It1 ifc- Fhon F Sale It1 If ifc--Mr a r--a IU f i IF...

fKr It1 If ifc- - Mr a r- - a IU f i IF H - L - j i fi ffi n r ii t r a Tmm UiWypiSMft - - K4 L3ar ix JL TABLE A88t lii IrflMlB I - tMxtmwifc ua j a at tMtftMMf jfc at tjf x-- a o ad vkkirA C JtO frwK tfce m Mif UniMf Sd Xiy MLHtaiiLv at ataatfetftvt ili IttriS fUUCBL rfcfcfcElU WWfc-t-ii-JaJt- iW SfigQAE H 9 r IbW iX jarfti Miitiw JT J4y arrives rfeJi fhmt JuSE KY 9MKVCIHML MbS fldBy yiai Crt ir wwMttr HCfMili HBiMT Vwtl- - Vx frr wwatiy wai taHv iai Wire ftUBt TkvrBdar Osly fceWclthwreiTed ksoe flwirtWlt wiwk tiey aeUieg Kkt eelM Wowtnii tyW aith Haul TnaMe tracts 3ac JfiMali JLayx aW ntJciammair Ma itkmmmmf AiHn tfC aaa tr H 2 If K -- - 11 C j y n XMMwrfilc 1 T 0Wn4rrt4rfinbr i i 7 - M JbX W W i MW Hi y- - 3 a dtiMMv Jtonifae erg i S Tk f MMaMMMM - 1 w u at Is this Ccua iKaLay af ama JSMP0L JVcv t CvtR are J 1C al tik i aw ai ate laimtht m Tie WVaav Pjaajf aaaaaaao - awLfttr aarried ite Cairn wealth agaiMt CMaal wack ihwum ia aaFfeaiv 7 jw C fmm Mawwa oouaty Jbf4 Kfcir Tic natates rigi- - cd aaaaXt jeflHHBBz Hfwfar tuTmrffli VMrotifi rrowtiu kak- - At feaftKtif laetre whk iacXtliT jGftbk CaMire started Sothweu m4j aonBar loads laniaw aataqetar wclaat lumber jBLiaMaaaBV aaffrapaj JXmpWmm mjt mmmm aaaes V kdirotod BtM irlla f a4 W iwi iat aat vm rf Aaa i wit the mc6 a and k ct- - to of A Waaj aa AAojt ob rJMoa i4t briaf tae Bf th wajr Creek Yrmm Creak will please Jorttie ard seat to akis oe aat waafc AX wk hae 9MMT it ywwMiajiao it tke sseat saRaiaac tiMif vr saw It was gBowm ia that ecr iw Day of piaej cavaty was Wood at JftdfearSig the Ui- - m cfeargeS iff lTaajfft waioKfy vnaom pcyia cse 7a3taM SMrVF i - MS V4 tMMM t - rtt JUMWWMMrat VjBiftnMaw warn two iua rue aaioroa a ptex m sucy HiJrOiraafwt vaaajBaa jHBflMaa Tlaala 4rpfWw eaawaeieaw OSnait lllnOas witseseed jaipU this -- yi-llyrs fraUc JXayler tkk tkk jae aaaat Wte- - tkelOtk Ha fail- - amt ta Jail at aaowiae tkaaaselves caHaac fcy Bete er aocaac mtite ww wtaoat a w Taaifianiff t doaa wkaa A jqs kteeaSr toead- - wk a sstkwaad to oailect av aaea2te -- aa ytw I mtmty am ax oeapelkd te 3aaj laaafc a rJ ef it are the of tkel eaaaowae Ihegraad fmy at tera ersr frevk Court Qcatyiga Braaa f crowwa Alex try Xrt Xaawum Pfltlre aaes ir rW J ITaUaae Ketoey iioEoa rath in u- - m isrows a KiBaaalmr a X Goer A4y KWte TMrsaaa JBL C Gfoait Garl a ia eeaaea thar waefcrJadft Ceagec acaaiilrg Ia fc C JL Breaks Coaaoa- - iMMdaJAl AMKwer Jeat Mhas fi 9l Xliayx ammuea ytq wsk wmmmz jamneya wfe ML aieraac mge joerH VB Whie lany Irnae JfeaaaLacT W Jfcea XLykwe Kergaa aealy wit jyaat TeLlLi aacuamc A t K tt - - tt J - - v ba k - - aLa2 4Ur a J e t a z tr t H -- - X 3 - a a i t a j Wa r- - J r m au 3kfte -- ox 6 lajiaanr W ytafw jr iiy i aT Ferkaa J JE Baoeks W H a 8Pmew X Drake G G J j eat JiMua gpeeoi W -- iieMvic Gee Hattoa and Vfiaaaaaaat PieKit Black- - tty iairt Koada wrerii Xiis heekaef tiajwekef alleeaeaacrip aeaef whkaw acreia these oolaaae aehert time tdmm The hfll d f eaih-- peraetiy sm stiver mt -- aeaHB reaeuy Greg use ML Kerattlbkiady reaaxked aatheweekl sever he brake while I Z m M I 5 a Jae aertc 1 Oar Jted 2ei Mrc cocroaioaieat f We are to recpra the Jieeor ef dreeeyacee et her aeideeef oe JehaeoK Oreek a jaaaeaMt eoaaajTi eai tae ut wet one Jaauny a thfe oeiwty Sbeiearee a haaeaW eieht er auu eeildrea aad a ef janvdeaeifeB tnatex ae ac-- to her iftes Sfcewas te f s j i t a jl eaaaaa jeey faei kxnh ec T V JT1 m jueeeHMi ai -- aeL m Jakaeaa Oreek aat of fi vow eetry death gear Mved aeerm Oaeeaa iStSSJtiuK- - - - 4Sis imtA- Wi - PERSONAL Qsajttjr and 32 Bent of X T wars fcuesta df the ISaratt Howe Saarr aierkt Thv ware loakihg after IajhI with the view of ytrchaaiirg Jde Jcjia IX Ooper Hoc J W K aad Ed 0 Ocear Esqr of eay sa Mle for CfUBpfcm 1fjScerf of Xsatgoaserv wa gt J TDay last Saturday nbrht left for Breathitt Seady S IL Ford with AAfc IUrafw4m A I Ber 2Tftir Tort roistered at the Pk- - JWVJWVOtUKlftV JL W Liie witk Joknon gtton C retored afctiie Pierattty18812 Cwftdi umiaer plushes and hundreds of other BMHajM8fCaat4oa ras vk Bif nktirm We Siiardaj and Sax- - ClikfBecittlnieelasiAiDday sight Jter IT R Ssgs f West Liberty wgitMtkDfty Hoe Mosday BrJLE9wkBof SalyerevIJle is fctrg ort 0 J Triable o3CtSferiir is vis-itij- -g MltivM it tkk place y MMw iJ tcil Esst w ia town Dr Sakuda Magic Vermifuge is the fcat It a safe aad awe Sold bv XT JJyBxmlGrm TK Ex Eprtrtirvmn 3fee idee Mkoci at Ssel closed Pri ar Apri 3t It seeas m tkoush the jmtefeat for tk sdraaeenet of edaca- - Wm jm m eectwR of the cowatry has fiy fcam w the minds of the uaaidtt fc Moms Macifae Lee sdl 1 Wee ware all U orssted The enMiMIMt -J f ru- - -- fim rlor tt n OmHt 7re nnnaM W MttiMSsiMMLiHOctMr Jl nf VA Ci Wf GyItt liberty All trho tlie exasii- - wrsnce it decided Gmcm it f F aaaes cot aa TheVefcfe EBXeeScnJeh ef hecajae ta Caaptott aoa xae seooie at iare srftp P rogreaBed rapidly aeKrTMLsae w uewt wwt lutoreu oy tae amiame lady teacher Mrs 3fickeli The enter- - tRaeat was gives Friday night at the j JtaeoBic natu JUMig bezore tne door peaed the streets before the hall were cked to xods aroaad lien the doors were opened ev rushed in one aki aase each ae striving to secure a seat URfortSiteir the house was too saali by half for oslythe ladies could secre serte It m seedleas to endeavor to gve a miEHte description of the syra poauHu Suifiee it ta say that the like for HBlxraaded ceccess has never been prodsoed in Eastera Kenteckv Music j aeclaaatSgs oeadoas farces dramas from the sublime ad pathetic to the n dksioe and hamorous affording in tractioa to tine M and young which if heeded iviil make life a pleasure and cause all to reach the goal in the summer laad beyond tie Jordan The closing speeches were made by Hon J M Kash asd Prof N B Hays of Hazel Green aed ware heartily appreciated by the au dece A pereo could see with half an aye afoer lieacag ike various pieces that a retter axt ssore accompiisneu iaay teacher thaa IkSrs Mary Nickell cannot 3 he f otaid ia the State The visitors were hkrhlT delighted and left for their homes j well pleased wttk Esel and her people B- - A C3lets of Maytownas 10 000 sweet patao slips for tele at 20c a 100 which are xdy to set out any time Imimvi th Road The rodbetwsia here and Bothwell sfeaJaon k pcrkaps theworst in the State fiotwitheteadag the tact that there is aa abaaaaee of the finest material for malriag good road at hand It seems to