ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali....

........ %- a =-:=: __:-:--. " D EVOTED_TO_THE mTEBESTS MOdEY f . . . ¯ . . - . . j / ¯ I- , . ¯ . " ..... . .... , ..... ¯ y----- II..,-NO. 10 ......... . HAMMONTON;N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1873 $2.00 PER EAR rth6 Medical_ Unlon,: a’h0mceopathic the first number, ofwhicl~ ]aas just app one of the editors, on epidem- ic s--a (11sense with a long name, which-of/ate has bees very rapid in i’ts’eourse and very fateLin Dr. Guernsey refers to a curious theory. lately set forthby a physidan residing ¯ 0f aeeoaating ior-tl~e~ tier ¯with modern science. It is evident, -however,-that the thoor.v afte- the observation oi-yearshas shown-a regular eoinciden0e orthe-supposed cause ~sith the khown effect. The following is ,, "Dr. KnappTof-H~ixi¢o, has recently brought torwara the theory that the p~ri- edioai i:.creasc o! planetary attraction, .--:- whieh~oeours .nd-indircot~o~-tho-iuaugura- tionof epidemics, or reeurrencc~ ot the so-c..illed pesd’lemial periods. - " He writed,:ifth6 sun-and-moon dis~ ~.:_.turb=_eartb~n_ and atmcsphcre, by- their torco of attraSt~-dl6~gtTiig-ih~z with increase barometer, a.-~d-if by tar the most influential app in makin their perihelion ¢i~reaits must affect the earth~d-.the or- ganiT.ed existences on its gurlaee to a considerable extent or ~agreo, by their disturbance of its atmosphere, aod the vital stimulents ot all organized ho-R ,ply of )cri , the perihelia of the larg~su perior plan01s, --~espeoialty ot-J upitcr.aud~Saturu. "According to his irustratio_ns,"Ui~ gravity of’ the first epidemic, coi.cided erihelion ot that ( rate perihelia of~ Jupiter and ,Saturn; which eoineld~d also with the shiplever 1845 to 1849 when ~h~I~i’a. - Ot/r,la~t e years iu making hi.~ perihelion c.i~0ait-; his infiaencs would be dhtributeLt over ........... that2ime.".’ US qar D" GIprns~y :lhore seems ....... TI ................ .~.. t... .................... to b0 pel’;od~ when, ahhough no epidem- ic disvasc.~ prevail, the hold which old Imrsolls and persons iu have oe h{o seems to bc weakened easily ruptured. Tho p-esent i.~ app~r -e~ly" suclt-a -perioll. Th6 ilitiMiiyr-of deaths oi persons of note, whohave llaSScl] bored under some infirmity not always in¢otnpatiblo with longe~:itX is extraordi- nari]y great. Withia a filW weeks pllut. almost every daily~ nowspa.p~r lute a11- nounccd the dopl~rture of sore’0 person of ,more than common prentinoeoo ilt public lile.--N. J; -E.-l"ose. - ..... A lll~l’ oN II~uI,Tirlt~;.--A eo;’rebilOtlllOnt oi the Coltntry (~eM[~’matt" gives 1he lollowing Itecotmt of t,n experi- ment, wltiO~ the ]?ltgl]sh (;arden eom- ~enils aswnrthy Ot a trial :-- ’ " " 1 ’pl:m, ured a large, coarse sl)nngo, 8unh as col,t~hn|oti USO in WltS]llllg car- tinges, n.d lnaking a nutnbt’r ot ioel.ion,~ about :% iuc.hcs deep lint| 2 IOtlL’, with a ~hurp knife in the top, l in~erlcd the bulbs in ihe opeoiugs, which, ia ,:on~,.- queens~l’thn t~la.~ti~ t,aluro el the ~poffgv, cloned over thenh imrmitling uoly the ])oiols lu appear ah(,vo tho ~urlace. They w~ro arranged ill IWo(IOllt~onlri,) circles around a lilm large tel].w iu Ihe e’.’utru, tmUlbcril~y liltct’l, in ,ill. 1 then Plac~d Ihu wholo thing i,t the top t)l larg~ va,e, cap.lieu| h.hlingl,eurly Iw,,. guLleu~, led lilil’d Iho va~e I,y I,uuring ~’atur ,.hrt~ut, Ii the ~pu,,ge U,~lil ub.ut oIle-ha]l" ol the tq~ong(~ was|a!’,uw ¢]Io eurlaee u! Ihu water, u,,l 01o olht.I part above. ’|’he waler wa~ sligh0Jy WarillOd, ~o as Io l,rodueo a but(oils h¢’aL ; hi) Vt’Ly ¯ neceunary Itl vlrlking cttttillg~ a,d elllcl- ~iso htrcil,g t’egetatio. ; u.d l.l.g ks, l,1 lUa wurln ruoltl, it ~aa not tt[Jowt.d to bCCOlno e,ld. hi two or tlm,e da}’s the bulb. bcgull Io shoot th,.Jr grutll, ¯ l)ire~ u~ward, giving la.mi~e u, ~ucee~.. and i, two or three week, they were 5 or ¢ itlt’hcs high. Abuut t.,l, ti,,,c, ~. fulsof rape seed_over, the surface, be- ~cen-the- bulbs,-wl/iclre p ra og~ Iralmost a fine moss-like manile..kddieggreatl] to_ - Desiriog to extend t:he khbwledge and usefulness-of the discovery ’aed the en- joy meut of its beauty, [ nowbad it taken s’~oa be- GU AN0. New York State-Agrtoultural Sos/eSy. to.’be worth trom $2’25 to $4:f.22 per ton more itban Send to us for copyof their reporb audour Annual Catalogue¯ bers of ladies whowatched its progress Agricultnral Implement, Fertilizer and Sscd Warehouse¯ almost daily, until tl)e bright fld~vc-~, more radiant than ’ Solomon ia all his . 23 Fulton slt., New York. e~’ery Kfi~-Wh~th-dir ~)~lly e--si~e-=and--perleet-for m s..-~ The ex- o. . . .:...SA’I,T ~0R PEA[~ T~EI~g." Saldng round )ear .trees to.prevent the coming a general i -York. Fre~ , Satisfactory results. A correspondent or’ The:SmaU.~*ult Recorder writes as tol- a small ~ovelfdl from the salt works--which is composed. of salt, lime. ¯ and ash-.arnund ihriity-gro~tli and the all tree irom-bli.~ht-or~p w’r,~ygloes, y, h~ahhy look; ~ itile, others_ o[ the s~_me lot, mac:trod with barnyard ~hafiureT h~.i~o grown- but-l:ttle(and-the fb o w.J f:_no: ill effect mayb~ attributed to the | ~rn- man, are, it :would seem that the salt." - " WHAT AN ENGLISII GROOM ~ID TO A let him-st-and-in the stable and dry with all the dirt on. ]n England, wc take the herse as he comes’in |rein a urive and rinkle blood-warm water all over him his-hcad~to:-his-te ii~m down and blanEet him, rub- bing his Thus, in an button izl ,nO Tr~iat~ DISEAS - $60,000,00 OFFICE , 1203 GrconSt., phila. IN VALUABLE: G!FTSt reel $11per CA. ~ This Wine we offer to ourfrie]~ds, kn0wiogit to eo petrel:Sly pule and uuifurm iu qualiD’. AaLyoar. O_roco* for VAN =--- 1 ~gt ..... - To be drawn ltloltd.~y,~lar.24,’73 O~NE GRAND CAI’ITAh I’]I1ZE OF Hi in (;old, ONE l’lt I,ZI.~ ~,~sOOO I~ 5il,VElt. !arriage Bazaar: ‘‘.=. -~: NO. !10. 112, and 114 NotthBroadSt., abovoAroh, ¯ . .... s assort new and second hanclod - 0arriagoa of every-variety~ from~th6 wry ...... best makers in Phtludelphia# and -- neighbpri~g cities, KT PRIVATE SALE, ~AT~LO]VENT.~-CAN It PRI~’Eg;- Also: t:arness. Blankets. &c. Those in want VAN BEILS $4 WHISKEY. Fiv,~ Prizes ~00 GI{EENllLtOKN a ealI~ before, purchasing nlsn~vhers. " Tou Prizes$I~0 ~ . " . . - ¯ SAMUEL. C. RODq~RS, Frcp,:- Tell your Groosr you .want 2 I~’amily0arrlagesnnd matched horses~ wroth u~#;r. ~--~l-I.A-MDTn~.-gmta~mo, A9 ~. VANBEIL’S "YELLOW:SEAL" SZERRY" Silvcr-m6uutod Itarne~s, worth $1,500, Two "~"F" ............... , ......... ~. .... - 0 ........ Tclt your-Druggist~ -Bu notES. Hoast~s, &o.., worth $60 each~ .... :- --.~ .................. -VAN BIEh’S "YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Two fine.toned Rosewood Ziaoos)worth $500 cach. Ton ]?nmiiy ~ewing Mhchines worth $100 ~_(~A~S~~-- Watches, worth from ~20 t- ~ - THE WINE M]~CHANTS, cheins, bliv~.r w~re, Jewelry, &c. II’b,,le auwber ~00t). ’2ic/,’ets limited Ry 0 aud Bourbon Whishies~ by the barrel, des= i3nhn or case¯ CHAMPAGNE. gly Aores L-aud~s %, L’- V... V-’~ finally dry sticky and dirty. Our hor~es never use a curr3-oomb. 3.ion scratch -i~-to~Itave-t hc-v .... then balhc them in,~taut!y, while .~C Great rush for hat:.- lnm, ense attrac- .TOWN OF HAMMON.TON, soft fe]t hats, clo~t~h hats:~ta(|’eaps. Also, illammon tou Cranberry an~ au assortment of neat ehihh’cns Roods of -Improvement. Association, ,made ....... Those lands are amoog the No. 41 North 2~ St,, Phila. rT1o ,~oI,i) I F, ltS-/~ N 1) 11EIItS.=:S01~DIEItS ~ .~ wnunded~ rlq}tnred~i,ja,ed lu any ’,vsy~ or disahiod by ili,ei~o, h,/v~ever sligltt the all;a- bility, arc entitled to apeneiou and bnnnty. mia.r children.or I, arrlllS ¯re eILti- tlsd, Apuly IO I)EV[TT & C_O.~ N g. ,127 WaI- nut St. Phila. Infnrolntloo free efchargo. -fi0.3m- The Best ! o Insurance at Actual 0oat O rile NA’rIONAL I,IFE INS.IIltANCI.) 00M- PANY Ol" OllIGAG0;.irvttes the itlhs~llion ot tho..ueont~l.l,hql.g nsur!eg tqLir !goDs t t) Its Mutu a } or l eciprocal PLAN which,e,*-bl¢, ¢,,ea the, l,oore~t ran. ~r,,vide fur I,[s family In ea,o ot dualh, with,el dc ~riviug tncm of the ue~uesarle or’ lifo, ItS tic olany who uudcovor tO plly’lbe ]11gll prenl[nlnH nl old llne [~OlllpUl]leS, wh() i’hargu for ASHIIM. En |)EATS |,;IHSES IV,II¢’II N~Vl:It ()ccun, nnt~ thun add n /,e "/ I,,,,lloy ,/hr ¢.,’trae,./.nt e,r. i;t, rl~¢~. I}l| t]lJ~ plan y.n ,~ll]y pay t’t~r I[l¢’ .*rot]+ I.~.¢’# .rtual/V exlwrlr"ced, (,,,</ ,1+ #l+e v ,,crar, ,riO, ,a sm,,ll j/x¢,l ..m for ea’l,ru.r.. (’all on the agenl for ei,,alar fully eXldaining this ~ystcln. f s ¯ s ~ ¯ ¯ ]P 3o i m a/Ileal I|esul|N ! ~[11eu Ila orglLnlzath,zl lu li~7tl, I[io ~ATIONAI. has pai,I ia ,lu,lh I,)~,es $b?,7(10, ut It eest It) Ihe deoeae,.l .f $?1*l,tIU 111 |u’olahltalL Ohl I,Ino UomlaUdeS w.uld have puhi l.r Ihn caiRO pro. minnie $’-’1,2:H~ sllowleg again by [uauriug in tbo NAI’I(’~At, ef over ~;IiI,(,e0. ’l’h~. Ca ,ihd aml t’h,,,nritio, .f Ihls Comlmny are sallit’lrnt I,, comply wilil the lnsuraneo ,If laity ~late It| Iho Uni.n. /l~J. 1,oauAIUh Pres. JI. el. Tsel,, Sus~y .!. !1. A’r(’IIINON. A rutJ,,,r A,l,,,tiv t’,,.n./, A’¢~ Jrr.ey, 1"1L1:. ou ,, ,,O,,,A L ’I’IU~LII Oi,. N. All kin, s l,.,.i#i.rlv, l’rr.l’rrd,~ ,.d parRs.or... /V en,r,l I,y AIINi;I¢t’7’I(I.V, ~ltht, at I,atu, danger, euueth’s .r lllalrnulel|tl, hy WM. A. McCANI)LISS, M. D., No. 20()1 Aruh Stioot. Philadolphla. ]]re¢ ,’./" J;¢/’~r¢uc¢ ~l;t cn to 1~( r*un# eurtl~. . Single Tickets $2 ; Six Tickets .$1(I; 2"i~kots $20 i Twelnty-five Ti,,kets $10, Circdlars contaioing a full list u.--prizes,-a- descript’ou of the manu,:r of drawing, and’ tion, will be sent t.’ ~my one ordering them. --= ~tat.,z ovr~c% L.D. SINE, Box 85, ~,i ..\ ] ’~1-2. t-f~ol ~’looding and ])l, aining~ barodanti .-. AD~ABLY LOOATED, for COMPANY or INDIVI DUAL I’UItP05ES hands shown free ofbxl,ense and all iuforma .,. ¯ , - ¯ It tving re~ervml the right tc mslmfaetnre and rcli it, is t’,rm’fie .1/n,,/,iaein tim counties’n! Oalndon, liurling,,m~ Uesari, Ailalll)~ and-Co in t~e mnrket. Fol~,partisular~ soud-fl,r cin, u]hr. ..................... : ....................... O,..W., I’ItF,~SF, X, .... FL0.1L3 EXTRACT BUCHU, IC:mwu lh’u, d’," for I!rI,:ht’s~)l~- t,f J)t~ll)elt’t~ |1~ I r,’:-:,*i,m ,~f tl.~ ]’:. dft,,,ya vl)d,]),]sdder, It.ten- Ibm ’~f U!’iw.’. l)i~,’a~,8 of th,i |’ro~l~l onil hl Ih,’ ]th"| Gl’:l.cttL ~L’h:l{l)nlfl f(eehlu/I-~l-~lr sl~ nttelule(l "wlLh’thn follnwlL ,toln’~: I,osn nreath- I )ll oh ut or ]aborpulni~.bud wet- E~- J#Rir.nlontou, ~. O, - *L.¯~ .J--~.:. ~ Ully Ol[ll*t I’ohi*~tly-- --20-ti .... " ............................... .~-inC, hlm a, Irr~iblr ly l.’ain- f I seer S ippr HI.[ )11 of (~nl~toelllr~ E’,’fl(tllatlol~t~t" ....... "~ ---- III eran,d or H :h rr s ~ to ( f the I~bq’U*t 1,/’tl" fgperittl Notice lo l,lte|t(~t [~a or Whiles, ~hrl ty, Uml for’ ski t’om- 4,uedcnt"totl~ sex. It ts pru~crlhed. . tlou glvun by , hy tha m6~’t eminent l’hysl(’hms :trot ~. I,’..~ilLLER. I~IRS, ,101IN ]H]CIIANAN, M, D,# Prof,,ssor ........... of-M,nwlw:ltX,-devoteo ~peetal attention to th~ ’or enfeobh d n! t| delh:nto eo$|~tltU* BEI, I,I’]VU l’~ AVI’.’,, IIA~,IMONTON~ N. J trcolment of JH~e,,,¢~ of -nullSOt both ecxe, sod all ngoa ........... _ Ki~AitN ]l~.lgsg_l~X,ElgACT_ .IlIU~II~I1LI.. ~,.~- ltichardd "Cranbnny andit~ Cultu " Scat frou nr,:ccipt of Go ,To A. G. Clark’s.. Great [mporium Oh’ TIRADE IN CLARK’S BUILDING, ()plmsitn lilo Priltth~g Office, w!ture y, oa will find a large itsth~rnnUnt el Dumeatlo auu l?OIley Dry Goods! : hotzons, J rcss-¯xrnnmmg, Sieves, Hosiery, &0,, Mr,.Clark wlllbe in attcndaucetn show the gomls a|ld u~tnlo prices, ’#.’hackle! far past la- yers W0 bli)l a.lieit a eh,ro ot the public pai- r’.unto, l,~ver)’lllltlg warramlted ae I’el~reuen[ed ltolnolaher it ia lid IrouhLu to thuw gouds, C PS in va[lous styles. To tho~o wh, wl,hto have their feetshod to kovp thus warm u.d dry ~tll idcase t’all and oxamina Iho largo amid well selected sleek uf BOOt’S A qD SHOES, st prices to ,ult everybody. FLOUR & FEED ~.of all grades at bottom prises. Choice Groceries euumtnutly uu hahd. Crockery, Glasswaxc, and Earthenware ........ W05;F,N AN-I) Cllll.llltEN. Sheha. bocu ~0 y~,n1’si, a..t’,e i,r!mllee and (’.res ],¢~,uses Afldnq D(,~a l,.pr.d¢.c~, ~’ I h /)i,e.,~l ~ "lhrblt~¢’of ])l,~slr)utt.n. ~’l.., In all thoh’ statics, at. . _elIIIaLRYg-~L , msos ef ___ t,,) In- "~’~ G1.t .,L. ,,:,,. ..?.,::t: .,’:.~t.,.,!, ,,’,, h.t ..I.: l’t’l~e ’~ally consi,lered iacelrnbf¢ eo,~.;~ ,.’.’~ "r~*,¢tn~lero " ~l,,~dL", ,’~i}et~,t, ~l~as~ ,*,~. yI~n, or d |resa O’..’l,’ICl’:8 PItlYATI’:--bI4 I’IN.E ST., I’ll 11,AI)’A, PA. llears from 0 A. ~l. to 9 P. M. ’.~" £’lll I/ale o|,t Jur fuhlce ref~rel, ee. 4H.10m tho Pain atl{;e SO freqn(~uL e~ee~, anti CXludlhq$ all l)Ol.unouo matter. KEAigNEy~S i~XTIRACT ¯ II~OH~" $I.00 per bottle or pSx hnltlcs for ~,00, delivet~l tt any. sddress, .CrllrO fronl observ¯tion. S(dd by drnggiataevervwlwro, l’repnred hy itEA |tNEY &. ,CO,. UH 1)unne ,gt,, ~. Y, to whnm alL.lot&orS for iufut’m~hu- ohuUld bn addressed: / W A ~Tf]3~ |~ Wuwlllgh’nenergotio "AVOID QUAORe AND IMPOSTt~t~O.. .~’~L.L~l .IL J2JJL./. sun ¯n,l women l~o 0barge far MelDs aa~00umultation. ])r J it. Dllett, Grado fo t~.l*ffe#’*~Oet Med|eal lltl~tlltld’l~t Ihnt will fay LWleq#, l’hl ale p of au¥¢r,i voln¯bl~ from $4 to $8 par day, can bu imrsuod at ynur work*,t t tim eu suited ou 411 dlacaeea of the own hnmeS~ and is e,rieIly honerahle. ~end At’xoa| or Urinary Orgaus.(wh[ell ho has lnado nu tepee ai study) either lU lualo 0r fCle0ie, no for aample~ that will onabla you to ga io work matter from-whe~, c&u~o nr~lllallngj or of how at once. ........ iug standing. A prnctlco of 80 years enahlea Address tl. I.ATI[AM & CO., hila t ~ Ire t di~aees with nucc~’zs. C~urcs gunr 2o. 292 Washington ~t., Jlnatozl# Mass. ante, d, Ci trgva ¢~aeunable. Thosa nt u tlla- taueo can forward lstlcr deerrlb[llg syn|ptouls¯ ¯ [ i !lit ( It | k~ H I&,I ) iv prepay pns,age, ~OI d |or tho t/ulds to l/~,ullh. I’rlcs 10 ct,ltl~. DB. CROOK’S 1VI~E OF TAR 1 ~. r, vxo’r’t’,., D., rhy,.tclau..n,! .urg~oa, 104 Daa-a t~.,.~ew xorx. ,~ Ten Y¢a~efa~ahlle ....... .... ¯ p . Wlneorraetollavemore .~---- |~ t,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,ar & SLIFER, I~k j)yopar~Lioll ever ~1~4 ~o _~ ~ Uto Imhlle. It la rtois In 9 ~ thomedtclnal quallLleSof Lltdies luld Gentlemen~ ¯ J"~llll ~.. Tar, and. unO(lUade~ tot ~ L u ~ arm..Imrforminfl tho 1-~ a * .___ 1H1 eCHo, m~ ~ e~tually cures all Coo she _J~lwm ~ sndOelds. Jtha~cur(,u no -,w~.~ ~ ina1,~ 5a’~ AilCll I~TREI~T. B~’It. h-- bees protmunoett a ~W~’d ~apactn~ fur theeo com. I~IIILAID]~I~I]’]IIA- m l|lalnta. Foe Pldn811~ m Uravel’or JKJdseey d be- [ me, diaea.~ea ol Utol~rln- . = ..... ... Breakfast, ])tuner & Supper. ’~A~gMa/~lg///a~ o¢~ny s.tve~ompladlat I~ It hun lU~ ¢+qUaL lSlaolltoa|ui)¢rlor=Totti(; - ][ ~ ]1~ ~ ]~, ][~ A ~[ SS ~e.~sorem ilm £ppotlte, NtrenK/lleltn the try,teen, lift.kale ~ Wealt an(ll~hllltltt~d. I-IoIno ~n, do l:)ast’rv. (.~k.m Ibe F~I Io Plgeml, IIg~m~ove~ DyapepaJlt Itstd led#lima#oat, t I’ ~l.taetomt ]Fa~¢~ah ~g~" (’u’r T..lllS OI31", ggv~a t¢lte "4~ ~olr~;Tsdet~ 1, |.l . I ~, ,t 5 ’/:i

