It's the People Stupid. Why Story Matters to Brands.

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An overview of how marketing is really a story. Every brand has a story whether it's intentional or not. Marketers need to know their audience and how to tell stories that matter. This presentations starts at a high level and narrows down to some specifics to get the process started.

Transcript of It's the People Stupid. Why Story Matters to Brands.

2011 SXSW Recap

Steve PhippsDirector of Client Experience @ [email protected]/lunaweb#tcmem #story

Its the People, Stupid

Whats your story?Why story matters and what to do about it.#tcmem #storyThe intergalactic journey

#tcmem #storystarted at

#tcmem #storywhere cutting edge

#tcmem #storymeets the world

#tcmem #storyand as much as we love technology

#tcmem #storyits about the people.Human experienceStory tellingBrands, not companiesCreativity

#tcmem #storyHuman Experience

Chip Conley Joie de Vivre Founder#tcmem #storyEmotional EquationsDespair = suffering meaningHappiness = wanting what you have having what you want"He who is not contented with what he has would not be contented with what he would like to have. SocratesAnxiety = Uncertainty x PowerlessnessDisappointment = expectations realityRegret = disappointment + a sense of responsibilityMore choices results in greater opportunity for disappointment

#tcmem #story

#tcmem #storyStories MatterStory saturation music, TV, movies, video, books on demandStories untethered mobileMarketing is getting people to tell themselves the stories you want them to hear. Brian Clark ( #storyElements of the StoryPlot whats happening, quest for satisfaction, goalsCharacter whos involved; motivations, needs, etc.Conflict a problem standing in the wayTheme the main idea, central, often abstractSetting where its all happening; environmental factors

#tcmem #storyA long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away

The Heros Journey Joseph Campbell#tcmem #storyBrands that tell a story#tcmem #storyChick-fil-A

#tcmem #storyRed Bull

#tcmem #storyBucks Credit Union

#tcmem #story

Tell Your Story#tcmem #storyKnow Your AudienceAsk questions: Whats their story?What matters to them?How does your product/service make a difference?Where do they live online?

#tcmem #storyMake a planDevelop a strategySet clear, realistic, measurable goalsGet tacticalMeasure your resultsEvaluateTools/ #tcmem #storyGet CreativeUse the right weapons with the right ammunitionIf you arent, find someone who isTell your storySearch Google for examples:creative ambient adscreative advertisingguerilla marketing#tcmem #story

#tcmem #storyQuestions & Conversation#tcmem #story