xs taat tke versees of each road dis ¬ trict weald feetoo prod to let strangers see tkk dejAoaale tate of anairs and go to irark 6t rsedy the difficulty A few days woricwokld sat the road in good cosdition and a lay spent upon it at iatarvak of twe aotks would keep it in priae ceadidon until next winter The foMowiag Scam tie Licking Valley Scorcher oa ade subject is a very sensi ¬ ble piece -- f dvic and we commend it toiheeseaderstkm of those in charge of tke road named fTbe indications are that this sectkm will be visited dur img tke spring aad suamer ty auite a aaaksr of pecs prospecting for invest- - t in noryalm timber lands and desire focal the atteation of those in charge oar public roads to the impor aez putting inem in gooa repair There nothing tkast more forcibly im presses scager tsrith the public spirit aad eaterarke of -- a people than good raada They are ia fact indexes to the tkaftor indolence f a people and we hefeio see all our county roads put in ge der at oneeT St Eaglana Pile Remedy is a sure care for Bleedine Piles Blind Piles and all -- Ceras or piles Sold by J T F Dar Saasl Greea Crock-- Coldiroa of this place was re cently heard aaire the fellowiag remarks J doat beleag to the charch nor am I a profatfioaal philanthropist but I do beBeve is avaeal ssaeioa to some extent Osce apata time I stack up a mud hole with x cord asd a half of wood which k lag Xoei for one yoke of oxen A piiea ise waip jreeiy dui tney sun re adtaed statu ao As if by inspiration a bright idea strack me and I changed ay tactics get aoae corn from a con Tealeat crib set aiae scattered a few ears fedora theoxea withia reach and aere ea ahead After disposing of the Ceaac Thos 1L cam sear Jtt aeota tbey negan to pun J C Swxmo LJ iere ikbcs wae s usue aaraer un- - X fl E Xa la A in Hi my Mumeb pi uxea cuurt tacj drew the toagae oat of the wagon Dr Sagaada lightaing Relief is the graedeet discovery of the age for the relief C paia Fr jale by J T F Day Hazel Greea OttUme9 Scoureo the CeRtract aarka Childers of JeSersonville lad ha the centracfc for building the ew choet hotwe at Jackson ana will ooaaence work oa it about the 25th istsL The house wOl be of brick two storys high with three class rooms a hall and office below Ia the upperstory will be s chapel 56x36 feet two music rooms recitation room and library I The length of ihe building is 56 feet with aa U mix3M teec use tower wiu fee alas eet square and 56 feet high with stairway to the top A metal roof will cover the eatire building The con ¬ tract erice a 4680 Swango Springs Teraoas livinfirnear tie Swango Springs who desire to use its water will favor tiw proprietor of the same by first call ig apoc kia before helping themselves Those at a distance who desire the water shipped to their address will write the HBderagaea who is wk sum wiui ivi u the epnar and their orders will be promptly fiUed HAXjeiso Swakgo Nit Starlings Fhon Emporium The plainest and simplest way re bc lteye to be the best We want to be un ¬ derstood and bence our plainness He know time are hard and money scarce and it becomes every body to economize and live witain their mean3 Our busi- ness ¬ you know is that of millinery We hare gone into the market and purchased just what the people want at prices that will ieep you from going deeply in debt Our stock comprises a larger and better assortment than we have ever had 500 new shapes and patterns of bonnetSj from the cheapest to the finest both trimmed and untriramed Cartoon upon cartoon of buds and flowers the rarest and most exaaksie in the market Plumes in V nooons m au colors Baltinwet thlsrs Of novelties in tnmmiusr goods we have the most clezant stock ever 1 brought to thia market all of which we are ooenng so per cent less tnan ineir real value We have bought the goods at a bargain and our customers will re- ceive ¬ the benefit Mira Mary Lynch who is known to every body in this sec- tion ¬ as a rery fine and tasty trimmer has charge of oar trimming department and you desire anything special she can make it in the hight of style and fashion Ske has the art of suiting everybody and making them look their best Our store is fall of goods which must be sold and we will make prices to suit every body Dont fail to see mr goods and get my priees when you visit ilt Sterling Mrs Kate O CiiAiiK Ihr Eagiands Lightning Eelief cures Cholera Morbus Bloody Flux Cramps Colic and all painful affections Sold by J T and F Day Religious Notes The absence of Dr Williamson from his pulpit last month was occaaioned by tersonal and family affliction He will preach t Bethsalem on Saturday before the fifth Sabbath in this month also on the fifth Sabbath at which time the Sacrament of the Lords Supper will be administered Rev Dr Williamson of Lebanon Ky preached at the Presbyterian Church in this place last Sunday morning held a childrens meeting in the afternoon and services again at night He also preach- ed ¬ Monday and -- Tuesday nights Kev D G Combs of Ezel passed throuzh hero Fridav en route home from -- Manchester where he had been holding a protracted meeting He re ¬ ported SO additions to the church at that place Rev J T Pieratt of this place preach- ed ¬ at the Rose school house on Grassy Creek in Morgan county last Sunday Eev W R Cooper of Jackson held religious services at White Oak in Breathitt county last Sunday Rev Isaac Murphy preached at the John Rose school house on Stillwater last Sunday Rev J R Kendall of this place preached at Maytown last Sunday He Sure Booms the Right Man Mr Editor I see by the papers that - the act creating the lytu district in which the county of Wolfe is included has passed loth houses and been signed by tne Governor The change may prove beneficial in some ways but we certainly regret to lose Judge Cooper who has done noble work in this district and who has won a reputation as one of the best Circuit Judges in the Commonwealth But the change Is made and it devolves upon the people of the new district to select a Circuit Judge When the coun- ty ¬ of Wolfe is called we would be glad to have the name of our respected neigh- bor ¬ Hon J M Kash presented He is in the prime of life a good lawyer a forci- ble ¬ speaker and an upright fionest man His many frieucls would be gratified to see him honored with the position conf- ident ¬ that he wonld prove a worthy suc- cessor ¬ to our present distinguished judge Democrat Dr Raglands Lightning Relief is a sure cure for Rheumatism and