ITEM #14: APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS A. … of...HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda...

HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda ITEM #14: APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS A. MINUTES Minutes of the HRTPO Board meeting held on June 19, 2014 are attached. Attachment 14-A Recommended Action: Approve the minutes.

Transcript of ITEM #14: APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS A. … of...HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda...

Page 1: ITEM #14: APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS A. … of...HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda ITEM #14: APPROVAL OF CONSENT ITEMS A. MINUTES Minutes of the HRTPO Board meeting held

HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda



Minutes of the HRTPO Board meeting held on June 19, 2014 are attached. Attachment 14-A Recommended Action:

Approve the minutes.

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 1 Prepared by K. Grauberger

Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Board Minutes of June 19, 2014

The Hampton Roads TPO Board Meeting was called to order at 10:35 a.m. in the Regional Board Room, 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia, with the following in attendance: HRTPO Voting Members in Attendance: Linda T. Johnson, Vice-Chair (SU) Alan P. Krasnoff (CH)* Ella Ward (Alternate, CH) Barry Cheatham (FR) John C. Meyer (GL)* George Wallace (HA) Will Moffett (Alternate, HA) Dee Dee Darden (IW) Mary Jones (JC) Paul D. Fraim (NO) Kenneth I. Wright (PO)

Barry Porter (SH) William D. Sessoms (VB) Clyde Haulman (WM) Thomas G. Shepperd, Jr. (YK) Jennifer Mitchell (DRPT) Senator Frank Wagner (GA) Ray Amoruso (Alternate, HRT) James Utterback (VDOT) Kevan Danker (WATA) Jeff Florin (Alternate, VPA)

HRTPO Nonvoting Members in Attendance: James E. Baker (CH) Randy Martin (FR) Pete Peterson (Alternate, HA) Anne Seward (IW) James Bourey (NN)*

John Rowe (PO) James K. Spore (VB) Shepelle Watkins-White (CTAC) Ivan Rucker (FHWA) Capt. Robert Clark (US Navy)

HRTPO Executive Director: Dwight L. Farmer

CTB Participant John Malbon Other Participants: Sec. John Harvey (Commonwealth) Dep. Sec. Grindly Johnson (Commonwealth)* Peter Huber (Willcox & Savage) HRTPO Voting Members Absent: McKinley Price, Chair (NN) W. Eugene Hunt (PQ) Senator Thomas Norment (GA) Delegate Chris Stolle (GA)

Delegate David Yancey (GA) William E. Harrell (HRT) John Reinhart (VPA)

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 2 Prepared by K. Grauberger

HRTPO Nonvoting Members Absent: Brenda Garton (GL) Mary Bunting (HA) Doug Powell (JC) Marcus Jones (NO) J. Randall Wheeler (PQ) Michael Johnson (SH) Selena Cuffee-Glenn (SU) Jackson C. Tuttle, II (WM) James O. McReynolds (YK) Jeffrey Breeden (FAA)

Irene Rico (FHWA) Arthur Moye (FTAC) Tony Cho (FTA) Brigid Hynes-Cherin (FTA) Col. John Allen (Langley-Eustis) Col. William Galbraith (Langley-Eustis) Wayne Shank (NAA) Ken Spirito (PAC) Randall P. Burdette (VDOA)

