IT Security DOs and DONTs

IT Security DOs and DON’Ts From your helpful IT Team

Transcript of IT Security DOs and DONTs

Page 1: IT Security DOs and DONTs

IT Security DOs and DON’TsFrom your helpful IT Team

Page 2: IT Security DOs and DONTs

1. Don’t be tricked into giving away confidential information

• Don’t respond to emails or phone calls requesting

confidential company information

• Always keep in mind that bad guys are successful

because they are convincing.

• Recent news stories out of Canada reported scammers

were tricking people into giving away information with

fake tech support calls claiming to help.

• Keep on guard and report any

suspicious activity to IT.

Video tip 1: Don’t get tricked

Page 3: IT Security DOs and DONTs

2. Don’t use an unprotected computer• When you access sensitive information from a non-secure

computer you put the information you’re viewing at risk.

• Malicious software exists that allows people to easily

snoop on what you’re doing online when accessing

unprotected sites.

• If you’re unsure if the computer you’re using

is safe, don’t use it to access corporate or

sensitive data.

Video tip 2: Stay secure

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Page 4: IT Security DOs and DONTs

3. Don’t leave sensitive info lying around the office

• Don’t leave printouts containing private information on your

desk. It’s easy for a visitor to glance at your desk and see

sensitive documents.

• Keep your desk tidy and documents locked away or

shredded when no longer needed.

• It makes the office look more organized, and reduces the

risk of information leaks.

Video tip 3: Put things away

Page 5: IT Security DOs and DONTs

4. Lock your computer and mobile phone when not in use

• Always lock your computer and mobile phone when you’re

not using them. You work on important things, and we want

to make sure they stay safe and secure.

• Locking these devices keeps both your personal

information and the company’s data and contacts safe

from prying eyes.

Video tip 4: Lock it

Page 6: IT Security DOs and DONTs

5. Stay alert and report suspicious activity• Sometimes suspicious activity isn’t as obvious as we think.

• A recent news story reported that a supermarket manager,

who was randomly befriended by a mysterious woman on

Facebook, ended up on a “date” with two men who

overpowered him and robbed his store.

• Be cautious of people you don't know

asking for things, especially online.

• Always report any suspicious activity

to IT. If something goes wrong, the

faster we know about it, the faster we

can deal with it.

Video tip 5: Stay alert

Page 7: IT Security DOs and DONTs

6. Password-protect sensitive files and devices

• Always password-protect sensitive files on your computer,

USB flash drive, smartphone, laptop, etc.

• Losing a device can happen to anyone. But by protecting

your device with strong passwords, you make it difficult for

someone to break in and steal data.

Video tip 6: Protect it

Page 8: IT Security DOs and DONTs

7. Always use hard-to-guess passwords• Many people use obvious passwords like “password,” “cat,”

or obvious character sequences on the qwerty keyboard

like “asdfg.”

• Create complex passwords by including different letter

cases, numbers, and even punctuation.

• Try to use different passwords for

different websites and computers.

So if one gets hacked,

your other accounts aren’t


Video tip 7: Use strong passwords

Page 9: IT Security DOs and DONTs

8. Be cautious of suspicious emails and links

• Hackers try to steal email lists from companies, which

happened recently to Toshiba. Company email addresses

are valuable to attackers, allowing them to create fake

emails from "real people.“

• Always delete suspicious emails from people you don't

know. And never click on the links.

• Opening these emails or clicking on

links in them can compromise your

computer without you ever knowing it.

Video tip 8: Think first

Page 10: IT Security DOs and DONTs

9. Don’t plug in personal devices without the OK from IT

• Don’t plug in personal devices such as USBs, MP3 players

and smartphones without permission from IT.

• Even a brand new iPod or USB flash drive could be

infected with a nasty virus.

• These devices can be compromised

with code waiting to launch

as soon as you plug them into

a computer.

• Talk to IT about your devices and

let them make the call.

Video tip 9: Don't plug it in

Protect your personal Android device with

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Page 11: IT Security DOs and DONTs

10. Don’t install unauthorized programs on your work computer

• Malicious applications often pose as legitimate programs

like games, tools or even antivirus software.

• They aim to fool you into infecting your computer

or network.

• If you like an application and think it will be useful,

contact us and we’ll look into it for you.

Video tip 10: Don’t install it