Neural- gia ¬ J T F Day are wholesale agents for Eastern Kentucky Show for a Saddlery Shop Mr Hamlet Sepass of Cedar Bluff Va a few days since wrote a letter to B Sample of this county inquiring what kind of location Hazel Green would be for a saddlery and harness shop and Mr S handed it to us to answer After investigation we are convinced that it would te one of the best points in the State There is a tannery within eight miles rents are 5 3 and there is more work than oae atan can do day in and day out So come on Mr R and the people here will give you a good support W T Gaskqy successor to Caskey Pieratt keeps constantly on hand an as- sortment ¬ of staple and fancy groceries dry goods and notions at bottom prices The Ragland Show Prof Martyne traveling with Dr 15 iiagiand gave an exhibition in the Academv building at this place on Tues- day ¬ nightj the 5th inst consisting of veatriloquism recitations elocution and facial features It was a fine show throughout as though very chaste was withal very laughable His rendi- tion ¬ of the moneyless man was very fine and many other features are de- serving ¬ of special mention but space forbids Showed at Camp ton Monday and Tuesday night Druggists and merchants of either Wolfe Breathitt Morgan or Magoffin will call on J T F Day for any of Dr Raglands aedicinces as they are wholesale agent for the counties men- tioned ¬ above Ravages of the Cut Worm E S Sample of this county reports great destructioa of crops on his place He says that in a nine acre field of corn which was nearly large enough to work the cutworms have destroyed at least half He also noticed a field of timothv and white clover which has heretofore produced well and found that the ground was literally alive with cut worms He says they have eaten off nearly all the leaves and the pasture is as bare of ver- dure ¬ as the State road MORGAN COUNTY West Liberty May 10 This town has been blessed with drummers the past week Among the many we note Messrs Leslie Ford and Lawton regis- tered ¬ at the Kendall House and Charlie Howe and others at the Morgan House Prof H M Curry of Hopewell agent for the celebrated musical instruments of D H Raldwia Co and W W Fyvie agent for the Fidelity Mutual Life Association are in our city They will be at Hazel Green this week and persons wanting bnsiness in their line will do well to call on them While there has been a great demand for ra dogs in oujr community we would advise Son J W Ivcndall to get one as we notice a very unupying species of g rat about his residence Mis3 - Nannie Murphy u charming young lady of Ezel is visiting friends in our city the guest of Miss Lula Piul lips John Barber and M M Bedwine of Martinsburg were at the Kendall House several days last week Judge John E Cooler spent a few the puimcpatrouage 2U years po uue days with his and left for Wolfe I house contains 14 rooms 10 of them being yesterday W G Kendall is visiting friends and relatives at Salyersville T O Johnson of Blaine Fs registered at the Morgan House Cricket Maytowk May 6 J T Sexton and John F Hill of this place have gone to Red River on a fishing tour We wish them good luck Miss Lida Childers of Long Branch is visiting her brother R A Childers and family thi3 wecknt this place W C Hill near this place has gone to Covington as a pettit juror in the TJ S Court at that place Wallace Gruelle Deputy XJ S Mar- shal ¬ from Louisville was in town two or three days this week on official business James J Cannoy of Spencer Station passed through town yesterday en route to Hazel Green on lightning rod business Mrs D S Godsey passed through town yesterday en route to Frankfort to see her husband and son Elijah Lockhart has added some valu- able ¬ improvements to his property in this place - Lick Skillet T The competition force pump has no supe- rior ¬ also chain and suction pumps always ia stock at B F Riddklls Mt Sterling KUICKS BREATHITT COUNTY MILLS 3lay o iSIiza Houndshell is lying at the point of death with consumption The doctors have given given her up KctornTo the wife of H W Hound shell on May 1st a big boy Harve is the happiest man on Quicksand L C Roark will attend the next term of Court at Salyerville on professional business H Back will erect a dwelling on the Ivy Point farm in a short time Elihu J Rdark Eli Roark and others killed 115 nice fish on Saturday Farmers in this vicinity are busy plant- ing ¬ corn Old Boy Will buy Wool Giuseng Raga Hides c S S Gaitskill Mt Sterling Of interest to Ladles The new treatment for ladies diseases discovered by Dr Mary A Gregg the distinguished English Physician and nurse which have revolutionized the en- tire ¬ mode of treatinsr these comolaints in England is now being introduced into the S under a fair and novel plan Sufficentof this remedv for one months trial treatment is sent free to every lady who is suffering from any disease common to the sex who sends their address and 18 2ct stamps for expense charges etc It is a positive cure for auy form of female disease and the free trial package is many times suificent to effect a perma- nent ¬ cure Full directions accompany the package which is put up in a plain wrapper also price list for future refer- ence ¬ No trial package will be sent after Aug 1st- - 18S6 Address Gregg Remedy Company Palmyra N Y Dr Rluglnnds Tetter Ointment cures Tetter Seal dhead Itch and all skin erup- tions ¬ Sold by J T and F Day The Mitchell Wagon for sale at S S Gaitskills Mt Sterling Improyemsnt of the Kentucky River KENTUCKY BEATTYILLE BAM Scaled proposals in triplicate will re- ceived ¬ at this office uutil noon local time on ihr 15tk Day of May 188G for furnish- ing ¬ the coal required for operating engines on the work of constructing the dam at Beattyville Ky Approximate amount required 5000 to 8000 bushels Bidders will utate price per bushel of FIRST QUALITY OF LUMP COAL de- livered ¬ at the site of dam Deliveries to be made from time to time as the engineer may direct Printed form on application to R S Bur- nett ¬ Apsistant Engineer at Beattyville Ky The United States reserves the right to re- ject ¬ any or all bids JAMES C POST Captain of Engineers U S A U S Engineers Office Beattyville Ky May 1st ISSff AYERS rgUw ure IS WABEANTED to cure Fever and Ague Intermittent or Chili Fever Re ¬ mittent Fever Dumb Ague Bilious Fever Dengue or Break bone Fovcr Liver Complaint and all diseases arising from Malarial poisons Earpers S C July 9 188 J For eighteen months