Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay...

Its Elemental The Journal of the Rebirth International Aussie & Kiwi Mob, Earth 2016 Sri Divyakathhamrit and The Story of Shiva/Shri Haiadakhan Babaji (2016) Pauline Win and Peter Bell Sri Manhendra Baba (closet disciple of Sri Baba) wrote a beautiful book recounting how Sri Haidakhan Baba came to Earth from Shiva Loka (in the Heavens) to save mankind from its own destruction tendencies. Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although all countries have been created by the Lord, India has special significance since the discourses (ancient Vedic Texts) are held all around for ‘the removal of distress for the welfare of the world.” He, (Shri Baba/Shiva) came as a simple sadhu. He wore a loose shirt, jacket and cap. He had neither matted hair nor shaved head. In that simple form of a wandering sadhu only those whom He wanted to see saw him. The Shri Divayakathimritn says “His body is most gentle, His grace is beyond description. It is presumed the creator has set a limit of His workmanship in creating this handsomeness. He gives Dharshan sight of the Lord in human form only by His Supreme blessedness; otherwise no one has the capacity to receive His Dharshan unless He desires it. Peter and I and 6 others from Australia received Dharshan two days running in February 2016. The cold in the Himalayas was really intense. As we drove up we had numerous sightings of the glorious Himalayan range covered in snow, an amazing sight with the sun striking on the snow, and it made me home sick for New Zealand. Most of the people had never been in static cold, some had never seen snow. It was freezing. We all went to bed with anything we could put on. We stayed up there for two nights and received Dharshan twice – WOW!! Shri Babaji was asked about Physical Immortality and death. He looked intently at the questioner and said emphatically “Yes, Yes it is possible to live for 200, 300 or 1000 years but it is very difficult. The Mind must reach a blank state.” He used a Sanskrit word which means completely empty of thoughts. Then he told us all about these Enlightened Beings that live on other planets in other galaxies. He said hundreds and hundreds of planets throughout the vast Universe have these Immortals living on them. The minds of these beings are without clutter and therefore able to travel to Earth whenever they choose. They do come here. I didn’t get the opportunity to ask Him “why” and “how” they came. Perhaps I can follow that up next time. About death and physical immortality, Babaji told us a legend from the Vedas. There was once a thief called On the way to receive Darshan from Babaji

Transcript of Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay...

Page 1: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Its Elemental The Journal of the Rebirth International Aussie & Kiwi Mob, Earth 2016

Sri Divyakathhamrit and The Story of Shiva/Shri Haiadakhan Babaji (2016) Pauline Win and Peter Bell Sri Manhendra Baba (closet disciple of Sri Baba) wrote a beautiful book recounting how Sri Haidakhan Baba came to Earth from Shiva Loka (in the Heavens) to save mankind from its own destruction tendencies. Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although all countries have been created by the Lord, India has special significance since the discourses (ancient Vedic Texts) are held all around for ‘the removal of distress for the welfare of the world.” He, (Shri Baba/Shiva) came as a simple sadhu. He wore a loose shirt, jacket and cap. He had neither matted hair nor shaved head. In that simple form of a wandering sadhu only those whom He wanted to see saw him. The Shri Divayakathimritn says “His body is most gentle, His grace is beyond description. It is presumed the creator has set a limit of His workmanship in creating this handsomeness. He gives Dharshan sight of the Lord in human form only by His Supreme blessedness; otherwise no one has the capacity to receive His Dharshan unless He desires it. Peter and I and 6 others from Australia received Dharshan two days running in February 2016. The cold in the Himalayas was really intense. As we drove up we had numerous sightings of the glorious Himalayan range covered in snow, an amazing sight with the sun striking on the snow, and it made me home sick for New Zealand. Most of the people had never been in static cold, some had never seen snow. It was freezing. We all went to bed with anything we could put on. We stayed up there for two nights and received Dharshan twice – WOW!! Shri Babaji was asked about Physical Immortality and death. He looked intently at the questioner and said emphatically “Yes, Yes it is possible to live for 200, 300 or 1000 years but it is very difficult. The Mind must reach a blank state.” He used a Sanskrit word which means completely empty of thoughts. Then he told us all about these Enlightened Beings that live on other planets in other galaxies. He said hundreds and hundreds of planets throughout the vast Universe have these Immortals living on them. The minds of these beings are without clutter and therefore able to travel to Earth whenever they choose. They do come here. I didn’t get the opportunity to ask Him “why” and “how” they came. Perhaps I can follow that up next time. About death and physical immortality, Babaji told us a legend from the Vedas. There was once a thief called On the way to receive Darshan from Babaji

