. I think, as Picasso used to say “The painter paints what the public wants to buy, and the artist sells what he creates”. So according to that I just create, if my expression doesn’t make any connection with the public, I cannot say they are wrong and my art is right, but I just think I have an idea. Maybe nobody understand me, but I have an idea. And the time will come when somebody connects with it. Last night at the exhibition a lot of people connected

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development Achievers

with my painting The Composition of Light, one person was making a whole theory about it, and I felt very much happy to see this connection, especially with people abroad and from this region. The decision of studying Interior Design was very simple. When I went to Spain to study Arts, Spain was closing its dictatorship with leader Franco and at that time the new Monarchy of Spain emerged, and the educational system was taken over in 1976. Everything was changing and after four years of studying I didn’t receive any certification or record of my qualifications. So I went back to Panama with whole new knowledge and drawings but no papers. My mother was a smart woman, and she was concerned with what would happen if I didn’t succeed as an artist without a diploma. She was thinking I wouldn’t be able to get a job as a teacher or professor at any university without certificates, or even if I wanted to open a school of my own. So she advised me to take another career to secure my future. I thought it should be an interior design, since I knew about light and how to move objects around, I knew about space. I like clear spaces, like a gallery. Because less is more, the less you say with very few words the more you will say, so I am trying to keep this balance in my life.

Q As a Cultural Ambassador of the Republic of Panama and a Cultural Attaché to Bolivia as part of the Panama Embassy, you have contributed to placing Panama on the world map, so were you involved in the international relations of the country, do you believe and in what way your art has the power to influence current affairs and the decision-making process?

We don’t believe that art can break down the frontiers among countries. Art becomes so universal that is an expression, all the human beings, have a reaction in front of it. And the reaction is a higher quality of the sensibility of the person. The reaction I see among the political people, who make our countries a trouble countries, for example Venezuela currently. People cannot express their own feeling because they are suppressed by the policemen, chaos! Art has always an influence of harmony

and I feel that every time I travel with my art. One person told me one day, it’s like a mathematics, there is no Panaman Maths and there is no Qatari Maths, Maths belongs and it’s understood by every country. Art is exactly the same. We can say Latin art, but at the end of the day, it’s the same human being. Colors can remind you places from all around the world. There is one expression, I love by the wonderful French singer, Charles Aznavour “The function of the artist in the society is the pharmacy of the souls”. We are the pharmacies of the souls, if the country that has problems, art has the most important role in the society. All the movements of the society are recorded by art too. You see the masters in the past, they used to paint battles, and horses. Today, thank God, my art is only a point of discussion for young artists. They are wondering what I feel, what I want to express, and it doesn’t feel Panamian to them at all. When you become deeper and deeper through the years, frontiers, flags and countries become not important any more. What you are focusing on is the human being inside you. Your own feelings and expressions, for me all humans are exactly the same in front of God. In front of the Universe. We have forgotten our essence of love. I think in that way, color, brush work, violin, music, all of it, poetry, all those things remind you that we are spiritual people, trying to express something deep inside us. We were born to share love, not to hate or kill. Share love!

Q What is the legacy, you would like to leave?

I cannot live in my comfort zone. After all the exhibitions I had around the world, I created a foundation seven years ago to forget my comfort zone. I don’t like when people stay in their comfort zone for too long and they don’t care about anybody, anymore. Just making money, that’s not bad at all if you share that at the end of the day. I create a legacy by running my foundation, where over 65, 000 kids have painted at some point of time. All this is my legacy, with the message to forget about yourself and do something for the world. Do something for our children, who don’t have good mentors anymore. They see vulgarity and bombs on TV, so I feel sorry for that. But when I put classical music on and tell thousands of kids, please close your eyes, and see inside you

and feel what you want to feel according to the music, and these young children start painting, I want to cry, because you see the pure soul of those children. That’s my legacy. They remember, one day to create something new and special. Because in a way, I have to remember I was a victim of the education. In my class when I was 6 yrs. old, everyone was coping everyone. I was creating my own things, no one understood me and my teacher once said “This girls is crazy”. And they put cross on my work, my work was graded zero, the lowest mark in Panamian education system. All of the educational systems, around the world are trying to keep everybody at one level, like a robots, like a power to clone everybody. When a child tells you another story about the same situation, you know they deserve to have freedom of expression, you won’t believe, how many different things they come up with about the same subject, it’s wonderful. For them is simple. They have the answers we thing they don’t. Freedom and respect to each other. If you find a talent you are responsible to open the path for it. I am a woman of hope. It’s the beginning of a new era.