* Late arrival or early departure Others Recorded Attending: Earl Sorey (CH); Michael King, Bryan Stilley, Jerri Wilson (NN); Bryan Pennington, Jeff Raliski, Ron Williams (NO); Sherri Neil (PO); Sherry Hunt, Robert Lewis (SU); Bob Matthias, Brian Solis (VB); Rhonda Murray (US Navy); Thomas Anderson, Jeff Holland, Robert Johnson, James Long (CBBT); Mike Kuhns (VA Peninsula Chamber of Commerce); Bryan Stephens (HRCOC); Ellis W. James (NEC and Sierra Club Observer); Travis Fain (Daily Press); Cathie France (Port of Virginia); Martha McClees (VB Vision); Megan O’Reilly (Route 460 Corridor Improvements Project); Rick Correa (Michael Baker, Jr.); Karen McPherson (McPherson Consulting); Tracy Baynard (McGuire Woods Consulting); Diane Kaufman, Jared Mays (Office of Senator Kaine); Julie Gifford (Office of the Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs); Jeffrey Horne (Institute for Veterans Educations and Training); Elisabeth Harris (CNU/Watson Center); Craig Quigley (HRMFFA); W. Dewey Hurley (Branscome, Inc.); Dennis Heuer (RK&K); Barrett Hardiman (Luck Stone); John Hendrickson, Scott Lovell (Parsons Brinckerhoff); Steve Hetrick (Albeck Gerken, Inc.); Dawn Odom, Eric Stringfield (VDOT); Cathy Aiello (Aiello Enterprises); Camelia Ravanbakht, Sam Belfield, Brian Chenault, Arkopal Goswami, Kathlene Grauberger, Danetta Jankosky, Theresa Jones, Michael Kimbrel, Brian Miller, Kendall Miller, Keith Nichols, Joe Paulus, Dale Stith, Chris Wichman (HRTPO Staff); Jennifer Coleman, Nancy Collins, Greg Grootendorst, Jim Hummer, Randy Keaton, Mike Long, Kelli Peterson, Chris Vaigneur (HRPDC Staff) Resolution of Appreciation HRPDC Chair Kenneth Wright and HRTPO Vice-Chair Linda Johnson, on behalf of the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission (HRPDC) and the Hampton Roads Transportation Planning Organization (HRTPO), presented a Resolution of Appreciation to Mr. Dwight Farmer, HRPDC/HRTPO Executive Director/Secretary for his many years of service and contributions to both agencies. Mr. Farmer expressed his gratitude to the members of the HRPDC and HRTPO and stated it had been his pleasure to serve Hampton Roads. (Mayor Alan Krasnoff arrives)

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 3 Prepared by K. Grauberger

Approval of Agenda Vice-Chair Johnson asked for any additions or deletions to the agenda. Mr. Thomas Shepperd Moved to approve the agenda as written; seconded by Mr. Jeff Florin. The Motion Carried. Vice-Chair Johnson introduced Virginia Secretary of Veterans & Defense Affairs John Harvey. She indicated he will brief the HRTPO Board later in the meeting.

Workshop Agenda Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) Member Comments and Updates Mr. John Malbon, CTB Member, reported the CTB approved the FY 2015-2020 Six-Year Improvement Plan (SYIP). Among the projects slated in the $13 billion plan is the addition of two high-speed passenger rail trains from Norfolk to Richmond at an approximate cost of $27 million. He indicated the CTB discussed HB2 which will introduce the new standardized process to prioritize projects and noted it will be much more transparent for the public. A website regarding the process will be introduced which will identify various aspects of the projects, including project location, funding, and phase. Mr. Malbon stated the Governor shared his concern with the CTB pertaining to the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) Reauthorization. Without reauthorization, the HTF will become bankrupt in August and will have a tremendous impact on the SYIP affecting approximately 350 projects. Governor McAuliffe requested the CTB review its historic processes and policies and ensure that they are consistent with the modern era. Finally, the CTB discussed the creation of the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission (HRTAC) and its responsibility to leverage the regional monies from HB2313 for regionally significant projects. Virginia Department of Transportation Comments and Updates Mr. James Utterback, VDOT Hampton Roads District Administrator, reported that the pavement rehabilitation work on I-64 and I-264 continues on the Southside. He noted VDOT is in its peak construction season with an average of 1,100 lane closures a week. The I-64 widening project on the Peninsula is fully funded and moving ahead. VDOT is close to releasing the Request for Proposal (RFP) to three firms with plans to award the contract by the end of the calendar year.