Page 2: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Valmiki. He stole people’s property and then as a trophy, he would cut off one of his victim’s fingers and hung it around his neck. He had a large necklace of fingers. Valmiki eventually came across a Yogi Saint who he tried to rob only to find out that he had nothing to steal. He said to the Yogi that he would cut off one of his fingers anyway to which the Yogi replied go ahead but you have very bad Karma for all these thefts and cutting off fingers. Valmiki replied “It’s the only way I know to provide for my wife and son.” The saint said “go home and ask your wife and son if they are willing to take their share of he karma you are creating since they are benefiting from these bad deeds. Valmiki returned and said to the saint “they will not share the Karma.” The saint then said “then you will have to chant Ram Ram Ram all the time from now on and cease cutting and stealing in order to lessen your Karma. One day, Valmiki, who was illiterate, uneducated and had no trade skills, whilst chanting Ram Ram Ram was visited by The Goddess, Saraswati (Goddess of Education, Arts, Science, Books and learning in general). She tapped him on the head and he went on to write the Ramayana, one of India’s most famous texts. Babaji said that Valmiki was a very unusual case. On death, Babaji said that when people die they can come back as anything from the three sections of the Earth, Sky (birds, etc.),Water(fish, etc.) and Earth (Humans, animals, trees, etc.). [I have heard from a yogi (not Babaji) that if we have too much sex we can come back as a pidgeon!!!]. Hi point was that all thoughts and actions for our whole lifetime go with us to get on with cleaning up our acts. I thought it was a salient point that we can be responsible to some degree for the actions of others, If we are benefiting from those actions, like Valmiki’s wife. Babaji was extremely interested in Rebirthing and asked us to explain it which we did in depth. He then took a copy of my book, read through the list of contents and kept the book to read. Lyn and I gave Babaji a heap of seeds from Australia which he loved. He has an amazing garden which he has developed himself and was looking forward to planting these new seeds when it warmed up in another month or two. He has dog, a German Sheppard, called Austin. As it says in Sri Mahendra Baba’s book, he is living as a simple sadhu and only receives a few people. This Dharshan was an amazing blessing. We’re now on the train to Solapur, South India, to start a Rebirthing course. It is a 27 hour journey from Delhi. Delhi is more polluted than even last year. I’ve met up with Chitra and we had a wonderful afternoon together and have met other Rebirthing folk in Delhi. We have now spent around a month in Delhi and Haidakhan Ashram. The travelling is tough and we don’t know what’s in stall for us in Solapur. So here’s looking at you Kid, after Dharshan with Babaji –What does it matter? Love Pauline and Peter

Every thought you have of shame, every thought you have of anger, every thought you have of revenge is a thought that weakens you. Every muscle in your body, even your eyes… You came from the invisible, you came from source, it’s the spirit that gives life, so that once you understand that, this body of yours is a creation not of human beings but a creation of god, it’s a creation of source, it came from nowhere and invisible source and manifested into the world of the physical and so it only reacts to truth because it was created by truth… Now you are using an instrument not of human beings, all of our bodies are divine creations and they only react to truth with strength. Wayne Dyer

