It's about watching and waiting

DUMFRIES UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Heather Bosley-Papp, Office Manager & Editor Reverend Dale Gillis, Pastor December 2013 It's about watching and waiting... One year, I believe when I was in 8th grade, I learned a valuable lesson about the meaning of Advent in a very painful way. In my youth I maintained an aquarium as a hobby. I think it started much earlier than youth, probably with the annual fireman's carnival where we would always have the luck of landing ping pong balls in the little cups of water with goldfish in them. So the little goldfish bowl turned into an aquarium and then the single colored goldfish turned into a fascination with the multi-colored tropical fish with brilliant stripes and fancy fins and of course the guppy phase when there were so many little ones we couldn't give them away quickly enough. In our neighborhood in Richmond there was a place of paradise for a teen who raised fish. It was a tropical fish store named "Hank's Tanks". Not only were there walls and walls of tanks there were also professionally decorated tanks for sale already with gravel in them and castles and rocks and artificial plants and bubbling treasure chests. I remember that in the fall of 8th grade there was a gorgeous 20 gallon set up. It was awesome and I told my parents that I just had to have that tank and stand for Christmas. As fate would have it my piano teacher lived across the street from Hank's place and one Tuesday in December when my lesson was over I waited on the teachers front porch for my Mom to pick me up when what to my wondering eyes should appear? The family station wagon in the parking lot at Hank's Tanks. A trip to the store on my bike the next day confirmed it with a sold sign on the aquarium of my dreams. In the conversation I had with Hank that day I managed to drag out of him that the tank had been sold for a Christmas gift and would be delivered on December 23rd. This next part makes absolutely no sense to me as an adult. However, at the time it seemed perfectly logical to teen logic. I could not stand the thought of that tank not being in my house another day so about December 15th I called Hank's Tanks and doing the best impression of my Mom's voice I told Hank that I had changed my mind and would like the tank delivered that day if possible. He agreed to do it but he waited a bit until Mom was home from work and called back to confirm the change (and of course she beat me to the phone). To her credit she said that she did in fact want it delivered that day. The truck soon arrived and she met Hank at the door and showed him where to put the tank in my room. When he left she met me in my room and instructed me that the aquarium was to sit right where it was, which was close to my bed, and the light was to remain on at all times but I was not to put a drop of water or a single fish in it until 3 days after Christmas. So why did I share this story of my youth with you? I have shared it with you for the great lesson that my mother taught in response for my whining questions about the punishment. The lesson was this, "the very reason Jesus came into the world was to forgive the sins of people who acted the very way I had that day and perhaps by waiting and watching and looking at the empty tank I may even see Jesus in the glass and be prepared to receive him." As we journey toward Christmas I am reminded of a line from a familiar carol, "where meek souls will receive him still, the dear Christ enters in." My prayer for us this season is that in the midst of everything else that goes along with the season we will find time to allow the dear Christ to enter into our hearts and lives anew. Blessings, Pastor Dale

Transcript of It's about watching and waiting

Page 1: It's about watching and waiting


Heather Bosley-Papp, Office Manager & Editor Reverend Dale Gillis, Pastor

December 2013

It's about watching and


One year, I believe when

I was in 8th grade, I learned a

valuable lesson about the

meaning of Advent in a very

painful way. In my youth I

maintained an aquarium as a

hobby. I think it started much

earlier than youth, probably with the annual

fireman's carnival where we would always have

the luck of landing ping pong balls in the little

cups of water with goldfish in them. So the little

goldfish bowl turned into an aquarium and then

the single colored goldfish turned into a

fascination with the multi-colored tropical fish

with brilliant stripes and fancy fins and of course

the guppy phase when there were so many

little ones we couldn't give them away quickly


In our neighborhood in Richmond there

was a place of paradise for a teen who raised

fish. It was a tropical fish store named "Hank's

Tanks". Not only were there walls and walls of

tanks there were also professionally decorated

tanks for sale already with gravel in them and

castles and rocks and artificial plants and

bubbling treasure chests. I remember that in

the fall of 8th grade there was a gorgeous 20

gallon set up. It was awesome and I told my

parents that I just had to have that tank and

stand for Christmas.