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 4 Prepared by K. Grauberger

Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) Comments and Updates Ms. Jennifer Mitchell, DRPT Director, reported that changes have been made to the transit portion of the Six Year Improvement Plan (SYIP). One of the most notable changes affecting Hampton Roads is that DRPT has allocated $7.4 million for the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Norfolk Naval Station Transit Extension. Nearly $1 million has been allocated for the Downtown Norfolk Transit Center, the Tide light rail extension to Virginia Beach and AVL hardware and software for the Williamsburg Area Transit Authority. DRPT has also committed to funding 80% of HRT’s TRAFFIX Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program and $82 million for CXS track improvements between Richmond and Petersburg to help bring two additional trains to Norfolk. Military Liaisons Comments and Updates There were no military liaison comments. (Mr. John Meyer arrives) 2034 LRTP Amendment and FY 2012-2015 TIP Amendment: Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Mr. Jeff Holland, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel District Executive Director, reported that the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission has requested that the HRTPO 2034 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and the HRTPO FY 2012–2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) be amended to add a parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel. He provided background information on the CBBT as follows:

• In 1956, the CBBT Commission was enabled to build the fixed crossing • Revenue Bonds were issued in August 1960 and construction commenced one

month later • Open to traffic on April 15, 1964 • The CBBT Commission was enabled by the General Assembly and the Governor to

build the Parallel Crossing in 1990 • Phase I, consisting of parallel bridges, was fully completed in July 1999

The Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel is described as follows:

• Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel (CBBT) Parallel Thimble Shoal Tunnel. o The project includes the construction of a new 2-lane immersed tube, concrete

box tunnel with 15 feet of vehicular vertical clearance across Thimble Shoal Channel between Northampton County and Virginia Beach. The tunnel is proposed to be located on the existing alignment of the facility and connect the existing southbound trestles. The tunnel will provide a 1,000 foot wide channel with a minimum depth of 67 feet. New trestle crossovers are proposed

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 5 Prepared by K. Grauberger

between the northbound and southbound trestles to facilitate temporary closing of the existing tunnel. Ventilation and other tunnel features are included to meet operational and safety requirements. Expansion of existing portal islands 1 and 2 is also proposed.

o Total Cost Estimate: $819,767,442 o Funding Sources: CBBT Tolls General Fund, TIFIA Loan (possible), and Toll

Revenue Bonds o Estimated completion date: Mid-2020 o Project length: 3.13 miles, including two trestle crossovers, two islands, and one

tunnel Mr. Holland outlined several reasons for building the second Thimble Shoal Channel Tunnel, including the need for an alternative route in the event of accidents or disabled vehicles. This LRTP and TIP amendment request has been made available for public review and comment. The public review period began on May 28, 2014 and runs through June 11, 2014. (Mr. Jim Bourey departs) Hampton Roads Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update: Part II – Crash Countermeasures: Draft Mr. Keith Nichols, HRTPO Senior Transportation Engineer, reported that Part I of the Hampton Roads Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update reviewed previous HRTPO safety planning efforts, reported the recent trends in roadway safety in Hampton Roads, detailed the characteristics of crashes in Hampton Roads, and specified the number and rate of crashes for each mile of freeway and approximately 600 of the busiest intersections throughout the region. Part I was presented to the TTAC at the September 2013 meeting and the Part I final report was approved by the HRTPO Board in October 2013. Part II of the Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update builds upon the results of Part I by investigating ways to improve roadway safety. Sections in Part II include Efforts to Improve Roadway Safety, General Crash Countermeasures, and Potential for Safety Improvements, Location Analysis, and Next Steps. Mr. Nichols stated there is currently a wide variety of references available on improving roadway safety and HRTPO staff utilized several of them, including the Highway Safety Manual published by AASHTO and the Virginia Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Staff determined which available improvement measures could be applied to the region’s locations such as rumble strips, advance warning signs, and installation of right turn lanes.

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 6 Prepared by K. Grauberger

He commented that the top five freeway segments and top ten intersections in Hampton Roads with the highest Potential for Safety Improvements (PSI) – the greatest difference between the number of expected crashes and the number of predicted crashes – were selected for detailed analysis. (Deputy Secretary Grindly Johnson arrives) For the location analysis portion of the study, Mr. Nichols stated HRTPO staff recommended crash countermeasures at the top ten intersections using:

• Intersection summaries • Collision Diagrams • Crash Data Analysis, Site Observations and Possible Causes • Benefit/Cost Analysis and Crash Countermeasures

Detailed data is provided in the report regarding the crash countermeasure methods used to analyze the intersections and freeway segments. Mr. Nichols noted that the analyses included actual site observations performed by HRTPO staff. Next steps include:

• Promote implementation of recommended crash countermeasures • Continue incorporating safety into the HRTPO transportation planning and

programming process • Continue using new roadway safety analysis methods • Update the Regional Safety Study on a recurring basis

Mr. James Spore expressed his appreciation to HRTPO staff for their efforts and stated the report contained great analytical information for the localities. Hurricane Evacuation Mr. James Utterback, VDOT Hampton Roads District Administrator, reported that Governor McAuliffe appointed Secretary of Public Safety Brian Moran and Secretary of Transportation Aubrey Layne to oversee a review of adequacy of hurricane evacuation plans for Hampton Roads after a “tabletop” exercise held in Richmond in May. The Governor said the exercise made it “clear and evident we can’t get folks out of the Hampton Roads region” and “we could not evacuate if we had a major catastrophe.” In addition, the Governor requested another tabletop exercise to be held in Hampton Roads to review state evacuation plans. Mr. Utterback stated the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) is the lead agency coordinating with VDOT, the Virginia State Police, the National Guard, and other state agencies to focus on enhancing the plan.

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 7 Prepared by K. Grauberger

A hurricane operations functional exercise is planned for this month and in July, he noted there will be a round table meeting regarding hurricane evacuation in the area. He indicated there are plans for VDEM and VDOT to present a joint briefing to the HRTPO Board at its next meeting in July. Mayor William Sessoms asked whether one option might be to have area residents remain in the region and not deploy evacuation measures. Mr. Utterback acknowledged the Mayor’s concern regarding too many residents on the interstates and stated all options will be considered. Mayor Paul Fraim commented that it is imperative to be able to communicate to the public a destination city when being evacuated. Mr. Utterback agreed and indicated such efforts will be discussed. Ms. Mary Jones agreed with the comments provided by Mayors Sessoms and Fraim and noted that if I-64 on the Peninsula is clogged with vehicles, travelers will exit to Williamsburg, James City County, and York County for lodging. Ms. Dee Dee Darden stressed the need to continue to fight for Route 460 as it will provide for another evacuation route out of the area. Mayor Alan Krasnoff commented that it is important to alert the public to area gas station locations since many travelers may run out of gas while waiting on the interstates. Mr. Utterback stated VDEM and VDOT will be meeting with representatives from North Carolina along with Virginia representatives to improve evacuation plans and noted that more information will be provided at the July HRTPO meeting.

Regular Agenda Public Comment Period There were no public comments. Submitted Public Comments Vice-Chair Johnson reported there were no submitted public comments Approval of Consent Items

• Minutes • HRTPO Financial Statement • HRTPO FY 2014 Budget Amendments

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 8 Prepared by K. Grauberger

• 2040 LRTP Candidate Projects • 2034 LRTP Amendment and FY 2012-2015 TIP Amendment: Chesapeake Bay

Bridge Tunnel • FY 2012-2015 TIP Amendment: VDOT • FY 2012-2015 TIP Amendment: Coordinate Plan Projects • The State of Transportation in Hampton Roads

Mayor Kenneth Wright Moved to approve the Consent Agenda as written; seconded by Mr. Shepperd. The Motion Carried. HRTPO Board Three-Month Tentative Schedule Vice-Chair Johnson outlined the HRTPO Board three-month tentative schedule as noted in the Agenda packet. Minutes of HRTPO Committee Meetings Vice-Chair Johnson referenced the minutes of the HRTPO Advisory Committees in the Agenda packet. For Your Information Vice-Chair Johnson noted the items in the For Your Information section of the Agenda packet. Virginia Secretary of Veterans & Defense Affairs John C. Harvey, Jr. Virginia Secretary of Veterans & Defense Affairs John C. Harvey, Jr. referenced the Hurricane Evacuation agenda item and stated the Governor assembled his Cabinet and the appropriate emergency organizations to discuss plans that are needed in the Hampton Roads area in order to prepare for an evacuation. He encouraged the Board members to review the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) study from Fall 2013 which helped coordinate policy issues from the State to the Regional level and also highlighted many of the same factors with regards to evacuation that the HRTPO should consider. He indicated Hampton Roads possesses the largest, most easy accessible natural deep water port in the United States and obtaining rail to that port is extraordinarily important for the economic vitality to the area. Secretary Harvey expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to address the HRTPO Board and stated the decisions that are set forth by the Board are at the heart of the long-range decision that will help determine the future of the military installations and footprint in Hampton Roads.