J suf ered with Chills and Fever having Chills every other day After trying various remedies recommended to cure I used a bottle ofJlyers Ague Cure and have never since had a chill FDWIJf EABPMR PREPARED BY Dr J C Ayer Co Lowell Him id by all Druggists F Established 1856 EXCHANGE - BANK 3IT STERUCNG KY J G TKIMBIE President iEStlE THOMSON CashUr DIMCTOBS J G TKIMBLE J-- W BUX110UGH8 B T BEAU JSO T KAGOWA3T W T HAVENS Capital S1OO0OO Surplus S15330 Receives deposits Discounts bills Loans money on liberal terms Exchange bought and sold And does a legitimate banking business Your patronage respectfully so- licited ¬ mrl73m PALACE HOTEL ERENCHBURG KY J H WILLIAMS Proprietor The patronage of the traveling public is jespectmlly invited Table the best and cyry attention to the comforj of guests E9 Sale Wtshiag to engage in other ousiness that will require my whole time I otTer for sale that valuable and well established hotel property known as ihe P1ERATT HOUSE which has enjoyed a very liberal shar of lor family D U be supplied with grates besides a diniag room 40 feet loujr and a good kitchen A large and commodious stable and enclosed shed will hold 30 horses A verr rich trardea I spot of K to K of au acre with raspberries gooscDernes piuiua appie ana pescn trees and a fine asparagus bed A well filled ice hoxise smoke house chicken house and coal house constitute the outbuildings There is on the place two never failing wells pf pure water The property can be bought with or with- out ¬ the furniture at a bargain and on easy terms Anv one wishing to purchase may addresa J 1L PIERATT Proprietor orTnE Herald Hazel Green Ky WT BBINKLEY W B GKUBB3 BRINKLEY GRTJBBS Successors to Brinkiey Co WHOLESALE Sheet Iron Tinners Stock s 662 W Mum St and 201 to 209 Seventh Street LOUISVILLE KY WOLFE GiROUJT COURT Lucinda Morris axd Joseph Morris On A petition was filed on the day of 1885 in the clerks office of the Court aforesaid praying an order to author- ize ¬ the petitioner Luciuda Morris to trade and act as a feme sole and notice of this application is ordered to be posted at the court house door iu Camp ton at two other public places in the county and published In the Hazel Greek Herald the time prescribed bv law A copy Attest W F ELKINS Clerk By DAVID HOGG D C April 19 18SG 4t w I H GILLIS WITH McOord Aydelotte WHOLESALE HATTERS No G13 West Maix Street LOUISVILLE KY B E EOBEETS Garter Bro i Co WHOLESALE Dry Coods and Notions John A Carter James G Carter D A Forline Jo C Bethel J G Carter Jr S J GEAUMAN JAS A Jobbers of DTI 0 Petition WITH STREET LOUISVILLE SHUTTLEWORTH GRAUMAN SHUTTLEWORTH Manufacturers ill 605 Maik Steeet LOUISVILLE KY IS MAIN OB NUNNELLY- - WITH DTJBTLAP BEOS CO WHOLESALE SADDLERY J L Dunlap J B Dunlap W G Barrett 728 and 730 W Main St H and KY and HARRIS J Manufacturers of Saddles Harness c and dealers in Saddlery Hardware LOUISVILLE KY GEORGE DOLL WITH Rosenoerg Flexner Go Successors to Rosenberg Nathan Flexner WHOLESALE BOOTS AND SHOE 712 and 714 South Side Main Bet 7th 8th LOUISVILLE KX J SMOCK 729 731 733 W WITH Davis Mallory Co Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS And Fancy Goods 715 and 717 West Main Street Between 7th and 8th LOUISVILLE EY JACOB WITH Levi Xfewburger Co WHOLESALE GL0TH1N6 MANUFACTURERS 724 and 72G Main Street Between 7th and 8th LOUISVILLE KY BUY your paper envelopes ink pens c at THEHERAiD oflice A GBOSSMXX p4iMaase-H-- w aaaaeaaawi u aaWeaVnaaW t fraxk Gounod BRGssMiuf mm a m wtfoDKAxx Jill Juj n-aTi-- vf JSJLUJJl3yB JK 74 and 78 Main Street aJwWRrsfppawpaaav uuxzvammtf CINCINNAIi 0 WILIiMOT Cash Dry Goods Store WHOLESALE AND KBTATL We are anxious to sell Our Gkxxia and will make our prices ligiit Orders filled prompUyTand careflally We liave big drive in Box toe Boot Q extra good Come and ee me C B WILLMOT Eeese Building MT STEtiO JUDY OLDHAM Successors HANLY JTJDY Mount Sterling Hy DEALsas Hardware Queensware3 Stove Grates Plows c SoSe Agents for the Work 8Qwtai zzTENNESSEE WAGONa The Best and Cheapest Wagon on Wheel The Trade of Wolfe and adjoining onntieii Is respectfully solicited The Highest Market Price Paid for all SHxyfeM Medicinal Boots Herbs and Bark Except Ginseng J T BBEEN SON Importers 1 Wholesale Druggists Main Street Mt Sterling Ky ADAM BAUM Keeps Constantly on liand Large and wtil JNt- - lected Stock of m Groceries Fine Liquors Which he sells Wholesale and BetaH as dhy as they can foe bought in the State Give him call and be convinced that jtm can do as well in Mt Sterling aa anywhere you may go N TRIMBLE t i TMMBLE BBOS WHOLESALE GEOCERS AND Flour Provisions Salt Nails Oila Powder Field and Garden Seeds Mt Sterling Ky They carry the largest stock and do the largest business of any house Mt Sterling ESTABLISHED IK 1845 The Leading Insurance Agency 0 MT STEELING KY Total Assets of 1885 1836 DEALEESEf Agency Eoyalof Liverpool 31000000 Liverpool London Globe England 36875000 1809 North British Mercan- tile ¬ England 33301 jOOO 1794 jSortk America Philadelphia 7186S 1710 Sun Fire OEceJofLosdoB 5863000 0 1782 Phenix Loadon 5383916 4 Bilfl 3 XiAvIa aWw m ZIS gig am w a S X v s X w- 8 slStSiS ii to c j 0r r t k j yj -- lis a 2 H nt 00 of 00 of 00 Co of of 33 of J htt KOST X TJtBCKJC in WQ 181 Lead Trr rfiThlrtt AaVWp60 1810 Hartiferd af Hjrtfo SjpriafSdd ot SrlagSkt 1863 FireaeBS Faad CM- - 189S Korthwaaiera Xtil 1750 NWra of New Yrk 185 Beaiaaas Pittarr Insurance in order be reliable aast be gairaatesd tTiirrTillt fV a a t r h- - a and and Ins 849 fry Mill jJfe corporations the policies of doubtful experlnsaUl ceapssles hcjtt iwc at ay frit The best policies are always the cheapest Iasarers smdd It thk annaaW tfcqr would banker persoR who heM thIr Jnwt lAok fwnMif jft puraznount cossidaration of insuraace SepeetfUy JK99nCJf Office At Traders and Deposit Bank C B SWANCO DKALKfc nr GENERAL MER I43S4S70 HAZEL GREEN KENTUCKY SEEPS COXSTAKTLT OX KA3TD TXTLL AJmOXtWOtt W Staple nd Fancy Dry Goods lladymsds Hats Caps Boots thoss Qummfmvtmtm mmwmt Hardware Tab and Pocket Gutfry9 ies Stoyes and Farrnlna fmyirwfiifcs In fact everything usually kep Jn afirsi ctes edairy aiwe jwhI Also vill take in exchange for Goods ia prsHtmjtfiaj iL4imf Country Produce and Lve Sck of every descripsfi saouirffessg yk sbCt sas A i - TK c - - r f - - - hav - t w j - i- - - v ci f to CtXfST t crf- - - - w 4saaa ititim or ax ia faads A A or 9 d or is - - v- -- v a a 1 a c J ZL i fls2 2 -- V 4 w st V tr XT 23tt If I i i all m