Q What would you like the future to bring you?

I would love to have an exhibition here in Qatar. I would like to do a workshop for the Qatari children too. We have offices in California, donated by mentors, I am invited to Portugal, to do an exhibition and workshops. I have done few around the world, in Roma, in Geneva with some few hundred kids. We can hopefully make it in Qatar with 200 kids as the next world achievement. Doha is doing the right thing, investing in culture and art, because those make a good society, it gets the best out of people. We made this project with 12 000 kids painting Panama in Van Gogh style, and we went to Amsterdam, the director welcomed us. We went to Europe with children from poor background, we took them to Europe, where they would have never been able to, otherwise. One of the kids, told me “I want to cry, Ms.! This painting is so beautiful”, I said “you have the right to cry, you are in front of da Vinci”. “Omg!” , the kid exclaimed. So Doha is doing the right thing. You are going to have not just the most sophisticated society but the most sensitive society, feeling the art and feeling the expression of other people. I really congratulate Qatar for this.

Adventure Rooms is an exciting recreational activity for friends, families, students and coworkers.

It is gaining popularity as a unique corporate team building event, or out of the class learning activity for students. The adventure is very thrilling, but not dangerous at all. It contains no horror elements, requires no physical exertion and it is suitable for ages 7-99.

Your team has 60 minutes to find its way out of mysterious rooms. This is accomplished by using logic, searching

Qatar’s 1st 60-minute Real Life Escape Rooms Game in!

for clues and using unique items in the room to help you get through obstacles like locks and doors.

To solve the puzzles different talents are required. Everyone must do their part. Puzzles will enhance logic, critical thinking, ability to work under pressure, communication and team work.

Once your team makes it through all of the puzzles contained within the room you will find the final key, and unlock yourself to freedom.

An ingenious mad man abducted you

Adventure Rooms

inside his laboratory to do vicious experiments on you. You woke up handcuffed and discovered that the scientist is just out there crafting a vile potion. You have to move and think quickly to escape before he comes back with his evil plans

The Black Queen cast a powerful dark magic and locked you up in her dark castle. Each clue you discover will allow you to better understand the Black Queen and know how to defeat her. You must make your way through her castle and find the key to escape before the 60 minutes is up… or you become her next sacrifice.

May 2017 55

May 201756

development FiLM revieWdevelopmentlifestyle

V isionary Director S. S. Rajamouli offers surpassing the audience’s expectation experience

with his majestic film-making manner in the spectacular mythology Baahubali 2: The Conclusion. The most anticipated film of the year worldwide, was said to has reached the record-breaking number of over 100 screenings in a single day in Qatar. On day sixth of its release, it was already crossing the lifetime gross of Baahubali: The Beginning’s total lifetime collection of Rs 650 crore, with Rs 700 crore gross worldwide.

An adult fairytale, Baahubali 2: The Conclusion makes you fantasize about love, nobility and bravery in their utmost purified form, while good manifests over evil. But to find out how the ancient story of Baahubali relates to the present-day, and why this action movie has been celebrated by the female audience equally enthusiastic, you need to look in the kitchen, this time round. What erects the interest of the screen-spectator is the glorified female-share in figuring way out the blurred zones of conspiracies, cruelty and murder in the dark corners of the Mahishmati Kingdom. The director takes on women’s significant role in the family, ruling elite and history to credit these key human-pillars in marriage and society.

The strength of the characters, is emphasized thge least by external features of the actresses, Ramya Krishnan (Sivagami) and Anushka Shetty (Devasena) casted for their unadulterated beauty and strong charisma. The actresses have been selected to represent the female function of bearing life and hair to the throne with their lush figures, what made a woman worth at that historical


A brave-hearted prince bows down before the second one, Devasena, Baahubali himself. The element of love triangle and consequences sparkled by the beautiful Devasena, reminds us of the epic love triangle, seen in the Hollywood production Troy. But in contrast to Helen, Devasena has been given a brave, fair personality of a warrior and inner qualities that overpower the small confusion that occurs between the three, highlighting the independent and rebelious mindset of the character. Commendable Director S. S. Rajamouli, continues to convince the audience that women are capable of holding a baby as skillfully as they are

baahubaLI 2: ThE coNcLuSIoN. a REVIEW

time. Their facial features are mostly expressing strong emotions such as determination, reluctance and strength.