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HRTPO Board Minutes – June 19, 2014 – Page 9 Prepared by K. Grauberger

Old/New Business Deputy Secretary Grindly Johnson reported that she met with the area City Managers approximately three weeks ago to dispel rumors regarding HRTAC. She stated that HRTAC is effective as of July 1st and there are currently no planned organizational meetings. She indicated that on tomorrow, June 20th, Secretary Layne has convened a non-public meeting of the region’s Mayors and Chairs to also dispel rumors of any HRTAC organizational plans. She noted that HRTAC draft Bylaws were distributed and City Managers have already discussed changes to those Bylaws. She requested HRTPO Board members speak directly to her regarding any rumors they may have heard. Adjournment With no further business to come before the Hampton Roads TPO, the meeting adjourned at 11:31 a.m.

Mayor McKinley Price Camelia Ravanbakht

Chair Interim Executive Director

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


The Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the activities of May 2014 is attached. This statement reflects the financial status of the HRTPO as a whole. Attachment 14-B Recommended Action:

Accept the HRTPO Financial Statement.

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REVENUESAnnual Budget

Previous YTD

Current Month YTD

VDOT-PL SEC 112 FEDERAL 2,107,317$ 1,499,470$ 1,499,470$ VDOT-PL SEC 112 STATE 275,378 187,434 187,434 VDOT-PL SEC 112 LOCAL 275,378 187,433 187,433 VDOT CMAQ Grant 283,483 133,716 57,922 191,638 VDOT CMAQ Grant (STATE) 111,300 - - HRT MATCH 25,000 9,173 9,173 WAT MATCH 12,500 7,008 7,008 STATE PASS-THROUGH 37,500 16,182 16,182 FEDERAL PASS-THROUGH 300,000 129,456 129,456 VDRPT 5303 FEDERAL 353,479 120,033 120,033 VDRPT 5303 STATE 44,186 15,003 15,003 VDRPT 5303 LOCAL 28,903 15,004 15,004

Total Revenue 3,854,424$ 2,319,912$ 57,922$ 2,377,835$

EXPENSESPERSONNEL 2,077,070$ 1,766,517$ 154,037$ 1,920,554$ CONTRACTUAL 112,552 24,937 15,406 40,343 SPECIAL CONTRACTS 42,798 144,406 - 144,406 OFFICE SERVICES 330,556 68,873 5,039 73,912 PASS THROUGH EXPENDITURES 848,522 161,818 161,818 INDIRECT COSTS 442,926 372,020 38,464 410,484

Total Expenses 3,854,424$ 2,538,569$ 212,947$ 2,751,516$

AGENCY BALANCE -$ (218,657)$ (155,025)$ (373,682)$



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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


The proposed FY 2015 HRPDC/HRTPO Budget was presented to the HRTPO Board during its April 17, 2014 meeting. The budget included a proposed two percent performance-based salary adjustment for staff. The budget was approved with the caveat that the Board would consider the proposed salary adjustment during its July 17, 2014 meeting. The Joint Personnel & Budget Committee will meet the morning of July 17, 2014 and will report its recommendation to the HRTPO Board. This item was discussed under Workshop Agenda Item #8.


Authorize the two percent performance-based salary adjustment for HRTPO staff.

