Issues, Concerns & Policies about GMO Crops


Transcript of Issues, Concerns & Policies about GMO Crops




Hemant [email protected]

Let's Start With The Claim

Loaded statements Used by the Industry promoting GM Seeds/Food's:

SCIENCE has provided enough EVIDENCE that GM Seed's/ LMO's are SAFE.

Key words used to manipulate HUMAN MINDS (As done by any advertiser) are;

1. Science

2. Evidence

3. Safe (Safety)

So let's focus the discussion on these main points & the legislation/ policy qua the same.

Question We Must Ask?

● Where is the Science?

● What is the Evidence?

● How Safety has been Established Scientifically for the Eco-System?

Another emotional claim is about;It will INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY & hence feed the Poor.(Often claimed with the picture of some starving child to make an emotional appeal.)

Question to be asked;* How will it INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY? without increasing cost and damage. Where is the EVIDENCE?Facts, Evidence and Science is missing here too. Plain rhetorics are used to fill-up the glaring gaps in claims, evidence and facts.

The Facts

● There is no Science behind GM – It's an aberration● There is no evidence of Safety ever provided by GM

corporates● It has been proven to be unsafe on many counts● The burden of proof to prove safety is on the companies

pushing GM commercial operations – The companies have been disputing all evidence to the contrary

● GM is clearly based on “Tobacco Science,” i.e. diversion, manipulation, and deliberate misguidance in the name of Science.

What is Science

● Science is nothing but GOOD and Correct observation of Nature

● Science is an effort to replicate the processes of nature

● Science is also about finding permutation and combination of potential and possibilities existing in nature

Technically we can not invent anything for which the potential already doesn't exist in NATURE.


Search for Truth Science is to provide a basic understanding of the subject and 

contributes in sum­total of intellect  Application of science is intended to help improve the overall 

quality of life in a wholesome manner.  Science should help to foresee the future holistically (cause, effect 

and consequences, in all its dimensions) and help in forecasting and solving the future issues within the control of human beings; without disturbing the overall equilibrium in any manner.


Science is being driven by the industry A new breed of researchers and scientists known as ‘Industry Driven 

Scientist’ have developed Unsustainable and potentially harmful activities and practices (Which 

may originate from the application of known or new science) is presented as the ‘True Science’ with concocted data and information – purely for the reason for making some immediate and quick profit. 

Industry driven scientists support such wrong concepts and the so­claimed (industry/ profit driven) ‘New Science’ mainly for incentives and pay­off’s (which may be in varied forms) and counter the claims of true genuine scientists and researchers. They create biased and unbalanced research results (and papers) and aggressively push such things in various scientific and non­scientific forums. 


History of such junk­science is availableExample: Tobacco corporate (Project White­Coat, etc.)

Current examples;Concept of safe limitsConcept of acceptable levels of harm, etc.

 Genetically Modified Food, etc.


Science? Evidence?

Evidence? Emotions!

Science? Solutions?

More Science!

Clear Evidence? Where? :­)

More Endorsements

Best Labs for the Science!

From the Industry Documents – MSA Records(Official Legal Record of the Tobacco Industry)

Trojan Horses!


Not every claim that this is scientific is correct …. especially in the case of things which are promoted by industry and driven by profit motive …. Rather most of it has major concealments

Not every researcher who publishes a paper in a “Scientific Journal” is a “True Researcher,” there may be many motives behind it.

The ‘Industry Driven Scientists’ can be called the ‘Prostitutes of Science.’ Anyone pays them to get them. A wide range of variety exists!


Such ‘Industry Driven Scientists’ are the biggest enemy of

science, mankind and the world.

They killed millions (By cheating people on tobacco) but escaped punishment for misleading people. Ideally such scientist deserve much greater punishment than

any rapist or murderer.

So Back to Commercial GMO's/ LMO's

Where is the Science?

Show me the Science! Not Commerce!

Commercial GMO's/ LMO's – No Science

● It's Forced Mutation (And - Fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family)

● It's a snapshot imitation of abnormal Behavior of Nature – Not Normal

● Not Controlable and Replicable – Against the very Defination of Science. Thereby not Scientific.