As fate would have it my piano teacher

lived across the street from Hank's place and

one Tuesday in December when my lesson was

over I waited on the teachers front porch for my

Mom to pick me up when what to my

wondering eyes should appear? The family

station wagon in the parking lot at Hank's Tanks.

A trip to the store on my bike the next day

confirmed it with a sold sign on the aquarium of

my dreams. In the conversation I had with Hank

that day I managed to drag out of him that the

tank had been sold for a Christmas gift and

would be delivered on December 23rd.

This next part makes absolutely no sense

to me as an adult. However, at the time it

seemed perfectly logical to teen logic. I could

not stand the thought of that tank not being in

my house another day so about December 15th

I called Hank's Tanks and doing the best

impression of my Mom's voice I told Hank that I

had changed my mind and would like the tank

delivered that day if possible. He agreed to do

it but he waited a bit until Mom was home from

work and called back to confirm the change

(and of course she beat me to the phone). To

her credit she said that she did in fact want it

delivered that day.

The truck soon arrived and she met Hank

at the door and showed him where to put the

tank in my room. When he left she met me in

my room and instructed me that the aquarium

was to sit right where it was, which was close to

my bed, and the light was to remain on at all

times but I was not to put a drop of water or a

single fish in it until 3 days after Christmas.

So why did I share this story of my youth

with you? I have shared it with you for the great

lesson that my mother taught in response for my

whining questions about the punishment. The

lesson was this, "the very reason Jesus came

into the world was to forgive the sins of people

who acted the very way I had that day and

perhaps by waiting and watching and looking

at the empty tank I may even see Jesus in the

glass and be prepared to receive him."

As we journey toward Christmas I am

reminded of a line from a familiar carol, "where

meek souls will receive him still, the dear Christ

enters in." My prayer for us this season is that in

the midst of everything else that goes along

with the season we will find time to allow the

dear Christ to enter into our hearts and lives



Pastor Dale

Page 2: It's about watching and waiting

Yesterday, November 16th

was the annual Richmond

Marathon. I know this because

the marathon goes right past my

school. Every year on marathon

day getting to and from classes is

a challenge. The marathon route

runs around two of the three

streets that lead into the school and it crosses the

other street. For many of my classmates, this is a

challenging day, made even more challenging

by the interruption to their already busy schedules.

I look forward to marathon day every year.

Both of our sons run marathons and so I know a

little about how they are organized and how

much preparation each runner puts in to running

a race of 26 miles. I know that for many people

running, it is their first time running a race of that

distance and their only goal is completing the

race. I know that despite the preparation, many

of the runners will ‘hit the wall’ and drop out be-

fore they ever finish. I know that other runners are

experienced runners. These runners begin the

race with more realistic expectations than the

new runners and maybe a few more nerves,

because they know what’s coming. They know

the pain that will come as they complete different

milestones. They know that the few last miles will

be the hardest ever. They know that they will

want to drop out, but they will finish the race. The

difference quite often is that the experienced

runners have prepared mentally as well as

physically. They know what they need to do to

finish the race.

I think one of the main factors in a runner

finishing a marathon is the encouragement he or

she receives along the way. This encouragement

starts with the runner’s support team. This team is

usually made up of family and friends who have

come to support and cheer on the runners. The

support team moves from place to place along

the marathon route to encourage their runner

and for non-competitive runners, the support

team may even carry a snack or extra drink to

give the runner energy along the way. The next

level of support is the race staff and crowd along

the route. These people form a larger support

team that encourages all of the runners. At

various places along the marathon route, there

are water points handing out sports drinks or water

and watching to see if any runners need medical

assistance. There are also points every few miles

where different groups will play upbeat,

inspirational music to add some energy to the

tired runners. I was particularly proud of our

school this year. Where other places were

blasting loud rock and rap music, our school had

live singers singing Gospel and praise songs for all

to hear. Encouragement is a huge part of letting

the runners know that they are not alone and that

they have the support of not just their own family,

but of the entire race community.

