ISV Partner Story Submission Process

How to Nominate and Promote your Customer Success Stories

Transcript of ISV Partner Story Submission Process

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How to Nominate and Promote your Customer Success Stories

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With a direct line of contact to the Strategic Tools & Stories Team, you now have an effective channel to promote and share stories on your Appexchange Solutions and how they have delivered ultimate customer success!

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Use Storytelling to Promote your solution inside Salesforce

Validated stories are promoted to the entire community via the Customer Story Tool. This is the “goto” place for sales when looking for references and use cases.

The Customer Story tool is a centralized repository of customer success information Stories are classified by ISV Success and ISVs can be looked up using a simple keyword search Stories are reviewed by marketing teams for promotion opportunities

“The first place I look for a reference is the

story tool.” - AE

“I’d love to see more use cases from our


-Commerical Sales, SE

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Additionally, nominated stories will be widely promoted through various Chatter Groups based on product, competitor and industry.

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Chatter provides increased visibility in addition to the Customer Story Tool. Communications coming from the Strategic Tools & Stories team receive instant credibility since the team is responsible for all internal Customer Stories assets.

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Story Submission process steps:

1. If you have not been invited to join the ISV Success Stories Submission Dropbox, please send an email to strategictools&[email protected] to request access.

2. Download the Story Submission template from the Partner Portal (also available in the Dropbox)

Please include Name, job title and Phone #

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3. Upload your completed template to the ISV Success Stories Dropbox folder.

4. The Strategic Tools & Stories Team will review your submission and work with your ISV AE to add your submission to the Customer Story Tool and create a “front slide” to showcase and promote your story within Salesforce. We will also forward applicable stories to Corporate Marketing based on current marketing need and interest.

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We look forward to hearing about your customers’ success!

Please direct any questions to strategictools&[email protected]