Istočna Srbija

NEW investment destination May 2014 | Free copy | Published by National Alliance for Local Economic Development Eastern Serbia Nova investiciona destinacija: Kako prepoznati opštine sa povoljnim poslovnim okruženjem How to recognize business friendly locations Preporučujemo najbolje Recommending the best: Boljevac, Knjaževac, Negotin ISTOČNA SRBIJA

Transcript of Istočna Srbija

Page 1: Istočna Srbija

1New investment destination: Eastern Serbia

NEW investment destination

May 2014 | Free copy | Published by National Alliance for Local Economic Development

Eastern Serbia

Nova investiciona destinacija:

Kako prepoznati opštine sa povoljnim poslovnim okruženjemHow to recognize business friendly locations

Preporučujemo najboljeRecommending the best: Boljevac, Knjaževac, Negotin




Page 2: Istočna Srbija

Nova investiciona destinacija: Istočna Srbija2

Region istočne Srbije nalazi se u pojasu Srbije uz bugarsku granicu Evropske unije, i prostire se od Đerdapske klisure i Dunava na severu, do Stalaćke klisure i Gledićkih planina na jugu. U privredne po-tencijale ovog kraja spadaju rudarstvo i energeti-ka, hemijska, drvna, metaloprerađivačka, tekstilna i obućarska industrija, kao i poljoprivreda - naročito proizvodnja vina i grožđa. Veliki potencijal leži i u vo-dama, što potvrđuju velike hidroelektrana “Đerdap”

na Dunavu, kao i brojne mini hidroelektrane.Iako su istočnu Srbiju izabrale renomirane kompa-nije kao što su Michelin, Gorenje, Falc East, Mura, Heineken, Strabag – ovaj region se ne može pohvaliti najvećim prilivom stranih direktnih inve-sticija. Ali upravo to može biti argument za one koji traže novu lokaciju, jer država obezbeđuje poseb-ne subvencije, olakšice i poreska oslobođenja kako bi podstakla investicije u manje razvijene regione.

Istočna Srbija otvara vrata investitorima

The region of Eastern Serbia is located along the Bulgarian part of the European Union border, and it stretches from the Đerdap Gorge (Iron Gate) and the Danube on the North, to Stalać Gorge and Gledić mountains in the South. The econo-mic potentials of this area include mining and energy, chemical, wood, metal-processing, textile and shoemaking industry, as well as agriculture – in particular, the production of wine and grapes. Additionally, it has great potential in water, as confirmed with large hydro power plants “Đerdap”

on the Danube and numerous mini hydro power plants. Even though Eastern Serbia was noticed and cho-sen by reputable international companies such as Michelin, Gorenje, Falc East, Mura, Heineken, Strabag – the region cannot boast with substantial inflow of foreign direct investments. But this can be just the argument for those looking for a new location, gi-ven that the state provides special subsidies, tax and other incentives to encourage investments in less developed regions.

Eastern Serbia opens its door for investors

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3New investment destination: Eastern Serbia

Zašto uspešne kompanije biraju Srbiju

Strateški položaj u srcu jugoistočne Evrope – na raskršću evropskih koridora, autoputa (E70, E75, E80) i reke Dunav

Bescarinski pristup svetskim tržištima - Ugo-vori o slobodnoj trgovini sa Rusijom, Belorusijom, Kazahstanom, Turskom, EU, SAD, kao i CEFTA i EFTA zemljama

Povoljan poreski sistem - porezi u Srbiji spada-ju među najkonkurentnije u centralnoj i istočnoj Evropi: PDV – 20%, ukupni porezi i doprinosi na neto zarade – 65%, porez na dobit – 15%

Jedinstveni paket podsticaja za investitore - 4.000€ do 10.000€ po novom radnom mestu, 10 godina poreskog praznika, finansijski pod-sticaji za velike investicije

Efikasan postupak osnivanja preduzeća – pet dana i manje od 100 evra potrebno je za registra-ciju preduzeća u Srbiji kod Agencije za privredne registre

Obučena radna snaga po konkurentnoj ceni – uz prosečnu bruto platu od oko 490 evra, ukupni troškovi po zaposlenom su oko 50% niži u odnosu na zemlje EU i istočne Evrope

Kako prepoznati business friendly lokacije u Srbiji?