Transcript of It1 ifc- Fhon F Sale It1 If ifc--Mr a r--a IU f i IF...

Page 1: It1 ifc- Fhon F Sale It1 If ifc--Mr a r--a IU f i IF H-L-j i fi ffi n r ii t r a Tmm UiWypiSMft--K4 L3ar ix JL TABLE A88t lii IrflMlB





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Qsajttjr and 32 Bent ofX T wars fcuesta df the

ISaratt Howe Saarr aierkt Thvware loakihg after IajhI with the view ofytrchaaiirgJde Jcjia IX Ooper Hoc J W

K aad Ed 0 Ocear Esqr of

eay sa Mle for CfUBpfcm

1fjScerf of Xsatgoaserv wagt J TDay last Saturday nbrhtleft for Breathitt Seady

S IL Ford with AAfc IUrafw4m AI Ber 2Tftir Tort roistered at the Pk--

JWVJWVOtUKlftVJL W Liie witk Joknon gtton

C retored afctiie Pierattty18812Cwftdi umiaer plushes and hundreds of other

BMHajM8fCaat4oa ras vkBifnktirm We Siiardaj and Sax--

ClikfBecittlnieelasiAiDday sightJter IT R Ssgs f West Liberty

wgitMtkDfty Hoe MosdayBrJLE9wkBof SalyerevIJle isfctrg ort 0J Triable o3CtSferiir is vis-itij- -g

MltivM it tkk placeyMMw iJ tcil Esst w ia town

Dr Sakuda Magic Vermifuge is thefcat It a safe aad awe Sold bv XTJJyBxmlGrm

TK Ex Eprtrtirvmn3fee idee Mkoci at Ssel closed Priar Apri 3t It seeas m tkoush the

jmtefeat for tk sdraaeenet of edaca- -Wm jm m eectwR of the cowatry hasfiy fcam w the minds of theuaaidtt fc Moms Macifae Lee sdl

1 Wee ware all U orssted TheenMiMIMt -J fru-- --fim rlor tt n

OmHt 7re nnnaM WMttiMSsiMMLiHOctMr Jl nf VA Ci WfGyItt liberty All trho tlie exasii--

wrsnce it decided













aoa xae seooie at iare srftpP rogreaBed rapidly


w uewt wwt lutoreu oy tae amiamelady teacher Mrs 3fickeli The enter- -tRaeat was gives Friday night at the jJtaeoBic natu JUMig bezore tne door

peaed the streets before the hall werecked to xods aroaad lien the

doors were opened ev rushed in oneaki aase each ae striving to secure aseat URfortSiteir the house was toosaali by half for oslythe ladies couldsecre serte It m seedleas to endeavorto gve a miEHte description of the syrapoauHu Suifiee it ta say that the likefor HBlxraaded ceccess has never beenprodsoed in Eastera Kenteckv Music

j aeclaaatSgs oeadoas farces dramasfrom the sublime ad pathetic to the ndksioe and hamorous affording intractioa to tine M and young which if

heeded iviil make life a pleasure andcause all to reach the goal in the summerlaad beyond tie Jordan The closingspeeches were made by Hon J M Kashasd Prof N B Hays of Hazel Greenaed ware heartily appreciated by the audece A pereo could see with half anaye afoer lieacag ike various pieces thata retter axt ssore accompiisneu iaayteacher thaa IkSrs Mary Nickell cannot