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda

D. FY 2012-2015 TIP AMENDMENT: VDOT Attached is a request from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to amend the Hampton Roads FY 2012 – 2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to revise one project as follows:

• UPC 4483 – Atkinson Boulevard Construction in Newport News. The project consists of constructing a four-lane roadway from Warwick Boulevard to Jefferson Avenue.

o Total Cost Estimate: $52,753,548 o Release PE Phase previous obligation of $25,734 Other funds o Add PE Phase obligation of $2,283,798 RSTP funds, with $570,949 in

matching funds, in FY 2012 o Add PE Phase obligation of $80,903 RSTP, with $20,226 in matching funds,

in FY 2014 o Add PE phase obligation of $97,228 STP funds, with $24,307 in matching

funds, in FY 2012 o Add PE phase obligation of $118,219 Advance Construction (AC) funds,

with $29,555 in matching funds, in FY 2015 o Add RW phase obligation of $1,257,233 AC funds, with $314,308 in

matching funds, in FY 2015 o Add CN phase obligation of $37,565,456 AC funds, with $9,391,364 in

matching funds, in FY 2015 The TIP amendment was made available for public review and comment from June 25, 2014 through July 9, 2014. Attachment 14-D Recommended Action:

Approve the TIP amendment.

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda

E. FY 2012-2015 TIP AMENDMENT: VDOT Attached is a request from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to amend the Hampton Roads FY 2012 – 2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to add one project as follows:

• UPC 7909 – Route 615 Reconstruction and Minor Widening in Gloucester County. The project area runs from 0.42 mile east of Route 616 to 0.59 mile east of Route 616.

o Add project to TIP o Total Cost Estimate: $2,015,954 o Add PE Phase previous obligations of $561,483 STP funds, with $140,371

in matching funds o Release PE Phase obligation of $200,614 STP/F funds and corresponding

match of $50,154 in FY 2012 o Release PE Phase obligation of $25,629 STP/R funds and corresponding

match of $6,407 in FY 2014 o Add RW phase obligation of $278,322 STP/F funds, with $69,581 in

matching funds, in FY 2012 o Add RW phase obligation of $30,867 STP/F funds, with $7,717 in matching

funds, in FY 2013 o Release RW phase obligation of $278,322 STP/F funds and corresponding

match of $69,581 in FY 2014 o Add RW phase obligation of $8,819 STP/R funds, with $2,205 in matching

funds, in FY 2014 o Add CN phase obligation of $107,869 EB funds, with $26,967 in matching

funds, in FY 2014 o Add CN phase obligation of $703,202 STP/F funds, with $175,801 in

matching funds, in FY 2014 o Add CN phase obligation of $533,457 Advance Construction (AC) funds in

FY 2014 The TIP amendment was made available for public review and comment from June 25, 2014 through July 9, 2014. Attachment 14-E Recommended Action:

Approve the TIP amendment.

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


Attached is a request from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to amend the HRTPO FY 2012–2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to revise one project as follows:

• UPC 102734 – Multimodal High-Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail Station Development in Newport News. The project consists of constructing a new multimodal station located in the vicinity of Bland Boulevard near the Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport.

o Total Cost Estimate: $37,900,000 o Release PE Phase obligation of $1,600,000 RSTP funds and corresponding

match of $400,000 in FY 2012 o Add PE Phase obligation of $1,600,000 RSTP funds, with $400,000 in

matching funds, in FY 2013 o Add PE Phase obligation of $792,251 CMAQ funds, with $198,063 in

matching funds, in FY 2014 o Add PE Phase obligation of $167,749 RSTP funds, with $41,937 in matching

funds, in FY 2014 o Add RW phase obligation of $56,336 CMAQ funds, with $14,084 in

matching funds, in FY 2014 o Add RW phase obligation of $343,664 Advance Construction (AC) funds,

with $85,916 in matching funds, in FY 2015 o Add CN phase obligation of $27,360,000 AC funds, with $6,840,000 in

matching funds, in FY 2015 The TIP amendment was made available for public review and comment from June 25, 2014 through July 9, 2014. Attachment 14-F Recommended Action:

Approve the TIP amendment.

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Attachment 14-F

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


Attached is a request from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to amend the HRTPO FY 2012–2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to add one project as follows:

• UPC 104686 – Install traffic signal at the intersection of Route 17 and Route 628 in Gloucester County.

o Total Cost Estimate: $375,000 o Add PE Phase obligation of $75,000 HSIP funds, including soft match, in FY

2013 o Add CN phase obligation of $300,000 HSIP funds, including soft match, in

FY 2015 The TIP amendment was made available for public review and comment from July 2, 2014 through July 16, 2014. Attachment 14-G Recommended Action:

Approve the TIP amendment.