Kada se opredelite da investirate u Srbiji, sledeći korak je da izaberete konkretnu lokaciju – opšti-nu ili grad, u kojoj želite da otpočnete poslovanje. Jedan od načina da budete sigurni da je reč o bu-siness friendly lokaciji sa odgovorajućim privred-nim ambijentom, jeste da se oslonite na preporu-ke Nacionalne alijanse za lokalni ekonomski razvoj (NALED), najveće privatno-javne asocijacije u Srbiji, koja u saradnji sa resornim ministarstvima i institu-cijama iz zemlje i regiona radi na izgradnji takvog ambijenta u Srbiji, i zemljama jugoistočne Evrope (Hrvatska, Makedonija, Bosna i Hercegovina). Uko-liko ova asocijacija određenom gradu ili opštini dodeli Certifikat o povoljnom poslovnom okru-ženju (Business Friendly Certificate - BFC), budite sigurni da ta lokalna samouprava ima:

ü Potrebna planska i strateška dokumentaü Kancelariju za podršku privredi ü Partnerski odnos sa lokalnom privredom ü Efikasan sistem za izdavanje građevinskih dozvola ü Sve informacije o uslovima poslovanja ü Adekvatnu infrastrukturu i komunalne uslugeüStimulativnu politiku poreza i podsticaja

Ukoliko je opština dobila BFC pečat kvaliteta, to je svojevrsna garancija investitorima da će u ovoj sredini pronaći sve potrebne uslove za otpočinja-nje i razvoj biznisa.

Istočna Srbija otvara vrata investitorima

Why successful companies choose Serbia

Strategic location in the heart of SEE – at the crossroad of European corridors, highways (E70, E75, E80) and the Danube river Duty-free access to international markets – Free trade agreements with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, EU, USA, as well as CEFTA and EFTA countriesFavorable tax system – tax rates in Serbia are among the most competitive in Central and Eastern Europe: VAT – 20%, total net income taxes and contributions – 65%, corporate income tax – 15%

Unique incentive package for investors - €4,000 to €10,000 financial incentives per new job created, 10-year Corporate Profit Tax holiday, financial incentives for large investments

Efficient procedure of starting a business – it takes five days and less than € 100 to regi-ster a company in Serbia, in Business Registers Agency

Trained workforce at competitive prices – with average gross salary of ca. € 490, the total cost per employee is approximately 50% lower compared to the EU and Eastern Europe countries

Page 4: Istočna Srbija

Nova investiciona destinacija: Istočna Srbija4

Sa svojih 13.000 stanovnika, Boljevac je mala, živo-pisna opština na istoku Srbije, 50 km od granice sa Bugarskom. Nalazi se na magistralnom putu E761 (Beograd-Paraćin), 50 km od autputa E70 i železnič-kog koridora, i 145km od luke Kladovo na Dunavu (Koridor 7).Bogatstvo prirodnih resursa predstavlja najveću šansu za razvoj lokalne privrede – tu su šume i velike količine tehničkog i ogrevnog drveta, izvori i reke kao potencijal za navodnjavanje, flaširanje pijaće vode i izgradnju mini hidroelektrana, klimatski uslovi

With 13,000 residents, Boljevac is a small picture-sque municipality in Eastern Serbia, only 50 km from the Bulgarian border. It is located next to main road E761 (Belgrade-Paraćin), 50 km from highway E70 and the railway corridor, and 145 km from Kladovo port on the Danube (Corridor 7).Rich natural resources the greatest opportunity for the development of local economy – forests and significant amount of technical and heating wood, springs and rivers as potential for irrigation, water bottling and the construction of mini hydro-power

How to recognize business friendly locations in Serbia?

Once you choose to invest in Serbia, the next step is to select a concrete location – a city or municipa-lity where you wish to start your business. One of the ways to make sure it is a business friendly loca-tion with adequate business environment, is to rely on the recommendations of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED).

BoljevacOpština sa povoljnim poslovnim okruženjem | Business friendly municipality

Kontakt | Contact: Kralja Aleksandra 24, 19370 Boljevac, +381 30 463 412, [email protected]

i plodna zemlja za razvoj poljoprivrede, potencijali vetra i mineralne sirovine kao što su dolomit, glina, ukrasni kamen i plemeniti metali. Najveće domaće kompanije su Timočke šume (šumarstvo), Rudnik mrkog uglja Bogovina (rudar-stvo), FPM Agromehanika (mašinstvo), Bioenergy point (energetika, proizvodnja peleta), Unimer-ne-metali (eksploatacija dolomita), Euroaqua (fabrika vode). Potencijale Boljevca prepoznao je i nemački investitor BTR koji se bavi proizvodnjom industrij-skog ćumura.

plants, climate conditions and arable land for the de-velopment of agriculture, wind potential and mineral resources such as Dolomite, clay, decorative stones and precious metals. The largest domestic companies are Timočke šume (forestry), coal mine Bogovina (mining), FPM Agro-mehanika (machining), Bioenergy Point (energy, pro-duction of pellets), Unimer-nemetali (exploitation of Dolomite), Euroaqua (water factory). The potentials of Boljevac were also recognized by a German investor BTR producing industrial charcoal.