Transcript of ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali....

Page 1: ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali. ttt~F ... hwill ,S’aee its 6’os¢ EverH )"ear. This mac, ...

. ....... 2 ............ ..

ita r v gor,let ~.g-t~ Gray.’ Hair:¯ite

a.aa~l ]qtality and Color,:A dressing

vhich is at


theIt ,con

¯ e.ol~r~:wRb the

is thickened, falls hair checked

cured by its u’se. Nothing can restoretl/6 hair where the follichs are de--atroyed, or the glen(Is atrophied and

.8eyed by this application, and stimu-_ -lated into aetlvJty, so#hat .a new_

of hair is produced. Instead


eonsequently~ prevent 9hezestor~,tio_n of vitality it gives to tho

is often so un-":Free from tl~o

¯ deleteriotm substances which make~ome preparations dfffigerousrio us to the hair, the Vii can on1

~aerely for a HAIB, DRESSING,nothing else san be foand so desira/qo.


and a grateful perfume.

., .

!¯ AyerSs

~Dl~ba~ea of the Throes andLungs.JtUOla 8~ Coughs, Golds, ~V~boplng

_ OOudfh, Bronchitis,..AB~nrna.¯ fLIldk OonfluIDp~lon~

----Amofi~-~h-e greaV

yield to Its .}mwer; mad csJes el Coneump-eared by-this _preparation, are public-

ly knows, SO remarkthle ae hardly to be be-rond~dlspute.~


the forerunnersand aa amount of su~rlng

Ice to tm computed, l t-¢hall~ngee trial: and con:-."rinses tho mast sceptical. Fvery ramuy endue

the early.iL an.ban dJ~ a .l~rgt q~t ~o_n_ Iga.l. ~t .

and uapore¢ived attack of Pulmonary A-ff~il0,~ff met-at tint, but Wilier ,be¢omn

~oumb)c, and’too often fatal, if negleote¢i. Ttin-tier lungs n~etl this deft, nee: and it It unwlm to

- k without It: As¯ safeguard to children, amid’the di/t~lng all,easel which beee~ the ’Ebruet .

’’lind Chest of Childhood." Cn~uRl" -PEo’rO¯At,la lnvaluabl,,; for, by Its timely uw, multi.tltudes am rescued firom premature gra~ree, and

......... ~vnd to thaJova.and_R~tJP~_eegt~.~l on them.It acts el~’~dlly ¯nd sarely against ordinnry colds,securing sound and health¯restoring sleep. I’;o

will suffer trouble|DraG lufluen~ end pain.

the~ era be cul~d.Ot~glnnlJy the predast of long, laborious, and

;Imeem~fal chemical Invmflptten, no cost or tollsl~ la malting aveqt bottle |n the utmOSt

possible I~rfeetlan. It may be confidently r~~ted upon- tot p~lng~ll the virtues It hut everaxhtbli~d, and calmbfe of producing cure| M~ot~thln u the rreatmt it hu ever c~.~ted.

FU¯PAIt¯n nY

Dr, J, C, AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass.]Pra~t~oai and Analytical Chemists. ,


hilad elphia Advertisement&



¯ .- .~_ ..: .

P .

of Guano is equal to 33 Tons.oLbarm-y~dsmazm~:e~ --We haveon.-hand:a smalHo


_ . : ----

AHALYSI8 :-- L _ _ .._ .....

Moisture....; ................................. 13-67Salts of Ammonia ..... ¯ ............ .~L..30.

I ~ . . .¯.

O" "

DOWN TRAI~B,- l,r~t. M.n a,~m:~it .....

Jk P~pex" fox, the ~e$o~ I¯ . =_Wox%h_im _W e I~W. htr.l n_]l~oyd~

l~ethlng like It In the Wex,ld ! I!

--Erery-/nte/2/fen~-cittsen;-prdfm~onal~rnfeaalonal-meehanle or labor¢~nntry, should subscribe for the .Advisor. "Wherever ~town or seen t -is.sure t,’~dte ¯ firm hold oa

S oommunity, ̄1 its in~r/nl~ ea/4~ na ̄

: aaln’n, ui. _ Paul, =- - Lml~. II.l~ar~tD_Welat’/ .... -- .......... - . NORTHWARD.

IT IVEg YOU ALL YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE,Or/~Fnal D~ for Ce~rso 8ueu~aa~( at~l Covsriv Rsslezae~. and I vast Leave Bay Side "~ad of |oformatlsu on ~utttem of no ~0~" t~m~m~ry.. ._. Greenwich ¯

frame, Is presented to every yearly snb~crtber,,, x r.. Snb.eripflon’prlce ~h~;O0 per year, I~ advauce 8ingle copies ten cent&

DtexC~lOSS.:---Use one bag to the a~re ;

~.~d Lungs. A vast ~bfSadea~t-sr-witb’--drilKten-dass-bef°re-plant~32 lyof its virtues, lag. Harrow it in.

-o t ~i 6r~u~ f H-dg--hWK"- . . . shown that it doesand eSre~*"y ~t,~ tak(,,~ .o m.a,.~edSelnr, e.t ~,e,e,’/ond.’~ ~)~.;laae~..~.;aSa~_,,, " ’v"" ~’*

.~ntml _them." The t~t’lm-Ony df o(tr :b~J~-¢{it- " ......... . -

o,:,, ,,m fa ,. umt: Kdvsto~b"ngnn~ PEC’rO~tA~ vdll ’nnd-doe~-.~qievo end.~ t~ --7", "

: ~ tho cUll©tug dlmrdere of tho Tltroat and ’ "’

/Jang~ beyond ¯ny..~hther modlelne~ The most.... dangerous afl~._t~_¢~ ~r. the Pulmonary Orgons


--~--_--gaa~_~il-kc ¯


B, the :hi:¯ Family-: Sewing Machines atinu i~ made, all the floeh terming ouuatttueats--KtRTar"and-¯ZLla~ elements of_she graiu - F ............ Are tho. BEST~.belng ...........

are rntalaod with noa~ ot IJle /3TAaClI, all el Unique, Simple" and PaD awhich being eouverled lute Dax~rl the. It cen-ts, Ins all tam L’MK, ~ULpHI~a, I.)nosPnOROUS,lltol~ anti MAhoas~e~ tot the :ant el Juices,and Gun and Ft~huet i’er respirgiilt, ann laitytissues~ with the pruteinu compuuuo~ (OLa~Zs,AhnU~KS~ &o,) hum which horus ¯as muscletissaee are ,ormed. " .

It is believed by the moat intelligent menthat much ufdht su~’~rlatl, a/J’u~ss and murtali.

ttt~FtieR. Tu the some uau,n m’ky ¯leo be as.

ned tile hequeut dleapFu|utmnut ot ph:~st.tho result I the anttua ol Iho)neat ap*

proved remsdie . ’Vo lees sure that this tttti-¯ ~le will suppty the dslioieaey,


Sugar of Milk.[LAOTIIL]

Is a ©r~ltalllssd aug¯r, obtained from the wheyof now s mdtt by evaporation. It Is manul~o.tured largely in Switsarland and the Bav¯rtanAips ae an artlel~ of loud and fur mediuat l~urposes, it h¯s been used nousider¯bly ie Kn~.[and as ¯ non.nitrogenous ¯rtiola of diet ~’nCoatVg~tol~ sad other PoLttO~attT DIaad"‘a,

and with unRulieSt el#oct in aatrtme luatrastL.zT’r or 1"as t~Toadcn# (sea i~’oed ~/tu©Aa’s Dis.jpsa~atoq/,)

Wa manufacture twa grades :--No. I~ ,n yel-low wrsppsr~ brouad easrue, to be eaten am@r~eked wheat# vith eratm. No. 2, white~Isppor, It ground into F1.uun for P~pm.azJ!BLanc Masuu# sad .UaaAP.


~u(ms annual io¢9mt~.wlth, bat liitleltl~r. Oaragenta are making $5-to 840 per-day.--Writa¯m m~e,~toungt errttory_dedred. __

£d&m8 ~J letters to

w~arc...._.......~ ̄ s~a/s0olaaal~ ......OooIpav’s Paint ............... 8 30 8 l~l i$ .]~KaiFhn’s Sidlag’"’L ...... ]4~0|.. :,.LUAda"~leld. ............. :.. "9 08Ashland ............... ..... . 921 842’427l elttBerlin .................. : .... ..; t004 ..9_0~Ate¯ ....... : .................... I024 9e9 _ . :Wa~/fer&. ............... ;.., l0 44 9 20 b ~I

TO-b’Tw---~f~.:....: -- - fi-i0- -982 a ze~ .........Hammonton ................ 11 32 941 ~i ~t-DtCoa~.....: ...... ....: ...... 1142 947Elwood..; ......... ; ............ 1T09 10 00

arbur....~. ........ 12214- ~.~

--~4- tet0~I-I-SU 11-60i7431UP-TRAI~S;

¯ .’ ecru ~ ~" = =LEAV]g. ba.~f, tA.M. ,b0Olq f"’M

Atlantic...; .................... r 115 II 5~8.~OAbseeon ..... .. ........ .........

i ; .~4 12.2~8 ~1~

Egg.Harbor ................... I ’ 03 t 2~4~@l~iwood ...... .................... ’ 14 4~ t 18DaOosth .................... ;.-.. ’ 26 2 08 4Hammonton....... ............ 600)7 31 2 24.~3b

Anoora .......... ..t .............. 6 1717 44 7.Watorford ..................... 622[7 49 -3 04 Ib’0~ -Ateo....~ ........ ,.7:.’,; ......... 6 3217-59 _3 29 [~I~Berlin ............... ’ ............ 5 40[8 06 3,44 [~-~ .....White Horse.; ............... ~ 04 ~ ~

Siding ............ ;.

..................... ~,, I%~FFO-O~ -Y~lel~--, Haddosfield A=commodo alert--Leaves VineSll.

-Wharf-9 O0-a mr--2 00,-6-40 and--IllS--p loband Haddonflold 550 and 1I’00 a m, andS:~B .........


Branch, Red Be,k, Farmiagdal~, Manchester, T,ms River. BarnegM~Athmtic City, Vineland, Bridgeton~

Lp~ay,~a~t~. all ~.J~at~uz~

Wittier Arrui~ger~en),, Adopted Oot, 7) 1872t~ 0 U TItW-KKD;

..... Pass l~

A.~. p.w=..Leave ~ew YorkPier 28 N R ft Murray_~t -/0,40-|.~1~


HammontoRtion 3.54

Vineland - -’-- 4.42 11

Fass I~- A.M. - PoI~¯ O.iO IS@



.... WRINfl-ER- --Have.hod unusual opportunities of ¯seertaining--pre01s01oy’_~wbat h wamc~l, aptl of l~rodus- "

ing a perfect Mashiue. They have)rought--out--an--eulire| V~--2 ~’~ ~-14

__ _l~lt]NGER_whlct~ theyeail the




8.19 i. ~i~’-Bridgetan 6;38--2.3~=Vineland 7.11 3.~Winslow Junction 7.54 4.4~rNor h Hamuaoatoa .... 800 5.~ .......

Branch ] 1"38arrive lq e w_]~-~_~ J.80-

All trains stop at NorthW. S. SNEk’DEN, ~o

0hemicat OOa¯MclVLA’I O :N I A-T-;E -~- ~

The lqew Jersry Chemical Comp¯ny-havlt~m re h as ed-t htr-(~la omieai-Wur ka-t ute-ut~F~,t UI-J~

8upor-J’hoeph¯te ai LieD, lully equal iu quail~v

and oonditi0n to the lthudes Super l’hu~sphal~>formerly made by Potts & Klntt, tthih lug,heroLufure give ..,uoh general satislaofion ...........

W¯ uro-ow prepared to toruish oOnaumel~sad ile¯lera witu she’¯burs ~upor. Phospbne~and shall bo glad to supply our old eustem~and others.

We also beg to call your att0ot[ou to tha

-- "OrehUl~ (~wano."This Gaano wo receive direct lr~,tu the Orehl~.

Island. i~’heravet it ha~ I~e6n lalrly mud i|~.i ~on6uneod-o-i~ffb-l-th6 b-6et a-~-d-e:;~al/iF~tiertl41~eers in the markut.

]/A~t~ Ahh A.~I|IbIJII, B,:-(5’ota-ll~.ote~ate-,4gents=y

147 ~outl~ l, rout ~,t.~ Phll~m¯rlf#3m-eopl ~n~



h ,.~uses Labor. It ,Sneer t)le ClothOIt ,%re. Time.

hwill ,S’aee its 6’os¢ EverH )"ear.

This mac, ,,,~ w,,. ,,. m, tell, gather and sew cn It Wl lagS. IFnttter Ihau by lined.without an) ehaege,und rume,Ac, Will sow from We oon~idsr tha Provideoce superler to all

others for’the tnl[nwmg reasons: B~ D. J’ Ktaw~# the wull.knowa Jnurntllt~fSwiss’Mug|ilt to IIeas] .L The IrOLI, Elt,~, of large sis. and best TIIEVEItY LAItuEsr bO,~IMtS~tONSPA-13~quality of White ltuhbsr~ ¯re all soeured ta theB E A VER 0 L 0 T H. .h.f,. i. Ih. m ,et po.m..e.t man.. Thi, Book I, ̄ he.u,t,,,l oe,,,v,, o,

.... Mou/tea Process, making the best rollor in the embatliehed with 200,ga, al,d It fiuel~

Over Halfa M~’lionnow in UgO, World# ozssnted map ol l,u.d~,, uo~lgt.u,t ~n,l eae~a~.

2d. Tho PATENT METAL JOURNALtedeapressly’lur this wurk b~ ~miu,,,, ,trtk~

~--’~--’-" OA,WNU.~ prevnut any wear us, on IhnJournals.It oout¯l.)s t~/idl,.gra|,iuo m,d ,re,; t,,t stats-meet ol the Ei,lht* ~ ,5’rerrl~ am1 ’ ,~’¢,,, ’,, ,,. of klm,.

They have maced tim test uf twen~ year*’ usa" [Tha waodsn #ours¯Is in wblnh th¯ iron shafts gr~at MetrolvOfls nl I0O worlti.¯ nd It is no exl,0ttmcnt to purehaso 0nn, of othor machines# run soon wear~ and

ele~ oy oflhs Wringer la thereby greatl~3d. Thn J)OUilI, I¢ ~PIItAS. {7.0.U~’umed,)¢\

this wrln:er give Ihe ulmost ease ¯nd stead[neeJn wnrkleg, while Iho doehleJ*top preven’sthemfrom bottumlogor being thrown eut of ge¯r.--We fur~ish either single or doublo geared Prov.deuce u dfslre,i.4 th, The AI)., US TA II I E C t,’R i’ICD CL A Ml"

readily adjusts this machine tu Lobe of ¯ey e[soer Ihi©keess, maklqg ¯ pcrfe0t fasts.tag. Nnwooden pegs ¢,r rubber slra|m nn ,his Clamp.

h. 81MPI01CI rY, bTItENti’rll and I~EAU-TY ere enmbJnoa It* fide m~rhlue, wilh adi tke~qalsltee *¢11 Kre! cls*p wr[ogsr.