3 he fotaid ia the State The visitors werehkrhlT delighted and left for their homes

j well pleased wttk Esel and her people

B-- A C3lets of Maytownas 10000 sweet patao slips for tele at 20c a100 which are xdy to set out any time

Imimvi th RoadThe rodbetwsia here and Bothwell

sfeaJaon k pcrkaps theworst in the Statefiotwitheteadag the tact that there isaa abaaaaee of the finest material formalriag good road at hand It seemsto xs taat tke versees of each road dis¬

trict weald feetoo prod to let strangerssee tkk dejAoaale tate of anairs and goto irark 6t rsedy the difficulty A fewdays woricwokld sat the road in goodcosdition and a lay spent upon it atiatarvak of twe aotks would keep it inpriae ceadidon until next winter ThefoMowiag Scam tie Licking ValleyScorcher oa ade subject is a very sensi ¬

ble piece -- f dvic and we commend ittoiheeseaderstkm of those in chargeof tke road named fTbe indicationsare that this sectkm will be visited durimg tke spring aad suamer ty auite aaaaksr of pecs prospecting for invest- -

t in noryalm timber lands anddesire focal the atteation of those in

charge oar public roads to the imporaez putting inem in gooa repair

There nothing tkast more forcibly impresses scager tsrith the public spiritaad eaterarke of --a people than goodraada They are ia fact indexes to thetkaftor indolence f a people and wehefeio see all our county roads put inge der at oneeT

St Eaglana Pile Remedy is a surecare for Bleedine Piles Blind Piles andall --Ceras or piles Sold by J T FDar Saasl Greea

Crock-- Coldiroa of this place was recently heard aaire the fellowiag remarksJ doat beleag to the charch nor am I

a profatfioaal philanthropist but I dobeBeve is avaeal ssaeioa to some extentOsce apata time I stack up a mudhole with x cord asd a half of woodwhich k lag Xoei for one yoke of oxenA piiea ise waip jreeiy dui tney sun readtaed statu ao As if by inspirationa bright idea strack me and I changeday tactics get aoae corn from a conTealeat crib set aiae scattered a fewears fedora theoxea withia reach andaere ea ahead After disposing of the

Ceaac Thos 1L cam sear Jtt aeota tbey negan to punJ C Swxmo LJ iere ikbcs wae s usue aaraer un--


E Xa




Hi my Mumeb pi uxea cuurt tacjdrew the toagae oat of the wagon

Dr Sagaada lightaing Relief is thegraedeet discovery of the age for therelief C paia Fr jale by J T FDay Hazel Greea

OttUme9 Scoureo the CeRtractaarka Childers of JeSersonville

lad ha the centracfc for building theew choet hotwe at Jackson ana will

ooaaence work oa it about the 25thistsL The house wOl be of brick twostorys high with three class rooms ahall and office below Ia the upperstorywill be s chapel 56x36 feet two musicrooms recitation room and library

IThe length of ihe building is 56 feetwith aa U mix3M teec use tower wiufee alas eet square and 56 feet highwith stairway to the top A metal roofwill cover the eatire building The con¬

tract erice a 4680

Swango SpringsTeraoas livinfirnear tie Swango Springs

who desire to use its water will favortiw proprietor of the same by first callig apoc kia before helping themselvesThose at a distance who desire the watershipped to their address will write theHBderagaea who is wk sum wiui ivi uthe epnar and their orders will bepromptly fiUed HAXjeiso Swakgo

Nit Starlings Fhon EmporiumThe plainest and simplest way re bc

lteye to be the best We want to be un¬

derstood and bence our plainness Heknow time are hard and money scarceand it becomes every body to economizeand live witain their mean3 Our busi-ness


you know is that of millinery Wehare gone into the market and purchasedjust what the people want at prices thatwill ieep you from going deeply in debtOur stock comprises a larger and betterassortment than we have ever had 500new shapes and patterns of bonnetSj fromthe cheapest to the finest both trimmedand untriramed Cartoon upon cartoonof buds and flowers the rarest and mostexaaksie in the market Plumes in


nooons m au colorsBaltinwet

thlsrs Of novelties in tnmmiusr goodswe have the most clezant stock ever

1 brought to thia market all of which weare ooenng so per cent less tnan ineirreal value We have bought the goodsat a bargain and our customers will re-


the benefit Mira Mary Lynchwho is known to every body in this sec-


as a rery fine and tasty trimmerhas charge of oar trimming departmentand you desire anything special she canmake it in the hight of style and fashionSke has the art of suiting everybodyand making them look their best Ourstore is fall of goods which must besold and we will make prices to suitevery body Dont fail to see mr goodsand get my priees when you visit iltSterling Mrs Kate O CiiAiiK

Ihr Eagiands Lightning Eelief curesCholera Morbus Bloody Flux CrampsColic and all painful affections Soldby J T and F Day

Religious NotesThe absence of Dr Williamson from

his pulpit last month was occaaioned bytersonal and family affliction He willpreach t Bethsalem on Saturday beforethe fifth Sabbath in this month also onthe fifth Sabbath at which time theSacrament of the Lords Supper will beadministered

Rev Dr Williamson of Lebanon Kypreached at the Presbyterian Church inthis place last Sunday morning held achildrens meeting in the afternoon andservices again at night He also preach-ed


Monday and --Tuesday nightsKev D G Combs of Ezel passed

throuzh hero Fridav en route homefrom --Manchester where he had beenholding a protracted meeting He re¬

ported SO additions to the church at thatplace

Rev J T Pieratt of this place preach-ed


at the Rose school house on GrassyCreek in Morgan county last Sunday

Eev W R Cooper of Jackson heldreligious services at White Oak inBreathitt county last Sunday