Preporučujemo: najbolje iz istočne Srbije We recommend: The best of Eastern Serbia

Page 5: Istočna Srbija

5New investment destination: Eastern Serbia

NALED is the biggest private-public association in Serbia, cooperating with line ministries and institutions from the country and the region to develop such environment in Serbia and cou- ntries of South East Europe (Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina). If a city or a municipa-lity has been awarded a Business Friendly Certificate – BFC by this organization, rest assured that this local government has:

ü All necessary planning and strategic documentsü Local Economic Development Office at your serviceü Partnership relation with the local businesses ü Efficient construction permitting system ü Information on conditions for doing business ü Adequate infrastructure and utility services ü Encouraging tax and incentives policies

The BFC seal of quality serves as a unique guarantee for investors that the municipality offers all the nece-ssary conditions for starting and expanding a business.

Land area and purpose 738,100 m2, agriculture and construction land

Ownership structure 22% state ownership and 78% private ownership

Infrastructure Access roads, electricity, water

Location 7 km from the city center, next to main road E761

Price and type of acquisition from 1.30 €/m2 (purchase-auction); 0.03 €/ m2 per year (lease, up to 99 years)

Land development fee 0.95 €/m2

Local incentives Exemption from land development fee, property tax and signage fee for 2 years

Preporučujemo: najbolje iz istočne Srbije We recommend: The best of Eastern Serbia

Industrijska zona “Mirovo” | Industrial zone “Mirovo

Page 6: Istočna Srbija

Nova investiciona destinacija: Istočna Srbija6

Knjaževac je opština u kojoj živi i radi više od 31.000 stanovnika, nadomak tržišta EU, na samoj granici sa Bugarskom. Nalazi se uz magistralni put E771 (M-25), na 45 km od autoputa E75, 60 km od međunarodnog aerodroma u Nišu i 116 km od Luke Prahovo na Dunavu (Koridor 7). Odlikuje se zanimljivim reljefom – od brdovitih i planinskih predela čiji najviši vrhovi dosežu 2.169 m do izražene ravnice u dolini reke Timok. Zbog geo-grafskog položaja i umereno kontinentalne klime, opština nudi dobre uslove za razvoj poljoprivrede – pre svega voćarstva i organske proizvodnje. Naj-značajnije privredne grane su obućarska, tekstilna i drvno-prerađivačka industrija, kao i turizam koji je poslednjih desetak godina u ekspanziji. Najveći tu-ristički potencijal opštine je Park prirode Stara plani-na, koji se razvio u moderan turistički ski kompleks sa 13 km skijaških staza, zatvorenom gondolom, ski

Knjaževac is a municipality with more than 31,000 inhabitants, in close proximity to the EU market, right along the border with Bulgaria. It is located next to main road E771 (M-25), 45 km from highway E75, 60 km from international airport in Niš and 116 km from Prahovo port on the Danube (Corridor 7). It has an interesting landscape – from a mountainous area with highest peaks of up to 2,169 m to a plain in the valley of Timok River. Due to its geographic loca-tion and moderate continental climate, the munici-pality offers good conditions for the development of agriculture – primarily fruit and organic production. The most significant industries involve the shoe

making industry, textile and wood-processing indu-stry, as well as tourism which has experienced expan-sion over the last 10 years. The municipality’s most significant tourism potential is the Natural park Stara Planina (Stara mountain), which has developed into a modern touristic ski complex with 13 km of ski trails, closed gondola, ski lifts and artificial snow machines. The largest domestic companies are SCS plus (wo-od-processing industry), Serbina (shoemaking indu-stry), MDS (textile industry), Maxx line fashion (textile industry). The most significant foreign investor is the Italian Falc East, doing business in shoemaking industry.

KnjaževacOpština sa povoljnim poslovnim okruženjem | Business friendly municipality

Land area and purpose 50,000 m2, construction land

Ownership structure 100% municipal ownership

Infrastructure Water, sewerage, electricity, access road, telecommunications

Location 5 km from the city center, next to main road E771

Price and type of acquisition 4.5 €/m2 (purchase or lease)

Land development fee 8.5 €/m2

Local incentives Reduction of land price and land development fee for more than 10 workers

Kontakt | Contact: Miloša Obilića 1, 19350 Knjaževac, 019 733 119, [email protected]

liftovima i topovima za osvežavanje. Najveće domaće kompanije su SCS plus (drvno-pre-rađivačka industrija), Serbina (obućarska industrija), MDS (tekstilna industrija), Maxx line fashion (tekstilna industrija). Najvažniji strani investitor je italijanski Falc East koji posluje u industriji obuće.

