IT questions



Random collection of 10 questions from the world of IT..

Transcript of IT questions

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It was first released in August 2003. It was created by Janus Friis(Denmark) and Niklas Zennström (Sweden) in cooperation with Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn(Estonia), who supplied the backend which was also used in Kazaa. ____ had 663 million registered users at the end of 2010. It was bought by Microsoft in 2011 for $8.5 billion. Microsoft's _____division headquarters is inLuxembourg, but most of the development team and

44% of the overall employees of the division are still situated in Tallinn and Tartu, Estonia

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X is an online audio distribution platform based in Berlin, Germany that enables its users to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds. In July

2013, it had 40 million registered users and 200 million listeners…ID X?

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Tom Shales and James Andrew Miller's book, "Those Guys Have All the Fun: Inside the World of X" states that Steve Jobs reportedly told X's President George Bodenheimer that, "Your phone is the dumbest f****** idea I have ever heard ". However the company behind this phone didn't think the same way until the phone turned out to be a big failure. ID X or equivalently the company?

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This American company has recently come up with a phone that comes loaded with a unique feature, the Self destruct button, which on activation, deletes all the stored data, contacts..

Identify this company?

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_____ is the Spanish word for mud brick, a natural building material made

from sand, clay,water, and some kind of fibrous or organic material (sticks, straw,

and/or manure), usually shaped into bricks using molds and dried in the sun. The

Romanian name for this material is chirpici.Founded in February 1982 by two former

ex employees of Xerox PARC. Id?

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This companies’ name literally means ‘little rice’ in one language. The company's

founder and CEO is Lei Jun, China's 23rd richest man according to Forbes. The company has over 3,000 employees,

mainly in mainland China, Malaysia and Taiwan

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______ promised a cheap sensor that would turn any surface

into a multi-touch PC controller, and it's making good on its word today by

shipping the device worldwide. The $75 add-on has received a new Touch+ name and a sleek redesign, but it

otherwise uses the same basic concepts we saw when the project got

its crowdfunding a year ago.

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What in the tech world means “ Snow”in its native language?

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_____ is a modular smartphone concept created and designed by the Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, primarily to

reduce electronic waste.[1] While ______ is not the first attempt at modular design in a phone,[2][3] it is notable due to the extent of

its modularity and the attention and support it has garnered. By attaching

individual third-party components to a main board, a user would create a

personalized smartphone.FITB

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