There is also a third level of encourage-

ment. Our older son, Will runs in several

marathons each year. He often runs as a pace

group leader. A pace group leader is an experi-

enced runner who runs with some of the new

runners to help and encourage them along the

way and to show them how to pace themselves

in order to meet their desired time. The pace

group leaders act somewhat like shepherds,

keeping the group together, bringing those who

stray behind back, and giving them encourage-

ment and confidence that they can finish the

race. Pace group leaders stay with their group

even though they could easily run the race much

faster. Helping others to finish is more important to

them than running the fastest time.

Our Christian walk is often compared to a

marathon. The Apostle Paul talks about running

the race and completing his course. All of us

need some encouragement as we run our race.

No matter how experienced we are, we need

someone to remind us that we can and will finish.

We need someone to give us courage and

confidence to keep on running when we want to

give up. As Christians, we are all a part of the

race of life. But we all are part of someone’s

support team as well. All of us also need to

encourage others. So, where are you in the

support system for the race that we call our

Christian journey? Are you an encourager of a

friend or family member that needs special

attention? Are you one of the many people that

is along the road to show encouragement for

everyone along the way, or are you a pace

group leader, putting your own goals aside in

order to encourage the people God has given

you to help them finish the race. We need to run

with others and never forget that as we encour-

age each other we are doing the work of Christ.

~ Tom Swingle,

Lay Leader

The Marathon of Life

Page 3: It's about watching and waiting

The United Methodist Women’s Christmas Party will be EARLY this year

Monday, December 2nd, 7:15 pm

We will be doing our Christmas cookie exchange; so,

if you want cookies, please bring a tin full of 3 dozen

cookies, labeled with any allergens, i.e. nuts. You’ll

also need a separate container to take home the

lovely variety of 3 dozen cookies you have chosen.

Children hats and gloves is our local mission project in connection with the coat drive.

If you have had a prayer pal we will be disclosing our identities to each other and choosing

new pals for 2014.

Remember to keep your eyes peeled during upcoming sales for deals on children’s coats

for the Church Wide December Coat Drive sponsored by UMW continuing thru December

15, 2013. Coats will be distributed to Dumfries and Triangle Elementary school the week

before holiday break.

Saturday, December 7, 2013 is the UMW Advent Breakfast from 9-11am. We will meet in the

church back parking lot at 8:15 to carpool to Old Bridge UMC to gather in fellowship for

breakfast and a program of music and song. All women are welcome and there is no cost.

The UMW Reading Program is ongoing. We have a number of new really good books that

just arrived. Just pick your book from the reading cart at the back of Markham Hall and

sign the card in the little green box. Point of Contact is Pattie Folks.

United Methodist Men’s Breakfast

will be held on Sunday, December 8, from 8:30 am - Noon.

New Church Office Hours

Beginning on Monday, December 2nd, 2013, the church office will

have new hours.

New hours are: 8:30 am until 4 pm, Monday - Thursday

Closed Friday - Sunday.

Please plan accordingly. Thank you!

Page 4: It's about watching and waiting

“Christmas Music Celebration” on

Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 3 pm.

We would like to have solos, duets, trios, or any other small

groups that want to join in this seasonal celebration! Do you like to

sing or play a musical instrument but you can’t come to choir or

handbell rehearsal or other music ministry programs every week?

Instead of a cantata or a Christmas play or a specific piece of music chosen

by the music director, do you have a favorite Christmas musical selection that

you feel called to share with our congregation?

Contact Lorie Gillis after worship services or at 804-896-4943 or [email protected].

Come join the celebration this Christmas!

Celebrate the spirit of Christmas and join us for the "Christmas Music Celebration"

on Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. in the sanctuary.

The program will be filled with musical selections from different groups, soloists,

and a short Christmas carol sing-a-long.

Light refreshments will be served afterwards in Markham Hall.