Providence Tool¥,n,ldcnee, It. 1.

Agency-It WarronBt-Woet. N Y Oity"

ASkdl~ WMt’I~.O full OIc(;LELLAN’$

¢OL#EN a\e.WM. I.’LI~T A O0~ i~ FL

Addres,. DU. ~l~l,l) A~lIMt ’.l), Pub.of, } sa~um t~tteu&, r ,,, ,,Iolpld~


Dried and 4~ onad

FISH GUANO,A Rdiab~e Ma,S,e f.r a/l 6rop,.

ace that¯ cry,~ my rr,,du b,~k.

5To 1Poruvimt (; uano-~aeeivsd dlrnot Itual toe tluvutnmeul.

I~’ah’io Ground Bone.]gieh ht Ammout¯ ,ud i°hu,phatOSo

Super Phosphate of Lim41~

J. J, hI, L N,~e. 4 8muk D.lawore At’c~n~,

1-25 FJiihA bat Li’til.%

" .: 2b~r--!


Warrsntc I I,,t three yeers by

PaTS-SON & CMti’Z~lTZa, Gen’l A.;t&

Johp Neullln,

DIRECTIONS- ,~,,,,.lIammonton, N. J.

FOR MAglNtt uu~u w,Ta On. I, OROUNI) ~_’._~.!Y~W_ ........00AKSK--Mia laur t¯bisspoonetnl of theWheat with ¯ gitt of acid water; rub bato aamaoth pMta I then pour it lntu¯ piut el| water, st|trice briskly i hod Ibr 20 miautea.To Im ~t"‘ widt rich ere¯re.¥OK PUDDINGS, As.# U~i~ Na. ~, OROUIqD}’JI~.--MLa a tabio*poa¯t¯l of the ¥oodWttaa am~l~ qa"‘tit7 nf cold w¯ter ! l~h to a tme~th

p~tel aa,a:o pint o..t~t-l- b .t.t...eeasumtly stttrte~, laid ball ~bont 8 mensesover ¯ m~dar~m ire. AJa milk amd ftav¯r taScale. Yur hl"~ad~ ate as er:tm~’y g~r.

IPigl(’l~ 64) t’6~JT~ t £ IPOUNI).

~1.~ ,’~r,.t.13. t~’ -.;.’. 1t~ ":,t.,L ~ls



B! ~ ~5oon rumv.~ Tamteloas, Durable, E~oi~et,

a,d Chn p. The bast Pump~| ~ktur the least money. AltOn

~III[X21 ~,t,0n h e.peeially lavit~d te~~Blah’blay’s Patent impr.vedm . I~rsekst aad New Dz~pObmtm ~ V,lv~wbteh©aul~w[t~*~[ ,,< ,bu wLthd~wa w,thcnt rotary

.~ lsX t~n Paap ar dielnrbhtgr, IhoJoinet. A[o~ Ute CopJ.t"

Ck¯--rmtm w~eh ncr’r crneks ur eoa|es, 8me. wHIewtl~et say ,,Ib~". Ft.. the Dea~r.avtry

i wkar~k ~sad los ~lah,pa a,~t Itr~e*.l~.Cuss. (|. Bral"c’’n V, M’tr.

it’8 2o-- "~erea e.~ Pltlhuh1.. P’-¯" " 2.’.’-")

........ %-


=-:=: __:-:--. " D EVOTED_TO_THE mTEBESTS MOdEY

f . . . ¯ . . -. . j

/ ¯ I- , . ¯ . " ..... . .... , .....¯


II..,-NO. 10 ......... . HAMMONTON;N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 8,1873 $2.00 PER EAR

rth6 Medical_ Unlon,: a’h0mceopathic

the first number, ofwhicl~]aas just app

one of the editors, on epidem-

ic s--a (11sense

with a long name, which-of/ate has beesvery rapid in i’ts’eourse and very fateLin

Dr. Guernsey refers to a curious theory.lately set forthby a physidan residing

¯ 0f aeeoaating ior-tl~e~

tier ¯with modern science. It is evident,-however,-that the thoor.v

afte- the observation oi-yearshas shown-aregular eoinciden0e orthe-supposed cause~sith the khown effect. The following is

,, "Dr. KnappTof-H~ixi¢o, has recentlybrought torwara the theory that the p~ri-edioai i:.creasc o! planetary attraction,

.--:- whieh~oeours


tion of epidemics, or reeurrencc~ ot theso-c..illed pesd’lemial periods. -

" He writed,:ifth6 sun-and-moon dis~~.:_.turb=_eartb~n_ and atmcsphcre, by-

their torco of attraSt~-dl6~gtTiig-ih~zwith increase

barometer, a.-~d-ifby tar the most influential

app in makin their perihelion¢i~reaits must affect the earth~d-.the or-ganiT.ed existences on its gurlaee to aconsiderable extent or ~agreo, by their

disturbance of its atmosphere, aod thevital stimulents ot all organized

ho-R,ply of

)cri, the perihelia of the larg~su perior plan01s,

--~espeoialty ot-J upitcr.aud~Saturu."According to his irustratio_ns,"Ui~gravity of’ the first epidemic, coi.cided

erihelion otthat (rate perihelia of~ Jupiter and ,Saturn;which eoineld~d also with the shiplever

1845 to 1849 when~h~I~i’a. - Ot/r,la~t e

years iu making hi.~ perihelion c.i~0ait-;his infiaencs would be dhtributeLt over

........... that2ime.".’US qar D" GIprns~y :lhore seems....... TI ................ .~.. t... ....................

to b0 pel’;od~ when, ahhough no epidem-ic disvasc.~ prevail, the hold which oldImrsolls and persons iuhave oe h{o seems to bc weakenedeasily ruptured. Tho p-esent i.~ app~r

-e~ly" suclt-a -perioll. Th6 ilitiMiiyr-ofdeaths oi persons of note, who have llaSScl]

bored under some infirmity not alwaysin¢otnpatiblo with longe~:itX is extraordi-nari]y great. Withia a filW weeks pllut.

almost every daily~ nowspa.p~r lute a11-nounccd the dopl~rture of sore’0 person of,more than common prentinoeoo ilt publiclile.--N. J; -E.-l"ose. - .....

A lll~l’ oN II~uI,Tirlt~;.--Aeo;’rebilOtlllOnt oi the Coltntry (~eM[~’matt"gives 1he lollowing Itecotmt of t,n experi-ment, wltiO~ the ]?ltgl]sh (;arden eom-~enils as wnrthy Ot a trial :-- ’ "

" 1 ’pl:m, ured a large, coarse sl)nngo,8unh as col,t~hn|oti USO in WltS]llllg car-

tinges, n.d lnaking a nutnbt’r ot ioel.ion,~about :% iuc.hcs deep lint| 2 IOtlL’, with a~hurp knife in the top, l in~erlcd thebulbs in ihe opeoiugs, which, ia ,:on~,.-queens ~l’thn t~la.~ti~ t,aluro el the ~poffgv,cloned over thenh imrmitling uoly the])oiols lu appear ah(,vo tho ~urlace.They w~ro arranged ill IWo (IOllt~onlri,)circles around a lilm large tel].w iu Ihee’.’utru, tmUlbcril~y liltct’l, in ,ill. 1 thenPlac~d Ihu wholo thing i,t the top t)l larg~ va,e, cap.lieu| h.hlingl,eurly Iw,,.guLleu~, led lilil’d Iho va~e I,y I,uuring~’atur ,.hrt~ut, Ii the ~pu,,ge U,~lil ub.utoIle-ha]l" ol the tq~ong(~ was |a!’,uw ¢]Ioeurlaee u! Ihu water, u,,l 01o olht.I partabove. ’|’he waler wa~ sligh0Jy WarillOd,

~o as Io l,rodueo a but(oils h¢’aL ; hi) Vt’Ly¯ neceunary Itl vlrlking cttttillg~ a,d elllcl-

~iso htrcil,g t’egetatio. ; u.d l.l.g ks, l,1lUa wurln ruoltl, it ~aa not tt[Jowt.d to

bCCOlno e,ld. hi two or tlm,e da}’s thebulb. bcgull Io shoot th,.Jr grutll,¯ l)ire~ u~ward, giving la.mi~e u, ~ucee~..and i, two or three week, they were 5 or¢ itlt’hcs high. Abuut t.,l, ti,,,c, ~.

fulsof rape seed_over, the surface, be-~cen-the- bulbs,-wl/iclre p ra og~ Iralmost

a fine moss-like manile..kddieggreatl] to_

- Desiriog to extend t:he khbwledge andusefulness-of the discovery ’aed the en-joy meut of its beauty, [ now bad it taken

s’~oa be-

GU AN0.New York State-Agrtoultural Sos/eSy. to.’beworth trom $2’25 to $4:f.22 per ton more itban

Send to us for copy of their reporb aud ourAnnual Catalogue¯

bers of ladies who watched its progress Agricultnral Implement, Fertilizer and SscdWarehouse¯almost daily, until tl)e bright fld~vc-~,

more radiant than ’ Solomon ia all his . 23 Fulton slt., New York.

e~’ery Kfi~-Wh~th-dir ~)~llye--si~e-=and--perleet-for m s..-~ The ex-

o. . .

.:...SA’I,T ~0R PEA[~ T~EI~g." Saldng round)ear .trees to.prevent thecoming a general i-York. Fre~ ,

Satisfactory results. A correspondent or’The:SmaU .~*ult Recorder writes as tol-

a small ~ovelfdlfrom the salt works--which is composed.

of salt, lime.¯ and ash-.arnund

ihriity-gro~tli and theall tree irom-bli.~ht-or~pw’r,~ygloes, y, h~ahhy look; ~ itile, others_o[ the s~_me lot, mac:trod with barnyard~hafiureT h~.i~o grown- but-l:ttle(and-thefb aull~:N o w.J f:_no:ill effect may b~ attributed to the | ~rn-

man, are, it :would seem that the

salt." - "


let him-st-and-in the stable and dry withall the dirt on. ]n England, wc take theherse as he comes’in |rein a urive and

rinkle blood-warm water all over himhis-hcad~to:-his-teii~m down and blanEet him, rub-

bing his Thus, in an

button izl ,nO

Tr~iat~ DISEAS

- $60,000,00OFFICE, 1203 GrconSt., phila. IN VALUABLE: G!FTSt


$11 per CA.~

This Wine we offer to our frie]~ds, kn0wiogitto eo petrel:Sly pule and uuifurm iu qualiD’.

AaLyoar. O_roco* forVAN

=--- 1 ~gt ..... -

To be drawn ltloltd.~y,~lar.24,’73O~NE GRAND CAI’ITAh I’]I1ZE OF

Hi in (;old,ONE l’lt I,ZI.~ ~,~sOOO I~ 5il,VElt.

!arriage Bazaar:‘‘.=.

-~: NO. !10. 112, and 114

NotthBroadSt., abovoAroh, ¯ . ....

s assort new and second hanclod- 0arriagoa of every-variety~ from~th6 wry ......

best makers in Phtludelphia# and --neighbpri~g cities,


Also: t:arness. Blankets. &c. Those in want

VAN BEILS $4 WHISKEY. Fiv,~ Prizes ~00 GI{EENllLtOKN a ealI~ before, purchasing nlsn~vhers." Tou Prizes $I~0 ~ . " . . - ¯ SAMUEL. C. RODq~RS, Frcp,:-Tell your Groosr you .want 2 I~’amily 0arrlages nnd matched horses~ wroth u~#;r. ~--~l-I.A-MDTn~.-gmta~mo, A9 ~.

VANBEIL’S "YELLOW:SEAL" SZERRY" Silvcr-m6uutod Itarne~s, worth $1,500, Two "~"F" ............... , ......... ~. .... -

0........ Tclt your-Druggist~ -Bu notES. Hoast~s, &o.., worth $60 each~ .... :- --.~ ..................

-VAN BIEh’S "YELLOW SEAL" SHERRY. Two fine.toned Rosewood Ziaoos)worth $500’ cach. Ton ]?nmiiy ~ewing Mhchines worth $100

~_(~A~S~~-- Watches, worth from ~20 t- ~

- THE WINE M]~CHANTS, cheins, bliv~.r w~re, Jewelry, &c.II’b,,le auwber ~00t). ’2ic/,’ets limited

Ry0 aud Bourbon Whishies~ by the barrel, des=i3nhn or case¯


AoresL-aud~s %, L’- V... V-’~

finally dry sticky and dirty. Our hor~es

never use a curr3-oomb. 3.ion scratch

-i~-to~Itave-t hc-v ....then balhc them in,~taut!y, while .~C

Great rush for hat:.- lnm, ense attrac- .TOWN OF HAMMON.TON,soft fe]t hats, clo~t~h hats:~ta(|’eaps. Also, illammon tou Cranberry an~

au assortment of neat ehihh’cns Roods of -Improvement. Association,

,made .......Those lands are amoog the

No. 41 North 2~ St,, Phila.

rT1o ,~oI,i) I F, ltS-/~ N 1) 11EIItS.=:S01~DIEItS~

.~ wnunded~ rlq}tnred~i,ja,ed lu any ’,vsy~ ordisahiod by ili,ei~o, h,/v~ever sligltt the all;a-bility, arc entitled to apeneiou and bnnnty.

mia.r children.or I, arrlllS ¯re eILti-tlsd, Apuly IO I)EV[TT & C_O.~ N g. ,127 WaI-nut St. Phila. Infnrolntloo free efchargo.


The Best !o

Insurance at Actual 0oatO

rile NA’rIONAL I,IFE INS.IIltANCI.) 00M-PANY Ol" OllIGAG0;.irvttes the itlhs~llion ottho..u eont~l.l,hql.g nsur!eg tqLir !goDs t t) Its

Mutu a} or l eciprocalPLAN which,e,*-bl¢, ¢,,ea the, l,oore~t ran.~r,,vide fur I,[s family In ea,o ot dualh, with,el

dc ~riviug tncm of the ue~uesarle or’ lifo, ItS ticolany who uudcovor tO plly’lbe ]11gll prenl[nlnHnl old llne [~OlllpUl]leS, wh() i’hargu for ASHIIM.En |)EATS |,;IHSES IV,II¢’II N~Vl:It ()ccun, nnt~thun add n /,e "/ I,,,,lloy ,/hr ¢.,’trae,./.nt e,r.i;t, rl~¢~. I}l| t]lJ~ plan y.n ,~ll]y pay t’t~r I[l¢’ .*rot]+I.~.¢’# .rtual/V exlwrlr"ced, (,,,</ ,1+ #l+ev ,,crar,,riO, ,a sm,,ll j/x¢,l ..m for ea’l,ru.r.. (’all on theagenl for ei,,alar fully eXldaining this ~ystcln.

f s ¯ s ~ ¯ ¯]P 3o i m a/Ileal I|esul|N !~[11eu Ila orglLnlzath,zl lu li~7tl, I[io ~ATIONAI.

has pai,I ia ,lu,lh I,)~,es $b?,7(10, ut It eest It) Ihedeoeae,.l .f $?1*l,tIU 111 |u’olahltalL Ohl I,InoUomlaUdeS w.uld have puhi l.r Ihn caiRO pro.minnie $’-’1,2:H~ sllowleg again by [uauriug intbo NAI’I(’~At, ef over ~;IiI,(,e0.

’l’h~. Ca ,ihd aml t’h,,,nritio, .f Ihls Comlmnyare sallit’lrnt I,, comply wilil the ,If laity ~late It| Iho Uni.n./l~J. 1,oauAIUh Pres. JI. el. Tsel,, Sus~y

.!. !1. A’r(’IIINON.A rutJ,,,r A,l,,,tiv t’,,.n./, A’¢~ Jrr.ey,

1"1L1:. ou ,, ,,O,,,A L’I’IU ~LII Oi,. N.

All kin, s l,.,.i#i.rlv, l’rr.l’rrd,~ ,.d parRs.or...

/V en,r,l I,y AIINi;I¢t’7’I(I.V, ~ltht, at I,atu,danger, euueth’s .r lllalrnulel|tl, hy

WM. A. McCANI)LISS, M. D.,No. 20()1 Aruh Stioot. Philadolphla.

]]re¢ ,’./" J;¢/’~r¢uc¢ ~l;t cn to 1~( r*un# eurtl~.

. Single Tickets $2 ; Six Tickets .$1(I;2"i~kots $20 i Twelnty-five Ti,,kets $10,

Circdlars contaioing a full list u.--prizes,-a-descript’ou of the manu,:r of drawing, and’

tion, will be sent t.’ ~my one ordering --=

~tat.,z ovr~c% L.D. SINE, Box 85,

~,i ..\ ] ’~1-2.


~’looding and ])l, aining~barod anti


hands shown free ofbxl,ense and all iuforma

.,. ¯ , -

¯ It tving re~ervml the right tc mslmfaetnre andrcli it, is t’,rm’fie .1/n,,/,iaein tim counties’n!Oalndon, liurling,,m~ Uesari, Ailalll)~ and-Co

in t~e mnrket.

Fol~,partisular~ soud-fl,r cin, u]hr...................... : .......................

O,..W., I’ItF,~SF, X, ....

FL0.1L3 EXTRACT BUCHU,IC:mwu lh’u, d’," for I!rI,:ht’s~)l~-

t,f J)t~ll)elt’t~ |1~

I r,’:-:,*i,m ,~f tl.~ ]’:. dft,,,ya vl)d,]),]sdder, It.ten-Ibm ’~f U!’iw.’. l)i~,’a~,8 of th,i |’ro~l~l

onil hl Ih,’ ]th"| Gl’:l.cttL ~L’h:l{l)nlfl

f(eehlu/I-~l-~lr sl~nttelule(l "wlLh’thn follnwlL ,toln’~: I,osn


I )ll oh

ut or ]abor pulni~.bud wet-

E~-J#Rir.nlontou, ~. O, - *L.¯~ .J--~.:. ~ Ully Ol[ll*t I’ohi*~tly--

--20-ti .... " ............................... .~-inC, hlm a, Irr~iblr ly l.’ain-f I seer S ippr HI.[ )11 of (~nl~toelllr~ E’,’fl(tllatlol~t~t" .......