A powerful kingdom bows down before the first one, The Queen Mother or Sivagami and whilst the new king has the power to command, the authority to execute remains with Sivagami; The Queen Mother, prioritizes her duties to the people of Mahishmati Kingdom to those to her children. Her avatar reminds the blindfold Lady Justice, balancing motherhood and royal obligations with her eyes widely open in rage most of the time, however. Sivagami seeks prosperity for Mahishmati Kingdom between her both sons, guided by anything but justice. She conducts her life as unselfish mother extending her love equally to her own child and orphaned son. Following the law and statecraft, she doesn’t fear to invite death if that’s what justice requires. On the other hand, she represents the older generation that still can be misled by its superstitious nature, which conservatism becomes the reason for Sivagami to break down under the pressure of her own mistakes and bitter regrets.

May 2017 57

“We Are Never MeetiNg iN reAl life” /OUt: May 30, 2017

by Samantha irby

Meaty (Curbside Splendor, 2015) author and Bitches Gotta Eat blogger Samantha Irby has been making her fans cry with laughter (and occasional sadness) for years. Now, FX is optioning her debut essay collection for a 30-minute sitcom, and her major publisher debut appears in May. Get ready for Samantha Irby to become a household name, and your life being better for it. –MK, Vulture

In addition to her wildly hilarious blog, BITCHES GOTTA EAT, Samantha Irby co-hosts Guts & Glory, a reading series featuring essayists, and has performed all over Chicago. She opened for Baratunde Thurston during his “How to Be Black” tour. She has been profiled in the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Reader, Chicago Tribune, as well as in TimeOut Chicago, and her work has appeared on The Rumpus and Jezebel.


“HUNger: A MeMOir Of (My) BOdy” /OUt: June 12, 2017

by roxane gay

The novelist and essayist on race, feminism, and Sweet Valley High is at her creative peak, a solid perch from which to contemplate her own life. Hunger focuses on her size — the way it shapes her world and the way the world has shaped her. Gay was open about her struggles to finish the book, leading to a year-long delay that only stoked her fans’ appetites and likely deepened the material, too. —BK, Vulture

Roxane Gay is an American feminist writer, professor, editor and commentator. She is an associate professor of English at Purdue University, contributing opinion writer at The New York Times

“BliNd SpOt” /OUt: June 27, 2017

by teju Cole

Cole’s Open City, a New York novel of walks and ideas, did to the classic flâneur narrative what Gay did for the essay — broadened the notion of what subjects and people count. His column “On Photography” in the Times magazine showcased his obsession with photography, and his second novel included a few of his own pictures. Pairing his own photos with impressionistic mega-captions, Blind Spot turns his photo obsession into a book-length photo essay. —BK, Vulture

Teju Cole is a Nigerian-American writer, photographer, and art historian. He has won the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award

March 2017 57

capable of holding a sword.

Princess Devasena represents the young and bolder generation that doesn’t fear to speak out what’s rightful even if she has to confront the crown or lead her husband at risk. She allows herself to cross the law, if it doesn’t agree with the values she grew up with. Her unbreakable spirit and leader-qualities are noticed from her very first appearance in the film till her captivity. Devasena goes through physical pain but appears mentally strong and loyal to her instincts since the beginning throughout the whole script.

Fundamental values in contemporary framing put into clear perspective

connect with the audience on a very deep emotional level. Both heroines hold strong personalities leading up to frequent opinion clashes and confrontation, but without breaking mutual respect and civil relationships up until the end, by when circumstances make them just mothers, close of losing their sons in the ashes of the Satan’s ritual fire set by Bhallala Deva and Bijjaladeva.

Both epic characters are accreditation of women’s victorious behavior and ruling skills throughout the history, extremely relevant to the present day when gender equality has advanced tremendously. And it is incredibly empowering being a contemporary to a blockbuster movie that entertain with male and female protagonists; to witness the evolution of cinema or the success of a movie produced by community in which, the figure of the mother is cheerfully celebrated, which is to lead many societies by example towards wake on the importance women share with men, in building and sustaining assets.