Weekly/Monthly Music Ministry Opportunities

Youth Sing ‘n’ Ring, (Grades 3 - 12) meeting on Sundays at 4 -5 pm in the Music Room, Room 224,

DUMC Handbell Choir, meeting on Wednesday nights at 6:30 p.m. in the balcony.

Chancel Choir, meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:15 p.m. in the Music Room, Room 224.

Praise Band, meeting on Thursday evenings, 7 pm in the Sanctuary and Sunday mornings at 7am

and playing for the 8:45 am service.

Fellowship and Service Opportunities

Hanging the Greens

December 3rd, we will enjoy dinner together at 6 pm then decorate the

church for Advent. Many hands make light work, please plan on joining us!

Pot-Luck Dinner Sunday, December 8, 6 pm

This will be a fun time to fellowship and decorate our Church Family

Christmas Tree. The tree will be up in Markham Hall.

Please bring a dish to share and an ornament to decorate our tree.

Page 5: It's about watching and waiting

Classes are well underway and the only thing missing may be you

WOW – Our Tweens class did a great job with their part in this year’s Bread and Fishes food

collection for the Thanksgiving bags. Thanks to our church family’s support, the Sunday

School Hallway was lined with food items.

Why not be the one to start our 4th Adult class? It is our goal to offer something for everyone.

Remember you and the members of your class can choose to meet at Duncan Donuts,

Panera, at the church or maybe somewhere else. Gather a group of friends and decide

upon a topic and I will help you find a study that will meet your needs.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Take time to stop and enjoy all of the holiday’s special

touches. Remember that we are celebrating the Christ Child’s birth.

Please share your answers to your call, ideas and needs with Barbara Swingle, Sunday School

Superintendent – 703-580-6408 or [email protected].


Ages 3 years - Adult

9:50 - 10:50 am

Come join us!

I Believe in Sunday School

We are looking forward to a memorable

December and Advent season

Advent actually begins on December 1 at which

time we'll be lighting the first of the candles on the advent wreath. Then, on December 3,

we plan to decorate the church following dinner at 6:00 pm, prepared by Chef David.

This is always a special time to enjoy fellowship, good food, and beautiful results.

Both Music Directors continue to ask for volunteers for Sunday services, particularly

classical instrumentalists and vocalists. There is to be a special program the afternoon of

December 15 at 3:00 pm.

Our Nurture Chair is designing children's bulletins to coordinate with sermon messages

instead of the ones we have been utilizing in the past. She also is planning a potluck dinner

December 8 after which we will decorate the family tree in Markham Hall with ornaments

special to our families.

On Christmas eve there will be a candlelight service at 7:00 with communion served.

The Sunday following Christmas there will be a Unity Service at 10:00, Lessons and Carols.

May we all join in celebrating Christ's birth together.

Anne Kilbourne

Worship Chair

Page 6: It's about watching and waiting

Sunday, December 1

Praise Band Warm Up, 7:30 am, S

Chancel Choir, 10:40 am, Rm 224

Sing ‘n’ Ring, 4:00 pm Monday, December 2

Clothes Closet, 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Bread and Fishes, 5:30 pm, N, S

Karate, 6:30 pm, UR

UMW Christmas Party, 7:15 pm, MH, K Tuesday, December 3

Daughters of the King, 7 pm Rm 218

GWUMMC Bible Study, 7 pm, Rm 216

GS Troop 2097, 7pm, MH

Hanging the Greens: 6 pm Dinner,

7 pm, Fun Begins Wednesday, December 4

Karate, 6:30 pm, UR

Handbells, 6:30 pm, Balcony

Boy Scout Troop 74, 7:00 pm, MH

Choir, 7:15 pm, Room 224 Thursday, December 5

AA, 12 pm, Room 229

Praise Team Practice, 7 pm, S

GS Troop 3881, 7 pm, UR

Finance, 7 pm, Pastor’s Office Saturday, December 7

UMW Advent Breakfast, Offsite

Trustees, 8 am, MH Sunday, December 8

Praise Band Warm Up, 7:30 am, S

UMM Breakfast, 8 am - Noon, MH, K

Chancel Choir, 10:40 am

Sing ‘n’ Ring, 4 pm, Room 224

DORY Youth Group, 5-7 pm, Rm 228

Kids in Christ, 4:30 - 6 pm, MH (Back)