"~ ---- III eran,d or H :h rr s ~ to ( f the I~bq’U*t 1,/’tl"fgperittl Notice lo l,lte|t(~t [~a or Whiles, ~hrl ty, Uml for’ ski t’om-

4,uedcnt"totl~ sex. It ts pru~crlhed. .tlou glvun by , hy tha m6~’t eminent l’hysl(’hms :trot

~. I,’..~ilLLER. I~IRS, ,101IN ]H]CIIANAN, M, D,# Prof,,ssor........... of-M,nwlw:ltX,-devoteo ~peetal attention to th~ ’or enfeobh d n! t| delh:nto eo$|~tltU*

BEI, I,I’]VU l’~ AVI’.’,, IIA~,IMONTON~ N. J trcolment of JH~e,,,¢~ of-nullSOt both ecxe, sod all ngoa ..........._ Ki~AitN ]l~.lgsg_l~X,ElgACT_ .IlIU~II~I1LI..

~,.~- ltichardd "Cranbnny andit~ Cultu "Scat frou nr,:ccipt of

Go ,ToA. G. Clark’s..Great [mporium


CLARK’S BUILDING,()plmsitn lilo Priltth~g Office, w!ture y, oa willfind a large itsth~rnnUnt el Dumeatlo auu l?OIley

Dry Goods! :hotzons, J rcss-¯xrnnmmg,

Sieves, Hosiery, &0,,Mr,.Clark wlllbe in attcndaucetn show thegomls a|ld u~tnlo prices, ’#.’hackle! far past la-yers W0 bli)l a.lieit a eh,ro ot the public pai-r’.unto, l,~ver)’lllltlg warramlted ae I’el~reuen[edltolnolaher it ia lid IrouhLu to thuw gouds,

C PSin va[lous styles.

To tho~o wh, wl,hto have their feetshod tokovp thus warm u.d dry ~tll idcase t’all andoxamina Iho largo amid well selected sleek uf

BOOt’S A qD SHOES,st prices to ,ult everybody.

FLOUR & FEED~.of all grades at bottom prises.

Choice Grocerieseuumtnutly uu hahd.

Crockery, Glasswaxc,and Earthenware

........ W05;F,N AN-I) Cllll.llltEN.She ha. bocu ~0 y~,n1’s i, a..t’,e i,r!mllee and (’.res ],¢~,uses Afldnq D(,~a l,.pr.d¢.c~,

~’ I h /)i,e.,~l~

"lhrblt~¢’of ])l,~slr)utt.n. ~’l.., In all thoh’ statics, at. ._elIIIaLRYg-~L , msos ef ___ t,,) In-

"~’~ G1.t .,L.,,:,,. ..?.,::t: .,’:.~t.,.,!, ,,’,, h.t ..I.: l’t’l~e ’~allyconsi,lered iacelrnbf¢ eo,~.;~ ,.’.’~ "r~*,¢tn~lero

" ~l,,~dL", ,’~i}et~,t, ~l~as~ ,*,~. yI~n, or d |resa

O’..’l,’ICl’:8 PItlYATI’:--bI4 I’IN.E ST.,I’ll 11,AI)’A, PA.

llears from 0 A. ~l. to 9 P. M.’.~"£’lll I/ale o|,t Jur fuhlce ref~rel, ee.4H.10m

tho Painatl{;e SO freqn(~uL

e~ee~, anti CXludlhq$ all l)Ol.unouo matter.KEAigNEy~S i~XTIRACT ¯ II~OH~"

$I.00 per bottle or pSx hnltlcs for ~,00, delivet~ltt any. sddress, .CrllrO fronl observ¯tion. S(dd bydrnggiataevervwlwro, l’repnred hy ’

itEA |tNEY &. ,CO,. UH 1)unne ,gt,, ~. Y,to whnm alL.lot&orS for iufut’m~hu- ohuUld bnaddressed: /

W A ~Tf]3~ |~ Wuwlllgh’nenergotio "AVOID QUAORe AND IMPOSTt~t~O...~’~L.L~l .IL J2JJL./. sun ̄ n,l women l~o 0barge far MelDs aa~00umultation.

])r J it. Dllett, Grado fo t~.l*ffe#’*~Oet Med|eallltl~tlltld’l~t Ihnt will fay LWleq#, l’hl ale p of au¥¢r,i voln¯bl~

from $4 to $8 par day, can bu imrsuod at ynur work*,t t tim eu suited ou 411 dlacaeea of theown hnmeS~ and is e,rieIly honerahle. ~end At’xoa| or Urinary Orgaus.(wh[ell ho has lnado

nu tepee ai study) either lU lualo 0r fCle0ie, nofor aample~ that will onabla you to ga io work matter from-whe~, c&u~o nr~lllallngj or of howat once. ........ iug standing. A prnctlco of 80 years enahlea

Address tl. I.ATI[AM & CO., hila t ~ Ire t di~aees with nucc~’zs. C~urcs gunr

2o. 292 Washington ~t., Jlnatozl# Mass. ante, d, Ci trgva ¢~aeunable. Thosa nt u tlla-taueo can forward lstlcr deerrlb[llg syn|ptouls¯¯ [ i !lit ( It | k~ H I& ,I ) iv prepay pns,age,

~OI d |or tho t/ulds to l/~,ullh. I’rlcs 10 ct,ltl~.

DB. CROOK’S 1VI~E OF TAR 1 ~. r, vxo’r’t’,., D., rhy,.tclau..n,! .urg~oa,104 Daa-a t~.,.~ew xorx.

,~ Ten Y¢a~efa~ahlle ....... ....¯

p . Wlneorraetollavemore .~---- |~t,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,ar & SLIFER, I~k j)yopar~Lioll ever ~1~4 ~o

_~ ~ Uto Imhlle. It la rtois In 9~ thomedtclnal quallLleSof Lltdies luld Gentlemen~¯ J"~llll ~.. Tar, and. unO(lUade~ tot

~ L u ~ arm..Imrforminfl tho 1-~a *.___ 1H1 eCHo,m~ ~ e~tually cures all Coo she_J~lwm ~ sndOelds. Jtha~cur(,u no

-,w~.~ ~ ina1,~ Clulea_et.Aatl.mm5a’~ AilCll I~TREI~T.

B~’It. h-- bees protmunoett a~W~’d ~apactn~ fur theeo com. I~IIILAID]~I~I]’]IIA-

m l|lalnta. Foe Pldn811~

m Uravel’or JKJdseey d be-[ me, diaea.~ea ol Utol~rln-. = ..... ... Breakfast, ])tuner & Supper.’~A~gMa/~lg///a~ o¢~ny s.tve~ompladlatI~ It hun lU~ ¢+qUaLlSlaolltoa|ui)¢rlor=Totti(;-

][ ~ ]1~ ~ ]~, ][~ A ~[ SS~e.~sorem ilm £ppotlte,

NtrenK/lleltn the try,teen,lift.kale ~ Wealt an(ll~hllltltt~d. I-IoIno ~n, do l:)ast’rv.

(.~k.m Ibe F~I Io Plgeml,IIg~m~ove~ DyapepaJlt Itstd led#lima#oat, t

I’ ~l.taetomt ]Fa~¢~ah ~g~" (’u’r T..lllS OI31",ggv~a t¢lte "4~ ~olr~;Tsdet~ 1, |.l . I ~,



Page 2: ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali. ttt~F ... hwill ,S’aee its 6’os¢ EverH )"ear. This mac, ...
Page 3: ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali. ttt~F ... hwill ,S’aee its 6’os¢ EverH )"ear. This mac, ...


.. ¯ , .

: ...... II

+", , ’ . ..

"--- - ....... .- . =¯~-:,zTL-

ItOn"the. at .... =uation. $2,673,143 dn which "they pay a

The "West,.. is the be~the /+,e~islaiure for a charter, which at

’N.]I..B0Wr.ES, M. D;., Eah~,=¯~ ~ . residingin poor), of $17,059,52-equivale¯ne-t-0 8]’ say notblng’of the gratitude due int^ +t.A -:-t, ........ o+Plhehero ofG+tlysh.~rg, ¯ + , ~" "-+++’,s-- pise~, hut leanu .other parts Of th+ (~ounly, was SO amend- cents i~r acre of .their mme s~d land~? nene nt h,. ,,..,. ,:. + ’~ -’+’+"" l 0" "++ ’"tuu won+ +h,+ ,.~.gara for the naswnal renatatlotl for .,7__,_ + + ..... :_+ ¯ .... ot maw

- ~ ed as to_comiCal the new City toi~mpporl The town Of" Hammonton has about2700 wipe eat the ,tig’ma which the nbn.paymeat of J If t-h-ere Is any .place ve~t that ]3as not.; ~?;-:i~-¯.gA~md)~;.mm~¯s, ~s~ + ............. o..~ .,nero+ ~u,groee’to ........ -- ,,,.ca.~._____~ ~ her Own poor.,¯ The reason ~i+en+ +or this ¯acres Of cultivated lan~t’ +u~ Ofdi-o+~i. _th:s + ,jr ~+ Ux+o.upon_our to+roman,-’ I its ’almost or qu+te fatal ¯ .~;o.J .... - :..... ~A~MC~_~0_N_+AT’ra.~I~I~0 0o., ~, ~’," aclion was f he; fear. that "ilia ~erma" 000 acres con tained within their bi~hnda-- -A l inn ~o a our lutest flnanetal resorts sh’ow’/would lik~ ’~:’--=- _~ _ T~."v~_cage, J-

........... ; ~ settJers~of-..~g..,Harbor wonld.hce0me ries, and 330 dwelling .houses, whh 270 teat I hie~ co~ ~tr~ with=enormous -f~e~litles for It_ -...., +. w a. uv..w, wz~ero It Is. j. ~nuo~¯ " ¯ " .’ - ¯ . maau I’acl afil g, is expox;ting only row material, [reslsu tan temptahon to+ make a few qua-

.... ~h~~s~~ut6r of the Pleas. paupers, acd. hhnee become a charge to polls. Egg. Harbor townshp ought to or, at hast, ,o~ gradomannfaetures. This ex- rations from., the last ~+Z .+ ¯the County. ’The peopJv o+ Atlantic have l~ol;less than 8000 a~rea o+i crqtiva- porJt~aon ~ol+vf, s+ the. enormous’, expense o’f giveb,t[cw +.-, k_.a-_~, " u?e.++. ]" wnl

A. H. Slapel E~I. of Salem, was up. 0aunty, Previous to this time, h~d. de- ted hind, exclusivJ of their salt meadowei :_--++-:- ......r, re~, me raw matorialis ,,- . .... ~, uuuurcusCOUl¢113e t~va,

and-to Shelter.- their "/36 polls, not less ~nd then tra~+to the

O ’ °" ""¯ . +carson over taou~auds of miles or ~tr utmost.: avery+: pap~. ~ see; contains

bylivelihood, and

Attorney o[+ this f~ounty, for fire’years, could net reMiz~,; as ,he limber was near- the proximity bf the’ Alms H0use:faroomn.endpg with April term of 0curt..!y__0]l gahV, j hatjt has pos~ible to live by Shelt,.r), and yet their¯ total assessmentMr. 81ape is the St~ts A~torney of the eutiivation at the soil. returned by their, assessor+ was $16,239

leas thai-that of+Hnmmonton. ~But as

- isa-Democrat-in-polities,_b~:not.oLtha-tampant-o~w=-ml

- impartial type, and kn0wn :n the Po~t l

dcmecrat"~the~ame school-our worthy (an. nored by hisin varmus ways,


off into a town, with tim privilege of Third. Because the sd~-supportmg men. is’betowns .having taken means to prevent

upon ares, Waomalie~’+in the En

House of As-’ Proctiring-~bYk~-bi~]iei~h~Vth~il(/+h-dul~" eome+r~rgam~at~on-~fl++~p-h~ji+-++i#tt~;.wP+ich.will ul"imately prove s ben+fit to ¯both )TartiLcsscmbly a bill, tho eft, mr 6[" pas~-

opposition to ~on. ~m. M0~o in/866 new by their, provide /or theirin which canvass by his fairness and esa~_ own poor,.to help support the poor ofd0r-~ade m0neY4riands-inland out- other~tt~w~s---5|r_CaVil/~6fh~d:

aud boundary lines between thi~ Stale has been done. We therdoi’e, ~is the-- ," and. Delaware. Mr. Slaps is popular question is fairly open, Dro/}os~

": -+among his asS0etates, and, althbugh be some+~easo~- why we prefer remaining+-has- ~lmost:arrived- ~

yet-- chosen-a-- id,therein.

consideration of the N. Y. & Phffa. R.

this truth and |tst the West+ Ka’~sas iS g’encra!lyhut tbemr&l~o6fall6ay~fariffe i6 conceded to be the best eeetion to emi-

possible .figure, and theuthe evil. ~ut grate to. 1 give a few extracts from a

I ~ansas paper :--" The truth ~s that

~ilure+-- _.

-pay~and-those+w +

and there is n6thing left for the ~akes my heart ~ to

of tertih /and;+ bartering it~off

th-e~e-m-n~fi st~-Jf-th-~lfiff= commencement, hy u greaterdiffustcv, of work.per cent., and grain is sowho occupied the shanties iogoa,.ital’held by the workmen themsulves

’D ~ .... ’ ¯C0aimgs, When coaling ~o~ u.~t Fdeebur.g,.tho German Miaisteroftho jew that forty per cent. for the-useofx ter~ r, ae~ncW.cdgee and deplores the tens- money seems to be a common rate(while-: people to leavothe f

farm machines are~ in--he proposes no autborit~.tive mbasuros f6~’-i

propurtion-to--produco_--,_~So t ¯__ ~ ¯ ,. ~ _=’ -_ he mamx,--

De, not been aCoompanitd+b-y a~eq acturergets-~5-pex+cel~t,-oP~his-mlas at aWieoo 0I pork, and a jug of rum,’, in the wages of labor, hence the+ worhiv pays ] O0]Pper cent, andsos are Fceliu shiner, then add 40 per cent. interest ;" so itcause we believe it is far igratiou is ma~i~ ¯

pr.oportion )-20-cOn is--Per bushel+ "it -]t~fUs-fihsofsehdtngu~io-tlieAlmaHousc.

a County charge. Why war, and are very une~y asia the future an- has some to grief. .--First~Because-t:b6=peOple:of~th-e+~oun:- should m man whose only crime-is:age;

tion ef the gevvrn=ent. The ?,Xioistor rotes-" As our mercurywhen we asked for our mi~fortone an_ monde an increase of machinery to’supply the .has’ranged from 38 to 22 ~elow zero you

ars;~o.’alln~z_ua_to of labor. - ".. +

onn-but-tho~harder-them in providing lor ,ty the vagrant drunkards and pettyfinns ha~e lately been’unearthed in

in limited numbers."difllcultykept.within hounds. The friends dora. ~h/eh in licato that it is ruskin Z’The extreme- ed i8 Icy~f the hill in the galleries could no~ wit’:- among the new settlers, as the ]and on bounty. -’Better tar keep allworth¢ poor

Cabinet. and the government has ordcred ) Consi°~ndi~atioa~e result of’ia,-~howe=vcr~rAl possible."

n. ..... rival the extreme richusss n~d thetha ~.i![_stand~___

¯ vote was dee/area, and-hisses +and vTas good̄~or ,othi,~ fbr hrming our- and if .tho_.lat_t~r cJ_as~ ~rovidedluting raciness of our ~redit Mobilier develop-

climate Where the mercury goes down toether demonstrations of their feelings Poses’ and that the "Dutch" and "Yan- for, turn your almshouse into a house of

moots.kees" would starve to death ; and as a Corr~.etioa, and compel the inmate.,One of the "moit interesting chapters in the 35 below zero in winter," "The iniury

-~ero-such,.iuspitb-of=-the+i)$cera+placed_ edfis++qfie+fi/e~t~-(-t~e: )~-iu-~it

f°riheir-l~-~P+bi-reiu~uiug+=an- ~l*72i~u~u+~-mm-t-u~e£+noJ~’a|rs_i,_i~in

there to port.of-_tho Commiasionors-of~Eduoa4+(.dou+-to-frui+rtfees a.dto b3 iax~d heavily to keep lentin-work....

Th~ketch is by Dr. ~’olix Heikle,zrmer. Snow soover the passage of the genera] railroao

3.~as h ... their thriit and


.+ ~eather.:auT_pe~d aypresented a grand aPPearance, with

nheen one of the ’finest" ever witnessed ia forced upon us, shall be repealed in order

whhdraw their represe++tatives,.*sell the South, L0 hours long, and that thelowest Kansas. Peaches ant Apricots kille-d.

Was 1,77"~,612. It i, supposed that the eoua Local Advertisemen~ ............... .

Portion of the State.. and County taxes the next abstract of =.the ratablcs at At-+ry was settled in 700, &. D., by o barbarous "’ ¯]//6ur3d they ru~h ~ith]~e-fiti~s-Kski6g lffitio~0oi/iaty, would show a higher va/-tribe ti’om easteraEurope. In t.o 12th contu- ~--~-’-=the Swedes eonqoered the people and intro- - ¯

¯ " .... tiaoi~Yr2ff0-]809-the-R~eiaos- - C_- .that we ~hali be /creed to pay’for thn ~grTLER. quered t~e coaet’ry, and it is now a separate

- -the nation’s Capital, and the

" +

wituess the.grand display of the occasion. caUSing a, i~Cr~fo’.of ~~~d~gress.

wou~d they now ask us bills that h~ve elumbercd in Committeee~~g the grand old avenue; and

But it ie unlikely that such a ees-..... every+available pla0e was engaged i. Be:auso we are now’taxed nnto nd re +siou would be long enough fornow

mnvmg past. The. Pyrotechnic display CounW tax,’ th.erob~’.Paying a part of theconslderatio,iu the+evoning.was-cxtremely.~ran_d,~Wl:10h..lazes of+ ethertowns, und-if:compelhd


tlrsnd Duehy under the present Russian soy-oreign, Alexander. Its legLHativo

_, arch eupsrmlended_the_sehoolsrbut]t ish.ate"administration. Prio

by whdt Is called mrural districts.

nor can he obtai

T+aIlcw-tb°-hnportafi t faet to,’esespo your mindbat the to buy HA-.’RDWARE, such as


1~ ~n’tof the sah of valuable property in.El:’wood. " " -

engineering amongafteiF 01~oe; in the=hope Of coming outbest on Wcdne~a~. That kind of en=~nel~ri’ng_hasncver succeeded in Ham-’

on Saturday last. It is thoug]

=Wecome cgain.. +We have hd. enough fo

Mondny-wero_th~f~t!~or, fihh_editiohs~had this’winter. Lot it have afinale now, and be hound up, and

. fi~’.~r. Editor :--PIea.~e don’t Forget-. .... about thos0 etreet crossings we are to....... have on-~etlevue-Avenue _ _ _

..... ~hat h~e our Agricuhural Fairmaca~

The Library Assbciation--has any one

sonde-a-move-to=organize one yet ? ......-We-necd:~ fire organization, too. We

we need now. More anon.