A nyone who has taken Abu Dhabi tours will reiterate the fact that Abu Dhabi is a one-stop

solution for adventure. Despite the neighboring city Dubai being more famous, Abu Dhabi has quietly built its reputation. Today, it has become a place of innumerable adventures that cannot be found elsewhere you are looking for short and adventurous holiday that will absolutely blow your mind away, choose Abu Dhabi, as you will be spoilt for choice with its many options.

The desert safari is probably the most sought after adventure in Abu Dhabi. Now, you may wonder what can be so adventurous about a desert safari. Well, you have to live the adventure and find out. The whole trip is planned in such a way that you will not have one dull moment. The safari

eSCaPe in JuST 60 Min.


starts with dune bashing. You are picked up in 4X4 SUVs, and taken over the golden sand dunes of the desert. These dunes can reach up to ginormous heights, and riding over them at top speed is a thrill like no other. Then you also have the option of quad biking, and camel riding. Back at the camp, you can relax after the adventure with shisha smoking, BBQ dinner, and belly dance performances. Nowhere else will you find a desert adventure like this.

May 201758

May 2017 59

Seaplane ToursMost tourists tour Abu Dhabi on the ground, but what about the sky? One of the best and the most fantastic ways to see Abu Dhabi is in a seaplane or helicopter. Just like Dubai, Abu Dhabi also has a wonderful skyline that is considered to be one of the best in the world. So, a seaplane tour makes for a fabulous adventure. Even the takeoff and landing is an adventure because it all happens in the sea. Once in the air, you get to see attractions like Emirates Palace, Yas Marina Circuit, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island, Sheikh Zayed Bridge, Zayed Port, and the Corniche. In just a matter of minutes, you see the best of Abu Dhabi. So, for a quickfire adventure, take the seaplane and helicopter tours.

Ferrari World Abu DhabiThe Yas Island is the epicentre of entertainment, and the most popular attraction on the island is the Ferrari World. It is the only Ferrari themed park in the world, and its main attraction is the world’s fastest roller coaster ride, Formula Rossa. This roller coaster ride reaches a speed of 240 km/h. It is a thrill ride like no other. Every speed lover should take a ride on the roller coaster. That’s not all though. There are many other rides and simulators that are just as exciting. Ferrari World also plays host to many car related events. No wonder so many people like to head here to satiate their craving for adventure.

Aston Martin Driving ExperienceThere are very few places in the world that let you get behind the wheel of a race car. Abu Dhabi is one of these places. If you’ve always wanted to ride in one of these speed demons, the Aston Martin Driving Experience is for you. Aston Martin, a car made famous by the James Bond movies, is one of the fastest cars in the world. You will get a chance to drive them on the race track. First, you will get a technical crash course, and then, you drive the car. You will get to handle the speed, twists and turns, and after the race, the instructor will also discuss with you on how to improve your racing skills. If you don’t want to race, you can grab the passenger seat as a professional driver will race the car through the track. You will experience g-forces like you’ve never experienced before. This adventure actually fulfills your fantasy of becoming a race car driver.

There are many adventures Abu Dhabi tours that push the boundary. The above mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg. You can come to Abu Dhabi, and check out many other adventures that will take you out of your comfort zone. From Desert Safari Abu Dhabi to the latest adventure sports, you can find it all in Abu Dhabi. The capital of U.A.E. is slowly gaining reputation for its adventurous soul, and is attracting adventure-thirsty tourists from all over the world. So, don’t wait up , book your adventure tour today.

May 201760

development Achieversdevelopment Achievers

One thing I have learned throughout my life is sometimes speaking your mind only gets a piece of somebody else’s mind – and not the good piece.

The high Cost of Speaking

Your Mind

leisure My sTOry GOT TOLD

May 201760

By James Snyder

May 2017 61

T he old saying goes that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. However, I’m

surprised the old dog doesn’t know the old tricks. What good is a new trick if you have not really mastered and learned from the old tricks?

My experience in this area stood me in good stead for many years. An incident happened recently bringing to light how valuable this “old trick” really is. I may not be good in the new tricks, but I think I have mastered a few of the old tricks.

I really do not know when this incident started, but somewhere along the line I said something resembling a guttural “uh huh,” and forgot about it. What you say in these odd moments may determine your quality of life for many years to come. This points out the difference between husbands and wives.