● It is forced without proper Risk Assessment, Evaluation or Control and without following the precautionary principle.

● No assessment ever done w.r.t. the dynamics in an eco-system and biosafety.

● Just cursory dummy experiments to claim safety to human beings.

● Safety of “Genetic manipulation” has to be shown at “Genetic” level. Which has not been done.

Abnormal Mutations in Nature


How's induced Mutation better than Nuclear Radiation Induced Mutations?


● Where is the evidence about SAFETY?

● Where is the evidence about it's safe interaction within the eco-system?

● Where is the evidence about it's normal dynamic behaviour in the environment, qua, the bacteria, microbes, birds, insects, etc.?

● Where is the evidence about it's safe usage and toxicity in the entire food chain?

The FACT is that there isNONE

Let's Understand What It Is?

Greed, Manipulations


What is the Claim of GM Seed Companies?

They claim the GM Seedsare


Every Patent is about this Claim!

It's Only About TOXINS

What is the Approvals for?

FromTheMinistry of EnvironmentWebsite

And it's HIDDEN 

You are making plantsMore TOXIC and POISONOUS

From inside!

That's it!

Where's the Science in it?Where's the evidence of Safety?

Where's the Biosafety Data?

How It's Tested?

About Policies & GoI ­ QUESTIONS

● Why were GMO's placed under the “Ministry of Environment & Forest?” - Any Guesses!

● Why regulation came by way of illegal rules under the Environment Protection Act? An Executive Order – Not a legislation.

● GEAC, an illegal body under EPA – How did it become an approval granting body? Who gave it this power?

● What is the composition of this Committee? A geologist is the Member-Secretary!

● The Review Committee is headed by a Reproductive Health & Contraceptive expert – Why?

Policy Concerns

Why is Industry pushing it and not scientists?

It's an IPR Game

Why can't Science be pursued as Science? Why a mad rush to the patent office? Democracies and people have not voted for IPR on

life forms; it's the courts which have been manipulated.

IPR Claims were never intended to pass from generation to generations.

Policy Concerns

GMO's claim to enhance production, etc. are all incorrect

They are patented as INSECTICIDE It's not just about Human Beings

It's about ecology, every bacteria, every insect, every bird, every fly is a part of the ecosystem. GMO's effect has to be scientifically studied and evaluated on the entire eco-system, entire food-chain and trans-generations.

Birds, Peacocks Insects Soil Toxicity

Precautionary Principle

Burden of proof to establish it's safety is on the party which is advocating it's commercialisation and use.

Policy Concerns

Policies are being tweaked by the Industry

Current Scenario EPA is not the legislation where it should be. BRAI is an industry plant to tweak the laws. The composition of the GEAC is all of interested

parties, a geologist is the coordinator and a fertility and contraceptive expert is the chairman of the review committee.

Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006

● Industry Doesn't want even the labeling (Sec 3(z) “label”) Why?

● FSSA Section 3

– (e) “Commissioner of Food Safety” means the Commissioner of Food Safety appointed under section 30

– (g) “contaminant” means any substance, whether or not added to food, but which is present in such food as a result of the production …

– (q) “food safety” & (r) “food safety audit”

– (u) “hazard” means a biological, chemical or physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to cause an adverse health effect;

– (zm) “risk” .. (zn) “risk analysis” … (zo) “risk assessment” … (zp) “risk communication” … (zq) “risk management”

Policy Concerns

Talk Science – Not Patent

Keep IPR's out of it Keep Industry out of it Keep Industry funding out of Biotech Protect science from corruption GMO's are yet not science and their safety not

established GMO's are aberrations and the path to annihilation

of all lives on this earth.

What We Want

Science should have complete control over Biotechnology and not Industry.

The integrity of Science and Scientists should be maintained at all costs.

It's too early to even think about releasing any GM material in the open environment. Anything beyond the glass house has to be criminal.

There can be no Patents and IPR's on any Living Organism. IPR on any and all life forms has to be a strict No-No.

Greed of a few should not drive the mankind and all life forms to ultimate destruction.

Questions & Answers

Thank You

Hemant [email protected]