Rev Isaac Murphy preached at theJohn Rose school house on Stillwaterlast Sunday

Rev J R Kendall of this placepreached at Maytown last Sunday

He Sure Booms the Right ManMr Editor I see by the papers that-

the act creating the lytu district inwhich the county of Wolfe is includedhas passed loth houses and been signedby tne Governor The change may provebeneficial in some ways but we certainlyregret to lose Judge Cooper who hasdone noble work in this district and whohas won a reputation as one of the bestCircuit Judges in the CommonwealthBut the change Is made and it devolvesupon the people of the new district toselect a Circuit Judge When the coun-ty


of Wolfe is called we would be gladto have the name of our respected neigh-bor


Hon J M Kash presented He is inthe prime of life a good lawyer a forci-ble


speaker and an upright fionest manHis many frieucls would be gratified tosee him honored with the position conf-ident


that he wonld prove a worthy suc-cessor


to our present distinguished judgeDemocrat

Dr Raglands Lightning Relief is asure cure for Rheumatism and Neural-gia


J T F Day are wholesale agentsfor Eastern Kentucky

Show for a Saddlery ShopMr Hamlet Sepass of Cedar Bluff

Va a few days since wrote a letter toB Sample of this county inquiringwhat kind of location Hazel Green wouldbe for a saddlery and harness shop andMr S handed it to us to answer Afterinvestigation we are convinced that itwould te one of the best points in theState There is a tannery within eightmiles rents are 5 3 and there is morework than oae atan can do day in andday out So come on Mr R and thepeople here will give you a good support

W T Gaskqy successor to CaskeyPieratt keeps constantly on hand an as-


of staple and fancy groceriesdry goods and notions at bottom prices

The Ragland ShowProf Martyne traveling with Dr

15 iiagiand gave an exhibition in theAcademv building at this place on Tues-day


nightj the 5th inst consisting ofveatriloquism recitations elocution andfacial features It was a fine showthroughout as though very chastewas withal very laughable His rendi-tion


of the moneyless man was veryfine and many other features are de-serving


of special mention but spaceforbids Showed at Camp ton Mondayand Tuesday night

Druggists and merchants of eitherWolfe Breathitt Morgan or Magoffinwill call on J T F Day for any ofDr Raglands aedicinces as they arewholesale agent for the counties men-tioned



Ravages of the Cut WormE S Sample of this county reports

great destructioa of crops on his placeHe says that in a nine acre field of cornwhich was nearly large enough to workthe cutworms have destroyed at leasthalf He also noticed a field of timothvand white clover which has heretoforeproduced well and found that the groundwas literally alive with cut worms Hesays they have eaten off nearly all theleaves and the pasture is as bare of ver-dure


as the State road


West Liberty May 10 This townhas been blessed with drummers thepast week Among the many we noteMessrs Leslie Ford and Lawton regis-tered


at the Kendall House and CharlieHowe and others at the Morgan HouseProf H M Curry of Hopewell agentfor the celebrated musical instrumentsof D H Raldwia Co and W WFyvie agent for the Fidelity MutualLife Association are in our city Theywill be at Hazel Green this week andpersons wanting bnsiness in their linewill do well to call on them

While there has been a great demandfor ra dogs in oujr community we would

advise Son J W Ivcndall to get one aswe notice a very unupying species ofg rat about his residence

Mis3 - Nannie Murphy u charmingyoung lady of Ezel is visiting friends inour city the guest of Miss Lula Piullips

John Barber and M M Bedwine ofMartinsburg were at the Kendall Houseseveral days last week

Judge John E Cooler spent a few the puimcpatrouage 2U years po uuedays with his and left for Wolfe I house contains 14 rooms 10 of them beingyesterday

W G Kendall is visiting friends andrelatives at Salyersville

T O Johnson of Blaine Fs registeredat the Morgan House Cricket

Maytowk May 6 J T Sexton andJohn F Hill of this place have gone toRed River on a fishing tour We wishthem good luck

Miss Lida Childers of Long Branchis visiting her brother R A Childersand family thi3 wecknt this place

W C Hill near this place has goneto Covington as a pettit juror in the TJS Court at that place

Wallace Gruelle Deputy XJ S Mar-shal


from Louisville was in town two orthree days this week on official business

James J Cannoy of Spencer Stationpassed through town yesterday en routeto Hazel Green on lightning rod business

Mrs D S Godsey passed throughtown yesterday en route to Frankfort tosee her husband and son

Elijah Lockhart has added some valu-able


improvements to his property inthis place - Lick Skillet


The competition force pump has no supe-rior


also chain and suction pumps alwaysia stock at B F Riddklls Mt Sterling



MILLS 3lay o iSIizaHoundshell is lying at the point of deathwith consumption The doctors havegiven given her upKctornTo the wife of H W Houndshell on May 1st a big boy Harve isthe happiest man on Quicksand

L C Roark will attend the next termof Court at Salyerville on professionalbusiness

H Back will erect a dwelling onthe Ivy Point farm in a short time

Elihu J Rdark Eli Roark and otherskilled 115 nice fish on Saturday

Farmers in this vicinity are busy plant-ing


corn Old Boy

Will buy Wool Giuseng Raga Hidesc S S Gaitskill Mt Sterling

Of interest to LadlesThe new treatment for ladies diseases

discovered by Dr Mary A Gregg thedistinguished English Physician andnurse which have revolutionized the en-


mode of treatinsr these comolaints inEngland is now being introduced into the

S under a fair and novel planSufficentof this remedv for one months

trial treatment is sent free to every ladywho is suffering from any disease commonto the sex who sends their address and 182ct stamps for expense charges etc

It is a positive cure for auy form offemale disease and the free trial packageis many times suificent to effect a perma-nent


cure Full directions accompanythe package which is put up in a plainwrapper also price list for future refer-ence


No trial package will be sent afterAug 1st- - 18S6 Address Gregg RemedyCompany Palmyra N Y

Dr Rluglnnds Tetter Ointment curesTetter Seal dhead Itch and all skin erup-tions


Sold by J T and F Day

The Mitchell Wagon for sale at S SGaitskills Mt Sterling

Improyemsnt of the Kentucky RiverKENTUCKY


Scaled proposals in triplicate will re-


at this office uutil noon local timeon ihr 15tk Day of May 188G for furnish-ing


the coal required for operating engineson the work of constructing the dam atBeattyville KyApproximate amount required 5000 to

8000 bushelsBidders will utate price per bushel of



at the site of dam Deliveries to bemade from time to time as the engineermay direct