Page 3: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Profile - Matoula Piscopani 1. Where do you live and who do you live with? I live in Auckland, NZ with Paul Jones, a Breathwork Faciliator and co Trainer in "Inner Resources". 2. Who or what inspired you to become a Rebirther/Breathworker? I always had this urge to seek the Divine and improve the quality of my life and the aspects of myself I was not happy about. Among all different methods I had experienced, Breathwork was the one that gave me instant clarity about what was happening for me. I was able to observe the internal communication which I was ignorant about. Everything fell in the right place and was "explained" throughout the session in profound clarity, beyond logic, through all my senses and with the whole of my being. The moment that 1st Breathwork session was over, I had already decided that I wanted to become a Breathworker. I organised the 1st training in Greece where I used to live then and participated at the same time. 3. Who have you done Rebirther/Breathwork training with? John Stamoulos, Sondra Ray and Leonard Orr - with this order. 4. What benefits have you and your family received from Rebirthing/Breathwork? The main benefit is that I`m still alive -LOL! I can laugh when I speak about it however it has literally saved my life and has saved me a lot of health issues. My birth has been traumatic and nearly died- therefore there was nothing else than gloom and doom to expect later on in life and such a struggle! I strongly believe that if I had stayed that ignorant about my subconscious urges I would have ended up in killing everything good about myself, my life and the good people around me, probably being treated for depression and perhaps manifesting a serious illness over time. My family felt challenged for a start. Nobody in my environment had been in the same, or similar spiritual (=of the spirit) journey before. In time, they were able to see that my life was only improving and started relaxing about my work. The funniest thing was that they thought that my clients would probably be "weirdos" or "disturbed", up until they started meeting some of them and realised that we people are alike with similar problems and similar anxieties in life. Nothing really "weird" about that. Now they refer me to their environment and my mum loves passing my business card around proudly - lol- and she breathes every time she has the opportunity. 5. Does Rebirthing/Breathwork present any challenges for you and/or your family in daily life and how do you use Rebirthing/Breathwork to add value to your life and the lives of your clients? Currently none. The more I breathe the more conscious I become and the more I am able to shift and change in life with ease. It only keeps improving my personal and interpersonal relationships and the quality of my life. I can only add value in people`s lives as a result, wherever I stand and no matter what I do. The value of this work can

Page 4: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

apply to anything I do and to whoever I meet as it comes from the inside and flows to the world. 6. Rebirthing/Breathwork is a natural tool that leads to self-exploration and self-realisation. It connects you straight to the source, to what is purposeful for a true living and with all of your true potential. It expands your consciousness and you are able to perceive ideas and concepts that you could not grasp before. By doing so you are able to use your existence for the benefit of yourself and of all that surrounds you. 7. Your dreams and vision for your future and the future of Rebirthing/ Breathwork My vision is that the world becomes a more and more conscious place to live in with people that love their differences and make a difference as a result, in harmony with themselves and nature. I believe that Conscious Breathing makes this difference and creates more and more conscious people of themselves and of the environment they live in. My vision for Breathwork is that; * it is incorporated as a self-realisation and well-being tool in schools, hospitals, corporate world, international and national organisations, politics, the media etc. * it is studied with research results that everybody can reach * the medical world applies its benefits * the world applies it naturally and you can get your money back for doing so by the state The vision for myself into it, is to commit fully into Conscious Breathing as my main occupation and inspire others to inspire themselves and other people through change. Inspiration is what ignites passion in our lives and passion means living a creative, full, abundant, joyful life. 8. What is the element you are most comfortable with and how does this manifest in your life? The element I feel most comfortable with is fire. I guess it manifests in the same...firey way in my life -LOL. This means that when I feel passionate about something, I won`t stop up until this is complete. It also means a vibrant and warm personality. Of course everything has its counteracting form at the same time. So, what does fire do when there is nothing else to burn up ahead? In the physical world the fire is the element of creation, where the world came from. If you don`t keep this fire burning and preserve it in a healthily-contained way inside your body, the fire turns to consume the body itself. I am getting more and more aware of the nature of things as I study myself: the way of my living, observing my own conscious breathing and of the patterns and habits I got to follow in life and change them. 9. its antithesis - the death urge and EEP? Everything is possible. We live in a world of possibilities because there are as many universes as there are possibilities. The true world and the reality I live in, is the one thing I have manifested among all these other possibilities that I could have chosen instead. This means whatever my mind is set on, consciously or unconsciously (most of the times unconsciously) it will create. When as humanity we are ready to study and research the subconscious and perhaps the superconscious, then we will be probably ready to give all this a scientific answer. What I say is that Physical immortality is a way of living, it is not the thought that will make me immortal, or the number of affirmations that I will repeat to believe I am one. Studying it and practising it I will be able to reach my own answers and conclusions and do my own corrections to the way I live and to the impact I will make through my simple way of living to myself and others. The death urge is dangerous when people are unconscious of it. A good way to recognise it is the "tapping on the shoulder" by the universe itself. This means be aware and alert for the universe manifesting as it will only be a projection of what is happening inside the microcosm - your own little world and body. This means things don`t work? Relationships break? Finances lost? Natural disasters? Tragedies happen every day in life in a lot of people around the world. It also happens throughout the planet. The picture of the world today, as we know it, the fear, the wars, the financial crisis, the extreme natural phenomena, where do they come from? Whose unconscious mind do they manifest? If these mishaps occur in one persons life in the hypothesis that this is a projection of what is happening unconsciously inside