The only way a husband can remember what he had for lunch is to look at his shirt. A wife’s memory, on the other hand, is so keen she can remember things that never happened.

In the midst of a mild domestic discussion, any wife worth her salt can bring her husband to his knees by simply stating, “But, Honey, you promised me.”

At that point, no husband has the equipment to counter that argument. He may well have promised, but there is no way to prove one way or the other.

About a month ago, the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage got it into her mind to remodel the kitchen. During this time, I did a pretty good job of staying out of her way. When the rare opportunity came soliciting my personal advice on a matter associated with this remodeling project, I quickly and enthusiastically supported her decisions.

The man who carefully measures his words will add happy years to his life. I sure don’t know how long I’m going to live, but I want that time to be happy.

Following the kitchen remodeling my wife proceeded to remodel her bathroom. At this point I should have had some suspicions, but I didn’t. As a husband, I am not equipped with a “suspicion detector.” Experience should have taught me that if one project is done successfully it only inspires another project.

When a wife gets it in her mind to remodel part of the house that thought gets stuck and there is no stopping her. After each remodeling project is completed, my wife always asks my opinion of the job she has just done.

I have learned that if I do not want to do the job myself, I enthusiastically praise the job my wife has done. Any critique that leads toward the negative has a reciprocal effect.

Of course, there is a thing as too much enthusiasm, and I found that to be so in this recent remodeling frenzy at our house. I must admit I did detect a certain busyness around the house, but I have learned it is better not to inquire.

Then I come home from the office one day. Not that it is unusual for me to come home, but this time when I came home, I was greeted at the door by my wife, with a smile that indicated to me that either something was wrong or I was in trouble.

“I have something I want to show you,” she giggled as she took my arm and led me back through the hallway. “I’ve been working on this all day and I’m anxious to show you what I did.”

She then proceeded to escort me to one of the most sacred areas of our blessed domicile. My bathroom. Nothing is more personal and sacred as a man’s bathroom.

I have few requirements of that room. The water must run and the hot water must be hot. The toilet must flush and the shower must work. Outside of that, nothing else really matters.

The fact that the wallpaper is peeling is inconsequential. The fact that the floor is cracked doesn’t really matter. The fact that the shower curtain is old and tattered just makes it more homey for me. I like my bathroom.

Just as she was about to open the door a horrendous thought exploded in my cranium. She has remodeled my bathroom. This comes as close to crossing the line as anything done inside the house. A sense of panic paraded around my heart.

Opening the door, she said those words that will frighten any man in his right mind. “What do you think of your new bathroom?”

Through the years, I have discovered many questions a husband should never answer.

“Does this dress make me look fat?”

“How do you like the meatloaf? It’s a new recipe.”

No matter how long it takes you to chew that meatloaf, always do it with a smile and never, never compare it with your mother’s.

I can either express what’s on my mind, or, live happily ever after. I just can’t do both.

An old say brought a sense of comfort to my heart. “A man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth: but the soul of the transgressors shall eat violence”

I’m on a fruit diet.

Every story is important, and it can change someone’s life , share yours to: [email protected]

May 201762

Aries Internal strength, sudden flow of energy and self-confidence. All representatives of Aries must open their eyes wide. Exciting events ahead of you in this month and you do not want to miss them. Your relationships, in June will also be successful. You will enjoy care and attention. If you take time out to spend with your partner, everything will be even more beautiful. Your relatives have given you some space lately, although they may have heard rumors about you. Clarify everything and avoid disputes. Engage yourself in activities that you enjoy. June is a good time for experiments. You have a lot of energy and you are in a good shape, so if you have had failure recently, do not be scared to make a change in your life.

TAurus As June arrives, all Taurus failures will pass. The stars will finally be in a favorable position and many things will change. In terms of work, you will stand out and you can expect a career promotion. All you have to do is maintain your care and perhaps stand out with new original ideas as solution to your current problems. There may be small issues between you and your colleagues. Try to find out where the problem is and talk about it. You haven’t been out in a while so go to the cinema and enjoy yourself. Do not give yourself unrealistic promises, which you cannot fulfil.