Printed form on application to R S Bur-nett


Apsistant Engineer at Beattyville KyThe United States reserves the right to re-


any or all bidsJAMES C POST

Captain of Engineers U S AU S Engineers Office Beattyville Ky

May 1st ISSff

AYERSrgUw ureIS WABEANTED to cure Fever andAgue Intermittent or Chili Fever Re¬

mittent Fever Dumb Ague Bilious FeverDengue or Break bone Fovcr LiverComplaint and all diseases arising fromMalarial poisons

Earpers S C July 9 188JFor eighteen months J suf

ered with Chills and Feverhaving Chills every other dayAfter trying various remediesrecommended to cure I used abottle ofJlyers Ague Cure andhave never since had a chill


Dr J C Ayer Co Lowell Himid by all Druggists


Established 1856





Capital S1OO0OO Surplus S15330Receives deposits Discounts bills Loans

money on liberal terms Exchange boughtand sold And does a legitimate bankingbusiness Your patronage respectfully so-





J H WILLIAMS Proprietor

The patronage of the traveling public isjespectmlly invited Table the best andcyry attention to the comforj of guests


SaleWtshiag to engage in other ousiness that

will require my whole time I otTer for salethat valuable and well established hotelproperty known as ihe

P1ERATT HOUSEwhich has enjoyed a very liberal shar of





supplied with grates besides a diniag room40 feet loujr and a good kitchen A largeand commodious stable and enclosed shedwill hold 30 horses A verr rich trardea

I spot of K to K of au acre with raspberriesgooscDernes piuiua appie ana pescn treesand a fine asparagus bed A well filled icehoxise smoke house chicken house and coalhouse constitute the outbuildings Thereis on the place two never failing wells pfpure water

The property can be bought with or with-out


the furniture at a bargain and on easyterms Anv one wishing to purchase mayaddresa J 1L PIERATT ProprietororTnE Herald Hazel Green Ky


BRINKLEY GRTJBBSSuccessors to Brinkiey Co


Sheet Iron Tinners Stock s662 W Mum St and 201 to 209 Seventh




axdJoseph Morris


A petition was filed on the dayof 1885 in the clerks office of theCourt aforesaid praying an order to author-ize


the petitioner Luciuda Morris to tradeand act as a feme sole and notice of thisapplication is ordered to be posted at thecourt house door iu Camp ton at two otherpublic places in the county and publishedIn the Hazel Greek Herald the timeprescribed bv law

A copy AttestW F ELKINS Clerk

By DAVID HOGG D CApril 19 18SG 4t



McOord AydelotteWHOLESALE

HATTERSNo G13 West Maix Street



Garter Bro i CoWHOLESALE

Dry Coods and NotionsJohn A CarterJames G CarterD A ForlineJo C BethelJ G Carter JrS J GEAUMAN JAS A

Jobbers of










605 Maik SteeetLOUISVILLE KY






J L DunlapJ B DunlapW G Barrett

728 and 730W Main St







Manufacturers of

Saddles Harness c

and dealers in

Saddlery Hardware



Rosenoerg Flexner Go

Successors to Rosenberg Nathan Flexner


BOOTS AND SHOE712 and 714 South Side Main

Bet 7th 8th



729 731 733



Davis Mallory CoWholesale Dealers in

DRY GOODSAnd Fancy Goods

715 and 717 West Main StreetBetween 7th and 8th



Levi Xfewburger Co



724 and 72G Main StreetBetween 7th and 8th


BUY your paper envelopes ink pensc at THEHERAiD oflice


p4iMaase-H-- w

aaaaeaaawi u

aaWeaVnaaW t

fraxk Gounod

BRGssMiuf mm a mwtfoDKAxx




JSJLUJJl3yB JK74 and 78 Main Street





We are anxious to sell Our Gkxxiaand will make our prices ligiit

Orders filled prompUyTand careflallyWe liave big drive in Box toe Boot Q

extra good Come and ee meC B WILLMOT

Eeese Building MT STEtiO


Mount Sterling HyDEALsas

Hardware Queensware3 StoveGrates Plows c

SoSe Agents for the Work 8QwtaizzTENNESSEE WAGONa

The Best and Cheapest Wagon on WheelThe Trade of Wolfe and adjoining onntieii Is

respectfully solicited

The Highest Market Price Paid for all SHxyfeMMedicinal Boots Herbs and Bark

Except Ginseng


Importers 1 Wholesale Druggists

Main StreetMt Sterling Ky

ADAM BAUMKeeps Constantly on liand Large and wtil JNt--

lected Stock of m

Groceries Fine LiquorsWhich he sells Wholesale and BetaH as dhyas they can foe bought in the State

Give him call and be convinced that jtmcan do as well in Mt Sterling aa anywhereyou may go


t i



Flour Provisions Salt Nails OilaPowder Field and Garden

Seeds Mt Sterling KyThey carry the largest stock and

do the largest business of anyhouse Mt Sterling


The Leading Insurance Agency0 MT STEELING KY

Total Assets of18851836


AgencyEoyalof Liverpool 31000000Liverpool London

Globe England 368750001809 North British Mercan-


England 33301 jOOO

1794 jSortk AmericaPhiladelphia 7186S

1710 SunFire OEceJofLosdoB 5863000 01782 Phenix Loadon 5383916 4

Bilfl 3 XiAvIaaWw m ZIS gig am w

a S X v s X w- 8 slStSiS



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of 00Co of

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WQ181 Lead Trr rfiThlrtt

AaVWp601810 Hartiferd afHjrtfo

SjpriafSdd ot SrlagSkt1863 FireaeBS Faad CM--

189S Korthwaaiera Xtil1750 NWra of New Yrk185 Beaiaaas Pittarr

Insurance in order be reliable aast be gairaatesd tTiirrTillt


a a t







fry Mill


corporations the policies of doubtful experlnsaUl ceapssles hcjtt iwc at ayfritThe best policies are always the cheapest Iasarers smdd It thk annaaW tfcqrwould banker persoR who heM thIr Jnwt lAok fwnMif jftpuraznount cossidaration of insuraace SepeetfUy JK99nCJf

Office At Traders and Deposit Bank





Staple nd Fancy Dry Goods lladymsdsHats Caps Boots thoss Qummfmvtmtm mmwmt

Hardware Tab and Pocket Gutfry9ies Stoyes and Farrnlna fmyirwfiifcs

In fact everything usually kep Jn afirsi ctes edairy aiwe jwhI

Also vill take in exchange for Goods ia prsHtmjtfiaj iL4imfCountry Produce and Lve Sck of every descripsfi

saouirffessg yk sbCt sas


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