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his head, can we say that the world being on "fire" today is the collective unconscious of all the inhabitants of the planet right now? EEP is only a result of this and people tend to get hurt by it only when they match the same energy. 10. What is your favourite quote from a book/person/poem/etc you admire? " Integrity is the essence of everything" by Buckminster Fuller 11. Testimonial

n individual. In my personal experience with Matoula, she saw that I was having trouble connecting with people. The guidance and love that I felt from her as a rebirther, helped me recognize and overcome my fear, and I now feel that I can connect with people on a deeper level.

Karen Scott Remedial & Sports Massage Therapist South Australia

Breath of Life – Transforming Suffering Into Bliss! There was a time in our distant past when we were in Unity, we lived the oneness, living and seeing the One Spirit in everything. We had trans-personal memory, what was available to one was available to all. When we fell 13, 000 years ago, we move from Unity into separation; looking out at a world that wasn't us, as though we were all of a sudden separate and isolated entities standing apart from the rest of the creation. This is what really happened; we moved from our Heart space, our Higher Self within, which only knows Unity, to our minds, which only knows separation. We became our minds, and because the mind is a polarized instrument, we are in a state of continual judgement. All of the problems we have in life come from judgment; from insisting that reality should be different from how it is. Whenever we do this, we lock the energy up tight, and always in the same place, in our physical bodies. We then carry that stuck energy as pain, stress, tension, illness and disease that we then try to avoid feeling. You may have noticed that reality is not the way it "should be" reality is the way it is. And in order to be creative and at peace, it is necessary to find a more useful relationship to the reality of your experience. Your Higher Self is still within you, and it functions well beyond that of any capabilities that your mind might have. Reconnecting with this severed aspect of yourself gives you access to your unlimited potential; where you have an unlimited healing capability, along with reliable access to an infinite supply of inner peace, unconditional love, joy, creative expression and wisdom. This is the energy of Divine Creator, it is the energy of Source. When you know that everything is made of pure energy, you can truly transform your mind, emotions, heart and body to bring about an abundance of health and happiness into your life. Breath of Life, based upon ancient wisdom, is a methodology that teaches you to work with this pure Source energy to access both power and wisdom. I will show you how to tap into this energy flow within you; and teach you how, in combination with a powerfully healing circular breathing rhythm, to use it to shine the light of your conscious awareness to