The Mas~k-d,). ihdivlduals *it-the- ~-~:--bal/ron-Tue~day-vigh ,t:were-a-souroe_~



School is the

far off I don’t see how it can everour market. I am told zt now costs$4.50 per bushel to bring them to ~ew

perthau~any other railroad-carries--

riber having]eased-the 11ammnnton-ut-IIomm.onton,-N~’J..-an&furoished .it


at reasonable’rates.

GOo~ Slabli~g for horses .....J R. OAROTH’:Rq.

-ever-be-much, if s~comes dow~ one-half ~r to $2.25 per s~r4ciTOig IN CJIIAN~ERY-bushcl-0ur-Pears

~a Lw~ioh Ja t~_t h_d_ hu~, " IIA 8-OPENED-AN

huhaving good soil, exposure and skill in willbogiventotheir culture. ~N-~xt t0 Ca]itorriia our EYANCING,-wr£ting-CA)N.T.RKOT~

~gent for ’the SALE AND.

like, crowd we never got into. adapted to Pears by ~:.ny means. I have TIONS.|4-if

{c~hotel, by the cry of f;rc

.. only more spectral. We could

~ ........... think and’-feel-that.-somo-’:chureh.yardhad yawned," and the’dead had come

in their shrouds.- But-when-the..

at a+tran~Pormation,

_Good cheer prevai/ed,

Tan ,ubseriber reel, aerially soilo|ts th’ patronageor hls trlend~l and the publln in gnneral’t hi~

Grain Flour and Feed St0rei

............ . AR Goods iu the above line.will be sbld. + r_"++ . ~’

A.large Brock constantly on hand ¢,f various gradcsand ! iand.need?goods iu his line, hetil the drlvelt* slid.give yo~Ir el, dora, or eeud themin any way you please, and they will he caretnllv atten~lod to ~.nd the goods prom "’delivered.

-.Ha~monton, lq’. ~.-..> .......

. ,. _ .............. . ....

eloped about ni,e o’e}ook.. Tho populsri- to pay the CounQ./poor tuxin addition.ty of the President was manifest i, tl/e we might’from the fact of being asked to

e°ugh-t--ofd~’-bp-l~rtu-i~it~--t0-shakn- Hou-~o-a m0re-de/~irabld pla+~o to live,--han,d.-and-tho-.warmt h __with~w hioli._he. -than-our-owa..homos

.... fornn ao+.t o-th0- g was"attondod, ,+8-721-wo find lhat tho township 61’ ]{g~

was a sraud affair, three thousaudda~

¯ " ips, returns-38.~-763~ acrea.o[ iand;-with a valuation, after

/~GISLATURE. deducting $21,989 for doblb~ ~f $589,877,On Monday night,in th0Scnatel Galloway township, the largest i, the

¯ ~ounty and next in population td Egi

P. is not seen in Ihoease will not be finished bet

.pal oo foreeJS tp.h_eJncreg~¢ Jarureinst plekpuekets~ on

there are Institutions fora of females. At the ~a-

rsity-thc students arc educated freeofelmr~c. T~’e oconp,t[,ms of the F ns are agrieu]turu,’ stock rai~iog, manafaeturitl~ u! |coma]tree. Ti~e first ral[ral,! was built i’ll 1859

your readers sre respectfully informed that th< .......... ....--==" -xoporLis:.+eomphted.=and_in, tho.-ha~ds+.o£ tho about in the HARDWA~E LI~E, ia at tht ........

=pri,ter, who ca,, however


"A~NI)ERsoN BROS.-Would respectfully invite the attentionb-f tlie~public to their Stock at .........

¯ +,

-- _ .... . ..... . ............


formation. And_that most-d~scourge of Pear .trees, the !’ fire b]igh~"is L-und as soon as you+pass off el theTertiary formation, No farther off than and |s prepared to Cut l[air~ Shampoo, Shave,

ton+they:ha~’e-itrand.all.aloag_the. ~c., in the I~cst manner. ,ot, ascertained .... +++ .........

every day. On Sunday from 7 to’lO in - -

Matron and ~paid, anything else, I am happy to bc able


can sco lhat every improvement mado .......a boncfit toa]], not a /cw. That any

¯ ’ ___LimPr v~Ament at tho business center ben-efits c,’erybody in the town.ever enh~nccs the~value 0f properly hero, -

S: BID~EWAY," J in proportion, helps others. Tim princi- +pa, ,,,nr.+,,a,e+ ,oad,,,+to t,io oo,,,or Carpei; Weavei;,need locking after, We want men whocan sen the neeest~ity of p.:tling them incr’:er ~n,I kecid,g Ihcm so. There are~sny thicgs c’~ll~d |of Let ush~vo menwho lmvt~ eyes to set; and will to do. ’l’lmexpense, it ’doric at th0 fight timo wouldbc a frith cotupi~rafivuly.

Atlantlo City Itoms’J’aes<l~y morai,g the dmrmometer was

down to 6° a~vc zero. "One d,y last wcck llcnry Wootton.

Amos ]hdloek nn4 Wm. Conover broughthomo o¢or lilty ducks, the Iruit otonoday’s ~hooting.

Disston’s new "mill i,~ d~in~ a good

bu,inc~s. It is’f’ur, nJ~bed with Ihe bestmachinery. Mr. ’lur,cr says they l,a~cmore ~vork thae they can do with Inspresent Iorct~, and will be obliged to in.crease ihe nttmbcr o| moo,

One d,y last we:k a pig bo|,ong[ng to~harlcs llorucr, jumped out of his penand ran for tha eurl~ }umpcd in and swamout tc~aea. Th0 last they saw or him,he was making a L~e-’.[ne for Portugal.But there are some people hem eo skep-tical a~ Io doubt his reaching lhcro.

Ba-thtt llsll was the point of attraationhat nilht, to enjoy t"e entertainment.

NEAR OLD IIAMMONTONCnmlom M,’ork pr,qnptly attended tn

The.highest Ca, h l’rtces paid I’,r Carpet l|alI1-4

~E, J, W00LEY, K~- D/,,’ALER IN

~̄’=..,, "t +

Watches, Clocks d¢ Jewelry.Repairing of all kinds, In hls Hue, done withneatuo,tsnddlspatch. Satl,factlonKIvenandpri©os as roaeunable as at at y oll er p &ca.

~a¢ci~d nCten¢ion givca le r*palrley FensII’A TChE,~. AIsh, dealer lu

]~00X’,N & ,STA~7ONERY

~’. all kinds.


HOSIERY, 0LOVI~8, &e., at kieOLD 8TAN ]!),

~o~theut side at Bellevue Are.

7 Y ~


-W.rk~wJll be’dcan~g.t !ho loweet, qa,Iuprjcest "and warraotod ,o ~i,o cnt,ro.atl,faotioo. 1~£242"/~S, C2s~./-?S/]3OOTS-~%~-S~_~0ES"

Funerals .......................... ................ : .....: .......... .......... ++- _= .....=The Grocery ...............+ o +, + + --Departmentfur,lshed at eh,~rt notice, at the ......... " ........

l,+wo~t casltf sod ornamo~lal. "

-Gook nd-Parlor


A fargo oslortmont constantly .n haod~stprlees that do y oou lmtition.

Tin and Shoot.Iron Ware,.uf our.own nra~ei iu g~ut variety.

sr.~o’v’~- ~] PIPE’ of ,11 slse% e,,oltantly on hand.

TIN I:tOOFJ.NG,and all

robbingJo our line promptly attended Io,



.AJ.gS, FILKB, CARItlAI;g. gOLTB. ,1¢,A. ~. ELAIIIK.

reee[vee speciu| tttontion, end ~tlmee well crooked with ovary article ~ n

41All the different varieties and grades by the pound+ hundredweight or barrel.

C/tOC]I~EIgY AND.EAltTIIEN.W~E.-I .......Persons nan obtain myer)’tl, fng In this line from a complete net to n sin$1o ~rtJola.Doing aST]iICTL,Y’ CA,4]I IflJSlAi],:S8 ! nm eh]~ to cell my go~dsat a’sma]l prollt. A

whu wish t,~ t, uy zer cash and get the botlolq i}gnre¢~ are IuVlted to cull at the

LAROE 8TONE 8TORE, next the Railroad Station. i


VEGETABLES in Seaeon..~CASi-I -Paid for Eggs and Chioken~,

Our Wagon run~ to all paxta of the town Tueedaya &St~

Dlcn\ ........

............. b_o men of onterprhc, and]hve the intores{so]-/Im+t~f~ I¯ without regr r,l to politzds,~ n~t.penny.nnd p0snd foolish atop; who sa.vo a six-

" " ..................... *.,B:~ " " "


loess, ond w!ll.earry it on in all its branches,

~M~ONTON, N, J. - .....


¯ .. .... +: .. ¯ .

lure, eaeh-t,~wn and-township is entit2edto but’coo Freeholder.


xolls open at 7 a, m,nn~i c, lose a tTp. m~ ...........

~leetion, 0onstable, Overseer of the Poor," In roy"next at_title I iotend~to Bh0w Ulp" " Peace, Overseer of Highways, Judge of the lceopl0 and keep t]~em in igno~nce.

R ~ ~L 0 "" "’~ r ~ ~ (2omtnissioners’o[ Apwal, Pound thcirraseality. ]’i~NI{XDXCAL.Keeper, 6~hosen Freeholder, and decide

........ on:amount~neecasaryAor_ Town_purposes,_ Local Advertisements

Town Clerk, one Assessor for tbret tions. But nurserymen, e~pecially ih,ties of tht

...... Were t h~TdtThe musio~we]L

-h~veT-n~v~r~een it; Orris thcrc~ the le

good.soils and- exposure ucder+ proper euhu/e,

I ext.Wed,+ d,y. the, +, is th. ’n fact have ,b, B0ot-sand Shoes,:" not i+ropose to puff my own Coeds. The~aucuswill be add on Monday evening, blight," drouth," and most of all QU.ALI’£y or the well-known "variety Ikeep

at UnionH~ for the nomination "starvation blight" is a]ll know:of in MUST ~ELL TIIEM. The Goods are OPEN

-~ --The Town meetiogwil/be he/d between over estimate the great ~dvantage we TOM WORE. - ~3.trthF hbura~of+l ,g exeml --Wednesday. The ottieers to bc elected blight," forth-~, isfbogreatreason

Page 4: ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali. ttt~F ... hwill ,S’aee its 6’os¢ EverH )"ear. This mac, ...

Swinging the Ddawares lunRug t~ w~ue¯ ’ "

"GssdngStralght upward a mile In ~e blue,Watching a cloud that has nothil~g to do,


:~~’- Nothin~ to do.but come down in the rain, "- -" Born of the’mi~t unto heaven again,." _.

- Nothing to sow, and no reaping of sraln.

--Droning him-home-in tho-oryaolito noon~-L--Ghoet of a drummer boy drug~inga~ tune.

Watchlng a Jay on a cherry tree_nigh.

What of that jacket as blue

........... 8phshtng

Hearing a bird with her English all right,r from morning till night,

. . ¯ . .


.......... . .......... ¯ ........ ;._.: -- .... .....:/.,;;.,...... _._.u

this l".reads as follows : . . ~ - - of InteresL.: ’.’~$J~. Flutterby’s he-ross are all of See me when you g~ --Why_is the road _of tr~.~ gres~ors, made up of all the aria. fellow, look~bout" :England ;,it’ll neverdo, to let hard?~Because it iS soml~tl:t~v_tocratic virtues, and me~=than .aLl~the i i . qUainf~nce drop, afte-r~such a romanti~ clad. .’. . .... "’ ’; ’."-’/;. "aristocratic _vices,’ half "RoChester .’and S _ i ~d/ng panorama ~ -commencement.-".. :;.’.- - ._:...._ _’: .... - ~_uwhut case is it ’abd61ntdY~ impo~.-half (~amelford, carcyi~g all knowii au- deed, merit¯ more-attention th ___~! Witlrgreatpldaslire,’~-l~iswered the .aibld.tO b0 slow. and sure ?~]~,thtt ceae

of swat&..... .’.. -.. ./-7;"~there in ~/r me/it, s, and. all known have yet’beStowed upon At.. Overhead stranger ; "ann I’ll give you mine. For . Official ¯ Spanish cens us/:sh.o~_,, that...

crimes on their conscienc~s,:and liappi’ stretches the blue, cloudlesssky/bright that matter, it% only by a fluke that 1ly c0mbining’the manners of Sir Charles w~th all t he-~hor~lived.s~ulend~ Of the ~nhere iit alljust now; when I. ought there are. now 9.60,000. slates i~ the Is- ¯G~ndiseiiw~th thelconver~ati6ii~0fL~/: no~]~em Summer. Behind us to bc in Londonreviewlng.’" ’ . ’ laudof Cuba.. ’. ’ /, . , -P~chefoiicauld and the- morality Of chariiiilig littl6-4#klley~thatwe h ..;’Reviewing I" echoed igarry, Starting . A Pock Island .County (Ill.) Judg~Charles the Second ; men who shoot a its smooth surface ns if he had been stung.; ,you’re not a has decided that drimkenneas is tie ex-

reviewer, ~. Jove, you’re much euse-f0r-intoxication. -

Goethe in-the d~win-g:rooms of Orosvenor square m~ther-hen, the tiny red"huts ofand thrashingprize.fighters in the tar: fishermen cluster around the- littleeras of Jerymn street, Nor are these wooden church which their

ofdaisy chain ; and lhminates in some cold slid tion to pictltre to oneself Thorstoic, who is "dead: to love for ever- defiance at the" con.gregated


what harm hascan’t have cut



~th~t-he-isTnot the

¯ if efl]e/entlyapplied, will do

¯ Over°

.morning, ̄ when

are no~ quite_fashlonable... ̄ -.. . .._""The :Draeo.!’" yellec~ Harry,-in :n ~ T~roof the.largest New York pianoYm-iggfl~gt~IRh~v~a-TI~ fdr~Vme - 0eiid.l~t-l~ss. thali "

Counting the lear: is the drift from the rose, each other’s hair on---only thellindmost critter was bald, and so didn’{ a lingo8tr~g with fr6gr~6o m~: pYi~0 of repose, need it f- -ATid t/tiTif~tterS-Were not rampart- s fro

Dylng.l "A.hl no ;’ only changing its clothes.

~eb~’~tig" fi~b, ....... _7 ........

Watching a ity-laze along’to its doom," :" 8Llken the meshes, but death t~ th6 Io6/~¯

- -u-~e -ca n: uneverat0mb!../

--Opens an eye when the spider is fed,__Ol~0~s~a _b’~s dead.

._ ~ownmg aBtrango as the rod that did blossom of old.

La~ting a summer and read for an ago !

Burst from the bounds, for that coffin waeth;moTeoantloss thing where the sycamores shine,Riven and rent and the worm is divine.

Hail to the herald direct from the grave 1P/nion of beauty resplendently wave l

Som ̄ . -- -.- - , - " hod-away,-! = - . __ ~ -_ - --~Boat Is’the chrysalis the sod,

. Gone through thogate of the glory of God!

~----~.___.A CRITICAL ~EETING.

to In commlsslons,the you’re Harry Flutterby:’ The Superintendent of the census putsgwml , seen.many atableau on the the loss in the late war, North and" °

~dy, the hero- marks the sp~t where the glass-~;-lak-~ ~tage---d~,. iit.ffe~er one to equal that. ¯ For..South, at 850,000 men--the Union armymeets the fur~ of a moment ~ho two stood face to face like lost 500,000 -men and the Confedqrate’~’-burst "into-

her count- comes---the- deep- sonorous 5~nonoton~ -a-tremendous--xoar of--which Homertchexametcrs learned from the surroundin.g rpcks ed back as

a8and when he comes.violent end


¯~-~O~a~o= ~re --d-m ,he we,,.

lethethere any public conveyances, beyondthe Missouri ̄ ’River; after leavlngthe

: . railroads, for Carrying immigrants andbaggage to the cheap homestead lands ?How and.where can matmria~, for build-

¯ ing .pllilioses be. ~nd’~hht

" houses byth6’nd~v

J.udian,s- been :but ~hever

straw bonnets that al- :"I~e

many instances in lieugood markets bond. and laces. The newest featurescourse may ’do, but for the’ farmers of ’ these are mixtures of straw andthe State as a whole it.willnot do, leaves to be~laced. Cheap Pcultrlr Yard. are also straw¯ cords and

thickanchors, a’ud. Isi s made . i:wm ..=dstraw. .....

~.inch iipart, cue f~ot froln the Spring bonnets are larger than those.another three at three feet ten of the winter. The crown is ~ell do-’

thaixand;the’~oU~s to

. the fa~"West ’the !home-bf the."laths, picket.

* ..... ’ .... . other, like a chisel

Chair to answer

in acr]-m’in-ai-case~ ....... . .......... tho Union’’ .. the base of; the

a "good bit some little Jt as to

lark I ever saw in my life ! Talk of a is a

dad pathetic, with the singlebut it produces eir.cus--Russia,anendlessbilliard-board

of the novel2 --and Brazil’s all the waves of

seriofis- scenery in all three; if you care to keepheroine never gets mark~ed your eyes-open’; but I grant you thatBusted with the Gothic sacrifice above one doesn’t see a view like this every

tb/rd the minis- ahead," cries Harry, a momentture of a defunct guardsman in her es- " Stand by to lower the sail, while 1

’e, umitterable despair- at -her- fishmit the boa*hook.-"and an obtrnsivi~-tinge of red on --=A few minutes later we -d-isem’l)ark

of .her nose.. "So geht der our miniature terra

us* now that.there "are

_ _ and cos.

by does_.undorstand--~dh,simile. Hem

same comparison~ dozen s in suc-cession. Whenever he has .to describe

them ’peeping. like" sh~ Children from-tl/o arms of their encrrclin

Nights,’ where the old kingT85ks~-h~ ~ Tn--thWheart~f the metiques.