Sportsko-rekreativni centar Banjica | Sports-recreational center Banjica

Page 7: Istočna Srbija

7New investment destination: Eastern Serbia

Negotin je opština sa 37.000 stanovnika, smeštena uz granicu sa dve zemlje EU – Rumunijom i Bugar-skom. Kroz Negotin protiče reka Dunav – evropski Koridor 7, na kome se nalazi luka Prahovo, poveza-na železničkom pru¬gom sa Beogradom i Nišem i udaljena svega 10 km od puta E-771 (M-25). Bogato kulturno nasleđe iz različitih perioda, počev od ar-heoloških nalazišta iz doba neolita, preko ostataka rimske kulture, srednjovekovnih manastira do spo-menika iz novije istorije, uz jake obrazovne institucije, muzičke i etno manifestacije, čine Negotin značajnim kulturnim centrom Srbije koji ima veliki potencijal za razvoj kulturnog i etno turizma. Negotin ima dugu tradiciju u hemijskoj industriji i proi-zvodnji električne energije i vina. Poseduje bogato plodno poljoprivredno zemljište koje čini oko 65% ukupne teritorije opštine,

i predstavlja bazu za razvoj voćarstva, vinogradar-stva i stočarstva. U opštini posluje više od 1.000 preduzeća. Najveće domaće kompanije su Hidroelektrana Đerdap II (proi-zvodnja električne energije), Elixir grupa - IHP Prahovo (hemijska industrija), Spajić (proizvodnja čeličnih vla-kana), Nikolić Prevoz (saobraćaj), Tekijanka (trgovina), Zemljoradnička zadruga Uljarica (poljoprivreda).

Negotin is a municipality with 37,000 residents, loca-ted on the border with two EU countries – Romania and Bulgaria. The Danube river, European Corridor VII, flows through the municipality, with port Praho-vo connected via railroad with Belgrade and Niš and only 10 km away from E-771 (M-25). Rich cultural he-ritage from various periods, starting from archeologi-cal sites from the age of Neolith, through to Roman culture remains, medieval monasteries to modern history monuments, strong educational institutions, music and ethno manifestations – all of this makes Negotin a significant cultural center in Serbia with a great potential for the development of cultural

an ethno tourism. Negotin has a long tradition in chemical industry and production of electricity and wine. It has rich arable land, accounting for approxi-mately 65% of the entire municipal territory and representing a foundation for the development of horticulture, viticulture and animal husbandry. There are more than 1,000 businesses operating in the municipality. The largest domestic companies are Hydro Power Plant Đerdap II (electricity produ-ction), Elixir grupa – IHP Prahovo (chemical indu-stry), Spajić (steel fiber production), Nikolić Prevoz (transport), Tekijanka (trade), Agriculture cooperative Uljarica (agriculture).

NegotinOpština sa povoljnim poslovnim okruženjem | Business friendly municipality

Land area and purpose 40,000 m2 (developed locations at 6,507 m2), construction land

Ownership structure 100% municipal ownership

Infrastructure Water, sewerage, electricity, access road, telecommunication – at developed locations

Location 1.7 km from the city center, 3 km from E-771 (M-25) and M-24, next to railroad

Price and type of acquisition 5.6 € / m² (purchase), 0.56 € / m² (lease)

Land development fee 0.0087 € / m²

Local incentives Fee exemption for more than 10 workers, 30% discount for land purchase or lease

Kontakt | Contact: Trg Stevana Mokranjca 1, 19300 Negotin, 019 544 171, [email protected]

Industrijska zona | Industrial zone

Page 8: Istočna Srbija

Priroda, kultura, istorija | Nature, culture, history

Felix Romuliana u Zaječaru: rodno mesto rimskog imperatora Gaja Valerija | Felix Romuliana in Zaječar:

the birthplace of the Roman emperor Gaius Valerius

Mladi u tradicionalnoj nošnji kod prelepog kanjona reke Vratne| Young couple in traditional costumes at the beautiful canyon of the river Vratna

Manastir Ravanica iz XIV veka | Ravanica monastery from the 14th century

Lepenski vir: najstariji arheoloski lokalitet poznat

Evropi | The oldest archeological site

Netaknuta priroda istočne Srbije na obalama reke Dunav | Untouched nature at the river banks of Danube

Knjaževac je zbog svoje arhitekture, reka i mostova poznat kao “Mala Venecija” | Due to its architecture, rivers and

bridges Knjaževac is also know as “Little Venice”

Nacionalna Alijansa za Lokalni Ekonomski RazvojMakedonska 30/VII, 11000 Beograd, Srbijatel: +381 11 337 30 63, e-mail: [email protected],