Fellowship Dinner, 6 pm, MH, K Monday, December 9

Staff Meeting, 11 am, Pastor’s Office

Feed My Sheep, 5:30 pm, MH

(Sisters in Friendship)

Bread and Fishes, 5:30 pm, N, S

Clothes Closet, 5:30 pm

Karate, 6:30 pm, UR Tuesday, December 10


Bi-District Christmas Party, 11 - 2, Alex.

Daughters of the King, 7 pm Rm 218

GWUMMC Bible Study, 7 pm, Rm 216

GS Troop 2097, 7pm, MH

Media Committee, 7 pm, Room 229 Wednesday, December 11

Karate, 6:30 pm, UR

Handbells, 6:30 pm, Balcony

Boy Scout Troop 74, 7:00 pm, MH

Choir, 7:15 pm, Room 224

Thursday, December 12

AA, 12 pm, Room 216

Praise Team Practice, 7 pm, S

GS Troop 3881, UR

Church Council, 6:30 pm, MH Friday, December 13

Book Club, 7 pm, MH Saturday, December 14

Dumfries Christmas Parade Sunday, December 15

Praise Band Warm Up, 7 am, S

Chancel Choir, 10:40 am, Rm 224

Christmas Music Celebration, 3 pm

Dory Youth Group, Attending

Music Celebration Monday, December 16

Clothes Closet, 5:30 pm

Bread & Fishes, 5:30 pm, N, S

Karate, 6:30 pm, UR

Emmaus Band, 7 pm S Tuesday, December 17

Daughters of the King, 7 pm Rm 218

GWUMMC Bible Study, 7 pm, Rm 221

GS Troop 2097, 7 pm, MH Wednesday, December 18

Karate, 6:30 pm, UR

Handbells, 6:30 pm, Balcony

Boy Scout Troop 74, 7 pm, MH

Choir, 7:15 pm, Room 224 Thursday, December 19

AA, 12 pm, Room 216

Praise Team Practice, 7 pm, S

GS Troop 3881, 7 pm, UR Sunday, December 22

Praise Band Warm Up, 7 am, S

Chancel Choir, 10:40 am

No Sing ‘n’ Ring

No Dory Youth Group Monday, December 23

NO Feed My Sheep

Bread and Fishes, 5:30 pm, N, S

Clothes Closet, 5:30 pm Tuesday, December 24

Christmas Eve Service, 7 pm, S Wednesday, December 25

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Office Closed Thursday, December 26

Office Closed

AA, 12 pm, Room 216

Praise Team Practice, 7 pm, S

GS Troop 3881, UR Sunday, December 29

Service of Lessons and Carols

One Worship Service, 10 am Monday, December 30

No Evening Ministries


Do we ever stand and gaze

In bewildered mental daze,

Thinking life is just a maze,


Do we give the very best

Of our strength, our zeal, our zest,

Just to feather our life nest,


Then at last there’ll come the day

when our life ebbs fast away

And grim death will not delay,


When we see life reach the end,

Well we know, that ‘round the bend,

We can never hope to send,


Think not that it was God’s plan

For his own created man

Just to fill up his life span,


God gave us a mission great

So let’s open love’s flood gate,

Never making our best wait,


~ J. T. Bolding


S - Sanctuary

K - Kitchen

MH - Markham Hall

UR - Upper Room

N - Narthex

Rm - Room

Calendar is subject to change.

Please check weekly

announcements for most

current information

Page 7: It's about watching and waiting

December’s Selection -



Jane Austin

(Copies available at the

PW Public Library)

Friday, December 13 ,

7 pm , MH

Please bring a favorite

Christmas treat to share

January’s Book (Copies will be available at

the December meeting)

A Beautiful Lady,

My Mom

Please note:

all submissions for the

January Happenings

must be in the office

No Later Than

December 10th to ensure inclusion.