Bob Frissell

Page 6: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

permanently resolve suppressed negative emotions, including stress, as well as deep seated traumas and core wounds such as feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, shame, anxiety, impatience, boredom, depression, bitterness, and so on. Breath of Life then, is a process for harmonizing the emotional and spiritual energies of the body. It can be applied in dedicated sessions (sessions are conducted either in person or on Skype) and also in day-to-day life, during both pleasant and unpleasant experiences. When experiencing pleasurable situations and feelings, it allows you to be more present and receptive. When you are dealing with something difficult, Breath of Life relaxes you into a more creative perspective and frees you from whatever negativity was keeping you stuck. Imagine that you're on your way to work; it's been a stressful morning, the kids were erratic, you didn't get out the door with the best possible words to your loved one, and you have an important meeting. What if there was a technique that could calm you and center you, and give you almost immediate stress relief without having to go for a pill, without having to alter yourself in any way; and at the same time, will bring you so much into the present moment that you will be with such clarity and precision that everyone around you is captivated, and that your message is clearly heard! Once you learn how to use my Breath of Life technique, you can use it by yourself anytime, anywhere while engaging in any activity. You can use it at work in order to integrate any emotions that come up into your sense of well-being; so that you can have all of your feelings and all of the situations that arise, contribute to your creativity, to your effectiveness, and indeed, to your happiness. You can use it while driving, you can use it while you are talking on the telephone, you can use it while you are watching television; you can use it anytime, anywhere. To accomplish this, Breath of Life has distilled down and integrated the core principles found in yoga (pranayama), tantra (embodiment) and meditation (awareness) into a unified process of deep healing, integration and personal empowerment. Breath of Life is the process of fully embracing the total human experience of life. Breath of Life will Teach You: •How to transform suffering into bliss by eliminating the root cause of your distress, without altering yourself in any way. •How to dissolve negative thoughts and behaviors that are impeding your success and happiness. •Breakthrough techniques to transform almost certain upsets into joyful experiences, usually instantly. •How to harmonize the emotional and spiritual energies of the body, allowing you to stay engaged, resilient, and relaxed in any situation. •How you can use it by yourself anytime, anywhere while engaging in any activity; so that you can have all of your feelings and all of the situations that arise, contribute to your creativity, to your effectiveness, and indeed, to your happiness Inspiring and practical, Breath of Life empowers you to access the power of your Higher Self to tap into your unlimited potential; giving you reliable access to an infinite supply of inner peace, unconditional love, joy, creative expression and wisdom BOB FRISSELL is the founder of The Breath of Life process and is a teacher of thirty years. His books are regarded as underground spiritual classics. In addition to Nothing In This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are, he is the author of Something In This Book Is True... , You Are

a Spiritual Being Having a Human Experience, and the #1 bestselling Transforming Through 2012. His books are published in twenty two languages and are available in more than thirty countries. Musicians have credited the ideas presented in Bob's books as a source of inspiration for their own creative work. This list includes Tool (band), Danny Carey, and Gojira (band). Bob has been a featured speaker at The Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists in Bangalore India, the 4th Annual Symbiosis Gathering at Yosemite, The Prophets Conference in Tulum, and many New Living Expos. He has also appeared on numerous talk shows, including The Jeff Rense Program, Red Ice Radio, and has been a three time guest on Coast to Coast AM. He has presented his workshops throughout North America, Australia, and

Europe. Bob is a qualified and authorized facilitator of Flower of Life Research. He teaches the MerKaBa meditation, the Unity Breath meditation, sacred geometry, and the Breath of Life along with other heart opening techniques. He was trained by Jim Leonard, the originator of the Five Elements, by Leonard Orr, the rebirthing pioneer, and by Drunvalo Melchizedek, the originator of the MerKaBa and Unity Breath meditations. He gives private Breath of Life sessions along with his two workshops: “The Breath of Life (Breathwork and Integrative Healing)” and “The Flower of Life (Sacred Geometry and MerKaBa Light Body Activation).” He lives in Sonoma, CA.