Prince What’s-his-court that lie had derided to grants stay

3 was~ of proceedings and a writ of error in theplace, case of Edward S. Stokes, and gave his

And the laughter began again louderthan ever, till I joined .in it from sheer the Republic of "Spain wasinfection. " ¯ to the protest of 1%Ir.

-T’il was a recognition of slav-the rocks will s~

you out on the side of the i the changes a]rcady in*ro-t Sp~in-are-th~-~eparatimr -o f ......

church and state, the s~me can.


¯ .:. ¯

stir*us hero for~five_minutes," remark I; Woo1,$7,000 wheat"wouldn’t he enjoy__ himself I I reins’m- evening,, or a more on-in the ber his me-once that ofkll the it has never been my to make up the to $I00,000,---¯ ’ : mndinavian meet with ; and ifwas long . Of this amount $40,000,000is esti-after midnight before our. party :broke mated as.profit.. : . .well he. may~it seems up. Ha~’s farewell remark to ~is " Tlm:Fr~-G~r~

I"short snddeul’ as.we turn a "Tell you what, old fellow German, finished itsme that if all the critics and authors

¯ " it, if we ~’ait ~hese

: it’ll us back in good time for as pertinaciously;hild hannted those

thin stand the marking stones¯

rattling: good job The-Boston--Transcrtp~knows-a-manb~th I" who hashergiven his wife .a cent for

th~ last mbnth for fear of bein sum-

...... Tk~~S~eam~r- Jones_ Disaster. .~__ er_.use_ ofDavid of the unfor- money.

moruing; place, a little gon the coast of

personm, my - friendand myself ;ti0n, nfjord,_to I ifled’islet.

throb inches Sl~eThis makes tile that fiat brims

Thentake other roiledcoronets have. been worn forsee-. and

and-half that" have



hisheadgrown root, lies a

complexior~, and. reddish-brown mous-tache of anEnglishman. " .-:~’Here’s ~ rival Coh{n~i~-in-=tilo

,: that-is:lline to. the an Wires new

¯ there @ere now %he- hith-s-will :takt~: -of--strings .Indian~. ~ tVor/d.. ’ ’ " that .is necekSary f~r the eha~nge.. - ..

main t~unk lines at least traversed.this ________ Leaves̄ and flbwets of st/ clue-¯ ’.the’Union Pacific

cifie, through Kansas and Colorado, t " An old chief en~neer and-active ilre- bonnetd. These straw:the Topeka, Atchison and" Santa. man for twenty years in Detroit wri~ds also appear, with flo~through’Southern KansaS%o tim C~ :that his e~perience satisfies, him that colorg. TheWatteauelusterhasalarge

¯ r-ado llne, ~he Denver Pacific at:Den-..the fate of all fires is decided within )it l~ rose, blue forget-me-nots, slender.minutes after breakin et leaves, and straw ferns. Another

~era-houses 7he ~11i5- -£~lp-~h’~aiic enature".

~g down ,,he get here ? I see no sign in OalvestonBay, gives.swear or

wants aacross the expression of countenac0 which might ¯ ¯ tthitherto unvis- have suited Vict0r ttugo’s Gilliatt when i enongh asleep, an#how v, story of the disaster : When abt proud, will get up mornings, nnd has

. . .watch,ng the midnight interview be-- -says Harry,-" or else lie m{/st b~ stone three miles above l’tediish Bar, at4.50 in no ambition to be ~,member of Con-tween Dernehetto aud ?ffonsieur Caud- dead, not to bays heardmeS] the nmrning, the watchm,,n was in the greaser Presidentof-~ho United States.¯

act of casting the lead when an To mYeh a youth it wi~hes to teach thefast,I’ll- -out and-look after-- the good -breakfastr-has ’upon rate ;" and tie gives the s.leepcr’s-shon

butofS~ y.oung%vidow’dow~ on the Kenne---: .........."r~ii¢l7~vliileYeii’ri$ill~biit-it,’’ thii~gcst -bMe?g-tlFdEhtl-b-f-liifftlii~di 0-mydisturbingyou--but-th-e- was on the roof, rau down to the lower bee, wl{o s~{id to -all -acqnai~i~5-i{bo wh:i "....... I, "just see if tilers are any-letters-for -fee-a,d secoml plato of fresh, salmon sun-’a.rathcr hot already, and you’re Iv-us ;. I see old -- Id toddling along even the outraged I tarry begins to look ing right in it." - ’k, and.immediately sang-out:to tim

____the ~ yonder." as if there was still somethin The starts stant pilot to malta his escape as the death of her hnsl)and. "I ,n’ll

.......... 1T ; and_awa~ at-his-usu~d- s-qli [: .... " says "he-at-lenwas.on-fire. .... ;, ...........

- tremondmis pace, as if bent upon imi. "I meant to have a’p:fll,"iie observes, "but--holloa I When h Tlie entire garrison effort Cosanmla, --itating that encrgetiogiant who. "walked as wo stow away our p.rovision-basl~et fire had wraliP-ed the %’hole boat and becanm dissatisfied with their............ round the world before breakfast ever,d. ; "but as tffe wind’s in our 12 answers Harry, staring ; a sheet of flames...He had long.arrears of pay, andn’t ?" ¯ reach:, the barge. The closer*odin a be,

the guns

....... commonlUCk e~s " ~aroq, .....styled, as if by._ [,ares a 7tttlr~ I haven t opened ger, with un air of vexation. "Iwalked hides, cte,,oa board, and a bargain ingthem. The mini. 200 in munber,the best fellows in net overh,uil it, and give US what over from the seaward side last tow ........ " - . .... . - took all. their arms. Th0y wore put-the to do along that of rooks About the time Gonlon roached the sued by the cavalry............... and was cut looseA a’ flrst:r/it~~steadily through the wlrious tonics

Mur It the o ’......If.the total length, of railroads in ull

an OXlmricneed tralelcr, an of the day--the Genovs Arbitratimr,~r water~ "me see P y’ ngineer on dut c ..........¯ -. 4°![Y,:e°:ppa.n.i% ,h~..~o0~,~¢l.:na#o.tg_t~t,ml0y’, diueovory of Dr. LivingstoneI o nun rmo. and ~,o~’-baok n.. cecal, C, und all conjecture rag, .,omp!t~.eq,¯ ~t Is no~ mlrprl~mg ,u,atsj~,,u ~y everyooay ; an,t so lie wus the domtmd for au increase of wa-es ti,1- ,,,,,,I,~ m,, I,..", --, ....... "~ cause of the d/easter has as vet wrova<] tll~lr manllenance together with the

................ ¯ ................. ~ ’ I ....... ~I’.~ .~ " ¯tttv| UX ULIL|rSo I ovsr- it ........lnuoca, no wile popalarly believed tt the continuance of £1io coal"t...--t.-~-*’:- :.’:=:/- .... *, ’ -. ............. ¯ ....*, - i-- nothine- ~he *)robabilitie- ,t~- d~:t ,i. now eonstrllctlon, takes more than h df’ : , t|tllllUU, bllU I~]tU])l~ la ~elI as / alwa S (IO ~%" " ¯ ¯ t~ ¯ t~ ittlmu’ttslu . ¯ ¯ ........have. butono e.nem~,. . though that one rumored .I)rozress.. . of Itussia in .tl,e .....~,’,,~s, .... .......htny-, --.i’:" .....---.,,-,~""" ~,.,..*nY’-~ ’’uon~at l~ s I tlrowal~trave., way.,, and the ren,,rt,.~, ll~...~a the.lrnn production of Eu-tmpoornarrysonamnat least full E s ,: , s u~o b Gordonwasml rope has 48 ~or cent and America 47..... ~ ) y ’l, t, the impending eonfermleo at ]hu.- awake . ] y. ’,lsed byits tall. It ia "er .... ’ ° "~ " " ’ ’ ’ ¯~l~/~l ~ [[~ aoV;e,ioe .of p!hers.. I lin--to all ,,f which Harry listens with "~ust aa it alwa-s rains on a -i--" ] certuiu tim whole vessel and cargo worn t,, ~ ....

el me wnoie...... 3 u t nearing mnl quote, silentatt0ntion, de- aud a -l’ , ~- . . pLun.m} in flames within /lye minutes after the Thousands of acres of huid ill Mieh/-m ms IRa of effervescent vindictive. "I t011 you what," he remarks at .-:~’- ’,,-- ~._,,uc¢ ox..Drpau always x aus ] first alarm, By the disaster tw0ntv-onotan are covered witlt a rowth of ,wevtnCs?,:;... : _ !ongth, wit" a meditativc air," I wieh o;’~rT~v~ta~r~,?~’°w~n~a~-~sl~*w [live, were. lost, inchlding most o’f the fee, which has hiti, ert2been SUl,Pose,l~, r wan l~eh. bat .doch seine Laus, somebody wouhl bring Out i~ Dinlomatie. xv--;,,a=-~ .... , ............. ~. ao I officers nnd ercw of the boat. to be worthless, but it has boon hmud

blllltS llUt~l| IllO lUSl|le Iltiboll " . ¯ . . a.1 rO~wvt#l| Jlail lllYoitugli[~(Iwnlle-llS was- ...... ¯

.... . ¯ !)iptsonary, containing all the new pc. about it," luu~.*,, e ’~,,, ..... w ..... :..a,,,, ] ............ *hut .for tanning_ purposes it is,un-harry was no IIomer ; but ho had ,luea, pnrases now in use ; for rou[ly, we’ll ,,Iv, ,,,,:;.~...;~’--,. _%’.~’.’_L" ;?" . 1 ’ A 911ra~. equalled, and that it iehls fm’t )or

’ " ’ " -- -- ..... 0’’ J"’i " ~at~ I.IlIUll. IlI oar DOIIJ~ toO, . Y . Yfound a Zodus In the Deraonof a serial, If we go. on at tlus rate we shall for et .... ¯ , ~ ..... cent. extnmt w]nlo hemhmk "loll S LUtMr. FrederiekSlasher,’;;,~ the original meaning of words a~to. olI,°~l:ra~h~vb~t:!^ t!m deuce I why, where ] .lhc S~4" Lo~USo (,~l,:hc. ot Wednesda~yfmtrteen0 It promise, to be ~erylvalu-

.... -o. .. v ¯ ,o ~t~, l,uab r eays: ~ilgll~ lleiors nLS~ I~nere Was I eto thc /)raeoi- who -waylaid lind lluteh g0thcr. Francc~mtddeulvattaok~ t~r. ..-~%~ ........... = , ,,.v.--. ...... [ ....... mi n alas,ered lIarry’s literary l~,,ntlin s aa the " inany and c die it ’ rests[in un’ust a - -~, ,, -,mw,,rou. l~owaero I " ". ~ excitemen~ on the royce. *:lores gentle. AGe ........... ¯ ’ ¯ "¯ issued from the ......... m...g~ ...... Y ~,r0,..~n,, a ............. ’..~g..~,’,~, ......~ ~.Y1)cther (as llarry afterwards assert- [nit,,, .tanding near the, river looked ul, [ n,., ¯ .rmaa phy~io, logmt has dmeovered............ ,.- _o d,’..’." ;:" %’:? - -.,,reimse.I’T:?.:’-<’X’’ ’..,V" "7":¢ ..... :’"’¢~-’*- ",’"J: o,I) ulo rope had act’ f~yod throuirh [’stroani and slav wl,,,t tl .... tl ..... l.~ ..,.,~ I ’. .... umaeeo snloalng by boys " inter-,;,,-%.,,.t.~t..uc~,ara the ~mr,u It,. .,unt& worm smaung ,a x, raneo, anti agains~ ash tr,i roc~ or w]mthe- t,,~r ..... t ; ........ -.--- :-.¯J ....... t~ ....... Iercs witli the molecular chm es elin-ueech.oilo pt my friend’s chief reasonscldis It ’levying eoiltribntions.’ Aus- ani inclined ti~ sllsT-cet~’im "l’;a~l ~’o’o~i i~tig:~ilr¢~vtl~l~va~rd ~17~uric-dOwn’ slowly ]eident with ,levolopment of gtismws,for jonung mo |n our present trio. wua tri,tgotstogothersoveralhnndredt)lou ....... ,^._ : ..... l’.. s ..... D’ ¯ u a, c,~y. xncygayo /and makes +li- i,l.,..a ........... ~,." ..... i, . , .. , ~n.u,un. ~tl auoVln l~lroln Wna~over Bile nlarnl anti nlall interested arties "" " " ~ tL nc des*re Of eselqllllg for a little whila sand men, and Ileavcn hnows ]lownnlnv ........... I ...... {1~ ........

, .... y P | and irrer,,,1 .... t ,;.’.’."~’;-- ,;" "7 ......’ ......;.lroal ths sting of tills lntdllv, b..t r.= ittlus, and says slie dolm so ’ to ,l~.,a--~,,~,¯ ul~,unt’l tnl, liO{lt liatl go~ loOSe apti nolll- ca nlc tiliwli tel lliO levee to witacss tim / .... ,,...2::,;’.7. 2".~’";Yu~" ,tily jntrelllthe Mldiomish~lf-~--v ,,.L; ...Z. ’.."" t’~ ~’~, t--~.]l.- ^;;.~’-’][I; ....... lf~ ~<;1"~ Ctl away an¢l 1%’{i lOUll{l ourselves ira- grand speetaeh, The nloro t]lov looked 1 ...... ;.? ll~t,crlaln Ii Ills iloy smokes ny

-- .~j’-# ~.,...a~l l~ali avcl3~ l.~,--..~.,¢,ym ~.~t~tt~¯t4t:ll ua al ~/IC iFisontld¯

" " ,, nlerel CaKlll lillt a I aui " ’ii l in our new kin dora lii streuni tl Y g i Ifnlof his bloodhis &,tiny... I have barely oomph,ted~ cf two..thqnsund percent, and mild- stared at-I;ach ether fora nPoment a~l~ d}Jrf, I s’ h ,o *,,ore tll,,y s!tw the won- [ corpnmdes aud observin their cd p rvp.argilons ,or, breakfset wheu r ly w.nos ,i ’indirect 01alma.; Ra~sia then hnr~t inio a lol, d lau-l, , I,_l,. u g, l~!.. Itilook,;, ! hko te$-711.kc . .......... g . startlod bya furlousatanipiiiffia the Itnoeks sevoral thousaud men on thc ,,T,,,. ,_, . ¯ , ¯ . r~ .. ¯ ,, ,. - ............. ~-~; ,~. .~ seemeli to nc . .t,.~ ~ luio~lier eascol strange fatali--- . , lll-lneK s Clllenlng, ssenlln I , sal¢l lnovin , au(l illerO a )oarod tO be ly In a tamillxlola below, ands blemt of mMedietionhead, sendu half-a-dozen klntrs flVllltr ]I .... ,i ........... ~[ Y, . g .. Pl a .~ . y. Mr, ]’mute ~mitll, nfthat makes the eraay timbers l~ttlc off their throne~, ~ock~ta a soots of~l-o~. .s~.r/. ,. ~.v.~ul: lt ct.m L tm as)pea--wegreat commotlou of the eurront, ms if ~towoll, Mmh,, was killed by a rrdlr0ad....... - ¯ , . . .r.-- y., r¯ " mlisi wali lill lllc I1(1c I~oes O!1I, lutho the river was ou a rise But tho spoc- collisioa while ou his way tc~ attcad the

OpOIl letteren the tabls,’ , Ulmn my word,I’ve half a mind to start ,_in very !ouy w owero, in sp~toolour ] to got *)red, and thought the gorge wan ~cureol~/Were Ills funeral m~rviecs over,

agaiU. I am I,i,ginnni ¯ 1,, ]an,’tt, t, ~,,,| hi.lid’ ’, . ’ g . g s’] col Y o %% ’1 it! ’r’s i)lclionary, A niir- lhe sidewalk b alm " a ig g a !’ ,,,r ,lit lee if oU Inlnll tt I,ut lit , , , Y ~.I, n l litullcned toi ’ ¯ ’ " Y ’ h¯ngth fin hha, sct lUld ] lige iS a I i intiful lhin to lllllk at but resh,t~ Ithrtiighitwhl,illlirrv tll~, furious ti’i ’ ", g ~. t thlni llo !’.... . . t hd, i~ ilillrk I, l|lllit,ilig udniirinRlv Itt |li ~triko lliirr , . . ~ . , , ,, . ¯ iitS hi,on wenderlng", itud tho nliknotn sial lllu l lin l lilll~t ahla%s I~11 Wiltxttmalti pallail’o~ tlatl~lic.s il froni D,u.’ ul.~6r~el’lt lni¯,hlv friiul@ "l’:c’---",,~" --’ ..... " - .¯. ..... !’,." ’ . ’lhcr cvl¯r tqleO %v|iitt tim iniittl,r could In," " " ¯ -.., ": " ’ "’ - ": " . . ’% ’ y g hul~sdisllositilul.


season not two inches

-that aceount

’ . ¯ .

, .]


which ’fades -,.,lose ¯

’ "the pressed afl~ one issue,as~ ~subvermvo , . .- -of authority; the colb_ny having aSttldm : . ". . ::

of the earth. In appearance they are , wltcherafton theonehimd toaeal~th, . :.; i . ’of middle height, and sparely built, but I an Indian ~ar on the< other, and milch " "

" ":countenances, and ~io high ~d low - . -as the .sea, the Lkindon State Paper" . . . . .’

which are iL ’ ~ ~ttiis in .... .of’ all travelers."~: The u~to ~’, ~:__ , i "

of:middle ~ge~.ar6:the le~t one page ’blank. a : -I to hay0 sh~led summ~ry of .domesfio intelligence, of . -

foreign .news " and o~_, ’" " "

’and their ~ wherein a microscopeof Hfe. the "

found ’re- ,. fine, men ven-

_~ithLtheir ’ and bade "the.¯.too- .~ ~

of course - ’


the desert as’their own, andsands,"

travclerwanderingof tribute¯blood, he can pursue with relentless:hate, he cau lea¢~o to after

than t

box at han~ two admirably represented in the hrtificial hiIh

in two " qlrst ’suits for spas’tureS, without hay or grain ....... minutes... ’ ,.~ ~ .... . ’ are moss e~ruOf all markets, whether created by Inn theatre or opera-house, however, violet shades, a:A the fabrics are pop-

’ manufacture or mining, *lie the first minutes are wasted in pongees soft woolen stuflh.

panm, revers behind ofis worthy of ~tten- and large Dolmen sleeves, :

¯ fire and OfDetroit su

effe~tual-th at-d oes’n ot-beginginning. Fire-proof bRildings, and notcouvenienccs ~or extin

what is indis]7theatres that are not traps and

lionel Tlieatro in Washin

a moment

.ducti0n of" and gold

of the lower ~kirt, and round-ed off to. the belt in front, displayingthe elaborately, trimmed front breadthsof the lower s]drL- Thb-!7{tter arrange=

suits are made with real polon-

a pasteboard fumes aud the use

fearful. Yet how Often "the fashion.