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Attachment 14-G

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Attachment 14-G

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


In accordance with Federal regulations, all MPAs, concurrent with the submittal of the entire proposed Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) to the Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Transit Administration as part of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) approval, the state and the MPO shall certify at least every four years that the metropolitan planning process is being carried out in accordance with applicable requirements.

The HRTPO has documented how it meets this requirement in its Self-Certification Procedural Guide (enclosed). The Guide serves as a reference for staff, reviewing agencies, and the public to assure that metropolitan planning and programming processes are being carried out in accordance with applicable requirements. The Guide, originally approved by the HRTPO Board in July 2009, has been updated to correlate with the new FY 2015-2018 TIP. Enclosure 14-H: Self-Certification Procedural Guide Recommended Action:

Approve the HRTPO Self-Certification Procedural Guide.

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


The Hampton Roads Regional Safety Study, a comprehensive analysis of highway safety throughout the region, was initiated in 2001. HRTPO staff has produced the Hampton Roads Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update, the first full update to the original Regional Safety Study.

Part I of the Hampton Roads Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update reviewed previous HRTPO safety planning efforts, reported the recent trends in roadway safety in Hampton Roads, detailed the characteristics of crashes in Hampton Roads, and specified the number and rate of crashes for each mile of freeway and approximately 600 of the busiest intersections throughout the region. The Part I final report was approved by the HRTPO Board in October 2013.

Part II of the Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update built upon the results of Part I by investigating ways to improve roadway safety. Sections in Part II include Efforts to Improve Roadway Safety, Potential for Safety Improvements, General Crash Countermeasures, Countermeasures for High Crash Locations, and Next Steps. The Potential for Safety Improvements section was developed using new analysis tools from the Highway Safety Manual and the Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research (VCTIR).

Mr. Keith Nichols, Senior Transportation Engineer, briefed the HRTPO Board on the draft version of the Part II report during the June 2014 Board meeting and the draft report was made available for public review and comment from June 4, 2014 through June 18, 2014. Comments received are included in the appendix and were addressed in the final report (enclosed).

Enclosure 14-I: Hampton Roads Regional Safety Study 2013/2014 Update: Part II –

Crash Countermeasures Final Report Recommended Action:

Approve the final report.

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


HRTPO staff has prepared a report presenting, analyzing, and summarizing publicly-available pavement data for Hampton Roads in order to determine the condition and smoothness of the region’s pavements. In addition to condition and smoothness information, this document also contains maintenance funding and lane closure data. Data were obtained from FHWA and VDOT. The draft report was made available for public review and comment from June 4, 2014 through June 18, 2014. No public comments were received. Dr. Robert Case, Principal Transportation Engineer, briefed the HRTPO Board on this item under Workshop Agenda Item #9. The final report is Enclosure 9. Recommended Action:

Approve the final report.

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HRTPO Board Meeting │ July 17, 2014 │ Agenda


The HRTPO Citizen Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) currently has vacancies for representatives from several Hampton Roads localities. As an advisory committee to the HRTPO Board, the mission of the CTAC is to provide the HRTPO with a citizen’s viewpoint on regional transportation issues, strategies, funding, priorities, and the decision-making process of the HRTPO. The HRTPO posted a call for membership applications to the CTAC beginning April 9, 2014 via a notice on the HRTPO website, HRTPO E-Newsletter, and Social Media. The following individuals have been recommended for CTAC membership:

• City of Virginia Beach – Mr. James ”Jay” Leach

Mr. Leach works as a coach and instructor, teaching political science and economics at Norfolk Academy in Norfolk, Virginia. He has served as a Brigade Chief for Virginia Beach Emergency Medical Services since 1994. Jay is also a member of Team Hoyt, Virginia Beach, where he assists in training athletes with special needs.

• City of Virginia Beach – Ms. Dianna Howard

Ms. Howard is retired from the U.S. Navy, having served the last 10 of her 20 years here in Hampton Roads. Dianna has worked with Habitat for Humanity and the Virginia Beach Tax Payers Alliance.

Recommended Action:

Approve Mr. James Leach and Ms. Dianna Howard to fill CTAC vacancies for the City of Virginia Beach.