Page 7: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although
Page 8: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Subtle Nutrition in the 23rd Century by Robert Coon (from his book The Path of the Phoenix)

As Earth evolves, Homo sapiens will gradually be superseded by a new species, Homo Immortalis. In parallel with this development, our concepts of nutrition will also radically change. Old methods of nourishment through digestion of plants and fruit, required the death of one life to maintain the life of another. The structural form of the food was broken down, nutritional substances were absorbed into the body, and waste materials were rejected. The physical body was required to divert a significant amount of energy toward this process of digestion and assimilation. Within the next 200 years, such concepts will become outmoded. Future nutrition will not involve the breakdown of structural form. Instead many different styles of constructional 'eating' will proliferate throughout the global immortal culture. All of these methods will have certain principles in common: if nutrition is being received from an external source, then the act of eating will give greater life and structural perfection to that external being or force. The primary purpose of eating will be to contribute to the purpose and evolution of the giver, or source, of nutrition. As a by-product of this purpose, the immortal physical body of the 'eater' will be continually regenerated and recreated in a state of perfect heal and optimum functionality. In the 23rd century, terms such as prana and breatharianism will seem broadly generic, and somewhat quaint. Many diverse sources of subtle nutrition will be discovered and popularised. Among the wide variety of future gastrologers we will find: Breatharians Old- fashioned conservatives will still be with us. All you need do is inhale air into the lungs. The body will maintain itself from oxygen and other gaseous elements contained in the atmosphere. Some breatharians will advocate 30 - 90 minutes of conscious breathing every day, dedicated to receiving whatever the immortal body need. Others will say that no conscious effort is needed - the natural breath will automatically supply nutrition. Breatharians may drink water, as it is not a source of material food. Pranarians Prana will eventually be a term as general as 'food'. there are many sources and varieties of prana- a subtle, invisible life force. In the 20th century prana was considered to be present in raw foods, and absent in cooked foods. Enzymes are the visible, molecular representatives of prana. Enzymes are creators of change, and can only perform their magick within the substance of raw foods. Prana is also felt to be contained within air. Because of this, many of the breatharians will emphasise the importance of prana in their practices. There is a higher amount of easily assimilated prana in mountainous regions. the thinner the atmosphere, the greater the prana. Prana is not equated with oxygen. Solarians These individuals live on sunshine. Again, in high altitude regions, there is a wider spectrum of solar energies upon which to feast. Solar food is best inhaled directly through the body surfaces. Certain parts of the body have a great natural ability to receive nourishment from the sun. the brow chakra and the palms of the hands are good places to begin this practice. The heart chakra and solar plexus chakra can then be worked with. Eventually, all surfaces of the immortal body can become equally adept at receiving solar nutrition. Stellarians In the 23rd century, a few etheric gourmets will show-off by acquiring tastes for particular stars. Some will feast on all the stars. Others may only live of light from Sirius, or Arcturus, or some other particular star. Eccentrics and individualists will always be with us. Amorians Love nourishes these individuals. They don't think in terms of light, only in terms of love. Again, there will be many different varieties of Amorianism, differentiated primarily by what are perceived to be the best sources of love. Omnivore amorians will have a touch of the mystic about them, finding the food throughout all phenomena. Other will be more specialised in their tastes. Love is the essential ingredient of subtle nutrition. It is the free, unstructured energy that, when assimilated, allows one to fulfil their highest purpose, or true will. Glorians Fine-tune your senses to only perceive the immortal presence in all things, and you may find you are becoming and glorian, able to be nourishes solely by the resplendent radiance of the eternal the immortal. A fire of praise within the heart is very conducive to this style of living. Pan-Sacramentarians Quite a few of this ilk are likely to have evolved out of the Christianity of previous centuries. There are individuals who have liberated the sacrament or Eucharist, from its historical confines. The gift of immortal life is experience as being perpetually offered by universal creative intelligence, or the divine, to all beings. Feast upon the incorruptible frequencies of the universe - those energies that are above entropy and decay. Superconductivians These future epicures have mastered the art of eliminating all barriers to giving or receiving in consciousness, and in physical body. All energies in the environment flow unrestricted through these individuals. This perpetual movement is like a fast-flowing mountain stream- it vitalises, purifies, nourishes, and regenerates the immortal body. Beautarians Aesthetics is the key here: those who live solely upon beauty have trained their senses to unite with the sublime and beautiful in as many things as is possible, according to their standards of taste and art. Libertarians These connoisseurs of the future thrive upon energies of grace and magick released whenever, and wherever another individual achieves his, her, or its complete ecstatic union with True Will, or Highest Purpose. The nutrition emanating from these phenomena is instantly transmitted and absorbed by a libertarian, no matter where in the universe they are, thus circumventing 20th century concepts of time and space. Practice the simultaneous absorption of nutrition from multiple points of view throughout the universe. The above ten categories are but a few of the many varieties of subtle nourishment which we shall find in the future. As an immortal enjoy what you eat over the coming centuries. Listen deeply to your eternal nature, and fee that nature only eternity. Make certain that your every act of eating builds, or constructs, greater life and purpose within all beings and forces that nourish you.