Gemini In June, you will get the opportunity, you have been waiting for so long. At work, Gemini’s skills will be acknowledged and they will get closer to achieving their goals. Perhaps, you have too many responsibilities. If you are under stress, you should find time to relax. You know what you need to do to impress someone. Count on the tested methods. You have interesting ideas. Do not be afraid to utilize them fully! Go ahead and pamper yourself, but think about your priorities first.

CAnCer In June, you will have to solve work problems and personal relationships. This situation can shake your world, but Cancer has a sensitive and emotional nature. If you manage to get through this, it will be worth it, a well-deserved reward awaits. And if this is not enough, the experience will come into use in the future, helping you achieve your dreams. You will realize that love is not just a physical attraction. Feelings and emotions are also important. Your bold and endless ideas, unfortunately, will not excite you. The stars are in the wrong position. You must work on yourself, you have lazy long enough.

Leo Perhaps you will have to goodbye your upcoming vacation. The work pending will have to be done as quickly as possible. You do not want to fall behind in the race with your diligent colleagues. You seem very busy. On the other hand, the Zodiac representatives will gather very important experience and information this June. Just be patient and careful when work is stalled and you need time to finish it. Work will run easily. Start a long-term “project”. You do not have to worry, doctors will not hurt you, they can be of a help to you.

VirGo Single Virgo will finally meet a soul mate in this period. You will be enjoying a successful month, especially in terms of your personal life. Be outgoing and express your joy and happiness, smile, laugh and play, but remember to keep your eyes wide open always. Those in long-term relationships will enjoy harmony, romance and interaction in June. Do not despair if your relationship is not going well right now. Maybe it’s temporary, so expect sweet reconciliation. Do not let anyone disappoint you if you hear rumors about yourself. Allow yourself late wake ups, you will have more energy during the day.

LibrA In June, you will undoubtedly begin to expect the summer months. The biggest crises are overcome and you will find peace and optimism again. Libras will have more free time to enjoy their favorite activities as soon as they learn correctly and efficiently to control their pace of work. Live socially and keep up with the sport. Everything is going well. You and your partner understand each other without words, and you children are well-behaved. You will have to make an important decision that will affect your entire career. Think carefully about the options, do not rush. If you are trying to lose weight, stop relying on different products and eat healthy.

sCorpio In May, long-term relationships will flourish. The initial problems in this period will get solved. Everything with your partner is going well. During this period, the Scorpio should not be afraid to take the next step, if you have been planning it for long time. Take your career in your hands. Hard work is everything but a bit of luck will also help you. Fresh air will definitely make you feel better, especially before falling asleep. You will sleep more peacefully. Know what you can take on and what your body needs, listen to your inner voice.

sAGiTTArius In June, you must avoid disputes at any cost. There is no gain of opening old disputes that will upset both sides. Also think about your body. For too long, you have paid attention only to your job with no time for sports. You must do something about this. You will have the opportunity to make good money and acquire material things. Take this chance and do not miss it. Visit your relatives, find out what’s going on and take time out to catch up with them.

CApriCorn In June, you must show everyone how important part of their company you are. Only this way, the Capricorn representatives will receive their well-deserved prize. Just do not be too sloppy. Your conscience will guide you. Do not overlook your partner, they may not understand why you are working overtime lately. You know what you need to do to impress someone. Apply the tested methods. Spend more time at home. Lately you’ve always been out and about. The inner harmony is the best protection from doctors and therapists.

AquArius Single Aquarius will enjoy this period. There will be many interesting people, including even potential partners entering your life. Those who have already found their luck will enjoy the harmony in their relationships. Interaction and peace will make you happy. June is suitable month to take the next step if you feel ready for it. There will be sparks between you and the opposite sex. Do not wait and do not be afraid to take precedence. It’s not worth helping someone who does not want to. You can invest your energy in another way. Do not forget your friends. Give them your attention. Meet them for coffee or cinema.

pisCes June promises, especially to the single Pisces, a little positive energy in terms of connections. During this time, you have the best chance to meet an ideal partner. There are only a few of them in the world, so you should open your eyes wide. Do not let this opportunity slip from you. Such opportunities come only once. You will manage to turn your relaxing mood at home but you must leave the work problems behind. Enjoy yourself more. You are on the right path and envious people may try to confront you. You must be strong, do not let such people let you down. Take your mate or friend to a dinner. Attend more social events the atmosphere and making new friends are always worth it.

June 2017

May 2017 63

May 201764