Forgive others,

Not because they

Deserve forgiveness,

But because you

deserve peace.

~ Unknown

Triangle Service Center

Family Run For 35 Years

18314 Jefferson Davis Highway

Triangle, Virginia 22172

Phone (703) 221-4505

U-Haul (703) 221-6010

Serving Dumfries UMC since 1962

Dale City Woodbridge 703-680-1234 703-494-2000

Jake & Shannon Jacobs 11

Albert & Tracy Snyder, Jr 19

John & Cocowitch 24

Sheila Copeland 3

Jessica Romig 3

Holly Krass 4

Chuck Thomas 4

Elizabeth Bresnock 6

Tracy Snyder 11

Judy Hardisty 13

Patty Ray 15

Ron Shingler 16

Lauren Janke 20

Cole Snyder 20

Amy Tubbs 20

Kristin Love 21

Lexi Krass 22

Beth Ardaiolo 28

Michael Williams 30

Inez Smith 31

Relay for Life – April 26-27, 2014

The “Pink Crusaders – Dumfries United Methodist Church” will participate

in the 2014 Relay for Life, Walking to find the Cure to be held at the

Woodbridge Senior High School, April 26-27, 2014.

The theme is “Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back”! Won’t you join us

for this worthwhile event? You can register by going into the Relay for Life

of Eastern Prince William County, and follow the prompts to find and join

our team. There is a $10.00 registration fee. More information to follow.

POCs: Team Captain, Mary Turner 571-330-2906 or

Dee Brown 703-221-7440.

Page 8: It's about watching and waiting


Don’t forget to bring friends!

Children Kindergarten - 5th grade are encouraged to join us

(younger and older siblings always welcomed)

each month for a pot-luck dinner and our monthly activity.

If you have questions call or e-mail – Barbara Swingle

703-580-6408 - [email protected]


Sunday, December 8, 4:30 pm to be followed by our

Church Family Tree Decorating at 6:00 pm

Our Christmas Party

Bring a holiday snack food to share

Outreach project for our shut-ins and college students

Dumfries Holiday Parade

Saturday December 14

Watch for more details

Sunday, January 5, 5:30-7:00 pm

Sharing our Joys

Be prepared to share a holiday joy (something way cool)

Bring too small clothes to donate to our clothes closet

Pot-luck dinner fit for a King

Outreach project for our shut-ins and college students

Youth Group News

December is a short month on meetings. We will be meeting for our

regular meeting on December 8 from 5-7 for a "Birthday Party for Jesus".

On December 15th we will be enjoying the planned church activity.

Please look forward to the Bi-district "Bowling Lock-in" in January.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

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Page 10: It's about watching and waiting

Dumfries United Methodist Church 3890 Cameron Street

Dumfries, VA 22026

Church Meetings

Church Council Thursday, December 12, 6:30 pm

Finance TBD

Book Club 2nd Friday of each month at 7:30 PM

Middle/High School Youth Group Sundays, 5-7 pm, Room 228

Praise Band Practice Thursdays at 7:00 PM, Sundays at 7:00 AM

DUMC Bells Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. in the Balcony

Chancel Choir

Wednesday, 7:15 pm, Room 224

Bread and Fishes, with the Clothes Closet Mondays, 5:30 PM until 6:30PM

Bread and Fishes Worship Service

Mondays. 6:30 PM until 7:00 PM

Feed My Sheep 2nd Monday, 5:30 PM

Regular Sunday Services

8:00 am - Communion Service

8:45 am - Praise & Worship Service

9:50 am - Sunday School For All

11:00 am - Traditional Service

Phone Number: 703-221-2880

Fax Number: 703-221-4605

E-mail address: [email protected]

Website address:

Office hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Who We Are

Resident Bishop: Young Jin Cho

District Superintendent: Reverend Ken Jackson

Pastor: Reverend Dale Gillis

Interim Traditional Music Director: Lorie Gillis

Praise & Worship Music Director: Tom Geenty

Office Manager: Heather Bosley-Papp