Isw08 Alexander

Can we find solutions to Design and implementation of reciprocal relationships



Transcript of Isw08 Alexander

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Can we find solutions to Design and

implementation of reciprocal relationships

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Global Balancing Act….

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Working Definition Reciprocity

Reciprocity:• A conceited effort to move from charity to justice (Jacoby, 1996)

• A two-way relationship as opposed to cursory or fragmented interactions dominated by one party

• Each party’s contribution is of equal value

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Characteristics of Reciprocity

• Understand the importance of culture: organization, country of origins, community, mission/ value, etc

• Decision making is at all levels

• They have intended and unintended benefits

• Power and privilege are recognized, acknowledged and addressed

• Communication is a dialogue

• Resources are not just monetary

• Self-sustaining

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Are the relationships vice versa?

Are we following thru on the promises?

Are we doing no harm? What does that mean?

If we are doing research- is the information being shared back to the communities/ people in a useful manner?

Are we evaluating our process to learn what can be done better? And are we asking ourselves and partners the hard questions (race, class, gender, privilege, communication, etc)?

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Questions… Are we hearing the voices from ALL stakeholders at ALL

levels- and are their thoughts, ideas, suggestions valued and incorporated?

Is the communication style appropriate for all parties?

‘Is the program going to find solutions to social problems

that will impact all people/ communities?’

Does any one ‘dominate’ the communication?

Are all parties involved in the planning of the program?

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