$1,000,000 more.will be seen-that the agriculturaldue,ion eve_n to-day is. less¯ and the disparity will~

increase.mineral lands are more~the ag, Ticultu~/~]7 F~6i~ -*Ks-Missouri-

but on thenmunt~in slopes

worth near thd mountains

The question isZ_- Z ish6uld7a_m~o shes~ totak

-stead ? :Near the mountains a house-by 16 will cost about $125 ; $300 .morewill purchase seed, tools, and Subsist-

Success oan

private grief butsiu the :So

was choice is the bli~%alo,iii the same manner } and with white poll~a marked 35 cents. unless it has been This is as soft "

the new building !

slow ; but there i s.till some Use in a

be pur-;

_ ...... of the count .l~is a bituminous: lignite halls and theaf~res are insecure. ~lnd requires’~--stovo expressly a--tiTle*e-d .as nuisances and public:

for it ¯ ’ , - ,:~ .ej~!lows tliaF *lie

ra~es WearsV-’-- ~ure7 nosy for "colonists-=to-i~

$6~.55 from. ’New’ York, or .$41:55 fro mters would- sometimes state in¯. . what the

¯ Growing Graal.

’ ¯ I. F, La~vrence of Epping, N. H., h~ills,, they would be greater publiccontributes to The 3Iainc I,’arnieF" an benefactors. ’

. interesting account of his successful ex- The Tarantula.

the quantities were /increased. ’ Timgrass was mowed cimh yonr, until.afterthree years ’ the sod was plowed finderand the ]and reseeded. -All: the resourz~es of the farm wore availed of for to the supply of numnro, le,~vss, sink

’ water und muck being ,ppl/cd as top.dressing, q’ho result is that this 50acres of land produce-ansi, year hayenough to fill n barn 100 foet long, 40fe0t whl0;nnd with highposts; andthatthere is $I,200 worth of liay sohl, ill ad-dition to $450 worth of fruit, wool,lambs, and potalxmsl~er almum, ataccst

i) t 1for labor of not ovor 8.50. Ihrsc hun-...... 41rl]d d011iir~ elliendbdtu ̄ eueh-fertil-

leers as uro used-}lave beml fonnd tO inl-prove the farm as lUtlch as the consnlall-tim, of $1,200 worth of hay on it wouhldo, and th, profit is eloarly double iuInoney, and tlm saving ia hlborona-half.Mr. Lawrenc0 boljeves in grass, andcarries his bcllcf into praetlec,

Mlzed lltllbalitlry ill Farml/Ig,

Tho fol|owing extract from a speoehdelivcrod at a meetlng of thc Maim~~tato Board of Agricnlturo is sound foralmest auy lncah’ty: ’£his is tho onlys,ffo path for the/~aino farmer to pur-snc: if there is-any safe’ path let usfollow it. No one croll is safe cnol*ghforaspcehdty. Takc anyerop yon plcaseandsesif l’s ’ " ’t li is not true. Blmcialtieslook well on llallor, are flno l~ theory,but are poor ill llral~tice. Tho hushan-dry o[ l’highnn[ is due to n judiciousrotetion tor-¯iiar excolt,nev:--- Tht~ eli-matte eelnlition~ that arc/nvorab]e totlail crop niililato ag,dnst olbers to sonic,vzt,.,n t. The llrices demanded for skilledlahor will not admit of sl,eeialtiea being

r it washesFoulaid-l~

borders in Cbe used as flounces on the

-skirt and:

-.---Pliyslologlcal =lctlo.n-of- Tbbaeco.-2-

" A=higlfly_impor~ant.lseri~ments has been madephysicians,

logleal aotio~ of tobacco.searches had reference first to~ the as-lieu of those basds of tobacco which

at a temperature lower

and 250It wus fonnd-that tho Ibases was identical with that of nice-tins, producil thelabored res . C0nvulsioa~

into thb stomach

*b-grass, was m- %%triter in.only-enough ab{mdant on our southwestern

~y it is more dr~hded :even than th,,and a horse. Durin rattlesnake, w]fichalso flourishds_there_

in great munbors. In this region the-tarantula=grows -to. tho.-.size_of.half..~

the-surface: and rounded

d/tches where there was surface water thohalf -sh-ell.~sowing 12, uarts of eight legs, and covered with

,and brushin in the aecd li it is described as ugly and.manures lle in the last degree¯ "This

-~ ~a ihebnishir "aguinst whonl none canper aero hsing whose bite no remedy has boon, discov-"leached ; 200 imumls guano with 300 of crsd. Sueh alarmdo they inspire, that

,hate or. 600 tim nown a large party of men whoout. al/ throu

lough even in flie latter casenot so iustantaneoi, s as nieotiue.huigs and air-passages of animals ex-periniente,l upon wore found, .on 2)OS~

~~nrtu-be~r~gested. :~lessrs. Vogl and I;attribute to the pyridlne andbases, and not to nicotine,

from a desirablefdiseovering’that tarantulas

.spot,., The poison pro-seeding;from their bite acts as quicklyas *hut of the lattlesaake, and they nremuch more dangerous, because, attrac-ted by a light, they frequently maketheir way iuto ionia upobserved by¯theoccupants. Their bite sometimes causesd0ath,.and oven if a person survivesafter being bitten, %o liovor fully re,covers, and is likely to carry the scar,*or life."_ ........... ’_’_.

Crnu,~xN,,. SILw:nwAnI~.--Dr. Elsn0rSays that hot wuter, in which inirod pc.tatoas have l,ecli boiled, i, excellent foreleauing silver that is in frequent use.Tim ebjcet is lightly rnbb,d hotwcenthe tingers, with the sediment of lmtatoflour, whieh makes it as briglit as whenpolislw,i with any imlishing powder.For silver thut is engraved and orna-mented thia tlno potato duttt iias a greatallvaulilgo over poliahhig powdor, wiiidihttter gets into tho crevices axld lhies,luid eiin only be romovcd with a brush.lqated wltro and white metal nre alsopolished with it. Instcud of using oilol vitriel for ©lealitng Col;per kettlesnnd other coPlmr utensils, pohito water,which has been allowed to Mand till itgets ~iour, can be employed.

The owners or agents of the’ missingve~l,ls Lincein, Sterling Clmtle, and-Alaerhtali ~.lin~l~tl&ut haYaJ&han~lletll~lhol)O of ht~trnig aayfldn6 ilethiitc e!tlieir fate, lind enliicetliro thtit the shilleu’cn, lust, prolnibly wiih all on board,ia the storm of Dec, 21,

obnozi~6us £feiT~ali~; and!then’the=:--== "-: ". of .L

fro the long roll unfolds, displayingever an abler and.more conscllentious

a more enacting and intelligent "until, as

’and the son of a aswe ..

mea2- ¯ .g_ ___

one or both Of ments~, are too lofty for the editor, "the families cOnnected: with these men ~d~~ti6n-is--too-great for the : ~ ~.,to absohlte beggmT.~7-Tho~ve citizen,-that :he choose wisely what

dates, and a coarse Sheet he shall read ?" Honorabld is thatono RB~"

than water..It is they par Hne for. it may._ b_e?, : ....... ~ ........take st .animal food. If a arran Defoe’s bisown


Sometimes on grand occasions a camelis slain, and the wh61e family )rassemble to partake of the d

forks are never used.r feed

breakfast at in.:th~ ~-~"

A ~-~-ii-~ ,~-

singlsimilar. It s ma~ a young

wky of exhibiting his muscularstruck his fist 0arough a heavy

and from that time for-.The

"In weeks the hand .began t,wither

is wholly useless,dend4ooking=-gray eolor,.as if no blood~i~t~ff-in~-it_ and--hns- s]lr unk A-to:

one-half’ the size of the otlmr

-fiiiii-tlfdiK- liBld~ntYon--tho~l 0sl!;--*£hey:since *lie ulow wa~.g::th-d=himd=alittlothe wound, lutt it

oes-n Thereis no sign of mortification inThe dead feeling reaches only a fewinches up the arm. He has no powerover thehand, and cannot closo it. The

,ave softcued to a car was

lm have extliat tl~y-lTover-saw or hoard of

a case similar to this."We remembbr a oircunlsbmce some-

wliat ~hiklifgSUs t0"tliis; wlfietr recurred.

boys lied been annoying a neighborthrowing stolies against Jlis door. Herushed out and dealt one of them a blowon the arm hctwccn the dbow and wrist.Tll~uw-slightl~discol ored-th~Idnrbut from that nig],t the arm was uselessand asmuued thc appearance of li deadlimb. We knew the ypullg man-for

!-more than ten years aftcr tho oceu~

you’~ll show us a better ...characterif you Can ...... -

theHudson River’road a i0como- ’

lghis the " ’<----¯ :

valve to its utmest ;-." ¯

her’wheols took/ll61cl of =tiiO:-’r~ils.., i;- ?’

the freiglit’train" 10eomofivo struck her : :’ -almost lifting it. over her, s~e, . ".’ " :

the " ’ and ’"fireman

killed, cen-

t stand=still "

open, and with no 6ngineer off" sho shot . ..-to.waid~LAlbany, going at=the .;rate: of: -.. "

thO "-I1

dis*trot, and sped on toward Hastings,=* station. ~ AtHos*int,_the’ !?co-motivd c011ided’.witl~ a imssongdr ~rain .-on the*rack ’and the crash tliat follow- "

mile. "The cow-cateher, smoke stack,boll, and forward mountlnga of the Io- Icome*ire were stripp0d off. as by a flash .-

lightning. The Woodwork of. thc

butrest ’of-tho -car

~kraised the forward of the ear ovcr

and sent itith lightning ’ car

gins and baggage ear were dcta0hed,and that engine hurried off’ at a forcedspeed far ahead of th0 tra/n, giving the~ders an-impression for the me-men t,~1i~t.f~, ~!le-~fli-gl tivb-la~omotivo-had - -plunged th.oughtho entlreflrain and -was ra0ing on in her work_oLtl~rue-tion and death.: l~ovoral " ~erc:

swallowed. The fact that condition of the arm. It in ’ . ¯ ¯ ¯ . ;,stronger tobacco -can be nsed in the olzo ~ bo,,’s arm and in an~carance and .... On the Pcnu~yiv.a.nia._. ~aiir0alt ~aoshape ,,f cigars than in the pipe, is cx. f,~elina d~ad ’ . "" ¯ coupling.piu bctwden two ca~a broil0, ..................plained by this, that there are more el . ~ .... ’ : .................... ~nd allowed the two r0ar’cam to be-the vohltilo bases’in the smoke from the ~ious Colnchlencs. come ddt~aolic&- from:the main:par*ion ’: :- :::’ .latter. Pyridino is very’volatile and .......... ot the train, The train ran nenHy a’.stupefying, and exists tn pipe smoke riom.e rep0rtcr~ st tit0 ~an x,’ranclsco mile ,before the break was discovered,abundantly, while in cigar smoke but 27iUletln mane a n anpoil e.xcur~.ion !ate- and t|leii slowd, tip to await: the do-

In thon l O C S I ,anu nave narrat0(l lnelr varleli CXl)elittle’of it is fOU l, g t c llidin i ~ ........ t " taehed portion’ ’whlch’"siidaehlyTian "sl c o 1 a l th rionees it[; oons161eraolo lcngLn #imong Into it ¢ unlll n tlthereincon ¯d rabl qt nt’ty, In o ,... ........... ¯ .... ’ ’, | ’gig le carslmdinlurtng’lel OX ori en S )|IC W lters other tinngs $110 llllll~fDl SI*~S i, nai,eonrsoof tl ’r p ’m t t r’ . .... ’ . ’,, anumberof passengers. "

......... ~.~ *he-ration-f "hen- ~-¯tsc-wi’h"whilo tll~ ballOOli _New WOrlil Was ............. ...... "%

that of the bases of other p.lants need passing ove.r Vlsltatlon vanoy lali~, ~llt, ~i.~. ~i .... ’., . ’v’.~...i ,r^... ’ ....for smokiug, dandelion, willow wood,!y,,,it bec~me necessary,to Llir.ow *uv,:,,,,j ui tl¯.l~itll, ¯ .... v,

and stramonium None of these how o11[; D ill tel for lile pnrposcoI ulcrcaslng m, ¯ ¯. ~. .....’ ’ ’ ’ -" " t ..... ’o’- tht e-lhare as "~ ~iiore IS near [;11o lJoS~Oll nll(l laoweII

ever, exeeptwillow wood,contra0tcd the }U~, DUO~! i~ey ¯ } , " ’ I .. ?. ,~ae Railroad/in-8omervilla, Mass,, a.hand.’ ?, llallcon llall 811(ll1(n/ msnlieste/l a SellInitlil, ’} ront thssc results Messrs. . .......... ~!!.!Y ............ ~__" somn hrick house I just disc0rnablefrom

,~ ileno tl} LlltVOl bOWlll’(l 1,1111 UIII’LII £’lLIVogl nnd l~ulenborg concludo that the . Y " ’ -ested that tho Iox -oa" tho cars as thcy onter a cnt on the roaddifferent effects of o fium smokin are ; Y /~ ’ ’d,,v to a dill’ere,,co i~ tho prol,ortiog,, ol ta’"t~::lg tvl:~’ ste:,~’t’:~e t~Pl"~r::~u~w~i:r°:’,~1,~’l’l::,l/;~has r~s[o;~antw~e:,ot~t~?;ton~ttho bases pr(nhleed by conlbustioll, IU I IY, ........ !1

W]iO Was ellga~sd to be marl~od He............................ i’tnl!rnlonlolAw al ii Otller arlleles el Iurnl- T . ~ ,.. . ¯ ~ -. - , ’ ..t ’ ~ " ’ the I } S ¯ ilati llLlly lllrnjtlneo the LIOLlSO, lU antie-

~AYOI Ooo~s.--[heNew~orkl~rench %nre i @1le , It WOIlll] .i-.,ti ......¢ ........ 1,1.,. ltl,i. I .... ,~.lll.4 " I ) I[lllillll[-IIl" ~1~111 lilli~ li~i ll~ I ~ll .eooks havo had a hall, As all ,tern of hghien the]oad li ]ltth. In It few #hill- I.; ............ I¢, I .~i .... th. ~.~, .... ~A.I. ’ - -"interost it rally bo wcll to stato the iu- uies tho box iUls tossed out, The ’,ero. :’J,,~.J;:’~’.,~l~,;,’".:~" ";,’,~’ .:"=.=."~,~.’~’iicome wluch thc leadnig cooks of the nauts wntchcd its lhght a~ loag aapos-., ...... "" ll- - I.,., ..... ,., ....

¯ ’ ~ ’ I¯ ¯ ilitl~ 13olliii, o rCllll~,ti I wotiill I~eally itUll ,

elty receive: Delmonloo s, $2(X) per slble, and then t trne(l tholr ath~ntlon t.. il ............... # tl,a ~t.~.. q~h, ,li.month; thoso of tho Everett, Olaren- to this ham siuldwilhes aud the eord/al, ¯., .......

..... ¯~ appnlnl;i (1 lover s|luF~ up nls new nonse,don, Westnl,nstor, Union Souaro, Albe- A httlc girl residulg near the oldabbev, ..............

¯ ’ " "’#" ’ .... O tl 0 e( n " ’" re’ ]us[;as l£,was, ileelaringtt sno[;u(l llOlnOmarlo, and ~t Nlenonts, SlOU t~aell, nnll not lar Ir nl 1 I lily line, *law lie _... __ ¯ ..... ,, .... . .. "¯ . ’ , ¯ opt, net1 all iOllg alJ Llle WOUla-navo-oeentho cooka of tlle 10adlng reittanrants ohject flying throiigh tho air aad csJno , _, ........ ,..___ r~..

io ! i)rlllO ellOlllil 11%’o -£nall wInl llcarlubeut the snnlc figure to thoc, lnielus n I lat one of tha party ...... " ......¯ . ¯ twl;nty years n ~ i antt lne lUrnlsneli..................... had fallen out. ~lie raa In and tol-d her ..... ~I ........¯ ’ O t illlt nnteaanu3ti hOUse Still stanuseioseo,~very inall from the South brings US mothor abut he mutter ; and t]*c goed , ’ ........¯ ¯ , lUS~ ~m IL wtm prepareu ~o welcome ltu

exchungo |liipl~rs eontslnilig paragraphsold soul, thniking that tho llorl4on who ......... i.,,i ..i.t ....a,,nonrieing alarg0 and enormous cxollus fellmight luivo suHtained severe injuries, .’-I .......~ ~: .......

lrorn_Flurhbi, Men are leaving thlt sent hilt two i’hihireu-over the hill on it~tate and gT,iiig-’~llft]~ir-fanil]ies hi" tour ottnv,stiglltion. ¯ Ainongthl~rtuxka .... ’~h© l~eat dodge O| Londcu adver-;lcxas, and hi ,,ther quarters, to i, ttCUl;e they lound tlio body’ol Mr, Bailvy~ tho tisilig ia to Imate stoat| tickdta glorify- -libsohl|o rnin frvnl high taxes, aad trove 3lariinet, ,, .hiwyer, who had committedIng’ yimr wares on evely poin--~ilver orwhat little they lmve lelt. suicide. COllpcr--whieh pa~aes out ol ~onr shell.

¯ ~jt

Page 5: ita r v gor, - · AVE LAB OR the ¯ .- .~_ ..: . ... a/J’u~ss and murtali. ttt~F ... hwill ,S’aee its 6’os¢ EverH )"ear. This mac, ...

the vol.o uslngt~eon .tim vast mnltttudo8 who

teuro,~u~e tbn e~t or na largo ddthe de~ircd effect by sym-

stlmnlato~ tim stomach andrt%~tOl’~S |he C



-find-silken..~he r itd use~ " white

and dandru~

out, r endr.its.use,

it restores, theglands to their normalwill create n new


---Buokinghamas Dye.

ricultufist, says that 1 TON

~ £o M £. ;1[. ’.M. P~I"Vine St, Whmrf ............. 81~ S,~@~4~ 10@

92: 8L~ ~2~

P " ;BerRn ..................... :..... to0, 9~ ~40 ,llr

Aneor¯ ...... . .... 10 b: 9 let 0~Window ...... ;: ........... .... 1114 :9 t2 i1~ 74at . ~Hammeuton.~... ............. 11 8,’ 9 tl ~ 2~ 8~6D¯Coe~ ........................ 1142 9 ~7 132Elweod. ............. , .......... 12 0~ I0 )~ i.44

1211 10:l~ ;IIAbseopa~,~,-~....-~I=~ 10-t0 ;94 .....Atlantioarrive ............ 1~ iI~,10 ’4.~


LnAV~ " "A.M.] t.~. t~oo~ P’t}gAthntio,.,..;. .......... ....~.. 115 11 5~

;.47112-b~ gbl ..........