Page 9: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Man lives without food for 70 years Is it possible for us to survive with no food and water? Doctors are trying to determine that as they are baffled by an Indian man who claims not to have eaten or drank anything for the last 70 years. What is even more shocking? He is in perfect health. Prahlad Jani is a local to the Indian city of Ahmedabad and is claiming he has not consumed any food or liquids since he was 8-years old. He also claims to have been blessed at the age of 8 by a goddess. This allows him to survive without sustenance except for that which he derives from the practice of meditation. From April 22nd until May 6th 2010 in the private hospital Sterling Hospital, Prahlad Jani was observed and tested by Sudhir Shah and a team of 35 researchers all from the Indian Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) and other organizations. The large team studied Jani daily using clinical examinations, blood tests, and scans. 24 hour CCTV surveillance was used to ensure the maximum observation of Jani’s actions during the testing period. According to researchers, the only time Jani was taken out of his sealed room was for tests and exposure to sun. During these times, continuous video recording was done to ensure authenticity of results. Jani only had contact with any form of liquid when he had an occasional bathing session, which first took place on day 5, and when he would gargle some water. It is important to note that his toilet was sealed to test his claims that he did not

Page 10: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Don’t be a Baby by Joanne Eisemann As I was breathing I felt a familiar heaviness in the lower part of my rib cage. I had felt this many times before in breathing sessions and many times had I given up before integration. Today was different I was determined to find some shift in this pattern even if it took me all day. I went down through the familiar layers, the ones that had surfaced before, about not feeling loved and cared for as a child and then deeper into some fear of loving fully, fear that it may then become apparent that I am not as good as everyone else and that people will see that I am evil. Finally after several hours of hanging around in this space a shift occurred, the little voice trapped in that heaviness spoke and told me that my fear is ‘no one will love me because I am a baby’ All at once the sadness of having held such a thought surfaced along with the feeling of the purity of my baby energy. How could this beautiful energy be seen by me as undesirable? Years of conditioning on the part of my parents that’s how! Both had less than desirable childhoods and though compelled to have children, had little time for them. It seemed all they wanted was for us to mature. My mother would constantly tell me to ‘grow up’ quite a weird demand to make to a toddler and my father would criticise any emotion shown with “stop being a baby.” I find it interesting that in my conscious life I am unable to detect any negative thoughts about being a baby. This thought was buried deep and seemed very stuck in my body. I can’t see how I am ever truly free while I have these thoughts lurking in my cells and I can’t see how this one would have ever been resolved other than through Rebirthing. I am grateful that I have such a useful tool as rebirthing to work with and for everyone who has had a part in me learning this skill.