’14 148 ~t18~u-v0st4 ~

Winslow.;...... ................ O 101 38 2 46 4 46 .Ancora .......................... 6 17[ 44 55 4 V~Waterf6rd ..................... 6 22i 40 304 5"0~ALoe;; ........... ................. 59_ ~ 5 15_

;00 344 t~ ~10...... -- White H0rse...~ 6 581 18 -4 0g 5~

..... - ......... Ashland......,., 7 041 ~ 23 4~7 5 gT" - " -34 ~48 041--

7 421 -5~ --5~5757l 07 540 ~I0-

9 00 _6 40-emd-llJb--p g~11-00-~-~_ d ae,~ .......l o co

Jersey S0uth ra R, R.WEW’~OUTE BETWEEN

and the only direct route b~ttwecn New YorkLong Branch, Farmingdale~

-Atlantic~Clty, Vi~l~-n~Millville, Cape May, and all Esetu~a .arielSouthern New Jersey ....

Wioter Arrangeme, t,, Adapted Oct, 7~ 1872SOUTHWARD,

............................ Pass -. Ft.A.M. "P.M.

R ft Murray St -10.40 6.0~. ", Lung Drench " 30.00 12.00

3.30 8;45North Hkmmontou 3,48 9.09Winslew Jtmotion 3.54 _9.40~

requires too long a time,much .care, to restore, gray or fadedWhisker~ we have prepared thisdye, in one preparaffm~; which willqkickly and 6ffcctuull~; accomplishthis result. It i~ e~hily applied,and produces a color which wiltneither rub nor~w~h o~- Sold by~dl Druggist. Price Fifty Cent&Mmmfaotared by R. P. HALLs &. OO.,

NAsn’u’.a, ~’.~..e

Erer7 intdlisen~ citizen, profe*mlonal~ or non-professional, mechanic or laborer in the whole

te~uetorYm, she!rid eub scz.’lbe for.the Advisor. Wherever ~hown or seen it is sure to take a firm hold one ¢ mmumty, u tax mtrmnc ~ue as ¯

ANALYSIS ;~ " _:. ¯ . :.Moisture .............. ;... ...................13.e7Salts of Ammonia.. ...................... 30.

" O!~an~.~at ter~..;.~... ............ 22.05Phosphate of Lime.,,..¯, ............. 23.08

-~ -~d~ ~a~ Pot~eh Salts...._... ......... 10,26

DmsoTmks.~Use one hag to the acre ; spreadbroadcast or with ̄ drill ten days before plant-lng.~ -Harrow it in. . " 32-]y

~top takb~g ~o ,noel, ,nedici, e, cat bctte," food ! I

7Keystone MiU U v’§

Prepared Wheat

~ug~-of~lVfilk; ................... Patent~


B~ the peculiar })recess in which thls l~repar-

are retained with none of the ~TA|I0|Iwhich being converted into D~XTs z~. qt ~en-rains all the ]’IMBt SULPUnn, PnodpIIoUouu,Inc, aud -MAE0^S~:S’e for tho-aui~;al -Juices/and Gu" and F~:Luox for rcspirntlou and fatty-tlosuesFwlth th~-proteino~compouffds (OLk~’~:s,ALnnUltNi &o,) /’tom which nerve and muscletissues are termed.

It is believed by the meet Intelligent men*~ortuli~

t$ of mankind is to dejleieot or faultSnutrition. To the ease euuze may also be as.signed the frequent disappointment of phyei.clan¯ In th~ result, f the action of the meet ap-proved remedies, ave feel cure that this ¯zt!-vie will supply the deficiency. ,

Sugar of Milk.

’Bay Side (striVe),- ~.43. 12 32

^ IT GIVES YOnALL YOUR LEGAL ADVICE FREE. .... , : .Or~nal De.-/~ for ~0rrA0~, Dwzm~os, S~ulma~ and Co~r~r fleszn~cse and a vast| Le e B :

X. ¯ P.N.fnndoricformatlenonmsttere f2 ~cl~Lmut tinter t, .¯ , av a ySzde ~ 6.J0 1.40. ~___ ~_~o p . .genera ee ~ un(L .h~no_~/~rr.._4ournaLin~nun/r~.__l_Grei -- -~,’ .......¯ , : , . ._ , . . enw o~ 6,’19 "I~

%~.°~nt-~.000fl- 0hromo(TEE~LOST-BABEV---- ate’ 13x10,monnteo, re~ly to frame, is presented to every yearly suh~rlber ..._.: ._=~---- :|:ylne~aea ....... . ....... : ........7.]1-- ~2~ - " --_ ¯ ._ ’__.E .... : ......~_~bscriptl6n price 03.00 per year, la advance. Single copies t~ cent#. . I W~’mslgW- Jan Often " ’7.54-- 4.47 .

. ,-lse~ nn~’~upled terfltory In’the ~nited Statee end Cxnad~. By onr ~zw P,.~, e¢~.te Can have a con- : Whitings . 9"88 0.~7

~nons ann.nat income, with ]mr littlelabor, Our agents exe makh~g 05 to 840 per thy. Write Long Branch ~11:88 -arrivu New York¯ " once, among terMtory ueslreo.

¯ ~tddre~ all letters to

Philadelphia-Advertisemsnts_ ~Mis cetl ane~u s-A-dye r d~m~t~.

1.80AlL trains stop at North ~ammonton.


l oW3erse emical Cos .


IMPROVED....F zmity-Sewing Maoh ines/:

-- -ATe-the~ESTFbet~Simple and Praotleable.

RELIANCE WRINGER~Iavo had unusuol ,] pportunities of ascertaining

what is wanted,,~nd of pmduc-



Is ¯ er~stallls~ aug¯r, obtained from the wheyof COT e milk by evaporation. It le manuiao.tured largely in Switzerland ̄nd the Bavarianblps u an ̄ rticle of food aud for medical par.poses. It has been used eeuslder¯bly in Eng-land S8 a non.nltroget~OUa ¯rticle of diet inCo:~auur~lo~ sad other ~ULMONAUV DJSIAII¯a,m:d with excellent eG%et in extreme lnulraUtL.zvr or TU¯ S~ouao,~ (see Wood ,t" Boche’s Dis,pe.,awr,d, )

We m¯ndfaeture two grades :~]qo¯ 1, :u yel.low wrappc~, ground veers9 to be eaten Mcracked wheab with cream, lqo¯ 2, white~rapper, te ground into F~on¯ f~r Ptrvnl~os,B~no.MA~ua~ and BanAl,.

DII~EOTION8."/~01t MAKING ~IUSII WiVE No. 1, GEOUNDCOAltSE--M/x four tablespoonsful of theWheat with a gill of cold w~tnr; rub intoasmooth paste i then pour it into ¯ pLnt ot bcU-Ing wstcr, stirr[ug briskly j boU for Z0 minutati.To be ~4tten with rich cream.FOR PUDDINtltt, &o., USi~ No. 2, GROU~D];JN tc.--MLa a htble~pooatal of the Food Wits¯ small quantify of cotd water| tub to ¯ smooth~aste; au4to boo-ha:f pint o. h,t.t.,, k water,eonstautty stlrriug, snd broil about 8 minut*e

¯ brought out an ~VE1V}VlHNG.I~.]Lwhioh they call the The y Cbemioal Corn

are now manufacturing ~mmoniatedof Lime, fully equal in quality

New 1571 Perfect cad condition to the Bhodes Super I’hoosphatn,

¯ .: ........A. GRE&T IMPHOVEMENT--.’- -f°r~.°flY-..m-.a-d.9.-bY--.1-~9-t.t~--&-KIutt,-~horutoforc give. ouch general satistaotion.

and dealers with the above Muper-Phoephatesand |hail be glad to supply our old cuatemexs~nd others ......

We she beg to enll your aLteotlou to the. . ’" Orehlila Guano."

This Guano we receive direot fron, the Orchil

This machine will hemp fell, gether nnd pew cn I£ waingm Fn~ter than by llmndowRhout any~hang%ant~ruflle~&e. V/ill euw from We consider the Providence superior to all

Swiss Muslin to I[ea~ y othere for the [ollowmg reasoner


LONDON ILLUSTRATe.D~ D. J. KinwA~, the well-known Journalist


Over Halle Million now in Uno,

They have etood the t’-~e~’~f tweniy yo¯rs’ uteand It is no experiment tn i:ure~ase cue.


Warrented for tl~reo years hy1)J~Tmtt,ON & Canl,zNau:n, Gcn’l A gts.

Johu tleuliin~Traveling Agent,

Hammonton, N~ ,T,.

3d. The DOHI~LE ,VI’IRAI~ OOG,Vueedo~\this wrinzer give Iho utmost essc s nd steadlncaJ,I workiog, while tltodoubie stof proven’ethosfl’01U hot,inning or be[.g throw, out of gear.~We furuleh either single ordoublc guared Prev-alence se desired.4tb. The A DJ f/2~’7’A Ill E OUR fED CLA MP

readily mlJuste this machine to tubs of any sisn,ar thickness, makiug n perfect fa~tenlng. Nowooden pogs or rubber etrapa en this Clamp.5.h. 81MPI,ICI’rY, [’;TItEN(H’]I ¯nd bEAU-

TY are combined in this mnehlec, with all thertqul~ites efa grst c]aqs wrieger.

ProvLden6o Tool Co.,l¥,,t’i,l~ee, R. X.

Agonoy.lL,W’arronStroct, N Y City-


WOOD PUMP.’Taste],s, Dursblo, Bmolent.and Che p. The best Pumptor the lea*t mosey. Atton.

is e,pnelaily [avtt4~ tohley% Pateut Improvedtel and New Drop Chela

Valve, which eau be with

. "v- ..~&

: . ..... -’’~:’~"*" "’*"" ..... "---- i " ~ :" ~-~---: "’ ::: ’’~

Pear Culture. NonNew Advert~semen .

The Val~e of Stones in the SoLL At slate meeting of the -= ~

lish.journalo devoted (o sne~kin~7.~Nursefymen’’ and "~’Tree Our ~u~o we, proven ;.,. -

Fedlar~ j ~u .. ,. v. worth/r6m $2-25 to $44,22 per .tonitrming nud horticulture, ha~ nn iuterest- -~ ,, - ,,, :. --s -~ro,,-scd to di~cust New York Sate Agdeultoral Society .....

ed in the ~a]e Send to us for, theft repeats., snd ourly suggested it Was a mystery 6! which Annual Ctttalogue.

and raking their fi0werbed~ year the decrease, and so quietly g~ rid of a

eo rams . ’ "-S bed of cement, detying the ot were kuow~, woad sadly interfere with

--~ Distflb~tiun iu the country.

~iz or water. Warm showers, whtoh" are the sale of his trees. If [ did not know

1)gOt. H. $.2Doucet,_ OF THE .LUNGS, "[~’ D.) Bud .0sly reliable Gift- - - . AND

~I, E0~RI01TY ~eiautltleally applied.. ____ ~O~,:|]Ot i._l,e 9rid Ill’.... OFFIOB, ............................

of up i Iol~t mortarc,p(was" at0o-k-great: ~ection ...... IN-: V;A;I~U~ BI~E~ GiFTRi=

hesitatiou; VauBeirs $4 Whiskey, : .- "Co h~ Vi,t,il, at~ lu .- _ VHtLAVgLrlIIA "

cracks, is a . _

,laura. Those who begin to treee and their culture than.has ever been~]]~ ~et]~’~ ~I~UJ~ Star ~[l~rrg, ~= ~,

in pots first nr~oou_m a re~iv_ed_for__t]zeir ~ruit. A ease or two Te .....................oh e-v0~.bit of ma- will serve to illustrate.’ Twenty odd . Stlper0ASEoftwelvolargebottles.-- " .... " .’ ..This Wio6wa offer tO ~ur friends, kuo,vingit IVA__.__L_. --"TES& E

~rial go years ago. mY b:otherbought hall-a-dozen to os perfectly pure and, tmjfo!.m ia quMilY.ONE GRAND ........ .......

~[][ l[~lgi~]g~l ° -

inch mesh as unfit for

source of many !allures amen trees. Some of the Chcrr~trees are now~AN BEll’S $4 %~HISKEY. ONE PRIZB ~,000 IN 8ILVER~

Those in want-

VAN BEILS $4 WHISKEY. ~iv,’ Priaes ;REENBA~IK~" elsewhere.SAMUEL O.RODq’ER% P~;~,-~

DuC w do not coosthat they thus counteracting their o[ Cherries--it is a grand sectloh for

" ’ Teu Pri,ea $100 ~

Cherries and Apples--while not one ofTellyeur Grocer you want 2 Ysmily 0arringes an4. matched horses, with -SAM,L.’0.-CII~MP’~.ON, 8alesm¯u-~ ... :62=" --:

own wishe~ .... " ’ " .... Tellyour Druggist you want" . B~omEa..Hottkss, &e.., worth $600 each. " . ’ -In maoy gardens the rake has for a the Pear trees is alive, and with th~

VAN BEIL’S "YELLOW SEAIt" S~IERRY" S[Ive/=mouuted:~H~nesa/- worth-g1;500, -TWO

’.SEAL’L SHERRY._ TWO fine.toned Rosewood ..........offthe surface -r~~i’mli~r-S~l~l~Michi ......

did glow ¯finely; bore a few uloa Or, send your 0rdei db~t to. [email protected] ~nd. Silver Lev,r Huathtg !S-:~EX:TI-One - .~;--w-o~-~rem-tv20-to~$300- e¯Eh.--~hfldi~ep~tthe be lather buried than taken ,8, ~z|ver W~re, Jewelry, &o.

from the sot’ ? Theattend- root and hfauch ; some get stunted sod THE wI~E MERCHANTS, ~tr

¯ 1810 O’,etttnut St., Philadelphia- [e mt~hr G~, ]0,000. Ticket, li,nlt~l $e

due to the id the heavy soil of that ~eetion. and Win~% and deale~:in thewanted k ’l’l~d~))’i’ i~’~ ’~

wHI be paid.fresh About a dozen yearn ago our next

Rye andBourbbnWhhdties.~.bY .. ~ Six.Tickets

this greetest. The shortne~ matteri got good kiad~, gave good mtl-

~,~~’~~-- ~S

iureferennnt~r the ]

e! the time ulnas used for tare, ahd fai~d, t0r when au Apple or-~ tion, will All letter¯ bamustsentbstOaddreasedanY o,e

c MAlE orPIcn~

.~om roots to chard of his, 0[ about the ease numbS"’

~f~tr~eeFbl~t~ne-year~youogor even - as: ,. :~,.~:?, L~.~.~ .: .~. " = " " -.

at eue h iu the ......¯ :

are tree yielded halts bushet when a0meof 81tuatenear ~ - "’. ~ ) ~ : =.(

time, and to sttalu ¯¯this adeep,rielisoil, the &pp|e trees actually ylelded fourwith of stones mixedin it, Asreo- barrels, or tenbushehto theatre. There ~.T~;IOXW t~qPA~J~IOZ~I"

xn ~. ~ ARNEY’S

wet seasons, and will moreover serve to York where the Pear will flourish, but it,~p I~AL~]~j~


the roots " aS reasonabi0 to fear her tide¯land of theseasons It may spoiling our markot’ for sweet Hammonton Cranberry and ]laving refereed the right to

xeots iu’deep soil, when in contact withruining our Pear market. She does reli this FaeOrlt¢ Mad, lns’ia the counties of


principle hero )lenty rates : "l~eon’aoted on with great access in the ver~ few root& Bg’N RADICAL. Thee0 laude,are~mong the

ease of the sub.tropical plantain Batter- 31~eml~ in’ the ~t~tto. NO.No 21 MAt’I[tNE,,, t$65,OO.t$5.OO, in the

sea Park, and there seems no doubt that ...... _ht~/~4[~ties-fo~

rots naturetionl ’ Fall styles now ;eady. Stiff and ]Flooding and Dralning~ i. t~,a,~r~el.

efidial ; felt hats, cloth.h-eta andcaps.- ..Also,-ulars--sendtor circular.’:

~enfiml-oy.eecurlng an equiliSrium a ADMIRABLy~¯ LOCATED, na=mont,,n;-~.~ ....

ert ~nd moisture to the roots, and thus various styles. Our great specialty ts20:tf ~.~.eq-

obviativg’the evil effects of" sudden and Silk Hats, of our own manufacture, madefor COMPANY or INDIV1DUAI, pUBI’0SES

........... e’X~siv0-ehances. --o-fit the-most diflleult-sheped-hesde’ ..........,aua all.informa Ladlei~ !

~S. JOHN_BUCHANAN, M; D., Professor ......

TO CLEAN KID GLov~.’Tal~e--~e- No. 41 North 2~ St., Phila." ........... .-Q;F~ I~IILLER.’-L~ of MlhwlVzUV, devote, srcclnlst-tentiov-to thc¯ buthaexesaedatl’ageS.

BELLEVUB AVE., ]IAMMONTON, N. J treatment of Di,eases cf " KllAnN~I~g lt~,EIg£CT IIIUCglII:,part of curd eoap and three parts of water. WOMEN AND CII ILDItI~N." n n %o ,raollec nndMix with beer, and then stir in one part She has buen 30 years i .~t. I "

of e~eoco ot citron. .& little ot this flJO SOLDIERS 3NIl tlEIltS.~SOLDI~ERS ~ Rlchards’ ,,Cranberry audits 0u]tu at

rubbed o~or-tho kid will readily removeJ. woattdcd, ruptured, Injured in ,u,y way, ot Seut free nroeeipt of -- outed eve: ~,,.,I in msee of Dheeec, Fet,uliar to a fro-

disabled by di~ou,o, however sllght-%ho-dim: "0~.:..all dirt without injuring the glove or bility, aro entitled to a pension arid hot, nty, GO r~’-O ............]caving aey unpleasant odor. hlow minor el ]dren or purente are end-The W 4" TO:]~gMOVg INK FItOM PArzR;=iShake tied. Apply-to DltYITT & CO., ~qo.: ~7 W~["