urinate or defecate. After the fifteen days of intensive observation during which Jani did not eat, drink or go to the toilet, all medical test results came back as normal and doctors described his health as being better than someone half his age. Interestingly, doctors reported that although the amount of liquid in Jani’s bladder fluctuated and that Jani appeared “able to generate urine in his bladder”, he did not pass any urine. The reported levels of Jani’ leptin and ghrelin, two appetite-related hormones, suggested that Jani may be demonstrating an extreme form of adaptation to starvation and water restriction. Even after the 15 day examination, DIPAS is still interested in running tests on Jani to determine how metabolic waste material is eliminated from his body, where he gets his energy for sustenance, and how he maintains his hydration status. The director of DIPAS believes that the results of Jani’s observations could “tremendously benefit mankind.” Professor Anil Gupta of SRISTI, involved in monitoring the tests, described the team as being “intrigued” by Jani’s kriyas apparently allowing him to control his body’s physiological functions. Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water. How is Jani able to achieve what he is achieving? Some believe that his access to bathing allowed him to store liquid in the body. Since the observation did not go on for longer than 15 days, some believe he might have eaten or drank after. But Jani is not the first person to be tested with such claims. HRM, another Indian man, was tested for 411 days intensively after he claimed that he did not eat any food. While HRM did consume boiled water, during his 411 day observation it was confirmed that he did not eat during the period and yet his health was perfect. To me this is exciting because regardless of the current science we accept when it comes to the physiology of the body, we are seeing that we may not have it all correct and that it is possible to change the consciousness of our body to operate differently. Having tried sungazing for several long periods myself, I can attest to the fact that you certainly get energy, and what feels like nutrient energy, from the sun alone. While sungazing, I found I could perform physical activity with much more energy than I could while eating healthy meals. Of course I cannot say my results are conclusive as I did not do them for long enough, but it’s my experience on the matter.

Page 11: Its Elemental 21... · Shiva also brought all the other Deities with Him as they refused to stay behind without Him. He came to India (according to the book) because, “although

Lightening up on Poo Ghost Poo You know you’ve pooed because there’s poo on the toilet paper but none in the toilet bowl. Teflon Coated Poo It comes out so slick and clean that you don’t even feel it. No trace of poo on the toilet paper. You have to look in the toilet to be sure you did it. Gooey Poo This has the consistency of hot tar. You wipe 12 times and you still don’t come clean. You end up putting toilet paper in your underwear so you don’t stain it. The poo leaves permanent skid marks in the toilet. Second Thought Poo Your’re all done wiping and about to stand up when you realise….. you’ve got some more. Pop a Vein in Your Forehead Poo This is the kind of poo that killed Elvis. It doesn’t want to come out until you’re all sweaty, trembling and purple from straining so hard. Weight Watcher’s Poo You poo so much you lose several kilograms. Right Now Poo You’d better be within 30 seconds of a toilet. You burn rubber getting to the toilet. Usually has its head out before you can get your pants down. King Kong or Dunny Choker Poo This one is so big that you know it wont go down the toilet unless you break it into smaller chunks. A wire coat hanger works well. This kind of poo usually happens at someone else’s house. Cork Poo (also known as floaters) It is still floating in the bowl. My God! How do I get rid of it!!! Wet Cheeks Poo The poo hits the water sideways and makes a BIG splash that gets you all wet!! Wish Poo You sit there all cramped up, pass wind a few times, but no poo. Cement Block Poo (with extra blue metal) You wish you’d gotten a spinal block before you pooed. Snake Poo This poo is fairly soft and about as thick as your thumb, and at least 3 feet long. Beer and Meat Pie Poo This happens the day after the night before. Normally your poo doesn’t smell too bad, but this one is BAD…usually this one happens at someone else’s house and there’s someone standing outside waiting to use the bathroom. Mexican Food Poo (also called screamers) You’ll know it’s alright to eat again when your bottom stops burning.

Poo art by Gilbert and George (they call it shit!)

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Many Thanks to all those who contributed to this EARTH edition